THE .POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · THE .POINTER ' Series Ill Vol. IV No. 17...

THE . POINTER ' Se ri es Il l Vo l. IV No. 17 Steve ns Po i nt, Wis., Ma r c h '2 0, 1930 P r .i ce 7 ce nt s SIGMA ZETA ORDER ELECTS NEW PLEDGES INITIATION HELD · TUESDAY EVENING 8i g ma Zet a, th e nati onnl h~nu rar y fd te rni tr of whi ch th e form er Scie nc.t.! Club is 1; ow :1 c hapt er, ha s again elect e <l HC\\' nH. ' mbers to i ts rank s. Th e pcopl l' who wer~ invit.c cl to ,i oin ar c s tu - dents \\'ho h ave ~wwn ma rk ed int er est and t'Xl"l:ll enC'e in st·icne <' or ma th emn· tic s. ).lin e pl·op lc have an·c pt cd invit:i - ti on~ to h c1· ome adi\·e mC' mLt•rs of th t! frn tc rnit y. ln ord er to be e ligibl e fo r a C't i\·c me mbership a s tud e nt mu st ha \ 'C a nwj or ~r min o r in Sl·i e 1H· e or m:1th 1J· mati l·S. Hi s a\" Cr :tg<' in t h e s,· ie n(' c suh- jN·t s mu st be eigh ty-e ight or high er, :11nl at lea st l'ighty four in his other s ul.J .i<.'c·ts. He must be e ith er a member of the Juni or or Senior cla ss. Auy fn •s hman or sophomore who ha& had one semes ter of sc iC' lll· e or ma tc nrn- ti cs, who in te ud s to major or min or in sri cn i.:c or m:1 th c ma t k s, who ha s a good schola st. il· a \" e rage, and who r ece iv es :1 two- third s vote of th e at'tiv e me mLc>r s is c lij:!i ble to associate membership. The initi ation l' Cr e moni cs to ok pl:1 ces Tu esda y eve ning, 1larch 18. Th e new ml' mbers ar e as follows: Ac tive: Ec rmit }'rater Eme ry Pritsch Jl elc~ J o rdan .Pred Kuhl J-1. P. Reid Th eodore Rozell e . Ma rinn Swan Ir ene Skutley Wilb ur S towe ll Assoc iat e llarvcy Doc•ka Orv o ' tilt er C{• dri(' Vig E,·ely n ,vimmc. Senior Class Play To Be "Lightnin'" Th e pla y ' 1 I..,ight11i11 1 ' ' IJ y Smi th and Ba con h as bc (•n sel ecte d as th e S(•nior (; lass pla y. lt is a re all y Gr eat Am erican come dy. 'l1hi s is th e first ye ar it has bee n offe red for college produ ct ion. Mr. Burrough-; ha s r ece i ve d pe rmi ss ion through t he Samu el French Compan y to pr ese nt th e pl;~;ere :ire twe nty-four persons in the cast. 'l'hc cos tum es ar c mode rn. Frank Ba con ha s s tarr ed i11 this play as ' 1 Bill Jonrs 11 aud ha s made that c hara te r fa mous. Bill Jone s saves his wi fe and ni ece from p ove r ty and pleas liis own ca se in ~o ur t with s triking su c- cess . 'fh e two l' hicf sce nes ar c the c our t sce ne and th e sce ne at th ~ hotel call ed ' 'Calavacl a ' ' on t he st at e line be twer n Ramos . Group Is Well Received L as t )l ondn y eve ning a l:1rgl' :nnlicncc was t!tarmc cl with the musi l' of th e Hnmo s }.fcxi (' an Orc hes tra . Tht' < ·uncertJ whi ch was offe red as one ot th e lyee um co ur se numb ers, wa s giv {' n in th e co ll ege aullitorium. ' l'h c musi< ·i:rns br ough t the :.1t ml•Sp· her L' of old S pain with them through the ir mu s il· arid th e ir cost ume. R:t f.l cl Hamos \\'Ore t he loo se shir t, sa :sh antl trouse rs of :1 tru e Spa niard. Hi s th ree ~istcrs wor e s parklin g mantilla s : ind full -s kirt ed drc sse · uf rosc·t·o lor cl silk. w_ith overs kirt s of w hit e la ce . Th~ progr am wa s inde ed arietl. Th ere \\' ere li ve ly ma rd1cs, swCl' pi 111; waltzes, lilting: so ngs, and swee t. mf' lt• - dir s c nh:uw cd by th e tremolo of th e vio- lin a11d soft st rumming of th e ma ndo· !ins. .Mr. Ra fael Ramos ' violin musil' was e xquisi te. Th e t h ree si ste rs, Jfos:1, Lupe, and Co nce pcion, play ed with all the s kill and c ar eful in to nati on t ha t t h t· gr ea v ari ety of music ca lled for . )J r. Hes iqui o Ha mos s howed himsr!f t.o b{' indee d an acco mpli shed piani st. A parti culary c harming fe atur e of the program wa s th e singing of Mi ss Ros :\ Ramo s, mid the t rio s in whi ch h r: two sis te rs joined. It is se ldom th,1t a famil y org:rn: ,.. a- tion of thi s sort is see n. Th ey pl ttv :ind s ing t ogr th cr in pe rfe ct harmo n:: . At tile la st ovati on, Mr s. Ramo s, Uw \\' i fe and moth t•r , nppc:n e <l upon th e plat · fo rm. Th e program foll O ws: El Relica rio Op1,rn"it1g O\" ert ur c ... . . Mcx i(·:J.n ~f:ir,·h La Zampa :Mondragon Pou t porri (a) Spani sh sele ction s (b ) Li ebestrnum, by F. Li s zt ( c.·) Drigo 's Sere nad e Mun cquita de Trapo .. Fox Trot R:1mos Or chestra Walt z, hy Chopin Piano So lo Mr. H. Ramos La Es tudiantina S ,v:tltz No te Rubori ccs Mexican s One ~t.<: p Ramos Or ches tra If Italian Son{! M::iss Rosa Ramo s · West of the Gr eacl Divid e ( Song ) Trio Es pana lfissos Ramos Spani sh ,valt z Ramos Or ches tra Mal a guena Violin Solo Mr . Rafael Ramos Cic lito Lindo Mexic an Song Ramos Or ches tra Intermission Mar C" hctta . . . . . . Op~ning Dan ce of th e H ours from Gioceo nda Sobr c In s Olas ... ..... 1Icxi can \Valtz Ramos Or chestra La Estr e llita :Mexic an Song Miss Rosa Ramos Ne vada and California . Herc the people Ramona \\·!1 0 d es ir e div orc·cs come to li ve fo r six C '[ S Tri o aro in:1 ,,. oon . .. -~· . . . . ong months. _ Misses amos In thr ee wee ks th e p1 a.v '' Civ ilian 11 Far From'' (Orig rn.1 of Mr. Ramos) Cloth{'S', by Thomas Bu chan an will be . :Afr. H. Rn mos pr esc n e y t11Cspcccl1 el"asS:- - Tb ere - - Un iOn- Uni ver s"".i"" C . ~ . .. -M 'i'-e -x 7 ie_a_n MarCh ar c fo ur teen pe rson s in the ea st. El Beso ( Ori g inal of ifr. Ramo s) Th e sto ry is con ce rned with th e won- Ramos Orches tra de rful lesso n given to snobbi sh Fl o Lnn - La Pal oma ...... . .... . Me xi can Song ham, by her soldi er husband, Samu el :Mi s ses Ramos .McG inni s, whom she ma rri ed in ".Pran{'c and had gi ve n up for de ad. Th e mr mbe rs of th e east nf th e pla y will be aun oun ce d n ex t wee k. FORE NSIC GROUP LEA VE THIS MORNING FOR PLATTE VILLE . MARIE MOLLEN Home Ee' s Plan May Day Event Th e Home Economics Club is plan - nin g so met hin g ent ir e ly new in the y ear 's progr:1111 of social eve nt s. Th ey hav e aln•acly Lc gu11 work on a Gard en Part y to he givt•n -on th e ev(•ning of ~lay 3. . Tin• ll omc Ecouomics Club is se tting a 1>rcl:t• cl e nt in s pon s oring thi s se mi- for - mal "..\f::tv f c!-l tival. It will l>c :1 dan ct) fashio1a:d aft l' r a gard en party. Th ere will I sp e1·i t1 I numh c rs and good mu~il·. S iu cc th e" llom e El·s " :ire sponsoring the part y, rt•fr cs hmc nt s of the bes t kind \\'ill of <' OllrSl' he se rved. Thi s is an ev ent to loo!t forwa rd to . Th e to mmittccs, whi ch a re listed IJ clow, ha ve a lrr ad ,r forrnul:1tcd many of th e ir p!:ln s. Puhlit"ity l!' crn } ">ug h, c hairman Ali ce Falk Th er ese Lepin ski ,J e nnir Ncusomc Finan ec Cecil ia Breite nst e in , <'hairman Lut"ille Sc hmid t ll clen Hammes El : 1ir1 c ~lucllcr Pr ogram I re ne Skutlry, t ·hairmnn Estelle Buhl Margu e rit{' Eng e ls TO ENTERTAIN IN PORTAGE ENROUTE leaving St eve ns Point to represe nt C c n tr al in th e State . Po r c 11 s i c Cont e st, whil·h takes pla c:e this W O C k · C 11 cl at Jllattc vill • Stat 'l' e~1c he r s' Collr gf'. : M.i ric ifoll eu will de liver her oration in I.h e Ora - toric al Co ntest to- morrow CVl' lling. Clnrcncc T c s k c wi.11 sp eak in th Ex t e m po r a- Clar ence Teske 11cous Co nt es t tomol'l' ow :1ft c rnuo11 . 'l'h c trio who sang dul'ing t tu: a sse mbl y hour last Thur sday , L e la m. J.,,(' 1 ·11 Pugh, :1ml J.,-,rnul· cs :\11dcrs o11, ar c going to I>' \·illc to fur - 11ish a stun t for th e Friday morning program. Al ex Peterson will play th e J>i:rno a ccompanim c nt for th e girls and will re pr ese nt Cc ntr:d at th e :Forensic L ra guc business meet ing. · Tonight th e delegat es from all of 1 he college s will be en te rtain ed b_v the hVS· t css coll ege. Tomor row morning at teu o 'clo ck a busin ess meeting of the Nur · 111:11 }.,orr usic Leagu e- will be called. Each college is n~pr csc nt ed ut this mee t: ing. All ma tters eonn ct·tcd with [ntcr · collegiate forensi cs :ire discussed and s et tled for th e o111 i ng ye:ir at thi~ mee ting. At th e c lo se of the busin ess meet ing th e t•xtc mpor:111 eo us spc:tk t• rs will dr aw th e ir topi cs. A general asst•mhly will f ollow. During thi s meet ing th e st unt s of th e ~ 1ri ous schools will be pr ese nt ed. A priz e will be aw:1rd c(l to the school wh ose s tunt is judged th e Les t. In the af te rnoon at t wo o' clock th e Ext c mporau eou s Spcaki11g Co nt es t will begin . In th e evenin g, the fi11al event. will tak e pla ce. Thi ~ is th e Or:itori cal Cont est , iu whit•h eve ry I L' .t('h crs' col · lcge cxt·ept Milwauk (•c is to he re prtsc ntecl. Th e winn ers of th e t·on tes t 1:1 will he :1 1111 ounccd as :1 gN111ll cl inm x. ' !'he judges of the speake rs nr c Pro - f essor 1'.,r:uwk c of l. awr cntc Uollcgc, l' rofe8sor Roody of Hipon ('oll cgc, ai 1d ). fiss ~ clson, a ss is t.:111 t pro fesso r of spl'et h at the Universi ty of Illinois. Th e titl e of )l a ri c 's Oration is '' American ld c ali s m. 1 ' Orv ille Deuel of Eau Clair e wi ll spe ak 011 ' 'Sct uri ty .'' La Crosse ,h:is entc rcd·- c harl l's----:Jog aw R Ch _ 1t.T wh ose o ration is e nti tled ' 'Our Baro · ogers~ ose U-J- V .EW- nfctc r or-Trus111 es~ . Osli1«:i1i11 !iC ,<h- 1931 Iris Manager .Tohn No vo k ofs ki to spe ak on "The Th e ,Juniors elec ted a new assoc i:i tc Gaunt Spec tr e of Une mployment .' ' Cur - busin ess manager of th e Iri s nt a sp1•· ti s Hugill of Platevi ll e will deliver an cial c lass meet ing Thur sda y, Mar ch 13. orat io11 011 1 ' Co ll (• ge for the Av erage.'' Eliz. nbeth Rogers was chosen to tak e "Th e Pe ril of Power II iH th e t op ic of up th e work in th e place of Dougfos L e Roy Lu bc rg of Riv er l~alls. :\1r. 1·fo. M:1 .inl ~1nd1 who lef t school at th e c los(; G e ntry of Superior will spe ak 011 of th e f ir st semester. ,, Where Pence Abid es. ,, E ll c 11 Marshall CALENDAR Elizabe th will be busin ess manager , of th C 1931 Iri s. Sh e is promin e nt in wiII re pr ese nt ,vhit ewa tc r with her ora- Th c r es ults of th e debates he ld in thr school .ie ti vities, and was elec ted Queen ti on, '' 'l'h c P e rmanent Court of I.nter- Jnter-Normal Forensi c Leagu e of ,vi s- of th e Mardi Gras r ccC ntly. Sh e is a nat\o nal Ju st ice.' ' Oshkosh And River Falls Tie In Debate : Mar ch 20 - Y. W. C. A. consin, have been compil ed. Os hkosh resident of Stevens Point and a juni,,r Th is morniug at eleve n o'clo ck Mar io Jn p j :----t-t-fa~n;;; d ;; R~i :..: 'i; '"i rriFr.a :.: 1 1: 1 "i.i.'ti :.:: e;;-; cl;;; f ilo~r lif:iriiirs ~tiiif p= la :.;e T eli'. ~Li.;a,t-- i"n',,tl ic 1 ef"T h!T.igir.l,• T sfiel i 10 ,0;; ! 1! dll e rtp !i a ,., rr tm t<r' e1Jnt ;.; . ,r,mtl!11r-l-a=:· ·~ ·d =-;:C~ la';; ri"'~ ··;•a-;, w~i :;: ll c,; •~ to'2p :;,n ~t ~ P;:.o ::, r;t:~ 1g~ c:c;; t;. o_ March 24 - ~" Cnbba s", pre- rossc O s e ncx ig cesc ie · ri speak b efo re th e 11g I sc 100 s u e ns sen t ed by t e Lo . a Club. th ree schools will compete in th r f4nal s. clid ye ar hook. Th e e ditor -in-c hi ef, Sa- of that r ity. Prom th ere th ey wi ll con - Th e rank a ccording to sc or e for th e d ie Espcse th , has her st a ff bu sy and is Api-il _ l 22 , inc U !Jive - Easter other col1 egea is Supe rior, Eau Cla ir e, e xpe ndin g-ex-t r.a----e-tf.o r-t-t o--make--- thie tinu.JL.O.ILt.belL..U.i p to Plattev ilJ o..... Vaca tion. Stevens Point, Whit e water, and Pl atte- y ea r's annual worthy of an AII-Amcri- The stud e nt body and f ac u lty send ille can ratin . · wish f r uc · h

Transcript of THE .POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · THE .POINTER ' Series Ill Vol. IV No. 17...


Series Il l Vol. IV No. 17 Steven s Point, W is. , Ma r c h '20, 1930 7 cents


· TUESDAY EVENING 8ig ma Zeta , th e nationnl h~nurary

fd terni tr of whi ch the form er Scienc.t.! Club is 1;ow :1 chapter, has again e lect e<l HC\\' nH.' mbe rs to its rank s. The pcopl l' w ho wer~ invit.ccl t o ,ioin arc s tu­dent s \\'ho have ~wwn ma rked interest and t'Xl"l:llenC'e in st· icne <' or ma themn · tics.

).lin e pl·op lc have an·c ptcd invit:i ­tio n~ to hc1·ome adi\·e mC' mLt•rs of t h t! frn tcrnity . ln order to be e ligible fo r a C't i \·c membership a s tude nt must ha \ 'C

a nwjor ~r minor in Sl·i e1H· e or m:1th 1J· mati l·S. Hi s a\"Cr:tg<' in t he s,· ien('c suh­j N·ts must be e ig h ty-e igh t or h igh er, :11nl at lea st l'ighty f our in hi s ot her sul.J.i<.'c· ts. H e must be e ith e r a member of t he Juni or or Seni or class.

Au y fn •shman or sophomore wh o ha& had one semeste r of sc iC' lll·e or ma tc nrn­tics, who in teuds to major or minor in sricni.:c or m:1 thcma t k s, who has a good scholast. il· a \" erage, and wh o rece ives :1

two- thirds vote of th e at'tive me mLc>rs is c lij:!i ble to a ssocia te membe rship.

The initi a ti on l'Cremoni cs took pl:1ces Tuesday eve ning, 1larch 18. The new ml' mbers are as foll ows :

Active : E c rmit }'rater Emery Pritsch Jl elc~ J ordan .Pred Kuhl J-1. P. R eid Th eodore Rozelle . Ma rinn Swan

Irene Skutley Wil bur Stowell

Associate llarvcy Doc•ka Orvo ' tilte r C{•dri(' Vig E,·ely n ,vimmc .

Senior Class Play To Be "Lightnin'"

Th e play ' 1 I..,ight11i11 1' ' IJ y Smi t h and

Bacon has bc (•n selected as the S(•nior (; lass play .

lt is a really Great Am eri can comedy. 'l1his is the first year it has bee n offe red for college produ ction. Mr. Burrough-; has received pe rmiss ion through t he Samuel French Company to prese nt the

pl;~;ere :ire twenty-four persons in the cast. 'l'hc costum es arc mode rn. Frank Bacon ha s starred i11 t his p lay as '

1 Bill J onrs 11 aud has made that chara l·te r fa mous. Bill Jones saves his wi fe a nd ni ece from pover ty and pleas liis own case in ~our t with striking suc­cess.

'fh e two l' hi c f sce nes arc t he cour t sce ne and th e scene at th ~ hote l called ' 'Calavacla ' ' on t he state lin e be twern

Ramos . Group Is Well Received

L as t )londny evening a l:1rgl' :n nli cncc wa s t!tarmccl with t he musil' of th e Hnmos }.fcxi ('an Orchestra . Tht' <·un certJ whi ch wa s offe red as one ot th e lyeeum course numb ers, was giv {'n in th e co ll ege aullitorium.

'l'hc mu si<·i:rns brough t t he :.1tml•Sp· he r L' of old Spain with them t h rough t he ir mu sil· arid th e ir costume. R:t f.l cl Hamos \\'Ore t he loose shir t, sa :sh antl t rousers of :1 true S pa niard. Hi s t h ree ~is tc rs wore sparkling mantillas : ind full -skirted drcsse · uf rosc· t·o lorL· cl s ilk. w_ith ove rskirts of w hite lace.

Th ~ progra m was indeed \·arietl. Th e re \\' e re li ve ly ma rd1 cs, s wCl' pi111; waltzes, lilting: songs, and swee t. mf' lt• ­dirs cnh:uw cd by the t remolo of th e vi o­lin a11d so f t strumming of th e ma ndo· !ins. .Mr. Ra fa el Ramos ' v iolin musil' was exquisi te. The t hree siste rs, Jfos:1, Lupe, and Co ncepc ion, play ed with all t he skill and care ful in tonati on t ha t t h t· grea variety of mus ic called for . )J r. Hesiquio Ha mos showed himsr!f t.o b{' indeed an accompli shed piani s t .

A particu lary charming fe ature of t he program was the singing of Miss Ros:\ Ramos, mid t he t rios in which hr: two sis te rs joined.

It is seldom th,1t a family org:rn: ,.. a ­t ion of this sort is seen. They pl ttv :ind s ing togr th cr in perfect harmon:: . At tile last ovation, Mrs. Ramos, Uw \\' i fe and moth t•r , nppc:n e<l upon th e plat · fo rm.

Th e program foll Ows: El Re lica rio Op1,rn"it1g

O\"e r turc ... . . Mcx i(·:J.n ~f:ir,·h

L a Zampa :Mondragon Pou tporri

(a ) Spani sh selections (b ) Lie bestrnum, by F. Liszt ( c.·) Drigo 's Serenade

Mun cquita de Trapo .. F ox Trot R:1mos Orchestra

Waltz, hy Chopin Piano Solo Mr. H. Ramos

L a Estudiantina ,v:tltz No te Ruboriccs Mexi can s One ~t.<: p

Ramos Orchestra If Italian Son{!

M::iss Rosa Ramos · West of the Greacl Divide ( Song) Trio

E spana lfissos Ramos

Spani sh ,valt z Ramos Orches tra

Malaguena Violin Solo Mr. Rafael Ramos

Cic lito Lindo Mexican Song Ramos Orchestra

Intermission MarC" hctta . . . . . . Op~ning Dan ce of th e H ours from Gioceo nda Sobrc In s Olas . . . ..... 1Icxican \Valtz

Ramos Orchestra La E stre llita :Mexican Song

Mi ss Rosa Ramos Neva da and California . H e rc t he people Ramona \\·!1 0 desire divorc·cs com e to li ve fo r six C 1· '[ S Tri o aro in:1 ,,. oon . .. -~·. . . . ong mont hs. _Misses amos

In three wee ks th e p1a .v '' Civilian 11 Far From'' (Orig rn.1 of Mr. Ramos) Cloth{'S', by Thomas Buchana n will be . :Afr. H. Rn mos presc n e y t11Cspcccl1 el"asS:- - Tbere- -UniOn- Uni vers"".i""C . ~ . ~ .. - M'i'-e-x7ie_a_n MarCh arc fo ur teen pe rsons in t he ea st. El Beso (Orig inal of ifr. Ramos)

The story is concerned with th e won - Ramos Orchestra de rful lesson given to snobbish Flo Lnn - La Paloma ...... . .... . Mexican Song ha m, by he r soldie r hu sba nd, Samuel :Misses Ramos .McG inni s, wh om she ma rried in ".Pran{'c and had gi ven up for dead.

Th e mr mbers of the east nf the play will be aunounced nex t week.



Home Ee' s Plan May Day Event

Th e Home Economics Club is plan­ning so mething ent ire ly new in t he year 's progr:1111 of social events. They hav e aln•acly Lcgu11 work on a Garden Party t o he g ivt•n -on th e ev(•ning of ~lay 3. .

Tin• ll omc Ecouomi cs Club is se tting a 1>rcl:t•clent in sponsoring this semi- for ­mal "..\f::tv f c!-l ti val. It will l>c :1 danct) fashio1a:d a f t l' r a gard en party. Th ere will IH· spe1·i t1 I numhcrs and good mu~il·. S iu cc the " llom e El·s " :ire s pon soring t he party, rt•frcs hmcnts of t he best kind \\'ill of <' OllrSl' he ser ved.

Thi s is an event to loo!t forwa rd to. Th e to mmi t tccs, which a re li s t ed IJ c low, ha ve a lrr ad,r fo rrnul:1tcd many of the ir p!:ln s. Puhlit"i ty

l!'c rn }">ugh, chairman Ali ce Falk Th e rese L epin ski ,J ennir N cuso mc

Finan ec Cecil ia Bre ite nste in , <'hairman Lut"ille Schmid t ll c len Hammes El:1ir1 c ~lucll cr

Program I rene S ku t lry, t·hairmnn E stelle Buhl Margue rit{' Enge ls


leaving Ste v e ns Point to represent C c n tr al in th e State .Po r c 11 s i c Cont e st, whil·h takes pla c:e t his W O C k · C 11 cl a t Jllattc vill • State · 'l'e~1c he rs' Coll r gf' .

:M.i ri c ifoll eu will de live r her oration in I.h e Ora ­t orical Co ntest to­morrow CVl' lling. Clnrcncc T c s k c wi.11 speak in th e· Ex t e m po r a -

Clar ence Teske

11cous Contest tomol'l' ow :1ft c rnuo11 . 'l'h c trio who sang dul'ing t tu: assembly hour last Thursday , L e la Butt.gem. J.,,(' 1·11 Pugh, :1ml J.,-,rnul·cs :\11dc r so11, arc going to I>' \· illc to fur -11ish a stunt for the Friday morning program. Alex Peterson will play the J>i:rno accompanim cnt for th e girls and will represe nt Ccntr:d at th e :Fore ns ic L raguc business meeting. · Tonight the delegates from all of 1 he coll eges will be ente rtained b_v t he hV S· tcss college. Tomorrow morning at t e u o 'clock a busin ess meeting of t he Nur· 111:11 }.,orr usic Leagu e- will be called. Each co lleg e is n~prcsc nted ut this meet: ing. All ma t te rs eonnct·tcd with [ntcr· coll egiate forensi cs :ire di scussed and set tled f or th e t·o111 ing y e:ir at thi~ meeting.

At the c lose of the business meeting the t•xtc mpor:111eous spc:tk t• rs will dra w the ir topi cs. A gene ral asst•mhly will f ollow. During this meeting th e s tunts of th e \·~1rious sc hoo ls will be prese nted. A prize will be aw:1rdc(l to t he school wh ose stunt is judged th e Les t.

In t he af te rnoon at t wo o'cloc k the Extcmporau eous Spcaki11g Co ntes t will begin . In th e e vening, t he fi11al event. will take place. Thi ~ is the Or:itori cal Contest, iu whit•h eve ry IL'.t('hcrs' col · lcg e cx t·e pt Milwauk (•c is to he re prt?· sc ntecl. Th e winne rs of th e t·ontes t 1:1 will he :11111 oun ccd as :1 gN111ll cl inm x.

'!'he judges of t he speake rs nrc Pro­f essor 1'.,r:uwk c of l .awrc ntc Uollcgc, l' rofe8so r Roody of Hipon ('ollcgc, ai1d ). f iss ~ c lson , a ss is t.:111 t pro fesso r of s pl'et h at t he Unive rsity of Illinoi s.

Th e title of )la ri c 's Oration is '' Ameri can ldcali sm. 1

' Orv ille Deuel of Eau Claire wi ll speak 011 ' 'Sct uri ty .'' L a Crosse ,h:is entc rcd·-c harl l's----:Jogaw

R Ch _ 1t.T wh ose o ration is enti t led ' 'Our Baro · ogers~ o s e U-J-V.EW- nfctc r or-Trus111 es~. Osli1«:i1i11 !iC ,<h-

1931 Iris Manager .Tohn No vo kofski to speak on "The Th e ,Juniors e lected a new a ssoci:i tc Gaunt Spec tre of Unemploy ment.' ' Cur­

bu sin ess manage r of the Iris nt a sp1•· ti s Hugill of Platevi ll e will de li ver an cial c lass meeting Thursday, March 13. orat io11 011 1 ' Co ll (• ge fo r t he Ave rag e.'' E liz.nbe th Roge rs was chosen to tak e "The P e ril of P ower II iH th e topic of up th e work in th e place of Dou gfos L e Roy Lu bc rg of Rive r l~all s. :\1r. 1·fo. M:1.inl ~1nd1 who lef t school at th e c los(; Gentry of Supe rior will speak 011 of th e f irs t semeste r. ,, Wh ere P ence Abides. ,, E llc 11 Ma rsh a ll

CALENDAR Elizabe th will be busin ess man ager ,

of th C 1931 Iris. She is promin ent in wiII represe nt ,vhitewa tc r with he r ora­Th c results of th e debates held in thr school .ieti vi t ies, and was e lec ted Queen tion, '' 'l'h c P ermanent Court of I.nte r­

Jnte r-Norma l Forensic League of ,vi s- of the Mardi Gras rccC ntly. Sh e is a na t\o nal Justice.' '

Oshkosh And River Falls Tie In Debate

:March 20 - Y. W. C. A. consin, have been compiled. Oshkosh res ident of St evens Point and a juni,,r Th is morniug at e leven o'clock Mario Jn p j;;;d ;;R~i:..:'i;'"irriFr.a:.:11:1 "i.i.'ti:.::e;;-;cl;;;filo~rlif:iriiirs~tiiifp=la:.;eTeli'. ~Li.;a,t--i"n',,tlic1ef"Th!T.igir.l,• Tsfieli10,0;;!1!dllertp!ia,.,rrtmt<r'e1Jnt;.;.,r,mtl!11r-l-a=:· ·~·d=-;:C~la';;ri"'~··;•a-;,w~i:;:llc,;•~to'2p:;,n~t~ P;:.o::,r;t:~1g~c:c;;t;.o_ Ma rch 24 - ~" Cnbba s", pre- rossc O s e ncx ig cs· esc ie · ri speak befo re the 11g I sc 100 s u ens

sen ted by t e Lo . a Club. th ree schools will compete in th r f4nal s. clid year hook. Th e editor-in-chie f , Sa- of that r ity . Prom th e re th ey wi ll con-The rank a ccording to score for the d ie Espcse th , has her sta ff busy and is

Api-il _ l B·22, inc U!Jive - Easter other col1 egea is Superior, E a u Cla ire, expending-ex-t r.a----e-tf.o r-t-to--make--- thie tinu.JL.O.ILt.belL..U.ip to PlattevilJo..... Vacation. Stevens Point, Whitewater, and P latte- y ea r's annual worthy of an AII-Amcri - The student body and faculty send

ille can ratin . · wish f r uc · h


Vol. IV. THE POINTER No. 17.

l'uhli :--hf'd Wcrkly at 'tcvcns Poi n t by the students of the CcntrnJ ,vi scon-:-in State Tc:u·hc r:-: 1 allege. Subscription Price $2.00 per yeur.

1-:nl('r(•d as st'cond-class matte r May 20, ]927, at the post office at Stevens Point, Wi:,:consin, under the Act of :.\larch 3, 1s;9,

THE ST A F F J::diLor ........ ........... F er n Pugh - l'h onc l.30SJ - Offkt.: 1,)84 N t.•w:-: I·: li1or Edith Sansom - Phone 65:? Hcnd \Vritcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kermit Frater. tiport Editor ....... Sa m Bloch Scwiety Editor . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Catherine Novitski ll11111or Edit ,, r .... • . •. . . . .• .•• . • .. . ....•.••.. ..•.... .. Doroth~· J ohnson 1"(•:1tu l l' Editor .... . .. .. . , , . • . . . . . . . ll arold Zimlllt.'r \Vo111f' 11 ':-1 At ldct ic:. . . . • . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . • Ethel Kelley llu~iuc~~ ~1:rnag-cr .....• . .• . .. ....• . .... . .. Richnrd ?\fnrshn.11 - Phone 9G3 W Assistant Mannger . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . · ............. . ... . . Cedric Vig Proof RC'ader:- ... . . . .........•. . . . •. . .... Genevieve Puldn, Dorothy J ohn son HC'portcrs . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . . ~lnrilia noberts, ESther Kuehl Ci rn1latio11 ~lanager ... . . ... . .. . .. John Kolka ;~ss:t. Cirrulntion ~lunager . . . . William Budzinowski I yp1s ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estelle Buhl, Margaret Bell rnnn, Winona Roohr Fnrulty Ad,·i sor . . ... . ..... . . . ...... . ........... Mr . R. M. Rightsell


1\ Li\l()S'I' a.; fal' lnH·k as ,1 11y o 11 e i.'Htl remp111he r . t ht• big- itt·m hPld .F\ r,in•most i11 the .!'d1ttatio11al tlll"l"icnlum is that·oC moral tra ining. \\" 1wn th,• co11stit11tio11 or ll hode lsla11cl 1111d Pl"l)vidence plan tations wc1s adoptt>ll. mo1·al t rnining was rcco::tni zed as OIH' or the I unct ious or tl11· pllbiil" sd, oo l. 1\ lth oltgh t his was perh11ps not the first recog-11 i1 io 11 ol' t hP d<•si1·nhility of mol'a l traini ng i11 thi:,; or other coun tr ies, lt is an exampl<' of offi ial ac tion i11 the pal"t of governmenta l agen­cies almost a rcnlt11·y a:.:o . Prom that time to this, the desil'abi li ty of utilizing- c·tl u<·atio 11 a l ag·l'lll· it•:,,; 1'01· eharacter dr vr lopmr n t has heen 11wotl•d almosl eonti 11uo11sly.

Ifow this t1·ai 11il1J.!' \His to he CH tTi cd 0 11 was the next qu estion. ~0111e C'dtH:Htors s u i.t:.{estcd Olll' subjl•ct Hild another as vehic les for 1 hi- pu1·pos,•. Still oth,•1·s u1dicat<· possibilit.ies or us ing all school s11hjr1·ts. H o\\" mu.-h has actua lly been done in a measure, remains a qu1•stio11 . \\"l ' rPad of ,·a ,·ious subj ec:t:-: as an aid to characte r train­inµ-. or ,·ou1·se, \\" hen the dcsirnb ility of sueh a tra inin g had once att1·;11"ted pop11la 1· at t1• 11tion , magazim•s. papers ;111d books added f uel to thr J"h1m,,,. l'uhli1-at io11s and ogranizations offered l'C Wal'd · fo r cl,-,·f'iopment of t·ri-tain ,·irtnes. Such :.:roups as the Boy Scouts, C11mp l•'i1·e c:il"is, l:i1·l Scn 11 ts and the C:irl Rese r\"es \\"1' re· tol'mcd and S!'I up sta 11cla1"cls t"alciTiHted to ca n y on thi s g 1·eat pl an or character train i11 g.

Do th!' p1·Ps<· 111 att<•mpts differ in quality or in effect fro m the ,.a,.Jy ones '! Will talking about the virtues insure the d evelopment of a vi1·tuous generat ion ? There is no question that th e moral code of today is being subject ed to great stress and stra in . Instead of at­tempt in l,( to "sell " th e wellworn idea to the rising generation by talking-, why not dev ise a means of bringing youth fac t to face with soniC'th ing- spctii"it and dynamic? Con tin u a l '' harping'' has certain­ly ,:-in•n 1111 c ,·id!•nce of imm rd int1· or sta rtling results.

" A !"o ll cg-c education can be made a life-long experience, rather than a preoccup,ition for four sho,t yea rs. " - Edward L . Thorndike.

" The a verngc young person today looks ttpon its parents as a pair of we ll -meanin g and usually capabl e and dependable servants ,·01wrnir ntly fu rni shed by t houghtful nature. " - Nevall Bert.

· ' Taking a Ph. 0. is like taking- a co ld shower - good if you can s tand it. "-Dr. Harry E merson Fosdick.

" J\ utho1·s ,11·,, as corn mon as blackbetTies, usua lly more day and scidom as nuti·itious . "-William Lyn Phelp.

"ltet1·ss is to school boys and school gir ls, what golf is to the tirPd bu_.'.".iinPss man.~~

" '1'111· r<'al lcaclwr i, 011c who ki11cll es a fire in the chi ld 's mind as one c-andlt· li)!hts another, wh o stimulates what is in the youth and helps him in his normal µ-rnwth. "-Frank E. Crane.

" l t is a lit t i,• aston ishing that it should be so much safe r at the present day to kill a man with a moto1· car than any other instru­m,:nt. "-Rober t Lynd.

"There is no sound argum ent , profess iona l or educational in fa­vor O payrng men eac 1ers ,g er sa aries tnan women--:-Men are not better teachers; they do not render ' more valuable service; even if

~ have -more dependents, ,hat-is not a sound argument for paying hii;:her salaries.-Dr . James McGaughy.

?HUMOR\! ~ MORE O R LESS ( \!!,\=" h=,.=,.=.=, =p=a=i ,.=Iu=l=D=~=,~=I B=l~=l'=.1=~=re= u=p=tt=,r=n=e=d ~


,Jokes of tc:11·hcrs all rc111inds Ul'f We tan makl! Our grades sulJlimc, By l;ur::itin~ forth in joyou8 laughter, :\ t t he designated time.

Aviator (~eP iug ('loud:-. ot' s moke) '· ::iav what do ruu mean li y droppin~ :1

bOmiJ like t hnt' I • Fair Passeugcr - "I hcg your pill' ·

don t h flt was my \'anity case. ' '

~luh1111y (:,t:1yi 11 g his prayers l'tCC· ing hi s first football game ) '' And dear L ord , hlt"ss :\f:1111111a an d Papa. U Rah , Jlnh."

If t hat philosophy whieh says t ha t a thing ex is t s only in a perso n 's mind is true, how i11 a11y of us would li ke to change our minds when we uet our quizz papers back!

'l'iny - '' Wh y do you a lways look at the si<lc,\.·alk w he n you wnlk7 ' '

Bob K. - " 'J'o sec if my feet arc sti ll iu fro nt of me.''

_.\fy gi rl's fat her is an underta ker. lie bus in ve nted a n nutomobilo hearse.

l•'olks arc just dy ing to ride in it .

'' \Vho was the first on e t hat ca m(' from t he ark when it land cll ! ''

"Noah' '. "You arc w rong. Don't the bi ble sa y

t hat Noah ca me forth . The n t here mul:lt have been t hree a hea d of him.''

Ma rie M. (af te r Sunday School) '' Mother, was ?.fetliusnlah the man who saicl ''Never say die!f ''

"Did I e~r te ll what a f right 1 got my wedding day f "

'' Tut, Tut, man; you should not. spea k that way of you r wife. 1 '

Mr. Sm ith: '' Di e k, what wa:,1 t he sto ne agcl"

Dick: '' That was the pe riod when :1 man axed n woman to marry him.' '

A patient teache r was trying to teach u sma 11 boy to read with ex pression.

11 \Vhe rc - :ire - you - going'l'' read J oh nny laboriously a nd with no acec nt whatever.

''Try t hat aga iri, 11 s:.1 id t he teacher. "Rend ns if you were ta lki ng and notice that ma rk at the end."

J ohnny stud ied t he in ter rogation mark a mom ent :tnd an idea seemed to dawn upon him. H e read tr ium phantly,

"Where arc you going little b ut_ton hook'" - - -

.John : - ''Arc you in favo r of clubs fo r women,' 1

.Jim: '' Ab8olutcly,· if kindn ess has no effect.''

First Youth: "I asked her if I could see her home."

Seco nd. Yout h : " And wh at did sh<. say! 11

},irst Youth : " Said she would se nd me a picture of it."

Bill : How do you play hooky from a co rrespondence school f

10 you r ow n, With no nn c to go:-1:-1ip ahont it, Du you pr:1y fur t•11dura11cc LO let t horn

a lone? W,:11, 111ayhl· you du - hut l doubt it.

Whi•u a :-hy l ittle hand you ' ro pc r­mi ttt·d 11.1 se ize,

\\" ith :1 ,·l' IVl'ly soft nc~s about it, l>o you think ~·o u ean drop it w it h

lll',·cr n s<1necze'f \\"1•11 , 111ayh(• yon do - h ut I <l oub t it.

\\"ht>n :.1 l ap~ring' w;1ist is in rcaf'l1 of you r :1 r111 ,

\\·i1h a wo11d1•rful p lt1 11q111C'~8 about it, D11 y ou a r~uc t he poi11t I\Vixl the right

::nd !he, Wl'Ullj:(J

\\" ,,IJ, 111:t yhl· you dn - hut 1 dnuh t it.

Aud ii' hy ! Ill's (• t1i(· l,:-: you shuu l<l co.p · l ure a ht..•:1rt,

\\"ith a \\'0111a11ly soft 11 e:;:,:i about it, Will y ou keep it a1Hl g11a 1·tl it and ac t

th e goou purt 1 \\"L•ll, ma y hl· y ou w ill - hut I doubt it.

- Anonymous.

) Ir. J:ightsell reports u party l< old ):1st WC('k hy t h,• Grippe Hugs, nnd whic·h ho atlcnt!cd a:-1 gues t of honor. ( W e i111:q~i11 c a i::rcat time wns ha d by ni l ).

S COTCH 1:l t1\'C you he:ird of the ~chut~h fam­

i l.v, all of whose members wea r t he othe rs cloth es to save their own! . Smith lecturing to n class of bored stude nts.

.Joun O\\'en: (Passc8 doo r si nging) '' How d ry I am . "

IF SUMMER COMES ,vi t h welcome speed the duys fl i t

• past 'l'hrough a ut m1111, w in ter, spring -

at lust. We hC!l\'C one lon g und t hankful sigh

To think thut as the dny!-1 go by-T 'w ill ~0011 be summer. Our cares a rc many, our joys arc--too

liut we 111ust bravely strugglo through Wi th but a f leeting dream of things

T hat su mmer ne ver fa ils to bring-Oh ha ppy summer! \ Ve some tim es think we 'ro ove r­

workc<l And have n t en dency to shirk,

So here's u warnin g - oh so t rue. Bc wurc spring fever, it's o.fter you

Sa \ "C it for summer. Sumc tln•rc urc who trend the campus ·

lau es Lovcr:-1 i11 hli :-.sful ha ppiness,

Who wish that spring would not g ive way

'l'u :-1u 111111er and the ir parting day But me for summe r.

How 111a11y more of us who w ish \ \'ho leave ou r loves behind-for this

I I' sp riu g mus t come before to find 1 · s wo r thy or a rest of mind,

J.cuvu not behind tho summer. Win on a Roohr .

l,i ttlc Boy (ht •chool): Tho people o · ~cw._Yock ar.c._notctl-fo r- thoir stupi dity.

'l'cnc hc r': Wh e re did you get t hat in ­fornwtio n !

Coy: l•'rom the hook , mi s8. It sayA tile populati on of New York is ve ry dense'.

Said Smith to Jones: 11 I ha d a cousin w ho was a won derful nr tist . Il e paint· ed n winter sce ne so real t ha t one day a cow came along un d f roze to death looking at it. ''

"That 's nil right, " said J ones, ''but my brother phintcd n picture of father, so natural that we have to ahavc him t hree times n week. 1 '

T orn: em~nn empty e n velot>•,,-, .. t----~=======:----:-----

Tencher : Johnny, why is Ireland the richest country in the worldt

J ohnny: Because its capital iB always Dublin.

A fellow from far TippCrary, Ti ad n f ace that was tcrribl hai r 0 m,day--on- n- bet H e won a Gi llet te And ·now he's ns s lick as a fairy.



Irish Revelry Goes Over With A Bang

Last Saturday e ve ning t he Irish had their annual evening of revelry. n.ural Li ft.? Ulub h:1s scored a nothe r succe'i:-l t hrough its 'a in t Patrick's clau ce.

'rhC' p:1rty took p lace in th e gy nrna­s ium of the ne w traiuiug st.'11001. ' l'h c da11c i11g la•gan at e igh t o 'c lo('k and eo n· ti11uNI unt i l half pas t (' le veu. Ray J:i ­c·o lis' o rd1C'stra furnished th e music.

'1'h t.· gym1i:1 s ium wa s deco ra ted i n true Tr ish f:isliion. A cc,i ling of whi te str.!:1 -mcrs was suspended. .Prom it hu1: g grc1•11 shamrol'kS. Ahou t t he sides of the room \\'C' rc festoons of green ancl wh it,:.

Pearl Merrill Ill At Hospital

Students of C. S. T. C. were shocked lo hear of the sudden illness of Pearl )l errill a }, rcshman e nrolled in th e Pri-111:ir~· course . .:\Tiss .Morrill i s gainin g slowl y ufte r n cr itical appendici ti!-1 ope ration nt St. ~lichael 's Hospital. The ~tudcnt body C'xtends its best wishC's fo r a speedy recovery .

Pledges Of.Ashmun Club Offer Storie1,

[!;J NELSON HI\LL Nons _Q En·r~· ~umlay 11i g- ht the dorm itory

r('so1111tl s with w:iil:-1 or, 11 l wa s goin~ to do so much!'' and 11 Not a thing tlo11 c for to1norrow y et ! 11

1 "Oh, l for ­gut that he to ld us t o do that!" '!'hi s wee k e nd i t was C Vl'll worse, fo r t in• w1•ather dre w c vc r \'011c outside and lef t :i lo11 gc r 1 i1 nc fu r a scsr,; io 11 wi t h 111i t111 ight oil. .

The usual '' out rush" of girls going home loft the dorm tnblcs qui te vacant.

~lis.s P ea rce who i:,1 a. representative of ·rh c Cla ssroom Teache r, interviewed the graduates. She met a .number of thc 111 in he r 11 tempo rary headquar­ters'' in room :!16 whore she explain ed th e book in detail.

i 1 rs. Hurte r, an alumna of Knox C~l­legc, gave a very c njoy al>lc talk before the Y. \V. C. A. on Thursday even ing.

~Ir. Cornei l ~spcscth was the guest n f hi :, s iste r Sudie. He'Ypcnt two day s he re.

l>uc of th o seco nd floor corridors has f"oun<l ucc<l for a bulle tin board to acl· \"Crti~c Jost or rni s laid artic les. Until now t he clothes chu te <loor has been u :,;:\fc place for their adve rti sing mate-1 ial. i\ lyst,eriou s disappearances of each :,;ign that they post have recently forned them to doubt its safety. Night wa .. tehcs and detectives have failed to locate the culp ri t .

Sad ie J•;spesc th went to Coloma ,i~ri­t.lay. She 111ade a pe rsonal application fo r a. po~i l ion a s a junio r hig h school teacher in Colo ma.

'' Gerry' ' S inkular, one of last year's gi rl s , who is teaching in Mosinee '' looked in " on us for a few hours S 111u.l ay even ing. She snid she came ' ' j ust to borrow a. book''. We w cro glad that some t hing drew her back, a ny way.

" Wh ere we re you whe n tho lights went ou tf'' '!'his i::1 the natural query on 1\l ouclny morning. Tho electric s torm and its i nterfe rence with the iigh ts caused a mil d panic Sunday e vening. (Notice the ''mi ld''. Nel· so n Hall g irls arc not found among the dtic ke n h earted .)




t-io loi~t Pian i~t Select io.11 s .

. ............ President Ba ldwi11 . . .. ..... . .... Irene Hi te Thompson

Stevens P oin t IIig-h School Hand. Admission 25c.





THE SPORT SHOP Equip n11.:11t For

A ll Sports



Easily Accessible Expense Relatively Low

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i\fr. Lindesmith · ·wu.s the sponsor of th e "March meet ing of t he :M:ug:i.rct A~h111un Club. At this mee ting, the three plcdge!-1. read t hei r stories. The~o Rtories we re written us pnrt of thei r initiation into tho o rgani zation. Bur· to n H ot vedt read his s tory of a frigh t­e ned young man who in a moonstruc k mo111C"nt p roposed to the girl of his heart. The s tory s t a rted hopefully but encl t•d tragically; for the h e ro lost his courngC' and disappeared from town. Ced ric Vig w rote a humorous story -11 A Brilliant Jdea' ' , in which he told the adve ntu re~ of u. redheaded youth who~e idea~ rivalled his hai r i n b r il· Ji :rncc. ~I rs. E li zabeth Clapp 's story wa~ th e heart-gripping ta le of a dos· olatc, lonesome woman ·whose hear t was burdened with fea r.

A we lcomed suggesti on bas been made thnt t.hc dish wipers organize a permanent glee club. Names would not be d ifficult to find. In fact, "The K itchen Qunrte tte' ', or "'fho W arb­linfl' \Vipers" sound very well. Chang­es in th e repetoirc of the musically in· . cli ned workers have been noted and appreciated. Bravo ! 'l'hrec cheers for t he HSiuk Serenade rs".


An Influence As Well As a School Credits Accepted At AU Universities Degree Courses For All Teachers

Special Training For

A review of u recent book was given hy Mr. L indcs.mith. 'rh o book rev iewed was '' Midd le town '' in which inte rest­ing statistics al.tou t th e ave rnge A.me_n · ca n town we re give n. It arouses rn i ts rea der a ce rtain scC'pticism a s to the ck· gree c,f our American . cult~rc. ~ir. Lindesmith gave th e marn po1u ts of t he Look nn d prese nted some of th<' moH outsta nding characte ri s tics.

'I'he i\I a rguret A ~hmun Club pliins to sponsor a puppet sh ow which will be J!i\" t• n \·cry soon . ..

-------~ Beautiful Flolfers

Given In Memoriam Students hnve no doubt noticed the

basket of f lowe rs which stood in front of th e libra ry below th e me moriu m tnblet. Th ey we re placed there in m':· mory of Rex Charles B eckle r by ln'i mother. :Mrs. Heckler places a similar basket th ere every year on the seven­teenth of March, the birthday of her

~larguret and Edward Baldwin lu nched at the H a ll .Monday noon. Now we know how they get thei r rosy t h eeks.

Neve r befo re has ca nd y been refu s­ed but-Lent hns d ri ven °the conscien· t i~us to fo rego Rweets ; and visits to the pie shop hav e d ecreased ve ry s lightly. Th e habit of nmc nding Le nton r esolu-

Smart Collegians Get Their Hair Cut At The


tions is co nnnon to many. Coals, Furs, Dresses , '' Y cs, 1 hut.! a chance to apply, did

you f" Appl ication letters and person- Millinery, Hosiery a l appli cati ons arc qu i te in vogue and and I t he subject of much conversation. · Accessories

Uaske tbull claim ed ve ry few casual- _ ---- 1-· tics.. this. yean. "Lillian Kopecky Rpra-in-p·d he r ""''• but her recovery was rapid, 452 Main Street .inti she iR ready to play something else I now . i=================i "1 rs. Le:,lie Bennett, nee Jeanette I !F~~;:~It~~;::·~~:r~::::~tt·~:J:{J:; Goo K c1 u o Io house" in \Visconsin Rapids. t}

Basketball en th usinsts fou nd plenty to de light them at t he high school tourna ment. A good share of the c rowd wus made up of Nelson Hall girls n·ho ''yelled'' themselves hoarse.

so~oung Beckle r had just begun Id s Too bad that \Va utoma couldn't get unio r year of the high school cour8-c the _t rophy, th~ugh. . .

(Two Frc8hme n girls ta lking in ha ll ) "Yes she is quite pretty but he r features nrc awful coarse. ''

tcre whe n he left school to O overseas. . M!ss J oseehrne Labram v1s1ted H e die 10 service at t e nge o twenty - --Xfau1son ove r the. week-end. She was three on October 29, 1918. . t h e_ guest of he r _siste r.

The two sisters of the ,1oung man, \Vord was recc1ycd by R.uth Rosa lacb ~ l and Bessie B eek fe r, a lso attended that her mother 1s suffcnn' f:m an

C t 1 State Their home is in Gran · abcess. Mrs. Rosalach 1s the toe;, ;isconsi~. Marshfield hospi.tal.

- v-o-tJ-T AX I



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Coaches Victorious In B . B. Tournament

Th e basket ba ll season is o ,·c r, final scores ha ve been made a nd the winn e rs have co me in for the share of praise' and credit.

Last week the gi rl s I tournamcut gam es we re played off :tnd a s a result Vcrua S tucrling's "Reds" and H.u t h Mc ifo rt's ''Gree ns'' bn\\·c tl to th l· strong Kelley Coat.: hcs. Jn tho firs!. game, 'l'ucsclay nigh t t he greens put u p a strong figltt aud held the coaches to a 23 -18 SL·orc. On \V cd ucsday night with t he fin:11 whist le of th e Reds-Coaches game the sco re was 16-8 in favor of the Co::ich cs.

Thu rsday nigh t the ' ' Reels ' ' sprang a surprisl' and defeated th o "Greens " 12-H in the c· loscst game of th e tour11a­m cnt.

Au d as .the old saying goes ' ' to th e victor belong the spoils'', so now if ru· 111ors hold true the champions wi ll come in for their share at the ann ual Baske t Uall sprC'acl :it t he C'X pc usc of the losing teams.

Reds : ,. c rna Smcrling, Capt. Anita Dalton 1;;ndn1 Davies .Ade lin e .Bellman Lillian Kopecky E sthe r Hawkes . · a ta lie Gorski Irene Twctan

ti rC'cns : Huth Meifcrt, Capt. .Jc:111 Skiuner l sohel Sanderson :Margaret Bellman Do rothy McLain Anu B~ird · The rese L e pinski

Coaches : K elley, Capt. Sorenson ,Joseph Pu Ida Roberts )lc\Vi1liams J cselum Johnson .

Loyola Club To Give P,lay - ''Cabbages''

The Loyola Club is sponso ring a pl:Ly to · be presented Monday evening, :\I areh ~4.

' 'Cablmg:es ' 1 is a rollicking one-act play. It will be given before the Cath· u li <" Wom en's Club and perhaps will b e also presen te d in the college audito r · ium . Lt is a play calcu lated to spli t one':,,; gidcs with laughter. The German Farml'r ·s be"wi ldc rment as to bow cah· bagc can becou1c a rose overnight i s Ulltll~ing.

Th e <· ast in cludes : )fr~. \Vilh e lmina Grossrneicr ........ .

. . . . . . . . . . . . :Ma rgaret Rondeau Gus, he r husband . . . Em ery Fritsch Tildy, their daught er J\furilla Roberts ElizabC'th, a maid . . . B ess ie \ Vilson :\lrs. Lena Fischer, an old fri end

.................. Estell e Buh l xlr . .J C' nk s, a reporte r .. Edward J oosten )1r. Markl e, from Chicago ......... . •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karl Kitowski

Dick-MarshalLDoes­Substitute Teaching

Richard )lars hall has returrH!d fr om Hib Lake whe re he did substi sut f' t each· ing fo r the pu st week in th e high 8l.:hool th e re.

Evidently, 1lr. Ma rshall's effo r ts we re highly successful fo r he has brought back glowing accounts of th e advantages of t he teaching profession.


Library Retefil~s A'" New Order Of Books

.\ mong th e ma11y int e r(•s ting b ook s rc•t·e11 1h· rc1: c ivcd bv · th e Jibran· nre !110 :0:L· fro111 the Yal C Fniver:-:ity ·Press A:-::-:ol.'ia I ion. Tlw:-:e a rt• of s pccinl \':tluc and in t.t• res t.

I. 'j A nt icn t Paint iug f' ro 111 Enr l i('St Ti111t•:-: to th e .Pe riod of Chri s tian .Art '' - :\l.iry ~windi e r, illu:-trated .

., :\ hook u f E:-:-::iy:,; Offered t o H e r­lwrt Putman in ll o uor uf hi s 'l'hi rt it' th An11i,·c r:-:ir,\· a s l. ihntrian of Cuugre:-s .

:t j/S1: i<111 cc a11cl PC' r:-:011ality " ·­W illiam .Brown.

-L '' E,·u luti o11 of th<' Ear t li and )Ian'' ·- ed ited b,\· George A. Ba it .sell.

5. " Bri t i:-h Op ini on and the Amcri · <: an JlC',·o lu t ion' ' - Dora Mac Clark.

ti . '' A Hi :-tory of Russia '' - Ycrna· da:-kv .

i. l, A Snn·t>} o f 1-'ureign Relations'' JHt" parcd under d i rec tion of Charles !-iowla nd.

S. "The Evolu t ion of " ' ar' '-Dnvis. fl. ' ' Th e l111111 ediatc Orig in of th e

\Va r' ' - :!8th .lune - 4th August lfll-1, Pi C' rrc Hcnouvin .

10. ''ln('Onti\'t· · tu Study' '-a Slt1' ·

vcy ,,r ~tudl'11t opinion-A. B. C raw­fonl.

Weronke' s Team Is Given Second Place

_\J any colleg e stud ents were ve ry mm·h inte rested in the basketbal l tou r n:1mcnt which took pl:1ce in th e Stevens Point High School last week. ·on e of th e teams in whi ch they were cspec~ ially intf' rested was t he \V:,utom:1 t eam , whi ch wa s nosed ou t of first pla ce by Wi sco nsin Rapids.

Th e Wautoma tea m was c~oa l.." hecl by ' 1 Benny 11 \Ve ronke, who wm1 n lD!!'.!J grad ua te of Ce nt ral State . 1-1 <' wns c:ip­tain of th e fo otball t eam here last yea r, and a star on the baske tball t eam . His fri ends congratulate him on coaching t he 'Wau toma team so successfully.


T he De Molay formal w ill be g iven on ) larch ~:! at The Stout Institute. 'l'his is t.he biggest affair of t he year and the plans arc now compl ete.

:\larquette - Marquette university has entered the 1930 National Inter· collegiate Oratorica l contest with 150 other colleg es and uni,· e rs i ties, on the U ni ted States constitution .

~:au Claire - Th e p1ay 11 Captain A ppl cjac.;k 1

' ha s bee n selected for the !-le nior class play a nd will be presented Apri l JO a nd Jl.

Ca rro ll - A ' 'World's }'air" will b e given Satuljlay night, 'March 22. It promises to be a live ly all college party.

Ripo n - Eve rything is in readin ess for th e departure of the R.ipon College Glee club fo r th e annual spring tour whi ch will be he ld b e tween ~:far. 19 an<l t he au nual home conce rt on April 8.

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