THE NEW YORK LEDGER · i ordinary eggs will weigh a pound. Railroad statistics show that no ouo cat...

i ordinary eggs will weigh a pound. Railroad statistics show that no ouo cat n a train Is pafor than nnotlior.- A . Now York dude IB polnp to Imvo r.p- fllumlnntcd shirt front. A UYoneli artln- It constructluir the coaeji-n. CURES PERMANENTLY SCIATICA. LUMBAGO N. OEdcj.JIicb. , 110 ICenniey St. , Sim Francisco , Col , May 17 , IbOO- ."My . brother P.ev- .Bamucl . AprilCS.lSOO.- My . wife nnd I both Porter , WIXK Imvo been afflicted cured by fit. Jncobs v.'ith Inme-lmck cod Oil of ng- iclatlc Hire tliroat , und have palus In his f mid permanent cure by use of Bt , thigh. " Jacobs Oil.- E. . J. M. L. Por.Tnii. . J. IJUIAU- B.IT . KS THE BEST. . I'osltlrclycurcd byi these ILlttlo Pills. | They also relieve Dls-c tress from DyHpepnlaIn- ctlgentiozi - | IITTL- EIVEK andTooIIeartjl Eating. A perfect rem-J oily forDizzinessKausoa | DrowBlnesa , Bad TastJ- In the Mouth. Oottodf PILL- S.BBTTERS . Tongue.PaIn In the Bldel- TOIU'ID LIVEK. Theyj rculato { the Bowels | Purely Vepctablo. Price 25 Cents ; CABTEE HEDICINB CO. , NEW YOEZ. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price , ! One 0 } the most important organs of the human body Is the LIVER. When it fails to properly perform its functions the enliro- Eyslem becomes deranged. The BRAIN , KIDNEYS , STOMACH , BOWELS , all refuse to perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON- STIPATION ¬ , RHEUMATISM , KIDNEY DIS- EASE ¬ , etc. , are the results , unless some- thing ¬ is done to assist Nalura in throwing oft the impurities caused by fho inaction of a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so necessary will bo found i- nPriekly Mi Baiters I I- U acts directly on the LIVER , STOMACH and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and cathartic effect and general tonic qualities restores these organs to a sound , healthy condition , and cures all diseases arising from these causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones up the system , and restores perfect health.- If . .your druggist does not keep it ask him to order it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of- "THE HORSE TRAINER , " published by us. PRiCKlY ASH BITTERS GO. , * ole Proprietors , ST. LOUIS , MO , True Combination of MOCHA ; JAVA and RIO. Picture Card Ghren With every pound package. For 8-aIe everywhere. ffocUon Bpiet CoTctib.O- .'Cures ! . Vi leading remedy lor all the unnatural discharges and In- euut I private diseases ot men. A.- I . I certain cure for the deblll * Strlciu" . 1 tatlng weakness pecuilar- to _ womtu.- MrdenlTty . Iprescribolt ndfeel8af9TH- EEvAKsCHEUiruCo. . n recommending U to- i CIHCIHhlkTI.- O.U.B.A. . all Bufferers.- i. . . . 8TONER , H D.DECATOPU. ! Sold by Drnpsrljts.- FJRICE . 61.OO- .J. . . J. THOMAS & CO. , Wholesale Shippers of COLORADO COAL , IOOO Curti St. , t > EN VEK , COLO ' ; " Special Rate * to Clubs and Farmers' Allianc- es.TENSIONS. . . The Disability bill U a law. Soldiers disabled Ince the war are entitled.Vfclovtt wboarc de- pendent ¬ arc included. Also I'urent * dependent to-day , whose sons died from effect * of Army ser ¬ vice. If you wish your claim speedily and success- fully ¬ settled , address JAMES TANNER , Late Commissioner of Pension- s.Wnablnctou . , 1) . C. MAGIC CURE-H * fora cas = ° l LOST or FAILING MANHOOD , 8500 or NERVOUS DBBILITY. weakne5s of body r mind , the effects of errors or excesses ia old ot young that we cannot cure. We guarantee every case or refund every dollar. Five days trial trea& Bent SI. full couitc 5. Perceptible benefits real bed in three days. By mall , securely packed froa- bienration. . COOK ReUEOY CO. . OMAHA. NEB. ENGINES ! 6IOIJY CITY KNGIIVE 1VOKKS. Largest Works west of the MissiEsippI. Write fox estimates. SIOUX CITY , l- a.rooo . IT in csEi > tr ciin.- U . X'8 C1IILOUKN- Thoatwdl of Toanf uta and woecn In the C. S. A. < m. their Urt mix ! thdr betlth and Udr tuppiacu to Bldg 's Food their 4tilr dirt ID Infancy And Chlldliood hiviocbeca- Ridrt'i yood. BT OTIS THK LUDIXQ FOOD ALL CorSTUIES. lmer , For 10dm j-i from date orthUp per , bor- of MEXICAN Coux SALTC for quickly remorinr corni. will Ix malted FREE to all who promiie to rewl my Pamphltt- on tl > * hamine treatment of Caga BirdJ , Dogs and domuUe Animalf. Altcrwanlst- &a SILTB will be lUc. delirered to any P. U. ia the U. S. or- Cao&da , Sample of FROXtriEi-D's IIoiuc. CATTLE AND PocLTRT POWDER , the l e t. FKEE to all who tnd for it.- 4)B. . . FKONEFIEU ), No1UO N. 3rd t %. riuadelj.hla. Pa. LADIES ONLY FEMALE REGULATOR , and Certain to a dj or money ref- unded. - . By mall 12. S ourelY sealed from ob- erratloa. - . COOK ItlOlEDY CO. , OraahKeb. STEREOPTICONS Battery Optical Co. CHICAGO.I- LL. . . MAGIC LANTERNS , NEW LAW CLAIMS. Attorneys , 119 F Street Washineton , D. C- g RANCH OFFICgS-qeveland. Detroit , Chicago- .W. . . N. 17. "Oh epcak , ye ghosts of the dead , and ay what killed youl' * 'JTie amwer capnc. borne on the fierce east wind : "Cold I doldl coldl" Then let us bo thankful that since then we have Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup- .Slocp . and Vcauty- .Putti . and Lucca, and all the great singers and actresses and famous beau- ties ¬ , who , like Mme. Kecamier, were wondrously beautiful at an ago when ordinary women retire from the festive scenes of the beau monde , understood the value of this great restorer , and owed their well preserved beauty to- sloop. . An unusually handsome St. Louis woman , who has at the age of almost 50 years the fine well rounded figure and elastic stop and carriage of- a gild , the delicate , roso-hucd skin and the brilliancy of youth in her eyes. says that she has mudo it a rule to re- tire - at 9 o'clock , except on very rare occasions , and then she takes a nap in the afternoon to prevent the ill effects of the late hours which are to follow. Our American women of all classes need more than any other people in the world the rest and refreshment which only sleep can give to over- wrought ¬ nerves and overworked sys- tems. ¬ . for nowhere else do the women live under so much physical and men- tal ¬ strain. St. Louis PostDispatch.- Physicians' . prescriptions have failed to reach many cases of rheumatism known to have been subsequently cured by Salvation Oil. That is the rcaton why the popular voice is practically unanimous in its favor. One bottle is usually sufficient. The Spirit of S Madame Durand , better known as- Henri Greville , in one of her books gives a fine example of a young man who felt within him that it is a "gift of the gods , " and who was willing to sac ¬ rifice' everything for the sake of his career. He is a musician , and his father wished to make a priest of him- .In . speaking of it to his brother the young artist says : "I would rather live a miserable for ten years , hardly earning my bread , wearing threadbare clothes , and not daring to go to any one's house because I shall be too poor- .I . had rather , if need be , suffer the pangs of hunger and die on my violin than be a priest and renounce music. " This is the spirit we must have in or- der ¬ to succeed.- To . know what one can do , what one will do. is the first step upward. Then it remains to do it not in a half earn- est ¬ , slipshod sort of way , but with all the strength and energy and power of which a person is capable. House ¬ wife. Toward the Setting Sun Myriads of emigrants take their way. Thousands upon thousands of acres covered with the virgin forest still await the axe of the pioneer. ' "Hold- inj - ; down a claim" on the frontier, it should be remarked , has other drawbacks besides that of disputed possession. Many an enterprising set- tler ¬ who , with indomitable hardihood , lias cleared the waste , just as a scanty area is ready for till- age ¬ , is stricken by that foe of the frontiersman , malaria. Whit a boon to that man and his fam- ily ¬ is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , what wise forethought lias he shown if he has obtained an adequate supply. The fairest fields for agricul- tural ¬ and mining enterprise on this continent and abroad arc subject to this infliction. Protected by Hosteller's Stomach Bitters it may be defied- .It . will not do lo confide in a robust constitution alone. Malaria prostrates the strong and weak alike. Take the Bitters , too , for rheumatism , dyspepsia , biliousness , kidney trouble. There is a strong rumor afloat that the Big Four railroad is negotiating for the purchase of the Toledo , Colum- bus ¬ & Cincinnati railroad , which , when completed , will give the Big Four a direct line to Toledo and will bring them into sharp competition with the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton.- Is . it economy to save a few cents buyirg a cheap soap or strong : washing powder , and lose dollars in ruined rotted clothes J If not, use Dobbins' Electric oap , white as snow, and as pure. Ask your grocer for it- .As . soon as people begin to love they begin to be unselfish. II 1 man's Liver 1uds. Holmnn's Liver Pads cure MALARI- A.Holman's . Liver Pads cure BiLiousxnss.- Holmmi's . Liver Pads cure luniOESTioN. Pamphlet free with fjll nsniiciions anil ice jminendat- lons. - . UomAjJ Livnn 1'AU Co. , P. O. Box , M112 , N. Y- .No . man ccn do rijrht who does bcliev ? right. (Rom S:7-S. ) Delicate Children , Nui'Ntn j; Mothers , Overworked lien and for all dis- eases ¬ where the tissues are wasting away from the inability to digest food , or from overwork : should" take Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil w ith Hypcphosphites. "I used the Emulsion on a lady who was deli ¬ cate. Jt put her in such pocd health and f esh , that I mutt sav it is the best Emul- sion.1' ¬ L. P. AVADiiELL , M. D. , Hugh's Mills , S. C. _ In one moment a resolution may be formed that will take all of life lo ci.rry"it out- .Mr . * . Winslovr'sSootliinsrSyrnp , for Chil- dren ¬ tectulng , softens taenums , reduces Inflamma- tion ¬ , allays pni" " " ' " > wind colic. 25c. a bottle- .No . matter where we walk we are sure to- be follow ed by somebody. * ! &fiJOH ? > " V/.MOKKIS , AVashln-toii , D. C. ReH.HRHtf Prosecutes Claims. U. 8 Pension Bureau. IS adjudicating claims , atty sinc- e.RESTORED. . . _ _ _ _ _ A victim ot youth- ful ¬ imprudence , caiuiu ? Premature Decay, Kerrota- Debility. . Lo/t Manhood , * c. , iiaTintr tried in rain crcrv known remedy , has discovered a simple mcamofpelf- cure , wblch hit will jm ( imled ) FllEE to hln tllnw if- rercrs. . Address J. J !. KEEVES , Esq. Box 32W , X. Y. City. MONEY EVEMNGS , Bhnwlng beautiful pictures suitable lur Suu- day Schools. Lodge * . Cliurch Fairs and the Homo Circle , Rui t and rlmnpptt iUncio Lantern * rode hx COl.T & COMPANY , 18- lleckraaiv Street , New York City. Illustrated Cat- alogues ¬ Free. lrcUtnilmillinTMtmeEU. Bigie Lanterns StTMptlca * ud Ttewi of ell fnOm and for Public Exhibition and Horns MCALLISTER. MCE- optician, SMU su , a w MEXICAN CACTUS PILLS. Agent ! for this wonderful new remedy. S.-imple bottle. 25c. Circular free. CACTUS Co. , Uoz 2, East El Paso , Texas- .WANTED. . . Land * and Grain Elevat- or ¬ In exchange for manufacturing and otber full paid ron-asseuable incorporation t.ock*. Full information Ciren on ar plication. Addres * Box CIS. Omaha , Neb. FOR SALE g EXCHANGE lag boot * and inoeg. Good reasons for Belling. Willtaka part ia good real estate. Addreu BOX J 0. Frankfort , Ind- .m . AMfft A HiRhert Price paid for School and L-Slln'll.fe Municipal Bonds , Correspondence EJ VilWV olicited. D. M.8KX , OinaliaTKeb. TEA Cures Constipation I CA and Sick HeaAache. tree samples at all drngzliu or 319 W. 42th St.N- .YAmCGc * n have mnaller feet. Solid i > * U I C O comfoi u Pamphlet free. Sam. plo plwM lOc. Tlio Pcdlne Co. , New York.- MEK . T0 TKAVEL. Wcpa- to - * * > 5100 a month and expenses * WELLINGTON. Madl on Wis- CJT IC Beat in the World. HELL UnlLLdi Catalogue Free If MOK01X , KKIJ.TlOttiULL , WaUriw, U. TECHNICAL TERMS. Fads for Now Ward * Make the , Coloae ! flIUerablo- ."Do . yon over read the society columns in our newspapers ? " inquired tlio Colonel , as a stylishly dressed lady swept out of the car say tlfo Atlanta ( Jonxtilulion. "I hear my wife reading Ilium.1' replied the Major , who was sit- ting ¬ opposite. Well , that's what I mean , " said the Colonel. "Naturally , a grown man with si ns of beard on his face wouldn't be expected to devour that kind of tiling. I hear my wife and j irls reading it occasionally , and I have listened patiently and learned some interesting facts. A man can always learn something if he'll sit .right still and listen. Now. I'll bet a- 'hoss that none , of yon fellows know what that lafly had on. " "She had on a bonnetfor one thing , " said the last passenger- ."Correct . , " said the Colonel , "What else ? " "Well , " said the Major rellectively.- "She . had on a dress. " "O , no , " exclaimed the Colonel , "There's where you arc wrong. That's what you miss by not educating your- self ¬ in the society business. The lady didn't have on a dress. " "What do you take me for ? * ' asked the Major. "I'll take my oath the lady had on a dress , and a very pretty one. too. " "You are mista-ken , " said the Colonel , emphatically.- "Well . , what did she have on ? " the sad passenger inquired iu his mild way- ."A . gown , " remarked the Colonel- ."It's . funny , but there are no dresses any more. Frocks went out of fashion when I wis : a boy, and now if a woman hasn't got on a gown it is because she is wearing a morning or an evening toilet. But generally it is a gown especially iu Atlanta. When I hear my wife or the girls reading the papers it looks like to me that the whole face of the earth is covered with gowns morning gowns , evening gowns , and tea gowns. Thirty years ago a calico frock used to bo good enough for my wife , but now she has to have gowns just like the girls. I don't blame her much. She ain't quite so frisky as the girls , but she's lots better looking.- Well . " - , " said the Major. "I cxpoct- it's the same way at my house , but my wife is so old-fashioned in her ways , especially when it comes to making egg-bread and waffles , that she don't pester with those new-fangled things.- A . frock is still : f frock to her, and she don't want any ilouuccs and furbelows on it either. " "My opinion is , " said the sad passen- ger ¬ , "that if the women call a dross a gown they know what they are about. When my wife sa\'s gown , a gown it is- .A'man . that isn't cut biased can afford to let the women have all the satis- faction ¬ thej- can get out of calling a dress a gown. Hysterical Inventions.- A . genius with a profound thought mill has taken up the subject of dust- ing ¬ and sweeping by means of suction draughts. He has a perambulating machine which , by means of fans and hydraulic pressure , gets a draught through a spiral hose with a nozzle shaped at its terminus like the trouble end of a trombone. He starts up a grand racket on the carpet till the dust llies , then turns on this blizzard ma- chine ¬ and a condensed cyclone is im- mediately ¬ precipitated. He moves his hose end round like the snout. , of a Jersey hog , and wherever the cloud of dust arises the suction of his mechanism draws it , and it immediately goes "up. the spout , " so to speak. The idea is all right : the only difficulty which stands in the way is the possibility of his getting too big a draught on and shooting "in stray leaves from the family text book , odd socks or sister's- bangs. . This idea , which is chronicled as an invention iu the patent office at "Wash- ington ¬ , is on a par with the rocking chair which came out eight mouths ago , says the Pittsburg Dispatch. The in- ventor ¬ arranged under the rockers a pair of bellows attached to a series of pipes running up the chair back to where your neck \rould rest. As yon rocked'the chair the bellows worked , and you were giveu hysterical breezes- .It . worked all right for Hie man who could stand shower baths , but it cost one furniture dealer I know of three good customers by neuralgia , pneu- monia ¬ and croup. In another case the customer tried it and had to run a block to eaten his wig. It's a good idea , though , b.ut like all those things you have to get some one to think so- .As . for myself. I think the sweeping scheme would be better employed shooting coal into a cellar , and the man with the bellows-rocker would make a fortune if he worked it up around the eaves of a roof and blew the snow into the next county instead of down the back of the neighbor who always gets under the roof at the wrong time- .It . Rained Stones.- Mr. . . C. C. Cunningham has in bis possession a round pebble which was taken out of a hailstone at Portage , Wis. , just after the great hail-storm hud passed over that place. A friend of Mr. Cunningham. , who resides in the city and is engaged in the drqg business there , in a letter to that . .gen- tleman ¬ , states that during the storm about live , bushels of hailstones lodged in his show windows , and fully fo r- tifths - of them contained these little pebbles. The one in the possession of- Mr. . Cunningham weighs one-half ounce , is almost round , and has * the appearance of being at one time washed by the waves or the lakes or some river , and it is supposed that it was picked up by the tornado and car- ried ¬ to a very high Altitude , where the ice formed around it in the manner iu which it descended. Milton Eajle. Resemblance from Companionship. The photographic society" of Geneva has been testing the theory that the Ion" companionship of man und wife tends to make them look more and more like eash other. Photographs of- seventyeight old couples , and uf an equal number'of adult brothers and sisters , showed that the married couple * were' more like each other than the . brothers and sisters of the same Liood. WHAT J)0 YOU THINK OF THIS ? It iu n fact that an absolutely correct fit can bo obtained in Men's , Women's , Youth's and Children's boots and shoes by asking your dealer for those made by Kirkcndall , Jones & Co. , and you will not only be fitted , but will al..c > obtain the best goods in the country for the money. It will pay you to ex- amine ¬ the goods and get the prices. Remember, it is Kirkondall , Jones & Co. , Omaha , Neb.- Xo . wonder money is tijrht. The surplus lias been dissipated 'for months. The only way to feel right is to do right. There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country tla'n all other diseases put together , and uiftil the la&t fen * years was supposed to- le Incurable. For a great many 3 ears doc- tors pronounced it u local dh-eifse , and pro- fcii - ed local remedies , and ly constantly failing to cure with local treatment , pro- nounced ¬ it incurable. Sciciue has proven Catarrh to Le a constitutional disease , and therefore icquircs constitutional tic.itmcnt- .hall's . Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , is the only con t-titutibnal cure on the market. It is "taken internally in doses from 10 drops to u tea- ppoonful. - . It ftcts directly upon the Lloo-l and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails locurc. Send for circulais and testimonials. Address , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O- .y . Druggists , 75c. You can kill a snake quickct by striking at the end that has the head on. USE BUOWN'S BitoxcniAi , Tnocncs for Cough ?, Colds and all other Throat Trou- ble. ¬ . "Pre-eminently the best. " Rev. Hen- ry ¬ Ward Beecher.- i'ome . people think they are firm when they are only pig-headed. Entitled to tlio IScst. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy , so every family should have , at once , a bottle of the best fam- ily ¬ remedy, Syrup of Figs , to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and 1.00 bottles by all leadingdruggists. . The devii never fools away his time in try- ing ¬ to make a drunkard ouc of a stingy man. Before the use of Prickly Ash Bitters he came gcneial throughout"the South and West , it was a fearful dose of'Hliie Mass1 and daily doses of quinine , that was forced liown the throats of suiTereicrs from all ma- lararial - troubles. ] n place of such obnox- ious ¬ , hcrrowing curatives. Prickly Ash 15i- tttrs - , with its mild , soothing action now holds supreme sway , and after one trial , its use when necessary , is fcnevcr established. You who have sick-headaches , sour stom- achs ¬ , diseased liver or kidneys , can do no better than to give it a trial. The things we consider calamities are very apt to be blessings in disguise."- When . Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , The devil never fires into his own men. We'll write it down till everybody sees it Till everybody is sick of- seeing' it Till everybody knows it without seeing it that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem- edy ¬ cures the worst cases of chronic catarrh in the head , catarrhal headache , and " cold in the head. " In perfect faith , its makers , the World's Dispensary Med- ical ¬ Association of Buffalo , N. Y. , offers to pay $500 to any one suffering from chronic catarrh in the head whom they cannot cure. Now if the conditions were reversed if they asked you to pay $500 for a positive cure you might hesitate. Here are reputable men , with years of honorable dealing ; thousands of dollars and a great name back of them and they say "We can cure you because we've cured thousands like you if we can't we'll pay you $500 for the knowledge that there's one whom we- can't " cure. They believe in themselves- .Isn't . it worth a trial ? Isn't any trial preferable to catarrh ? r , A pension for evcrr dlinblcd Solilicror Sailor I who served ninety days during late war , leKarilless ' of raiiseof dl.T.liillty. Pensions fur nil \vitlo\ > . I minor or disabled children of deceased soidieiw- nnd .suitors who served us above. Pensions for ' dependent. 1nriMilx. recnrdli-ss of dependency jit. (1 teofnldier.o dentil. Noclmrceunless BUUCCJS- ful. - . Address ntonce. 11. S. JlEltLilX , Attorney p.tT.ntr , ' D. G. Book of Remedies wltl , directions f- Felf home cure sent . to all Sufferers. Dr. S.C'UrV St.Chica.K- OT1TAT Tr\JI mKKlxroilB4TlllY. CLcnji homes for ! ii.11 Kill A all. Send stamp for illustrattdi'on- ii ; !- Ll\Jl\LUll heekcr. " 0. I! . Crm.lij.OU Franklin S.V.- PISO'S . REMEDY FOtt CA1V . Kelicf is iininet'i ' Cold in the Head it has no equal- .It . is an Ointment , of which : i s- nostrils. . Trice , OTc. Soldbydnn- Address. . ZS. ENGLISH , THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE : Lndlen. iuk Druirciit for Clttchater't L'r boxes setilnl with blue ribbon. Tube no All pills in pasteboard boxe , pink Trrar- 4r.. lo scarap fir particulars , testimonial 1O)00 Testimonials. Ait'me Paper. Sold by nil Local Urueglets. GRATEFULCOMFOR- TING.EPPS'S . COCOA BREAKFAST "Bj a thorough knowledge of the natural law * widen govern tlio operation * of dluvitlon nnd nu- trition. ¬ . and by a carorul application of the line properties of ncll-i loctcd Cocun. Mr. Kpiis bis provided our bronkfnat tallies with a delicately flavoured hovernue which mar rnvo us mnny hvavr- doctors' bill *. It is by the Juillclousnuno of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradual- ly - built up until stronc enough f resist every ten- dency ¬ to dlfeano. Ilundredsof snbtlo maladies nm floating nruund us rendy to attack nliuravcrthers- Is a weak point. Wo mar escnpo many a fatal haf I- by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished Irutuu. ' ' Civil Strcict- Oazettt. . " Made simply irtth bolllns water or milk. Sold only In half-pound tins , by Urocers , labelled thus : JAMES EPPS& CO. , Homoeopathic Chemists ; London , England. FOR ONK DOLtiAK sent an by mall , wj , fruo of nil clmnroa. to any portion In the United States , nil the following articles Tarofully packed Inn neat box : oottlo of Pnro Vuellno 10 eta- .Onotmiounco . bottle Vnsellne Pomodo 15 eta- .Onojarof . Vaseline Cold Cream . IScts- .Onoctke . of Vanollao Camphor Ice . lOcts. Ono cakoof VascllnoSoap , un.iccnted. . . . 10 eta. Ono cnko of Vnsollno Soup. scented . 26 ot *. One two-ounco bottle of White Vasolluo 25 eta. - U.10- Or for stamps any Mnglo article at the price- .If . you Imvo occasion to use Vaseline In any form bocarcful'to accuptonly Konulnogoodsputupbyua- In original packages. A greatmanydruKBlftnuro trying to pcrsuado buyers to take VASKLlNKpuC tip by thorn. Never yield to such persuasion , us the article In an Imitation without value , nnU will not ftlvo you the roiult you exuoct. A bottle of liluo Seal Vaseline Is so I it by all druggists at ton cents.- ClIESEimOCail . BTf. Co. , Delate St. , Sew Y- ork.E.C.WESI1 . NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT.1B- pecifle for Hysteria , * . Ftt . NeamlRla , WaV- f iilnexs , llcntal Depression. Boftcnlnirof the * ultlnff In insanity and leading to misery dwav and death. Premature Old Age , Barrenness. Lo of rower In either MX , Involuntary Losses , and 8permator.rho caused by orer-exertlon of the brain , self-abuse ur- orerludulgcnea. . Kach box contains one month' * treat.- Bent. . . 91 bor. or Blr for 3. sent by mall prepaid. With each order for six boxes , will nend purchaser guarantee to refund money If ( ho treatment falls 14- are. . < ; OOI > ..UAN- 111O CO. . Farnam Street , O3TAUA , 30 DAYS' TRIAL. THIS NE- W.ELISTG . TRUSS 7lins a r'od diUercnt from all others. 13 cup shape , wjlh Sel- ff - ndjUJtlntf Uail In center. nil rt /itself to ell positions of the body.whila the bal'in the cup presses back ibo intostlneaJust oa a per- qon - does with the linger. witTiiictit prcsrarn the llornta is held securely n.i/ und night , and a radical cnrocertain. l la' " 'r. dn - ih'nnmlhi'iip. . 8 ntby mail , tlrculon frea. EGGLESTON MFG. CO. . Chlca-jo. HI. Mind wflndorinij c wl. Books learned in imororilinjr. Testimonial * frtun nil parts ot the cloln >. I'rurpcctns roar FUEE , f"rt mi < iii lir.iticin to 1rof. A. Loisot.f , 237 Filth ATO. New York- .LBKILBest. . . Easiest to use.- ate. . . A cure Is certain. For mull particle is applied to the rgists or sent l > y mail.- I. . . UAZELTIXK , Warren , Pa. RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND . Tte only fofe , Sure , and rtluMc Pill for ae.- .gliih . . Diamond Brand iu Itcd anJ 1'nlil metallic other Mild. Refute Sjbitltvtiont ami Imltatlon- i.'Xrs.nreduncenjuit . riiiiiiterfVIt . At Pnispsti. or *end as- la , and "Relief f-nillc. . " i t'tt-r. hr return Mcll. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL Co. , Mri.ll n square.- IMIil.ADKl.lMIlA. . . I'A THE- * { # , T * To convince everybody , before subscribing , of the high [ $ j quality and interest of our Beautifully Illustrated journal \ , in its new form , we will send to any address # IS- IS ¬ - j > * * SEND TEN CENTS for a trial subscription , and \ve will send you three numbers , including our CHRISTMAS NUMBER , with an artistic cover ; also our Calendar Announcement for 1891 , with a painting by J. G. L. Ferris , These three numbers contain the following reading-matter : (1) Mrs. Avidia H. Harr'S new serial , "The Beads of Tasmcr. " Mrs. Barr is the author of that most successful serial , " Friend Olivia , " just completed in THE CENTURY ; but hereafter Mrs. Barr will write exclusively \ ? (7)'f ) IH ( ) | f (8) James Par Ion , M. W. llazeltinc and Oliver Dyer (author of- "Great Senators" ) contribute articles of inters" . In addition to the above , SPARKLING EDITORIALS. Illustrated Poems , HELEN MARSHALL NORTH'S chatty column , and a variety of delightful reading of interest to all members of the household. The foregoing is a sample of the matter which goes to make up ths , most pcrfecr Xalionr.1 Family Journal ever offered to the American people. - ' ' .) , . .Send Ten Cents for these three numbers and judge for yourself , or send only Tv/o ' { Dollars for a year's subscription to - ' " ' THE NEW YORK LEDGER , . | ROBERT CONNER'S SONS, Publishers , 411 WILLIAM ST. , N. Y. CITY j j- 3C ' $ § ? § & ' 5-Vvl

Transcript of THE NEW YORK LEDGER · i ordinary eggs will weigh a pound. Railroad statistics show that no ouo cat...

Page 1: THE NEW YORK LEDGER · i ordinary eggs will weigh a pound. Railroad statistics show that no ouo cat n a train Is pafor than nnotlior.- A. Now York dude IB polnp to Imvo r.p- fllumlnntcd

i ordinary eggs will weigh a pound.Railroad statistics show that no ouo cat

n a train Is pafor than nnotlior.-A


Now York dude IB polnp to Imvo r.p-

fllumlnntcd shirt front. A UYoneli artln-It constructluir the coaeji-n.


N. OEdcj.JIicb. ,110 ICenniey St. ,

Sim Francisco , Col ,May 17 , IbOO-


brother P.ev-.Bamucl



wife nnd I bothPorter, WIXK Imvo been afflictedcured by fit. Jncobs v.'ith Inme-lmck codOil of ng-

iclatlcHire tliroat , und have

palus In his f mid permanentcure by use of Bt ,

thigh." Jacobs Oil.-


.J. M. L. Por.Tnii. . J. IJUIAU-




I'osltlrclycurcd byithese ILlttlo Pills. |They also relieve Dls-c

tress from DyHpepnlaIn-ctlgentiozi


andTooIIeartjlEating. A perfect rem-Joily forDizzinessKausoa |DrowBlnesa , Bad TastJ-In the Mouth. OottodfPILL-


. Tongue.PaIn In the Bldel-TOIU'ID LIVEK. Theyjrculato{ the Bowels |Purely Vepctablo.


Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price , !

One 0 } the most important organs of thehuman body Is the LIVER. When it fails toproperly perform its functions the enliro-Eyslem becomes deranged. The BRAIN ,KIDNEYS , STOMACH , BOWELS , all refuseto perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON-






, etc. , are the results , unless some-


is done to assist Nalura in throwingoft the impurities caused by fho inactionof a TORPID LIVER. This assistance sonecessary will bo found i-

nPriekly Mi Baiters II-U acts directly on the LIVER , STOMACH

and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and catharticeffect and general tonic qualities restoresthese organs to a sound , healthy condition ,and cures all diseases arising from thesecauses. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tonesup the system , and restores perfect health.-


.your druggist does not keep it ask him toorder it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of-

"THE HORSE TRAINER ," published by us.

PRiCKlY ASH BITTERS GO. ,*ole Proprietors , ST. LOUIS , MO ,

True Combination of MOCHA ;JAVA and RIO.

Picture Card GhrenWith every pound package. For8-aIe everywhere. ffocUon Bpiet CoTctib.O-


! .

Vileading remedy lor all theunnatural discharges andIn-


I private diseases ot men. A.-


I certain cure for the deblll*

Strlciu" . 1 tatlng weakness pecuilar-to_ womtu.-


Iprescribolt ndfeel8af9TH-EEvAKsCHEUiruCo.. n recommending U to-


. all Bufferers.-i.


Sold by Drnpsrljts.-FJRICE




. J. THOMAS & CO. ,Wholesale Shippers of


' ; " Special Rate * to Clubs and

Farmers' Allianc-es.TENSIONS.


.The Disability bill U a law. Soldiers disabled

Ince the war are entitled.Vfclovtt wboarc de-


arc included. Also I'urent * dependentto-day , whose sons died from effect * of Army ser¬

vice. If you wish your claim speedily and success-fully


settled , addressJAMES TANNER ,

Late Commissioner of Pension-s.Wnablnctou

., 1) . C.

MAGIC CURE-H *fora cas = ° l LOST or FAILING MANHOOD ,8500 or NERVOUS DBBILITY. weakne5s of body

r mind , the effects of errors or excesses ia old otyoung that we cannot cure. We guarantee everycase or refund every dollar. Five days trial trea&Bent SI. full couitc 5. Perceptible benefits realbed in three days. By mall , securely packed froa-

bienration. . COOK ReUEOY CO. . OMAHA. NEB.


Largest Works west of the MissiEsippI.

Write fox estimates. SIOUX CITY , l-


.IT in csEi > tr ciin.-U


Thoatwdl of Toanf uta andwoecn In the C. S. A. <m.their Urt mix ! thdr betlth andUdr tuppiacu to Bldg 's Foodtheir 4tilr dirt ID InfancyAnd Chlldliood hiviocbeca-Ridrt'i yood. BT


For 10dm j-i from date orthUp per , bor-of MEXICAN Coux SALTC for quicklyremorinr corni. will Ix malted FREE toall who promiie to rewl my Pamphltt-

on tl>* hamine treatment of Caga BirdJ ,Dogs and domuUe Animalf. Altcrwanlst-

&a SILTB will be lUc. delirered to any P. U. ia the U. S. or-

Cao&da, Sample of FROXtriEi-D's IIoiuc. CATTLE ANDPocLTRT POWDER , the l e t. FKEE to all who tnd for it.-


. FKONEFIEU ), No1UO N. 3rd t % . riuadelj.hla. Pa.

LADIES ONLYFEMALE REGULATOR ,and Certain to a dj or money ref-


. By mall 12. S ourelY sealed from ob-


. COOK ItlOlEDY CO. , OraahKeb.

STEREOPTICONS Battery Optical Co.



Attorneys , 119 F Street Washineton , D. C-gRANCH OFFICgS-qeveland. Detroit , Chicago-



. N. 17.

"Oh epcak , ye ghosts of the dead , and aywhat killed youl' * 'JTie amwer capnc. borneon the fierce east wind : "Cold I doldl coldl"Then let us bo thankful that since then wehave Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup-


and Vcauty-.Putti

.and Lucca, and all the great

singers and actresses and famous beau-ties


, who , like Mme. Kecamier, werewondrously beautiful at an ago whenordinary women retire from the festivescenes of the beau monde , understoodthe value of this great restorer , andowed their well preserved beauty to-sloop. . An unusually handsome St.Louis woman , who has at the age ofalmost 50 years the fine well roundedfigure and elastic stop and carriage of-a gild , the delicate , roso-hucd skin andthe brilliancy of youth in her eyes.says that she has mudo it a rule to re-tire

-at 9 o'clock , except on very rare

occasions , and then she takes a nap inthe afternoon to prevent the ill effectsof the late hours which are to follow.Our American women of all classesneed more than any other people inthe world the rest and refreshmentwhich only sleep can give to over-wrought


nerves and overworked sys-tems.


. for nowhere else do the womenlive under so much physical and men-tal


strain. St. Louis PostDispatch.-



prescriptions have failed toreach many cases of rheumatism known tohave been subsequently cured by SalvationOil. That is the rcaton why the popularvoice is practically unanimous in its favor.One bottle is usually sufficient.

The Spirit of SMadame Durand , better known as-

Henri Greville , in one of her booksgives a fine example of a young manwho felt within him that it is a "gift ofthe gods , " and who was willing to sac ¬

rifice' everything for the sake of hiscareer. He is a musician , and hisfather wished to make a priest of him-.In


speaking of it to his brother theyoung artist says : "I would ratherlive a miserable for ten years , hardlyearning my bread , wearing threadbareclothes , and not daring to go to anyone's house because I shall be too poor-.I


had rather , if need be , suffer thepangs of hunger and die on my violinthan be a priest and renounce music. "This is the spirit we must have in or-


to succeed.-To


know what one can do , what onewill do. is the first step upward. Thenit remains to do it not in a half earn-est


, slipshod sort of way , but with allthe strength and energy and power ofwhich a person is capable. House ¬


Toward the Setting SunMyriads of emigrants take their way. Thousandsupon thousands of acres covered with the virginforest still await the axe of the pioneer. '"Hold-inj


; down a claim" on the frontier, it should beremarked , has other drawbacks besides that ofdisputed possession. Many an enterprising set-


who , with indomitable hardihood , lias clearedthe waste , just as a scanty area is ready for till-age


, is stricken by that foe of the frontiersman ,

malaria. Whit a boon to that man and his fam-


is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , what wiseforethought lias he shown if he has obtained anadequate supply. The fairest fields for agricul-tural


and mining enterprise on this continent andabroad arc subject to this infliction. Protectedby Hosteller's Stomach Bitters it may be defied-.It

.will not do lo confide in a robust constitution

alone. Malaria prostrates the strong and weakalike. Take the Bitters , too , for rheumatism ,dyspepsia , biliousness , kidney trouble.

There is a strong rumor afloat thatthe Big Four railroad is negotiatingfor the purchase of the Toledo , Colum-bus


& Cincinnati railroad , which , whencompleted , will give the Big Four adirect line to Toledo and will bringthem into sharp competition with theCincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton.-



it economy to save a few cents buyirg acheap soap or strong : washing powder , andlose dollars in ruined rotted clothes J If not,use Dobbins' Electric oap , white as snow,and as pure. Ask your grocer for it-



soon as people begin to love they beginto be unselfish.

II 1 man's Liver 1uds.Holmnn's Liver Pads cure MALARI-A.Holman's

.Liver Pads cure BiLiousxnss.-


Liver Pads cure luniOESTioN.Pamphlet free with fjll nsniiciions anil ice jminendat-lons.

-. UomAjJ Livnn 1'AU Co. , P. O. Box , M112 , N. Y-



man ccn do rijrht who does bcliev ?right. (Rom S:7-S. )

Delicate Children , Nui'Ntn j;

Mothers , Overworked lien and for all dis-


where the tissues are wasting awayfrom the inability to digest food , or fromoverwork : should" take Scott's Emulsion ofPure Cod Liver Oil w ith Hypcphosphites. "Iused the Emulsion on a lady who was deli ¬

cate. Jt put her in such pocd health andfesh , that I mutt sav it is the best Emul-sion.1'


L. P. AVADiiELL , M. D. , Hugh'sMills , S. C._

In one moment a resolution may be formedthat will take all of life lo ci.rry"it out-



* . Winslovr'sSootliinsrSyrnp , for Chil-dren


tectulng , softens taenums , reduces Inflamma-tion


, allays pni" "" ' " > wind colic. 25c. a bottle-



matter where we walk we are sure to-

be follow ed by somebody.

* !&fiJOH ?>" V/.MOKKIS ,

AVashln-toii, D. C.ReH.HRHtf Prosecutes Claims.

U. 8 Pension Bureau.IS adjudicating claims , atty sinc-



.__ _ _ _ A victim ot youth-ful


imprudence , caiuiu ? Premature Decay, Kerrota-Debility. . Lo/t Manhood , *c. , iiaTintr tried in rain crcrvknown remedy , has discovered a simple mcamofpelf-cure , wblch hit will jm ( imled ) FllEE to hln tllnw if-rercrs. . Address J. J !. KEEVES , Esq. Box 32W , X. Y. City.

MONEY EVEMNGS , Bhnwlngbeautiful pictures suitable lur Suu-day Schools. Lodge * . Cliurch Fairs

and the Homo Circle , Rui t and rlmnpptt iUncioLantern* rode hx COl.T & COMPANY , 18-

lleckraaiv Street , New York City. Illustrated Cat-alogues


Free.lrcUtnilmillinTMtmeEU. Bigie LanternsStTMptlca * ud Ttewi of ell fnOm and

for Public Exhibition and Horns

MCALLISTER. MCE- optician, SMU su, a w

MEXICAN CACTUS PILLS. Agent !for this wonderful new

remedy. S.-imple bottle. 25c. Circular free.CACTUS Co. , Uoz 2, East El Paso , Texas-



. Land * and Grain Elevat-or¬

In exchange for manufacturing and otber full paidron-asseuable incorporation t.ock*. Full informationCiren on ar plication. Addres* Box CIS. Omaha , Neb.

FOR SALE g EXCHANGElag boot* and inoeg. Good reasons for Belling. Willtakapart ia good real estate. Addreu BOX J0. Frankfort , Ind-



AMfft A HiRhert Price paid for School andL-Slln'll.fe Municipal Bonds , CorrespondenceEJ VilWV olicited. D. M.8KX ,OinaliaTKeb.

TEA Cures ConstipationI CA and Sick HeaAache.

tree samples at all drngzliu or 319 W. 42th St.N-.YAmCGc


n have mnaller feet. Solidi >* U I C O comfoi u Pamphlet free. Sam.plo plwM lOc. Tlio Pcdlne Co., New York.-



T0 TKAVEL. Wcpa-to


**> 5100 a month and expenses* WELLINGTON. Madl on Wis-

CJT I C Beat in the World.HELL UnlLLdi Catalogue FreeIf MOK01X , KKIJ.TlOttiULL , WaUriw, U.


Fads for Now Ward * Make the, Coloae !flIUerablo-



yon over read the societycolumns in our newspapers ?" inquiredtlio Colonel , as a stylishly dressed ladyswept out of the car say tlfo Atlanta(Jonxtilulion. "I hear my wife readingIlium.1' replied the Major , who was sit-ting


opposite.Well , that's what I mean , " said the

Colonel. "Naturally , a grown manwith si ns of beard on his facewouldn't be expected to devour thatkind of tiling. I hear my wife andj irls reading it occasionally , and Ihave listened patiently and learnedsome interesting facts. A man canalways learn something if he'll sit

.right still and listen. Now. I'll bet a-

'hoss that none , of yon fellows knowwhat that lafly had on."

"She had on a bonnetfor one thing , "said the last passenger-


, " said the Colonel , "Whatelse ? "

"Well , " said the Major rellectively.-"She


had on a dress. ""O , no , " exclaimed the Colonel ,

"There's where you arc wrong. That'swhat you miss by not educating your-self


in the society business. The ladydidn't have on a dress. "

"What do you take me for ?* ' asked

the Major. "I'll take my oath thelady had on a dress , and a very prettyone. too."

"You are mista-ken , " said the Colonel ,


., what did she have on ?" the

sad passenger inquired iu his mild way-."A


gown , " remarked the Colonel-."It's


funny , but there are no dressesany more. Frocks went out of fashionwhen I wis: a boy, and now if a womanhasn't got on a gown it is because sheis wearing a morning or an eveningtoilet. But generally it is a gownespecially iu Atlanta. When I hearmy wife or the girls reading the papersit looks like to me that the whole faceof the earth is covered with gownsmorning gowns , evening gowns , andtea gowns. Thirty years ago a calicofrock used to bo good enough for mywife , but now she has to have gownsjust like the girls. I don't blame hermuch. She ain't quite so frisky as thegirls , but she's lots better looking.-

Well. "

- , " said the Major. "I cxpoct-it's the same way at my house , but mywife is so old-fashioned in her ways ,especially when it comes to makingegg-bread and waffles , that she don'tpester with those new-fangled things.-A


frock is still : f frock to her, and shedon't want any ilouuccs and furbelowson it either. "

"My opinion is , " said the sad passen-ger


, "that if the women call a dross agown they know what they are about.When my wife sa\'s gown , a gown it is-


that isn't cut biased can affordto let the women have all the satis-faction


thej- can get out of calling adress a gown.

Hysterical Inventions.-



genius with a profound thoughtmill has taken up the subject of dust-ing


and sweeping by means of suctiondraughts. He has a perambulatingmachine which , by means of fans andhydraulic pressure , gets a draughtthrough a spiral hose with a nozzleshaped at its terminus like the troubleend of a trombone. He starts up agrand racket on the carpet till the dustllies , then turns on this blizzard ma-chine


and a condensed cyclone is im-


precipitated. He moves hishose end round like the snout. , of aJersey hog , and wherever the cloud ofdust arises the suction of his mechanismdraws it , and it immediately goes "up.the spout , " so to speak. The idea isall right : the only difficulty whichstands in the way is the possibility ofhis getting too big a draught on andshooting "in stray leaves from thefamily text book , odd socks or sister's-bangs. .

This idea , which is chronicled as aninvention iu the patent office at "Wash-


, is on a par with the rockingchair which came out eight mouths ago ,

says the Pittsburg Dispatch. The in-


arranged under the rockers apair of bellows attached to a series ofpipes running up the chair back towhere your neck \rould rest. As yonrocked'the chair the bellows worked ,

and you were giveu hysterical breezes-.It


worked all right for Hie man whocould stand shower baths , but it costone furniture dealer I know of threegood customers by neuralgia , pneu-monia


and croup. In another case thecustomer tried it and had to run ablock to eaten his wig. It's a goodidea , though , b.ut like all those thingsyou have to get some one to think so-


for myself. I think the sweepingscheme would be better employedshooting coal into a cellar, and theman with the bellows-rocker wouldmake a fortune if he worked it uparound the eaves of a roof and blewthe snow into the next county insteadof down the back of the neighbor whoalways gets under the roof at thewrong time-



Rained Stones.-



. C. C. Cunningham has in bispossession a round pebble which wastaken out of a hailstone at Portage ,

Wis. , just after the great hail-stormhud passed over that place. A friendof Mr. Cunningham. , who resides inthe city and is engaged in the drqgbusiness there , in a letter to that . .gen-


, states that during the stormabout live , bushels of hailstones lodgedin his show windows , and fully fo r-


of them contained these littlepebbles. The one in the possession of-Mr.. Cunningham weighs one-halfounce , is almost round , and has


the appearance of being at one timewashed by the waves or the lakes orsome river , and it is supposed that itwas picked up by the tornado and car-ried


to a very high Altitude , where theice formed around it in the manner iuwhich it descended. Milton Eajle.

Resemblance from Companionship.

The photographic society" of Genevahas been testing the theory that theIon" companionship of man und wifetends to make them look more andmore like eash other. Photographs of-seventyeight old couples , and uf anequal number'of adult brothers andsisters, showed that the married couple *were' more like each other than the

. brothers and sisters of the same Liood.


It iu n fact that an absolutely correctfit can bo obtained in Men's , Women's ,

Youth's and Children's boots and shoesby asking your dealer for those madeby Kirkcndall , Jones & Co. , and youwill not only be fitted , but will al..c >

obtain the best goods in the countryfor the money. It will pay you to ex-


the goods and get the prices.Remember, it is Kirkondall , Jones &

Co. , Omaha , Neb.-



wonder money is tijrht. The surpluslias been dissipated 'for months.

The only way to feel right is to do right.

There Is more Catarrh in this section of thecountry tla'n all other diseases put together ,and uiftil the la&t fen* years was supposed to-

le Incurable. For a great many 3 ears doc-tors pronounced it u local dh-eifse , and pro-fcii


ed local remedies , and ly constantlyfailing to cure with local treatment , pro-nounced


it incurable. Sciciue has provenCatarrh to Le a constitutional disease , andtherefore icquircs constitutional tic.itmcnt-.hall's


Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J.Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , is the only cont-titutibnal cure on the market. It is "takeninternally in doses from 10 drops to u tea-ppoonful.

-. It ftcts directly upon the Lloo-l

and mucous surfaces of the system. Theyoffer one hundred dollars for any case it failslocurc. Send for circulais and testimonials.Address ,

F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O-


.Druggists , 75c.

You can kill a snake quickct by strikingat the end that has the head on.

USE BUOWN'S BitoxcniAi , Tnocncs forCough ?, Colds and all other Throat Trou-ble.


. "Pre-eminently the best. " Rev. Hen-ry


Ward Beecher.-


people think they are firm when theyare only pig-headed.

Entitled to tlio IScst.All are entitled to the best that their

money will buy , so every family shouldhave , at once , a bottle of the best fam-ily


remedy, Syrup of Figs , to cleansethe system when costive or bilious.For sale in 50c and 1.00 bottles by allleadingdruggists. .

The devii never fools away his time in try-ing


to make a drunkard ouc of a stingy man.

Before the use of Prickly Ash Bitters hecame gcneial throughout"the South andWest , it was a fearful dose of'Hliie Mass1and daily doses of quinine , that was forcedliown the throats of suiTereicrs from all ma-


troubles. ] n place of such obnox-ious


, hcrrowing curatives. Prickly Ash 15i-


, with its mild , soothing action nowholds supreme sway , and after one trial , itsuse when necessary , is fcnevcr established.You who have sick-headaches , sour stom-achs


, diseased liver or kidneys , can do nobetter than to give it a trial.

The things we consider calamities are veryapt to be blessings in disguise."-



Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria ,

When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,

When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,

When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,

The devil never fires into his own men.

We'll write it down tilleverybody sees it

Till everybody is sick of-

seeing' itTill everybody knows it

without seeing itthat Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem-edy


cures the worst cases ofchronic catarrh in the head ,

catarrhal headache , and " coldin the head."

In perfect faith , its makers ,

the World's Dispensary Med-ical


Association of Buffalo ,

N. Y. , offers to pay $500 toany one suffering from chroniccatarrh in the head whomthey cannot cure.

Now if the conditions werereversed if they asked you topay $500 for a positive cureyou might hesitate. Here arereputable men , with years ofhonorable dealing ; thousandsof dollars and a great nameback of them and they say"We can cure you becausewe've cured thousands likeyou if we can't we'll payyou $500 for the knowledgethat there's one whom we-

can't "cure.

They believe in themselves-.Isn't


it worth a trial ? Isn'tany trial preferable to catarrh ?

r ,

A pension for evcrr dlinblcd Solilicror Sailor I

who served ninety days during late war, leKarilless 'of raiiseof dl.T.liillty. Pensions fur nil \vitlo\ > . I

minor or disabled children of deceased soidieiw-nnd .suitors who served us above. Pensions for 'dependent. 1nriMilx. recnrdli-ss of dependency jit.(1 teofnldier.o dentil. Noclmrceunless BUUCCJS-ful.

-. Address ntonce.

11. S. JlEltLilX , Attorney p.tT.ntr ,' D. G.

Book of Remedieswltl , directions f-

Felf home cure sent .to all Sufferers. Dr. S.C'UrV St.Chica.K-

OT1TAT Tr\JI mKKlxroilB4TlllY. CLcnji homes for! ii.11 Kill A all. Send stamp for illustrattdi'on-ii

; !-Ll\Jl\LUll heekcr. " 0. I! . Crm.lij.OU Franklin S.V.-



REMEDY FOtt CA1V. Kelicf is iininet'i'

Cold in the Head it has no equal-



is an Ointment, of which :i s-

nostrils. . Trice , OTc. Soldbydnn-Address. . ZS.



Lndlen. iuk Druirciit for Clttchater't L'rboxes setilnl with blue ribbon. Tube no

All pills in pasteboard boxe , pink Trrar-4r.. lo scarap fir particulars , testimonial1O)00 Testimonials. Ait'me Paper.

Sold by nil Local Urueglets.





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