The Plaindealer.. (Roseburg, Or) 1895-06-13 [p ]....Tie Circuit Cosrt for Docglas County rneeU three...

Joy's for the Jaded and Goofl Health Tor all Mankind. 9 JOt S VEGETABLE SftRSAPAEtLLA. mdc fron herbs, and contains no Mineral drugs or deadly pois- on. Joy's Vegetable RirsiparilU robs the tlood of all lu impur- ities, and courses all these imparl- - MAAaslstAkMIU'J Congressmen Governor- - bcretsry Treasurer COTTiTTiiBioscr- s- toxic JUT Inspector. each Jot's O prevents feel-lag- s, staggering sen--1 rations, of heart, of to the dimness, ringing in I headache, riled of hovels, in the tongue coated, font breath, pimples on mud diny spoils, ckfamv feet and hands, soar risings, atigne, in- somnia, and all dia-- eases of the stomach, u:e tlrujiUts. Refuse a When yon pay for the see I ycoicciuicDoa. Supt. instruction. Assesso- r- SQTflh. ties through uature'aown Dy- - and Kidney Affections. tired rash proper Joy's ears, spots betore the eyes, bil- - puns face. bodv limh. force faint cold, best that STATE or cutos. U.H. Mitchell C S. senators v rv-,-- ,. of State . n 1 , . Feb. Kate Printer orr JW.R. Ellis P. Lord H. K. Phil G. M. W. 11. C M. Idleman X tribe r Board of Equalization A . C. Woodcock " Mooro Judpc ........ C E. Wolvcrtoa Railroad Commissioner Clerk Railroad Commission Lydcll Baker Prosecuting Attorney. 2egisler Observer.. Bccklcy Representatives . Justices- - Coasiablcs Trustee Becordc- r- Treasurer - month. Ycsetablo palpitation head, baxmelancholr, dechnoomerTO spelK lircrandkidneTs.- - saUaitute. Supcrindcnt Vegetable SarsaparUla Bcpsla, Complaint! GENERAL DIRECTORY (BingcrHennana Kincsid Metchan General-- .- (F.A. Supreme Coroae- r- ttc Bean (A. B. Cotapson j. a. (I. A. Macrum of SIC05D DISTSICT. Judge 7. C. Fullerton Gco. M. Brown s. uys orncx, KotxsruG. K S. K. M. Veatca r. s. trcsTUEs ii'utc. Thos. UiDfoa Senator "3erk W. treasurer School Coaaty Judge MarshaL. OOCOU.S CDCTT. Henry rniavcT mai. or riVEErcG. cdcet SXSS05S. &ecy-- chan- nels. cures William Irwin Leeds .attorney tJiaj Receiver Sheridan J. T. Bridccs. t C A. Sehlbrcde F. Benson .C F. Cathcart A. rater A. Underwood LA. Sterling A. F. Steams W. U Wilson " H. Manx ....Will K. Tnos. Soils .John Uanlin fW.T. Wright I j. snupe , Strong 11.F. Rice F. ILZIglex carrou J. C Sheridan Tie Circuit Cosrt for Docglas County rneeU three tises a year as follows: The Mon- day in Hares, the tth Monday in Jane, and the Sunday in December. J- - C Fnllerton of Eostbais jedre, Geo. Brown, of Eoiebcrg. attorney. CocnST Cosrt sects the Wednesday alter theJstJlondayoZ Jaanary. jiarca. xay. joiy, Sn'jT.Vr d Ksmbcr. A- - Stains, iodic. C. H. llansln ot Elilon n4 TV. I- - '.rf'.c- n- of EUdlt conaissloners. Probate Coon Is in session centlnnocslr, A. F. .wire Society Tlccllnjrv. a. F.A a. C W. Krtt, JC-- Ueydon K. War, TTSIPQCA CHAPTER. SO. U. R-- A. W. J. .sLF-Bap- p W. w-1- . 3d lss SL 1st retorne4 tketrnnlari W. M. HOLD convocations Masonic haU CD lie nt and third TresUiT of each santh. Tristans companions are cordially invited. JLF.EAPP. H.P- - iMnosr Caxo, Secretary. "pHU-ETABI- LODGE. SO. O. O. F tneeUeAtsrdsy evening oi each treek 7 o'clock in their hall Boaebars- - Members oi the order in good ttinriirrg are attend. Feasc C. Micxiu, X. U. S. T. Jtwrrr, Sce'y. TTXIOS W Old blood c. P. n. B. i". oi J. at S, L at at to ESCAMPMEXT. SO. S, MEETS Fellows frail on second and loom Thursdays cf each sonth. Visiting brethren arc iaTited to attend. Fxasc G. ilicnii. Scribe. Hazxt Paeet, C- - P. rOSEHnita LODGE. SO. 1C A. O. V. TV. XA- - meets the second and fourth Mondays of eica mcnlh atTSJ p. a. at Odd FeUorrs nalL Members of the order in good standing are in- - to aucno. Liver AV fint tad third Thcrsdays of each month. tITOHES'S nrr-TF- COUPS SO. 10, MEETS W oosd and fourth Thmsdays in each TjARltK ALLIASCE Begnlar Quarterly Meetings will be held at Grange Hall, Ecseburg, the first Friday in December, March sad Jane, sad the thud Friday in bcpteabcT. X OSEBCEG CHAPTER, SO. S. O. E. SL. MEETS the ueoad and louria TborsdaTS ol custh. JfDIClAL Sheep invited MADELTSE B. COSKLISG, W. M. TJ OSEBCEG DTVIHOS B. OF L.E., aects every second ana loartn canaay. each SO 176, OSEBCBG E. D. LODGE. SO. 11. 1. O, O. T. E- meet eveninz ol each Treek at the Odd yellows- - Rail, tutting (titers ana crethrea are inrittd to attend. Missakah Wmeeexy, S.C Fcat;k Ci. Micaxu. K. Sec. A LPHA LODGE, SO. 47, K. OF F Dr. AT T P.. MEETS every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows Kali-- vuiung oreuirezx m um aboaKuus to attend. Ttie Cliurclien. Battist Ciicrxii comer of Lane and Eos streets. Service: Preaching, U a. m. and n. xn-- r Young People's Cnion, 603 p.o- - Mrs.d.S. Annes, President, Sunday School, 10 c. in.; Jaacs Chamberlain, Superintendent Prayer Meeting. ThJrviaj cTealag at 70). Err. O. S. AJfyts, Pastor. Ectidence, So. S2i Main Street. Mxrnobur corner ol Main and Lane itrcctt 'Sunday Serricc: Preaching, 11 a. in. and 700 p. nr.; Eabtsth bchool, 10 a. rn.; Dr. James Barr, Superintendent; Class Meeting at dose oi the corning service; Epworth League 0J p. a. Clare Hume, PresMcnL Meet' lag,Thurdy,at70) p.m. S. 8. BccxjtEB, D. D Pastor. Parsonage, comer Mala and Lnc. I'EttETlEWi CllCECii-cor- aer ol Cass and Bose streets. Sunday Service: PupUc worship, II a.zx and 70 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Y. P. H.C. E.,7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes- - y, 70) p. m. It. B. Dilwoeth, Pattor. Tar W. C. T. V. via meet at the M. E church every Thursday evening until alter State Convention. All members should be pres ent at every meeting. JL E. Uhcecu, fjocrii Comer WathiagUri and Eteiihcns ttrecU. Divine services at 11 a. n. and 7:30 p. m. every 2nd and 1th Sunday. Eabbatb school at 10 n. ja., C. W. Kirk, super lntcndect. 1 preach at Edenbower church at 3 p. in. lamcdayr. At Oakland every 1st Sun day. morning and evening. At Caiapooia every Sunday morning at 11 a. m. and at Day's echool house at 3 p. m. J. A. CEtTciinr.Lb, P. C. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years tbe Standard. BRIEF MENTION. Bandon, couuty, Amount taxes collected last hroodof Coos wrought into a gavol, which was f3057 .85. F. L. Sifora of MarsbBeld was town last Tuesday. R. G. Dement of Bandon was tho city this T. A. Stayton Elkton was Rose- - burg last Tuesday. T.F. Wells Elkton was doing busi ness in town Tuesday. Valley West Bhowed sample of of week in in of in of R., Parrisb up is largely Curry dotailed (Inn -- uuu xng 01 vauey was visiting wilh ilhu. Anntlmf ill) C.W.Lucas Gardiner was r.,n 1111. Y .h . - I VUW lhMULIfcU-at)V- UVMU UIIUU AwU 1IVHI . x4OB0uurg eonesoay. Tona 0nB of n!lsHflnMr8 on Martin Marks returned San Fran- - seat with driver was made Cisco, Cal Tuesday night. the mail pouches. Tho whole account Donl forget the lecture at opera reads quite romantic. rivals Robin hoaBe evening Hood or Tack Cade's exploits. Henry Beckley and wife Elkton Rov. II. E. Monser in the city Wedneidav. preach in tho church this Rev. T. N. Wilson and wife left on morning at o'clock, niornine'a local for Portland. lecture in U10 evening at tuo same place u, j. 11 noun ut wauyouvuio ib in uioi . . . , , Ben Tronrbride, the Camas merchant, was in town the first of the week. Miss Carrie Sykes went to Portland Tuesday night to visit friends and rela tives. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at M. E. Church this evening at 8 o'clock. L. W. will lecture at the goods, charter of G. at grand encamp- - camo Wodnosuay. account inAHtlnna clnniri BpecimenB ,,onr of will were in and s. endeavor hear lecture mission stand The well always liberal Tho be used tho their house Friday night, for the benefit tercets in having their dental work douo 01 uie tpwortn League. experienced aud resident J. Buckhart, experienced I dentists and that Dr. Strauge & Toyc, from is in the today. who are here stay, all their interested mining in South work and make good their guarantees. J. W. Hedroeth and family were doine work is first-ela- ss aud as considerable trading in town this week. consistent with gcod work. Says locality be here Satur- - That company of piscatorial sports. day. J. Fletcher, Billy Taylor, A letter received from Treasurer erford, Tom Hinkle, PbilMeUcban Bays that be will be Al orman and Artuur w ooum reiurneu the pioneer reunion 15th if pea Brewster eventog Bible. with "thousands ol nsn." inoy aio so that they are now Mrs. Unruh, state lecturer and national organiser of the W. C. T. U., will address u v il,u,u people at 3 m. at m -- - 10 uie tune o That tired loss appetita and oaf ng loruer, eo toat tuey may join iu Wanted to plans or Mr- - Mt!rn !n fi;nrini? rauJ old carpenter work building materials or Upneer boob, and make U10 welkin ring real estate, A. ;,h m.,,:, mptn(- i- I late United States Karl's Cover Root, the great Blood U,, Iectur,. at lbB gives freshness and "clearness hoas0 erening. Mr. Mmmons the Complexion and cores ConsUpauon, gD lhe of 23cts., oOcte., $1.00. That James Curran, who up and robbed John Sweeney last day is boarding at Hotel de Cathcart county's expense. pioneer women are cordially in vited join the procession Satorday and march under the banner indicating the year they crossed the plains. Simmons E, V. Debs must go to jail six momhs, and associates for three months each, honest, drunk como? Barns, Goodwin and Elliott. Isadora Abraham and wile toot a; baggy ride to the month oi Caiapooia last Sunday, where the 1000 acre farm of TJnde Nick Day is niloated. Shiloh's Care is sold on a guarantee, It cares Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Care. Only one cent a dose, 25cts.,50ct9., and fl.OO. Mr. Schiller Hermann with wife from watch Monday to meet his father and mother, t lodge, M- - regclar jut from Washineton Cnctcii week. If want a nice selected stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware and optical call at Salzman'. He always ready to show his goods. lithe hair falling oat, or turning gray, a stimulant with nourish ing and coloring food, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Beseweria jost the specific. Professors Berger, the pianist. the eolo violinist, will give musical entertainment at the "Senate" is Bceebcrg, on the loth, 14th, and of this month. The of J. A. Crain, Samuel of soirits. unnn wav in dance will had on tbe at 7:30. James West the accredited dele-- 1 gate from Bandon No. 56, to in to of ol 1817 and of solid men of county. L. A. Sactuary departed on Monday overland. He goes to work on and plambine on Nash and will be absent or so. The Loyal Temperance will meet day stead of at 3 m. Mrs. A. U. Bcckxcb, Supt. head work horsee, weight W. W. Cardwell's Thursday 7 the the 15tb. The C. Nash ol Jack- son exchanging courtesies with his friends streets Wednes- day. reports tries good. proposed from Roseburg to Oregon City for The This they C. Co, $270 boys that but lost few pleasure. oi us n myrtle aud yow ho to Frank J. com chief tho A. from Rockford, Illinois, tho ment at Oregon City Dr. W. II. of to Roseburg interested mining claims in county. Ho promises in tho near to giro a of his ITn tlflil (tnld Innn liJflivvnvmnii liolil of from the the to cut tho It Friday 14th. of California Christina 11 this the 39G. on tho Y. r. C. IS. All generally should this The ladies of Christian church will have a refreshment on tho grounds at tho Pioneer next Saturday. known reputation of these ladies pleasing their should them patronage on Saturday. money will iu reducing church debt. Our readers consult iu opera an miner California city He to guaranteo is in Douglas, All their juin- - l0f hie will Jack Ruth- - State Maurico Abraham, at valley yesterday on the -- roai r" the p. the of PJ". .iu reunion. wiui exchange House tha, Architect. FriJay union lhe hobo, held Mon the his tbe his grand a 15th his the 1200 on the day J. of to at to to is is at at of and from twrsocal exicrience ill give a very interesting talk upon the and incidents of that unhappy iieriod country. fail to hear him. , j spraying Albert has shaken Rosebun; i . f . ou etioea lor Francisco Tuesday's overland. ensraire the commission i MuB Grovc business there, fullr commend the as i t know Kelliher, industrious young make every office Reno man. His here him has reduced its his calling, j to f year. the officers for Mrs. Norman returned the at the home a few i A. O. U. lodge ntgm: , ace. C. ; ti. ; , 1 t 1 .1 1.1 VUitnaug; j. u. awiueiu; ,L , ; . ... it. -- y - " nnanaer, a. iesi; receiver, 1. Wright; guide, S. VanZile; inside and baby up Myrtle Point watchman, C. L. outside ACEix Sunday, Prayer see requiring and Colles, farms night's contract roofing daring refused saved will picnic owra mends unbounded Roseburg morning days man. ti. b. rrcncii ; .. banc I Jap old of Myrtle Creek, spent few days in town last ; week. hear Jap would como the conclusion that what did not of mining anyone. , He has been employed a company as , as expert at five dollars day. Good . for yon, Jap ; make pay and come to the pioneers Wo are always pleased to meet with Jap, meets everyone so cordially and with open hand. S. Hon. Binger Hermann has been j at Washington since the journment of congress on special business . . . j I j and J tbe ; been most for the corn to a I is j to coal lately but I imimov I tmI it to UlU 111 " O O tbe strain of about of mines Cow seas, far i on a be G. A. j been out a born in the on bis the to attend the which I bis Ameri- - the 17lh lSlb inst. , ladies' goods, of came attend the fancy etc., a fine slock Mr. is I shoes wnicb have arrived from i one tbe one tbe for for the hotel a month in p. in tbe M. E. Six of in it on an of East. slock; you will bo to you as bo to make homo iu future. show all Grand Master the A. O. of paid No. last 4 yeare ol sale an address iu cash, or note; will trade a light of tfae order There were about fifty gen and Apply to Uemen J. o lbo Grand A Mr. of princi with their 0f the tbe to bo their way to Call- - tuereoi. fornia take a look the After the lecture the to settle there if with I to the Let the the social time meet was tbe on purpose of on the Capt. J. T. was on the The in that ford as The indug' that are Post, 29, to a and return asked to give, so the R. is out and the haye a hoar's James llo iu us lina Ad free. tho for insure for a will oru by all 11. for AU scenes our Don't to an u. m i. tuary. the a To one he was to a ad- -' is sr. full up he treat well get with his tho U. S. The W. visit the span for who tho and H. by for very the A party of friends met the of Mrs. Will today, dine of a by tho hostess. A most hour spent in such as adds to tbo "Joyr of life. We met together, Irlcnd with Irlcnd, In social loy an hour to the festive board wo at in pleasant social chat. Tho hour passed, we bid To host lliostcM kind and Wc wlah them both a happy Secure Irom care wordly strife. Powdo and NOTES BY OUR of L,ocnl mill the is nn up tkis way Miss from in a short Quite a lot of bay has boon and hauled in in this Mr. Riddle is his applo orchard this week. X. Quite a number of from Riddle will atteud tho them J. B. Riddle and his four mule team slago. will be hard to beat J. B. Quo mule II. Nichols is at tho stock ranch among his cattle this week. Geo. It. Riddlo and G. Quiuo went to Mrs. and her little Dale will inuvu out hor mine on Uniou creek Miss Riddle has her terui of school ou Rico creek is home aain. Mr. James had quite a fall from aud is on tho list now. The held here a week was one of the most held for a num- ber ycare. it very much. Cornutt term of on Days creek after ono This well and wo are well with success. Mrs. Nora friends here the first tho week. Rev. filled his here Mr. James Frater and Edd Riddlo tho Ernest Riddle Mr. Vokum from their mining camp at Iron game fish a ud some gold lots of lime. Rev. Sunday Bitzer dirt visitors report or irom ins ami ueparieu can by Hoj in and and we Sunday night. chat- - here union dead only sleep-- Dt". exrjecta Jones went to him to public Say, sports, did that free vix: and beer you many wish The RiJdle in price 1.50 a are elected Al of term the of after last visit with friends at o Master L, iladlej fore- - rccoruer, came Reeves; trustee, miner talk know by he who the his cneap for was life. his school his the was returueu that vou ilia vour the 1. lllrn iol Kf to Miss j from Rico where she jost closed a very j term of "Tho nickle are start soon." they years ago have been going since. up D. just train hy they have em her home at wood, after spending days her Mrs. at creek. It is a man makes for a new that is going Iva Dean is busy lo bis farm. tbe past week the has Geo. Dickey near Medferd, jf returned excellent growing county, have been bonded Portland. Hermann in and the making hay. Tuesday morn- - company develop Ifce health and notwith- - inc was and looked rain, there. Mm mvb the isnnsliinp. HI! WW jM.lll.J I. and jlm came dowu from the twenty men engaged tho the great Creek for the on Saturday. A I through those greater by beiuz to work grounds Friday evening Post, R. for fnturo for new than our" entire with j boil bis neck. We aro all that be over Tt.00 American city, way Oregon City c:tzcai ho speaks American language grand ecmtlneta business meets and and Umpqua Ferry, goods, besides fo Pioneers' Reunion. Sbamhrooit iuat pioneers Douglas Medford probably Legion vacation, Wednes Saturday, Church. reunion. foreign will and glad The Gov't Reports Royal Baking to others. Brannin of U. Lodge, 16 a ovening pounds, age, lor lor j.i:vcred inlereste wagon harness. nresent. lletencd attentively E. Flourney Valley. remarks by Ledsey illustrating the Tillamook, families, passed pieg Order and benefits through Roseburg on derived becoming members to at country and audience repaired satisfied California. banquet room refreshments all officials and and chat, and a pleasant Pioneer Reunion gonerally rcsuit evening o'clock, regulating exercises President. Medford, captain business lively. mining in vicinity car $300. company about much, present Lawier, mander Monmouth visiting Sunday Simmons patrons reliable, Sunday feeling, istxibuted Pekklns. purifier rebellion doubtless of Rogers, Hogan, reliable, county, ensuing Workman, Casteel, worthless detained informed expects Powdci fraternal Monday at residence Madison sat down to and partook suraptous prepared genorous pleasant pleasant spend. Around Engaged ndlcu and true. and Or. Price'! Baking World'a Fair Hlibest Award. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Interesting Items Personal Paragraphs. CONTRIBUTED CORRESPONDENTS. General Ketttiiiic Events IlnppculiiKM TltrouKlt-ou- t County. RIDDLE. Picking cherries occupation now. Belle Pruneris expected homo California time. cured neighborhood. A. poople Reunion. Among fine and It Riddle's team. up Acker's looking K. Portland Tuesday night. Cutsforth sou to husband's Friday. Olancho finished and woodbhed, crippled Baptist Association ago, successful and interesting meetings of Every ono enjoyed Wyatt ojeued auother Monday, neeks vacation. Bpeaks Wyatt pleased Norman of Roseburg was visiting of Wallace appointment Sunday. of Calapoota and moun- tains plenty of and and Enid. Laura forwarding Wallace apjointments Howard, Enterprise prosperity sucscription Following meeting Tuesday Monday this u.J8""''J Oregon, Cottage Blanche Riddle returned home evening creek, euccesaful school. mines going up Psbaw, started and Trapp Tuesday visiting mother. Table generally when young preparations building something to happen. hauling dressed lumber Duriuc weather Ferry department, Monday Jackson n;j,t beds ftIceiient cloudy like discovered lirii?lil of duly consequent Clinton preparing jvitions commerce Saturday, ground reunion inland unable account commerce tarKe Europe. taking Lsuipenbpnr. natural is encampment .rrloM No. gent's furnishing Examiuo ac- quainted Roseburg superior Workmen. Roseburg weuK:boseu Peslerfield Master Workman, committees appointed repast converse, Cream Pioneer's Saturday several Logsdou. supposed day with a rocker. The mine com a bar of fifteen twenty acres operation ot a mining pump. Vale. ELKTON. Hot davs and warm nights. Grain fields arc lookiug well an abundant harvest is expected. Rev. Stratford of Drain preached here IspI Sunday morning and evening. Mr. James Beckley of Oakland tailing friends here tho first of the week. 11. has been quito a of sheep killed tho past few dajs, supi08ed to by dogs. Notwithstanding tho hard times two new are iu the course of erection iu town. Rev. Huddleetou held diviue at the Center Boud school house last Sunday. The boys aud their dogs havo been haviug a lively time during tho few days chasing coyotes, and quito a num ber of the peBky varmints havo been captured. II. R. Uimmick, Tom Stayton and E. O. Huddleston havo been searching lue mountains for (several days in soaich of game, and well, wo can't tell with what success. Our sheriff, Cathcart, was hero lflRt week takinc testimony to tho rights of property in tbe case of H. Beck ley vb. P. II. et al. The jury rendered a verdict in favor Mr. A. G. met a very painful accident lost Saturday. As he was riding homo from this place horse becoming frightened, threw him, bis foot hanging in tho for some time. It is supposed the frightened animal cither stepped upon kicked him, breaking of bis ribs and other- wise injuring him, tho extent of which is not yot known. TYEE. The present weather is good ou the grass and graiu, but not good corn weather, and wo have several acres planted. Miss Cora Aloxander doted a very successful school here Thursday lust. Tyco string band played for tho Mill- wood picnic. D. W. McKinney and Frank Parkor of Rice hill spent last week here. Mr. Mc-h- as been improving his ranch. Prof. Jas. Young spent pail of lhe week with us. Come again Prof. Mr. P. S. Whito Is preparing to put in a bridgo 14o feet long, across Steven creek. Mies Nollio Fisher of Wolf creek spent several days yisiting friends hero last week. P. W. Gossctt has a fine lot of beef cattle and stock hogs which ho is offer- ing at a very low Ho also wishes to rent his farm on very good terms. Miss Mary and Charley Germond of Millwood spent Saturday aud Sunday with tho youngsters here. Uncle John Stephens, we are pleased to note, is around on visiting tour once more. Jake Germoud is an employee of R. 0. Lehmann. Ed Stephens is the lucky boy at fish- ing, while Charley is the most successful trapper. Lea Bunn ot Elkton was among our welcome visitors this week. Quito a number of eporlmen from Wilbur were camped at the Staiigh ranch several days. Scott Uenery is the first to start the mower. Mrs. R. II. Neyman is on the improvo. Mr. Tooley makes regular trips on the mountain of late. What can be tho at- traction? Our school was invited lo join in tbe picnic and literary exercises at Millwood Friday, .Miss Alexander haviug her school under fine training, took them all dowu where they joined in the sing- ing and speaking. Miss Anna Clark be- ing Millwood's successful instructor, had the school under good drill and they never were never will bo beaten. Miss C. deserves secial praise for songs by the little folks, they being 12 in and ucling their well. After tho literary exercises were over we were treated to an excellent dinner pre pared by the good cooks of Millwood f r 4 K... . 1 t. .1 .1 railroad fencing gang, were visiting' in Riddlo undav I plcu,c Srounda anU good cheer- - obscr- - n.i,nn, houses parts by Miss Eva Peacare, the young artist the training of Miss Mary Gen nend, who is teaching the Rock Creek school. She also had school in the lines. At night we were invfted to tho strawberry festival at -- Mr. Clark's, where tilled his ' tho ctening spent eating and you would aud last his his uudcr ting and playing social games. Every body reports very best of times and only wish for the next picnic at Mill- wood. Hurrah for Millwood! can be beard echoing in every hollow tree and log. Roscnru. OLALLA. Grain and gardens are looking well. The cauipmeeting at Ten Side is full blast. O. II. Flook, James and Grant Wells irom two has Uhr has the her the from their mines in that vicinity. James O. Newlaud and family have moved from our and taken up their tdx-de- , the time being least, in Lookiug Glass. Frank will the farm in Jimmie's stoad. James McCulloch and W. R. Wells the first in this neighborhood cut on freight morning for Lucy house internal was services McNeal, Langdon for ployed her to tcacli out the our money. Tbo speaking by the pupils last was excellent. Mies Daisy Frater of Roseburg is visit in relatives aud friends iu this neighbor- - Professor Mortou has gone Riddle business. his dog, Kizer, were gath- ering cattle today. Taking a woman a wrinkle, only practiced iu Olalla. All e.n. DRIVER YALLEY. of suushiue. J, J. Tbortou of Oak Creek visiting relatives here. Will Baiubridge of English Settlement and excellent place for the passed through valley last Wednes number during gcuial Ueckloy stirrup Sckide. figure. number Plenty Ashlauu, where a future residouce. They have host frieuds them success whatevor they may Waverly. SCOTTSBURO. Mrs. visit sister Uurvhard Mr. Uhiss of Mill recently a of brothers. Mrs. Patterson has been for past, of hor father, improving aud return home soon convalescent. Work store building Hed-de- n begins to Bhape. Mr. Loon test the ballists Prairie away exultant, wiuuera by ia to Long not have a fair timu exactly, one of them failed appear on and an- other bo substituted. A friendly game (not 11 rhallengcd oik-- ) will bo by tho namo ones Klkton about two week?. E. II. um went'tn Lyttcii Springs, Cal., reported be gaining in health in the aid of medical treatment and the waters the springs. Palmer expected home She has been visiting at and Drain. UMPQUA FERRY. . Uncle Shambrook visiting with his daughter, Mrs. F. W. McKechnio Oakland this week. Misses Anna and Martha Clarke of Millwood were visiting with friends on the Caiapooia last and Sunday.'' Ed Miller of Oakland mado a vieit to Millwood Tuesday. Misses Jessie Ohmart and Mary Med- ley, Messrs. Arthur Mahoney and Owen Sutherlin drove down from Oakland to witness the ball gamo hero Sunday'. W. B. Griffith the rustling machinery man of this place now on the representing D. M. Osbourne Co. of Portland, Or. One of Shambrook'tt hop houses is completed. The carpenters nre en- gaged the four others which aro to bo used this hop harvest. ono com- pleted a handsome appcaranco. Several pioneers this valley have for the past or been bright- ening their memories regarding their earlier times this state, no doubt will tell sorno interesting stories concerning their across the plains in tho 40's, at the pioneer reunion Rose- burg Saturday. We think quite a num- ber from this place will bo attendance. There will be a social dauco given at this place Friday night, Junu hall, good music, supper, etc. A large crowd and the management will endeavor to make an enjoyable time for present, and one ue remem bered by those in attendance. Take in tho ball game, Coles Valley vs. Oakland, in the afternoon, the dance night, be happy. From crowd of base-ballist- a grouuds Sunday, nines They played a good game, takiug everything into consideration, and were applauded very heartily times, especially ladies. They organized a nice and uuderstaud will play a match game with Oakland nine hero afternoon, Juue 21st. Undoubtedly a large crowd will pres- ent. informed Adveutists are holding a meeting in U.ik- - land will pitch their tents Coles Valley his out the the two were by the the Wo were the now in the near future for a few weeks siege. We hope they will, as we believe a camp meeting what the ieople have been for time. opportunities have been given other de- nominations try their 'hands in the camp mealing business but all seem be timid about coming the center. Wc hope the Seventh Day people will hold the hand will tbe sinner of Coles Valley see the his way. Sam Patch. CALAPOOIA. rt- 1, ... . , .... ,! ilioinab 01 ioirj luunit "3 uavoiust Aitnouse anu Ltve so. when friirU . . . .. . riaitini? ... old-tim- e friends ou tj.ila- - man.U. iientamiu; overseer, u. ' nnl ,n , , , . j , to ' ' U - . or as or or : r ! midst at ; ruu are to ' ot to on on is new is an is ou as to at is lo is is is & so in is lo at at is to to to Mtaa iniaflmt Mnrtlfi if Mill- - were visiting aud Ion the Caiapooia last week. Miss go to Pomruy. Washington, on the inst. and leave many will long up ever j (j. Stephens and wife were yisitiug ' The directors the Olalla school were relatives iu Little Tennesee last Satur- - Mrs. J. passed through town w6ll with the term taught i da' and Sunday. the Mis3 Byron, that Chit Mr. canyon, prises would Beckley haviug Mr. with that two reel Friday 1 i George and trial be I our be undertake. timu played Mrs. Geo. Geo. New Friday ' wanting Ample 1 1 " f . , - friends Minnie Bishop ucbiug Edward Stevens postmaster duriug has deputy the absence of our woity P. M. Our tonic sol fa fehool has ; closed September 1st. II Professor school cjntiuues in pop-- i ularitv it be necessarv to a larger room to wish to attend. been until accomodate those Willie Harness and Kaio Dcardoil paid Uahi- -' friends a the 10th Chinese pheaaautd are becoming a uuisauco aud it will only be a matter time until it will i.eccssary lo adopt some way to exterminate them. Hy in- vestigating it is found that the lad bug is ouo their choicest morsels of food, and the of a band of young turkeys is a favorite pasetime, besides they aro fast exterminating the grouse- in the killing ot Uie youuu. 'd'?' War is now in progress between the Mr. Emmett of Millwood came Udybuge uphis. With everything in up J. C. Quant's famous coyote favor ot the ladybug the farmers may j dogs this week. He say's coyotes are harvest a good wheat. very numerous iu those parts. Mr yy- - Uo,8it, ,.as The Sevmour Quant returned Tuesday from thoroughbred bulls aud is goiug to Riddle, where be has attending the enter the contest for the prize at the Baptist association. comiug Southern Oregon fair. Miss Mary Black of Sumner, Coos ,v minister ami Sunday county, was visitiug old-tim- e friends school organizer, whose name we failed week. to get, Presbyterian faith, preached a Robert Wilcox of wa itltercsliug sermon ou tin 9th inst. iug relatives iu Driver valiej last Friday besides doing some other good work iu aud Saturday. line. R. 13. Dixon of North Unipqua C. A. McGee of Roseburg was on here on business this week, aud while the lUth and took home a load of hay. purchased the baud of sheep form- - Hob. Geo. Willcox of Roseburg erly owned by George Jones. nere hero ou the yth, cuest of C. J. Chenoweth of Wilbur was visiting A. relatives two days this week. Mre. Thos. McNabb is visiting her George family will eoou daughter, Mre H. B. Gillett Roseburg start lor they go for a here who wish in Lizzie Hepburn will her soon. Creek pur- chased maro and colt tho Butler who ill time at the homo J. Wagoner, will as the of J. assume Barnes of Lako is the earpouter. of Long marched having been de- clared 4. It fair say, however, the Prairie did to had in Uurclianl combined of Eoon. Roseburg iu Saturday rushing upon The presents of the of week in and very in exacted all aud selected. very at we ho that who in iicre some that cause lo of oiaine wood relatives will 17th will hearts that of singing Young's singing will secure pooia iubt. The of be of destruction E. E. aud after crop of dehorned of first traveling last of Kosebure very over and visiting S. McNabb. here aud of of Ed. some error this who J. A. Stephens family weio visit ing friends on Tyeo lhe 9th instnut. Wo noticed the smiling form of Bob Burk at tho Caiapooia ejiiging school tho Sth. We ackuowledge a pleasant call fiom Mr. Adieon Willi ms of Green Valley. A number of our people attended the Trible school exhibition at .Millwood ou tho 7th, and were quite taken iu by tho performance of tho little ouch iu their parts, more particularly tho singing of a class of little gills that has been under the charge of Mies Annie Clarke, and are now firm believers that the qualification lo teach singing should bo tiecef-sar- to teach in our public school!. Mr. Harte of the linn of Smith & The base bailors of Elkton had a con-- ; Harte, was around last with and that road trip 21t. beeu visit- - here Mrs. lads visit aud week interview ing our fanners in regard lo threshing. These gentlemen havo on tho late im- proved machines, besides they bave secured all the latest improvements iu Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE tho riddle and cle.tuing apparatus made since last harvest and it would not be a bad idea for our farmers to sec this ma- chine at work before investing in a now machine, as they propose to thresn as cheap as it can possibly be done and do good work. M. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great In leav- ening power as the Royal. STAGE ROBBERY. Roseburg and Coos Bay Stage Held up. 'Ibis morning's Coos Bay stage, which left here at U a. m., was held up at 9 o'clock on the top of Hoover hill, about 11 mile3 west of this city, by a lone highwayman, who lelieved the mail sack of its valuable ron'enta and a pass- enger of $30 in cash George Langor was driver and there were two passengers, Raymond Brumbaugh of San Francisco, and a Mrs. Francis. Tho robber pre- sented a gun and made knon his wants. The mail sack was handed out to him and he split it open, and after helping himself to what he .van ted ho returned tho sack to the driver and requested tho male passenger to fork over, which he did. The tobber was masked. Only tbe way pouch was opened. There were three registered packages in the sack but no registered loiters, aud it i3 quite likely the robber got hut little for his trouble. Shooting Scrape. At the brewery Monday evening about 'J o'clock five pii-t- shots were heard in quick succession. A few minutes later the city marshal was noiined that a difficulty had occurred amongst a few of the habitues of that drinking cstaMieh-me- nt caused by a misunderstanding on some business transactions. In the melee that ensued Jack DeLaney was shot in the leg, making an ugly but not necessarily dangerous wound. As a con- sequence Ezra Pokett, Otto Black-schmi- dl and Jack DcLauey were arrested and brought before his honor, F. 31. Zigler, city recorder, w ho fined them to each on a plea of guilty of disturbing the eace. Kidney. K. W. Joy Compast -- Gentlemen. have euC'cred Irom kidney trouble for two or three years. would have to eet nj iii the ni?ht to void my urine irom ten to fifteen times. Jly .lpti wr ilIfiir!rfM?. untl liWum rorv thin and nervous. No appetite; boncls constipated, t have taken tuo bottles and trained hftccn lounds. well. Have to set up about three times durinr nfeht. and am very much better in every reiect. Will continue to take your egetauic saraipariiia, tor believe it win entirelv cure inc. (signed.) MB. KDWAI1D W. FKESCH, Stockton, Cal. JOY FOR THE JADED. JOY'a VEGETABLE SAItSA PARILLA. School Report. Report of the Elenbower school for the teim ending May 24, 1SD5: Those aver.itt'iig aove S5 p;r cent in examination were, John Givens 97, Cas- - sie rerguson. Annie iiirKs, liirue Jones, Mary Cleake, Lizzie Given, Irene Han- -' sen, Alex Ferguson, Frank Barks. Ethel Apjelhotr, Pearl North, Chester Erker, Amy Armiiagp, Von Casey, John Fergu-- . son, Percy North, Berlha Merrill, Floyd Stephens, Millie North, Willie Johnson, Walter Uloafce, 'icorgo lsnrss, Jennie; North. John Johusoti, Willie Burks and Fred Brothers. Abuie Pauuott, of Tlie. Discovery Savetl His Mr. Caillotitte. Druggist, Beavers-vill- e, 111, says: "To Ur. King's ew Discovery I owe my Hie. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physi- cians miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent a bottle and began its use DeardotT, Miss Ida and Nauuie and from the first dose began to get bet- - .. " . t t 1 f1 ' , v i I . ; his ' , j was i ' Jones I week. X. I I I I ! I a ' j ! I for 9 . .... j ler.nuu uuer uaiu' iiueu uuuicc uj and about a rain. It is worth its wciuht inzold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at A. C. Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store. Books Received. Tho following books have boon donated to the public school library hy Miss M. ... .. -- !,-. it it ueue prer- - Geology, Washington and His Country. Swiuton's English Literature Witinke's Literature. Harlcs" Ojtnp-'Sttiot- i, SvintonV Sixth Reader, Bryant Str.ilton'j Uv.k-ke-- p iug, Song Leaner, Oouquew. and one years the Indies Homo Journal. For Out t"lly Yenrs. Old and Well-Trie- d ttemedy. Mr. Win sJow's Sootlilnir Syrup has been used lor over jenrs millions mothers tor their children teething, with perfect micccx. soothes the child, Mjltetis the sumj, allays ill pain, cures wind calk, and the best remedy for dlurrhtea. I" pleasant lo the t:ito. told Druggists every part the world. Twenty-fiv- e ccuts a bottle. Its value iucal culablc. Be sure and ask Mrs. Winslow'i loathing Syrup, and take other kind. 'lhe Eugeni! cannery and drier will not make a run cherries and early small and orries this but will begin uperatious in time for the prune crop this fall and will also liaudlu toma- toes and other late fruits. Awarded Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. WW CREAM BAKING Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. ik I Baking 1 Powder A Valuable Mine. Wm. Leyens of Galesvillc was iu the city last week. Mr. Levens owns a placer gold mine on Tenuesseo gulch. This mine has been worked for the last 30 years, from which has been taxen many thousands of dollars worth of gold. Owing to the peculiar formation of the ground it has cost nearly as much as the gold was worth. Lately, since Mr. Lev-en- s has owned he has at great expense so improved by cutting ditches and erecting hydraulic works upon it, that it is now worked at comparative light ex- pense and, a result, is proving bonanza. Mr. Levens emphatically de- clares his mine will yield a better income than any three of the best ranches Douglas county. It is unmistakably one the best mining properties in Douglas county. Nervous SliocU. K. W. Joy Company Gentlemen: Thia the first time I hare attempted write for three years. Have been nervous and weak that 1 have laid bed for most the time.' mend who had taken your sarsatiarilia scut mc two bottle. The second one most gone, and I bare sained pounds, and surely leei a new woman. 1 paic, mm, am- bition. Had given up, as I had tried so many remedies and doctors, but found benefit. you core publish this you have my consent. . (Signed) MBS. A. ULLSIAS, Alameda, CiL Headache, Billiousness and Torpid Uverjlls-appea- r when you take Joy's Vegetable Populist fleeting. At Grange hall last Monday night the usual programme was dispensed with aud James West tbe chairman of Coos county people's party committee was in- troduced and spoke fur an hour upon the general topics of interest to that party. After lauding "Old Abe" for his patriot- ism and the "boys in blue" who re- sponded to the martyred president's call for men to put down the rebellion, ha gave his attention to tiie silver question. Cleveland, John Sherman, Carlisle, Eng- land and the Rothchilds. Ot course all these worthies since Lincoln's time were a set of tricksters working tho interest of English capitalists, the bell wether be- ing Rothschild. AH these scallawags were done for aud laid away labeled, "not wanted." Cure For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick head- aches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give thia remedy a trial. In cases habitual consumption Electric Bitters cures by giving the neded tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at A. C. Marstera & Co.'s Drug Store. Judge Hudson Harmon left his hotre mCiuctnnati.O., Monday for Washington to qualify as attorney general of the United States, which office was made va- cant by Mr. Olney'a elevation .to the office of secretary of state on the death Walter Q Gresham. riOTHERS and about to mothers, should Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription its torture, terrors mother child, by aiding Nature preparing the system for Thereby ' labor' ' arirt n1v the rieriod confinement are Teacher, greatly shortened- - It also promotes an abundant secretion nourishment for G. for the child. During pregnancy, tt pre- vents "morning sickness" and those, distressing nervous symptoms from which many suffer. ' Tents. Collie Co., Texas. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, : Sir I took your "Favorite previous confinement and never did well in my life. only two weeks since my confinement and I am able do my work! I feel stronger than I ever did in six weeks before. Yours truly, A'MOTHER'S EXPERIENCE. South Bend. Pacific Wash. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y.: DearStrl tafcin? your "tavor- - r.o.ieiL: iiomo.-- . imi.i- - . . prescription" 'Uie first month of .. O .i i n . 1 will o ctuuui .uaua;;iuieiii, n yuii'1 x hj- - i nancy, anu uu- - i.i c i.,..i.., ttnuea uiKimr it hub Philosophy, & The Mibscrtptinn to An , Ofty by of while It I by in of is for no on fruitH l Highest it it as it d in of in to so in of is 20 was no no If to in fair of it f of parturition. so Pre- scription" to so It is to Co., !... confinement. I did not experience the nausea or any of the ailments due to pregnancy, after I besran taking your "Prescription." I was onlv in labor a short time,, and the physician ' said I cot aionsr uu- - usuallv well. We think it saved me a creat deal of suffering. those become know that robs of and to both and in of X. Y. Dear began 1I... Mrs. Bases. I was troubled a great deal with leucorrhea also, and it has done a world of (rood fbr ms. Yours trulv, MRS.'W. C BAKER. Are You childbirth dangers Satisfied With Your Razor? If not call and see us. We mi - it t r ai will sen you one. y ou lase l it home, try it, if it is not perfcctly.satisfactory, bring it back" fo us and get your ( money. We handle only the (best grades, and are not ; afraid to guarantee them. Prices no hieher than- - for- - in- - tenor eoocis. HaiTiilton's Pharmacy. I

Transcript of The Plaindealer.. (Roseburg, Or) 1895-06-13 [p ]....Tie Circuit Cosrt for Docglas County rneeU three...

Page 1: The Plaindealer.. (Roseburg, Or) 1895-06-13 [p ]....Tie Circuit Cosrt for Docglas County rneeU three tises a year as follows: The Mon-day in Hares, the tthMonday in Jane, and the Sunday

Joy's for the Jaded and GooflHealth Tor all Mankind. 9


mdc fronherbs, andcontains noMineraldrugs ordeadly pois-on. Joy'sVegetableRirsiparilUrobs thetlood of alllu impur-ities, andcourses allthese imparl- -


CongressmenGovernor- -bcretsry


COTTiTTiiBioscr- s-

toxic JUT




prevents feel-lag- s,

staggering sen--1

rations,of heart, of

to thedimness, ringing in




of hovels, inthetongue coated, fontbreath, pimples on


diny spoils,ckfamv

feet and hands, soarrisings, atigne, in-somnia, and all dia--eases of the stomach,


tlrujiUts. Refuse aWhen yon

pay for the seeI ycoicciuicDoa.

Supt. instruction.

Assesso- r-


ties throughuature'aown

Dy- -

and KidneyAffections.




ears, spots betore theeyes, bil--


face. bodv limh.forcefaint


best that

STATE or cutos.U.H. MitchellC S. senators v rv-,-- ,.

ofState .

n 1 ,


Feb.Kate Printer


JW.R. EllisP. Lord

H. K.Phil

G. M.W. 11.

C M. IdlemanX triber Board of Equalization A . C. Woodcock

" MooroJudpc ........ C E. Wolvcrtoa

Railroad Commissioner

Clerk Railroad Commission Lydcll Baker

Prosecuting Attorney.




Representatives .

Justices- -Coasiablcs


Becordc- r-










lircrandkidneTs.- -









General-- .-


Coroae- r-

ttc Bean(A. B. Cotapsonj. a.

(I. A. Macrumof

SIC05D DISTSICT.Judge 7. C. Fullerton

Gco. M. Browns. uys orncx, KotxsruG.

K S.K. M. Veatca

r. s. trcsTUEs ii'utc.Thos. UiDfoa


"3erk W.


Coaaty Judge



rniavcT mai.

or riVEErcG.

cdcet SXSS05S.








Receiver Sheridan

J. T. Bridccs.t C A. Sehlbrcde

F. Benson.C F. Cathcart

A. raterA. Underwood

LA. SterlingA. F. Steams

W. U Wilson" H. Manx....Will

K.Tnos. Soils

.John Uanlin

fW.T. WrightI j. snupe

, Strong11.F. Rice

F. ILZIglexcarrou

J. C Sheridan

Tie Circuit Cosrt for Docglas County rneeUthree tises a year as follows: The Mon-day in Hares, the tth Monday in Jane, and the

Sunday in December. J- - C Fnllerton ofEostbais jedre, Geo. Brown, of Eoiebcrg.

attorney.CocnST Cosrt sects the Wednesday alter

theJstJlondayoZ Jaanary. jiarca. xay. joiy,Sn'jT.Vr d Ksmbcr. A-- Stains,iodic. C. H. llansln ot Elilon

n4 TV. I-- '.rf'.c-n- of EUdlt conaissloners.Probate Coon Is in session centlnnocslr, A. F.

.wireSociety Tlccllnjrv.

a. F.A a.

C W. Krtt,


K. War,



.sLF-Bap- p


w-1- .






W. M.

HOLDconvocations Masonic haU

CD lie nt and third TresUiT of each santh.Tristans companions are cordially invited.

JLF.EAPP. H.P--iMnosr Caxo, Secretary.

"pHU-ETABI- LODGE. SO. O. O. FtneeUeAtsrdsy evening oi each treek 7

o'clock in their hall Boaebars- - Members oithe order in good ttinriirrg are attend.

Feasc C. Micxiu, X. U.S. T. Jtwrrr, Sce'y.






i". oi



S, Lat


ESCAMPMEXT. SO. S, MEETSFellows frail on second and loom

Thursdays cf each sonth. Visiting brethrenarc iaTited to attend.

Fxasc G. ilicnii. Scribe.Hazxt Paeet, C- - P.

rOSEHnita LODGE. SO. 1C A. O. V. TV.XA-- meets the second and fourth Mondays ofeica mcnlh atTSJ p. a. at Odd FeUorrs nalLMembers of the order in good standing are in--

to aucno.


AV fint tad third Thcrsdays of each month.

tITOHES'S nrr-TF- COUPS SO. 10, MEETSW oosd and fourth Thmsdays in each

TjARltK ALLIASCE Begnlar QuarterlyMeetings will be held at Grange Hall,

Ecseburg, the first Friday in December, Marchsad Jane, sad the thud Friday in bcpteabcT.

X OSEBCEG CHAPTER, SO. S. O. E. SL. MEETSthe ueoad and louria TborsdaTS ol






TJ OSEBCEG DTVIHOS B. OF L.E.,aects every second ana loartn canaay.


SO 176,

OSEBCBG E. D. LODGE. SO. 11. 1. O, O. T.E- meet eveninz ol each Treek atthe Odd yellows- - Rail, tutting (titers anacrethrea are inrittd to attend.

Missakah Wmeeexy, S.CFcat;k Ci. Micaxu. K. Sec.






P.. MEETSevery Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows

Kali-- vuiung oreuirezx m um aboaKuusto attend.

Ttie Cliurclien.Battist Ciicrxii comer of Lane and Eos

streets. Service: Preaching, U a. m.and n. xn-- r Young People's Cnion, 603 p.o- -Mrs.d.S. Annes, President, Sunday School, 10

c. in.; Jaacs Chamberlain, SuperintendentPrayer Meeting. ThJrviaj cTealag at 70).

Err. O. S. AJfyts, Pastor.Ectidence, So. S2i Main Street.

Mxrnobur corner ol Main and Laneitrcctt 'Sunday Serricc: Preaching, 11 a. in.and 700 p. nr.; Eabtsth bchool, 10 a. rn.; Dr.

James Barr, Superintendent; Class Meeting atdose oi the corning service; Epworth League0J p. a. Clare Hume, PresMcnL Meet'

lag,Thurdy,at70) p.m.S. 8. BccxjtEB, D. D Pastor.

Parsonage, comer Mala and Lnc.

I'EttETlEWi CllCECii-cor- aer ol Cass andBose streets. Sunday Service: PupUc worship,

II a.zx and 70 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m.Y. P. H.C. E.,7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes--

y, 70) p. m.It. B. Dilwoeth, Pattor.

Tar W. C. T. V. via meet at the M. Echurch every Thursday evening until alterState Convention. All members should be present at every meeting.

JL E. Uhcecu, fjocrii Comer WathiagUri

and Eteiihcns ttrecU. Divine services at 11 a.n. and 7:30 p. m. every 2nd and 1th Sunday.Eabbatb school at 10 n. ja., C. W. Kirk, superlntcndect. 1 preach at Edenbower church at3 p. in. lamcdayr. At Oakland every 1st Sunday. morning and evening. At Caiapooia every

Sunday morning at 11 a. m. and at Day'sechool house at 3 p. m.

J. A. CEtTciinr.Lb, P. C.

Or. Price's Cream Baking PowderForty Years tbe Standard.

BRIEF MENTION. Bandon, couuty,

Amount taxes collected last hroodof Coos wrought into a gavol, whichwas f3057 .85.

F. L. Sifora of MarsbBeld was townlast Tuesday.

R. G. Dement of Bandon was thocity this

T. A. Stayton Elkton was Rose- -burg last Tuesday.

T.F. Wells Elkton was doing business in town Tuesday.


WestBhowed sample of

of week



of in



Parrisbup islargelyCurry


-- uuu xng 01 vauey was visiting wilh ilhu.Anntlmf ill)

C.W.Lucas Gardiner was r.,n 1111.Y .h . - I VUW lhMULIfcU-at)V- UVMU UIIUU AwU 1IVHI. x4OB0uurg eonesoay. Tona 0nB of n!lsHflnMr8 on

Martin Marks returned San Fran- - seat with driver was madeCisco, Cal Tuesday night. the mail pouches. Tho whole account

Donl forget the lecture at opera reads quite romantic. rivals RobinhoaBe evening Hood or Tack Cade's exploits.

Henry Beckley and wife Elkton Rov. II. E. Monserin the city Wedneidav. preach in tho church this

Rev. T. N. Wilson and wife left on morning at o'clock,

niornine'a local for Portland. lecture in U10 evening at tuo same place

u, j. 11 noun ut wauyouvuio ib in uioi . . . , ,

Ben Tronrbride, the Camasmerchant, was in town the first of theweek.

Miss Carrie Sykes went to PortlandTuesday night to visit friends and relatives.

The regular meeting of the W. C. T.U. will be held at M. E. Church thisevening at 8 o'clock.

L. W. will lecture at the



of grand encamp- -


accountinAHtlnna clnniri



of will

were inand

s. endeavor

hear lecturemission


The wellalways

liberalTho be used


house Friday night, for the benefit tercets in having their dental work douo01 uie tpwortn League. experienced aud resident

J. Buckhart, experienced I dentists and that Dr. Strauge & Toyc,from is in the today. who are here stay, all their

interested mining in South work and make good their guarantees.

J. W. Hedroeth and family were doine work is first-ela- ss aud as

considerable trading in town this week. consistent with gcod work.Says locality be here Satur-- That company of piscatorial J. Fletcher, Billy Taylor,

A letter received from Treasurer erford, Tom Hinkle,

PbilMeUcban Bays that be will be Al orman and Artuur w ooum reiurneu

the pioneer reunion 15th if pea Brewster eventog

Bible. with "thousands ol nsn." inoy aio so

that they are nowMrs. Unruh, state lecturer and national

organiser of the W. C. T. U., will address u v il,u,u

people at 3 m. at m -- -

10 uie tune oThat tired loss appetita and oaf ng

loruer, eo toat tuey may join iuWanted to plans or Mr- - Mt!rn !n fi;nrini? rauJ old

carpenter work building materials or Upneer boob, and make U10 welkin ringreal estate, A. ;,h m.,,:, mptn(- i-


late United StatesKarl's Cover Root, the great Blood U,, Iectur,. at lbB

gives freshness and "clearness hoas0 erening. Mr. Mmmonsthe Complexion and cores ConsUpauon, gD lhe of23cts., oOcte., $1.00.

That James Curran, whoup and robbed John Sweeney lastday is boarding at Hotel de Cathcart

county's expense.

pioneer women are cordially invited join the procession Satorday andmarch under the banner indicating theyear they crossed the plains.


E, V. Debs must go to jail six momhs,and associates for three months each,

honest, drunk como?Barns, Goodwin and Elliott.

Isadora Abraham and wile toot a;baggy ride to the month oi Caiapooialast Sunday, where the 1000 acre farmof TJnde Nick Day is niloated.

Shiloh's Care is sold on a guarantee,It cares Incipient Consumption. It isthe best Cough Care. Only one cent adose, 25cts.,50ct9., and fl.OO.

Mr. Schiller Hermann with wifefrom watch

Monday to meet his father and mother,t lodge, M-- regclar jut from Washineton



If want a nice selectedstock of watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware and optical call at Salzman'.He always ready to show his goods.

lithe hair falling oat, or turninggray, a stimulant with nourishing and coloring food, Hall's VegetableSicilian Hair Beseweria jost the specific.

Professors Berger, the pianist.the eolo violinist, will give

musical entertainment at the "Senate"is Bceebcrg, on the loth, 14th, andof this month.

The of J. A. Crain, Samuel


soirits.unnn wav


dance will had on tbeat 7:30.

James West the accredited dele-- 1

gate from Bandon No. 56,to



of ol 1817 and ofsolid men of county.

L. A. Sactuary departedon Monday overland. He goesto work on andplambine on Nash and will

be absent or so.

The Loyal Temperance will

meetday stead of at 3 m.

Mrs. A. U. Bcckxcb, Supt.

head work horsee, weight

W. W. Cardwell's Thursday7 thethe 15tb.


C. Nash ol Jack-son exchanging courtesieswith his friends streets Wednes-day. reports

tries good.

proposedfrom Roseburg to Oregon City

for TheThis they

C. Co, $270 boysthat but lost few


oius n myrtle aud yow

ho to Frank J. comchief tho A. from

Rockford, Illinois, thoment at Oregon City

Dr. W. II. ofto Roseburg

interested mining claims incounty. Ho promises in tho nearto giro a of his

ITn tlflil (tnld

Innn liJflivvnvmnii liolilof

from the the to cut

tho ItFriday 14th.

of CaliforniaChristina





on tho Y. r. C. IS. All

generally should this

The ladies of Christian church will

have a refreshment on tho groundsat tho Pioneer next Saturday.

known reputation of these ladiespleasing their shouldthem patronage on

Saturday. money will iureducing church debt.

Our readers consult iuopera

an minerCalifornia city He to guaranteo

is in Douglas,All their juin- -


hie willJack Ruth- -

State Maurico Abraham,

atvalley yesterdayon the -- roai

r"the p. the

of PJ". .iu


wiuiexchange House tha,


FriJayunion lhe

hobo, heldMon










on the day









and from twrsocal exicrienceill give a very interesting

talk upon the and incidents of

that unhappy iieriod to hear him. , j


Albert has shaken Rosebun; i . f .

ou etioea lorFrancisco Tuesday's overland.

ensraire the commission iMuB

Grovcbusiness there,fullr commend the as i t know

Kelliher, industrious young make




man. His here him has reduced itshis calling, j to f year.

the officers for Mrs. Norman returnedthe at the home a few i

A. O. U. lodge ntgm: , ace.C. ;

ti. ; ,1 t 1 .1 1.1VUitnaug; j. u. awiueiu; ,L , ; .... it. --y - "nnanaer, a. iesi; receiver, 1.

Wright; guide, S. VanZile; inside

and baby up Myrtle Point watchman, C. L. outside






and Colles,


night'scontract roofing








Roseburgmorning days

man. ti. b. rrcncii ; .. bancI

Jap old of MyrtleCreek, spent few days in town last ;

week. hear Jap would como

the conclusion that what did notof mining anyone. ,

He has been employed a company as ,

as expert at five dollars day. Good .

for yon, Jap ; make pay and come tothe pioneers Wo are alwayspleased to meet with Jap, meetseveryone so cordially and with openhand. S.

Hon. Binger Hermann has been j

at Washington since thejournment of congress on special business

. .





and J tbe ; been most for the cornto a I

is j

to coal lately butI imimov I tmI it toUlU 111 " O O

tbe strain ofabout of mines Cow

seas, far i on abe

G. A.

j been out

a bornin the on bis the

to attend the which Ibis Ameri- -

the 17lh lSlb inst. ,ladies' goods,

of came attend the fancy etc., a fine slockMr. is I shoes wnicb have arrived from i

one tbe one tbe


forthe hotel

a month

in p. intbe M. E.

Six of






East. slock;you will bo to

you as bo to makehomo iu future.


Grand Master the A. O.

of paid No.

last4 yeare ol sale an address iu

cash, or note; will trade a light of tfae order There were about fifty genand Apply to Uemen

J. o lbo GrandA Mr. of princi

with their 0f the tbe to bo

their way to Call- - tuereoi.fornia take a look the After the lecture theto settle there if with I to the

Let the the social time

meet was tbeon

purpose ofon the

Capt. J. T.was

on theThe in

that ford as The indug'

that are

Post, 29, toa andreturn asked

to give, so theR. is out and thehaye ahoar's







forinsure for a

will oru









u. m



To onehe

was to


ad- -'


sr. full


he treatwell get

withhis tho

U. S.



thespan for


and H.




A party of friends met theof Mrs. Will today,dine of a

by tho hostess. A

most hour spent insuch as adds to tbo "Joyr of

life.We met together, Irlcnd with Irlcnd,In social loy an hour to

the festive board wo atin pleasant social chat.

Tho hour passed, we bidTo host lliostcM kind andWc wlah them both a happySecure Irom care wordly strife.




of L,ocnlmill


is nn uptkis way

Missfrom in a short

Quite a lot of bay has boon andhauled in in this

Mr. Riddle is his apploorchard this week.


Quite a number of from Riddlewill atteud tho

them J. B. Riddle and hisfour mule team slago. will behard to beat J. B. Quo mule

II. Nichols is at tho stockranch among his cattle thisweek.

Geo. It. Riddlo and G. Quiuo wentto

Mrs. and her little Dalewill inuvu out hor mine onUniou creek

Miss Riddle has herterui of school ou Rico creek ishome aain.

Mr. James had quite a fall fromaud is on tho list


The held here aweek was one of the most

held for a num-ber ycare. it verymuch.

Cornutt termof on Days creek afterono This well

and wo are well withsuccess.

Mrs. Norafriends here the first tho week.

Rev. filled hishere

Mr. James Frater and Edd Riddlo


Ernest Riddle Mr. Vokumfrom their mining camp at Iron

game fish a ud somegold lots of lime.


Bitzer dirt



orirom ins ami ueparieu can

by Hojin and

and we Sunday night.


union dead only sleep--

Dt".exrjecta Jones went to

him to public Say, sports, did that freevix: and beer


many wish The RiJdlein price 1.50 a

are elected Al ofterm the of after

last visit with friends at oMaster L, iladlej fore--


came Reeves;trustee,
















returueuthat vou ilia vour the1. lllrn iol



Missj from Rico whereshe jost closed a very j

term of

"Tho nickle are startsoon." they

years ago have been goingsince.


D. justtrain hy they have em

her home at wood, after spendingdays her Mrs.

at creek.It is a

man makes for anew that is going

Iva Dean is busylo bis farm.

tbe past week the hasGeo. Dickey near Medferd, jf returned excellent growing

county, have been bonded Portland. Hermann in and the making hay. Tuesday morn- -company develop Ifce health and notwith- - inc was and looked rain,

there. Mm mvb the isnnsliinp.HI! WW jM.lll.JI. and jlm came dowu from the

twenty men engaged tho the great Creekfor the on Saturday. A I through those greater by beiuz to work

grounds Fridayevening

Post, R.





than our" entire with j boil bis neck. We aroall that be over Tt.00

Americancity, way Oregon City c:tzcai ho speaks American language

grand ecmtlneta businessmeets and

andUmpqua Ferry, goods, besides fo

Pioneers' Reunion. Sbamhrooit iuatpioneers



vacation, WednesSaturday,





and glad

The Gov't ReportsRoyal Baking

to others.

Brannin of U.Lodge,

16 a oveningpounds, age, lor lor j.i:vcred inlereste

wagon harness. nresent. lletencd attentivelyE. Flourney Valley. remarks by

Ledsey illustrating theTillamook, families, passed pieg Order and benefitsthrough Roseburg on derived becoming members

to at country and audience repairedsatisfied California. banquet room refreshments

all officials and and chat, and a pleasant

Pioneer Reunion gonerally rcsuit

evening o'clock,regulating exercises



captain businesslively. mining

in vicinity

car$300. company


present Lawier,mander














Rogers, Hogan, reliable,










fraternal Monday

at residenceMadison sat down to

and partook suraptousprepared genorous

pleasant pleasant


ndlcuand true.


Or. Price'! BakingWorld'a Fair Hlibest Award.


Interesting Items Personal



General Ketttiiiic EventsIlnppculiiKM TltrouKlt-ou- t


RIDDLE.Picking cherries occupation

now.Belle Pruneris expected homo

California time.cured



Among fineand It


up Acker'slooking

K.Portland Tuesday night.

Cutsforth souto husband's

Friday.Olancho finished


woodbhed, crippled

Baptist Associationago, successful

and interesting meetingsof Every ono enjoyed

Wyatt ojeued auotherMonday,

neeks vacation. BpeaksWyatt pleased

Norman of Roseburg wasvisiting of

Wallace appointmentSunday.




tains plenty of andand Enid.



Wallace apjointments


Enterpriseprosperity sucscription

Followingmeeting TuesdayMonday this




Blanche Riddle returned homeevening creek,


mines goingup Psbaw, started



visiting mother.Table

generally when youngpreparations building

something tohappen. haulingdressed lumber

Duriuc weatherFerry department, MondayJackson n;j,t

beds ftIceiient cloudy likediscovered lirii?lil



consequent Clintonpreparing jvitions commerce Saturday,

ground reunion inland unable accountcommerce tarKe

Europe. taking

Lsuipenbpnr. naturalis




gent's furnishing






weuK:boseuPeslerfield Master Workman,









day with a rocker. The mine com

a bar of fifteen twenty acres

operation ot a mining pump.Vale.


Hot davs and warm nights.

Grain fields arc lookiug well anabundant harvest is expected.

Rev. Stratford of Drain preached hereIspI Sunday morning and evening.

Mr. James Beckley of Oaklandtailing friends here tho first of the week.

11. has been quito aof sheep killed tho past

few dajs, supi08ed to by dogs.

Notwithstanding tho hard times two

new are iu the course of erectioniu town.

Rev. Huddleetou held diviueat the Center Boud school house lastSunday.

The boys aud their dogs havo been

haviug a lively time during tho few

days chasing coyotes, and quito a number of the peBky varmints havo beencaptured.

II. R. Uimmick, Tom Stayton and E.O. Huddleston havo been searching luemountains for (several days in soaich of

game, and well, wo can't tell with whatsuccess.

Our sheriff, Cathcart, was herolflRt week takinc testimony to thorights of property in tbe case of H. Beck

ley vb. P. II. et al. The juryrendered a verdict in favor

Mr. A. G. met a very

painful accident lost Saturday. As he

was riding homo from this place

horse becoming frightened, threw him,

bis foot hanging in tho for some

time. It is supposed the frightened

animal cither stepped upon kicked

him, breaking of bis ribs and other-

wise injuring him, tho extent of which is

not yot known.

TYEE.The present weather is good ou the

grass and graiu, but not good cornweather, and wo have several acresplanted.

Miss Cora Aloxander doted a verysuccessful school here Thursday lust.

Tyco string band played for tho Mill-

wood picnic.D. W. McKinney and Frank Parkor of

Rice hill spent last week here. Mr. Mc-h- as

been improving his ranch.

Prof. Jas. Young spent pail of lheweek with us. Come again Prof.

Mr. P. S. Whito Is preparing to put ina bridgo 14o feet long, across Stevencreek.

Mies Nollio Fisher of Wolf creek spentseveral days yisiting friends hero lastweek.

P. W. Gossctt has a fine lot of beefcattle and stock hogs which ho is offer-

ing at a very low Ho also wishesto rent his farm on very good terms.

Miss Mary and Charley Germond ofMillwood spent Saturday aud Sundaywith tho youngsters here.

Uncle John Stephens, we are pleasedto note, is around on visiting touronce more.

Jake Germoud is an employee of R. 0.Lehmann.

Ed Stephens is the lucky boy at fish-

ing, while Charley is the most successfultrapper.

Lea Bunn ot Elkton was among ourwelcome visitors this week.

Quito a number of eporlmen fromWilbur were camped at the Staiigh ranchseveral days.

Scott Uenery is the first to start themower.

Mrs. R. II. Neyman is on the improvo.Mr. Tooley makes regular trips on the

mountain of late. What can be tho at-

traction?Our school was invited lo join in tbe

picnic and literary exercises at MillwoodFriday, .Miss Alexander haviug herschool under fine training, took themall dowu where they joined in the sing-

ing and speaking. Miss Anna Clark be-

ing Millwood's successful instructor, hadthe school under good drill and theynever were never will bo beaten.Miss C. deserves secial praise forsongs by the little folks, they being 12 in

and ucling their well.After tho literary exercises were over wewere treated to an excellent dinner prepared by the good cooks of Millwood

f r 4 K... . 1 t. .1 .1railroad fencing gang, were visiting'

in Riddlo undav I plcu,c Srounda anU


cheer- -





by Miss Eva Peacare, the young artistthe training of Miss Mary Gen

nend, who is teaching the Rock Creekschool. She also had school in thelines. At night we were invfted to thostrawberry festival at --Mr. Clark's, where

tilled his ' tho ctening spent eating and







ting and playing social games. Everybody reports very best of times andonly wish for the next picnic at Mill-

wood. Hurrah for Millwood! can bebeard echoing in every hollow tree andlog. Roscnru.


Grain and gardens are looking well.

The cauipmeeting at Ten Side isfull blast.

O. II. Flook, James and Grant Wells









from their mines in that vicinity.

James O. Newlaud and family havemoved from our and taken up theirtdx-de- , the time being least, inLookiug Glass. Frank will the farmin Jimmie's stoad.

James McCulloch and W. R. Wellsthe first in this neighborhood cut

on freight morning for Lucy








ployed her to tcacli out the ourmoney. Tbo speaking by the pupilslast was excellent.

Mies Daisy Frater of Roseburg is visitin relatives aud friends iu this neighbor- -

Professor Mortou has gone Riddlebusiness.

his dog, Kizer, were gath-

ering cattle today.Taking a woman a

wrinkle, only practiced iu Olalla.All e.n.


of suushiue.

J, J. Tbortou of Oak Creek visitingrelatives here.

Will Baiubridge of English Settlementand excellent place for the passed through valley last Wednes

number during








Ashlauu, where afuture residouce. They have hostfrieuds them successwhatevor they may



sister UurvhardMr. Uhiss of Mill recently

a ofbrothers.

Mrs. Patterson has beenfor past, of horfather, improving aud

return home soon convalescent.

Work store building Hed-de- n

begins to Bhape. Mr.Loon

test the ballists Prairieaway exultant,

wiuuera by ia toLong

not have a fair timu exactly, one of

them failed appear on and an-

other bo substituted. A friendlygame (not 11 rhallengcd oik-- ) will bo

by tho namo ones Klkton

about two week?.

E. II. um went'tn LyttciiSprings, Cal., reported be gainingin health in the aid of medicaltreatment and the waters the springs.

Palmer expected homeShe has been visiting at andDrain.


Uncle Shambrook visiting withhis daughter, Mrs. F. W. McKechnioOakland this week.

Misses Anna and Martha Clarke ofMillwood were visiting with friends onthe Caiapooia last and Sunday.''

Ed Miller of Oakland mado avieit to Millwood Tuesday.

Misses Jessie Ohmart and Mary Med-

ley, Messrs. Arthur Mahoney and Owen

Sutherlin drove down from Oakland towitness the ball gamo hero Sunday'.

W. B. Griffith the rustling machineryman of this place now on therepresenting D. M. Osbourne Co. of

Portland, Or.One of Shambrook'tt hop houses

is completed. The carpenters nre en-

gaged the four others which aro tobo used this hop harvest. ono com-

pleted a handsome appcaranco.

Several pioneers this valleyhave for the past or been bright-ening their memories regarding theirearlier times this state, no doubtwill tell sorno interesting storiesconcerning their across the plains intho 40's, at the pioneer reunion Rose-

burg Saturday. We think quite a num-

ber from this place will bo attendance.

There will be a social dauco given atthis place Friday night, Junuhall, good music, supper, etc. A largecrowd and the managementwill endeavor to make an enjoyable timefor present, and one ue remembered by those in attendance. Take in

tho ball game, Coles Valley vs. Oakland,in the afternoon, the dance night,be happy.

From crowd of base-ballist- a

grouuds Sunday, ninesThey played a good game,

takiug everything into consideration,and were applauded very heartilytimes, especially ladies. Theyorganized a nice and uuderstaud willplay a match game with Oaklandnine hero afternoon, Juue 21st.Undoubtedly a large crowd will pres-

ent.informed Adveutists

are holding a meeting in U.ik- -

land will pitch their tents Coles Valley


out thethe two were

by the


Wo were thenow

in the near future for a few weeks siege.We hope they will, as we believe a campmeeting what the ieople havebeen for time.opportunities have been given other de-

nominations try their 'hands in thecamp mealing business but all seem betimid about coming the center. Wc

hope the Seventh Day people will holdthe hand will tbe sinner of

Coles Valley see the his way.Sam Patch.


1, ... . , .... ,! ilioinab 01 ioirj luunit "3uavoiust Aitnouse anuLtve so. when friirU . . . .. . riaitini?

...old-tim- e friends ou tj.ila- -

man.U. iientamiu; overseer, u. '

nnl ,n , , ,





' 'U -






: r


midstat ;


are to '



on is new








is lo













Mtaa iniaflmt Mnrtlfi if Mill- -

were visiting audIon the Caiapooia last week.

Miss go to Pomruy.Washington, on the inst. andleave many will long

up ever j (j. Stephens and wife were yisitiug'

The directors the Olalla school were relatives iu Little Tennesee last Satur- -

Mrs. J. passed through town w6ll with the term taught i da' and Sunday.the Mis3 Byron, that





Beckley haviug







George and


be I our











wanting Ample

1 1 " f . ,



Minnie Bishop


Edward Stevenspostmaster duriug

has deputythe absence of our

woity P. M.

Our tonic sol fa fehool has; closed September 1st. II Professor

school cjntiuues in pop--iularitv it be necessarv to alarger room towish to attend.



accomodate those

WillieHarness and Kaio Dcardoil paid Uahi- -'

friends a the 10th

Chinese pheaaautd are becoming auuisauco aud it will only be a mattertime until it will i.eccssary lo adoptsome way to exterminate them. Hy in-

vestigating it is found that the lad bugis ouo their choicest morsels of food,and the of a band of youngturkeys is a favorite pasetime, besidesthey aro fast exterminating the grouse-

in the killing ot Uie youuu.'d'?' War is now in progress between the

Mr. Emmett of Millwood came Udybuge uphis. With everything inup J. C. Quant's famous coyote favor ot the ladybug the farmers may

j dogs this week. He say's coyotes are harvest a good wheat.very numerous iu those parts. Mr yy-- Uo,8it, ,.as


Sevmour Quant returned Tuesday from thoroughbred bulls aud is goiug toRiddle, where be has attending the enter the contest for the prize at theBaptist association. comiug Southern Oregon fair.

Miss Mary Black of Sumner, Coos ,v minister ami Sundaycounty, was visitiug old-tim- e friends school organizer, whose name we failedweek. to get, Presbyterian faith, preached a

Robert Wilcox of wa itltercsliug sermon ou tin 9th inst.iug relatives iu Driver valiej last Friday besides doing some other good work iu

aud Saturday. line.

R. 13. Dixon of North Unipqua C. A. McGee of Roseburg was onhere on business this week, aud while the lUth and took home a load of hay.

purchased the baud of sheep form- - Hob. Geo. Willcox of Roseburgerly owned by George Jones. nere hero ou the yth, cuest of C.

J. Chenoweth of Wilbur was visiting A.

relatives two days this week. Mre. Thos. McNabb is visiting herGeorge family will eoou daughter, Mre H. B. Gillett Roseburg

start lor they go fora

here who wish in

Lizzie Hepburn will hersoon.

Creek pur-

chased maro and colt tho Butler

who ill

time at the homoJ. Wagoner,

will as

the of J.assume Barnes

of Lako is the earpouter.

of Longmarched having been de-

clared 4. It fair say,however, the Prairie did









presentsof the of


in andvery





selected. very







that causelo of


wood relatives

will17th will

hearts that



Young's singingwill secure

pooia iubt.




E. E. audafter

crop of





Kosebure very




aud of






J. A. Stephens family weio visiting friends on Tyeo lhe 9th instnut.

Wo noticed the smiling form of BobBurk at tho Caiapooia ejiiging school thoSth.

We ackuowledge a pleasant call fiomMr. Adieon Willi ms of Green Valley.

A number of our people attended theTrible school exhibition at .Millwood outho 7th, and were quite taken iu by thoperformance of tho little ouch iu theirparts, more particularly tho singing of aclass of little gills that has been underthe charge of Mies Annie Clarke, and arenow firm believers that the qualificationlo teach singing should bo tiecef-sar- to

teach in our public school!.Mr. Harte of the linn of Smith &

The base bailors of Elkton had a con-- ; Harte, was around lastwith and






visit- -






week interviewing our fanners in regard lo threshing.These gentlemen havo on tho late im-

proved machines, besides they bavesecured all the latest improvements iu

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report


tho riddle and cle.tuing apparatus madesince last harvest and it would not be abad idea for our farmers to sec this ma-

chine at work before investing in a nowmachine, as they propose to thresn ascheap as it can possibly be done and dogood work. M.

The World's Fair Testsshowed no baking powderso pure or so great In leav-

ening power as the Royal.


Roseburg and Coos Bay StageHeld up.

'Ibis morning's Coos Bay stage, whichleft here at U a. m., was held up at 9o'clock on the top of Hoover hill, about11 mile3 west of this city, by a lonehighwayman, who lelieved the mailsack of its valuable ron'enta and a pass-

enger of $30 in cash George Langor wasdriver and there were two passengers,Raymond Brumbaugh of San Francisco,and a Mrs. Francis. Tho robber pre-

sented a gun and made knon his wants.The mail sack was handed out to himand he split it open, and after helpinghimself to what he .van ted ho returnedtho sack to the driver and requested thomale passenger to fork over, which hedid. The tobber was masked. Onlytbe way pouch was opened. There werethree registered packages in the sack butno registered loiters, aud it i3 quite likelythe robber got hut little for his trouble.

Shooting Scrape.At the brewery Monday evening about

'J o'clock five pii-t- shots were heard inquick succession. A few minutes laterthe city marshal was noiined that adifficulty had occurred amongst a few ofthe habitues of that drinking cstaMieh-me- nt

caused by a misunderstanding onsome business transactions. In themelee that ensued Jack DeLaney was

shot in the leg, making an ugly but notnecessarily dangerous wound. As a con-

sequence Ezra Pokett, Otto Black-schmi- dl

and Jack DcLauey were arrestedand brought before his honor, F. 31.

Zigler, city recorder, w ho fined them toeach on a plea of guilty of disturbingthe eace.

Kidney.K. W. Joy Compast --Gentlemen. have

euC'cred Irom kidney trouble for two or threeyears. would have to eet nj iii the ni?ht tovoid my urine irom ten to fifteen times. Jly.lpti wr ilIfiir!rfM?. untl liWum rorv thinand nervous. No appetite; boncls constipated, t

have taken tuo bottles and trained hftccnlounds. well. Have to set up aboutthree times durinr nfeht. and am very muchbetter in every reiect. Will continue to takeyour egetauic saraipariiia, tor believe it winentirelv cure inc. (signed.)

MB. KDWAI1D W. FKESCH,Stockton, Cal.


School Report.Report of the Elenbower school for

the teim ending May 24, 1SD5:

Those aver.itt'iig aove S5 p;r cent inexamination were, John Givens 97, Cas- -

sie rerguson. Annie iiirKs, liirue Jones,Mary Cleake, Lizzie Given, Irene Han- -'

sen, Alex Ferguson, Frank Barks. EthelApjelhotr, Pearl North, Chester Erker,Amy Armiiagp, Von Casey, John Fergu-- .son, Percy North, Berlha Merrill, FloydStephens, Millie North, Willie Johnson,Walter Uloafce, 'icorgo lsnrss, Jennie;North. John Johusoti, Willie Burks andFred Brothers. Abuie Pauuott,

ofTlie. Discovery Savetl HisMr. Caillotitte. Druggist, Beavers-vill- e,

111, says: "To Ur. King's ewDiscovery I owe my Hie. Was takenwith La Grippe and tried all the physi-cians miles about, but of no avail andwas given up and told I could not live.Having Dr. King's New Discovery in mystore I sent a bottle and began its use

DeardotT, Miss Ida and Nauuie and from the first dose began to get bet- -. . " .t t 1 f1





I . ;







Jones I






I !







9 . ....


ler.nuu uuer uaiu' iiueu uuuicc ujand about a rain. It is worth its wciuhtinzold. We won't keep store or housewithout it." Get a free trial at A. C.Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store.

Books Received.Tho following books have boon donated

to the public school library hy Miss M.... ..-- !,-. it it t.itueue prer- -

Geology, Washington and His Country.Swiuton's English Literature Witinke'sLiterature. Harlcs" Ojtnp-'Sttiot- i,

SvintonV SixthReader, Bryant Str.ilton'j Uv.k-ke-- p

iug, Song Leaner, Oouquew. andone years the IndiesHomo Journal.

For Out t"lly Yenrs.Old and Well-Trie- d ttemedy. Mr. Win

sJow's Sootlilnir Syrup has been used lor over

jenrs millions mothers tor theirchildren teething, with perfect micccx.

soothes the child, Mjltetis the sumj, allaysill pain, cures wind calk, and the bestremedy for dlurrhtea. I" pleasant lo the t:ito.told Druggists every part the world.Twenty-fiv- e ccuts a bottle. Its value iucalculablc. Be sure and ask Mrs. Winslow'iloathing Syrup, and take other kind.

'lhe Eugeni! cannery and drier will notmake a run cherries and early small

and orries this but willbegin uperatious in time for the prunecrop this fall and will also liaudlu toma-toes and other late fruits.

AwardedHonors World's Fair,

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.



Most Perfect Made.40 Years the Standard.

ik I Baking1 Powder

A Valuable Mine.Wm. Leyens of Galesvillc was iu the

city last week. Mr. Levens owns aplacer gold mine on Tenuesseo gulch.This mine has been worked for the last30 years, from which has been taxenmany thousands of dollars worth of gold.Owing to the peculiar formation of theground it has cost nearly as much as thegold was worth. Lately, since Mr. Lev-en- s

has owned he has at great expenseso improved by cutting ditches anderecting hydraulic works upon it, that itis now worked at comparative light ex-

pense and, a result, is provingbonanza. Mr. Levens emphatically de-

clares his mine will yield a better incomethan any three of the best ranchesDouglas county. It is unmistakably one

the best mining properties in Douglascounty.

Nervous SliocU.K. W. Joy Company Gentlemen: Thia

the first time I hare attempted write forthree years. Have been nervous and weakthat 1 have laid bed for most the time.'

mend who had taken your sarsatiariliascut mc two bottle. The second one mostgone, and I bare sained pounds, and surelyleei a new woman. 1 paic, mm, am-bition. Had given up, as I had tried so manyremedies and doctors, but found core publish this you have my consent.

. (Signed) MBS. A. ULLSIAS,Alameda, CiL

Headache, Billiousness and Torpid Uverjlls-appea- rwhen you take Joy's Vegetable

Populist fleeting.At Grange hall last Monday night the

usual programme was dispensed withaud James West tbe chairman of Cooscounty people's party committee was in-

troduced and spoke fur an hour upon thegeneral topics of interest to that party.After lauding "Old Abe" for his patriot-ism and the "boys in blue" who re-

sponded to the martyred president's callfor men to put down the rebellion, hagave his attention to tiie silver question.Cleveland, John Sherman, Carlisle, Eng-land and the Rothchilds. Ot course allthese worthies since Lincoln's time werea set of tricksters working tho interestof English capitalists, the bell wether be-

ing Rothschild. AH these scallawagswere done for aud laid away labeled,"not wanted."

Cure For Headache.As a remedy for all forms of Headache

Electric Bitters has proved to be the verybest. It effects a permanent cure andthe most dreaded habitual sick head-aches yield to its influence. We urge allwho are afflicted to procure a bottle, andgive thia remedy a trial. In caseshabitual consumption Electric Bitterscures by giving the neded tone to thebowels, and few cases long resist the useof this medicine. Try once. Largebottles only Fifty cents at A. C. Marstera& Co.'s Drug Store.

Judge Hudson Harmon left his hotremCiuctnnati.O., Monday for Washingtonto qualify as attorney general of theUnited States, which office was made va-

cant by Mr. Olney'a elevation .to theoffice of secretary of state on the death

Walter Q Gresham.

riOTHERSand about to

mothers,shouldDr. Pierce's Fa-vorite Prescription

its torture, terrors

motherchild, by aiding Nature preparing thesystem for Thereby ' labor' 'arirt n1v the rieriod confinement are

Teacher, greatly shortened- - It also promotes anabundant secretion nourishment for



the child. During pregnancy, tt pre-vents "morning sickness" and those,distressing nervous symptoms fromwhich many suffer. '

Tents. Collie Co., Texas.Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, :

Sir I took your "Favoriteprevious confinement and

never did well in my life. onlytwo weeks since my confinement and I amable do my work! I feel stronger than Iever did in six weeks before.

Yours truly,

A'MOTHER'S EXPERIENCE.South Bend. Pacific Wash.

Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y.:DearStrl tafcin? your "tavor- -

r.o.ieiL: iiomo.--. imi.i- - . . prescription" 'Uie first month of.. O .i i n . 1

will o ctuuui .uaua;;iuieiii, n yuii'1 x hj- -i nancy, anu uu- -

i.i c i.,..i.., ttnuea uiKimr it hub


TheMibscrtptinn to


Ofty by ofwhile


by in ofis


onfruitH l



as it d




soin of


was no

no Ifto


fair of





Pre-scription" to

so It is



!...confinement. I did notexperience the nauseaor any of the ailmentsdue to pregnancy, afterI besran taking your"Prescription." I wasonlv in labor a shorttime,, and the physician 'said I cot aionsr uu- -usuallv well.

We think it saved mea creat deal of suffering.


know that

robs of

and toboth and



X. Y.Dear



Mrs. Bases.I was troubled a

great deal with leucorrhea also, and it hasdone a world of (rood fbr ms.

Yours trulv,MRS.'W. C BAKER.





If not call and see us. Wemi - it t r aiwill sen you one. y ou lase

l it home, try it, if it is notperfcctly.satisfactory, bring

it back" fo us and get your(

money. We handle only the

(best grades, and are not; afraid to guarantee them.Prices no hieher than-- for- - in--

tenor eoocis.

HaiTiilton's Pharmacy. I