The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our...

Number 141/219 Founded 1975 12 / 2018 (129) The New Order 56,944 Vote for National Socialist! Arthur Jones, America’s only openly pro- white Congressional candidate, received 56,944 votes in the heavily Democratic 3rd Congressional District of Illinois during last week’s midterm elections - horrifying the es- tablishment, and highlighting how many votes stable pro-white candidates across the country might have won had there been such an organi- zation in place. Here is a report from THE NEW OBSERVER. Although Jones was never going to win the seat - his opponent won 158,161 votes, and the district encompasses the west and southwest continued on page 4

Transcript of The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our...

Page 1: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight

Number 141/219 Founded 1975 12 / 2018 (129)

The New Order

56,944 Vote for

National Socialist!

Arthur Jones, America’s only openly pro-

white Congressional candidate, received

56,944 votes in the heavily Democratic 3rd

Congressional District of Illinois during last

week’s midterm elections - horrifying the es-

tablishment, and highlighting how many votes

stable pro-white candidates across the country

might have won had there been such an organi-

zation in place.

Here is a report from THE NEW OBSERVER.

Although Jones was never going to win the

seat - his opponent won 158,161 votes, and the

district encompasses the west and southwest

continued on page 4

Page 2: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight

The Course of the Year Since ancient times our ancestors revered

the sun as the source of warmth and life.

Like a gold disk it stood above them, like a

wheel it rolled across the canopy of the


The course of each day is determined by

it, and its path of wandering is again a great

circle. It crosses the sky first in a wide

arch, then in a small arch. About six in the

morning it stands in its course in the east,

around twelve in the south, around eight-

een in the west, around twenty-four in the

summer of the far north the midnight sun

completes its daily orbit.

Long ago did our ancestors set the course

of the whole year as marks of a circle.

That was the old wheel calendar that could

be read on the horizon. On the winter sol-

stice in the artic north, the sun only appears

for a short time at the southern point, but

on the summer solstice it stands at the

northern point. The connection of these

points divides the face circle as north-south

line. In our latitudes the point of sunrise on

the solstices lies in the southeast and in the

northeast – the point of sunset in the south-

west and in the northwest. The connec-

tions divide the already cut-in-half circle

again into the shape of an “x”. That pro-

duces the ancient six-spoked wheel, and

without the wreath, “the Hagal rune”.

From the far north our ancestors brought

along an experience that for all time, but

especially for us who have again become

conscious of the old legacy, is of the great-

est significance. The ancestors made the

following discovery: summer and winter

fought with each in the north in unprece-

dented opposition as the forces of light and

of darkness. The dark winter in its severity

and length seemed to triumph over the

short, meager summer. And yet, the sun

came back despite the power of winter year

after year. If its return were not to be ex-

pected with irrefutable certainty, then it

would have meant certain death for Nordic

men. Without grief and distress, the people

observed how with the advance of summer

the daily arch of the sun became ever

smaller. The sun became weak. It shined

dull. It aged. The visible daily arch be-

came so small at Yule that the sun only ap-

peared for a few hours, then it sank into the

cold North Sea that shimmered on the hori-

zon. On the mid-winter day, however, it

came to pass that the sun no longer became

visible at all. It had been devoured by the

sea as if by a monster, or the mountains on

the horizon had pulled it down to them. It

had died and lay in its grave. The question,

whether the sun would now remain there,

was synonymous with the shocking ques-

tion of the people: “Will we die along with


On the mid-winter day, however, the mir-

acle also took place: The sun rose again

from its winter grave. It was born anew

like a child, gained strength, and showed

itself to the waiting people who rejoiced at

the first sparse reappearance as if they

themselves had had life given back to

them. This great event repeated itself each

year. And each year they celebrated it as

their greatest holiday, and their salvation of

Christmas holiday. In the Yule night they

then approached the young sun with torch-

es in order to help liberate it from the

bonds of winter death. They imagined a

young hero who had awakened it from its

death sleep and liberated it. Now they cel-

ebrated as often as they could the ever

growing strength of the sun. The bright

fires blazed high on the spring day when


continued on page 6

Page 3: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight

On November 10, 2018, the NATIONAL SOCIALIST MOVEMENT (NSM) held a

public rally on the steps of the Capitol building in Little Rock, Arkansas. Here is their

Action Report:

Our message of truth brought attention to the white genocide occurring in South Africa

while calling out the negative Zionist influences in our nation and abroad. Speakers includ-

ed (not in specific order): Commander Jeff Schoep, Chief of Staff Burt Colucci, Chief of

Security Mike Schloer, PR Director/Region 11 Director Harry Hughes, Tennessee State

Leader Kynan Dutton, and the Director of Community Outreach Matthew Heimbach. A

representative of the Aryan Nations also spoke at the event. Various other organizations

were represented there at the rally. Our message as a whole was superbly conveyed by our


The Antifa/Communist presence was hardly worth mentioning and the protesters were by

far of the “third string” category. Noise from the Antifa/protester crowd was easily out

matched by our formidable new audio equipment and PA system/speakers. Our entry and

egress was efficient and flawless. With a security checkpoint upon entrance all weapons

were checked and in compliance with Arkansas state laws.

Post rally we gathered for fellowship and camaraderie. Donations were taken up for polit-

ical prisoner Jacob Goodwin. The event concluded with an Odal rune lighting. Command-

er Schoep gave a small speech on our Folk and the traditions that go along with the lighting

of the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-

tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight for all those present.

Thank you to all who attended and contributed to a more than worthy cause. Special

thanks to COS Burt for his diligent planning and coordination with local authorities. Thank

you to all our speakers and to our Security Squad. We look forward to seeing even more of

our party members, supporters and like minded Pro-Whites join us at our next event.


Page 4: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight


suburbs of Chicago as far as the DuPage Coun-

ty border, as well as a portion of the southwest

side of the city of Chicago—the number of

votes he obtained demonstrates that there is an

appetite for his sort of platform among white


Although - of course - slandered and smeared

by the controlled media internationally as a

“neo-Nazi,” Jones’s platform upon which he

ran evidently held great attraction for thou-

sands of voters.

His main leaflet for the election listed his

issues as follows:

* Build The Wall!

* Bring Our Troops Home NOW to Defend

Our Borders!

* No More “Sanctuary Cities”!

* No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens!

* Make English the Official Language!

* Flat Tax of 10% YES; Progressive Income

Tax NO!

* Repeal Obamacare; Affordable Health Care

for Americans Only!

* Pro Life YES; Homosexual Marriage and

Adoption of Children by Homosexuals NO!

* Term Limits for All Federal Judges!

continued on page 5

56,944 Vote for National Socialist

Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf caused a Jewish outcry in Macedonia when photos of piles of copies of the

National Socialist leader’s book - on display at a publishing company’s stand at the Skopje Book Fair

from May 3-9 - were posted online, sparking largely negative reactions from Jews, leftists and liberals.

But Adolf Hitler’s autobiography can also be found on the shelves of Macedonian supermarkets, selling

for about 300 denars (about five euros).

Thousands of copies have been sold since the first Macedonian edition was published in 2005, claimed

Nikola Kosteski, the founder of publishing house Gjurgja, which issued the translation.

“The first edition is from 2005 and was printed in 1,000 copies. As it was being sold, new ones were

printed. In 2011 we published it in two volumes, just like the original. Both were in 1,000 copies and

were also sold, so we printed more,” Kosteski said.

“I have no record of every copy sold, but it is still one of the most requested books,” he added.


Page 5: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight

Over 200,000 nationalists participated in the Polish Annual Independence

Day rally in Warsaw. This was far more than in the previous year. Warsaw’s

leftist mayor tried to ban the event, but the ban was overturned by the court.

* Repeal Treasonous Trade Treaties, such as

NAFTA or the 11 Nation Trans Pacific Part-


* Gun Owner’s Rights, including Concealed

Carry for Personal Protection

* Passage of the Neighborhood Amendment to

Prevent the Destruction of Our Schools and

Neighborhoods by Aggressive Gangs and Drug


The reverse of his leaflet dealt with US aid to

Israel as follows:


Shown below is an image of the Virgin Mary

which an Israeli Army tank fired upon on

March 14 2002

This is what racist criminal Zionist Israel

thinks of Christians. An Israeli tank fired away

at this statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary on top

of a Catholic Church in Bethlehem hitting her

69 times and in the process mutilating her face

and blowing off her hands. To hit that statue,

the Israeli gunner had to elevate the machine

gun up towards the statue. So it was no acci-


This deliberate attack on a Christian Church

in the city where Jesus Christ was born symbol-

izes the extreme hatred of Jews for Christians,

whether they be in the land of Palestine (now

known as Israel, since 1948) or right here in the

United States. In fact, the Jews have been wag-

ing a war of genocide against both Christians

and Muslims in Palestine since 1948. The facts

are these: since 1961, Israel has killed thou-

sands of Christians and Muslims: destroyed

thousands of homes, hospitals, Churches,

Mosques, schools and built Jewish settlements

on land stolen from Palestinians.

All of these war crimes against the Christians

and Muslims of Palestine have been financed

by our government with our tax dollars. Visit

this website:, and you

will learn the truth about our so-called ally Isra-

56,944 Vote for National Socialist

continued on page 6


Page 6: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight


length of day and length of night are the

same, and when one could say that the lib-

eration of the sun by the young hero had

finally been completed. Again, fires of joy

blazed above the triumph of light and life

in the mid-summer night when the sun had

won the greatest victory, made the biggest

arch across the globe, allowing the night

only a few hours of rule. This holiday was

the high time of the year. Man owed it the

harvest of his fields. Hence the harvest

time became the holiday of the year. After

it, however, the sun quickly lost strength,

its arch became smaller, it approached

death in the mid-winter night anew, a death

from which in accordance to ancient law

life again emerged.

Already in the Nordic and ancient Ger-

manic times of our folk, people could not

do enough to depict this experience of the

sun’s death in hundreds of forms as stories.

We are so fortunate to possess more of

these oldest cultural goods of our ancestors

than many from later periods. The sun ex-

perience is the object of almost all of our

pre-Christian fairy tales that the Grimm

brothers collected for us a hundred years

ago, carefully wrote down and hence

saved. The sun king’s daughter, killed by a

winter-like power, is brought back to new

life by a young hero: that is the core that in

each of these fairy tales, which is always

again in the most wonderful manner broad-

ened and modified.

However, man also saw the same law of

“death and rebirth” manifested all round in

the whole of nature. The annual course of

the sun also determined the annual rhythm

of all living things, of the animals and of

the plants. Yes, their whole life followed

the laws of being young and getting old, of

death and rebirth. So, too, did man walk

along his own life: he was subject to the

fate of death and became radiant through

the certainty of life. The man of the north

was conscious of having received his own

life from the womb of a human being cer-

tain to die. In the knowledge of his destiny

to die, he passed it along. That was the

deepest core of his worldview.

What he saw on the large-scale in the

course of the sun, he most clearly saw re-

turn on the small-scale in his forests.

Hence the tree was sacred to him. He im-

agined the whole universe supported by a

mighty tree with roots, trunk and canopy of

leaves and structured so. It is the old

World Ash-Tree of which the Edda reports.

Along its eternity glides the law of death

and becomes an ongoing process of renew-

al. It is the great order in the eternal

rhythm. Therefore, in all annual holidays of

Nordic man, there is, next to the sun-wheel

and fire, the tree as holiday symbol. In the

fairy tales we often read of the life-tree that

grows on the grave of the mother and, giv-

ing blessing, protects young life.

el and many other documented facts no politi-

cian or news organization dares to reveal.

Jones’s election website also contains photo-

graphs of himself speaking at National Social-

ist Movement rallies, earlier campaigns, and

a section devoted to discussing “hate

speech” (featuring Abraham Lincoln’s quotes

on black inferiority and the need to remove

them from America) and the holocaust

(described as a “racket”) - all this showing that

there can be little doubt about his openness

about his views or the political positions he


The fact that Jones could poll 56,944 votes

in one congressional district with such a plat-

form in a strongly Democratic area, and get 26

percent of the vote (or one-third of the win-

ning candidate’s vote) is a sure indication that

this type of platform, if organized properly,

would likely poll in the millions if replicated

across America.

56,944 Vote for National Socialist

The Course of the Year

Page 7: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight


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Page 8: The New Order - NSDAPof the Odal Rune. The lighting was executed as a symbol of our ancestry and our organiza-tion. It is a true tribute to our heritage and is an awe inspiring sight


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