The Ninth and Tenth Commandments Catechism Questions 117-132.

The Ninth and Tenth Commandments Catechism Questions 117- 132

Transcript of The Ninth and Tenth Commandments Catechism Questions 117-132.

The Ninth and Tenth Commandments

Catechism Questions 117-132

What would happen if you held up a bank and were


What if you went into a bank and thought about having a

million dollars, or even thought about stealing it?

What is God impressing on us by telling us not to covet?

What is coveting?

Psalm 10:2-3 / James 4:2James 1:14,15

Coveting is a craving for something a person shouldn’t want and may lead him to sinful words and actions.

What does God teach us about the coveting that goes on in my heart?

Romans 7:18 / Psalm 51:5Genesis 6:5; Romans 8:7

Matthew 5:28,29 / 1 John 3:15

I deserve death and hell because of the rebellious sinful nature I have had from birth that fills my heart with sinful desires.

What does God teach me about the holy desires I have in my heart?

Ezekiel 11:19-20 / Ephesians 4:21-24

Romans 7:22 / Philippians 4:8

By bringing me to faith God has given me a new heart that loves God’s will and enables me to have holy desires.

What is the result of my having both a sinful nature and a new heart?

Galatians 5:17Romans 7:23-25Galatians 2:20

As a result there are constant battles in me between the two and only as I grow in faith in Jesus will my new heart win more and more of these battles.

God’s Word and My Life

• Agree or disagree. Because every Christian has a new man, a real Christian will think about and do more good things than bad.

• Explain why this statement is true: Because every person is born with a sinful nature, every Christian is capable of committing any sin.

• Evaluate. When one of the comic sections in the newspaper pictures a person with a devil on one shoulder urging him to do something bad and an angel on the other shoulder telling him to do something good, this is a good picture of the struggle that goes on in us between our sinful nature and our new heart.

The 9th/10th Commandments protect…

Holy Desires

…sinful words and


God forbids

coveting. Coveting leads to…

Coveting =

a craving for

something a person

shouldn’t want

Sinful Desires

I have a _______ heart (nature) from birth.

I’m inclined only to _____ and won’t submit to God’s law.

My sinful thoughts deserve the same ____________ as my sinful words and actions.

Holy Desires




God gave me a new heart through _______ in Jesus.

I know and love God’s ______.

The result of having sinful desires and a new heart is a ________ inside me.





By growing in _______, my new heart ______ these battles more and more.



Sinful Desires Holy Desires

By growing in _______, my new heart ______ these battles more and more.


Sinful Desires Holy Desires


What is God impressing on us by telling us not to covet?

By telling us not to covet God is impressing on us that the sinful desires

brought about in our hearts by the sinful nature with which we were born

are sin and condemn us.