The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (1) Oct 5, 1960

College President Ex1ends Welcome To Student Body A we our 27th year u Junior e:ollqe we flnd the ha.11• and cla.uroom.a of the bu1ld.tn11" lll•rally ja.mmed with atudenta eager to ger. an educaUon. M th1a la beln&' "'" h.a""'e enrollt'ld tor day d...- the la.rgut mrollme-nl in th,. hJl\ory of th• ochool Thll an tncre-aae of ap- proxtmalrly le-n pe-rcent over !&al , .. , ll la vvy graUfylnJ to th• faculty and odmlnlnrauon 1'> note that the .wde.nt.a thla year arc c.oming LO college wllh better high ochool proporauon end more dttertnJ.naUon LO mPlke good lhon hu been evident tor A number of yeer•. \Vbelhe.r t.hJ• (leLcrmlna.tlon wUI carry over through the llChool year rrmaJna to atcn, bul lbc )'rutnt pr-t.a look sood. and tor that wt are tha.nklul Thia ye&r may hold rr•t promlae Cor th• future or NIJC a now appear-a almo1t that funda will be made ovall· eblt" .oon through the Homt" n.ntJ I fou•lng Finance Agency for lhcon1tn1cUqn of a new Student Union bullcllng jUal nbrth oC Lh< i.rymn4.llum Hooe IALJ<• school dlatr1•t hu rccontly vol•d lo join tho Junior r<1ll•g• dl•tr1<t, l•avlnr only Spirit Leko and Athol dlllr1<ta to mtlko tL untullmOUI for Kootcnol County. Some <lt!Una In Kellogg and \VaJlarf'! arc f"rtoUAly conoldorlng the poaol· blllly of bringing !lh.-hon• C4'1unly Into lht1 junl'1r rol1f'(t" dl•lrie:l, thw providing n. grf'al IAVIOk In tutUon LO Ulr ln<Tt'lllf- lng ot 1tudf'nta who are tomlng from lhe mining nren The collrga odmlnl•1 rn lion tm• r Me:IYCd mnny lo hold nnothtr bond oleNlon to provJtJfl the fw1da tor morr llbmry, lflboralory, and <"l•a11· room roellltlca. 1f th<ro I• c-nough dlettlct-wldeo unlimf'nl In fA\'Or ot nnothrr tlM"Uc.m. J am sure lh«' board wuuM M"rtoutly conaldl'r lhe malltr ThtN' 11 a good i.:hanre that lh• Unlv•rolly will 1tart up1><r (UvlaIOJ\ CIUl('I hNfl In $('p- tcmbtr. 1001. making It po.I· albto tor m&n)' 1tudcnll lo ¥l'l )·tnr8 ot t."Ollega hero In Corur d' Alene?. TM1 ru-og-rnm wilt depend upon 1.hfl room o."t1t1ubta n.l the to huh.1 the,,. cJaue.1. A• or now. thf room 11 not a\'allablf' Much ot lhf IU«f'M, or thf'lot plan• ... 111 J•1><nd upon th• ('nlhualum and 1upport of thr e:ollf'Cf! 1tullrnla. Att.-r all. it.and to protlt more than ""r t\M Crom a.m.t Improvement• DI.cum with )vur pa,.nt• lllld nelghbOra IO that when 11.nd lf they or you ahould bo the opportuntty lo a. votf' or v.:.prcu nn opln111n, It mov be tnlrllii;tnll)' wltb all lhe fact.a at hn.nd Dr . G 0 Klldo" Collcg10 PrMldent Faculty Will Sponsor Mizer Thursday Night Tht ttnll eocla.l t\ tnl or lhc year \\ lll bit lh• fac:ulty·&Porl.IOM!d mtx,r. '4hlC'h will be held TbUrada)' f:\ ln lhe: gym. wdt 11la.rt at S:OO p. m. a.n\1 wm tnJ nt 11 :00 p. m. The.rt" -..1u be a ''n.rlely or actt\'1Uta, ln<"ludl nG dandng. quit\ game• and acttvei pmH. Thtre ahou.ta bt aomethtng Lo appeal to t\'tr)'body Tht faculty tree rdreahmmt.a tor lhoae who Tbe purpoa ot lhe mlxer to lO get the stucknta ac. qU&lnt..ed w1lh each olbtr and w1lh the faculty. VOLUt.IE XV, NO. I COEUR D'ALENE. IDAHO WEDNESDAY. OCT. 5, 191>0 Virginia City Pl.aye rs Home B ase 1' b on"'D :ibovt Iii 0J)f'rn Jlouv Il l \lrdnla City, l.lont .. thr Vir ginia City VlA)f'no1 p r f"'4('nl t.Mlr 4" "Ul'llmrr ror tourl-.ttt \\hO "'ilOP ft f thr lamt."Cl old mlDJng dty. Famed Virg i nia City Players Will Give Play Here Oct. 14 On Oc:lobf!r u, a prore-.. llf\&1 theatrical group kn""'l\ th C\ty Playrn wUI ap- 1"'•• In th• NUC gym Al 00 p m curt.a.In wtll rt.ff on Bem&rd Shaw·a "Anni and \hf' The tttmt nd(1u1ly tunny play ao pn1>ular In VlrJlnla City It ran tor 1lx wf"rka thlfl put eummf'r The n.ruon la.k• on' ba<"k 1n IHS!\ 11.nd th• S.rbLan·Bulpr1an wnr. A young girl. •·ho hhJr1 a proteatonaJ 90hU4"r flShllng tor th• S.-rba, ftnds lh• conscquencea can bf" '°ra'"e A.tttr U\c war th' 80Jdlrr re- tunw Thll hu betrothal to a O•n:e Bulprian major. and In tum a.lmcwt oatraC'l.ZN her father. l.C'tor omong th• lfl'OUP. \\111 •!'PH• In " panl <>mlm• of hapl a1l.1,maul on a Lrlp lo thei tnoon I-le ""111 a.i.o In hi• IOIO act \\ hlch la ...... • tOl'l' w1thoul. worda t-nllllfld 'Th• J>r<>ap«:tor, th• Ja<kau and th• nea" A batt>Onh<>p QU&rt•ll•, a mO(k ttnnon. C'OmC'dy dancing and tunny .... dine. ••Lb 80ngl anJ ltl..nt'ff of thC' Ca) ·90·•. nu a 11,·.iy anJ amuatni: halC-hour Coll<>'..tng th• play Tht program I• <>pen t<> th• public. ILRd tlle co.t la U 00 or n 1LudMI. body tkkt:t. LSA Invites All Students To Join The t..ut.hi.-.ran St.udtnl cSatlon ot the collc-ti;e v.:taha. ll \\ elC'Omf' all and one v. ho be tntt""°tl'd tn JOlning the club to com• to tla mcelln.gL Thtre \\ill a f"llOll\t:r on the bultelln board \C"ltinc of lbe ume a.nd plac-ie ot lhtt<e mcc-Unga. Tlua )·ear LSA hopeis to ha\ e:- tv. o mcellngs ea.Ch month Ont \\ \ll be for dlscuasion a.nd Uw olher will ba,'"e M!Creatton CA1'"DY All cc,Ue:g., atuJe.n\.8 are In· nted to a cand) ·m•kln£' demon· atnt.uon in thto home l'C room al 1 :SO Oct.. 19 ,,_h a Jean Martm. home: for tht" U and J Supr CO. wiU ptt'M>nl progra.m unckr .spon.wrahlp of the home cc de:pa.rtmt"nt. Enrollment Hits All -Time Peak Of 460 Th is F all \\·hrn :--.:uc rr ha.JI quartf"n. ... Jr ma.a ''&c.aUon tn lPtP dovr eetl.mall'd that the- pT nt campus tar1ht1f"a quat• for ltn yf"ars. f':nrnltmrnt th111 fall temt mndt h\1 pf"t'dt • lion come tn1""· w1lh ht. tsti· ot :'iOO •lud1.: nt1 In 1Dell almoet f'9.('.hNI. At Uit thlllN" of rf"K\l'tntlon Monda), 460 \\en 1ttt>ndln$: d&•• · RecutraUon WlUI ru.-tt.r &.l OGt" pol.nt . l!WI ngu .... ln<lud• all dropout.a at th• <I- Of A Yf'•r at lM COt"f'NPCIDd· lng tlm11, 4.16 '4""Cre rq:tattt'l'd. In f inal fall •nrollmmt abowed I U rectaltnod at :-O'JJC Tbe p.-ll faculty hu u many metnbfof'8 u lhere wrrt! .tuckct.a t""'Ued In 4. wtll carry oomrl• tf' break· oJown <>t curnmt ..-i.e... otuJuta come Crom. what ckp&rlmeDU they enrolled ID. and an)' other da la "' i.nlereat T!ua fall llllllon ... , ....... ralMd ,.,,. atud<mta Ob\ c! the iuruor collece dlalricl Onplte thla n>O\'t by th• roll-re -rd of tnat.-. approxtma.tely OG<- tow-Ut of lhe 111.udeal bod)' m&df' up ot non·r'9&1dMll&. ll ....._<ages Will S.. P U>d H ere ia; a tt.mlndcr to all at deal& , may be tteel\'Ull ma..l or teltpbane eall1 at tht <oll<i:• m_ .. of acy kU>d will be Tbcy will be poal· et! ID the mau> ball on the llptdal bullrtln - '-"'et! ior lha pu.rpome A ll •tudenl.9 uked to c beck UU. bullelln boa.rd at OD«' Jaye 1t may lmport&nl to )"VU. KEEP GR OC\'D:> CLE.\ -: T1i> ensure that gTOUnd.6 thls arc tookLng neat, •tudent.a •·tw. e&l lunch ln lhe:lr c:a.n an t.ho.t empty udc•, Vi.-rapprr&. a..nd 90(t dnnk bottle. to be de-poelt..t ln proper wute con la.lnus. The admw.tra.Uon exp«t.a: 1lnct to lh1a col· lep regulation. Seri es of Four C ollege Orientation Programs By Admin istration and Student Board Underway tirwt proram rte. of tour orienuat Qin mw ,.-.. held ::fl In the coU r• Q?IUIJUllllm. Thr aumlbl .... which are compul»ory !or all atudent.a he.Id to &.eQ.laint the •t.Udcnta v.'ilh the achoo 'he faculty. and the pollClN and rttUlaUone wh!ch will tc.virrn th•m. The addroo ._-u made by the prl!S!dtr.t or the college, Dr . G 0 KU""'". who welcomM lht .student.a to th ot t.M :7t.b. yar ('If th• ext.ot•r.ce or ::-.'JJC Dr Kil· dow broui:ht out the fact th:.! Dr. G. O. HUdow tbi oili::Dent lhi.. year ts tho l&r: m the <Ollege·a history Re then l.nt.roduood the facul t y, "hlch be ,,aid be Coand In hla •xptnt'.ru:. w llK!Gnd to nQDe ln Lbelr pttf<>rn>ance Dr. !Wdow .,,umeratod tho rwpon.m.bWU• of the C&<ulty and lllUdenta 1.11 <>rdcr that the otaden ta could r•t the most po8Si.bJ.e out. of their et.Jucauon. Some of u,.. facully ,..ponai. bllWei won to bring the !&tat IJ1!W'ID&UC1n cm &n.)' given aub-o Ject lO the stad<nt. &ad to a.alst I.hem Lil bdpila&' t.bemwJv..._ For ua Jlllt'PON .-c11 uad<:nt 1a .... -- to &D - ...... Tiie tie. of the at-ta lndDdc altmdlng f.'Y•ry claa - l&ldDI! lime to prepare &Ulpmmta 1,.IUclJ usually - twn kvun of stud f 'rt la ur of Vet Enrollment Takes Another Tumbl e To 14 Tb number ot stud• m t ""JUlll' 1'"IJC und•r th G I Bill bu drop-pod to H thJa year u compared to 30 la•t fall and i3 the fall •emnt ..r ot Offle<1 ..-.rdo ahow I.hat th fOrUormg .i.udeat.a are attend· Ing und<!r Pub!Jc Lawa MO. "11d 634. Charlea Adama. Ea.rle Allman, Rutua Cook. Ralph Do· nnt. Richard Hai.ted. Gordon Ho!!ma.nn. Holcombe, John Amis, Wayne Paraon•. Gerald Plumlee, Larry S.Ue. Bruce Shafer, Herbert Smith, and David Snydtr \' E T. £ RA .. '1S S()Tt; PubUc Law veteran. arc re-minded they to com· plete \' A Fonn l 096a at tbe end of each month. SOme have not out the ronn for the month ot September l&a Ume' and all rroup mttUnp. The tracbcn ha\'o •<ported to Dr KU<!<M• that thero Is an unusu11ll> rood poup <it l'tude.nt.& lh•• )!"<'• .. \ltt'r Dr Kiidow m :uldreu, uio president of t .. r l d nt bod)', Wall)' Ada.mJI, wn . "tra- duced. Re commcnkd the fact Utat no matter hov. D.\"')' a ls bt!.nr •her e 1a alwava a ·UlUf' Ume t be a.pent On the M«.""lal act1\1 .... Al the 81Kond onenl .ton \ VtLU) rn...,ung, the Ooa.n or the F&<UJ- ty Mr. Chrl.-Uo.nJK.1n, out.ltned aorn.e of the ruJca or th,. college Th""e tncluded keeping the J:lr llounge clean, &ttcnd all claa.e,m poUlble. have no liquor a t. any ut the college !uncUon•. a.nd k"'P the grounds free from lunch Utter. M•. Cbrtstiaruron lntormGd tho group that the <<>lloge Is tully acc rcdlted, o.nd the credit.a ea.m- ed hero can be transferred any- where. Another potnt brought out " that lf a studv>t mlUed t n percent ot his meet· without an excuae. he auto- maUc&Uy rec:ctives an ''F'' for the courae. An emph4&1ud point of the addrua wu the f act that there la n 10 mil• p<r b<.ur opeod limit by tho nearby rro. le llChool. which will bo 1triclly enforced tor lha pro- tection of the children. ln ( onc.Juaton ot tbe uaembly. 1tud•nl bGdy pruldent Wally Adam11 lntroduccd prcatdcnta and rcpre&e.nlAUvu ot tho var· tf)IJ.8 e:luba o.nd organtzallona. Each r<:pttaentaUve br1cny told u • purp<>ae or ha club. Student Elections Set For Oct. 7 An for the nomlna· Uon of offlcu11 will be held In the l:YTn Friday, OcL ; , du ring lhe a e:llvtty period. Each cl.Us mu1t nomtnat..o tor the orttcee of pre.stdcnt, vice· prca.ldcnt. and secretary. NomJ· no.Uona wtU also be open tor tho student body ... 1ce-prc.atdcnt. ln addJUon, ca.ndlclatea wW bo chosen to run for four J)Old.Uon.a on the •tudcnt union board. Student body pruldent Wally Aclama wrui olected !&at y..,. '!'be atudent bOard olecta the 1tudent body oecret.sry.


Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

Transcript of The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (1) Oct 5, 1960

Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (1) Oct 5, 1960

College President Ex1ends Welcome To Student Body

A we our 27th year u Junior e:ollqe we flnd the ha.11•

and cla.uroom.a of the bu1ld.tn11" lll•rally ja.mmed with atudenta eager to ger. an educaUon. M th1a la beln&' "'" •~ h.a""'e enrollt'ld tor day d...­the la.rgut mrollme-nl in th,. hJl\ory of th• ochool Thll r~prt'9t'nta an tncre-aae of ap­proxtmalrly le-n pe-rcent over !&al , .. ,

ll la vvy graUfylnJ to th• faculty and odmlnlnrauon 1'> note that the .wde.nt.a thla year arc c.oming LO college wllh better high ochool proporauon end more dttertnJ.naUon LO mPlke good lhon hu been evident tor A number of yeer•. \Vbelhe.r t.hJ• (leLcrmlna.tlon wUI carry over through the llChool year rrmaJna to ~ atcn, bul lbc )'rutnt pr-t.a look sood. and tor that wt are tha.nklul

Thia ye&r may hold rr•t promlae Cor th• future or NIJC a now appear-a almo1t c~rtaJn that funda will be made ovall· eblt" .oon through the Homt" n.ntJ I fou•lng Finance Agency for lh• con1tn1cUqn of a new Student Union bullcllng jUal nbrth oC Lh< i.rymn4.llum

Hooe IALJ<• school dlatr1•t hu rccontly vol•d lo join tho Junior r<1ll•g• dl•tr1<t, l•avlnr only Spirit Leko and Athol dlllr1<ta to mtlko tL untullmOUI for Kootcnol County. Some <lt!Una In Kellogg and \ VaJlarf'! arc f"rtoUAly conoldorlng the poaol· blllly of bringing !lh.-hon• C4'1unly Into lht1 junl'1r rol1f'(t" dl•lrie:l, thw providing n. grf'al IAVIOk In tutUon LO Ulr ln<Tt'lllf­lng num~r ot 1tudf'nta who are tomlng from lhe mining nren

The collrga odmlnl•1 rn lion tm• r Me:IYCd mnny r~uule lo hold nnothtr bond oleNlon to provJtJfl the fw1da tor morr llbmry, lflboralory, and <"l•a11· room roellltlca. 1f th<ro I• c-nough dlettlct-wldeo unlimf'nl In fA\'Or ot nnothrr tlM"Uc.m. J am sure lh«' board w uuM M"rtoutly conaldl'r lhe malltr

ThtN' 11 a good i.:hanre that lh• Unlv•rolly will 1tart up1><r (UvlaIOJ\ CIUl('I hNfl In $('p­tcmbtr. 1001. making It po.I· albto tor m&n)' 1tudcnll lo ¥l'l ~P 1 )·tnr8 ot t."Ollega hero In Corur d' Alene?. TM1 ru-og-rnm wilt depend upon 1.hfl room o."t1t1ubta n.l the coUtg~ to huh.1 the,,. cJaue.1. A• or now. thf room 11 not a\'allablf'

Much ot lhf IU«f'M, or thf'lot plan• ... 111 J•1><nd upon th• ('nlhualum and 1upport of thr e:ollf'Cf! 1tullrnla. Att.-r all. ~QU it.and to protlt more than a.ny ~

""r t\M Crom lh~•o rhan~ a.m.t Improvement•

DI.cum t.h~m with )vur pa,.nt• lllld nelghbOra IO that when 11.nd lf they or you ahould bo gtn~n the opportuntty lo a. votf' or v.:.prcu nn opln111n, It mov be don~ tnlrllii;tnll)' wltb all lhe fact.a at hn.nd

Dr. G 0 Klldo" Collcg10 PrMldent

Faculty Will Sponsor Mizer Thursday Night

Tht ttnll bl~ rollog-~ eocla.l t\ tnl or lhc year \\ lll bit lh• fac:ulty·&Porl.IOM!d mtx,r. '4hlC'h will be held TbUrada)' f:\ ~runs ln lhe: gym. Th~ wdt 11la.rt at S:OO p . m. a.n\1 wm tnJ nt 11 :00 p. m.

The.rt" -..1u be a ''n.rlely or actt\'1Uta, ln<"ludlnG dandng. quit\ game• and acttvei pmH. Thtre ahou.ta bt aomethtng Lo appeal to t\'tr)'body

Tht faculty ~;Jl pro,·ld~ tree rdreahmmt.a tor lhoae who •U~nd. Tbe purpoa ot lhe mlxer to lO get the stucknta ac. qU&lnt..ed w1lh each olbtr and w1lh the faculty.


Virginia City Pl.ayers Home B ase

1'b on"'D :ibovt Iii 0J)f'rn Jlouv Ill \lrdnla City, l.lont .. \~htn­thr Vir ginia City VlA)f'no1 p rf"'4('nl t.Mlr !Ua~t" play~ 4" "Ul'llmrr ror tourl-.ttt \\hO "'ilOP ft f thr lamt."Cl old mlDJng dty.

Famed Virginia City Players Will Give Play Here Oct. 14

On Oc:lobf!r u , a prore-.. llf\&1 theatrical group kn""'l\ th Vt~lnta C\ty Playrn wUI ap-1"'•• In th• NUC gym Al ~ 00 p m curt.a.In wtll rt.ff on Bem&rd Shaw·a "Anni and \hf' ~tan"

The tttmt nd(1u1ly tunny play pmv1~d ao pn1>ular In VlrJlnla City It ran tor 1lx wf"rka thlfl put eummf'r

The n.ruon la.k• on' ba<"k 1n IHS!\ 11.nd th• S.rbLan·Bulpr1an wnr. A young ~·1• girl. •·ho hhJr1 a proteatonaJ 90hU4"r flShllng tor th• S.-rba, ftnds lh• conscquencea can bf" '~.r1 '°ra'"e A.tttr U\c war th' 80Jdlrr re­tunw Thll C'Ompll~\4"9 hu betrothal to a O•n:e Bulprian major. and In tum a.lmcwt oatraC'l.ZN her father.

B~rnard Tun~. lt~adtng l.C'tor omong th• lfl'OUP. \\111 •!'PH• In " panl<>mlm• of • hapl a1l.1,maul on a botch~ Lrlp lo thei tnoon I-le ""111 a.i.o 1.p~ar In hi• IOIO act \\ hlch la ...... • tOl'l' w1thoul. worda t-nllllfld 'Th• J>r<>ap«:tor, th• Ja<kau

and th• nea" A batt>Onh<>p QU&rt•ll•, a

mO(k ttnnon. C'OmC'dy dancing and tunny .... dine. al~ ••Lb 80ngl anJ ltl..nt'ff of thC' Ca) ·90·•. nu a 11,·.iy anJ amuatni: halC-hour Coll<>'..tng th• play

Tht program I• <>pen t<> th• public. ILRd tlle co.t la U 00 or n 1LudMI. body tkkt:t.

LSA Invites All Students To Join

The t..ut.hi.-.ran St.udtnl A~ cSatlon ot the collc-ti;e v.:taha. ll \\ elC'Omf' all and an~·­one e~ v. ho ma~ be tntt""°tl'd tn JOlning the club to com• to tla mcelln.gL Thtre \\ill ~ a f"llOll\t:r on the bultelln board \C"ltinc of lbe ume a.nd plac-ie ot lhtt<e mcc-Unga.

Tlua )·ear LSA hopeis to ha\ e:­tv. o mcellngs ea.Ch month Ont \\ \ll be for dlscuasion a.nd Uw olher will ba,'"e M!Creatton

CA1'"DY ~IAJH.-:C: 1n::_,,10~

All cc,Ue:g., atuJe.n\.8 are In· nted to a cand) ·m•kln£' demon· atnt.uon in thto home l'C room al 1 :SO Oct.. 19 ,,_ha Jean Martm. home: e:conom~ for tht" U and J Supr CO. wiU ptt'M>nl lh~ progra.m unckr .spon.wrahlp of the home cc de:pa.rtmt"nt.

Enrollment Hits All-Time Peak Of 460 This Fall

\\·hrn :--.:uc rr <~ty ha.JI quartf"n. ... Jr ma.a ''&c.aUon tn lPtP dovr eetl.mall'd that the- pT nt campus tar1ht1f"a ~'l>Uld ~ • quat• for ltn yf"ars. f':nrnltmrnt th111 fall temt mndt h\1 pf"t'dt • lion come tn1""· w1lh ht. tsti· mal~ ot :'iOO •lud1.: nt1 In 1Dell almoet f'9.('.hNI. At Uit thlllN" of rf"K\l'tntlon M onda), 460 \\en 1ttt>ndln$: d&••· RecutraUon WlUI ru.-tt.r &.l OGt" pol.nt . l!WI ngu .... ln<lud• all dropout.a at th• <I- Of ~tratlon

A Yf'•r ~ at lM COt"f'NPCIDd· lng tlm11, 4.16 '4""Cre rq:tattt'l'd. In 1~1 f inal fall •nrollmmt abowed I U rectaltnod at :-O'JJC Tbe p.-ll faculty hu u many metnbfof'8 u lhere wrrt! .tuckct.a t""'Ued In I~ 4. 'Mlenextlal'Ueof~•Rrntw

wtll carry • oomrl• tf' break· oJown <>t curnmt ~riatr&Uon

ah~ ..-i.e... otuJuta come Crom. what ckp&rlmeDU they ha•~ enrolled ID. and an)' other da la "' i.nlereat

T!ua fall llllllon ... , ....... ralMd ,.,,. atud<mta Ob\ c! the iuruor collece dlalricl Onplte thla n>O\'t by th• roll-re -rd of tnat.-. approxtma.tely OG<­tow-Ut of lhe 111.udeal bod)' m&df' up ot non·r'9&1dMll&.

l l ....._<ages W ill S.. P U>d

H ere ia; a tt.mlndcr to all at 1· deal& , may be tteel\'Ull ma..l or teltpbane eall1 at tht <oll<i:• ~o m_ .. of acy kU>d will be d..11~ Tbcy will be poal· et! ID the mau> ball on the llptdal bullrtln - '-"'et! ior lha pu.rpome A ll •tudenl.9 uked to cbeck UU. bullelln boa.rd at OD«' • Jaye 1t may ~ lmport&nl to )"VU.

KEEP GR OC\'D:> CLE.\ -: T1i> ensure that Mll~c

gTOUnd.6 thls arc k~pl

tookLng neat, •tudent.a •·tw. e&l lunch ln lhe:lr c:a.n an rem.ind~ t.ho.t empty udc•, Vi.-rapprr&. a..nd 90(t dnnk bottle. to be de-poelt..t ln proper wute con la.lnus. The admw.tra.Uon exp«t.a: 1lnct a~rence to lh1a col· lep regulation.

Series of Four College Orientation Programs By Administration and Student Board Underway Tb~ tirwt proram ~ rte.

of tour orienuat Qin mw ,.-.. held ::fl In the coU r• Q?IUIJUllllm. Thr aumlbl .... which are compul»ory !or all atudent.a he.Id to &.eQ.laint

the •t.Udcnta v.'ilh the achoo 'he faculty. and the pollClN and rttUlaUone wh!ch will tc.virrn th•m.

The ~min~ addroo ._-u made by the prl!S!dtr.t or the college, Dr. G 0 KU""'". who welcomM lht .student.a to th ~gumin« ot t.M :7t.b. yar ('If th• ext.ot•r.ce or ::-.'JJC Dr Kil· dow broui:ht out the fact th:.!

Dr. G. O. HUdow tbi oili::Dent lhi.. year ts tho l&r: m the <Ollege·a history Re then l.nt.roduood the faculty, "hlch be ,,aid be Coand In hla •xptnt'.ru:. w llK!Gnd to nQDe ln Lbelr ~ pttf<>rn>ance

Dr. !Wdow .,,umeratod tho rwpon.m.bWU• of the C&<ulty and lllUdenta 1.11 <>rdcr that the otaden ta could r•t the most po8Si.bJ.e out. of their et.Jucauon. Some of u,.. facully ,..ponai. bllWei won to bring the !&tat IJ1!W'ID&UC1n cm &n.)' given aub-o Ject lO the stad<nt. &ad to a.alst I.hem Lil bdpila&' t.bemwJv..._ For ua Jlllt'PON • .-c11 uad<:nt 1a ....

-- to &D - ...... Tiie ~ tie. of the at-ta lndDdc altmdlng f.'Y•ry claa - l&ldDI! lime to prepare &Ulpmmta 1,.IUclJ usually - ~llK twn kvun of stud f 'rt la ur of

Vet Enrollment Takes Another Tumble To 14

Tb number ot stud• m al~

t ""JUlll' 1'"IJC und•r th G I Bill bu drop-pod to H thJa year u compared to 30 la•t fall and i3 the fall •emnt .. r ot J~.

Offle<1 ..-.rdo ahow I.hat th fOrUormg .i.udeat.a are attend· Ing und<!r Pub!Jc Lawa MO. ~­"11d 634. Charlea Adama. Ea.rle Allman, Rutua Cook. Ralph Do· nnt. Richard Hai.ted. Gordon Ho!!ma.nn. i\-~ce Holcombe, John Amis, Wayne Paraon•. Gerald Plumlee, Larry S.Ue. Bruce Shafer, Herbert Smith, and David Snydtr

\'E T.£ RA .. '1S S()Tt;

PubUc Law ~ veteran. arc re-minded they to com· plete \' A Fonn l 096a at tbe end of each month. SOme have not y~t till~ out the ronn for the month ot September

l&a Ume' and all ~mbJy pro~1 rroup mttUnp. The tracbcn ha\'o •<ported to Dr KU<!<M• that thero Is an unusu11ll> rood poup <it l'tude.nt.& lh•• )!"<'• ..

\ltt'r Dr Kiidow m :uldreu, uio president of t .. r l d nt bod)', Wall)' Ada.mJI, wn . "tra-duced. Re commcnkd the fact Utat no matter hov. D.\"')'

a oo~ ls bt!.nr 1J1k~n •here 1a alwava a ·UlUf' Ume t be a.pent On the ~llft'l"''I' M«.""lal act1\1 .... ~

Al the 81Kond onenl .ton

\ VtLU) Adam_~

rn...,ung, the Ooa.n or the F&<UJ­ty Mr. Chrl.-Uo.nJK.1n, out.ltned aorn.e of the ruJca or th,. college Th""e tncluded keeping the J:lrla· lounge clean, &ttcnd all claa.e,m poUlble. have no liquor a t. any ut the college !uncUon•. a.nd k"'P the grounds free from lunch Utter.

M•. Cbrtstiaruron lntormGd tho group that the <<>lloge Is tully accrcdlted, o.nd the credit.a ea.m­ed hero can be transferred any­where.

Another potnt brought out " that lf a studv>t mlUed t n percent ot his meet· tn~a without an excuae. he auto­maUc&Uy rec:ctives an ''F'' for the courae. An emph4&1ud point o f the addrua wu the fact that there la n 10 mil• p<r b<.ur opeod limit by tho nearby rro.•le llChool. which will bo 1triclly enforced tor lha pro­tection of the children.

ln ( onc.Juaton ot tbe uaembly. 1tud•nl bGdy pruldent Wally Adam11 lntroduccd prcatdcnta and rcpre&e.nlAUvu ot tho var· tf)IJ.8 e:luba o.nd organtzallona. Each r<:pttaentaUve br1cny told u • purp<>ae or ha club.

Student Elections Set For Oct. 7

An ~bly for the nomlna· Uon of offlcu11 will be held In the l:YTn Friday, OcL ; , during lhe ae:llvtty period. Each cl.Us mu1t nomtnat..o candJdnt~ tor the orttcee of pre.stdcnt, vice· prca.ldcnt. and secretary. NomJ· no.Uona wtU also be open tor tho student body ... 1ce-prc.atdcnt.

ln addJUon, ca.ndlclatea wW bo chosen to run for four J)Old.Uon.a on the •tudcnt union board.

Student body pruldent Wally Aclama wrui olected !&at y..,. '!'be atudent bOard olecta the

1tudent body oecret.sry.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (1) Oct 5, 1960

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ,......., s-.;._tW, o-;., .... Cello9• y .. , ., ___ ,, .. ....


lle,.....n IC.I•• P•t..w•. W 4e w.~-.. Ut. Pe~ ....... Atefri•rt, Uri At JllY•. h•• Jtilf • t• tw••• • "d ..1., ...,...,..

To oJI now ituoon1. o. wca Io. roh,r· "'9 t""Ooa' ~. '"'c t1e•spoper >loll would hie lo woic.omo you bet• lo IChooo. 1111 11 )'>"" now-ipopor. ond it •• oe- put our e.,ery h•O •H'-S. lir.o • or .. dOno on th" popot •· por1ormod by tour tollo .. sr...oon'l mo<I do not roce1Ye monolory •••ord• ror Iller olfOrl>. l •• on 1 poy1n9 po11t1on1 ore fho!ot!' of co od1tou, sfudont ao., ior, or.a phol09rophor. lv>y .tudonl wllo would I..., to wo•a "" the •ott w1U bo wolcomod wormly. lhe """ not fwird ond ••pe< ence 1n nOW>popor work and "'"''"9 can be 90inod.

Ono footuro ol tho popo · 1h" y.,.r w1 be .. hot •• hope on och•o 'lotion to lho od1lor w umn. 1 column • t;i•• ovoryono o chonco lo voice. h11 op1n1on, wbo•t;., rt bo cntoCdll'I or pro•"'· 01 co..r:.o, lho •ub1oct1 of tho letton tliouid be 000<. ~ .omoth1ng c.onnoclod with •ho 1c.hool, b..t the (;QI!!• >h<>•ld not bo uniu>t .tom•. Yo11 .iudon1> ofton hove good a.. or bona>t griovonco1 that hove o r ght lo be a rod Tha u. _.,..., o good chance lo gel tho:.a thing> on tilt> Cpe!l where t!>ey c.o.:. bo l1•lonod to ond pou1bly actod wpon. :.o we urgto yo-~ lo port1cipolo ond write your lottors to the oclitors.

Otho< foaturo• planned for th• t"°' oro ll>OfO c:oc:-.ple • &pO<t c.o""rego, o meoMho-•tudonl-offocen co umn. o g••I penor.a 1'f column, op1111on polh. ond o humorou. hoppon""J' n o;; ce~ >ection. tf onyono seos or hoer. onytflin9 tho• u f:mny. p!ee.e iot 1t down and h.irn 1t an so everyone can bo 111 on ·he job.

Someth1119 new for tho staff th•• year ;, o ploce • wbiao t: do our '°"""' un worl. We hove been 9rontec:I pe:=-. •c u-..o tho 'omm1tloa room n which we can do ou• wnhng, ~9 filing, odd1 ond end•, ol\d 1n which we con ~ o..r roee•tng.­Becouso " I\ our worls.hop, we must <1.• o uno"thor :ed peopl. to plea c 1toy out. Tooch.n w1 bo louftCJ the r clii.- in o •how !ham mcv11• , but orhor rhon that, only !"°"' wtlo worl o· tho UW>popet oro suppo>od to u o rho room.

In oddohon to 1tr<119ht now>popor wor~ .... ore II) ng to 9" 0«J•n1:od o clou of 1ou1noll\111 Tho dou W0111d mee• ono !I... o .. ool, and "ould corry ou credo• hout. The f><'fPO'O of • cla· wo.11d bo lo tcoch tho 11.,0onh tho otl ol 1ouma ism mo. fully th. o !hey e<1n go1n by I" I working on the paper. Then proct1c I 01por once ;:ould bo gooned by the wor• on The R11Voew Th• clo· would nol bo ltm1tod to 1u>I those on the stall, but 11 opon lo onyono who • 1n oro1tcd Mr, Wend! tho &tudon! ~dv1>0r, would bo 1n chorgo of tho clo •·

We hopo lnol you w II got 111 moil out of thi1 yoor of ce oqe - boih Kholo,!ic.olly ond ocool y -. ond tho! th• paper ,.. contnbuto lo your on1oymonr ol NIJC. -N. 1.

poc od, tl>e , o p po o.." "<I Lng durinq "'9 urohon. O:ie <I>!>) •

copy w U go to +,,. yeo~ n of•.

decided ofror coM>de· ng ~•"°"• or• doff 5hou1d •h s year 090

I of ••! yeor For ••o bonet I The new spcpe" w co~e O(;

year ond may be poclod ~p 11•0 \\od~~ We w er.,• of eo:h .o "" i;oo•ec pope<• o c:opoei w be ::o"'b r.oa wo '-

0& ond odci ti0n0 .,a,..,f..,~..-.:s ono The .., • l"Chi'1» 1eot. e d ~ - ...

ho oorboo~ w; be •.,. '°""° si:e

n ~';ot."1 wa"' ""° o na o burdrn imposed by o '°P"'•'• o~d ,,,.,,.

e oboro•e yo.>rbool •' 14omocl mod logic.. lo !Ty Iii· w:home er year.


Due to the odv~rl; <n n•1 in 1h;1 popotr th& e~f·e i;od o· pubfuh ng tho popor i1 not liaed upon the •rudents. Tho re•onuo qoinod from tho od• i u.oct to cover cost. of produc· ng !he po~· wh;ch greatly roduc" th• price thot tj,o •tudenh would hove to poy othOtWi... In rolum for thi'- wo hope studen!l w·a polroni:o tho morchonts who cooporote in our•ion1 von· turoi ot NIJC.

OUr Cant )f,...,l ttw- l'n.! C'blwnn t of' th.., ,-,,...-,. 9f"•l c°'l' I)r .. F'raftC'itS Heard S1JC'1 ftf"W

&:i~Uall LnAructor

l}r, ......,,_ llrard

Or Hoard halb from Elkton Md. Allr.CT~from~h ...-a. mo atllAdftl \\"clldl.y ~· f r faizr ,._,,.&Dr! Johm HaFf<b:ul Ucln11t7 far UU... )<Sri

AJ'<a- ,;r.duauo.. rrom Jo?ina Hopld=r, u...l~ .it<- taq!Jt at U>aL lmtftnlt.J Tbq odQ Cllt.d Uwlr OW'll tc&Cbcr

~,,.,, uked - - llllod !'.-UC &lw "1'lJod. "'l e I n17 much. I Ilk• 1oeinr lloeelo ~ a ta9Cbcr"a desk. .l(UC la • ""7 f ~ place botJI u.. studmta o.a4 U.. taalllJ'

AboGt the ~..-U - maid. I 1=1;1or U:q an ...,_. I wbh

tM;r .....,. men p,..,......i t £...:l:s!> Cu::p. -

Lllf-t a all a.t.eDd a Welcamt' to °" a_,._ :.-i.-

Paved Parking Area Exponded During Summer At College

the puo cf :>-UC dUrlq ..,. awnm•r A - r ...... put an 111<' ~ put r the edmtn • atnlk!n ~ II lo a tar nm er J..-.llanntn. bulll·up roof"'J which can1n • :o., .... guanuJIW nits ahould •(hnl• nal• lhe l...U wblcb plqu..S many of I.he claaa roo- wt y-

Tlle ..we.. allu ,. b ,. .... uumblmc ,...,,, roc~mtod and lh• •t<'P m rron1 o1 the n.,,. eni.nuiee ,.... ellmlnAtM. n.. drlvr• .. r llJld .-rldnl; ,.,_ bo­h:nd U.. aillop •en paved.

"Ibo !lowerbedo IA back of u.. bc:lldl.,. Will • rmro m w1u. tap oaU and planted wt tlcra u.i Gr era-. Mr PrldC)' w'bo taku care ct tho -utl!ul floWOT bed>. la aJoo In <brt:~ cf tbla.

ni. ~ cl<c:.r-lca d<-­portmc:1! pard1ued JS.coo ...,rth ct ~t for thbo :'.e"I daa. Appru1lm&U 1 $6.000 w1ll ... ·~ by u.. Ste:.. Dopertment ol Edoo&UOD.

P-"'9"" Ulc ~ U:adude a Dra" mat 0: n.n:mb "" tJ>e nm noor. "'P"lnlll:JC o1 JwUDeLa:.dO~afU.. ~ r. !e"m IA! UM' •



Queue Al Check-out Registration Desk

Tbt" Cl""''""' •.IWut" l" f•u·mln• '' thr flnal •h•I) dutlnl N'Kl"'t "'Uon - ttw df"""l-k \\tU•f"f' a huolt'\ nlt"mt"l"r fh""("k~ O\~f • 11 "".-l•t t'atlon f• m,, '" .. ~' ,,, 1-.a,m1·nt c•f f...-...,

Faculty and Administrative Staff Members l'llc-·11t\' llif' uhJecl• thr\· t..acb.

( ... Ip .... w ....... . J•Me• ..... . N.,_• 0•P..W IN ... Qr ... '"911

PA0 i1•~•"'

•·• .i. o.~ ..... cm. .... t-tt. 0. ... ---·Ml llnc:h .. "••• fwalltt Dr 1-.. J.ets

t<olo. ""'"' u •• ,.,.... l ....

a... Colao G.:bo" 0. Jra11CA1 H .. '4

"'•"" IC .. r-. 0. G 0 KU.• Mart. 1Ctl4.r t .. dl. t....,. L..·• L•• JeM McJa,Ca•tl .,., .. ~.~ V•r"• Me""9" W.itM.t~t 0.1•H M .... ,

~""''• N •W. F. S 0.11..,, W, F. ' •••n (,,, ,,,.,.dy Hef'\C~ .. lie~

C etli•r .n• .SC.t .. R'""'• Sc.lvod •• ,~ s. ... . fietMC• Stu. .... ._.fl '"'•W w."c1' s .. • Y•'"

'II' b.:r .. .............. ,..,., A .. ~ • .._. .. ._."lu. t..a Ctib ...._.Y Chra ••ry, a.,...J c_.,,941,.,.. Libt•t ... ~· el , .. tvlty M•t~•"'AttC.•

Plr!rtk• M• 111l•••M• bt1ft.., lw&iAaH

l.4wth • (l•tlr~-c.• ...... s.& ..... H•tsty P.ChuJ Sc .. tte.a , (d1r1t• t•

~-l~•U Awte .._,•t.h••JC.t aw ... ti bfdlo "9,,iut tJ ... ut;.... &. oi..,., '·•.W•.-it •f Hett~ Id:•'• J""'., C•ll•o• At1ot•.-it Lib'•' •" b9llJ. o ... ,. lat' th Sp.'"''°' M•t._•,..,•tkt V•c.I e!Wll ldwcetHtA S1.1per.lw.1

S•et•••ry c ... ,•oct·•" '-"t••••' "'' ••o••''•' c ... ,..;,,,t A ... to M•chtftiU Sp .. ch. FoM\, Mtf~•"'•'•o t"d1.ntri• I Ath f•1'W. Sntef•"t Ufllio11 ~tot•9•r S.C. t1 Sc1.ftUt

HOM• £4o"'O"UC.t 1.,,..,, (C611i4t"'"U ........



MISSOURI LUNCH 110 ~ .. .,A·• • C....., ,,.-.;_


Co.ts • Oto>... • Fo..ndo•ions Sport. .... ,

"'C' ,.. Nurtk S• c..- d A/.•IW

THE PIT Karme com & C.ndy

Ho.,,....,.de P-a:r.o


)17 C4°A A•• ... QM.I 4-~ ~


Y•• '""• "t qd rty ;. Pl l'I 'f .-. ... -. •• •s dotitia9 foo4. f.,,,. tw• • !'141 ot"-" comllft9tf: •• .... r. • f n.. 11•11 eiur in• C4<f't..Od•t• h'°" it· Not Ji.• d!Hp l:M.• kov 9oodl ~od'•u eqvtp.. l!'te"'1 •11d •~·? ,,..,. ll"eie U



DR. PEPPER n.. Fr •"''., ,.,,.,.u,.,.,

90t1-1b&e ,~ "'' ·~ - ....... "' ·""9•r . a-..ovt •'''•••t•"' •·


p,,,,..,. o4 t"-• H. I. J C ~ .....

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (1) Oct 5, 1960

T wo R egister For Engineering

T" o mf"n ar" 'ho\\ n rf"C°110tf"rlnJC In ""'Rlnf"'f"r1n,C' du-r1ng th,. r~cular N"llt'l"tratlon 1wr1oi1. ~It'd arr Mhi"'°,.., n ,.-..t.,-r ,.\1QV'r ( lrft ) ud f1'n11k Onkt.rr .-. f".it t"h 11ttudf"nl hl N I.IC 1, la~r OJ\."ilKntd to tin t1chl-.or "tw ht'IP" lh<" "tudt>nt nwf't pMhlrm .. \\hl«"h C"(•.trw' up dur1nc thr ) Mr.

Library, Bookstore Hours Now In Effect

NUC library hQur •re from 7 43 a "" LO i JG p. m on a ll a<huol clay•, and Crnm 1 p m to 10 p m al nllfhw on all tchool claya f'X«PL fl'riclay ltc-l!l'i.­uon• aa tollow• all bookfl rtfeN'ncci mal4"rtal. and :un.. may b9 u....i 1n Lh• llbr&r)'. any of· lJl• 13.000 book• may bo <htekt'd oul, but N'C.r· tnc-.- m&tf'r1al and maaUJnH ~y nol; and onn mu•t alp tor lhf' beck lM"U• of m•la&UlU tv•n lh<>uah 11....S In lh• llbr&r)'

ThP old bonk•toreo hu bffn mad~ Into a nt"W mac&JUno 1oom Thtt pt·rlodh."•l• coruil•t or th,. onf'.a ttf1U1rf'ld b> th., teachtn and ff\'l'ral nf the mun~ popular om.. .Mo Chti•• U•llJl(.Jin II tht day llbrart"n ""'' Mn Krtdl'r ta nt1t;hl llbrar1•n

MOJ lk·r.: t• tn chnrtC" of lh~ t>ooklln!""' Th~ briic,k•lun- l OPfn front .M tr. • ft\ \O 12 OU nOlm.

C-ompl•t• SelHtlo" of W0>torn Woar - Gilts

Souvonin Fot M•" Wom•A a!'ld Chi,dr•111

The Bar·B·Q Ranch l'OSI FAlLS, lDAHO


Leader Publishing Co. 114 N Fo.11h So • MOh•· • +210t


Your Exduw•• Yardage S~ol'.

l01 M Fe111rtt. St ¥ M0"•vl ,....., COEU• o ·AUNE. IDAHO


21•1 SHUMAN AVINUl ( lt41l-• Ji••1 t• Dff•• lliHh•)

Buy. S.11. Trade

w. H • .-. •t ,,.""'' Mod• l1

A .. l c:. ~.

ti A •'I Came" lo..t\ M • d l S•Mlf.d A ,. ,,...,. f11t,t ~ •r.d W :id.n , oe1 A , '4•., M t J• U ~ " Hev S1U \ ~ f

o,.,. Moncl•'f' •~d Wedl'luday ,, to I p. ft\. •rul 4 to 7;)0 p. "'

lMeuf•y. Thwnday a"d FTld•y hto 7 p. '"·

S.hml•r ro • . ""' •• s p. ""·

Political Science Club For NIJC Is Being Organized

E\·uyonft ta aware that wtth· In IX w ... ka lhe pooplo of the Untled St.ate. W1U ba\'t d«tecl a nf"'t':· ''r.Udt"nt.. A•-.renc-. lll•l thll t. an rl«Uon yeia.r ha.I probably nevt-r 'befon ., aC'Ut.e. and NIJC _,,.. LO bo JUmplng lnl" l'<Jllllc:a tw.J Ont.

Evh1t"nce or t.lll• S. :llH'ft by Oll' concf'ntralt!d aM 1r11.-. c..t the do&cn or IO 1tucH'nU who litt'm to bC' lalklnr pollllcs rn ... t1ni; un.n mt•J'hMr.. and &ch,•n·1 ur1 ttnf' "•U ot the atuck'nl unt0n and Jo'4 n l.h4" othf'r

\' .. ry •r101Jab·, ~e"t-r. lht"99 IZ •lutk'nt.a arr Lh• ln•UK•ton tll a nt'\\ Putiuc-al Sel<-n«> ctub tnr NJJ'C A• nr lbta wnun1 tht flrat n\HUnc t.1 pta.nnN tor ,...r1t1A'.\'. S4·rt 30 The rrta1n 1t~m ~·n lht ngrndta tur lhLI mftf':t1ng lw1tdra r•anntna and orpnl&a• tl'1n, \'.1 11 ~ tht" nom&.Mtkm nr tlCfu·t·ta.

"Mu f" l'll't" Un- ulh'"r p&U1.n·u· 1a.... th<- utrh."era ~ m tnclud~ .. pn-,.1\11·nt. \•le,• prtt .. td«."nt, a 8f<"­ &.tld a t.nuuttr Thti dub \\IU IM.• aphl lnlO tacllo1111 u'h:h t\a\'tOI: Ila O"'·n otrtrent rloa .. rom.mlttff head Each UtUdn M \H'll u Ult' club &J

a tAhuh. Will ba'it SU O'·"n C' 'CKUU\'d board

"t'\I. o ot lhe tlnn. &C'U\ tu.. o(

th• <iub "1U be a moclc clecuon and & Vlt"lory Ja.nce.. ..\.a a u• th~ •.le.:Uon. tla~ 1oeet'9 -.·Ill plan a d&M• for Lil< "'1nrl<re. " ho ••UI ~ t.IM bot>ott<l ~LO.

Th<> •tudenla ba<k1JIC" Lilia Jn\• tor ~ club ba\e .tOtDe LN.mcodaua ldt'!IU., but lbcy idea.a from olbe:ra aa ~iru Hf'r. a one of lhc - ~ IUl)• ~ ... m eu·r be offered to run P<>hll"" lh• """> bt' al .. &) lhouchl it alloW.S ti. oo:-.-r PASS IT UP!



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleaners l07 Fn.•I • MO~....!. •·l514

FToo Pidup and Delivery

Music Department Outlook Looks Bright This Year

Tbc mu. ~ ~pert- l lo 1u.

u.. 4b 1t ,. '" bear 1rblnc 'rry c .. ow1,· thi• lt"nn. 1°hC'I C'horus.. u.ndrr th~ di.r«"UO.."l ot H•lcn Flncb., and Lil• tw>d dl,....<d b) .\Ir Jama Burno both 90Wld promising £•·.,. lhocu:t> bOtb blUld anJ lM <hono loot a lot of i:ood JN't· 9C!nftcl. th~ Croah mnnbtrs bau• rcplae<>d thC'1D ,.,r) nittly

At Ul~ ptt:t~nt timer lhf' cb6tu11 la "-orlun1t c n ..:mw oL1 nu.mbrra unUJ Uw f\itW muste &rTi\f'1. .)t1'. F'mc.h pla.M lO hau· lhC' cbonM do .ome mod· trn. old fa\·or1te-.. ,uuJ 90rr ,,i,.,..· nl«ll•y• ~ b&r\d b.u a1Al"led ff'\ It"\\

Ing_,,~ old ta">(ll.-. fro:n Jut )ear llr Bunu hall a.lccltd 80mf'I mualall c&m«'d~ and 11>m, RoJ;en and Ftammrraltln ehow tun~ for Ult' C'Onunar year. anel pl&JU to fta.tutt 9t'lmt1 vocal. ltnor ux ~d lrUmprl 80loe

»r. Burno aoy1 lhl\l h" u duperatdy In n...U or tom• trombone. and t"nch horn play<ra I! any atudonl i. tn· t~rettcd.. th• band mHt.I on Tuaday and F'rtda)' noona. You att ~•clcom.e to ta.Ke band ror credtt or Jtal LO au ln ror ) our <t'·'"Tl V1JO)mt1lt.

Tlw muotc dtpartm<ftl al ~UC ha.a bttn quJl• acthf' ln ycan and lool<a to ~ •'~ more IO now Tbt-) put on 'anoua _,,, lllroui;!lout 1M )Mr. and both STOUP. LAk• a tb\lr C"•r)" apnni: w n lhP) \U1t .. rent Khoob an tM lni.nd t:mpt rt Tb.y f l<>t• ot CS.hpolrul mlrrta ., k ... p vou •

Candid Camera

\ D('\"\ ff:Alutt UU"' )f'a.r \\all b4

C.-.ild a "tf'id) •pot · llJhl •t ~ or~Uoa .. D

ts.mpg..._ 'f1ltt P\l'PO""f' l .. lv ta.Vb,lllC"flo et ii..tudNlt.. o r fac.·QJt) , bumo"°""-' U pb..J.bk· .. Tbl"' "ttk tbr C'aAdld nutM"...,..,. ... pc»t· UC-bl-... :-.;rwmaa C1ob M'U\ lta-. "1111 Pat "-"'i uJ t:d 'lol"lc'al <JiJ°''a <'-.lor...- Uw ' '"'""..,. C1u ... _""1 bMt rid.- ""'' Jaaeoai lbr ~ .... - ~ Corur d• \.li'W". n.. f"\t'DI oc ..'d t oo lalf" t o mal..e la!.t :.NI" .. papt"r and )~k.

Entries Sou9ht For NPA Poetry Contest

Any NUC lUdODl la • tr.U>l• to submit vu. to tbe annual tollet;e otu~ni.' poot.ry conldt ot Lil• Nauonal -.ry ~ cio.tng C!&t• cor .. - ot manwocnpla la Nov !I. Tbtre la no 1unltat1on u to form or U>one, but lhorur worka are prd•l'T9CI by lhe ~ of ~udg ....

C<>ll•g• t.euhtMI &nd llbrart.ana ·~ aao 1nv1led lo aubmll \'(' r'"lle

in Lho -..octatton·• ciam~Ullon. put AJ"tl tn A MPIU1ll.O branch

O>mplete lnlonnallon about pnKedure may be found on Lhe 'bulloUn bOard In lho maln •nU')' hall.

N I J C REVIEW Co•vr d Al•••· ld•t.o. W.d, Ocf. S, 19'0

New S. U. Manager Seroes Ashrafi

' ' " llon"su:• ...,.hM<'k. nl"W .... tudtol wlloa m&naJ;t'f' lhb .)ear, Juditn-=- h) lb•• 1'MI .... on 'lohammad ~nail·:, !Acr. makra C"Off~ tb~ "'"°' h<- llkf'" It.

Th new m&nal:t'r of lh~ &LU• dent union Ult.a 1ehool tern' u. loln Schrock U lh• nam• aouna ta.mtll&r 1t'• b«'au.e h~r on, o...... aU•nd«l NUC for

two yrara. and a.nothrr aon, Jack. la nOY. •nrollcd

i.t rw lkh...,.,k • hom~ i. ln, ~rant , ~."htf"f' ab~ hu H\C'd tor 20 yit'A.r1 Tht ne\\i s u nl&IUJ:er hu •X;'C'MCPI°'\"" Ul

ht'r j('lb. to.r ahit had chru'a:~ of ttw hol lun<h l'QOnt for li.., Khool3 In Choteau tor t~n ) ~ni ~h.... a\90 "-orked on th• h• l lunch pro.:ram tor t-...o years tn ST"J~ Khoo .. ln Boise

OUnn,::: th• eunun~r Mn kh.roe:k v.; orkeod u a cook •t a d Jde n.ncc- la. Calla Un G~lC'A:l) l1 •

\In ::ochmck Uk.-. Coeur d .A ~e th~ Ol1~1'• the atudd\tA. a.nd ber Jie.b "''"') much anJ b

ni llrd o • ar

Home Ee Majors Will Attend Convention

H• ~ &J lr. of NlJC art­ri 1"' to ltt."nd the cotl,.gt­

dub& attlion mttUnJ: Of Lh.,. Idaho Homt> Econom1c.a Allan. an Pot'&lrlJ() Oct 7 antJ "" C"lub apon.or 1-~n-nc.·e StranAh&n and l!unl<"e ~!«"Akin Kootc>nal Coun· l) homf' d....rr'°natn. uon agent. Wiii •<«•mp.tty th• i;roup Th~ p-oup of tra\'t'kra wUI

mclu~ Homr Ee Club PrHldent S.lndy Schooler, !locl'<:lar')' May­\ 1.1 P•ttrm>n. a.nd mern~ra Enld Ct"rnr Bill \Vcb•ter. Dan Mel .. lick, S.tty Ca)• S.nnlon, lAr­ctlD. Odt'nt~ a.nd MUJ."Ortc Tl,rkeolaioa.


Biology Departmen Creates Big Stink - Sonwt.Ur.c. durtnc th~ tU1nmcr ,·nc11t1on U'i<e deep t~e tn l.ho up!tlA.lrll hDll al.lo Wl•nt on \·acn.· uon Di:SCOVt't')' of Lho mochanl· c&J in<'ompclt'nc~ wu m:a.d•~ bdortt ttgtat.ralion Nwttcrou• an1m&1 l!lptttrnen.a mtghl all h&ve ~e.n ml• for akunk.a. Tbe • - W24 oovortd by ,, lood ll'C'IACO WILM"aDl)'

Thi.A ycnr the ~ttp fn::~ wW ~ ulCd rnnelpcill)' tor Ulq alnr· A.:~ CIC C.rnh plant m•t~rtAla for t&J.<inumlC ~t&n) ~ hi<'h wUl be !fend the &CC"<md amceter.

.... r(lUn v. Ud 11<1wcrm "111 supply th •tud•nta unUJ aprtng per­m ta pLh~nn&: ot fnsb maltr--1&1'1. Mr Enna roporltd 11,.,ring aJ~dy froz.en an abundance of na •.rial, lndudlng almo.l llO nau' ~ nowertn.r plan ta..

Student.a ara uw1ted to bn~ ID •Pf'C'lml'n. that may ha\;~ bc-tn kUJed or 1nJW't"d ao c at alud)' akin. can bo made for '1le co11r;;e collect.ion How· • r th•)' ahouhJ koep tn mind truot laWll prolocl mlgn.t.ory birds tur~aren and kpl ""-mf'

Tn>ln• '10 -r.,...,h•"" T ho Unl\'cl'llly of Calttornta

ol B<·rkoley A!«nUy complol...S us rir~t )'e:a.r ot lta new""° yr11r Junior Collt:JtC Cradua.t ln~mahtp Proi;nun In Ttaclter Ed ucaUon. ll Is dtllli;n«I •peel· tlcnll)' to train Junior tollogo tt-achtn. an ad,·a.n~e progT&.m to co~ wtth lne:reulnJ:' JC en .. rol lm.cnta.

I. X. L. T 0 G G E RY lt I Sh•r"'•" A._ ... COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO • Phone MOkaw~ ..... S46

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (1) Oct 5, 1960

Girls Enjoy Pleasant September Weather

I\ «{rl• P. £. dMtt l-. -.h0\\"11 I.akin(••Ucr ol oearl~ Jk'rft'M autumn \\f'lalh•·t fur a PJ!lr! et 80flbal1. AL «"'fN'mt·1 rtiht l• U. to.•tn.r t•.ir ''"'"

~tr... \\bf) r, ~nln~ a .. un1pt"" TM,,. "_. ... ...., MU nn u.t .. play In "hk:b a Nn l• brlnl' .... ...s.


Art Suppli"' • Coln Foldet'I Microsc:opei Up to 750 Power

420 Sh.,.,,...• ""· • Co.ut d'AJ.t,,.

For Your

Hunting Equipment Vbit

THE LIGHTHOUSE 105 ShnM A• - MO+i•"'l .&.S711

For a Lifet ime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. l•I• N. Fourtlt t. Coe~ d';J l'l•

College Poetry Society Will Publish Original Worh In Antholoy

T'- ~ ft 0 p. tr. ~-,, 1 .... 11.n~ <l ..

fourth a<mMt<l'IJ' anU>aloc' ot outau.ndille eollq• pocuy lo

"""' ~ compiled tor publica­llon ..,.1,. l><O<t ,_,.

Contnbutlcna m- be Ule

~nal worl< ct - -IWbo ohall ~ hl<rv,- r!Pta to tb• m&taiall, mbmllted to .Alan C. Fox. ExtaitlYo !'«n­tu)" Nun<al> Collq. P.,,.tiy SOdrl) Boo< :ua. u.. -'-nt•la : ' Call! "'1th the- octn.::.t a P&m• addrHa, and Kbool ... en.en rag-ir

l"ocma. "blch may daJ .nu. an) subjf<'t m&)" not C'XCftd 4S hnea.. nor may an) todJ\"'ldm.J

1bmlt mor• than CIT• -F".ntnts ,. hltb &tt n<>t o.cmpt

' I lor pubUOlllon w1ll be re-llU1\<d If Accompanied I>) a t.unpod ... lt·addreued -·d-

01'<' but lhc-y cannot be otber­" &ae'' led.Ced nor can tht Socl<"l)" com~nal• atUdcnta ror i-try whJch Ill publlabed. All l"ntnee mu•t tM not later Uu.n midnight. Dee. 9 1000. to be ron.aldc:r<d. and the l'«i.ioruo or the Soctety Jucli;ea fttul&I.

"SWISS MISS" Needle toe t'lat-hand stilctled

detail antique button ornament Antlqnt Br:i'~ Suf:de

Bl:1ca Surde

Ten From Abroad Are Studying At NIJC This Year

,... r ,. l..n,.. lltU• doct body ..... ma1 r~ .1 ... dcl1U "'bom tbr I.cult)' &M todirnt bod1 are s1ad I W•I

All - .0:-la allould tak ..,..,,_~~ af 9"<') opportunlt to~ a-IDl<d W1lll U...

ot~ " - lO pin p1 .. an and cnJOym<"l11 lrom tnendatup. u wdl u r..o ltarn ICOft> about their n&lito'rnli •m! <'llWJtne.

'nMw otu&nlJI ftpr<Wnt lour eitt~ r reli:n .-nt.w. n..- rrom Brluab a.111m1>1a 1n Canada \\ llllam P Han!· -. ;o.:.i.m. buoln<u, Rl>but 0 HAJTbOD., ;-.: i...._ torntry, \\'II· Uam J \"auglln, Cruton. eni;t• n«rlnj: Stm.n C ~ S11-<>11. <ni;iaeertq and Tb<r1U1 J<>)C• L.aM. Tblrdar. medical - r• l.t.J")'

n-e '"'"' Japan • ..., llan· &bin> T11kl, mochanlcal ong1· n«nllJ, Kauublko Hayuhl, b~ TboH from Iran AH M..n&mm•d Taghi Aahnoll, lotahan, cnS1nterLar: "'""tat• F~cbl. Aral<, enllO..,nnr, and F'ujlta P<t.,, Tnlk Carolln• Wanda ln tbe Paclnc Oc<&ll

-- - -- -- -_J;:i.?..-~ ~ --:.-_______ _

THORNDALS Shoe Salon 112 Shernwn Bud Foydo. ;\Jgr. Pb. 1·3511

N I J C ":£VIEW C..wr c:f"'AI•••, tel.ho. Wff... Oct. S. 1960

Ngw Electronics Ceportment Hos Stuc:ent Cvtrflow

•• \"11• •• !l "'"""

I ..: su-. ~ Ls , ..... u ~uh

I: atudmta .-nrollC'd- h b an xtnmdy w • ttJ MU.far

In tbla att& In lt wa' Dr<"fttSln" to tum man' in tf'N"Stf'd 11\~nu •~av and tt.:btrnt""' had to b<! dosed two ,....k• ln adT"anc-.

lndusu1al <I.ct rontco t l"IW>.O tbC'! atudn\t I r • po!I" uon u a ~oo elttlronl 14' hnld.An fnr ttdust,..,.. tn lhtt rll'9t ' .. r l h~ ot~nt lt!llms lM baldc radlO and -Rk<'tronlr• f' ttu b ;and black. and -. h1ti'I !t"Je-, •.Joa. <"iro

u Tbtt tttand 'ffr «"Mi.l.J!!

at ad'snc"t •tiortJ .... t tl<"<ttonl C'O\ f'rtnt:' ('ftlor lf"lt-\ Won m1cro '°'' .. And nUAr

ll'ur1nc lhte" pa•t t\\O \Vttk• lht" ''ude.nt• h.t\f': alf't'".l\•h cc·m­•1 ruct.,.J •l~tn,-..l l"f'\\:t'r \"It cull• "'r~.una- 1 ~ voUa out put rh~v h&\if' Al•1 \'flU•lnh: lf'•I

U'"'' rtrat r•••I~> "'".-1\"f'f"I, ''""m ~J to rttl\ J th~ J(f'ntrft1 tune; llon11

I A \ .. c-uun\•lUl>f' \oll·mrt~r

and \IN " tubt? tnltr Tlw IMlN("\dr. 'lr t:r11 k .. ,n.

b frahl Spokllnt"' nnd 1• it rurm('r tftfllrch •natnMr tur the \\'ur~ lJ~ ComJ•ny In C.'unnlh \hu

Rt•1dm1,. "ho ,.,. lnc.r~•t"1 In v·iJdt~ lhe tn,Juatn•t .. 1.~ Uonta dfi-rtmenl .. ,. \\.f'l1 "'"" to vtalt dunnc cl tir•11r•


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP F., 0•• ~ •-.d S.rrfc.e .

JI) SAi.,.._.,,. A.. • C.e.t 4"Al•111•

Star ra Pray

8rrn.anl TODft and a...... Coif' .,,. pklur'fld h<'h' In a <iC'"1M'

cni.n' llw- \lrctnta (11) MA..'"'"'• llf'l~hK'Uun of S-ha" ·~ ... \nn"' find lhf' \tan"" "blrh "m ......... r a l 'I.IC ()(-1 .. l l. :\It. Ton.- aim , ....... C'1llf:" a"' a part of a t oC rltht pN'ff',,lnnaJ M'IO,.. \\ho hn.\r tliffn at lht- 0 1'«"ra lhttaw In hl .. 10,..<' \ "lt•lnlD ("lt,., 'lonL nU ,.,Uml1'W"r and an- ""'' tourln 11 In thr "ho\\ "hirh 1•n.l\ ""1 lo •~ ...n 1HlJhilllt lhf'rr. 1\uth '"· Tunf"

pntl ~u,. ""'" "lll "'"'" n1•1 ... ar a. .. romf'dlun• In thf" Oa) 00'• \ a.rlN.) ~hO\\ \\ hl~h l'f <loC"hM.hal("d

lo f(JllO\\ fhf" J11AJ ·


Del Gittel

J 17 H•f"r•'4• A••

Gosh frosh!

bow'd )"OU OD'° quick' OG IA> lM fact that Coc::a-Cola la tM ~P clrinlc oo'lllo I mean. Alway. dnnk it, you ay1 W~ll-bow about dtoppmc ovor to the dorm and do•·ntnc a sparltllnc Coke or t'lro witb tbe boyw. The man wbo'a for Cote. • i. IM man for u.. 8£ ~ REfUSHUI

lont.d Uflder ovdlotlry of n.. Coca-Colo C-po11y by