THE POINTERthe uniform at the eastern city diamoud to tu~sle with the Swede.!}. It oughta be...

THE POINTER Se r ies I II. Vo l. II. No. 23 . TEAM TRAVELS TO SCANDINAVIA FOR PRACTICE FRIDAY Scrimmag·es Help 1_.,iash i ng an enrly arrny of tal ent, Point Teachers' College will hav e a fit representative base-bnll team if pr es· c nt i11dicnt io11 s hn,·e any s ignifi cance. Car l .tggcbrccht is working his squad from three to ~ix eve ry day t hri.t th e w c!1t h cr . mun is · willing, giving hi s clw rgcs infield, outfield, a nd. batting drill. A number of short scrimmages hav e been held to date, mos tl y giving th e pi tc hers a wor k out. Mound And Mitt '!'here sce111s to be no :.Hided gray hair s on th e coach 's c ranium from lookin g for hurlers nnd r ece iv ers, hi s main difficu l ty bei ng to pi ck the start- ers. Frank \Vicrcnzcnski is ::ihowing bi s olll ~peed 0 11 the mo und in a cred ible fa~hi o n. · 1 . Ja ck Hezat'to, of the wond erf ul tenor voice, als o looks good in a pit ch er's · lrm, and he is. 'hrimp Roma n, Inst but not lenst, co m c tes the pitc hing staff to dat e, being · hurl er of rcnoun from part s north qf here. },'our mask men hav e tried th e ir mitts behin1.I home plate, a11 be in g seaso ned players, au:,;we rin g .. to th e tit le~ of H. P. Paukert, Har old Baruth, Palmer Buduhl, and Emery Frit ch. Obvio usly there is li t tl e to worry ab out in t hi:,; dh·isio n of the camp. Sackers Numerous Iuficldc r~ and · outfielde rs arc a ln.i ost as μleut iful, there be in g two men at · least for c,·e ry bert h. \-Vhitc a nd Spruguc arc doing thei r st uf f on the first :,; a ck. )l cDonald , Marsh , R, omnn, a nd C11st11cr ar e the second baggers, leaving .Baillargeon auU \Vhi te at t hir d. Que ntin Ferm and Lintn er nro s toppiug at short stop. The bovs who roam the outsk ir ts in- clude ChCsrown, Cha rleswo rth, \Veron - ke, Flowe rs, · Marshall, Fl olid und Grob. Some Suits Out Ab out hal f of the new suits huv e b een hand ed out as Eggebrecht wants to get a good line on bi s players before 111akiug them r egulars. 'l'he outfits arc grey and black, co lor scheme ns follows : bla ck cap, grey sweat shirt with POINTER in black letters across the front nnd n big number in back; grey, hlnek str iped pant s, grey and black stoc kings and pat e nt leath er sp iked dancing shoes furnished ·by tho individu al. Scalp Scandinavia Tomorrow P. )f. Th e Point e rs don the uniform at the eastern city d iamo ud to tu ~s le with the Swede.!}. It oughta be interesting to sec how the )orals r eact under fire fo r th e first time toge ther. A r et urn gume will be played at the Point somet im e n ext w~ek and cvery- hody out. Coach Eggebrecht sti ll is in the mark et for games, and is working his typewriter overtime in an eff ort to - line up some thing worth whil e. .\f ea nwhil e C\•erybody's getting up :Jtea 111 for Scand inavi a Coll ege. Le t's Go! Prof. Percival To Judge l\.Ir . Per('ival goes to Mi chigrf n t hi tt evening wh (• rc he will act as one of t he ·udgC11-in--the- High- School-St"te . fooi c- 'ont l!'"""1nrti a111azO'i to- morrow and Sat urday. Stevens Poi nt , Wis .. J\1ay 3, 192S Price 7 ce nt s Preps To Vie In Forensic Ev nts Th e annual High Sehool E cnsie ro nt est, of this district will be he ld in the Co ll ege auditor ium, Friday , )fa y 4-th. ~inc leagu es arc represented in this ('ontest, three or four schools in eac h J engue . . Th ere nr e fo ur <'vents in th e eo nt est: extemporaneous speaking, cxtempoTn- ncous r ead ing, girl's d cic lama tory, n1ul boy's orato ry. Th e exte mp oraneous speaking and r ea ding c·ont cs t will Uc held Frida y afternoon. )Li ss Hussey will a ct as judge. Th e following schools arc e ntered: Orato ry: , vcstfie ld, loin, Ath ens, )_ l nr~hf ie lcl, Manaw11 , Pi ttsvi lle, Plainfielcl, Westboro, Wau s:rn : D~- c·lamatory : : Montello, Iola, M: rnawa, )farshfie lcl, )l os inee, Nekoosa , Plain - fi e lcl ; Tripoli, Antigo; Exti.. -r.uporancous Spenking: \Vnupa cn, · )[nrs hfi r ld, Athens, Mo11t cllo 1 Wautoma, Antig o, ~ckoosa , 'Phillips; Ext c mpornn eoui R eacl ivg: Wcya wega, :\Iars hfi c ld, Ed- gar, Pri ends hip , );ck oosa, Plninf ir ld , Antigo, Phillips. The o rati ons and clet.· lamati ons, which will ht. gi,·c n in the c,·e ning, will he jtulged by Professor CampJ>ell, hcn rl of the Spceeh De partm ent of Oshk osh T eac hers' Co llcgt •. Professor Briclg-e· man , clirel'tor of Porcnsics, Enu Clair e T eache rs' Co llege , and }.fr. Rel lahan of this coll ege. Th e .Y. W. C . .A. will be in ehar ge of the orga niza t ion a nd th e social aspr ct of the co ut cs t. SPRING CALENDAR )Jay 11th - B:.ise ball Dant.·c )[ay 17th - "Tweet li es" Puh- l i t." Spc:.1ki11g Class :M:1y 18t h 'frnining Sc hool Operetta .\la y 19th - Int ersc holasti c, Tra ck )!Pct nnd Dance )l:1y 22nd - Th e Thirt ee nth Chair" Public Spraki ng Cla ss )Ca y 24th - Hural . Dcpartmcnt play _ Schoolmasters Hear Talk By Dr. Reevis 011 , vcdncsd:1y, April 25, Dr. R cc vis 1 of the Univl'rsity of Chic•:1go, was a spea ker at a mee ting of the Schoo l- masters ' Club, held in _ the Te ac hers ' Co ll ege Auditorium . His ge neral topi c was: " Th e ); ewer 'r e<' hniqu es in Edu- cat ion''. At four o ' e lol' k the sc hoolmast e rs assc mlJl cd for a round tabl e discussion whil·h was very st imul ating. Superin- lcnd t.• nt Jonc•s of Plaiuficld, wa s clcct- et.l pn•.s idc 11t of th e elub. He ga,· e an inte resting re port of a study whi ch he hus nrncl c in rl•gnrcl to the n ewer tcchni- qu r, in high schools. At six O 'do c.·k th e Juni ors of th e ll omc Economics Department gave a 1Ja11quet in tlif' Home Economics Suite. Superintendent Pa ul 'M. Vin ('cnt. of Steve ns Point , spoke on '' Character Edu ation in ,vi sconsin Sd,oo ls" at the eve 11i11g meeting. Doc tor Robe rt Dodge Baldwin spoke on "The Use of Schoo l Publicity." Dr. Uct'vis gave a Vt' ry pr:wtit:al tul ~ on "Pup il Adjustment'". As he ha 8 mad e a profound st udy of thi s for sc ,·e rnl yea rs, he was able to give some int er es ting inform at ion. 'l'h c supc rinteudcnt!I appreeiutcd this rn ee tiug very much and proposed tha t they- ml:'et- t h· rec- or foUT -unr _ each fC:lr-;-tns ca of annually, as ha s hccn th o (' Ustom. Joswick Is Awarded Second Place By Judges' Decision Musicians Compete In Festival Events :\lore th:111 ,one hundrCa High Sl·hool st u de nts from nine schoo ls competed in thr Fourth All Wiseo nsih Hi gh School l\lusi e F est ival Pr e liminary h eld hcr f! la st Prida y. 'l'hc sthoo ls we r e clivicl cd into three classes, C fo r those having an enroll· m<'nt of 29f) or less, B fr om 300-499, nn•I A of 500 or mor e. In c ln ss C orl'hcstrns, ){osh1ce won 1:-;t nnd Nokoosa 2nd. Wausau in lass A won withou t com petition. In l'hl8S C instru me ntal Dm•t, .\l os i11 e won bt ancl KiliJourn 2nrl. Th e hniss scxtet te fr om St eve ns Puiut had 110 co mpe titi on. '.!'In• · r lass C Girl s' Glee cluh from \'l os i11 ee won 1st and Iola 2ud. 'l'he mi xed c·horus fro m Iola had 110 (•o m1 ion. 'l'hc ,·lass .>l: 0 Girl s' Gl ee Club of Ste· vc·u~ Point had no compet ition for the \V:rn sau Club had more me mbe rs than th e limit ed number of twenty four . Th ev hatl not de Hi recl to de creas e their menlbe rship. .-\ Gir ls' tri o from Stevens Point nnd Boys' <1u:1rlt.•t from Ioln h ad no com- pe tition. Th e piano so lo con cC> rt, open . to all classes, w:1s won b,v )fargar et Chris ke of Stcn. ~ns Poin t ~ llld Viv crn Clccves of I ola pl:iccd seco nd, ](ath ryn O 'Keefe of Fri r nd s hip third, 'l'hc sPICt.'tion used w:1s "Ro111lo Ca pri ecioso'' hy :Me n - delsso hn . \Vis1: 011si11 Ha pills di<l nut c ut er in the compl'f. iti on for I.heir cla ss play was given th e same we ek. Howeve r they se nt <' ight cc n boys :rnil g irls fo r the cn• uing- ,·oncert gin?n by the co mbin ed on·hC's~r:lf:1 :rn cl ch or uses. i1r . Oordo11 from th e Uni versity of , visco 11 s i11 t1drd as j uclgc. He madt "' it :i point to nu•ntiou th e fi11c work whi ch 1J'r. P t•rei\" al had clo ne i11 t he music fie ld. Hear Myrna Sharlow Concert At College U 111J C'r the :iuspi ces of' the Tenchers Co ll ege .-\ rti st Co ur se, the st ud ents of Central Co ll ege an<l people of Stevens Point were fortunate enough t.o hc:1r ::\lyrna S h:1rl ow, well known Ame rican so pr:1110. ).Li ss Sharlow sang Tu esday < ·,·c uing , 1Iny 1st in th e Coll ege audi to- rium. · fn 1914 ·Mi ss Sharlow first gain ed th -.! uoti,·e of ('riti cs when she sunessf ulh· su!Jstitutcd for ~l e lba in th e role of )linli in "La Boh eme ". Si n ct• th e time of her engagement with th e ('hi- (·ago Oper:.t Co mpany i11 191: j, )liss Slwrlow ha s lwd a t·u11sta nt rist.". Xot only hns she been aec•h1im ed i11 opt•r:i · tirolc• s, hut Jikt•\\'isc iu hc•r to nee rt work. Gl eason Wins Extemp · · Th e 33 rcl A1111 ua l I n ter - State Ora - t.oric·n l :rnd Extcmporn neo us Co nt es t came to a su ccessf ul close l"'ri,Iay eve n- ing, April 27th. 'J'h c aft ernoon was given O\' er to the Exte mporan eous cont est. }.Ir. Donald Gl e ason of Oshkos h, ,vi s<·o nsiu, was a- warded firs t p la ce and the first priz e of fifty do ll ars. Hi s topi c w:1 s H'l'h c l'nitcd St:1tes an<l the Pa 11 American 1 ·11 ion ' '. !ir. Glea son wa s c ommended fo r hi ::1 f lu e ncy . In ,le livc ri .ng his ta lk, th(• winning speaker dist•ussed th e re- lati ons hip be tween Amrr ica nnd the Pan Amcri <"n n U11 ion in three phascR. Hl• dwe lt for some time upon tho . hi story of t he org:111izatio11. He then ce nt e red upon th e work of the uui on, :111 '1 t hird, J1 e th l' result of thtl actio11 of U1 c Pan Amcrir nu U11ion u po1!__ humanity. r rhc <l ce isio 11 ple:1sct.1 the :111,lir11c·(• to n great extt• nt sim·c it gnvc \\"i :-.l·o11s in th e v ictory . 'l'h t. • second pince wtHI nwnrlled to :.\! orris Bl:1ir of th e So uthwes tern State Tr:1 t· hers' Co ll ege nt Springfiel<l 1 )fis- ~ouri, wh o talked on the "P:111:~mfl Cana l". He was nwarclcd the seco nd pr ize ~f tweuty-fi,·c dollar s. Illinois Wins In Oratory T he orntorit.'n l wi nn er w:1s Christia n 1'~. Harpster of Old Norma l, Jl linois. l·I is. oral ion wns '' A mer i1·a 's Sieve of Ju st ic·c' '. Sc<·onrl pl:tl'C' w:1s won hy Prr111k Jo s, ic. k of 'c ntral Co ll ege. 1'he tlC'l·isio'h did not c n•ate the furor in the auditorium whi ch the af te rn oo n t.l e- < ·1s 1on su<'cee1 lcd in · (' reating. 'rho following- :1 rc the pcrc<'11b1gcs of t.h u jtulgcs whi h were usNI to hr c: 1k the tic lll' twec11 lllinnis :rncf \ Vi s<·o11sin wh ich r es ult ed fro111 the first , ·otc of th e ju dges. ,Tosw i,·k - 00 % ; 8 %; 8:i% II :11·11stC'r - H3 %; 87% ; 89'7' 0 Th e summing up gt1ve Ha rp ster a gain of Lwo poin ts Pr ofe:-.isor Burroughs 111:id c so nw obj<·(·! iou to this s.)"stc m of 1Jrcaki11g t h(• tic, but wm1 over-rnl cd. '!'ht• g1•11eral fee ling is that th e repre- sc ntat·ivr of Wist:onsiu ,J icl ex ,·rptional- ly well :11ul Cc ntr:11 f'o ll cge is pr ou<l to Le )fr ,Joswi(·k 's Alm:1 ':.\lat. c r. Th e · judges of tht• t wo c•o 11 tests w eriJ Professor \V. A. Br indl ey, Cedar Falls J owa; Prof(•ssor Fred S. Sorreuso n Norm:d , Ill inois; Pr ofrssor Gl :ulys C ris~ well , :.\f:iry, · illc• , )Jissou ri; Dr. Virginia Crnig, }il :1ryville, .lfi sso uri ; and Profes- ~or L l' land ~I. Burroughs, Stcvcn!:I Point Wise ousin. Plan To Introduce Three New Courses 'I'll(' Point er is in rcC'eipt of the fol- lowi11g from the office: It will be of inter est to our sl ud nts pr epa ring to be Primary, Int er me diate and Ju11io r High Sc hool teach e rs that the Directors of thes e De partments, tho H< ·gi strn r :iud the Pr es ide nt have work- t• tl out t·omplet(' four year l'Ourses jn th ese fh•lds. Th ese t•ourHes arc li s ted iu th e new t.·nta logs and apJ1licatio11 has ,vh en }. li ss Sh:trlow sn ug Octa,·ic lu alre:1dy liN·n r~iadc to the State Bonrc.l ''Clcop:l tr c '' l,·ith }.fary Gar d en , th e of Hege nts for the d egree gra n ting Pittsburgh Post sa id of her, 1 ')(yrn:i right in 011neetio11 w ifh them . fn view S harl ow as Oeatavic seemrd to some of the fri f' ndly attitude of the B oa rd of us , to be the outsfa11di11g voi ce of fow11rd elC'111e 11 tary edu cat ion it is con- th e l'Ompany. , Th ere was a throb 111111 fident ly cx pct·tell that this d eg r ee grnn- a i,:rip iu he r upper 11otc8 tl1:1t was un - ting right will soon be given u s. The gainsayublc. She wns brilliant vocally." s uggestion is mad e. wi th th e id ea that This is only one of the cr itiC'i s ms givc11 m:111y of our Primary, Int erme diat e and hl'r, _vet it expresses adequately the re -! Junior Hi gh School tea che rs would like HJJOllsl'S found in a )ers ~e .Jhc N ew !_additionul- t,.ion- hefore- bc 'nnin r- oik ·cni.u.g S ~It :eorontorro t!:t dt ff •. tl1e , nme 11110 wou Saturd:iy Night, ancl lh e Seatt le Daily like at the en cl of their eourso the Tim es. 8tandnrd Ba chelor of Education cl cgrcc.

Transcript of THE POINTERthe uniform at the eastern city diamoud to tu~sle with the Swede.!}. It oughta be...

Page 1: THE POINTERthe uniform at the eastern city diamoud to tu~sle with the Swede.!}. It oughta be interesting to sec how the )orals react under fire for the first time together. A return

THE POINTER Ser ies I II. Vol. II. No. 23.


Scrimmag·es Help 1_.,iash ing an en rly arrny of talent,

Point Teachers' College will have a fit representative base-bnll team if pres· cnt i11dicnt io11s hn,·e any significance.

Carl .tggcbrccht is working his squad from three to ~ix every day t hri.t th e w c!1t hcr . mun is ·willing, giving his c lw rgcs infield, outfield, and. batting drill. A number of short scrimmages have been he ld to date, mostly giving th e pi tchers a work out.

Mound And Mitt '!'he re sce111s to be no :.Hided gray

hairs on th e coach 's cranium from looking for hurlers nnd receivers, his main difficu lty bei ng to pic k the start­e rs.

Frank \Vicrcnzcnski is ::ihowing bis olll ~peed 0 11 t he mound in a cred ible fa~hi on. · 1 .

Jack Hezat'to, of the wonde rful tenor voice, also looks good in a pitcher's

· lrm, and he is. 'hrimp Roma n, Inst but not lenst,

co m ctes the pitching staff to date, being · hurl e r of rcnoun from parts nor th qf he re.

},'our mask men have tried the ir mitts behin1.I home plate, a11 being seasoned p layers, au:,;we ring .. to the tit le~ of H . P. Paukert, Harold Baruth, Palmer Buduhl, and Emery Fritch.

Obviously there is li t tle to worry about in t hi:,; dh·isio n of t he camp.

Sackers Numerous Iuficldc r~ and ·outfielde rs arc a ln.i ost

a s µleut i ful, there be in g two men at · least for c,·ery berth. \-Vhitc a nd

Spruguc arc doing thei r stuff on the first :,;a ck. )l cDonald, Marsh , R,omnn, a nd C11st11cr are the second baggers, leaving .Baillargeon auU \Vhite at third. Quentin Ferm and Lintne r nro s toppiug at short stop.

The bovs who roam the outsk irts in­c lud e ChCsrow n, Cha rleswo rth, \Veron ­ke, Flowers, ·Marshall, Flolid und Grob.

Some Suits Out About hal f of the new suits huve

b een handed out as Eggebrecht wants to get a good line on bis p layers before 111akiug them regulars . 'l'he outfits arc grey and b lack, color scheme ns follows : black cap, grey sweat shirt with POINTER in black letters across the front nnd n big number in back; grey, hlnek striped pants, grey and black stockings and patent leather spiked dancing shoes furnished · by tho individual.

Scalp Scandinavia Tomorrow P. )f. The Pointe rs don

the uniform at the eastern city d iamoud to t u~s le with the Swede.!}. It oughta be interesting to sec how the )orals react under fire fo r th e first time together.

A ret urn gume will be played at t he Point somet im e next w~ek and cvery­hody out.

Coach Eggebrecht sti ll is in the market for games, and is working his typewriter overtime in an effort to -lin e up something worth while.

.\feanwhile C\•erybody's getting up :Jtea 111 for Scand inavia Coll ege. L e t's Go!

Prof. Percival To Judge l\.Ir. Per('ival goes to Michigrfn t hi tt

evening wh (• rc he will act as one of t he ·udgC11-in--the-High- School-St"te . fooic-'ont l!'"""1nrti a111azO'i to-

morrow and Saturday.

Stevens Point, Wis .. J\1ay 3, 192S Price 7 cents

Preps To Vie In Forensic Ev nts

Th e annual High Sehool E cnsi e ro ntest, of this district will be he ld in the Co llege auditor ium, Friday , )fay 4-th. ~inc leagues arc represented in this ('ontest, three or four schools in eac h Jengue . .

The re nre fo ur <'vents in the eontest: extemporaneous speaking, cxtempoTn­ncous read ing, girl's dcic lamatory, n1ul boy's orato ry. The extemporaneous speaking and rea ding c·ontcs t will Uc he ld Friday afternoon. )Liss Hussey will act as judge. Th e following schoo ls a rc entered: Oratory: ,vcstfield, loin , Athens, ) _l nr~hf ie lcl, Manaw11 , P ittsvi lle, Plainfielcl, Westboro , Waus:rn : D~­c·lamatory : :Monte llo, Iola, M:rnawa, )farshfie lcl, )losin ee, Nekoosa , Plain ­fi e lcl ; Tripoli, Antigo; Exti..-r.uporancous Spenking: \Vnupacn, · )[nrshfi r ld, A t hens , Mo11tc llo 1 Wautoma, Antigo, ~ckoosa , 'Phillips; Extcmpornn eoui R eacl ivg: Wcyawega, :\Iars hficld, Ed­gar, Priendship, );ck oosa, Plninfir ld , Antigo, Phillips.

The orations and clet.· lamati ons, which will ht.• gi,·c n in the c ,·e ning, will he jtulged by Professor CampJ>ell, hcn rl of the Spceeh Departm en t of Oshk osh T eache rs' Co llcgt•. Professor Briclg-e· man , clirel'tor of P orcnsics, Enu Claire Teachers' College, and }.fr. R el lahan of t his college.

Th e .Y. W. C . .A. will be in eharge of the orga niza t ion a nd th e social asprc t of the co utcs t.

SPRING CALENDAR )Jay 11th - B:.ise ball Dant.·c )[ay 17th - "Tweet lies" Puh­

l i t." Spc:.1ki11g Class :M:1y 18th ~ 'frnining Sc hoo l

Operetta .\lay 19th - Interscholasti c,

Tra ck )!Pct nnd Dance )l:1y 22nd - Th e Thirt eenth

Chair" Public Spraki ng Cla ss )Cay 24th - Hural .Dcpartmcnt

play _

Schoolmasters Hear Talk By Dr. Reevis

011 , vcdncsd:1y, April 25, Dr. R cc vis 1

of the Univl'rsity of Chic•:1go, was a spea ke r a t a mee ting of the School­ma s te rs ' Club, held in _ the Teache rs ' Coll ege Auditorium . His g eneral topic was: " Th e ); ewer 're<' hniques in Edu­cation''.

At four o 'e lol' k the schoolmasters assc mlJl cd for a round table discussion whil·h was very st imulating. Superin­l cnd t.• n t Jonc•s of Plaiuficld, was c lcct­et.l pn•.s idc11t of th e e lub. He ga,·e an in te resting report of a study which he hus nrncl c in rl•gnrcl t o the newer tcchni­qur, in high schools.

At six O 'doc.·k th e Juni ors of th e ll omc Economics Department gave a 1Ja11quet in tlif' H ome Economics Suite. Superintendent Pa ul 'M . Vin ('cnt . of

Stevens P oint, s poke on '' Character Eduf· ation in ,vi scons in Sd,ools" at the eve 11i11g meeting. Doc tor Robert Dodge Baldwin spoke on "The Use of Schoo l Publicity."

Dr. Uct'vis gave a Vt' ry pr:wtit:al tul ~ on "Pupil Adjustment'". As he ha8 mad e a profound study of this for sc ,·e rnl yea rs, he was able to give so me inte res ting information.

'l'h c supcrinte ud cnt!I appreeiutcd this rn eetiug ve ry much and proposed tha t t hey- ml:'et- t h·rec- or foUT -unr _ eac h fC:lr-;-tns ca of annually, a s has hccn tho (' Ustom.

Joswick Is Awarded Second Place By Judges' Decision

Musicians Compete In Festival Events

:\lore th:111 ,one hundrCa High Sl·hool students from nine schoo ls competed in thr Fourth All Wiseonsih High School l\lusie F estival Preliminary held hcr f! last Priday .

'l'hc sthoo ls we re clivicl cd into three classes, C fo r t hose having an enroll· m<'nt of 29f) or less, B from 300-499, nn• I A of 500 or more.

In c ln ss C orl' hcstrns, ){osh1ce won 1:-;t nnd Nokoosa 2nd. Wausau in t· lass A won withou t com petition.

In l'hl8S C instru mental Dm•t, .\l os i11 e won bt ancl KiliJourn 2nrl.

Th e hniss scxtet te from Steve ns Puiut had 110 competition.

'.!'In• · r lass C Girls ' Glee cluh from :·\'l os i11 ee won 1st and Iola 2ud.

'l'he mi xed c·h orus fro m Iola had 110

(•o ion. 'l'hc ,·lass .>l:


Girl s' Glee Club of Ste· vc·u~ P oint had no co mpetition for the \V:rnsau Club had more members than th e limited number of twenty four. Th ev hatl not deHirecl to decrease their menlbership.

.-\ Gir ls' trio from Stevens Point nnd Boys' <1u:1rlt.•t from Ioln had no com­p etition.

The piano solo concC> r t , open .to all classes, w:1s won b,v )fargaret Ch riske of Stcn.~ns Poin t ~llld Vivcrn Clccves of I ola pl:iccd second , ](ath ryn O 'Keefe of Frir ndship third, 'l'hc sPICt.'tion used w:1s "Ro111lo Ca pri ecioso'' hy :Men­delssohn .

\Vis1: 011si11 Ha pills di<l nut cute r in the compl'f. iti on for I.heir c lass play was given th e same week. However they sen t <' ightcc n boys :rnil g irls fo r the cn• uing- ,·oncert gin?n by t he combin ed on·hC's~r:lf:1 :rn cl choruses.

i1r. Oordo11 from th e Uni versity of , visco 11 s i11 t1drd as j uclgc. He madt"' it :i point to nu•nti ou the fi11c work which 1J'r. P t•rei\"al had clo ne i11 t he music fie ld.

Hear Myrna Sharlow Concert At College

U 111J C'r t he :iuspices of' t he Tenc he rs Co ll ege .-\ rtist Course, the students of Central College an<l people of Stevens Point we re fortunate enough t.o hc:1r ::\lyrna S h:1rlow, well known American so pr:1110. ).Liss Sharlow sang Tuesd ay <·,·c uing, 1Iny 1st in the College audi to-rium. ·

fn 1914 ·Mi ss Sharlow first gain ed th -.! uoti,·e of ('riti cs when she sunessfulh· su!Jstitutcd for ~l elba in th e role of )linli in "La Boheme ". Si n ct• th e time of her engagement with th e ('hi­(·ago Oper:.t Compa ny i11 191:j, )liss Slwrlow ha s lwd a t·u11sta nt rist.". Xot only hn s she been a ec•h1im ed i11 opt•r:i · t i,· ro lc• s, hut Jikt•\\'isc iu hc•r to nee rt work.

Gleason Wins Extemp · ·The 33 rcl A1111 ua l I nter - State Ora­t.oric·n l :rnd Extcmporn neous Contest came to a successful close l"'ri ,Iay eve n­ing, April 27th.

'J'hc afte rn oon was given O\'er to the Extemporan eous contest. }.Ir. Donald Gleason of Oshkosh, ,vis<·o nsiu, was a­warded firs t p lace and the first prize of fifty doll ars. Hi s topic w:1 s H'l'hc l'nitcd St:1tes an<l the Pa 11 American 1 ·11 ion ' '. !ir. Glea son was commended fo r hi ::1 f lue ncy . In ,lelivc ri .ng his ta lk, th(• winning speaker dist•ussed th e re­lationship be tween Amrr ica nnd t he Pan Amcri <"n n U11 ion in three phascR. H l• dwelt for so me t im e upon tho . history of t he org:111izatio11. He then centered upon th e work of t he uuion, :111 '1 t hird, J1 e th l' result of thtl actio11 of U1 c Pan Amcrirnu U11ion upo1!__ humanity. rrhc <l ceisio 11 ple:1sct.1 the :111,lir11c·(• to n great extt•nt s im·c i t gnvc \\"i :-.l·o11sin th e v ictory.

'l'h t.• seco nd p ince w tHI nwnrlled to :.\! orris Bl:1ir of th e Southwestern State Tr:1 t·hers' Co llege nt Springfiel<l

1 )fis­

~ouri, who talked on t he "P:111:~mfl Ca na l". He was n warclcd t he second prize ~f tweuty-fi,·c dollars.

Illinois Wins In Oratory T he orntorit.'n l wi nn e r w:1s Christia n

1'~. Harpster of Old Norma l, Jl linois. l·I is. oral ion wn s '' A meri1·a 's Si eve of Just ic·c' ' . Sc<·onrl pl:tl'C' w:1s won hy Prr111k Jos,\· ic. k of 'cntral Coll ege. 1'he tlC'l·isio'h did not cn•ate the furor in t he auditorium which the af te rn oo n t.l e­<·1s1on su<'cee1lcd in · (' reating. 'rho following- :1 rc the pcrc<'11b1gcs of jtulgcs whi c· h were usNI to hrc:1k t he ti c lll' twec11 lllinnis :rncf \Vis<·o11sin wh ich result ed fro111 the first ,·otc of the judges.

,Tosw i,·k - 00 % ; 8 %; 8:i% II :11·11stC'r - H3 %; 87% ; 89'7'0

The summing up gt1ve Ha rpste r a gain of Lwo poin ts Profe:-.isor Burroughs 111:id c so nw obj<·(·! iou to this s.)"stc m of 1Jrcaki11g t h(• tic, but wm1 over-rnlcd. '!'ht• g1•11eral fee lin g is that th e repre­sc ntat·iv r of Wist:o ns iu ,J icl ex ,·rptional­ly well :11ul Cc ntr:11 f'o llcge is prou<l to Le )fr ,Joswi(·k 's Alm:1 ':.\lat.c r.

The ·judges of tht• t wo c•o 11 tests weriJ Professor \V. A. Brindley, Cedar Falls J owa; Prof(•ssor Fred S. Sorreuson Norm:d , Ill inois; Profrssor Gl:ulys Cris~ well , :.\f:iry,· illc• , )Jisso uri; Dr. Virginia Crnig, }il :1ryv ille, .lfi ssouri ; and Profes­~or L l' land ~I. Burroughs, Stcvcn!:I Point Wiseousin.

Plan To Introduce Three New Courses

'I'll (' Pointe r is in rcC'eipt of the fol­lowi11g from the office:

It will be of inte rest to our sl ud nts prepa ring to be Primary, Intermediate and Ju11io r High Schoo l teache rs that the Directors of these Departments, tho H<·gi strn r :iud the President have work­t• tl out t·omplet(' four year l'Ourses jn these fh•lds . Th ese t•ourHes arc lis ted iu the new t.·nta logs and apJ1licatio11 has

,vhen }.liss Sh:trlow sn ug Octa,·ic lu alre:1dy liN·n r~iadc to t he State Bonrc.l ''Clcop:l trc '' l,·ith }.fary Garden , the of Hege nts for t he degree gra nting Pittsburgh Post sa id of her, 1 ')(yrn:i right in <· 011neetio11 wifh them . fn view S harl ow as Oeatavic seemrd to some of the fri f' ndly attitude of the B oa rd of us , to be the outsfa11di11g voi ce of fow11rd elC'111e 11 tary edu cation it is con­th e l'Ompany. , Th ere was a throb 111111 fident ly cx pct·tell that this degree grnn­a i,:rip iu he r upper 11otc8 tl1:1t was un - ting right will soo n be given us. The gainsayublc. She wns brilliant vocally." suggestion is mad e. w ith th e idea that This is only one of the cr itiC'isms givc11 m:111y of our Primary, Inte rm ediat e and hl'r, _vet it expresses adequately t he re- ! Junior Hig h School tea che rs would like HJJOllsl'S found in a )e rs ~e .Jhc N ew !_additionul-,.ion- hefore- bc 'nnin

r-oik ·cni.u.g S ~It :eorontorro t!:t dt ff •. tl1e , nme 1111 0 wou Saturd:iy N ight, ancl lh e Seattle Daily like at the encl of t hei r eourso the Tim es. 8tandnrd Bache lor of Education clcgrcc.

Page 2: THE POINTERthe uniform at the eastern city diamoud to tu~sle with the Swede.!}. It oughta be interesting to sec how the )orals react under fire for the first time together. A return


Vol Il THE POINTER N o. 23.

Published Week ly at Stevens P oin t by th e stude nts of th e Ce ntra l Wiscons i11 State Teachers' College.

Entered as second-class ma t ter May 26, 1!.12 7, at t he post offi ec at Stevens Point/ \Viscoilsin , under th e Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscript ion Price $2.00 per yea r.

THE STAFF Editor-in-Chi ef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solomon VVcla ntzik Associate Editor . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Ann Sha rf f News Editor . . . . . . . . .. .. .. • .. . .•.. •. . . . .• . .. . . . .. . , . . . . . . Pau lin e Buh Iman Society Editor .. . . . ... . . . . . . . ... .... .. . . • .. . : . . . . . . Crystn l H olderegger Sports Edi tor . .. . . .... .. ... . . . • . ...... , . . . . . . • . . . Carlton Lintner Girls ' Athle ti cs . . . . . . . • . • . . • .. . . • . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Mildred P atchin F eatures . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . Keith Be rens Reporter . . . . . ... . . • ... .. . ... • . . .. • . . . ...... • .. . .•. .•. .. .. . . . H elen \Vcber Reporter . . . .. : • . . • . . . . . . . • ... . • ... . ... . . , . ...•... . ... . ... . . ~(arj orie F oote Reporter ....... .. . . .. • . • .. •... . • . .. . . . .... .. ...• . . . .. . ... .. Ruth J ohn son

:r~~~r~:aa ~; . . · .· .·:::: :::: : : ::: ::: : : : :· : .'. ·. ·: ·. ·. ·. ·. ·:. ·:. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ~~ ~~l.1~r ~1: h:ih~11~~~~11~ Business Manager ... . . ..... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ..• . , .. , .•.. . . . . ... Walter \Vasrud Cir<" ulation Ma nnger . ....... . . . . . ..... . ... ..... . .. . . . . . . . . ... J ohn P ralg uski Assistan t Circulation Manager .. . . . .... .. . .. . .. ... · . . .. . .... Richard liarshall Faculty Advisor .. ... .. . .. . ... . .... . .. .. .. . . . ... . ... . .... . .. . J . J . Rellahan

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST · " Do you kno"' ," the modern optimist insists on obsen·ing, " that

the ' rah-rah boy' is dis11ppearing from the modern univcrsity 1" The average .\me1· ican who has gh·ei1 but li tt le t im e to this important : ubject is quite apt to be unenlightened and say so. '\\Thereupon the opt imi ·t produces a mass of statistics or near-statistics that run like th is:

" ,\ t Yal e students have fo rmed a society for t ea and 'belle lett­res.' Litc• rature and art, as well as othcP top ics are treated in a manner \\'Orthy of one of the French ' Sofons des philosophcs '. " .

Compulsory attendance to classes fo r upper classmen who have attained an aYera"e of 80 has been discarded at the New York Uni­versity. This action \\'as taken after Smith, Cornell , and other col­le es had adopted similar courses.

"llarrnrd has initiated a practice of enabling the · student to att d any lecture or class for the purpose of broadening his outlook and extending his kno\\'l edge beyond his chosen field. "

On the -facc·of it, the evidence seems quite convincing. One would al most be led to believe that t he campus lad of the movies -th e lad immune to professors, stud ies, and "flunks ", the lad whose whole interest in li fe seems to be centi,·ed abou t wine, women, and football . .. is nearly "One. It would seem that "social lions" no longer a,·e in existance, or at least they no longer take a· clandestine peep at their books just before exams, but rather take that clan­destine peep j ust before the exam AFTER .A WHOLE NIGHT OJ<' HARD APPLICATION!

So it seems ... the story becomes more convincing all the time -·and now the final , killing blow. Do yon know that in the East the epidemic of spats, derbies, and ext!reme taste in haberdashery is on the wane ? Do you kno\\' that the Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or Cor­nell student no longer looks like a well-to-do bootlegged Did you know these things ? No. '\Ve il , "your education has been sadly neg-lected." ·

" '\Veil , now," the poor uninformed will say, "This may be all well and good, and true - I have no intention of doubting your word - but still it doesn't seem just right. If you wer e to go to Madison, you would certainly find nine out of ten students with the knots in their neckwear as big around as good sized doughnuts. If you were to go to Minneapolis you would certainly find the most prominent' personages on the campus wearing suits that seem at least two sizes too Jar c - and which are so loud that they dare not bring them home vhen they haYe a few days off and hasten back to the wilder-11 ess.

So here \\'C haYe the whole story. If the "rah-rah boy " is gone, another species of very similar· appearance and actions has,1 ceded him. H there are no longer "rah-rah boys " in considerable numbers, there are still other creatures to take their places in the large automobiles t ha t stop before dormitory steps, in evening pa­jama parades, in derbies and green t ies, in prolonged drink ing bouts, in com posing clever or silly jokes, rhymes, songs, and cheers.

'l'herc are and, ladies ~ nd gentlemen, there most l ikely always will be.

ANYONE ELSE It seems to me that it would indeed be a shame if the great Inter­

State Oratorical and Extemporaneous contest combined with the pre­liminaries to the all Wisconsin High School Music F est ival did not call for some little discussion .

After seeing how poorly the students r esponded to the call for good attendance at the contests I was certainly grieviously disillus­ioned. After hearing the worthy gentlemen of the music contest in­sisting on teasing the audience I was angry. After hearing the r e­markabl~ and wholly unprecidented decision arrived at by the judges

~ Lthe..0.ratorical confest-T g.ot-up and left - for the dance. -. Yours for more bra\n power,

0 . 0 .



Waitress : j ' Boiled tongue, stewed kid· neys, fried liver.••

Charlesworth : i •Never milld your symptoms. L et's have something to eat.••


Bentz : ' ' lla\"C r ou l' \ "C I' h l'C' ll ill

love1 '' :Mullarkey : '' Th at 's Ill.'' bu~inl.'ss. '' Brntz: " \V(' ll , how's ln1si ne~s. 11

An optimist is a man who puts a two cent stamp on a letter and marks it '' rush.''


:F'crm : " I ' ,·e a c· hnnrc fo r the foo t· l>nll team. "

Velma : ' 'A re th ey go ing to ra ff le it off?"

The World 's Best After Dinner Speech, " Waiter, give me both checks. ''

'1 T he lates t t hing in men 's clot hes i :S women. "


Ben Weronke : ''I'm in heaven when I dance with you. ' ' -.

Vera Jordan : ' ' How queer, and I feel so warm.'' ·


Don Brlselden: (being arrested) ''But I ' m a college man.''

Archie: " Sorry, but ignorance is no excuse.''

Young Hopeful : ' ' P n, what is a bign­mistf 1'

:11r. Steiner: 11 A man who makes the sa me mistake t wi ce. ''


" Wby do the Scotch like Basket­ball7"

'1 They enjoy the free throws.''


Rolettn : 11 All my a nC'cstors wcro Llondes! "

Mulndy : ''Then y ou come from pre· fe rrcd stoek . ' '


Brad : " If I said, ' I am handsome ' what tense would that be?' ' '

Hodell : ''Pretense, - m'lad, pre· tense.''


Chesrown says: 1 'Nine out of every ten women have a mission in life. And t he tenth intends to get married too if she can.'' ' '


"~?"Y ( l~clow win dow, with corn et ) : Hist , i\lildrcd, open t he window or'

I'll play t his darn thing."


One of t he nice features of ice cream ls that it ls boneless.


?..;~o.:-:-•:M:••!M~·.,..:,..1 .. :•~M:H:M:•+:-:•..;....:,~:M:00:M:<:~~

:j: CATCH. } i • AS *

tJ~~~J P 4G~ MR. Ml.l.I:&s.

I f ii tqk~{; 28\f:i yqrcl§ 6/ silk 16 ni(fk~ p<ff(fmqs f6r qit ~l~ph(filt , how l ofig wo nlcl -it tqk~ q 666k­r oqch w ith (f w oocl~lt l f g to k ick 1 h~ s~~cls 6nt 6/ q. cli ll pickl~????

\\' lu,·1i l'11 u kh,• l-1J1"\' 10 N~h661 i'tlM1 -d1J,· m6rf, Hu,• Pun,I\• 111\d G61d Nt r \'IJ m ­,· r N 1Jh6n,• th\' m 1Jlft \'1\trQ6l-t Wfrt 1hJl1fl 1'11,: 111 \'rrlly hi th\' brtti.\•. Hig ht IJ\\IJ~· h \" K(H \'Xl- lt \•d Qtill '1'1Jiltfd - 16 ki"16w It th,•r..- n •qN IJ 1'6 11Nh ,,·t ddli'1 g l'6 mhh.;- nrr. N AO\', "l' frQ l1hit ,1ul1 r r \'tJ d y 1lhnrJk\• h \" r r\•N fdtri~~ rn rn1M1l1J n ·t . 1Jl1yh6w 11 \•ti IN m 1Jkhig q br\" ,v\·r ,­tn {•Ofi (,M• t hi" rr\'\' b\'\' r . L06kN bqd !


( Irrntio11 :tl N" c•,,·s Scn ·icc )

Smith Brothers take a Drop

Th~ scotch Wl)nt th~ n~w d6111)r bills pr int~d 611 fly Pl!P~r.

Pity the college boy who went to the cross eyed surgeon and the11. was cut on the bias.


DOBRY SPOSOB. - Czcmu papn tuki smutny ! - Bo jnk patrz9 na cicbie, to mi

si\1 smutn o rohi. - Bn, trzebn przyl kad braC zc mnic,

ja nigdy na papQ nie pntrz~.

Bill Albr9 'ht wq§ h911rd t6 r9mqrk· t h9 6th9r dqy thqt 'l tim9 tlfblQ wqs 'l P•rc9 6f fur,,iturc thqt bqd bQ911 b6ught 611 th9 i,1st,,11m cilt plq1i .

.. sc6tty McDon~ld s~ys th~t p~n­m~s w~r~ inv~n~d s6 th~t scotch­m~n could go into ch~rit~bl~ work.

H 9r b6y fr i91i cl Wl)S nu ncr6bnt ,p'icl he wOuldfi 't g iv(\ ,l11; r f). iumblQ, ·


~he . Don't. \Vnnta, - moro wl11s t1.111g, n wide g rin, nnd you h~ar Don, crushing dow n t hree flight s of s ta irs, brief cnso in hand. Cares nothing for girl~ hut so mehow, Floron co, Pnulinc, Irrn n, Micky and n .few others all kno w how much room there is in t ho front sent of his Whippet. 'fh a t cra te sure has some '' pick · up." Whist ling ability unli-mited, knows 647Y.z popular choruses, riva led only by Grog Charlesworth and Bill Ma rsh who enn loudly hiss out exactly 497% pieces a piece. Will trade his natural, wavy, curly, marcel f or a second hand .Qhysies 1!9tc book __ _ or n i OOff cig.o..c...-Do.n!L.c.r.ol

ndies! Plonso book all dates at least two weeks in advance. SHE DON'T WANNA--f

Page 3: THE POINTERthe uniform at the eastern city diamoud to tu~sle with the Swede.!}. It oughta be interesting to sec how the )orals react under fire for the first time together. A return



Ann·ual Election Of Y. W. Officers Held

Literary Club Entertains 'J1he :\1:trgar('t ,hhmu11 Liter:1ry C luh

enterta in ed the l'Ouutestants, .Judges , :111<1 Inflor-stah• Ll'agut~ rxreut.i v1• of'f' i i·n s :11 it :; :111nu:1I ~ pri 11 g hanquct i11 till' l·luh rooms of Hotrl \Vhi ting. rL'l1 c rC' W('rt. .. ahout GO 1woplo prcS('Jlt.

Dr. Hn ldwi11 w:1s t·nlh·d upon hy t.hC' 10:1:d-mnskr C. G. 'l'hris anrl amused thl' guests wit h several stori es. Pro­fessor .J,.1mC's of Oshkosh :llso spok t.} hricfl~·. Th e• win11i11g Extcmpor:rn cuus SpNtkcr , ])ou:dd G lrason, was t::dlccl u pon and rc.•itrratl'd t he many commC'n t tJ upon the s plcndM fellows hi p l'Xh ihitcd hy Central Coll(•ge to its guests.

I n thl' morning the visitors were dri,·· e n about th e l'it~· ancl surrounding <'O untry. 'I'hrnugh t ho (·ourtesy of the

'J'ln• an11ua l <'lt.•dion of the Y. \V C. Whiting Plo,·C'r - P:1pC'r Company the A. was hC'ld last Th ursday April 26th . I ~t~<'st~ wcr<' C'ScortC'tl through t ire paper The fo ll owi11g were clt.•<'tNI to se rve the nulls. ·

Y. W. C. A. JH'Xt year. Presiclent, Ruby ,·-- · ~ Libakkcn.; Viec Pres, L ucille Krumm; Treasu rer, Loi8 Ghcrke; Secretary, 1\ T [ U fl .,.. T f Ethel M:,cs. These g irls :ire capable 1ve SOn na 1vO es g irls :111cl they ar(• cxpcdcd to carry the , Y. W. C. A. organ ization to its highest -- · d eg ree of e.ffil' icnc.~·- 011 Saturday, Apr il 28th, this ycnr 's prC'si clcnt, ~!:fry Hughes, mC't with the New offiee rs a nd l\liss Hussey a ntl c lcet ed th e Y. \V . C. A. cabinet for next yenr. They arc : Program, Evelyn E lli ot; P ublicity , 1\fi lclred Steinke; .Bible-Chairma11 1 L oe· ta Andre w; Social, Sn d ie Storsback ; Soci c rvi cc, Ali ce Hougam; ·Musi1· , Eunie Riley; U. R., Pa uline Buhlornnj \Vorl<l ll owship, Dora !\fa(' Losby. Insta llatio1 of offi<·l' rs will l)(' helcl in t he near f utur('.

The joint meet ing of the Y. \ V. C. A. ancl the Y. it C. A. held on the same even ing, A prjl 26th, was well attended. Rc,verend Hesla. of the Trinity Lutheran Church gn\'l' a splendid ta lk on "The

fr~~\~1!~~~1t~f w~~:r:e~~~;~~- ~elicious re· I

On Thursday even ing, May 3rd, )!rs. Baldwin will g i ,·e a tnlk.

Members OfY.M.C.A. To Convene Tonight

There will be a regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. this evening. Past meetin gs have bee n Yery we11 attended and it is urge<l tha t a ll the young 111011 who have any interest in t he organ iza· t ion attend.

At t he Inst meeting P rofessor Spincl· ler s poke to the group on t he ''Social Revo lution Among the Youth of t he Nation". Doctor Baldw in a lso acl­dresse~ the meetin g. He co nf ined his ta lk to more or less complim enta ry com· mcnts in rega rd to the work t he Y. M. C. A. has been doi ng:

After th e meeting, refreshments were served and t he evening wound up with the singing of favorite melodics.

After thC' oratori ca l cont est at the College Fridny evening, the Y . M . C. l\. . sponsored a dnnce in t he gymnnsium a~ a mixture for the v isitors a nd local students. Streamers of t he Po in t's colors, purple and gold, decorated the gymnasium. Allen 's orchestra played for the party which was attended by 200 peop le. M r. and Mrs. Leland M. Burroughs a nd 11,:lr. a nd l:lrs. E arl F. Roberts were c:hapcrones.

Good Program Heard By Primary Council

The· Primary Council .. met Monday nigh t at 7:30 in Room 137.

Th e program consisted of several piano selections, vocal solos and r ead· in gs.

After this excellent entertainment ,. the- regular-business- meeting was- held :m!-plnnrforthe,rext-meeting-were­

made. Lucille Krumm, Ruby Liba.kkcn, Mildred S teinke and Bernice Gallup are in charge of the program for the n ext meeting.

On Friclny, Apr il 27, K clson Hnll hnd i·, open house ' 1 to the high SC' hoo l nm: s icnl (·ontestants ancl their coaches About scn~nty-fi,·(' or eighty lunched nnd d in (•cl at the Hall. 'l'hc liYing room w:1s a rencl l'zvous fo r visitors and t here was "music· in tlw air" all clay and much o·f t hC' night:'

On Sfay 4th Nelson Hall ex pects to open its doo rs to t he high sehool con· tcstan ts iu declamation and orntory. T he more the merrier!

Good news is c·.omin g in regard to )ta . rie Freitag. She has been able to write n letter to her friends in the Hall.

Miss Luci lle George of Nekoosa was a guest of :Miss Lorra in e Trclc,·en dur­ing t he week-e nd .

:Miss Lillian H.i1:hards e nter tained .her sister, brother-i n-law·, a nd little nep· h('w o n Sunday. Miss Richards 's sister, formerly l\Iay Hi <' h:ll'ds, now M:rs. Anderson, "·as onec a '' dorm g irl. 1


i\Iiss Oli,·C' Van Vurcn ,· isited her people in Bo.nduC'l o,·er t he week-encl.

Jliss ·May Rowe, matron of Nelson H a ll , has been elected P residen t of t he Stevens Point "iVomans' Club. Miss Rowe's election is a well deserved ho· nor and t he Nelson Hall fa mily eon· grntulatcJ her.

On \Vednesclay, April 23, a lun cheon was ser,·cd in honor of Dr. Rce,·is of t he U ni versi ty of Chicago who was a t tending the Centra l \V isconsin School· ~{aster 's Club. Those attend in g the Jun chco11 were Dr.· Baldwin, Prof. \ Vat· so n, P rof. Smith, :Miss A llen, ].!iss Wil· son, ancl Miss Stroud .

\\'ord has co me t hat :Miss Dorothy Shcsclcv is much improved nnd nlJle to be out ·and nbout agai n.

:Miss Be rtha Hussey, the dean of \Vomen

1 attended t he meet in g of the

dC'nns of \Viscons in in 'Waukesha at Carol College on Satu rday . April 28.


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Just The "Best .




- "----=========W=I=L=S=O=N--M_U_s_1c __ c_o_M ..... PA==NY,,_,,=-=---·-= "The Best of Everft}zing Musical" Opposite .Lyric Theatre

Page 4: THE POINTERthe uniform at the eastern city diamoud to tu~sle with the Swede.!}. It oughta be interesting to sec how the )orals react under fire for the first time together. A return


Graduates Requested Announce Rules For To Pay License- Fee Co-eds Net Tourney

T h<' annou nc-cml'ut <·JHn cs fro m thl' offiC'c of th e Hl'gistrar that all grad uates must h:in· t ht'ir li~·c 11 sc frl•S paid Le for e gr:uluat ion in oflh.•r to rc· el'ivl' t heir dip lomas. 'I'hl' fees are pa.'·· abh.· to )[ r. HoiJ('tt!i. · T he following i!-1 a 'u extrac: t <'onl·e rnin g t hcsl' fc<"s.

' ' Th e lcgis latu n• of 1!)2i euae tcd :1 law w hich prov irles th at a ll a µ plil'a n ts for 3 lil'c nee o r \'crtifi('a t c to ll~t (' h p:t\' a fee of t wo tlo ll:HS. rf'o r(;quire (':tl' ii

g radua te of our state tl' aClll' r tra ini ng instituti ons or pri\'a te l·o ll rgt•s to :1pply individua lly tu the Stn tc Supcr intcn~ dent woul ll <·:rnsc <·o nfusion and un ­ucccss:n,· dl•l:1r~. T his ma tter l":t ll Uc han d led· ns h~re tofo r i f ca l· h sd1ool, p rior to ,;r:ulua tio 11 , will to lled t he fee from NH· h grr1duate an<l remit to t his office in a lump su m at the time th e li st of gracluntes or the t ransc-r ipts of the erl'clits nrc su hmittecl. L ic·cnses ca n be c la imed h:1<:k so t hat tht.!y may he p rcsentccl with "diplomas, as is the custom . in som e seh~ols. "

Teaching Positions Filled By Students

Th e l'laccmt.• nt Scrv il· C reports t he ! f ollowin~ pla c·c m c n ts si 11 N• th e last li s t.


.\ II girls wa n ting to part il'ipatc i n the H•11 1iis tourna 111 C'11t must hantl t ltt.•ir 11a 11 u•s in t o ). I iss , °t'<' II by },ri tlay,, )lay 4t h. 'l'h (' n:llllt'S III USI "l' i11 so as to ha,·c ·,·a<·h p layer's position 0 11 t he l:ul ­dl'r posh'd ).l onday . . \ l:ty 7th. 'l'h .. • to 11 ru: 1111t.•11 t ru11M fru 11t ).Ja y i th to :'.\l ay 26th.

_Jlu k•s <·0 111·<.• rn ing t hC' tu u1'11 ;1m c 11t nre : (1 ) 111 at.1· h cons is l l'I of t wo out of three sets. ( 2) Any p la ~·t.·r i11 a gr~ up mny :1t an y time 1· hall c 11 gt' a nyo ne of the t h n•(• 1H•xt :ilio\'C hl.'r iu th e list. (3) Xot less th: 111 two gn 1111•s arc to he t.•:11·h week .


BasC'lia ll - .J:00 - G:00 T uesday and 'f hu rsday ·

'J'rac·k - -l: 00 - 5 :00 irond ny a nd , v e<lncsday

Wh l! n th e wea th er <locs not pe rmi t work out -of-doors vo ll ey ba ll will be pl ayed i n t he gy m nasium.

"Above A ll Tlte Righi Hat "



was published : .F lorem·l' D o nc mcycr . 119 S tro n ,:s A ve . ·Oak Pa rk , Ill iuo is; J a nws )loxo n, P rin· ~ !!===============-'

Stevens Point , ,v,11. · cipal High School, Ph elps, ,v1 sconsi11 ;

) leh· in D onner, Pri111·ipa l S tate G raded Sthoo l, Emleu \·or, , v isro nsin ; Fra nk H cbnl, l th it :l U nio n ll igh School, Twi n Blu ffs, \\.istonsin; :\l :trg-a rct La rsen , I ola, \ Viseons in .

Alumn i : Irc11<' 11 :w n, Spa rta \Vi seon · s in ; )lcllctta T,u lJnstn, Xcw R ichmond. \ Viscor)sin ; · HC'lcn Parso ns, X cw Ri ch ­mon d, Wisconsin; "E lle n Cot h ra nc, Oak Pa rk, I in ois.

The o ll owi ng r(lpor t s of pos ition~ secured : ou r Alum ni h:wc bcc_n re· cciv cd hy c Pl :u·c-nll' nt 'c r \' icc· a nd may be ..9f in teres t to our rc:1 d c r s : E lai ne Osm u11 dso 11 1 Will ia ms Bny, \Vi ~· <·ons in j H ('11rictta T im me, 1-lartla u d , , viseo ns in ; HC' rn ard La:dis, P rin c ipn l of H igh Sc hool, ) l nt t oo n, Wisco nsi n.


Maplag Waslzers Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Silent A utomatic Oil Burners

THE MAYER SHOE STORE W e handle a complete

line of Fool Wear


KR EMBS Double . Malted · Mill(

To Know T h e Diffe ren_ce

For Utmost ·Satisfac­tion, Greater Charm.

and Beauty ~ P H()NE 620

Powder Pufj Beautp Shop




Gas and Elecfric

S ervice and Appliances

E JAMAS of rayon ­their very" fee l" invites sleep - their smart lines are tai­lored for perfec t comfort. At­tractive color combinations give added style . .. . and Go rdon Rayon i~ firm, du-

11 rable, exquisitch- ,!yed.

Goravn Rayon Underwear


CLOTHES Ready.made

And Cut to Order




Qiha~~ Jlf1onze of Stevens Point

The . character of the suits and topcoats tailored by Charter House will earn your. most sincere liking



"Blue Ribbon" Thousand Island !Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressing

Sandwich Spread

7 rp "Blue Ribbon " .. Belle, Than The R est

we are going to taylor' s strongs ave. store for:

candy cards

mottoes for mother's day sunday

may 13th

Drink Cocoa - Crush

A Rich Milky Chocolate Drink



Co. Telephone 61