THE POST-DAM SYSTEM * VOLUME V MANAGER (HPM) · 2011. 5. 13. · ad-a270 122 esl-tr-91-t volume v...


Transcript of THE POST-DAM SYSTEM * VOLUME V MANAGER (HPM) · 2011. 5. 13. · ad-a270 122 esl-tr-91-t volume v...

  • AD-A270 122

    ESL-TR-91-TVolume V





    ~ 41,TYNDALL AFB FL 32403

    OCTOBER 1992


    ;--EBRUARY 1989 - MARCH 1991


    .1'1 CT 06 1993A D 93-23072

    ENGINEERING RESEARCH DIVISIONAir Force Civi Englneering Support Agency

    Civi Engineering LaboratoryTyndal Air Force Base, Florida 32403

    93 10 1 142


    The following commercial products (requiring Trademark-) are mentioned inThe POST-DAM System Volumes I through 8. Because of the frequency of usage, theTrademark is not indicated. If it is necessary to reproduce a document segmentcontaining any of these names, this notice must be included as part of thatreproduction.

    Alarm Clock Ethernet MICRORIMAskSam Evercom 24 ManifestAT Evercom 24 Plus MiltopeAutoCAD Fast Graphs Mitsubi shiAutoCAD 386 Folio Views MS-DOSBASICA FoxBASE Plus PCBASIC FoxPro PC- DOSBRIEF Editor Framework II PC's LimitedByline Framework III PC's Limited 286Clarion Freelance Plus 2 PC MagazineCrosstalk Harvard Personal System/2Crosstalk Mk.4 Hayes PS/2DataEase Hays Smartmodem 300 QEMM 386dBASE II Hays Smartmodem 1200/1200B R:BASEdBASE III Plus Hays Smartmodem 2400/2400B TelxondBASE IV Hays V-Series Smartmodem 2400 UNIXDCA Hays V-Series Smartmodem 9600 WANGDeskMate HP WANG PC 386DESQview IBM XTDESQview 386 KPC 2400 XON/OFFDisplayWrite 4 LaserJet Zoom/Modem MXDOS Services LogitechEnable LAN

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    Screen captures from the Harvard* Manager Version 3.01, including text material,are used with the permission of Software Publishing Corporation, which owns thecopyright to such product. Harvard* Project Manager is a trademark of SoftwarePublishing Corporation.

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    A~c.pi tgk~~fv V^' IaC~00 of 10%formatln Is "tumat Go ffivw w~koPM V* "m. for' rft' 4~ If U w&"M #a~n" 4uts "wfmarq awtma.aAi dw dato Ad.4 oe. end 4~~t'a9 and 0~*q~9: t ~offtO l~f matio.t WAd co~f m"1nqt b~OY e"m tllo Vq O~ amwr en at

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    1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE iS. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVEREDI October 1992 Draft, 1 February 1989 - 1 March 1991


    The POST-DAM SystemVolume 5 - Harvard Project Manager (HPM) C: F08635-88-C-0067


    Applied Research Associates, Inc. REPORT NUMBER

    P.O. Box 40128Tyndall Air Force Base, FL 32403


    HQ Air Force Civil Engineering Support AgencyTyndall AFB FL 32403 ESL-TR-91-22

    Vol V



    Approved for public release.Distribution unlimited.

    13. ABSTRACT (Maximulm 200.words)

    Mission accomplishment in PACAF and USAFE depends on base recovery capability in apostattack environment. Base recovery includes identifying, analyzing, and repairingfacility damage. For facilities critical to sortie generation, this process must beaccomplished expediently.

    In a postattack environment, field information on facility damage is cQllected andanalyzed to determine structural integrity and usability. From this analysis, a repairschedule is developed. This is currently a time comsuming process that is shortenedby using a computerized system.

    The scope of this effort was to develop a computerized postattack damage assess-ment system that recommends repair strategies, keeps inventory of materials andequipment, and schedules repairs based on manpower and equipment availability.


    16. PRICE CODE



    (The reverse of this onoe i• hlank.9



    The objective of this report is to describe the software and hardware ofthe POST-DAM System, developed by Applied Research Associates, Inc., for airbasefacility postattack damage assessment. This report contains descriptions ofprototype software and hardware, and recommendations for full-scale developmentof both software and hardware.


    In a postattack environment, field information on mission-critical facilitydamage is collected and analyzed to determine structural integrity and usability.From this analysis, a repair schedule is developed. This is a time-consumingprocess when done without the aid of a computerized system. Consequently, thePOST-DAM System was developed to determine repair strategies with an expertsystem, keep track of materials and equipment with a relational databasemanagement system, and schedule repairs based on manpower and equipmentavailability with a project management system.

    C. SCOPE

    This technical report consists of nine volumes. Volume I describessoftware and hardware used with the prototype POST-DAM System, and recommendssoftware and hardware for full-scale development. Volumes II through VIII aresoftware user's manuals, which describe how to install and use the prototypesoftware with the POST-DAM System. Volume IX is a field manual that containsdiagrams of structures that are used with the POST-DAM system to locate damagedelements.


    The prototype POST-DAN System was developed using commercial, off-the-shelf(COTS) software and hardware. The system was constructed by integrating thesoftware and hardware in such a way that a remote computer in the field cancommunicate with a host computer in the Base Civil Engineering (BCE) DamageControl Center (DCC). The POST-DAM system determines repair strategies, keepstrack of materials and equipment, and schedules repairs based on manpower andequipment availability. This prototype system has been evaluated in-depth, andsubsequent recommendations are made herein about software and hardware thatshould be used for full-scale development.


    The prototype POST-DAM System is functional, but has limitations withrespect to both hardware and software. The following ptublems were encountered:

    I. The prototype remote computer is not portable, and cannot be used inthe field. No satisfactory, hand-held remote terminal was available for thisproject.


  • 2. The expert system cannot hold all the information required for full-scale development, because it cannot use extended memory.

    3. Both the relational database management system and project managementsystem require more human interaction than desired.

    4. The communication system software is not compatible with theSurvivable Base Recovery After Attack Communication System (SBCS) being developedfor ESD by Sumaria Systems, Inc., with which the POST-DAM System is required tointerface.


    For full-scale development, the following features should be incorporatedin the POST-DAM System.

    1. Replace the prototype remote computer with a hand-held terminal unithaving at least 2 Mb of random access memory, and which can run applicationsrequiring 640 Kb of base memory.

    2. Replace the prototype host computer with a system having at least4 Mb of random access memory, IEEE 802.3 LAN ports, and able to support multi-tasking operations.

    3. Replace the CLIPS expert system shell with an expert system shellcapable of supporting applications at least twice as large as those developed forthe prototype system.

    4. Set the host computer up to interface with the IEEE 802.3 Ethernetlocal area network (LAN) used by SBCS.

    5. Construct a single computer program to replace the relationaldatabase management system and the project management system, to minimize therequired amount of human intervention. This system should be developed bypersonnel with a strong background in computer science.



    This report was prepared by Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA), P.O. Box40128, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL 32403, under Contract F08635-88-C-0067, for the AirForce Civil Engineering Support Agency, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.

    This report (Volumes I though IX) summarizes work completed between IFebruary 1989 and 1 March 1991. Lt. James Underwood (USN) was the HOAFCESA/IRACS Project Officer.

    This report has been reviewed by the Public Affairs Office, and is releasable to theNational Technical Information Service (NTIS). At NTIS it will be available to the public,including foreign nations.

    This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publication.

    Dan Shenbach, Maj., IAF Felix Uhlik, Lt. Col., USAFProject Officer Chief; Engineering Research Division

    William S. Stridckland Frank P. Galler Il, ol1, USAF

    Chieft Airbase Survivability Branch Director, Civil Engineering Laboratory

    Accesion For

    NTIS CRA&iDTIC IAB DU1:1i f',oLedJu:,tiUicationi

    DTIC QUALITY -14 ,i7.•D B3y ........................

    Distribution I

    Availability Coces

    Ava,: w i f

    CM~ tevmm of fth pops is blatk.)


    Section Title Page

    1 INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1

    1.1 OBJECTIVE ............................................... 11.2 BACKGROUND .............................................. 11.3 APPROACH ................................................ 1

    2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .................................... 3

    2.1 SETA CONTRACT ........................................... 32.2 POST-DAM SYSTEM USER'S MANUALS .......................... 32.3 SOFTWARE USER'S MANUALS ................................. 3

    3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE .................................... 5

    3.1 INSTALLING HPM .......................................... 5

    3.1.1 System Configuration .................................... 53.1.2 Installing HPM Files .................................... 5

    3.2 STARTING THE HPM SYSTEM ................................. 53.3 USING HPM ............................................... 7

    3.3.1 Starting a New Project .................................. 1 Removing Old Projects ................................... Resources ............................................... Creating a Project ...................................... 7 Exprepair Calendar ...................................... Timescale ............................................... 10 Saving the Fast Track Project Form ...................... Exiting Fast Track ...................................... 14

    3.3.2 Exiting HPM from the Main Menu .......................... 143.3.3 Editing a Project ....................................... 14 Adding Repairs .......................................... Adding Multiple Facilities .............................. Resource Conflicts ...................................... 303.3.3.4 Deleting a Repair ....................................... 33

    3.3.4 Output . ......................... . ........................................ 33 Allocations by Task Text Report ......................... 343.3.4.2 Resources by Time Text Report ........................... 343.3.4.3 Fast Track Chart Graphics Report ........................ 37



    Figure Title Page

    3.1 HPM Title Screen ......................................... 63.2 Main Menu ................................................ 63.3 Project List ............................................. 83.4 Files Menu ............................................... 83.5 Remove Project ........................................... 93.6 Resource List .......................................... 93.7 Fast Track Display ....................................... 103.8 Data Menu ................................................ 113.9 Project Form ............................................. 113.10 Project Form with EXPREPAIR Calendar ..................... 123.11 Format Menu .............................................. 123.12 Fast Track Display Form .................................. 133.13 Fast Track Display Form Using Hours ...................... 133.14 Other Menu ............................................... 153.15 Save Project Window ...................................... 153.16 Save Project as POSTDAM Display .......................... 163.17 Project List ........................................... 163.18 Files Menu............................................. 173.19 Save Project ......................................... 173.20 Edit a Project ................................ ...... 183.21 Repair Strategy File ................................... 193.22 EditMenu .............................................. 203.23 Building 1 Added to the Notes Section.................... 203.24 Add Task Window .... .................................. 213.25 Entering the Task wbit ................................... 213.26 Fast Track Form with the wbll Repair .................... 223.27 Fast Track Form with the wb.. and csI. Repairs............ 233.28 Work Breakdown Outline ................................. 233.29 Changing the wbll Planned Duration to Res ................ 243.30 Changing the Planned Duration for All Repairs to Res ..... 243.31 Fast Track Form with Cursor on wb11..................... 253.32 Allocation List for wbl................................ 253.33 Adding sc Machine to the wbl. Allocation List............. 263.34 ChangingWorking hrs/day to 24.0 ........................ 273.35 Starting a New Row in the wbih Allocation List ............ 273.36 Finished Allocation List for wAll ..................... 283.37 Fast Track Form with wb. .Scheduled..................... 283.38 Allocatlon List for cs l .............................. 293.39 Schedule of Repairs for Building 1 ...................... 293.40 Schedule of Repairs for Buildings 1 and 2 ................ 303.41 Schedule of Repairs with Resource Conflicts............... 313.42 Allocations for frs3 .................................... 313.43 Allocations for cs3 ..................................... 323.44 Moving Task Window ..........f... ...................... 323.45 Schedule of Repairs for Buildings 1, 2, and 3............. 333.46 Remove Task Window. .. . .. .. ......................... 343.47 Reports Form ................................. 35




    Figure Title Page

    3.48 Print Options Menu ....................................... 353.49 Text Report Option Window ................................ 363.50 Disk File pdatl .......................................... 363.51 Allocations by Task Output ............................... 373.52 Disk File pdrtl .......................................... 383.53 Resources by Time Output ................................. 383.54 Graphics Report Options Window ........................... 393.55 Print File pdftl ......................................... 393.56 Fast Track Chart Output .................................. 40


    (The reverse of this page is blank.)




    The objective of this software user's manual (SUM) is to explain theprocedures for using the Harvard Project Manager (HPM) project-management systemwith the POST-DAM Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS), and TED 1.1Text Editor to schedule repairs based on equipment and manpower availability.HPM is a complete project management package for planning and tracking projectsof any complexity. However, only the project management tools and techniquesused with POST-DAM are discussed in this SUM.


    HPM allows the user to schedule expedient repairs to mission-criticalfacilities in a postattack environment. HPM is a commercial project managementsystem distributed by Software Publishing Corporation. It is menu-driven, anddesigned for use on the IBM PC and compatible computers.

    1.3 APPROACH

    After a group of repairs is selected for a facility, the user activates HPMfrom POST-DAM RDBMS, using DESQview 386 as described in Section 3.4 ofDocument 2.2.3. The user then enters the facility number, r3quired repairs, andrequired equipment and manpower for each repair. For each repair, the userselects the time at which the repair will start, and HPM then determines therepair duration based on manpower and equipment requirements. For each structurethe repairs are scheduled consecutively to reduce repair team relocation time.However, repairs to different structures can be scheduled concurrently, providedthere are no over-allocations. If over-allocations exist, HPN will alert theuser, and repairs can be re-scheduled to eliminate the conflict. After repairsare scheduled for a facility, the user exits HPM using DESQview 386, and runsTED 1.1 to update the repair strategy file, as described in Document 2.2.6.

    1(The reverse of this page is blank.)




    2.1.1 Postattack Damage Assessment of Facilities, Subtask 2.02, Air ForceEngineering and Services Center, SETA Contract F08635-88-C-0067, December 87.

    2.1.2 Postattack Damage Assessment of Facilities, Subtask 2.02.1, Air ForceEngineering and Services Center, SETA Contract F08635-88-C-0067, October 88.

    2.1.3 Postattack Damage Assessment of Facilities, Subtask 2.02.2, Air ForceEngineering and Services Center, SETA Contract F08635-88-C-0067, February 89.


    2.2.1 The POST-DAM System, V.lume 1, Introduction to the POST-DAM System,Applied Research Associates, Inc., Report to AFESC, March 91.

    2.2.2 The POST-DAM System, Volume 2, Software User's Manual for the ExoertSystem, Applied Research Associates, Inc., Report to AFESC, February 91.

    2.2.3 The POST-DAM System, Volume 3, Software User's Manual for DESOview 386,Applied Research Associates, Inc., Report to AFESC, December 90.

    2.2.4 The POST-DAM System, Volume 4, Software User's Manual for the RelationalData Base Management System, Applied Research Associates, Inc., Report to AFESC,December 90.

    2.2.5 The POST-DAM System, Volume 6, Software User's Manual for Crosstalk Mk,4on the Host ComDuter, Applied Research Associates, Inc., Report to AFESC,December 90.

    2.2.6 The POST-DAM System, Volume 7, Software User's Manual for the TED 1.1.•iL•or, Applied Research Associates, Inc., Report to AFESC, December 90.

    2.2.7 The POST-DAM System, Volume 8, Software User's Manual for Crosstalk Mk.4on the Remote Computer, Applied Research Associates, Inc., Report to AFESC,March 91.

    2.2.8 The POST-DAM System, Volume 9, Field Manual of Mission-CriticalFacilities for Use with the Prototype POST-DAM System, Applied ResearchAssociates, Inc., Report to AFESC, March 91.


    2.3.8 Harvard Project Manager 3.0 User's Manual, Software PublishingCorporation, 1988.

    3(The reverse of this page is blank.)




    3.1.1 System Configuration

    HPM is designed to run with PC-DOS 2.0 or higher on the IBM PC, or a100 percent compatible microcomputer with 512 K random access memory (RAM), coloror monochrome monitor, hard disk, and 5.25-inch floppy disk drive. HPM is alsodesigned to interface with most commercial printers. Further information aboutHPM system requirements is given in Document 2.3.8.

    To run HPM, the computer needs a DOS config.sys file, with a FILES commandaccommodating at least 20 open files. Before installing HPM, be sure thefollowing command is in the config.sys file:


    where N is no smaller than 20.

    3.1.2 Installing HPM Files

    HPM files are copied directly from the five HPM program disKs into a singlesubdirectory in the hard disk root directory. Starting from the hard disk rootdirectory, use the DOS MAKE DIRECTORY command to create the subdirectory HPM bytyping

    C:\,md\hpm [Enter]

    where C is the hard disk root directory, highlighted characters are typed by theuser, and [Enter] means press the enter key after typing the command. Next,using the DOS CHANGE .DIRECTORY command, change to the subdirectory HPM by typing

    C:\,cd\hpm (Enter]

    Next, copy the files from the five HPM program disks by inserting one programdisk at a time into floppy disk drive A:, and typing

    C:\hpmcopy a:*.* [Enter]

    until all five disks have been copied into the HPM subdirectory.


    HPM is executed from the DESQview 386 utility. This process is describedin Sertion 3.4 of Document 2.2.3. After starting HPM, the title screen appearsas shown in Figure 3.1, then the main menu appears as shown in Figure 3.2.


  • H4ARVARDProject Manager

    Figure 3.1. HPM Title Screen.

    ProJect. IMamae

    F1 Help

    Figure 3.2. Main Menu.


  • 3.3 USING HPM

    This section of the SUM tells how to use RPM with POST-DAM RDBMS andTED 1.1 to schedule repairs to mission-critical facilities.

    3.3.1 Starting a New Project

    After entering the RPM Main Menu for the first time from, RDBMS, usingDESQview 386, the user must remove all old versions of the project 'POSTDAM.PRJ,`check that all resources are current, define a new project, and save the newproject. Removing Old Projects

    To remove old projects, the user selects Option 5, 'Get/Save/Remove," inthe main menu. This is accomplished by either pressing the [5] key, or using thearrow keys to move the cursor to Option 5 and pressing [Enter]. The project listthen appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 3.3, with the cursor pointing tothe file POSTDAM.PRJ. To remove this file, the user presses the [F2] key, whichdisplays the list of options shown in Figure 3.4. The user then selects Option 3by pressing the [3] key, or using the arrow keys to move the cursor to Option 3and pressing [Enter]. The user is then prompted to remove the project bypressing [FIO], or to save the project by pressing [Esc], as shown in Figure 3.5.By pressing [F1O], the file POSTDAM.PRJ is removed, and the user is returned tothe project list. The user then exits the project list by pressing [EscJ, andis returned to the main menu. Resources

    To check the available resource list, the user selects Option 6 'Resources"in the main menu. This is accomplished by either pressing the [6] key, or usingthe arrow keys to move the cursor to Option 6 and pressing [Enter]. The HPMresource list then appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 3.6, with the cursorpointing to "bulldozer'. The user then manually compares the RPM resource listwith the RDBMS resource list described in Section of Document 2.2.4.The cursor is moved around the resource list by using the arrow keys to move itup and down, and the (Tab] and (Shift] [Tab] keys to move it to the right andleft respectively. The resource list is edited by typing over the existing data,and [Esc] returns the user to the 1PM main menu. Creating a Project

    To create a new project, the user selects Option 1, "Create a Project," inthe main menu. This is accomplished by either pressing the [1] key, or using thearrow keys to move the cursor to Option 1 and pressing [Enteri. The fast trackdisplay then appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 3.7. At this point, theuser must define the "EXPREPAIR" calendar and a time scale for the new POST-DAMproject.


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    Figure 3.3. Project List.

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    Figure 3.4. Files Menu.


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    Figure 3.5. Remove Project.

    Figre .6.Resure List.c

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    Figure 3.7. Fast Track Display. Exprepair Calendar

    After entering the Fast Track Form, the user must change the projectcalendar from the standard calendar to the exprepair calendar. This is done bypressing the [F3] key, which displays the 'Data' Menu, as shown in Figure 3.8.The user then selects Option 6 'Project Form' by either pressing the [6] key orusing the arrow keys to move the small arrowhead to Option 6 and pressing[Enter]. The project form then appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 3.9,with the cursor in the Planned Start Section. The user then moves the cursor tothe Calendar Section by using the arrow keys and the [Tab] key. At the CalendarSection, the user types 'EXPREPAIR' over 'STANDARD,' as shown in Figure 3.10.The user saves the calendar, and returns to the Fast Track Form by pressing the[FIO] key. Timescale

    To change the time scale, the user starts at the Fast Track Form andpresses the [FS] key, which displays the 'Format' Menu, as shown in Figure 3.11.The user selects Option 4 'Fast Track Display' by either pressing the (4] key,or using the arrow keys to move the small arrow head to Option 4 and pressing(Enter]. The Fast Track Display Form then appears on the screen, as shown inFigure 3.12, with the small arrowhead pointing to Dys. The user moves thearrowhead to Hrs by pressing the left arrow key, as shown in Figure 3.13. Theuser saves the new time scale, and returns to the Fast Track Form by pressing the[FIO] key.


  • Figure 3.8. Data Menu.

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    Figure 3.9. Project Form.

  • PlAmnad finish, C. is..,av~v afte.wihad eM0% to~n4xad c

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    Figure 3.10. Project Form with EXPREPAIR Calendar.

    Figure 3.11. Format Mienu.


  • ft 71- T rviI T T a 3517 T

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    Figure 3.12. Fast Track Display Form.

    ""0 Ok.M malw %0 t. a,""O "" and *w tk takwaM*V-Cbra-z " el NMAkeSCMI"

    Figure 3.13. Fast Track Display Form Using Hours.


  • Saving the Fast Track Project Form

    To save the current Fast Track configuration, the user starts at the FastTrack Form and presses the [F7] key, which displays the "Other" Menu, as shownin Figure 3.14. The user selects Option 5 'Quick Save' by either pressing the[5] key, or using the arrow keys to move the small arrowhead to Option 5 andpressing [Enter]. The Save Project Window then appears on the screen, as shownin Figure 3.15, prompting the user for a project name. The user then types"POSTDAM," as shown in Figure 3.16. The user presses the [FVO] key, which firstsaves the project in a file called POSTDAM.PRJ, then returns the user to the FastTrack Form. Exiting Fast Track

    To leave the Fast Track Form, the user presses the [Esc] key, and isreturned to the HPM main menu.

    3.3.2 Exiting HPM from the Main Menu

    Before leaving the HPM system from the main menu, the user must save thelatest version of the POSTDAM.PRJ file. To save the file, the user selectsOption 5 'Get/Save/Remove" in the main menu. This is accomplished by eitherpressing the [5] key, or using the arrow keys to move the cursor to Option 5 andpressing [Enter]. The project list then appears on the screen, as shown inFigure 3.17, with the cursor pointing to the file POSTDAM.PRJ. To save thisfile, the user presses the [F2] key, which displays the list of options shown inFigure 3.18. Here, the user selects Option 2 by pressing the (21 key, or usingthe arrow keys to move the cursor to Option 2 and pressing [Enter]. The user isthen prompted as shown in Figure 3.19, to either save the project POSTDAM bypressing the [FIO] key, or cancel it by pressing the [Esc] key. Pressing the[FIO] key saves the file POSTDAM.PRJ, and returns the user to the project list.The user exits the project list by pressing [Esc], and is returned to the mainmenu. The user pushes the [E] key, and is returned to the RDBMS program.

    3.3.3 Editing a Project

    After the POSTDAM.PRJ file has been created, the user can enter HPM andedit the file by using DESQview 386, as described in Section 3.4 ofDocument 2.2.3. To access the POSTDAM.PRJ file, the user selects Option 2 "Edita Project" in the main menu. This is accomplished by either pressing the (2)key, or using the arrow keys to move the cursor to Option 2 and pressing [Enter].The project list then appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 3.20, withPOSTDAM.PRJ highlighted. Here, the user presses [Enter], and the Fast Track Formappears on the screen. From the Fast Track Form, the user can add, reschedule,and/or delete repairs. Adding Repairs

    Before entering HPM, the user must get a hard copy of the repair strategyfile for the mission-critical facility to be repaired. That process is describedin Section of Document 2.2.4. An example repair strategy file is shown


  • Ir. 1 :3~r.l

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    Figure 3.14. Other Menu.

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    Fiur LIS. Sav e Proec Window.-

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    Figure 3.15. Save Project Window.


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    Figure 3.16. Save Project as POSTDAM Display.

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    Figure 3.17. Project List.


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    Figure 3.18. Fave Mroenu.

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    Figure 3.20. Edit a Project.

    in Figure 3.21 for "Building 1," which requires a wall breach repair, and acolumn splint repair.

    The repairs required by a mission-critical facility are entered into thePOSTDAM.PRJ file from the Fast Track Form. The user begins by pressing the [F4]key, which displays the "Edit" menu shown in Figure 3.22. From the Edit Menu,the user selects Option 7 'Notes,' which puts the cursor in the Notes Section ofthe Fast Track Form. Using the data in Figure 3.21 as an example, the user typesthe building number in the Notes Section, as shown in Figure 23.

    From the Notes Section, the user then presses the [F4] key, which displaysthe "Edit' Menu, as shown in Figure 3.22. From the Edit Menu, the user selectsOption 2 'Add Task,' which displays the "Add Task' window shown in Figure 3.24.The first repair on the list is a wall breach, so at the 'Task Name' prompt theuser types in wb11, as shown in Figure 3.25. The letters wb stands for wallbreach; the first I after wb means it is the first wall breach in Building 1 tobe considered; the second I corresponds to the Building Number. In the"Duration' section, 'How many time units?' is set to 0.00, and 'Which timeunits?' is set to Hrs. The user then presses the [FlO] key, and repair wbIlappears on the Fast Track Form, as shown in Figure 3.26. To add the second taskto the repair strategy file, the user returns to the Edit Menu and repeats the



    Paoct±@n i *Nlsalof Control Cantar'priority :DamGription : 'tu**e Story Raiafox'ad Concrete Structrezs

    Damage Assessment Nmiber1

    A.) General XSimens tzza~otaon

    minut Numer IGO210004t Dbasoml~tio UZXTROR IN=LDamage No" IALL RIMUZDamaged Width 12. 0 ft.Amuag's weight 8.0 ft.XmWaiz S~tratgy 2 5TC2=

    I-) Kp±a Repair Statffaeta

    2.) RequiredA Wat~raziei

    214 23.6. 53.3 sq. ft.vice Hash 32.0 sq. ft.Bhatcrote 1.0 Cubic Yardswater 4 0.0 gallons

    3.) Asquired Xquaipmeet

    Shotorste Uachiaa,samest2sapair Teas

    4.) Zatinated Impair Time

    Bevair team laws 1.7

    Wok"e gas liftes Ua the area.

    6.) start aftairI

    flsWq Asssssaenat Number :2

    &- "on"re Ziment Iafetmi~on

    Utmost Numer 1 'sOCamest Deseriltima I 0"An

    ft"" a 2 =M W . U

    a.) aLmps t Useair Informtion

    14) iMmpi sutategy swgMW -PIX

    2.) 19qin1VA Hetelauls :

    3-) Msdret ZVOipmeat s

    4.) Ustimsted Bep*airTim s

    xepair Teem sovws 0 0.100

    s.) RMe

    6.1 Stut UePaIr 2

    Figure 3.21. Repair Strategy File.


  • Figure 3.22. Edit Menu.

    gUS~l seem 1.b1 u i

    Figure 3.23. Building I Added to the Notes Section.


  • Figure 3.24. Add Task Window.

    Figure 3.25. Entering the Task wbll.


  • 1-N.I ,, -- •-r. tan• 4•- t, '"r•, a%. -•f• thin-b. 112w {z7b ldg2 0- b2X-'----I

    ""Pa" CatIC POS?00* 4K full 1

    Figure 3.26. Fast Track Form with the wb11 Repair.

    above process, but using the taskrname cs11, which stands for the first columnsplint repair in Building 1. The two repairs then appear in the Fast Track Form,as shown in Figure 3.27.

    The duration of a repair is determined by the available equipment andlabor. To do this, the user presses [F3], which displays the Data Menu shown inFigure 3.8. From the Data Menu, the user selects Option 4, "Work BreakdownOutline," which displays the work breakdown outline shown in Figure 3.28, withthe cursor on wb11. Using the [Tab] key, the user moves the cursor to theplanned duration column, and types res (abbreviation for resource) over theexisting data, then uses the [Delete] key to remove the remaining data, as shownin Figure 3.29. The user then presses the (Enter] key to confirm the plannedduration, then repeats the procedure for csl], as shown in Figure 3.30. The userthen returns to the Fast Track Form by pressing the [Esc] key twice.

    Equipment and labor are now allocated to the repairs. By using the arrowkeys, the user places the cursor at the small square in the Fast Track Form, sowbll is in the lower left corner, as shown in Figure 3.31. The user then pressesthe (F31 key, which displays the Data Menu shown in Figure 3.6. From the DataMenu, the user selects Option 3 "Allocations List," which displays the allocationlist for repair wb11, as shown in Figure 3.32. Using the information fromFigure 3.21, the user types sc machine (abbreviation for shotcrete machine) inthe resource column, as shown In Figure 3.33. Next using the (Tab] key to move


  • Fl-Nm . "'U-pr,,. T-J-D.• v '"V - a l•,t. Y' c -•• '''r- • ,r

    a 1 ~a• mI•IaN4 tl

    raw$ SWIkMu

    Figure 3.27. Fast Track Form with the wbll and csll Repairs.

    •I-D s 11-1 Ndt TV P M * M - O MS .-il•MM


    Lolt eIwv= i


    Figure 3.28. Work Breakdown Outline.


  • ar.Liii P1&lVn - SWV&IOf WS Caod

    -Call 2i 9 Dii. 1w 2

    Figure 3.29. Changing the wbll Planned Duration to res.

    Lo. It Pirnumma dnraetim us i..ubll-call

    ii~S bre.0.r ownt wa

    Figure 3.30. Changing the Planned Duration for all Repairs to res.


  • Ti-- t 4- - vvwva, vr-cv%W "-Oshmv

    bIw2'9 I

    Figure 3.31. Fast Track Form with Cursor on wbII.

    W %ourI rn I *. I at u.- a w

    Figure 3.32. Allocation List for wbll.


  • Idek Las 1 .%=I ALt I . A MMI"

    PAiOMLL-C.,~~av IbMeI% tinAS ait. wt-S LRk .. Ork .. rk

    Figure 3.33. Adding sc Machine to the wbll Allocations List.

    between the columns, the user changes Work Units to Hrs, planned work to 1.75(duration time is rounded off to the nearest quarter hour), and working hrs/dayto 24.0, as shown in Figures 3.33 and 3.34. The user then presses [Enter], andis returned to a new row in the resource column, as shown in Figure 3.35.Figure 3.36 shows the completed allocation form for the repair wbll. When aresource item quantity is greater than 1, the repair duration time must bemultiplied by the quantity to obtain the planned work value, has been doubled.

    After all required equipment and labor resources have been entered in thewbll allocations list, the user presses [Esc], and is returned to the Fast TrackForm, as shown in Figure 3.37. The user then positions the cursor at the rightend of wb11, whereupon cs11 appears at the bottom left corner of the Fast TrackForm, as shown in Figure 3.37. The above procedure is then repeated for wbll.The allocations list for cs11 is shown in Figure 3.38, and the Fast Track repairschedule for Building I is shown in Figure 3.39. Adding Multiple Facilities

    To add a new facility to the Fast Track Form, the user uses the arrow keysto move the cursor to the empty row just below where the last facility was added.The user then follows the same procedure used for Building I in Section this SUM. For example, the second facility, "Building 2,' is added to theFast Track Form, as shown in Figure 3.40, where wbI2 is a wall breach repair, and


  • nachli ftc.l"A*. I " ms~ I 24.m t U. I

    bal alleocatlOimt twack ______________

    Figure 3.34. Changing Working hrs/day to 24.0.


    Figue 3.5. tartng aNewRow n te wb1 AlocaionsLis.

    27Lw Pa~ii Ata R..I m

  • Fl-HOe 11 r2-Cziapho Fý3-D&%& rqp-ud I - F5.-Foroft& F6-CacpvnO V7-0Ctber

    ~9auc 9Aat Lakmg L&W PIS~m NS Ct*A^ I e.atn Ivg1 U* ute Uta~r% ýrk uork vo-k

    rep I v *.mo I 9.9 19.69

    X.006s someu .0 0.90 a9.9:Gg03 :D

    ",r Sack

    Figure 3.36. Finished Allocations List for wbll.

    1-4 3 v 5*D~


    raw*i I ... l

    Figure 3.37. Fast Track Form with wb11 Scheduled.


  • eW0 2 h L e PL Oa d Nc Ln*a m 1, . ,

    I t 't I lI • o I

    Figure 3.38. Allocations List for csll.

    11:16• 13: I1S 12.SI .-- !- ---- A-C-

    mml 0w 00UUE. Imd om U-aVU • Dv.- U;) iraw Ir-rMI Z• dl

    Figure 3.39. Schedule of Repairs for Building 1.


  • 11 X1 08 129 9bldg 1 |:•,bll,

    C1..• 1 :7- -, - _ _ ._

    Figure 3.40. Schedule of Repairs for Buildings I and 2.

    cr12 is a column replacement. Because there is no resource conflict, repairs tothese two buildings can be done simultaneously, as shown on the Fast Track Formin Figure 3.40. Resource Conflicts

    The HPM system alerts the user if a resource conflict exists. As anexample, the third facility, "Building 3" has been added to the Fast Track Formshown in Figure 3.41, where fr13 is a floor repair, and csl3 is a column splintrepair. In Figure 3.41, HPM alerts the user of a resource conflict by writingthe word Resource at the bottom of the Fast Track Form. The user can determinethe exact nature of the resource conflict by viewing the allocations lists, asdescribed in Section of this SUM. Figures 3.42 and 3.43 show theallocations lists for fr13 and cs13, respectively, and the R on the left handside of repair team indicates that the resource has been over allocated.

    Resource conflicts are eliminated by delaying lower priority repairs. Toreschedule a repair, the user places the cursor in the Fast Track Form on therepair to be rescheduled then selects the [F4] key to display the 'Edit' Menushown in Figure 3.22. From the Edit Menu, the user selects Option 3 "Move Task,"which displays the "Moving Task" Window shown in Figure 3.44, with fr13 as therepair to be rescheduled. The user then reschedules the repair using the arrowkeys, and confirms the action by pressing the [FIO] key. Figure 3.45 shows the


  • v-el Fz-Gvavhin 713-Dat 7* -dl I5W-v7ur".& PV-CwPu'..t r7-ot),..

    bidg 1 I- a 11 1-bldg Z I-.b2 U...1b lay 3 -f 1-----cu.13-1I

    rV£1 WLMI3 A CMrt SoO2~'4,-"j dma CM 4..Z4..9S CO .I DWO W)Rminrmmnzqw POShfi4 i.

    Figure 3.41. Schedule of Repairs with Resource Conflicts.

    Mark ~ C~ Legj F am taaI aInn

    I a Za...:

    Figure 3.42. Allocations for fr13.


  • Fl-Helr p Z--Gvawha V3-Doa-. V-7Ud %I VC-To? r,-.,. 77-thft-

    Work LAW Plaafled bCqtU4 j Rewvai..IvROMOUw=0 Qua-t Nza~n a sart %marC qOrbC %.V

    13alloca~t.Jn.Ut trCkn

    Figure 3.43. Allocations for cs13.

    U ve a 0 1%. t.

    bldg4 1 1.3b

    Use-CVICOI FI-Caf Ira.

    frik gevt et 5Z4 alvea an IW24--,u CS.9 Dwe W),

    Figure 3.44. Moving Task Window.


  • b IZ4 2 I i.21_bi dsl ± tb± r1-

    bldu 2

    Figure 3.45. Schedule of Repairs for Building 1, 2, and 3.

    rescheduled repairs for Building 3. A 15-minute relocation period is alwaysshown at the end of a facility repair period, to allow the repair team(s) timeto move to the next damaged facility. Deleting a Repair

    To delete a repair from the Fast Track Form, the user places the cursor inthe Fast Track Form on the repair to be deleted, then selects the [F41 key todisplay the "Edit" Menu shown in Figure 3.22. From the Edit Menu, the userselhcts Option 4, "Remove Task," which displays the "Remove Task' window shownin Figure 3.46, with cs13 as the repair to be deleted. The user then presses the[FIO) key, and the repair is deleted.

    3.3.4 Output

    HPM produces 26 different reports, which provide a wide variety ofinformation about the status of a project. The reports can be sent either to adisk file for permanent storage, or directly to a printer. For POST-DAM, onlythe Allocations by Task text report, Resources by Time Text Report, and FastTrack Graphics Report are of interest.

    To access the reports section of HPM, the user selects Option 7, "Reports,"in the main menu. This is accomplished by either pressing the [7] key, or using


  • ta,3 -i Sa tiles

    bldg 13 | .:L3----.€ g •---

    lb II A I

    Vaa 1::c 3 r

    M 3 3 a u a n ... .Z4 ' 8 . a .% ".. Z C 8 . 6 8 6 " ; r A 3I II

    Figure 3.46. Remove Task Window.

    the arrow keys to move the cursor to Option 7 and pressing [Enter]. The reports

    form then appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 3.47. Allocations by Task Text Report

    To output the Allocations by Task Text Report, the user places the cursoron 'Allocations by Task' in the reports form, using the arrow keys, then pressesthe [F2] key, to display the Print Options Menu shown in Figure 3.48. The userthen selects Option 1, 'Run Report," and the Text Report Option Window appearson the screen, as shown in Figure 3.49. If a hard copy of the report isrequired, the user presses the [FG]1 key and the report is sent to the printer.If the report needs to be stored in a file, the user types in a filename (e.g.,pdatl) at the 'Filename' prompt, and changes the 'Print To' option to 'DiskFile,' as shown in Figure 3.50. An example of the Allocations by Task Output isshown in Figure 3.51. Resources by Time

    To output the Resources by Time Text Report, the user places the cursor on"Resources by Time' in the reports form using the arrow keys, then presses the[F2] key to display the Print Options Menu shown in Figure 3.48. The user thenselects Option 1, 'Run Report," and the Text Report Option Window appears on the


  • Taxt i-spas-t Graphi .C rapm-

    Task a MlImm1t orazm a-Fast T,.k ChartTook Woo k ama~orl. GliSt Ca"aTook & Mian 1.20L a% PART Char,%ProjaLt List& PERT Ha If 7AMhaoaurc Last PERT rea A Izoo"al1acmatlhimnm Mmoacusa PXXR?uq TI.alatlum0Al bmuat 1mw lmas Wark 3aw)maham GrAphhaimaum~wi kg TIMM Camst Graph. cmmneasat.Prajact. Cow bw Tim Camt rwraph. par tLine eaolLnorm" UaIM a.Rpcpt. Cast% Graph- "&RwVmd sa haWor-k Drvaiadam Mue"a*-% Mmawcs Laad let.%SafUmar Mw-sa~hd~Apn CSuvSr 'Ca loniar Ida I ilmar

    POSThA11%ib-~ rut

    Figure 3.47. Reports Form.

    %-"Woo ~t TVel

    Mwh ~ ~ FRM MRj~ aS- Imn Al bat ofObMagk 10ma~ bw Alamum FR Time mlasS I m

    Fammguraem 3.48.s Crunt Optiohs Menu. WWak rammmmn" ý P 110351"

  • Figure 3.49. Text Report Option Window.

    W ~ ~ w uutm waplc u

    Figure 3.5. Disk File pdatl.


  • Allocations by Task 31-OCt-1990 Page I

    Task name Resource name a Resource mnantity Planned work

    cr12 ramaet 1.000 0.50 Nar Wcr12 shoring Jack 1.000 0.50 Rra Wcr12 repair team 1.000 0.50 Ere Wcell repair team 1.000 0.50 Mrs Wcsl3 repair tam 1.000 0.50 Mrs Wfrl3 repair team 1.000 1.25 ]rs Wfr13 rassot 1.000 1.25 Nra Vvbll repair tem 1.000 1.75 Ers vvbll me machine 1.000 1.75 Rra Wvbll racset 1.000 1.75 Nr Wbl2 repair teo" 1.000 1.50 Nra Wvb12 ramet 2.000 3.00 Kre Wvb12 mc Machine 1.000 1.50 Nr W

    Figure 3.51. Allocations by Task Output.

    screen, as shown in Figure 3.49. If a hard copy of the report is required, theuser presses the [FIO] key and the report is sent to the printer. If the reportneeds to be stored in a file, the user types in a filename (e.g., pdrtI) at the"Filename" prompt, and changes the 'Print to' option to 'Disk File,' as shown inFigure 3.52. An example of the Resources by Time output is shown in Figure 3.53for 9:00 and 9:15. Fast Track Chart Graphics Report

    To output the Fast Track Chart Graphics Report, the user places the cursoron "Fast Track Chart' in the reports form using the arrow keys, then presses the[F2] key to display the Print Options Menu shown in Figure 3.48. The user thenselects Option 1, "Run Report,' and the Graphics Report Options Window appearson the screen, as shown in Figure 3.54. If a hard copy of the report isrequired, the user presses the [FIO] key and the report is sent to the printer.If the report needs to be stored in a file, the user types in a filename (e.g.,pdftl) at the "Filename" prompt, and changes the "Print to" option to 'Printfile,' as shown in Figure 3.55. An example of the Fast Track Chart output isshown in Figure 3.56.


  • T .. gg a ' Ua ved-S Or ~ I C

    1~D ta ri I t't

    Figure 3.52. Disk File pdrtl.

    Resources by Time 31-OCt-1990 Page -

    24-Sen-1990 -900 24-SeiD-1990 9:15

    bulldozerResource loading 0.00 0.00

    ramsetResource loading 3.00 3.00

    repair teaoResource loading 2.00 2.00

    se machineResource loading 2.00 2.00

    shoring jackResource loading 0.00 0.00

    Figure 3.33. Resources by Time Output.


  • 2u Hai- e""I 0*tLIIM aw

    Figure 3.54. Graphics Report Options Window.

    Figure 3.55. Print File pdftl.


  • Fast Track chart Project. POSTDAN 30-Oct-1 990

    24-Sep- 1990Notes 9:00 10:00 1 1:00 112:00 13:00bldg 1 i-bll I-cl -Ibldg 2 .- wb12 -bidg .3 40

    Figure 3.56. Fast Track Chart Output.
