THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE - Malta Tours · Palazzo Parisio & Gardens 19th century Maltese...

RMF Publishing & Surveys Ltd. In collaboration with Issue No.23 THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE M A L T A M A L T A March 09 March 09

Transcript of THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE - Malta Tours · Palazzo Parisio & Gardens 19th century Maltese...

Page 1: THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE - Malta Tours · Palazzo Parisio & Gardens 19th century Maltese Palace, home of the Marquis Scicluna family, with a histo-ry, architecture and interior

RMF Publishing & Surveys Ltd. In collaboration with






March 09March 09

01 March Cover 23/2/09 09:30 Page 1

Page 2: THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE - Malta Tours · Palazzo Parisio & Gardens 19th century Maltese Palace, home of the Marquis Scicluna family, with a histo-ry, architecture and interior

Small and beautiful as it is, Gozo cannot be seen in just one day.

As a place to relax, ‘hang out’ and live the good life the island is unsurpassed. After you set foot on Gozo, you’ll know why you need more than just a day to savour it’s leisurely charms. The more you enjoy your visit to Gozo, the more likely you are to return, and to recommend the island to others.

If you are intrigued by this beautiful island’s ability to create ‘Gozo fanatics’ like ourselves, then plan a visit. We always stay for more than just a day. It’s the secret hideaway of all Maltese. Which is why we would prefer to leave it undiscovered by you. But it’s in our nature to share the best we have with visitors.

SSSSSh... Captivating Gozo!

Page 3: THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE - Malta Tours · Palazzo Parisio & Gardens 19th century Maltese Palace, home of the Marquis Scicluna family, with a histo-ry, architecture and interior


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This edition was published in March 2009. © 2009 Published & Designed:RMF Publishing & Surveys ltd.

CCoonnttaacctt EEvveennttss MMaallttaa oonn:: Tel: (+356) 21220766e-mail: [email protected], G’Mangia Hill Pieta’MSD1313 Malta.

RMF Publishing & Surveys Ltd

Tourist Information ..................4Heritage ................................6Museums & Heritage Sites ......7Exhibitions ..............................9Theatre ................................11Performances ........................12Public Holidays ....................17Festivals ................................18Sports ..................................19Gardens ..............................20Kids ....................................21Eating Out ............................22Bus Routes ............................23Maps:

Sliema/St.Julian’s ....26-27Rabat/Mdina................28Birgu ............................29Bugibba/St. Paul’s Bay..30Valletta ........................31


03 Contents 2/23/09 1:30 PM Page 1

Page 4: THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE - Malta Tours · Palazzo Parisio & Gardens 19th century Maltese Palace, home of the Marquis Scicluna family, with a histo-ry, architecture and interior

Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

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Public Transport Malta’s public transport sys-tem offers a cheap and effi-cient way of touring the Island.The main bus terminus is inValletta from where busesoperate to all parts of Malta,although there are also direct,


Tourist Info.

Tourist Info. point to point, services. Thecost of a bus route rangesfrom 15 cents to 70 cents.Thelongest bus journey takesabout fifty minutes; the aver-age ride is between 20 and 30minutes.

Driving Driving is on the left. There is a speed limit of 80 kilome-tres per hour on arterialroads and 40 kph in urbanareas.

Cycling Cycling became popular againsince the introduction of allterrain cycles (ATBs), whichare ideally situated to Maltaand Gozo. ATBs and bicyclesmay be hired from variouscycle shops throughout the

islands. Cyclists shouldremember to always followthe highway code and clearlyhand signal their intentions.

Boat HireCanoes, rowing boats, sailingboats, pedalos and speedboatsare available for hire from anumber of operators in themore popular seaside resorts.Larger vessels and yachts arealso available for charter.

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Page 6: THE OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE - Malta Tours · Palazzo Parisio & Gardens 19th century Maltese Palace, home of the Marquis Scicluna family, with a histo-ry, architecture and interior

Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

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Cultural TourThe cultural tour organised byThe Malta Council for Cultureand Arts, consists of a tourwhich includes: Ghar Dalam,Loretu chapel in Gudja, TheChinese garden in Santa Lucijaand Tarxien temples. Moreinformation may be obtainedfrom the Malta Council forCulture and the Arts, 230Republic Street Valletta, by notlater than Wednesday beforethe respective tours.



Palazzo Parisio &Gardens19th century MaltesePalace, home of the MarquisScicluna family, with a histo-ry, architecture and interiorunique in Malta. A gloriousshowcase of Maltese andItalian craftsmanship with anornate gilded, mirrored ball-room reminiscent ofVersailles.) Palazzo Parisio, Naxxarº Open daily Monday -Saturday (except Good Friday,24th, 25th Dec & 1st Jan) 9am-6pm. Last admission 4.30pm.Tickets: Adults €9, Students €6& Children €4.50 v 54, 55, 56, 65

% 21412461 º 15 March% 21232515, 21245168

ALARMEThe 50 minute re-enact-ment por trays militar y skir-mishes between Maltesemilitia and Napoleon’stroops aided by a narrationthat describes the historicalbackground of 1798 - 1800.The re-enactment unfolds ina ser ies of dramatized

Knights Spectacular1565 & Strait StreetDinner ShowAn action packed musicalspectacle with 50 talentedperformers and 8 trainedhorses. On the other handStrait Street has Over 30 orig-inal music numbers, 21 songs,and 200 dazzling costumeswill take you from a promiscu-ous 18th century carnival, tothe antics of British service-men. Patrons are served a 3course dinner with free flow-ing wine and beverages.) The Arena, MontekristoEstates, Hal Farrug, l/o Siggiewi.º Thursdays at 7.30pm.Tickets: Adults €48, Childrenunder 12: €24. Free transport.% 21228065, 99991565

scenes that depict thearrival of the French, theiradministration of Malta, theMaltese’ rebellion and thearrival of the British Troopsthat led to the French sur-render. The re-enactmentsare held according to sched-ule , however, in case ofinclement weather or elsedue to some unforeseen cir-cumstance the event may becancelled without unduenotice. When in doubt it isbest to contact the TouristInformation Office at CityGate.) Fort St. Elmo,Valletta º 15 March.Tickets: adults €5,children (6 - 12) and students€3. Group tickets also available.v All Buses% 22915136, 21237747

In GuardiaA histor ical re-enactmentthat por trays an authentichistorical event. This is theregular inspection of thefor t and garr ison by theGrand Bailiff of the Order ofthe Knights of St. John incharge of militar y affair s.During the re-enactmentthe for t's garrison (some 70in all) is dressed in its bestuniforms to demonstratesto the Grand Bailiff its mili-tar y prowess. The durationof the show is of roughly 40minutes.) Fort St. Elmo,Valletta.º 1, 8, 22, 29 March, 11am.Tickets: €5 adults, €3 childrenbetween the ages or 6 and12.v All Buses% 23696073/4

Cultural Tour


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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

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National Museum ofNatural History, MdinaThe 18th century MagisterialPalace of Justice currentlyholds over 10,000 rocks andminerals, over 3,500 birds,eggs and nests, 200 mammals,over 200 fish species andthousands shells and insects. Amust for nature & historylovers.) Vilhena Palace, St PubliusSquare, Mdina º Open Monday - Sunday:9am – 5pm (last admission4.30pm). Tickets: Adults: €2.33,Children between the ages of 6and 12:€0.58, Students & SeniorCitizens: €1.25, Infants: Free

v 89, 65, 80, 81, 84, 86% 21455951

The Mdina DungeonsIn a series of secret under-ground passageways, cham-bers and cells, a number ofevents have been re-creat-ed to por tray historicevents from the dark andturbulent side of Maltesehistory.) St. Publius Square, Mdinaº Winter hours: Monday -Saturday 9.30am - 4pm.Sunday 9.30am - 4.30pm.Summer hours: 9.30am -4pm.Tickets: Adults: €4. Familypack €9.50.

v 89, 65, 80, 81, 84, 86% 21450267

Palazzo CostanzoMedieval TimesAn elegant Baroque palacebuilt in the 17th Centuryoffering a medieval adventureusing wax figures, light, soundand smell. The history startsfrom the 14th and 15th centu-ry and depicts family life andMaltese trades.) 26,Triq Villegaignon, Mdinaº Monday – Saturday:9.30am – 6.30pm. Tickets:Adults: €3, Children: €1.40v 89, 65, 80, 81, 84, 86% 21454625



Museums & Heritage Sites

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority


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Hal Saflieni Hypogeum

This UNESCO WorldHeritage monument consistsof halls, chambers and pas-sages cut in rock. The com-plex is grouped in 3 levelsdating from different peri-ods, the deepest room being10.6m under road surface.) Burial Street, Paola º Open between 9am and11am, 1pm and 4pm, guidedtours on the hour. Tickets:Adults: €9.32, Children,Students & Senior Citizens:€4.66, Infants under 6: noadmittance. Tickets can bepurchased from HalSaflieniHypogeum, Paola andNational Museum ofArchaeology, Valletta fromMalta and Ggantija Temples,Xaghra and Museum ofArchaeology, Citadel fromGozo or booked onlinewww.her i t agema l ta 1, 2, 3, 4, 6% 21805018/9

Malta Maritime Museum,VittoriosaA former British Naval Bakery,the museum shows Malta’smaritime history within aMediterranean context. It alsoillustrates the global nature ofseafaring and its impact onsociety.) Ex-Naval Bakery, Vitt-oriosa º Monday - Sunday: 9am -5pm. last admission 4.30pm.Tickets:Adults: €4.66, Children6 - 12: €1.16, Students &Senior Citizens: €2.33, Infants:Free.v 6% 21660052

Inquisitor’s PalaceVittoriosaThe Palace was built as civillaw courts for the Order ofSt John and remained sountil 1571. It was made anofficial residence when thenfirst general inquisitor MgrPietro Dusina came toMalta.) Main Gate Street, Vitt-oriosa º Monday - Sunday: 9am -5pm. Last admission 4.30pm.Tickets:Adults: €4.66, Children6 - 12: €1.16, Students &Senior Citizens: €2.33, Infants:Freev 6% 21827006

The Bir MulaExhibitionThe exhibition includes aread-through narrative on thehistory of Cospicua.) 79, St Margerita Str,

Cospicuaº Saturdays & Sundays from10am - 12pm.v 3 % 21661000, 21826427

Ghar Dalam Cave & Museum, BirzebbugaThe site is the earliest evi-dence of human settlementon Malta round 7,400 yearsago. The cave was formed by an overlaying river makingit become 144m deep.Only the first 50m are opento visitors.) Zejtun Road, Birzebbugaº Monday - Sunday: 9am -5pm. Last admission 4.30pm.Tickets:Adults: €3.49, Childrenfrom 6 - 11: €1.16, Students12 - 17 & Senior Citizens:€1.75, Infants: Free.v 11, 12, 12% 21657419

St. Paul's CatacombsThe underground Romancemetr ies, the ear l iest and largest archaeologicalevidence of Chr ist ianity in Malta, were used til l 4th centur y AD. Thoughsmaller in size than thoseof Italy and Nor th Afr ica,they are r icher in architec-ture.

) St Agatha Street, Rabat º Monday - Sunday: 9am -5pm. Last admission 4.30pm.Tickets: Adults: €4.66,Children between 6 and 12years of age: €1.16, Students& Senior Citizens: €2.33,Infants: Free.v 65, 80, 81, 84, 86% 21454562

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

TICA International CatCompetitionThe cats who will be judged bythree all-breed judges fromJapan, Austria and France canbe the lucky winners of a num-ber of rosettes, trophies, best incolour cards and best of divi-sion ribbons.) Ir-Razzett tal-Hbiberija,Marsascalaº 1 Marchv 19, 20% 79334479

KaleidoscopeAn exhibition of paintings byAnastasia Ponyatovskaya.) St. John Hall, CittadellaCentre, The Citadel, Victoria,Gozoº 1 - 6 March. Monday -Saturday 10am - 4pm. Sundaysand public holidays 11am - 3pm.v All Buses% 99077991

Compositions An exhibition of paintings byPaul Cassar.) The Loggia, NationalMuseum of Fine Arts,Vallettaº 1 - 15 March. Monday -Sunday 9am - 5pm. Last admis-sion 4.30pm. Free admission.v All Buses

Holidays in Malta An exhibition of watercoloursby Walter Busuttil.) Heritage Malta HeadOffice, Merchant Street,Valletta º 1 - 15 March. Monday -Friday 9am - 5pm. Last admis-sion 4.30pm. Free admission.v All Buses



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Love in DiversityMario Agius is exhibiting aseries of sculptures inspired byvarious themes. 'Love inDiversity' is a showcase ofboth wood and stone sculp-ture in which Agius is express-ing his love for capturing figu-rative and semi abstractedforms. Besides exploiting avariety of materials, Mariomakes use of their particularfeatures to enhance hisexpressionist renderings. Manyof his sculptures are inspiredfrom mother and child, familyand lovers themes and evenhuman suffering and diversity.His expressionistic and almostprimitive approach to themedia is visible especially in hiswood and weathered lime-stone sculptures. This soloexhibition illustrates workscreated by the artist to amal-gamate together his past stud-ies, past experiences and hisinner feeling towards art.Thusthis exhibition serves as a

manifesto of the artist's innersoul.

) Art..e Gallery 1 LibraryStreet,Victoria Gozoº 1 - 14 March. Monday -Saturday 9.30am - 12.15pm.Fridays 9.30am - 12.15 & 5 -7pm.v All Buses% 99472831

Changing Malta Time is passing without beingnoticed. Time is modifyingthings and we realize this happening only after the thingsare already modified. Most ofthe time we can barelyremember how the thingswere before, but we can feel avague sense of missing. Wehave missed the change.Through the times our planethas changed as well as oursocieties. This process ofchanging could be symbolizedby the aspect of our cities, withtheir buildings, shapes, spaces,skylines and so forth. Citieshave mutated deeply in othercountries. In Malta this transi-tion from a traditional, rural,quiet place to a post-modern,touristy, chaotic cauldron ishappening now.The aim of thisexhibition is to focus the viewers' attention on this transition, to force the viewersto notice the mutation inorder to remember todayhow the things were yesterdayand to ask themself if they likehow they are going to betomorrow. Before is too late.) St. James Cavalier,Vallettaº 1 - 19 Marchv All Buses% 21223200


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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority


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The Victor Pasmore inMalta Exhibition An exhibition by HeritageMalta in collaboration with theMalta Council for Culture andthe Arts (MCCA) featuringworks by Victor Pasmore.) The Gozo Area ExhibitionHall of Heritage Malta,St.Martin’sQuarters,The Citadel, Gozo.º 1 March - 17 April.Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm.Last admission 3.30pm. Freeadmission.v All Buses

HeartlandExclusive artworks by JamesVella Clark which were exhibit-ed at the United Nations head-quaters in New York. In‘Heartland’ James Vella Clarkseeks to explore the colourfulspectrum that is life: its innerdemons, loneliness, its serenity,its anger, its mellowness, its des-olation.Above all else, its endlessquest for a brighter daybreak.

) Artitude Gallery, TigneStreet, Sliemaº 2 -15 March. Tuesday -Saturday 10am - 1pm, 4 - 7pm.v 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70% 21316708, 99844653

Informatix) MFCC, National Stadium Ta' Qali º 6 - 8 Marchv 65, 86

Art Exhibition By italian artist Corrado Iozzia.) Banca Giuratale, Indep-endence Square,Victoria, Gozoº 6 - 31 Marchv All Buses% 21556125

Emotions in StoneCharles Bonnici will be hold-ing his first major solo exhibition. The exhibitionwill show a vast, prolific col-lective of 50 limestone sculp-tures created over the last12 months. Charles’s largerthan life character is clearlyevident in his work whichcomes from, and connectswith, human emotion. Hissemi abstract figures dance,love, talk, caress and drawyou into their private littleworlds.) Malta Society of Arts,Palazzo De La Salle, 219Republic Street,Vallettaº 2 - 21 March. Monday -Friday 10am - 7pm. Saturday10am - 1pm.v All Buses

Holy Week ExhibitionExhibition commemoratingthe Holy Week events organ-ised by the GhaqdaDilettantital-Gimgha l-Kbira,.

) Ministry for Gozo Hall,Victoria, Gozo

º 7 - 15 March

v All Buses% 21561482

Rays of HopeThe 15th solo art exhibitionby Anthony Caruana.) VGB Art Gallery, RepublicStreet,Valletta.º 7 March - 2 Aprilv All Buses

Urbanisation Games Adrian Scicluna’s first soloexhibition are conceptualsculptures, which illustrate histhoughts regarding the devel-oping Maltese landscape. Heexplores the various aspectsof local urbanization, usingsome popular games asmetaphors. The ar t piecesprovoke thought processeson human behavior vis-à-vislocal environment. Adrian’smain investigations focus oncontemporary social issues.Prostitution, urbanization andthe alter ego are some of thetopics he executed to date.The media employed for real-ization of his art works oftendepends on the subject mat-ter concerned. In fact, Adrian’sconceptual sculptural worksare typically executed usingmaterials and objects that areconceptually linked and specific to the issues and concepts in question. Thework generally provokes intel-lectual and often emotionalconnections related to theconcerns addressed.

) St. James Cavalier,Vallettaº 13 March - 26 Aprilv All Buses% 21223200

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

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Art Exhibition By gozitan artists Paul Stelliniand Martin Attard.) Art….e Gallery, Victoria,Gozoº 14 - 31 Marchv All Buses% 2155 7911

Home Exhibition) MFCC, Millenium StandLevel 1, National Stadium Ta' Qali º 19 - 22 Marchv 65, 86

Art and AntiqueExhibitionCollective ar t and antiqueexhibition organised by theEden and Razzett Foundation.) 18, Republic Street,Victoria, Gozoº 19 - 31 Marchv All Buses% 21558941

MkejjenRober t Zahra presents aselection of paintings, draw-ings and photographs from asix year project focusing onthe experience of the city.The works take us throughthe open public spaces andinto the subterranean cor-ners of the metropolis.) Upper Galleries, St. JamesCavalier,Vallettaº 20 March - 3 Mayv All Buses% 21223200

Artworks ExhibitionExhibition of artworks by for-eign artists.) Gozo School of Arts andCrafts, Ghajnsielem, Gozo

Artworks by GoranCejkovIn collaboration withHollingsworth International.Goran uses a very stylizedform of abstraction when itcomes to preparing hisworks, which is later compli-mented with a very photo-graphic image of the subjectportrayed. A complete fusionwhich works very well as awhole. A series of paintingsdepicting Maltese architec-ture which take form inchurches and other heritagebuildings.) Artitude Gallery, TigneStreet, Sliemaº 18 - 31 March. Tuesday -Saturday 10am - 1pm, 4 -7pm.v 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70% 21316708, 99844653

º 25 - 31 Marchv All Buses% 21556186

ExhibitionCcommemorating nationalpoet Gorg Pisani on the occa-sion of the centenary of hisbirth.) Ministry for Gozo Hall,Victoria, Gozo.º 27 - 31 Marchv All Buses% 21561482

4.48 PsychosisThe late Sarah Kane’s har-rowing drama of private suffering, expressed withincredible verbal energy.Produced by the ManoelTheatre ManagementCommittee in collaborationwith the Malta Drama Centre.

) Manoel Theatre, OldTheatre Street,Vallettaº 1 Marchv All Buses% 21246389

‘Allo ‘AlloBy FM Theatre Productions.Written by David Croft andJeremy Lloyd and directed byChris Gatt, this TV spin-offcomedy is set in occupiedrural France during WorldWar ll.

) Manoel Theatre, OldTheatre Street,Vallettaº 29, 30, 31 March. 3, 4, 5April, 7.30pm.v All Buses% 21246389


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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority


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Little Chamber Music Flute trio sonatas. Pro-gramme:Albinoni - Sonata da Camera aTre op 8/4b. Handel - Sonata inC minor. Telemann - TrioSonata in A minor. Janitsch -Trio Sonata in e minor.Performers: Sarah Spiteri - vio-lin; Robert Calleja - flute; AlexVella Gregory - continuo) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 1 March, 11am.v All Buses

Live JazzPerforming Puse'- Vinny Vella- JoeVella. With a selection of FineWines, Platters. Persons under the age of 17 will not be admitted.) The Wine Theatre, ValleyRoad, Birkirkaraº 1 March, 2pm.v 42, 43, 45, 47, 49% 21488593, 99499675

Monday Ovation Organised by the MaltaCultural Institute.

) The Ballroom of theHotel Phoenicia, Floriana º 2 March, 7pm.v All Buses

Lunchtime Concert) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 5 March, 12.30pm.v All Buses

Porn the MusicalPorn is an innovative newmusical by Maltese scriptwriterMalcolm Galea and the musi-cians Boris Cezek and KrisSpiteri. In a nutshell, it is unlikeanything you’ve ever seenbefore. Best of all, it’s com-pletely original with a fantasticsoundtrack that will appeal toall people with a contempo-rary musical taste and ahealthy sense of humour.Synopsis: When young Stefan’shappy existence on the islandof Malta is shattered by hisfiancé’s slutty revelation, hegoes off to America in searchof a new life. What he finds isan exciting group of friends inan industry that takes somegetting used to. Unless theirlatest movie turns out to behighly profitable, the studio willbe shut down and so they allembark on a desperate musi-cal adventure that has all thewide-eyed wonder of a Disneymovie – but not for kids.Definitely not for kids.

) MITP, St. ChristopherStreet,Vallettaº 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 March,8.30pmv All Buses % 21223200

SaffiSaffi, which means ‘layers’ inMaltese, is a showcase of newworks by young composerAlexander Vella Gregory. Theconcert will feature HamesGhanjiet, a set of five songs forsoprano and piano, and PianoSonata No. 3.The piano sonatawas written in September2008 whilst on an artist resi-dency at the Virginia Centrefor Creative Arts. SopranoMarouska Attard will be inter-preting the Hames Ghanjiet,which will be receiving itsworld premiere.The texts, alsoby the composer, deal withunrequited love. This concertmarks the culmination of anartist residency programme.This formed part of an ongo-ing exchange between theVirginia Centre for CreativeArts and St James Cavalierwhich gives Maltese artists,authors, and composers achance to participate in anartist exhcange programme.) St. James Cavalier,Vallettaº 7 March, 8.30pm. Tickets€5.v All Buses% 21223200

Grand OperettaEvening Grand Operetta Evening organ-ised by G&T Productions. Thisconcert is being held with theparticipation of Italian tenorMarco Voleri, soprano TizianaScaciga Della Silva together withlocal tenor Joseph Aquilina andsoprano Ruth SammutCasingena accompanied by liveorchestra under the direction ofMro Archibald Mizzi, with the


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artistic direction of GeorgeMicallef.All singers will join forcesin the gran finale performing themost popular arias delighting thelocal public. Each presentationwill be made in the typical comicoperetta style by comedianWalter Rubboli with his re-enactment of the lively and bois-terous operetta atmosphere.) Catholic Institue Theatre,Floriana.º 7 & 8 Marchv All Buses% 21234555,99429447

A Filigree of Dance Yada’s mega 25th anniversarycelebration show. The showwill incorporate a cast of 350dancers and an array of loclestablished singers. Oscar-win-ning Peter Howitt set designer,costumes Beatrix by Charlesand Ron, Ernest Camilleri andLimelight costumes.) Mediterranean Confer-ence Centre,Vallettaº 7, 8, 13 - 15 March.Tickets:€27, €25, €18, €13.v All Buses% 25595750/1

The Haydn ConcertSeries - The ConcertoThis year, the music worldaround the globe is commemo-rating the 200th anniversary ofthe death of Joseph Haydn(1732-1809). Musicians fromthe St. James Consort and otherguest artists will be presentingan exciting programme ofdiverse genres from string quar-tets, piano trios, vocal reper-toire, piano sonatas, piano trios and concertos. Programme:Trumpet Concerto in Eb major,

A Candlelight Concert A highly-enjoyable evening of light song in a Sagrestia Vault lit bycandles. Listen to some of your favourite songs and arias by sopra-no and tenor; selected excerpts from some popular operettas andoperas such as Donizetti’s “L’Elisir d’Amour”, Lehar’s “The MerryWidow”, Loewe’s “My Fair Lady”, “Showboat” and many others.Performers: Soprano - Marita Bezzina, Tenor - Frans Mangion.Accompanied by Ramona Zammit Formosa on piano) Sagrestia Vault,Valletta Waterfrontº 13 March, 7.30pm.v All Buses% 79680952

Piano concerto in D major.Performers: Sigmund Mifsud -trumpet; Ramona ZammitFormosa - piano;St.James Consort.) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 8 March, 11am.v All Buses

The ValparaisoUniversity ChamberConcert Band The Chamber Concert Band isthe premier concert band ofthree at Valparaiso University.Membership is by audition andstudents of all majors areencouraged to participate.Each person in the band is con-

sidered an integral member.Although a principal player isnamed for each section, bandmembers rotate parts so thateveryone plays both melodyand harmony parts during each performance. Repertoireincludes the finest in concertband music, with a special focuson original band compositions.Conducted by Jeffrey ScottDoebler.

) Main Hall, St. JamesCavalier,Valletta

º 11 March, 8pm. Freeadmission.v All Buses% 21223200

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority


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Valparisio UniversityConcert Band Programme: Woodwind Choir- J S Bach, If Thou Be Near, tr.Ronald L. Moehlmann. JosefHaydn - March for the Princeof Wales. Hugh M. Stuart - AHymn for Band. Brahms -Chorale: O World, I NowMust Leave Thee, op. 122arr. Arthur H. Christman.Saxophone Duet - GeorgTelemann, Sonata. FluteQuartet - Debussy,Arabesque.Anne McGinty - Nuances.Eugene Bozza - Pastorale.Brass Choir - Percy Grainger,Ye Banks and Braes O’ BonnieDoon. Frank Erickson - Balladfor Peace. Robert Franz -Chorale: Let Us Praise theLord Most High. JohannesBrahms - Chorale: SalvationUnto Us Has Come.) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 12 March, 12.30pm.v All Buses

Valparision UniversityOrchestraPerforming a concert of mod-ern, jazz and clasical selections,conducted by Prof Jeff Doebler.) Culture Performance Hall,Palazzo Sliema, 34, St.Trophimus Street, Sliemaº 14 March, 7.30pm.v 60, 63

Masters of the Bow Works for solo violin. Worksby JS Bach & Ysaee. Performer:Sarah Spiteri - violin.) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 15 March, 11am.v All Buses

BOV Opera Festival -Riders to the Sea An ARCAL Production. Ashort one-act opera based onthe play by the Irish authorJohn Millington Synge, it is gen-erally regarded as RalphVaughan Williams’ most suc-cessful opera. This is anextremely intense poem aboutfishermen, their language, theirenvironment and the tragedyof their life. This production is

preceded by the same com-poser’s Songs of Travel.

) Manoel Theatre, OldTheatre Street,Vallettaº 18 & 19 March, 7.30pm.v All Buses% 21246389, 21222618

Lunchtime Concert) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 19 March, 12.30pm.v All Buses

Dipinto di Blù A live spectacular show featuring Italian Songs by SpiteriLucas Entertainment & Hermann Bonaci, starring Italianpromising singer Daniele Coletta as special guest. Dipinto diBlù compiles a varied repertoire that appeals to different gen-erations.The show features songs by legendary Italian artists,both from the past and the present.The song-list also includea couple of Neapolitan standards. All artists will be accompa-nied by a live seven piece band under the direction of popu-lar musical director Mark Spiteri Lucas who is also responsi-ble for all the musical arrangements to be performedthroughout the show.) Catholic Institute Theatre, Florianaº 14 March, 7.30pm. 15 March, 5.30pmv All Buses% 21238429, 21242551, 9989668, 21449723

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

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Demo Morselli Big Band) Mediterranean Confer-ence Centre,Vallettaº 20 March, 8pm. Tickets€25, €20, €15.v All Buses% 21243840/3

AkustikaThe Akustika series ofunplugged concerts has beencovering a mixture of pop, rock,blues songs with a bit of a jazzyfeel thrown in for good meas-ure. Along with alternative ver-sions of well-known andground-breaking songs in thehistory of music, a couple oforiginals written and arrangedby members of the band willbe played for the first time.) Music Room, St. James

Cavalier,Vallettaº 20 & 21 March, 8pm.Tickets €7.v All Buses% 21223200

BOV Opera Festival -Le Pauvre Matelot An ARCAL Production. Basedon a true murder story, JeanCocteau tells the tale of a sailorreturning home after a long voyage, murdered by his lovingwife who fails to recognise him.Darius Milhaud puts this tragedyto music based on re-workingsof traditional sailors’ tunes.) Manoel Theatre, OldTheatre Street,Vallettaº 20 - 23 March, 7.30pm.v All Buses% 21246389, 21222618

Meet the Composer -Franz SchubertProgramme: String Trio in Bb.Piano Quintet in A major"Trout Quintet", Carl PhilipEmanuel Bach.) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 22 March, 11am.v All Buses

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority


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Goldberg Variations A piano recital by JoanneCamilleri, a highly talentedprofessional pianist who hasgiven numerous pianorecitals and piano concer tos.This evening she will per-form Bach’s “GoldbergVariations”

) Sagrestia Vault, VallettaWaterfrontº 27 March, 7.30pm.v All Buses% 79680952

BOV Opera Festival -The Magic FluteWolfgang Amadeus Mozart’sbest loved Opera. The questfor truth, enlightenment andlove, told in a masterpiecenoted for its prominent.Masonic elements, is beingpresented in a completelynew Teatru ManoelProduction with the partici-pation of Malta PhilharmonicOrchestra, conducted byMichael Laus. DirectorMiriam Gauci.

) Manoel Theatre, OldTheatre Street,Vallettaº 24 & 25 March, 7.30pm.v All Buses% 21246389, 21222618

Terpsichore Muse of Dance. Dances violin& piano. Works by Albeniz,Bartok, Camilleri. Performers:Sarah Spiteri - violin. Alex VellaGregory - piano.) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Vallettaº 26 March, 12.30pm.v All Buses

Bach Bass is BeautifulJ S Bach, Cantata no 82 IchHabe Genung, Ricitativ & Ariafrom St. Matthew’s Passion -Mache Dich. Performers:Albert Buttigieg - bass, St.James Consort.) St. Catherine of ItalyChurch,Valletta

º 29 March, 11am.v All Buses

GensnaAfter almost 30 years, theNational Musical Epic Gensnawill be produced again, thistime in a concert version.Gensna Promoters, who areresponsible for the ConcertVersion Production, include,amongst others, the originalproducer, composer, director,stage designer and authorThe performances of Gensnain Concert will be the first ofall the Gensna performancesinterpreted live and thesingers will be a mix of theoriginal singers and others.) Mediterranean Confer-ence Centre,Vallettaº 27 - 31 March.Tickets: €10- €20.v All Buses% 21243840/3

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority


Public Hols.

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March 31, 1979 is remembered in the Maltese calendar as Freedom Day.This is the anniversary ofthe withdrawal of British troops and the Royal Navyfrom Malta.The government of the day alleged thatthe military base was closed after the UnitedKingdom refused to pay the emphyteusis due toMalta in 1979;however, the contract between Maltaand the United Kingdom was due for terminationon April 1, 1979. A monument on the Birgu waterfront commemorates this event in the histo-ry of the nation. Freedom day is a national feast.

Commemoration includes laying of flower bouquets by H.E. the President of Malta and theHon. Prime Minister at the Freedom Monument,Vittoriosa. Regatta will be held at the GrandHarbour during the afternoon. Events organisedby the National Festivities Committee.º 31 Marchv 6

Saint Joseph, the worker, is celebrated through-out the Catholic world, and in Malta nowheremore than in the town of Rabat. Church servic-es and processions are usually held each yearon Saint Joseph's Day, but this year, because ofHoly Week, the feast will be celebrated on the13th April. The 19th March is a public holidayon the Maltese Islands.

Freedom Day Feast of St. Joseph

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Sagra ta' San GirgorA three day festival hosting awide variety of musical events,crafts and art exhibitions, re-enactments and traditionalfood stalls, main streets andsquare, Kercem.) Kercem, Gozo.º 6 - 8 Marchv 14% 21563666

Seher il-Punent The Gharb Local Council willbe organizing the third editionof Seher il-Punent Festival ofarts, culture, history and music.This festival will be held in thecore areas of Gharb whichareas are bound with folkloris-tic aspects and traditional ele-ments. Throughout the festivalthe Gharb main square andsurrounding areas will be lami-nated and decorated withfeast decorations and countryside flowers will be used todecorate the old housefacades, balconies and the

Church Parvis. Exhibitions willalso be set up in old tradition-al houses along Church Streetwith various works by local tal-ented artists. The activities ofthe first day will be a tradition-al meal in the Gharb mainsquare surrounded by folk-loristic elements and enter-tainment. Pre-booking is necessary. The activities onFriday will star t by bandmarches whilst the eveningactivities will include perform-ances by local talents varyingfrom young singers to dancingcompanies. Saturday alsoincludes performances by localtalents. Special guests for thisthird evening will include theEuro Malta Song finalists and aconcert by the popularMaltese Band, Winter Moods.On Sunday all activities will beheld in the morning. A selec-tion of gastronomical items,typical products and strawber-ry market will be held in themain square together withfolkloristic entertainment fromlocal talents. During theSunday matinee activitiesamongst others the GharbFolklore Group – 'Tal-QieghaFolk Group' will also be givinga re-enactment of 'Il-Qiegha'.Spectacle of fireworks closingall days of the festival.) Gharb, Gozoº 19 - 22 Marchv 2, 91% 21560556, 79492667

A Revival of TraditionalMaltese Games The National Museum ofEthnography, within HeritageMalta, and the Birgu Local

Council are organising aunique festival of traditionalMaltese games. Taking placein the beautiful and uniquestreets of the Historical andMaritime City of Birgu andwithin the Inquisitor’s Palace,this festival aims to engagechildren and parents alikein the revival of games thatfor decades enlivened thestreets of the islands’ townsand villages.The great major-ity of games were at theheight of their popularityduring the British periodwhen many families wereunable to afford the luxuryof toys and the streets werestill generally traffic-free.Children therefore createdtheir own diversions makinguse of whatever means wereavailable to them. This festival intends to presentgames as an integral par t of Maltese cultural identitythat should not only be preserved but also activelypromoted.) Birguº 29 March, 1 - 6pm.v 6% 21662166

Spring Fete Din l-Art Helwa is holding itsannual Spring Fete at theGarden of Rest on the bas-tions in Belt-is-Sebh.Refreshments will be available,as well as stalls selling plants,cakes and jams, gifts and sec-ond-hand books.) Florianaº 29 March, 10am - 3pm.v All Buses% 21225952


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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

Landrover MaltaMarathonThe Malta Marathon has beenorganised for the last 24 years,with participants average some800 athletes, who participate inthe full marathon as well asthose who compete in the halfmarathon. Both races have thesame starting point and thesame finishing line, but, the fullmarathon runs for 25 milesthrough countryside, townsand villages while the halfmarathon is shorter. Both thefull as well as the half marathonstart off from Mdina Gate tothe sound of a thundering can-non fired by officers of theArmed Forces of Malta. Someworld-renowned athletes havegraced the race through theyears by their participation.Thefinish line is located at theSliema seaside close to theFerryboat Quay known as ‘TheFerries'.) Mdinaº 1 Marchv 65, 80, 81, 84, 86% 21237747



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Horse RacesHorse Races take place onFridays at 7pm and Sundays at2pm.) Malta Racing Club,Racecourse Street, Marsaº 1, 6, 8, 15, 19, 22, 29, 31Marchv 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 18, 19, 27


FootballMalta v Wales (U17 Friendly).) MFA Trg Grounds,Ta’ Qaliº 1 & 3 March v 65, 86% 21222697, 21232581

FootballMalta v Denmark (2010 FIFAWC Qualifier).

) National Stadium,Ta’ Qaliº 28 Marchv 65, 86% 21222697, 21232581

FootballMalta v Slovenia (FriendlyU21 International)º 31 Marchv 65, 86% 21222697, 21232581

National DuathlonChampionshipsRun: 5km. Bike: 30km. Run: 3km.Starting and finishing at themain entrance to St. Dorothy’sConvent School.) Zebbug By-Passº 22 Marchv 88% 21433657

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

Upper and LowerBarrakka GardensTwo gardens, facing the GrandHarbour in Valletta, both offer-ing a panoramic view. TheUpper Barrakka Gardens offerthe best view since they’remore centered and at a muchhigher level. It was the gift of aneighteenth-century knight. TheAnglican Garrison Church part-ly intrudes upon it. The gardenis built on top of a demi-bas-tion. The Lower BarrakkaGardens are part of StChristopher’s Bastion and havea view of the harbour. At theircenter is a small Greek-stylefolly built in memory ofGovernor Sir Alexander Ball,who led the siege against theFrench in 1800 and subse-quently became Britain’s firstcivil commissioner of Malta.TheFrench during the 1798-1800siege cultivated these gardens.

Argotti Botanical GardensIn 1805 the British governorappointed a Carmelite friar,Malta’s first professor of naturalhistory. He assembled the

plants in Floriana’s Mall and 50years later they were moved tothe site of the present ArgottiGardens, then the preserve ofa deceased knight.

Buskett GardensNo more than 2kms fromDingli Cliffs, sitting under thewatchful eye of Cardinal GrandMaster de Verdalle’s summerretreat, are Buskett Gardens.Panoplies of foliage spread theirshade over the valley floor, pro-viding a welcome respiteagainst the heat of summer.There are orange and cypresstrees, irregular cacti, leguminouscarobs, aromatic firs and theJudas tree, which foretellsEaster with its pink blossom(this is said to be the tree fromwhich Judas hung himself).

Hastings GardensFrom the National Museum ofFine Arts, it is well worth takinga stroll through the nearbyHastings Gardens, named aftera former Governor General,the Marquess of Hastings(1824-26).

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For further information, see Heritage and Garden Sections

Unique 19th Century Maltese Palace with one of the finest

Gardens in Malta

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Palazzo ParisioGardensThese privately owned gar-dens rank amongst the finest inMalta and have seasonal appealall year round. The two classic,baroque walled gardens are acharming mixture of Italiansymmetry and Mediterraneancolour and perfumes.

) Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar º Open Monday -Saturday (except GoodFriday, 24th, 25th Dec & 1stJan) 9am-6pm. Last admis-sion 4.30pm. GardensTickets:Adults €6, Student &Children €4.50.v 54, 55, 56, 65

% 21412461




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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism Authority

Splash and funSituated in Bahar Ic-Caghaq,the only place on the islandthat offers a fun packed dayfor kids. With water slides,shoots and a dinosaur park,this is a great day out forthe family. Situated on thesea shore it offers a largepool area for relaxing alongwith a snack bar, there isalso ample parking spaceoffered. The great thing isthat there is MediterraneoMar ine Park next doorwhich can also be includedin the days itinerar y.

Mediterraneo Marine Park The marine park has an array ofanimals ranging from dolphinsto parrots. There is a dolphinshow a sealion show and avery entertaining parrot show.If this is not enough to keepyou busy then you have theopportunity of a lifetime-swimming with dolphins! Aunique experience offered toable swimmers. Mediterraneoalso offer an interactive pro-gramme which allows you toget up close and personal withthe various animals at the park!



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Playmobil Factory This is a real treat for all chil-dren. Playmobil has a factory inMalta that now has a fun parkopen to visitors, you can evenorganise a bir thday partythere! For further informationcontact ) Playmobil Malta Ltd.HF80, Industrial Estate, Hal Far,BBG 06.º Open October - Juneevery day from 10am - 6pm.July - September, Monday -Saturday, 10am - 1pmv 13 % 22242445

Bowling Situated in the heart ofPaceville, St.Julian’s The EdenSuperBowl is Malta’s biggestand best tenpin bowling cen-ter.The SuperBowl is a fully air-conditioned, computerisedTenpin Bowling centre offering20 lanes of bowling and a vari-ety of entertainment, from funbowling through to Nationalbowling leagues andInternational tournaments. It isalso the ideal venue for yourcorporate functions, staff get-togethers and fantastic kids'parties!

Popeye’s Village The old classic movie from 1980 with Robin Wil l iamsas Popeye , was fi lmed in Malta. The whole vi l lage wasbui lt purposely for the movie and st i l l remains theretoday. One can vis it Popeye’s Vi l lage and get a feel forwhat it was l ike to be in the movie . There is a bar andrestaurant, souvenir shop and even a kid’s amusementpark. Also animation, an audio visual show and even a boat tr ip!

) Anchor Bay Leisures Ltd, Mellieha v 43, 44, 45, 48

% 21524782/3/4


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Eating Out

Sottovento Bistro islocated in Vittoriosa Waterfront right to the waters edgewhere you can admire thepicturesque views of thegrand Harbour . The Bistrooffers Med Cuisine and alsoTraditional stone baked piz-zas. A dining experience in aworld Heritage site.) Sottovento, Vault 2,Treasure Buildings, VittoriosaMarina, Birgu.º Wed - Sun:12:30pm till late% 21808990

The KitchenThis is one of the toprestaurants on the island.Owned by internationalaward-winning ChefMark Gauci and his part-ner Nadja, this is the kindof place that makes youwant to return. Discovera minimalist yet comfort-ing environment, anatmosphere that only fewplaces on the island cancreate. Reservation rec-ommended.LLuunncchh:: Wednesday -SundayDDiinnnneerr:: Monday -Sunday) 210, Tower Road,Sliema, Malta.% 21311112, 99455650

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Events Malta • In collaboration with Malta Tourism AuthorityBus Routes

Bus RoutesAIRPORT ......................................................32,34ARMIER ................................................................50ATTARD ..........................40, 80, 81, 84, 427BAHAR IC-CAGHAQ ..........68, 70, 449,..........................................................645, 652, 627

BALZAN..........................40, 80, 81, 84, 427BIR ID-DEHEB....................................11,12,13BIRKIRKARA ............................42, 43, 44, 45,........................................................47, 49, 71, 149BUGIBBA ..........................48, 49, 58, 70, 86,....................................149, 427, 449, 627, 652BIRZEBBUGA ..................................11, 12, 13BURMARRAD ................................43, 44, 45........................................................58, 49, 50, 427BUSKETT..............................................................81CIRKEWWA..............................................45, 48COSPICUA............................................................3DINGLI ..................................................................81FGURA ................................17, 18, 19, 20, 21FLORIANA ..............All non direct routesGHADIRA ..............................44, 45, 48, 645GHAJN TUFFIEHA ....................47, 52, 652GHAR LAPSI................94 (Summer only)GHARGHUR ....................................................55GHAXAQ & GUDJA ....................................8GNEJNA ..........................................51, 52, 652GZIRA ........................60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68........................................70, 645, 652, 662, 627HAGAR QIM ........................................38, 138HAL FAR..............................................................13HAMRUN..........71, 75, 80, 81, 88, 89, 91KALAFRANA....................................................12KALKARA ....................................................2, 4, 6KIRKOP..................................................................34LIJA................................................55, 56, 58, 157LUQA ........................32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 138MANIKATA ........................................................47MARFA ..............................................45, 48, 645MARSA ......................1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 18, 19, 27MARSASCALA ..............................19, 20, 17MARSAXLOKK ........................27, 427, 627MDINA ................................65, 80, 81, 84, 86MELLIEHA ......................43, 44, 45, 48, 645MGARR ........................................................47, 52MISRAH KOLA................................................40MOSTA ......................43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50,................56, 57, 58, 65, 86, 149, 157, 427MQABBA ........................................35, 38, 138MSIDA ........................40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,........46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58,....60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 627, 662MTARFA ..............................................................84

NAXXAR....................................54, 55, 56, 65PACEVILLE ........................62, 64, 65, 68, 70,........................645, 652, 662, 627, 667, 671

PAOLA..........................1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 427, 627PEMBROKE......................................................671PIETA’ ..................40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,........47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,................60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 627QAWRA ....................................48, 49, 58, 70,............................86, 149, 427, 449, 627, 652QORMI ................................................88, 89, 91QRENDI............................................35, 38, 138RABAT..................................65, 80, 81, 84, 86RINELLA ......................................................4, 627SAFI ..........................................................................34ST.ANDREW’S ......................64,65, 67, 68,........................................70, 645, 652, 671, 667S.AN ANTON GARDENS............80, 81,..........................................................................84, 427ST. JULIANS ..............................64, 65, 68, 70,..............................................645, 652, 662, 671SAN GWANN ..............................41, 42, 65ST. PAUL’S BAY ......................43, 44, 45, 48,..............................................49, 50, 58, 645, 652ST. LUCIA..................................................15, 115ST. LUKES HOSPITAL ................................75ST.THOMAS BAY..........................................30ST.VENERA........................................71, 80, 81ST.V. DE PAULE............................35, 38, 138SENGLEA ..............................................................3SIGGIEWI ............................................................89SLIEMA-FERRY ..............................62, 63, 64,......................65, 68, 70, 627, 645, 652, 671SLIEMA-SAVOY ......................................60, 63SWIEQI................................................64, 68, 70,................................................645, 667, 652, 671TA’ GIORNI........................................................42TA’ QALI ......................................................65, 86

TARXIEN ........8, 11, 27, 29, 30, 427, 627TA’ PARIS ..........................................................169UNIVERSITY ........................42, 58, 69, 169,..........................................................449, 627, 667

VALLETTA(Circular) ....................................98VITTORIOSA ......................................................6WIED IZ-ZURRIEQ..........................38, 138XEMXIJA ..................................44, 45, 48, 645XGHAJRA ..................................................21, 23ZABBAR ..............................................................22ZEBBUG ..............................................................88ZEJTUN........................................27, 28, 29, 30ZURRIEQ ................................32, 34, 38, 138

GozoDWEJRA ........................................................91GGANTIJA TEMPLES......................64, 65GHAJNSIELEM....................................42, 43GHARB ......................................................2, 91GHASRI ..................................................90, 91KERCEM..........................................................14MARSALFORN ..........................................21MGARR ..........................................................25MUNXAR......................................................50NADUR..................................................42, 43QALA ......................................................42, 43QBAJJAR ........................................................21RAMLA BAY ................................................42SAN LAWRENZ..................................2, 91SANNAT........................................................50STA. LUCIA ..................................................14TA’ PINU ........................................61, 91, 90TA’ CENC......................................................50XAGHRA ..............................................64, 65XEWKIJA ........................................42, 43, 64XLENDI ..........................................................87ZEBBUG........................................90, 91

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©2009 RMF Publishing & Surveys Ltd. [email protected]

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