The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

OCTOBER 2013 THE ORTHODOX VISION 1 IN THIS ISSUE September—The Month for Spiritual Rejuvenation ―September is the month for spiritual rejuvenation and re- newal for all orthodox Chris- tians. September is a month for getting back on track and get- ting our souls fit once again for the upcoming Ecclesiastical New Year. by Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas <<ν επηέκβξηνο είλαη ν κήλαο γηα ηελ πλε πκαη ηθή αλαδσνγφλεζε θαη αλαλέσζε γηα φινπο ηνπο Οξζνδφμνπο Υξηζηηαλνχο. >> ηνπ π. Αλδξέα Βπζνχιθαο ISSUE NO. 284 WWW.HOLYTRINITYBRIDGEPORT.ORG OCTOBER 2013 Chosen and Appointed by God to Go and Bear Fruit


The Official Monthly publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, CT

Transcript of The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

Page 1: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284



S e p t e m b e r —T h e

Month for Spiritual

Rejuvenation ―September is the month for

spiritual rejuvenation and re-

newal for all orthodox Chris-

tians. September is a month for

getting back on track and get-

ting our souls fit once again for

the upcoming Ecclesiastical

New Year. ―

by Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas

<<ν επηέκβξηνο είλαη ν κήλαο

γ η α η ε λ π λ ε π κ α η η θ ή

αλαδσνγφλεζε θαη αλαλέσζε

γηα φινπο ηνπο Οξζνδφμνπο



ηνπ π. Αλδξέα Βπζνχιθαο


Chosen and Appointed by

God to Go and Bear Fruit

Page 2: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Tuesday of the

3rd Week

Holy Protection

of the Theoto-kos

Ananias of the



Wednesday of

the 3rd Week

Martyrs Cypri-an and Justina

Martyrs Rusti-

cus and Eleu-therius

3 Thursday of the

3rd Week

Dionysios the

Areopagite John the

Chozebite of



Friday of the

3rd Week

Hierotheus, Bp. of Athens

Domnina the



Saturday of

the 3rd Week

Martyr Chariti-

na Methodia of




St. Dimitrie-

3rd Sunday of

Luke , Apostle Thomas, Mar-

tyr Erotidus


Monday of the

4th Week

Martyrs Sergius

and Bacchus Hieromartyr


8 Tuesday of the

4th Week

Righteous Pela-

gia Virgin Pelagia


Apostle James, Son of Alphae-

us , Andronicus

and Athanasia


10 Thursday of the

4th Week

Martyrs Eu-lampius & Eu-


11 Helle

nic Cultural Rebetiki Vradia

8:00 pm ,Philip

of the 7 Dea-cons

12 Saturday

of the 4th

Week ,Simeon

the New Theo-

logian ,Martyrs Probus, An-

dronicus, &


13 PTO

Brunch After

Services ,

Sunday of the

7th Ecumeni-cal Council,

Carpus, Papy-

lus, Agathodo-rus, & Aga-


14 Monday of the 5th Week

Martyrs Nazari-

us, Gervasius, Protasius, &


Cosmas the


15 Tuesday of the

5th Week

Hieromartyr Lucian

Righteous Sabi-nus


Longinus the


17 Thursday of the

5th Week

Prophet Hosea

Martyrs Cos-

mas and Dami-an of Arabia


Wine Tasting—


Luke the Evan-


Martyr Marinus

the Elder


Saturday of

the 5th Week

Prophet Joel

Martyr Varys


6th Sunday of


Great Martyr Artemius

Gerasimus of Cephalonia


Monday of the

6th Week

Hilarion the Great

Christodoulus, Wonderworker

22 Tuesday of the

6th Week

Abercius of Hierapolis

7 Youths of Ephesus


James (Iakovos), the

Brother of the


Patriarch Ignati-


24 Thursday of the

6th Week

Great Martyr Arethas

Martyr Sebas-tian


Friday of the

6th Week

Martyrs Marci-an & Martyrius

Tabitha the


26 Service-

Demetrius the



Commemora-tion of the

Earthquake in


27 General




After Services

7th Sunday of

Luke, Great

Martyr Nestor

28 Holy Protection

of the Theoto-

kos ,

Martyrs Ter-rence & Eunice

29 Tuesday of the

7th ,Week Mart

yr Anastasia,

Abramius the Recluse


Wednesday of

the 7th Week , Cleopas & Arte-

mas of the 70,

Martyrs Zenobius

& Zenobia

31 Thursday of the 7th

Week, Stachys

and Compan-

ions of the 70, Epimachus of


Strict Fast

Wine and Oil Allowed

Fast Free

MEMORIALS Sunday, October 6 - Eleni Pegnidopoulos, Διέλε Περληδφπνπινπ— 40 Days

Sunday, October 20 - Georgia Traiforos ,Γεσξγία

Σξατθφξνπ 3 years

MEETINGS AHEPA- Wednesday , Oct. 16 7:00 pm

Athletic Committee /Αζιεηηθφ- Tuesday, Oct. 15 7:00pm Choir/Υνξσδία Rehearsal- Tuesday, Oct. 8 & 22 6:45pm

Daughters- Wednesday, Oct. 16 7:00pm

Love 1 Another—Thursday, Oct. 24 7:00pm

Orthodox Study of the Bible, Oct. 9 7:00pm Parish Council/πκβνχιην- Monday, Oct. 22 7:30pm

Philoptochos/Φηιφπησρνο- Tuesday, Oct. 1 7:30pm

Senior Citizens/πληαμηνχρνη- Wednesday,Oct. 9 & Oct. 30 1:00pm

Page 3: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


―O God of all, Creator and Lord

of all ages, truly transcendent, bless the cycle of the year, saving. By

Y o u r i n f i n i t e m e r c y , O

Compassionate, save all who worship You the only Master, and

who cry out in awe, ―Redeemer,

grant us all, a fruitful year!‖ Kontakion from Hymnology of the

Orthodox Church

A s the Kontakion suggests, September is the month for

spiritual rejuvenation and

renewal for all orthodox Christians.

September is a month for getting back on track and getting our souls

fit once again for the upcoming

Ecclesiastical New Year. After a full summer of vacations, traveling,

picnicking, parties and spending

time with family, it's time to get

back into the routine of work, school and, of course, attending

church. We are ready to become

more serious and committed to our "worldly" lives, but also to our

spiritual and church lives.

In addition to settling back into our daily routines, September is a

time we are reminded of the

blessings of family and loved ones

in light of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Some of us

have lost loved ones, or have friends

who have lost loved ones at Ground Zero. We pray for all the victims,

their families, and their friends.

Remembering 911, is also a way of giving thanks to the loved ones in

our lives as we are reminded to

count our blessings.

One blessing that we should particularly be grateful for is our

church and church community, our

spiritual family, particularly in light of 9/11. As we begin the new

ecclesiastical year, we should keep

our church and community in our

prayers and strengthen our bond and commitment to her more than ever.

We should feel extremely blessed

that we have such a thriving community and beautiful church

building and premises in which to

worship. I say this to you, brethren, with

the Church of St. Nicholas in mind,

which was right across the street

from Ground Zero and destroyed on that day. No one was inside the

church when i t col lapsed,

nonetheless, a community suffered a deep wound on that day losing its

church building and its place of


It makes us look at our own church building and community in a

very different light, and that we

should never take for granted the fact that we have a wonderful

church in which to worship and

share in fellowship and stewardship. September 1 also marks Orthodox

awareness day of the environment.

Archbishop Demetrios writes in his

encyclical marking the Ecclesiastical New Year on September 1, "Our

natural environment calls us to be in

communion with God and with others. God brought the natural

world into existence out of

nothingness and He then created humankind within the natural

environment for a harmonious

coexistence and fellowship."

"Our natural environment is also dependent upon our faith inspired

work as a people, specifically as

stewards of what God has created," wrote the Archbishop. "We have

been called to oversee and protect

the natural environment. This

requires cooperation with others in a spirit of love and fellowship."

In the original Greek steward

(economos) means ―manager.‖ As Orthodox Christians, we are called

to be good managers of our natural

environment, but also of our spiritual environments, our Church ,

and local communities. We are

called to support our Church by

becoming stewards of the Church and sharing our time, talent, and


Stewardship is not only a financial contribution, but it also

involves contributing the talents and

gifts God has given to us in order to glorify His name and to share with

others in our community.

If we are not stewards of the

Church, we are being selfish and egotistical by keeping to ourselves

God’s gifts, which He has given to

us in order to share with others. We are reminded of the Jesus’s Parable

of the Wicked Servant (Matthew

25:14-30) who buried his talent, and

when the master came back, he was outraged and severely punished the

servant for not multiplying the

talents God has given to him. Let us not be like this wicked servant who

held the gift God had given him by

holding back our gifts with others in our community.

So as we enter the new

Ecclesiastical Church year, in our

preparation for the upcoming year of church events, we should also think

about how we can be good stewards

towards the environment, our families, friends, local communities,

and our church community. Now

that summer is over, it's time for us to get back into spiritual shape and

rebuild our bodies and souls in the

image of God our Creator who has

abundantly blessed us with all His riches.

Se pte mbe r—T he

Month for Spiritual

Rejuvenation by Father Andreas Vithoulkas

Page 4: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ― Mother Teresa

τοσ π. Ανδρέα


Ο ησλ αηψλσλ πνηεηήο θαη δεζπφηεο, Θεέ ησλ

φισλ ππεξνχζηε φλησο,

η ε λ ε λ η α χ ζ η ν λ

επιφγεζνλ πεξίνδνλ, ζψδσλ ησ ειέεη ζνπ ησ

απείξσ νηθηίξκνλ,

π ά λ η α ο η ν π ο ιαηξεχνληαο ζνί ησ

κφλσ δεζπφηε, θαη

εθβνψληαο θφβσ, ιπηξσηά, εχθνξνλ πάζη

ην έηνο ρνξήγεζνλ.

Ήρνο δ ́«Ο πςσζείο ελ ησ ζηαπξψ»

Ό πσο ιέγεη θαη ην Κνληάθην, ν επηέκβξηνο είλαη

ν κήλαο γηα ηελ πλεπκαηηθή αλαδσνγφλεζε θαη

αλαλέσζε γηα φινπο ηνπο Οξζνδφμνπο Υξηζηηαλνχο. Δίλαη έλαο κήλαο πνπ ζπλδέεη ην

παξειζφλ, ην παξφλ θαη ην κέιινλ. Μεηά απφ ηηο

θαινθαηξηλέο δηαθνπέο, ηαμίδηα, εθδξνκέο, ήξζακε πίζσ ζηελ θαζεκεξηλή ξνπηίλα ηεο εξγαζίαο, ζρνιείνπ, θαη

θπζηθά ζηελ εθθιεζία. Καινχκεζα επίζεο λα

μεθηλνχκε ηελ θάζε κέξα καο κε πίζηε θαη πξνζδνθία

γηα ην ηί ζα επηηχρεη ν Θεφο ζηελ δσή καο θαη δηα ηεο δσήο καο.

Ο επηέκβξηνο επίζεο είλαη έλαο κήλαο πνπ καο

ππελζπκίδεη ηηο επινγίεο ηεο νηθνγελείαο καο θαη ησλ αγαπεκέλσλ καο ηελ ηξαγηθή εκέξα ηεο 11εο

επηεκβξίνπ 2001. Πνιινί απφ εκάο έραζαλ

αγαπεκέλνπο, ή έρνπλ θίινπο πνπ έρνπλ ράζεη ηνπο

αγαπεκέλνπο ηνπο ζην ζεκείν κεδέλ. Πξνζεπρφκαζηε γηα φια ηα ζχκαηα, ηηο νηθνγέλεηεο ηνπο θαη θίινπο


Δλζπκνχκελνη ηελ 11ε επηεκβξίνπ, είλαη επίζεο έλαο ηξφπνο επραξηζηίαο, γηα ηνπο πξνζθηιείο

αγαπεκέλνπο καο, θαη λα επραξηζηνχκε ηνλ Θεφ γηα ηηο

επινγίεο ηνπ.

Μία απφ ηηο επινγίεο ηνπ πνπ ηδηαίηεξα πξέπεη λα είκαζηε

επγλψκνλεο είλαη γηα ηελ

Δθθιεζία θαη Κνηλφηεηά καο.

Α ξ ρ ή η ε ο Η λ δ ί θ η ν π ζπγθεληξσλφκαζηε γηα λα

ιαηξεχζνπκε ηνλ Θεφ. Πξέπεη λα

λνηψζνπκε ππεξήθαλνη γηα κηα ηέηνηα αθκάδνπζα Κνηλφηεηα, κε

ηα φκνξθα θηίξηα θαη ηνπο ρψξνπο

ιαηξείαο ηεο. Απηφ ζαο ιέγσ θαη κε ηελ Δθθιεζία ηνπ Αγίνπ

Νηθνιάνπ ζην ζεκείν κεδέλ πνπ

θ α η α ζ η ξ ά θ ε θ ε η ε 1 1 ε

επηεκβξίνπ ράλνληαο θαη ην θηίξην θαη ηε ζέζε ιαηξείαο.

Απηφ πξέπεη λα καο θάλεη λα ζθεθηνχκε

δηαθνξεηηθά γηα ηελ δηθή καο εθθιεζία θαη ηφπν ιαηξείαο καο.

Δπίζεο, έρεη θαζηεξσζεί σο παξάδνζε γηα καο

ηνπο Οξζνδφμνπο Υξηζηηαλνχο λα ενξηάδνπκε ηελ 1ελ επηεκβξίνπ σο Ζκέξα Πξνζηαζίαο θαη Φπζηθνχ

Πεξηβάιινληνο. Ο ενξηαζκφο απηφο καο θαλεξψλεη ηε

θπζηθή ηάμε ησλ πξαγκάησλ ζπλερψο κέζα απφ ηε

δηαδηθαζία ηεο αλαλεψζεσο θαη λέαο αξρήο. Βιέπνπκε ην έξγν ησλ ρεηξψλ ηνπ Γεκηνπξγνχ καο. πλερψο

καο ππελζπκίδεη θαη θαινχκαζηε λα γίλνπκε πηζηνί

δηαρεηξηζηέο φισλ φζα Δθείλνο έπιαζε. ηα ειιεληθά Οηθνλφκνο ελλνεί «δηαρεηξηζηήο». αλ

Υξηζηηαλνί Οξζφδνμνη θαινχκαζηε λα είκαζηε θαινί

δηαρεηξηζηέο ηνπ πεξηβάιινληνο, θαη ηεο Δθθιεζίαο

καο. Καινχκαζηε λα ππνζηεξίμνπκε ηελ εθθιεζία καο θαη γίλνπκε δηαρεηξηζηέο ηεο, κε ην λα δίλνπκε ην ρξφλν

καο, ηαιέληα καο θαη ηελ πξνζθνξά καο.

Πξέπεη λα δψζνπκε απφ απηά πνπ καο έδσζε ν Κχξηνο. Να ηα κνηξαζζνχκε κε άιινπο.

Καζψο μεθηλνχκε απηφ ην εθθιεζηαζηηθφ έηνο, θαη

είκαζηε πίζσ ζηελ θαζεκεξηλφηεηα, πξνζεχρνκαη λα έρεηε ηηο άθζνλεο επινγίεο ηνπ Κπξίνπ καο δηα ηεο

ιαηξείαο, ηεο πξνζθνξάο ππεξεζηψλ θαη θαζεκεξηλήο

πξνζεπρήο θαζψο δείηε ζηελ ράξε ηνπ Θενχ.

Blessing of the Waters—September 14, 2013, Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross, at Seaside Park


Γηαλχνπκε ηνλ κήλα Οθηψβξην,

ην Φζηλφπσξν είλαη θνληά καο θαη

φπσο είλαη θαζηεξσκέλν ε ελνξία

καο έρεη ηελ γηνξηή ηνπ θξαζηνχ θαη θαγεηνχ, ηελ Παξαζθεπή 18

ηνπ κελφο. Παξαθαινχκε θαιέζηε

ηνπο θίινπο ζαο θαη ειάηε λα

απνιαχζεηε ηα θαιιίηεξα Διιεληθά θξαζηά, κεδέδεο,

λφζηηκα γιπθά θαη λα

δηαζθεδάζεηε. Μέρξη ηψξα φινη πξέπεη λα

έρεηε ιάβεη ηηο πξνζθιήζεηο ζαο γηα ηελ 100ε επέηεην. (άββαην

30 Ννεκβξίνπ). Διπίδσ φηη φινη

ζαο ζα είζηε εθεί λα γηνξηάζνπκε

ηα πεξαζκέλα 100 καο ρξφληα θαη λα θαισζνξίζνπκε ηα επφκελα

100 ρξφληα θαη λα παξαδψζνπκε

ηελ ζθπηάιε θαη ηηο παξαδφζεηο (Continued on page 5)

Page 5: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


“Study the past if you would define the future.” ― Confucius

Our Parish by George Mourizakis

Parish Council President

O ctober is upon us, and with

the coming of fall , it’s a

tradition in our community to host our annual Wine and Food

Tasting, which will be held on the

18th of the month. It’s a very

special event at which many parishioners invite all their friends

to enjoy a night of Greek wine and

food and, of course, a lot of delicious desserts. So, please gather

your friends and neighbors and join

us in this wonderful and fun fundraiser for our church.

By now, everyone should have

received their invitations for our

1 0 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y G a l a Celebration. I am hoping that all of

you will be there to celebrate the

past 100 years, and to welcome the next 100 years in which we can

pass on the traditions and our future to the next generation.

I would also like to tell you a

little about the program of the event

and assure you that it will not be a night full of speeches. We will

start with appetizers at 5 pm. By 6

o’clock, we will be entering the main ha ll and star t with

introductions for half an hour. By 7

pm, we will serve dinner, and by 8:00, we will start the formal

program. At 9 o’clock, the real

party will start with live Greek

music provided by Peter Halepas and his Band, and we can dance the

night away. By the way, our

celebration it coincides with Fr. Andreas’s name day. That is one

more reason to come to the Gala.

Please don’t miss this once in 100 years event.

In other news, we sent out

s o m e g u i d e l i n es f o r a l l

organizations to go by so that scheduling of fundraisers and

events do not conflict. Also please

refrain from conducting any business during Liturgy. That is

absolutely forbidden. Please come

early and set up, and start your

sales or sign-ups only after services have concluded.

Our Athletic department is

accepting registrations for the new season. Please bring your children

to our programs.

October is also the month that we are having our fall general

Assembly. It will be held on the

27th of the month. As we do every

year, we’ll be discussing the annual budget, elections for new Parish

Council members, and give an

update on all church business. As you can see, it’s a very important

meeting, and it’s sad to see so few

of you participating. Hopefully, this year will be discussing changes

to our local By-Laws that have not

been updated since 1993. I count on

all of you to be present. Thank you for your support and

God Bless.

καο θαη ζηελ επφκελε γεληά. Θα ήζεια λα ζαο πσ ιίγα ιφγηα γηα ην πξφγξακκα ηεο

εθδήισζεο θαη λα ζαο δηαβεβαηψζσ φηη δελ ζα είλαη κηα

βξαδηά κφλν απφ νκηιίεο. Θα αξρίζνπκε κε νξεθηηθά

ζηηο 5 κκ. ηηο 6 κκ εηζεξρφκεζα ζηελ θχξηα αίζνπζα κε εηζαγσγέο γηα κηζή ψξα. Απφ 7 κκ ζα αξρίζεη ην

ζεξβίξηζκα γηα ην δείπλν θαη απφ ηηο 8 κκ ζα αξρίζεη ην

επίζεκν πξφγξακκα κέρξη ηηο 9 κκ. Απφ θεη θαη κεηά ζα αθνινπζήζεη ρνξφο κε ειιεληθή δσληαλή κνπζηθή απφ

ηελ νξρήζηξα ηνπ Παλαγηψηε Υαιεπά. Ζ εθδήισζε

απηή επίζεο ζπκπίπηεη θαη κε ηελ Ολνκαζηηθή ενξηή ηνπ π. Αλδξέα. Απηφο είλαη έλαο αθφκε ιφγνο λα έξζνπκε

φινη ζηελ εθδήισζε ηεο 100εο επεηείνπ καο. Σν

παξθηλγθ είλαη δσξεάλ.

Δχρνκαη θαλείο λα κελ ράζεη ηελ εθδήισζε ησλ 100 ρξφλσλ.

Μεξηθέο ζεκεηψζεηο: ζηείιακε ζε φινπο ηνπο

νξγαληζκνχο κεξηθέο νδεγίεο, σο πξνο ην πξφγξακκα θαη εθδειψζεηο ηνπο, ψζηε λα απνθεπρζνχλ επαλαιήςεηο,

αλακίμεηο θαη λα έρνπκε θαιή ζπλελλφεζε.

Παξαθαινχκε απαγνξεχεηαη θαηά ηελ ψξα ηεο Θείαο

Λεηηνπξγίαο λα δηεμάγνπκε ηηο επηρεηξήζεηο καο. Διάηε πξηλ λα ηα εηνηκάζεηε ή κεηά ην πέξαο ηεο Θείαο


Σν αζιεηηθφ καο πξφγξακκα άξρηζε ηηο εγγξαθέο ηνπ.

Παξαθαινχκε θέξηε ηα παηδηά ζαο ζην αζιεηηθφ πξφγξακκα.

Δπίζεο ηνλ Οθηψβξην έρνπκε ηελ Γεληθή πλέιεπζε

ζηηο 27 ηνπ κελφο. Όπσο θάλνπκε θάζε ρξφλν ζπδεηνχκε θαη ιακβάλνπκε απνθάζεηο γηα ην εηήζην

πξνυπνινγηζκφ, γηα εθινγή λέσλ κειψλ ηνπ ζπκβνπιίνπ,

θαη γεληθά ελεκέξσζε γηα ηηο επηρεηξήζεηο ηεο Δθθιεζίαο. Όπσο βιέπεηε είλαη κηα ζεκαληηθή

ζπγθέληξσζε θαη είλαη ιππεξφ λα βιέπνπκε κφλν ιίγνπο

λα ζπκκεηέρνπλ. Αο ειπίζνπκε φηη θέηνο ζα

ζπδεηήζνπκε θαη εγθξίλνπκε κεξηθέο αιιαγέο ζην ηνπηθφ καο θαηαζηαηηθφ ην νπνίν δελ έρεη αιιάμεη απφ ην

1993. Διπίδσ φινη λα είλαη παξφληεο.

Δπραξηζηψ γηα ηελ ππνζηήξημή ζαο θαη ν Θεφο αο καο επινγεί.

Page 6: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


“…everything has a past. Everything – a person, an object, a word, everything. If you don’t know the past, you can’t understand the present and plan properly for the future.” ― Chaim Potok

PTO by Effie Vlamis, President

I t’s nice to see old members as well as

meeting new faces to our church. Wel-

come. It was nice seeing all the children

on the first day of Sunday School and during the

week for Greek School. It’s not too late to register

your child(ren) for both of these programs. Call

the main office, ka Eleni Limberis, for details. The

PTO welcomed the children back with a light

Communion breakfast, and during the service for

the feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross, both

at church and at Seaside Park.

Bravo to the GOYAns for an exceptional job

again on their annual picnic. Please keep track of

our PTO Facebook page and emails, as PTO infor-

mation is posted daily. Feel free to message us or

send an email regarding any information needed.

Ideas, suggestions, or comments are always appre-

ciated and welcomed.

October 25th, 6pm - our GOYAns are hosting

their first GOYA dance of the year. If you have a

child age 12-17, please sign them up for GOYA.

See Eleni Demestihas.

November 4th at 6pm—Family

Fall Night. PTO will supply every-

thing needed to make a yummy and

messy smores snacks. Pizza and salad

will be served. Bring a blanket or

chairs or an evening of fun. This will

be an outdoor event (so please dress

accordingly), in the Church parking


November 11-13th- PTO will start baking for

our annual Tsourekia bake sale. Bakers and after-

noon help are needed. Your help is greatly needed

and appreciated. Contact us if you are interested.

It’s a great way to learn how to make them, but we

have a fun time doing it as well. PTO starts selling

our Tsourekia in December, so we’ll need you then

as well.

November 30th- 100th Church Gala and Fa-

ther Andreas’s Name Day.

December 7th- Essex Steam Train North Pole

Express at 7pm- contact Maria Gountas for ticket


Mark your calendars for 2014 New Year’s Eve

Dance. Details will be coming out soon.

Remember, were all in this together, until next


GOYA by Eleni Demestihas — President

W elcome

back to a fresh, new

year! Congrat-

ulations to the 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4

b o a r d o f

GOYA: President - Eleni Demes-

tihas, Vice President - George Kolitsas, Recording Secretary

Nikki Hasiotis, Corresponding

Secretary - Chrysoula Vlamis, and

Treasurer - Katerina Hasiotis.

We have a full year of events

planned and welcome those in grades 7 -12 to join us.

If you know of anyone who would like to join, please encour-

age him/her to do so.

We had a great turnout and a great time at Holiday Hill. Thank

you to those who came and spent

the day with the surrounding

GOYA’s and us. We’d also like to thank all those who supported

our picnic; your support is very

much appreciated. We ask for continued support throughout the

year. Remember that GOYA is

the future our church.

Page 7: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


“You cannot know where your people are going if you don't know where your people have been.” ― Forrest Carter

Daughters of Penelope by Kathy Yiannoulis, President

H appy Fall! The Daughters of Penelope held its first

meeting of the year with a

review of our full schedule of events and activities. A lot is

happening with a lot more to

look forward to!

October is our kickoff month for several of our important activities. The Lets Keep

them Warm Drive has begun and has become one of

most favorite and impactful activities for our chapter and for our local community. Please consider

supporting this effort in any way you can. Our Turkey Raffle, which supports the awarding of scholarships

will be held on November 24th. Five turkeys will be

raffled off. Look for information about our Annual

Wreath Sale and our Luncheon coming up in February.

Please consider joining us and being a part of this

wonderful group. Feel free to contact me or any of our members for information. Our national website is at or visit us at http:// Our chapter email is [email protected]. Lastly,

―Like‖ us on Facebook at Daughters of Penelope -

Bridgeport "Hermes" Chapter 41, District 7.

Our next meeting will be on October 16th at 7 pm. We would love to have you.



Society Kalliope


I am truly

delighted to

greet you

with love, hope, energy, and

enthusiasm, as we have come

together once again as a group

of committed individuals,

striving to reach and even

surpass any standards for our

Philoptochos Society.

Yes, in the past four years,

we accomplished many things

and hosted many events! We

provided assistance for the

poor, the destitute, the hungry,

the aged, the widowed, the sick,

the unemployed, the orphans

the imprisoned, the disabled,

the victims of disasters around

the world, including our

brothers and sisters in Greece.

A l l t hese t hings were

accomplished under the

direction, love, and support of

Father Andreas, and I thank him

very much, but they were also

possible because of your

support and belief in our


I would like to thank you all

from the bottom of my heart for

entrusting me with this position

for the past four years. It was

my honor to serve as President,

and I did so with great love for

and commitment to our

Philoptochos. I know that we

must continue to grow as an

organization, and fulfill our

mission to the fullest. I wish

the new, elected board and new

President the very best, and

with God’s help, I know that

they will accomplish many


Thanks to everyone for

su ppo r t ing o ur a nnu a l

Champagne Brunch and making

it a success. The impact that

your donat ions have is

immeasurable. Please join our Philoptochos.

Even if you are unable to attend

our meetings, your participation in the many daily functions is always

appreciated. Feel free to call us if

you have any questions or need further information.

October 1, 2013—Regular

Meeting, 7:00pm in the Aegean

Hall, Coffee and Social time hosted by Ollie Crist. Come help

us celebrate her birthday—

Meeting begins at 7:30pm. On the agenda: introduction of new

Board Members and President.

October 4, 5, 7, and 8—

Baking for our Wine and Food

tasting event October 18, 2013 at 6:30pm—

Wine and Food Tasting—Proceeds

to Benefit various Church Projects.

See flyer in this issue.

Again, many thanks for your

support these past 4 years. Those

are years that I will treasure


Page 8: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


“I desire no future that will break the ties of the past.” ― George Eliot

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ Greek School by Eleni Limberis - Director

Καιή ρνιηθή Υξνληά!

Τ ν Διιεληθφ καο ρνιείν άξρηζε θαί θέηνο ηελ

Γεπηέξα 9 επηεκβξίνπ. Καισζνξίδνπκε ηνπο κηθξνχο καο καζεηέο

ηνπ λεπηαγσγείνπ θαη πξψηεο ηάμεο θαη θπζηθά φινπο

ηνπο λενθεξκέλνπο, καδί κε ηνχο γνλείο ηνπο θαη ηνπο

επρφκεζα πγεία θαη θαιή πξφνδν. Δπίζεο επρφκεζα ζηηο δαζθάιεο καο, γνλείο,

καζεηέο, καζήηξηεο, βνεζνχο, πγεία, ππνκνλή,

επηκνλή, θαιή θαη πξννδεπηηθή ζρνιηθή ρξνληά. Καισζνξίδνπκε θαη ηελ λέα καο βνεζφ κε ην

λεπηαγσγείν θα Βαζηιηθή Ρνχζζα θαη επραξηζηνχκε

πνιχ ηελ νθία Υαιιά πνπ καο βνήζεζε κε ην ζρνιείν καο. Δπραξηζηνχκε πνιχ θπξίεο.

Σν ζρνιείν καο πξνζπαζεί κε θάζε ηξφπν λα δηδάμεη

θαη λα δψζεη ζηα παηδηά καο ηελ ειιελνρξηζηηαληθή

αγσγή, κφξθσζε, ραξαθηήξα, ζπλείδεζε, ηξφπνπο, πνιηηηζκφ, γιψζζα, ζξεζθεία, ηζηνξία, ηξαγνχδη θαη

ρνξφ θαη γεληθά κε φηη ζρεηίδεηαη κε ηελ ειιελνξζφδνμε ρξηζηηαληθή καο πίζηε

θαη θαηαγσγή.

Καιή ζρνιηθή ρξνληά ζε φινπο!

Our Greek School is open to children of

our parish form ages five years old and up. We would like to welcome the new

kindergarten and first grade and new

students along with their parents and wish them health and much success.

Also to wish our students, parents, teachers, helpers

and friends, much health, and a good and productive

school year. Our children should feel proud for their Religion,

Heritage and language, and our Greek School does

exactly that. On behalf of the Greek School staff, I would like to

wish all of you a healthy and prosperous school year.


Thank you, Kiria Eleni.

Ζ Παηδεία θάλεη ην ιαφ εχθνιν λα ηνλ νδεγήζεηο,

αιιά δχζθνιν λα ηνλ παξαζχξεηο. Δχθνιν λα ηνλ

θπβεξλήζεηο, αιιά αδχλαην λα ηνλ ππνδνπιψζεηο.

Sunday School by Eva Vaniotis, Director

A s we begin the 2013-2014

year, we hope that we will be blessed again with all the

children in our community of

Sunday school age in attendance

receiving the Word of God as it is taught in our Sunday school with

guidance from the Archdiocese.

The first day of Sunday school was Orientation Day. The children

went directly to their classrooms,

which gave the teachers and children an opportunity to get

acquainted. It was extremely well

received, especially by parents

who met with their children’s teachers and were able to spend

time with them.

The second Sunday of Sunday

school, the children remained in Church for the Liturgy and

received Holy Communion ,

followed by breakfast, which was provided by our PTO. My sincere

thanks to the PTO for a job ―well

done,‖ as usual. Father Andreas welcomed all the children

The teachers list will be

provided for the parents in the next

issue of the Vision. Registration Forms are provided

in the Sunday school office or

Church office. Every year , registration of all the children is

required to keep the Sunday school records accurately.

The Sunday school office staff,

children, and parents will be

informed of all the activities during the year , and any

questions will be answered by the

director of Sunday school. Dates to Remember

-December 1, 2013— Family

Worship (Thanksgiving) -December 22, 2013 – Children to

r e m a i n i n C h u r c h ,

Holy Communion -PTO Breakfast,

Christmas Program -December 29 – Family Worship

-January 5, 2014 – Sunday school

will resume

Page 9: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284


Around the

Parish by Stella Capiris

O n a beautiful sunny

day, once again, we observed the Exalta-

tion of the Holy Cross and the

beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year with the traditional

Blessing of the waters. Fol-

lowing Liturgy at our Church, we traveled to Seaside Park

where the Cross was once

again sent into the waters and

retrieved by Christos, son of Elaine and Evangelos Kout-

sitzis. God grant him good


The AHEPA Taverna night was

a fun evening. The food was great, the home-made pastries by the

Daughters were delicious, the danc-

ing was fun, and, of course, the

weather was delightful. Many thanks to all who came and partici-


The Philoptochos Champagne

Brunch was delightful, as always,

with many different foods being

presented. Following the brunch, certificates were presented to Evan-

gelia Exis and Helen Vittorio for

their 50 years of service to Philoptochos.

The Hellenic Cultural Associa-tion asks for your support to attend

an evening of entertainment on Oc-

tober 11th where there will be

dancing and singing and mezeda-kia. Please plan to attend. For infor-

mation or reservations please con-

tact George Bakes, Van Hatzis, or

Jim Trigonis.

Congratulations to Luis and Olga Valbuena on the birth of their baby

girl, Illiana. Na sas zisse!

Congratulations to Nicole

Durchak, daughter of Cathy Greer

and granddaughter of Nick and So-phie Magoulas, on her recent en-

gagement. We wish her happy

planning. Congratulations to Father

Andreas and George Andriotis, who together ran and completed a

20K course at the 36th annual

Stratton Faxon New Haven Road Race on September 2nd. We wish

them good luck and success in all

their future endeavors.

Congratulations to Vicky Bou-

dreau on her outstanding ―Letter to

the Editor,‖ recently published in the Connecticut Post. It dealt with

the unspeakable tragedy of bully-

ing, which leads individuals to do terrible things to themselves.

Everyone should take a stand

on this and act responsibly if

we see someone being sense-lessly bullied. -‖Be kind to one


I was recently asked about a former parishioner-Maria Gele-

ki. I am pleased to report that

Maria is now living with her daughter and can be reached at

402 Pineview Drive, Elizabeth

City, N. C., 27909-3238.1 am

sure that she would be happy to hear from former friends.

Congratulations to Dr. Maria Karayiannis who will be open-

ing her dental office this com-

ing Fall. My Smile Orthodon-tics, LLC will be located at 865

River Road, Suite 307, Shelton-

( 2 0 3 ) 5 3 8 - 5 0 1 4 , W e b S i t e :

WWW.MYSMILE .CT.COM. We wish her good luck and success in

her future endeavors.

Perastika and get well wishes are

extended to Helen (Eleni) Serevetas

following a recent fall. Nice to see

Sophie Frangenes in Church recu-perating from her recent fall.

The Community expresses its deepest sympathy to Haralambos

(Bobby) Pegnidopoulos and family

on the loss of his beloved wife, Helen. Although it was a sad occa-

sion, we were pleased to see the

attendance of Father Constantine

Eliades, our former priest and a cousin of the family, who came to

the Wake and spoke of the many

memories shared with the late Hel-en Pegnidopoulos and her family.

May the Memory of Helen be For-

ever Eternal!

“To dream the future is much more better than to regret the past. But the best of all, to live in the present life with all of your power.” ― Toba Beta

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Friday, October 18, 2013 at 6:30 pm

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11, 2012 17, 2012

18, 2012

To Order: Call either Holy Trinity– 203.374.5561, Kalliope– 203.926.0137, or Lena Protopapas– 203.929.1582 by November 17, 2013

Pick up: Saturday, November 23, 2013 between 10:00 am and 1:00pm or Sunday, November 24, 2013

$8/ loaf

Page 15: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

Philoptochos Thanksgiving Offering Please help us to stock our food

pantry and prepare

Gift Baskets for the Needy Our pantry is in need of the following items:

Please bring your items to the Church or Contact Kalliope Tsitsipas for more info: 203.926.0137

Rice Pasta Sauce

Canned Vegetables Olive Oil

Cake or muffin mixes Crackers

Cranberry Sauce Non-dairy Creamer

Peanut Butter & Jelly Pasta

Canned Soup

Cookies Vinegar

Canned Sweet Potatoes Chocolates Coffee/Tea

Canned Fruit Toothpaste/toothbrushes

Shampoo & Soap Men’s Socks


Philoptochos Supports the Pajama Program.

Help us to make a difference by donating new

pajamas or new children’s books.

Contact Kalli at 203.926.0137

Page 16: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

The Hellenic Cultural Association Invites you to

An Unforgettable Evening of Entertainment

Live Bouzouki,Kithara,Singers followed by dancing and a sing-a-long Cabaret Style—BYOB & Mezedakia

$10.00 donation Coffee & Dessert provided CALL GEORGE BAKES—374-8561, VAN HATZIS-268-7231,


Page 17: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

4070 Park Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06604

Dear Parishioner,

Our Society invites you to join our vital philanthropic organization. We would like you to know about our various activ-

ities that realize our mission to aid the poor who need the help of our Church, to promote the charitable and benevolent

purpose of the Archdiocese, to preserve and perpetuate the Orthodox Christian concepts and to participate in the life of our Greek Orthodox community. A partial list of our activities are:

At the National and Diocesan level:

Visits and sponsorships at St. Michael's Home for the Aged in Yonkers, NY Contributions to the Holy Cross/Hellenic College Scholarships Provide for the physical needs of the children

of Saint Basil's Academy Raise funds for the Cancer Fund and the General Medical Fund

At the local Bridgeport level:

Support to Center for Women in Bridgeport for abused women & children Drives to aid the Evergreen Network for victims of AIDS & HTV Service to the Merton House in Bridgeport

where we cook & provide meals Collection of donations for the Bridgeport Food Bank

At the Parish level: Assist parishioners in need

Donate funds for Alter and Kitchen needs

Decorate the Parish Gold Room for each season Serve the community at Sunday fellowship hours

Bake and volunteer for our annual Greek Festival

Complete various Church projects and aid national emergencies & disasters, here and abroad

As you can easily see, there is a variety of initiatives in which your particular talents can contribute to our mission. We

encourage you to call us to discover how this dynamic group can fulfill your personal goals of participating in the life of

our Greek Orthodox Community.

Join us to return to God a portion of the time, talents and resources you have received.

Sincerely, Phani Papachristos at 203-380-0566

The Membership Committee Maria Cook at 203-375-9329

Christine Vlastaris at 203-929-3573

Philoptochos Membership Form 2013—2014

Page 18: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

©2013 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design-Vicky Andriotis-09/15/2013

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature.” Mark 16:15

Robert Arvanitis 226-4140 Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452 Petros Karayiannis 631-258-3933 A.J. Metsopoulos 292-6418

George Mourizakis 373-0580 Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Pericles C. Rountos 268-7173 Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Scott Vereb 520-2781 Constantine Vlamis 268-5464

Parish Council Newsletter Editor Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff Eleni Limberis

George Mourizakis Father Andreas Vithoulkas

Vicky Andriotis

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected]

HOSPITAL MINISTRY S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

JR. CHOIR J.Bogardus 203-736-6501

MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-261-3247

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781

NURSING HOME MINISTRY S. Capiris 203-259-7334

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P.T.O. S. Bal 203-814-2131

[email protected] E. Vlamis 203-685-5464

PARISH COUNCIL G. Mourizakis 203-373-0580

[email protected]


[email protected]


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

[email protected]

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE S. Karagiannis 203-820-1975

SENIOR CITIZENS G. Agortsas 203-372-1015

STEWARDSHIP A.J. Metsopoulos 203-292-6418

R. Arvanitis 203-226-4140

[email protected]

SUNDAY SCHOOL E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

[email protected]




[email protected]

ALTAR DIRECTOR P.Bozikis 917-692-2317

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected]

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR C. Danas 860-916-3777

[email protected]

BOOKSTORE V. Andriotis

[email protected]

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

[email protected]

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

[email protected]

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE K. Yiannoulis 203-372-6591

[email protected]

ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E.Vaniotis 203-374-0013

GOYA E. Demestihas 203-380-2923

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

[email protected]

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E.Limberis 203-371-6305


[email protected]

A. Papanikolaou

Church Office

Eleni Limberis Email: [email protected]

Office: 203.374.5561 Fax: 203.374.5770 Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web Bookstore Online

Shopping– On Facebook—

On Twitter –

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter [email protected]

phone: 917-334-4192


Sunday: Orthros 8:30am Sunday School Special Services:

10:00am-10:15am Divine Liturgy,Sermons, Announcements:

9:45am – 11:30am

Ώρες Λειτοσργίας Κσριακής ‘Όρθρος: 8:30 πμ

Θεία Λειτοσργία: 9:45 πμ

Page 19: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

651 Villa Ave. Fairfield, CT 203-384-8176


857 Post Road, #110 Fairfiled, CT 06824

(631)258-3933 [email protected]

DeJesus Dental Group Cosmetic, Family & Implant Dentistry

Pericles Rountos, D.M.D. General Dentist

T:(203) 372-1220 F:(203)371-8540 4131 Main St. Bpt, CT

Connecting Cancer Patients, Survivors, families, & Caregivers—1 to another

Will meet on October 24, 2013 at 7:00pm with special Guest: Dr. Artemis Morris

Dr. Artemis Morris is a naturopathic physician, licensed acupuncturist, teacher, researcher, writer, and consultant on nu-trition and holistic medicine. She completed her naturopathic doctorate and master's in acupuncture at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington and has been in practice for over 10years. Artemis is the medical director and founder of Revive Wellness Center, an integrative medicine practice in New Haven, Connecticut, and she has a private practice in Milford, Connecticut. She has served as the medical director for the Integrative Wellness Center at Masonic Healthcare Center in Wallingford, Connecticut. Artemis teaches clinical nutrition at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine and teaches nutrition and traditional Chinese medicine for an integra!ive master's degree program in Connecticut. Artemis specializes in clini-cal nutrition;herbal medicine, acupuncture, diabetes, and women's healthcare. She is devoted to education, research, and writing in natural medicine, nutrition, ethnobotany, and the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements.

Page 20: The Orthodox Vision - October 2013 - Issue #284

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Address Service Requested

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity

October 2013—

Issue #284