f *.v •••III.I^IIIWIUPPWI' W I.II IN I. > JWIiai lu imm c*U#4 Aypaa'a moat peculiar UfM la tkt so-palled boat traa •tKyata* \ I! Ii « wy. iul<nk *ae Wa* vklih (ivwi In t)M gudul of * tw)M f«r<n«rt thin d|bt nnturlM It haa bMn trained to >n * moat wauktbli Aw*, tower knMbM n tondliur alone tlw * round. thin curv- ing hp In «ueh way m to suggest the shape •( a boat; while tht tr*« Itself ii«M ffom tha otnter, recalling the ig- nition of the mam. 1 : *• * I: *J « $ y T-j •V » s •LARSON & SON—- Tht Htm* •/ G*td Skttt ie newest and best styles In oxfords Larson's. Come in and see our smart oxford styles. <». rmZZ t large assortment of buckles to put on your pumps, 60 cents to >2.00. BOLTED DISHES Can you imagine anything more an- noying than washing a bowl riveted and bolted together? Yet, right in your kitchen is a source of just suck-annoyance and because you have never seen any other kind,, you think nothing of it. Look at your range. Count the bolt heads, rivets, hinges, catches, comers and crevices. See the fussy ornaments. You don't clean a range as often as you do a dish—but you do wipe it off once a day. Look! Look at the Copper-Clad Range No bolts at all! Hinges ? Look close- ly ; two only, they on the oven door and so rounded that they can be easily wiped clean. Where are the hinges and catches ? Concealed like the hinges on an automo- bile door. The automobile builders all adopted the concealed hinge that was first used on the Copper Clad Range. The man who designed these hinges has been advised to bring suit for royalties against the automobile makers, but he is in the range business and says the concealed hinges of automobiles only advertise the Copper Clad. The Copper Clad is the only range with a real copper lining—with con- ' , cealed hinges with malleable back flue. Better call and see it. SCHMIDT HARDWARE COMPANY pa y y-- 28 West Main Stmt MARSH ALT TOWN. IOWA Women's Smart Oxfords at This dainty oxford with high French heels and slender fore- part comes in black and brown kid and patent leather. : , Black kid at fi-om $<6 to Jill. Patent leather $7.50 and $8. Satin or suede $7.00. A walking oxford combining comfort and that smart looking appearance, high military heels and welt soles. Black kid $8.50. ' Brown kid or calf skin $9.00. Black kid with turn soles $7.50. This trim snug fitting pump comes in both patent and kid, very reasonably priced at Kid $5.50. Patent $7.50. A dainty pump with wood cov- ered military heels, patent or dull leather, makes a very clever little pump. $6.50 and $7.00. ; * 4 St! vl"'v rf} \i t:: Will Tour Stove Cook with the ( gas turned off? The Chambers gas range will do most of the oooking Willi the gas turned off. It will save from % to % of your cooking gas bill. Figure It over and see what you can save in a year's time over your present gas bill and you will be surprised and take time tg Investigate this wonderful range.. Where else can i>you invest your money that, will save 60 per cent. - ; ^ ' J\r ' Boughton 6 WXdU1UOU1 llUAilllU " —-—I ao N.CwtorSt. Smw Locatioii 13 Years jfJwMie lj? CITY IN BRIEF I Cora Williams Choate. physician. Nordskng's Uannor Market. Phone ' 20#.—Advertisement. ' 0!rl«, reserve the evening of May j to for the Y. W. c. A.-/Advt»rtls«ioent. All aiscs anil styles chick feeders apd I WHtrrenj, Hchmidt Hardware Com- pany. j Knt with Rosey the "Hamberger j King" next door to Flower's market.— .\dvo.rttoem6nt. liurgoss plumbing and heating, S Kast State street. Phone 1$|4. work, right, prices right—Advertisement. 11. W. Shove & Son. district man- n*«rs the Mutual Life Insurance rom-- pany of New York. Masonic TempH^ For Information about rtayos Cali- fornia Farm* at Chowchilla, see A. T. Stata, 29 West Main.—Advertisement. Mr. and MrsTw.T. Smftfc -itejtj tha daj In Des Moines,'attending hratlon of the Rainbow turn. Pyrex, the transparent oven wire. Is finding fcivor with every housekeeper. See our assortment Schmidt Hard- ware Company. The Business Women's Hub have found it necessary to call off the din- ner announced tor the Y. W. G. A. Sunday.—Advertisement. jiave you tried the Cut Rate Glean• ers and pressers? Save money by leaving your order. Phone 1068. We. call and deliver. H. C. Sparks. Buttermilk fresn every day, 10 cents per gallon, bring pail: *Z8' Hast, Nevada street, branch 12 East State street. Jackson Dairy Company, phone 317. This is regular tennis weather. Wo can fit you out with rackets, , balls, nets and marking tape, so why not en- Joy the game now? Schmidt Hard- ware dompany. Lee Walters, 612 West Nevada street, returned home this morning from Camp Pike, where he was discharged after ten months' service at that camp in the motor transportation corps. Buy pasteurized whole milk, it's clean, pure and wholesome, drink It, eat it, cook with it. We deliver on every street In Marshalltown, Iowa, Jackson Dairy Company., Phone 317. Mrs. Arnold Nelson has received a telegram from her son, Alfred O. Nel- son, of the'121st machine glm bat- talion of the Thirty-second division, that he had landed at Boston Wednes- day. night from overseas. ; Pianos, player pianos, phonographs, Pathe records, will be sold'at a sacri- fice the next fifteen days as place is sold and we must, give possession at once. Sale starts . Friday. May 16, Morrissey Music Hlouse, 11 East Church street Frank Dewitt, son of Mr. and Mtt. Frank Dewitt, 207 South Third street, arrived homo this morning from Camp Grant, 111., where he was mustered but of the army. Dewitt served twenty months overseas with the Thirteenth division of engineers. Bert Drew, son of Mr. and Mrs. .L. Drew, 309 North Fiftli avenue, Who ha* been home on a thirty-day .fur- lough, returnel to Camp Dodge thlfl' morning where he has been transferred from Hong Kong. China. Drew has been in the service for two years. ' Corp. Harley B. Gatewood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gatewood, 126 Anson street, arrived home WednesuiC night from Camp Dodge, where he was mustered out of the army. Gatewood was a member of the Thirty-fifth di- vision and served one year overseas. Sergt. A. B. Stabler, of Haverhill, son of Mr. and Mr3. J. B. Stabler, re-" turned home this morning from Camp Taylor, Ky„ where he was mustered out of the service. Sergt. Stabler serv- ed with Company M, Thirty-fifth di- vision, and was overseas twelve ment'ns. He was wounded Sept. 29 in the Argonne. St. Margaret's Mission has Issued several hundred invitations to children of the city for a May party to be given from 3 till 5 Saturday afternoon at Red Men's hall, but for fear some children may have been missed the invitation is also extended thru the press to chil- dren between the ages of four and twelve. Admission 25 cents. Com- mittee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mullan and daughter, Marjoric. of Sioux City,, ar- rived in the city Wednesday evening from Waterloo and will be guests ov^r Friday of Mrs. Mullan's brother, George F. Thayer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mullan and daughter are on their way from Waterloo, where they had been to attend the funeral of Mr.' Mullan's father. Judge 'C. W. Mullan, < *> T sr up,- O. tL TwttR jiwlif a* •pUolMi Or. BrahanCoOsaiiath. Maaaato ti«»li Drink' OatfM' Wator and,, )pe» W»U, Phont 41. Tlw Ballsy Boy. t i H Wfctch tomorrow's T.-R. (tor *n- nounoMMiit for May J0.*~Advsrtl*e- m#nt. The Click »©hool*Moth*>r*' Club will mwet at S o'clock Friday aftornooa in the school building. A Hot-a»Cold vnotinm ho*tl« l> ln- ulMpensnble on a fishing or incnlc trit>. Bv.hmliit Hardware Company. If you did not clip out the coupon from Nordskofa nd. get Monday's Is- sue and do so at once.—A<1 vert Isenwpt. Croquet la a .bsalthfui and piaasant game for young und old. Why not lake a set home with you? yciunldt Hard- wire Company. " Marekt aaiV" in Marsnailtown Satur- day, May 17. Bring ani'thini* you havo for anle.^ at large ad In thU l aper. fium^, i}unio, Mason * Shoe- maker. t BARELY ^ESCAPE BAD MISHAP. Q, w. Cawrenos Car Overturnad Whan Struck by Another. 4 What cam# n«ar. proving a bad ai-ci- Inat. and which resulted in injuries to . ( ti»ree vjecupants oTthe («. \V. l^iwrence T *.V,rd, Happened »We<lnesday evening _ ' fahou't S:46, when#V heavier car driven by E. K. Bhar.i, i°ltl2 West Church street, struck the rear end of the I aw- rence car at the Ji»tcrs<sctlon of Ninth and Main Streets, overturning the lighter ca r and damaging It badly. Mrs. l.awrencti was the worst in- jured, altho she wiui not hurt seriously. Two Or three ribs were torn loose from the Voman's sptm-, and she was pretty badly braised.' Mrs. Kllcabeth liaw- rcnce wns bruised above the right eye. ami suffered a great deal from shock. Mrs. Q. W. Lawrences aunt, Mrs. Mary E. Kidder, was brplsed slightly and e cele- & urq«l badfcr suff«»ad ifmilit frm tUmk. Tha Bharp ear was gatag aaat Mala atraat aad tlw Uawraaoa oar north on Ninth. In being overturn Ik* Uvtwm oar was pratty damaged, tha lop haing torn off. aiM th« hiIimI ahlold and radiator broken. The Hharp car had one wheel broken, un asle bent, and the steering gear damaged. Mrs. Hharp wwa slightly bruised by the severe ahakiivg up aba received. LOCAL MARKET*. Prleea Psld to Farmers by Marshall* town Merchants. The following prices are quoted by Marshalltown dealers for the different varieties of farmers' provision* grain and produce. Overturfs Qrocery quotas the fol-' lowing prices: Butter-M. figga—>40. IVwp4IcI Flour snd fVd I 'ompsny will pay the following prleee at its place of business in this city, «ut»Jeci, however, to market changes. 1 Oats- «!. '.'orii—1.S0. Tungsten Is no* used aa an element of the electric battery. CHIROPRACTIC would mean MANY D0LLAR8 to a business firm whoss employees resortsd to spinal adjustments to ksep fit. 8se the Chiroprsctie talks in T.-R. every Wednesday. Schweitert & Blean CHIROPRACTORS Over 214 E. Main St. Office Phone 670 Res. Green 10»7 Oxford The Trimhne Grace exemplified in this dainty oxford. Slender Louis heels, turn soles, trim vamps, appeal- ing lines. * SHOE STORE •t 1 * t 'J 1 - !•'. '' ' E. R. LAY Phones 470 or 98 Big Thursday, Friday and Saturday special three days only. Gold Medal floor wax 46 cents per pound. Johnson's Kleen Floor 39 cents pint, Johnson's wax 59 cents pound; Climax wall paped cleaner 12 cents can. Moco Long Oil varnish $2.98 gallon. Vitralite white enamel $1.89 per quart Silktone paint 85 'cents quart, $1.60 half gallon, $3.2-0 gallon. 25 cents bottle Liquid Veneer 21 cents; 50 cent bottle 42 cents. Sale strictly cash and three days only. Simmon's Book. Store. ^ Two troop trains carrying 705 en- listed men and four officers , passed thru the city at 12:40 and 2:00 o'clock this afternoon over the Chicago Great Western, enroute to Des Moines. The first train carrlcd artillerymen who have been acioss since early in the war, and have been In the army of oc- cupation since the^armlstlce was sign- ed. The second train carried men of the Thirty-second division. The men received coffee, doughnuta and clgar- ets from the local canteen workers. At a dinner jenjoyed by 200 members of the Baptist Sunday school, served at the church Wednesday evening, the termination of the contest between the classes for new members, that was ended at Easter time, was celebrated. The young men's class, taught by Rev. R. B. Davidson, won the contest and a total of 125 new members were added to the school as a result. The dinner was prepared >by the ladies' auxiliary and was served by members of the marlred peoples' class. Alter the meal was over a program of Informal talks was given-. Fred Donnelson was toast- master tlnd the speakers Included Rev. Mr. 'Davidson and 'Rev. W. It. 01app» and Rev. J. F. •SawWs. t.he. THE NEW ENGLAND Trade at Headquarters—It's Safe Barch Bros. C«.f Phase 117 I Commencing Friday morning, May 16, at 80 clock' we will inaugurate a j GREAT 8 SALE! I Prices on following items will be lowered and the last- "-cent in each item priced will represent 8 cents. 1;' SALE CLOSES SATURDAY EVENING | One full weight 16 ounce box w* o£*ch«»l»tes 48c One canned heat copking outfit, com- plete, including can of ... 28c heat Men's fancy sox, per pair 28c LAdieS' black fiber silk hose, excellent values at 58c and . 28c Ladies' summer weight union suits 48c Ladies Union Suits 2 for 78c Boys' union suits 3 for 68c Men's athletic union suits for 68c Wash silks for waists, drfesses and men's shirts $1.28 40 inch fancy voiles, excellent cloth and splendid designs, reg- 38c ular 50c value Zephyr tissue gingham, this season's price 65c, this sale price AiOC 32 inch and 27 inch dress ginghams 18c 27 inch, fancy voiles, 6 yards for 58c An excellent assortment of laces, 2 yards for 8c One lot of embroideries, a great Q value, 2 yards fojr OL Pearl buttons, 2 cards "for Sc Eit and Alaudhi dyes, pur package 8c Black and colored all wool serges, 41 inches wide, a great bar- $1.18 36 inch percales, 21/0 yards for 38c Dustless cleaning cloths, 2 for 8c Dress snaps, 2 cards for 8c Moire bags, assorted colors at $2.28 Moire bags, fine quality for $2.88 Hand purses, in black and colors #••••••••••••••• 98c Hickory shopping bags, kiln dried 98c Embroidered swiss handker- chiefs, 6 for 78c Women's embroidered linen handkerchiefs, 3 for ...... 88c Japanese fancy crepe de chine hankerchiefs 6 for $1.28 Men's dress shirts, a big bar- gain at 98c 64 inch mercerized white table damask 58c JL 1 ancjr damask e% e\ Ode 36 inch bleached shrunk fin- ish Indian head 28c 36 inch fancy white skirtings big value 58c Men's work shirts, excellent quality 88c One lot of fancy ribbons special Filled pearl necklace,, a 75c value, to qlose Georgette pleated iinffling in colors, to close at -8. Large bar for pure castile soap 38c t Jap Rose soap, Creme oil soap, Oliv-" ilo soap, Kirks hard water 8c castile A splendid assortment of nail brushes 6 pieces floral georgette crepe, to ciose at THIRD FLOOR Sweeper Vac carpet sweeper and vacuum cleaner combined^ $3J8 at Cocoa door mats at 98c 24 inch fiber suit cases at $1.18 Khaki color all wool knitting yarn to close 48c Rust proof pink and white corsets, big values ...... 98c One lot fancy Japanese cloths to close 88c Shell and metal bag frames each 48c One odd lot corsets to clota at ••#ea«ss***eeaae*a«a 68c One odd lot brassieres to close at 38c " If you can't find what you Want Elsewhere ^ r ^ Qm, store. : ' - •< •• Sole Agency for Butterwicfc^: Patterns The best paper ^ Patterns published. Mi mmmmm




> JWIiai lu imm c*U#4 Aypaa'a moat peculiar UfM la tkt so-palled boat traa •tKyata* \ I! Ii « wy. iul<nk *ae Wa* vklih (ivwi In t)M gudul of * tw)M f«r<n«rt thin d|bt nnturlM It haa bMn trained to>n * moat

wauktbli Aw*, tower knMbM n tondliur alone tlw * round. thin curv­ing hp In «ueh • way m to suggest the shape •( a boat; while tht tr*« Itself ii«M ffom tha otnter, recalling the ig­nition of the mam.



* I:


• «




•V » s

•LARSON & SON—-Tht Htm* •/ G*td Skttt

ie newest and best styles In oxfords Larson's. Come in and see our smart oxford styles.




large assortment of buckles to put on your pumps, 60 cents to >2.00.

BOLTED DISHES Can you imagine anything more an­

noying than washing a bowl riveted and bolted together?

Yet, right in your kitchen is a source of just suck-annoyance and because you have never seen any other kind,, you think nothing of it.

Look at your range. Count the bolt heads, rivets, hinges, catches, comers and crevices. See the fussy ornaments. You don't clean a range as often as you do a dish—but you do wipe it off once a day.

Look! Look at the Copper-Clad Range No bolts at all! Hinges ? Look close­

ly ; two only, they on the oven door and so rounded that they can be easily wiped clean.

Where are the hinges and catches ? Concealed like the hinges on an automo­bile door. The automobile builders all adopted the concealed hinge that was first used on the Copper Clad Range. The man who designed these hinges has been advised to bring suit for royalties against the automobile makers, but he is in the range business and says the concealed hinges of automobiles only advertise the Copper Clad. • The Copper Clad is the only range with a real copper lining—with con-

' , cealed hinges — with malleable back flue. Better call and see it.



y y-- 28 West Main Stmt MARSH ALT TOWN. IOWA

Women's Smart Oxfords at

This dainty oxford with high French heels and slender fore­part comes in black and brown kid and patent leather. : ,

Black kid at fi-om $<6 to Jill. Patent leather $7.50 and $8. Satin or suede $7.00.

A walking oxford combining comfort and that smart looking appearance, high military heels and welt soles.

Black kid $8.50. ' Brown kid or calf skin $9.00.

Black kid with turn soles $7.50.

This trim snug fitting pump comes in both patent and kid, very reasonably priced at

Kid $5.50. Patent $7.50.

A dainty pump with wood cov­ered military heels, patent or dull leather, makes a very clever little pump.

$6.50 and $7.00.

; * 4



r f } \i t::

Will Tour Stove Cook with the

( gas turned off? The Chambers gas range will do

most of the oooking Willi the gas turned off. It will save from % to % of your cooking gas bill. Figure It over and see what you can save in a year's time over your present gas bill and you will be surprised and take time tg Investigate this wonderful range.. Where else can

i>you invest your money that, will save 60 per cent. - • ;

^ ' J\r '

Boughton 6 WXdU1UOU1 U» llUAilllU " —-—I

ao N.CwtorSt. — Smw Locatioii 13 Years — jfJwMie lj?


I Cora Williams Choate. physician.

Nordskng's Uannor Market. Phone ' 20#.—Advertisement.

' 0!rl«, reserve the evening of May j to for the Y. W. c. A.-/Advt»rtls«ioent.

All aiscs anil styles chick feeders apd I WHtrrenj, Hchmidt Hardware Com­pany.

j Knt with Rosey the "Hamberger j King" next door to Flower's market.— .\dvo.rttoem6nt.

liurgoss plumbing and heating, S Kast State street. Phone 1$|4. work, right, prices right—Advertisement.

11. W. Shove & Son. district man-n*«rs the Mutual Life Insurance rom--pany of New York. Masonic TempH^

For Information about rtayos Cali­fornia Farm* at Chowchilla, see A. T. Stata, 29 West Main.—Advertisement.

Mr. and MrsTw.T. Smftfc -itejtj tha daj In Des Moines,'attending hratlon of the Rainbow turn.

Pyrex, the transparent oven wire. Is finding fcivor with every housekeeper. See our assortment Schmidt Hard­ware Company.

The Business Women's Hub have found it necessary to call off the din­ner announced tor the Y. W. G. A. Sunday.—Advertisement.

jiave you tried the Cut Rate Glean• ers and pressers? Save money by leaving your order. Phone 1068. We. call and deliver. H. C. Sparks.

Buttermilk fresn every day, 10 cents per gallon, bring pail: • *Z8' Hast, Nevada street, branch 12 East State street. Jackson Dairy Company, phone 317.

This is regular tennis weather. Wo can fit you out with rackets, , balls, nets and marking tape, so why not en-Joy the game now? Schmidt Hard­ware dompany.

Lee Walters, 612 West Nevada street, returned home this morning from Camp Pike, where he was discharged after ten months' service at that camp in the motor transportation corps.

Buy pasteurized whole milk, it's clean, pure and wholesome, drink It, eat it, cook with it. We deliver on every street In Marshalltown, Iowa, Jackson Dairy Company., Phone 317.

Mrs. Arnold Nelson has received a telegram from her son, Alfred O. Nel­son, of the'121st machine glm bat­talion of the Thirty-second division, that he had landed at Boston Wednes­day. night from overseas. ;

Pianos, player pianos, phonographs, Pathe records, will be sold'at a sacri­fice the next fifteen days as place is sold and we must, give possession at once. Sale starts . Friday. May 16, Morrissey Music Hlouse, 11 East Church street

Frank Dewitt, son of Mr. and Mtt. Frank Dewitt, 207 South Third street, arrived homo this morning from Camp Grant, 111., where he was mustered but of the army. Dewitt served twenty months overseas with the Thirteenth division of engineers.

Bert Drew, son of Mr. and Mrs. .L. Drew, 309 North Fiftli avenue, Who ha* been home on a thirty-day .fur­lough, returnel to Camp Dodge thlfl' morning where he has been transferred from Hong Kong. China. Drew has been in the service for two years. '

Corp. Harley B. Gatewood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gatewood, 126 Anson street, arrived home WednesuiC night from Camp Dodge, where he was mustered out of the army. Gatewood was a member of the Thirty-fifth di­vision and served one year overseas.

Sergt. A. B. Stabler, of Haverhill, son of Mr. and Mr3. J. B. Stabler, re-" turned home this morning from Camp Taylor, Ky„ where he was mustered out of the service. Sergt. Stabler serv­ed with Company M, Thirty-fifth di­vision, and was overseas twelve ment'ns. He was wounded Sept. 29 in the Argonne.

St. Margaret's Mission has Issued several hundred invitations to children of the city for a May party to be given from 3 till 5 Saturday afternoon at Red Men's hall, but for fear some children may have been missed the invitation is also extended thru the press to chil­dren between the ages of four and twelve. Admission 25 cents. Com­mittee.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mullan and daughter, Marjoric. of Sioux City,, ar­rived in the city Wednesday evening from Waterloo and will be guests ov^r Friday of Mrs. Mullan's brother, George F. Thayer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mullan and daughter are on their way from Waterloo, where they had been to attend the funeral of Mr.' Mullan's father. Judge 'C. W. Mullan,

< *> T sr up, -O. tL TwttR jiwlif a* •pUolMi

Or. BrahanCoOsaiiath. Maaaato ti«»li

Drink' OatfM' Wator and,, )pe» W»U, Phont 41. Tlw Ballsy Boy. t i H

Wfctch tomorrow's T.-R. (tor *n-nounoMMiit for May J0.*~Advsrtl*e-m#nt.

The Click »©hool*Moth*>r*' Club will mwet at S o'clock Friday aftornooa in the school building.

A Hot-a»Cold vnotinm ho*tl« l> ln-ulMpensnble on a fishing or incnlc trit>. Bv.hmliit Hardware Company.

If you did not clip out the coupon from Nordskofa nd. get Monday's Is­sue and do so at once.—A<1 vert Isenwpt.

Croquet la a .bsalthfui and piaasant game for young und old. Why not lake a set home with you? yciunldt Hard­wire Company. "

Marekt aaiV"in Marsnailtown Satur­day, May 17. Bring ani'thini* you havo for anle.^ at large ad In thU l aper. fium^, i}unio, Mason * Shoe­maker. t


Q, w. Cawrenos Car Overturnad Whan Struck by Another.

4 What cam# n«ar. proving a bad ai-ci-Inat. and which resulted in injuries to

. ( ti»ree vjecupants oTthe («. \V. l^iwrence T *.V,rd, Happened »We<lnesday evening

_ ' fahou't S:46, when#V heavier car driven by E. K. Bhar.i, i°ltl2 West Church street, struck the rear end of the Iaw-rence car at the Ji»tcrs<sctlon of Ninth and Main Streets, overturning the lighter ca r and damaging It badly.

Mrs. l.awrencti was the worst in­jured, altho she wiui not hurt seriously. Two Or three ribs were torn loose from the Voman's sptm-, and she was pretty badly braised.' Mrs. Kllcabeth liaw-rcnce wns bruised above the right eye. ami suffered a great deal from shock. Mrs. Q. W. Lawrences aunt, Mrs. Mary E. Kidder, was brplsed slightly and

e cele-

& urq«l badfcr

suff«»ad ifmilit frm tUmk. Tha Bharp ear was gatag aaat

Mala atraat aad tlw Uawraaoa oar north on Ninth. In being overturn Ik* Uvtwm oar was pratty damaged, tha lop haing torn off. aiM th« hiIimI ahlold and radiator broken. The Hharp car had one wheel broken, un asle bent, and the steering gear damaged. Mrs. Hharp wwa slightly bruised by the severe ahakiivg up aba received.


Prleea Psld to Farmers by Marshall* town Merchants.

The following prices are quoted by Marshalltown dealers for the different varieties of farmers' provision* grain and produce.

Overturfs Qrocery quotas the fol-' lowing prices:

Butter-M. figga—>40. IVwp4IcI Flour snd fVd I'ompsny

will pay the following prleee at its place of business in this city, «ut»Jeci, however, to market changes. 1

Oats- «!. '.'orii—1.S0.

Tungsten Is no* used aa an element of the electric battery.

CHIROPRACTIC would mean MANY D0LLAR8 to a business firm whoss employees resortsd to spinal adjustments to ksep fit.

8se the Chiroprsctie talks in T.-R. every Wednesday.

Schweitert & Blean CHIROPRACTORS

Over 214 E. Main St. Office Phone 670 Res. Green 10»7

Oxford The Trimhne

Grace exemplified in this dainty oxford. Slender Louis heels, turn soles, trim vamps, appeal­ing lines. *


•t 1 *



1 - !•'. '' '

E. R. LAY Phones 470 or 98

Big Thursday, Friday and Saturday special three days only. Gold Medal floor wax 46 cents per pound. Johnson's Kleen Floor 39 cents pint, Johnson's wax 59 cents pound; Climax wall paped cleaner 12 cents can. Moco Long Oil varnish $2.98 gallon. Vitralite white enamel $1.89 per quart Silktone paint 85 'cents quart, $1.60 half gallon, $3.2-0 gallon. 25 cents bottle Liquid Veneer 21 cents; 50 cent bottle 42 cents. Sale strictly cash and three days only. Simmon's Book. Store. ^

Two troop trains carrying 705 en­listed men and four officers , passed thru the city at 12:40 and 2:00 o'clock this afternoon over the Chicago Great Western, enroute to Des Moines. The first train carrlcd artillerymen who have been acioss since early in the war, and have been In the army of oc­cupation since the^armlstlce was sign­ed. The second train carried men of the Thirty-second division. The men received coffee, doughnuta and clgar-ets from the local canteen workers.

At a dinner jenjoyed by 200 members of the Baptist Sunday school, served at the church Wednesday evening, the termination of the contest between the classes for new members, that was ended at Easter time, was celebrated. The young men's class, taught by Rev. R. B. Davidson, won the contest and a total of 125 new members were added to the school as a result. The dinner was prepared >by the ladies' auxiliary and was served by members of the marlred peoples' class. Alter the meal was over a program of Informal talks was given-. Fred Donnelson was toast-master tlnd the speakers Included Rev. Mr. 'Davidson and 'Rev. W. It. 01app» and Rev. J. F. •SawWs. t.he.

THE NEW ENGLAND Trade at Headquarters—It's Safe

Barch Bros. C«.f Phase 117 I

Commencing Friday morning, May 16, at 80 clock' we will inaugurate a j


Prices on following items will be lowered and the last-"-cent in each item priced will represent 8 cents. 1;'

SALE CLOSES SATURDAY EVENING | One full weight 16 ounce box

w* o£*ch«»l»tes 48c One canned heat copking outfit, com­

plete, including can of ... 28c heat

Men's fancy sox, per pair 28c

LAdieS' black fiber silk hose, excellent values at 58c and . 28c

Ladies' summer weight union suits 48c

Ladies Union Suits 2 for 78c

Boys' union suits 3 for 68c

Men's athletic union suits for 68c

Wash silks for waists, drfesses and men's shirts $1.28

40 inch fancy voiles, excellent cloth and splendid designs, reg- 38c ular 50c value

Zephyr tissue gingham, this season's price 65c, this sale price AiOC

32 inch and 27 inch dress ginghams 18c

27 inch, fancy voiles, 6 yards for 58c

An excellent assortment of laces, 2 yards for 8c

One lot of embroideries, a great Q value, 2 yards fojr OL

Pearl buttons, 2 cards "for Sc

Eit and Alaudhi dyes, pur package 8c

Black and colored all wool serges, 41 inches wide, a great bar- $1.18

36 inch percales, 21/0 yards for 38c

Dustless cleaning cloths, 2 for 8c

Dress snaps, 2 cards for 8c

Moire bags, assorted colors at $2.28

Moire bags, fine quality for $2.88

Hand purses, in black and colors #• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 98c

Hickory shopping bags, kiln dried 98c

Embroidered swiss handker­chiefs , 6 for 78c

Women's embroidered linen handkerchiefs , 3 for . . . . . . 88c

Japanese fancy crepe de chine hankerchiefs 6 for $1.28

Men's dress shirts, a big bar­gain at 98c

64 inch mercerized white table damask 58c

JL1 ancjr

damask e% e\


36 inch bleached shrunk fin­ish Indian head 28c

36 inch fancy white skirtings big value 58c

Men's work shirts, excellent quality 88c

One lot of fancy ribbons special

Filled pearl necklace,, a 75c value, to qlose

Georgette pleated iinffling in colors, to close at


Large bar for

pure castile soap 38c t Jap Rose soap, Creme oil soap, Oliv-"

ilo soap, Kirks hard water 8c castile

A splendid assortment of nail brushes

6 pieces floral georgette crepe, to ciose at


Sweeper Vac carpet sweeper and vacuum cleaner combined^ $3J8


Cocoa door mats at 98c

24 inch fiber suit cases at $1.18

Khaki color all wool knitting yarn to close 48c

Rust proof pink and white corse ts , b ig va lues . . . . . . 98c

One lot fancy Japanese cloths to close 88c

Shell and metal bag frames each 48c

One odd lot corsets to clota a t • • # e a « s s * * * e e a a e * a « a 68c

One odd lot brassieres to close at 38c

" If you can't find what you Want Elsewhere

^r ^ Qm, store.

• : ' - •< • •

Sole Agency for Butterwicfc^: Patterns — The best paper ̂

Patterns published.

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