{ THE NERVI Marie Warchol


THE NERVI. Marie Warchol. Caesar agrees to protect the Aeduans However, as a compromise, he demanded 600 hostages Caesar and his forces got the Ambiani to surrender and took all their possessions The Nervii bordered the Ambiani territory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of THE NERVI



Marie Warchol


Caesar agrees to protect the Aeduans However, as a compromise, he demanded 600 hostages Caesar and his forces got the Ambiani to surrender

and took all their possessions The Nervii bordered the Ambiani territory Caesar was informed that the Nervii: weren’t

accessible by merchants, they had no wine or imported luxuries (thought these things would impair courage)

Nervii were savage+brave, and condemned the Belgae who had surrendered to Rome

Nervii declared that they would not accept terms of peace

Chapter 15


Caesar marched 3 days in the Nervii territory, and discovered the river Sambre was about 10 miles away from camp

All the Nervii were stationed on the other side

The Nervii, with their neighbors (Atrebates + Veromandui) awaited the Romans

The Aduatuci also were awaiting the Romans, having put their women and those useless for war in a safe location

Chapter 16


Caesar sent scouts to choose a camp ground

Some of these scouts, however, went to the Nervii by night and informed them about the Romans, and gave them a plan to seize the Romans baggage trains

The Nervii constructed a wall around themselves as a final warning

Chapter 17


The camp was on a hill, extending from the Sambre river

The enemy hid in the woods around the hill

The river was about 3 feet deep

Chapter 18


Caesar followed the enemy, but the plan of the march was different than reported

While the Romans were fortifying camp, the enemies, hidden in the woods, lined up for battle, and attacked the Roman forces

The Romans were surrounded by Nervii forces, which continued to proceed towards the Roman camp

Chapter 19


Caesar had to take control (give signs, order trumpets, summon soldiers…)

Because of such short notice, many of these actions weren’t taken

However, Caesar had two advantages: First, his soldiers were well trained and knew what to do, secondly, Caesar had kept his lieutenants on site at all times

AKA his soldiers didn’t necessarily need instructions

Chapter 20


Caesar continued to encourage his men as they fought the enemy

He finally gave the signal to commence battle

Lack of time caused the battle to be chaotic

Chapter 21

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The 9th and 10th legions drove away the Atrebates to the river

The 8th and 11th legions gained higher ground while fighting the Veromandui

However, much of the Roman camp was exposed

The Boduagnatus and Nervii headed for the unprotected parts of camp and surrounded some of Caesar’s legions

Chapter 22-23

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Fighting continues Those who came with the Roman

baggage train arrived to find the camp filled with battle

The Treviri, who helped assist the baggage claim rushed back home and told their state that the Romans were conquered and the enemy possessed their camp + baggage train

Chapter 24

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The 4th cohort was defeated The crowded Roman troops were a

hindrance to themselves Many of the other centurions of other

cohorts were killed P. Sextius Baculus, a brave man,

advanced to the front line of battle and ordered the soldiers to keep moving foreword, thus boosting their courage

Chapter 25

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Caesar tried to separate the legions so that they were not so pressed together in battle

Made a charge on the enemy with a double front

Began to fight off the enemy more successfully

Titus Labienus gained possession of the enemy’s camp and observed from higher ground the attack on the Romans. He sent the 10th legion to help the Romans fight.

Chapter 26

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The arrival of the 10th legion restored much courage in the men

Once the Romans had defeated the enemy up close, the enemy began to cast their weapons at the Romans from a hill

They returned the Romans darts so that it appeared as if the enemy had not stupidly passed a river, ascended a hill, and fought in a disadvantaged location

Chapter 27

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Battle was over Nervii were annihilated The women + those unable to fight from

the Nervii sent ambassadors to Caesar and surrendered themselves to him

Nervii senators reduced 600-3 60,000 men to 500 who could bear arms Begged Caesar for compassion

Chapter 28

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The Aduatuci, who had been making their way towards to battle to help the Nervii, turned around after hearing the news

They picked a geographically protected camp site near the Rhine river, and set up 6,000 guards

Chapter 29

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The Roman army arrived at their set up camp and argued with them

The Aduatuci, because of Roman conflict, remained in their camp, surrounded by a rampart

From their camp, they observed the Romans building a tower, which they mocked, thinking there was no use in this construction, and that the Romans didn’t have enough hands or strength to build it

Chapter 30

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When the Aduatuci saw the tower being moved, and approaching their walls, they sent ambassadors to appease Caesar

Treated Caesar with much respect, and gave themselves and all their possessions into Caesar’s possession

Begged to be spared and not deprived of their arms

Chapter 31

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Caesar agreed to spare the Aduatuci if they surrendered themselves before the battering-ram should touch the wall (meaning they would have to give up their arms until they touched the top of the wall)

Caesar agreed to command the Aduatuci’s enemies not to look down or attack the Aduatuci

However, the Aduatuci hid a third part of their town and didn’t give up everything

Chapter 32

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The Aduatuci attacked the Romans and broke treaty of peace while they thought the Romans weren’t paying attention to them

About 4000 of the Aduatuci were killed by the Romans, and the rest returned back to town

Caesar “sold the whole spoil of that town”, which was 53,000 people

Chapter 33

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P. Crassus informs Caesar that the Veneti, Unelli, Osismii, Curiosolitae, Sesuvii, Aulerci, and the Rhedones were now under Roman control

Word spread of Roman victory, and nations beyond the Rhine contacted Caesar saying that they would follow his command if need be

Caesar set out for Italy A 15 day celebration was held for the

Roman victories

Chapter 34-35

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Third person Glorifies the Roman army and himself Refers to the enemies as “savages” and

mocks their lack of culture Presents himself in a very high manner,

as the powerful leader of the Roman army

How Caesar presents the information:

Page 25: THE NERVI

Caesar’s problems all seem to arise through scouts (i.e. when his scouts told the Nervii that the Romans were near by in chapter 17

In battle, Caesar blames much of the time where the Romans are losing on the fact that they didn’t have proper time to prepare for battle

Avoids taking credit for any wrongdoing


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Caesar presents himself as a hero during the surprise attack on the Romans by the Nervii, where Caesar explains how he himself had to give signs, encourage the men, and so on.

P. Sextius Baculus is presented as a hero in chapter 25, yet a lesser hero than Caesar himself.


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Reports in 3rd person Glorifies himself and the Roman army Causes reader to be impressed by his

quick thinking during battle and careful planning

Avoids putting any blame on himself, so that he may continue to look like a hero

Many geographical references to help reader understand the action more

How does Caesar report the action?