The Normans in England

WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR AND THE NORMAN CONQUEST Santiago Caparrós Pilar Santos Nicolás Escudero

Transcript of The Normans in England

Page 1: The Normans in England


CONQUESTSantiago Caparrós

Pilar SantosNicolás Escudero

Page 2: The Normans in England

The Norman ConquestIt took place on 11th century in


An army of French, Bretons and Normans led by William II of Normandy (William I of England) entered England from the southern coast.

After this, William, took the nickname of “William the Conqueror”

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Page 4: The Normans in England

King Harold and William the Conqueror

Harold Godwinson was the last Anglo-Saxon king of England.

He died fighting the Norman invaders led by William the Conqueror.

William the Conqueror was the first Norman king in England.

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Page 6: The Normans in England

Battle of HastingsIt was the confrontation between the troops of the

lastAnglo-Saxon king of England, Harold the Saxon, and

thearmy of the Duke of Normandy, William the Bastard.The Battle took place at Hastings on 14 October

1066.Harold only had 5,000 soldiers in front of 15,000

Norman soldiers.

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Bayeux TapestryIt is a tapestry which portrayed the Battle of Hastings, inthe eleventh century of almost 70 meters long that tells,through a succession of images, before the Norman

conquestof England, culminating in the Battle of Hastings facts.

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It’s a manuscript record of the survey of England and Scotland. It was written in Latin and ordered by William the Conqueror in 1086. This book is held at The National Archives at Kew, London. It’s available in The Open Doomsday Site since 2011.

Doomsday Book

Page 9: The Normans in England

The Harrying of the North• The Harrying of the north was a

series of campaigns conquered by William the Conqueror in 1069 to subjugate northern England. He destroyed every village that presented opposition to him.

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• After the Norman conquest William the Conqueror ordered the construction or rebuilding of many important famous buildings in London, like the Tower of London or Westminster Abbey, where it’s still kept the throne where William was crowned King.

• French became the language of prestige in the court, so the English language was influenced by French for a long time.