The Peer Mentor Monthly Issue No. 1


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The Peer Mentor Monthly Issue No. 1

Transcript of The Peer Mentor Monthly Issue No. 1

Page 1: The Peer Mentor Monthly Issue No. 1

Sept. 2012

Peer mentors, maybe you vaguely remember a mention of those two words some time during that long orientation during the summer amidst all the workshops and presentations. Maybe one of your orientation team leaders was/is a peer mentor like Monse, Kaila, Lauren, Silvia, Zoraida or Kawai to name a few. Or maybe you came by our Peer Mentor table during the campus resource fair. If this doesn't sound any bit familiar to you at all, do not fear. We will tell you exactly who we are and how we can HELP YOU! As you start your college life, you might realize that it is a huge transition. A lot of people have difficulty adjusting. You might have a lot of unanswered questions and need someone to talk to. But don’t worry, that’s what we are here for. The role of a peer mentor is to be there to answer your questions, listen to your difficulties, and help you transition smoothly from high school to the college life. Every freshman takes General Studies and most will have a peer mentor specifically assigned to the class. We will be your guiding hand!

Whether you have a Peer Mentor or not in your GS class, we invite you to visit our Peer Mentor Office located in the Student Services and Administration building on the first floor near the GE office. In the office, we have information on campus resources and other useful information for students. In addition, we also host a variety of events throughout the school year that often include free food! It’s going to be a lot of fun! So come by to introduce yourselves, meet our peer mentors, and familiarize yourselves with our office because it is open to benefit YOU and your first year experience!

The peer mentor office is open:

Monday Tuesday Wed&Th Friday

10am-3pm 9am-3pm 10am-4pm 9am-1pm

California State University East Bay Peer Mentor Services Newsletter

Peer Mentors Mariah Sibal, Osa Edogun, Stephany Huartado and Smitha Machanickal tabling at CSUEB Summer Orientations.

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Japan Exchange

This summer, our Peer Mentors participated in the third cultural exchange with Fukuoka Institute of Technology in Fukuoka, Japan! Want to know more about the Advanced Cultural and Educational Program? Come by the office and learn more! For now, here is an interview with Lauren Lum, a participant from this summer.

Q: What was the purpose of this trip?

A: A huge part of the program was on leadership development. Also, I believe the purpose of this program was to get to know the Japanese students on a personal level and become more knowledgeable of the Japanese culture.

Q: What were some of the key things you learned through your lectures/projects?

A: I learned a lot about leadership and how important it is in everyday life. I also learned how it's easy to get lost in translation when working with people who speak a different language. I learned that nothing is impossible if you don’t give up when trying to communicate.

Q: What were your thoughts before going?

A: My thought before going was, "I really want to see the students again". Also I expected to have fun and work hard since we were assigned our projects before going. I still miss the students today!

Q: What sort of places did you get to visit?

A: We got to visit a temple, the Nagasaki Bomb museum, Hakata City, Canal City, and Yufui

Q: What was most memorable about this trip?

A: The whole thing was so memorable that I have labeled the 10 days as the best 10 days of my whole life!

Q: Now that it’s over, is there anything you would have done differently? Any advice for the future peer mentors who might be going next year?

A: I would not have done anything differently; I just want to go back so bad haha. Some advice I would give to the future peer mentors is that they should have an open mind. Do not treat others differently because they’re different from you. Also, be willing to engage into the culture. They were gutsy enough to do the same.

Peer Mentors and students from Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT) enjoying their day out in Japan!

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1. Why did you decide to become a Peer Mentor? - I decided to become a Peer Mentor to play the role of a big sister on campus, giving the students handy tips and help that is not typically provided. 2. Some hobbies you have? - I love everything outdoors from riding bicycles to random hikes alongside listening to classic rock vinyls. In addition, I have a notorious passion for food and indulge daily. 3. What are you looking forward to most this year being a Peer Mentor? -This year as a Peer Mentor I look most forward to getting students motivated for not only their classwork and CSUEB, but also the community of the entire Bay area. 4. Which celebrity/famous person would you date? and why? - I'm not really familiar with celebrities but I think that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a cutie. 5. What one advice can you give a freshmen? - My advice would be to not let anything keep you from complete happiness and success will follow. 6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? - Helping others while somehow traveling the world and exploring it's wonders (and eating!). 7. Where are you from? - I am from Fullerton, CA.

1. Why did you decide to become a Peer Mentor? - I decided to become a Peer Mentor after experiencing a wonderful year of G.S. I had a super fun instructor and an awesome Peer Mentor and I was really inspired to want to bring the same kind of fun and growing experience I had in my G.S class to the future freshmen. 2. Some hobbies you have? - Reading, Ultimate Frisbee, and Gaming! 3. What are you looking forward to most this year being a Peer Mentor? - Look forward to seeing the freshmen grow and challenge themselves and really begin to start their integration into the real world. 4. Which celebrity/famous person would you date? and why? - I would have to say Zoe Saldana because she is so captivating and I love the movies she's starred in. 5. What one advice can you give a freshmen? - Take your first year to really challenge and find yourself and see where your limits lie. Once you've discovered those two things, college is a much more enlightening and developing place. 6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? - I see myself working in a hospital or a lab doing work that helps people and/or furthers scientific progress 7. Where are you from? - I was born in Benin City, Nigeria and came to the U.S when I was around 5 years old.

This is a section dedicated to learning more about your CSUEB peer mentors every month!

Peer Mentors of the Month!

Asehli Howe

Osafanmwen Edogun

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Mark Lester Salvador

1. Why did you decide to become a Peer Mentor? - I wanted to lead others to success and grow from that. And I also wanted to be more of a leader. 2. Some hobbies you have? - Sports like Basketball, Bowling, Networking, Singing. 3.What are you looking forward to most this year being a Peer Mentor? -I'm looking forward to some of the fun activities I am going to be in charge of in the class. 4.Which celebrity/famous person would you date? and why? - I would date Jessica Alba because I heard she's nice lol 5.What one advice can you give a freshmen? - One advice I could give to a freshman is take advantage of every opportunity, which means get out there and explore now that you are in college. 6.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? - I see myself with my own family, car, and house. I also see myself as an in-demand Graphic Designer and a successful businessman. 7. Where are you from? - I am from the Philippines, I moved here when I was a 7th grader. I live in San Leandro now.

Peer Mentors of the Month Cont.

Newsletter Team Anais Otero Mark Lester Salvador Michelle Gomez Kawai Leung

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