The model of play 1


Transcript of The model of play 1



"Our Idea of Playing Style"

1. Offensive style of play, with many space for players individual decision making and creativity.

2. Safe play in the construction of the attack, especially in the beginning of the construction of the attack.

3. 1st and 2nd phases of attack should be collective efforts with last phase of attack as an encouragement for individual efforts.

4. A team that keeps at all time a good defensive balance with players readapting their position to every ball movement. Zonal marking with occupation of vital spaces and active search for ball recovery.

5. Great control in game rhythms and clear distinction of the 4 moments of the game.

Basic Formation1:4:4:2

Attacking Organisation

"Our Idea of Attack"

1. The first option must be always to search for an offensive passing line in order to be closer to the opposite goal, if possible finishing.

2. If not possible to find a good option for offensive line passing, the team must start the supported construction of the organized attack.

3. The first and second phase of the attack are collective, in the third phase is allowed individual creativity.

4. Safe play, without much risk, especially in own half of the field.5. When initiating the construction in defensive sector it must be used a

line of 4 players.6. Create numerical superiority in own half.7. All this possession game must be supported in basic triangle and

diamond formations of passing lines.

7. The ball possession must be a meaningful one, not possession without a goal, the general strategy behind this ball possession must be connected with 2 situations;

The 1st one must be to try to create a numerical superiority situation near the ball zone, when this is achieved players must immediately “fasten up” the game and try to progress in the field to unbalance defensive organization from opposition;

2nd one is related with the impossibility to achieve this “fasten up” of the game, so the collective strategy must turn into a change in point of attack strategy, taking the ball away from pressing zone in order to place players in opposite side of the field in a numerical superiority or equality and allowing them to produce the necessary actions to explore the “open spaces” in the defense.

8. Team open (full-backs & wingers) and deep (wingers and forwards) to create spaces in the inside zones.

9. Optimum velocity in the circulation of the ball (jump one passing line if possible).

10. Supporting runs in the inside zones by players from back lines.11. Show intention when in possession of the ball.12. Defensive balance on the weak side with ball in one side channel.13. In the last phase of attack the idea is to give maximum freedom for

individual actions and promote the 1x1 challenge as many times possible.

14. When in crossing situations the team must approach the finishing zone (box) placing at least 3 players inside and 1 players setting up for delay balls or second ball challenge.

15. All attack complete with the shot on goal.

With one attacker in the midle we can easily converting our sistem of play in 1:4:2:3:1 or


Triangles and Diamonds created

Attacker in the midle has the task to adapt himself to give

support to midifield or to approach attacker and make

line of twoo in offense

Open Line of 4 to start the 1st phase of


Start construction with


Start construction with

LD or RD

Start construction with


Possibility to receive in wide area occupying

space left by the full-back

For long ball cloas the team and concentrate


For long ball concentration of players

in ball zone

For long ball concentration of players

in ball zone

Ball in defensive line

Basic Positioning from LM and RM

Situation when CD on left side has ball

Situation when CD on right side has ball

Ball in defensive line

Basic Positioning from CD

CD must control the game rhytham by choosing short or

long pasing lines

Ball in defensive line

Ball in defensive line

Cereful with the passing for DM because this player is with his back to the game and it is necessary a lot of

communitationThe quality of the pass will determinate where and how the player will face the


Ball in defensive line

Midfielders need to create space for ball reception by adjusting their

positioning to the ball movement...

Ball in defensive line

Ball is in possess of LDLM goining in the midle

Ball in defensive line

Ball is in possess of LDLM stay on the line

Ball in defensive line

Ball is in possess of LD DM balance in defensive

Ball in defensive line

Ball is in possess of LD LM making false move

When opposite defensive line is very high in the field explore the back of defense thru long pass and positional changes

Ball in defensive line

LD giving support

LD giving early cross

LD giving support for change of point of attack

LD going in crosing zone

Ball in midle line

When MD has ball, first option nead to be pass forward

Favour numerical and positional superiorities

in opposition half.Create conducive

conditions to unbalance in zones near opposition

goal.In lateral channels, full-

back and winger at different widths and depths. Triangle with

advanced midfielders or forwards.

Optimum speed in circulation of the ball.

Changes of direction and changes of play if

progress is not possible, maintain defensive


Ball in midle line

When MD has ball, find oposite LM with long pass

Ball in midle line

When MD has ball, another attacker nead to run in space

Ball in midle line

When MD has ball, attackers nead to move itself in space

When LM has ball, attackers and LM on other side nead to

move itself in space

Ball in midle line

Ball in midle line

When LM has ball, LD run in space behind bag for crossing

Ball in offansive line

When FS has ball, LM, other FS and one MD running in free


Complete situations of attack with efficiency.

Guarantee continuity by picking up clearances.

Incorporate the greatest number of players into the

area in a staggered manner, Normally 3

players (forwards and opposite winger). 4 players (wingers and forwards) if

the full-back crosses. Appear at the optimum moment to shoot while

running.Occupy different shooting

positions.Try to complete actions.


"Our Idea of transition from attack to defense"

1. When ball possession is lost its an obligation from players near to this zone to react immediately and prevent the long pass / counter attack construction from opposition. The first 5 seconds after the ball possession lost are crucial to prevent easy construction from adversary, it's not necessarily important to win back the ball but it is important to create troubles to opposition to make easier the work from players away from this pressing zone.

2. While this is happening the player outside this pressing zone must reorganize themselves into the defensive structure of the team and rebalance the security of the team. If not achieved the ball recovery in this first moment team must regroup and start defensive organized process.

Losing ball possession with our offensive style of

football, will bring some difficulties and its important to know where is our weak


The space between central defenders and lateral

defenders, space in the midle is a particulary weak point

Player (s) near ball must adopt an agressive behavior to prevent the long pass.Firs 5” is essential

to prevent counter-attack.This behaviour occurs

when the team manages to have several players in

the zone where the loss of the ball happens, and are

able to intervene immediately. Normally seen after loss in the

completion phase or in the creation of completion situations in the side channel, where more

players accumulate and the touchline limits the

pitch and facilitates pressing.

If Player (s) lose possession in midle, players behid the ball

should not lose their positioning and they should try to delay the offensive game from opposition

This behaviour occurs when at the time of the

loss of the ball there exists a numerical or positional inferiority in the area of

the ball, and stopping the progression of the

opponent is prioritized, to give the team time to

regroup. Normally occurs after loss in the creation of

completion situations in the central channel, where

better chances of progression and linking up

exist for the opposition team.

Defender maintains a secure distance from attacker and tries

to route him to the sideline

Losing a ball in front of goal Prevent successful

completion by opposition.

Reduction of spaces in diagonal towards the centre (tunnel). Guide counter-attack to the

side channels. Make the shot at goal

impossible in zones close to /inside the area.Mark the player in situation of cross.

Drop-back quickly the maximum number of

players to structure the low block.


"Our Idea of defense"

1. The first basic principle must be the positioning of as many players possible behind ball line and in front of our goal .

2. When in defensive process the team must position itself according to zonal defense principles and have, at least, 3 completely defined defensive lines with a minimum of 9 players distribution.

3. The zonal defense must be done according to some references which are the occupation of the vital spaces of the field (central space and surrounding of the ball) and the maximum length of the team must be approximately 1/2 of the field and the maximum width 2/3 of the field.

4. Another essential skill is the capacity to communicate and establish adaptation to the opposition style of play.

5. Discipline and collective work in defense.6. Verbal communication.

7. Defensive line must maintain itself as the security zone and place as many players possible in central zone of defense. When ball is played into side line of our defense there are 2 situations for players to evaluate and react according to it. On one hand, if the ball is played into the back of the defense the

central defender closer to this position must give cover to the lateral defender and try to sweep the play.

On the other hand, if the ball is played into the position of theopposition attacker the lateral defender must react to this, approaching him and trying to delay the play, secure the central position and giving time for midfielder to approach and giving him the defensive support, in this situation the central defender must stay in central zone and not approach to much to the lateral defender.

Maintain the team compact when in defensive process.

General references:2/3 Width½ Length

Move the team in relation to the ball. Working together



Condition the opponent to play direct. If not achieved, guide the construction of

play of the opponent towards favourable areas for

recovery.Impede the player on the

ball from passing comfortably. Force an error.

Harass the player on the ball. Prevent being

overlapped and provoke its error.

Fix potential receivers of the ball. Prevent them from receiving to provoke the

long pass. Otherwise: make it difficult to control, do not

let turn or prevent progression. Individual

marking at time of pressing

Central long ball played in the air, the reference for 2nd ball fight must be the construction of a pentagon around the player who is heading the

ball covering all the space around him

Lateral long ball played in the air, the reference for 2nd ball fight must be the construction of a romb around the player who is heading the ball

covering all the space around him

Force CD to play ball on the side.Close central space

Press and closing of short passing lines

Secend line of defensive cover to ensure balance and compactness in team

Bad cover of this passing line will give chance to explore space and make easier

opposition advance in the ground

Organised defence in the middle block

Prevent creation of situations of numerical

superiority in spaces near the goal. Show own

numerical superiority if possible.

Avoid being overwhelmed or overtaken by penetrating

supporting runs.Detect favourable times to

move to a pressing defence.Keep the defensive unit wide and with reduced

depth. "Shrink" in back pass, maintain when pressed and drop-back if the opponent

can play with depth. Harass the holder of the ball,

avoiding being overrun. Fix nearby players and

monitor the ones further away.

Defensive support to pressing player

Long ball for the Winger in the back of LD

Ball in Winger

Ball in WingerCD goes in ball possession and

DM covers central space

Ball crosed and played away from defender tem must move forward but

also in the ball direction

Defensive support to pressing player

Protect space near goal. Create numerical and positional superiority.Make impossible the

opponent's play in areas close to goal. Mark potential

shot takers.Provide balance to attacking

transition.Decrease space in width.

Close interior spaces. Make impossible the shot at

goal in areas close to the goal / within the penalty

area.Maintain optimum depth. "Shrink" after clearance to

the edge of the area.

Defensive support to pressing player

Ofansive Transition

"Our Idea of transition from defense to attack"

1. The first option must be the immediate search for the most offensive line of pass possible and advance the team to maintain compactness and fight for second balls if necessary.

2. If no offensive passing line is available the player must try to take the ball away from pressing zone using players behind ball line and fast change of point of attack and start the phase of attacking process.

Ball possesion recovery must be followed by the search of an

offensive passing line if posible Remove the ball from the zone of opposition pressing.Take advantage of unbalance

in the organisation of the opposition defence.

Assure relationship that allow continuity.

Evaluate the depth (far away) safely as the first criteria for progression (forward and wingers).

Establish relationships with players able/better placed to

drive the counter-attack (playmaker or advanced midfielders principally).

Move into organised attack when faced with the

impossibility of progression (opposition team organised).

Ball possesion recovery must be followed by the search of an

offensive passing line if posible

Ball possesion recovery must be followed by the search of an

offensive passing line if posible

Do not braeak the team. All players must move in the

direction of the ball

Reduce as fast es possible the distance between lines

If an offensive passing line is not available on ball possession

recovery moment team must set up for offensive organisation, teking ball from pressing zone

Take advantage of defensive unbalance of the opposition,

exploiting spaces in progression.Slow down play in case of not being able to exploit the first movements. Provide possibilities to the potential supporting players from the second

wave. First pass securely in forward

direction if possible. Find players able or well positioned to run with

the ball. Move the counter-attack towards favourable zones of progression (preferably through the central

channel if progression is possible).Generate and solve reduced tactical

situations (1x1, 2x1, 3x2,…).Change channel of progression towards spaces of less density.

Move to organised attack if progression is not possible.

Ball out of pressing zone

Ball recovery in front of oposite goal

Ensure quick completion to take advantage of defensive unbalance in the opposition.

Complete quickly with players close by. Value less the risk of

losing the ball.Generate and solve reduced

tactical situations (1x1, 2x1,…).Faced with clear inferiority or impossibility to progress, slow

down play to wait for the second wave.

Thank you for your time