The People Get News W Day Evening All Bulletin · ir W 32uf EveningThe People Get All...

ir W 32uf The People Get All the News of the Day V Evening Bulletin Advurtlnwr Atunwy'" Thwlr i From the Progreatilvc Bulletin. Worth. ' . Vol. IX. No. 1071 HONOLULU. TKK1UTORT OF HAWAII, 1111 DAY. OOT9UKK 20. IHUO. Pm en 5 Oknth. OLAA PLANTATION NNffifll Special Meeting of Share- holders Ratifies the Deal. HALF A MILLION MAY BE RAISED ON NOTES Purchasers of' $500,000 Found by Messrs Dillingham anduPaxton in San Francisco Amend- ment of Bylaws. A special meeting of tbc Olaa Plan- tation Company wns held at the Cham- ber of Commerce this morning. I. A. Thurston, president, In the chair, and among others present worn Alf. W. Car- ter, secretary, J. 11. Atncrton, E. 12. l'nxton, H. M. Mott-Smlt- J. P. Cooke, Hobert Catton, M. P. Ilohlnson, Dr. J. M. Whitney. Dr. F. 11. Day, p. O. White, W. P, Dillingham, C, P. Pcte'reb'n, J. O. Young, Van Valkenburg, Or. O. W. llurgess, W. A. Ilrown, W. O. Smith and J M. Rlggs. The president announced that 118,-9T- S shares were represented, and as 115,790 constituted tho requisite three-fift- for amending the bjlaws a quo-roti- ni was present. After reading of minutes the president rtated the ob- jects of the meeting as ndicrtlsed. He went on to state that I). P. Dill- ingham and E. E. Paxton, duly author- ized for that purpose, hid succeeded at Han Francisco to tho extent of getting persons who would tako thn company's bonds to the amount ot $500,400 In round numbers. As some question had been raised as to tho action of the di- rectors on August 21, not all ot them being present," In executing a deed of mortgage, etc., and commissioning Messrs. Dillingham and Paxton, the ill rectors now asked the shareholders to ratify that action. For that purpose ho submitted a resolution. In answer to questions Mr. Thurston explained arlous points. Tho amount ot bond Issue author- ized was $1,250,000. Interest must not exceed 6 per cent, and the term might be flvo or ten years. Messrs. Dilling- ham and Paxton wero authorized by the directors to negotiate the salo of bonds not to exceed $500,000 In amount upon notes of tho company for terms ot one or two years and at Interest ot not more than 7 per cent, the notes to be secured by bonds of the company in amount not to exceed 15 per csnt of the entire loan that Is, of the total Issue of bonds authorized and tho directors reserving the privilege of taking up tho .notes at CO days' notice. . Tho resolution was adopted, on moi tlon of Mr. I'axton seconded by Mr. White, without a dissenting voice. Amendments to the bylaws, to cor- rect Inconsistencies, were proposed and with some alterations adopted. Tho directors had no further busi ness to lay beforo the stockholders. JUDGB WILCOX R0A8T8 PRATT. Ah Leong appeared In the Pollco Court this morning on the charge of keeping a lodging house In Kewalo without a license. The attorney for the defendant stated that his client had not wilfully violated tho law His place was not In a Banltnry condition and therefore, a contlnuanco of his old li- cense had not been granted. A filling In of his place was necessary before this could be secured and, as tho l)Uh-o- p Estate could not promise, to do It Immediately, the client himself had un- dertaken the work. Would not The Residence Sites on- - . Prospect Street, Punchbowl Slope. are sure, and held at Increasingly high prices. WE offer a very choice corner with cot' tage, commanding the Ocean Yiew from the Harbor to Diamond Head. PRICE $3,7001 McCLELLAN, POND & CO., I TfcL. MAIN O). JUDD BUILDING. Court grant a continuance until this had been rompleted. Deputy Hherlrr Chllllngwnrlh argued that this was mi ground for n prolonged continuance. If the place of the de- fendant was not In n sanitary condition It was his builncs to put It in such a I condition. Further, he should not keep lodgers until obtaining a license, I It was Judgo Wilcox's next say and he said it in these words; "Tho case Is continued until tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock and no later. Dr. Pratt has been around saying that the Hoard of Health could get no convictions In this Court when, as a matter of fact, the great majority of casB .brought In by him havo been nolle pros'd and ho represents tho prosecution for the Hoard ot Health. He knows that what he says Is untrue, and t brand his statements as false, from this bench. If Dr. Pratt were here now, I would tell him so In onqMIU'c word with three letters." I MAM JUDGE HUMPHREYS MAKES SEYERAL APPOINTMENTS Accounts of H. A. P. Carter Estate Approved Mr. Magoon Sues for urrer, Replication, Etc., Filed. In the matter of tho estate ot Gene- vieve Dowsett, tho motion of J. M. Monsarrat, guardian, for a feo was de- nied by Judge Humphreys. Dai Is & Gear, attorneys for defen- dants In the action on x roto ot Dish-o- p & Co. vs. J. M. Monsarrat, fllo a de- murrer, alleging that the complaint Is uncertain is not stating that tl qVlaln-tl!tr.- M. Damon ami II. i:. Walty, were copartners In the firm at the time the note was made and delivered, apd that the complaint is not signed by or for Dlshop & Co. Judge Humphreys has appointed W. O. Smith admlntsrator ot the estate of Henry D. Roberts under $8000 bond. J. .Alfred Magoon has brought an as sumpslt suit for tho February term against Elizabeth J. Robinson, claiming $500 for professional services as attor- ney. His application, fo an order of court to make the Roblnean estate pay this fee was denied the other day by Judge Humphreys, O. R. Carter has been appointed ad- ministrator of the estate of I. N. Hay-de- n, deceased, under $10,000 bond. P. M. Hatch and Cecil Ilrown, attor- neys for plaintiff, fllo a replication to the answer of defendant to the bill In equity for speclllo performance of Wong Qwat vs. Lllluokalanl. P. E, Thompson has been appointed temporary administrator of tho estate of J. J, Stewart, deceased, under $1300 bond. Judge Humphreys has confirmed tho report of Henry Smith, master, on tho accounts ofkJ. O. Carter tnd Q. It. Car- ter, trustees under the will of II. A. P. Carter, deceased, and nppiovcd tho ac- counts. Principal and Income, receipts for the year were $122,819.18. Tho in- - entory shows the estate to be valued at $214,978.77. FRED. BURGER DISCHARGED. Fred Ilcrgcr appeared 'n tho Pollco Court this forenoon on the chargo of assault and battery on Erall Key. When the evidence was all in Judge Wilcox discharged tho defendant. It was found that Uergcr bad acted as any other man would have dono under tho circumstances and ho was discharged. Kmll Key's faco is well bundled up today but he Is still able, to do his, bill posting work. Grnnt fop Mtinilu. The U. S. A. T. Grant sailed for Ma nila shortly after 1 p. in, today. Quito a number of people wero on the Navy dock to say goodbye. MUs Wlddlfleld nnd Miss Mossmau were passengers. Tho former goes to bo married and tho latter to teach school. Men's dress shirts, open front or back, the largest and most complete as- sortment In town at 11.00 apiece. L. Ii. Kerr & Co., Queen street. In a fracas in one of tho saloons last night Officer Atatani received a cut In tho head by a Boldler. Officer Palen-ap- a was also assaulted. Throo soldiers, Fox, Prlntz and W. Smith wero ull ar rested. Smith waived examination In tho Police Court this forenoon on tho charge of assault on Atatani and the cases of Fox and Prlntz are on this afternoon. Tho latest styles In shirts and ties are to bo found at Iwukaml's, Hotel street. Tel. 33G1 White. THE WATEIUIAN IDEAL FOUN- TAIN PEN. All sizes, all shapes. H cT. WICHtUN. LIVELY RUMPUS VACCINATION OF H Principal Townsend and Dr. Howard Have Difference. BOARDS OF HEALTH AND EDUCATION TAKE PART Christian Andrews Removed from Hauula School List of New Ap- pointments of Teachers No Money for Curbing. At tho Hoard of Education this morn- ing tho following cor- respondence was read, and tho part of the Superintendent In the matter ap- proved by tho Commissioners: Knnlimunmi Sihtsil, U t. 10, HXs Mr. A. T. AtklfiKnn, of Public Institution: Sir: Dr. ilowaid.uiiue this morning to examine pupils nf till school fur the required health eel title ate, anil lie anil 1 deulopcsl some dhTfreiice of opinion an to what ilereiuy (Vaulted In I ho premises. I held that pupils should lie cxniglin.l vlu, and he Ivlshcsl h ft hole tin, to Mtrip to iIh wnllt nnd staled in the -- room while one by one thej wire fur- ther stripped nnd examined. Altlumgli on bin icpicstutntloii that Hint I the method employed In the High School nnd nil other m liools of tho clt,i"ll tiffined to jlclil under protfMt mid luilo'llie work go on lie preferred to unit llmf I might get Instruction on the matter. I now uwnlt jour order. . , All thnl I nsiil of lr0lliiar.l In the jnntter ot (lie boJrt'l nuked of Dr. Cleie- - bind for the girls, nmltip Informed tneJ that llint(. ua a (nutter of course, nnd that th tWiVniluntlftti would hae lieen conducted n I wished It without in) men llonlng the matter all ot which I fully Islleie. Youm icry truly, (Signed HIINUY S. TOWNSHND. Principal of Knnhitmnnu Si boot. Terr I lor j of Ilattnll, Department of Public Institution. Honolulu. 11. I., ). t. 11, 11)00. Dr. C. II. Wood, President Hoard of Health: Hlr : Permit mu to mil jour attention to the ejitlnsed cop, , A n lommtinlinlioi; received ; enlerdn" loin Mr. Towuscml principal of Knahiiinnuu School, relative to n difference of opinion between Dr. Hounrd nnd himself ns to the proper method ot ting the luedlcnl exam- ination of pupil reijulnd by jour lioiirit. Assuming the fails to lv siihstniitlnll) as stilted, it npienrs to me that the taken by Mr. Townsend III the premises is reasonable mid right. Young Hople chlldn n If Jim plcnsc within the compulsory school nge, six to Hfleen jenrs, have rights In n matter nf this kind that should lie IcspcUcd, nnd width It Is the duty of this department t) protect. SikIi fillings of dcllcuc), not to a decent), as silnsil i hlMreti mil) tos sess nnd manifest should Is- - ted nnd cneoiirnged lather than Ignored and tram- pled on. The ndverse influences In this iiiiiimuulty nr unite strung enough with- out receding nuy aid or encouragement from olln lal in tlon. It should lie remeinliercd Ikat the examinations of pupils In the schools, hnweer prcqs'r or Is h) no menus n jiopiilar turns, urc with cither ihlldreii or parents. It In therefore Very dislrahle that such exam- ination should ls couiliHted in sucli n wny ns to iiMiht linnet cssnr, frhtlnii ami no iviiMiunhle ground for complaint. I confess m)sclf somen hat surprised at the statement attributed to Dr. How-aii- l, that the method he promised to cm- - plo) at Knnlitimniiu wns the same ns was empto)isl In the High School mid nil other schools In the ilty. I think then' must be some mistake soim w hi re. ltot'i the principal ami Nice principal stnle tint the method followed lu conducting tie) lncillcnl examination In that school s ciulte dliTeiYiit from thnt discrilssl by Mr, l'uu list ml. You is faithful!), tSlgnetll ALATAP T. ATKINSON, rSuiK'rlntcmhut of Public Instruction. Tcrritor) of Hnnnll, Hoard of Health Alatnii T. Atkinson, Superintendent' of Public Instt in tiou: Hlr: Your commuiiliatlon of OcIoIht lltli In re. the regular examination of llillclleli nt the iM'gluuIng of the school )cnr. Is nt blind. The truth of )our re- marks concerning decent) nnd propriety in conducting the examination Is so mani- fest as to reipilre no disc iiksIoii, Th thorough examination of the children who attend the public schools in this country Is ii matter of public necessity a neces- sary ci II, The fact that a tertlflcate of such ex- nminntlon Is rcirulrisl Is will known to nil parents who halo children of the school nge, together with the fact that they hne the option of baling tho ex. amlimllon conducted lu prlinte by their on n filially ph) h Ian. There inn) lie n few cases where tho fee for sin Ii examination, which I helleie Is unhersnll) one dollar, is the onl) rea- son wb) the celtlllcate Is lint secured In- fo re (he ojieplng of the whool jear, hut this inn not bu true In the gieat tiiajoilty ifeji. VJ0v.'sl ., 'V U 01 111 M school Is 'not sn grent as to lie prohibitory. You of tourse appreciate Hint nn exam- ination the prlnilpal nhjeit nf which la lo delist leprosy In the earlier stages Is not snlbifictilr, unless the entire Iswly Is ex- amined. In order to make the examination thor- ough iiiotigh to Is. of nn) nlue nnd nt the nine tiin" rnphl enough to ls finished In nil) thing npptniiihlug n rensounhle time, some plnu must tsi adopted to noid un neivssnr) delny nnd ttnsto nf time. This enn Old) Is- - done with the good will nnd nsslstnmv of the teachers, nnd inunut Is? nccnmpllshcd when the) not mil) refuse nsslslnnce but mtiinll) ob struct the ili)slitnn In the licrfurninuiv Of Ills necessnry mid not pnrtbiilnrl) ngii isihle duty. Jfn1 ns to the Impropriety In the ex- - tmlntitlons, I do not Mletc that then' hi nuy Impropriety, nnd then certainly should he tin llidisenc) III n lot of ls)s of the school nge, "six to fifteen )inrs." stripping to the wnlst In enih other's compaii), nor do 1 believe thnt the Isivs so i.nsider It. I Venture to say thnt those same li)s strip to n still grentrr degree In enih other's presence when the) go swlcniiilig nfler school. Dr. Howard tills uuutliat he nhvnis tnkes the lsi)s seii- - iiraTelv IhIiIiiiI n si rts-- or some other otn jts-- t when requiring taem to further ills- - rols?. 1 do not Isdleio it is necessnr) in oiiI.t thnt tlie exnminntlon lie tstndiirtcd witii ileii() ninl propriety thnt ciery Isi) lu ii room b) hlmsi'lf before reino,-- . lug nil) nrtlile of ilothlng, nor do I coll ider It necessary to lime the wlmle iisim kltlli to the wnlst Iwfor the examination begins. 1 iM'lleie thnt Intelligent in- - oirnllon betwwn the teacher nnd the pit) sic lull should In nil cases result In the examination Ik lug conducted 1 and with due regnnl for proprict). 1 em lose n cup or ur. Ilonnrils reNirt iiisiii the etdsoile nt the Kiinhiimatiu Ht honl. I am jours xery sincerely. Kghe.l C. H. WOOD Piisldent llonnl of Henltli. Terrllor) of Hawaii, Hoard of lleallh. Honolulu, II. T., Oct. 1.'., IIkki, Dr. ('. II. W', Piisldent Itonrd of Henltli: Denr Distort On Tuesdn) nnd Wc.l- - nesdny, the litis ami llltb lusts., I stis Knobumniiu School for the purisise of c nnd ncslnntlng the lsi)s. On Tuesday 1 tisik the two loner rcsiins nnd wns Interfered with b) the superln- - tvndent, Mr. Townsaqid. who stnted Is'fnre the ihildri'ii thnt 1 had no right to Insist on met illation, nnd that It should nut be clone nt the hools, ns the Ismrd of u had nothing to do with the same. He also stated thnt I would get mi J.l.t lues If tlie imients woii.i sue me for ilnuiages, ond If ids ihlld was one of them he certainly would do so. The children, or rather n few, wen ler) olistres-ro- mid Mr. Tonnsei I llmill) said that If he followed Ids In-i- i nation he would take Ids teachei nil lene the building nnd ht me get ill l. as Issct 1 could: to which I replied Hint to thnt case I would leuie also. The metbocl of nctliintloii wns the same ns always, which I have explained Jon liefure. On. the following clay I nsked for the highest tlnss first. One room was Inniight clown into the hall nnd one Im) sin' Into the ofhie nt n time to unilress nnd Is- - ex mnlncd nnd then dress, width took our (ne minutes I nskd thnt nil the lui)s from one 'cnni Is' sent In nt one time, mid I hit 'li strip to the waist nnd then I could them, one nt n time, Miln I (tit dcik or tnble, to which Mr. Tonisuid lep'lisl that ho not submit to that mnliod In bis siIhxiI, ri lie iMistdcieil It indemtut for nil the Ui)s to Is- - tllpH'd to the wnlst nt once. I said that this way would take mi neal ly n month for his school alone, nnd thnt I could not mid would not gltu the time from tn) other work, nnd thnt not mu1 isrsou (tent her or pupil) hnd Is'fnre. Mr. Townsend snld that If he us it Isiv bail been couiH'llcil lo huluitlt to thnt method of exiimliiiitluii in' would hate greatly nshnmcsl nnd emlsirrnssul. To which I replied thnt I lenc the mat- ter to the Ismrd nt henltli tn settle, lie then slated that the Ismrd of health hid nothing nt nil lo sn) nlsiut the melhod nt making suib examinations, Inn that It must be done to milt the Hiipc'riiitcudt-u- l of public instruction, whose authority in this matter nier mu I do not icrogulze, nnd so stated. He then said be would submit If I but under protest mid be would make a complaint. I then left the school nnd shall aw sir further Instructions from the Isianl of henltli. I Isg to remain, jours truly, ISIgnedl HllNltY W. HOWARD, cTty Pli) sit Inn. Kaahumanutt School, Oct. 25, 1900. Mr, A. T. Atkinson, Superintendent ot Public Instruction, Sir: My attention has been called to a passage in Dr. Howard's lottor to the President of the Donnl of Health relative to the examination and ot children In this school, which Kerns to call for explanation. Shortly beforo Dr. Howard's first visit Mrs, John Mnrkham came to me tn talk about her children. Sho Bald that sho did not wish her children vacrjnnt of i uses, esKK,lally ns most .1ijhU Inn I ed ln the cltool, but Jf it must boilorto would fongo fte In rendu, lie ''e Blle ttUhei to lmvc ncr rPgu,nr famlly whete the nn.llles could not afford ..rhy,,cIan , tll0 n)ntt(r. , ,,,, lm) It, so thnt the ismi liislon must ls ;'.... ' ller """ ' ""'' """''"R t0 'lo "' tllc clinnn Hint the nhjettloi. of pi.iet.ts tr, ! lulling their tlilldien exauilneil nt t lit-- (Continued on page 4.) S DEFENSE .ipns Mr. Iredale on Board of Transport Grant Writes. HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Having Investigated the Honolulu Situation He Considers the Out- cry Against the Plumbers Malicious. Apropos of the Plumbers Trust tho following letter received by the Master Plumbers Association this morning ex plains Itself. Mr. Iredale Is now nn offi cer on board the transport Grant, and on bearing of the dlscucslon on plumb ers, volunteered his view 6. Honolulu, T. II., Oct .Cth, 1900. To tho Master Plumbers' Association, Honolulu. Gentlemen. To read In ,our news- papers tho startling "hcidllno" arcu-pape- rs the startling "headline" accusa- tions made against , ott as a body one na tttrnlly would Infer that jour body hnd formed a "lead-pip- e clnh' to rob the Innocent citizens who come to ,ou to hale their work performed In u sani- tary manner. I know from years of practical exper- ience with association work, embodying the drafting of plumbing rules nnd regulations, the upholding ot tho Ilesoltitlons and fighting against tlie encroachment ot wholcsata houses who arc over anxious to enrry on a re- tail trade, also tho real estate agent who wantB his percent ips, nnd abuio all thn scurrilous and blackguard In sults that the newspaper gentry delight In heaping upon the broad shoulders of the aicrnge plumber, that jour lot lh a sorry one Indeed. I havo Inspected last fall, hero In Ho all such agitations ctimiuto from some person or persons who wnnt to mono- polize 'he cntlro profits tioui the legi- timate trade, generally cniplo, Ing un- skilled, alien or dcstltitto labor at star-lotio- n prlres and then cry "wolf" when a body ot honorable, tnxpn, Ing citizens cndeaior to protect themselves ngalnst such competition nnd nruse. I hav clnspected last fall, hero In Ho- nolulu, your plumbing work and sew- ers as It Is placed by Chlr.tpe, Japs and others, and will candidly Btnte that It was a Bcrlotts menace to health and public security. I found cesspools un- der your bouses, tin and sheet Iron pip- ing for soil and waste pipes, no lentil-atln- g s) stem and no protection against sewer gus poisoning, and tho disorgan ized body of plumbern who wero not actuated by the common desire to up- hold tho trade tn Its progressive movement. It wns upon the In traduction ot n set of plumbing rules and regulations by your honorablu Hoard of Health, whereby all were re- quired to perform their work In a thoroughly scli-ntlil-c manner, and sub- mit tho sanwito tho Plumbing Inspec tor for his upproial, that I was Inform- ed, tho agitation began to develop; tho sumo tltno that your honorable body was organized for protection and so cial Intercourse, and that a contracting builder, Mr. Pcttus by name, who brought his own material nnd employ ed Chinese cheap labor tn perform tho work on his buildings, etc., was the mouthpiece of the outcry, because whlto plumbers refused to work ror him at poor wnges, and not being a master plumber, carrying on tho art of plumbing, was not entitled to mem- bership ln our association. ' I wish to stato that your wholesale houses are free, to sell gus and water piping llttlngs, und brubn goods, com- prising faucets, stop cocks und valves, such as engineers and machinists re- quire, and It is only plumbing special ties that should be sold to the trade to protect its legitimate profits, It Is against all trndo ethics for re- - tall dealers to enter Into combines with Jobbing supply houses, and tho general rules provo that zuch has nov-e- r been tho. coso, rather thu opposite as demonstrated by tho wonderful ami rapid strides made by tho National As- sociation of Master Plumbers and the Hardware Dealers' Association of the United States, who uro organized on strictly trado protection lines against the encroachment of supply houses and tho various trusts who ire centralizing tho cntlro trado throughout tho world for their own benefit. Thcro has been a favored class In many cities and towns, who having tho cash or standing financially have In tho past been enabled to buy their goods direct from tho manufnctricr Thnso peoplo nro not willing to pay a profit to any tradesman and selfishly seek to secure everything nt rheap prices They are generally tho kind of peoplo who have their bills published In full In the dally sheets, air their supposed grleiances nnd seek cheap paper no- toriety Allowing for lb ecnrrlage ot goods from the Stntes the ndvanreil cost of plumbing materials anil the high wages. (i.ndcL.hy Journeymen plumbers I consider the enargea tnaue ror sucu reasonable' and fair, and provo my statements by actual proofs as they are now preialllng lu San Francisco and elsewhere. If It were not for tho progressive plumber, who Is slowly but surely cur- tailing bis, annual business by the use of modern plumbing goods and demon- strating the unselfish principles of a public benefactor, your rlty would nut today be found In the march of modern odianremeut, and many of Its homes Mould be without tha elegant and health protecting s,stem of sanitary plumbing. So, gentlemen, stand firm upon tho principles laid down by your prcdecea- -' sors. In the struggle for recognition, and a voice in behalf of tho public s good and welfare ever remembering that they, enjoying tho unbounded con- fidence of their fellow rltlzcns and the old experience of haling the tlirentu of law violation, Combines und lend pipe clnchs are only Idle talk that has no foundation In fact and dally occur- rences, Mr. E. J. Duffy I know to bo a gen- tleman and fltorotigbly honest, a prac- tical mechanic and ono who Is compe- tent In the performance nt his duties as chief plumbing Inspector. Yours respectfully, C. V HrEDALE. President, National Associa- tion Master Plumbers of America. CHINESE MUST GO Judgo Esteo this morning remanded Chlng Ahoo to the Collector of Cus- toms, dismissing the writ of habeas corpus on the ground that petitioner's rccourso was an appeal to the Secre- tary of tho Treasury. Illjclow for tho writ, District Attorney lSalrd for re- spondent. Judge Ksteo also banded down n de- cision In the cases of Chun Hoy and King, charged with being unlaw- fully In tho country, ordering their de- portation. The burden of procjf was upon them to show that they were law fully lu thu country and their attorne,s had produced no evidence ln their be- half. District Attorney for tho People: Andrews and Chllllngworth for defendants. This afternoon Judge Estce Is hear- ing the habeas corpus cis" of two sons of n local Chinese laundr, man, for whom Paul Neumann is the attorney. Wong Kwal has again been served with a penal summons In connection with the building of an addition on one of his places on Altkea street. Tito ease Is on In tho Police Court this af- ternoon. It will bo remembered that Wong Kwal was discharged a few days ngo after trial on the very same charge. Tho Walalealo returned from Kauai this morning. Sho reports that, whllo at Eleele yesterday afternoon, Prlnco David and tho remainder of the Demo- cratic workers In his party wero Just leal Ing for Koloa. From there, they expected to go around to Hanalcl, re- turning home on Sunday. Tho parade of the Republicans last night was first class In every respect. Without any exaggeration whatever, theru wero over live hundred men tn line, the greatest majority being young HnwnllnnB all of whom hale reached tho voting age. Kerr & Co. havo lalues in men's and boy's clothing that cannot be dupli- cated. They aro making a specialty Just now of boy'n, tweed pants at 23 cents per pair. Sam Parker starts out on his stump- ing trip of this Island tone,. Heavy Sole Shoes FOR MUDDY STREETS. The Doctor's Advice is to keep your feet dry and promt Illness, This Is what OUR HEAVY SOLE BOX CALF IN TAN and BOX CALF IN BLACK o will do o $4.50 Per Pair. MECOMPANVU '.nrtrf- - tfnM- - ,Sd.i,&lifcl mWsJK MiL ,it AvMt ,i4 lfc w.

Transcript of The People Get News W Day Evening All Bulletin · ir W 32uf EveningThe People Get All...

  • ir W 32ufThe People Get All the News of the Day V

    Evening Bulletin AdvurtlnwrAtunwy'"Thwlri From the Progreatilvc Bulletin. Worth.

    ' .

    Vol. IX. No. 1071 HONOLULU. TKK1UTORT OF HAWAII, 1111 DAY. OOT9UKK 20. IHUO. Pm en 5 Oknth.


    NNffifllSpecial Meeting of Share-

    holders Ratifies

    the Deal.



    Purchasers of' $500,000 Found by

    Messrs Dillingham anduPaxton

    in San Francisco Amend-

    ment of Bylaws.

    A special meeting of tbc Olaa Plan-tation Company wns held at the Cham-ber of Commerce this morning. I. A.Thurston, president, In the chair, andamong others present worn Alf. W. Car-ter, secretary, J. 11. Atncrton, E. 12.l'nxton, H. M. Mott-Smlt- J. P. Cooke,Hobert Catton, M. P. Ilohlnson, Dr. J.M. Whitney. Dr. F. 11. Day, p. O. White,W. P, Dillingham, C, P. Pcte'reb'n, J. O.Young, Van Valkenburg, Or. O. W.llurgess, W. A. Ilrown, W. O. Smith andJ M. Rlggs.

    The president announced that 118,-9T- Sshares were represented, and as

    115,790 constituted tho requisite three-fift-for amending the bjlaws a quo-roti- niwas present. After reading of

    minutes the president rtated the ob-jects of the meeting as ndicrtlsed.

    He went on to state that I). P. Dill-ingham and E. E. Paxton, duly author-ized for that purpose, hid succeeded atHan Francisco to tho extent of gettingpersons who would tako thn company'sbonds to the amount ot $500,400 Inround numbers. As some question hadbeen raised as to tho action of the di-rectors on August 21, not all ot thembeing present," In executing a deed ofmortgage, etc., and commissioningMessrs. Dillingham and Paxton, the illrectors now asked the shareholders toratify that action. For that purposeho submitted a resolution. In answerto questions Mr. Thurston explainedarlous points.Tho amount ot bond Issue author-

    ized was $1,250,000. Interest must notexceed 6 per cent, and the term mightbe flvo or ten years. Messrs. Dilling-ham and Paxton wero authorized bythe directors to negotiate the salo ofbonds not to exceed $500,000 In amountupon notes of tho company for terms otone or two years and at Interest ot notmore than 7 per cent, the notes to besecured by bonds of the company inamount not to exceed 15 per csnt of theentire loan that Is, of the total Issueof bonds authorized and tho directorsreserving the privilege of taking up tho

    .notes at CO days' notice. .Tho resolution was adopted, on moi

    tlon of Mr. I'axton seconded by Mr.White, without a dissenting voice.

    Amendments to the bylaws, to cor-rect Inconsistencies, were proposed andwith some alterations adopted.

    Tho directors had no further business to lay beforo the stockholders.


    Ah Leong appeared In the PollcoCourt this morning on the charge ofkeeping a lodging house In Kewalowithout a license. The attorney for thedefendant stated that his client had notwilfully violated tho law His placewas not In a Banltnry condition andtherefore, a contlnuanco of his old li-cense had not been granted. A fillingIn of his place was necessary beforethis could be secured and, as tho l)Uh-o- p

    Estate could not promise, to do ItImmediately, the client himself had un-dertaken the work. Would not The

    Residence Sites on--

    . Prospect Street,

    Punchbowl Slope.

    are sure, and held atIncreasingly high prices.

    WE offer a very choice corner with cot'tage, commanding the

    Ocean Yiew from the

    Harbor to Diamond Head.

    PRICE $3,7001



    Court grant a continuance until thishad been rompleted.

    Deputy Hherlrr Chllllngwnrlh arguedthat this was mi ground for n prolongedcontinuance. If the place of the de-fendant was not In n sanitary conditionIt was his builncs to put It in such a Icondition. Further, he should not keeplodgers until obtaining a license, I

    It was Judgo Wilcox's next say andhe said it in these words; "Tho caseIs continued until tomorrow morningat 9:30 o'clock and no later. Dr. Pratthas been around saying that the Hoardof Health could get no convictions Inthis Court when, as a matter of fact,the great majority of casB .brought Inby him havo been nolle pros'd and horepresents tho prosecution for theHoard ot Health. He knows that whathe says Is untrue, and t brand hisstatements as false, from this bench.If Dr. Pratt were here now, I wouldtell him so In onqMIU'c word withthree letters."



    Accounts of H. A. P. Carter Estate

    Approved Mr. Magoon Sues for

    urrer, Replication,

    Etc., Filed.

    In the matter of tho estate ot Gene-vieve Dowsett, tho motion of J. M.Monsarrat, guardian, for a feo was de-nied by Judge Humphreys.

    Dai Is & Gear, attorneys for defen-dants In the action on x roto ot Dish-o- p

    & Co. vs. J. M. Monsarrat, fllo a de-murrer, alleging that the complaint Isuncertain is not stating that tl qVlaln-tl!tr.-

    M. Damon ami II. i:. Walty,were copartners In the firm at the timethe note was made and delivered, apdthat the complaint is not signed by orfor Dlshop & Co.

    Judge Humphreys has appointed W.O. Smith admlntsrator ot the estate ofHenry D. Roberts under $8000 bond.

    J. .Alfred Magoon has brought an assumpslt suit for tho February termagainst Elizabeth J. Robinson, claiming$500 for professional services as attor-ney. His application, fo an order ofcourt to make the Roblnean estate paythis fee was denied the other day byJudge Humphreys,

    O. R. Carter has been appointed ad-ministrator of the estate of I. N. Hay-de- n,

    deceased, under $10,000 bond.P. M. Hatch and Cecil Ilrown, attor-

    neys for plaintiff, fllo a replication tothe answer of defendant to the bill Inequity for speclllo performance ofWong Qwat vs. Lllluokalanl.

    P. E, Thompson has been appointedtemporary administrator of tho estateof J. J, Stewart, deceased, under $1300bond.

    Judge Humphreys has confirmed thoreport of Henry Smith, master, on thoaccounts ofkJ. O. Carter tnd Q. It. Car-ter, trustees under the will of II. A. P.Carter, deceased, and nppiovcd tho ac-counts. Principal and Income, receiptsfor the year were $122,819.18. Tho in- -entory shows the estate to be valued

    at $214,978.77.


    Fred Ilcrgcr appeared 'n tho PollcoCourt this forenoon on the chargo ofassault and battery on Erall Key.When the evidence was all in JudgeWilcox discharged tho defendant. Itwas found that Uergcr bad acted as anyother man would have dono under thocircumstances and ho was discharged.

    Kmll Key's faco is well bundled uptoday but he Is still able, to do his, billposting work.

    Grnnt fop Mtinilu.The U. S. A. T. Grant sailed for Ma

    nila shortly after 1 p. in, today. Quitoa number of people wero on the Navydock to say goodbye. MUs Wlddlfleldnnd Miss Mossmau were passengers.Tho former goes to bo married and tholatter to teach school.

    Men's dress shirts, open front orback, the largest and most complete as-sortment In town at 11.00 apiece. L. Ii.Kerr & Co., Queen street.

    In a fracas in one of tho saloonslast night Officer Atatani received a cutIn tho head by a Boldler. Officer Palen-ap- a

    was also assaulted. Throo soldiers,Fox, Prlntz and W. Smith wero ull arrested. Smith waived examination Intho Police Court this forenoon on thocharge of assault on Atatani and thecases of Fox and Prlntz are on thisafternoon.

    Tho latest styles In shirts and tiesare to bo found at Iwukaml's, Hotelstreet. Tel. 33G1 White.

    THE WATEIUIAN IDEAL FOUN-TAIN PEN. All sizes, all shapes. HcT. WICHtUN.



    Principal Townsend andDr. Howard Have




    Christian Andrews Removed from

    Hauula School List of New Ap-

    pointments of Teachers No

    Money for Curbing.

    At tho Hoard of Education this morn-ing tho following cor-respondence was read, and tho part ofthe Superintendent In the matter ap-proved by tho Commissioners:

    Knnlimunmi Sihtsil, U t. 10, HXsMr. A. T. AtklfiKnn, of

    Public Institution:Sir: Dr. ilowaid.uiiue this morning

    to examine pupils nf till school fur therequired health eel title ate, anil lie anil 1deulopcsl some dhTfreiice of opinion anto what ilereiuy (Vaulted In I ho premises.I held that pupils should lie cxniglin.lvlu, and he Ivlshcsl h ft hole tin, to Mtrip

    to iIh wnllt nnd staled in the --roomwhile one by one thej wire fur-

    ther stripped nnd examined. Altlumglion bin icpicstutntloii that Hint I themethod employed In the High School nndnil other m liools of tho clt,i"ll tiffined tojlclil under protfMt mid luilo'llie work goon lie preferred to unit llmf I might getInstruction on the matter. I now uwnltjour order. . ,

    All thnl I nsiil of lr0lliiar.l In thejnntter ot (lie boJrt'l nuked of Dr. Cleie- -bind for the girls, nmltip Informed tneJthat llint(. ua a (nutter of course, nndthat th tWiVniluntlftti would hae lieenconducted n I wished It without in) menllonlng the matter all ot which I fullyIslleie.

    Youm icry truly,(Signed HIINUY S. TOWNSHND.

    Principal of Knnhitmnnu Si boot.Terr I lor j of Ilattnll,

    Department of Public Institution.Honolulu. 11. I., ). t. 11, 11)00.

    Dr. C. II. Wood, President Hoard ofHealth:

    Hlr : Permit mu to mil jour attentionto the ejitlnsed cop, , A n lommtinlinlioi;received ; enlerdn" loin Mr. Towuscmlprincipal of Knahiiinnuu School, relativeto n difference of opinion between Dr.Hounrd nnd himself ns to the propermethod ot ting the luedlcnl exam-ination of pupil reijulnd by jour lioiirit.

    Assuming the fails to lv siihstniitlnll)as stilted, it npienrs to me that the

    taken by Mr. Townsend III thepremises is reasonable mid right.

    Young Hople chlldn n If Jim plcnscwithin the compulsory school nge, six toHfleen jenrs, have rights In n matter nfthis kind that should lie IcspcUcd, nndwidth It Is the duty of this department t)protect. SikIi fillings of dcllcuc), not toa decent), as silnsil i hlMreti mil) tos

    sess nnd manifest should Is- - ted nndcneoiirnged lather than Ignored and tram-pled on. The ndverse influences In thisiiiiiimuulty nr unite strung enough with-out receding nuy aid or encouragementfrom olln lal in tlon.

    It should lie remeinliercd Ikat theexaminations of pupils In the

    schools, hnweer prcqs'r orIs h) no menus n jiopiilar turns,

    urc with cither ihlldreii or parents. It Intherefore Very dislrahle that such exam-ination should ls couiliHted in sucli n wnyns to iiMiht linnet cssnr, frhtlnii ami

    no iviiMiunhle ground for complaint.I confess m)sclf somen hat surprised

    at the statement attributed to Dr. How-aii- l,that the method he promised to cm- -

    plo) at Knnlitimniiu wns the same ns wasempto)isl In the High School mid nilother schools In the ilty. I think then'must be some mistake soim w hi re. ltot'ithe principal ami Nice principal stnle tintthe method followed lu conducting tie)lncillcnl examination In that school sciulte dliTeiYiit from thnt discrilssl by Mr,l'uu list ml.

    You is faithful!),tSlgnetll ALATAP T. ATKINSON,

    rSuiK'rlntcmhut of Public Instruction.Tcrritor) of Hnnnll,

    Hoard of HealthAlatnii T. Atkinson, Superintendent' of

    Public Instt in tiou:Hlr: Your commuiiliatlon of OcIoIht

    lltli In re. the regular examination ofllillclleli nt the iM'gluuIng of the school)cnr. Is nt blind. The truth of )our re-marks concerning decent) nnd proprietyin conducting the examination Is so mani-fest as to reipilre no disc iiksIoii, Ththorough examination of the children whoattend the public schools in this countryIs ii matter of public necessity a neces-sary ci II,

    The fact that a tertlflcate of such ex-nminntlon Is rcirulrisl Is will known tonil parents who halo children of theschool nge, together with the fact thatthey hne the option of baling tho ex.amlimllon conducted lu prlinte by theiron n filially ph) h Ian.

    There inn) lie n few cases where thofee for sin Ii examination, which I helleieIs unhersnll) one dollar, is the onl) rea-son wb) the celtlllcate Is lint secured In-fo re (he ojieplng of the whool jear, hutthis inn not bu true In the gieat tiiajoilty

    ifeji. VJ0v.'sl ., 'V U

    01111 M

    school Is 'not sn grent as to lie prohibitory.You of tourse appreciate Hint nn exam-

    ination the prlnilpal nhjeit nf which la lodelist leprosy In the earlier stages Is notsnlbifictilr, unless the entire Iswly Is ex-amined.

    In order to make the examination thor-ough iiiotigh to Is. of nn) nlue nnd nt thenine tiin" rnphl enough to ls finished In

    nil) thing npptniiihlug n rensounhle time,some plnu must tsi adopted to noid unneivssnr) delny nnd ttnsto nf time. Thisenn Old) Is- - done with the good will nndnsslstnmv of the teachers, nndinunut Is? nccnmpllshcd when the) notmil) refuse nsslslnnce but mtiinll) obstruct the ili)slitnn In the licrfurninuivOf Ills necessnry mid not pnrtbiilnrl)ngii isihle duty.

    Jfn1 ns to the Impropriety In the ex- -tmlntitlons, I do not Mletc that then' hinuy Impropriety, nnd then certainlyshould he tin llidisenc) III n lot of ls)sof the school nge, "six to fifteen )inrs."stripping to the wnlst In enih other'scompaii), nor do 1 believe thnt the Isivsso i.nsider It. I Venture to say thnt thosesame li)s strip to n still grentrr degreeIn enih other's presence when the) goswlcniiilig nfler school. Dr. Howard tillsuuutliat he nhvnis tnkes the lsi)s seii- -iiraTelv IhIiIiiiI n si rts-- or some other otnjts-- t when requiring taem to further ills- -rols?.

    1 do not Isdleio it is necessnr) in oiiI.tthnt tlie exnminntlon lie tstndiirtcd witiiileii() ninl propriety thnt ciery Isi)

    lu ii room b) hlmsi'lf before reino,-- .lug nil) nrtlile of ilothlng, nor do I collider It necessary to lime the wlmle iisim

    kltlli to the wnlst Iwfor the examinationbegins. 1 iM'lleie thnt Intelligent in- -oirnllon betwwn the teacher nnd thepit) sic lull should In nil cases result In theexamination Ik lug conducted1 and with due regnnl for proprict).

    1 em lose n cup or ur. Ilonnrils reNirtiiisiii the etdsoile nt the KiinhiimatiuHt honl.

    I am jours xery sincerely.Kghe.l C. H. WOOD

    Piisldent llonnl of Henltli.

    Terrllor) of Hawaii,Hoard of lleallh.

    Honolulu, II. T., Oct. 1.'., IIkki,Dr. ('. II. W', Piisldent Itonrd of

    Henltli:Denr Distort On Tuesdn) nnd Wc.l- -

    nesdny, the litis ami llltb lusts., I stisKnobumniiu School for the purisise of c

    nnd ncslnntlng the lsi)s.On Tuesday 1 tisik the two loner rcsiins

    nnd wns Interfered with b) the superln- -tvndent, Mr. Townsaqid. who stnted Is'fnrethe ihildri'ii thnt 1 had no right to Insiston met illation, nnd that It should nut beclone nt the hools, ns the Ismrd of u

    had nothing to do with the same.He also stated thnt I would get mi J.l.tlues If tlie imients woii.i sue me for

    ilnuiages, ond If ids ihlld was one of themhe certainly would do so.

    The children, or rather n few, wenler) olistres-ro- mid Mr. Tonnsei Illmill) said that If he followed Ids In-i- ination he would take Ids teachei nillene the building nnd ht me get ill Issct 1 could: to which I replied Hint tothnt case I would leuie also.

    The metbocl of nctliintloii wns thesame ns always, which I have explained

    Jon liefure.On. the following clay I nsked for the

    highest tlnss first. One room was Inniightclown into the hall nnd one Im) sin' Intothe ofhie nt n time to unilress nnd Is- - exmnlncd nnd then dress, width took our(ne minutes

    I nskd thnt nil the lui)s from one 'cnniIs' sent In nt one time, mid I hit 'listrip to the waist nnd then I could

    them, one nt n time, Miln I (titdcik or tnble, to which Mr. Tonisuidlep'lisl that ho not submit to thatmnliod In bis siIhxiI, ri lie iMistdcieil Itindemtut for nil the Ui)s to Is- - tllpH'dto the wnlst nt once.

    I said that this way would take mineal ly n month for his school alone, nndthnt I could not mid would not gltu thetime from tn) other work, nnd thnt notmu1 isrsou (tent her or pupil) hnd

    Is'fnre.Mr. Townsend snld that If he us it Isiv

    bail been couiH'llcil lo huluitlt to thntmethod of exiimliiiitluii in' would hate

    greatly nshnmcsl nnd emlsirrnssul.To which I replied thnt I lenc the mat-ter to the Ismrd nt henltli tn settle, liethen slated that the Ismrd of health hidnothing nt nil lo sn) nlsiut the melhodnt making suib examinations, Inn that Itmust be done to milt the Hiipc'riiitcudt-u- l ofpublic instruction, whose authority inthis matter nier mu I do not icrogulze,nnd so stated.

    He then said be would submit If Ibut under protest mid be would

    make a complaint. I then left the schoolnnd shall aw sir further Instructions fromthe Isianl of henltli.

    I Isg to remain, jours truly,ISIgnedl HllNltY W. HOWARD,

    cTty Pli) sit Inn.

    Kaahumanutt School, Oct. 25, 1900.Mr, A. T. Atkinson, Superintendent

    ot Public Instruction,Sir: My attention has been called

    to a passage in Dr. Howard's lottor tothe President of the Donnl of Healthrelative to the examination and

    ot children In this school,which Kerns to call for explanation.Shortly beforo Dr. Howard's first visitMrs, John Mnrkham came to me tntalk about her children. Sho Bald thatsho did not wish her children vacrjnnt

    of i uses, esKK,lally ns most .1ijhU Inn I ed ln the cltool, but Jf it must boilortowould fongo fte Inrendu, lie ''e Blle ttUhei to lmvc ncr rPgu,nr famllywhete the nn.llles could not afford ..rhy,,cIan , tll0 n)ntt(r. , ,,,,lm) It, so thnt the ismi liislon must ls ;'.... 'ller """ ' ""'' """''"R t0 'lo "' tllcclinnn Hint the nhjettloi. of pi.iet.ts tr, !lulling their tlilldien exauilneil nt t lit-- (Continued on page 4.)



    .ipnsMr. Iredale on Board of

    Transport Grant




    Having Investigated the Honolulu

    Situation He Considers the Out-

    cry Against the Plumbers


    Apropos of the Plumbers Trust thofollowing letter received by the MasterPlumbers Association this morning explains Itself. Mr. Iredale Is now nn officer on board the transport Grant, andon bearing of the dlscucslon on plumbers, volunteered his view 6.

    Honolulu, T. II., Oct .Cth, 1900.To tho Master Plumbers' Association,

    Honolulu.Gentlemen. To read In ,our news-

    papers tho startling "hcidllno" arcu-pape- rsthe startling "headline" accusa-

    tions made against , ott as a body one natttrnlly would Infer that jour body hndformed a "lead-pip- e clnh' to rob theInnocent citizens who come to ,ou tohale their work performed In u sani-tary manner.

    I know from years of practical exper-ience with association work, embodyingthe drafting of plumbing rules nndregulations, the upholding ot tho

    Ilesoltitlons and fighting againsttlie encroachment ot wholcsata houseswho arc over anxious to enrry on a re-tail trade, also tho real estate agentwho wantB his percent ips, nnd abuioall thn scurrilous and blackguard Insults that the newspaper gentry delightIn heaping upon the broad shouldersof the aicrnge plumber, that jour lotlh a sorry one Indeed.

    I havo Inspected last fall, hero In Hoall such agitations ctimiuto from someperson or persons who wnnt to mono-polize 'he cntlro profits tioui the legi-timate trade, generally cniplo, Ing un-skilled, alien or dcstltitto labor at star-lotio- n

    prlres and then cry "wolf" whena body ot honorable, tnxpn, Ing citizenscndeaior to protect themselves ngalnstsuch competition nnd nruse.

    I hav clnspected last fall, hero In Ho-nolulu, your plumbing work and sew-ers as It Is placed by Chlr.tpe, Japs andothers, and will candidly Btnte that Itwas a Bcrlotts menace to health andpublic security. I found cesspools un-der your bouses, tin and sheet Iron pip-ing for soil and waste pipes, no lentil-atln- g

    s) stem and no protection againstsewer gus poisoning, and tho disorganized body of plumbern who wero notactuated by the common desire to up-hold tho trade tn Its progressive

    movement. It wns upon the Intraduction ot n set of plumbing rulesand regulations by your honorabluHoard of Health, whereby all were re-quired to perform their work In athoroughly scli-ntlil-c manner, and sub-mit tho sanwito tho Plumbing Inspector for his upproial, that I was Inform-ed, tho agitation began to develop; thosumo tltno that your honorable bodywas organized for protection and social Intercourse, and that a contractingbuilder, Mr. Pcttus by name, whobrought his own material nnd employed Chinese cheap labor tn perform thowork on his buildings, etc., was themouthpiece of the outcry, becausewhlto plumbers refused to work rorhim at poor wnges, and not being amaster plumber, carrying on tho art ofplumbing, was not entitled to mem-bership ln our association. '

    I wish to stato that your wholesalehouses are free, to sell gus and waterpiping llttlngs, und brubn goods, com-prising faucets, stop cocks und valves,such as engineers and machinists re-quire, and It is only plumbing specialties that should be sold to the trade toprotect its legitimate profits,

    It Is against all trndo ethics for re- -tall dealers to enter Into combineswith Jobbing supply houses, and thogeneral rules provo that zuch has nov-e- r

    been tho. coso, rather thu oppositeas demonstrated by tho wonderful amirapid strides made by tho National As-sociation of Master Plumbers and theHardware Dealers' Association of theUnited States, who uro organized onstrictly trado protection lines againstthe encroachment of supply houses andtho various trusts who ire centralizingtho cntlro trado throughout tho worldfor their own benefit.

    Thcro has been a favored class Inmany cities and towns, who having thocash or standing financially have In thopast been enabled to buy their goodsdirect from tho manufnctricr Thnsopeoplo nro not willing to pay a profitto any tradesman and selfishly seek tosecure everything nt rheap pricesThey are generally tho kind of peoplo

    who have their bills published In fullIn the dally sheets, air their supposedgrleiances nnd seek cheap paper no-toriety

    Allowing for lb ecnrrlage ot goodsfrom the Stntes the ndvanreil cost ofplumbing materials anil the high wages.

    (i.ndcL.hy Journeymen plumbers Iconsider the enargea tnaue ror sucureasonable' and fair, and provo mystatements by actual proofs as they arenow preialllng lu San Francisco andelsewhere.

    If It were not for tho progressiveplumber, who Is slowly but surely cur-tailing bis, annual business by the useof modern plumbing goods and demon-strating the unselfish principles of apublic benefactor, your rlty would nuttoday be found In the march of modernodianremeut, and many of Its homesMould be without tha elegant andhealth protecting s,stem of sanitaryplumbing.

    So, gentlemen, stand firm upon thoprinciples laid down by your prcdecea- -'sors. In the struggle for recognition,and a voice in behalf of tho public sgood and welfare ever rememberingthat they, enjoying tho unbounded con-fidence of their fellow rltlzcns and theold experience of haling the tlirentuof law violation, Combines und lendpipe clnchs are only Idle talk that hasno foundation In fact and dally occur-rences,

    Mr. E. J. Duffy I know to bo a gen-tleman and fltorotigbly honest, a prac-tical mechanic and ono who Is compe-tent In the performance nt his dutiesas chief plumbing Inspector.

    Yours respectfully,C. V HrEDALE.

    President, National Associa-tion Master Plumbers of America.


    Judgo Esteo this morning remandedChlng Ahoo to the Collector of Cus-toms, dismissing the writ of habeascorpus on the ground that petitioner'srccourso was an appeal to the Secre-tary of tho Treasury. Illjclow for thowrit, District Attorney lSalrd for re-spondent.

    Judge Ksteo also banded down n de-cision In the cases of Chun Hoy and

    King, charged with being unlaw-fully In tho country, ordering their de-portation. The burden of procjf wasupon them to show that they were lawfully lu thu country and their attorne,shad produced no evidence ln their be-half. District Attorney for thoPeople: Andrews and Chllllngworthfor defendants.

    This afternoon Judge Estce Is hear-ing the habeas corpus cis" of two sonsof n local Chinese laundr, man, forwhom Paul Neumann is the attorney.

    Wong Kwal has again been servedwith a penal summons In connectionwith the building of an addition onone of his places on Altkea street. Titoease Is on In tho Police Court this af-ternoon. It will bo remembered thatWong Kwal was discharged a few daysngo after trial on the very same charge.

    Tho Walalealo returned from Kauaithis morning. Sho reports that, whlloat Eleele yesterday afternoon, PrlncoDavid and tho remainder of the Demo-cratic workers In his party wero Justleal Ing for Koloa. From there, theyexpected to go around to Hanalcl, re-turning home on Sunday.

    Tho parade of the Republicans lastnight was first class In every respect.Without any exaggeration whatever,theru wero over live hundred men tnline, the greatest majority being youngHnwnllnnB all of whom hale reachedtho voting age.

    Kerr & Co. havo lalues in men's andboy's clothing that cannot be dupli-cated. They aro making a specialtyJust now of boy'n, tweed pants at 23cents per pair.

    Sam Parker starts out on his stump-ing trip of this Island tone,.



    The Doctor's Advice

    is to keep your feet dry andpromt Illness,

    This Is what OUR HEAVYSOLE


    o will do o

    $4.50 Per Pair.


    '.nrtrf- - tfnM- - ,Sd.i,&lifcl mWsJK MiL ,itAvMt ,i4 lfc w.

  • 'f



    Special Salein LADIES

    Nicely TrimmedChemises and Night-gown- s

    CHEMISES 3 for $1.00(Former Price 50c )

    NIGHTGOWNS - - - 50c.SHIRT WAISTS 50c.

    ReJuced from 1.35.

    iqTonel57 M. BRASCH & CO. "

    IIAHMONT LODflE NO. 3,1. O O. V .

    Mmu every Monday evening at 7:30tl Harmon Hall. Kins street.

    L. II. DEE, N. O.E. R. HENDRY, Secretary.

    All Tlaltlng brothers very cordiallyunud.

    MYSTIC LODUB. No. 1, K. of P.Meet every Wednesday evening at

    d:lt o'clock, Castle Hall, Fort street,VUltlng brothers cordially Invited toWsnd. 8. J. SALTER, C. C.

    A. E. MURPHY, K. R. 3.


    MhIi every third Thursday eveningMasonic Temple. All visiting com-talo-

    cordially Invited.A. P. OILFILLAN, II. P.


    No. 1, K. T.sets In Masonic Temple on the sec- -

    mi Thursday evening of each month.AM visiting Sir Knights courteouslymud.

    HENRY E. COOPER, E. C.'. D. TUCKER, Recorder.

    OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Meets every Friday evening at their

    lutU Hall, 420H Fort street, at 7:30.Ambers of Mystic Lodge No. 2, andsTUItlm brothers, cordially Invited.


    K. of R. and S..fUUANU CHAPTER, ROSE

    CROIX,No. 1, A. & A.. S. R.

    Meets the flret Thursday In eachMath, at Masonic Temple.. Sojourn-M- i

    and visiting brothers cordiallyto attend all meetings.

    W. H., FRANK U. AUERDACh.fcbAN B. SCRIMQEOUR. Secretary.


    No. 124, A. & A. 8. Rite.Utod meetings on (he Inst Monday

    m each month, In Its hall, Masonicftsailt

    C. M. WHITE. W. M.M. B. FRIEL. Secretary.

    (WO. W. De LONQ POST No.45, O. A. R.

    Beparunent of California and Neva- -sj, BeeU at Harmony Hall, King

    strast, Irst Thursday evening of everyTsssMi, sojourning comrades are corOsily Invited to attend.

    W. L. EATON, P. C.(AS. T. COPELAND. Adjt,

    HAWAIIAN LODGE, No. 21,F. ft A. M.

    sHated meetings, first Monday eachMath. Special mcetlsgs, when calledDrill be noted In this space.)

    Members Lodge Le Progrce. PacificAge, and all sojourning brethren

    rtlallr InvIUd.J. H. OAT. W. M.

    M, K. Q. WALLACE. Secretary.


    Every Saturday at 7:30 p. m. The AlohaBranch of the Theosophlcal Society, willbold Its regular meeting In the Knights ofPythias Hall, next doorto Holllster& Co ,Port street. Public cordially Invited.Books lent at the Library on MondaysWednesdays and Fridays, from 3 to 4

    m. Information on Theosophy givent.y writing to P. O. Box 554.

    They are located hljh ground at an

    elevation of from 200 to 500 feet,

    unsurpassed scenic and marine views,

    A,- -

    What Is

    It Is





    Moet &Cfrandon

    'WHITE SEAL'N. B. The accuracy of this an

    swer is endorsed by connoisseurs

    the over.

    LOVEJOY & CO.,

    Sole agents :For Territory of Hawaii.


    WEDDING STATIONERY. EngravedCards, Embossing.

    II. F. WICHMAN.Just take a glance at Sachs' big ad In

    this Issue If j 011 arc Interested In bargains.

    A mortgagee's notice of Intention offoreclosure and sale appeal b under New

    Chemises, nightgowns nnd shirtwaists at greatly reduced prices at TheLaco House.

    .nicely furnished rooms at the fib-ular House, 154 Fort street, from $1.00per week up.

    E. F .Myhro of the Pacific HardwareCo. has been sent to the Queen's hos-pital on account of n attncn t pmu-monl- a.


    I.oe'B bread nagon broke through arotten wooden cuhcrt on Prospectstreet, opposite Mr. Egna's residence,yesterday afternoon.

    On the trip of the Ceylon from Lay-sa- nIsland Petersen, one of the sail-

    ors, fell overboard. Fortunately he wasseen In time nnd rescue!.

    Mrs. W. F. Frear has consented todelUer a course of oljht lectures onTennyson. The first one will be giv-en Saturday at 10: 4D a. m. on thesubject of the Life of Tennyson.


    Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.All druggists refund the money If Itfalls to cure. E. W. Grove's signatureIs on each box. IB cents.



    Railway and

    Electric makes access mosteasy, and power for lights may be had atmost rates.


    Look nt Hl!nrkfHi! 4 Co.'s .ul fovtypewriter Information,

    Cnmarn & Co., wine nmt liquor mer-chants, tel. Main 1 10. Atnkea street.

    L'nglneer Hen Congdon of the Kc.iit-iio-Is III. Ills place is being filled by

    Engineer Walters.The regular annual danco of the Scot-

    tish Thistle Club wilt take placo InWnuTloy hall this evening.

    It's tin to ton If you don't drinkPabst, the beer that maAo Milwaukeefamous, Peacock & Co. agents.

    Chief Engineer Dnn llalloii of tlioIwalnnl has resigned and his place hasbeen taken by Chief George Potter.

    There will be a big auction sate atthe Honolulu Stock Yard tomorrow.See Jas. F. Morgan's column on page8.

    The class In embroidery at tho Y.W. C. A Is requested to meet Mrs. II.II. Williams at G o'clock Friday even-ing.

    Tho good qualities of the Tribunewheel commend themselves to criticalwheelmen. A full line at Whitman &Co.'s.

    The normal class of Sunday schoSlteachers will meet In the Y, M. C. A. at4:20 o'clock this afternoon. Everymcmbei Is expected to bo trcsent.

    The bark Fresno succeeded In gettingnway yesterday afternoou after no endof trouble In tho matter o securing thelimited number of men Mie dfd hne.

    Mrs. St. D. G .Walters gave a chow-der party at Mr. nnd Mrs A. t'sWalklkt residence on Wednesday Inhonor of Mrs. Fowler nee Neumann.

    In the neighborhood of thlrty-flv- c otthe Shrlners' party have remained overIn order to see a little mure of Hawaiinet. They wilt leave In tne S. S. Queen.

    There will bo a meeting of theTeachers' Association at 7:30 o'clockthis evening at the High School for thopurpose of organizing for preparationfor tho work of tho winter course.

    J. E. Davis, stenographer In the Attorney General's olllce has resigned,the young man wishing to go Intobusiness for himself. Mr. Davis hasbeen succeeded by Miss A. A. Allen.

    Now that you have returned fromyour vacation you Bhould have yourplnno tuned. We will send out expertsIn this lino at reasonable prices whowill put your piano In first class order.Tin, Ilergstrom Music Co., Fort street.

    Tho Holland Club of tho Y. W. C. A,held an interesting meeting In theirrooms In the Progress block last nightMiss Perlcy presented a paper on "ThoLater History of Holland" and MissClark favored the ladles with a "Sketchon tho City of Amstcrd im." '

    Assistant Paymaster E Hall, whohas been attached to the battleshipMassachusetts on tho Atlantic station,haB been detached from that vessel andhas been ordered to Honolulu as pay-master of the Naval Station here. er

    Hall will be hero acout tho mid-dle ot next month.

    There was a very pleasant receptionat tho home of Theo. Richards lastevening In honor of Rev. John Wnldronwho has come to take ihargo of themanual training department of theHoys' Brigade. Remarks were made byMessrs. Theo. Richards, H. E. Coleman,J P. Cooke, P. M. Pond. V W. Damonand the guest of the evening himself.

    CHA8. D. WALKER,Dlln.r tsi Bulldtr of Hljh-Gt.- l.

    Yachts, Boats and Launches!Worn. KINO ST.

    P. O. Boi tn T.ltthoM 160.

    Water be at the rate of

    Si 5 per ror each lot, from our Pacific

    System. This Is less

    than city rates.

    TURCOCOFFEE5 lbs. $1.25

    A China Cup and Saucer withEvery Sib. Tin


    Ask Your DealerFor It :

    The Washington

    Mercantile Ltd,


    L. W. Miami. H.O.MlDDLIDItCH.

    The Merchants'

    Collecting Agency,15 KAAHUMANU ST.

    Special Attention given to n


    Hair Brush

    Talk eA really good Hairbrush

    always its valuewhether it is a recent ac-quisition ora time worn utili-tarian of the toilet table.

    In the selectionan article price should not bea factor; rather the characterof the bristle and handle andthe manner of the assembl-ing parts. The

    whom we bought thisspecial lotfacilities for the curing ofthe bristles and the season-ing of the lumber. Thesebrushes occur in innumer-able styles, sizes, and lengthsof bristles, bleached and unbleached and forand service ate low-pric- ed.

    Hollister Drug Co,


    Special toBuilders.

    To all who begin the erection ofhouses within (a make

    Inducements In the matter of transportation of over our



    Hairdressing, Shampooing, Manicuring,

    i. MISS M. E.Hotel Street.

    Diploma of the Prix. ,... ...-- - .l.The highest award offered by the

    Paris ExpositionHigher than Gold Sliver Medal has been given to the


    H. & CO., Ltd.Dealers for the Territory of Hawaii.

    For exhibition at the Store r.f the PACIFIC CYCLE & MANUFACTURING CO.,nhlera Block Fort Htpcct.

    JUSt I Our first ConsiRnment of theH I H,,H,,Hl i New Seasons pack of

    FANCY TABLE FRUITS,Including the deservedly popular FLICKJNGER, S. & W. and SNOW


    Green Peas, Sugar Corn, Asparagus.also everything In evaporating fruits.

    H. &2 DBler 2

    The StoreBETHEL ST.





    of 1900.HACKFELD


    MAY CO., Ltd.Waterhouse

    TSLSFKON3The Mclntvre Store



    Requires no no cooking. Prepared In 3 moment by simply one quartboiling milk ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS. Will produce ten of delldCustard or quarts of Ice Cream cannot be surpassed.


    oUphnnn 119

    COR. ANtf FORT



    For CHAS. HUSTACE.Before Insuring Your Life consult the best company

    and secure the best and most liberal policy asIssued by the


    BMMETT MAY, Judd Building,Manager tor Hawaii.

    GRAND GLEARANCE SALEFor One month Only.

    In alt lines commencing

    Saturday, September 29, 1900Bargains In Grass Cloth (various colors), Handkerchiefs(embroidered), Pongee Silk forSults Skirts, etc.

    GOO KIM, 210 NUUANU ST, Above Hotep. o. Box m

    212 to tha


    Til. It.


    COMMISSION lkctB3R.OIIA.lSrTa.Diltri la Fin Silk ud Llntoi. ChlntM Mi JcptotM QooU of All Klais.




    . S i7 :'8 NX "'' Lfe LijlLiM I4 17? ,9' ZU 235 24! 25 26? Zyl 28 29 kso &lV" "" ; "' UmU 7,"M '",,;. -- ' 9 ;-- T','T."t..4i..'T"'i',,',i"Mr i "" "i- -v .mi -p"' n, HOHfireno s Sv ' i xstrTr!"3 "p a u o a Road .

    These Lots are the Pauoa side of Pacific Heights. They face on Pauoa Road, now being widened andmacadamized, and THE PACIFIC HEIQHTS ELECTRIC RAILWAY.



    $Any one with money invest looking for something that will bring ood returns on sums

    invested, has here a fine opportunity. Houses built on these lots will find ready rental at strongrates by good tenants. ATTRACTIONS OFFERED IN THIS SITE TO HOMESEEKERS :






    The Hallway


    Water.will supplied





    of such

    manufactur-ers of

    have unsurpassed





    willdays, we will

    soeclalbuilding material









    Low Prices, Good Terms.Prices of lots range from I400 to $750

    each, according to size and location. h

    cash only Is asked. Balance In

    Installments at terms to suit purchasers.




    two rich

    King tret. nait AMlngi-n-



    iB l6 22:




    Healthful and Cool.

    The air Is always cool and bracing. Wecan recommend this property as beingespecially desirable and attractive to per-sons seeking a choice location for a homeat a moderate cost,

    For Further Particulars Apply to BRUCE WARIINCl & CO., Progress Block, Fort Street.

    fc J- "-






  • V

    N. 8, Sachs Dry Goods Co.,LIMITED,

    BULCflTIN. FRlftAY, OCTdflllt


    We have bought privatecontract, for tvso bits on thedollar, the entire stock of Sph-veitz- er

    & Co., wholesale drygoods dealers ofSan Prancisco,and shall place same on saleon Monday next and follcxwingdays at unheard-o- f prices.

    This will be by far the largestand most important sale of dry goodsever held in Honolulu, and buyers failingto take advantage of our offerings willregret it long as they live.

    We desire to call your attention to afew of the leaders :

    Finishing Braids.

    A fine assortment of Feather

    Stitch Braids in white and

    colors Regular price 12c.per piece.

    Our Price 4 pieces for 2jc.

    Ladies' Belts

    In large varietv ; will be sold

    out at 10c each

    G. D. Corsets,

    And other makes ; must be

    cleared ut at, - 50c per pair

    Children's Summer Waists

    Must go at 10c each ; regularprice 40c.

    Ladies' Hose.

    A fine line of Ladies' Drop

    Stitch Hose, in black or white,

    at 3 pairs for 50c

    THtT BVKNINO afl, Vo



    A nice variety of WindowScrims and Curtain Nets; willgo at 10c a yard

    Notion Department.

    Hooks and Eyes, Regularprice 25c. per box.

    Our price today 10c. per bx.Bone Casing ?c. per piece.Needles ?c per packet of 2J.Pins ?c. a sheet or 6 for2?c.

    Boys' Waists.

    A small lot of Boys' BlouseWaists, will be closed outat 15c each

    Hair Pins.


    A large assortment of Shelland Amber Hair Pins. ReturJar price 15c. a cs-r- of 12. Ourprice today J caris for 2?c.


    A large assortment of BlackCream and White Laces mark-- d

    at prices that will makego. Laces that are worth ?0c ,our price 0 ly 10c.


    A little lot of men's Umbrel

    las will be closed out at jOc.

    each. Just one-thi- rd the regu-lar price.

    Gents and Ladies Neck-tie- s.

    Bows, Four-in-han- ds, Bat-win- gs,

    and Puffs in a variety

    of colors and designs. All to

    be sold at 10c. and lc, each.

    Corset Covers.

    We are offering a Corset

    Cover for 50c that we havesold 2,000 of at 8?c each.


    Are an jtem we would have

    you examine. You will find

    every desirable kind in our

    stock, and at the right prices


    $? ifc $? $? These are only a. few ofthe many specials find on display. Gall and see us; it prove aprofitable visit.




    N. 8, Sachs Dry Goods Co.,LIMITED,


    you willwill


    The Hague Court

    Put to Good Use

    Washington, Oct. 13. Tho Russiansuggestion that the International courtof arbitration of The llcgue lie fiUenjurisdiction over divergencies of viewsarising on the question of Chinese Indemnltles was submitted to SecretaryHay by M. do Wollant, the HusslanCharge In Washington, In a note onOctober 3d. It has received the adher-ence of the American, French and Hus-slan Governments, thus giving the suggestion the approval of threo of, tboforemost Powers, and strong adherenceof Its general adoption.

    M. dc Wollants note lias not yetbeen made public. It can bo statedhowever, that It was the result of ex-tended exchanges between tho Frenchand Kusslan Governments relatlvo totho six proposals In tho Trench noto.It expressed approval of tho variousproposals, and then aided the newsuggestion relative to giving ThoHague tribunal jurisdiction of Indemnity In rase there should bo dlxergenceof views. Not being a formal proposition, but merely an accident to thoapproval of the French noto, It has notcalled for a formal reply of acceptnnco,but the Husslan authorities hare beenfurnished with n copy of tho Americanreply to the French nile, w.hercln ourapproval Is given to the Husslan suggestion, so It Is none tho less effectlvoIn giving American ndherenco to tboplan. It is understood alro that Aus-tria and Italy, and probably Japan,look with favor upon The Hague sug-gestion.

    Th cmovement promises to give thofirst practical realization to the Czar'smovement in bringing about tbo International Confrcss of Tbo Hague. Thocourt of arbitration has received tboapproval of tho various Governmentsrepresented at The Hague, and Itsformal organlatlon Is In progress. ThoImportance the United Status attachesto It Is Indicated by tho iholce of exPresident Harrison andGcorgo Gray of Delaware as the Amerlcan members of tho tribunal.


    Madison, Wis., Oct. 15. At IlaclnoJunction, today, a largo crowd, com-posed principally of worklngmen fromnear-b-y shops, was In waiting. Sena-tor Ilauna spoko briefly, saying In part:"You bare beard a good deal aboutthe different Issues in thlr? campaign.Tbero are only three weeks left, andwe have not time to talk about any-thing but the Issue that interests youand me. And tliut Issue Is our presentcoudlttons and the continuation ofthem. The full dinner pall Is tho bestargument I know of."

    A voice How about the coal mines?"The coal mines are all right," said

    the Senator,A voice How about tho strike?""The strike will be settled this

    week," replied Mr. Iliinnn,"All wind," a volco shouted."Tho only things that I know of that

    have n superllulty of wind are IlryanDemocrats," rejoined tha Senator.want to ask this audience of working- -men what W. J .Uryan has ever donofor the working peoplo of this coun-try?"

    A oice Nothing."There Is not a man hero but who

    knows that William McKlnley hasbeen the best friend of the workingpeople this country has ever produced."


    Berlin ,0c t. 1L Germany'!) Chinapolicy Is growing unpopular nmong thegreat manufacturers In West Ger-many, owing to tho severe reaction Inbusiness, tho absenco of orders nndtho heavy fall In Industrial shares.

    Most of the papers toda discuss thoexpression "World Umpire," used byEmperor William In his speech at tholaying of the cornerstone of tho Im-perial Museum at Saulborg, all deny-ing that Germany has any such Intention, as might seem to have beenImplied. Tho Vosslscho Zcituug saysthat tho time has passed when mail'kind generally would toloioto the hege-mony of single power. Tho CologneGazette, tho National Zeitung, the NordDcutsch Zcltung, the llcrlluer Tago-bla- tt

    and tho llcrllner Post glvo ut-terance to similar sentences.

    Referring to tho action of tho foreignenvoys In Peking, tho National Zcl-tung says:

    ' "The envoys liavo spoken. The noxtstep Is to enforco their decisions."

    No Bryan Money.New York, Oct. 10. Retting on tho

    result of tho Presidential election yes-terday developed the remarkable oddsof 5 to 1 on McKlnley. This was thoanswer of tho Now Yor.c speculatingpublic to Mr. Uryun'B bid for the NowYork electoral vote.

    An offer was mado by Kd Wasscr-ma- nto hot (100,000 on McKlnley

    against $25,000 on Uryan, but nu takers wcro found. Another offer wasmade soon thereafter at ndds of S to 1,hut no Bryan money was forthcoming.

    Tbe Evening Bulletin, 76 cents ptrmonth.

    HAWAII LAND CO.Limited.

    Capital Stock - - $100,000.Capital, paid up, $48,860


    W. C, Acbl ....President A ManagerM. K. Nkuln... Vlos PresidentJ. Makttnal TreasurerEnoch Johnon Heoretary,Geo, L. Desht Auditor'


    Jonah Kumle.J, Makalnal

    J.W. niplkane

    The above Company will buy, lento,or sell lanJj In all parts of the HawaiianIslands; and also bs houses In the Cityof Houolnlu for rent. U59-y- l

    W. C. ACHI & CO.,

    Brokers & Dealers

    REAL ESTATEtr We will Buy or tail Beat Estate Is11 parts of the group.tW We will Bsll Properties on Beuon

    bl Commissions

    )FFICE. 10 West King Street


    Real Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.


    Property In town and suburbs

    and HOUSES TO LET.


    Real Estate AgentAbstractor andSearcher of Titles . . .

    Loans negotiatedRents collected.

    Campbell Building,Merchant street

    J. J. WILLIAMS,Photographer.



    Visitors are cordially Invited U:all and inspect our gallery of life-siz- e

    royal photos, from KamehamehI. to date.

    At tho Old StandOn Fort Street ::


    Best --5c. CigarTo be bad for tho money.


    Beaver Lunch Rooms,H. J. NOLTE.

    Star Oyster HouseCOKNbK FORT AND HOTEL STS.

    Steaks and Chops,Oysters any Style,Oyster Loavee.


    H. Klemme Proprietor


    C. A. GROTE

    Merchant -:- - TailorsCLOTHING

    Cleaned and RepairedOUR SPECIALTY.

    FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEELUiilon St. near Hotel 1 500

    BELMORALYoune St., bet. Alapal & Kaplolanl Sts.

    Newly furnished rooms with board.Also table board. Telephone mi Blue.Art Embroidery Taught.

    Lessons In ART EMBROIDERY willbe given by Mrs. II. II. Williams at thoCity Furniture Store, Fort street.FlrBt Class stamping dont.


    ,,' AJftlatVillt.A-- . " - ' -- ti - i. In,.' Ja .OillatallrM'iliii -

    agents, Broliers and Jobbers.



    H. P. BALDWIN PresidentJ. U. CASTLE...- - 1stW. M. ALEXANDLR...-:n- dJ. P. COOKIi TreasurerW. O. SMITH-.- ... ...Secretary and Audltot

    Sugar Factors and

    --Commission Agents


    Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co.Ol.i.i Suear Co.Haiku Sugar Co.Pala Plantation Company.Nahlku Sugar Company.Kihel Plantation Co.Hawaiian St13.11 Co.Kahulul Railroad Company.

    Tbe California nnd Oriental S. S. ft.

    W. G. Irwin & GoLimitod

    AGENTS FORWestern Sugar Refinery Co., of Baa

    Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works, art

    Philadelphia, l'enn., U. S. A.Newell Universal Mill Co. (National

    Cane Shredder), New York, U. 8. A.N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertili-

    zers.Alex. Cross & Sons, high grade Twt

    tlllzers for Cane and Coffee.Reed's Steam Pipe Covering.

    ALSO OFFER FOR SALEParatllne Paint Co.'s P. D. Palnta

    and Papers; Lucol and Llnse4Oils, raw and boiled.

    Indurlne (n cold-wat- paint), aWwhile and colors.

    Filter Press Cloths, Cement, LlsMnnd Hrlcks.


    HONOLULU.Commission Merchants


    Tfal few PlinUtl Co.Tb WiUlu Acrlculttval Co., I t,tTta Kobala Sucar CoTha Wil.m.1 Sura, IToa Koloa Agricultural Co,Tha Fallon Iron Worm. St totla, Ma.Th. Co, F. Blaka Sims Puii,Waatoo'a Cantrlfugala.

    Th. N. England Ufa Inauraaca C, .1 ImTha ma Flra Ina. Co. of Harttorl, SatTcaAIHancaAuurancaCo 01 Lanlw.

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMIT ID).

    Wm. o. Irwin.. President and MsjwiuClaus Spreckels Vlco PresidentW. M. Olffard ..Second Vlco President.II. M. Whitney Jr. .... Treas. and 8m.Geo. J. Ross Audita

    Sugar Factorajn

    Commission AgeniAanrrs o ibb


    MoniM-YowCoJ.- 1

    Importers andCommissionMerchants


    The Lancashire Insurance Co.The Balolse Insurance Co.Union Gas Engine Co.Domestic Sewing Macb n, Bte,

    Quaan aira.1, Honolulu H.I

    ibrHawaiian Agricultural Coany. Aan.rlcae ttstCompany, Oofcala Sugar Plant. Co , Oooaas

    Co.. Honomu Sugar Co , Walluku Sugar Co.. MaSaaSugar Co . Haltakala Rarch Co., MoTokal RaaatiPlanl.r'a Lin, San Ir ijico Pacini kaa. ak Co.'a Lin. ot Bo jn Pack.ta


    O. M. Cooko, President; George g..Robortsoii, Manager K. F. BlkhopTreasurer and Secretary j Col. W. .Allon, Audit ir; 1'. C. Jones, R. WaUr-houBo- ,

    Qeo. R. Carter, Directors.

    BRUCE OARTWRIQHT,tneral Msnsger ot

    Th Iqnjttble Lift Assuinoi Booutf

    Of tha TJnlted BUtes tor Um BawiMssjIiiands,

    Onuai MathDt stnst. Ho

    M. PHILTjIPS k 00.,Wholesale ImporUrs and Jobbtri

    Inropun ini American Dry loo

    Vo t and Qaeen Btiettf .

    B. HAOKFFLD k 0O,.Lirf


    Cor. Fort and Queen Btreets Hooolili


    ' X



    ,.l&t,.iJt .isBulaiSjUtu ttti,..JJiu

  • ww

    ilfcAi allinHKata



    Evening Bulletinrubllohril livery D.iy except Rundity,

    it 210 King Street, Itunoliilu,T. of It., tiy the


    WAt.l.ACK H. KAIllUNnTON' ..IMItnrDANli:l. LOOAN City Editor

    Kntcrcd nt tlie I'ot OHlce nt llouo-lul- una second clan matter.


    for month, nny where In U. S. , .$ .75Per year S.00Per year, postpaid, foreign 13.00Payable Invariably In ntlvancc.

    Talcrlionc 25(1Post Office, llox .....718

    ntlDAY OCTOlIHtl 26, 1000.


    wm, Mckinley.

    FOR T,





    Clarence L. Crabbe,

    Cecil Brown,

    W. C. Achl,

    Frank Pahla,

    Henry Waterhouse

    George R. Carter.



    A. G. M. Robertson,

    J. W. Keikl,William Aylett,

    A. F. Gllflllan,

    Wm. H. Hoogs,

    Jonah Kumalae,


    L. L. McCandless,

    J. L. Kaulukou,Enoch Johnson,

    John C. Lane,

    H. R. Hitchcock,

    W. J. Coelho.

    The straight Republican ticket Is thoonly vote that Is recognlrcd ns n Re-publican vote.

    You can bet your bottom dollar thatUncle Sam docs not allow his preservesto be placed at the mercy of a privatewater company.

    There's ono good thins about poll-tic- s,tho thing Is Bcttled one way or

    the other on election day. Hut this nowtelephone "system" seems due to go onforever.

    nven Mark Twain In his most solemnmoments Is unnble to take Bryan seriously. The Democrats with llryan nttheir head are fast becoming notablelaughing stock.

    Robert Wilcox nnd his followers arefast coming to know that the people ofHawaii prefer a man of sense to a"man of steel." Honest Ham Parker isthe man who fulfills the requirementsof the people tor Delegate to Congiesb.

    Delegate Sam Parker plays a verysafe gamo when he nicmises PrinceDavid that he will resign If llryan Iselected President. This Is not n Dem-ocratic year. Hanking on McKlnley'sflection Is like taking the "sure thing"end of a bet.

    Legislative candidates who seek tohedge, on the municipal question needhave no fear of being called by thepeoplo 'to take a seat In either theHouse or Senate. Democratic candi-dates have been notably slow to de-clare themselves on this point

    The appearance of Honolulu IronWorks men In the Republican paradedemonstrates that thess worklngmenknow that the success of the Democra-tic party means they will be thrownout of employment. Republican rulehas always given the worklngmen pros-perity.

    The magnificent reception given Hon.Samuel Parker last night shows thetemper of the people on tlit) question ofHawaii's first delegate to Congress.Opposing parties may cast slurs as po-litical necessity may suggest upon theloyalty of party workers, but everyDemocrat, overy Independent and everyRepublican knows that the greetinggiven tho Republican cmdldato camefrom the hearts of tho jicoplo andmeans solid votes for Samuel I'nrkerwhen the peoplo go to tho polls. Sucncrowds, such cheering, such enthu-siasm Is not tho creature of disloyaltyor halt hearted support. It means thatthe peoplo aio with. Parker, that tlieyadmire, respect' and have unquestionedconddenco In his honesty and ability.It means that Parker will carry the Isl-and of Onhu nnd every outside districtby an overwhelming majority.


    IN NUW

    In conjunction with Catullilnle llrynn'n rminliiK reception In New Yorkrlty nt the lunula of Dors C'roker nmtTnmtnauy llnll, Harper's Weekly pnli-llah-

    nn arraignment of the Demo-cral- loTammany llnll administration

    In the great city of New York whichdisplays what Demoi'mile rule meanto the poor people, Dunklin Matlicwnthe nutlior of the article In each amievery Instance refers to conditions offthlch he Is personally coRiiltnlit anilthe. result Is the most severe Impend)- -ment of municipal iifflrirt that hasc)er been known slnre th days of llossTw ced.

    Mntbews shows that tho money forthe, big llrsnn nccptltm came fromthe brothels and dens of vice whoseproprietors arc allowed to carry ontheir business contrary to law on con-dition that they pay blood money Intothe coffers of Tammany Halt. He showsthat crime has Increased under llossCrokcr's rule, that the homes of refugefor fallen women nnd destitute childrennre crowded to tho doori ns a directresult of the protection given vice byTammany leaders nnd their heelers,He shows that the death rate amongthe children of the poor has Increasednt a remarkable rule as a direct resultof Doss Croker'B control In tho Icetrust and Tammany protection to Irresponsible nnd corrupt merchants whohold the poor In the hollow of theirhands. Ho shows that the ghouls whogo In to surrounding country towns tolure young women to lives of sin InNew York city, pay tribute to Tnm-mnn- y

    police for refusal to InterfereIn thelj- - business. He thows that thoenthusiasm of llryan'a great receptionwas directly due to Doss Croker's orderthat New York should be allowed torun ns a "wide open" town and vicehave free sway.

    This he offers as a sample of Democratlc rule In the city of New York,and he draws attention to the fact wellknown throughout tho United Statesthat this same Doss Crokcr has beenpromised the control of the Kcdernlpatronage In New York provided llryan Is elected; this same lloss Crokerwho crushes tho poor In New Yorkcity Is to become a nov-- r In the nationII the Democrats and Iirynn arc trlumphnnt. The response of the honest,respectable people of the city and staleof New York Is not In doubt, llossCroker will neer be allowed to rulethe nation, which he would do If theDemocratic candidate for Presidentwere elected.

    Lively Rumpus Raised Over

    Vaccination of Children in Schools

    (Continued from page 1.)

    matter of vaccination, but supposedshe would have to hav It done. Sheasked me to report to her If such wasthe case, nnd to have the children vac-cinated In school. 1 reported the con- -creation to Dr. Howard, nnd he agreed

    that tho children should not be vaccinated here. Later he ('.Id vaccinateone of these children, and seemed tome to mnkc light of tho matter when Itold him what he had done. As therewas a good deal of confusion In theroom, owing to a kind of panic whichhis work had produced upon the littlofellows, 1 assumed that tho vaccinationof this boy was a mistake. So I re-quested him to find out the names ofthe children before vaccinating them,to avoid further) errors and tho workwent on. Shortly nfter I went wherehe wa snn d found him on the point ofvaccinating another of the Markhamboys. I called his attention to the matter, and he ngalu seemd to mo to refuse to consider tho matter seriously,I then told him that If he got himselfprosecuted for vaccinating tho boy hohad vaccinated he would gel what hodeserved, nnd what ho would get Ifthe child wero mine. But this remarkwas made without any reference to thovaccinations In general, but only withreference to tho vaccination of thoMarkham boy. This Dr. Howard willbe able to recall.

    As to the threat that 1 would makecomplaint of his manner of examiningtho pupils, the Dr. probably Inferredthis from my using the word protest.What I said was that or. his represen-tation that the pupils of the Highschool and all other schools had beenexamined In the manner ho wished Iwould submit but under protest, as Idid not consider it proper. ;

    I nm pleased to note that Dr. Wooddoes not consider it necessary thatthe boys of a room be stripped to thewaist all together, as this is what Idid not consider proper, hnd it was onthis point that Dr. Howard and I dif-fered.

    Yours very truly.HENRY S. TOWNSEND,


    THE TEACHING RULE.Tho following appointments by the

    Superintendent .were!npjroved fiy" theCommissioners! "'


    IMPORTS OP CHAMPAGNElnt the United trom January lTto Julv 1st. 1000.

    G. H. MUMM & CO.'SEXTRADRY OD.MOcases,

    Moet & Chandon 18,413 "Pommery & Greno 12,283 "Hledslck ii Co., Dry Mono--

    pole t....V 6,009 "Louis Roederer 4,418 "All other brands 27012 "

    TOTAL 135,184 "

    CcmplleJ trom th Official Custom House Records

    HACFARUHE S CO., LTD., Suit IgtDts.

    The Pacific Hardware Co,


    Goods for the household, for the plumber, for contractors,

    builders and carpenters

    New line of Staple Articles- - haVe been brought here by

    the Australia, Geo. Curtis, Alden Besse, Irmgard, Rosamond

    and W. H. Dimond, which are now opened up

    A complete line, of Sanitary Plumbing Goods direct from

    the Wolfe Manufacturing Co. is on hand.

    Elliptic Boiler Tube Serapus, Vi to 4 inches.

    Pacific - Hardware - Co.,XjIMIITESr)

    Storess Fort' Kin& and Bethel sts- -

    Residence TractFOR SALE AS A WHOLE!

    ....150 Aores....PALOLO HEIGHTS!

    Beautifully situated mauka of the Government Walalae Road.

    Ad Unexcelled Site for Hotel or Sanitarium IMAGNIFICENT VIEW I

    The tract slopes cently up to an elevation of over 800 feet. It commands a land and sea view from Koko Head to the Waialae Mountains.

    WATBR tan be piped fromia natural flowing stream from an elevation of 1,200 feet.

    For further particulars apply to

    Palolo Land and Improvement Co.,A. F. COOKE, Manager,

    Room 8, Model Block.


    Every One of Them n Different Style t

    WE SELL CARRIiUiES AS (HEAP AS YOU CAN BUY THEM IN TOMBECAUSE c buy dimt from the f actorlct itme ai dtalrrs n the Coitl.

    SOME REASONSWhy You Should Buy Your CarrluficH Prom U 1

    You Take No Risks of damage in transportation.You Have a Chance to Personally Inspect stock and

    select something to your liking. If you order from theCoast by cata'ogue you are taking chances of gettingsomething entirely different from what it Iojks on paper.

    Remember! A suit of clothing for 5 l.oks as well on paperas one costing 550.00.

    Schuman's Carriage and Harness Repository.

    Holualoa Mrs. Bello P. Mayilwelland Miss Lucie Born.

    Konawaena H. T, Mills, principal,transferred from Napoopoo, In place ofMrs. Sunter, resigned.

    Walalua Akunt Ahau In place ofMnr'Sllvn, transferred Z 1

    Monaunau William Hu.Kaupo Andrew Him, assistant ly

    in place of Miss Desha, re-signed on account of ill health,

    Kauaea Miss Hattle Elderts Inplace of Miss Uycrott, resigned.

    Christian Andrews wat., on the re-port of Inspector T. II. Gibson, trans-ferred from Hauula, Oahu, to Napoo-poo, Hawaii, in the Intercuts of tho for-mer school, as his Influence for goodat Hauula was at an en J.

    PEIIMITS FOR NEWSBOYS.A form of ticket was approved to be

    Issued to newsboys at tho discretionof school principals, peimlttlng themto bo out of school to 3nll papers fromthe Mainland or extra ci'.'Mons of Ho-nolulu papers, good only tor the tinytho ticket Is suued.

    J. Llghtfoot's salary as superinten-dent of night schools was raised, to$75 a month. This Is considered nomore thnn tho (service Is worth, apartfrom the fact that tho Incumbent liasto keep a horse at his own expense tomake the rounds. t

    A notification from the road, supervisor was received for tho departmentto lay a stone curbing In front of

    school. Its length would beover 400 feet and the cost $200 or $300,and there Is no money at rresent available for such a purpos?.

    Mexican Carved

    Leather Goods ! !


    A fine Sample line- -

    Just Receivedby...


    NEWS CO., LTD.

    Hill Speaks In Illinois.Springfield, 111., Oct. 15. With tho

    exception of Bryan day In 1890, whenthe crowd and parades far exceededanything before known In tho city, tliodemonstration In honor nt former Gov-ernor David B. Hill of New York wasthe greatest ever known here. Ho addressed an audlenco of 15,000. Amongthe reception commlttco fvcro Jflm MPalmer of Chicago and Louis Palmer ofSpringfield, sons of tho late John MPalmer.




    I Transcendent Lightscience

    Cheapest!J ARCH LIGHTS for indoor and Out

    door Illumination.

    Installed short notice for Lawn I'sitln Luaus or Halls.

    Lights Rented by Month.1600 op 500 Candle Power.

    I WASHINGTON LIGHT CO.,ttoic Agents.

    C. W. MACFARLANB, Manager.

    Carriage MakerGeneral Repairing.

    Painting, Blackemithing, Trimming.

    Phaetons, Buggies and Hacks Manufactured.

    HIGH-CL4S- S WORK.wMmrmmm'WMmmm


    jr r jjr ttb

    If wl

    a of




    their friend and the public ycncrally that theymoved their new corner of Hotel Fort Streetswhere they he pleaml to receive continuance of formerpatronage. None but high grade gvmis kcit in stock.goods specialty.

    Catton, Neil! & Co., Ltd.EJ O--1 3iT E3 33 ZE3 S

    Boilermakers and Electricians.Agents for

    The - General - Electric - Gompanjo000000000000000000000c


    Pabst BeerIs worth two of any otherBeer made.

    It touches the right spot on aHOT DAY.

    it! 'W. C. PEACOCK & CO., Ltd.,

    RtlUbl Watchmen furnlthtd for stores and propertyud confidential work of all torn.- -' - .1



    else find





    : t : :


    Try g

    snr- -



    0000C00XXKXXXX00000 ooooooooooov"We "sTatcla. "Wla-i- l TTovl Sleep


    Office Room Model Block P. U.

    S. SHIMAMOTOGeneral Merchandise. Diy Goods, Groceries.

    Japanese Provisions, etcMAGOON BLOCK, MERCHANT STREET.

    3P-- O-- Box 886 IkEain.Contractors


    General Business of Laborers Supplies, Carved constantly oahand, ready to supply. . HAYASHI, Mgl

    King near Liliha side), Honolulu,

    r. a, Box Bia



    , AND DlAll IK ,

    DistilledWaterXC Delivered Free

    To any part of city

    Oahu Ice andElectric Co.,


    .Works, Kcwalo.Tel., 3151 P. O. Box 600.

    1ST Ice will be delivered bydrivers to part of premises desired.

    tl'MURhtto nnd the


    Nowhere can you so

    large variety



    Alakea Merchant


    informinto store and




    00 00000c oo



    ML T.m




    But City rtf.r.oci. turol.bal. D.ucttvt

    TEL. 70S.BOX It.

    P. O, Box 878Builders

    Agency, All Kinds Stone

    T.Street, (Ewa T. of H,

    Tiiiphom anaXX





    BE COOLPut in one of our

    Electric- -


    Fan MotorsA large shipment of Fans direct or

    alternating current for use on eitherdeskorcelllne.


    Oceanic Gas andElectric Co., Ltd.

    Office: 46 Merohant St,


    i P.v

  • W r




    Rain fmujicsDoor Mats.


    ChnlnBlick anJ ualvanUeJ, In any 'engtliiX Inch to 'i Inch thick.

    Cane KnivesDlston'j makja big supply on hind.

    Distort SawsFlicsCartridgesPaints and OilsRope

    Manila and Slsil from 1 Inch to 6Inch thick.

    PlowsRice Plows and Breaking Plows.

    C0ra.para.3rFort St., opposite Spreckels Bank.

    Another LargeShipment of



    These lamps burn In such a manner thatthe combustion Is almost perfect and forthis reason the light Is magnificentlybrilliant, smokeless and odorleu.

    The lamps are absolutely safe It beingsimply lmposlble,toexploJe.

    If you are tired of the bother of ordinarylamps, If you wish to rid yourself oftheir care, the above will appeal to youvery strongly When coupled witheconomy trie appeal IS Irreslstable.

    The Angle Lamp accomplishes perfeet Illumination. It preents an oppor-tunity of securing alight that Is easilyoperated and more brilliant than gas orelectricity with no more heat at a merefraction of thtircost. It provides a lamp for

    Homes, stores, offices, factories, halls,libraries, hotels and churches, that IsIdeal In every way.

    The public Is cordially Invited to calland Inspect these lamps.

    Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.

    ALSO- -.Merchants and Commission Agents,

    Agents for Grant PowderKoehr Harbor Lime orland Cement.

    The Grand Prix(Th Diplomi of Honor--.HlglM.t iwulblt ti )


    The Smith Premier. TYPEWRITER

    AT THE

    Paris Exposition.

    Co.,Port- -



    HIS tnaJc fey n of Iwtntyfiv

    t a on polnti than of Mhtr

    In anJ from llt Jury wa -- lor

    of and efficiency at



    ? of 350 HP StirlingWatertube Boiler.

    J of GREENSEconomises for same.

    1 Set of GREEN'S FuelEconomises 400 tubes.

    Lot of FOWLER STEAMPLOW spares and extras.

    1 Set of FOWLER STEAMPLOWS (16 HP) comp ete.

    BURLEY DRILL Outfitcomplete with Air Compressorand HP Boilfc'r.

    Lot of 4" Piping 15,o6b feel'

    24" Water Pipe qOOO feet.

    Material for 36" Water Pipe1000 feet.

    ALS- O-Fine Lot of California Mules

    'All the above can; be had ata bargain.

    ' -- Qul-Ety STREET.C. H. Brown,

    -S-ANITARY PLUMBE- R-' Is nowiopen for business on jflercliant

    street, between Fort Alakea s'reets.(Estimates on everythlnz In the

    plumbing line.Mwln 48.

    ARE YOU DEAF??Kmr kind of and difficult liear

    Itiff rAit ! rurrU bf our new onlythoao hiving teen born deaf are Incurable. XoltiIn ihiirceaeitt uiirt. send particular aboutFour care. Onau'tMlon urn! Kverjon ran cure at bl owu home at TerrUtile






    1'. 'Al.JJ:&SJti:XMtk


    The man (hat Is todown a well,

    About the kind and ofcoods to sell,

    Will never make asmany

    As he a tree and





    Serve even morning and noonlit Its cool lanal, and which only

    Bakery 'could afford to furnish at theprice. Rooms ladles.

    We lunches, also coldham, cheese and sardine sinJu Idles, Inany quantities, for basket picnics.

    J. Oswald Lutted,




    one-ha- lf






    Manager. Hotel

    Ring up 'Phone 74.

    Closing out ."1900Tennis Balls."TTTTTTTTTTTTtyTTTTTTTT

    One-ha- lf

    RegularPrice !


    tiUamara & Co. can now bo on

    Alakca between King and Mcrchant.

    twiri, Internltlonil Jury mtmtrrs, wisI riling, any iht Iwcn'y typerltrr

    cnmrtltlw( report given general

    superiority construction tht hlghesl rating.


    Sets Fuel






    nrtjlct free,ntmlf





    make sliced

    N. .t V S. A.






    The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.hyracutt,

    I The Remington secured a goldI Medal as a Second Prize.

    Mr Hermann Mkth who It an cxrcrlinceiX tPfHfltfr tepilrer. h titon full clurgto'X thlt branch o tht tuine We art reiJtu3 glt quout on on Smith I'remkr nucnlnt2 cretimatc on rtpalr work on anyclJM iljv . r'"'- woik iuiy Euaraninj,V " Sconihan4 tnachlnvt taken InHt chin pa.V: um- - Stock et No t ani No 4 machineY CooiULtly on nan J, and tufplki,



    Frigid Few-Fat- to counteract thintorrid weather at Benson Smith &Co.'s cool fountain.

    There will be a big meeting ofLodgo No. 1, K. of P. at 7:30 thisevening. Work In the degrecc.

    The bark C. D. liryant In the Hawa-iian Lino was on che boards to sailfrom San Francisco for tnlf iort on the19th Inst. . i '"'

    R. V. Anderson, ono of tho oungmen of Bishop & Co.'s bank was npassenger In the Mauna I o.i today. lieIs off on a well deserved vacation trip.

    F, D. Haskell was arrested lust nighton the charge of larceny In the seconddegree. It Is complained that he stoletwenty-fiv- e cents' worth of cigars from'Ah Leong. v-- '

    EX s. s..

    We have received. of...,










    LuncheonSpecialties !Veal Cutlets, Pork Cutlets,

    Chicken a la Marengo,Tenderloin Beef.

    Mscedolne Stew 'I! oast Lamb.

    Chill Con Came.




    Cream of .Wheat, Flaked Rice, R. CutsWheatlne, Breakfast Gem, Oermea.

    Baker's Cocoas and Chocolates.FULL LINE Of ..



    OKPHEU.U block, fortjstreet.



    liny wanted. Beo Wonts column.C'nptnln Hpcmor Is li.irk from Kutml

    V. J. Nalmlc mill bride left fur KuiinIn the Mnuiin lo.i today.

    Two new brick stores nro for rent.8co Tn Let column nn luge 8,

    The (Jin-e- has taken the place of theZenlahillii lit the Oceanic wharf.

    A furnished house In wanted by agood tenant. Head the Want column.

    Koine flooring mid sli'ngtcs nre forsale. Hec For Sale column on page 8.

    Tho Juniors of tho Y. M. O. A. willspend tho day tomorrow nl Mauna I. on.

    Tho Mauna l.oa did not get nwny miher usual route until about 2 p.

    The Knual went to Nllhaii on her lasttrip, arrltlng buck today with 250 headof sheep.

    Itev. John Wnlnron wilt ndilrcss themen's meeting In the Y. M. C. A. roomsat 4 p. m, on Sunday.

    i:. O. Hall & Bon have just rrccUcda shipment of ladles' Columbia chain-les- s

    blcjcles. See nd,II. Wollers and Hcv. 0. P. Kmcrson

    were among the nrrlviU from Knualports la the Kauai tills morning.


    The bark Maunn Ala 1:1 the SpreckelsLine sailed from San Francisco for thisport, October 17, with n full cargo ofgeneral merchandise.'

    In the horse sale to tnkn place at theStock Yards tomorrow it 12 o'clocknoon, there will be several Nut Oroveand Duke Spencer'colts.

    Physicians report ,1 prevalence ofdread pneumonia In the city, the causa'being the recent chungefin tho weatherfrom oppressive heat to' copious show- -era.

    Mrs. Curtnmr, wlfuut the captain oftho trnnlnort V)eftld, was. jobbed of(3S5 Just as the vessel 'vas lea Ing SanFrancisco for this port. The police nrelooking Into the matter.

    Tho temporary government dispen-sary on Miller street is helng alteredso that the rooms may be furnishedwith. some air. The heat in the placehas been almost unbearable

    The llergstrom Music Co. arc dis-posing of a ttianllty of second handpianos, many as good ae new. Theprices on these Instruments ure posi-tively tho lowest ever offered to thoHonolulu public.

    In the Police Court this morning,Kane was charged with Indecent ex-posure on King street nt midnight lastnight. As the case was not a ery se-rious one, the defendant was repri-manded and discharged.


    The American schooner Kobert hewers came In from l'oit, l.udlcny thismorning with a full enrgu of lumber forl.ewers & Cooke. She has been a longtime coming, hnvlng sailed from Portl.udtow on September 30.

    Geo. C. left for Inthe Mauna I on today. He will catchtho Klnnu tomorrow and rtliirn In herto Honolulu. Mr. Hockley will do somework In tho Interests of Hepubllcnu- -Ism while In Uiluilmi. Ho has alreadydone some good work here.

    Among the departiip-- s for Maul andHawaii lu tho Manila Lot today werotho following: S. Nowleln, T. II.Lyons mid wife, K. Krujp", C, K. Towt.11. K. IVihail, M. F. Scott Matt n,

    W. A. Wall. C. It. Lindsay, Mrs.S. Kuuhnne, W. J. Iowrle anil wife,Mrs, A. W. Nccly, II. Wolters and I..T. Peck.

    The casa of Marlu U'.ilmers, chargedwith selling liquor without n license,wns to have como up' In tho PollcqCourt this mornng but Attorney Cor-re-a

    nntiouncert that tho womau ' wasstill ill1 In bed, making it Impossiblefor her tn appear. Tho rsse was con-tinued until Friday next. On accountof tliB fiequent continuances, JudgeWlleiix remarked that, lu easu the wo-- 1man was bedridden, he would like toknow It, , i




    We are showing




    l: :!t




    Skin Tor

    you f

    I are fo




    Yard wide good and style 10c. yd

    cloth, andswell 1 2.'.c. vd




    Just thing



    New Printed Dress Goods.

    Prlnce88 BatistesDresden Jaconets

    Handsome choice coloringsantterns

    Flannelettes' I New dark colo.ings, a good iliincr for the' ' cominncool 15c, 10c., 8Jic yd

    Madras ChambrasAade tostmd the severest tests in laund-

    ry --jx choice article for orgown 20c. yd

    French Cambric




    An imported fabric, in pinks, andlavender onl, value 10c 25c. yd

    Simile French Foulards. , One of the new productions that make

    you wonder how cotton can bemade to look so much like silk .. . 37c. yd


    ;iq Fort Btreet--" "- - Telephone 4Vj

    EjpaftiiQiMrHaP3ioaPiircaPar-- i

    a Vacation is overand School lias fecommenced

    No more lunches home for time. There many ways lunch,






    o o


    r ra a r--8 ru r m its Ba p na iu r

    2 !4' at a are of


    out uniy one coiivciuriu unu Ji;i(.iitai ineuiuu, aiu uiai is 10 uc mePntent Folding Lunch Box

    This looks like a Camera anJ folJs when empty which enables you tostrap It together Utli your books, or put it In our pocket.

    1 hey are WATERPROOF ami thejriPrice lei

    Sse them eJ In our front

    W. W, Dimond Co. Ltd:IMPORTERS kery, Glass anJ House Furnishing


    cents nsirliJlsplaj wlnJow

    GooJs.AGENTS Territory of Haal- l-

    Detroit Jewel Stoves,Gurney Refrlceritors,Puritan Wickless Blue Flame Stoves,Double OvateJ Granite I'on Ware,Primus Stoves.



    E PA fa amticilfirg Tympana Pam fta fa m la nei 1 Biium Ha

    SHREVE & CO., San Francisco,aTo facilitate trade with the Hawaiian Islands, will deliver allpurchased or ordered ol free of all charges for transportation toHonolulu, or returning same to San Francisco. Goods will be sent onselection to those known to the firm, or who will furnish satisfactoryreferences In San Francisco.

    Jewelers, Gold and Silverware Manufacturers,Market & PuHt tH 8. V.

    Illustrated CATALOGUE and prices funiMitd upon receipt of request. We havethe largest manufactory o( Jewelry and Silverware uett of New Yoik City, and areprepared to lumlsli special design'.

    the largest assortment of

    in great










    WI All! SMIIVi


    On the

    Plan- -Tho.e now keeping houss or about to

    do v who have not the capital to lay Ina complete lot of furniture are enableJ Inflll U'9, t fllll.l. I tldl. I.rtn.- - 4, .n..llmonthly outlay.

    Call anJ Investlgite at the

    Fort and Beretania Streets.


    Honolulu, October 26. 1900.



    C. Drtwtr fitComriny


    American Sugtr Co,Ewa Plintitlon CoHiffloi IMinUtlonCo rmi u,oHiwliin SucirCoIKmomu Sugar CoHon'tkaiSuicar CoHa'ku Sjjf CoisanuKu I'linianon kaKima'o Lo IU xKanilo SutFjCo, pJup)Kihelllin Co.LtJ.ji


    Koloa SugarKnna SuearMaunalr.SuearitiauniifiMctiryJeNuCfi

    Nahlku Sue Co

    Otllll ClIAtt


    pi up;

    Onomex Sugar CoOjkala Suear iMinOUi Su. Co LUU!a StiCo.U4.pJOfowalu CompanyPaauhau Su, (Man CoPacific Suar.Mill

    Plantation CoPepwkeo Surar Copiofwr MillWalalua Aer. Co.. ailWala!uaAgrCo,r4urv,aianat companyWalluku Suar CoWalmanalo Surar CoWalmta Mill Co

    MISCELLANEOUS.WIMrr StramiMp Co ColIftwallan lecirk CoHon. HarlJTftLanJCorion Mfam Launjr

    M.C".LUMutual Telrehon. CoMakahaCotlrrOi.LJOahuMr&LinJCor.opi.

    nONDSHawallanGov 6prrcrnlHawaiian Gov. per ccnt)HawI I'oilSav jlrrrH1I0 K.Co. 6prr centEwa I'lantat c.niiitanuMU ,'ianiOahu LanJ






    COYNE- -


    Co. rrt


    TfOfCvnlttUJltBjfon,oo10000ttjoootvo.orx150,0,,, )oj

    f. in Ln lij r a up 1Co






    Pa la .



    rlt ct K I K


    Hn 6 pr

    ol t

    p.r nr

    jli up












    Ijooool loof 'joo.nn JO

    too mo' looTJO.OUO la,trt .mn. IOO

    I.1JO.OOP loot .00,000 lOOjl.ywwo loo

    noooo loon.onc loo

    JSt.0001 ICO

    llloo, loo

    ynooi 100loi nan! looto,fro.t toaHl3,nn iooa),nn luo15C01 HI

    1)9 nin 10.o.ono1 loo

    f.niu,ooo loo,


    Bll A.k.J


    ... ffM










    Siles ii Hawaiian Sugar, $195 00; ioHawaiian Jhh.oj.


    Jnck McVeigh Is ono nf the happiestmen In town today and he Iuih u goodright to bo for, hy tho Inst mull fromtho Coast, he received nn olllclal

    from Anslntnnt Secretary oftho Treasury O, I.. SpnuMlng. appoint-ing Mm In tho UnitedStalca Mnrlno Hospital Service for dutyut tho iiurnntlne Btntlon. A lllieralsalary Is attached.

    will como directly mder I)r.

    Certainly no more popular uppolnt-mei- u(ould have hcen made. No other

    man In tho Islands Is better milted (ortho position of nt thoiiiurnntlno station than Mr. McVeighfor he has served hlxthere with honor and It 11 cm h his liusl-nes-

    llioroughly. Ills f,,cniltt unite luhim on lilt, good fortune

    hut feel that ho received nothingmore, than he desered.



    We have ever handled at prices-th- at cannot be repeated, as the present Duty on these lines is prohibitive. They comprise1

    Tapestry, Axminster, Kidderminster, Velvet Pile, Kingswood, Dag Dag, and Body Brusselsin center 'Sofa and Door Mats, Hall and Stair Carpet in Tapestrv, Velvet Pile and Body

    Brussels variety ,'.,








    'j a..Japanese Jute Rugs, Straw Mats and MattingLinoleum Oilcloth, Cocoa Fibre Matting, Door Mats,

    always on hand at '

    E. W. Jordan,No. 10 Fort Street.

    . i



  • fW'Attorneys.

    6E0. A. DAVIS GEO, D. OEAH

    DAVIS & GEARtltorncys nnd Counsellors al Lnw

    Rooms 101, 10), 02, JuJJ Hutldliig.Int. .iiiJ Merilmit St llnnoli;


    'A.ttornoy ivt Law andNotary Public.

    Kaahumanu Street.


    Attorney and Counsellor atLaw.

    9Uf. In the Occidental Hotel,imir of King and Alakca Streets,atsaelala,

    , B. Ackl. Enoch Johnson.

    AOHI & JOHNSON,Attornoys anil Counselors

    at Law.Mflta No. 10 West King Street

    Telephone 884.

    Surgeons, Pnyslclans nnd Dentists.

    Drs. Cooper & McDonald.Alakel Street

    OFFICE HOURS:Tr Cocr.f 8 ,otu io m . .to 4 ani to 8 p mCr MdH-nal- 10 a m to t p m TloSr w,

    SUNDAYSDr Cnor-t- 8 it, to to in.rr McDuialJ i l t p. n.

    m tf

    OR. J. T. WAYSON,Has removed to his new office and resldence, Beretanla bt., nearly opposite Mcthodlst Church.

    OFFICE HOURS fJ0; J ijoRS:i6n TLL. Main

    DR. W. H. MAYS

    has opened an office for the practice ol.Vedlclne and Surgery, at 119 Be'ftanlaStreet, next houe tevond Central UnionChurch. HOUHi: 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and7 to 8; Sundays, 9 to 1 1. 1 CLLPHONE602. !A4


    Has his office at . . .

    36 Emma Street

    fo-l- l A..U.)HOURS! 2- - 4 I'.M- - f TELEPHONE: 49

    ( r a p.m. )DR. E. C. WATERHOUSE

    Office and Residence: CornerBeretanla and Mll'tr streets.

    Orrics Hours, s to it a. m.1 to 1 r. M.1 to P. .

    SUKDATS 9 ,0 10 1 A. M,

    TELEPHONE me. WHITE. iss

    Dr. W, J.fie and Residence: Beretanla and

    sksa Houra: 9 to 10 a. m.; 2 to 1

    m. am.; 7 to 8 p. m.TELEPHONE 20V


    JBMTANIA STREET, (opposite theHawaiian Hotel.)

    Washons 110. F. 0. Box 601.fie kours, 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to I

    g. u; T to I p. n. Sundaya, 8 to 11 a. m.

    DR. A. I. SINCLAIRfa--Mi ItrMt, between Emma and Fort.

    tin: t to 10 a. m 2 to p. m.a I p. so..; 8undaye, 9 to 10 a. m.


    E)rLtlBt.Office for the present with Dr. Anderson,

    Alakea St. near Hotel.Office Hours 8no to 4

    DR. R. I. MOORE,

    Dentist.Dfles: 222 Hotel StreetDflc Houra: 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.

    A, C. WALL, D. D. S.,O. E. WALL, D. D. S.,

    DENTISTSMTI Building, Fort Street

    to 4. Telephone 431.

    DIAMONDAnd other Rings, Watches, Bracelets, Pins, and an extensive varietytf Jcrolry.

    Hanofactaring Jeweller



    Honolulu Concrete Company,

    Office with H. F. Bertleman, Contractor,King St. opposite Wall, Nichols & Co.

    DO ALL kinds of StoneWork at CALIFORNIA PRICES.

    WE make a specialty of constructingCement Side Walks at very reasonablerates. iG62-2-

    MAIN 199Masonic

    TempleRJEf ""


    CANDIDATESOl lllli


    (fnfilroil Term, Siitl- - Congress.)David Kawananakoa.(Pull Term, 67tli C'MKress.)

    David Kawananakoa,


    Hon. D. P. R. Isenberg, Jr.,Col. John D. Holt. Jr.,Abraham Fernandez,

    Hon. E. K. Llllkalanl,Hun. J. 0. Carter,William Auld.


    FOURTH DISTRICT.Charles W. Booth,

    Major J. M. Camara,S. W. Spencer,Hon. E. C. Maclarlane,

    John H. Wise.Hon' John E. Bush,

    F1PTII DISTRICT.Hon. S. M. Damon,

    " H. J. Mossman,Hon. Frank Brown,

    Frank Harvey,

    R. W. Holt,

    Jesse P. Makalnal.

    Chinese and Japanese Finns.

    Y. MASUDA,Portraits

    Done in Crayon or OilPictures Framed In any styleFramed Pictures for sate.New Mouldings for Frames have


    King and Alapai streets,Near Honolulu Stock Yards

    1460 TELLPHO.NE S0)

    T. KATSUNUMA & Co.A. X. OZAWA, M.nit.f.


    Temporary Oflc: Roooi f opetalre bullaleg T.I. ,44.


    ClothlnK, J, lit. J ani Repair.!-S-UITS MADE TO OliDER-T"- Ftt

    cuarant.ed, PiUe.

    TTZLvE "WOFori Street, ntf Kukul, and ncir Orpheum Tt titer.a Price Ctunlng one suit. Ju Dtlnjr suit $


    "Wong Sai KgoMERCHANT - TAILOR

    A PtoriCT Fit Guarantiid

    404 Fort St., near King St.Honolulu, H. I.

    Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing (Specialtyliil

    Y. MAN SING- -

    Has Rimoved From Fort Street to 311reuuanu sirstr, opp. 000 Mm'i,


    Dresses Mads Tr Order.



    SCUTCH ULOTH ON MAUDNo. jig Nuuinu ttrett, Honolulu, H.,1.

    Good work a&d flrit-c- fit turnlt4.uiouiit uitanta ana Htptirta

    iichltects, Contractors and Builders

    Fred Harrison,CONTRACTOR AND


    robbing : Promptly : Attentleil : To.

    WM. T. PATY,

    Contractor anil Builder.

    Slot, end Offic. Flrtlnr.PI.di end Estimate, Fumliri.J,

    1488 Hotel Street, near Barracks

    H. L. KERB & CO.,

    Architects and BuildersRoomiitMt

    :: PROGRESS BLOCK.Ttl.puoe. ,i.Co. W. Pate T.I. KF. W. B.atdil.e P. O. Boi Til


    rchitecte & BuildersOffice: Rooms Arlington Annex,

    Honolulu, H. I.Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish'

    tt Short Notice. 1441

    Building-Materia- ls


    Dealers in Lumber and Goal

    ALLEN .fcROBINSON,Queen street. Honolulu

    If. F. BBRTBLMAN'SCarpenter Shop

    IS REMOVED'0 rsar of old stand. Entrance on King

    feet. Ot'er. Itft at either shop, or office,tt John Nott'f etsra, Kln street, will :

    n'vs prompt bttbtloo, UJi'tf


    11 ' As-A-- iMi"BgBmKm&m&MmmimmMmm&mWKKHKKS&Bn3NMMCMa3&M ieTBSwaaMaMBiwyji. araraWlawi .


    - -

    lJ(trltci' Foully LiiMt NtLiht Wiim tlio Bluut unciAomI IntliuHl(iMtlc Yet Held RuputillmmCiinUlddtu Qlvun TrumuncluiiM Ovation IAlniiy RupubllcunMMlttun of Rupuullcmi

    The Long ncforc the proIIouhc cession rearlied the ilrltl

    CpoIciI. Bhpd returning, the placev, its crouilril. Mnny lmllt'3, natlvu nmlforeign, ehhnnced the appearance ofthe splvntllil nutllence. Hon. Paul Neu-mann, chairman of the evening, andJos. P. Cooke were uniting upon theplatfotm. They thought lest no topen the meeting until the parade wasucr. At 8:10 the candidates nnd oth-ers who were to take n part filed In b