The Morter Report - May 2016

Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved. The Mt Rept May 2016 Realizing that each of us has something unique and important to share with the world is easy to talk about, but many of us shy away from actually doing it to our greatest potential. That’s what the Morter Health- System – the membership, the motivation, the mastermind and the leveraging – can help you with. That support comes in the form of technique instruction, support products, life-enhancing programs, a network of like-minded individuals leveraging for you, and a team of staff who are there to be YOUR team – all helping you be as successful as you can be. This issue of The Morter Report is focused on speaking your truth. And, part of the preparation is found in recognizing our gifts and purpose. In doing so, we open up to receive more and more, giving us the resources to help more and more people be, do and have everything they dream of right along with us!


The May 2016 edition of the official newsletter of Morter HealthSystem and Morter HealthAlliance.

Transcript of The Morter Report - May 2016

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Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

The Morter Report

May 2016Realizing that each of us has something unique and important to share with the world is easy to talk about, but many of us shy away from actually doing it to our greatest potential. That’s what the Morter Health-System – the membership, the motivation, the mastermind and the leveraging – can help you with. That support comes in the form of technique instruction, support products, life-enhancing programs, a network of like-minded individuals leveraging for you, and a team of staff who are there to be YOUR team – all helping you be as successful as you can be.

This issue of The Morter Report is focused on speaking your truth. And, part of the preparation is found in recognizing our gifts and purpose. In doing so, we open up to receive more and more, giving us the resources to help more and more people be, do and have everything they dream of right along with us!

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When I was much younger, Mom took us on a train ride – a real train. And, I can still feel the excitement, the adrenalin, the rush of the engine jerking forward as we started out of the station. It was exhilarating to say the least. I remember wanting to go faster and faster. And, I can still hear her tender voice with almost a whisper, “lean forward and you will go faster, Teddy.” And, I did. Sure enough, I’m sure the train started to respond to my excited “leaning forward,” and we must have picked up speed. It must have happened . . . right? Was it true? Did it really work? Did Mom speak her truth to me?

I think so. I feel she had a bigger plan for me – a plan which continues to reveal itself each day of my life. Each of us is on that same train every day. We make choices to lean forward and propel ourselves into excitement and our passion, or we choose to sit back in the seat believing the train is headed down a specific and given path without response to our participation. Marjorie Morter didn’t believe there were limits and negative “what-ifs”. She taught each of her children to be committed fully to our goals – whatever they might be. She passionately trained us to think bigger and to be bigger.

Marjorie had passion for B.E.S.T. and passion for everyone on that train. She wasn’t the engine on the train (or was she?). However, she certainly kept that Morter Health/B.E.S.T. train on the tracks and at maximum speed when appropriate. We’ve left the station and are headed down the tracks to fulfil our mission. We choose to lean into the direction full-on and without reservation. We are excited and unstoppable.

Where will you sit on the train? Where will you focus your energy and efforts? Are you playing full-on with your life and with B.E.S.T., or could you lean into it even more? And, what would that look like if and when you do it? What miracles are just around the bend waiting for you to lean forward?

Welcome to Morter Health – the Morter train! And, thank you, Mom, for speaking your truth to me!


Dr. Ted MorterMom spoke her truth to me!

eat to liveJoin us for an intense training on fueling your body for maximum performance! This includes slowing down the breakdown of muscle, skin elasticity, proper oxygen function, which comes along with aging. You will learn the specifics of nutritional science and begin to heal your body with delicious food. Learn to make practical day-to-day choices in the grocery store, at the farmers market, in restaurants and at social functions, which lead to health, instead of taxing your immune system and leading to disease.

June 23-24 in Rogers, Arkansas

Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge Participants come to this class at a special rate! Call 800.874.1478 for details!

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Own Your Truth Have you ever been fortunate enough to feel “goose bumps” when you are talking to someone? Have you ever had your scalp or body tingle when making a statement? Do you remember the last time you were “in the zone” when telling a story?These are all examples of your body having a physical reaction to something you are saying or doing! These reactions happen when your message resonates with WHO you ARE. They happen when you reach a level of congruency with your beliefs and your message. You are actually communicating at a higher level. Others will “feel” it coming from you as well.

We, the members of Morter HealthSystem, are on a path of helping others to improve some aspect of their lives. Some are seeking improved health, some of our patients/clients are seeking better relationships, while others are looking for higher levels of financial abundance. Many are looking for a combination of improvement in all three of these areas.

By understanding and learning new techniques and improved ways to communicate our message, we are able to assist and direct more people to their goals at a greatly increased pace!

In order to do this, you must hone your skills of knowledge and communication. You must be able to deliver a message that you resonate with. You must believe with CONFIDENCE, until you arrive at a “knowingness” of your topic! You must OWN and speak your truth. Everyone may deliver their message in a slightly different manner because we are all unique individuals; however, you must become a better communicator. We all can constantly learn and grow to be better able to convey our messages.

Facts and knowledge are important in learning information and techniques. Learning to speak from a newfound level of sincerity and passion will allow you to “speak your truth.” Plug into our training. Own it!

Live Out LOUD!Sharing your passion with the world is very exciting . . . and sometimes challenging, too. Because, if you’re missing key skills and knowledge about how to effectively communicate – if you’re locked in an unsuccessful pattern – it can be extremely frustrating to say the least! This is why most people are really “just getting by” in their businesses. They’re poor communicators. They don’t have the success they dream of because they need to do two vital things: Learn the skills and the art of the communication and update their emotional pattern for success! Attend the Live Out Loud program on May 21-22nd, and make your impact on the world!

Call 800.874.1478 for details and registration today!


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As alternative health care providers, we have a lot of truth to share. Unfortunately, our message is diluted or lost in the clutter of messages from drug companies and the medical profession. Fortunately, people resonate with truth. People appreciate hearing how the body truly functions. What do I mean by that? I find that my patients know on some level, that drugs and surgeries are not good for them. They simply lack the knowledge of a better alternative to their current health challenge. They are stuck with what they think is their only truth. We need to speak up and speak our truth more regularly and at every opportunity.

For example, when I tell a patient that a beta blocker weakens their heart, they are instantly interested in a natural alternative to their high blood pressure medication. Most patients do not want to be dependent on medication. They prefer a message of hope and knowing that their body has the power to heal itself when given proper nutrition and when interfer-ence patterns are removed.

Let me share a very personal story about truth. I was a student at Butler University, and I was in my sophomore year of college. This year is considered the “weeding-out” year for pre-professional students. I took my studies very seriously. It was a Friday night, and I had a big weekend of events I was looking forward to enjoying. So, I was upstairs studying in my room even though many people were downstairs dancing and drinking in the living room where I lived. Don’t laugh! I was and I’m still a study nerd. I can still be found reading a book in a crowded room or restaurant. As this particular evening wore on and I got close to the end of studying, my roommate asked me to take a car-load of people to Taco Bell

for some late night eats. I drove a Ford LTD, and back then (before seat belt laws), a car-load meant 10-12 people crammed into my boat of a vehicle. The car-load turned out to be mainly girls, too! One girl in particular seemed to be showing interest in being around me and talking to me. When we returned to the house much later, the dancing had quieted down, and people were having quiet conversations. I continued to talk to this young lady well into the night and as night turned into the next morning. We were only talking and nothing physical happened, not even hand holding. But I could tell that our casual conversation was creating a mutual emotional experience we would both remember. So, it was time for the truth! I told her that I enjoyed our conversation and time together, but I didn’t want to mislead her. I said, “I have to be totally honest with you and tell you that my home town girlfriend will be here in a few hours . . .” I try to be a person of honesty. The few times I experimented with lying, it never felt good, and thankfully, I was terrible at it. I quickly opted for honesty as my personal best policy. I continue to be thankful for this practice.

How often does someone present a health issue, and you know that you can help them, but for many seemingly good reasons, you keep silent? You do not speak your truth! The saying, “silence is violence” comes to mind. But in this case, silence is negligence! By neglecting to speak your truth, another life or another family doesn’t benefit from natural health care. Our message is the ultimate truth. Dr. Morter never added anything to B.E.S.T. that was not 100% truth! We are so lucky to be in such a position with our message. There is no ambiguity. There is no “most of the time.” There is only “all the time!”

Please reflect on times that you failed to speak your truth. Could it have been the owner of a company who could have offered you the opportunity to speak to the company’s employees or start a new wellness program? Could it have been a parent who was looking for a safe option to have their child treated naturally for ADD/ADHD? You are neglecting people and missing opportunities when you are silent. You never know the opportunities that are yours until you speak your truth.

So how did it all end back at Butler University? Truth is always the best policy. Truth opens doors to opportunities you are not even looking for at the time. I was not looking for a girlfriend my sophomore year of college. But, a very unique and amazing person presented herself to me. I didn’t know how it would turn out, but I certainly did not want to ruin any potential future relationship with anything less than the truth. Skip forward many years; I married the young lady I met on that fateful night, and we will soon celebrate our 33rd Anniversary in the same month we will meet our first grandchild. I guess it was all perfect and meant to be . . . because I spoke the truth!

Dr. Bruce PhillipsI Spoke the Truth!


. . . and it served me well.

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Feel as if sometimes you’ve lost your voice? Well, I give you permission to find it! Stand up and confidently proclaim that which you know to be truth, and then watch what happens. Fear not the doubters and questions you may be asked, as you already know how to respond. We use this technology to efficiently balance the nervous system. The research is in and published, so stand on that with a knowingness that when you are done treating any person (or animal) your result will be the same: Balance. Understanding what “balance” does to the body allows you to control any conversation.

Need help with this? I encourage you to attend Live Out Loud this month. As practitioners of a truly life-changing technology, we have to be able to speak as experts. The more you do this, the more comfortable you become. An audio presentation, also helpful to me, which you can still obtain through MHS is called, “Speak Your B.E.S.T.” On that program you will hear from B.E.S.T. Master Instructors, Dr. Sue Morter, and others as they discuss how they approach the B.E.S.T. conversation with new clients. This is valuable information for anyone still uncertain about how to elegantly communicate what it is we do.

Also, Morter HealthSystem has released a 52-Week Practice Building email program, which builds your confidence and business by giving you the knowledge you need. Call the MHS office for information on obtaining it.

Now dig in and speak up!

Lost Your VOICE? Corey Allshouse

I have to admit, going to the Elite Master event this year was worth every bit of time and money! There were so many bits and pieces; I am still integrating into my personal life and into my business. But one presentation really stuck with me. Every week when chatting with my Master Mind Buddy, we tend to always touch back on this. “Serve the Work,” Charles Robertson, you rocked my world April 2nd, 2016. I definitely didn’t really understand it at the time, but every time I listen to an audio or in session I hear “How are you serving the work?” Because, in the

moments to moments after the Elite Master event, I realized I haven’t been serving the work; I have been doing it.

It really didn’t smack me across the face until I was driving back from a camping trip this week with my husband and listening to a monthly audio from 2012. Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr., was speaking to us about Mastery. He said something along the lines of, if you are spending more then 20 minutes on each client, you are still thinking you are doing the work… SMACK!! Then he mentioned, something else about my ego . . . SMACK!! Then the voice inside my head goes, well most of the time it’s only 15 minutes . . . SMACK!! Then he mentioned the less people you work on in an hour, the less you are serving the world. . . SMACK!! Well, I remember Dr. M.T. Morter saying you can’t do it wrong, you can only do it long . . .SMACK!!

Who am I kidding? I have no excuses; being a Master is about calling myself out on things. I don’t have to know; I just have to know “God” knows. It seems to be the feeling of letting go and trusting that the Innate power of healing is already there. Our job is to unlock, balance and let the body do the work. So, I am calling out all B.E.S.T. practitioners and asking you to be honest with yourself. Are you serving the work? Or, are you just doing it?

The difference of SERVING the work vs.

DOING the work! Vashty Dansereau

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I’ve been working on overcoming my perfectionism over the past several months. I’ve been so disgusted with myself for so long; I know that God has a divine purpose for me, part of which requires me to reach another level of financial success so as to best be able to serve His children. For the last year and a half, every time I’ve prayed to know how I can reach this level, the answer I’ve received is “release weight.”

I started my journey to fitness just after my 29th birthday last year at 246.4 lbs. I began a quest to release 86.4 lbs and return to my ideal weight of 160. In my mind, I couldn’t reach this new level of success until I reached that weight. While I had some great initial success, I’ve plateaued many times and backtracked several times. Each time this happens, I’ve felt more and more disgusted with myself for “failing,” and more resentful toward God for allowing it to happen. “If He wants me to accomplish such great things, why isn’t He helping me accomplish my weight loss goals faster?” I thought.

At an event put on by one of my mentors this past weekend, it was mentioned that to simply hope it would happen wasn’t enough. You must know with every fiber of your being that whatever goal you desire to accomplish is going to take place, and then it does. It’s the “knowingness” that Dr. Morter always spoke about as well. I realized I had been struggling with this. I had believed that I wasn’t even allowed to reach this next level until I looked like the man on my dream board, having a perfect body. I didn’t think I could achieve that level of success until I was perfect.

I woke up Sunday morning and said my personal prayer, and as I was getting up, a story I had once heard years ago before my mission came into my mind. It was of a young man who woke up one morning to see a giant boulder on the area he was building a house on. Wanting to know how to get rid of it, he prayed to ask what to do. The Lord spoke only one word to him: “Push.” That day he went out, put his back to the boulder and, with all of his strength, began to push. Nothing happened. He sunk his feet in all the more and pushed even harder. Nothing happened. He went on like this for hours with no success. The next day was much like the day before. He prayed to know what to do. The answer he received was “push.” He spent all day pushing that boulder to no avail. This went on, day after day, for months. Finally, he got down on his knees and poured his heart out to the Lord. “You told me to push, and I’ve been pushing and pushing for months, and still nothing has changed! That boulder hasn’t moved an inch!” The response he received surprised him.

“My son, peace be unto your soul. You came to me and asked what I would have you do. I told you to push, and you did. I never asked you to move the boulder, just to push. Because you did, your muscles are now strong and well-developed and ready to handle the new responsibility which I have prepared for you.”

The Spirit whispered to me, “The Lord never told you that you couldn’t reach this new level of success until you weighed 160 pounds. He simply told you to release weight, which you have done.” I realized this refers to the physical weight I have lost as well as the many layers of emotional weight I have released. I still have a long way to go, and I certainly am not going to stop, and I now believe I am good enough to reach this new level. The Lord doesn’t require me to be perfect immediately, He only requires that I give it my all. I no longer have to beat myself up when I stumble and make mistakes. Repent for sins when I do err, yes, and forgive myself for all imperfections as He does so readily.

As I realized this, I also realized that this was precisely the reason why I have had such a hard time with my son, Bradley. I had been projecting my expectations of instant perfection on him, and when my unrealistic expectation wasn’t met I became frustrated and irritated with him. My wife helped me with belief breakthrough and B.E.S.T. until I no longer demanded (in my mind) that my son be perfect. Since then, I have felt more deeply connected to Bradley than ever before. I feel so much more love for him than ever before. I no longer expect him to be perfect. I can love him unconditionally, as God loves me unconditionally. This is truly a miracle. This is one of the major goals I had set for myself to achieve this year: simply connecting and developing a deeper relationship with my son.

Eric BaileyMy Need to Be Perfect

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In the years since the “The Secret” (in movie and book form) came out, there has been much talk about how easy it is to manifest what we want through simply visualizing and desiring it. But, it’s not quite as simple as that. Have you ever wondered why “The Secret” hasn’t worked for you? Why, despite your best conscious efforts, you continue to attract less than vibrant health, happiness and success?

We live in a universe of energy in which everything has frequency or resonance. In general, high frequency equates with health and happiness, low frequency equates with disease and depression.

Our universe of energy operates through the Law of Attraction: like attracts like. Therefore, where we put our emphasis in life, what we focus on, creates what we attract to ourselves. Oddly, many people live as if there is a Law of Repulsion, i.e., they are continually pushing against and focusing on what they don’t want. First, focusing on what you don’t want attracts more of it, and the resulting resistance leads to exhaustion and disease.

Since we all combine both negative and positive frequencies, the key is to notice what is going on, and accept it as that which we have attracted to ourselves. Once we accept responsibil-ity, without guilt and shame, we can begin to release our attachment and resistance to our negative patterns of attraction, and allow our lives to flow without interference. But this may be easier said than done.

Most of our limiting beliefs are established by the time we’re two years-old, and become blocks of interference in our nervous system and subconscious energy field. We continually attract from this subconscious interference, despite our best conscious efforts. This is the secret behind The Secret: unconscious beliefs interfere with conscious manifestation.

This unconscious interference to conscious desire is called SEMO, or Subconscious Emotional Memory Override. As long as these frozen blocks of interference remain in the realm of the subconscious, we will continue to attract from these unresolved thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories—without even being aware that we are doing so!!

Fortunately, the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique is a method of locating and removing SEMO where it is stored in the nervous system. Through the hands of the healer, who is able to locate and remove the blocks of interference through a gentle, non-invasive technique, we are freed of interference, and can begin to attract health and the kind of life we have always desired.

It is also possible—through certain lifestyle changes, such as incorporating The Six Essentials into your life, and being thankful and grateful for what we have, as well as for what we desire as if we already own it—to raise your energetic vibration. Now, the Law of Attraction will bring you more vibrant life experiences.

Once you have, through B.E.S.T. treatments, released the interference in the nervous system (SEMO), it will open the way to finally having the health, happiness and success you desire.

Dr. Don Williams


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There are a many elements that go into building an effective personal brand. Credibility and visibility are two crucial elements. Credibility to ensure you, the business owner is perceived to be the expert in your industry, and visibility ensuring that you are reaching your audience. Beyond these elements and a variety of additional strategies, which go into building a powerful brand, there is a missing element, often overlooked.

That element is relationships. It is only through building strong relationships that your personal brand can achieve maximum effectiveness.

Why do you think this is?

Answer: Because people buy people.

They want to do business with individuals they know, like, and trust. This means that, in addition to the more traditional branding strategies you are pursuing, you must also be working to develop strong relationships with colleagues, fellow profes-sionals, and potential customers.

These relationships have the power to prove you are:

1 Trustworthy. Today’s consumers are increasingly skeptical, and with good reason. For every great business, there are five more, which either do a terrible job or are outright scams. But, a strong relationship demonstrates your trustworthiness and makes potential clients much more inclined to do business with you.

2 Knowledgeable. Trust is great, but it alone isn’t enough to close the deal. You need to show you are a credible expert in your industry. Hopefully you’re pursuing some strategies, which will position you as an expert within your market. But it’s also important that your face-to-face relationship with consumers in your market convey the same image. If you happen to be an author, your books, your website, and your media presence position you as a respected credible expert in your industry. Your in-person persona should reinforce this image.

3 Relational. Consumers prefer to do business with others they like. After all, if they’re going to be spending time working with you or with your team, they want to be sure the time is enjoyable. For many of you, this comes naturally. But if it doesn’t, it’s important you make an effort to become known as someone who is pleasant to deal with.

4 Reachable. Finally, developing real-life relationships with others in your market demonstrates you are reachable. One of the fears many consumers have is that they will agree to do business with an individual, write them a check, and rarely hear from them again. Establish a reputation as someone who is reachable, who returns phone calls or responds to email. It’s much easier for a potential customer to decide to do business with you when they have complete confidence they’ll always be able to get you on the phone! Keep in mind, it doesn’t always have to be you. A good staff can help relieve the burden of having to respond to hundreds of questions – which happens when you have a large client base – and still keep your customers happy because you and your team are always reachable.

As you work to create a powerful personal brand, it is important you continue to invest into building and developing relationships. As you do this, you’ll find converting prospects into clients becomes easier than ever!

Dr. Ralph LeBlanc


Your Brand…Your Relationships…

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April 1-3 Elite Master – Rogers, AR10 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Hermosa Beach, CA15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France17-18 Personal Care – Paris, France23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Calgary, Canada23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario29-1 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

May20-21 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR21-22 Live Out Loud! – Rogers, AR

June3-4 Animal B.E.S.T. I – Rogers, AR5 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR5 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Manhattan Beach, CA10-12 Personal Care – Rogers, AR11 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France23-25 Eat to Live & Live Rich – Rogers, AR

July8-9 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL9 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

August12-14 Personal Care – Rogers, AR19-21 Personal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

September8-9 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR10-11 Homecoming – Rogers, AR17 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France 30-1 Certification/Diplomate – Paris, France

October2 Elite Master – Paris, France14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY21-23 Personal Care – Rogers, AR28-29 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November5-6 Spiritual B.E.S.T. II – Chicago, IL




All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique