The National Science Foundation CISE –ANIR Infrastructure programs

Tempe-Feb 2000 1 The National Science The National Science Foundation Foundation CISE –ANIR CISE –ANIR Infrastructure Infrastructure programs programs THOMAS J. GREENE, Ph.D. Senior Program Director, Advanced Networking Infrastructure Division of Advanced Networking Infrastructure and Research


The National Science Foundation CISE –ANIR Infrastructure programs. THOMAS J. GREENE, Ph.D. Senior Program Director, Advanced Networking Infrastructure Division of Advanced Networking Infrastructure and Research. New Directions for ANIR & Network Infrastructure. Outline. 100,000 ft - NSF - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The National Science Foundation CISE –ANIR Infrastructure programs

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The National Science The National Science FoundationFoundationCISE –ANIRCISE –ANIR

Infrastructure Infrastructure programsprograms

THOMAS J. GREENE, Ph.D.Senior Program Director,

Advanced Networking InfrastructureDivision of Advanced Networking Infrastructure

and Research

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New Directions for New Directions for ANIRANIR

&&Network Network

Infrastructure Infrastructure

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100,000 ft - NSF 50,000 ft – CISE 10,000 ft – ANIR

– Recent History – Staffing status

500 ft –ANI Ground zero – the Infrastructure


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New to NSF

Joined NSF-CISE-ANIR as IPA Oct 2000Career experiences- Formal Study – Physics degrees Director of Admin systems -Director of

Academic systems Faculty member of Physics & Computer

Science depts MIT –LCS …14 years (mgr of special

projects:Computer resources, Scout –NCHPC, W3C

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What is NSF?

Is an Independent Agency of the Federal Government

Was established in 1950 to promote and advance scientific progress in the United States by sponsoring scientific research and by supporting selected activities in science and engineering

Does not conduct research itself

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The Presidentof the

United States

Office ofManagementand Budget

Agriculture Health &Human Services





& SpaceAdministration







Transportation Defense Energy Commerce

Science Advisor

Office ofScience &

Technology Policy

Other Boards,Councils, Etc.

Independent Agencies

Major Departments

US agencies

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National Science Foundation

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NSF Is a Science Management Agency

Scientists and InstitutionsResponding to Broad CivilianScientific Needs of the Nation

30,000 FY 1997 Proposal Actions

60 Advisory 1,210 250,000Groups Employees Reviews

(6,000 Members) (50,000 Reviewers)

Almost 19,000 Award ActionsFor Over $3 Billion

(Academic, Industrial, Non-Profit,Governmental Recipients)


* Includes 128 IPA staff (IPA=Intergovernmental Personnel Act)

Science Management Agency

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NSF Modes of Support

Individual projects Instrumentation Large-scale facilities Fellowships, traineeships, research

assistantships, post-doctoral funding Centers

– Research– Science and engineering education

Small Business Innovation Workshops

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NSF Key Proposal Review Criteria

What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity?

What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity?

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What is CISE?

CISE DIVISIONS–(ACIR) advanced computational infrastructure & research–(ANIR) advanced networking infrastructure & research–(C-CR) computer-communications research–(EIA) experimental & integrative Activties–(IIS) information and intelligent systems

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–(ACIR) (ANIR) advanced networking infrastructure & research–(C-CR) –(EIA)–(IIS)

ANIR -Division director –Aubrey Bush

Research ProgramsTy Znati+2 1/2

Infrastructure Programs

Tom Greene+2 1/2

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The ANIR process

Goal = Fund proposals! Solicit proposals through program

announcements IDEAL --Fund Most? They are thoughtfully

and carefully prepared and most should be funded

REAL –limited funds –use a peer review process – choose some

______________MORE FUNDS => FUND MORE


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NSF = $ 4,600M CISE = $529 M ANIR =$68.7 M I= $45.4M

– I= $45.4M– R = $23.3M


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Four Networking Infrastructure Communities (Clients of ANI)Network experimenters

New IT,computer science

Computational Scientists –(biologists,physicists, etc

Schools, colleges, educators

High End ,Virtual Infrastructure

High performance Multimedia

High Performance Compute

Connectivity, medium services

QoS , mobility


Grand Challenge

Distance learning





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THE VISION –Cyber Infrastructure


People & Training

Instrumentation(large and/ormany small)

Large DatabasesDigital Libraries

Broadband Network



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PLANS – Oct 15 ,2000

A. Define new programs B. Find new Staff C. Retire old programs– complete

all outstanding proposal processing

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Status – A, B, C

A. --2 new programs written, (1 in process)

B. --3 people signed (21/Feb, 1/Mar, 15/Mar)

C. -- Catch up on proposals- in process

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ANI Programs– (NSF 01-63) –MWIR - Centerpiece

program for Infrastructure & Research:– Network Centric MIDDLEWARE Services

(NSF 01-63) –[]

(NSF 01-73) -HPNC - A new connections program focus is next tier institutions []

(NSF 98-104) - Internet Techs - 3 yrs old -rewrite in process. (theme?= End to End ??)

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Participate in the process Proposals needed Ad-hoc reviewers needed Panel member reviewers needed Fresh ideas

– Workshops– Publications– White papers– Committees

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Conclusions –

Important activity Impossible mission

Listen! Achieve some measurable results Do not get killed while moving


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Thank You!