The PAL Opportunity Nov 2012



The PAL Opp Issue 9

Transcript of The PAL Opportunity Nov 2012

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PAL Session Idea: Feedback Activity Aim: To help students become more aware about how to improve their next assignment based on the comment(s) the lecturer has written on an assignment they have just received back.

NB: Students may feel uncomfortable discussing their mark and feedback from lecturers – however, it does help to discuss any comments they have received with other students on their course. They do not need to tell anyone the mark that they have received. It would be best if students knew ahead of time that you will be going over feedback in a particular PAL Session to ensure that they have collected that assignment and have read over their feedback and comments.

Ask your PAL Group to get into groups of 3 or 4. • Show the assignment brief of this

assignemnt up on screen (it may also be a good idea for your PAL Group to refer to BU’s Generic Assignment Criteria - see page 10, available from

• Ask each person to share one comment they received with the rest of the group and give them 10 min to discuss the following questions in relation to their comments (write these questions on the board):

1. Do I understand the comment(s) made by my lecturer?

2. How does the comment(s) relate to the assignment brief criteria or the unit/course handbook?

3. Does this comment(s) relate to the content or the way I have written it?

4. Which comment(s) will help me with my next assignment or exam?

• Go around the room and check each group’s understanding of their comments. Ask each group if anyone has received a comment they do not understand. Encourage them to see their lecturer about it. Remind them that this is their opportunity to discuss anything that they don’t understand so that they can apply what they have learned from this to their next assignment and improve the quality of their work.

• Ask each small group to share a comment and why this will help them with their next assignment or exam. Write each comment on the white board.

• Ask your PAL Group if discussing the feedback they have received has helped them become more aware about how to improve the quality of their next assignment or better prepare for an exam. First Y


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