The Mystery of Longevity- You Must Read

The Mystery of Longevity Good Diet What is the role of Good Diet? We need balanced diet in order to keep fit. But longevity, only God knows!!! Well an honest answer is that eating habits have a direct link with good health, but no direct link with longevity. This may sound a bit awkward, but even many poor people having no access to balanced diet have lived exceptionally long life. From this one should not get a wrong message that diet is not important for long life. If you feel confused then wait for a while and things will become clear in this article. Surveys indicate that in certain areas of the world where more people outlive (100 years or more) the average life spans (around 70 years) their life style includes the following: • Living a natural life with some kind of work which gives physical exercise. • Having company of others in the family even in late years. • Good balanced diet.


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Transcript of The Mystery of Longevity- You Must Read

The Mystery of LongevityGood Diet

What is the role of Good Diet?

We need balanced diet in order to keep fit. But longevity, only God knows!!!

Well an honest answer is that eating habits have a direct link with good health, but no direct link with longevity. This may sound a bit awkward, but even many poor people having no access to balanced diet have lived exceptionally long life. From this one should not get a wrong message that diet is not important for long life. If you feel confused then wait for a while and things will become clear in this article.

Surveys indicate that in certain areas of the world where more people outlive (100 years or more) the average life spans (around 70 years) their life style includes the following:

Living a natural life with some kind of work which gives physical exercise.

Having company of others in the family even in late years.

Good balanced diet.

Some hobby or pastime to vent stress and negative emotions.

But the fact is that even in those areas not all people following this lifestyle live long.

What Decides Longevity?

Let us be clear that longevity or span of life is decided by the unseen forces which control ones life. Well some of my knowledgeable friends may say that no that is not right, it is heredity which decides through genes passed on. Okay I agree, but it is again something not under our control? So what was wrong with what I said?

The Secret: The secret to all this is that the over-self of a person sends him or her down here for a certain predefined period of time in order to gain some specific experiences. Each one comes here with a pre decided life span, but the over-self can extend or shorten it as and when it thinks essential for the tasks in hand. The over-self can extend ones life span if in addition to other factors the body is fit to live long.

What is Our Duty?

The above stated facts do not free us from our duty or responsibility in helping our over-self.

If we do our duty well in accomplishing the tasks assigned to us and have a desire to live long then the over-self may decide to extend the life span, so this calls each one of us to give due care to the following:

Follow good eating habits such as eating a balanced diet and avoiding overeating to keep the body fit and trim, full of energy to accomplish set goals in life.

Some regular exercise in order to assimilate what we eat and aid all natural body functions. For this we need to follow on regular basis Pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation.

Keep our mind peaceful, free of tension and negative thoughts so that we are receptive to signals from our over-self for knowing and accomplishing tasks assigned.

Live a righteous life and strive for good character development.

Fresh Air to Breath

Air is generally polluted especially in urban areas. Fresh air is very essential for sound mental as well as physical health. There are certain plants which are natural air purifiers.

One can survive for many days without food but not more than a few minutes without oxygen.

Inside the cells of our body carbon dioxide and other toxic substances are formed as the result of various processes. As the blood carrying carbon dioxide reaches the lungs, it is exhaled and oxygen is inhaled which gets dissolved in the blood and is then carried to every body cell.

But the air these days carries many pollutants. So here is how you can take help of plants which do a wonderful job.Indoor Plants that Purify Air

Plants and trees take up carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen into the air. There are certain indoor plants which absorb many pollutants and give oxygen. These plants can be grown in pots and placed inside the house.

It is important that these plants are kept in healthy condition by proper watering and fertilizing. Only healthy plants will do their job of air purification better as compared to unhealthy plants.

Some commonly available air purifying indoor plants are described here. Their local names may vary so the pictures will help in their identification.

Aloe (Aloe Vera): The Aloe Vera plant is very common and can be seen as a potted plant in many homes. In India it is also known by the name of Ghrit-kumari. The gel inside its thick leaves has medicinal qualities and heals cuts and burns.

This plant removes chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene which are released into air from many chemical based house cleaners and paints etc.

This plant can be grown in a suitable pot and kept in a kitchen window where sun rays fall on it as it likes sun rays.

Spider plant: The Spider plant is also commonly available and its botanical name is chlorophytumcomosum. In India it is also known as musli, it is a grass like, clump forming, evergreen perennial of the lily family.

The plant also bears Small white flowers. This plant is very hardy and survives even when neglected.

The spider plant removes benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene from air.

Snake plant: Its botanical name is Sansevieriatrifasciata and is also called 'Laurentii' andas tongue of mother-in-law, this plant removes pollutants like formaldehyde, which is common in cleaning and personal care products.

This plant grows well in humid and low light places such as bathrooms alternately it can be placed anywhere indoors.

Golden pothos: Its botanical name is scindapsusauresand is a powerful plant for filtering formaldehyde in the air. It is also known as devils ivy. This plant is very common in Indian houses and is called money plant .Its a fast-growing vine and grows even when placed in dark places.

In addition to placing it at other places around the house also place it in places where vehicles and generators are kept so that it removes pollutants from fumes.

Chinese evergreen: The botanical name is Aglaonema Crispumand is also known as 'Deborah'.It is a good air filter and is very easy to grow. It can be placed even in low light places. It bears blooms and red berries.

Bamboo palm: Its botanical name is Chamaedoreasefritzii and is also known as reed palm.

This plant grows well even in low light areas and produces flowers and small berries. This plant is best for filtering out both benzene and trichloroethylene from the air.

Spiritual Significance of Flowers

What a great gift of nature are flowers! Flowers talk, try to listen; they speak the language of love with hidden spiritual meaning!

The earth laughs in flowers.

There is a vast variety of fauna and flora which makes this Earth beautiful. Flowers of different shapes and colours are natures expression of love towards all sentient beings. Ralph Emerson in his above stated quote expresses beautifully that the Earth laughs in flowers.

The beauty, scent and mystical aura of different flowers touch us deeply at emotional and spiritual levels of existence.See Planetary Effects of this Month on Your Horoscope

Each flower silently radiates its hidden spiritual message through language of heart viz. language of love.Lotus

The lotus flower grows from dirty water and blossoms as a pure flower (there is no cross pollination) so it is a symbol of purity and resurrection. In a way it symbolizes evolution of an individual from impure state of consciousness to enlightenment or self-realization.Red Roses

The message varies as per colour and the red roses convey deep love, concentration, intelligence, balance, and passion. They are also sometimes seen as a message for healing, revitalization, rejuvenation and courage.

Since ancient times, a rose represents the divine forces at work. The gradual blossoming of its bud through layers of petals is how the psyche develops through unfolding of spiritual wisdom.

The pleasant and unforgettable sweet scent of rose reminds one of the sweetness of love.Daffodils

Daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings and convey messages of faith, honesty, truth, forgiveness, and forthrightness. They are given as a token of forgiveness or appreciation for honesty.Tulips

Tulips symbolize perfect love. Different colors of tulips also carry their own significance. Red tulips are associated with true love, while purple symbolize royalty, yellow tulips convey cheerful thoughts and sunshine of hope, and white tulips indicate worthiness and forgiveness. Sunflower

Their Sun seeking nature makes them symbol of spiritual attainment. They also represent flexibility, opportunity, good luck, wealth and ambition.

The sunflower symbolises Spiritualism. The seven branches of Sunflowers stand for the seven days in a week and twelve leaves for the twelve months in a year. Usually each branch carries three flowers which are believed to represent the holy Trinity viz. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.Its 52 yellow petals stand for the 52 weeks in a year. A flower usually carries 365 seeds which are the days in a year. Daisy

The daisy is symbolic of increasing spiritual awareness, creativity and inner strength. It conveys an important message that through creativity anything can be accomplished. Daisies attract spiritually like minded people together and bless them with peace and love sharing.