The NCAA amended Nutritional Supplements Bylaw …...The NCAA amended Nutritional...


Transcript of The NCAA amended Nutritional Supplements Bylaw …...The NCAA amended Nutritional...



The NCAA amended Nutritional Supplements Bylaw in January 2019. The language now reads:

…Permissible nutritional supplements do not contain any NCAA banned substances and are identified according to the following classes: carbohydrate/electrolyte drinks, energy bars, carbohydrate boosters, protein supplements, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals.


● Provide a general description of omega-3 and implications for athletic populations.

● Describe current landscape of the omega-3 status of collegiate athletes and factors associated with this status.

● Discuss implications of our research and applications to sports nutrition practice, particularly in light of recent developments in NCAA legislation.

●○ Short-chain, plant-based○ Energy source, building block for LC

●○ Long-chain, marine-based○ Inflammation, muscle protein synthesis

●○ Long-chain FA, marine-based○ Brain/ Eye health & development




• Currently NO consensus, but 2019 IOC recommendation is ~2 grams total Omega-3• Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics: 500 mg EPA + DHA daily*• American Heart Association

• General Public- at least 6-8 oz of seafood consumption weekly*• Individuals w/ Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)- at least 5g /day EPA + DHA• Individuals w/o CHD- at least 1 g /day EPA + DHA• Individuals in need of improving blood lipids- 2.4 g/day EPA+DHA

• Institute of Medicine• 1.1 g/d ALA for adult women• 1.6 g/d of ALA for adult men

• Canada: 1.2-1.6 g/d total omega-3’s

• Currently NO consensus, but 2019 IOC recommendation is ~2 grams total Omega-3• Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics: 500 mg EPA + DHA daily*• American Heart Association

• General Public- at least 6-8 oz of seafood consumption weekly*• Individuals w/ Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)- at least 5g /day EPA + DHA• Individuals w/o CHD- at least 1 g /day EPA + DHA• Individuals in need of improving blood lipids- 2.4 g/day EPA+DHA

• Institute of Medicine• 1.1 g/d ALA for adult women• 1.6 g/d of ALA for adult men

• Canada: 1.2-1.6 g/d total omega-3’s


● Sum of EPA + DHA as a % of total erythrocyte fatty acids (4/32 = 12.5%)

● NOTE: Benchmarks primarily based on studies assessing CV markers & all-cause mortality

● Why use O3I?○ Lowest biological variability, results not altered in the fed state○ Correlates w/ EPA + DHA content of variety of tissues, not just RBC’s○ Relationship observed between O3I and CVD risk, but not with daily dose!

Associated w/ highest risk of CVD event

Moderate risk Optimal

0% 4% 8%8

●○ O6:O3 ratio○ Exercise-induced oxidative stress, impacts ability for recovery between training sessions

●○ Blood lipids in high mass positions

●○ Immobilized limbs and muscle disuse atrophy

●○ High impact sports and neuroprotection○ Neurotransmission efficiency- memory, reaction time


Linoleic Acid

alpha-Linolenic Acid

Arachidonic Acid

Eicosapentaenoic Acid

Docosahexaenoic Acid

Desaturases & Elongases

Cyclooxygenases & Lipoxygenases

EicosanoidsProstaglandins & Leukotrienes

EicosanoidsResolvins & Protectins


Changes in consumption of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the United States during the 20th century, Blasbalg et al 2011 11

• O6 consumption in the last century

• O6 Food Sources- poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, cereals, vegetable oils (olive, soybean, corn)

Population Nutrition Intervention FindingsWu et al, 2014

*Rodent study Neuronal DHA significantly reduced following experimental TBI

Desai et al,2014

*Rodent study Dietary restriction of DHA Heightened response to TBI

Amen et al, 2011

30 retired NFL players (signs of brain damage & cognitive impairment)

-5.6 g fish oil dose

~6 month intervention

↑ Cerebral blood flow↑ Cognitive function

Oliver et al, 2016

81 NCAA DI Football Players (TCU)

-2, 4, or 6 g/d DHA~6 month intervention

↓serum Nf-L(measure of axonal injury/ mTBI)

Guzman et al, 2011

24 elite female soccer players

3.5 g/d DHA ↑ Neuromotor function(Reaction time & efficiency)


Population Nutrition Intervention


Yates et al, 2009

36 active players from the Pittsburgh Steelers

2.56 g dose of Fish Oil60 days

↓ triglycerides,VLDL, IDL

↑HDL (+26%)Gravinaet al, 2017

13 competitivesoccer players

.1 g/kg/d of Fish Oil 4 weeks

↑Anaerobic endurance capacity

Hingleyet al,2017

26 trained males 2 g/d of Fish Oil 8 weeks

↑Oxygen efficiency


Demographic Dietary Intake Blood Status

Wilson & Madrigal 2016

n=58 (Nebraska, 84% female)

Avg ALA = 30 mg/dAvg EPA = 20 mg/dAvg DHA = 50 mg/d

Avg O3I = 4.79%

Anzalone et al 2019

n=404(4 NCAA DI football programs)

Avg O3I = 4.4%

No college athletes measured in research above 8%


● Cross-sectional assessment of Omega-3 status of NCAA DI collegiate athletes

● Are athletes consuming sufficient levels of Omega-3’s?

● Secondary Questions● How many athletes are taking supplements on their own accord?● How does intake/ O3 status relate to demographics? (Age, sport, geography)● How do reported dietary intake and blood status relate?● Post-legislation change: who should we be supplementing?


● 8 geographically distinct NCAA Division I institutions (Power 5)

● Male & female from a variety of sports

● Dietary intake & supplement use via previously validated FFQ

● Blood status via fingerstick measuring omega-3 index & full fatty acid analysis


● 21-item food frequency questionnaire

● Administered virtually via Qualtrics link and using physical paper copies

● Revised to include flax and chia, information on supplement use


*Adapted from Sublette et al, 2011

● After completion of FFQ, subjects offered opportunity to participate in blood testing (up to 45 fingersticks per school)○ Minimum blood requirement○ Stability during storage (spot cards pre-treated w/ antioxidant cocktail)

● RD or designated Sports Medicine employee

completed all blood work

● Shipped to OmegaQuant to be processed







Freshmen n=438 (28%)

Sophomores n=362 (25%)

Juniors n=355 (24%)

Seniors n=251 (17%)

5th year/ Graduate Students n=61 (4%)

Not specified n=4 (.5%)










Distribution by Sport

**p<0.01 in all except ALA

Daily Average SD Male Female

ALA 578.5 mg 87.4

EPA 46.9 mg 165.3

DHA 87.4 mg 1164.0

EPA + DHA 142.0 mg 251.4

Total O3 720.6 mg 1227.1 No difference

24IOC: 2 grams total (36%)

720.6 mg

● 45% reported eating no fish in the last 6 months● 13% reported eating no fish or seafood in the last 6 months (0 mg/d DHA + EPA)

● 15% reported using some sort of omega-3 supplement● 67% purchased on their own● 33% received through athletic department via prescription


Average Male Female

Avg Omega-3



4.3% 4.4%

Serum O6:O3Ratio


10.5 7.6

26OmegaQuant Fatty Acid Profile

High risk Moderate risk Optimal27









<2% 2 to 3% 3 to 4% 4 to 5% 5 to 6% 6 to 7% 7 to 8% >8%

# O






Omega-3 Index

Dietary component

O3i Blood ALA

Blood EPA Blood DHA Blood o6:3 ratio

Total O3 + + + +

EPA+DHA + + + +

EPA + + + +

DHA + + + +




Football Non-FootballOmega-3 Index 4.4% 4.3%

O6:O3 Ratio 11.7 8.7*

Males FemalesOmega-3 Index 4.3% 4.4%

O6:O3 Ratio 10.5* 7.6*








Less than 2 times per week 2 times or more per week



3 IN


Fish Meal Frequency vs O3I



5.1%But, still not enough to

achieve “desirable”








Non-Supplementers Supplementers



3 IN


Supplement Use vs O3I












●● Athletes only meeting 35% of 2 g/ day Omega-3 recommendation ● 45% of those surveyed reported they hadn’t eaten fish in the last 6 months

●● Avg Omega-3 Index observed = 4.3%

● Levels this low have been associated with cardiovascular disease● Regular fish intake & supplement use resulted in higher O3I values




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