The Next Stage in Linux IDS - Prelude-IDS and Auditd Presented By Gary Smith.

The Next Stage in Linux IDS - Prelude-IDS and Auditd Presented By Gary Smith

Transcript of The Next Stage in Linux IDS - Prelude-IDS and Auditd Presented By Gary Smith.

Page 1: The Next Stage in Linux IDS - Prelude-IDS and Auditd Presented By Gary Smith.

The Next Stage in Linux IDS - Prelude-IDS and Auditd Presented

ByGary Smith

Page 2: The Next Stage in Linux IDS - Prelude-IDS and Auditd Presented By Gary Smith.

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is software and/or hardware designed to detect unwanted attempts at accessing, manipulating, and/or disabling of computer systems, mainly through a network, such as the Internet, for example. These attempts may take the form of attacks, as examples, by hackers, malware and/or disgruntled employees.

What is an Intrusion Detection What is an Intrusion Detection System System (IDS)?(IDS)?

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An intrusion detection system is used to detect several types of malicious behaviors that can compromise the security and trust of a computer system. This includes network attacks against

Vulnerable services, Data driven attacks on applications, Host based attacks such as privilege escalation, Unauthorized logins and access to sensitive files, And malware (viruses, trojan horses, and worms).

What does an IDS do?What does an IDS do?

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An IDS can be composed of several components:

Sensors which generate security events, A Console to monitor events and alerts and control the sensorsA Central Engine that records events logged by the sensors in a database and uses a system of rules to generate alerts from security events received.

There are several ways to categorize an IDS depending on the type and location of the sensors and the methodology used by the engine to generate alerts. In many simple IDS implementations, all three components are combined in a single device or appliance.

Components of an IDSComponents of an IDS

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Alert/Alarm - A signal suggesting a system has been or is being attacked.False Positive - An alert or alarm that is triggered when no actual attack has taken place.False negative - A failure of an IDS to detect an actual attackNoise - Data or interference that can trigger a false positiveAlarm filtering - The process of categorizing attack alerts produced from an IDS in order to distinguish false positives from actual attacks

IDS TermsIDS Terms

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A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is an independent platform which identifies intrusions by examining network traffic and monitors multiple hosts. Network Intrusion Detection Systems gain access to network traffic by connecting to a hub, network switch configured for port spanning, or network tap. An example of a NIDS is Snort.

Types Of IDS - NIDSTypes Of IDS - NIDS

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A Host-based Intrusion Detection system (HIDS) consists of an agent on a host which identifies intrusions by analyzing system calls, application logs, file-system modifications (binaries, password files, capability/acl databases) and other host activities and state. An example of a HIDS is Tripwire.

Types of IDS - HIDSTypes of IDS - HIDS

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A Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) consists of a system or agent that would typically sit at the front end of a server, monitoring and analyzing the communication protocol between a connected device (a user/PC or system) and the server. For a web server this would typically monitor the HTTPS protocol stream and understand the HTTP protocol relative to the web server/system it is trying to protect. Where HTTPS is in use then this system would need to reside in the "shim", or interface, between where HTTPS is un-encrypted and immediately prior to its entering the Web presentation layer.An example of a PIDS is mod_security.

Types of IDS - PIDSTypes of IDS - PIDS

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An Application Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (APIDS) consists of a system or agent that would typically sit within a group of servers, monitoring and analyzing the communication on application specific protocols. For example, in a web server with a database this would monitor the SQL protocol specific to the middleware/business logic as it transacts with the database.An example of an APIDS is Secerno.

Types of IDS - APIDSTypes of IDS - APIDS

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A Hybrid Intrusion Detection System combines two or more approaches. Host agent data is combined with network information to form a comprehensive view of the network. An example of a Hybrid IDS is Prelude.

Types of IDS - Hybrid IDSTypes of IDS - Hybrid IDS

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Auditd receives events from the kernel and sends them to Snare.Snare matches these events against criteria and sends messages to the centralized log server running syslog-ng.Syslog-ng acts as gathering point and funnels the messages into a fifo.A Perl program empties the fifo and inserts the messages into a MySQL database.PHP-Syslog-NG searches and displays the information in the database in a concise manner.

A Linux Host Intrusion Detection A Linux Host Intrusion Detection System ArchitectureSystem Architecture

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Sensor - Auditd/SnareConsole - PHP-Syslog-NGCentral Engine - Syslog-NG/Perl Program/MySQL

Componentizing the ArchitectureComponentizing the Architecture

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Uses off-the-shelf components and protocols.Auditd is part of the Linux “standard package.”Snare makes is easy to define and capture events of interest.Syslog-NG is an enterprise-grade logging agent with extensive filtering capabilities.PHP-Syslog-NG has a good interface for retrieving information from the database.

Pros and Cons of the Architecture - Pros and Cons of the Architecture -


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Snare Objective InterfaceSnare Objective Interface

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PHP-Syslog-NG Interface - PHP-Syslog-NG Interface - “The Big Board”“The Big Board”

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UDP is the transport protocol for Syslog-NG.Data is sent “in the clear.”No easy way to know if a Snare sensor has died.The levels of criticality in Snare don’t map 1-for-1 to Syslog-NG (5 versus 8).The alert output can be a bit daunting without a practiced eye.

Pros and Cons of the Architecture -Pros and Cons of the Architecture -ConsCons

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PHP-Syslog-NG DisplayPHP-Syslog-NG Display

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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Auditd receives events based on rules from the kernel and passes them to audispd dispatcher.Audispd sends event data to the audispd plugins, in this case, audisp-prelude.Audisp-prelude formats the event as an Intrusion Detection Message Exchance Format Message and, using libprelude, sends it to the Prelude-manager.The Prelude-manager puts the message in a MySQL database.Prewikka searches and displays the information in the database.

The Next Stage ArchitectureThe Next Stage Architecture

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Rules for Events

Syscall Audit RulesFor example, to see opens by users that failed due to permission violation

-a exit,always -S open -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295

File System Audit RulesFor example, to see write, read, execute, or attribute changes to /etc/shadow

-a exit,always -F path=/etc/shadow -F perm=wrxa -k “ids-shadow”

Look in /usr/share/doc/audit-x.y.z for examples of rules.

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Audisp-prelude is an audispd plugin that Reads the audit stream.Identifies suspicious events.Sends the most interesting ones to the Prelude-manager.Has 15 different configurable detections.


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SE Linux AVCSDetect any loginDetect output from pam_tally2Detect output from pam_limitsDetect output from pam_accessDetect output from pam_timeDetect any abnormal terminations: segv, abortDetect opening of promiscuous socketDetect changes in SE LINUX configuration Detect failures in group password auth Detect any login for account being watched Detect access to file being watched Detect execution of specific programs Detect the creation of executables

Audisp-prelude Detection OptionsAudisp-prelude Detection Options

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Prelude SensorsPrelude Sensors

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Prelude-LMLApache Arpwatch Asterisk Cisco equipment Clamav Nagios Pam Portsentry Postfix Sonicwall Spamassassin Syslog webmin

Prelude SensorsPrelude Sensors

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Sensor must be registered to its managerCommunication is encrypted Failover capability when cannot contact manager Relay events from manager to manager


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Apache based cgi-programHas database of recent alerts Allows multiple users with different permissions Sort/select alerts by type, host, target, severity, sensor, and many more ways at the top of the columns.


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Prewikka AlertsPrewikka Alerts

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Prewikka Alerts

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Prewikka Alerts

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Prewikka Agents

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The Future

Add mod_secuirty2 log format parsing to Prelude-LML

Add more sensorsRogue DHCP detection

Add more detections to auditd sensorChanging UIDAccount failuresCrypto failures

Reactive Countermeasures

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Prelude: http://www.prelude-ids.comAuditd: /usr/share/doc/audit-x.y.z/

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