The Myth of the ETH as ETFact

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  • 8/14/2019 The Myth of the ETH as ETFact


    Above and Beyond

    The Myth of the ETH as ETFact

    By Paul Kimball

    Of all the non-terrestrial theories that have been offered to explain the UFO phenomenon, the

    extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) has always seemed the most plausible one to me. I don't think it's

    been proved, but I think it's a better bet than the others on offer when one looks at the evidence, and

    the science.

    The evidence seems to indicate that at least some UFO cases represent a non-human intelligence at

    work. The science now tells us that there are almost certainly other intelligent beings in the galaxy, and

    if they are more advanced than us, there's a reasonably good chance that they could make their wayhere.

    However, its critical to remember that the key letter in ETH is the "H" - it's still just a hypothesis, and

    anyone who tells you that they can prove that aliens have visited Earth beyond a reasonable doubt, or

    even on the balance of probabilities, is putting the cart well before the horse.

    Beyond that, however, I think the biggest problem with the ETH supporters within ufology is that they're

    so... "limited" in their outlook. They are convinced that aliens have visited Earth, and in many cases

    they are convinced that they are still visiting Earth, and interacting with humans in all sorts of ways,

    some good and some bad. They are of the "nuts and bolts" school of thought, i.e. Joe Alien made his

    way to Earth in a flying saucer, in much the same way that Captain Kirk and all of our other sciencefiction icons make their way about the galaxy.

    This is what I call "Keyhoe-ian" ufology, because it is based directly on the way of thinking that Major

    Donald Keyhoe first put forward in the 1950s. It is out-of-date, and badly out-of-touch with modern

    science. It presumes that aliens are only a few decades, or maybe one or two hundred years or so

    more advanced than us, which is highly unlikely. It presumes that the aliens are preoccupied with us,

    and that we are somehow important to them, which is also highly unlikely. In short, it is a point of view

    that is based on what people who grew up in the pioneering days of sci-fi and the space race expect of

    their aliens, and not the point-of-view that modern physicists and astrobiologists take.

    The pro-ETH as ETFact stance of people like Keyhoe and his successors, the most prominent of which

    has been the flying saucer physicist, Stanton Friedman, is a relic of a different time and place, which is

    ironic when one considers that these people often criticize scientists for not being open-minded about

    the UFO phenomenon, and for being stuck in the past.

    If aliens are here, it is probable that they are far more advanced than we are, by an order of thousands

    of years, not hundreds. We would be to them as ants are to us - beneath their notice. This might well

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    explain the inherent weirdness of many UFO sightings - things that appear to us almost as magic, or

    something that in a different era would have been framed in religious terms. As physicist Michio Kaku

    has noted, there may well be a galactic conversation going on, but in a "language" that we are

    thousands of years from being able to truly comprehend.

    Of course, ETFact ufologists would quickly point out that there are at least a few humans who doindeed study ants - entomologists, which is true enough. But for them I have the following question:

    How many entomologists spend 60 years - or longer, if you are a proponent of the notion that ET has

    been coming here for centuries - studying the exact same ant hill?

    That idea strikes me as ridiculous. It's a desperate attempt to force fit our own way of thinking onto

    potential life forms that would be far more advanced than we are - and they would have to be much

    more advanced in order to get here from there (ignore someone like Friedman, who will try to tell you

    about how it's actually relatively easy to get to our local galactic neighbours, if only we would try harder,

    and spend more money).

    Again, I'm not saying that the ETH isn't a good hypothesis... indeed, as I noted before, I think it's the

    most plausible one amongst the various paranormal hypotheses on offer. It's the claim by nuts-and-

    bolts ufologists like Friedman and Keyhoe - and hucksters like Billy Meier - that ET is making his way

    here aboard flying saucers and acting like we do that I take issue with, because that contention is far

    more science fiction than science fact.

    ETFacters Friedman and Keyhoe who try to convince you that aliens are basically just like us are no

    different from religious fundamentalists who portray God as a kindly, white-haired Anglo-Saxon. Such

    portrayals tell you a great deal about the people who put those images and beliefs forward, but

    absolutely nothing about the possible entity or entities under discussion. The ETFacters are flying

    saucer fundamentalists, and in their own way they have done as much damage to the serious scientificstudy of the UFO phenomenon as people like Dr. Edward Condon, Dr. Donald Menzel, or Philip J.


    By focusing on the idea that little green / grey men have been coming here in nuts and bolts

    spaceships, ETFacters have done a grave disservice to the search for truth about the UFO

    phenomenon, and its possible alien origins, in the same way that thousands of years of religious

    leaders have undermined the search for the true nature of God by force-fitting it into a limited paradigm

    that simply served to reinforce their own worldview. They have not sought wisdom, nor understanding -

    they have simply proclaimed an "answer" which has been no answer at all.

    The reductionist approach that has been adopted by the ETFacters, which seeks to make potential

    alien life over unto our own image, lacks vision. It is more concerned with what they see as the

    destination, and their need to get there now, when what we should really be focusing on is the journey,

    and the wonders we may discover along the way. That's the realsignal in all of this. Everything else is

    just noise.
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    The worst thing about all of this, however, is the hypocrisy that you find with many of the supposedly

    more serious members of the ETFact group. They are convinced that aliens are here, and interacting

    with humanity, but they are vocal critics of exopolitics, which simply takes the ETFact position to its

    logical conclusion.

    Exopolitics, according to Dr. Michael Salla, one of its best known proponents, is:

    is the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestriallife... exopolitics focus[es] on the political implications of an extraterrestrial presence known toclandestine quasi-governmental entities that keep knowledge of this presence secret from the generalpublic, elected political officials & even senior military officials. The supporting evidence isoverwhelming in scope and shows that decision making is restricted on a strict 'need to know' basis.

    Take the word "exopolitics" out of the equation, and that sounds like something Friedman would say.

    Indeed, if you've heard Friedman speak as many times as I have, you'll note the similarity in the main

    themes - aliens are here, government is covering up the knowledge of that fact, and we the people

    have a right to know the truth. At Salla'swebsite for his "exopols courses", he even uses the motto"preparing for our cosmic graduation", which directly echoes Friedman's decades-old mantra that

    perhaps someday we will be ready to qualify for the cosmic kindergarten.

    Friedman's biggest issue with exopolitics, at least in public, seems to be the fact that they are not

    terribly fussy about vetting their so-called witnesses and whistleblowers. In that respect, he's quite right.

    However, as more than one exopol has pointed out to me, Friedman has a history of touting his own

    very flawed witnesses (Gerald Anderson pops to mind right off the bat, followed closely by Glenn

    Dennis), and cases (Aztec, Flatwoods, flying saucer air wars in the 1950s, perhaps even Roswell).

    Frankly, while I disagree with the very premise that underlies the exopolitical belief system (that at least

    some UFOs have been proved to be alien spacecraft), the more I think about it, the more I find theexopols to be more intellectually honest than people like Friedman, who agree with them on the big

    picture, but have done little or nothing to try and effect actualpolitical change. The exopols have it right

    - if you believe aliens are here, and the government is covering it up, then that is a political issue of the

    highest order, and no longer a scientific one.

    Friedman is the de facto Godfathers of Exopolitics - in large part, he created the "family" that is modern

    ETFact, "Cosmic Watergate" ufology, but like Vito Corleone, he is incapable of taking what he has

    created and moving it into its next logical phase. Indeed, like the Don, it is a phase that he wants

    nothing to do with, even as others around him, whom he has inspired, recognize the logical and

    inevitable implications of what he has been saying all of these years, and are prepared to act on it, no

    matter how much he protests.

    The real scandal, however, is that Friedman, like other serious ETFacters, employs a double standard

    with absolutely no sense of irony when they run into people who question their position. Anyone they

    favour who is subjected to critical examination is a victim of character assassination, while people the

    ETFacters don't like, or whom they don't support, like Bob Lazar, or Philip Corso, or even Dr. J. Allen

    Hynek, are fair game (in Friedmans universe, Hynek is "an apologist ufologist"). When you mention Dr.
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    Jacques Vallee to them, they become even more desperate in their attacks. Anything that threatens to

    undermine the belief system they have constructed results in the ufological equivalent of the Spanish


    People looking for the real scientific approach to the UFO phenomenon, the kind that was championed

    over the years by Hynek, Vallee, and Dr. James McDonald, should look elsewhere. Why? BecauseHynek, McDonald and Vallee left us with myriad case investigations, new theories and ways of looking

    at the UFO phenomenon, sighting classification systems, and other important legacies. Even people

    like Friedmans old classmate, Dr. Carl Sagan, left us with a sense of wonder about the prospect of ET

    life, even though he was no proponent of the ETH. On the other side, the ETFacters have left us with

    Roswell, MJ-12, Aztec, tales of massive flying saucer wars between the USAF and UFOs, and other

    stories that belong in a science fiction anthology, not a serious discussion of what the UFO

    phenomenon might or might not represent.

    The shame is that someone like Friedman could have done so much more if only he, like his ETFactfellow travelers, had not let their will to believe overwhelm their critical faculties. Those people who

    want the old time flying saucer / conspiracy gospel will feel right at home with them, because what theyoffer is comfortable, and provides a sense of continuity and familiarity, and even fraternity. What it doesnot offer, however, is an honest search for the truth about the UFO phenomenon.

    It never did.

    Paul Kimball