The Penny Traffic Case Study - Amazon S3 - AWSPenny+Traffic+Case+St… · The Penny Traffic Case...

The Penny Traffic Case Study Hey, It’s Tom Yevsikov here! So, not too long ago I realized that crying over my facebook ads account that was banned was useless and a waste of time. I needed to test new ways to deliver traffic to my offers, affiliate offers and CPA offers. My plan was to start with focusing on cheap traffic, and then move on into making it convert better. Now what I want to share with you in this case study is my initial results, that blew my mind. I got 109,362 impressions to my ad, and out of these impressions I got 1,426 clicks. The CTR by % was 1.30 and the quality of the clicks was 5/10 (not bad at all!) Now what really blew my mind in that campaign, was that I spent only $30.84 cents to get those 1,426 clicks. This means I averaged $0.02 PER CLICK. This campaign blew my mind! I never experienced such low cost clicks.

Transcript of The Penny Traffic Case Study - Amazon S3 - AWSPenny+Traffic+Case+St… · The Penny Traffic Case...

Page 1: The Penny Traffic Case Study - Amazon S3 - AWSPenny+Traffic+Case+St… · The Penny Traffic Case Study Hey, ... I did a little brainstorming and decided on what angle I ... affiliate

The Penny Traffic Case

Study Hey, It’s Tom Yevsikov here!

So, not too long ago I realized that crying over my

facebook ads account that was banned was useless and

a waste of time.

I needed to test new ways to deliver traffic to my offers,

affiliate offers and CPA offers.

My plan was to start with focusing on cheap traffic, and

then move on into making it convert better.

Now what I want to share with you in this case study is

my initial results, that blew my mind.

I got 109,362 impressions to my ad, and out of these

impressions I got 1,426 clicks.

The CTR by % was 1.30 and the quality of the clicks was

5/10 (not bad at all!)

Now what really blew my mind in that campaign, was

that I spent only $30.84 cents to get those 1,426 clicks.

This means I averaged $0.02 PER CLICK.

This campaign blew my mind!

I never experienced such low cost clicks.

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Now, how did I do that on my 2nd or 3rd campaign EVER?

Simple, really.

I saw how people do facebook advertising (since it’s so

hot right now) and I decided to tweak it a little bit, and

apply it to another traffic source.

I chose bing, because that’s the only one that worked

for me before.

In my 2nd campaign (before this one)

I sent 17 clicks at $0.10 PER CLICK to an affiliate offer

called funnelkit and made 1 sale at $27.

Now screw the EPC’s, I spent $1.69 on advertising and

made $16! (60% commissions – fee’s).

That’s roughly a 1000% ROI!

But these are small numbers, and small profits.

But still I chose bing because it worked for me in this


So I decided to run that campaign for dirt cheat clicks..

And this case study will reveal the exact steps that I took

to generate these clicks.

I will provide clear intstructions and will show you

exactly how I PERSONALLY did it.

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I’m not an expert or a super professional, but I do want

to share the success I had with like-minded people.

So let’s begin, shall we?

So what I did first was to find the offer.

I wanted to use a CPA offer that people recommend and

that other pro CPA marketers use and it converts for


And luckily for me, I just ordered a credit-card knife by

Donald Wilson recommendation!

And then I thought..


It’s free + $2 or $3 on shipping and handling.

So how do they earn their money?

I went through that company’s funnel, and saw that

they have like 4 upsells that you, as an affiliate don’t get

paid for.

And the CPA payout of that program was something

like..I don’t know..$5 or $10 per free order.

And I saw Donald was crushing it with some sort of

“listbuilding-CPA” funnel.

So what I did even BEFORE I started the traffic

campaign, was to create a new list in my autoresponder,

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create a squeeze page, a thank you page and a follow up

email which leads to the CPA offer.

That way, I could build a CPA list (to send related offers

again & again) AND get paid for the credit card knife


Now the potential was INSANE and I was extremely

excited to get started.

Here are the pages that I set up:

The squeeze page:

The thank you page:

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The follow up email:

Now, I had to generate traffic now that all the pages

were ready.

It took me like 10 minutes to build the page and write

the follow up.

So then I went to bing, that was pretty much empty

except the campaign that I told you about, that made

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me $16 on a $27 sale that I sent 17 clicks to by spending

$0.10 per click.

For some reason that campaign to that traffic source

just didn’t scale, however I knew I had potential.

Because let’s be honest, I am by all means not a traffic


Not a CPA expert..

However, if something worked for me, why not keep

pushing, right?


What I did first, was to set up a normal campaign, that

looks like this:

I did a little brainstorming and decided on what angle I

should choose for my ad.

Because with a credit card knife, I could choose many

angles such as:

Protect yourself

Protect your family

Take revenge on somebody

Surprise your robber

And LOL..many others

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Now this was before I chose my keywords, my TARGET


Eventually I went with the protect angle, like here:

I understand the resolution sucks, so I explain what it


Ad Type: Text Ad (not image)

Ad title: Credit Card Knife?

Ad Text: Protect Yourself With A Credit Card Knife, Get

One 100% Free Today!

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Display URL: the company URL

Dest URL: my affiliate link

So eventually my ad looked like this:

Now I moved into demographics & keywords..

I chose my location as United States only.

And I chose to show my ad to people ONLY IN the united


I set my search network and content network bid at 0.3.

Now I chose:

Days to show the ad: all week

Time to show the ad: all day

Demographic: both ages and genders and all ages.

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As my ad distribution I chose everywhere, on both bing

and yahoo and related networks.

My pricing model was CPC (pay per click, not per 1000


Schedule, I set the campaign for like 2-3 days for testing

at a budget of $10 per day.

And ad rotations, I chose for clicks, which means that it

will automatically detect which ad works best and show

it more.

Here’s how it looked:

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After doing that, I moved into keywords:

I wanted to test angles and keywords so I entered

various keywords:

Here they are:

Family Safety




Card Knife

Credit Card Knives

Life Knife

Home Safety


Now activated the campaign, waited for it to be

approved, and watched the results.

The first 20 clicks were pretty expensive, like $0.40 per

click, and I had only 2 opt-ins and no card orders.

I went back into my account, and I saw that the Family

Safety keyword generated the most clicks (like 17 alone)

and was the cheapest.

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The one after that, was family & then knife which were


So I started removing all other keywords and focus on

showing my ad to Family Safety:

I sent another 30 clicks but I saw my squeeze page did

not convert, at all.

Eventually I got 2 opt-ins after 50-60 clicks.

I had to optimize it, change something..

So I removed the squeeze page URL and inserted the

direct affiliate link as you saw few pages back.

And I left it for 2 days at $10 per day.

Remember, at this point I spent already $5 or $6 for

nothing, and I thought it had no potential, AT ALL.

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After 2 days, I logged into my bingads account, and

that’s what I saw:

So as you can see,

I spend $30.84 on 1,426 clicks.

With an average quality score per click of 5/10 which is


To tell you the truth I was shocked, STUNNED.

It was AMAZING to me.

I was able to send more than a THOUSAND clicks to an

affiliate offer that pays for a FREE action taking at $0.02


So now, I want to tell you what I learned from it, and

what you can and should apply into your own campaigns

when you want to get dirt-cheap clicks.

First, you must, MUST test.

Just like I did, I put a bunch of keywords and let it run for

a bit, and when I saw which keyword responds best, I

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removed all others keywords and focused on marketing

to that chunk of the market.

In my case, Family Safety.

Now the other thing, Is that you should think about this


Who would WANT a credit card knife so bad?

What nerve can you touch?

WHY did family safety convert so well?

WHY So many clicks?

And logically, the reason is because a man, or a woman,

want to protect themselves and their children without

having to carry a gun, or try to punch a robber or a

street thug.

Now the credit card knife, is a small credit card shaped

knife that you can turn into a real, stabbing knife in just

a few seconds.

AND it’s free.

AND you can order multiple ones.

It’s ideal for family safety, it’s ideal for PEOPLE who

SEARCH the term FAMILY SAFETY in bing and yahoo.

What pain are they trying to remove by searching that


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Think about this process logically when you put your


The market is HUGE, and your ad must appeal to a

targeted chunk of that market.

Which is your angle.

So when choosing your angle, approach the best

problem your offer can solve.

Touch a nerve, and they won’t be able to resist clicking

on your ad.

Especially if it’s a free CPA offer, just like in my case.

So my recommendation to you is, sign up at bing ads

and create an account.

Find a high-converting affiliate offer at your chosen

network (CPA, paid, whatever you want)

And then start creating your ad campaign.

Think about the pain it solves.

Think about your angle, and the chunk of the market

you want to approach.

And once you do that, set a small $5 or $10 budget and


See what keywords convert the best and focus on

showing your ad to that market.

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And that’s it!

Track, tweak and optimize for best campaign results!

That’s how I did it, and that’s how I plan on doing it!

And of course, anything new I learn, any new results I

will get, I will always share HOW I got them.

I Hope you enjoyed the penny traffic case study.

It always feels so good to help other people by showing

them how I achieved a certain level of success with


Alright, off you go to try out your own campaigns.

And remember!

Always set a low budget at the beginning.

Don’t be in a rush, slowly test and see results.

And then scale..and PROFIT!

To YOUR Success,

Tom Yevsikov


I’ve done some more things after initially writing this, so

I’ll share them here

So here’s another VERY powerful tip for you.

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What you can do when you’re trying to find the pain and

the pain points, is to actually find the CPA offer (the

solution) and then go to forums in that niche to see

what people are complaining about.

And then you can simply take that problem, reverse it

and make it as your ad.

So if you see a pattern in forums that complain about

weight loss.

So for example, the scenario is:

CPA OFFER – how to lose weight without a diet.


“I keep gaining weight even though I’m on a diet”

Boom! It’s a match.

You base your keyword or ad around losing weight

without a diet, and that’s your market right there!

It’s the market’s exact PAIN, and you have the solution.

So forums, blogs and anywhere basically where people

come together and discuss a problem, you just enter

their conversations and see what’s going on in their


And then, you target it.

By the way, here are your bonuses:

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