THE PENNSYUvANIAN VOLUME XXV.-NO. 4:>X PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1909. PRICE, THREE CENTS OPERA RECITAL DRAWS THRONG MICHIGAN AND PENNSYLVANIA ARE RESTING IN THE SUBURBS NOTED MEN VISIT UNIVERSITY of "Carmen"—Audience Enthuses Over Pole«e. Operatic Baritone. Enthusiasm, greal ami genuine. ,i til.- nrsl or Hi.- opera lecture- la ..n.i the appearance of fcf. Giovanni Polese, leading baritone <>r the Hammerati In torcea, at Houaton est< rdaj afternoon. Qreal as W( the expecUtlona of the Optra Comlmttee, the remarkable Interest ihown ;n ilu- oooaalon was hardly hoped tor. Lont before the doora of ib< auditorium were thrown open, the I began to gather, and when the nr8 i , | [he audience wna admitted, fullj a hundn .1 mu I Bembled. N»' »eal waa unoccupied, - -. Bamuel Rosi nbaum, '10 C, chairman ol le I '| i Commil ,. ;,., tunir of thi afternoon, la- the crowd wu k | , ad] beginning to Bath r aboul ig their in cki ol the famons singer When the baritone roie he wm greeted b) a tremendoua ovatlon.whlch upon ili«- conclusion of his tola the : !-. | ted wen renewed with double enthuelaem. Bo prolonged he applause that, to th greal the Uatenera, M Poleae Bnall] repeated the laal iiaif of hit Ion He waa accompanied M the piano by M Qulseppc Stnranl, the i tor of the Opera orchestra The audience waa oomph lelj carried away. The wonderful resonance of the sole ritone'a voice Oiled, com pletelj the audltorlnm, antranoing all with Its tender lyric quality. Ills up- nes, aepeclally, were soft and gentle, yet, Upon occasion rant; out with dramatic fullness and power, Ha aang till the verj air seemed all athriU with the life and vltalltj ol the music. When he aal down the applause which followed waa wild!] enthusiastic. Too much ' annoi he iald in praise of the efforts which brought ef. Polese and bii felloe list, M Ituranl, to the University, To hear such men perform is an opportunlt) rare!) of- ten ii 'i hi i land among the nosl prominent of the world"! operatic rltiee. Prom the Brsl tone of the baritone's selection and thi Bret note of ilu- conductor*! accompaniment, Uie audit bushed in illenl appi e - axtenl of their approval maj be measured bj the enthusiasm which followed. is likewise ilue to R isenbaum, to whom, In greal are the pi.- i-m inter, si maui- -l in music at the University Is to be attributed, and to whom taUa «li 'in credit for the series of lecture nahered In i i daj after- He will In the lecturer at each of ii i loni The note he struck. rday, was just the right one. ills won!- ,,. ,. not ,,„, tSOhnloa] nor yet too popular, and he kepi his hM M Interei . d by an occasional bll of humor lie WHS assisted by A. B. Jen- •>i.. 12 C. a> the organ: A II. «, i-' c, ai tin- piano, and ft. w. Lanaburgh, II Arch., on the violin. In addition to these performers a ii of the latest design waa used with records lent tor the occa- sion bj M. Francesco lanaereUa, of 1 h Istian street, who is regarded m of the tin. st coiiec- ''"" I operatic records In this coun- try. The opera discussed was Bizet's 1 n" the most popular of all 1 oi IMS. winch is to be performed ' ' "le PhiladelphlS Opera House to- morrow night Though Bizet was not a n unproductive composer, practl- ''-Hy none of his works, with the - x'-ntion of "Carmen." have re- Itinctlon of receiving his- - '" ip of real grestm Car g. Rosenbaum Gives Vivid Description Michigan Team and Coaches Arrive at Wayne, Pa.—Arrangements for Biy Alumni Turnout. Wayne, i'a. Nov n (Speolal) —In excellent condition ami with great hopes or winning the came from Penn- sylvania tomorrow, the iwenty-tlve me beri ol (he Michigan squad »r- rived in Phlladelphls at |J0 p, \i. Til.-.. Isft al once tor Wayne, t'a.. where the) will stay at the Wayne- wood iiotei tie- niii Cornell headquar- ters'—until Saturday morning, Owing to the faei that the wolver- ines nnive.l several hours behind their achi dule, the) were unable to hold scrlmmags practice. A short signal practice was held later in the evening, Captain sJlerdlos i.~ sspeclslly opti- mistic in regard to the team's pros pacts for winning on Saturda] He \\i are In the best of spirits. The men are all in good shape ami WO i \p. (t to come out w loners." lie re futi-il the rumor th:il he would be only Shle to play a part of the gsjhs b- s of Injuries, saying thai ha in- 'ii.ii i to be in the game from stai I to finish. Coach Vosi also seemed to feel thai his team would lie victorious, although he refused to make any prediction as he outcome of the contest He soiii "We are In better shape than we have ever been to meet Pennayl- -. Una. v- to the outoonM, i' is bard pi .-ilu lion One thing is certain, thai i' will be a battle royal, in which m\ men will light to tin- last. Owing to the efforts of the Univer- -H of Michigan Club of Philadelphia, h'-e hundred jackles from the United Btatei Battleship \iii hlgao, decorated with masses of Blue and Gold, win be present to root foi the Wolverines. Tin sallori Intend to pull off a special >tuiit. whloh al present is shrouded In in mystery, n was hinted, however, thai it might be in the nature of pro- ducing a mascot for the Michigan team M i.ii-h will in th. fur III i- act a p. i ma nent mascot Arrangements have been made for large committee from the University of Michigan Club to be In attendance at the tame, not only to welcome all Michigan people, hut also to lie pre pared to accept application for mem- h- rshlp in tin- Mi. blgan club. The president of the club, Mr. <> W Perrin mid: "The University of Michigan Club extends hearty wel- come in tin- Brsl appearance of the Michigan team sines our organisation it is confident Philadelphia win wit news s splendid exhibition of true Michigan spirit among both the play- ers and rooters." The treasurer of the stub, Mr A M. Parka, was very enthusiastic, and aid: "11 is partlcularlj gratifying to the members of ths Unlversltj of Michigan Club to welco a ths Wol- verine team, and If oheera tot the yel- low ami blue will win the name. It la a foregone conclusion the' it is already won." Junior Week Theatre Party. "Havana," at ths Lyric Theatre, on Tuesday evening, November 13d, win be University Night during Junior Week. Tin- committee in oharga has secured an option on the entire house for that night until November llth All applicants for seats should be made Immediately to B, Young, 110 Franklin. Juniors applying will be shown prefernoe In the distribution of seats. Boxes may also be secured. (Continued on Third Page.) Crew Notice. All candidates for ths position of Assitant Crev. Manager will sign their names DletiC \- I •i office, before " 'J'. Novem- ber 17th. Only members of the Junior Class are eligible. Many Coaches on Hand to Help Drill the Men—Ramsdell and Marks Are in Poor Shape. Window Junction, Nov. n (Special). New Jersey's brs Ing air has put new life Into ths squad of Rod and Blue footballers «ho arrived In re early ibis afternoon In charge of Head Coach "Andy" Smith and Captain Mil- i \ll afternoon liie squad of twenty-three men wenl through light practice and signal drills, the coaches laying special stress on the stopping of Michigan's offense snd the perfect Ing of Pennsylvania nee plays The team reached here aboul three o'clock, ami Immediate!} lei to work on the Held. I'or two hours the i i.ii in-s worked with the men Individu- al!] and foiKiw, ii this up with a I il practice. Vincent Btevenaon, ths former All- \o iii an quarter-back, took charge of II and Captain Millar, drilling in the line points of the general's position. Hunter Scarhu spent some time whh Marks, Large, Kauffman and Cornwall. As Marks is still suffering from an Injured side, it is doubtful if the coaches will use him in Saturday's ga and much attention is being paid to the other three nun who must be depended upon to tin in the snd positions. Cosens, who has been Buffering from rat * bad leg, la a< « In good condi- tion II. will no dOUbl start the game with Michigan I .amliei ton lias fully re ed from the effects of overturning his ankle. His abscessed tooth It I Ing him i o more troulil, . ami I will deolde whether he or Pike will start ami- Trainer Murphj mads ths following statement concerning Ramadell. 'it will be Impossible fbr Rsmsdell ti Into condition tor the Mlchlg inn it is probable that his log will be sufficiently healed b] Thankagtvlng to allow him to enter ths content with Cornell, should his services be re- quired " loaches Smilll. Mulford, Stevenson ami were .. iih the i.-am yes- terday, but more are noe on hand to assist in the work of getting the team nun perfect condition before the big contest comes off. Captain Miller !a optimistic over Saturday's gams, and expressed him- self In the following waj "The team has taken a brace al- ready. Last nights mass-meeting In- fused us all with a lot of spirit, and the bracing Sir down here will put IIS iii prims condition. You can count on us to light our bardi il on S iturday." RF5GISTRATION TOTAL GROWS. Evening School Adds Record Enroll- ment of 473 to Registration Figures. The registration ai ths University of Psnnsylvanls bad another boom i'ii when 'lie Hiirsn announced thai the total number of students studying In the evening ichool is IT::. ii Is is b) tar the largest registration the Bvenlng School has ever attained, The total registration at the Univer- sity Is now 5,2.15, as against 5.018, which was announced last week as the figures. kalian Opera Singer and Orchestra Leader Delighted with Beautiful Grounds and Buildings. Giovanni I oils., ilnit.iiiersteln'i best . u and '.ii CH . no leadei of thi Orchestra ol the Philadelphia sen : i iti 'i \ Isltoi i ol the ::r.ersli ' -'-- afternoon, " hi | re -on e.ieil I lot. ill" \ al'i'l'ls I li'll Ings by me ins of an automobile, ad w< re c< omp inti d b] B " Ulte. w 10 ser ii si an In i preti r, as th.- visitors onl) spoke French and Italian e trip d< from i Majestit Hotel was keenl) n i- the i Ihej admired our public buildings and were Uj in', rested on recognising in the Qlrard Trusl building the Pantheon is Rome, The musical Stan wore ii: I I i\ii i-.' The .1 ho- pital and collegi I d pi ally attracted their atti ntion. The Dormitory system waa new to them, as i-i Continental Duroi a the ais reside In boardlnj no such syati m - They weri ,iee|.i- eated In om- ul life, and B Whiti very busj aai eerlni ' their qt i itlons. Qymi i franklin Field particular! d them, and thej er< il at belnt Id of 20 ill game Thi > .1 i . iii hoped to see either the) o. Cornell ga i I \l:. ' oi.i Ing ti - campus thi I it led Hal ted ths H ton 'ii., in .-.- that the club was Iw till the students of 'he University as- led th. ii iej re illy •'i<t aol belli it- that the democrat! apirtl trul) lived in universities. The Tro- phy room was next none through, nil Itnpi• BSI 'i ibe I •• mi si< i they saw the rei Pem 'i iuniphs .\ii. in. I. ital thej wi re tal en to the Hotel Majestic In an auto- . in th.- company of j, strong ffi. whit.- But, before leaving, in > asked to view the nulldli met more Tie y declared - had -r- nl one Of the best days of their visit in this COuntl). ami lb. w ere groath im -.1 ii- -hi cordial hospitality as tended them by the University. Opera Notice. Subscribers win be given reduction from i to - P. M, today. Fra- ternities desiring cards will send one man to stand In line, and he will be given permanent cards of Identifica- tion for the fraternity. vi inqul Ii must be directed by mall, with stamped addressed envs inclosed, to S. Rosenbaum, 3151 Wood- land avenue. TALK ON NEWSPAPER BUSINESS. Thomas J. Lindsay, of the Bulletin, Speaks to Students. "The Making of a Modem Ml I * paper" win be the subject of an Inti i sling talk this morning at 11 o'clock. in Room 113, Oolli Hall, by Thi - .1. Lindsay, Assistant Managing Editor of the Bvenlng Bulletin. students who have become Journal- ally Inclined will be given an op- portunity to hear from the practical ol III wspapi r ork and learn aich in th.- publli ation of a do* a- town daily The lasl city elections and how they bandli d b] ths Bulletin will form a part of this talk, id ftS ted Press oopy, also the use of ions ami "OUt" copy wilL come In for a share of explanation. Dentals Choose Record Officers. A' a meeting of the Senior Class of the Dental Department, this morning, the following men were elected on the- board of the annual Class Record: Editor -in-Chief—George C. Colyer. \ litanl Editor-in-Chief-—Thomaa-A. Holton. i; ineiB Ma leor B H. Me. --I M. Applegate. ' Artist—I.. T. A. van Haast ''




of "Carmen"—Audience Enthuses

Over Pole«e. Operatic Baritone.

Enthusiasm, greal ami genuine. • ,i til.- nrsl or Hi.- opera lecture-

la ..n.i the appearance of fcf. Giovanni Polese, leading baritone <>r the Hammerati In torcea, at Houaton

est< rdaj afternoon. Qreal as W( the expecUtlona of the Optra Comlmttee, the remarkable Interest ihown ;n ilu- oooaalon was hardly hoped tor. Lont before the doora of ib< auditorium were thrown open, the

I began to gather, and when the nr8i , | [he audience wna admitted, fullj a hundn .1 mu I Bembled. N»' ■ »eal waa unoccupied,

- -. Bamuel Rosi nbaum, '10 C, chairman ol le I '|■■ i Commil

,. ;,., tunir of thi afternoon, la- the crowd

wu k| , ad] beginning to Bath r aboul ig their in cki

ol the famons singer When the baritone roie he wm

greeted b) a tremendoua ovatlon.whlch upon ili«- conclusion of his tola the

: !-. | ted wen renewed with double enthuelaem. Bo prolonged

he applause that, to th greal the Uatenera, M Poleae

Bnall] repeated the laal iiaif of hit Ion He waa accompanied M

the piano by M Qulseppc Stnranl, the i tor of the Opera orchestra The

audience waa oomph lelj carried away. The wonderful resonance of the sole

ritone'a voice Oiled, com pletelj the audltorlnm, antranoing all with Its tender lyric quality. Ills up-

nes, aepeclally, were soft and gentle, yet, Upon occasion rant; out with dramatic fullness and power, Ha aang till the verj air seemed all athriU with the life and vltalltj ol the music. When he aal down the applause which followed waa wild!] enthusiastic.

Too much ' annoi he iald in praise of the efforts which brought ef. Polese and bii felloe ■ list, M Ituranl, to the University, To hear such men perform is an opportunlt) rare!) of- ten ii 'i hi i • land among the nosl prominent of the world"! operatic

rltiee. Prom the Brsl tone of the baritone's selection and thi Bret note of ilu- conductor*! accompaniment, Uie audit ■ bushed in illenl appi e

- axtenl of their approval maj be measured bj the enthusiasm which followed.

is likewise ilue to R isenbaum, to whom, In greal

are the pi.- i-m inter, si maui- -l in music at the University Is

to be attributed, and to whom taUa «li 'in credit for the series of lecture

nahered In i i daj after- He will In the lecturer at each

of ii i loni The note he struck. rday, was just the right one. ills

won!- ,,.■,. not ,,„, tSOhnloa] nor yet too popular, and he kepi his hM M Interei . d by an occasional bll of humor lie WHS assisted by A. B. Jen-

•>i.. 12 C. a> the organ: A II.

«, i-' c, ai tin- piano, and ft. w. Lanaburgh, II Arch., on the violin. In addition to these performers a

ii of the latest design waa used with records lent tor the occa- sion bj M. Francesco lanaereUa, of

1 h Istian street, who is regarded m of the tin. st coiiec-

''"" I operatic records In this coun- try.

The opera discussed was Bizet's 1 n" the most popular of all 1 oi IMS. winch is to be performed

'■■' "le PhiladelphlS Opera House to- morrow night Though Bizet was not an unproductive composer, practl- ''-Hy none of his works, with the

- x'-ntion of "Carmen." have re- Itinctlon of receiving his-

- '" ■ ip of real grestm Car

g. Rosenbaum Gives Vivid Description Michigan Team and Coaches Arrive at

Wayne, Pa.—Arrangements for Biy Alumni Turnout.

Wayne, i'a. Nov n (Speolal) —In excellent condition ami with great hopes or winning the came from Penn- sylvania tomorrow, the iwenty-tlve me beri ol (he Michigan squad »r- rived in Phlladelphls at |J0 p, \i. Til.-.. Isft al once tor Wayne, t'a.. where the) will stay at the Wayne- wood iiotei tie- niii Cornell headquar- ters'—until Saturday morning,

Owing to the faei that the wolver- ines nnive.l several hours behind their achi dule, the) were unable to hold scrlmmags practice. A short signal practice was held later in the evening,

Captain sJlerdlos i.~ sspeclslly opti- mistic in regard to the team's pros pacts for winning on Saturda] He

\\i are In the best of spirits. The men are all in good shape ami WO i \p. (t to come out w loners." lie re futi-il the rumor th:il he would be only Shle to play a part of the gsjhs b-

s of Injuries, saying thai ha in- 'ii.ii i to be in the game from stai I to finish.

Coach Vosi also seemed to feel thai his team would lie victorious, although he refused to make any prediction as

he outcome of the contest He soiii "We are In better shape than we have ever been to meet Pennayl- -. Una. v- to the outoonM, i' is bard

pi .-ilu lion One thing is

certain, thai i' will be a battle royal, in which m\ men will light to tin- last. ■

Owing to the efforts of the Univer- -H of Michigan Club of Philadelphia, h'-e hundred jackles from the United

Btatei Battleship \iii hlgao, decorated with masses of Blue and Gold, win be present to root foi the Wolverines. Tin sallori Intend to pull off a special >tuiit. whloh al present is shrouded In in mystery, n was hinted, however, thai it might be in the nature of pro- ducing a mascot for the Michigan team M i.ii-h will in th. fur III i- act a p. i ma nent mascot

Arrangements have been made for ■ large committee from the University of Michigan Club to be In attendance at the tame, not only to welcome all Michigan people, hut also to lie pre pared to accept application for mem- h- rshlp in tin- Mi. blgan club.

The president of the club, Mr. <> W Perrin mid: "The University of Michigan Club extends ■ hearty wel- come in tin- Brsl appearance of the Michigan team sines our organisation it is confident Philadelphia win wit news s splendid exhibition of true Michigan spirit among both the play- ers and rooters."

The treasurer of the stub, Mr A M.

Parka, was very enthusiastic, and ■aid: "11 is partlcularlj gratifying to the members of ths Unlversltj of Michigan Club to welco a ths Wol- verine team, and If oheera tot the yel- low ami blue will win the name. It la a foregone conclusion the' it is already won."

Junior Week Theatre Party. "Havana," at ths Lyric Theatre, on

Tuesday evening, November 13d, win be University Night during Junior Week. Tin- committee in oharga has secured an option on the entire house for that night until November llth All applicants for seats should be made Immediately to B, Young, 110 Franklin. Juniors applying will be shown prefernoe In the distribution of seats. Boxes may also be secured.

(Continued on Third Page.)

Crew Notice. All candidates for ths position of

Assitant Crev. Manager will sign their names DletiC \- I •i office, before " 'J'. Novem- ber 17th. Only members of the Junior Class are eligible.

Many Coaches on Hand to Help Drill the Men—Ramsdell and Marks

Are in Poor Shape.

Window Junction, Nov. n (Special). New Jersey's brs Ing air has put

new life Into ths squad of Rod and Blue footballers «ho arrived In re early ibis afternoon In charge of Head Coach "Andy" Smith and Captain Mil- i • \ll afternoon liie squad of twenty-three men wenl through light practice and signal drills, the coaches laying special stress on the stopping of Michigan's offense snd the perfect Ing of Pennsylvania ■ nee plays

The team reached here aboul three o'clock, ami Immediate!} lei to work on the Held. I'or two hours the i i.ii in-s worked with the men Individu- al!] and foiKiw, ii this up with a I

il practice. Vincent Btevenaon, ths former All-

\o ■ iii an quarter-back, took charge of II and Captain Millar, drilling in the line points of the general's

position. Hunter Scarhu spent some time

whh Marks, Large, Kauffman and Cornwall. As Marks is still suffering from an Injured side, it is doubtful if the coaches will use him in Saturday's ga and much attention is being paid to the other three nun who must be depended upon to tin in the snd positions.

Cosens, who has been Buffering from ■ rat * bad leg, la a< « In good condi- tion II. will no dOUbl start the game with Michigan

I .amliei ton lias fully re ed from the effects of overturning his ankle. His abscessed tooth It I Ing him i o more troulil, . ami I will deolde whether he or Pike will start

ami- Trainer Murphj mads ths following

statement concerning Ramadell. 'it will be Impossible fbr Rsmsdell ti Into condition tor the Mlchlg inn it is probable that his log will be sufficiently healed b] Thankagtvlng to allow him to enter ths content with Cornell, should his services be re- quired "

loaches Smilll. Mulford, Stevenson ami were .. iih the i.-am yes- terday, but more are noe on hand to assist in the work of getting the team nun perfect condition before the big contest comes off.

Captain Miller !a optimistic over Saturday's gams, and expressed him- self In the following waj

"The team has taken a brace al- ready. Last nights mass-meeting In- fused us all with a lot of spirit, and the bracing Sir down here will put IIS

iii prims condition. You can count on us to light our bardi il on S iturday."


Evening School Adds Record Enroll- ment of 473 to Registration Figures.

The registration ai ths University of Psnnsylvanls bad another boom

■ i'ii when 'lie Hiirsn announced thai the total number of students studying In the evening ichool is IT::.

ii Is is b) tar the largest registration the Bvenlng School has ever attained, The total registration at the Univer- sity Is now 5,2.15, as against 5.018, which was announced last week as the figures.

kalian Opera Singer and Orchestra Leader Delighted with Beautiful

Grounds and Buildings.

Giovanni I oils., ilnit.iiiersteln'i best . u and '.ii ■ CH . no leadei of

thi Orchestra ol the Philadelphia sen : i • iti 'i \ Isltoi i ol the

• ::r.ersli '■■-'-- afternoon, " hi | „ re -on e.ieil I lot. ill" \ al'i'l'ls I li'll Ings by me ins of an automobile, ad

w< re c< omp inti d b] B "■ Ulte. w 10 ser ■• ii si an In ■ i preti r, as th.- visitors onl) spoke French and Italian

e trip d< from i Majestit Hotel was keenl) • n i- the i Ihej admired our public buildings and were

Uj in', rested on recognising in the Qlrard Trusl building the Pantheon is Rome,

The musical Stan wore ii: I I i\ii i-.' The

.1 ho- pital and collegi I d pi ally attracted their atti ntion.

The Dormitory system waa new to them, as i-i Continental Duroi a the

ais reside In boardlnj no such syati m -

They weri ,iee|.i- eated In om- ul life, and B Whiti very

busj aai eerlni ' their qt i itlons. Qymi i franklin Field

particular! • d them, and thej er< il at belnt Id of 20

ill game Thi > • ■ .1 i .

iii hoped to see either the) o. Cornell ga i I

\l:. ' oi.i Ing ti - campus thi I it led Hal ted ths H ton

'ii., in .-.- that the club was Iw till the students of 'he University as-

led th. ii iej re illy •'i<t aol belli it- that the democrat! apirtl trul) lived in universities. The Tro- phy room was next none through, nil

Itnpi• BSI 'i ibe I ■ •• mi si< i they saw the rei Pem

'i iuniphs .\ii. in. I. ital thej wi re tal en

to the Hotel Majestic In an auto- ■. in th.- company of j, strong

ffi. whit.- But, before leaving, in■ > asked to view the nulldli • met

more Tie y declared - ■ had -r- nl one

Of the best days of their visit in this COuntl). ami lb. ■ w ere groath im

-.1 ii- -hi cordial hospitality as tended them by the University.

Opera Notice. Subscribers win be given reduction

from i to - P. M, today. Fra- ternities desiring cards will send one man to stand In line, and he will be given permanent cards of Identifica- tion for the fraternity.

vi inqul Ii ■ must be directed by mall, with stamped addressed envs inclosed, to S. Rosenbaum, 3151 Wood- land avenue.


Thomas J. Lindsay, of the Bulletin, Speaks to Students.

"The Making of a Modem Ml I * paper" win be the subject of an Inti i • sling talk this morning at 11 o'clock. in Room 113, Oolli Hall, by Thi - .1. Lindsay, Assistant Managing Editor of the Bvenlng Bulletin.

students who have become Journal- ally Inclined will be given an op-

portunity to hear from the practical ol III wspapi r ■■■ ork and learn aich in th.- publli ation of a do* a-

town daily The lasl city elections and how they

bandli d b] ths Bulletin will form a part of this talk, id ftS

ted Press oopy, also the use of ions ami "OUt" copy wilL come In

for a share of explanation.

Dentals Choose Record Officers. A' a meeting of the Senior Class of

the Dental Department, this morning, the following men were elected on the- board of the annual Class Record:

Editor -in-Chief—George C. Colyer. \ litanl Editor-in-Chief-—Thomaa-A.

Holton. i; ineiB Ma leor B H. Me.


M. Applegate. ' Artist—I.. T. A. van Haast ''


The Pennsylvania!! Eiii-rxl at I'hiludHphla Past Office ai

nil 0lSM milter.

Published dall) i.-»ululn> *&e,-|ited i durln| Ibe I'n,.. t i»t,> >..n in ihe interest of

tii.- Btsdsnta »l II"- Uatvoralt) -■r !•■ mi--) l\ unla.



ASSISTANT MtMI.IM. Illlini:. ALLAN HIS I Kit. .III , 1111.

KiuiiiKs. j y II . IIIII:>IIN, .910

SAMUEL U'isK.Mi MM. mo. J. f BRB8N ' HAN. 1*10 M.

H. M KH..-KU liTTEH. 1BU

UMOCIATI M>ir»H>. H. H KTNK'I T. Jit . 1912

i> a HOW, l'.'i:.

BUMNMfl HAW ti.KK. S VMI El. M, cltEEHV, 1*10


K u ;:.-i i:v Ri lBERTS, I1U. II. IWM v N ELDER, 1911

It,.-m. -- MiitiiKrr'» tMIIre Hours: I to I i I la I P. M IMI.

OIB" i H II i .1 W. nue.


NIWS CDITOH oi roours issue

<: 0 COATB8

silling thai i' ii ;i genu-

ine DNMSUI 8 '■ ' W* lirinl this

mornini i II • • lettei from a lire nan

li. realises that V evening's

mi meeting1 iraa a hatf-hearted1 sort

of far..- Hi- realliei thai the spirit

chow.-i MI far ihi- season has been any-

thing inn up to the Pennsylvania

Standard. IL- »an'- :-i -..-.• il raised

to that standard. Bo BIJ »■■ ill of us!

Tho Wolverines are hero The* trot

on Franklin Field, to-morrow COnfldenL

They Beet a Pennsylvania eleven that

has played i mosl uneven fame to dste. Th.-> meet a team thai can only

win oui liy fast and furious lighting,

That Pennsylvania team cannot win

without the efforls of Pennsylvania's

ehi •riai •; HI with n tron the Ural until the last moment of play.

Ever] man who rises from his seat

Ln the Pennsylvanls section at the

kU-k-off to-morrow knows thai the Uni-

versity has a Rood team, a team that

Is capable of doing itself proud against any eleven In the country Those men

who rise from their seats at the kick-

off are expected to wreck their throats and lungs.

For three years Pennsylvania has

snowed under the Western warriors.

Every Pennsylvania man Is confident that this year's team will triumph.

Every Pennsylvania man must show this confidence to-morrow.

Walling and gnashing of teeth over

the Dormitory telephone service made

their bow of the year ln yesterday's

Issue of The Pennsylvania^ Really,

the wall and the gnash are not out of

place. The Dormitory "phone service Is miserable.

Dormitory residents had a sweet lit- tle dream about this time !.i.,t year,

when golden promises of golden plans

were made them by the proper people.

Golden promises only half fulfilled, golden plans apparently forgotten, the

sweet little dream has become any- thing but sweet

Pennsylvania men are Justly proud of their common home, but they arc

Justly ashamed of Its -phone service.

Ho* much prouder the] would !"• oara

the ■phone service onlj Improved

ahum promising line.- is BOl hard to


in fact, even disregarding promises,

the Dormitories owe tbalr residents

• consideration of an up-to-the-min-

ute telephone exchange, i he sooner Dormltorj residents gel thai which is

onl] their due. the i etter it is much

wiser to satlsf] ■ legitimate demand

of the "phone i r iblem soi i than to

siiiier continual proti

Congratulations are again In order

tremendous success of the Bra)

i Ipers i.e.-i ire Recll il 'i the i ear, yea

terda - iftei n flei ' - cri >iii on

ever] oh parl In I hi pro

Tiir Pi mi. Ii anlan eaten la Its mosl

i M Polese, of the

Hamui< rs eli ea, a ho rolun n >i

in appear si ihe Recital, and whoae

An Is al hand.

ng to be tl oughl

ui to-da]. w ■ noi her i si

breaking at tei


All About Spirit—Victory or Defeat, Wants Snake Dance Saturday Night.

(The Pennsylvania welco ■ com munlcatlons, bm ;s nol responi !in thi ■ .i i

To the Editor "f The Pennsylvanlan. i' - II■ s.i i in Wednaads] nlghi the

foe fellows who turned oui heard ■ hea thai prom-

Btorj i"i r.-i.H- ivanla Baturda) Bverybod) seemed to teal that our

■ -in lumph is in cume And i are «.- to do if our team is the win- ner?

Most of us will agree thai II is bee) In look ai things as the] are. Some win erj 'kniii Lei." bul the majortt] of Pennsylvania ati will ■ when i say thai it is up to ihe under grads i" demonstrate thai wondi r ful Pennaylvanla aplril which ag bava bean tailing ths t n inn en abont Don't lei us icsi on the fad thai as have the spirit- lei us gal out and show it.

It is high time. The ch leaders "ill ii II yon thai the cheering has been baton par this year. The baud has not show.-,! up There was no

of a celebration when Pannsyl- i. for ihe first time in the .wars,

defeated thi Indians! Whal have we ban about this fall when the team, new and inexperienced, I Is our best encouragement ?

We ai-- told that we have over five thousand students here at Pennsvl- vanla. And we barely had five hun- dred at Wednesday's mass-meeting. •'an we look the new men In the face and say: "Pennsylvania spirit Is the greatest thing on earth"?

It is surely high lime to prove our- selves. Let there be no mistake on Saturday evening about the time to meet; let every one of the five thou- sand join In the biggest snake dance that old Philadelphia has ever seeu w in or lose, let's show the team that were with lt-every last one of us-


Episcopal Studenti to Meet Dr Hall An Informal gathering of the Epis-

copal students will be held under the auspices of the University Christian Association, in Houston Hall. Saturdav evening, at 8 o'clock, to met the Rt R-v. Arthur C, A. Hall. D. D., LL D Bishop of Vermont.

rJih06,,"*,1"- been ,n»PO"">to to reach all Episcopal men wtth formal

wishes to announce, through The Pennsylvanian. that all member. or

with ,hC 1™ 'tudenU «»««et*d Trl J" r:°teitMt EP'wopal Church

Second Hand





Sporting and Mufti Jailors You may be judged by the clothes you wear. We -.>li,-it an opportunity to convince you <>f our ability to clothe yon.

Whelan & Stafford 1302-4 ARCH STREET

I Wool, ii- Comcaon Prices

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liar Han called lor, cared lor and dclltcrcd (ree ol Cam IU-.lour and ranker ol correct hall lor young oiea


Are you going to the games? TOD ami m: UUN there by PBOPLi who appreciate WKI.I. GROOMB

MI-:\ If VDl'R FACE and HAIR have received


YOUR BEST 8EE US ABOUT IT. Hair Cutting, 20 cents. Msnlcurlng. Shaving. 10 cents.

3643 Woodland Ave. ., «, AI. Sarneso, Mjnajof,




Opposite the Dormitorlss


S!!Uol.n'ng r? .1°'e f°r ,300? You have not Presented It for payment ■* 2 £■* J"" cl0,he' n«r" »"<« VV lea. for them than you ca. Is u^Lthamln. °r u V 5 Ph"ade|Phl* Prices. $28.00 to $45.00. A big saapM up-to-thamlnute line of woolena to chooae from.


1105 Walnut 8treet, Philadelphia.

i Wj..f.

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occagjong—10 wnom proper oresssing u really


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ch^tnutsL ZWKBBtttiatih let J Mint


You e»n pay th« P*»«» ot


and not got Fowne* style,

fit nor icrvice.

BRADDOCK & ZELLEY 112 So. Itth St.

Using: the Pennsylvanian as a

medium, we wish to draw the

students attention to our fine and

well selected line of men's furnisjj


Make us a visit.

The usual dicount.

"YE OLDE TYME LINCB SHOP* 3323-25 Woodland Ave.

Jinnr Ojimkiiuj.

University Text-Books




McVey's Book-Store 1229 Arch Street

1201 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia


13th above ehestnut St. DISCOUNT TO ALL STUDENTS




$2. SO a year


(Continued from First Page.)

men IK known even to llu- uninitiated for the remarkable tunefulness of Its lifiht and glittering music. A repre- sentation of Spinlsh love and hate and wildness, it embodies all the quali- lies of the Spanish people. Bizet was a follower of the Wannerian School. l>Ht. linn that opera should he the musical expression of an emotional story, and that mnsta and libretto should he made to suit each other. From the opening to the close, there- fore, the Idea of the composer has been to express in melody the develop- ment of Carmen's lite and character. This was the thought which the lec- turer, by means of various selections, attempted io bring out

The first of the numbers rendered upon i he phonograph was "Habenera," front the Brat act SUIIK by Mine. Calve, regarded as the greatest of all Car- niens. Her recent apeparance at Philadelphia with the Metropolitan Opera riuces */aa enthualaatlcall; re- ceived The "Habanera" a tUClnatlng love BODg in which Carmen attenipU to win (he love of Don .lose with Its li'.:'ii and frivolous music, was fol- lowed a little later by the boastful '•Toreador Son;;." the most popular of all the Carmen melodlea. it is the bold, vaunting expression of Esca- millo'e pride. The reoord used was one suiiK by Ruffo. a foreign sinner never hennl In America Among the numhers which followed on the phono- graph were the duet between Don .lose and Michaela, from Act I; the Flower Bong, from Act ll. sung by Bond; the duet between Kscamlllo and Don .lose, from Art III. and the finale between Done .lose and Carmen. This last is the great climax of the opera, the death scene of Carmen, and made a great Impression. Later, on the piano, was illustrated the resetnb lance between the tbemes of this scene and of the openiiiK one. which, while similar In notes, are yet entirely different In meaning. "The Chorus of Street Boys," from the first act, a scene usually omitted in staging the production, was also played by the pianist.

The selections rendered on the or- gan and violin wen the Prelude and the "Kltirata" of Act II, while the In tailUOMU, Art III-IV, was given as an organ solo.

Next Thursday the second recital will he held





List of the First Twenty five in Schol- arship Announced.

The following list Is made up of the first twenty-five members of the fourth year class in medicine.

From this list of men the internes of the University Hospital for the com- ing year are# selected:

1, I. C. Clark; 2, W. K. Munroe; 3. j. EC B. Buokenham; \, i.. Nletaoh; 5, R. M. Lewis; C, L. H. I.andon; 7, J. W. Cook; 8, t 0, Sprowl; I, I.. H. Maxson; 10, B. I.otterhos; 11, J. B. Carson; 12, V. 8. Cunningham; It, U .1 Mauser; 14, P. McC. Keating; 15, R. F. MacDonald, Jr.; 16, H. C. l-elgh; 17, S. H. Raab; 18, H. L. Baum; 19, M. W. Cox; 20, S. H. Nichols; 21. W. C. Bihson; 22, C. A. Robb; 23, H. M. I.einb;tch 24, F. J. Van Wert; 25, W. H. Hobbs, Jr.

Phllomathean Meeting. Airships, politics and the North Pole

will figure In to-night's program of the Phllomathean Society. M.. H. Diverty will discuss "The Progress of Avia- tion," and P. L. Schauble will speak on "The Cook-Peary Controversy." The customary debate will be on the fur- ther limitation of the powers of the Speaker of the Federal House of Rep- resentatives.

FATl M A I^R^TK* # 20 for 15 cts. O

Empire State Club Smoker. About fifty students attended the

first regular meeting and smoker of the Empire State Club, held last even- ing in Houston Hall. Dr. Smith en- tertained the New York boys with an entirely new picture talk, In which he displayed the portraits of famous sons of Pennsylvania. The picture talk was followed by a business meeting and refreshments.

Football game. Tie 6core. Goal kicked from the field. You see your college colors waving wildly about the stand. Makes the heart jump. Then you settle back in your seat and enjoy a Fatima Cigarette. The mild fragrance and flavor just fill the bill. The delicious blend of Turkish tobacco make« you glad you're living.


A. B. MATTHEWS & CO. Men s Tailors



Announce the Arrival of Fall and Winter Woolen* composed from Special Designs Carefully

Selected by Mr. Mathews while in Europe this Season

Our stock Is the largest in Philadelphli Come am' MS our made up models

Nicotine, Tar and Saliva absorbed by removing wad In bee* of bowl. No parts to get out of order. Complete, with 16 wade. by mall, postage prepaid First Quality French Brier, Curve* Stem, $1.25. Straight, 11.00.



Should be made here, because we have the biggest stock In

the city and make Stylish Clothes at moderate prices.

The "Penn" boys have treated us well and we do our beat

for them. The fad this season is a rough light gray cheviot for a

sack suit. We make more overcoats than ever and thU season havo

over 300 styles. Suits, $25.00 to $40.00. 'Overcoats, $25.00 to $50.00. Full

Dress and Tuxedo Suits, $35-°° t0 $65-°°





The Dormitory Drug Shop

Opposite the Dormitories

• For ytnir 'aunts in that line


MAXELL'S CAFE 3UU9 woodland Avci ue

Wa«kly Board $3.6i> U Meal Tickets, good until used 4.01' I Meal Ticket! 1.00 •tagl* Meal 21


University Laundry 3607 Woodland Avtmc




CHARLES PASSIER 3705 Spruce Street


That's one reason tho Red and Blue Cafe across from Memorial Tower— ■ear Beaston's gets such a big regular trade. Step over for brtakkfast. dlu- •er and supper. You'll be treated right—the proprietors see to that.

Telephones: Bell: In sum 4847-48

Keystone: West 4517 D BEGLEY BEEF COMPANY

3353 Woodland Avenue Meats of finest quality. We make

•pedal low prices to Fraternity Houses. Boarding Houses. Hotels. Res taurants and Institutions. All our meats are city slaughtered and Gov- ernment Inspected.

Established 1874


BEASTON'S 3701 Spruce Street

3433 Woodland Avenue

Get Our Prices Before You Buy


To Rent for Receptions, Woddftlfa, Banquets and Dances

CHARLES RILEY Caterer to University Functions

The ARA-NOTCHj makes the


ARROW COLLAR sit like this— 15c, 2 tor Ve.

Cluctt, Pcabotly & Co

DEAN KIRK ON "FRATERNALISM" "Universal Brotherhood Should Domi-

nate Fraternities," Says Chapel Leader.

Christ's Idea of brotherhood and fra- ternaliam was considered by DeM Kirk yesterday morning at Chapel U another phase of the remarkable char- acter of Jesus.

'Fraternities are a good thing In the I'nivi ratty," Mid the speaker "The fact of fraternalism Is manifest by an Obligation. Members of fraternities are hound to treat each oilier as broth- • is. .iinl for that reason the) can lie trusted Hut this Is a fralemalism of selfishness: It Is reciprocity.

"The true fraternalism. that which Christ has Illustrated through this life, is nothing less than universal brother- lined of man. If the college frater nlly does not enlarge the conception of this fart in tDQ it embers, it it does not develop in them the feeling of fralernalisni as a principle, (hen It has failed to achieve that particular ^«>'i<i it era do."

Attendant continued to hold Its own. I h • hundred ami seven men occupied the benenea All past re ordi we ex pected i i ilah Into obseurity today. as ipeclaj ieHUH s have been arras ■ d loi the morning's exercises, and, as toil is the last opportunity for the men to hear Dean Kirk, Who has hen conducting Gh tpal so ably the past Week


There will be a meeting of the Junior Tea Committee in BOB, College Hall, at l P, If.

There will he an Important meet »f the Junior Theatre Committee to- day at 1 O'clock, in Room SOU C Hall

for November Issue ol the Punch Howl is due Monday, November 18 .1 it. Bhowalter, Bdltor-ln chief

Meeting of Printing Committee of Junior Week Committee today nt 1 P. M Room MS, College Hall I' Browning, Chairman.

Band reh< araaJ will be held al I 80 tO-nlght In the Law School building. Men are rcpiesied lo bring uniforms I land plays Saturday.

A meeting of the Mechanical Fngi- nenring Society win he held al i P \i tins evening, In the Engineering Build Ing.

There «in i„. -,„ (mpoiitanl meeting of the Hlair County Club tonight at 7 IS, In Room i:::i. Provoal Smith House, AH memben are urged to be present

■ntriai for the Houston Club 'scratch' tournament will I .,.h,.(| by Mr. Jefferles in the pool room ||„. tournament will 1„. np|,| the latter part of this month.

lit. Rev- Arthur .' \ ll,,||, n. D., EMehop Of \Crmont. will preach at St Mary's Church. Locust, above Th|rt, ninth, on Sunday. November nth at \"<ioci.. studems „, ,,„. rjniveralty "f Ieniis>h.,ni;, are especially Invited.

As no mass meeting will l„. held to- night, the Zeloeophlc Society wlU hold B nMetlng at the usual hour. OwlnK

to the abort notice, the debate will not '"' h"1'1 >•'«•« ly-eleeted members are especlallj urged t„ i„, „„ hand .1 |» Heritage, Preeident

W. H. Embick & Sons have always proved the most popular tailors for Pennsylvania students, be- cause they ha re the "young man idea " becnuee the prices are moderate, and becnuee they allow the student 10 per «ent discount. 1628 Chestnut street.

Students Wanted ' i »resent a good cigarette proposition through the college and professional •chools: good commission. See Mr Rl harda, Kappa Blgma House, Wed-

afteinoon. between 3 and 5.

Dormitory Room. Double room, 4S0 Llpplncott. Tli

wishing to tee room may do so by call- II" lft<.r - II l( Ing after 7 P. M.



JI2I Chestnut Street

Jacob Reed's Sons

If Reed*'

Clothes, Haberdashery aod Outfittings

H. R. POTT Successor to POTT & FOLTZ

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YOUNG MEN KNOW Suits and Overcoats for Fall and

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If unit "" "f"* ii you ■ •• \-hkiic bpo'it }, u should tun* a copy of the SfaUinf Catnlotm It's num. plrtr rru ytlopedus of

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ninny years NQOfBiMd U tttfl leading Studios for all college work.

C. M. GILBERT, 926 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.



Business Suits, $25.00 to $50.00

Dress and Frock Suits, $50.00 to $90.0f

U. of P. ten per cent, discount.



1018 Walnut Street


A.G. Spalding &. Bros. 1210 Chestnut Street, Phila., Pa.


Special rates to students All makes on hand at all times. A liberal rental allow.nice made if you decide to pur- chase. Qal particulars from M. L. Tookar, 18 COM House, D. of P. Dormi- tories.

THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 828 Walnut Street, Phlla, Pa.


t 0 rfffrfeY^



3a'6 MARKET &•

The Normandic C.UH.I. ROOM


West Philadelphia Branch 260 South 52nd Street.

The Quaker Cit> Laundry WORKS: 414 LOCUST STREET

Atlantlic City 45 So. Ttuoessee Ave,

We NMW Neck Bands, sew on Button., make all repairs and Darn Socks without Charge

High Grade and Up to Date

Men's Furnishings at


KIRSHBAUM 926 Chestnut St.

10 per cent disccunt allowed to students.