The Music Center's 50th Anniversary Guest Book



In celebration of The Music Center's 50th Anniversary, we asked some of our email subscribers and generous donors if they'd be kind enough to leave a note in our "digital guestbook" with their own memories of The Music Center and best wishes for our future.

Transcript of The Music Center's 50th Anniversary Guest Book

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Read the Guest Book!

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Thanks for 50 years! - Ciran Hadjian

Many congratulations on the first 50, and best wishes for the next 50! -Catherine Babcock

Bonnie & Bill Nuss

Bravissimo to the great music centers its theaters and activities!!!! Yehuda Gilad

Congratulations on many enjoyable afternoons and evenings! Happy 50th. - Bridget Marshall

Congratulations on 50 years of bringing joy to the City. We look forward to 50 more. - Kirk and Cathy Reynolds

Congratulations. Wishing you many more successful years. -Mary R Stauffer

Congratulations! What a remarkable milestone - fifty years of enriching community, challenging audiences and creating a home for performers -

The Music Center defines the very fabric of Los Angeles. Here's to the next fifty years of artistry and innovation! THANK YOU!

-Michael Jung

Here is to another 50! -Vladimir Horunzhy

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I am indeed honored to be asked to sign this card. In the last 35 years that I have been in L.A., I have attended many performances and

rehearsals of the Los Angeles Philharmonic as well as the Los Angeles Opera. For many years I was a volunteer with the L.A.Phil's Education and Development departments and I enjoyed working with the people

there. I am a conductor and I still cherish the hope of someday conducting the L.A. Philharmonic.

-Adil Mehta

What a wonderful 50 years it has been. I remember having lunch with Mrs Chandler at Perinos and hearing all about her plans for the future.

And look at us now. Happy Birthday to another 50. –Nan Corman

A glorious 50th to my favorite venue in Los Angeles. May there be another 200 at least! I have seen a wealth of plays that I would not have been able to see.. I've watched the theatres change and grow and all of it

is simply grand. -Deanne Mencher

To a great place in the heart of Los Angeles. -Gloria Salas

"Mabuhay" to the Music Center on its golden anniversary! Truly, L.A.'s cherished centerpiece. --Regina Flores Tercero

No longer live in LA, but I have so many great memories of amazing productions seen at the Music Center! - Elizabeth Kendrick

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Happy 50th Anniversary to the Music Center. You have played an important role in presenting all phases of the performing arts in Los

Angeles. - Ron and Helen Matsunaga

Congratulations from A & D Music & The Apodaca Family Palo Verde, CA As an Angelino born in the 1950s, it was a treat to see my Native

American parents, who were born in the 1920s, where Dodger Stadium now stands, go to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion to see such artists as Segovia, The Romeros and later on for me to take my daughter to see

Carmina Burana perform there. Thank you for keeping the music alive! You have inspired generations of future professional musicians

Rebecca Apodaca

Congratulations!!! 50 years of inspired collaboration! - Ralph Funicello

Congratulations to 50 great years of music! Thanks to all of those who have made The Music Center an amazing musical experience time and

time again! Los Angeles is blessed! - Katheryne Levin

Happy birthday, and thanks for so many great performances!

- Jan Gonder

I love the music center! I have seen so many wondeeful operas, concerts, plays, and musicals threr. congratulations on 50 years! - Jay Belloli




The music center has been my second home since the mid seventies;

ballet, opera, and the LA Master Chorale have been a big part of my life

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as a violinist and orchestra manager! A very warm congratulations!! -Steve Scharf

Thanks for the memories!! - Mitzi Morin

Los Angeles is lucky for have The Music Center (Dorothy Chandler Pavilion). The Music Center has brought the City a real cultural revival since its inception: Opera, Symphony, Ballet, Stage, both musical, drama and also experimental. The educational music programs that the Center has provided have been extremely valuable to our youth. It is up to us to

continue to support the Music Center. - Gail Brow

Congratulations on this wonderful anniversary and thanks for providing so many years of wonderful entertainment. Looking forward

to the next 50! - Cheryl Kagan

Congratulations to all involved with this historic Los Angeles Icon . One for the ages !!! Let us all celebrate and enjoy this day . Tony Valtier , L.A.

Cathedral graduate , class of 1957 . - Antonio Valtier

Congratulations!! - Eden Stein

Congratulations for bringing wonderful music to LA! - Karen & OJ Fagan

May the next 50 years exceed the past 50 years. - Moira Louise Johnson

Congrats on the first 50 years of your young life. May you live to be a 100!!! Have enjoyed all the events we have attended over the years. Keep

up the terrific shows. - Martha Burns

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It’s been 50 years of fun! - Z. Jacob

Happy Anniversary and thanks for bringing great music and musicians to Los Angeles. - Jacqueline Stehr

The Music Center has been a positive influence on the community and its young people! Please keep up the great work for another 50 years atleast!

Mary Eubanks

Happy 50th Year! Love Phyllis Taylor and Toussaint McCall

Happy 50th Anniversary! We love our outings to the Music Center, Toni Hudson and Patrick Gaganidze

I've been a SubscRiber for approximately 25 years and am honored to continue to support the Music Center. - Jennifer Lincourt

What a blessing to have The Music Center in the heart of Los Angeles! Here's to the next 50 years! - David Woodbury

I've enjoyed The Music Center for all of its 50 years. I've attended live plays and concerts for all of those years and am still enjoying the many

cultural events that I still see now. Thanks for all of the pleasure The Center has given me. - Maxine Hanger

Congratulations! - Liz Jacobowitz

thanks for 50 great years - ruth staub

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The Music Center gave me and my family years of outstanding entertainment and enriched our lives. Thank you to those involved with this wonderful enterprise, and in particular, Gordon Davidson, founding

Artistic Director. - Gilbert Skopp



Thinking back to when the Music Center was only a dream; who could have imagined what a truly wonderful dream it would become!! Happy

50th! - Gene Gilbert

Congratulations! I now live permanently in Hawaii, but come to performances every now and then in Los Angeles. When Esa-Pekka

Salonen is conducting is really special! Thank You for staying in touch! Tuula Suffin

We are indeed privileged to have such a center, which maintains the high standards in which all Performing Arts should hold! Especially in

the Opera & Ballet. I drive 50 miles to see these performances. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! And Happy 50th Anniversary!

- Anita Tabib

The enchanted evenings at the music center abound The memories that were made there linger. When I am old and sit in a rocking chair on a porch somewhere, I will close my eyes and be there, again, and again

and again. The years are passing May more people have memories like mine May the Music Center continue to bring enchanted evenings to all

- Josephine Vannieuwpoort

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I remember when we started the "BUCK BAG" campaign at that time when we raised money to begin the building of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. We took those bags with us everywhere and passed it up and

down the aisles encouraging everyone to contribute solid greenbacks and checks. I'll never forget my first community event where ( when I passed the bag) I got over $150 in singles and then some guy looked into the bag and shouted, "What's wrong with you pikers? Dig into your pockets and

either write a check or pull out a couple bills and fill up this bag". He promptly threw in beautiful brand new $100.00 bill and stood there until

the rest of the row put in $50's and $20's. - Adele Bloom

Congrats for years of entertainment. Looking forward every year to the new season. Thanks - Christa Saevke

So happy we have this great music center and hard to believe its 50 years old. My daughter Laura and I have seen many operas and hope to continue enjoying them. My husband Richard and I have also enjoyed the wonderful Christmas programs and look forward to many more.

Happy Birthday Music Center and all those great people that make it happen year after year.

- Sandra Estrada and family

Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary. Thank you for all the wonderful programs you have made available to the people of Los

Angeles - Barbara Jones

This place is where I spent the better part of my professional musical life. Congratulations to the center, and my sincere gratitude for the

generosity of many for making downtown Los Angeles one of the most important artistic centers in the world! I'm so proud to have been an

active participant!

- Peter Snyder Cellist/ L. A. Philharmonic from 1973-2008

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Thank you soooooooo much. You've made our lives much happier. Donald Cutler

Congratulations on 50 wonderful years! You are a bright shining star and don't look a day over 21~ with love and appreciation for continuing

to be a force in the arts in Los Angeles! - Francine Stern

Congratulations! Fifty years of the finest of the arts and music for us. Gene Richey

So Glad we have the Music Center! - Margaret Queen

The Music Center has been such a significant part of our lives, and we congratulate all the hard-working staff and musicians that have made it

all possible. - Curtis Feese

Happy 50th Anniversary. Quite an accomplishment for a center as young as it is! Congratulations! - Ellen Gomez

Happy Birthday! - Robert Friedman


What a wonderful achievement for the city of Los Angeles. Congratulations and best wishes for a bright future

- Ingrid Robertson

Congratulations! - Janet Harms

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You have enlighted and fill us with the music for 50 years. Thank you for the melodies. - Suzanne Del Rio

So many wonderful memories for me. - Joan Forman

I spent many a wonderful afternoon there. -Joan Mortenson

The Music Center is an absolutely essential part of the fabric of Los Angeles. Thanks to your tireless efforts, we've laughed and cried, been

inspired and left in awe, and had our lives enriched. To everyone involved, you deserve multiple curtain calls. Here's to the next 50 golden

years! - Bruce Miller

Wow. Time has certainly gone fast. I have gone to the Music Center over the course 26 yrs. Between Ahmanson and Mark Taper. I look to the last

Sunday of every performance. - Marla Lickhalter

I thank you for all your hard work and deep joy that you all give. - Herb Moorman

Congratulations on your fifty years of premiere entertainment and best wishes for your next fifty years. - John & Elaine Gidcombe

Happy Anniversary I love you and have many a great evening with you! - Lynne Andresevic

Congratulations on 50 wonderful years in los angeles, california sincerely yours: bill and ellen adelman

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Congratulations! And a big thank you for all the glorious music and other performances you've given us, enriching our lives with all the arts.

Your contributions to the City are immeasurable, so here's to 50 more years of success! - Florence Mesker

Sorry I haven't been with you for all the 50 years, but glad I'm with you for the last 12. What a great team. - Lorraine and Jesse Hizami

Due to the incredible foresight and dedication of Mrs. Chandler and the numerous volunteers and professionals who have followed over the past half century, the Music Center has led Los Angeles from the backwoods to the forefront of the performing arts in America. Congratulations on

your incredible accomplishments! - Nicholas Winslow

Congratulations! We are fortunate to have such a world-class music center here in Los Angeles. - Vicki Bliss

Thank you for your fantastic vision 50 years ago. A real gift to Los Angeles and all who have had the opportunity to enjoy so many

wonderful events all these years. Happy 50th Anniversary!! Sincerely, Jody Rishel

Happy 50th to the place where I have spent many wonderful hours ever since arriving in LA in Sept. of 1974! - Twyla Meyer

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CONGRATULATIONS! As a subscriber, with my late husband, Hon.Maxwell Salter, to the Ahmanson & Taper theatres, &, attending

hundreds of concerts and operas for the past 48 years, it gives me great pleasure to show gratitude and joy for the 50th anniversary of the

incredibly beautiful creation...The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion/Center for the performing Arts! May it continue to give pleasure & excitement to

my family & me, & to the thousands of appreciative audiences for many many more years! - JANET SALTER

We started attending in the late 60's. The Music Center was our favorite place to go for many decades. I have many fond memories of lovely nights spent amidst the glittering high rises of our lovely city. My fondest memory is Dec 1973 at an evening performance, my labor

started, my husband thought I was going to have our daughter there. Thank you to everyone involved in making this such a special place to

spend a day or night out. - Paullanna Caputo

Sorry I missed the first year, but I have been a regular since then. Congratulations! -George P Coulter

Congratulations on a fantastic 50 years, -Elizabeth Hoage

Congratulations on 50 years of beautiful music! Looking forward to another 50 years! - Elaine Weidauer

I began as a student ticket buyer, amazed at the very athletic physique of Zubin, soon fell in love with music of Beethoven, and began my subscription that continues after 25 years. - William Nickman

Thanks for 50 years of great entertainment. We have enjoyed all of them. - Bill & Sue Roen

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If music be the food of love, play on, magnificent Music Center. Claire Weinberg

50years and still going strong. Congratulations on this milestone. Bevera Skelton

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for all the wonderful music and shows. George, Michael, Katie, and Rachel Laase

Many Many more years of Music that we will never get tired of. Thank you for this gift that continues to enlighten and enrich us all.

- Deborah G. Robinson

You have been a beautiful gift to the city and people of Los Angeles for 50 years now! Happy Anniversary! - Joyce Geronca

Thank you for all your hard work. What a beatiful legacy for our city. Jennifer Powell

I have enjoyed many performances at "The Music Center" with friends and family! I thank all the supporter, volunteers, artists and employees of the music center for the years that you have made it possible for us to enjoy an evening at "The Music Center"! Without you, this dream would

have not been possible. – Lupe Hernandez

To another 50 years of legendary culture and enjoyment!

- Alan J. Levi

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To the late Dolly Bright (Silliman) who, as a major art patron and a friend of Dorothy Chandler, was one of the first principal donors of the

Music Center. - Anthony Peraino

The lure of the productions at the Music Center erases the pain of the traffic on the 5 from Orange County. Thanks for so many years of

entertainment. - Eileen & Henry Cohen

Congrats! - jeff wave

Congratulations for your 50th annuversary. May you be there fifty and more years as you are a center of inspiration for us. -Victoria Sevdayan

Congratulations! - Linda Bradshaw

A subscriber to the Mark Taper for over 30 years. Keep it coming! - Paul McDermott

Congratulations to Disney Hall, one of the "Happiest Places in Los Angeles" - Sandy Lafair

Congrats on 50 years. Let's keep it going for at least another 50! Alvin Brightbill

Wow! The Music Center and I are the same age. Many happy years to come for a cornerstone in the lives of Southern CA residents.

- Pamela Coleman

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I love the fact that we have this Wonderful place of ART -Music-and culture in our city. - Lee Kassel

Thanks for the amazing shows and inspiration. Hope to visit again Brian Staat

Thank you to make our life better, many years to come. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! - Albina Segal

Congratulations! Tanya Lazaris

Congr to the music center . I enjoyed many art performance thru the years at the entire center . I took my family several times to watch some plays seven times . It's a great place and a lot of fun for all ages . Thank

u l.a. Best wishes for the next fifty yrs . Always Catherine Luna

Thank You for bringing the heart and soul of the performing arts in Southern California. - Kenneth Salley

Congratulations and thank you for bringing 50 years of quality entertainment to downtown LA. - Lisa Hacobian

It's a magnificent place and since I arrived in Los Angeles 46 years ago, I've been able to enjoy it my entire LA life. Thanks to all who made it

happen and those who now keep it going. Here's to the next 50! I won't be around for that one though. - Susan G Rosen

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Happy Anniversary. I am filled with Gratitude for all the Joy and Beauty and Exhilaration the Music Center brought over the 50 years, and continues to bring into my life as I have gotten old in Los Angeles.

Thank you. - Susan Schmidt

Thanks for all the wonderful performances & lovely memories! - April Reser

Happy 50th Anniversary! Thank you for the continued years of entertainment. - Karen Perry

I have enjoyed many productions over the years congratulations on 50 years every production I have enjoyed I have enjoyed them them quite a

lot! - Veryl Burt

50 years ! So young and still growing . Congrats, Tom Drew

You have given me something to celebrate - Richard Singer

Congratulations to the Music Center. I enjoyed my volunteering with the education part of the Music Center and especially working for the Special Arts Festival. Thank you for all that has been done in Los Angeles County from the Musci Center to the kids, parents and

community members. - Rosaline Turnbull

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Congratulations Chandler Family, especially dearly departed Dorothy Buffum Chandler for her dream. Without it there most likely be no

Music Center or Disney Hall Congratulations to all Benefactors whose dream lives on and to all who have contributed either financially or by attending one of the many wonderful performances held during the last 50 years! I had the privilege of being an usher during the late 60's and early 70's. What a thrill! What an education in the arts! Here's to the

next 50! - Ronald Kraft

So happy to be a part of it- as a Californian especially! Let's look to the next Fifty! - Linda Watson, Soprano

Thank you for all the great entertainment that you have provided for us. More power to you for years and years to come. God bless.

- Carina Suaza

Congratulations of your 50th Anniversary. I have enjoyed more than 25 years of great entertainment at The Music Center. - Barbara Schwarcz

Congratulation "Music Center", you are on the top of my list of entertainments in Los Angele. I visit you very often and love every time

I am there! - Helga Ahrens

Thank you for some of the world’s greatest entertainment which I have had the privilege enjoyed from time to time. - Iris Reznick

Quite an achievement! Congratulations. - Zuzka Eggena

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Thank you for the most wonderful nights of opera, and keep them coming! - Sonia Walsh

Congrats to 50 years of wonderful music and entertainment Looking forward to the next 50. - Alan SantaAnna

We've been Mark Taper subscribers since 1978 and charter subscribers of the Kirk Douglas. Many hours of theatrical enjoyment over the years.

Happy Anniversary! Suzanne & Ken Epstein

There is nothing like good theater opportunities to really define a city and the Music Center has provided these opportunities and contributed

to making Los Angeles the great city it is. Thank you , Linda Barnett

I have many memories of the great music I heard at the Music Center. Thanks to those who made it happen. - John Schroeder

Happy 50th anniversary!!!! - Eleonora Emilfarb

I look forward to future years of events that enrich our environment. David Evans

Congratulations. It seems like only yesterday that Buffy Chandler was so in the news celebrating this remarkable achievement. I've celebrated

many happy occasions at this magnificent pavilion. - Rhoda Howard

¡Feliz Fifty! Raul Garza

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I remember attending the music center during my elementary school years...what a great memory in my 57 years of life!

- Adolfo Siqueiros



Golden Smiles on the Golden Anniversary!!! - Malena Madrid

Congrats! You have been super, providing the public with the best. I salute you for 50 years more. Bravo! - Raysa Diaz

Happy Birthday and Best Wishes for at least another 50 years of entertainment and enlightenment. - Fran Greenberg

Congratulations to the Music Center on the 50th! I along with my mother and sister attended Opening Night in 1964. It seems like it was just

yesterday. Dorothy Chandler made sure she greeted everyone that night! More recently I was a member of the Women's Committee, the first

vonlunteer committee, founded in 1923. Dorothy Chandler was a member of the group and I hear tell they had many opportunities to volunteer

for the LA Phil. at that time. - Ursula Krummel

Thank you for giving us 50 years of pleasure, Entertainment & music Dewey Linehan

Thanks for sharing the world with us. - Mary Gray

Happy to be a part of this celebration. - Cecelia Flores

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Keep going! - Sidney Howard

Thanks to those people that had the great idea o having such a beautiful place in Los Angeles. I have enjoyed very much. HURRA,


And to another wonderful, magical & enlightening Fifty Years of golden Entertainment. Our whole family has loved and been reared on your

programs. Thank you Thank you Thank you! - The Mackintosh -Lewis Family.

Thank you for enriching my life for so long and in so many ways. The Music Center has been a part of my life since I was twenty years old!

Laurie Larson

I worked for Los Angeles Opera for 16 years, I could tell you that, they were the most wonderful years of my life. Los Angeles Opera it is part of

The Music Center. I am proud being part of this organization. Congratuletion, Elena Solomon

Congratulations for all the great shows and music you have produced at the Music Center. As I look back to the times my wife and I and three

daughters attended many of those events, starting with dinner and the harp music, and then the wonderful shows. Keep up your outstanding presentations. We are looking forward to attending some of them with

our Great Grand Children. - Joann & Ed Mokslaveskas



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I'm so proud to be a part of your celebration, looking forward to more wonderful shows. - Candis Thomas

Thanks for 50 years of music, dance, and theatre. Looking forward to many more wonderful events. - Beth Silverman

Congratulations on 50 years of beautiful accomplishments!!!

- Rosamaria Sierra

Happy Anniversary! You have brought so much joy into our hearts. Wishing you another outstanding 50 years! - Sheila Havens Ryle

I had just arrived to L.A. from Italy and was so happy to see a music center being built so I can go and see my beloved operas performed.

Congratulations and thank you! Ligia Cocolo

Thanks for five great decades, and here's hoping for many, many more. Linda Colley

Happy 50th! - Jerri Knoles

Congratulations and more power to you! - Jane Lambino

Congratulations to all the amazing performing artists! - Po Chu Fung

Have attended many events here through the years. It is a wonderful place in LA. - Myrna Glotzer

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Thank you for continuing to entertain, educate, and enliven your audiences throughout the years. I am thrilled to be a part of your 50th

anniversary celebration. Excellence is your norm! With sincere gratitude, Colette McDougall

Congratulations on such a magnificent undertaking! - LILLIAN LACHOW

The Music Center has been a source of enrichment and delight since my arrival in Los Angeles in 1969. Happy 50th! A Devotee,

Monique Gaudry

Happy Anniversary Music Center. Thank you for fifty years of creative oxygen. - Mercedes Brown

Illigitimi non carborundum est! Ron Javorsky

From annual elementary-school field trips, To enjoying musicals with my grandmother, ballets with my mother, Later, auditioning for/performing with National Touring Company productions of Broadway Shows, Later still, sharing dramatic moments (plays) with my husband, And taking my sons to music, dance or theater... I've been with you, Music Center,

the entire 50 years and look forward to many more! - Denise McKenna Doyen

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My heartiest congratulations to the top cultural association in Los Angeles.. I really love everything that happens here, so much that I

worked as an usher here and at the Hollywood Bowl from 1989-99 and am still an avid subscriber to many of your facilities such as: the Opera

League, Ahmanson Series, Opera Series, Opera for Educators, Center Theater Group Member and I never miss an opening (press night) of any of your theaters. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making my life

such a joy! - Miriam Schneider

Thanks for fifty years of enjoyment. Thanks for the memories of love, laughter,and tears as a spectator in hundreds of outstanding

productions. - Roberta Cohen

I cannot even begin to count the ways this center has enhanced our families lives. Beginning with one of our first dates to the ballet Sleeping

Beauty in 1967 to the immense enjoyment we have received from the Early Music series at Disney Hall for the past many years, the Music

Center has been an integral part of our lives. Happy 50th Anniversary! The Skinner Family

There's nothing more "LA" than sitting in the Music Center Plaza enjoying a pre- or post-show picnic. One of our favorite places anywhere!

Here's to the next 50. - Craig & Rudy Alvarez-Jimenez

Congratulations and keep up the good work! - Paul Squillo

keep up the good work - Bill Bohnert

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The Music Center has been an iconic masterpiece in our community for over 50 years! I am honored to congratulate the impressive team that

leads this exemplary effort to bring our community together for entertainment, enlightenment and joy. The arts should never be

forgotten and should forever be praised as an important part of what makes our community extraordinary. God speed! - Carrie Siqueiros

Good Show, 50 Years! - Shannon Devine

From the first performances in the three new theatres Anne Graves and I had season tickets and attended performances with lasting memories of

those events. We were active in L.A Phil volunteers' projects for many years. - Jerry Ronan

Happy 50th! Thank you for the outstanding dedication in bringing performing arts to our lives, mind and spirit. - Venus Sera

Love Los Angeles! Congratulations - JoAnne Barge

May the next 50 years be as successful as the first 50!! Best wishes for continued success! - pixie me

Multitudes of congratulations and blessings on the first 50 years. I am sure there will be multitudes in the next 50. - Anthony Laciura

Congratulations MUSIC CENTER for all the POSITIVE EFFECTS on our lives! - William Glennie

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Thank you to our Dear Mrs, C , whose energy and dedication started this whole wonderful cultural complex. It was such a privilege to work with

her. - Gloria Ellwood

Congratulations on 50 wonderful years of providing fabulous productions for LA area audiences to enjoy. We look forward to the next

50 years of continued artistic success. - Gerald Fry

What a great place the Founders created (though I detest the sculpture in the fountain I can look past that, sometimes). For years I and all my kids were a direct part of the stupendous offerings of LA Opera, both

within the company and as audience. Working with Placido, the many other terrifically talented professionals including the staff has given

each of my now adult children a sense of self, fun within a disciplined work ethic, and respect for all who make up our grand society that simply could not have been matched. Thank You from all of us.

- Steve Colton

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary! - Joyce Sumarno

Thank you for the many years of pleasure you have given me. Hilda Goldsmith

50 years of great entertainment and artistic exposure for our area. Congratulations, Philip LoGiudice

Thank you for the 47 years of seeing plays at the Mark Taper as season ticket subscribers. Thank you also for the performances we have

attended in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion and the Ahmanson. Happy Anniversary! - Warren and Raelene Manzer

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It's a privilege to live in Los Angeles and enjoy WDCH, from world-class jazz and classical to retirement receptions to the regional orchestras and

choirs that perform there. Thank you for being a cultural icon! Ardis Flenniken

Thank you for enriching the lifes of so many people over the last 50 years with the beauty of the arts. Here's to 50 more years of entertaining the

people of Los Angeles. - Deanna Marinez

Been an Ahmanson subscriber for a long time. Have thoroughly enjoy every season. - Barry Haworth

CONGRATULATIONS!!! May you continue uniting the world through MUSIC and SONG. Peace and Harmony, Janel Alexander

Congratulations to the Music Center and thank you for fifty years of superb entertainment. Here's to another fifty years and beyond.

Shulman Dee Dee

Thank you for your wonderful gift to the City of Los Angeles. What a blessing it is. - Donna Hekler

Congratulations !!! - Andranik Janikian

I have been going to plays, operas for the past 50 years. I am happy to have the Music Venter In LA and proud to be a attendee for all these

many years. - Eva Nathanson

Happy Anniversary!! - Cinthia Bomar

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Thank you for the many years I have enjoyed attending performances. Francine E Sanders

Wow ! 50 yrs. I worked in the kitchen and attended numerous shows at the Music center over a series of a few yrs. loved my time there and

shows were amazing. Congrats again on 50 yrs. - Nancy Trumpower

Congratulations on 50 years of bringing the very best performing arts to the Downtown Center as well as arts education to schools throughout Los

Angeles County. Best Wishes for another Spectacular 50! - Steve Schaefer

Congratulations to all for a wonderful fifty years. I loved my years as a Symphonian giving tours. As a music and drama teacher, I loved both

the performances coming to our school and the performances we enjoyed at the Music Center. On a personal level, I have attended performances in each venue for over forty years and loved each one. Many thanks.

- Connie Martin