The Pleiadian High Council

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Transcript of The Pleiadian High Council

  • 7/31/2019 The Pleiadian High Council


    The Pleiadian High Council: Suppressed Revelations and Impending


    April 1, 2012

    -Channeled through Wes Annac-

    You are hearing continual updates about the takedown of those who would

    strip your freedoms away from you in a heartbeat if allowed, and the process

    of this coming forth is indeed as harmonious and peaceful as it has been

    predicted to transpire. You all hold the keys as to how peaceful this

    endeavor plays out and as to how little chaos is manifested through your

    thoughts and emotions upon seeing the beginning revelations come to


    We expect the overall excitement and stress levels of humanity to increases

    substantially upon the initial announcements.

    All those who know of revolutionary things are not allowed to talk, for

    reasons made out of thin air when the real reasons behind the suppression of

    so very many things are for control and for a sustained feeding of the elite

    class and of a presumed betterness on the part of your dark than the rest ofhumanity.

    The many revolutionary things you have been hearing about have been

    suppressed for far longer than you might think, and we could say that the

    Star Trek reality could have in fact been a reality by your 1940s, but the

    very ideas and inventions of many things by many revolutionary scientists,

    the majority of which you never hear about, were either deliberately

    suppressed or fed into the program of the military industrial complex where

    such information remained classified except to the souls involved in such

    projects who are now coming forward in mass numbers with what theyknow and have experienced.

    That which you know as free energy-based inventions has been around since

    at the very most recent, your 1930s and in many cultures before your current

    society. The blueprints and templates for such inventions were presented

    before many and while such happenings and the knowledge of them are

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    suppressed today, the revolutionary inventions of many inventors were

    again, suppressed for national security reasons and in many cases funneled

    into the various military industrial complex projects as well as used and

    enjoyed by the elites of your world and only the elites of your world.

    The very existence of such things has been kept secret while being used by

    the top elite classes for their own gain, and you have been kept on ancient

    ways to produce your own commodities and needs that such elite souls can

    make money off of while themselves using the better alternatives.

    This is the nature of most ascended technologies, and the pairing of

    consciousness [with technology] is something that has just began to be

    recognized and allowed for your mainstream world again. The elite souls on

    your world use such technologies themselves as they presume themselves

    the only souls worthy of using and benefitting from such inventions, butwhen the time comes you will all be able to use and test out and keep for

    yourselves such inventions that will change Life as you have known it on a

    mass scale.

    The inventions specifically that produce food and can give shelter among

    doing so very many other things to sustain a comfortable living completely

    for free upon having such technologies, will be made standard and available

    to each an every soul of the surface of Dear Gaia. Many of the things you are

    to be graced with are in many cases, reparations for all that you have had to


    We can anticipate now that the mere appearance of clean water in the many

    villages of many third world countries as well as the appearance of many

    humanitarian souls performing the mass giving of food, water and the many

    technologies you are to be graced with; the souls who have experienced such

    poverty are going to experience a joyous upliftment of all of their previously

    unperceivably-difficult surroundings, and the grid of darkness and density

    on dear Gaia is going to shrivel substantially upon the deliverance of such

    things to such souls, because their happiness will begin to feed into the Light

    Grid of dear Gaia in such marvelous ways.

    The expansion and collective growth upon, during and after such

    announcements will see the Light quotient rise exponentially along with the

    rise of the Light quotient in the currently poverty-stricken areas who will

    again, also experience such upliftment.

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    The concept of working, not to line the pockets of a billionaire CEO, but to

    repair the state your world is in for the people of your planet will excite and

    draw many people into the various humanitarian projects that have begun to

    be started and that will be started upon the surface of your Earth. You will

    all have a choice as to which project you wish to throw your energies into

    and which Lighted endeavors you wish to include yourself in on your

    surface, because trust us dear souls there will be so many [projects] and you

    will all be kept so very busy, repairing your world and making it the better

    place that will see you all ascend with Gaias surface.

    We anticipate all of humanity being quite busy, and it will be remarkable to

    note that the foggy veils of laziness and complacency that have binded most

    souls to their couches and televisions will be lifted marvelously upon the

    informing of humanity in its initial stages.

    Returning to the discussion of the many projects that you will be

    undertaking as a collective on local, state, national and international levels,

    much of the projects that will occur will be in relation to cleansing Gaias

    surface of the densities and such that have been manifested.

    There will be Earth changes as have been predicted, but we can assist Gaia

    in bringing such Earth changes about without the mass destruction that has

    been predicted by others. Many assume such perceived contradictions from

    ascended sources to be the fault of the various scribes [of such sources], and

    this is simply not so.

    While we are different and various ascended Organizations, we do have

    different theories as to how events are going to play out on Earth as indeed,

    individuality is still retained in the higher realms [to an extent] and different

    opinions on things are still sustained, while recognizing the aspect of the

    One that we truly all are past such perceived differences in opinions.

    There are Lighted souls and Organizations assisting Earth at this time who

    do think and do foresee matters on Earth differently than other souls, and

    there are even ascended souls within the same Lighted organizations who

    possess differences in opinion on the coming Earth changes, among many

    other things.

    There are again, higher dimensional souls apart of these organizations who

    do feel that when the Earth changes come, we bring you dear souls to the

    Inner Earth and to our star and Motherships while the cleansing takes place,

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    and there are those of us who feel that the damage should be mitigated in

    favor of a collective experience and remembrance of the lower vibrations

    that have been manifested that would and will cause such Earth changes

    whether they are massive in damage or not, but either way one crucial factor

    remains in place and that is that each and every one of you will be kept safe

    and will not experience yourselves the severity of the Earth changes.

    You will not be harmed in either scenario; the damage will either be

    mitigated yet still experienced on a smaller scale in favor of you all as

    collective experiencing your lower dimensional manifestations and the

    alleviation of such manifestations in a less severe way, or you will be

    allowed to come aboard our ships or visit the Inner Earth while such changes

    take place as needed.

    Either way, Earth changes are needed so that Gaia can shake off the densitythat has been manifested on Her surface for so very long, and upon the

    transmutation and shaking-off of the energies, you will indeed experience

    and inhabit the fifth dimensional Eden that Gaia has truly always been.

    We would strongly recommend nobody on Earth worry themselves too

    much with the aspect of the Earth changes, as each and every factor is being

    discussed with this subject and with so many others, and we can feel what

    the majority on your world want in relation to the manifesting and possible

    mitigating of the Earth changes and we will act based on what you as a

    collective want.

    That is the beauty of this entire event; while we are discussing such factors

    and what should be done amongst ourselves, upon the informing humanity

    you will still all be given the choices and presented the situation that we

    speak to you of in this message.

    What we mean by this is that we will present the situation of the impending

    Earth changes before you upon informing you of so many other things, and

    one of the first beginning crucial decisions that you will all have to make as

    a newly-reformed and remembered planetary collective, will be that of what

    you wish to do about the Earth changes.

    Either way, you will be introduced to our Starships and Motherships and you

    will be introduced to the realms of the Inner Earth, and such things will be

    covered in explicit detail once the initial announcements kick off, and our

    existence among many other higher dimensional and celestial insights and

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    revelations will come after the explanation of how your world has been run

    and manipulated by the souls known by many names, most recognizably the


    We wish to give an explanation of the aspect of the announcements in

    which you will be introduced through video to our Starships and

    Motherships and our existence as well as the existence of the Inner Earth and

    so very many other things.

    You will be introduced to such matters upon the initial announcements, and

    this will be a beginning, foundational introduction for when the right time

    comes and you have the collective decisions to make in relation to the Earth

    changes discussed before.

    You will again get to choose whether you wish to experience the physical,in-person introduction to us, our craft and the Inner Earth that the

    announcements will have provided the foundation for by going up on our

    craft and visiting the Inner Earth during the Earth changes, or whether you

    wish to have such changes mitigated and experience the revealing of our

    craft and your trips to the Inner Earth in a different manner. Either way, you

    will get to experience such things as has been decreed and we are so very

    excited for such things to take place.

    We are glad to have been able to step in now and let you know that indeed,

    such changes are needed but again, the decisions as to how they manifestwill be left up to each and every one ofyou [as a collective].

    We have seen the debate on your internet as to how such changes will be

    brought about, and we wish you to know that such decisions will be brought

    to the fore of the public perception in due time after the initial

    announcements in relation to the impending Earth changes and so very many

    other things that are to happen to your world.

    Each and every event that manifests itself from here on out on a collective

    and individual level is happening in accordance with the decreed ascensionof the surface of Gaia and the decreed freedom of all on Her surface, so rest

    easy dear souls knowing that the Light you are bringing into yourselves by

    resting easy and feeling happy is assisting marvelously in the exposure of

    the dark and in the manifesting of all that you have wished to see come to

    fruition. It is all happening right now dear souls; embrace the change that

    lies ahead of you now.

  • 7/31/2019 The Pleiadian High Council


    Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.