The Morter Report

M rterReport JANUARY 2015 T TM his is the year we celebrate 40 YEARS OF B.E.S.T.! That’s right! Back in 1975, Dr. Morter gave his first class in the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique – what we all refer to now as B.E.S.T. It was a leap of faith for him at the time, but he knew what he needed to do. He knew and was compelled to share this truth. And, here we are, 40 years later making great strides in this information age to reach more people with this vital message. This family affair, involving three generations of Morters working diligently every day, is a dream realized. Thank you for joining with us in helping people lead healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives. Because it is with you that we are advancing one tipping point to the next. It is with you that we are able continue this work of improving the health of mankind, worldwide. So, welcome to a new year. Welcome to new opportunities to become better – new opportunities to live the life you imagine. That’s just the BEST life, isn’t it?! Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.


January 2015 Edition

Transcript of The Morter Report

Page 1: The Morter Report

M rterReport



his is the year we celebrate 40 YEARS OF B.E.S.T.! That’s right! Back in 1975, Dr. Morter gave his first class in the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique – what we all refer to now as B.E.S.T. It was a leap of faith for him at the time, but he knew what he needed to do. He knew and was compelled to share this truth.

And, here we are, 40 years later making great strides in this information age to reach more people with this vital message. This family affair, involving three generations of Morters working diligently every day, is a dream realized. Thank you for joining with us in helping people lead healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives. Because it is with you that we are advancing one tipping point to the next. It is with you that we are able continue this work of improving the health of mankind, worldwide.

So, welcome to a new year. Welcome to new opportunities to become better – new opportunities to live the life you imagine. That’s just the BEST life, isn’t it?!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

Page 2: The Morter Report

YEE HAW! It’s a New Day!At 7:10 am the temperature was 6 degrees F as I headed for the barn. The air was cold, the grass frozen to a crisp, and my breath steamed like a locomotive. My state of mind was constricted, my movements sluggish, and my focus was on what I didn’t want to experience . . . cold! My thoughts bounced to what needed to get done today, not only at the farm but at MHA headquarters as well. I was focusing on what I didn’t want to happen, what I had to get done, and convincing myself that just like the frozen ground – it was going to be a challenging day. After all, multiple people are counting on me; there are multiple things needing attention and seemingly too little time to get it all done. Have you ever experienced this self-inflicted feeling of being over-whelmed? I bet so. But, all of this was about to change.

As I rounded the crest of the drive to the barn, I got my first glimpse of something I certainly hadn’t expected – something that instantly warmed my heart. Across the frost-covered and completely frozen field stood little Georgie, a 5 month-old mini-donkey, with his mother, Gracie. Peeking out from their stall, they saw me coming, and they didn’t seem to mind the cold at all. No, they were on top of the world! With several “yee-haws,” little Georgie was kicking up his heels and jumping around the corral like there was no tomorrow. A smile crept over my face; I knew in that instant this was going to be a good day.

And, as I filled their water and scooped out their breakfast oats, I stopped to reflect on where I was, and even more importantly, how thankful I was for all the blessings of life. That’s when it hit me. I noticed something beginning to shift inside my head. The challenges, which earlier seemed insurmountable, were melting away. And, as the sun began to slowly warm the air, the focus of my day became even clearer.

Georgie and Gracie didn’t fret the cold, and they didn’t use their inner voice to dream up what was a challenge for the day. No, they were just excited to be alive, excited to see me, and to kick up their little hoofs.

So, I resolve to be more like those little donkeys! To take time to see happiness in every situation, and to look for the best in everything I encounter. I resolve to be thankful for the small wins, just like those sweet donkeys. For when I’m in that state of mind, everything works out for the best. And, I am certain 2015 will bring unlimited health, happiness and success to everyone not afraid to kick up their heels and give a “yee-haw”!

Dr. Ted Morter, III


Join us for the ALL NEW Relationships program

February 14-15 in Dallas, Texas

A must for every person wishing to up their relationship game – whether personal, professional, or simply a practical way to ensure having all you desire. After all, relationship starts with self, and then spreads to every aspect of your life. Call 800-874-1478 for information & registration.

Page 3: The Morter Report


Set Your Intentions!

It is that time of year! Yes, here we are starting another year filled with unlimited potential and abundance. Are you ready to be an active participant? Have you realized that being a passive participant in life is the same concept as being a passive participant in your health, or wealth, or relationships? We all know that doesn’t work very well.

In order to have the greatest chance at your ultimate success in 2015, you must first decide what you want! Then you must follow that with a burning desire to get it. Stretch yourself to reach new heights or you may fall into the category of relaxed complacency. Identify your obstacles and keep score as you overcome them. What is your plan? Yes, you must have a PLAN!

I am often reminded about the man who constantly prayed to win the lottery. After years of similar prayers he began to doubt the ability of prayer and eventually even his faith in a higher power. He began to reinforce the negative thoughts of doubt. Finally, he received a message in a dream. He actually heard the voice of God! The message was very clear and precise. God said, “You must buy a ticket!” While I realize this is just a joke, it makes a great point. Thinking and even praying about something incessantly is NOT enough. You must actually take an active role in your life if you want to bring about success and change. Take an action step. Buy a ticket to health, wealth, and positive relationships. Set your intentions for 2015. Your unlimited success depends on it!


Dr. Tom Morter

A LookInto TheArchives

From One on One with Dr. Morter, Vol 10, Issue 1Goal Setting, by M.T. Morter, Jr. copyright 2010

Setting Specific Goals

When setting any goal we must understand that in order for any goal to come to fruition it takes much more then just thinking. You have heard us say that just wanting something (goal) is not enough, or you would already have it. However, you will never get it, if first you don’t want it. So what else must be done?

You must get your conscious mind in agreement with the force of creation, and that is your sub-consciousness. The popular book and movie, The Secret, addressed the utilization of positive conscious thinking, which is absolutely necessary in meeting the goals. But wait, there is more. There are really three steps to manifesting a goal. First, you must consciously create in your mind what it is you want. Second, you must visualize what you want and apply one of the 5 senses to it. Example: See how it looks. Third, you must imagine how it would feel when that goal is met? The first two steps involve the conscious mind. The third involves the subconscious creative force.

Remember, the Law of Attraction functions by attracting to you whatever frequency your subcon-scious is radiating. Your beliefs are involved with this frequency. Perhaps the most important factor in meeting your goals is the answer to the following question: “Does meeting my goal enhance God creation?”

Page 4: The Morter Report

Marketing YourselfDr. Ralph LeBlanc

If you want to improve the quality of your marketing communications, think about your clients before you design your next advertisement, direct mail campaign, or promotion. What are they like? What is important to them? What do they value? Chances are you will realize your clients share the following traits - traits you cannot afford to overlook when you want to communicate with them.

People are busy.They are much busier today than ever before. For your communications to work, you have to get to the point. Quickly. Good copy helps you do this. Good copy has three essential qualities: it is simple to read and understand, loaded with benefits, and is believable.

People are more demanding.They know more, expect more, and have become very sophisticated in their approach to buying goods or services. Clients are very aware of the multitude of choices available to them. If you are not willing to tailor solutions specifically to their needs, experience has taught them that another practitioner will leap at the opportunity to satisfy their demands.

Yet, even though they are busy and faced with competitive alternatives, they want to be educated about your offerings and expertise. Keep in mind, clients think they have heard it all before. It is highly unlikely you will be telling them anything new. So concentrate on finding credible ways to communicate your message. Data from studies, consumer reports, or testimonials from existing clients will help you add credibility.

People are more value conscious.So, you need to view marketing as the process of defining, developing and delivering massive transformational value. This means identifying and analyzing client needs, then translating that information into requirements for creating satisfied clients. Marketing communications that build brand equity, build value for clients. For example, BMW doesn’t sell cars, it sells the ultimate driving machine. Kodak doesn’t sell cameras; it sells memories.

Those committed to building value can often charge more for their products and services. The resulting profits are a measure of the value delivered – the reward for creating satisfied clients.

People are media saturated. Depending on which statistics you believe, your clients are exposed to anywhere from 600 to 6,000 advertising messages a day. You will have to command their attention. For example, if you are creating a print ad, make your headline stand out. Choose a compelling graphic image. Use color. Cultivate involvement wherever possible. Establish a dialogue with customers. The more you get people involved in the communication process, the more responsive they will be.

People are more self-oriented.They don’t care about your latest technical breakthrough, product feature, or service option. Their concern is ‘What’s in it for me?’ Think about the message you want to communicate, and then translate it into benefits your clients will value. Effective communication focuses on the client. Clients don’t buy products or services; they buy transformation.

Finally, remember that communication extends beyond business cards, ads, brochures, newsletters and direct mail. Think about it. How is your receptionist greeting a client? What message does your voice mail leave? Does your email have spelling mistakes or grammatical errors?

Marketing is nothing more than communication. But good marketing communication programs aren’t created overnight, so don’t expect overnight results. Communication is a process that builds long-term relationships.


Page 5: The Morter Report

Want to learn more about building your self confidence and

marketing yourself?

Join us for the B.E.S.T. BootCamp 2015

in Dallas on July 10-12.

Increase your confidence in communication on every level. You will be shocked at what a new pattern of success – achieved by updating inap-propriate emotional patterns and learning proper communication techniques – can do for you once you understand more about how the mind works and what motivates people to take action!


Page 6: The Morter Report

It is that time of year again when we dust off those self-help books and audios on our shelves, or even find the latest and greatest at the book store. There are so many to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. I have learned over the years that certain books “call” to me. I am drawn to the one that contains exactly what I need to know in that moment.

I have noticed many people in my practice breeze through one book after another and become frustrated because they aren’t seeing the success the cover or title promises. Or worse, they buy several books or audios and then allow them to sit on their shelves, never being opened.

I have certainly read and listened to a lot of these over the years. It took me a little while to grasp that it isn’t enough to read the books or listen to audios. It doesn’t matter if you have read and listened to every single one. Success cannot be bought in a book or an audio. Success comes when we learn to actually apply the principles taught in these books. You really OWN the material once you have applied it to your own life. This application is the beginning of a journey known as self-mastery. Self-mastery leads to crystal-clear clarity of your goals, and ultimate success.

I invite you, as you are scouring the archives or seeking new material, to make a habit of making a plan of action after completing each one. Ask yourself one simple question, “What am I willing to DO differently because I know this new material?”

Self-help Books by Melissa “Mel” Higby


Recently, I was asked to make a hospital visit for a long term patient of mine. While I had been in Paris teaching for Morter HealthAlliance, a patient of mine who is in her 80s was experiencing severe back pain and was diagnosed as having a compression fracture in her spine. She was taken to a local hospital. Numerous medications were prescribed as well as a surgical procedure to alleviate the pain. I contacted one of her family members to arrange for me to set up a visit. I was informed she was about to be released from the hospital to go home, so I waited to find out when I could see her. Hours later, and much to my surprise and dismay, I was informed she had been moved to hospice. There was certainly something

wrong with this picture.

I went to see her and found her to be fragile, frail, in a general state of despair. She was in great need of hope. And, hope is what I delivered. We talked about the importance of positive thoughts and feelings and having a support team that was leveraging for her optimal recovery and continued happy, healthy life. I made some dietary recommendations, including drinking copious amounts of water and fresh vegetable juice since she was relegated to a liquid-only diet at that time. I then treated her using the Family B.E.S.T. procedure, and immediately noticed an improved color change and energy shift. She seemed more alive and full of hope. I went back the next day and followed through reinforcing the positive direction discussed previously.

On the third day, I walked in and was greeted by her daughter, who told me that her mother`s state had completely turned around. She was lucid, able to evacuate and swallow more easily. I, too, noticed a change from the first two days when holding the contacts during another Family B.E.S.T. treatment. The pulses came in sooner, were immediately synchronized, and felt much stronger and consistent.

Currently, this lovely lady is being considered for release – to return to her home with some supervision. For the family members and the staff at the hospice facility, a miracle had occurred. Plans for funeral arrangements were scrapped. For me it was another example of the miracle of the Power being expressed more fully as the result of a B.E.S.T. treatment. Yes, that`s a miracle in itself. The miracle of life was perpetuated. We are so blessed to be in this position of facilitating the fullest expression of the Power that made the body and therefore heals the body.

The Power of Family B.E.S.T. by Dr. Blake Brown

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What is it that you want out of life? What are your greatest desires? What are you most passionate about? We all have things in our lives that we wish could be better. What too many people fail to realize is that life is ours to create. We are in charge of our own destiny. We get to choose what to have, do, or be, as long as we have the proper tools to accomplish such. One of these tools is a vision board.

I’ll never forget the experience of making my first vision board. I was at an incredible seminar taught by Dr. Roland Phillips. I remember the feeling of empowerment that surged through my body as I chose images that represented what I desired out of life. There was just one problem. After creating this incredible vision board, I took it home and forgot about it. I didn’t follow through on all the directions. It wasn’t until years later that I realized the mistakes that I had made – the steps I didn’t follow – and began to implement several specific tools to make my vision board work more effectively for me. Here are some of the things that I’ve learned:

1) Only have up to nine items on your vision board. The brain can only wrap itself around so many goals. Any more than nine, and the brain shuts itself off. Choose nine goals in a variety of areas for best effect on your vi-sion board.

2) Look at it every single day, both morning and night. The mistake that I made was making a vision board and then putting it away in a closet. You’ve heard the phrase, “out of sight, out of mind”. The same goes with a vision board. Remember, it’s not the vision board that actually manifests our desires, it’s our brain! If we aren’t constantly putting into our brains the things that we desire, it won’t get to work figuring out a way to make those things happen. Take a few minutes, both morning and night, and really focus on each individual item on your vision board. As you do so, tell yourself, “This is what I choose! Make this happen!”

3) As you focus on your goals, doubts will begin to come to you. You’ll begin to hear things in your mind like, “You can’t do that!” “That will never happen!” “You aren’t good enough!” You must have a way of clearing out those doubts. As you focus on each of the goals on your vision board, have a piece of paper, or journal, and something to write with and write all of those doubts down. “But Eric, won’t writing it down just reinforce the negative?” No! What you are doing is extracting those doubts from your mind and putting them onto paper. What you can see, you can change!

4) Have a way to track your successes. One thing that I like to do is to take a picture of each item that I get off of my vision board and then a picture of me accomplishing it. For example, after we moved into the house where we now live, I took the image of the house that I had on my vision board, photographed it, and then took a picture of me in front of our new house. This gives your brain evidence that you are a creator. This way, when you put larger items on your vision board and doubts start to form in your mind, you will have a way to prove to yourself that you can manifest things into your reality.

A vision board is a wonderful way to manifest your desires! Put one on the wall today, follow these steps, and watch your results go up!

by Eric Bailey



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All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

January16-18 Personal Care – Ft Lauderdale, FL

23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Los Angeles, CA

31 B.E.S.T. Workshop – San Diego, CA

February14-15 B.E.S.T. Relationships – Dallas, TX NEW LOCATION!

21 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Marietta, GA

27-28 B.E.S.T. Training – Phoenix, AZ

March13-14 Be Your B.E.S.T. – Noosa, Australia

15 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia

26 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA

27-28 Be Your B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA

28 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Marietta, GA

27-29 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

April10-12 Paris Classes – Paris, France

24-25 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Calgary, Canada

25-26 B.E.S.T. Treatment Day – Calgary, Canada

30-2 Elite Master – Las Vegas, NV

May15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR

29-31 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

June4 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

5-6 Be Your B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

12-13 Animal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

14 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR

26-27 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

July10-12 B.E.S.T. BootCamp – Dallas, TX

24-26 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

August14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR

12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR

25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2-4 Paris Classes

15 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL

16-17 Be Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL

23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015
