The obama government 02

On November 25, 2014 my three year and eight month, 385 article connection with was severed on the basis my material wasn’t what they wanted. I guess I wasn’t surprised, I was writing to fulfill my needs not theirs. That end of the relationship was after Part 1 of “The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar!” I am putting this article on Slideshare to wrap up the article and my political writing, bringing it to conclusion. The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 1 Introduction – Obama’s con-trail of lies and liars How many lies can one man tell before he is deemed a liar? President Barack Obama is a liar, practiced, perfected and professional. You could call his lying nature compulsive, habitual or pathological. He has been nurtured in the art of lying! As a student, he was educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia. He learned the systems of Taqiyya and Kitman, that lying to infidels was acceptable, to seduce them to lower their guard and make them vulnerable to the onslaught of the Muslim religion. Later Obama became Alinsky’s organizer who, “Has no fixed truth-truth to him relative and changing!” Also Alinsky’s “Great Creator” who need not keep his word because his aspirations were so pure! Lying by such a special man was not wrong because his intentions were so righteous? Obama is a disciple and teacher of those Alinsky philosophies. He teaches the lying. Obama is totally immersed in the weapon of lying. Then Obama was tutored by the political class in the corrupt city of Chicago. Nurtured by Bill Ayers, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and many other anti- American radicals he was brainwashed against America, another Manchurian Candidate or a Trojan Horse. Surrounded by corrupt politicians, he learned how to apply his indoctrination into lying to the political game. In Chicago as in many areas of his life Obama was heavily exposed to and immersed in communism, Marxism, additional Muslim contacts and almost any anti- American thinking you can imagine. President Obama, Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS and more President Obama has laid a barrage of lies on the American people equivalent to the Nazi blitz on London during WWII. He keeps laying those lies on US without mercy. You can keep your policy and your doctor but two of his Obamacare lies. The cost of

Transcript of The obama government 02

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On November 25, 2014 my three year and eight month, 385 article connection with was severed on the basis my material wasn’t what they wanted. I guess I wasn’t surprised, I was writing to fulfill my needs not theirs. That end of the relationship was after Part 1 of “The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar!” I am putting this article on Slideshare to wrap up the article and my political writing, bringing it to conclusion. The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 1 Introduction – Obama’s con-trail of lies and liars How many lies can one man tell before he is deemed a liar? President Barack Obama is a liar, practiced, perfected and professional. You could call his lying nature compulsive, habitual or pathological. He has been nurtured in the art of lying! As a student, he was educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia. He learned the systems of Taqiyya and Kitman, that lying to infidels was acceptable, to seduce them to lower their guard and make them vulnerable to the onslaught of the Muslim religion. Later Obama became Alinsky’s organizer who, “Has no fixed truth-truth to him relative and changing!” Also Alinsky’s “Great Creator” who need not keep his word because his aspirations were so pure! Lying by such a special man was not wrong because his intentions were so righteous? Obama is a disciple and teacher of those Alinsky philosophies. He teaches the lying. Obama is totally immersed in the weapon of lying.

Then Obama was tutored by the political class in the corrupt city of Chicago. Nurtured by Bill Ayers, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and many other anti-American radicals he was brainwashed against America, another Manchurian Candidate or a Trojan Horse. Surrounded by corrupt politicians, he learned how to apply his indoctrination into lying to the

political game. In Chicago as in many areas of his life Obama was heavily exposed to and immersed in communism, Marxism, additional Muslim contacts and almost any anti-American thinking you can imagine. President Obama, Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS and more President Obama has laid a barrage of lies on the American people equivalent to the Nazi blitz on London during WWII. He keeps laying those lies on US without mercy. You can keep your policy and your doctor but two of his Obamacare lies. The cost of

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insurance will be cheaper, and it will not add one cent to the national debt, just a couple more Obama lies. His lie that he called the attack on the Benghazi embassy a terrorist attack, the lies supported openly by CNN’s Candy Crowley in the presidential debates. The lie that a video tape caused the Benghazi attack! The infamous “There was not a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS – Lois Lerner activities, in the Bill O’Reilly interview during the 2014 Super Bowl. This just a smidgen of Obama’s documented lies! Obama has enlisted an army of liars to cover the highway of lies and corruption he has laid down and is continuing to build. A new addition to his pantheon of expert liars is MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber. The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 2 Among Obama’s con-trail of lies and liars Professor Jonathan Gruber Professor Jonathan Gruber Obamacare lies (Academia) Gruber states, “A lack of transparency is a huge political advantage!” Why Obama never meant to become the most transparent administration and why his became a least transparent administration. It has been reported Gruber received over $400,000 from federal government and over $1,400,000 from state governments for his dishonest work on Obamacare. Some have claimed he has received over $5 million from the federal government for various jobs. Gruber says it was a slip of the tong when now six different occasions he said these things about pulling the wool over the eyes of the “Stupid American voters” on Obamacare have been found. That is not a slip, it is braggadocio, pride about the lie he perpetrated on the American people. Gruber seems more to be a psuedo-intellectual grifter than any great intellect. The healthcare system in Massachusetts profited from $400 million absconded yearly from the federal government wangled by the late Teddy Kennedy announced Gruber. The American people subsidized the success of Romney care. Former Senator John Sinunu rightly warns this is not the arrogance of one person in academia! This is the pervading character of the academic community. Far too many self-perceived intellectuals are actually psuedo-intellectual grifters!

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Lois Lerner IRS lies and corruption (Bureaucrat)

Lois Lerner got up before Congress and declared her innocence regarding targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. She then proceeded to declare the Fifth Amendment refusing to answer questions on the grounds it might incriminate her. As time has passed more and more evidence that Lerner used her position in the IRS for political purposes to punish conservatives whom she hated!

Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winning economist Krugman, another of the liberal’s great economists has shown the same propensity to lie as economist Jonathan Gruber. A willingness to perpetuate lies to help push their agendas. Remember Krugman’s suggestion of creating a story of a possible attack of space aliens to create a defense build up to spur government spending? It is difficult to believe Climate Change, alias Global Warming is not such a ploy! The manipulation of government based on a lie to institute socialist “Big Government” spending and taxation to support it! Krugman always answers opposing economic views with the words “not true” instead of telling the fallacies of an alternate point of view! Just declaring untruth without rational reasoning is the trait of Obama like psuedo-intellectual grifter. The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 3 Attorney General Eric Holder (Government) Among Obama’s contrail of lies and liars Eric Holder lied in two documents sent to Congress that falsely characterized his Fast & Furious program, sending guns to drug cartels in Mexico. He claimed he knew nothing about it when in fact there were documents that verified he did. Both Holder and president Obama said the program began during the Bush administration which was just another outright lie. Jack Cashill covers this in his book, “You Lie”! Then Obama secured the lie when he declared executive privilege to keep additional documents from Congress.

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Secretary of State John Kerry Global Warming (Government & Politician) Secretary of State John Kerry declared, Global Warming, more recently referred to as “Climate Change” as the thing most threatening to America and the world. This at a time when Muslim aggression of ISIS or ISIL is blowing up the Middle-east and Russian aggression is threatening Europe creating an unstable world. Also when the dishonesty of our leaders is rotting America from the inside! Senator Harry Reid - Romney not paying taxes (Politician) Harry Reid has told so many lies you wonder if he ever tells the truth. Reid like Obama seems to have no boundaries or shame when it comes to the gigantic magnitude of their lying. Reid, during the last presidential election said Mitt Romney had not paid taxes in the last ten years. This was a bold faced blatant lie that aided massively in the defeat of Romney.

Harry Reid has a long history of such lies and a foundation of corruption on which he has built his power. Holding bills from the house on his desk, blocking any action by the Senate, then blaming the House of Representatives for inaction and doing nothing!

Nancy Pelosi “We must pass the bill to see what’s in it!” (Politician)

NANCY Pelosi as Speaker of the House said “We have to pass the Bill (Obamacare) to see what is in it!” Four years after the law has been passed, we still don’t know what is in it. It was passed with more holes than Swiss cheese so liberals could build the law as they went along. Would one by a car not knowing it has and engine or brakes. Her statement lacks logic and common sense!

Pelosi has declared she doesn’t know who Jonathan Gruber is, having lauded his contribution as an architect of Obamacare. Like Obama and Reid, Pelosi has an unlimited propensity to lie audaciously and without conscience, feeling no shame.

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The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 4 Among Obama’s con-trail of lies and liars Stephanie Cutter - Romney not paying taxes (Obama Staff)

Stephanie Cutter an Obama staff member was a main spreader of the lie Romney did not pay taxes for ten years! Along with Harry Reid like a manure spreader, she laid the crap all over the land! She then became a CNN contributor on the resurrected Crossfire.

David Axelrod, (Senior Advisor to president Obama) Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney, Josh Earnest - All Obama’s press secretary spinners, liars weaving their webs of deceit. Those who spin, support and bolster Obama’s lies on a daily basis. David Axelrod (Bureaucrat) David Axelrod once Senior Advisor to president Obama - It would be impossible to go through all the lies Obama Advisors and Press Secretaries perpetrated and supported in defense of Obama. Those lies to cover Fast and Furious, Obamacare, IRS, AP/Fox, Benghazi, going out to bolster Obama’s credibility daily even when it became apparent he had none. Press Secretaries Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney, Josh Earnest (Bureaucrats)

Jason Horowitz Washington Post January 5, 2011 reports “Robert Gibbs is resigning from his role as President Obama’s official spokesman in order to speak more effectively for Obama.” Gibbs said, “The best service I can provide this president is for the next couple of years, outside this building.” Gibbs took his Obama advocacy to MSNBC as did David Axelrod and Jay Carney advocating for Obama in the Obamedia! To watch Obama press secretaries promote Obama lies on a daily basis was and is disturbing!

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Candy Crowley - The presidential debate lie (Media) Candy Crowley kamikazed presidential candidate Mitt Romney during a presidential debate! She re-enforced an Obama lie when he said he called the attack on the Benghazi embassy a terror attack from the very beginning in his rose garden address. Obama lied and Crowley fortified that lie in defense of Obama. She made it appear as though Romney had lied. Crowley like her employer CNN showed herself as an unashamed and biased supporter of

President Obama in all his lies and scandals. Bob Beckel (Political Operative) Making a living lying (Obama media, Bureaucrat) On “The Five” November 17, 2014 Bob Beckel said, “He refuses to believe Obama would lie about knowing Gruber!” Beckel has always refused to believe Obama would lie even when confronted with Obama lies on video. What difference does it make, Beckel has admitted often believes in lying for his party. He sees it as normal political behavior. He has made a sumptuous living lying for liberals and democrats. Bob Beckel admits supporting government lies of his party as it has always been that way, and they all do it. Bob Beckel is a defender, no, an advocate and exploiter of political lying. He lies to help his party win.

Bolshevik Bob Beckel would seem to be the typical liberal. More so the epitome, even the personification embodying all those liberal traits of marching in lock step with the dishonesty and lies liberals support so vehemently! He argues childishly saying, “It has always been that way” or “Everyone does it” even “Name one” then dismissing those named even if it is more than one. Beckel is a democrat liberal automaton indoctrinated and programmed into the thinking of the liberal lies.

Let’s face it, the list could go on and on with the known of Obama lies and liars. It would go on infinitely if all the Obama liars and lies were known. Obama is the cultivator of lies and the grim reaper of the lies sown. Not a day passes in which Obama doesn’t lie to the American people! The list of Obama lies and liars would take a book to document completely. It is a well formed network of those with a slick ability to lie. “The answer my friend is blowing in the wind?” (Photos Getty Images, Cartoons Gerald J. Furnkranz)