THE OMAHA BAIL - · Buel, cor-respondent of the Detroit Free Press, for libel...

' 4v Ek- - - -- . THE OM AHA BAIL BEE. VOL. IV. OMAHA FRIDAY MORNm&fJTJLY 31874. NO- - 13. S i A i C V ,v v H r i 2? fr It' :v :f : r r fv is ft r !-- L k S THE DAILY BEE. EOWAKD LOSE WATER, Editor and Prop'r i Office So. 138 F"liiu street, btw. SinUindTci)Oi. TEEMS OF SUISSCRIPTIOX: One copy, one jesr. in adTince tj.00 six months, in adTtnce " three months in sdTsnce 2.W KSrU not paid in advance, JS Fer annum will rollctod FREDERICK, nrfj53fesi",'Vri Pv5Mpy-yilB- i sSbsbsbsbsbksBbY0jI LEADING HATTER ! Best Goods, T, Farnham St ipposlte the OMAHA. Grand Central Hot!, OMAHA BUSINESS DMJTORY. 0E10KEE MAKDFAOrOET. Smith. 1S3 llanicr street, bet, McCIurei 12th. declbtf QLAB8 AHI) PICTUaS'FaiMES. T EeinUart, 13 Iou;lu street, dealei in J .window glsss andplttaMirams, (JUslng done to order. --2tf B00T3 AKD SHOES. tans, 153 Firnhara at. between loth Philip 115h. IMijl C0HFICTI05EBT. Latey, corner 1.2th end streets. EL and wholesale dealer in cand'f sand conlettlonery. Country trade P1,J CCA . DSALEBS. A Elliot, coil, Hue, ceiaen t hair .etc.. Poland at. WiliniS DEDGQIBTr A. Tlffder, druggist, corner 12!h and ilr-- . J neysta PA"WH BEOKEE. -- T Eigctter, No. 203 Farnhaia r. Iel7tf LATJKDBY. A nfw laundry op-n- ed at SU'llth sU bet-- A Farnham and Douglas. The washing and "Ironing will be done to order, first class work PAISTEBS. A Beard, bou-- e and sign painter?, Lehman at. bet. Fsrnham and Harney. a2SU SOAP TACTOEY. Soap Woris, Powell A Co, s'lll Premium their Piemluni Soap. Hre first premiums awarded by thoLougla county and Stale lairs, and TotUwatumie county, la. Orders solicited from the trade. L. WOODWORTfl, 238TDouglas St., Omaha, Neb. WACOIT Wood Stock, WAGON HARDWARE, Patert Wheels, Pinbliel Qnnng, ie. Axles, Sprlags ami Thimb'e Skeias. HARDWOOD LUMBER, Carriages. Hacks a Buggies StSMlebac&er "WaRon Depot. taACtt California House, rarrz hafmee, prop'r. Ko 170 Douglai Street, rornr lith, Oia ha, KcbrasU Board by the day or week, iunel.yl iLLmeis house. Between 9th ar.d 10th. CHASbESJaXDEBAN, Prop. mcblltf JOHN H. GREEN, STATE MILLS DEALER IH GRAIN FLOUB A5D FEED, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT, Fashionable Dressmaking, 564 Fourteenth tit., jeSOSm OMAHA. SEB. J. O. S1.A.TTER, Dealer in Stiple and Fancy Groceries. Hlsliest price paid for Country Traduce. Irick Btore, B. E. Cor. 16A & Chicago Ets, Jeg-t- f OMAHA, NEB. WILLIAM LATEY, Cor. 161b. aud Webster Sts., Keeps a complete assortmeut ot GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. ie:esm REDMAN & LEWIS, Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. Cotton'wood XjTJ IM: BEE; On hand and SAWED TO ORDER. Je26lm Groat W oste BRBWBIY Corner efComiegs and Twenty-secon- d ttretti The finest lager bser con-stantl- y on hand. je25-6- CHAS. WEVMULLEK, Prop. P.N.GLYNN. vruoLESau: and ketail dealei x Wines, Liquors, Segars, TOO AC 0 AND PIPES. jeCdllornia'Wlncs and Brandiea. Corner of 15th and Dodge streets opposite tha new Post Office buildins, Omaha, eb- - JeSJU Bavarian Beer Hall! 19? Bssglis St. Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Finest brands of all classes of Liquors and Segars. Fresh Lager coortintlr on hand. Je25m CIIAS. 1IABT, Prop. Central House r o. 630 EizteeiUt 6trst, Opp. JeCenon Square, OMAHA, NEB. JOSEPH D0YE, Prefr. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. First-cla- ss bar attached to the house. e2 3m ?. FALLON, Drtss GoaU, SUki aii Triuilfs. Ko 2C3Dolp) street, between lithaailSOu Dress makine don with neat- ness and dUpattl- - 'Orders gdlicitetU, - Je3;w , . A few more mud-pudd- le politi- cians will be initiated into the mum-eri- es of Ko-o- ps Omaha sportsmen had better take the advice of the Omaha Her- ald and quit their cruel treatment of innocent birds. Let them go snipe-huntin- g with bags, by tallow-cand- le light, if they want to retain the respect ot this community. A few more ready made Fourth of July orations on sale at the Bee office; suitable for any audience or any locality. Now or never, or first come first served. Some of the most brilliant orators in the State have already been supplied. Next to Senator Logan of Illi- nois, Senator Win. Gwyer, of Ne- braska, will henceforth rank as the foremost financier of modern times. Logan looks upon Carl Schurz as an inspired idiot, hut Swyer simply considers him a stupid monarchical dutchmau. The man who wants an office should be carefully and kindly laid upon the shelf, and most politely requested to stay there until the peo- ple call for bim. This is our doc- trine and the doctrine of the Inde- pendents. NcmalM Granger. This is also the doctrine of Gen. Strickland and his Co-op- s. Uv coorse. Tire nioney-nian- la is raging at SL Charles, Missouri, and a highly inflated individual writes an indig- nant protest from that locality to the Secretary of the Treasury against the cii culation of a certain advertisement of a Peoria hotel, which is priuted in close imita- tion of a five-doll- ar greenback. "The letter is signed 'Justicia,' and declares that the whole country is flooded vith these advertisements, and they are passed on the country people as genuine money, and the swindlers decamp before the fraud is discovered. Justicia wants the beeretary to put his foot down and stop this violation of law, and con- cludes: 'For God's sake stop this if you can.' " An indiscriminate sTaugMer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street Fine linen aud chevoit shirts ot our ,wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Htcls bought and sold by I. Gottheimer, Broker, at 296 Fariikam street. Unredeemed'Ttcdgea for Sale. may ly26 Hamlet Oram, 8th street between Jones and Learenworth sts , OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. MOST COMPLETE AS)UT KtEPSTHE and Gents' s.raw lists, trim- med and untriuiuutl, lraoU. 1', ilar-seiU- Kainsoots and all kinds ot Diy U 001.3, Ladies' ind Gents' Boi-ts- , etc. My lire of Dry Goods I' Complete. Slll-gonl- y for CASH, 1 am able to UKUHtStiX any other Dealer in the City Our 1'KlCESareLOWEIt than ercr h ird ol belure. myH-3in-- rl ENOCH HENNEY, Justice of the Peace Office over tho State Bank, corner 'I Tarn-ha- m aud 13th streets. ie 1 J. MOOREHEAD :dKUO-gkes- t AND PHABMACIST, Pattee'i Block, Bat. California 6 Vestey BtJ. OMAHA, NEC. Physicians Prescriptions carefully je253m comnoundM. DEKTIPTEr. P o. vs J TTTTl1-- x DENTISTS, OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. tT STAICS. Bet. 13th L 14th SUM DMAHA. ea-)Hlc-st liracticlnflVntlsts In the city DR. A. S. BILLINGS, IDEinTTISTS S34 3EA2?Jtxlxi,sxx 1 1 BU and Hth, tip stairs, Teeth extracted without pain, by use of U I- - trous Oxide uas. V()ffire open atall bou e5tf Sursloal aoo: I.VANCAMPM.D.. THiwnM his own medcines. and besides regular practice, make, specialities o( Derangt-raen- ts and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu- la, Piles and other Diseases of tho Bectura. Orncx : Cjrner Farnham and 14h streets, first door to the right, up I". Resideno , 210 !oujlss street, between II and 13tb, next to Lutheran Church, Omaha, Kh. Address Lock Hoi 3. janUdawtf 9fKS. J E.VAJSSSRCOO r , Eclectic Physician Residence and office 250 Dodge st bet Kth rnd 15th sis. Special attention paid toobstetrics and dis- eases peculiar to women and children. I9U. 2SS Hartley street, between H'a and 15th. .Mvr JL Cssi SyHpBiSsSiB5Hr'vi "" Cswriaw and fTgeB Maklft In all it Branches, in the latest and most approTtd pUUrc. HOKSE SHOEIMQ AND BLACKSJUTHIMa and rtpalrlng don. oa abort aotic sepSC It ITOOVIBB . Hl'KLulir, Market Gardners ! K7ND3 OF VEGETABLES AND ALL for sale. Orders addressed to us at our garden Cer. Slst ad Paal Streets, wUIrecelTe prompt attention. apl5dSm "WIITIvH SEXU3Ei. 29ernaStmv - - Oauna, Sh -r-WBOLESALK AJTD KETA1L DES1XS M rUIHTUlE, BEDDING. ETC. VERY LATEST. MIDNIQ-HT- . Bpedally Eaported for ta OxataJ)ai!y Bes, b? ti Atlantic lic.ft jilttiiltCc. j CnEYExxE, July 2. An incendiary fire-uxith- e rear of McDaniel'e Theatre this morning at 2 o'clock, burned Whipple's gro- - cervjBtore. Landan's meac market, and damatred Murrln's wholesale- - liquor store. Loss $15,000; no'insu ranee" WASniXGTOX, Jul5'2 The grand jurj' in the crihiinal court today returned, a Jrue bill of hidictmentagainstA. C. Buel, cor- respondent of the Detroit Free Press, for libel in publishing a state- ment that Senator Chandler had been drunk in the Senate. The case will be tried next week. e NewTork, July . Dr. Hammond examined the brain of the printer, Eutwistle, re- ported to have died' of 'hydrophobia yesterday, and found no evidence of that disease. The doctor thinks his dealhnvas caused by hard drink aggravated by fearsof hydrophobia. Little Rock, July 2. The official vote for Pulaski coun- ty, give Brooks' .ticket a majority of from 100 to 200. Jefferson county tiives 2,100 majority against the convention and elects Brooks' tick- et. The latter is the only county heard from which gives anj consid- erable majority against the conven- tion. About twenty-fiv- e counties already heard from give a majority of 24,000 for the convention. Only Pulaski and Jefferson countic3 have elected Brooks' candidates. Kew York, July 2. " The Golden Age of SaturJay next will contain the valedictory of Mr. Tilton, yo resigns tlie editorial cliarge to Mr. W. F. Clarke. It'will also contain a further article on the 'Tilton-Becche- r, scandal, which those who have it rnterpfet'as quite a let- ting down on Tilton's part. The following are tho important points m his second remarkable let- ter, which" the Golden Age says is written to correct any misapprehen- sion created by the letter to l)r. Bacon. Ho had been assailed by Dr. Bacon, who was led to believe that he was a scandal-mong- er and fabsifier, who had tried to ruin the most beloved of ministers. Tilton's character and standing as a man among men, were involved, and si- lence 6n his part as to acknowl- edge the justice of Dr. Bacon's as- persions, and the erroneous state- ments by vhicIP they were appointed. One sentence from Beecher's lips or pen "would have drawn .the poisonous arrow and healed the smart. Mr. Tilton called Mr. Beecher's attention to the of- fensive statements, and in the pres- ence of two witnesses told him tha unless he coirected the misrepresen- tations in his way it would be ne- cessary to correct them in his own way, which voulti be severe. "NYeeks passed and no correction was made. Longer silence was impossible. Mr. Tilton is accused of intending to striko Mr. Beecher a staggering if not fatal blow. "Whoever reads this letter with caro, will see that he studiously refrained .from strik- ing uny blow at all, .save at the thick of calumny and misrepresentations that had been adroitly woven for his own entan- glement aud ultimate destruc- tion. His sole purpose was first to save himself and after years, p silence and endurance, when longer silpnee and endurance would have bepn" fatal, ajn jo re- gained from mentioning Mr. Beecher at all, except as it was necessary to do so, in order to net himself right. HN reticence in this respect deserves commendation. If it were necessary to life tho cur- tain and expose the serious, and inexcusable trans- action; jn order to vjijdijwite hijn.-scl-f, ho was not to blame. The way is open, if PlyrooutKC'hiircJ) and Mr. Beecher M'Jeh to YU'djeate them, selves. Mr. Tilton does not wish to injure Mr. Beecher, .amL hence ns froni the publication of that letter. Ho would nut rj&e by Mr. Beecher's ruin if he could, He regretted having been forced to say anything about the matter, but Sir. JJcep her's friends were to blame. With the frca.ndalitseli, we Jiave nothing to do. Tliat is a matter for Plymouth Church and its pastor to deal with. If there is a skeleton in tho closet they will probably hasten to open the door, and let daylight shine through its dark places. Webster said that suicide under weight of an accusa- tion, was a confession of guilt. There are circumstances in which silence is suicide. But one thing in this wl10Jp matter is so conspicu- ous and gra'u'd, that it deserves the notice it has not received. "We re. fer to the toleration, sympathy, and solicitude of the America peop'e for the gieatand useful manunder clouds of suspicion, thick and heavy enough to crush audordinaiy character beydiid recovery. A quarter of a century ago, Mr. Bt-eJJi- wqu'd have been tried befort an ecclesias- tical tribunal immeuaiei mid if he attempted to preach he would have beon mobbed. To-da- y all America wishes his acquittal, and believes hjm to be true In spite of the evi- dence. Fffteon millions pf people refuse to condemn him. Even if tmd jr the linpulso he did what was wrong, what may have been done in a lit of frenzy does not counter- balance a whole life of purhy and sprvjee. He is only blamciole tor not npknowjedgjng squarely what he does not deny and for allowing suspicion to rest in the wrong place. For himself, Mr. Tilton asks only justice. He has been guilty only of tog great. in unworthy personi 'MayorHavemeyer ce Comniiss!oners"Charllck and Gardner, who bad been con- victed of malfeasance in office, and whose positions had been declared vacant by Gov. Iix. Havemeyer, on being questioned, saul he had taken this step after mature delib- eration, and In pursuance, of the law as heTiuderstand-Tlt- : John Keeley, of Tammany, on heinsr interviewed. stated that he had no intimation of the the comrnis.-- : sr'y i 4ijijnsv.i m eju sjj, JIJI- - uiL-uuu- e steps -- wouia be taken to prevent this commissioners ;pei forming their duties. He also said that Tammany JIaJl leave" nothing undone to. have Mayor Havemeyer removed" from his posi- tion, and that a deputation would be sent to Albany at once to wait upon Gov. Bix antF invoke his ac ion in the matter. CABLEGRAMS. United States Minieter Bancroft the Recipient of a Number of Compliments and Ex- pressions of Regard from the German Government. - . BAYOXaE, July 2. Don Alphonso was wounded in the arm in one of the recent en? gagemeuts with the Republicans. Kome, July 2. The Pope told the generals of the religious orders, who called upon him yesterdaj', that he deplored the suppresiqn cf their houses, and ex- horted them to remain united, and they would hereafter. Paris, July 2. Tho new constitutional bill drawn by the of the com- mittee of SO, no provision is made for a successor to the President, and it is thought that tho object of the omission is to have an opjiortunity for the restoration of monarchy, which may be possible when the Scptennate ceases. London, July 2. Dispatches from Spain report that the Republican troops are badly excited over the reports of the mur- der and mutilation of rhe wounded, by the Carlists, and it is feared that they will make a disorderly retreat. Several accounts represent that the Carlists were on the point of rfr treating, when General Concha was killed. Paris, July 2. The committee of the Assembly has prepared a new constitutional bill, the principal features of which are as follows: It confirms the pergonal septennate of McMahon with the title of President of the Jtepublic; it recognizes two Assem- blies; aud empowers President Mc- Mahon to dissolve the Assembly without the concurrence of the second chamber. Berlin, July 2. The North German Gazette, an official paper, pavs a warm compli- ment to Hon. George Bancroft. It says: "The German government sees his departure with regret a feeling which is lively and general in irivate as well asofficial circles," and declares that since x'redtrick the Great received Franklin, the mutual understanding between Ger- many and the United States never has beennnore profound tlian at present. The Emperor "William has presented a life-siz- e port-a- it of himself, painted to order, to Mr. Bancroft. London, July 1. In the House of Commons last evening Dr. Butt moved his resolve in favor of homo rule for Ireland. He maintained the home rule in- volved no disturbance of the consti- tution. The imperial parliament in whioh Ireland would, still repre- sented would have power to tax the resources of Ireland 'as well as of Great Britain. Since the union, Ire- land has always been imperious and dissatisfied. He acknowledged efibrts have been made to redress her grievances, but these had failed, and always would fail, because real liberty was denied. By restoring constitutional rights content and prosperity would be established throughout the countrj. The attorney-gener- al for Ireland gave a decided and emphatic nega- tive to all the propositions which Dr. Butt hfif mjvaiipefj. Tjjo pres- ent proposals was lufinftcly more dangerous to tje peace and pns-perit- y of the country than the de-ma- ud for tho repeal of the Union, A collision of the Jmmerial and Irish Parliaments would be Inevita- ble, particularly on the questions of eoniuierce and finance. The pro- posed aciiotj would pndanger "the whole commercial' and social fabric, and tho political constitution of both countries, ft would bp dangerous for EiujJandj but practically ruinous for Ireland. Ho regarded tho agi- tation of the subject as mischievous Snd futile,' Chicago Pruuuce Market. Chicago, July 2. Flour Dull, and unchanged good to choice shipping extra 5 00525; medium J4 75500; supers 3 SO 4 50. . . Wheat Easy-cas- h 1 10 July 1 15; August 1 10 J. Corn Steady; July at5SJ; Aug-u- st 58J. Oats Weak; cash 42; July 40; August 32J. Rye Steady at 83. Butter Dull at 18a22. Eggs Dull at llal2. Barley Dull at 1 IS, J 35. Highwines 94. Pork Quiet; cash IS 00; August 18 25; Sept. 18 45. Lard Quiet; cash 11 0011 15; August 11 35. St. Louis Produce Market. Br. Louis, Jly Flour Quiet and unchanged Wheats-Du- ll and lower for low grades; others steady; No 2 Chicago 1 00; prime to fancy fall, 1 23(3) 1 35. Corn Easy; No 2 mixed, 59 on track; oSGQ in elevator: 53 seller for July. s- - " Oats Higher; No 2, 4840 on elevator. Rvc-Stea- dy; 78S0. Whisky Quiet at 90. Pork Higher, 19 00. Lard Unchanged. Chicago' ,Live Stock Market. Chicago, July 2. Cattle Receipts 3,800. Marketdull and prices weak, very few good though Tex-an- s sold at 3 004 40; "good cbmi fed 4 504 75; common to extra native steers 56 40. Hogs--Keceip- ts 16,000. Market quiet, prices weak, lower, 5 20a8 20; (jGHimon to choice extra with sale god to choice 5 65a5 9q. Sheep Receipts 500. "Market dull, unchanged, sales 850 common to choice, f J St. Lf His Live Stock. j St. Louis, July 2. Hogs Receipts, 2000; firm and light, 5 00(Sf4 25; cash, 5 505 "5 : heavy, 5 905 96. Catqe Receipts, 1840; wintered Texans, 2 00450; butchers, 3 00 3 50; good to extra choice steers, 3 754 2.s -- - 1 - jr?wwes:s-- T M. " ini..rT8saf.ww"""." " !"J. 'y '.' " to g V - TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. TheTublic Debt Statement fer June, Showing 'a. Decrease of $2,000i000. Postmaster General Cresweli Refuses t Withdraw His Resignation. WooNSOCKKT, R. I., July 2. The loss oifthe Social Mills, de- stroyed by fire, will probably range from $700,000 to SSOOjOOO; insured for $000,000 in several diilerent com- panies. 'East Orange, N. J., July 2. A man named Ames died here yesterday, of hydrophobia. His family and'fiiends say they do not know of'hl9ever having been bitten by a dog, and the case is therefore regarded as remarkable. New Orleans, 3 uly 2. In the Superior district court in the case of the State of Louisiana vs theiNew Orleans, Mobile and Texas Tailroad company, rendered a judgment in favor of plaintiffs, or- dering the company to return to the State $"50,000 of bonds, dated July 1st, 1870, with coupons attached, or pay the amount in cash with inter- est, giving the State the first Hen on all their property west of the Mis- sissippi. Boston, July 2. The report of the loss of the cable steamer Faraday by coming into collision with an iceberg, a week ago, off Nova Scotia, is denied. Col. Eastman, in answer to a tele- gram of inquiry, received the fol lowing from the cable company's manager at Halifax : ".mere is no foundation whatever for the report. No word of Faraday since she left here, but was speaking to an expe- rienced captain, who thinks she is at Sable Island. New ioric, July 2. George Ellis, President of the Commonwealth National Bank, which suspended during the Sep- tember panic, was arrested to-d-ay on a bench warrant, issued on an indictment found against him by the grand jury, charging him with embezzling $35,000 of the bank's funds. Several ?niinent physicians here have closely watched the case of R. L. Entmistle, who tlied at Bellcvue hospital this morning of supposed hydrophobia. Dr. Hammond says there is little room to doubt but that Entmistle died ot hydrophobia, or, in other words, a dread of hydro- phobia. Several others have the same opinion, while a few consider deli- rium tremens the cause. James P. Sanders, the lawyer who wassL t in the court room yes- terday, atYo.ikera, by on!f"of the parties in tlie case, is recovering. Considerable excitement was caused in Wall street to-da- y at the close of business owing to a report that a meeting of representatives of prominent western roads had just conclued an agreement cutting down the through passenger and freight rates about fifty per cent:, and which was to go into effect at once. Tlie reason of this action on the part of the roa Is was dullness of business. Washington, July 2. The cabinet remained in session about an knu- - and yjth the except jon of'confirming the appoint- - iueqt of Mr. Co'nant, as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, only rou- - I After tho adjournment ot the cabinet. Mr, Cresswell stated that he would act until his successor was appointed, but he intended to insist upon leavjngthp department as soon as possible. Jr. reply tq"4 question, as to whether he vioi-It- l reconsider his resignation, he said cmphatl. cally; "No; J was in earnest, and would bp glad to be relieved He directed tho first assist- ant Postmaster General, to sign some documents, which were pre- sented to hjrn, decllung t,o feeftje any questions or decide on matters, except as were necessary to keop the department in working condi- tion. Private advfpes frorn Texas say the "recent "experiments niaile to dti'epen tho channel' in the bay of Corpus Christl have proved a failure. Railroadmen, owners of the im- mense coal fields, and the capitalists of southwestern Texas and eastern Mexico have selected Rockport as the point best suited for navigation purposes. To railroads have been chartered by the State, with liberal subsidies, both "to teminato in New- - Mexico at Lerado, one from Corpus Christl, and one from Rockport. Owing, however, to the failure to deepen the channel at Corpus Chris ti the latter road will probably not be built. The need of a road in this region has had great weight with the gqvornrnent n anorqing assis- tance ror" its construction. Capital- ists from the Pacific coast and Mex- ico are interesting themselves in the matter. The public debt statement for June shows a decrease ot the public debt for that month of $2,180,196.94 wjth th.e following balances in the Treasury: Ourrenay, $1,876,040.62; special deposit legal tenders for the redemption of certificates of depos- it, $3s,760,000; coin $74,205,304.12 idcluding coin certificates $22,885,-10- 0; outstanding legal tenders $382,- - 0ooooo. Mr. Conant, ehiof of the warrant division of the treasury department, has been appointed assistant secre- tary of the treasury. The Attorney General has decided that under the act of June 16tb, Jl$74f no payment can be made to any railroad company for tlie trans? portations of troops or property of theUnited States, when its a rail-roa- d which was constructed in whole or part by ai$ of a grant of public lands upon conditions as to the use of the railroads. The President baa tendered Gen eral Ketcham, of New York, the position of commissioner of the government of the District of Columbia, made vacant by the Jeclinaton of Mr. Cattelt. It is believed that Ketcham will accept. It is stated, ou good authority to- night, that Hon, G W. Scofield, of Ppnnsylviiiia, has been tendered the appointment of postmaster-gen- - eral. .It Is certain that te has been communicated with on the subject, .. Des Moines, July 2. - Th management of the Chicago, Hock Island &. Pacific Railroad have determined to obey the new law of Towa-fo- r the regulation of passenger 1 and freight rates, more, however, asH a matter or experiment man front a sense of justice. Philadelphia, July 2. The Zoological Garden, at Fair- mont, containing several hundred quadrupeds, birds', fish, and reptiles, was" formally opened to the public to-da- y. It will be one of the great- est attractions of the Centennial ex- position. Long Branch, July 2. The body of a man, supposed to be that of G. A. Curtis, of West- chester county, New York, came astiore lastnighr. The comet was plainly visible to the naked" eye here last night. George Ellis, President Bank, arrested for misappropriating $33,000, was held to bail-i- n the sum of?200,000 by Commissioner Osborne. New York, July 2. Officer Shaw, of the police force, is under $2,500 bail to await his trial on the charge of robbing a man on his beat of a large sum of money. A letter from Rome, dated Juue lGth, states that tho American pil- grims have disbanded and many of them en route for home. Mr. G. E. Mills, a reporter of the New York Tribune, states that the story of Mr. Parton, in a monthly magazine, about reporters who fur- nished accounts of the hanging of the Italian murderer, Lusignavi, at Morristown, N. J., is entirely un- true, and that the reporters "were drunk, is most emphatically denied. Washington, July 2. The payments made from the troasury by warrants during June, are as follows; Civil service and miscellaneous, $5,214,371.53; war, $4,140,435.04; navy, $1,451,271.53; interior, Indians and pensions, $1,50G,245.32; total, $12,312,325.52. This does not include payments made on account of interest or prin- cipal of the public debt. John P. Bigelow, Chief of the Treasury Loan Branch, who has been in Europe about a rear in con- nection with the Syndicate, re- turned here last night, and resumed his olUcial duties to-da- y. He stages that there is comparatively nothing being done by the Syndicate now, but that the demand for new United States 5 per cent, bonds continues large; that the prices obtainable tbOrefor are remarkably good. Ni;w York, July 2. A Times special from Boston re- ports the loss of the cable steamer Faraday by a collision with an ice berg qft" Halifax, It denies that Col. Eastman received a, telegram from the Cab.e company's manager at Halifax, stating that there Avas no foundation for tho report. No word of tho Faraday since she left Halifax. It is thougnt she is at Cable Island. Gen. Smith, supervising inspector general of steamboats, arrived from Washington yesteiday to meet the board of commissioners who have charge of the experimental test of Will begin tests on Mon- day at Sandy Hook. Pol. "NYilliams, of the deputy sur- veyor's staff) seized four diamond rings, twelve gold watches and many gold chains, rings, studs and other jewelry on Greenwich street on suspicion of their having been smuggled. The goods are valued at $35,000. They were brought here by passengers from Europe. The downward course of the stock market was resumed yesterday, and active stocks declined underpressure of the announcement of. defaults by several railroads. Tlie Erie litiga- tion excited considerable tftlK. Al- though tierp Is no certnlnty as to the na'mes selected for Erie'dircctors, the following are some of the names agreed upon for tljQ new board ; J. Ivhig, vice-preside- nt of tho Balti.-inor- Q 5t Ohio road: Thomas A. Scott. J. Jewott, H. J. Stebbins, Marshall 0. Roberts, "Win. Butler Duncan, John A. C. Gray, and It. Suydam Grant. Tlie representa- tives of thpErjp. 3ow York Central, and Baltimore 'ifc'phio roads held a meeting yesterday and discussed the question of the new schedulo of freight chnrges. It Is understood that tho disposition was to lower the charges somewhat on all rail- road lines, when a war between the several interested roads was Ueclar-e- f, and caused" a reduptUm of rates on freight from New York to San Francisco ou eomo classes very heavily. The Freednien's Savings antf Trust Coinpany, s likgjy to wind up its affairs here. Orders have been received from Washington, to stop receiving or paying out money. A special from Washington says : It Is stated on 'good authority that Hon. Geo. Schotield, of Ptmnbylva-ni- a, has been tendered the position of Postmaster general. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. New -- York, July 2. Money More easy; at 3 per cent. Exchange Foreign, dull, and slightly easier at nominal rates; at $8S for days, and 4- -l for sigLt, Gold Dull, but firm. Opened at 110, vith a rise to HO-j- , which is the present price. At tlie treasury sale of one million of gold to-da- y, prices ranged from 110.01 to 110.03. Governments Also weak and lower, In'sympathy with gold; cur- rency sixes, 115J. The cxcltiment in the stock mar- ket has somewhat subsided; the prices are, however, some fluctua- ting. The market beidg weaker to- day. Erie, 313; P M43; U P 2CJ; Vf U 73'j. New York Produce Market. New York, Juty 2. Breadstuffs Quiet. Flour Dull; State and western, 5 00a5 25; extra 5 0fla5 00. Wheat Steady; No 1 spring, 1 40al 42; No 2 Chicago, 1 34al 33; No 2 Milwaukee spring, 1 39 asked. Corn Easier; western mixed afloat-75a76- ' Oats Heavy; western mixed, 53a581, Rye Dull. Provisions Quiet but steady. Pork New mess, IS 2oal8 37. Lard lla:i. " Tallow 7J8 C. . Leather in demand throughout prime realizing fuU price , but low- er ordinary goods sold easier. Iron Doll and nominal. Wood limited demand, manu- - factures appearing to hold ofT until 1 there is a better supply here of new clipped, . . tilUillJIII I OLOSIIfcTQ- - OTJT SALE OF Ladies' Ready-Ma- de Suits AT CRUICKSHANK'S To make more room for our stock of specialties, viz EMBROIDEBIES AND BLACK We 1 ave concluded to close out our 9 u 5 a 2 it 2 a- - o O following 15 Ladies Suits with Skirt and Polonaise, 10 White 5 Percale "Wrappers, at ALPACAS. The Goods are all new, and bought from the manufacturer for Cash. KElElsrJlSrTS- - JL3STT3. ' We have also arranged on our center counters a lot of remnants, and goods slightly soiled, to be sold at low prices. A. CEUICKSHAIrK, C or. 14 th. and Faniliam Sts., Omaha, STob. FAT.T. ST-aOIKI- , 1873. R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, WHOLESALE RETAIL rrELJisr DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be soio. lower man any otner nonse in tne MB1 IRIEIMIILq LINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, $ REPELLANTS, - &MGnAIRS,aIsoYELYET& BEAVER A FULL STOCK OF-StlAWL- S, BLANKETS, FLANNELS ' a.3NTD G:3:XX:Cat.33Xff'l MERINO UNDERWEAR AND GOODS. TABLE LINEN GREAT VARIETY. A LINE OF ENGLISH AND CARPETS, OIL HATTING RUGS, AND o:e-z:esJEj:e- j:r OSCJLEXiE-- S SHIYEBIOK. Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and to the FURNITURE anr? HOLSTER Y has largely increased his stock andnnw has a complete assortment oi FINE. TviH'.T.TTtr w it PRICED eoocls. which he is PRICES as to make it to the interest v VA lll J Tl II All r anything in this to his purchas-FABLORSET- S, LOUNGES UPHOLSTERED.AND G. STRIFFLER, BBALEB X CHOCE HIES, ProTi'ont, Fruit, Nuts, Confectionery, Tob-cc- ", Segars, iiC, &C.&C S. KIT aadFARNUAlI. a lUlf & JIanufactnrers of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. DKALEE3 IS Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Rooflng, Spouting and Gutter1 ngdoa short notice and is ihe best mauner. ittetn trret sept24 (11 City Meat SI3C333E33j-S- - : K(vp constantly on'hand A I.ALGE SUPPLY OF .Be: e MUTTON, POULTRY, GAXE MHsSBBBsHiSBBiSBBBB LP! Fine Medium OKS-AJPJE3- Ki RTADY-MAD- E SOTS at the jaen AND IN UWJKJLI IU on. Seodtr SJBSBBBBBBBBslisl reduced prices: Firmer Prices. 4.00 $ 5,50 5.00 6.50 6,00 7.50 750 9,00 10,00 1250 14.00 16,50 4,50 600 6,00 750 3,00 5,00 city, consisting of OHEAPES-- P ot ZZtFA nf ; "YH. Ifib f CL0AKIXGS. IiADIES' WORSTED FULL CLOTHS, MATS everything pertainin9: tt-- p trade; line, examine stock before &c., Schneider JJurincster Market. ve&bta.: 53 and TIEHIIE ALPACAS AMERICAN oflferin'o. UitUtLK. 203 ParuliAm Stroot. Omahn: FRANK J.RAM&E DRAPER & TAILOR AUi. DEALEB IS GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS, Full ssortmentof Imported TVooIeas. All Wrk Watraated. 232 FarnkamSt, vJ"U"2sTE 18th, 1S74! FROM THIS DATE WE WILL SELL MILLINERY At Greatly JRedticed Prices ! MRS. C. F. HICKMAN. "DA-t- r. BTJ-fFi-t-- i, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Harney Streets, OMAHA. - - - ZEsTZEIB. Spring and Summer Styles. A. POLACK, CLOTHIER, 233 Farnham St. XTear 14th. WMsB. BbBBlBBiSBBBBBBBBBBBBH 1W BBBBBBBBBBBa .Bssssss BsssssssssssssssssssssssssssV ui BaBB5i UBbbsStssssssssB BJPWAIh IkBBBBBBBBs KBSSSSSSSSSSSSSH bsssssssssbBssssssssssi1 r Bj(ASH BB7 YsBBY sLmBv BjssBBi BBBiBBm b 4- - MJm Clothing, and Furnishing Goods. TKAILSreXKCIE OHEAPBST a1 6 M it-- . m ti I C II

Transcript of THE OMAHA BAIL - · Buel, cor-respondent of the Detroit Free Press, for libel...

Page 1: THE OMAHA BAIL - · Buel, cor-respondent of the Detroit Free Press, for libel in publishing a state-ment that Senator Chandler had been drunk in the Senate.



Ek- -






















Office So. 138 F"liiu street, btw.SinUindTci)Oi.


One copy, one jesr. in adTince tj.00six months, in adTtnce

" three months in sdTsnce 2.WKSrU not paid in advance, JS Fer annum will



Pv5Mpy-yilB- i



Best Goods,T,

Farnham Stipposlte the OMAHA.Grand Central Hot!,


0E10KEE MAKDFAOrOET.Smith. 1S3 llanicr street, bet,

McCIurei 12th. declbtfQLAB8 AHI) PICTUaS'FaiMES.

T EeinUart, 13 Iou;lu street, dealei inJ .window glsss andplttaMirams, (JUslngdone to order. --2tf

B00T3 AKD SHOES.tans, 153 Firnhara at. between lothPhilip 115h. IMijl

C0HFICTI05EBT.Latey, corner 1.2th end streets.EL and wholesale dealer in

cand'f sand conlettlonery. Country tradeP1,J

CCA . DSALEBS.A Elliot, coil, Hue, ceiaen t hair .etc..

Poland at. WiliniSDEDGQIBTr

A. Tlffder, druggist, corner 12!h and ilr--.J neystaPA"WH BEOKEE.

-- T Eigctter, No. 203 Farnhaia r. Iel7tf


A nfw laundry op-n- ed at SU'llth sU bet--A

Farnham and Douglas. The washing and"Ironing will be done to order, first class work

PAISTEBS.A Beard, bou-- e and sign painter?,

Lehman at. bet. Fsrnham and Harney. a2SU

SOAP TACTOEY.Soap Woris, Powell A Co, s'lll

Premium their Piemluni Soap. Hrefirst premiums awarded by thoLougla countyand Stale lairs, and TotUwatumie county, la.Orders solicited from the trade.

L. WOODWORTfl,238TDouglas St., Omaha, Neb.


Wood Stock,

WAGON HARDWARE,Patert Wheels, Pinbliel Qnnng, ie.

Axles, Sprlags ami Thimb'e Skeias.


Carriages. Hacks a BuggiesStSMlebac&er "WaRon Depot.


California House,rarrz hafmee, prop'r.

Ko 170 Douglai Street, rornr lith, Oia ha,KcbrasU Board by the day or week,


iLLmeis house.

Between 9th ar.d 10th.

CHASbESJaXDEBAN, Prop.mcblltf






Fashionable Dressmaking,564 Fourteenth tit.,


J. O. S1.A.TTER,Dealer in Stiple and Fancy

Groceries.Hlsliest price paid for Country Traduce.

Irick Btore, B. E. Cor. 16A & Chicago Ets,Jeg-t- f OMAHA, NEB.

WILLIAM LATEY,Cor. 161b. aud Webster Sts.,

Keeps a complete assortmeut ot



REDMAN & LEWIS,Cor. 16th and Izard Streets.

Cotton'woodXjTJ IM: BEE;On hand and SAWED TO ORDER.


Groat W osteBRBWBIYCorner efComiegs and Twenty-secon- d ttretti

The finest lager bser con-stantl- y

on hand.je25-6- CHAS. WEVMULLEK, Prop.

P.N.GLYNN.vruoLESau: and ketail dealei x

Wines, Liquors, Segars,TOO AC 0 AND PIPES.

jeCdllornia'Wlncs and Brandiea.Corner of 15th and Dodge streets opposite tha

new Post Office buildins, Omaha, eb- - JeSJU

Bavarian Beer Hall!19? Bssglis St.

Opposite Metropolitan Hotel.Finest brands of all classes of Liquors and

Segars. Fresh Lager coortintlr on hand.Je25m CIIAS. 1IABT, Prop.

Central Houser o. 630 EizteeiUt 6trst,

Opp. JeCenon Square, OMAHA, NEB.JOSEPH D0YE, Prefr.

Day and week Board at reasonable rates.First-cla- ss bar attached to the house.

e2 3m

?. FALLON,Drtss GoaU, SUki aii Triuilfs.

Ko 2C3Dolp) street, between lithaailSOuDress makine don with neat-ness and dUpattl- - 'OrdersgdlicitetU, -

Je3;w , .

A few more mud-pudd- le politi-cians will be initiated into the mum-eri- es

of Ko-o- ps

Omaha sportsmen had bettertake the advice of the Omaha Her-

ald and quit their cruel treatmentof innocent birds. Let them gosnipe-huntin- g with bags, by tallow-cand- le

light, if they want to retainthe respect ot this community.

A few more ready made Fourthof July orations on sale at the Beeoffice; suitable for any audience orany locality. Now or never, orfirst come first served. Some of themost brilliant orators in the Statehave already been supplied.

Next to Senator Logan of Illi-

nois, Senator Win. Gwyer, of Ne-

braska, will henceforth rank as theforemost financier of modern times.Logan looks upon Carl Schurz as aninspired idiot, hut Swyer simplyconsiders him a stupid monarchicaldutchmau.

The man who wants an officeshould be carefully and kindly laidupon the shelf, and most politelyrequested to stay there until the peo-ple call for bim. This is our doc-

trine and the doctrine of the Inde-pendents. NcmalM Granger.

This is also the doctrine of Gen.Strickland and his Co-op- s. Uvcoorse.

Tire nioney-nian- la is raging atSL Charles, Missouri, and a highlyinflated individual writes an indig-

nant protest from that locality tothe Secretary of the Treasuryagainst the cii culation of a certainadvertisement of a Peoria hotel,which is priuted in close imita-

tion of a five-doll- ar greenback."The letter is signed 'Justicia,' anddeclares that the whole country is

flooded vith these advertisements,and they are passed on the countrypeople as genuine money, and theswindlers decamp before the fraudis discovered. Justicia wants thebeeretary to put his foot down andstop this violation of law, and con-

cludes: 'For God's sake stop this ifyou can.' "

An indiscriminate sTaugMer inclothing and gents' furnishinggoods regardless of prices at 206

Farnham street Fine linen audchevoit shirts ot our ,wn make at$2.00 and $2.50 each.

Railroad Htclsbought and sold by I. Gottheimer,Broker, at 296 Fariikam street.

Unredeemed'Ttcdgea for Sale.may ly26

Hamlet Oram,8th street between Jones and Learenworth sts ,


KtEPSTHE and Gents' s.raw lists, trim-med and untriuiuutl, lraoU. 1', ilar-seiU-

Kainsoots and all kinds ot Diy U 001.3,Ladies' ind Gents' Boi-ts- , etc. My lire of DryGoods I' Complete. Slll-gonl- y for CASH, 1

am able to UKUHtStiX any other Dealer inthe City Our 1'KlCESareLOWEIt than ercrh ird ol belure. myH-3in-- rl


Justice of the PeaceOffice over tho State Bank, corner 'I Tarn-ha- m

aud 13th streets. ie 1


AND PHABMACIST,Pattee'i Block, Bat. California 6 Vestey BtJ.

OMAHA, NEC.Physicians Prescriptions carefully

je253m comnoundM.


Po. vs J

TTTTl1-- x



Bet. 13th L 14th SUM DMAHA.ea-)Hlc-st liracticlnflVntlsts In the city


IDEinTTISTSS34 3EA2?Jtxlxi,sxx 1 1

BU and Hth, tip stairs,Teeth extracted without pain, by use of U I--

trous Oxide uas.V()ffire open atall bou e5tf

Sursloal aoo:I.VANCAMPM.D..

THiwnM his own medcines. and besidesregular practice, make, specialities o( Derangt-raen- ts

and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu-la, Piles and other Diseases of tho Bectura.

Orncx : Cjrner Farnham and 14h streets,first door to the right, up I". Resideno ,210 !oujlss street, between II and 13tb, nextto Lutheran Church, Omaha, Kh. AddressLock Hoi 3. janUdawtf


Eclectic PhysicianResidence and office 250 Dodge st bet Kth rnd

15th sis.Special attention paid toobstetrics and dis-

eases peculiar to women and children. I9U.

2SS Hartley street, between H'a and 15th.

.Mvr JL CssiSyHpBiSsSiB5Hr'vi ""

Cswriaw and fTgeB MaklftIn all it Branches, in the latest and most


and rtpalrlng don. oa abort aoticsepSC It


Market Gardners !K7ND3 OF VEGETABLES ANDALL for sale. Orders addressed to us

at our gardenCer. Slst ad Paal Streets,

wUIrecelTe prompt attention. apl5dSm

"WIITIvH SEXU3Ei.29ernaStmv - - Oauna, Sh





Bpedally Eaported for ta OxataJ)ai!y Bes,b? ti Atlantic lic.ft jilttiiltCc.

j CnEYExxE, July 2.

An incendiary fire-uxith- e rear ofMcDaniel'e Theatre this morningat 2 o'clock, burned Whipple's gro- -cervjBtore. Landan's meac market,and damatred Murrln's wholesale- -

liquor store. Loss $15,000; no'insuranee"

WASniXGTOX, Jul5'2The grand jurj' in the crihiinal

court today returned, a Jrue bill ofhidictmentagainstA. C. Buel, cor-respondent of the Detroit FreePress, for libel in publishing a state-ment that Senator Chandler hadbeen drunk in the Senate. Thecase will be tried next week.

e NewTork, July .

Dr. Hammond examined thebrain of the printer, Eutwistle, re-

ported to have died' of 'hydrophobiayesterday, and found no evidenceof that disease. The doctor thinkshis dealhnvas caused by hard drinkaggravated by fearsof hydrophobia.

Little Rock, July 2.The official vote for Pulaski coun-

ty, give Brooks' .ticket a majority offrom 100 to 200. Jefferson countytiives 2,100 majority against theconvention and elects Brooks' tick-et. The latter is the only countyheard from which gives anj consid-erable majority against the conven-tion. About twenty-fiv- e countiesalready heard from give a majorityof 24,000 for the convention. OnlyPulaski and Jefferson countic3 haveelected Brooks' candidates.

Kew York, July 2." The Golden Age of SaturJay nextwill contain the valedictory of Mr.Tilton, yo resigns tlie editorialcliarge to Mr. W. F. Clarke. It'willalso contain a further article on the

'Tilton-Becche- r, scandal, which thosewho have it rnterpfet'as quite a let-ting down on Tilton's part.

The following are tho importantpoints m his second remarkable let-ter, which" the Golden Age says iswritten to correct any misapprehen-sion created by the letter to l)r.Bacon. Ho had been assailed byDr. Bacon, who was led to believethat he was a scandal-mong- er andfabsifier, who had tried to ruin themost beloved of ministers. Tilton'scharacter and standing as a manamong men, were involved, and si-

lence 6n his part as to acknowl-edge the justice of Dr. Bacon's as-

persions, and the erroneous state-ments by vhicIP they wereappointed. One sentence fromBeecher's lips or pen "would havedrawn .the poisonous arrow andhealed the smart. Mr. Tilton calledMr. Beecher's attention to the of-

fensive statements, and in the pres-ence of two witnesses told him thaunless he coirected the misrepresen-tations in his way it would be ne-

cessary to correct them in his ownway, which voulti be severe. "NYeekspassed and no correction was made.Longer silence was impossible.Mr. Tilton is accused of intendingto striko Mr. Beecher a staggeringif not fatal blow. "Whoever readsthis letter with caro, will see thathe studiously refrained .from strik-ing uny blow at all, .save at thethick of calumny andmisrepresentations that had beenadroitly woven for his own entan-glement aud ultimate destruc-tion. His sole purpose wasfirst to save himself and afteryears, p silence and endurance,when longer silpnee and endurancewould have bepn" fatal, ajn jo re-

gained from mentioning Mr.Beecher at all, except as it wasnecessary to do so, in order to nethimself right. HN reticence inthis respect deserves commendation.If it were necessary to life tho cur-

tain and expose the serious,and inexcusable trans-

action; jn order to vjijdijwite hijn.-scl-f,

ho was not to blame. The wayis open, if PlyrooutKC'hiircJ) and Mr.Beecher M'Jeh to YU'djeate them,selves. Mr. Tilton does not wish toinjure Mr. Beecher, .amL hence ns

froni the publication of thatletter. Ho would nut rj&e by Mr.Beecher's ruin if he could,

He regretted having been forcedto say anything about the matter,but Sir. JJcepher's friends were toblame. With the frca.ndalitseli, weJiave nothing to do. Tliat is amatter for Plymouth Church andits pastor to deal with. If there isa skeleton in tho closet they willprobably hasten to open the door,and let daylight shine through itsdark places. Webster said thatsuicide under weight of an accusa-tion, was a confession of guilt.There are circumstances in whichsilence is suicide. But one thing inthis wl10Jp matter is so conspicu-ous and gra'u'd, that it deserves thenotice it has not received. "We re.fer to the toleration, sympathy, andsolicitude of the America peop'efor the gieatand useful manunderclouds of suspicion, thick andheavy enough to crush audordinaiycharacter beydiid recovery.A quarter of a centuryago, Mr. Bt-eJJi- wqu'dhave been tried befort an ecclesias-tical tribunal immeuaiei mid if heattempted to preach he would havebeon mobbed. To-da-y all Americawishes his acquittal, and believeshjm to be true In spite of the evi-dence. Fffteon millions pf peoplerefuse to condemn him. Even iftmd jr the linpulso he did what waswrong, what may have been donein a lit of frenzy does not counter-balance a whole life of purhy andsprvjee. He is only blamciole tornot npknowjedgjng squarely whathe does not deny and for allowingsuspicion to rest in the wrong place.For himself, Mr. Tilton asks only

justice. He has been guilty only oftog great. in unworthypersoni

'MayorHavemeyer ce

Comniiss!oners"Charllckand Gardner, who bad been con-victed of malfeasance in office, andwhose positions had been declaredvacant by Gov. Iix. Havemeyer,on being questioned, saul he hadtaken this step after mature delib-eration, and In pursuance, of the lawas heTiuderstand-Tlt-: John Keeley,of Tammany, on heinsr interviewed.stated that he had no intimation ofthe the comrnis.-- :

sr'y i 4ijijnsv.i m eju sjj, JIJI- -

uiL-uuu-e steps --wouia be taken toprevent this commissioners ;peiforming their duties. He also saidthat Tammany JIaJl leave"nothing undone to. have MayorHavemeyer removed" from his posi-tion, and that a deputation wouldbe sent to Albany at once to waitupon Gov. Bix antF invoke his acion in the matter.


United States Minieter Bancroftthe Recipient of a Number

ofCompliments and Ex-

pressions of Regard

from the German


- . BAYOXaE, July 2.Don Alphonso was wounded in

the arm in one of the recent en?gagemeuts with the Republicans.

Kome, July 2.The Pope told the generals of the

religious orders, who called uponhim yesterdaj', that he deplored thesuppresiqn cf their houses, and ex-

horted them to remain united, andthey would hereafter.

Paris, July 2.Tho new constitutional bill drawn

by the of the com-mittee of SO, no provision is madefor a successor to the President, andit is thought that tho object of theomission is to have an opjiortunityfor the restoration of monarchy,which may be possible when theScptennate ceases.

London, July 2.Dispatches from Spain report that

the Republican troops are badlyexcited over the reports of the mur-der and mutilation of rhe wounded,by the Carlists, and it is feared thatthey will make a disorderly retreat.Several accounts represent that theCarlists were on the point of rfrtreating, when General Concha waskilled.

Paris, July 2.The committee of the Assembly

has prepared a new constitutionalbill, the principal features of whichare as follows: It confirms thepergonal septennate of McMahonwith the title of President of theJtepublic; it recognizes two Assem-blies; aud empowers President Mc-Mahon to dissolve the Assemblywithout the concurrence of thesecond chamber.

Berlin, July 2.The North German Gazette, an

official paper, pavs a warm compli-ment to Hon. George Bancroft. Itsays: "The German governmentsees his departure with regret afeeling which is lively and generalin irivate as well asofficial circles,"and declares that since x'redtrickthe Great received Franklin, themutual understanding between Ger-many and the United States neverhas beennnore profound tlian atpresent. The Emperor "Williamhas presented a life-siz- e port-a- it ofhimself, painted to order, to Mr.Bancroft.

London, July 1.In the House of Commons last

evening Dr. Butt moved his resolvein favor of homo rule for Ireland.He maintained the home rule in-

volved no disturbance of the consti-tution. The imperial parliamentin whioh Ireland would, still repre-sented would have power to tax theresources of Ireland 'as well as ofGreat Britain. Since the union, Ire-land has always been imperiousand dissatisfied. He acknowledgedefibrts have been made to redressher grievances, but these had failed,and always would fail, because realliberty was denied. By restoringconstitutional rights content andprosperity would be establishedthroughout the countrj.

The attorney-gener- al for Irelandgave a decided and emphatic nega-tive to all the propositions whichDr. Butt hfif mjvaiipefj. Tjjo pres-ent proposals was lufinftcly moredangerous to tje peace and pns-perit- y

of the country than the de-ma- ud

for tho repeal of the Union,A collision of the Jmmerial and

Irish Parliaments would be Inevita-ble, particularly on the questions ofeoniuierce and finance. The pro-posed aciiotj would pndanger "thewhole commercial' and social fabric,and tho political constitution of bothcountries, ft would bp dangerousfor EiujJandj but practically ruinousfor Ireland. Ho regarded tho agi-tation of the subject as mischievousSnd futile,'

Chicago Pruuuce Market.Chicago, July 2.

Flour Dull, and unchanged goodto choice shipping extra 5 00525;medium J4 75500; supers 3 SO

4 50. . .

Wheat Easy-cas- h 1 10 July 1 15;August 1 10 J.

Corn Steady; July at5SJ; Aug-u- st

58J.Oats Weak; cash 42; July 40;

August 32J.Rye Steady at 83.Butter Dull at 18a22.Eggs Dull at llal2.Barley Dull at 1 IS, J 35.Highwines 94.Pork Quiet; cash IS 00; August

18 25; Sept. 18 45.Lard Quiet; cash 11 0011 15;

August 11 35.

St. Louis Produce Market.Br. Louis, Jly

Flour Quiet and unchangedWheats-Du-ll and lower for low

grades; others steady; No 2 Chicago1 00; prime to fancy fall, 1 23(3)1 35.

Corn Easy; No 2 mixed, 59 ontrack; oSGQ in elevator: 53 sellerfor July. s- - "

Oats Higher; No 2, 4840 onelevator.

Rvc-Stea- dy; 78S0.Whisky Quiet at 90.Pork Higher, 19 00.Lard Unchanged.

Chicago' ,Live Stock Market.Chicago, July 2.

Cattle Receipts 3,800.Marketdull and prices weak, very

few good though Tex-an- ssold at 3 004 40; "good cbmi

fed 4 504 75; common to extranative steers 56 40.

Hogs--Keceip- ts 16,000.Market quiet, prices weak, lower,

5 20a8 20; (jGHimon to choice extrawith sale god to choice 5 65a5 9q.

Sheep Receipts 500. "Marketdull, unchanged, sales 850 commonto choice, f

JSt. Lf His Live Stock.

j St. Louis, July 2.Hogs Receipts, 2000; firm and

light, 5 00(Sf4 25; cash, 5 505 "5 :heavy, 5 905 96.

Catqe Receipts, 1840; winteredTexans, 2 00450; butchers, 3 003 50; good to extra choice steers,3 754 2.s ---

1- jr?wwes:s-- T

M. " ini..rT8saf.ww"""." " !"J. 'y '.' "


V -



TheTublic Debt Statement ferJune, Showing 'a. Decrease

of $2,000i000.

Postmaster General CresweliRefuses t Withdraw His


WooNSOCKKT, R. I., July 2.The loss oifthe Social Mills, de-

stroyed by fire, will probably rangefrom $700,000 to SSOOjOOO; insuredfor $000,000 in several diilerent com-panies.

'East Orange, N. J., July 2.A man named Ames died here

yesterday, of hydrophobia. Hisfamily and'fiiends say they do notknow of'hl9ever having been bittenby a dog, and the case is thereforeregarded as remarkable.

New Orleans, 3 uly 2.In the Superior district court in

the case of the State of Louisianavs theiNew Orleans, Mobile andTexas Tailroad company, rendered ajudgment in favor of plaintiffs, or-

dering the company to return to theState $"50,000 of bonds, dated July1st, 1870, with coupons attached, orpay the amount in cash with inter-est, giving the State the first Hen onall their property west of the Mis-sissippi.

Boston, July 2.The report of the loss of the cable

steamer Faraday by coming intocollision with an iceberg, a weekago, off Nova Scotia, is denied.Col. Eastman, in answer to a tele-gram of inquiry, received the following from the cable company'smanager at Halifax : ".mere is nofoundation whatever for the report.No word of Faraday since she lefthere, but was speaking to an expe-rienced captain, who thinks she isat Sable Island.

New ioric, July 2.George Ellis, President of the

Commonwealth National Bank,which suspended during the Sep-tember panic, was arrested to-d-ay

on a bench warrant, issued on anindictment found against him bythe grand jury, charging him withembezzling $35,000 of the bank'sfunds.

Several ?niinent physicians herehave closely watched the case of R.L. Entmistle, who tlied at Bellcvuehospital this morning of supposedhydrophobia. Dr. Hammond saysthere is little room to doubt but thatEntmistle died ot hydrophobia, or,in other words, a dread of hydro-phobia.

Several others have the sameopinion, while a few consider deli-rium tremens the cause.

James P. Sanders, the lawyerwho wassL t in the court room yes-terday, atYo.ikera, by on!f"of theparties in tlie case, is recovering.

Considerable excitement wascaused in Wall street to-da- y at theclose of business owing to a reportthat a meeting of representatives ofprominent western roads had justconclued an agreement cuttingdown the through passenger andfreight rates about fifty per cent:,and which was to go into effect atonce. Tlie reason of this action onthe part of the roa Is was dullness ofbusiness.

Washington, July 2.The cabinet remained in session

about an knu-- and yjth theexcept jon of'confirming the appoint- -iueqt of Mr. Co'nant, as AssistantSecretary of the Treasury, only rou- - I

After tho adjournment ot thecabinet. Mr, Cresswell stated thathe would act until his successor wasappointed, but he intended to insistupon leavjngthp department as soonas possible. Jr. reply tq"4 question,as to whether he vioi-It- l reconsiderhis resignation, he said cmphatl.cally; "No; J was in earnest, andwould bp glad to be relieved

He directed tho first assist-ant Postmaster General, to signsome documents, which were pre-sented to hjrn, decllung t,o feeftjeany questions or decide on matters,except as were necessary to keopthe department in working condi-tion.

Private advfpes frorn Texas saythe "recent "experiments niaile todti'epen tho channel' in the bay ofCorpus Christl have proved afailure.

Railroadmen, owners of the im-mense coal fields, and the capitalistsof southwestern Texas and easternMexico have selected Rockport asthe point best suited for navigationpurposes. To railroads have beenchartered by the State, with liberalsubsidies, both "to teminato in New- -

Mexico at Lerado, one from CorpusChristl, and one from Rockport.Owing, however, to the failure todeepen the channel at Corpus Chris tithe latter road will probably not bebuilt. The need of a road in thisregion has had great weight withthe gqvornrnent n anorqing assis-tance ror" its construction. Capital-ists from the Pacific coast and Mex-ico are interesting themselves in thematter.

The public debt statement forJune shows a decrease ot the publicdebt for that month of $2,180,196.94wjth th.e following balances in theTreasury: Ourrenay, $1,876,040.62;special deposit legal tenders for theredemption of certificates of depos-it, $3s,760,000; coin $74,205,304.12idcluding coin certificates $22,885,-10- 0;

outstanding legal tenders $382,--0ooooo.

Mr. Conant, ehiof of the warrantdivision of the treasury department,has been appointed assistant secre-tary of the treasury.

The Attorney General has decidedthat under the act of June 16tb,Jl$74f no payment can be made toany railroad company for tlie trans?portations of troops or property oftheUnited States, when its a rail-roa- d

which was constructed inwhole or part by ai$ of a grant ofpublic lands upon conditions as tothe use of the railroads.

The President baa tendered General Ketcham, of New York, theposition of commissioner of thegovernment of the District ofColumbia, made vacant by theJeclinaton of Mr. Cattelt. It isbelieved that Ketcham will accept.

It is stated, ou good authority to-

night, that Hon, G W. Scofield, ofPpnnsylviiiia, has been tenderedthe appointment of postmaster-gen- -eral. .It Is certain that te has beencommunicated with on the subject,

.. Des Moines, July 2.- Th management of the Chicago,Hock Island &. Pacific Railroad havedetermined to obey the new law ofTowa-fo- r the regulation of passenger 1

and freight rates, more, however, asHa matter or experiment man front asense of justice.

Philadelphia, July 2.The Zoological Garden, at Fair-

mont, containing several hundredquadrupeds, birds', fish, and reptiles,was" formally opened to the publicto-da- y. It will be one of the great-est attractions of the Centennial ex-position.

Long Branch, July 2.The body of a man, supposed to

be that of G. A. Curtis, of West-chester county, New York, cameastiore lastnighr.

The comet was plainly visibleto the naked" eye here last night.

George Ellis, PresidentBank, arrested

for misappropriating $33,000, washeld to bail-i- n the sum of?200,000by Commissioner Osborne.

New York, July 2.Officer Shaw, of the police force,

is under $2,500 bail to await his trialon the charge of robbing a man onhis beat of a large sum of money.

A letter from Rome, dated JuuelGth, states that tho American pil-grims have disbanded and many ofthem en route for home.

Mr. G. E. Mills, a reporter of theNew York Tribune, states that thestory of Mr. Parton, in a monthlymagazine, about reporters who fur-nished accounts of the hanging ofthe Italian murderer, Lusignavi, atMorristown, N. J., is entirely un-true, and that the reporters "weredrunk, is most emphatically denied.

Washington, July 2.The payments made from the

troasury by warrants during June,are as follows; Civil service andmiscellaneous, $5,214,371.53; war,$4,140,435.04; navy, $1,451,271.53;interior, Indians and pensions,$1,50G,245.32; total, $12,312,325.52.This does not include paymentsmade on account of interest or prin-cipal of the public debt.

John P. Bigelow, Chief of theTreasury Loan Branch, who hasbeen in Europe about a rear in con-nection with the Syndicate, re-

turned here last night, and resumedhis olUcial duties to-da- y. He stagesthat there is comparatively nothingbeing done by the Syndicate now,but that the demand for new UnitedStates 5 per cent, bonds continueslarge; that the prices obtainabletbOrefor are remarkably good.

Ni;w York, July 2.A Times special from Boston re-

ports the loss of the cable steamerFaraday by a collision with an iceberg qft" Halifax, It denies that Col.Eastman received a, telegram fromthe Cab.e company's manager atHalifax, stating that there Avas nofoundation for tho report. No

word of tho Faraday since she leftHalifax. It is thougnt she is atCable Island.

Gen. Smith, supervising inspectorgeneral of steamboats, arrived fromWashington yesteiday to meet theboard of commissioners who havecharge of the experimental test Will begin tests on Mon-day at Sandy Hook.

Pol. "NYilliams, of the deputy sur-veyor's staff) seized four diamondrings, twelve gold watches andmany gold chains, rings, studs andother jewelry on Greenwich streeton suspicion of their having beensmuggled. The goods are valuedat $35,000. They were broughthere by passengers from Europe.

The downward course of the stockmarket was resumed yesterday, andactive stocks declined underpressureof the announcement of. defaults byseveral railroads. Tlie Erie litiga-tion excited considerable tftlK. Al-though tierp Is no certnlnty as tothe na'mes selected for Erie'dircctors,the following are some of the namesagreed upon for tljQ new board ; J.Ivhig, vice-preside- nt of tho Balti.-inor- Q

5t Ohio road: Thomas A.Scott. J. Jewott, H. J. Stebbins,Marshall 0. Roberts, "Win. ButlerDuncan, John A. C. Gray, and It.Suydam Grant. Tlie representa-tives of thpErjp. 3ow York Central,and Baltimore 'ifc'phio roads held ameeting yesterday and discussedthe question of the new schedulo offreight chnrges. It Is understoodthat tho disposition was to lowerthe charges somewhat on all rail-road lines, when a war between theseveral interested roads was Ueclar-e-f,

and caused" a reduptUm of rateson freight from New York to SanFrancisco ou eomo classes veryheavily.

The Freednien's Savings antfTrust Coinpany, s likgjy to wind upits affairs here. Orders have beenreceived from Washington, to stopreceiving or paying out money.

A special from Washington says :

It Is stated on 'good authority thatHon. Geo. Schotield, of Ptmnbylva-ni- a,

has been tendered the positionof Postmaster general.


New York Money Market.New --York, July 2.

Money More easy; at 3 per cent.Exchange Foreign, dull, and

slightly easier at nominal rates; at$8S for days, and 4- -l forsigLt,

Gold Dull, but firm. Opened at110, vith a rise to HO-j- , which isthe present price. At tlie treasurysale of one million of gold to-da- y,

prices ranged from 110.01 to 110.03.

Governments Also weak andlower, In'sympathy with gold; cur-rency sixes, 115J.

The cxcltiment in the stock mar-ket has somewhat subsided; theprices are, however, some fluctua-ting. The market beidg weaker to-

day. Erie, 313; P M43; U P 2CJ;Vf U 73'j.

New York Produce Market.New York, Juty 2.

Breadstuffs Quiet.Flour Dull; State and western,

5 00a5 25; extra 5 0fla5 00.Wheat Steady; No 1 spring,

1 40al 42; No 2 Chicago, 1 34al 33;No 2 Milwaukee spring, 1 39 asked.

Corn Easier; western mixedafloat-75a76- '

Oats Heavy; western mixed,53a581,

Rye Dull.Provisions Quiet but steady.Pork New mess, IS 2oal8 37.Lard lla:i. "Tallow 7J8 C. .

Leather in demand throughoutprime realizing fuU price , but low-er ordinary goods sold easier.

Iron Doll and nominal.Wood limited demand, manu- -

factures appearing to hold ofT until1 there is a better supply here of new

clipped, . .

tilUillJIII I


Ladies' Ready-Ma-de SuitsAT CRUICKSHANK'S

To make more room for our stock of specialties, viz

EMBROIDEBIES AND BLACKWe 1 ave concluded to close out our

9 u

5 a2 it

2 a- -



15 Ladies Suits with Skirt and Polonaise,

10 White5 Percale "Wrappers, at


The Goods are all new, and bought from the manufacturer for Cash.

KElElsrJlSrTS- - JL3STT3.' We have also arranged on our center counters a lot of remnants, and goods slightly soiled, to be sold at

low prices.

A. CEUICKSHAIrK,Cor. 14th. and Faniliam Sts., Omaha, STob.

FAT.T. ST-aOIKI- , 1873.

R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street,WHOLESALE RETAIL



An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to besoio. lower man any otner nonse in tne










OSCJLEXiE-- S SHIYEBIOK.Furniture, bedding, Mirrors,

and to the FURNITURE anr?HOLSTER Y has largely increased his stock andnnwhas a complete assortment oi FINE. TviH'.T.TTtr w itPRICED eoocls. which he isPRICES as to make it to the interest v VA lll J Tl II All ranything in this to his purchas-FABLORSET- S,





Confectionery,Tob-cc- ",

Segars,iiC, &C.&C

S. KIT aadFARNUAlI.a lUlf

&JIanufactnrers of


Cooking and Heating Stores.Tin Rooflng, Spouting and Gutter1 ngdoa

short notice and is ihe best mauner.ittetn trret sept24 (11

City MeatSI3C333E33j-S- - :

K(vp constantly on'hand






Fine Medium







on. Seodtr


reduced prices:Firmer Prices.

4.00 $ 5,505.00 6.506,00 7.50750 9,00

10,00 125014.00 16,504,50 6006,00 7503,00 5,00

city, consisting of


ot ZZtFAnf ; "YH.







everything pertainin9: tt-- p


line, examine stock before


Schneider JJurincster









UitUtLK.203 ParuliAm Stroot. Omahn:FRANK J.RAM&E


GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS,Full ssortmentof Imported TVooIeas. All Wrk Watraated.

232 FarnkamSt,


MILLINERYAt Greatly JRedticed Prices !


"DA-t- r.BTJ-fFi-t--


AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSCor. 13th. and Harney Streets,


Spring and Summer Styles.A. POLACK,

CLOTHIER,233 Farnham St. XTear 14th.



.Bssssss BsssssssssssssssssssssssssssV

ui BaBB5i UBbbsStssssssssBBJPWAIh IkBBBBBBBBs

KBSSSSSSSSSSSSSH bsssssssssbBssssssssssi1


sLmBv BjssBBi BBBiBBm b

4-- MJmClothing,

and Furnishing Goods.





