THE PRINCIPLES OF VISUAL DESIGN •Balance •Rhythm/ Repetition •Movement •Emphasis •Pattern •Unity •Contrast •Proportion/Scale


Balance Rhythm/Repetition Movement Emphasis Pattern. Unity Contrast Proportion/Scale. THE PRINCIPLES OF VISUAL DESIGN. Principles of Design: Balance. Every composition should have some form of balance. Three types of balance: Symmetrical - has an axis of symmetry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



• Balance

• Rhythm/Repetition

• Movement

• Emphasis

• Pattern

• Unity

• Contrast

• Proportion/Scale

Principles of Design: Balance

Every composition should have some form of balance. Three types of balance:

– Symmetrical - has an axis of symmetry

– Asymmetrical - counterbalance (ex. Move large object toward center to counter balance smaller object further out)

Radial - patterned in nature, like flowers, shells, etc.

Principles of Design: Rhythm/Movement

• Regular

• Irregular

• Vertical

• Diagonal

• Progressive

• Flowing

• Horizontal

• Curving

To view examples of Rhythm click hereclick here.

Principles of Design: Eye Movement

• Vertical • Horizontal • Diagonal

• Circular• Radial• Rectangular• Triangular

To view examples of Movement click hereclick here.

Eye Movement - Visual movement directs our eyes through a design along lines, edges, colors or paths of equal value. It is an extremely powerful force in creating strong visual design. If you understand this design principle, you can create more effective interactive multimedia designs.

Radial Eye Movement

Recognize Movement (how the eye is directed) in a visual design.

As you find examples of each of the kinds of [eye] Movement, note that you are not looking for pictures of “moving” cars or objects shaped like the diagram on the page. Pay attention to how the design controls the way your eye moves around in the design.

You may also want to use some method to trace the path that your eye takes as it moves around from one element to another. Does the path repeat the one in the diagram?

Horizontal Eye Movement

Vertical Eye Movement

Circular Eye Movement

Rectangular Eye Movement

Triangular Eye Movement

Diagonal Eye Movement

Principles of Design- #3 Emphasis• Emphasis

– placement• dominance • focal point • center of interest

– shape– isolation – size – contrast – converging lines

To view examples of Emphasis click hereclick here.

Examples of Size

Examples of Size

Principles of Design- #4 Proportion• Proportion

– miniature

– monumental

– scale – exaggerated

To view examples of Proportion click hereclick here.

Principles of Design- #5 Pattern

• Pattern

– repetition

– motif

– module – all-over

To view examples of Pattern click hereclick here.

• Unity/Variety

– repetition

– simplicity

– harmony

– theme and variation

– proximity

– continuity – contrast

Principles of Design- # 6 Unity/Variety

To view examples of Unity/Variety click hereclick here.

To view examples of Contrast click hereclick here.

Check your Understanding of Principles of Design

Complete page 10 of the principles worksheet the do Assignment #3 Design Principle Examples

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