THE OF INTEREST - › lccn › 2014236872 › 1934-08-31 › ed-1...

THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST 31, 1934. OF INTEREST WOMEN ' CLUB NEWS PERSONALS Mrs. Lon Bloun t and daughter, Mis# Sadie Leigh Blount, of Spring H»pe, were guests in th> city Wednesday. Mr. Henry Fountain is spending I several days with his Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fountain of Tar- boro street Jk . >Jisa Margaret Lawrence of Leg- Jifett spen t last week-end in Rocky fj Mount as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 08. E. Fountain. Miss Dorothy Burroughs has re- firmed from a trip to Norfolk and "Virginia Beach, where she visited her brother, Dr. S. R. Burroughs. Congressman R. L. Doughton and. Mr. R. T. Fountain addressed the Barringer family at their re- union at. St John Church, near Concord, last Tuesday. Miss Maud Battle, Miss Carolyn Meadows and Misses Calena and Matgaret Brothers have returned from Camp Yonahlossee where tiifey have been in camp. Miss Bertha Edwards, Mrs. George L.. 'Parker, Mrs. Edward H. Harrington and Miss Louise Pear- sail have returned from Chicago \u25a0where they visited the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Artis and son, Mr. Paul Artis, have re- turned to their home in Des | Moines, lowa, after a visit to Dr. | and Mrs. E. G. Howbeck, at their i home' on Sycamore street Vtor. and Mrs. A. Forest Deem, of Galva, 111., were the week-end guests of Mrs. L. D. Bulluck. Mr. end Mrs. Deem are the parents of Mrs. Leigh D. Bulluck 11, of New -S >rk - Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bulluck, of New York, who were the guests of their aunt, Miss Yettie Bulluck, have returned to their home. They were accompanie dto New York by Miss Yettie Bulluck and her niece, Mrs. L. D. Harper, of Florence, S. <1 eMr. and. Mrs. J. R. Simpson and their daughter, Joan, left Wed- day for Durham, where they will make their home. Mr. Simpson, who has bee|n principal of the Rocky Mount high school for sev- eral years has resigned and will 1 be the assistant alumni secretary i at Duke .University. ft | DORTCHES NEWS °| By Lillian Exum o?|0 ?| 0 Miss Mary Ruth Moore enter- tained a group of her friends Fri- day evening. Games and dancing were enjoyed. and Mrs. J. R. Ellen and | l&milymotored to Camp Leach last; week to spend a few days. Mrs. W. T. Robinson visited her' mother in Brinkerville last week. Mrj. Seila from Westfield, N. J., Js>yisiting Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Jones. '\u25a0fVitar. and Mrs. W. E. Ellen and family visited their son in Norfolk, Sunday. The Community Club will enter- tain Thursday with a picnic at Braswell Park. All the community is invited and will all meet there at five o'clock. The Sunday School Workers Council will meet at the Cammuni- House Friday evening, 0 ? o fj TARBORO NEWS | O 1 o A small baby girl in a basket was found late Wednesday night on the porch of the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Modlin in the Hart Mill ifcrction. The baby was placed in the care of Mrs. Ashby Wiggins, eoun- % ty welfare officer, who is seeing " that it is well cared for until its parentage can be ascertained. Of- ficers who are working on the case are sure they will soon establish : who the responsible parties are. The "Keene" party that was giv- en by the ladies of the .Methodist church at the community house this week was a great success. A num- ber of valuable prizes were given, to the lucky winners. The grand prize a beautiful \ woolen \u25a0 dress length made by the Biltmore In- dustries, near Asheville, was won by Miss Sail ie Porter. Mrs. M. D. DeLoach entertained he> bridge club and a few extra guests at her apartment on Main street. Mrs. R. M. Gaines scored high for club members and Mrs.. Celesta Armstrong for visitors. Mrs. J. L. Hearne was hostess to a few friends l"uesday at lunch complimentry to Mrs. Myrick, of Florida, who is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. G. Clark, Jr. Covers were laid for six. Those enjoying Mrs. Heame's hospitality were: Mrs. ,C. F. Clayton, Mrs. M. L. Laughlin, Miss Helen Clayton, Mrs. Ealonor Daughtry, and the honoree, Mrs. Myrick. Mrs. Albert Cox, of Washington, D. C., has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. S. S. Nash, for a few days. Mrs. L. H. Fountain and Miss Mary Ellen Long were guests of Mrs. J. L. Fountain, in Raleigh, last week-end. A most unfortunate accident oc- curred on Tuesday, just across Tar River bridge, whe na young Negro cbild, about three years old, was struck and instantly killed by a car driven by 0. B. Lee of Durham. Dr. J. G. Raby, county coroner, in- vestigated the accident and called a jury, ?jvho cleared Lee of blame' by pronouncing the accident una- voidable. Mrs. Gattie Cherry Cullom and children, who have been spending the summer at the beach, have re- turned home. Several of Tarboro's attractive young girls have been invited to at- tend the debutantes hall So be held in Raleigh, on September 28th. Among those invited are M'sse3 Mellie Hussey, Nancy Hart, Bella Johnson, Jacksie Wiggins, Martha Josey. Miss Vera Keech left last Mon- day for Alabama, where she will have charge of the schools in Mon- roe county, Ala. The tobaco farmers of this sec- tion are highly elated over the fine prices they are receiving an the tobacco markets in Tarboro. This season promises to be one of the most successful the local mar- ket has ever known. Mr. T. P. Jenkins lost three fine cows last week, from eating cherry leaves. Mr. Jenkins said he would like all farmers to keep their cows away from wild cherry trees. A word to the wise is suffi- cient. O? ? O LEGGETT NEWS ITEMS | By Margaret Lawrence j 0 C, Mr. and Mrs. Fountain and daughters, Elizabeth and Ann, have returned from Virginia Beach, where they spent part of last week. Miss Josephine Anderson, of Murfreesboro, is visiting her grand mother, Mrs. Mary Anderson, at her home near Leggett. Mrs. Rush Stancil and three chil- dren, of Louisburg, are visiting her mother, Mrs. T. F. Savage. Misses Annie Buth and Vernon Hope Fountain have returned home after a two months' stay at camp near Asheville. Messrs. Joe and Claud Cherry liave returned from Ashevill?, where they spent part of last week .Miss Mary Louise Lawrence vis- ited friends in Greenville Sunday. ? NEWS ° I Miss Mattie Williford no Mrs. Dillard Coleson and chil- dren are visiting in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. H. Lee Thomas, of Car- thage, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Taylor. MT. and Mrs. Ernest Hale spent Sunday in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williford re- turned home Sunday, after a two weeks' stay with Mr. Williford's parents. Miss Elizabeth Coleson c.une home.Sunday, after a week's visit with friends. °\ RED OAK NEWS °! By Helen Beal v> 0 Miss >olivia Jones visited friends in Rocky Mount the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Crissman and daughter, Ruth, of Bomlee, visited in this community last week-end. Mrs. John Weaver of Rocky Mount, has been the guest of her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Faulkner, for the past several days. Miss Sarah Bunn, of Nashville, was the guest of Miss Mirvoree Beal last Monday night. Mrs. Roy Kessinger, of Pitts- burg, Pa., is now the guest of Mrs. Fannie Hedgepeth and Miss Florence Hedgepeth. Miss Ruby Winstead has return- ed to her home in Rocky Mount, after visiting her uncle for two .weeks. We were very sorry to learn that Miss Ruth Faulkner was car- ried to the hospital Sunday night and we wish for her a speedy re- covery. o FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Sunday morning service, 11 a. m. Subjects ?"Christ Jesus." Sunday School, 10 a. m. Wednesday Evening Service, 7:45 p. m. The reading room in the church edifice is ope.n daily except Sunday and legal holidays, from three to five p. in. o CLARK STREET METHO- DIST CHURCH H. C. Ewing, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.?L. F. Lane, Supt. Divine Worship?ll:oo a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The- pastor will be in charge of services. Epworth League, 6:45 p. m. Wednesday Evening Service. 7:30 o'cl6ck. Classified Ads PAINTING AND PAPERHANG- ING. All work guaranteed. Phone 1032-J. J. N. WADE, 823 Sunset Avenue. TOBACCO SEEMS TO BE HIGH, Good Used Furniture at Harrells is low, The biggest stock in town he can show, Best furniture for less money is his motto. See him. G. F. HARRELL 129 Sunset Ave. Rocky Mount, N.C. ill?: M]Bp*^^Mig!!lW?SWygfr^3Bi^B *\u25a0 m) v vijffjC;' "w ' *>' K. 4 ||g^^P Airplane view of the Christian Science Buildings in Boston, taken by the Staff Photographer of The Christian Science Monitor FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST "Mind" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in%ll Churches and Societies of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 26. The Golden Text was from Ro- mans 11:34-36. "Who hath known the mind of the Lord ? or who hath been his counsellor? For of" him, and through him, and to him, are all things; to whom be glory for ever." Among the citations which com- prised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are the>e any works like unto thy works. All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. For thou art great, and doest won- drous things; thou are God alone." (Psalms 86:8-10.) The Lesson-Sermon also includ- ed the following passage from the Christian Science textbook: "Sci- ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; "John Young of Edinburg writes: 'God is the father of mind, and of IB Soils Everything * * 205 5 /IAIN ST. * TEL£PHOK£ 178 . wmmmmmmmmmmcwmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma* When Buying Your FALL CLOTHING Dontt overlook the wonder- ful bargains at M. SAFY'S 124 North Main Street Next to Quinn Furn. Co. TODAY AND SATURDAY Jimmie Durante?Lupe Velez J and Stuart Ervin in 1 * V .. I wl I I V Added Cartoon News Comedy j f ' WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY COMING MONDAY-TUESDAY MUSIC _ MELODY F?i s _ P...,, MIRTH - THEN MUKDEtt Rlo _ Ha| Lelt ? y in F "WONDER BAR" Immmm Open Daily at 11 a.m.?loc, 15c | ' " "*' ; 1 Next) FRIDAY-SATURDAY .MSEfflpHEi <TAD7AW MSI BtAimnil CIRLS miIEWORUjVY I L\ t\ # Uk I « Jh cuthissm? men*ftuuin ® M i lllljl &i i W 4 "" c,ttliU A 4 ? ?? One of the Biggest Picture Hits HIS MATE' . //. L. OWEN SUITS $12.50 to $25.00 *l**2**l* 4* *i* *«"*i*4**l**l* *1"*w**?!* *S* *l* »*« *>* *l* *l* *l* »*\u25a0* «$« *S* *s* *l**2**?!?* *l**l* »** *2* *2**l**3**l*'l**3* ! The HARRELL STUDIO I ?5* *> | 246 1-2 SOUTH MAIN* STREET PHONE 1472 * t ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. % \u2666 * i [|yj 1 *:« vi u * | FINE PORTRAITS AS WELL AS INEXPENSIVE | t PHOTOGRAPHS KODAK FINISHING COPY- J | ING COLORING ENLARGING LEGAL PHO- J | TOGRAPHS FRAMES FRAMES MADE TO t t ORDER. t * \ * {. «g»<|» \u2666> »*« «j» \u2666> \u2666> «f>«$»«\u25a0>?> «f»»; »> *g»»;«\u25ba;« *j.»;«4. »> **« \u25ba> ?;« »> \u2666> «g» »;< 4.4* .j. -> .j. »\u2666« «$? »*« »\u2666. * YOUR EARNING CAPACITY CAN'T LAST FOR- % | EVER?INVEST WISELY! The first investment a % | man is obligated to make is in Life Insurance * | F. A. CRONENBERG, Representative £ * Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada ?? Second Floor Daniel's Building Phone 714-J * ?!\u2666\u2666!? **4«*\u2666> 4* 4* 4* *4*4*4*4»4*4«4*4*4*4*4»4*4*\u27564*4* 4*4«4»4«4* * 4* «j» 4* 4*4* 4*4*' MUTT AND JEFF?Fish Cake Is The Wet For Sausage % By BUD FISHE UTTISST.U. N"TCAC£OF A wrtA TLL ITiO? HBSS (; j ?««« 1 O-l ~ FACTORY - c? SEARCH OF HIM ANYWHERE, ?ooR J EFT, MY'PAL, | ca^A^k' f Ji : hOW?U£R,I GIVEYoU A p±3 I ! RfftSSUs BOSS,' he's Goi'c - tU J isOTeej l| u OAi: ' SH j ' nothing else.' Such an utterance is 'the voice of one crying in the wil- derness' of human beliefs and pre- paring the way of Science. Let us learn of the real and eternal, and prepare for the reign of Spirit, the kingdom of heaven, ?the reign and rule of universal harmony, which cannot be lost nor remain forever unseen." (Page 108.) "A Christian Science program will be radiocast over Station WBT, Charlotte, N. C., every Sun- day from 4:00 to 4:15 p. m., East- ern Standard Time. , o Eight farmers of Chatham coun- ty last week cooperated in buying a car of ground limestone to be used under alfalfa this fall. o Roper puts home shortage in the nation at 5,000,000. Cleveland county farmers rep;rt* an excellent cotton crop. Dry wea- ther in some parts of the county will cut the yield but on the whole, the season has been favorable. o Cumberland cotton growers re- ceived $46,000 in rental checks last week. * ******* ?>***<?*******+\u25a0 I F. B. RANDALL I £ 119 North Main Street J % Rocky Mount, N. C. | | BUYERS OF | I OLD GOLD i x x * Also rebuilt Elgin and * * Waltham Watches for + * Sale $3.00 up + 4* | VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION AND INSPECT OUR MERCHANDISE NEW ALL WOOL SUITS 512.50?515.00?517.50 SHOES 51.49 to $3.98 STYLE PARK HATS EGEMOR'S Inc. 108 N. Main St. Next to Rose Drug Co. **************************************++*&+++++++. 4* 1 | BE SURE to GET in ON THIS GREAT SELLING of J t Men's | $29-50 | -#\u25a0 ill % GENTLEMEN, here is your chance to fit yourself £ | into the new fall picture fashionably and economically. * * New two-button, single or double-breasted models r | also bi-swing model f ?J* T % LATEST STYLES IN MALLORY AND SOCIETY § | CLUB HATS AND FREEMAN SHOES * PERRY'S ! CLOTHES SHOP, Inc. j J 115 S. MAINSTREET % I IT WOULD SAVE YOU MONEY TO PAY US A VISIT f + / x *********************^-'."\-*^*******-\-******.- c *.\.*^**i^ 'V*********************^***************^^^.^^^^,^ I WILLIAMS! I LUMBER CO. | Building j Material i | ? | and Coal ! * i * 7 + * z 2 | Wilson, Elm City, Rocky Mount | I Phone 1205 * t *********'>*************>>*******************+fr*+++

Transcript of THE OF INTEREST - › lccn › 2014236872 › 1934-08-31 › ed-1...

Page 1: THE OF INTEREST - › lccn › 2014236872 › 1934-08-31 › ed-1 › ... · 2014-02-11 · THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST




Mrs. Lon Bloun t and daughter,Mis# Sadie Leigh Blount, of SpringH»pe, were guests in th> cityWednesday.

Mr. Henry Fountain is spendingI several days with his Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. Fountain of Tar-

boro streetJk .

>Jisa Margaret Lawrence of Leg-

Jifett spen t last week-end in Rockyfj Mount as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.08. E. Fountain.

Miss Dorothy Burroughs has re-firmed from a trip to Norfolk and"Virginia Beach, where she visitedher brother, Dr. S. R. Burroughs.

Congressman R. L. Doughton

and. Mr. R. T. Fountain addressedthe Barringer family at their re-union at. St John Church, nearConcord, last Tuesday.

Miss Maud Battle, Miss Carolyn

Meadows and Misses Calena andMatgaret Brothers have returnedfrom Camp Yonahlossee wheretiifey have been in camp.

Miss Bertha Edwards, Mrs.George L.. 'Parker, Mrs. Edward H.Harrington and Miss Louise Pear-sail have returned from Chicago\u25a0where they visited the World'sFair.

Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Artisand son, Mr. Paul Artis, have re-turned to their home in Des

| Moines, lowa, after a visit to Dr.

| and Mrs. E. G. Howbeck, at their

i home' on Sycamore street

Vtor. and Mrs. A. Forest Deem, ofGalva, 111., were the week-endguests of Mrs. L. D. Bulluck. Mr.

end Mrs. Deem are the parents ofMrs. Leigh D. Bulluck 11, of New

-S>rk-Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bulluck, of

New York, who were the guests oftheir aunt, Miss Yettie Bulluck,have returned to their home. Theywere accompanie dto New York byMiss Yettie Bulluck and her niece,Mrs. L. D. Harper, of Florence, S.<1

eMr. and. Mrs. J. R. Simpson andtheir daughter, Joan, left Wed-day for Durham, where they willmake their home. Mr. Simpson,who has bee|n principal of theRocky Mount high school for sev-eral years has resigned and will 1be the assistant alumni secretary iat Duke .University.


By Lillian Exumo?|0?| 0

Miss Mary Ruth Moore enter-tained a group of her friends Fri-day evening. Games and dancingwere enjoyed.

and Mrs. J. R. Ellen and |l&milymotored to Camp Leach last;week to spend a few days.

Mrs. W. T. Robinson visited her'mother in Brinkerville last week.

Mrj. Seila from Westfield, N. J.,Js>yisiting Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Jones.

'\u25a0fVitar. and Mrs. W. E. Ellen andfamily visited their son in Norfolk,Sunday.

The Community Club will enter-tain Thursday with a picnic atBraswell Park. All the communityis invited and will all meet thereat five o'clock.

The Sunday School WorkersCouncil will meet at the Cammuni-

House Friday evening,


O 1 o

A small baby girl in a basketwas found late Wednesday night onthe porch of the home of Mr. andMrs. R. D. Modlin in the Hart Mill

ifcrction. The baby was placed in thecare of Mrs. Ashby Wiggins, eoun-

% ty welfare officer, who is seeing" that it is well cared for until its

parentage can be ascertained. Of-ficers who are working on the caseare sure they will soon establish

: who the responsible parties are.The "Keene" party that was giv-

en by the ladies of the .Methodistchurch at the community house thisweek was a great success. A num-ber of valuable prizes were given,to the lucky winners. The grandprize a beautiful \ woolen \u25a0 dresslength made by the Biltmore In-dustries, near Asheville, was wonby Miss Sail ie Porter.

Mrs. M. D. DeLoach entertainedhe> bridge club and a few extraguests at her apartment on Mainstreet. Mrs. R. M. Gaines scoredhigh for club members and Mrs..Celesta Armstrong for visitors.

Mrs. J. L. Hearne was hostessto a few friends l"uesday at lunchcomplimentry to Mrs. Myrick, ofFlorida, who is visiting her daugh-ter, Mrs. W. G. Clark, Jr. Coverswere laid for six. Those enjoyingMrs. Heame's hospitality were:Mrs. ,C. F. Clayton, Mrs. M. L.Laughlin, Miss Helen Clayton,Mrs. Ealonor Daughtry, and thehonoree, Mrs. Myrick.

Mrs. Albert Cox, of Washington,D. C., has been the guest of hermother, Mrs. S. S. Nash, for a fewdays.

Mrs. L. H. Fountain and MissMary Ellen Long were guests ofMrs. J. L. Fountain, in Raleigh,last week-end.

A most unfortunate accident oc-curred on Tuesday, just across TarRiver bridge, whe n a young Negrocbild, about three years old, wasstruck and instantly killed by acar driven by 0. B. Lee of Durham.Dr. J. G. Raby, county coroner, in-vestigated the accident and calleda jury, ?jvho cleared Lee of blame'by pronouncing the accident una-voidable.

Mrs. Gattie Cherry Cullom andchildren, who have been spendingthe summer at the beach, have re-turned home.

Several of Tarboro's attractiveyoung girls have been invited to at-tend the debutantes hall So be heldin Raleigh, on September 28th.Among those invited are M'sse3Mellie Hussey, Nancy Hart, BellaJohnson, Jacksie Wiggins, MarthaJosey.

Miss Vera Keech left last Mon-day for Alabama, where she willhave charge of the schools in Mon-roe county, Ala.

The tobaco farmers of this sec-tion are highly elated over thefine prices they are receiving anthe tobacco markets in Tarboro.This season promises to be one ofthe most successful the local mar-ket has ever known.

Mr. T. P. Jenkins lost three finecows last week, from eating cherryleaves. Mr. Jenkins said he wouldlike all farmers to keeptheir cows away from wild cherrytrees. A word to the wise is suffi-cient.


By Margaret Lawrence j0 C,

Mr. and Mrs. Fountainand daughters, Elizabeth and Ann,have returned from Virginia Beach,where they spent part of last week.

Miss Josephine Anderson, ofMurfreesboro, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Anderson, ather home near Leggett.

Mrs. Rush Stancil and three chil-dren, of Louisburg, are visiting hermother, Mrs. T. F. Savage.

Misses Annie Buth and VernonHope Fountain have returned homeafter a two months' stay at camp

near Asheville.Messrs. Joe and Claud Cherry

liave returned from Ashevill?,where they spent part of last week

.Miss Mary Louise Lawrence vis-ited friends in Greenville Sunday.


I Miss Mattie Willifordno

Mrs. Dillard Coleson and chil-dren are visiting in Norfolk, Va.

Mrs. H. Lee Thomas, of Car-

thage, is visiting her parents, Mrand Mrs. Frank Taylor.

MT. and Mrs. Ernest Hale spentSunday in Wilson.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Willifordre-turned home Sunday, after a twoweeks' stay with Mr. Williford'sparents.

Miss Elizabeth Coleson c.unehome.Sunday, after a week's visitwith friends.

°\ RED OAK NEWS °!By Helen Beal

v> 0Miss >olivia Jones visited friends

in Rocky Mount the past week-end.Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Crissman

and daughter, Ruth, of Bomlee,visited in this community lastweek-end.

Mrs. John Weaver of RockyMount, has been the guest of her

| parents, Mr. and Mrs. WalterFaulkner, for the past severaldays.

Miss Sarah Bunn, of Nashville,was the guest of Miss MirvoreeBeal last Monday night.

Mrs. Roy Kessinger, of Pitts-burg, Pa., is now the guest ofMrs. Fannie Hedgepeth and MissFlorence Hedgepeth.

Miss Ruby Winstead has return-ed to her home in Rocky Mount,after visiting her uncle for two

.weeks.We were very sorry to learn

that Miss Ruth Faulkner was car-ried to the hospital Sunday nightand we wish for her a speedy re-covery.



Sunday morning service, 11 a. m.Subjects ?"Christ Jesus."Sunday School, 10 a. m.Wednesday Evening Service,

7:45 p. m.The reading room in the church

edifice is ope.n daily except Sundayand legal holidays, from three tofive p. in.



H. C. Ewing, Pastor

Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.?L. F.Lane, Supt.

Divine Worship?ll:oo a. m. and7:30 p. m. The- pastor will be incharge of services.

Epworth League, 6:45 p. m.Wednesday Evening Service.

7:30 o'cl6ck.


ING. All work guaranteed.Phone 1032-J. J. N. WADE, 823Sunset Avenue.

TOBACCO SEEMS TO BE HIGH,Good Used Furniture at Harrellsis low,

The biggest stock in town he canshow,Best furniture for less money ishis motto. See him.

G. F. HARRELL129 Sunset Ave. Rocky Mount, N.C.


*\u25a0 m) v vijffjC;'"w ' *>'

K. 4 ||g^^P

Airplane view of the Christian Science Buildings inBoston, taken by the Staff Photographer of

The Christian Science Monitor


"Mind" was the subject of theLesson-Sermon in%ll Churches andSocieties of Christ, Scientist, onSunday, August 26.

The Golden Text was from Ro-mans 11:34-36. "Who hath knownthe mind of the Lord ? or who hathbeen his counsellor? For of" him,and through him, and to him, areall things; to whom be glory forever."

Among the citations which com-prised the Lesson-Sermon was thefollowing from the Bible: "Amongthe gods there is none like untothee, O Lord; neither are the>eany works like unto thy works. Allnations whom thou hast made shallcome and worship before thee, OLord; and shall glorify thy name.For thou art great, and doest won-drous things; thou are God alone."(Psalms 86:8-10.)

The Lesson-Sermon also includ-ed the following passage from the

Christian Science textbook: "Sci-ence and Health with Key to theScriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy;

"John Young of Edinburg writes:'God is the father of mind, and of

IBSoils Everything *


205 5 /IAIN ST. * TEL£PHOK£ 178.



Dontt overlook the wonder-ful bargains at

M. SAFY'S124 North Main Street

Next to Quinn Furn. Co.

TODAY AND SATURDAYJimmie Durante?Lupe Velez J

and Stuart Ervin in 1 * V . . I wl I IV

AddedCartoon News Comedy j f



MUSIC _ MELODY F?i s _ P...,,MIRTH - THEN MUKDEtt Rlo_Ha| Lelt ? y


Immmm Open Daily at 11 a.m.?loc, 15c

|' " "*'


.MSEfflpHEi <TAD7AWMSI BtAimnilCIRLS miIEWORUjVY I L\ t\ # Uk I «

Jh cuthissm? men*ftuuin ® M illlljl&iiW 4 "" c,ttliU A 4 ?


One of the Biggest Picture Hits HIS MATE'


//. L. OWENSUITS $12.50 to $25.00

*l**2* *l*4**i**«"*i*4* *l**l* *1"*w**?!* *S* *l*»*« *>**l* *l**l* »*\u25a0* «$« *S**s* *l**2* *?!?* *l**l*»** *2* *2* *l**3* *l*'l**3*


| 246 1-2 SOUTH MAIN*STREET PHONE 1472 *

t ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. %\u2666 *

i [|yj 1*:« vi u *

| FINE PORTRAITS AS WELL AS INEXPENSIVE |t PHOTOGRAPHS KODAK FINISHING COPY- J| ING COLORING ENLARGING LEGAL PHO- J| TOGRAPHS FRAMES FRAMES MADE TO tt ORDER. t* \ *{.«g»<|» \u2666> »*« 4» «j» \u2666> \u2666> «f> «$»«\u25a0> ?> «f»»; »> *g»»;«\u25ba;« *j.»;«4. »> **«\u25ba> ?;« »> \u2666> «g» »;< 4.4* .j. -> .j. »\u2666« «$? »*« »\u2666.

* YOUR EARNING CAPACITY CAN'T LAST FOR- %| EVER?INVEST WISELY! The first investment a %| man is obligated to make is in Life Insurance *

| F. A. CRONENBERG, Representative £* Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada?? Second Floor Daniel's Building Phone 714-J *

?!\u2666 \u2666!? **4«*\u2666> 4* 4* 4**4*4*4*4»4*4«4*4*4*4*4»4*4*\u27564*4*4» 4*4«4»4«4» 4** 4*«j» 4* 4*4* 4*4*'

MUTT AND JEFF?Fish Cake Is The Wet For Sausage %


UTTISST.U. N"TCAC£OF A wrtA TLL ITiO? HBSS (; j ?««« 1 O-l ~ FACTORY - c?SEARCH OF HIM ANYWHERE, ?ooR J EFT, MY'PAL, | ca^A^k' f Ji : hOW?U£R,I GIVEYoU A p±3 I

! RfftSSUs BOSS,' he's Goi'c - tU J isOTeej l| uOAi:



nothing else.' Such an utterance is'the voice of one crying in the wil-derness' of human beliefs and pre-paring the way of Science. Let uslearn of the real and eternal, andprepare for the reign of Spirit, thekingdom of heaven, ?the reign andrule of universal harmony, whichcannot be lost nor remain foreverunseen." (Page 108.)

"A Christian Science programwill be radiocast over StationWBT, Charlotte, N. C., every Sun-day from 4:00 to 4:15 p. m., East-ern Standard Time., o

Eight farmers of Chatham coun-ty last week cooperated in buyinga car of ground limestone to beused under alfalfa this fall.


Roper puts home shortage in thenation at 5,000,000.

Cleveland county farmers rep;rt*an excellent cotton crop. Dry wea-ther in some parts of the countywill cut the yield but on the whole,the season has been favorable.


Cumberland cotton growers re-ceived $46,000 in rental checks lastweek.

******** ?>***<?*******+\u25a0

I F. B. RANDALL I£ 119 North Main Street J% Rocky Mount, N. C. || BUYERS OF |I OLD GOLD ix x* Also rebuilt Elgin and *

* Waltham Watches for +

* Sale $3.00 up +4*


NEW ALL WOOL SUITS 512.50?515.00?517.50SHOES 51.49 to $3.98


EGEMOR'S Inc.108 N. Main St. Next to Rose Drug Co.

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$29-50 |-#\u25a0 ill% GENTLEMEN, here is your chance to fit yourself £

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New two-button, single or double-breasted models r| also bi-swing model f

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