The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Transcript of The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Step One - Pinpointing The Problem

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Before you can find your solution, you need to ask yourself some questions:

• How important is brand identity to our marketing campaigns?

• What things negatively affect our marketing campaigns? (Ex: poor communication, sharing content, controlling access)

• How does our team collaborate/share marketing content?

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Step Two - Assembling the Task Force

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

In other words, finding the peeps who are going to get it all done the right way. Here are the 3 steps to building your successful task force:1. Determine who will own the project from start to finish and why 2. Identify the 3 problems to be solved and pair them each with

the individuals who know most about them (the ones who live the problem, or are responsible for the problem)

3. Review to make sure every department is accounted for, or that there is someone representing them who understands their needs and will be able to speak intelligently on their behalf

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continued… After they’re assembled, there are a few more items to check off your list: • Determine time required of the task force • Think about partnering with the solutions provider

to help with resources and or best practices • And finally …An acronym to live by: RACI

(Responsible, Accountable, Consultants and Informed!)

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Step Three - Create the Work Plan

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

This is one of the most important documents you will

create for deployment and implementation. It will detail

project scope, desired outcomes, how and why things are done, and keep everything

on schedule.

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

The Work Plan’s value? An invaluable reference tool that

anyone going forward can look back on and understand the thinking that

went into your deployment. (A huge plus in an industry where employee turnover is fairly common.)

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Step Four - Clean Out The Garage

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Time to organize your existing digital assets, which is crucial to successful content marketing management.

Use the metaphor of packing everything up before moving to a new place: • You’ll go through each room and determine what needs to be

accounted for … • You’ll also throw out unnecessary items and label your boxes so

it’s easier to “unpack” … • Finally, know where everything is going to go in its new “home.”

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Be prepared. This part of the process is intimidating and a huge time and resource drain.

Don’t worry. We can help here, but more on that later.

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Step Five - Let’s review! 1. Pinpointing your problems 2. Assembling the team (don’t forget RACI) 3. Creating a work plan 4. Cleaning out and getting organized

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Final Step - Adoption

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

How? Identify the Change Champion. Individual in your organization with the will and skill to make it happen.

Their characteristics include:

1. Sees the big picture 2. Understands best practices 3. Helps solve problems 4. Gets buy-in from management 5. Helps end users accept and embrace the solution


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How do you find this person? It isn’t easy. Focus on candidates who demonstrate the following: •A holistic view of the company and marketing •Technical understanding who can know your new solution inside and out •Troubleshooting ability to get the right answers to issues as problems always arise

•Passion and drive will be key to making the “change” happen internally •Respect. They must talk shop and connect with fellow users on their level. Support from management requires resources and support that can only come from the top

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management

Conclusion Worried you won’t find this person or be able

to execute any of the steps?

No worries.

We are content marketing management experts. We deliver software and services to help Brands get all their

marketing content managed.

one more important thing…

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@brandobility The New Rules of Content Marketing Management


About Brandobility We deliver Content Marketing Management software and services, and we make it easy. Imagine your agency partners, regional offices, internal crew, and even that remote user sitting in a coffee shop in Brooklyn, united, working as a team, friction free. We’re brand experts with brand solutions (a friendly way of saying “technology”) and brand services.

We get that organizing content is like herding cats, and sharing content can be like a game of telephone. There are new and better ways that are specifically focused on

managing marketing content, so you can ensure brand consistency. | | email: [email protected]
