The Next Generation of Customer Experience

The Next Generation of Customer Experience

Transcript of The Next Generation of Customer Experience

1. TheNextGenerationof CustomerExperience 2. 2 Leader Of The Brand 3. 3 Leader Of The Brand Generational Influences: 4. of U.S. workers will be millennials within a decade. 4 Leader Of The Brand 50% 5. 5 Leader Of The Brand 6. 6 Leader Of The Brand 7. 7 Leader Of The Brand 1946-1964 Workaholics (live to work) Face time Process before results Challenge authority but shifted to time=authority Team players Love pep talks and public recognition Communication: face-to-face, memos, phone calls anytime Boomers 8. 8 Leader Of The Brand 1965-1980 Work/family balance (work to live) Self-reliant Work smarter, not longer Acquire skills for next job Want workplace independence Dont like office politics Informal recognition (days off) Honest feedback Communication: cell phone, email, called at work (not at home) Generation X 9. 9 Leader Of The Brand 1981-2000 With technology can work flexibly anytime, anywhere Expect to be evaluated on final product, not the process Collaborative Want mentors Continuous learning Informal, real-time communication (hallway conversations) Communicates: internet, email, text, social media Millennials 10. Aligning Them: More Than Message 10 Leader Of The Brand 11. Chief Experience Officer 11 Leader Of The Brand CEO 12. customers are more like 12 Leader Of The Brand B2B B2C 13. of customer experience investments are ineffective. (Accenture) 13 Leader Of The Brand 48% 14. 14 Leader Of The Brand Boomers: technology is acquired, prefer face-to-face, memos, phone calls anytime Generation X: technology is assimilated, prefer mobile, email, called at work (not at home) Millennials: technology is integral, prefer mobile, email, text, social media Reaching customers 15. through the buying cycle by the time they interact with you. 15 Leader Of The Brand 57% 16. 16 Leader Of The Brand of purchase decision makers were millennial (Milward Brown Inc. and Google, 2014) 46% 17. 17 Leader Of The Brand of buyers used video to help with decision making (Milward Brown Inc. and Google, 2014) 70% 18. 18 Leader Of The Brand Highly value word of mouth Research onlinechecking ratings, reviews, etc. via mobile Rely on information provided by vendors (remotely, i.e. email). Brand experience should be seamless. Loyal if customer service experience is topnotch. Social media a means of accessing deals. Companies need to become infused in their conversations Value ease of doing business Millennials 19. 19 Leader Of The Brand Take consumer decisions in their own hands. Value over status. Want forthrightness, transparency and guarantees. Multi-channel: mix of digital (including mobile), social, and traditional marketing. Rely on 3rd party articles/blogs/reviews. Want assurances they will be satisfied with their purchase. Generation X 20. 20 Leader Of The Brand Traditional advertising: Print Television Radio Billboard Advice from sales reps. Handshake deals. Rely on tradeshows. Want a vendors ability to respond quickly. Boomers 21. 21 Leader Of The Brand Care about the experience as well as: Quality Price Value Research online Use new technology to research Shared traits 22. 22 Leader Of The Brand 23. 23 Leader Of The Brand 24. From the inside, out 24 Leader Of The Brand 25. of U.S. workers are not engaged in their jobs. (2013 Gallup State of the Global Workplace) 25 Leader Of The Brand 70% 26. Ratio of fully engaged customers to actively disengaged customers in the average organization. (Gallup) 26 Leader Of The Brand 0.8:1 27. Ratio of fully engaged customers to actively disengaged customers in a world class organization. (Gallup) 27 Leader Of The Brand 8:1 28. Employee retention 28 Leader Of The Brand 54%# 89%#Customer satisfaction 4x# Revenue growth 29. 29 Leader Of The Brand 30. 30 Leader Of The Brand Money AND Mission AND Purpose Flux willingness and ability to adapt Power of no Meaning is primary motivation Purpose People Products Process The best 31. The 11 Questions 31 Leader Of The Brand 32. 32 Leader Of The Brand The 11 Questions 1.Whats The Challenge? Lay out all challenges & sub-challenges, as well as why theyre important. 33. 33 Leader Of The Brand The 11 Questions 2. Whose Perceptions Matter? All external and internal audiences & influencers. 34. 34 Leader Of The Brand 3. Whats Going On? Industry & company situational analysis. Research, studies, interviews, e-mail surveys, etc. The 11 Questions 35. 35 Leader Of The Brand 4. What Do People Think? Perceptions from all audiences & influencers as they stand now. The 11 Questions 36. 36 Leader Of The Brand 5. What Are You Really? Brief analysis of company/product The 11 Questions 37. 37 Leader Of The Brand 7. What Will You Tell Them? A brief, concise message. The 11 Questions 38. 38 Leader Of The Brand 8. How Will You Speak? Descriptive terms about your voice/personality. The 11 Questions 39. 39 Leader Of The Brand Fluid Brand Audiences A B C D E Brand How do you feel? Its outside the old traditional thinking of consistency in building a brand. Instead It drives for consistency of response with a wide variety of audiences. 40. 40 Leader Of The Brand 10. How Does It Look to the World? What are you going to show them at every touchpoint? What are your standards? The 11 Questions 41. 41 Leader Of The Brand 11. Howd It Do? How you decide to measure it. The 11 Questions 42. 42 Leader Of The Brand 43. 43 Leader Of The Brand 35% sales increase within months of brand launch Reached $1 million monthy sales goal ahead of schedule 100% customer retention during and after the transition Highly engaged employees committed to the DLC story Competitors emulating approach Results: 44. 44 Leader Of The Brand 45. 45 Leader Of The Brand 46. 46 Leader Of The Brand 47. 47 Leader Of The Brand 48. 48 Leader Of The Brand 49. 49 Leader Of The Brand 50. 50 Leader Of The Brand 51. 51 Leader Of The Brand 52. 52 Leader Of The Brand thankyou. 53. 53 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation 54. 54 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation 55. 55 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation 56. 56 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation 57. 57 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation 58. 58 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation ADVERTISING PR REPUTATION WORD-OF-MOUTH 59. 59 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation ADVERTISING PR WEB / DIGITAL REPUTATION DIFFERENTIATION VALUE PROPOSITION 60. 60 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation BRAND INTERACTIONS RELATIONSHIPS ENGAGEMENT MISSION 61. 61 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation ENGAGING MESSAGING BRAND EXPERIENCE INTERACTIONS RELATIONSHIPS ENGAGEMENT ALIGNMENT TRANSPARENCY AUTHENTICITY 62. 62 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation ENGAGING MESSAGING BRAND EXPERIENCE INTERACTIONS RELATIONSHIPS ENGAGEMENT ALIGNMENT TRANSPARENCY AUTHENTICITY 63. 63 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation ENGAGING MESSAGING BRAND EXPERIENCE INTERACTIONS RELATIONSHIPS ENGAGEMENT ALIGNMENT TRANSPARENCY AUTHENTICITY 64. 64 BMO Financial Group | Capabilities Presentation 65. Self Test 65 Leader Of The Brand Imaginasium 66. We have a clear position statement that guides the direction of our organizations brand, and its understood by everyone within our walls. 66 Leader Of The Brand 67. We have clear expectations for our culture, vision, and values, and theyre understood and lived by our entire staff. 67 Leader Of The Brand 68. Our brand experience is integrated into all departments and touchpoints vs. just being a product of sales, marketing, or customer service. 68 Leader Of The Brand 69. How we sell and deliver our products and services is completely in step with our culture, vision, and values. 69 Leader Of The Brand 70. Our customers see and understand the clear difference between us and our competition. 70 Leader Of The Brand 71. Were satisfied with the level of our customer complaint numbers. 71 Leader Of The Brand 72. Were satisfied with the amount and frequency of repeat business. 72 Leader Of The Brand 73. We have an integrated communications plan that engages both customers and employees. 73 Leader Of The Brand 74. Weve charted our desired customer experience and what should proactively happen at each customer touchpoint. 74 Leader Of The Brand 75. Our employees understand their role in the customer experience and have what they need to deliver on our promises. 75 Leader Of The Brand 76. We clearly know how our Unique Selling Propositions (what makes us the clear choice) directly lines up with our customers Unique Buying Propositions (what they truly want from us). 76 Leader Of The Brand