The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, NE) 1904-09-10 [p 10]. · A good drug clerk for city. Yountr man, good...

i t, t it ! t y I. . TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1904. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES will a takaa til IB for aa rvaaUf edition aaa aatll 8 a. as. (of th merilif aaa r adltlaa. Rates, t !- - a ward ni Insertion, la a war thereafter. Wthlnr takea far leee tana M far ha ret laeer. tloa. Tkeae adrertlsaa-OB- t sans ke ran eeetlrlr. Advertisers, kr reaaaetln a . tiered check, eaa aaewerk ad- dressed fa a aanikarea letter la aare af The Bee. Aiiwm aa addressed trill ta dellverad aa areeaatatlaa af cheek:. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night School BOYLES SCHOOL Eater Now Catalog Free H. B. BOYLES, President ,. New York Life Omaha. CUT-RAT- E TICKETS verjrwher. P. H. f hilbin, loOt iVnm and opp. Union sta- tion. Tel. 784 and I618. B 8.8 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Trt. 8630. CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. it WW EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, acpommodA- - Un; all buelneaa confidential. 1A "', Y Garbage Co., O . 18th. Tel. 1779. 8J EXPRESSMEN'S DeUvery Co.. moving end storage. Hi N. 16th. Tel. 1185. fcUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON.ln the Bee bldg. SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1802, H. W. M'VKA. Plumber, 1124 N. 2fth. Tel. 1747. R 9S6 STANDARD FILTERS Huber. Tel. SM2. 1301 Farnam. . R 8S8 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. 960. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. WW, R404 OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1621 How-ar- d at R M767 S10 MODELS and experimental machinery built,, patented article and- novelties ma do for Inventors and others; model makers' supplies, tools, castings, rears, etc. Write for terms. AIL R. Gardner, Atlantic la. R M766 S10 P. MHLCHOIR, machine work. 13th and Howard. R 991 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 S. UTJfi. 'PHONE 164. Why crr your soiled linen? Our wagons ca.I and deliver same. Bills collected monthly. R M148 816 The Omaha Waiehouee Co., 609 Jones; 'phone 1366; radse, storage and forwardlrig. R 193 HELIN ft CO.. TAILORS, 817 S. 15th. B M223 630 THE PARTRIDGE SHELLY THOMSON CO." COAL, FEED AND ICE VHAVK OPENED THEIR OFFICE- AT 1609 FAkNAM ST. BUSINESS SOLICITED. - R M65S 14 OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3846. John Morrlsaey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3814. R M650 BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG stores bought and sold, every state; special plan. F. V. Knleet R. P.. 701 N. Y. L. bUlg. ..- - , Y-- ssa AB BCtT-C- O WaN bO.,' 1st Nat. Bk.' bldg., can get you In or out of business Y 993 SHOLES-ARMSTRON- G CO., 722 N. T. Life. Tel. 49 ' Y 994 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange property or business quick, see J. U. Jour 648 N. T. Life. 'Phone L2270. Y. 896 TO get In or out of business, or If you want to ouy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Business Chance Agenoy, 406 N. Y. Life bldg. Y 896 BU9TNES8 CHANCES FARM LANDS. OMAHA APPRAISAL COMPANY, 322 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG., PHONE F2866. Y-- 997 $10 REWARD If you can show me a good location for a doctor. Address A. Lang-ma- n, Fremont, Neb. Y M723 llx FOR SALE County lights for patent Au- tomatic Stick Pump; great seller for paf- - , ent right men; exceptional terms. James Doughty. Sioux City. Ia. Y 730 lOx FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS 2 EXPRESS WAGONS and 1 top wagon, al- most new; will sell cheap. Johnson as DanforUv s.w. cor. 10th and Jones sts. . - v. ., P 668 15 NEW UTILITY WAGONS below cost, 1 axles and wheels, t--ft body, buggy top on seat. Snap, 138.00 each. Drum-mon- d, 18th and Harney. P M778 IF YOUR WAGON needs fixing take it to r Frost, tie fixes. 14th and Leavun worth. :,,. .. P-- 176 FOR SALE Horses tor city driving or de- livery. Your livery trade solicited In . cither buggy or carriage work. Mel-choi- Livery Barn. P M260 TWO-SEATE- D extension top carriage, al- most new; pice size for one horse; will sell chtan. See B. F. Winn, 14 Far. nam st . P M539 lo WORK HORSE) for sale cheap. 369 Boule- vard ave. south. P M706 llx Al FAMILY HORSE! 1318 Fa mam. ' P 71 10 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank bldg. Tel. 164. ... W 143 PRIVATE) money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. - w-- iia WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Fornam at W--144 ACONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-- 14S PER CENT loana. Garvin Bros., 1604 r amam. w 148 LOWEST rates. Bemls. Paxton block. W-- 147 MONEY to loan on real estate at I and 6V per ocm nr. x. snoisju, tva fiamae oiag, - W 148 WANTED TO BUY 8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 82J N. Y. I 'feP'H'f hlet frloe for books. Tel. ' - N-- 114 HIGHEeTT prices Bold for furnished fiats. , a JK, tie, r , N lie WANTED 100 cars of bones; also buy scrap Iron. tlnfolL rubber, copper, brass and all kinds of junk; can aW furnish san weigms, any amount. Bamuel M , iter, law uaiaua, auu -- Hy, Ma. ywnit nie. , mtw Blux :ASK for your horses. Melchtor's Livery liurn ' 4 XT V, m , ii. PRINTING PRINTPDO Crounse Hlock, Corner of v, -1- M KRAMER CHANDLER. OUICIf PKINTERS. 1108 Farnam. To deliver 'wra wnea promuea is our noooy. Uil . PRINTING Not how cheap, but how aood Is our motto. Oreat Western Printing ' u . I a: a rnan, aai. ivi . IA T u CTTID, Waa I . bl. ...... ..V listied 13 years. U SoulA Thirteenth . et., Omaha. ' WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM NOW OPEN. Omaha Commercials College, 17th and Douglas Sts., New classes in au aeyartments. stest time to bKn nigui echou oeiteuer bvl tor free catalogue. Address. KOHitfeouOrt BAuS., Omaha, Neb. B ft WANTED FOR U. S. ARMr-'Able-b- od led unmartied men between ages of il o clUsens of United States, of good cuarac-te- r and temperate nablts, who spea. read and wrue English. For lnfurmaiioa spply to Reorulting OBicer, 13th ana Douglss sts.. Omaha, . Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. liMtn DRUO empldVei, mansgers, salesmen, ate., for any stste F. V. Knleet, R. P. .01 N. Y. Wdg. B 876 SALESMEN who are selling groceries to ranchers to handle our goods. Address Chicago Grocery Co.. Ban J WANTED Boy with horse to deliver The Morning Bee. Call at circulation Dept Bee office, 3 p. m. B M184X MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail- - . m . nnJlMl I UKU 1 til Umil UU 1 IHllUlo v you of this being the BEST and only re- liable, most practical barber college in the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western . Barber's Institute, Omaha, Neb. 267 WANTED-- A good Barber. Northside Bar ber Shop, Sutton, IMeo. tt oui u. WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., 161ft Howard St B 667 WANTED A good barber. North Side Barber Shop. Sutton, web. ow in WANTED At Panama canal, buildlne tmH,f aU 1 ort nrlim,n rrutk, waiters. , etc.; expenses paid; Inclose stamp. Ad- - aress A 11, ea amoi u. WRITE, telephone or call. Wanted 100 drug clerks of all descriptions; positions furnished at once; positions now open; rood wanes. F. V. Knleet, R- - P.. 701 N. Y. U Bldg. B M647 11 WANTED First-clas- s gents' furnishing goods salesman; none Dtu tnose wnn yours of experience need apply. J. L. Brandels A Sons. Boston Store. B--664 10 WANTED, young man stenographer In law rillU C. AUUnni X0& ovi, mi nana v.n, Neb. B M680 11 BRICKLAYERS wanted at government corral, Twenty-secon- d and HlcKory. i. P. Keefe, contractor. ' B 708 11 WE are the only people open. Saturday arternoon, we nave fi actual vacancies. If you are not entirely satisfied call and see if we can't obtain a better position. We must have a gent's furnishing sales- man QUICKLY. , Stenographer for law office. A good drug clerk for city. Yountr man, good penman. This is only partial Hat. Call or write ror complete imt or vacancies. WESTErUS km . At Hunu Ada in, 840-8- N. Y. Life, Omaha. B 704 I WANTED Immediately, driver for laun dry wagon; must rurnlnn rereronce. in- - We prepare you quickly as Illustrator, car toonist, lawyer, pnarmacisi, stenngrspner. bookkeeper, journalist, ad writer corre- spondence man, banker. Write for free book, "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools, 82 When., Indianapolis, U. 8. A. B WANTED Young man to become a corre spondence clerk, will quaury you in your oivn home. BleT s&Jary. Address E. C, this office. B WANTED Good barber; must be first-cla- ss in every respect: 314 per ween. Address at once, Ernest M. Day, Creston, Ia. B M708 13 WANTED Twenty laborers at Auditorium building, 15tn ana tiowara. noeonng Construction company. B M707 lOx WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, aov. rrt.ncr, i signs, etc no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B M7Z1 Ux flO PERMANENT salary to energetic men: we eu property everywnere. winner Marple, Sioux City, Ia. B M718 lOx WANTED gereral first-olas- s eolallst 325 to 840 weekly; permanent employment; samples free. Columbia Phonoeranh Co., 16a Farnam. B M724 11 a noon pohttton Is a'wavs open for a competent man. HI dimcuity is to nno ii. we nave owiraio for Mcti grade men of all canactttes executive, technical and clerical nayln from 81.800 to 810,000 a year. Write for plan and booklet Offices In twelve cities HAPGOODS (Incorporated), 916 Chemical building. St Louts. B WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for general housework; small lamuy; gooa wages, buuv Marcy. 80 GIRLS; Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. c 103 WANTED At 8172 Dodge St., a girt for general housework. Highest wagea paid. C-- 668 llx O. K. American-Germa- n employment office. Oldest, moat reliable In Omaha. lf24 Dodge. C M380 06 WANTED A girl for general housework. 24ii tapitoi ave. c Mas 10 WANTED Three) or four good girls at D. B. Smith Ext. & .spice Co., 803 n. loth st ' C M644 Ux WANTED A working housekeeper for a family ,or seven; tnree children; good sal- ary: rood home. Also an experienced teacher at good salary! location, 8. L. ; Dotn persons can nie on homesteads nearby. Address A 21. Bee. 1 699 U WANTED Experienced hands In cloak de partment alteration room. Apply Mgr. Cloak Dept, J. L. Brandels A .Hon. C M718 11 WANTED Young lady with taste for art to learn hook and msgaslne Illustrating. ' Address B. C, this office. C WANTED Two glrles to wait on table; one lady for pastry oook; one lady for pantry' work. Apply at Dellone Hotel. CM712 10 WANTED Experienced laundry girls. Hlrtchev Laundry, 409 North Twentv-flft- h, South Omaha, C 706 11 WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION by a successful traveling salesman, either aa city salesman for an Omaha wholesale house or position of a high grade; experienced In dry goods, no- tions, or can sell any specialty; owing to domestic affairs, must leave the road. A 8. Bee. A MSii 11 YOUNG MAN desires place to work for board while going to school; experienced. Boyle's Q"llege. 3684. A 963 SALESMEN SALESMAN with established drug trade to handle side line In Omaha: light samples; good commission. 20 E. 8th st., Cincln- - - "at'. O - M723 llx FOR RENT STORES 4 OFFICES IF A GOOD light Is needed, we can show ' """' ouice on me nttn noor I?t"Jf'"Laldoro2H.' l moderate price Kr Co., ground floor Bee building. J a A 110 office in the Bee building carries with It all of ths conveniences and advan- tages In the way of heat, light. Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A 310 ofllce Is now va- cant CaiiV i once. It C. Peters & Co., ground floor Boa building. I 4U8 and basement brick building, 1003 Faruam, 22xlu0, hydraulic elevator, suit- able fur wholesale or manufacturing lit First Nat Bank building. 1130 FOR RENT Two-stor- y and basement brick building, south side of Id St., between Hastings and Denver avea. ; central loca- tion fur any line of business. Write .un- dersigned for further Information. A. H Cramer, Agent, Hastings, Neb. I-- 11 TO LET September 1, AneV commodious of- fice room with large vault and fixtures, suitable for banking. Insurance, railroad or head office of any large concern; for- merly occupied by McCuRue Savings bank tnd Bankers' Reserve Life Insurance Cu building, Fifteenth end Dodge. Apply W. Fanuua Biuilh Co., 1 Fsrn.m at 1-- UU If yon have a second-han- d store, some fufnitnre, books or anything you Vould like to turn into money put a small add intheBec'ff FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS Column, it will do the business. . - You will rent your rooms If yon advertise in The Bee. TUB BEE PRINTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS-B- EE WANT ADS BRING THH' BEST RETURNS ALWAYS. v ihdniakoo tiiav TYrux r FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago iu lue DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam E lut tX.ti PER WEEK. Doran house. 422 S. istb, E 107 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.j open nlshta. 10s Midland Hotel, 16th Chicago; reasonable. 110 t ROOMS; housekeeping. 1112 8. llth. B iVllBj ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 116 N. 26th. E 287 Ux TWO front rooms, elegantly furnished; large modern stone house. Phone 4, Z4Z3 K MM V SOUTH front alcove room. S680 Harney treet - E M671 12x LARGE front parlor,, alcove, modern de tached house, lawn, shade, pnone. ota r. 20th. E M684 11X NICELY furnished room, modern: rates reasonable. 1809 Chicago. E M686 llx LARGE, pleasant rooms; modern detached house; lawn; first-cla- ss board; convenient to city. 1818 Capitol ave. E M687 llx NICELY furnished single room, corner flat; cveryining nwraeni rauuimuio. fornia. E 391 13x SOUTH front parlor; modern. 2024 St Mnrl ave. NICELY furnished front room, all modern conveniences. 621 S. 18th. E EAST-fro- nt rooms; newly erected, modern brick house. 642 8. 24th. E-- 062 11 FURNISHED ROOf.TS AND BOARD O. M. E. TEL. aU MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F 111 THURSTON HOTEL; cool, outside rooms, 1.60 to 4.o per weea; ooaru, e.w. F 11 Midland Hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. K 11, VICINITY of High school, modern south front rooms. Including board, 85 per week. 2406 Cass. 'Phone A2693. F-- 607 WANTEI-Roomma- te, by a young man of 21 years of age: must be young, well-ap- -' pearlng and respectable; house is strictly ' first-cla- ss in every respect; board good and room large and well furnished; rates 12a per month. Address Y 29. Beet F 960 DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot and oold water In rooms: also large closets; board; rates reasonable. 618 S. 19th.' 534 DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot and cold water in rooms; also large closets, board; rates reasonable. 618 8. 19 th. v F M660-1- 1 NICE front bedroom; gentleman pre- ferred. 1911 Blnney. 'Phone S2G20. F 452 10 STRICTLY lst-cla- ss board, very reason able, at 710 B. lMtft. n THE ROSE, 2020 Harney Handsomely fur- nished rooms, suitable for two; good board; rates reasonable. F M686 15x NICELY furnished room, lst-cla- ss table board: modern nouse tnrougnoui. ivn California. F-- 392 13x NICELY furnished rooms, good board; convenient for lunch; reasonable. Ill S. 17th. F 398 14x NICELY furnlahed front room; good board. 2310 Douglas. F 348 lSx WELL furnished light, airy rodms, all mod ern conveniences, at isi Lniumu. F 389 13x NICELY furnished rooms, lst-cla- ss table board; all modern conveniences, at 2323 Harney. F 390 14x FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, with or without board. 606 S. 21st ave. , UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 8210 CABS ST. Two south rooms, partly furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. G 698 THREE or four desirable unfurnished rooms. 2212 N. 19th (Boulevard). G M682 llx TWO large rooms, south front, 1H blocks from car line; modern. 2412 Cass. . . G-6- L : MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Has there not been times when It would have been worth more than 100 cents to youT It Is our busi- ness to supply you with money when you need It and allow you to return It In small weekly or monthly payments, as may best suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and other chattels, and we make salary loans. Our terms are aa good as any and better than many. We are the oldest concern in our line Jri" the city, with consistent dealings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., US Board Trade Bldg. Tel. 2196. (Established 1892.) 306 S. 16th St. X-- 121 MEN HOLDING - - BEST POSITIONS sometimes need money. We can supply the need without publicity and at the low-e- at rate, and the loan can be repaid by small weekly, semi-weak- ly or monthly pay- ments. We loan on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal; also on salary by giving us your personal note. Honesty Is the chief requirement, and you will receive a fair and square oeal. Don't borrow until you see us. Open Tuesday and Saturday evunlugs until a p. m. J. aTHUTTON. 614 PAXTON BLOCK. ' X Miwl 3 P .C. YEAR FROM 3100 to 8i,ow loans on your personal note at 8 Ph-- CUM' i'iJ.K 1'EaK. AU good loans wanted.- Call or write and gel my system. W. L. hUistmsn Co., Ii06 Farnam, Omaha. X134 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, also, on sAiiAiu,B. Low Rates. Kasy Terms. . . Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 38 Paxton Block. . , X-- 141 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay- ments; largee business In 49 principal cities. Tolinan, room 714 N. Y. Life. . X 138 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew-elr- y, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 S. 13th. X 138 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-- 131 BEE FULLER, 426 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry 140 CHATTEL, salarv and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, 1604 Farnam st X 136 SALARY and collateral loana Templeton. 112 Bee bldg. Tel. j4. X137 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. KTO, PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOtJ. - RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 84P-- M PAXTON BLK. TEL. 14:1 Xe-A- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COTTAGE FOR SALE ' EASY PAYMENTS $1860.00 8C6 N. 26th st, t rooms, gas, city water, In good condition; line yard, lot xi- - leet; abundance ot iruit and snade trees; also barn; terms, van) casn, balance (la per month. UWRGli CO., 16ul Farnam St. RE Mt48 11 CLOSE IN. . Modern, reiloenct; paved street; choice location; best tiling ou the maraei at the pnee 4,0uu. W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO., lii-- v Farnm au-et- t RJfi uS NORTH OMAHA BAROA1NS. brick cutis ge, sioie building and cottage attaciieo, lut VixiU, on oar Hue; lenta m, half caaa. Apply to owner, ul t. Y. Lite Ki M447 FOR SALE A, One, modern residence prop- erty, newly built In small but growing Iowa town on c. sit is. W. R. it.; a splen- did opening for physician and drug store; price Is low; write to owner. J. M. Ben- nett, Atkinson, Neb. Rifi Mdli FOR SALE One not of 31,800, due In one year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, ocarina 6 per cent interest, payaDle semi-annuall- y; also one note for tl,6u0, due on or before three years, interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annuall- secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parlies. Address the owner, S 26, Bee office. RE-M- 46S . BARGAIN to home purchasers. If you mean business. Call 436 Board of Trade. RE 597 S24 CSAS Williamson Co..u tBFfJr1- - RE 119 Ulus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. ' RE 120 81.000 WILL BUY neat cottage and good lot on Blnney st. ; easy terms. Thomas Brennah, Room 1, N. Y. Life Building RE MK15 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one 31. mo and the other 82,450. SHIMER A CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. t RE M61 I HAVE eleven modern houses In West Farnam district, which I offer for sale at a great discount from former prices; until two of these houses are taken, these will go below cost; f buy property, material and labor cheaper than you can; I will I sell It 20 per cent cheaper than you can buy or build; come early. If you want a bargain. Ed, aamilton, 211 8. 17th st. RE M717 13 DO YOU WANT TO . . . -- SELL A FARM? If you want to eU a farm, or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It Th best way to reach them Is through 'THE TWENTIETH CENTURY , FARMER This agricultural, .weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmer and, stock, raisers, so It you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price' you will find a buyer among them. The' best of an advertisement Is small 2 c - per, word in smoU type or per ince u ot. IB large type, ROR RiN- T- HOUSES PJYNE-BOSTlUSiK-- CO., choice houses. 601-6- New V6rs?Jfe Bids. 'Phone 1016. .. . . uiu UMI all parts of the city. The tHJUOCa-b- , 5, Davis Co.. 808 Bee bldg. ' V 12Z THE Omaha Von and Storage Co. pack, move ip 1 store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-2- 4 V. 19th. ' Office, 1511V Farnam. Tel. 1568. - D 123 Un ln varf of the city. K. C. nUUOCO Peter & Co.. Be Building. D 126 RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near Pa, c;'llc, 10 rooms, attic, basement; modern; east front; fine grounds, 66x140; trees. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. D 126 SEE CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming. D-- 127 FOR RENT end ready for occupanoy, and hall detached house, 2701 Dodge street, near High school, 840. Every- thing new and In this house. Call for key at 2906 Dodge St., or tele- phone A2124. D M311 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker oia. jj iza (30 N. 24th St. rooms. Porcelain bath, toilet, furnace, gas. Newly pointed and papered. Tenant pays water. 130. 802 S. 29th St 7 rooms first floor. - Modern except furnace. 827.60. 7 roonis second floor. Modern except furnace. 826.00. 2909 Leavenworth cottage. Porce- lain bath, toilet, wash bowl, gas. cellar. Newly painted and papered. Tenant pay water. 826. 2911 Leavenworth 4 rooms above store. Newly painted and papered. Porcelain bath, toilet, gas. Front and back stairs. Tenant pays water. 320. 2676 Capitol Ave. rooms. Modern. Barn. Tenant pays water. $25. , 1037 8. 2uth St. nouse. Newly painted and papered. City water In kitchen. 326. 2203 Pierce St. house. Bath, toilet, city water, gas. 120. 26th snd Davenport When finished, I fine modern bricks. See plans at office. 2626 Emmet St. 8 rooms. City water. Large yard. 12 60. 8817 N. 19th St (rear) 4 rooms. Well wa- ter. 6. 2609 S. 2oth Ave. cottage. City wa- ter. 315. T 2611 S. 2oth Av. -- room cottage. City wa- ter. 31S- - M'CAOUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge 8t 657 WE VOVB pianos. Maggard Van A Stor- age Co. Tel. 1469. Office 1712 Webster st D '34 TO LET Furnished, modern house, near high school. house, new and strictly modern, nice lawn and f!ne location. ' W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam street. D tO FOR RENT Nice, modern house. 41st and Dodge sts. The O. F. Daniels Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D M588 10 modern ho. II" N. 81st st .836.00 'modern brick residence, 1144 8. 3d St.; vacant October 1 80.00 modern house, 704 S. 86th st 16.00 house; city water; 1162 N. 16th st 14.00 THOMAS BRENNAN. .Room L S. Y. Life Bldg. 613 13 TO RENT house, all modern : latest style furnace; porcelain bath, marble lav- atory, etc.; screens, storm doors and win- dows, 826. Another, same as above except furnace. $24; three squares from Hanscom park. J. C. Selden, 407 S. 10th. D M6G6 llx FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. Nicely; furnished house for rent to rlrht parties until April, 1906. Apply 1134 th ave. D M646 14 680 S. 28th St., 8 rm ; all modern; ele- gant 837.60 4019 Hamilton st, 7 rms., all modern, good repair '. 26.00 These are all elegnpt places. v KENNAHD 4V LOWER, 0 Brown Blk. 643 11 FOR RENT rooms. 2619 N. 15th. D 621 20x FOR SALE OR RENT, modern house and barn. Iocs ted near high school. If. 9 Chicago: rent $F0 per month. Inquire of W. H. Griffith. 417 N. 26th st. D M70011X 132.60 Fntlrely new house, all mod- ern. Twvnty-eevent- b and Douglas. 812 60 cottar, city water, large lot. Twenty-firs- t and Valley. O. Q. WALLACE; brown bixmtc D 701 U PERSONAL DR. ROY. Chiropody R. 2 St 3. 1504 Farnam. r u IN DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack. 617 Karbach DIOCK. Tel. A iKiZ. uun VIAHNPTIP treatment A baths. Mine. I Binith, 118 N. 16. 8 fl. R- - 1 IT A TRY KELLEY 8 LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3536. U io TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women ana cnnoren. 140S Farnam St. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. U 167 "VIA VI." way to health. 850 Bee Bldg. U 168 TUB. vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th. U M INFORMATION wanted of A. J. O'Brien; last seen in Dubuque, la., 12 years ago, by his sister, M. O'Brien, who lives now 108 West st. West Hoboken, N. J. Cousin una luu-dimo- (MacMullen by marriage). U-4-J34 9x DON'T fool with your eves: be careful who examines them; wt test eyes free for glasses ana guarantee satisfaction. THE H: J. PEN FOLD CO.. Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. U-- 100 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES, GOLDMAN PLtAilNG CO. 200 DOUuLAS BLK, XKL. 1936. U 44 GENTLEMAN (36), secretary In manufac- turing concern, wishes to lorm acquaint- ance of young lady or widow in good cir- cumstances; object, matrimony. Address a id, uee. u jp vx FRANKLIN Tailoring System '.aught 1764Vi Leavenworth. U- - 446 b!3 STUDY ART-LEA- RN TO DRjLW Join Mr. Case class. Studio 301 Boyd a theater u WHI i- - IMPORTANT Why pay more? Guaran- teed spectacles fitted, 81. Kendls Optical wi, eus xx. join. uulojo suu 86 REWARD will be alven to anyone who wnr sena on tne address ot a gentleman ma name of John Uillott, wrn) left fcmer. field, in England. 25 years alio, as a reht' tive of hia who is visiting ln this country would like to see him, Whose name is Samuel Ward of Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England. Present address, Sainuel Ward, care James Morgan, box WUl 1...... 1 1.. , ' ! ij nH ' MV, AUIUBfc mil V1VM U, V. U II 11. U WO 7 A. OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramgn Blk. u-- uu WE DO exDcrt Dlano movlnsr: lowest rates. . Schmollcr A Mueiler, 1313 Farnam. Tele- - pnone iia. u sitso-u- il E. D. KECK, voice teacher.. 1892 Farnam street u M582 06x WIDOWER jC40) wishes to meet Cattfollo lady; object, matrimony. Address A 88, nee. vM X MASONIC Two routes from blue lodge to Khrlne; all the degrees; to any address, two stamps. Masonic Observer, Minne apolis, Minn. u M719 Ux LARSON ft JOHNSON, cut rate to all points 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem- bers American Ticket Brokers' Assn. U M617 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re- - van. onerman at Mcuonneu, umana, 1st DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, wit:! stamp, Dr. Pries, tfllfc Dodge st., Omaha..- - . .i 163. PRIVATE home during confinement: ba- bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani- tarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. rei. 14. 5Z6 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adoptefl. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th. 8d floor; tel. 3559. M582 S24 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAN- D safe cheap. Deright, 1118 r arnam. y im 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 165 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first-cla- ss standard school in Omana, compris- ing complete course ln business, short- hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee of- fice, i Q 862 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 801 Douglas. Q 166 WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts . for every machine manufactured. Second-han- d machine from ia.OO to 310.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1663, Corner 16th and Harney. Q-- 167 FOR SA?,E Solid oak and mahogany-to- p bank er cashier fixture, ln good condi- tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose-wate- r, room 100, Bee bldg. Q 624 ELECTRIC nickel in slot. Peerless piano players and Regtna muslo boxes, big money makers, clioap for cash or time. Suhmuller 4k Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel ltij. Q 16a TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, butt and strap joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pounds. They are now In use and can bo seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 25, Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi. neer, Beo building, Omaha. Q M9u2 COMPLETE line new and furni- ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. 01(3 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains In goods ln pawn. 1401 Douglas. Q 170 FOR BALE Second-han- d Brome. Apply A. J. Simpson, 1411 Dodge. Q lfl BAR IRON AND STEEL. Pennsylvania Iron A Steel Co., Jobbers ln merchant bar Iron and steel, selling very low. It will pay you to wiito for prices, 801 Farnam, Omaha. Q 204 816 FOR SALE Lot of second-han- d fire brick. Inquire Engineer Bee building. Q M314 FOR BALE New and second-han- d billiard and pool tables; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments: send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collende- r, 407 8. loth Bt, Omaha. Q M562 B23x POOL TABLES and show cases. 1407 Har- ney st Q M1S7 FOR SALE OR TRADE Gas and electrio' light plant, ln g, county-se- at town of 3.600 population In Missouri. Ad- dress Y64, care Bee. Q-- 326 9 AUTOMOBILB-ri.SO- O new Shelby, 8 or 4 passengers, with top, 8850. H. E. Fred-rlckso- n. 1502 Capitol. 713 09 HOMER PIGEONS There Is a great de- mand for homer squabs snd breeders. Space of ground 72x86 feet storked with homers will bring returns not less than 83.000 per year. Write for free book. Pot-te- rf A Mason, Hutchinson, Kan. 678 tx 2 TO 4 H. P. used gasoline engine: give full description and price. F. L. Dunn, Os- ceola, Neb. Q M68S lOx FOR SALE Good Holsteln cow, 8 years old; gives 12 quart milk rer dav. In- - U in r, Ail, re. iiBi. ii PATENTS U. J. COWOILL. 430 Paxton blk., Omaha. PATENTS H. A. Sturgis, registered attor- ney. Patents, trade-mark- s, copyrights. No fee unless eucossful. 617 New York Life building, Omaha. Neb. Mloov SUES A CO., Patent Lawyers: advice free. Three office: Bee building, Omaha, Neb J 114 Dearborn st, Chicago, III., and 1(M8 F t., WMhinatoa, D. C Tel M2 B2tx THIS FOR THAT WILL trade rowing machine for type- writer, eb. Cycle Co., 15th and IJrnJv- - WHAT have you ta exchsnge for a piano? Per.leld Piano Co., 1611 Famm. Tel. 701. SS 173 IF THERE la nothing In this column you want, put an ad. in and you will soon get It. Z-- 153 WILL exchange beautiful rtano for driv- ing or draft horse. Schmollcr Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Z M487-0- 3 TO EXCHANGE 820 acres northern Mis- souri, clear, well Improved, for Income lown property; choice brick building, 3S.000, rented $500 rer yesr, for merchan- dise; 800 acres southern Iowa, very choice farm, lightly encumbered, for income town property or merchandise. Denny, Graef A Bartlett Maxwell, Ia. Z M677 12x 400 ACRRS In eastern Kansas. IH miles from town, good house, fair outbuildings, fine orchard, 100 acre cultivated. 1.15 acres tame grass. IS acres alfalfa, balance blue stem meadow and pasture. In the oil district; price. 318.000; will take stock of goods and store building In pay pavment. Box 1128, Kansas City. Mo. fZ M716 11 WILL exchange high-grad- e rlano for typc- - writer. Schmoller A Mueller, 7313 rar-na- Telephone No. 1626. Z M 4R8-0- 3 CLAIRVOYANT OTLMER, pianist, 71S North Twenty-thir- d. Telephone B3246. 8149 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS Everything told. past, present and future; satisfaction or no ray; also a wonderful magnetic healer. 807 North Eighteenth st Bnm nt FLORISTS HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 110 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Send for price list of cut flower and plant. ALFRED DONAGIIUE, JR.. 1607 Farnam. Tel. 83.13. 11 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664 176 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy- sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. .''823. -1- 77 DR. FAR WELL, specialty nervous dlsesse. 604 Paxton. 178 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Atfy., 437 Paxton. Tel A26S9. -1- 08 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg.. room 804 and 819 Tel. 1562. 104 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN 8ANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 100 FAC SIMILE letter, envelope addressed. Boyles College. 101 im LOST LOST, Thursday morning on 16th st, 'be- tween Ohio and Corby, roll of bills and check. Liberal reward If returned to Re- - publlc Oil Co. Lost M6S3 10 POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mall for the week ending Sep- tember 10, 1904, will close (promptly ln all cases) at the general postomce as follows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. September 6th and 12th. Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign station (corner of West and Morton streets) half hour later than clos- ing time shown below (exoept that supple. mentsT malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at f oreign station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY (10th) At 2:30 a. m. for LIV- ERPOOL, SCOTLAND and IRELAND, per s. s. Lucanla, via Queenstown and Liverpool (mall for other parts of Eu- rope must be directed "per s. s. Luc- anla"); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cher- bourg; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM di- rect, per s. s. Zeelanr, (mall must be di- rected "per . Ze!r.S"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Hohenzollern (mail must be directed "per s. s. Hohcn-r.ollern"- ); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Furnessla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Funessla"). NOTICE Five cents per half ounce In addition to the regular postage must be prepaid on all letters forwarded by the supplementary malls, and letters deposit- ed in the drops marked "Letters for for- eign countries," after the closing of the regular mall for despatch by a particular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such additional postage is fully . prepaid thereon ty stanipa. Supplementary Trans- atlantic malls are also opened on the piers of tb AMERICAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sall-In- es occur at 9:00 a. m. or later; and late mail may be deposited ln the mall boxes on the piers of the GERMAN LINE8 sailing from Hoboken. The mailt on the nlers onen one hour and a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time, imiy regular postage (let. ters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the Piers of the Ameri- can. White Star and German (Sen Post) steamers; double postage (letters 10 cents a nan. ounce) on other lines. Halls for South and Central America, Weat Indies, Ete. SATURDAY (10th) At 3:30 a. m. for BRA ZlL. Der s. s. Syracusa. via Pernam buco, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mail for Northern Brasil, Argentine, Uruguay and jraraguay must De directed per s. a Syracusa"): at 8 o. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per . s. Rosalind; at 8 a. na. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9r30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. . Maracalbo (mall for Colombia, via Cura- cao, must be directed "per s. m. Mara- calbo"); at 9 . m. for PORTO RICO, per a. s. Ponce, via Ban Juan; at 9:36 a. m. (supplementary at 10:30 a. m.) FOR- TUNE Island, Jamaica and except Magdalena Dep't, pet a. s. Siberia (mall lor Costa Rica must be directed "per m. s. S- iberia"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUI- ANA, per s. a. Fontabelle (mall for Gre- nada and Trinidad must be directed "pei s. s. Fontabelle"); at 10 a, m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 12 m for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PAR- AGUAY, per a. . Afghan Prince. Mall Forwarded Overland, Etc, Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, cloae at this office dally, except Thursday, at 16:30 a. m. (the connecting malls clost here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdavs). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, cloan at this ofllce dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. ard 10:30 p. m.. Bunduys al 1:00 r. m. and 10:30 r. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-pos- t Malls) By rail to World Bydney,. ana., thence by steamer, close at this offict dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urdav). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, snd thenca by steamer, close at this office at 6:36 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, close at mi eincs uauy at n. m BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East Coast) and uUATfcMAUA uy ran to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sun- day, ot 1:80 p. m. and 110:30 p. m.. Sun days at 11:00 p. m. and 1 10:30 p. m. (con- necting mall closes her Mondays at 10:30 p. m.). COSTA RICA By rail to New, Orleans. snd tnenc Dy steamer, close at mis office dally, except Bunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sundas at 1:00 p. m. and 10:W p. m. (connecting mall close horm Tueadava at 110:311 D. m l. NICARAGUA (East Coaat) By rail to New Orleans, ana tnenc iy steamer, close at this office dally, except Bun-da- y, at 11:30 D. m. snd 110:30 p.' m.. Bun- - days st 1:U0 p. m. and ,10:3" p m. (con- necting mull close here Thursday al 110 80 p. in.). IRfcyilHTKKliD MAIL close at 0:00 p. ra. previous day. Traaapaclg Malls, Forwarded Over- land Pally. Th schedule of closing of Transpacific anail i arran(od, eo th prMuinplioa of POSTOFFICE NOTICE their uninterrupted overland transit to port" 4 of sailing The final connecting mails (ex- - cept registered Transpacific malls, which close 6 p. m., previous day) close at the gem-ra- l postofflce. New York, as follows: NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA. HA- WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran- cisco, close at 6M p. m., September 8, for despatch per a. a. Sierra. (If the Cu-na- steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand dors not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing nt 6:30 a. m , 9:30 a. m. and 6:80 p. m. ; Sunday at 4.30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:80 p. m. will be made up and for- warded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m., Sep- tember 8, for despatch per s. s. Marl- - J I ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except West), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van-couv- and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 30 p. m., September 10, for. despatch per s. a. Manuka. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at 6:38 p m., September 12, for despatch per s. s, Alameda. HAWAII. JAPAN. CORBA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran-t-isc- close at 6:30 p. m., September 16, for despatch per s. a. Coreo. JAPAN, CORE A. CHINA and PHILIP- PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 6:3) m., September 16, for despatch per . s. r. Iyades. JAPAN (except parcels-po- et malls), CO-RE- CHINA, and specially adrtreased mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6:30 p. m., September 20, for despatch per s. s. Empress of India. JAPAN, COREA, CHINA, and specially addressed mall for PHILIPPINE IS- LANDS, via Tacoma, cloae at 6:30 p. m., September 23, for despatch per a a Machaon. HAWAII. JAPAN, COREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Han Fran- cisco, close at 6:30 p. m., September 26, for despatch per s. . Gallic. V I'll, rr XTrt A 1TTT, ITT, .....I liI.iT Ui:.fl l.llll'. ai . rfmn iriirii, West), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, V HAWAII, and FIJI ISLANDS, via Son Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m., September 24. for despatch per s. s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the Hrltlsh mnll for New Eeaisnd does not arrive ln time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 8:30 a. m , and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival ot th Cunard steamer.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m., Sep- tember 26, for despatch per U. S. trans- - MANCHURIA AND EASTERN SIRKRIA at present forwarded via Russia, Instead of via Japan, the usual route. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Franclaco. and certain places ln the Chinese provinces of Yun- nan, Kuelchow, Ssechwan and Kwangsl, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Europe," must be fully prepsld at the foreign rates. Hawaii la forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolflc, New YorX.N. Y., September 2, 1904. ........ O. M. E Tel. 611 . , MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. 1618 Farnam Street WILL GET YOUR BAGGAGE THERE ON TIME. M761 RAILWAY TIME CARD VNIOK STATION TEXTS AfcD MARCY. Chicago, Rock Islaasl at Pacific, BAST. Cale Psyttist UstlUa ...... .a I M mm tBMIV imrmM WW ....... '. WW ,.JfS CaicMO RxprvM .....bl8:ri pa at:!Spt IIm HaItim Eianh .& 4 :M Dm fell 'M aim Cklcase Eapnt .64tsi i1m WBST. Kaekr MoasUls Limits as, 8:8 tm Uncoln. Colorado unip, vmw tot. Petal aaa west a l:Ma tM rm Cblcaso Great West era. M. Hlnsospolls UalUe.. I tOpst :ll.a t Paul Minooapells Sitrsas.a t:llw a 1:1 pa Cbleass Limit 4:MpBi Ht H mm Calcase gxpross 4 am a 4:04 pis chlcaaa A Nertaweatcra. tut Cklcaso I.... ...a l:M pat i,f:Ma Local Ckloss. ....ll. tm uii ; (. Usrllfiit Psal ......a sw DtyUsht Chloss a f '.it am U: pas Limits Chlca P" ! Local Carroll a 4: pa t:Mtis Fast fk. rsci ai Upea Locsl ious CM Bt Paai....b :M itm a rut Mall a i mm al pa Plorfoi a UosestMl ....a 1:01 aa, ju ta LiaenlB a Lod Pin ...,... I'M mm : sa n - m ..Ih. . .......a s :u Oak mmpmr w i 1 liuttnss-Alblo- a .. .,..,,. mmmm mm llaloa Pacific. Tb OTsrlan4 Limits 6:4 sa !!, Colorado A Calif oral asanas... a 4:14 pa :tas) Chlcsso-PoU- s pslal a ! Barurn Bxpnss '".. f f :M psj Columbus Local S 0 :ow pm ;tts. Colorado Bpoclsl ............ f :4oai Cblcsco fpll a4:tm kutrtet Local .:J." i'1 ?2 rust Mail M,.MHti imis iJIs M l.aonrl PaalAO St. LouU laproai al l :41am a fcUnau Cltrt. Louis Bapross. .ail :U pa a T 0 ps) World Pair postal .a 6:1 am mm Watkash. St. Louis Cannon Ball Bxp i..s t:M pm a t aa bow World's yolr ..a l ilu a Leoal tram Couaoll Blag.. ..a :iam a :Ma Illinois Central. fhlssM ............ 1:40 am MI Hpo . vaiomao usii- -i - -- . a t Paul Bapns. . T ft am ktii:W pm Slsaospella 8t Paul Limited.. 7 0 pm a m.m , . , .i . .r Hiiwauao mx at. . i Cklcue llibt Eiprsas a1:Mum all :0 mm CalUsrnla-Uraao- a fcipra a ; Inm ta pm Ijaajfisaoi in ssui IMS MauM ukoboii litrm.. ,a)4um I.Wva BVBU80T08 gTATION lOTH A MASO.l uawaaaw t tklcat.0, BarUagtoa talay, bmmim. ArrtTO, Cklcaao apertal t.i am I M pa t'kicuo Vestibule lull 4:0 pm a T:W aa iuir Local .laa aUid pm tblcaiv Ltouio , " yast Mall 8:41 a Uarlluatoa dk lfJUaaara aiver. Wraoro, itoatrios A Uaaels a am klt:W pa Mabraaku sapros a am a f.u pa Uouvor Llmiw ,....a:ipm s 4laia Black ullls A Pusst souad 8U..aUiMpm a t.iu pa toiwaiiii Vuouiod lya . pa Uucolu rt Mat t'i ! Vort Crook a ruuameuta . 3.M pm aa swiwtus m Puiao Juuoii-- a a I.M pa a IM mm koilovuo A PuOiSO JuueUua, ....,. am BoUoom aa risusmouta eUil am aiMM City, 4on ConaelJ BlaC. cu Dap Bxpfus .- - a m a : m i Laiuia riiror Pm all: mm luaau Clur Mlaat tunas.. '..altl.t, m a . am wEDITEH Dlit'Or iTH A WEBITGH. UUaoarl PaolBa, aWwra Airlfa Local, via WsopUg Wsur k 4:1 pa U:Mm Chleago, St. ravL MlaaaapoU a) Omikii tela City PaaBor 8 J:J am k :IJ pm lloul Clt Paaoousor v? " OakUad Local 8:4 pa k:laa Dally, k Pally oseoel doy. 4 Pamy mi sturday. UaiLr suopl Uoatms. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Scandinavian-America- n Line Part Twia-Sero- rMsr Stoamor Dlroct t Norway, Swidin and Dinmark. Qlreet Ooasoctloa i! With Ruiila and Germany. A. E. Joknsen A Ca 1 Bioadaaj, M Yark. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE AND CAUTION. The lust debts of Guy A ndrws con-trad- hafnr Annul 30. 1904. Will, being duly certified and presented within reason able time, ne paid ny me. v " are, however, warned agalnat truatlng or i.nin ..iri rinu tniinwa on my account or cashing checks bearing his name, bs- - jause, save as aoove, i any Indebtedness by XsvnKWU, Lincoln. Neb., Bept. 7. IM. eptrlwqtm When You Write to Advertisers rinmbr it only take a extra trok I two of th pen to tioa th foci that rmt aw.tu 4 ta Tat Ua tt V 3

Transcript of The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, NE) 1904-09-10 [p 10]. · A good drug clerk for city. Yountr man, good...

Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, NE) 1904-09-10 [p 10]. · A good drug clerk for city. Yountr man, good penman. This is only partial Hat. Call or write ror complete imt or vacancies.


! t






will a takaa til IB for aarvaaUf edition aaa aatll 8 a. as. (ofth merilif aaa r adltlaa.

Rates, t !-- a ward ni Insertion,la a war thereafter. Wthlnr takeafar leee tana M far ha ret laeer.tloa. Tkeae adrertlsaa-OB- t sans keran eeetlrlr.Advertisers, kr reaaaetln a .tiered check, eaa aaewerk ad-

dressed fa a aanikarea letter la aareaf The Bee. Aiiwm aa addressedtrill ta dellverad aa areeaatatlaa afcheek:.


Day School Night School

BOYLES SCHOOLEater Now Catalog Free

H. B. BOYLES, President,. New York Life Omaha.

CUT-RAT- E TICKETS verjrwher. P. H.

fhilbin, loOt iVnm and opp. Union sta-

tion. Tel. 784 and I618. B 8.8



EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, acpommodA- -

Un; all buelneaa confidential. 1A "',Y Garbage Co., O .

18th. Tel. 1779. 8J

EXPRESSMEN'S DeUvery Co.. moving endstorage. Hi N. 16th. Tel. 1185.


SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1802,

H. W. M'VKA. Plumber, 1124 N. 2fth. Tel.1747. R 9S6

STANDARD FILTERS Huber. Tel. SM2.1301 Farnam. . R 8S8

STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRSTel. 960. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. WW,



at R M767 S10

MODELS and experimental machinerybuilt,, patented article and- noveltiesma do for Inventors and others; modelmakers' supplies, tools, castings, rears,etc. Write for terms. AIL R. Gardner,Atlantic la. R M766 S10

P. MHLCHOIR, machine work. 13th andHoward. R 991


Why crr your soiled linen? Our wagonsca.I and deliver same. Bills collectedmonthly. R M148 816

The Omaha Waiehouee Co., 609 Jones;'phone 1366; radse, storage and forwardlrig.

R 193

HELIN ft CO.. TAILORS, 817 S. 15th.B M223 630




- R M65S 14

OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3846. JohnMorrlsaey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3814.

R M650

BUSINESS CHANCESDRUG stores bought and sold, every state;

special plan. F. V. Knleet R. P.. 701 N.Y. L. bUlg. ..- - , Y-- ssa

AB BCtT-C- O WaN bO.,' 1st Nat. Bk.' bldg.,can get you In or out of business Y 993

SHOLES-ARMSTRON- G CO., 722 N. T. Life.Tel. 49 ' Y 994

WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchangeproperty or business quick, see J. U.Jour 648 N. T. Life. 'Phone L2270.

Y. 896

TO get In or out of business, or If you wantto ouy or sell real estate see Omaha RealEstate and Business Chance Agenoy, 406N. Y. Life bldg. Y 896



Y-- 997

$10 REWARD If you can show me a goodlocation for a doctor. Address A. Lang-ma- n,

Fremont, Neb. Y M723 llxFOR SALE County lights for patent Au-

tomatic Stick Pump; great seller for paf- -, ent right men; exceptional terms. James

Doughty. Sioux City. Ia. Y 730 lOx


2 EXPRESS WAGONS and 1 top wagon, al-most new; will sell cheap. Johnson asDanforUv s.w. cor. 10th and Jones sts.

. - v. ., P 668

15 NEW UTILITY WAGONS below cost,1 axles and wheels, t--ft body, buggytop on seat. Snap, 138.00 each. Drum-mon- d,

18th and Harney. P M778

IF YOUR WAGON needs fixing take it tor Frost, tie fixes. 14th and Leavun worth.:,,. .. P-- 176

FOR SALE Horses tor city driving or de-livery. Your livery trade solicited In

. cither buggy or carriage work. Mel-choi-

Livery Barn. P M260

TWO-SEATE- D extension top carriage, al-most new; pice size for one horse; willsell chtan. See B. F. Winn, 14 Far.nam st . P M539 lo

WORK HORSE) for sale cheap. 369 Boule-vard ave. south. P M706 llx

Al FAMILY HORSE! 1318 Fa mam.' P 71 10

MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATEFARM and city loans: low rates. W. H.

Thomas, First Nat'l Bank bldg. Tel. 164.... W 143

PRIVATE) money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas.- w-- iia

WANTED City loana and warrants. W.Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Fornam at


ACONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co.W-- 14S

PER CENT loana. Garvin Bros., 1604r amam. w 148

LOWEST rates. Bemls. Paxton block.W-- 147

MONEY to loan on real estate at I and 6Vper ocm nr. x. snoisju, tva fiamae oiag,

- W 148


8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 82J N. Y.I 'feP'H'f hlet frloe for books. Tel.'- N-- 114

HIGHEeTT prices Bold for furnished fiats., a JK, tie, r , N lieWANTED 100 cars of bones; also buy

scrap Iron. tlnfolL rubber, copper, brassand all kinds of junk; can aW furnishsan weigms, any amount. Bamuel M

, iter, law uaiaua, auu -- Hy, Ma.ywnit nie. , mtw Blux

:ASK for your horses. Melchtor's Liveryliurn ' 4 XT V, m ,


PRINTPDO Crounse Hlock, Corner ofv,-1-M

KRAMER CHANDLER. OUICIfPKINTERS. 1108 Farnam. To deliver'wra wnea promuea is our noooy. Uil

. PRINTING Not how cheap, but how aoodIs our motto. Oreat Western Printing

' u . I a: a rnan, aai. ivi . I A

T u CTTID, Waa I . bl. ...... ..Vlistied 13 years. U SoulA Thirteenth

. et., Omaha. '


FALL TERM NOW OPEN.Omaha Commercials College,

17th and Douglas Sts.,New classes in au aeyartments. stest timeto bKn nigui echou oeiteuer bvltor free catalogue. Address.

KOHitfeouOrt BAuS., Omaha, Neb.B ft

WANTED FOR U. S. ARMr-'Able-b- od ledunmartied men between ages of il oclUsens of United States, of good cuarac-te- r

and temperate nablts, who and wrue English. For lnfurmaiioaspply to Reorulting OBicer, 13th anaDouglss sts.. Omaha, . Lincoln, Neb., orSioux City, la. liMtn

DRUO empldVei, mansgers, salesmen, ate.,for any stste F. V. Knleet, R. P. .01

N. Y. Wdg. B 876

SALESMEN who are selling groceries toranchers to handle our goods. AddressChicago Grocery Co.. Ban J

WANTED Boy with horse to deliver TheMorning Bee. Call at circulation DeptBee office, 3 p. m. B M184X

MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail- -. m . nnJlMlI UKU 1 til Umil UU 1 IHllUlo vyou of this being the BEST and only re-

liable, most practical barber college inthe United States. Write for cataloguetoday. Western . Barber's Institute,Omaha, Neb. 267

WANTED-- A good Barber. Northside Barber Shop, Sutton, IMeo. tt oui u.

WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C.F. Adams Co., 161ft Howard St B 667

WANTED A good barber. North SideBarber Shop. Sutton, web. ow in

WANTED At Panama canal, buildlnetmH,f aU 1 ort nrlim,n rrutk, waiters.

, etc.; expenses paid; Inclose stamp. Ad- -aress A 11, ea amoi u.

WRITE, telephone or call. Wanted 100drug clerks of all descriptions; positionsfurnished at once; positions now open;rood wanes. F. V. Knleet, R- - P.. 701 N.Y. U Bldg. B M647 11

WANTED First-clas- s gents' furnishinggoods salesman; none Dtu tnose wnn yoursof experience need apply. J. L. BrandelsA Sons. Boston Store. B--664 10

WANTED, young man stenographer In lawrillU C. AUUnni X0& ovi, mi nana v.n,Neb. B M680 11

BRICKLAYERS wanted at governmentcorral, Twenty-secon- d and HlcKory. i.P. Keefe, contractor. ' B 708 11

WE are the only people open. Saturdayarternoon, we nave fi actual vacancies.If you are not entirely satisfied call andsee if we can't obtain a better position.

We must have a gent's furnishing sales-man QUICKLY. ,

Stenographer for law office.A good drug clerk for city.Yountr man, good penman.This is only partial Hat.Call or write ror complete imt or vacancies.

WESTErUS km . At Hunu Ada in,840-8- N. Y. Life, Omaha.

B 704 I

WANTED Immediately, driver for laundry wagon; must rurnlnn rereronce. in- -

We prepare you quickly as Illustrator, cartoonist, lawyer, pnarmacisi, stenngrspner.bookkeeper, journalist, ad writer corre-spondence man, banker. Write for freebook, "Profits of Knowing How" tellseverything. National CorrespondenceSchools, 82 When., Indianapolis, U. 8. A.


WANTED Young man to become a correspondence clerk, will quaury you in youroivn home. BleT s&Jary. Address E. C,this office. B

WANTED Good barber; must be first-cla- ss

in every respect: 314 per ween. Addressat once, Ernest M. Day, Creston, Ia.

B M708 13

WANTED Twenty laborers at Auditoriumbuilding, 15tn ana tiowara. noeonngConstruction company. B M707 lOx

WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; todistribute circulars, aov. rrt.ncr, isigns, etc no canvassing. National Adv.Bureau. Chicago. B M7Z1 Ux

flO PERMANENT salary to energetic men:we eu property everywnere. winnerMarple, Sioux City, Ia. B M718 lOx

WANTED gereral first-olas- s eolallst

325 to 840 weekly; permanent employment;samples free. Columbia Phonoeranh Co.,16a Farnam. B M724 11

a noon pohtttonIs a'wavs open for a competent man. HI

dimcuity is to nno ii. we nave owiraiofor Mcti grade men of all canactttesexecutive, technical and clerical naylnfrom 81.800 to 810,000 a year. Write forplan and booklet Offices In twelve citiesHAPGOODS (Incorporated), 916 Chemicalbuilding. St Louts. B


WANTED Girl for general housework;small lamuy; gooa wages, buuv Marcy.

80 GIRLS; Canadian office, 16th and Dodge.c 103

WANTED At 8172 Dodge St., a girt forgeneral housework. Highest wagea paid.

C--668 llxO. K. American-Germa- n employment office.

Oldest, moat reliable In Omaha. lf24Dodge. C M380 06

WANTED A girl for general housework.24ii tapitoi ave. c Mas 10

WANTED Three) or four good girls at D.B. Smith Ext. & .spice Co., 803 n. loth st

' C M644 Ux

WANTED A working housekeeper for afamily ,or seven; tnree children; good sal-ary: rood home.

Also an experienced teacher at good salary!location, 8. L. ; Dotn persons can nie onhomesteads nearby. Address A 21. Bee.

1 699 U

WANTED Experienced hands In cloak department alteration room. Apply Mgr.Cloak Dept, J. L. Brandels A .Hon.

C M718 11

WANTED Young lady with taste for artto learn hook and msgaslne Illustrating.' Address B. C, this office. C

WANTED Two glrles to wait on table;one lady for pastry oook; one lady forpantry' work. Apply at Dellone Hotel.

CM712 10

WANTED Experienced laundry girls.Hlrtchev Laundry, 409 North Twentv-flft- h,

South Omaha, C 706 11

WANTED SITUATIONSSITUATION by a successful traveling

salesman, either aa city salesman for anOmaha wholesale house or position of ahigh grade; experienced In dry goods, no-tions, or can sell any specialty; owing todomestic affairs, must leave the road. A8. Bee. A MSii 11

YOUNG MAN desires place to work forboard while going to school; experienced.Boyle's Q"llege. 3684. A 963

SALESMENSALESMAN with established drug trade tohandle side line In Omaha: light samples;good commission. 20 E. 8th st., Cincln- -- "at'. O - M723 llx

FOR RENT STORES 4 OFFICESIF A GOOD light Is needed, we can show' """' ouice on me nttn noor

I?t"Jf'"Laldoro2H.' l moderate priceKr Co., ground floorBee building. J a

A 110 office in the Bee building carries withIt all of ths conveniences and advan-tages In the way of heat, light. Janitorservice, all night and all day and Sundayelevator service. A 310 ofllce Is now va-cant CaiiV i once. It C. Peters & Co.,ground floor Boa building. I 4U8

and basement brick building, 1003Faruam, 22xlu0, hydraulic elevator, suit-able fur wholesale or manufacturing litFirst Nat Bank building. 1130

FOR RENT Two-stor-y and basement brickbuilding, south side of Id St., betweenHastings and Denver avea. ; central loca-tion fur any line of business. Write .un-dersigned for further Information. A. HCramer, Agent, Hastings, Neb.

I-- 11

TO LET September 1, AneV commodious of-fice room with large vault and fixtures,suitable for banking. Insurance, railroador head office of any large concern; for-merly occupied by McCuRue Savings banktnd Bankers' Reserve Life Insurance Cubuilding, Fifteenth end Dodge.Apply W. Fanuua Biuilh Co., 1 Fsrn.mat 1-- UU

If yon have a second-han- d store, some fufnitnre, books or anything you Vould like toturn into money put a small add intheBec'ff FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS Column, itwill do the business. . -


v ihdniakoo tiiav TYrux r


ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicagoiu lue

DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and FarnamE lut

tX.ti PER WEEK. Doran house. 422 S. istb,E 107

VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms,ladles' cafe, private dining r.j open nlshta.


Midland Hotel, 16th Chicago; reasonable.110

t ROOMS; housekeeping. 1112 8. llth.B iVllBj

ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 116 N.26th. E 287 Ux

TWO front rooms, elegantly furnished;large modern stone house. Phone 4,

Z4Z3 K MM VSOUTH front alcove room. S680 Harney

treet - E M671 12x

LARGE front parlor,, alcove, modern detached house, lawn, shade, pnone. ota r.20th. E M684 11X

NICELY furnished room, modern: ratesreasonable. 1809 Chicago. E M686 llx

LARGE, pleasant rooms; modern detachedhouse; lawn; first-cla- ss board; convenientto city. 1818 Capitol ave. E M687 llx

NICELY furnished single room, corner flat;cveryining nwraeni rauuimuio.fornia. E 391 13x

SOUTH front parlor; modern. 2024 StMnrl ave.

NICELY furnished front room, all modernconveniences. 621 S. 18th. E

EAST-fro- nt rooms; newly erected, modernbrick house. 642 8. 24th. E-- 062 11



F 111

THURSTON HOTEL; cool, outside rooms,1.60 to 4.o per weea; ooaru, e.w.

F 11

Midland Hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable.K 11,

VICINITY of High school, modern southfront rooms. Including board, 85 per week.2406 Cass. 'Phone A2693. F-- 607

WANTEI-Roomma- te, by a young man of21 years of age: must be young, well-ap- -'

pearlng and respectable; house is strictly' first-cla- ss in every respect; board good

and room large and well furnished; rates12a per month. Address Y 29. Beet F 960

DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot andoold water In rooms: also large closets;board; rates reasonable. 618 S. 19th.'


DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot andcold water in rooms; also large closets,board; rates reasonable. 618 8. 19 th.

v F M660-1- 1

NICE front bedroom; gentleman pre-ferred. 1911 Blnney. 'Phone S2G20.

F 452 10

STRICTLY lst-cla- ss board, very reasonable, at 710 B. lMtft. n

THE ROSE, 2020 Harney Handsomely fur-nished rooms, suitable for two; goodboard; rates reasonable. F M686 15x

NICELY furnished room, lst-cla- ss tableboard: modern nouse tnrougnoui. ivnCalifornia. F-- 392 13x

NICELY furnished rooms, good board;convenient for lunch; reasonable. Ill S.17th. F 398 14x

NICELY furnlahed front room; good board.2310 Douglas. F 348 lSx

WELL furnished light, airy rodms, all modern conveniences, at isi Lniumu.F 389 13x

NICELY furnished rooms, lst-cla- ss tableboard; all modern conveniences, at 2323Harney. F 390 14x

FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, withor without board. 606 S. 21st ave.


UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT8210 CABS ST. Two south rooms, partly

furnished, suitable for light housekeeping.G 698

THREE or four desirable unfurnishedrooms. 2212 N. 19th (Boulevard).

G M682 llxTWO large rooms, south front, 1H blocks

from car line; modern. 2412 Cass.. . G-6-

L :


$1.00.Has there not been times when Itwould have been worth more than100 cents to youT It Is our busi-ness to supply you with moneywhen you need It and allow youto return It In small weekly ormonthly payments, as may bestsuit your convenience.We loan on Furniture, Pianos,Live Stock and other chattels,and we make salary loans. Ourterms are aa good as any andbetter than many. We are theoldest concern in our line Jri" thecity, with consistentdealings to recommend us.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.,US Board Trade Bldg. Tel. 2196.(Established 1892.) 306 S. 16th St.

X-- 121

MEN HOLDING- - BEST POSITIONSsometimes need money. We can supplythe need without publicity and at the low-e- at

rate, and the loan can be repaid bysmall weekly, semi-weak- ly or monthly pay-ments. We loan on furniture, pianos, etc.,without removal; also on salary by givingus your personal note. Honesty Is thechief requirement, and you will receive afair and square oeal. Don't borrow untilyou see us. Open Tuesday and Saturdayevunlugs until a p. m.


3 P .C. YEARFROM 3100 to 8i,ow loans on your personal

note at 8 Ph-- CUM' i'iJ.K 1'EaK. AUgood loans wanted.- Call or write and gelmy system. W. L. hUistmsn Co., Ii06Farnam, Omaha. X134

LOANS made on all kinds of chattel security, also, on sAiiAiu,B.

Low Rates. Kasy Terms. . .

Quick and Confidential Service.Call on us If In need of MONEY.

PHOENIX CREDIT CO.,38 Paxton Block.

. , X-- 141

MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEand others, without security; easy pay-ments; largee business In 49 principalcities. Tolinan, room 714 N. Y. Life.

. X 138

MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew-elr- y,

horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 S.13th. X 138


X-- 131

BEE FULLER, 426 Paxton block, for loanson watches, diamonds and Jewelry 140

CHATTEL, salarv and jewelry loans. FoleyLoan Co, 1604 Farnam st X 136

SALARY and collateral loana Templeton.112 Bee bldg. Tel. j4. X137







$1860.008C6 N. 26th st, t rooms, gas, city water, In

good condition; line yard, lot xi-- leet;abundance ot iruit and snade trees; alsobarn; terms, van) casn, balance (la permonth.

UWRGli CO., 16ul Farnam St.RE Mt48 11

CLOSE IN. .Modern, reiloenct; paved street;

choice location; best tiling ou the maraeiat the pnee 4,0uu.

W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO.,lii-- v Farnm au-et- t RJfi uS

NORTH OMAHA BAROA1NS.brick cutis ge, sioie building and

cottage attaciieo, lut VixiU, on oar Hue;lenta m, half caaa. Apply toowner, ul t. Y. Lite Ki M447

FOR SALE A, One, modern residence prop-erty, newly built In small but growingIowa town on c. sit is. W. R. it.; a splen-did opening for physician and drug store;price Is low; write to owner. J. M. Ben-nett, Atkinson, Neb. Rifi Mdli

FOR SALE One not of 31,800, due In oneyear, secured by first mortgage on goodImproved Omaha property, ocarina 6 percent interest, payaDle semi-annuall- y; alsoone note for tl,6u0, due on or before threeyears, interest at 6 per cent, payablesemi-annuall- secured by first mortgageon good property. Both are absolutelysafe and given by respectable parlies.Address the owner, S 26, Bee office.

RE-M- 46S .

BARGAIN to home purchasers. If you meanbusiness. Call 436 Board of Trade.

RE 597 S24

CSAS Williamson Co..u tBFfJr1- -

RE 119

Ulus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co.' RE 120

81.000 WILL BUY neat cottage and goodlot on Blnney st. ; easy terms. ThomasBrennah, Room 1, N. Y. Life Building


TWO brand new cottages, modern exceptfurnace; one 31. mo and the other 82,450.

SHIMER A CHASE.Builders of Modern Houses.

t RE M61

I HAVE eleven modern houses In WestFarnam district, which I offer for sale ata great discount from former prices; untiltwo of these houses are taken, these willgo below cost; f buy property, materialand labor cheaper than you can; I will

I sell It 20 per cent cheaper than you canbuy or build; come early. If you want abargain. Ed, aamilton, 211 8. 17th st.RE M717 13


-- SELL A FARM?If you want to eU a farm, or ranch tell

the farmers and stock raisers about It Thbest way to reach them Is through


, FARMERThis agricultural, .weekly goes to 60,000

homes of farmer and, stock, raisers, so Ityou have a good piece of land to sell at areasonable price' you will find a buyeramong them. The' best of an advertisementIs small 2 c - per, word in smoU type or

per ince u ot. IB large type,

ROR RiN-T-HOUSESPJYNE-BOSTlUSiK-- CO., choice houses.

601-6- New V6rs?Jfe Bids. 'Phone 1016... . . uiu

UMI all parts of the city. ThetHJUOCa-b- , 5, Davis Co.. 808 Bee bldg.' V 12Z

THE Omaha Von and Storage Co. pack,move ip 1 store H. H. goods. Storehouse,1120-2- 4 V. 19th. ' Office, 1511V Farnam.Tel. 1568. - D 123

Un ln varf of the city. K. C.nUUOCO Peter & Co.. Be Building.D 126

RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near Pa,c;'llc, 10 rooms, attic, basement; modern;east front; fine grounds, 66x140; trees.Apply 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. D 126

SEE CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming.D-- 127

FOR RENT end ready for occupanoy,and hall detached house, 2701 Dodge

street, near High school, 840. Every-thing new and In this house.Call for key at 2906 Dodge St., or tele-phone A2124. D M311

HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barkeroia. jj iza

(30 N. 24th St. rooms. Porcelain bath,toilet, furnace, gas. Newly pointed andpapered. Tenant pays water. 130.

802 S. 29th St 7 rooms first floor. - Modernexcept furnace. 827.60. 7 roonis secondfloor. Modern except furnace. 826.00.

2909 Leavenworth cottage. Porce-lain bath, toilet, wash bowl, gas. cellar.Newly painted and papered. Tenant paywater. 826.

2911 Leavenworth 4 rooms above store.Newly painted and papered. Porcelainbath, toilet, gas. Front and back stairs.Tenant pays water. 320.

2676 Capitol Ave. rooms. Modern. Barn.Tenant pays water. $25. ,

1037 8. 2uth St. nouse. Newlypainted and papered. City water Inkitchen. 326.

2203 Pierce St. house. Bath, toilet,city water, gas. 120.

26th snd Davenport When finished, I finemodern bricks. See plans at office.

2626 Emmet St. 8 rooms. City water.Large yard. 12 60.

8817 N. 19th St (rear) 4 rooms. Well wa-ter. 6.

2609 S. 2oth Ave. cottage. City wa-ter. 315.


2611 S. 2oth Av. -- room cottage. City wa-ter. 31S- -



WE VOVB pianos. Maggard Van A Stor-age Co. Tel. 1469. Office 1712 Webster st

D '34

TO LET Furnished, modern house,near high school.

house, new and strictly modern,nice lawn and f!ne location. '

W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.,1320 Farnam street. D tO

FOR RENT Nice, modern house.41st and Dodge sts. The O. F. DanielsCo., 608 Bee Bldg. D M588 10

modern ho. II" N. 81st st .836.00'modern brick residence, 1144 8.

3d St.; vacant October 1 80.00modern house, 704 S. 86th st 16.00

house; city water; 1162 N.16th st 14.00

THOMAS BRENNAN..Room L S. Y. Life Bldg.

613 13

TO R E NT house, all modern : lateststyle furnace; porcelain bath, marble lav-atory, etc.; screens, storm doors and win-dows, 826. Another, same as above exceptfurnace. $24; three squares from Hanscompark. J. C. Selden, 407 S. 10th.


Nicely; furnished house for rent to rlrhtparties until April, 1906. Apply 1134 thave. D M646 14

680 S. 28th St., 8 rm ; all modern; ele-gant 837.60

4019 Hamilton st, 7 rms., all modern,good repair '. 26.00These are all elegnpt places.

v KENNAHD 4V LOWER,0 Brown Blk.

643 11

FOR RENT rooms. 2619 N. 15th.D 621 20x

FOR SALE OR RENT, modernhouse and barn. Iocs ted near high school.If. 9 Chicago: rent $F0 per month. Inquireof W. H. Griffith. 417 N. 26th st.

D M70011X

132.60 Fntlrely new house, all mod-ern. Twvnty-eevent- b and Douglas.

812 60 cottar, city water, large lot.Twenty-firs- t and Valley.

O. Q. WALLACE; brown bixmtcD 701 U

PERSONALDR. ROY. Chiropody R. 2 St 3. 1504 Farnam.

r u IN

DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack. 617 KarbachDIOCK. Tel. A iKiZ. uun

VIAHNPTIP treatment A baths. Mine.I Binith, 118 N. 16. 8 fl. R- - 1



TRUSSES made and fitted to men, womenana cnnoren. 140S Farnam St.


"VIA VI." way to health. 850 Bee Bldg.U 168

TUB. vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th.U M

INFORMATION wanted of A. J. O'Brien;last seen in Dubuque, la., 12 years ago, byhis sister, M. O'Brien, who lives now 108West st. West Hoboken, N. J. Cousinuna luu-dimo- (MacMullen by marriage).

U-4-J34 9x

DON'T fool with your eves: be careful whoexamines them; wt test eyes free forglasses ana guarantee satisfaction.

THE H: J. PEN FOLD CO..Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam.

U-- 100



200 DOUuLAS BLK, XKL. 1936.U 44

GENTLEMAN (36), secretary In manufac-turing concern, wishes to lorm acquaint-ance of young lady or widow in good cir-cumstances; object, matrimony. Addressa id, uee. u jp vx

FRANKLIN Tailoring System '.aught1764Vi Leavenworth. U-- 446 b!3

STUDY ART-LEA- RN TO DRjLW JoinMr. Case class. Studio 301 Boyd a theater

u WHIi--

IMPORTANT Why pay more? Guaran-teed spectacles fitted, 81. Kendls Opticalwi, eus xx. join. uulojo suu

86 REWARD will be alven to anyone whownr sena on tne address ot a gentlemanma name of John Uillott, wrn) left fcmer.field, in England. 25 years alio, as a reht'tive of hia who is visiting ln this countrywould like to see him, Whose name isSamuel Ward of Ashton Under Lyne,Lancashire, England. Present address,Sainuel Ward, care James Morgan, boxWUl 1...... 1 1.. , ' ! ij nH' MV, AUIUBfc mil V1VM U, V. U II 11. U WO 7A.

OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramgn Blk.u-- uu

WE DO exDcrt Dlano movlnsr: lowest rates.. Schmollcr A Mueiler, 1313 Farnam. Tele- -

pnone iia. u sitso-u- il

E. D. KECK, voice teacher.. 1892 Farnamstreet u M582 06x

WIDOWER jC40) wishes to meet Cattfollolady; object, matrimony. Address A 88,nee. vM X

MASONIC Two routes from blue lodge toKhrlne; all the degrees; to any address,two stamps. Masonic Observer, Minneapolis, Minn. u M719 Ux

LARSON ft JOHNSON, cut rate to allpoints 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem-bers American Ticket Brokers' Assn.

U M617


HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re--van. onerman at Mcuonneu, umana, 1st

DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseaseand Irregularities of women, from anycause; experienced and reliable. Address,wit:! stamp, Dr. Pries, tfllfc Dodge st.,Omaha..- - . .i 163.

PRIVATE home during confinement: ba-bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani-tarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la.rei. 14. 5Z6

PRIVATE home during confinement; babiesadoptefl. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th. 8dfloor; tel. 3559. M582 S24


r arnam. y im100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman

McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 165

FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first-cla- ss

standard school in Omana, compris-ing complete course ln business, short-hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee of-fice, i Q 862

TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers;cheap chicken fence. 801 Douglas. Q 166

WE RENTSewing machines, 75c week.

We repair and sell parts .

for every machine manufactured.Second-han- d machine

from ia.OO to 310.00.Nebraska Cycle Co.,

'Phone 1663, Corner 16th and Harney.Q-- 167

FOR SA?,E Solid oak and mahogany-to- p

bank er cashier fixture, ln good condi-tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose-wate- r,

room 100, Bee bldg. Q 624

ELECTRIC nickel in slot. Peerless pianoplayers and Regtna muslo boxes, bigmoney makers, clioap for cash or time.Suhmuller 4k Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel ltij.

Q 16a


Two boilers, 100 horse power, which havebeen used but six years; made of fireboxsteel, triple riveted, butt and strap joints,insurance company permits of pressureof 125 pounds. They are now In use andcan bo seen at boiler house rear of Beebuilding. Can be delivered about August25, Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi.neer, Beo building, Omaha. Q M9u2

COMPLETE line new and furni-ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge.Tel. 2020. 01(3

GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans;bargains In goods ln pawn. 1401 Douglas.

Q 170

FOR BALE Second-han- d Brome. ApplyA. J. Simpson, 1411 Dodge. Q lfl

BAR IRON AND STEEL.Pennsylvania Iron A Steel Co., Jobbers ln

merchant bar Iron and steel, selling verylow. It will pay you to wiito for prices,801 Farnam, Omaha. Q 204 816

FOR SALE Lot of second-han- d fire brick.Inquire Engineer Bee building. Q M314

FOR BALE New and second-han- d billiardand pool tables; bar fixtures of all kinds;easy payments: send for catalogue.Brunswlck-Balke-Collende- r, 407 8. loth Bt,Omaha. Q M562 B23x

POOL TABLES and show cases. 1407 Har-ney st Q M1S7

FOR SALE OR TRADE Gas and electrio'light plant, ln g, county-se- at

town of 3.600 population In Missouri. Ad-dress Y64, care Bee. Q-- 326 9

AUTOMOBILB-ri.SO- O new Shelby, 8 or 4passengers, with top, 8850. H. E. Fred-rlckso- n.

1502 Capitol. 713 09

HOMER PIGEONS There Is a great de-mand for homer squabs snd breeders.Space of ground 72x86 feet storked withhomers will bring returns not less than83.000 per year. Write for free book. Pot-te- rf

A Mason, Hutchinson, Kan.678 tx

2 TO 4 H. P. used gasoline engine: give fulldescription and price. F. L. Dunn, Os-ceola, Neb. Q M68S lOx

FOR SALE Good Holsteln cow, 8 yearsold; gives 12 quart milk rer dav. In- -U in r, Ail, re. iiBi. ii

PATENTSU. J. COWOILL. 430 Paxton blk., Omaha.

PATENTS H. A. Sturgis, registered attor-ney. Patents, trade-mark- s, copyrights.No fee unless eucossful. 617 New YorkLife building, Omaha. Neb. Mloov

SUES A CO., Patent Lawyers: advice free.Three office: Bee building, Omaha, Neb J114 Dearborn st, Chicago, III., and 1(M8 Ft., WMhinatoa, D. C Tel M2



WILL trade rowing machine for type-writer, eb. Cycle Co., 15th and IJrnJv- -

WHAT have you ta exchsnge for a piano?Per.leld Piano Co., 1611 Famm. Tel. 701.

SS 173

IF THERE la nothing In this column youwant, put an ad. in and you will soonget It. Z-- 153

WILL exchange beautiful rtano for driv-ing or draft horse. Schmollcr Mueller,1313 Farnam. Z M487-0- 3

TO EXCHANGE 820 acres northern Mis-souri, clear, well Improved, for Incomelown property; choice brick building,3S.000, rented $500 rer yesr, for merchan-dise; 800 acres southern Iowa, very choicefarm, lightly encumbered, for incometown property or merchandise. Denny,Graef A Bartlett Maxwell, Ia.

Z M677 12x

400 ACRRS In eastern Kansas. IH milesfrom town, good house, fair outbuildings,fine orchard, 100 acre cultivated. 1.15 acrestame grass. IS acres alfalfa, balance bluestem meadow and pasture. In the oildistrict; price. 318.000; will take stock ofgoods and store building In pay pavment.Box 1128, Kansas City. Mo. fZ M716 11

WILL exchange high-grad- e rlano for typc- -writer. Schmoller A Mueller, 7313 rar-na-

Telephone No. 1626. Z M 4R8-0- 3


OTLMER, pianist, 71S North Twenty-thir- d.


LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTSEverything told. past, present and future;satisfaction or no ray; also a wonderfulmagnetic healer. 807 North Eighteenthst Bnm nt


HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 110

L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Send forprice list of cut flower and plant.

ALFRED DONAGIIUE, JR.. 1607 Farnam.Tel. 83.13. 11

OSTEOPATHYJohnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664


MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy-sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. .''823.

-1- 77DR. FAR WELL, specialty nervous dlsesse.

604 Paxton. 178


A26S9. -1-08JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life

bldg.. room 804 and 819 Tel. 1562. 104



FAC SIMILE letter, envelope addressed.Boyles College. 101


LOSTLOST, Thursday morning on 16th st, 'be-

tween Ohio and Corby, roll of bills andcheck. Liberal reward If returned to Re- -publlc Oil Co. Lost M6S3 10

POSTOFFICE NOTICE(Should be read DAILY by all Interested,

as changes may occur at any time.)

Foreign mall for the week ending Sep-tember 10, 1904, will close (promptly ln allcases) at the general postomce as follows:Parcels post malls close one hour earlierthan closing time shown below. Parcelspost malls for Germany close at 6 p. m.September 6th and 12th.

Regular and supplementary mails closeat foreign station (corner of West andMorton streets) half hour later than clos-ing time shown below (exoept that supple.mentsT malls for Europe and CentralAmerica, via Colon, close one hour laterat f oreign station).

Transatlantic Malls.SATURDAY (10th) At 2:30 a. m. for LIV-

ERPOOL, SCOTLAND and IRELAND,per s. s. Lucanla, via Queenstown andLiverpool (mall for other parts of Eu-rope must be directed "per s. s. Luc-anla"); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s.Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cher-bourg; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM di-rect, per s. s. Zeelanr, (mall must be di-

rected "per . Ze!r.S"); at 8:30 a. m.for ITALY direct, per a. s. Hohenzollern(mail must be directed "per s. s. Hohcn-r.ollern"- );

at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLANDdirect, per s. s. Furnessla (mall must bedirected "per s. s. Funessla").

NOTICE Five cents per half ounce Inaddition to the regular postage must beprepaid on all letters forwarded by thesupplementary malls, and letters deposit-ed in the drops marked "Letters for for-eign countries," after the closing of theregular mall for despatch by a particularvessel, will NOT be so forwarded unlesssuch additional postage is fully . prepaidthereon ty stanipa. Supplementary Trans-atlantic malls are also opened on thepiers of tb AMERICAN, ENGLISH andFRENCH steamers, whenever the sall-In- es

occur at 9:00 a. m. or later; and latemail may be deposited ln the mall boxeson the piers of the GERMAN LINE8sailing from Hoboken. The mailt on thenlers onen one hour and a half beforesailing time, and close ten minutes beforesailing time, imiy regular postage (let.ters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required onarticles mailed on the Piers of the Ameri-can. White Star and German (Sen Post)steamers; double postage (letters 10 centsa nan. ounce) on other lines.

Halls for South and Central America,Weat Indies, Ete.

SATURDAY (10th) At 3:30 a. m. for BRAZlL. Der s. s. Syracusa. via Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mail forNorthern Brasil, Argentine, Uruguay andjraraguay must De directed per s. aSyracusa"): at 8 o. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per . s. Rosalind; at 8 a. na. forBERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:30a. m. (supplementary 9r30 a. m.) forCURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. .

Maracalbo (mall for Colombia, via Cura-cao, must be directed "per s. m. Mara-calbo"); at 9 . m. for PORTO RICO,per a. s. Ponce, via Ban Juan; at 9:36a. m. (supplementary at 10:30 a. m.) FOR-TUNE Island, Jamaica and

except Magdalena Dep't, peta. s. Siberia (mall lor Costa Ricamust be directed "per m. s. S-iberia"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIXLEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDSBRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUI-ANA, per s. a. Fontabelle (mall for Gre-nada and Trinidad must be directed "peis. s. Fontabelle"); at 10 a, m. for CUBA,per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 12 mfor ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PAR-AGUAY, per a. . Afghan Prince.

Mall Forwarded Overland, Etc, Except Transpacific.

CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, cloae atthis office dally, except Thursday, at16:30 a. m. (the connecting malls closthere on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdavs).

MEXICO CITY Overland, unless speciallyaddressed for despatch by steamer, cloanat this ofllce dally, except Sunday, at1:30 p. m. ard 10:30 p. m.. Bunduys al1:00 r. m. and 10:30 r. m.

NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-pos- tMalls) By rail to World Bydney,. ana.,thence by steamer, close at this offictdally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls closehere every Monday, Wednesday and Saturdav).

JAMAICA By rail to Boston, snd thencaby steamer, close at this office at 6:36p. m. Tuesday and Friday.

MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thencby steamer, close at mi eincs uauyat n. m

BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (EastCoast) and uUATfcMAUA uy ran toNew Orleans, and thence by steamer,close at this office dally, except Sun-day, ot 1:80 p. m. and 110:30 p. m.. Sundays at 11:00 p. m. and 1 10:30 p. m. (con-necting mall closes her Mondays at 10:30p. m.).

COSTA RICA By rail to New, Orleans.snd tnenc Dy steamer, close at misoffice dally, except Bunday, at 11:30 p. m.and 110:30 p. m., Sundas at 1:00 p. m.and 10:W p. m. (connecting mall closehorm Tueadava at 110:311 D. m l.

NICARAGUA (East Coaat) By rail toNew Orleans, ana tnenc iy steamer,close at this office dally, except Bun-da- y,

at 11:30 D. m. snd 110:30 p.' m.. Bun- -days st 1:U0 p. m. and ,10:3" p m. (con-necting mull close here Thursday al110 80 p. in.).

IRfcyilHTKKliD MAIL close at 0:00 p. ra.previous day.

Traaapaclg Malls, Forwarded Over-land Pally.

Th schedule of closing of Transpacificanail i arran(od, eo th prMuinplioa of

POSTOFFICE NOTICEtheir uninterrupted overland transit to port" 4of sailing The final connecting mails (ex- -cept registered Transpacific malls, whichclose 6 p. m., previous day) close at thegem-ra- l postofflce. New York, as follows:NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except

West), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA. HA-WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran-cisco, close at 6M p. m., September 8,for despatch per a. a. Sierra. (If the Cu-na-

steamer carrying the British mallfor New Zealand dors not arrive In timeto connect with this despatch, extramalls closing nt 6:30 a. m , 9:30 a. m. and6:80 p. m. ; Sunday at 4.30 a. m., 9 a. m.and 6:80 p. m. will be made up and for-warded until the arrival of the Cunardsteamer.)

TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS viaSan Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m., Sep-tember 8, for despatch per s. s. Marl- -

J I ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (exceptWest), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van-couv-

and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 30p. m., September 10, for. despatch pers. a. Manuka.

HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at 6:38p m., September 12, for despatch per s. s,Alameda.


close at 6:30 p. m., September 16,for despatch per s. a. Coreo.

JAPAN, CORE A. CHINA and PHILIP-PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 6:3)

m., September 16, for despatch per . s.r.Iyades.JAPAN (except parcels-po- et malls), CO-RE-

CHINA, and specially adrtreasedmall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, viaVancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at6:30 p. m., September 20, for despatchper s. s. Empress of India.

JAPAN, COREA, CHINA, and speciallyaddressed mall for PHILIPPINE IS-LANDS, via Tacoma, cloae at 6:30 p. m.,September 23, for despatch per a aMachaon.

HAWAII. JAPAN, COREA. CHINA andPHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Han Fran-cisco, close at 6:30 p. m., September26, for despatch per s. . Gallic.

V I'll, rr XTrt A 1TTT, ITT, .....IliI.iT Ui:.fl l.llll'. ai . rfmn iriirii,West), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, VHAWAII, and FIJI ISLANDS, via SonFrancisco, close at 6:30 p. m., September24. for despatch per s. s. Sonoma. (If theCunard steamer carrying the Hrltlsh mnllfor New Eeaisnd does not arrive ln timeto connect with this despatch, extramalls closing at 6:30 a. m., 8:30 a. m ,and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m.,9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made upand forwarded until the arrival ot thCunard steamer.)

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, viaSan Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m., Sep-tember 26, for despatch per U. S. trans- -

MANCHURIA AND EASTERN SIRKRIAat present forwarded via Russia, Insteadof via Japan, the usual route.

NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, WestAustralia Is forwarded via Europe; NewZealand via San Franclaco. and certainplaces ln the Chinese provinces of Yun-nan, Kuelchow, Ssechwan and Kwangsl,via British India the quickest routes.Philippines specially addressed "viaEurope," must be fully prepsld at theforeign rates. Hawaii la forwarded viaSan Francisco exclusively.


Postolflc, New YorX.N. Y., September2, 1904. ........

O. M. E Tel. 611.

, MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE.1618 Farnam Street





Chicago, Rock Islaasl at Pacific,BAST.

Cale Psyttist UstlUa ...... .a I M mm

tBMIV imrmM WW ....... '. WW ,.JfSCaicMO RxprvM .....bl8:ri pa at:!SptIIm HaItim Eianh .& 4 :M Dm fell 'M aimCklcase Eapnt .64tsi i1mWBST.Kaekr MoasUls Limits as, 8:8 tmUncoln. Colorado unip, vmw

tot. Petal aaa west a l:Ma tM rmCblcaso Great West era.M. Hlnsospolls UalUe.. I tOpst Paul Minooapells Sitrsas.a t:llw a 1:1 paCbleass Limit 4:MpBi Ht H mmCalcase gxpross 4 am a 4:04 pischlcaaa A Nertaweatcra.tut Cklcaso I.... ...a l:M pat i,f:MaLocal Ckloss. ....ll. tmuii ; (.

Usrllfiit Psal ......a swDtyUsht Chloss a f '.it am U: pasLimits Chlca P" !

Local Carroll a 4: pa t:MtisFast fk. rsci ai UpeaLocsl ious CM Bt Paai....b :M itm arut Mall a i mm

al paPlorfoi a UosestMl ....a 1:01 aa, ju taLiaenlB a Lod Pin ...,... I'M mm : san - m ..Ih. . .......a s :u Oakmmpmr w i 1liuttnss-Alblo- a ...,..,,. mmmm mm

llaloa Pacific.Tb OTsrlan4 Limits 6:4 sa !!,Colorado A Calif oral asanas... a 4:14 pa :tas)Chlcsso-PoU- s pslal a !Barurn Bxpnss '".. f f :M psjColumbus Local S 0 :ow pm ;tts.Colorado Bpoclsl ............ f :4oaiCblcsco fpll a4:tmkutrtet Local .:J." i'1 ?2rust Mail M,.MHti imis iJIsM l.aonrl PaalAOSt. LouU laproai al l :41am afcUnau Cltrt. Louis Bapross. .ail :U pa a T 0 ps)World Pair postal .a 6:1 am mm

Watkash.St. Louis Cannon Ball Bxp i..s t:M pm a t aabow World's yolr ..a l ilu aLeoal tram Couaoll Blag.. ..a :iam a :MaIllinois Central.fhlssM ............ 1:40 am MI Hpo.vaiomao usii--i - -- .

a t Paul Bapns. . T ft am ktii:W pmSlsaospella 8t Paul Limited.. 7 0 pm a m.m ,. , . i . .r Hiiwauao mx at. . iCklcue llibt Eiprsas a1:Mum all :0 mmCalUsrnla-Uraao- a fcipra a ; Inm ta pmIjaajfisaoi in ssuiIMS MauM ukoboii litrm.. ,a)4um I.Wva

BVBU80T08 gTATION lOTH A MASO.luawaaaw t

tklcat.0, BarUagtoa talay,bmmim. ArrtTO,

Cklcaao apertal t.i am I M pat'kicuo Vestibule lull 4:0 pm a T:W aaiuir Local .laa aUid pmtblcaiv Ltouio , "yast Mall 8:41 aUarlluatoa dk lfJUaaara aiver.Wraoro, itoatrios A Uaaels a am klt:W paMabraaku sapros a am a f.u paUouvor Llmiw ,....a:ipm s 4laiaBlack ullls A Pusst souad 8U..aUiMpm a t.iu patoiwaiiii Vuouiod lya . paUucolu rt Mat t'i !Vort Crook a ruuameuta . 3.M pm aaswiwtus m Puiao Juuoii-- a a I.M pa a IM mm

koilovuo A PuOiSO JuueUua, ....,. amBoUoom aa risusmouta eUil am

aiMM City, 4on ConaelJBlaC.

cu Dap Bxpfus .- - a m a : mi Laiuia riiror Pm all: mm

luaau Clur Mlaat tunas.. '..altl.t, m a . am


UUaoarl PaolBa,aWwra Airlfa

Local, via WsopUgWsur k 4:1 pa U:Mm

Chleago, St. ravL MlaaaapoU a)

Omikiitela City PaaBor 8 J:J am k :IJ pm

lloul Clt Paaoousor v? "OakUad Local 8:4 pa k:laa

Dally, k Pally oseoel doy. 4 Pamy misturday. UaiLr suopl Uoatms.


Scandinavian-America- n LinePart Twia-Sero- rMsr Stoamor Dlroct tNorway, Swidin and Dinmark.

Qlreet Ooasoctloa i!

With Ruiila and Germany.A. E. Joknsen A Ca 1 Bioadaaj, M Yark.


NOTICE AND CAUTION.The lust debts of Guy A ndrws con-trad-

hafnr Annul 30. 1904. Will, beingduly certified and presented within reasonable time, ne paid ny me. v "are, however, warned agalnat truatlng ori.nin ..iri rinu tniinwa on my accountor cashing checks bearing his name, bs- -jause, save as aoove, iany Indebtedness by XsvnKWU,

Lincoln. Neb., Bept. 7. IM. eptrlwqtm

When You Writeto Advertisers

rinmbr it only take a extra trok Itwo of th pen to tioa th foci that rmt

aw.tu 4 ta Tat Ua
