The Mystery of Bigfoot

The Mystery of Bigfoot Adam and Spencer


The Mystery of Bigfoot. Adam and Spencer. The Legend of Bigfoot. 8 ft Tall, 600-800 pounds. Bi-Pedal, Human Features. Where can you find a Bigfoot?. Oregon California Pacific Canada. Ancient Bigfoot Records. What could it be?. gigantopithecus. Other Theories?. Paranthropus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Mystery of Bigfoot

Page 1: The Mystery of Bigfoot

The Mystery of Bigfoot

Adam and Spencer

Page 2: The Mystery of Bigfoot

The Legend of Bigfoot

8 ft Tall, 600-800 pounds

Bi-Pedal, Human Features

Page 3: The Mystery of Bigfoot

Where can you find a Bigfoot?

• Oregon• California• Pacific Canada

Page 4: The Mystery of Bigfoot


Page 5: The Mystery of Bigfoot

What could it be?


Page 6: The Mystery of Bigfoot
Page 7: The Mystery of Bigfoot

Other Theories?


Page 8: The Mystery of Bigfoot

Is Bigfoot an alien?

Page 9: The Mystery of Bigfoot

Our Theory?

Gigantopithecus +the hoax theory!

Page 10: The Mystery of Bigfoot

Does it exist?

Patterson-Gimlin Video footage of “Bigfoot” encounter

Page 11: The Mystery of Bigfoot


Page 12: The Mystery of Bigfoot

What has Bigfoot Inspired today?

Page 13: The Mystery of Bigfoot

Messing with Sasquatch!