2 SfUNT PfJUL. 1.04 \I. NEWS XOTl^. St. Paul cooks y>\ll organize soon. Si. Luke's toy will be observed us a dona- tion day at Pi. Cuke' 3 hospital icday. The remains of "Lillian Lefebrre will be tak- en to Garden City this morning tor inter- ment. TLc funeral of the late Daniel Cashman will be held this morning from .he raeUksce, 27S Commercial street. l>v. j. r. Stout, of the First M. E. church, will be teedercd a reception by the congre- gation Friday evening. Tho Kinbk* oiub, for seveial years one of the -ily's swelltvt social crgdn'ziuions, will met t tonight to wind up its affairs. Holvert riuinlfigh died Saturday alternoon at his home rti« Pennsylvania avenue, aged tv.-enty-eisht years. The funeral will be he-Id tomorrow at 10 o'clock irom his late r^.-iil ncs. J. V. Merrill will sins (he oiYntoiy solo at St. Paul's .-lunch harvest festival Thurs- day evening ai s o'clock, and th? uldro. s will i- i-ivcn !>.. Kcv. John O. Ferris, rector of Sl James' church. \u25a0i h.> member* uf Division No. 2, A. O. U. \Y.. will give a ball at Later hall iomorr;>w evening. Musi, will be lurn:>:hed by the A. O. 11. band, and the members cf the order anticipate a cioitghtful affair and a large at- tendance. Officer Dave Hennessey has in his posses- sion a valuable English mastiff dog. which | he wishes the owner would take off his hands. The dog CUM to the officer's house ' ; and after being fed assigned himself perma- nent quarters about the place. He weais a wide leather collar, attached to which is a license lag issued in Superior. VVis. Offi- cer Henna sey ihuiks the dog was either lost by hi? owner while temporarily in St. Paul or was stolen from Superior. The animal . can be had by the rightful owner by calling at the otneer's home, 193 University avenue. . SOME SOCIAL MENTION. Miss JenneOe Peltier has returned from \u25a0 melt's visit iv l»uluth. The Wyandotte club gives its first dance of th<- season in A. O. V. W. Temple to- morrow evening. j The Knights of St. George give a social ' hop this evening at C. S. P. S. hall. Sev- enth and Western. The Primrose Social club announces Its i eecond hop in Assembly hall Wednesday ! evenhis, Nov. 4, opening with a musical ' and literary programme. The Ladies' Art class will open at high j school the first Monday In November. Mrs. Burbank will resume the charge of the class. This is the eleventh year, and will be devoted to a review of Italian painting. I'nity Temple No. 9, Rathbone Sisters, will give a social hop In its hall, Sixth and Sev- enth streets, Wednesday evening. Music will be furnished by Ryder's orchestra. The arrangement committee Is Mrs. Ruth El- dridge, Mrs. Helen Irish, Mrs. Eva Belcher, Mrs. Ella Cook. HnBKtL OIT I!V MEETING. (oiniiicrcial Travelers DlHclaim Financial I nsonndnesa. A number of commercial travelers who chanced to be in St. Paul Saturday night met at Central hall to add their indorsement to the sound money cause, E. H. Nyhas presid- ing. The following resolutions, which were adopted, do not come as the action of the Commercial Travelers' association, but were adopted and signed by the full membership of the meeting: Whereas, It has been reported in free, silver newspapers that the commercial trav- elers are in favor of the free coinage of silver, and. Whereas, It is deemed advisable to cor- rect any erroneous impressions that may have gone abroad rayiraing the positior of tlie commercial travelers upon this question; it Is hereby Resolved, by the commercial travelers of St. Paul, That we are unalterably opposed to the financial plank embodied in :.he plat- form of the Democratic party, adopted at Chicago, and we confidently believe that the free coinage of silver, as adDnte.d on that platform, would result in enormous disaster to all classes of American citizens, except the owners of silver bullion, and that the honor and integrity of the United States government in its financial dealings must at all times be steadfastly maintained. The above was signed by the full com- mittee as follows: O°orge S. Wiseman, A. Heinemann, E. H. Kyhva, W. J. Spencer, Owen A. Clark, J. J. Cook George W. Goff, H. C. Pennoid Frank E. Noble, W. W. Gamble. W. C. Nsily, C. S. Drundage, E. S. Doraa. F. U. I-'eisson, J. T. Thompson, Edward Hyde. J. G. Bassett, Henry 11. lloldcn, C. H. Hoyt, J. N. Dresser. SIV.W ITALY'S HOT SOXS Get Into :i Row mill Talk Glibly of liloodnhed. Pasqual Liberti, an Italian laborer, was arrested late Saturday night by Patrolman Markie on a charge of drunk and disorderly. Liberti had within a nickel of $62 in his pocket, and wanted to be released on bail. It is the usual practice in cases of this kind to allow prisoners to go on bail as soon as they sober, up. Lib- erti, however, had "no bail" marked opposite his name, and the result was that he spent the Sabbath in a cell at tho central station. Rodino Lom- bardo explained to Capt. Rouleau that Liberti had threatened to kill him, and he was fearful that if Liberti was released he might put his threat into execution. His statement was '*vcked up by that of his wife, who told the police that Liberti had informed her that she would soon be dressed in mourning: for her husband. It was owing to these statements that Lib- erti was kept locked up yesterday. Liberti is single, thirty-seven years nld. and for the past four months has been employed as a laborer on the Great Northern road in Montana. He returned to St. Paul last Friday, and has been drinking heavily. Lombardo lives with his wfe and family at Eagle and Franklin streets, and Lib- prti boards in the same locality. After Prison-Made Shoes. The shoemakers' union, at its meeting Fri- 4ay evening, decided to take a poll of senti- ment among tfce legislative candidates re- lative to prison anil labor laws. It is claimed that the present law is being violated by the employment of more men at one industry than is allowed. A prison stamp v.'illalso be demanded to designate shoes made in prison. T. Dickens, George Bousquet and Frank Wi- osky were elected delegates to the union label league. The following are the new officers of the union: President. Louis Peterson; vice E resident. Frank King; recording secretary, i. K. Mitchell; financial secretary, Louis Ordell; treasurer, F. Wiosky. Death of Miss Furlong. Miss Aliie B. Furlong died yesterday after- noon at 5:40 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Furlong, 635 St. Peter street. Miss Furlong has been a resi- dent of St. Paul since her sixth year and had been educated in the public schools and the teachers 1 training school, since her grada- tion having been a teacher in the Sahatter school. She was a graduate of the h'.gh school class of '?3, and a member of t'le Boaclicesns. Consumption was the cause of death. l*:i*<or Biti-lelg'h iv Milwaukee. Rev. Angus A. Burleigh, of this city, presid- ing elder of the A. M. E. church, has accepted a call to the pastorate of St. Mark's A. M. E. church, of Milwaukee. AYis.. and formally took possession of his new charge last week. A reception was tendered the new pastor by the St. Mark's 'jingrcg.ition Tuesday evening, many of the members meeting Rev. Burleigh for the first time upon that occasion. St. Mark's its one of the largest Afro-American churches in the West, and a successful year is anticipated by the congregation under the ministry of Rev. Burleigh. Eyes Ears, nose are more or less affected by catarrh, which is caused by impure blood. Cure catarrh by purifying the blood. Remember Sarsaparilia Is the best— ln fHet Ibe One True Blood FuriSnr. Hood's Pilta *«»<«sK»J«is. mHd^sa^UJve, ! WflS GUT TO PIECES JACOB SCHORR MEETS WITH A TKKitIUI.U ACCIDENT ON THE NORTHKRK PACIFIC. DEATH SEEMS INEVITABLE. IXJIKKD MAN WAS TKiilt I HI. V MAMiLKI) II V THE W HEELS OF A TRAIN. HIS SKI M. IS I'ltVt 11 iu:i>. In Addition to a \uiuber of Fright- ful I. u-ci;iiliin« of the Tiuuk. and i.iml.H. Jacob C. Schorr, nineteen years old, residing with his widowed mother at 385 Jenks street, was fatally injured last evening by being run over by a Northern Pacific engine near York and Mississippi streets. Schorr rode on the enginerfrom the union depot, intending to jump off the locomotive at York and Mississippi streets, the nearest point to his home. He did jump off, but as he left the engine his foot slipped, and he was thrown under the wheels and shockingly mangled. He was picked up and taken to the city hospital, and although aliv-e when he reached the in- stitution the physicians say there is no chance for his recovery. His left foot was almost completely severed from !the leg just above the ankle and his j left hand hung by a shred to the arm. i He sustained a fracture of the skull on i the right side and there were gaping ' wounds on the top of his head, while I large pieces of flesh had been torn from j his arm and right side. Restoratives and opiates were given him, and if he can survive the shock to his system, which is hardly possible, the injuries to his head will be sufficient to cause his death. Schorr has been employed in the Northern Pacific shops as a helper in the blacksmith shop, but lately has been employed at the Home & Danz works on the West side. His mother, who was notified' of the accident, was completely prostrated by the shock. AHEAD OF THE REST. People's C-hnrt-h Anticipate* the Prison Sunday Services. Prison Sunday services were held at the People's church last evening. The observance was in the nature of a platform meeting-, which was addressed by Rev. W. R. Lord and Warden Wolfer, of the state penitentiary. Mr. Lord spoke upon the subject "The Incipient Criminal," and asserted in his opening remarks that the only manner in which this class could be reached was by sympathy. This could be effectively done by the realization on the part of more fortunately situated individuals that they were of the same class to which the speaker referred.only they were differently environed. Under the same conditions those who were not criminals might become so as readily as those who were; and on the other hand those who who fell, if surrounded by the favorable conditions of their neighbors, might never begin the down- ward career which ended only behind prison walls. There were two classes of Incipient criminals, the speaker said, the first of which was composed of those reared in homes where crime and vice was not only countenanced, but was taught to the children by the every-day lives of the parents. The wonder to those who had labored in the cause of humanity in large cities was not that there were so many criminals, but that there were so few. In this connection the speaker referred to a recent incident in the local police court, where the par- ents had been arrested for the theft of a number of doors of railroad cars for fuel, and asked how it could be expect- ed that the children of these parents could be expected when they grew up to have respect for the rights of proper- ty. The law was indentical in all cases where any phase of crime was instill- ed into the mind of the child. The time was coming, however, when there would be no need of prison reform as- sociations, for the people were begin- ning to take hold upon a condition of affairs to be righted with a zeal which attested that the importance of fhe re- form movement was at last realized. The second division of incipient crime existed among those who had proper training, but who had fallen un- der temptation. The components of this class never intended to become criminals and were not in reality such, even after the commission of an unlaw- ful act. It was not consistent with re- form to put such persons in confine- ment with hardened criminals, as such a course entirely circumvented any ef- fort at reformation by lowering the un- fcrtunate and causing to attach to him a stigma which could never be remov- ed. Massachusetts had adopted a pro- bationary system of dealing with in- cipient criminals which the speaker in- dorsed and recommended to the state of Minnesota. It provided for the ap- pointment by the different courts of probationary officials whose duty it was when a man was arraigned for the committing of a crime to inquire into his former life, ascertain his habits, also whether he had been previously guilty of any crime, and make a report to the judges. Power was given the courts to put a criminal on probation, and if he was found to have been sim- ply one who had fallen for the first time he was allowed his liberty, in- stead of-being sent to prison. The pro- bationary officials, however, still look- ed after the convicted person, even to visiting his home, and made frequent reports to the proper authorities. By the application of this system Mr. Lord stated that 60 per cent of the criminals j of Massachusetts who had been sub- |Je.pted to it had been reclaimed. He , concluded his address with an appeal that the meeting should not end in sentiment, but that actual and mate- rial assistance should be given the ' Ramsey County Prison association in maintaining the one official whom it had recently appointed to look to the reformation of those in the early stages j of criminality in St. Paul. Warden Wolfer read an interesting i paper upon "The Reformed Criminal." : Once a thief was not always a thief, j he said, and by the employment of j proper methods many who had been { stamped as criminals could be re- I claimed as useful and honorable mcm- i bers of society. All who committed crimes were not naturally criminals. Criminality could only be analyzed in so far as the character of the criminal I could be read, but It was beyond ques- ! tion that many who committed crimes were not at heart bad. but were the victims of irresistible temptation. "When a man entered prison, to begin j the reformation hoped to be accom- I plished it was necessary to know sorae- i thing of his former life. Kis habits I were studied and his intellectual abil- j ity observed in order that the most S effective method might be employed in j an -effort to prepare him to resume | his place in society at the expiration lof his sentence. The convicted man. as a rule, was wholly out of gear with i society. He thought Ir all wrong be- cause he had fallen under the law, and unon entering prison was a sub- ject difficult to handle. Ordinarily, froxvevor. the corvJct vas quick .to take ftdvantap* of" any system prevailing in tfce prison which would accrue to hfs j -bt*e«fit and in this way sobn became ii«** ar>b.lect of self- discipline, an impor- !•«**« factor (a his reformation. 1* JENNIE SHAFER IS WEIX. THE SAIN* PAUL, GCOBIBi* MONfcAlf, OCTOBER 19, 1890. (strengthen the character of the man was the only hope of reform. Under ordinary conditions it was possible to reform about 60 per oent of convicted criminals. But society must do lta part, and when the released prisoner has established that he \m on the way to a reformed life, he must be given a helpicg hand. Simple tolerance was not sufficient. He must be assisted to employment, and his rights must be protected Just as though he had never been behind prison bars. The position of the parent to the erring child was the position which society should as- sume towerd the reformed criminal, and this way his reformation could be made complete and enduring. VAIAEYOF ACHOR. - \u25a0 I Topic or Rev. J. F. Stoat» Sermon Yesterday. Hosea's picture of the Valley of Achor was chosen for a topic by Rev. J. F. Stout, pastor of the First M. B. church, last night. He said in part: When Israel, escaping from bond- age, came a second time to the gates ot the land of promise, this camping ground was to them the door of the land which had been already given them by God an opportunity full of hope. Indeed they found tnat God's gift was opportunity. A door of hope is a universal need. Israel was In a desperate strait; idolatry and moral corruption were everywhere prevalent. The old and time-honored worship of ; Jehovah had become debased by the I intrusion of the habits and spirit of j the surrounding peoples. Social evils ' were eating into the very heart of the . state; the people groaned under bur- I dens that made their condition little better than slavery; drunkenness and licentiousness were the order among ' priests and people; Israel had for j years been shutting all doors of hope and opening avenues for despair. These times in Israel represent the uni- versal condition of peoples without God. God's doors of hope are all con- ditioned. There are two schools of religious thought, having a wide dif- ference in their method of looking at truth. Both teach with the Word of God, that eternal life is a gift of God, but one affirms that it is a gift outright, and that the receiver has j nothing to do with it. By this method ] the land of promise should have been delivered to Israel already c nquered and cleansed, and the salvation of Jesus given to the individual heart, unconditioned by faith or courage on the part of him who receives it. The other school recognizes the condi- tional element in all God's dealings. He gives the promised land to Israel by developing in them the spirit of conquest, and the power of accom- j plishing results through faith in him. The gospel promises to form a door of hope, through which any soul may enter and find for himself all that is promised, and yet he must fail if he does not enter and possess that which is designed for him. Difficulties there are indeed; to Israel the walled cities and the giants, the hosts of trained enemies, to us the forces that con- front a soul on the march away from sin to the city of God, but these dif- ficulties are only after all the meas- ure of the divine estimate of the man who enters these doors of precious op- portunity. Surely God has made Hla largest compliment to the race In the fact that He sets it a task under His direction that he must become in some sense divine to accomplish it,must be- come a partaker of the divine nature. THREE THOUSAND WOMEN Attended the Opening of the Poullst Fathers' Mission. The Paulist Fathers, of New York, iraugurated a two weeks' mission in this city at the cathedral yesterday. The first sermon was preach «i at high mass by Rev. Father Elias Younon, who, in a general discussion, set forth the objects of the mission. A second mass and instruction was held at 8 o'clock. Father Younon also officiated at the evening services, when he de- livered an eloquent sermon on the im- portance of salvation. The first week of the mission the services are exclu- sively for women, over 3,000 of whom crowded the cathedral last evening. Father Younon is considered one of the foremost speakers of the order which he represents, and during his missionary work in the United States for the past few years he has been greeted with crowds wherever the Paulist missions have been instituted. He was born in Calcutta, India, where he labored as a missionary for some j ears, when he was transferred to Lon- dcn. England. His labors in the city of London cover a period of nearly twen- ty-five years. Recently he came to the United States, where his work has been for the most part confined to the state of New York. OBJECTED TO THE BAND. Churchmen Complain to Police About "Old Kentucky* Band. Charles E. D. Olmsted, who is one of the deacons of the House of Hope church, walked rapidly into the cen- tra! police station yesterday noon. He was quite indignant, and as soon as he could calm himself sufficiently to talk, informed the officer behind the desk that the present administration was worse than Bob Smith's, and he failed to see where the promised reform came in. "Why, do you know?" said Mr. Olmsted, warming up again as he pro- ceeded, "that there is a negro band parading the streets right in front of the House of Hope just while the ser- vices are being dismissed." At this juncture Mr. Olmsted was hustled into the private office of Chief Goss and just what other talk he made regard- ing the policy of the reform adminis- tration which would allow such a state of affairs was lost to the public. Mr. Olmsted had a short talk with Chief Goss and that official evidently knew just how to handle him and his com- plaint, for ten minutes later he emerg- ed from the private office, smiled and bowed pleasantly to the group of police- men and detectives and hurried out of the door in a much more pleasant frame" of mind than when he stalked in. "And the band played on." Will Be Brought Back From Cht- TWO PUIOW fIEM) WTLL.IAJM J. WALDROX AHHKSTKD FOR COMPMofa-Y IK THE BENZ SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN HASTY, AND WITHOUt ANY PROVOCATION ON THE ''PART OF 1 BKHTZ. INJURED MAJT RESTS EASILY, But Is Still in»a Grave Condition at His Monte on Sherburne 'Avcune. Paul E. Benz, who was assaulted in Waldron & Grady's saloon Saturday evening, was reported as out of danger last evening. The young man's condi- tion was said to be very serious Satur- day night, and the physicians In at- tendance feared that the blow which he received had caused a fracture of the skull. It was a report to this effect that caused the arrest of Robert N. Grady, one of the proprietors of the saloon, on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, as stated in the Uo b c yesterday. Interest in the case was increased yesterday by the arrest of William J. Waldron, the other mem- ber of the firm in whose saloon the as- sault took place. He was locked up at the central station on a charge similar to that preferred against Grady. Waldron came to the station yester- day at noon, accompanied by Anthony J. Kampmann, local agent for the Schlltz Brewing company, to have a talk with Grady. He was somewhat surprised to learn that he was wanted on the same charge as his business partner. Instead of making a visit of condolence and expressing sympathy at the position in which Grady found himself, Waldron spent the balance of the day as a prisoner, and together the two partners discussed the situation Previous to the arrest of Waldron a member of the- Benz family called at the central station, accompanied by William Post and A. Barfuss, two of the persons who were with Paul Benz at the time the assault was committed. The companions of young Benz stated to the police that a mistake had been made, in that it was Waldron who struck Paul Be*z with a billy instead of Grady. Post and Barfuss had a talk with Lieut. Boerne-f and afterwards with Chief Goss. Following this the order was issued for Waldron's arrest and a couple of detectives were sent out for him. It was while the detectives were out looking for Waldron that he called to see ©rady, and was placed under arrest. At 3 o'clock a telephone message was received at the central station to the effect that the physicians were of the opinion that Paul Benz was out of im- mediate danger, although he was in a very serious condition. A number of Grady's friends had been endeavoring to make arrangements for his release on bail, and it was announced that Judge Twohy had promised to call at the central station at 10 o'clock to ar- range for Grady's release on bonds. Up to noon Judge Twohy had not put in an appearance, and as Waldron was locked up at 1o'clock, the nrogramme to secure Grady's release was not car- ried out. During the afternoon Will- iam Johnson, president of the Retail Liquor Dealers' association, and John F. Smith, vice president of the same organization, called at the station and had an interview with both Grady and Waldron. Grady holds the position of secretary of the association, of which Johnson and Smith are officers, and at 5 o'clock it was agreed that the best thing to be done was to secure attor- neys for the prisoners and endeavor to secure their release on bonds. P. J. Bowlin, who also visited the prisoners, stated that he was willing to give bonds in any amount for their appear- ance in court today, but up to 9 o'clock last evening the prisoners were both at the station. Waldron and^Gxady did. not care to talk about the cause yesterday when seen by a Globe reporter, but Grady said that as he understood the charge, those interested had .., decided that it was Waldron and not he that had struck Benz with a hilly. ( If this was the case and Benz ,tvaa, according- to the physicians, not seriously hurt, he saw no reason why ,, he ; should be held at the station a prisoner. Waldron said a couple of the. raep, who claimed to have been with. Benz when the alleged assault occurred, were at the saloon Saturday night, before the arrest of Grady and had Informed the officer who accompanied them, that he, Waldron, was not the one* who struck Benz. From a friend of the prisoners it was learned that neither of the men struck Benz with a billy, and if any blows were struck at all it was with nothing more than the fists. According to the statement of this man, who claims to have been an eye vr'tness to the affair, the six men, including Benz.came in the saloon by the side door, and stepping to the bar, called for six beers. There were quite a number of persons In the place at the time and as young Benz left the bar and went to the lunch counter, Grady stepped from behind, the bar _and taking hold of Benz's coat, asked who was to pay for the beer. At this one of the men with Benz grabbed Grady by the arm and said something about the pay for the beer being all right. Grady, according to this wit- ness, shook himself loose and made a pass at the man who had grabbed his arm. Just then some one, the witness did not or could not say who, struck Benz, knocking him down. He was as- sisted to his feet by his friends, and after paying for the drinks, left the place. Both Grady and Waldron deny that Benz was struck by a weapon or billy and neither of them had any acquaint- ance with Benz or any of the men who were with them. It is claimed that a number of young fellows have been in the habit of visiting the saloon, order- ing drinks and^, after drinking them sauntering to the lunch counter and then out of the side.dfl:>r without making > any settlement., Whether the trouble! grew out of the fnisapprenension on the part of the satoonnaen that this was the game to be^ worked by Benz and his party is not KnoWn, as the prisoners are not inclined Ito tlijk about the case. It is possible, hojwevjer, that this is the true solution oil tb#: affair, although those acquainted with young Benz -say such an idea nßver*. entered his head, and if Grady or Wdldron had this in mind they were^greatty mistaken. Dr. Brlmhall, who was ascer- I tain {he extent.. of Benz's injuries by \u25a0 the police Saturday rffght, reported that the patient hadi evidently been struck on the right side of the head, just back of the temple, by some instrument. He was of the opinion that the blow was caused by som« other instrument than man's fist. Seen last evening, Dr. I Brimhall stated that the young man, ! whom he last saw f^sterday morning, j was much better am seemingly out of danger. * " - * Van Demmit— So tit's what they call a tailor-made girl, eh? t.'lHy Wilt—Yea. Van Demmit— Ah. I don't" vos4«r their fathers j w«at to shift -the respoteibUßy.— Vogue. cago This Week. Dr. A. B. Ancker, city physician, left last evening- for Chicago. He was call- ed there by a letter received yesterday from Dr. A. Lugorio, who has charge of the Pasteur institute at 65 Randolph street, that city. The letter stated that Jennie Shafer, the little girl who was taken to the Institute two weeks ago, was doing splendidly and had shown no sign of rabies; the course of treatment to which she had been subjected would come to an end yester- day morning and that she would be ready to go home any time thereafter. Dr. Ancker will return to St. Paul with the little girl Tuesday morning. The expense of the child's treatment at the irstitute will be paid for by the board of control, although it has not been de- cided as yet just how the claim can be worked through so as to prevent the city comptroller from holding it up. TWO J(EW OXES. More Candidates for the City School Superintendeney. Among the acquisitions to the list of can- didates who are suggested to succeed C B Gilbert as superintendent of the public schools are Gen. G. C. Smith, principal of the X ison school, and Prof. John A. Hartigan at present occupying a chair in St. Thomas' "col- lege. Both are being poahed b 7 their friends. FATHER OF WILLIAM IIBRLWDI Died at His Home in Milwaukee Friday. Bernard Berlandl, of Mil wank** father of Willlam^rlandi. of SL Paul' idied Friday- at life, resident, 88 Ogden avenue, in that**»>^iwhere he took ur his residence -*TIB*I. : He is survVvS by I a wife, three dau«HSni **£?%;£* GOSPEL OF PEfIGE MILITARY MTEN HEAR IT AT TUB SHRINE OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. REV. DR. DUDLEY W. RHODES ADDRESSES HK.IIT COMPANIES OF THE FIRST REGIMENT OF MIN- NESOTA MILITIA. MARTIAL SPIRIT PERVADES Even the Exercises of the Chnrch, Which Stands for Eternal Rest and Peao St. Luke's day was observed at the Church of St. John the Evangelist yes- terday by special afternoon services for the members of the First regiment, Minnesota national guard, eight com- panies of which, attending in a body, listened to a special sermon by Rev. Dudley W. Rhodes. The companies present were C. D, B and H,of St. Paul, and A, B, F and I, of Minneapolis. Col. C. McC. Reeve, with the field and staff officers of the regiment, was also in attendance. In addition to the militia- men, who filled almost every available space in the church, a large number of civilians crowded the aisles and door- ways of the edifice in an effort to hear the sermon of Dr. Rhodes. Previous to marching to the church the rendezvous of the regiment was at the armory, on Sixth street, where the St. Paul companies formed, in waiting for those from Minneapolis, which came over on chartered interurban cars, at 3 o'clock. Watson's First Regiment band accompanied this division, which marched from Seventh and Wabasha streets to the armory, where it. was joined by the St. Paul companies, the regiment then marching to the church, Portland avenue and Kent street. Only one section of the edifice had been al- lotted to the public at large, and this was crowded long before the arrival of the regiment, while those seeking to gain admission after the militiamen had been accommodated filled the lawn and sidewalk. Forming in a column, two abreast, the members of the regi- ment filed slowly into the church, while the band, which had entered first, ren- dered Beethoven's "Hope Celestial." When the members of the regiment had been seated the combined choirs of St. John the Evangelist and St. Luke's churches entered, singing with splendid effect the processional hymn, "Stand Up for Jesus." At the conclusion of the scriptural reading by Rev. Dr. Chitten- den, formerly of St. Paul's church, Wi- nona, who assisted in the services, the congregation, led by the choir, sang the national anthem, "America." It was a grand chorus of male voices, whose> power and spirit was an inspiration in keeping with the occasion, and seldom in times of peace is a more feeling tribute paid to patriotism than was evidenced by the sincerity of the citizen soldiers as they sang their country's national hymn. Dr. Rhodes announced as hiß text the words of Paul to Timothy, "Endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ." He said in part: "It might be thought unusual and to be one of the contradictions of life to see a body of men drawn together by the spirit of war assemble in a Christian church, whose mission it is to destroy war as a factor in civilization, yet nothing has done more to bring about universal peace than those enrolled in the armies of the world. But it is not by arms that the peace of Christ has been im- posed upon the hearts and intellects of men, but through His boundless love. God does not send His peace through the agencies of war. The sacrifices of the soldier on the field of battle are free will offerings to the cause he holds dearest, while the peace of God is es- tablished by the acceptance of the means which He offers, yet the duties of a soldier of Christ and a soldier of his country constitute a striking par- allel. "It Is interesting to note what makes a Christian soldier and what makes a soldier of his country. The first attri- bute of a soldier is obedience. Obedi- ence is likewise the foundation upon which the Christian life is built. Dis- obedience on the part of a soldier in times of war means death. The sol- dier has but to do and die and not to ask the reason why. When one looks at a regiment on the field of battle moving with precision, like a mighty machine at the breath of the command- ing officer, it is then that the secret of the Christian life is revealed. The or- ders of the Great Captain are to be seen every day. They issue from the sky, the stars, the moon and all phases of nature. They are the reveille of the morning, the curfew of the night The fool may read the orders of God, yet the duty of the soldier is the in- stinct of the soldiers of Jesus Christ. "Next to obedience, the essential quality of an efficient soldier is dis- cipline, which means the sinking of self in the great mass, so that when the order comes the whole line is driven as one mass even as are the ingots of the iron in the furnace. The great secret of Napoleon's success as a general was the discipline of his soldiers individually. No man can be a g-ood soldier who is thinking of self. The soldier must think of his comrades, endure hardship, anguish disease and death. Only by being will- ing to give up the luxuries of life and depart to the seclusion of the tent can a man become a good soldier. All of this comes as the result of discip- line. Brave men tremble in the field when receiving their first baptism of fire and bullets, but discipline changes their natural fear to courage and brav- ery. Discipline accomplishes the same end in the Christian's life. The Chris- tian must be willing to be sunk in the great mass of humanity. He must give himself to others. Let him put his feet on luxury, sin and vice, and by these stones rise to higher things. This is a Christian's discipline. "What shall be said of courage in the Christian's life? In the soldier there may be physical disabilities, but the soldier who has not courage is never great. When you read of the great men infusing courage into troops which are wavering. It may be said that brute courage has made it pos- sible for their names to be written among the stars, but in the Christian life this is not so. Christian courage is not like that to which I have al- luded. The courage of the Christian is harder to attain than that which enables men to face thundering guns and storms of lead. It is the power to say no and yes in the strength of con- viction ;it is the power to say one's prayers when there are those about age. The leadership which is coura- geous is that which manifests Itself where there are none to befriend or to follow. "Faith, too. Is an element In the life of a soldier as well as In, the life of a Christian. How is it that armies will j follow one man rather than another? I It is faith which enables them to do j so. They know in whom they believe. The men In the field have the same faith as he who stands upon the em- inence, and they trnst him. I n«ed not tell you of the faith that a Chris- tian must have In the invisible. Com- mander. ' The personality of your Christ Is the ;j»q#ef Ti w.hi«h inspires the hardiness or'jfaftMn' soldier of the Great Commanded WjfektX- fcok utxm this hody <rf men before me today. I think of the fleeting 1 nature of this life, and remember that we are all possessed of immortal souls, which, by the power of God, shall live on through all eternity; and, soldiers of Minnesota, I call upon you by your allegiance to your state to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ. The time will come wh-en the battle cry will no longer be heard, and when the torn flag will be furled In the parliament of man; then a still later time will come when war shall be no more, but those who have learned the lesson of obedience here and have endured hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Chrust will live on through time in the presence of the Great Commander." At the conclusion of the services the regiment formed outside the church and marched down Summit avenue to the armory, where it was disbanded. DEAD I\ HIS BED. Andrew Lindqoiat, an Ex-Engineer, Ecxplren Suddenly. Andrew A. Lindquist, thirty-five years old, living at 877 West Minne- haha street, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning. Lindquist, who was formerly an engineer at the Minnesota transfer, quit his place at the time of the strike, and was not able to get back again. Since that time he has been touring the South, working at odd times. Lately he has been at Kansas City, Mo., and re- turned to St. Paul Saturday morning. He complained of not feeling well, and went early to bed Saturday night. When his wife went to arouse him yesterday morning she was shocked to find him dead. Dr. McNamara, who is deputy coroner, was notified of his death, and ordered the remains taken to Thaung & Jacobson's undertaking rooms at 32S East Seventh street. A post mortem will be held this morning to ascertain the cause of death. The I deceased leaves a wife and two small children. SCHt BERT CLUB TOMGHT Will Enjoy a Popniai Corapoaer'a Recital. The Schubert club will meet tomorrow night and will be entertained with a recital of original and Instrumental compositions by Gerrard Tonnlng, of Duluth. Mr. Tonning will be assisted by Miss Flora Mackenzie, a soprano who is favorably known In St. Paul, and who goes abroad shortly for a coarse of study. The executive committee of the Schubert club is considering an alliance with the Derthick Federation of Musical-Literary Clubs, which now numbers 6,000 members, and through whose agency they would come into possession of a valuable and interesting series of programmes arranged and classified by leading musicians of the United State*. .\u25a0 together with criticisms and analyses "not otherwise obtainable. A specimen pro- gramme will be given soon before the ehtfre club. I!» A STRANGE COURT. Marital Vowi Pledged in a Grue- some Probate Hall. Judge Wlllrich's daily routine brings him into contact with disputatious heirs and legatees, family Jars, and crazy folks. Saturday he was con- fronted by a couple of lovers who want- J ed him to marry them. From force of| habit Judge Willrich eyed them sharp- | ly as though questioning their sanity, i but after scrutinizing the marriage \u25a0 license and making a few inquiries, he | concluded that they were sane after i all and performed the ceremony. The bride and groom are Prank Mal- acek, of Wright county, and Anna Sa- bota, of St. Paul. BAKER'S AXMAL BALL. I»ua! Happy Event at AaaemMr Hall. The eleventh annual ball of the Tun \u25a0 ' men Bakers' union took place at Labor hall ! Saturday evening. The affair was enjoyed by j , about seventy-five couples. A programme of twenty-four dance numbers served to make the pleasures last until the small hours of the ' morning, when th-> ir,i.nber3 of the union and ! their friends aamgtx their booi^n, fully as- i ; sured that the Mod organisation liad mmmr i i conducted a more sutxeas'ul <:-:i'ertn!n merit, j i The committee <-t pmtgi-ncnts t*ttaisic\ ci ! E. Nyhns, Anton ':aar. ••«*!\u25a0 Andre* I'h;i- ; llp^ Greengard, CfcaxV*; Car.genger mod Ai»- gust Jacks. Only Obc Store "Week, ~ ? •\u25a0'*? The present week vrlil km all the games' but . . HARD TO HIT . . tV^^T . An Indian to be shot must be taken un- awares and this same quick intui- tion is ever present with him, £s whether he is in danger from the bullet y of an enemy, or the equally deadly germ 1 )r\^/^ "' °^ some * ata l disease. In the former ( / case, at the least movement of the foe /I l/ i c d°d& es > dives, plunges or jumps and '(\ rf I escapes unscathed. In the other instance he »' V is quick to perceive by a loss of flesh, sleep or *Jg J appetite, unnatural restlessness ani pains or / lack of energy, a sallow or blotched skin, a bad breath, indigestion, susceptibility to colds and numerous other symptoms, thai he is in the toils of some malady that will terminate fatally unless every precaution is taken at fence, and he loses ro time. He takes such medicines as he knows will effect a cure, remedies used for centuries by his people, carefully compounded from roots, herbs, barks and gums of their own gathering, and the result is a speedy return to health and a long life of happiness. The most famous of these Indian medicines which has effected thousands of marvelous cures is the well known Kickapoo Indian Saqwa -| Recognized everywhere as the most efficient known specific for all afflictions arising from a diseased condition of the blood, stomach, kidneys or liver and approved by the thousands who have found relief by its use. If you are i » ailing don't neglect this chance «s=^^K °^ eeat^ tn > life and happiness. A ***^~J^j?W"'?^ single trial is sufficient to con- v%jir^ vince any one of its - 4fc^3 H^-^^vV " -»' r *^ mer * ts - All drug- *-^%b^*Ss-2^^ '*"' V gists, $1 a bottle ; 6 \u25a0•-* ~ bottles $5. on© finished in the handicap series at Foley's. The schedule follows: Monday, Torrance ys. Larkin; Tuesday, Capen vs. Cochrane; Wednes- day. Poland vs. Aldrich; Thursday, Foley vs. Torrance; Friday, Thayer va. Capen; Sat- urday, Cochrane vs. Larkin. Tate'*» Better Half In Trouble, Too. Stella King and Emma Tate, two negro women, were arrested last nlgrt by Patrol- man Holland, charged with larceny. The complaint was made by Robert Brunson, a white youth, who claims to live at St. Jam9S, Minn., and work on the Great Northern road as brakeman. Brunson says he met th» women and invited them to have a drink. He displayed his money to pay for the treat, and when he felt for it a few moments later the roll, amounting to $20. was gone. Emma Tate, one of the prisoners, is the wife of Robert Tate, who will be arraigned in court this morning for creating a disturbance in Rossberg's saloon last Wednesday night. In order that Brunson would be on hand to pros- ecute the women this morning he was given a cell at the station for the night. ruptured a Defaulter. VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct. 18. Sheriff Barnes, of Park county. Ohio, has arrived here to take back G. W Legg, the default- ing treasurer of that county. Two days bs- fore Legg's term of office expired he dis- appeared leaving a deficit of $15,000. Legg was much overcome when caught, and said he had been tormented ever since he left Ohio. _ I.n. Gaacogne** Peril. NEW YORK, Oct. 18. -The steamer La Gaseogne arrived today, bringing $600,000 In gold. On Wednesday last the La Goscogne encountered a tremendous wave which swept away one of th» life boats and in other re- spects slightly damaged the boat. The pas- sengers were at dinner at the time. Tha shock of the wave, forced almost everything from the steamer tables, completed spoiling the meal for all of the passengers. The Oldest and Best Appo'nted Studio in The Northwest. 1850 CK^sgSKSS^ 1896 SO and 101 East SixtliStreet, Opposite Metropolitan Opera House. EXQUISITE PHOTOGRAPHY! "Be New Photo" Outdoor and commercial work a specialty. %&B Mr. Zimmerman's Personal Attention to Appointments. Telephone 1071. PILEST SAF*E., LASTING GUFte. Itching piles, bleeding, blind or protruding piles, safely and permanently cured by tha PYRAMID PILE CURE. Absolutely safe contains no opium, cocaine or injurious drugs' 50 cents and $1 at druggists. Book on cause and cure of piles sent free by addressing Pyramid Co.. Albion. Mich. CITY NOTICE. Office of the City Treasurer, St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 16, 1896. All persons interested in the assessment for paving with brick on concrete foundation Fifth street, from Wabasha. street to the west lin? of Cedar street; also pave with asphalt on concrete foundation said Fifth street from west line of Cedar street to Robert street also pave with granite on concrete founda- tion the intersection of said Fifth street with Robert street; also pave with aaphalt on con- crete foundation said Fifth street, from Robert street to the west line of Rroadway street, in said City of St. Paul (except be- tween the rails of the street car track* and between the tracks and for two feet on each swe of the outside rails of said tracks), and , put tn granite curbing and granite toothing (where neeeacary) on the line of said im- provement, including the necessary gas. water and ge-wer connections to property line, WILL TAKE NOTICE, that on the Stb day of October, 18&G, I did receive different warraat* from the City Comptroller of the City of St. Paul for the collection of the above-named assessments The nature of these warrants is that If you fail to pay the assessment within THIRTY DAYS after the fir*t publication of thin bbUm I shall report you *nd your real estate 'so wapsjed a* delinquent, and apply to the District Court of the County of RanW! Minnesota for Judgment againa* your lacdi ots blocks or parcels ifcerwof so assessed Sarlßtbng interest, costs and expenses ana for -an, order c«.Um. Court to sell the 'asm. F°.3;Ji h 3.1?3r Bler't thereof. c. L_ HORST TSSra; Cfty TraHTirer.

Transcript of THE MONfcAlf, SfUNT PfJUL. WflS GUT TO PIECES TWO...

Page 1: THE MONfcAlf, SfUNT PfJUL. WflS GUT TO PIECES TWO … · 2 SfUNT PfJUL. 1.04 \I. NEWS XOTl^. St. Paul cooks y>\llorganize


SfUNT PfJUL.1.04 \I. NEWS XOTl^.

St. Paul cooks y>\ll organize soon.Si. Luke's toy will be observed us a dona-

tion day at Pi. Cuke' 3hospital icday.

The remains of "Lillian Lefebrre willbe tak-en to Garden City this morning tor inter-ment.

TLc funeral of the late Daniel Cashman willbe held this morning from .he raeUksce, 27SCommercial street.

l>v. j.r. Stout, of the First M. E. church,will be teedercd a reception by the congre-gation Friday evening.

Tho Kinbk* oiub, for seveial years one ofthe -ily's swelltvt social crgdn'ziuions, willmet t tonight to wind up its affairs.

Holvert riuinlfigh died Saturday alternoonat his home rti« Pennsylvania avenue, agedtv.-enty-eisht years. The funeral will be he-Idtomorrow at 10 o'clock irom hislate r^.-iilncs.

J. V. Merrill will sins (he oiYntoiy soloat St. Paul's .-lunch harvest festival Thurs-day evening ai s o'clock, and th? uldro. s willi- i-ivcn !>.. Kcv. John O. Ferris, rector ofSl James' church.

\u25a0i h.> member* uf Division No. 2, A. O. U.\Y.. willgive a ball at Later hall iomorr;>w

evening. Musi, will be lurn:>:hed by theA. O. 11. band, and the members cf the orderanticipate a cioitghtful affair and a large at-tendance.

Officer Dave Hennessey has in his posses-sion a valuable English mastiff dog. which |he wishes the owner would take off hishands. The dog CUM to the officer's house


and after being fed assigned himself perma-nent quarters about the place. He weaisa wide leather collar, attached to which isa license lag issued in Superior. VVis. Offi-cer Henna sey ihuiks the dog was either lostby hi? owner while temporarily in St. Paulor was stolen from Superior. The animal .can be had by the rightful owner by callingat the otneer's home, 193 University avenue..


Miss JenneOe Peltier has returned from

\u25a0 melt's visit iv l»uluth.The Wyandotte club gives its first dance •

of th<- season in A. O. V. W. Temple to-morrow evening. j

The Knights of St. George give a social'

hop this evening at C. S. P. S. hall. Sev-enth and Western.

The Primrose Social club announces Its ieecond hop in Assembly hall Wednesday !evenhis, Nov. 4, opening with a musical


and literary programme.The Ladies' Art class will open at high j

school the first Monday In November. Mrs.Burbank will resume the charge of theclass. This is the eleventh year, and willbedevoted to a review of Italian painting.

I'nity Temple No. 9, Rathbone Sisters, willgive a social hop In its hall, Sixth and Sev-enth streets, Wednesday evening. Musicwill be furnished by Ryder's orchestra. Thearrangement committee Is Mrs. Ruth El-dridge, Mrs. Helen Irish, Mrs. Eva Belcher,Mrs. Ella Cook.


(oiniiicrcial Travelers DlHclaimFinancial Insonndnesa.

A number of commercial travelers whochanced to be in St. Paul Saturday night metat Central hall to add their indorsement tothe sound money cause, E. H. Nyhas presid-ing. The following resolutions, which wereadopted, do not come as the action of theCommercial Travelers' association, but wereadopted and signed by the full membershipof the meeting:

Whereas, It has been reported in free,silver newspapers that the commercial trav-elers are in favor of the free coinage ofsilver, and.Whereas, It is deemed advisable to cor-rect any erroneous impressions that mayhave gone abroad rayiraing the positior oftlie commercial travelers upon this question;it Is hereby

Resolved, by the commercial travelers ofSt. Paul, That we are unalterably opposedto the financial plank embodied in :.he plat-form of the Democratic party, adopted atChicago, and we confidently believe that thefree coinage of silver, as adDnte.d on thatplatform, would result in enormous disasterto all classes of American citizens, exceptthe owners of silver bullion, and that thehonor and integrity of the United Statesgovernment in its financial dealings mustat all times be steadfastly maintained.

The above was signed by the full com-mittee as follows:O°orge S. Wiseman, A. Heinemann,E. H. Kyhva, W. J. Spencer,Owen A. Clark, J. J. CookGeorge W. Goff, H. C. PennoidFrank E. Noble, W. W. Gamble.W. C. Nsily, C. S. Drundage,E. S. Doraa. F. U. I-'eisson,

• J. T. Thompson, Edward Hyde.J. G. Bassett, Henry 11. lloldcn,C. H. Hoyt, J. N. Dresser.


Get Into :i Row mill Talk Glibly ofliloodnhed.

Pasqual Liberti, an Italian laborer,was arrested late Saturday night byPatrolman Markie on a charge ofdrunk and disorderly. Liberti hadwithin a nickel of $62 in his pocket,and wanted to be released on bail.It is the usual practice in cases ofthis kind to allow prisoners to go onbail as soon as they sober, up. Lib-erti, however, had "no bail" markedopposite his name, and the result wasthat he spent the Sabbath in a cellat tho central station. Rodino Lom-bardo explained to Capt. Rouleau thatLiberti had threatened to kill him,and he was fearful that ifLiberti wasreleased he might put his threat intoexecution. His statement was '*vckedup by that of his wife, who told thepolice that Liberti had informed herthat she would soon be dressed inmourning: for her husband. It wasowing to these statements that Lib-erti was kept locked up yesterday.Liberti is single, thirty-seven yearsnld. and for the past four months hasbeen employed as a laborer on theGreat Northern road in Montana. Hereturned to St. Paul last Friday, andhas been drinking heavily. Lombardolives with his wfe and family atEagle and Franklin streets, and Lib-prti boards in the same locality.

After Prison-Made Shoes.The shoemakers' union, at its meeting Fri-4ay evening, decided to take a poll of senti-

ment among tfce legislative candidates re-lative to prison anil labor laws. It is claimedthat the present law is being violated by theemployment of more men at one industrythan is allowed. A prison stamp v.'illalso bedemanded to designate shoes made in prison.T. Dickens, George Bousquet and Frank Wi-osky were elected delegates to the union labelleague. The following are the new officers ofthe union: President. Louis Peterson; viceEresident. Frank King; recording secretary,

i. K. Mitchell; financial secretary, LouisOrdell; treasurer, F. Wiosky.

Death of Miss Furlong.Miss Aliie B. Furlong died yesterday after-noon at 5:40 o'clock at the home of her

parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Furlong, 635 St.Peter street. Miss Furlong has been a resi-dent of St. Paul since her sixth year and hadbeen educated in the public schools and theteachers 1 training school, since her grada-tion having been a teacher in the Sahatterschool. She was a graduate of the h'.gh schoolclass of '?3, and a member of t'le Boaclicesns.Consumption was the cause of death.

l*:i*<or Biti-lelg'h iv Milwaukee.Rev. Angus A. Burleigh, of this city, presid-

ing elder of the A. M. E. church, has accepteda call to the pastorate of St. Mark's A. M., of Milwaukee. AYis.. and formallytook possession of his new charge last week.A reception was tendered the new pastor bythe St. Mark's 'jingrcg.ition Tuesday evening,many of the members meeting Rev. Burleighfor the first time upon that occasion. St.Mark's its one of the largest Afro-Americanchurches in the West, and a successful yearis anticipated by the congregation under theministry of Rev. Burleigh.

EyesEars, nose are more or less affected bycatarrh, which is caused by impureblood. Cure catarrh by purifyingtheblood. Remember

SarsapariliaIs the best— lnfHet Ibe One True BloodFuriSnr.

Hood's Pilta *«»<«sK»J«is. mHd^sa^UJve, !






HIS SKI M. IS I'ltVt 11 iu:i>.

In Addition to a \uiuber of Fright-

ful I. u-ci;iiliin« of the Tiuuk.and i.iml.H.

Jacob C. Schorr, nineteen years old,residing with his widowed mother at385 Jenks street, was fatally injuredlast evening by being run over by aNorthern Pacific engine near York andMississippi streets. Schorr rode on theenginerfrom the union depot, intendingto jump off the locomotive at York andMississippi streets, the nearest point tohis home. He did jump off, but as heleft the engine his foot slipped, and hewas thrown under the wheels andshockingly mangled. He was pickedup and taken to the city hospital, andalthough aliv-e when he reached the in-stitution the physicians say there is nochance for his recovery. His left footwas almost completely severed from

!the leg just above the ankle and hisjleft hand hung by a shred to the arm.iHe sustained a fracture of the skull oni the right side and there were gaping'

wounds on the top of his head, while

Ilarge pieces of flesh had been torn fromj his arm and right side. Restorativesand opiates were given him, and if hecan survive the shock to his system,which is hardly possible, the injuriesto his head will be sufficient to causehis death.

Schorr has been employed in theNorthern Pacific shops as a helper inthe blacksmith shop, but lately hasbeen employed at the Home & Danzworks on the West side. His mother,who was notified' of the accident, wascompletely prostrated by the shock.


People's C-hnrt-h Anticipate* thePrison Sunday Services.

Prison Sunday services were held atthe People's church last evening. Theobservance was in the nature of aplatform meeting-, which was addressedby Rev. W. R. Lord and WardenWolfer, of the state penitentiary.

Mr. Lord spoke upon the subject"The Incipient Criminal," and assertedin his opening remarks that the onlymanner in which this class could bereached was by sympathy. This couldbe effectively done by the realization onthe part of more fortunately situatedindividuals that they were of the sameclass to which the speaker referred.onlythey were differently environed. Underthe same conditions those who were notcriminals might become so as readilyas those who were; and on the otherhand those who who fell, ifsurroundedby the favorable conditions of theirneighbors, might never begin the down-ward career which ended only behindprison walls.

There were two classes of Incipientcriminals, the speaker said, the firstof which was composed of those rearedin homes where crime and vice was notonly countenanced, but was taught tothe children by the every-day lives ofthe parents. The wonder to those whohad labored in the cause of humanityin large cities was not that therewere so many criminals, but that therewere so few. In this connection thespeaker referred to a recent incidentin the local police court, where the par-ents had been arrested for the theft ofa number of doors of railroad cars forfuel, and asked how it could be expect-ed that the children of these parentscould be expected when they grew upto have respect for the rights of proper-ty. The law was indentical in all caseswhere any phase of crime was instill-ed into the mind of the child. The timewas coming, however, when therewould be no need of prison reform as-sociations, for the people were begin-ning to take hold upon a condition ofaffairs to be righted with a zeal whichattested that the importance of fhe re-form movement was at last realized.

The second division of incipientcrime existed among those who hadproper training, but who had fallen un-der temptation. The components ofthis class never intended to becomecriminals and were not in reality such,even after the commission of an unlaw-ful act. Itwas not consistent with re-form to put such persons in confine-ment with hardened criminals, as sucha course entirely circumvented any ef-fort at reformation by lowering the un-fcrtunate and causing to attach to hima stigma which could never be remov-ed. Massachusetts had adopted a pro-bationary system of dealing with in-cipient criminals which the speaker in-dorsed and recommended to the stateof Minnesota. Itprovided for the ap-pointment by the different courts ofprobationary officials whose duty itwas when a man was arraigned for thecommitting of a crime to inquire intohis former life, ascertain his habits,also whether he had been previouslyguiltyof any crime, and make a reportto the judges. Power was given thecourts to put a criminal on probation,and ifhe was found to have been sim-ply one who had fallen for the firsttime he was allowed his liberty, in-stead of-being sent to prison. The pro-bationary officials, however, still look-ed after the convicted person, even tovisiting his home, and made frequentreports to the proper authorities. Bythe application of this system Mr. Lord

stated that 60 per cent of the criminalsj of Massachusetts who had been sub-|Je.pted to it had been reclaimed. He, concluded his address with an appealthat the meeting should not end insentiment, but that actual and mate-rial assistance should be given the

'Ramsey County Prison association inmaintaining the one official whom ithad recently appointed to look to thereformation of those in the early stages

j of criminality in St. Paul.Warden Wolfer read an interesting

ipaper upon "The Reformed Criminal.":Once a thief was not always a thief,jhe said, and by the employment ofj proper methods many who had been{ stamped as criminals could be re-Iclaimed as useful and honorable mcm-ibers of society. All who committed

crimes were not naturally criminals.Criminality could only be analyzed inso far as the character of the criminal

Icould be read, but It was beyond ques-! tion that many who committed crimes

were not at heart bad. but were thevictims of irresistible temptation."When a man entered prison, to begin

j the reformation hoped to be accom-Iplished it was necessary to know sorae-ithing of his former life. Kis habitsIwere studied and his intellectual abil-j ity observed in order that the mostS effective method might be employed inj an -effort to prepare him to resume|his place in society at the expirationlof his sentence. The convicted man.• as a rule, was whollyout of gear withi society. He thought Ir all wrong be-

cause he had fallen under the law,and unon entering prison was a sub-ject difficult to handle. Ordinarily,froxvevor. the corvJct vas quick .to takeftdvantap* of"any system prevailing intfce prison which would accrue to hfs

j -bt*e«fit and in this way sobn becameii«**ar>b.lect of self- discipline, an impor-!•«**« factor (a his reformation. 1*



(strengthen the character of the manwas the only hope of reform. Underordinary conditions it was possible toreform about 60 per oent of convictedcriminals. But society must do ltapart, and when the released prisonerhas established that he \m on the wayto a reformed life, he must be given ahelpicg hand. Simple tolerance wasnot sufficient. He must be assisted toemployment, and his rights must beprotected Just as though he had neverbeen behind prison bars. The positionof the parent to the erring child wasthe position which society should as-sume towerd the reformed criminal,and this way his reformation could bemade complete and enduring.


Topic or Rev. J. F. Stoat» SermonYesterday.

Hosea's picture of the Valley ofAchor was chosen for a topic by Rev.J. F. Stout, pastor of the First M., last night. He said in part:

When Israel, escaping from bond-age, came a second time to the gatesot the land of promise, this campingground was to them the door of theland which had been already giventhem by God

—an opportunity full of

hope. Indeed they found tnat God'sgift was opportunity. A door of hopeis a universal need. Israel was In adesperate strait; idolatry and moralcorruption were everywhere prevalent.The old and time-honored worship of

; Jehovah had become debased by theI intrusion of the habits and spirit ofj the surrounding peoples. Social evils'

were eating into the very heart of the. state; the people groaned under bur-I dens that made their condition little

better than slavery; drunkenness andlicentiousness were the order among'priests and people; Israel had for

j years been shutting all doors of hopeand opening avenues for despair.These times in Israel represent the uni-versal condition of peoples withoutGod. God's doors of hope are all con-ditioned. There are two schools ofreligious thought, having a wide dif-ference in their method of lookingat truth. Both teach with the Wordof God, that eternal life is a gift ofGod, but one affirms that it is a giftoutright, and that the receiver has

j nothing to do with it. By this method] the land of promise should have beendelivered to Israel already c nqueredand cleansed, and the salvation ofJesus given to the individual heart,unconditioned by faith or courage onthe part of him who receives it.

The other school recognizes the condi-tional element in all God's dealings.He gives the promised land to Israelby developing in them the spirit ofconquest, and the power of accom-

j plishing results through faith in him.The gospel promises to form a doorof hope, through which any soul mayenter and find for himself all that ispromised, and yet he must fail if hedoes not enter and possess that whichis designed for him. Difficulties thereare indeed; to Israel the walled citiesand the giants, the hosts of trainedenemies, to us the forces that con-front a soul on the march away fromsin to the city of God, but these dif-ficulties are only after all the meas-ure of the divine estimate of the manwho enters these doors of precious op-portunity. Surely God has made Hlalargest compliment to the race In thefact that He sets it a task under Hisdirection that he must become in somesense divine to accomplish it,must be-come a partaker of the divine nature.


Attended the Opening of the PoullstFathers' Mission.

The Paulist Fathers, of New York,iraugurated a two weeks' mission inthis city at the cathedral yesterday.The first sermon was preach «i at highmass by Rev. Father Elias Younon,who, in a general discussion, set forththe objects of the mission. A secondmass and instruction was held at 8o'clock. Father Younon also officiatedat the evening services, when he de-livered an eloquent sermon on the im-portance of salvation. The first weekof the mission the services are exclu-sively for women, over 3,000 of whomcrowded the cathedral last evening.

Father Younon is considered one ofthe foremost speakers of the orderwhich he represents, and during hismissionary work in the United Statesfor the past few years he has beengreeted with crowds wherever thePaulist missions have been instituted.He was born in Calcutta, India, wherehe labored as a missionary for somejears, when he was transferred to Lon-dcn. England. His labors in the city

of London cover a period ofnearly twen-ty-five years. Recently he came to theUnited States, where his work has beenfor the most part confined to the stateof New York.


Churchmen Complain to PoliceAbout "Old Kentucky* Band.

Charles E. D. Olmsted, who is oneof the deacons of the House of Hopechurch, walked rapidly into the cen-tra! police station yesterday noon. Hewas quite indignant, and as soon as hecould calm himself sufficiently to talk,informed the officer behind the deskthat the present administration wasworse than Bob Smith's, and he failedto see where the promised reform camein. "Why, do you know?" said Mr.Olmsted, warming up again as he pro-ceeded, "that there is a negro bandparading the streets right in front ofthe House of Hope just while the ser-vices are being dismissed." At thisjuncture Mr. Olmsted was hustled intothe private office of Chief Goss andjust what other talk he made regard-ing the policy of the reform adminis-tration which would allow such a stateof affairs was lost to the public. Mr.Olmsted had a short talk with ChiefGoss and that official evidently knewjust how to handle him and his com-plaint, for ten minutes later he emerg-ed from the private office, smiled andbowed pleasantly to the group of police-men and detectives and hurried out ofthe door in a much more pleasant frame"of mind than when he stalked in. "Andthe band played on."

Will Be Brought Back From Cht-







But Is Still in»a Grave Condition atHis Monte on Sherburne


Paul E. Benz, who was assaulted inWaldron & Grady's saloon Saturdayevening, was reported as out of dangerlast evening. The young man's condi-tion was said to be very serious Satur-day night, and the physicians In at-tendance feared that the blow whichhe received had caused a fracture ofthe skull. Itwas a report to this effectthat caused the arrest of Robert N.Grady, one of the proprietors of thesaloon, on a charge of assault with adangerous weapon, as stated in theUo b c yesterday. Interest in the casewas increased yesterday by the arrest

of William J. Waldron, the other mem-ber of the firm in whose saloon the as-sault took place. He was locked up atthe central station on a charge similarto that preferred against Grady.

Waldron came to the station yester-day at noon, accompanied by AnthonyJ. Kampmann, local agent for theSchlltz Brewing company, to have atalk with Grady. He was somewhatsurprised to learn that he was wantedon the same charge as his businesspartner. Instead of making a visit ofcondolence and expressing sympathyat the position in which Grady foundhimself, Waldron spent the balance ofthe day as a prisoner, and together thetwo partners discussed the situation

Previous to the arrest of Waldron amember of the- Benz family called atthe central station, accompanied byWilliam Post and A. Barfuss, two ofthe persons who were with Paul Benzat the time the assault was committed.The companions of young Benz statedto the police that a mistake had beenmade, in that it was Waldron whostruck Paul Be*z with a billy insteadof Grady. Post and Barfuss had a talkwith Lieut. Boerne-f and afterwardswith Chief Goss. Following this theorder was issued for Waldron's arrestand a couple ofdetectives were sent outfor him. It was while the detectiveswere out looking for Waldron that hecalled to see ©rady, and was placedunder arrest.

At 3 o'clock a telephone message wasreceived at the central station to theeffect that the physicians were of theopinion that Paul Benz was out of im-mediate danger, although he was in avery serious condition. A number ofGrady's friends had been endeavoringto make arrangements for his releaseon bail, and it was announced thatJudge Twohy had promised to call atthe central station at 10 o'clock to ar-range for Grady's release on bonds.Up to noon Judge Twohy had not putin an appearance, and as Waldron waslocked up at 1o'clock, the nrogrammeto secure Grady's release was not car-ried out. During the afternoon Will-iam Johnson, president of the RetailLiquor Dealers' association, and JohnF. Smith, vice president of the sameorganization, called at the station andhad an interview with both Grady andWaldron. Grady holds the position ofsecretary of the association, of whichJohnson and Smith are officers, and at5 o'clock it was agreed that the bestthing to be done was to secure attor-neys for the prisoners and endeavor tosecure their release on bonds. P. J.Bowlin, who also visited the prisoners,stated that he was willingto givebonds in any amount for their appear-ance in court today, but up to 9 o'clocklast evening the prisoners were bothat the station.

Waldron and^Gxady did. not care totalk about the cause yesterday when seenby a Globe reporter, but Grady saidthat as he understood the charge, thoseinterested had ..,decided that it wasWaldron and not he that had struckBenz with a hilly. ( If this was thecase and Benz ,tvaa, according- to thephysicians, not seriously hurt, he sawno reason why,,he ;should be held atthe station a prisoner. Waldron saida couple of the. raep, who claimed tohave been with.Benz when the allegedassault occurred, were at the saloonSaturday night, before the arrest ofGrady and had Informed the officer whoaccompanied them, that he, Waldron,was not the one* who struck Benz.

From a friend of the prisoners itwaslearned that neither of the men struckBenz with a billy,and if any blowswere struck at all it was with nothingmore than the fists. According to thestatement of this man, who claims tohave been an eye vr'tness to the affair,the six men, including Benz.came inthesaloon by the side door, and stepping tothe bar, called for six beers. Therewere quite a number of persons In theplace at the time and as young Benzleft the bar and went to the lunchcounter, Grady stepped from behind, thebar _and taking hold of Benz's coat,asked who was to pay for the beer. Atthis one of the men with Benz grabbedGrady by the arm and said somethingabout the pay for the beer being allright. Grady, according to this wit-ness, shook himself loose and made apass at the man who had grabbed hisarm. Just then some one, the witnessdid not or could not say who, struckBenz, knocking him down. He was as-sisted to his feet by his friends, andafter paying for the drinks, left theplace.

Both Grady and Waldron deny thatBenz was struck by a weapon or billyand neither of them had any acquaint-ance with Benz or any of the men whowere with them. It is claimed that anumber of young fellows have been inthe habit of visiting the saloon, order-ing drinks and^, after drinking themsauntering to the lunch counter andthen out of the side.dfl:>r without making >any settlement., Whether the trouble!grew out of the fnisapprenension on thepart of the satoonnaen that this wasthe game to be^ worked by Benz andhis party is not KnoWn, as the prisonersare not inclined Ito tlijk about the case.Itis possible, hojwevjer, that this is thetrue solution oil tb#: affair, althoughthose acquainted with young Benz -saysuch an idea nßver*.entered his head,and ifGrady or Wdldron had this inmind they were^greatty mistaken.

Dr. Brlmhall, who was ascer- Itain {he extent.. of Benz's injuries by \u25a0

the police Saturday rffght, reported thatthe patient hadi evidently been struckon the right side of the head, just backof the temple, by some instrument.He was of the opinion that the blowwas caused by som« other instrumentthan man's fist. Seen last evening, Dr. IBrimhall stated that the young man, !

whom he last saw f^sterday morning, jwas much better am seemingly out ofdanger. * "-—*

Van Demmit— So tit's what they call atailor-made girl, eh? t.'lHy Wilt—Yea. VanDemmit— Ah. Idon't" vos4«r their fathers jw«at to shift -the respoteibUßy.— Vogue.

cago This Week.Dr. A. B. Ancker, city physician, left

last evening- for Chicago. He was call-ed there by a letter received yesterdayfrom Dr. A. Lugorio, who has chargeof the Pasteur institute at 65 Randolphstreet, that city. The letter statedthat Jennie Shafer, the little girl whowas taken to the Institute two weeksago, was doing splendidly and hadshown no sign of rabies; the courseof treatment to which she had beensubjected would come to an end yester-day morning and that she would beready to go home any time thereafter.Dr. Ancker willreturn to St. Paul withthe little girlTuesday morning. Theexpense of the child's treatment at theirstitute will be paid for by the boardof control, although it has not been de-cided as yet just how the claim can beworked through so as to prevent thecity comptroller from holding it up.


More Candidates for the City SchoolSuperintendeney.

Among the acquisitions to the list of can-didates who are suggested to succeed C BGilbert as superintendent of the public schoolsare Gen. G. C. Smith, principal of the Xison school, and Prof. John A. Hartigan atpresent occupying a chair in St. Thomas' "col-lege. Both are being poahed b7 their friends.

FATHER OF WILLIAM IIBRLWDIDied at His Home in Milwaukee


Bernard Berlandl, of Milwank**father of Willlam^rlandi. of SL Paul'

idied Friday- at life,resident, 88 Ogdenavenue, in that**»>^iwhere he took urhis residence -*TIB*I.:He is survVvS byIa wife, three dau«HSni **£?%;£*








Even the Exercises of the Chnrch,Which Stands for Eternal

Rest and Peao

St. Luke's day was observed at theChurch of St. John the Evangelist yes-terday by special afternoon servicesfor the members of the First regiment,Minnesota national guard, eight com-panies of which, attending in a body,listened to a special sermon by Rev.Dudley W. Rhodes. The companiespresent were C. D,Band H,of St. Paul,and A, B,F and I,of Minneapolis. Col.C. McC. Reeve, with the field and staffofficers of the regiment, was also inattendance. Inaddition to the militia-men, who filled almost every availablespace in the church, a large number ofcivilians crowded the aisles and door-ways of the edifice in an effort to hearthe sermon of Dr. Rhodes.

Previous to marching to the churchthe rendezvous of the regiment was atthe armory, on Sixth street, where theSt. Paul companies formed, in waitingfor those from Minneapolis, which cameover on chartered interurban cars, at3 o'clock. Watson's First Regimentband accompanied this division, whichmarched from Seventh and Wabashastreets to the armory, where it. wasjoined by the St. Paul companies, theregiment then marching to the church,Portland avenue and Kent street. Onlyone section of the edifice had been al-lotted to the public at large, and thiswas crowded long before the arrivalof the regiment, while those seeking togain admission after the militiamenhad been accommodated filled the lawnand sidewalk. Forming in a column,two abreast, the members of the regi-ment filed slowly into the church, whilethe band, which had entered first, ren-dered Beethoven's "Hope Celestial."When the members of the regiment hadbeen seated the combined choirs of St.John the Evangelist and St. Luke'schurches entered, singing with splendideffect the processional hymn, "StandUp for Jesus." At the conclusion of thescriptural reading by Rev. Dr. Chitten-den, formerly of St. Paul's church, Wi-nona, who assisted in the services, thecongregation, led bythe choir, sang thenational anthem, "America." It wasa grand chorus of male voices, whose>power and spirit was an inspiration inkeeping with the occasion, and seldomin times of peace is a more feelingtribute paid to patriotism than wasevidenced by the sincerity of the citizensoldiers as they sang their country'snational hymn.

Dr. Rhodes announced as hiß textthe words of Paul to Timothy, "Endurehardness as good soldiers of JesusChrist." He said in part: "It mightbe thought unusual and to be one of thecontradictions of life to see a body ofmen drawn together by the spirit ofwar assemble in a Christian church,whose mission it is to destroy war as afactor in civilization, yet nothing hasdone more to bring about universalpeace than those enrolled in the armiesof the world. But it is not by armsthat the peace of Christ has been im-posed upon the hearts and intellectsofmen, but through His boundless love.God does not send His peace throughthe agencies of war. The sacrifices ofthe soldier on the field of battle arefree willofferings to the cause he holdsdearest, while the peace of God is es-tablished by the acceptance of themeans which He offers, yet the dutiesof a soldier of Christ and a soldier ofhis country constitute a striking par-allel.

"ItIs interesting to note what makesa Christian soldier and what makes asoldier of his country. The first attri-bute of a soldier is obedience. Obedi-ence is likewise the foundation uponwhich the Christian life is built. Dis-obedience on the part of a soldier intimes of war means death. The sol-dier has but to do and die and not toask the reason why. When one looksat a regiment on the field of battlemoving with precision, like a mightymachine at the breath of the command-ing officer, it is then that the secret ofthe Christian life is revealed. The or-ders of the Great Captain are to beseen every day. They issue from thesky, the stars, the moon and all phasesof nature. They are the reveille ofthe morning, the curfew of the nightThe fool may read the orders of God,yet the duty of the soldier is the in-stinct of the soldiers of Jesus Christ.

"Next to obedience, the essentialquality of an efficient soldier is dis-cipline, which means the sinking ofself in the great mass, so that whenthe order comes the whole line is

driven as one mass even as are theingots of the iron in the furnace. Thegreat secret of Napoleon's success asa general was the discipline of hissoldiers individually. No man can bea g-ood soldier who is thinking ofself. The soldier must think of hiscomrades, endure hardship, anguishdisease and death. Only by being will-ing to give up the luxuries of lifeand depart to the seclusion of the tentcan a man become a good soldier. Allof this comes as the result of discip-line. Brave men tremble in the fieldwhen receiving their first baptism offire and bullets, but discipline changestheir natural fear to courage and brav-ery. Discipline accomplishes the sameend in the Christian's life. The Chris-tian must be willingto be sunk in thegreat mass of humanity. He mustgive himself to others. Let him puthis feet on luxury, sin and vice, andby these stones rise to higher things.This is a Christian's discipline.

"What shall be said of courage a«in the Christian's life? In the soldierthere may be physical disabilities, butthe soldier who has not courage isnever great. When you read of thegreat men infusing courage into troopswhich are wavering. It may be saidthat brute courage has made it pos-sible for their names to be writtenamong the stars, but in the Christianlife this is not so. Christian courageis not like that to which Ihave al-luded. The courage of the Christianis harder to attain than that whichenables men to face thundering gunsand storms of lead. Itis the power tosay no and yes in the strength of con-viction;it is the power to say one'sprayers when there are those aboutage. The leadership which is coura-geous is that which manifests Itselfwhere there are none to befriend orto follow.

"Faith, too. Is an element In the lifeof a soldier as well as In, the life of aChristian. How is it that armies willjfollow one man rather than another? IIt is faith which enables them to do jso. They know in whom they believe.The men In the field have the samefaith as he who stands upon the em-inence, and they trnst him. In«ednot tell you of the faith that a Chris-tian must have In the invisible. Com-mander.

'The personality of your

Christ Is the ;j»q#ef Tiw.hi«h inspires

the hardiness or'jfaftMn' soldier of theGreat Commanded WjfektX- fcok utxmthis hody <rf men before me today. I

think of the fleeting1 nature of thislife, and remember that we are allpossessed of immortal souls, which, bythe power of God, shall liveon throughall eternity; and, soldiers of Minnesota,Icall upon you by your allegiance toyour state to be good soldiers ofJesus Christ. The time will come wh-enthe battle cry will no longer be heard,and when the torn flag will be furledIn the parliament of man; then astill later time will come when warshall be no more, but those who havelearned the lesson of obedience hereand have endured hardness as goodsoldiers of Jesus Chrust will live onthrough time in the presence of theGreat Commander."

At the conclusion of the services theregiment formed outside the churchand marched down Summit avenue tothe armory, where it was disbanded.


Andrew Lindqoiat, an Ex-Engineer,Ecxplren Suddenly.

Andrew A. Lindquist, thirty-fiveyears old, livingat 877 West Minne-haha street, was found dead in hisbed yesterday morning. Lindquist,who was formerly an engineer at theMinnesota transfer, quit his place atthe time of the strike, and was notable to get back again. Since thattime he has been touring the South,working at odd times. Lately he hasbeen at Kansas City, Mo., and re-turned to St. Paul Saturday morning.He complained of not feeling well,and went early to bed Saturday night.When his wife went to arouse himyesterday morning she was shocked tofind him dead. Dr. McNamara, who isdeputy coroner, was notified of hisdeath, and ordered the remains takento Thaung & Jacobson's undertakingrooms at 32S East Seventh street. Apost mortem will be held this morningto ascertain the cause of death. The Ideceased leaves a wife and two smallchildren.


Will Enjoy a Popniai Corapoaer'a

Recital.The Schubert club will meet tomorrow

night and willbe entertained with a recitalof original and Instrumental compositions byGerrard Tonnlng, of Duluth. Mr. Tonningwillbe assisted by Miss Flora Mackenzie, asoprano who is favorably known In St. Paul,and who goes abroad shortly for a coarseof study.

The executive committee of the Schubertclub is considering an alliance with theDerthick Federation of Musical-LiteraryClubs, which now numbers 6,000 members,and through whose agency they would comeinto possession of a valuable and interestingseries of programmes arranged and classifiedby leading musicians of the United State*. .\u25a0

together with criticisms and analyses "nototherwise obtainable. A specimen pro-gramme willbe given soon before the ehtfreclub.


Marital Vowi Pledged in a Grue-some Probate Hall.

Judge Wlllrich's daily routine bringshim into contact with disputatiousheirs and legatees, family Jars, andcrazy folks. Saturday he was con-fronted by a couple of lovers who want- Jed him to marry them. From force of|habit Judge Willrich eyed them sharp- |ly as though questioning their sanity, ibut after scrutinizing the marriage \u25a0

license and making a few inquiries, he |concluded that they were sane after iall and performed the ceremony.

The bride and groom are Prank Mal-acek, of Wright county, and Anna Sa-bota, of St. Paul.


I»ua! Happy Event at AaaemMrHall.

The eleventh annual ball of the Tun


men Bakers' union took place at Labor hall !Saturday evening. The affair was enjoyed by j,about seventy-five couples. A programme oftwenty-four dance numbers served to makethe pleasures last until the small hours of the

'morning, when th-> ir,i.nber3 of the union and !their friends aamgtx their booi^n, fully as- i;sured that the Mod organisation liad mmmr i iconducted a more sutxeas'ul <:-:i'ertn!nmerit, j iThe committee <-t pmtgi-ncnts t*ttaisic\ ci!E. Nyhns, Anton ':aar. ••«*!\u25a0 Andre* I'h;i- ;llp^ Greengard, CfcaxV*; Car.genger mod Ai»-gust Jacks. —

Only Obc Store "Week,~

? •\u25a0'*?

The present week vrlilkm all the games' but


tV^^T . AnIndian to be shot• must be taken un-awares and this same quick intui-tion is ever present with him,

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1)r\^/^ "' °^some

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( / case, at the least movement of the foe/Il/ i c d°d&es > dives, plunges or jumps and'(\ rfIescapes unscathed. In the other instance he»' V is quick to perceive by a loss of flesh, sleep or

*Jg J appetite, unnatural restlessness ani pains or/ lack of energy, a sallow or blotched skin, a bad

breath, indigestion, susceptibility to colds andnumerous other symptoms, thai he is in the toils of somemalady that willterminate fatally unless every precautionis taken at fence, and he loses ro time. He takes suchmedicines as he knows willeffect a cure, remedies used forcenturies by his people, carefully compounded from roots,herbs, barks and gums of their own gathering, and the resultis a speedy return to health and a long life of happiness.The most famous of these Indian medicines which haseffected thousands of marvelous cures is the well known

Kickapoo Indian Saqwa -|Recognized everywhere as the most efficient known specificfor all afflictions arising from a diseased condition of theblood, stomach, kidneys or liver and approved by thethousands who have found relief by its use. Ifyou are i

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r*^ mer*ts - All drug-

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~bottles $5.

on© finished in the handicap series at Foley's.The schedule follows: Monday, Torrance ys.Larkin; Tuesday, Capen vs. Cochrane; Wednes-day. Poland vs. Aldrich; Thursday, Foley vs.Torrance; Friday, Thayer va. Capen; Sat-urday, Cochrane vs. Larkin.

Tate'*» Better Half In Trouble, Too.Stella King and Emma Tate, two negro

women, were arrested last nlgrt by Patrol-man Holland, charged with larceny. Thecomplaint was made by Robert Brunson, awhite youth, who claims to live at St. Jam9S,Minn., and work on the Great Northern roadas brakeman. Brunson says he met th»women and invited them to have a drink.He displayed his money to pay for the treat,and when he felt for ita few moments laterthe roll, amounting to $20. was gone. EmmaTate, one of the prisoners, is the wife ofRobert Tate, who will be arraigned in courtthis morning for creating a disturbance inRossberg's saloon last Wednesday night. Inorder that Brunson would be on hand to pros-ecute the women this morning he was givena cell at the station for the night.

ruptured a Defaulter.VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct. 18.


Barnes, of Park county. Ohio, has arrivedhere to take back G. W Legg, the default-ing treasurer of that county. Two days bs-fore Legg's term of office expired he dis-appeared leaving a deficit of $15,000. Leggwas much overcome when caught, and saidhe had been tormented ever since he leftOhio. _

I.n. Gaacogne** Peril.NEW YORK, Oct. 18. -The steamer La

Gaseogne arrived today, bringing $600,000 Ingold. On Wednesday last the La Goscogneencountered a tremendous wave which sweptaway one of th» life boats and in other re-spects slightly damaged the boat. The pas-sengers were at dinner at the time. Thashock of the wave, forced almost everythingfrom the steamer tables, completed spoilingthe meal for all of the passengers.

The Oldest and Best Appo'nted Studio inThe Northwest.

1850 CK^sgSKSS^ 1896SO and 101 East SixtliStreet,Opposite Metropolitan Opera House.


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Itching piles, bleeding, blind or protrudingpiles, safely and permanently cured by thaPYRAMID PILE CURE. Absolutely safecontains no opium, cocaine or injurious drugs'50 cents and $1 at druggists. Book on causeand cure of piles sent free by addressingPyramid Co.. Albion. Mich.

CITY NOTICE.Office of the City Treasurer,

St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 16, 1896.Allpersons interested in the assessment forpaving with brick on concrete foundationFifth street, from Wabasha. street to the west

lin? of Cedar street; also pave with asphalton concrete foundation said Fifth street fromwest line of Cedar street to Robert streetalso pave with granite on concrete founda-tion the intersection of said Fifth street withRobert street; also pave with aaphalt on con-crete foundation said Fifth street, fromRobert street to the west line of Rroadwaystreet, in said City of St. Paul (except be-tween the rails of the street car track* andbetween the tracks and for two feet on eachswe of the outside rails of said tracks), and ,put tn granite curbing and granite toothing(where neeeacary) on the line of said im-provement, including the necessary gas. waterand ge-wer connections to property line,

WILL TAKE NOTICE,that on the Stb day of October, 18&G, Ididreceive different warraat* from the CityComptroller of the City of St. Paul for thecollection of the above-named assessmentsThe nature of these warrants is that Ifyou fail to pay the assessment within

THIRTY DAYSafter the fir*t publication of thin bbUm Ishall report you *nd your real estate 'sowapsjed a* delinquent, and apply to theDistrict Court of the County of RanW!Minnesota for Judgment againa* your lacdiots blocks or parcels ifcerwof so assessedSarlßtbng interest, costs and expenses anafor -an, order c«.Um. Court to sell the 'asm.F°.3;Jih3.1?3r Bler't thereof. c. L_ HORSTTSSra; Cfty TraHTirer.