The newsletter of the National Capital Area (NCA) Emmaus for … · 2017-07-20 · anyone happy?...

1 | Page FROM THE NCA EMMAUS COMMUNITY LAY DIRECTOR Greetings, Community - I want to be brief this month, while mainly saying YOU ARE LOVED, relaying business information, and letting Scripture speak. Philippians 1:3 "I thank my God for you every time I remember you." ... For 30 Reach, for your great love and spirit, for re- membering E-178 and E-179 through prayer and awe- some support. Gratitude for breakthroughs, faithfulness, comfort in grief, great expectations of more answered prayer and prevenient grace. John 10:10b "Abundant life". In believing and living out the love of Christ, which is so REAL, we hit the target of our NCAE mission to "Chal- lenge, Equip, and Inspire" with the purpose of building Christian church leaders & enriching our walk with Christ. The Lord enriched lives through E-178 - oh yes, Anything is Possible with the Lord. John 16:22. "Nothing can steal this JOY!" We have had much grief but we have the joy and peace of the Lord (Not as the world gives it, but oh, so real.) 1 Thessalonians 5:16 "Rejoice always" Our NCAE webmaster sent me this verse in palanca years ago. It rings true! November 2016 is exciting with the men of E-179 on the Mountain, DDU, the an- nouncement of the new 2017 CLD, and the Board elec- tion at Ultreya. Pls join in and celebrate, fellowship, praise and worship at Christ Church. DDU is 11/12 & Ultreya is 11/18. Praises! Let's gather and fellowship, praise and rejoice! Thanks, Rob! Counting on Christ. He is counting on us. De Colores! De Colores and Fly with Christ! Mary Ann Krauss, CLD Keep the JOY! The newsletter of the National Capital Area (NCA) Emmaus for the glory of God Fourth Day Journal Vol. XXXIV No.11 November 2016 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSIDE THIS ISSUE NCA Emmaus CLD Message..……………….1 NCA Emmaus SD Message…..………………2 Sing Praise……………………………………...2 E-179 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,…..3 NCA Chrysalis CLD Message…………..……4 2017 NCAE Board Nominees…………………5 Community Palanca………………….………..5 Northern Virginia Kairos……………………..6 NCAE Board Nominations……………………6 Act of Agape……………………………………6 2016-2017 NCA Emmaus Walks……………..6 2016 Ultreya Gatherings……………………...6 Nov. 18, Christ Church UMC..………………..6 NCA Emmaus/Chrysalis Boards…..….…….7 Inclement Weather Policy…………………....8 2016 Weekend Fees…………………………...8 E-178 Weekend Prayer Wheel…..…………...8 Business Sponsors……………………………8 NCA Emmaus Car magnets………………….8

Transcript of The newsletter of the National Capital Area (NCA) Emmaus for … · 2017-07-20 · anyone happy?...

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Greetings, Community - I want to be brief this month, while mainly saying YOU ARE LOVED, relaying business information, and letting Scripture speak. Philippians 1:3 "I thank my God for you every time I remember you." ... For 30 Reach, for your great love and spirit, for re-membering E-178 and E-179 through prayer and awe-some support. Gratitude for breakthroughs, faithfulness, comfort in grief, great expectations of more answered prayer and prevenient grace. John 10:10b "Abundant life". In believing and living out the love of Christ, which is so REAL, we hit the target of our NCAE mission to "Chal-lenge, Equip, and Inspire" with the purpose of building Christian church leaders & enriching our walk with Christ. The Lord enriched lives through E-178 - oh yes, Anything is Possible with the Lord. John 16:22. "Nothing can steal this JOY!" We have had much grief but we have the joy and peace of the Lord (Not as the world gives it, but oh, so real.) 1 Thessalonians 5:16 "Rejoice always" Our NCAE webmaster sent me this verse in palanca years ago. It rings true! November 2016 is exciting with

the men of E-179 on the Mountain, DDU, the an-nouncement of the new 2017 CLD, and the Board elec-tion at Ultreya. Pls join in and celebrate, fellowship, praise and worship at Christ Church. DDU is 11/12 & Ultreya is 11/18. Praises! Let's gather and fellowship, praise and rejoice! Thanks, Rob! Counting on Christ. He is counting on us. De Colores! De Colores and Fly with Christ!

Mary Ann Krauss,

CLD Keep the JOY!

The newsletter of the National Capital Area (NCA) Emmaus for

the glory of God

Fourth Day Journal Vol. XXXIV No.11 November 2016


INSIDE THIS ISSUE NCA Emmaus CLD Message..……………….1 NCA Emmaus SD Message…..………………2 Sing Praise……………………………………...2 E-179 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,…..3 NCA Chrysalis CLD Message…………..……4 2017 NCAE Board Nominees…………………5 Community Palanca………………….………..5 Northern Virginia Kairos……………………..6 NCAE Board Nominations……………………6 Act of Agape……………………………………6 2016-2017 NCA Emmaus Walks……………..6 2016 Ultreya Gatherings……………………...6 Nov. 18, Christ Church UMC..………………..6 NCA Emmaus/Chrysalis Boards…..….…….7 Inclement Weather Policy…………………....8 2016 Weekend Fees…………………………...8 E-178 Weekend Prayer Wheel…..…………...8 Business Sponsors……………………………8 NCA Emmaus Car magnets………………….8

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Great Grace of our Lord

Essential prayer

How often do you and I pray for the Christians around us and reach out to understand them and their joys and concerns? Do we really listen to them, or just wait until it is our turn to talk? I must confess, I find myself more concerned with me than other people much of the time and I don’t pray for them as often as I should.

Along that same line, Rev. Tim Keller of New York’s Re-deemer Presbyterian church acknowledges that he promises to pray for individual people who come to him for pastoring, and then sometimes doesn’t actually pray for them. He observes, I think appropriately, that if we say we are praying and do not, it puts us in the category of being hypocrites. I had never heard hypocrisy defined in that way, but I think it strikes closer to home than the well worn definition of my youth that said hypocrites are mainly those people who act like a Christian on Sunday but ‘go to the devil’ during the week. Suffice it to say it is very easy to promise prayer support in name only. I have no doubts that you, the members of our Emmaus community are some of the most praying people around, so I am not telling you to “shape up,” but just to reflect a moment on your prayer life.

Remember that scripture has many encouragements to pray in faith believing and you and your partners in pray-er will reap wonderful benefits. To close, I remind you of James 5:13-16

Is anyone among you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is anyone of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick

person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned he will be forgiven. Therefore confess you sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.


Stan Esterline NCAEBoardSpiritualDirector

November FDJ What a great month! The leaves are turning and God's beauty is all around! Thanks so much to St. Pauls United Methodist Church for hosting our September Ultreya. We sang and praised and are now committed "Prayer Warriors" for future Emmaus and Chrysalis teams, pilgrims, and bugs! "We Believe" is the theme song for E-179. Please God, help us to believe your word! Isaiah 41:13 says, For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear I will help you. God is bold and decisive in His pursuit of us! Scripture makes it clear that He "Takes Hold of our right hand!" The grip a father has on his childs hand. May we truly see all the miracles, and believe! Milton Zapata and Ben Cave will be leading worship in November's Ultreya which will take place at Chirst Church UMC. Make sure you come out and join us! It's going to be an event to remember and celebration with the new E-179 members of our community. Dinner and Fellowship at 6:30. Worship at 7:30. Blessings, Blessings,

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Jim, Marty, Jerry, and Milt [email protected] We were made to THRIVE!

E179- Meadowkirk Retreat Center – Nov. 3 - 6, 2016 A Message from the "R" “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:31 (NKJV) As I prayed about the scripture and theme for E179 I kept being taken back to the huge number of people that my wife Lolly and I had spent time with over the pasts 10 years (at Church, in Small Group, during ALPHA Clas-ses, Men’s Ministry, Kairos Prison ministry, and Emmaus etc.). So many really, really, really struggled with family members, friends or co-workers who did not have a rela-tionship with God, thru Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spir-it. This led me to the scripture: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”. From this the theme of the weekend be-came: “Believe” and a companion theme evolved as shown in the logo: “Believe, Be Bright and Be Bold”.

Our logo tells a story: from our faith, and being grounded in the Word, we “Believe”. Because of our faith we should “Be Bright” – by the example of how we live our lives IN Christ. This in turn may present opportunities for us to take action and to “Be Bold” by helping others to “Believe”. Our theme song for E179 is “We Believe” by The News-boys. It supports our scripture and theme in such beauti-ful ways.

Team E179 has been committed to growing closer in our relationship with God during the teaming process. So we have emphasized the importance of prayer. We covet your prayers so please pray that the Holy Spirit will work in amazing ways thru every man during E179 and that these men will go back to their churches “lit-up” for God ready to serve and lead. Cadre and Team Scott Burgess ~ Head Cha Charlie Carroll ~ Table Leader Ben Cave ~ Assistant Music Director Ricardo Cruz ~ Table Leader, Travis Dodson ~ Dining Room Cha & Assistant Chapel Cha Charlie Duren ~ Agape Feast Cha Todd Eckley ~ Table Leader Dale Gillis ~ Spiritual Director Rich Goad ~ Palanca Cha & Assistant Mananita Cha Jeff Hetherington ~ Rector Steve Kenney ~ Table Leader Jim Krauss ~ Mananita Cha Joe Lopez ~ Assistant Closing Cha & Assistant Palanca Cha John McClaugherty ~ Table Leader Jim McCray ~ Old Buffalo & Floater Cha Matt Meisenhelter ~ Assistant Spiritual Director Stu Mentzel ~ A/V Cha Sam Parris ~ Assistant Palanca Cha & Closing Cha Tony Pearson ~ Assistant Table Leader Sammy Phillips ~ Chapel Cha Jim Rogers ~ Assistant Agape Feast Cha & Assistant Dining Room Cha John Rowe ~ Assistant Head Cha Gabe Smith ~ Assistant Talk Room Cha Billy Stegal ~ Table Leader Jeff Tidd ~ Talk Room Cha Jerry Wills ~ Assistant Rector Milton Zapata ~ Music Director Pilgrims Peter Berberena ~ Spirit and Life UMC Junior Berberena Jr. ~ Spirit and Life UMC Josh Berry ~ St. Paul UMC David Bredeman ~ Shenandoah Community Baptist Larry Cave ~ White Chapel UMC Rob Girouard ~ Christ UMC Robert Goad ~ Bethel UMC Art Gose ~ 1st Presbyterian Church Peter Herzog ~ Christ UMC Michael Hetherington ~ Windsor Road Christian Church Doug Hopler ~ Christ UMC Jeff Kimmel ~ Christ UMC James Leenerts ~ Aldersgate UMC Kevin Markle ~ Washington Community Church Vic Marshall ~ Groveton Baptist Randy McHugh ~ Bethel UMC Bob Michaelis ~ Chancellor Baptist

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Vernon Mitchell ~ St Paul's CME Karl Nyborg ~ Occoquan Bible Church Don Palma ~ Dumfries UMC Adam Parrish ~ Calvary Baptist Jamie Parrish, Jr. ~ Pender UMC Sean Reney ~ New Hope Aaron Richardson ~ Bethel UMC David Sanchez ~ Submission Ministries Fellowship John Seibert Sr. ~ Salem Fields Community Church Ron Taylor ~ Old Bridge UMC Jeff Washington ~ Grace & Mercy Ministries Maurice Wilson ~ Messiah UMC Chris Wunderlin ~ Christ UMC

From the NCA Chrysalis, CLD

DeColores my dear friends, I hope this 4th Day Journal finds you and your family well as we get ready to end Summer and start a new season of Fall. I just wanted to recount what has been going on for Chrysalis these past months. We had two very suc-cessful weekends in July. Our Young Adult weekend had 6 caterpillars and our high school weekend had 10. Both weekends saw young people draw closer to God and friendships made with others. What someone on the out-side didn’t see, was all of the community who supported with clean up, set up, coming to candlelight and closing, and praying for the weekend itself. I think on the week-end just as in our lives, we go about doing what we are supposed to do and we can miss all the people who are doing behind the scenes work to serve us. I know each and every one of those young people really appreciated it and felt the love of God. As we enter into September, the new Board of Directors for National Capital Area Chrysalis will be taking on their positions that they were duly elected for. I would like to thank Whitney LeMay, Devin Duren, Charlie Duren, John Rowe, and Jose Saldana for their dedication and time over the last two years to helping strengthen and grow our community as well as spread the love of Jesus to the youth/young adults who have come into our lives. I would like to welcome Sarah LeMay, Michael Juarbe, Tori Guest, Molly Haynes, Burton Robinson, Dan

Hughes, Nicole Parrish to the Board and returning for a second term, Lindell Tinsley and Stephanie Williams. I pray that God guides you through times of challenge and that he strengthens you in the months ahead when there is a lot of things to get done. This will be my last 4th Day Journal entry as the Lay Di-rector for NCA Chrysalis. It has been an amazing journey filled with productive meetings, exciting weekends and a spirit-filled community of disciples who want to just keep passing on the joy. My prayer for this community is that we continue to follow the great commission that Jesus left us before he went to heaven which is, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have com-manded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”-Matthew 28:19-20. I think it can be very easy for us to just get into a con-sumer mode. We work, we do stuff for our churches, we manage our households, so why not just relax when we do Emmaus/Chrysalis? We do the fun things that are easy to us. Being a member of a team or just coming for Ultreyas are activities that we enjoy and are easy. De-veloping authentic relationships with those around us isn’t necessarily easy and with certain people it can be difficult. We have to because that is what Jesus tells us to do. Making disciples isn’t an overnight thing, and it definitely isn’t just sending someone on a weekend. It is deliberate Christian life sharing and spirit filled relation-ships that make disciples. Disciples that will love God with all of their heart, soul and mind and love others as themselves. Just so we are clear, when Jesus says go and make disciples of all nations, there are no limitations to that. It is not just the person who looks like you but anyone who is brought into your life. That means of any race, any economic status, and any age along with a whole other grouping of categories. Especially for our young people today, this is needed more than ever. My generation, the Millennials (16-34 year olds) have now surpassed the Baby Boomers in size (75.4 million Millennials). This vast majority of young people have grown up in non-Christian households in a culture that does not encourage faith. Take a moment now to pray for God to guide you into the life of a young person and encourage them on their faith journey. I love you my beautiful wonderful community and just as you have taught me, I encourage you to continue to outreach and disciple others. I also ask for you to welcome Monica Gibson as the new NCA Lay Director. I ask that you pray for her as she starts this new journey and encourage you to offer words of encouragement every chance you can to her. This is a new year full of opportunities to strengthen the faith of young people, connect them with the greater body of Christ and empower them to be the leaders of the

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Church today. I will be a part of that mission just as the rest of you will be. Fly With Christ, Jacob Mosser National Capital Area Chrysalis Lay Director P.S. don’t be surprised if you see me on an Emmaus weekend soon. 2017 Board Nominees. Election will be held at November Ultreya for 3 men, 2 women and one Spiritual Director.

Rich Goad. E-171 changed my life and set my heart on fire for the Lord. Besides teaming, sponsoring, and supporting Emmaus, I feel God is asking me to do more. God will never give you more than you can handle and I believe this is another way of serving to spread God’s love.

During our recent Talk Day for teaming, I felt God was putting this application on my heart for a reason, so I decided to give it to God and fill it out. Serving others to make leaders for Christ.

Charlie Duren. I feel called to serve the 4th day communities, and in particular NCA Emmaus. I offer myself as the Hands and Feet to serve in any capacity needed. When asked to be considered for the Board, I prayed over what I should

do and I kept coming back to if this is where you want me Lord, then send me. If it is not where you want me then I'll keep listening. I offer myself in His service.

Jim Stacy. I share in the NCA Emmaus belief that our community does not exist to serve itself. We exist as an extension of our individual church communities where we worship our Creator. We come together to celebrate – in the Ultreya and on teams –

our Oneness in Christ, and to praise and worship our Lord. This coming together reinvigorates us to return to our own communities to serve and lead when called. My hope is to help rekindle that spiritual flame in some f our church communities that may be struggling and to invite new communities to join us. I am not a revolutionary. Rather, I want to continue and build on the work that so many in the Community have done and are performing. I think any work for GOD is good -- and not merely for our own self-satisfaction -- needs to continue.

Vickie Carroll. I care deeply about this community and its mission to raise up leaders and servants in the local churches. I came away from my weekend committed to be a disciple of Christ, and I am fulfilling that commitment by using the truths I learned on E146. Since my weekend I have sponsored or

co-sponsored over 20 pilgrims and have seen them return renewed and recommitted to service in their church. I am committed to preserving this mission and Gaylene Guest. I have received so much from the Emmaus community that has enhanced and strengthened my own Christian walk, and I have seen what Emmaus has done for so many others. I feel it will be exciting, and making it function at its highest level



Dale Gillis. I would like to serve As an SD on the NCAE Board be Cause I am a true believer in the ministry and have witnessed the powerful leadership transformation in those who have walked. The main reason I am applying though is because I feel God calling me to share my ministry gifts in the manner

COMMMUNITY PALANCA Love, Love, Love, that is what Palanca/Agape is all

about. The community is amazing when it comes to sharing their love with the team/pilgrims/bugs on the weekends. So how can you help? I know how everyone gets carried away with

those close pins, but there is so much more! Decorate placemats – each weekend needs a total of 324 deco-rated placemats. They can be bible verses, cute pictures and if you are artistic.

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We need weekend themes if possible. Each weekend needs Warm and Fuzzies, Joy Flags, Palanca/Agape Bags, I am loveable buttons, and close-pin caterpillars. Get your community together and have a palanca party! It is amazing how much fun every-one can have no matter How “Non Crafty” you are. At Ultreyas we will be collect-ing the palanca/agape in baskets located by the front door. We will also have community palanca for everyone to sign. Show the Love and have fun doing it. If you are interested is helping with the community palanca please contact me at [email protected] or 540-625-2843 De Colores! And Fly with Christ

Donna Morris

ACCEPTING Board Nominations for 2017

Election will be at November Ultreya

Submission of this form needed by September Ul-treya

Complete NCA Emmaus board nomination form, found at: web site, for-ward it to Phil Wisner at [email protected] by Sep-tember 16 or bring it to the Septem-ber Ultreya. The Board meets once a month on the first Monday, 7pm in Springfield. Our purpose is representing the community in the business and fellowship of NCA Em-maus. For more information, contact Phil Wisner at [email protected], or talk to any NCAE board member, but mainly pray and seek His guidance as you commit to being considered for this rewarding experience or return the completed Phil Wisner, NCAE Board Nominations Committee Northern Virginia Kairos

KAIROS KORNER: Wow! What a month October was!!! Your Northern Vir-ginia Kairos team conducted 4-Day weekends at both Greensville Correction Center (GCC) and Sussex-1 State Prison (S1SP). Over 75 residents completed the pro-gram, and it would have been far less successful without your prayers. If you would like to show your church one of the Kairos prayer chains that were used for these weekends, please let Dick Tobey ([email protected]) know so he can put it on the schedule. Want to know more about YOUR call to Kairos? The NOVA Kairos team is hosting an information dinner on January 21, 2017 at Annandale UMC. All are welcome – please RSVP to either an active Kairos member or to Frank Svenson ([email protected]). Applications are now being accepted for GCC K-66 and S1SP K-5. Applications are available at Ultryeas or at our website, Matt 25:36 “…I was in prison and you visited me.”

2016-2017 NCA Emmaus Walks E-179~M~ Nov.3-6, 2016……….Jeff Hetherington E-180~ W~Mar. 9-12, 2017……….Nancy Geeting E-181~ M~May 18-21, 2017………....Tom Geenty E-182~ W~Oct. 5-8, 2017………..Glenda Lambert E-183~ M~Nov. 2-5, 2017…………….…TJ Cuddy

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2016 ULTREYA GATHERINGS Nov. 18 Christ Church UMC Dec. 16 Bethel UMC If you are interested in hosting an Ultreya gather-ing, please contact the NCA Emmaus Board.

NCA CHRYSALIS BOARD Community Lay Director (CLD) Assistant Lay Director (ALD)

Spiritual Director (SD) CLD Monica Gibson [email protected]


John Rowe Devin Duren

[email protected]

SD Jose Saldana [email protected] SD

Other Board Members

Lindell Tinsley Dan Hughes

Stephanie Williams Katie Rowe

Bonita Darby Matt Critchley

Carolyn Tidd Burton Robinson

Milton Zapata Michael Jurabe

Tori Guest Molly Haynes

Sarah LeMay Nicole Parish

Chrysalis Support Personnel

Supply Coordinators Linda Russ/ Melissa Detwiler

Prayer Wheel Coordinator Volunteer Needed Manuals and Talk Folders Coordinator Kurt Bubenhofer

Community Music Director Dave Moore Registrar Donna Morris Secretary Stephanie Williams Treasurer Bob LeMay Clothe Agape Bags Coordinator Beth Ann Eadie Dining Room Coordinator Donna Morris Worldwide Agape Coord. Volunteer Needed Facilities Coordinator Volunteer Needed Fourth Day Packet Coord. Bob LeMay Historian Volunteer Needed Outreach Coordinator Mark and Pat Fahner Clown Communion Coord. Jan Niehoff Chrysalis Crosse Coord. Janet & Lindsey Matthews

Hoot Coordinators Donna VanWert/Bob LeMay Karen Kimberlin

I am Lovable Pin Coordinator Donna Morris Website Coordinator Clayton Newberry

“ACT OF AGAPE” During the October Ultreya, we are asking you to show your agape love and support to our host church, ST PAUL UMC by bringing perishable food. Thank you for sharing the “Act of Agape” love!..... NCAE Board

Join us at our next Ultreya Gathering 7:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 18, 2016

Christ Church, UMC

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NCA EMMAUS BOARD Term Expiring January 2017 Richard Cobb, SD [email protected] Ann Krauss,CLD 703-850-8226 [email protected] Lindsey Kirkwood 571-236-4563 [email protected] Guest 703-586-7718 [email protected] JR Williams 330-340-4761 [email protected] Wunderlin 703-627-9811 [email protected] Term Expiring January 2018 Sam Gero 703-475-8812 [email protected] Stan Esterline, ASD [email protected] Kathy Woodley, 703-232-8043 [email protected] Gloria Esterline,ACLD 703-407-2420 [email protected] Jerry Wills 703-217-4262 [email protected] Phil Wisner 540-760-7594 [email protected]

COMMUNITY SUPPORT LEADERS Applications ~ NCA Emmaus Pilgrims

Charlie & Vickie Carroll 703-887-7590 [email protected]

Applications ~ NCA Emmaus Team

Charlie & Vickie Carroll 703-887-7590 [email protected]

Audio-Visual/Software Managers Jim and Donna Morris 540-625-2843 [email protected] Community Palanca/Agape Coordinators Donna Morris 540-625-2843 [email protected] Community Shed Coordinator Annette Barbier 703-491-2104 [email protected] Facility Liaison Nancy Geeting 540-841-3343 [email protected]. Fourth Day Journal – Newsletter Editor Raúl Castillo 703-307-8070 [email protected] Fourth Day Journal Mailing Beth Parker 703-447-9553 [email protected] HolyNet Coordinator Charlie Hays 703-8013521 [email protected] Kairos Representative Dick Tobey [email protected] Kairos Outside Representative Barbara Teats 703-354-9043 [email protected] Rector (a) Manuals Coordinator Linda Girten 703-491-3801 [email protected] Music Directors Jim Krauss 703-850-8226 [email protected] Marty Petrizza 540-602-9928 [email protected] Outreach Palanca/Agape Coordinator Debbie McCluskey [email protected] Prayer Wheel Coordinator Robin Wisner 202-341-2485 [email protected] Rector(a) Selection Coordinator Annette Barbier 703-491-2104 [email protected] Reunion Group Coordinator Liana Cuffman 703-920-6219 [email protected] Scholarship Coordinator Lindsey Kirkwood 571-236-4563 [email protected] Folder Coordinator Al Barbier 703-869-1380 [email protected] Treasurer Stacey Jones 540-840-0445 [email protected] Website Manager Rob Cannon 703-965-8045 [email protected] Weekend Handouts Coordinator Mark Segnari 703-670-3145 [email protected] Wooden Crosses & Ropes Jim & Jan Womer 703-670-5236 [email protected]

2016 WEEKEND EMMAUS FEES Application Fee $35.00 Pilgrim Fee $200.00 Team Fee $250.00


TheNCAE,4”x6”carMAGNETSandREMOV-ABLEDECALSareavailablefor$5.00donationormoreforeachdecal.AllproceedsgotoScholarshipFund.Formoreinformation,pleasecontact:RaúlCastilloat703-307-8070orEmail:[email protected]

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Fourth-Day-Journal National Capital Area Emmaus P.O. Box 2243 Merrifield, VA 22116

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY In case of inclement weather on the night of an Ultreya, please listen to the local television or radio. If schools are closed, and after school activities are canceled in the county in which the Ultreya is held, the Ultreya will also be can-celed.

WEEKEND PRAYER WHEEL needs you! Sign up at; click on weekend #E179 on the left; then click Prayer Wheel heading. Be a Blessing as the Body of Christ covers these weekends in prayer.