The news and herald (Winnsboro, S.C.).(Winnsboro, S.C.) 1910-05 … · 2017. 12. 17. · spring of...

LIV fl\ Brief Sketches < JOHN ABBOTT. Born December 27, 1835. near Ridgev6ay. Entered Army at commencement of War in Com- pany B 9th Regiment. Slightly wounded Aug. 21. near Peters- burg, Va. Has farmed since the war. JAMES S. ALLEN. Born in 1845, and entered Army in 1863, Company B, 7th Bat. Inf. Now farming near Blythewood. JA3IES M. BLAIN. Born .August 6, 1842, near Blackstock. Entered Army at the beginnirg of the War as a member of Little River Guards. Afterwards transferred to the Companies of Captains Edward Means and Boykin Lyles. Wounded four times at Drains- ville, Seven Pines, Second Manassas and Fort Harrison. Now farming at place of his birth. "The Little River Guards which I joined in organization early in 1S61. or the latter part of 60, disbanded at S2mmer- ville the greater part. joininlg Capt. Ediward Means' Company, Buckhead Guards. at Orange Court House. Va. At expiration of one year's service' we were musterei into service for three years o:f the W~\ar undter Capt. Boykin~ Lvles combined with Capt. W~eston's Company from Richland. Surrendered at Ap- pomatox under Capt. Robert Clowney." LEFROY D. E L.CK. Born Dec. 20. I16:3. in Chester County. Entered Army Dec. 1861i. Cc.. B. 6tzh Reg. Now a substantial farmer of the Stover section. Has been very feeble the past few months. and suffered heavy afriiction~in his faulyI. R. D. BOLICK. Born Oct. 22, 1846, near Lebanon church. Entered Army 1863 in Black's Reg.. under Capt. Barber. Later transferred to Haskell s Bat. of Art. Re- oeived slight wound from spent ball. Surrendered at Appoma- tox Va.. in April. Got home in July, 1865. Now living at Ridge- way. CHESLEY G. BOULWARE. Born May 29. 1844, at Crosby- vjlle. Eentered Army April 1861 in Co. B. 20th Miss. Reg.. under Capt Massey. Wounned at JGFAI 4f Their Lives '] selves, Cont; Kennysa. Ga. Was prisoner at close of War. Now farming. JOHNR. 3OYD. Born July 23. 1846. Entered Army June 1, 1863, in Co. B. 7tl S. C. Bat., under Capt. LukE Kennedy. Farming near Rion. W. WATT BRICE. Born July O. 182. near Winnsboro. Entere:, Army in spring of S161. Co. F. 12th S. C. V.. under Capt. Hayne McMeek- ing. -Wounded in the battic oL the Wilderness. "I was capture1 on line be- low Petersburg on March 25. be- fore the surrencder and carried to Fort Lookout as a prisoner. On the morning after the assas- sination of Lincoin we were formed by Divisions by order of the fact. The next 'morning Major Brady congratulated thE prisoners on their not makino any demonstration the day be- fore, as his orders were to firE on the point with the gunboats and batteries while there wvas a prisoner left. Was released about July ist." THOMAS SCOTT BRICE. Born Sept. 16. 1840 in the New Hope Section. Graduated at Erskine College with the first honor. Entered Army April 10, 1861. in Little River Guards under Capt. Michael Brice. Promoted to Corporal and Color Guard of Reg. Wounded at Seven Pines and Fort Harrison. Represented Fairfield County for several terms both in the House and Senate. Was for a number of years County Chair- ran. Now living at Shelby, N. C. .JESSE R. BRYCE. Was born July 23. 1847, and joined State troops July 18, 1854. Co. B. ur der Capt. McClurkin. W~as never v:oundied. Now+famingo nea Winnsboro. LIRF'I] ['ogether With ining Much His SAMUEL W. BROOM. Born January 2. 1848 at placi of present residence. Entere( Army April 9, 1861 in Co. C 1. S. C. V. promoted to Ord Sergeant. Wounded Dec. 13 1862 at Fredericksburg, Va Went out first in Capt. J. R Harrison's Co. 6 S. C. V., unde: Col. J. H. Rion. When a Summerville two Companie pulled out. The one I was it came home, organized. electe< o,ficers and as placed in Gregg' Brigade. later in McGowan's. was present at Charleston whei Fort Sumter was surrendered and was present at Appomato: when Gen. Lee surrendered. DAVID BRANHAM. Born July 9, 1836. near plac, of present residence. Entere< Army in the spring of 1861 ii Co. D, 1st Reg. S. C. Inf., unde Capt. Thomas Bovkin. Wa private prisoner at close of War "I was taken prisoner a Gettysburg in July. and wa taken to Fort Delaware on Dela ware Island and remained unti close of war. Rode on ship fron New York to Charleston an< walked home at close of war Fought at the bombardment o: Hilton Head Island. Was at th, siege at Fredericksburg.Va., arn other skirmishes too numerous ti make mention of here. Farmx ing." WILLIAM E. BRAZIEL. Born May 31. 184.5, near Ridge way. Entered army April 12 1861 in Cedar Creek Rifles Transferred to Co. C. 12 Reg Wounded at Wilderness an< Gettysburg. "At Deep Bottom, Va., Jer kins, Kershaw and McGowan' Brigades were sent to captur the breastworks. Negro tried t push off with loaded gun, whic1 was shot of? behind his knap sack. 500 were captured." JA3MES EDWARD CRAIG. Born Sept. 29, 1846. nea: Ridgeway. Entered Army Dec, 28, 1862, Co. C 6 S. C. Cavalry, under Capt. P. WV. Goodwyn, Was never wounded. Now merchant at Blackstock. "Capt. Goodwyn's company was originally made up of twc Counties. Abbeville and Fairfield The Captain was fiom Abbeville, and the 1st Lieut. R. WV. Ken ne- dy of Fairfield. 1 mention this to show that Capt. Goodwyn was not a Fairfield man. I had the good fortune not to be wounded, although- I was in every engage- ment that my Company was mn. Met Sherman in Columbia, and was in front of him every day until the surrender. I never surrendered, leaving the army the night before, my whole corn pany leaving at the same time.' THOMAS FRANKLIN CURLEE. Born Aug. 24, 1847, near Rior Entered Army Nov. 1864 in Go. B S. C. Re res under Capt. J,hn McT.n in Was never EBD\ Vqany Incidents c tory Never Pubb wounded. Now farming near! Rockton. "I went with the Reserves to guard prisoners at Florence, S. C. Went to Goldsboro, N. C., Feb. 1865, until we exchanged all of the prisoners we had in charge, and then came back to Chester, S. C. Our captain gave all that t were come to Fairfield a furlough for ten days, so before I was able to go to my Company the War closed. GEORGE W. COLEMAN. Born Sept. 4, 1844 at Feaster- ville. Attended Feasterville Academy and Kings Mountain under Cols. Jenkins and Col. Coward. Entered Army in 1861 in Buck- head Guards. 6th S. C. V., under Capt. E. J. Means. Transferred from 6th to 17th S. C. V., J. H. Means' 1egt. At close of War was Sergeant of Co. B, W. P. Coleman being Captain. Was :wounded at Second Manassas: and Sharpsburg. Now farming near place of birth. "I and brother. Allen G. Cole- S man, swapped placed with .John 1s t Banks and Andy Mobley, they e to the 6th and I and brother -1AlIen to the 1th W e entered o service in Means' 17th Reg. the - day previous to the second Manassas. There were five: brothers there then, Henry. Preston. Allen. Franklin and' George, now the only survivor. Capt. Preston lost a leg there, -came home and died. Lieut. Frank died at Brucetown, Va. and Alien was killed in front of Petersburg. Henry came home, as well as I. Jacob F. Ccleman died at Wilimington. N. C. He was a member of this same com- Spany and Regiment." - .JOHN HAMPTON COOPER. Born Nov. 22. 1842. near Ridgeway. Entered A r m y rApril 9. 1861 in Company C,. 12 S. C. Regiment. under Capt. *H. C. Davis. Was a Corporal at close of War. Was wounded at Gaines Mill and Second Manas- sas. Now farming near Ridge-i way. "Was in the battle of Gaines' Fl We Want You to I We have a fine var * patterns cassimeres * breast. The goods a name are low. See 1 .How about your Su~ quality and price. X Underwear, in gauze JUJST COME IN:--A ' K rich, the style new, 2 Our line of GENTS' I * Just Wright and Sn( in all shapes, patent the goods and prices * Whatever you need'a Caidwe FETE' f the War as shed Before. Mill, Second Manassas, Chan- cellorsville, Fredericksburg, Deep Bottom, Ridley Shops, Jones Farms, and the battles around Petersburg and many others that I cannot recall. Served in Stonewall Jackson's command, and was on picket duty near the point where he was killed. Heard the report of the gun that killed the great warrior, and this was perhaps the turning point in the great struggle for States' Rights." JOSEPH W. CLARKE. Born March 14, 1844, in Union. Entered the Army in the fall of 1861 as a member of Macbeth Light Art., under Capt. R. W. Boyce. Was wvounded at Antie- tam in 1863. Raises the finest horse apples in the countyv. 'Now farming. CHARLES MAZISON CHANDILER. Born August 20, 1848 at Columbia. Entered service of Confederate States as Clerk in Commissary Department a,t Winnsboro, February 1765, when be was only fourteen years old. Later enlisted as a member of Co. H 3 Reg. S. C. S. T. Now Jeweler at Winnsboro. ISAAC SMITH CHAPPELL. Borrn Dec. 9, 18R48. Entered Arm eal5 n16 samme of~h AStatTop under Capt. V tiam roo. Nwfrig roablyols the fiethrecordles in n the Re-nion. Now rig CHA .E MASO CHANDE. Born Augt.120, 1884 ntd Confedat StatesCo as Cler ieg. Commisapt. Derm. cle, at Blackoro Faeruary 175whmg "Ah soea was ony16rte years d Saterop enlitders Jon Hr,Co. SuT.Ntil Jeeenofr. a at Goldsboro, ISCHARD CHDOVE. Born Dec.11, 184. nerte EtrArmy i 1 as6 mene ofae aTroosune apt. Firfield Cotterns n gaend as. wovrsed, inlue inieges f the Warst, ifade had beer thoug th leoft.lars ndceck apt. in toAit a Blcaery,dsm ine ofw in "AsWsoon asOESwas e old She cae he anbet in SateTroop gunde Cpt. caf, HardanC.E andase u rve ut end of Wa.WsaC olo RANS Told by Them- Company B, 17 S. C. V., under Capt. W. P, Coleman. Promoted to private sergeant. Was prison- er at Fort Look Out. Wounded. at Fort Sumter, Nov. 21, 1862. Farming. HENRY KENDREE DELLINGER. Born Nov. 24, 1844, Gaston County, N. C. Entered Army February. 1863, in Company E,34 Reg., under Capt. Hoy. Was captured at Petersburg and taken to Harts Island until after the close of the War. Now a policeman in Town- of Winnsboro. ALEX.A-NDER SCOTT DOUGLASS. Born Dec. 25, 1833, in Fairflield District between forks of Little River. Received college educa- tion at Erskine and legal educa- tion at University of Virginia. Entered Army August. 1861 in Company C. 13 Reg., S. C. V., under Capt. T. S. Farrow, who was succeeded by Capt. D. R. Duncan and later by Capt. John W. Carlisle. At close of War was 1st Lieut. of Company C, 13 Reg., Mc- Gowan's Brigrade. Wounded August 16, 1864, near Richmona, "Went with 13 Reg. to the Coast of S. C.. in Oct. to Fort at mouth of Edisto River, opposite John's Island, thence to Coosa- hatchie, Pocotaligo, Combahee Spring Clothing. browns and fancy , single and double t, and 'the prices we ee with us. please you in color,4 irts, 5oc and $i.oo. 11 sizes.j es. The coloring is them. greatest ever. The de. We have themn. kid and tan. Both and see. rnpany.

Transcript of The news and herald (Winnsboro, S.C.).(Winnsboro, S.C.) 1910-05 … · 2017. 12. 17. · spring of...

Page 1: The news and herald (Winnsboro, S.C.).(Winnsboro, S.C.) 1910-05 … · 2017. 12. 17. · spring of S161. Co. F. 12th S. C. V.. under Capt. HayneMcMeek-ing. -Wounded in the battic

LIV fl\Brief Sketches <


Born December 27, 1835. near

Ridgev6ay. Entered Army atcommencement of War in Com-pany B 9th Regiment. Slightlywounded Aug. 21. near Peters-burg, Va. Has farmed sincethe war.


Born in 1845, and enteredArmy in 1863, Company B, 7thBat. Inf. Now farming near

Blythewood.JA3IES M. BLAIN.

Born .August 6, 1842, nearBlackstock. Entered Army atthe beginnirg of the War as amember of Little River Guards.Afterwards transferred to theCompanies of Captains EdwardMeans and Boykin Lyles.Wounded four times at Drains-ville, Seven Pines, SecondManassas and Fort Harrison.Now farming at place of hisbirth.

"The Little River Guards

which I joined in organizationearly in 1S61. or the latter partof 60, disbanded at S2mmer-ville the greater part. joininlgCapt. Ediward Means' Company,Buckhead Guards. at OrangeCourt House. Va. At expirationof one year's service' we weremusterei into service for threeyears o:f the W~\ar undter Capt.Boykin~ Lvles combined withCapt. W~eston's Company fromRichland. Surrendered at Ap-pomatox under Capt. RobertClowney."

LEFROY D. EL.CK.Born Dec. 20. I16:3. in Chester

County. Entered Army Dec.1861i. Cc.. B. 6tzh Reg. Now asubstantial farmer of the Stoversection.Has been very feeble the past

few months. and suffered heavyafriiction~in his faulyI.


Born Oct. 22, 1846, nearLebanon church. Entered Army1863 in Black's Reg.. underCapt. Barber. Later transferredto Haskell s Bat. of Art. Re-

oeived slight wound from spentball. Surrendered at Appoma-tox Va.. in April. Got home inJuly, 1865. Now living at Ridge-way.


Born May 29. 1844, at Crosby-vjlle. Eentered Army April 1861in Co. B. 20th Miss. Reg.. underCapt Massey. Wounned at

JGFAI4f Their Lives ']

selves, Cont;Kennysa. Ga. Was prisoner atclose of War. Now farming.


Born July 23. 1846. EnteredArmy June 1, 1863, in Co. B. 7tl

S. C. Bat., under Capt. LukEKennedy.Farming near Rion.


Born July O. 182. near

Winnsboro. Entere:, Army inspring of S161. Co. F. 12th S. C.V.. under Capt. Hayne McMeek-ing. -Wounded in the battic oL

the Wilderness."I was capture1 on line be-

low Petersburg on March 25. be-fore the surrencder and carriedto Fort Lookout as a prisoner.On the morning after the assas-sination of Lincoin we wereformed by Divisions by order ofthe fact. The next 'morningMajor Brady congratulated thEprisoners on their not makinoany demonstration the day be-fore, as his orders were to firE

on the point with the gunboatsand batteries while there wvasa prisoner left. Was releasedabout July ist."


Born Sept. 16. 1840 in theNew Hope Section. Graduatedat Erskine College with the firsthonor. Entered Army April 10,1861. in Little River Guardsunder Capt. Michael Brice.Promoted to Corporal and ColorGuard of Reg. Wounded at

Seven Pines and Fort Harrison.Represented Fairfield County

for several terms both in theHouse and Senate. Was for anumber of years County Chair-ran. Now living at Shelby,N. C.


Was born July 23. 1847, andjoined State troops July 18, 1854.Co. B. urder Capt. McClurkin.W~asnever v:oundied.

Now+famingo nea Winnsboro.

LIRF'I]['ogether Withining Much His

SAMUEL W. BROOM.Born January 2. 1848 at placi

of present residence. Entere(Army April 9, 1861 in Co. C 1.S. C. V. promoted to OrdSergeant. Wounded Dec. 131862 at Fredericksburg, VaWent out first in Capt. J. RHarrison's Co. 6 S. C. V., unde:Col. J. H. Rion. When a

Summerville two Companiepulled out. The one I was itcame home, organized. electe<o,ficers and as placed in Gregg'Brigade. later in McGowan's.was present at Charleston wheiFort Sumter was surrenderedand was present at Appomato:when Gen. Lee surrendered.

DAVID BRANHAM.Born July 9, 1836. near plac,

of present residence. Entere<Army in the spring of 1861 iiCo. D, 1st Reg. S. C. Inf., undeCapt. Thomas Bovkin. Waprivate prisoner at close of War

"I was taken prisoner a

Gettysburg in July. and wataken to Fort Delaware on Delaware Island and remained unticlose of war. Rode on ship fronNew York to Charleston an<walked home at close of war

Fought at the bombardment o:

Hilton Head Island. Was at th,siege at Fredericksburg.Va., arnother skirmishes too numerous timake mention of here. Farmxing."

WILLIAM E. BRAZIEL.Born May 31. 184.5, near Ridge

way. Entered army April 121861 in Cedar Creek RiflesTransferred to Co. C. 12 RegWounded at Wilderness an<Gettysburg."At Deep Bottom, Va., Jer

kins, Kershaw and McGowan'Brigades were sent to capturthe breastworks. Negro tried tpush off with loaded gun, whic1was shot of? behind his knapsack. 500 were captured."


Born Sept. 29, 1846. nea:Ridgeway. Entered Army Dec,28, 1862, Co. C 6 S. C. Cavalry,under Capt. P. WV. Goodwyn,Was never wounded. Nowmerchant at Blackstock."Capt. Goodwyn's company

was originally made up of twcCounties. Abbeville and FairfieldThe Captain was fiom Abbeville,and the 1st Lieut. R. WV. Ken ne-dy of Fairfield. 1 mention this

to show that Capt. Goodwyn wasnot a Fairfield man. I had thegood fortune not to be wounded,although- I was in every engage-ment that my Company was mn.Met Sherman in Columbia, andwas in front of him every dayuntil the surrender. I neversurrendered, leaving the armythe night before, my whole cornpany leaving at the same time.'THOMAS FRANKLIN CURLEE.

Born Aug. 24, 1847, near RiorEntered Army Nov. 1864 in Go.B S. C. Re res under Capt.

J,hn McT.nin Was never

EBD\Vqany Incidents c

tory Never Pubbwounded. Now farming near!Rockton.

"I went with the Reserves toguard prisoners at Florence, S. C.Went to Goldsboro, N. C., Feb.1865, until we exchanged all ofthe prisoners we had in charge,and then came back to Chester,S. C. Our captain gave all thattwere come to Fairfield a

furlough for ten days, so beforeI was able to go to my Companythe War closed.


Born Sept. 4, 1844 at Feaster-ville. Attended FeastervilleAcademy and Kings Mountainunder Cols. Jenkins and Col.Coward.Entered Army in 1861 in Buck-

head Guards. 6th S. C. V., underCapt. E. J. Means. Transferredfrom 6th to 17th S. C. V., J. H.Means' 1egt. At close of Warwas Sergeant of Co. B, W. P.Coleman being Captain. Was:wounded at Second Manassas:and Sharpsburg.Now farming near place of

birth."I and brother. Allen G. Cole-

Sman, swapped placed with .John


Banks and Andy Mobley, theye to the 6th and I and brother-1AlIen to the 1th We enteredoservice in Means' 17th Reg. the

- day previous to the secondManassas. There were five:brothers there then, Henry.Preston. Allen. Franklin and'George, now the only survivor.Capt. Preston lost a leg there,-came home and died. Lieut.Frank died at Brucetown, Va.and Alien was killed in front ofPetersburg. Henry came home,as well as I. Jacob F. Cclemandied at Wilimington. N. C. Hewas a member of this same com-Spany and Regiment."


Born Nov. 22. 1842. nearRidgeway. Entered A r m yrApril 9. 1861 in Company C,.12 S. C. Regiment. under Capt.*H. C. Davis. Was a Corporal atclose of War. Was wounded atGaines Mill and Second Manas-sas. Now farming near Ridge-iway.

"Was in the battle of Gaines'


We Want You to I

We have a fine var

* patterns cassimeres* breast. The goods a

name are low. See 1

.How about your Su~quality and price. X

Underwear, in gauzeJUJSTCOME IN:--A '

K rich, the style new, 2

Our line of GENTS' I

* Just Wright and Sn(in all shapes, patentthe goods and prices

* Whatever you need'a


FETE'f the War as

shed Before.Mill, Second Manassas, Chan-cellorsville, Fredericksburg,Deep Bottom, Ridley Shops,Jones Farms, and the battlesaround Petersburg and manyothers that I cannot recall.Served in Stonewall Jackson'scommand, and was on picketduty near the point where hewas killed. Heard the report ofthe gun that killed the greatwarrior, and this was perhapsthe turning point in the greatstruggle for States' Rights."

JOSEPH W. CLARKE.Born March 14, 1844, in Union.

Entered the Army in the fall of1861 as a member of Macbeth

Light Art., under Capt. R. W.Boyce. Was wvounded at Antie-tam in 1863.Raises the finest horse apples

in the countyv. 'Now farming.CHARLES MAZISON CHANDILER.Born August 20, 1848 at

Columbia. Entered service ofConfederate States as Clerk inCommissary Department a,tWinnsboro, February 1765, whenbe was only fourteen years old.Later enlisted as a member of

Co. H 3 Reg. S. C. S. T. NowJeweler at Winnsboro.

ISAAC SMITH CHAPPELL.Borrn Dec. 9, 18R48. Entered

Arm eal5 n16 samme

of~hAStatTopunder Capt. Vtiam roo. Nwfrigroablyolsthefiethrecordles

in n the Re-nion.Nowrig

CHA.E MASOCHANDE.Born Augt.120,1884ntdConfedat StatesCo as Cler ieg.Commisapt. Derm. cle, at

BlackoroFaeruary 175whmg"Ah soeawasony16rteyearsd

Sateropenlitders apt.beJon

Hr,Co. E.anC.veSuT.NtilJeeenofr. aat Goldsboro,

ISCHARD CHDOVE.Born Dec.11, 184. nerte

EtrArmy i 1 as6mene

ofaeaTroosune apt.

Firfield Cotterns n gaend

as. wovrsed, inlue inieges

fthe Warst, ifade had beer

thoug th leoft.lars

ndceckapt. in toAit a

Blcaery,dsm ineofw in

"AsWsoon asOESwas e

oldShecae he anbet inSateTroopgunde Cpt. caf,

HardanC.Eandase u rve ut

end of Wa.WsaColo

RANSTold by Them-

Company B, 17 S. C. V., underCapt. W. P, Coleman. Promotedto private sergeant. Was prison-er at Fort Look Out. Fort Sumter, Nov. 21, 1862.Farming.HENRY KENDREE DELLINGER.Born Nov. 24, 1844, Gaston

County, N. C. Entered ArmyFebruary. 1863, in Company E,34Reg., under Capt. Hoy. Was

captured at Petersburg andtaken to Harts Island until afterthe close of the War.Now a policeman in Town- of

Winnsboro.ALEX.A-NDER SCOTT DOUGLASS.Born Dec. 25, 1833, in Fairflield

District between forks of LittleRiver. Received college educa-tion at Erskine and legal educa-tion at University of Virginia.Entered Army August. 1861 inCompany C. 13 Reg., S. C. V.,under Capt. T. S. Farrow, whowas succeeded by Capt. D. R.Duncan and later by Capt. JohnW. Carlisle.At close of War was 1st Lieut.

of Company C, 13 Reg., Mc-

Gowan's Brigrade. WoundedAugust 16, 1864, near Richmona,

"Went with 13 Reg. to theCoast of S. C.. in Oct. to Fort atmouth of Edisto River, oppositeJohn's Island, thence to Coosa-hatchie, Pocotaligo, Combahee

Spring Clothing.browns and fancy

, single and doublet,and 'the prices we

ee with us.

please you in color,4irts, 5oc and $i.oo.11sizes.jes. The coloring is


greatest ever. Thede. We have themn.kid and tan. Both

and see.
