The pledge

My Pledge My Pledge



Transcript of The pledge

  • 1. My Pledge


  • Fellow country men, Please support my candidacy for a new beginning. My dream is to bring back the days of milk and honey which were the pride of our Sweet Sierra Leone.
  • I will unite with anyone for the good of the country that is closest to my heart, Sierra Leone, and for our party.


  • My goal is to remove our country from the latter place in the development index, create an economy that will generate jobs, and restore good governance will reflect inter-tribal harmony, peace and national progress.
  • I will create jobs for our youth by reaching out to corporate America and the International Community for new partenerships . For example, instead of asking for handouts, I will lobby


  • for jobs to be outsourced to our young school-leavers.
  • Did you know that when you call to troubleshoot your mobile phones and computers, you are actually connected to call centers in the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Colombia etc?


  • My goal is to make sure that such contracts come to Sierra Leone.
  • Did you know that when banks are closed for the day in th US, Canada or Great Britain, all calls are redirected to call centers in other English speaking countries in the third world?
  • Imagine the difference it would make if our young men and women were to fill these positions?


  • Right now, I am deeply concerned about the poverty of my party, the devastating state of our country, the harsh and deteriorating living conditions of our people.
  • I believe that being President of our beloved country is the most appropriate avenue for me to do the most good for the largest numbers of people in the shortest possible time and make Sierra Leone a much better place for every one of us.


  • In 1977, I invested $100,000 in a school book publishing venture in Freetown with offices at Trelawney Street, supplied books to FBC bookshop and others.
  • I believe in a functional school system and my goal is to restore the high standards our country once prided itself in.
  • Instead of asking for handouts, I will lobby for the international community to send us teachers and highly qualified professionals to help elevate our falling standards.


  • As president, I will make sure members of the diaspora are gainfully employed. Recruitment will be based on merits and not tribal and political affiliations as we have seen in the past few years.
  • Corruption will be a thing of the past. My first approach is to revisit salary scales and modify office codes in a way that will make it more profitable for government employees to do their jobs with integrity than take bribes.


  • I ask you to give me your support so that together we can lift our country higher.
  • My love for our homeland is unquestionable. Fifty years of misery is enough.
  • Now is the time for change.Please join me in making tomorrow a day of hope and prosperity for our people, young and old.


  • Sierra Leone has too much potential not to be the model of democracy and economic success in the African continent.
  • Its abundance of natural resources and the desire of the people to put an end to their daily sufferings should be an inspiration for creating modern lifestyles free from poverty, diseases and hardship


  • Please join me for a bright and prosperous future for the land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

God Bless John Leigh