The Mind of God-English

The Mind of God or Scientific support to the concept that non manifest consciousness is the mind of God (This article has no relationship to theology and God is not used in any religious sense) Introduction This article refers to the source of creation of the universe. That source has been called the cosmic consciousness, the mind of God, consciousness singularity, the source field, the zero point fields etc. It may be given any other name also. Most spiritual traditions and many scientists believe that the things we see and experience must somehow be interconnected by One Thing that created them. Many ancient Greek and Indian thinkers held the view that we are all creation of one source and interconnected to all other things that we see in the universe. Earlier, there was no scientific support for the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment or God Realization. Recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics, biology, consciousness and other areas have revealed the existence of the unified field of cosmic consciousness. There is ample scientific support to the spiritual concept that non manifest consciousness is the mind of God and manifest matter is the body of God. Stephen Hawking In his book, 'A Brief History of Time', Stephen Hawking has written that all philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people should be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. He has concluded: “If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we would know the mind of God.” Stephen Hawking has also stated: “Up to now, most scientists have been too occupied with the development of new theories that describe what the universe is to ask the question why. On the other hand, the people whose business it is to ask why, the philosophers, have not been able to keep up with the advance of scientific theories. In the eighteenth century, philosophers considered the whole of human knowledge, including science, to be their field and discussed questions such as: did the universe have a


This article provides evidence of spiritual and scientific support to the concept of unified field of consciousness and energy. There is only one source of creation of all things in the universe. Consciousness is the mind and energy/matter is the body of God.

Transcript of The Mind of God-English

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The Mind of God or

Scientific support to the concept that non manifest

consciousness is the mind of God

(This article has no relationship to theology and God is

not used in any religious sense)


This article refers to the source of creation of the universe. That source

has been called the cosmic consciousness, the mind of God, consciousness

singularity, the source field, the zero point fields etc. It may be given any

other name also.

Most spiritual traditions and many scientists believe that the things we

see and experience must somehow be interconnected by One Thing that

created them. Many ancient Greek and Indian thinkers held the view that we

are all creation of one source and interconnected to all other things that we

see in the universe.

Earlier, there was no scientific support for the pursuit of spiritual

enlightenment or God Realization. Recent discoveries in the field of quantum

physics, biology, consciousness and other areas have revealed the existence

of the unified field of cosmic consciousness. There is ample scientific support

to the spiritual concept that non manifest consciousness is the mind of God

and manifest matter is the body of God.

Stephen Hawking

In his book, 'A Brief History of Time', Stephen Hawking

has written that all philosophers, scientists, and just

ordinary people should be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the

universe exist. He has concluded: “If we find the answer

to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason

- for then we would know the mind of God.”

Stephen Hawking has also stated: “Up to now, most scientists have

been too occupied with the development of new theories that describe what

the universe is to ask the question why. On the other hand, the people

whose business it is to ask why, the philosophers, have not been able to

keep up with the advance of scientific theories. In the eighteenth century,

philosophers considered the whole of human knowledge, including science,

to be their field and discussed questions such as: did the universe have a

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beginning? However, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, science

became too technical and mathematical for the philosophers, or anyone else

except a few specialists. Philosophers reduced the scope of their inquiries so

much that Wittgenstein, the most famous philosopher of this century, said,

"The sole remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of language." What a

comedown from the great tradition of philosophy from Aristotle to Kant!” (A

Brief History of Time)


Plato believed that ideas or forms are abstract objects in a

higher domain and the worldly objects are their copies.

The ideas and application of the theory of forms is best

illustrated in Plato’s allegory of the cave.

Some scholars consider Platonic ideas to be the thoughts

in the mind of God.

The idea and application of the theory of forms is best illustrated in

the. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, prisoners are restrained and are looking

at the wall of the cave. They are able to see the distorted shadows of things

that are going by but not the actual thing itself. To Plato the material things

we perceive are akin to the shadows while the thing producing the shadow is

the true form. Plato believes that most people never break free from the

prison of their own perceptions to grasp the reality of the forms. Those that

do are the truly wise and learned that Plato would have us rise to the level of

philosopher kings.

Platonic idea can also be illustrated by contrasting a triangle drawn on

a surface with an ideal triangle. The Platonic ideal triangle is a figure with

perfectly drawn lines whose angles add to 180 degrees. Any form of triangle

that we draw will be an imperfect representation of the ideal triangle. Some

scholars consider Plato’s ideas to be thoughts in the mind of God.

Gottfried Leibniz

Famous German philosopher, mathematician and scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, wrote in 1670 :

“Reality cannot be found except in One single source,

because of the interconnection of all things with one


Leibniz supported the concept of unity at the source level

and the existence of the unified field.

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Leibniz occupies a prominent place in the history of mathematics and

the history of philosophy. He developed the infinitesimal calculus

independently of Isaac Newton, and Leibniz's mathematical notation has

been widely used ever since it was published.

In philosophy, Leibniz is mostly noted for his optimism, e.g., his

conclusion that our Universe is, in a restricted sense, the best possible one

that God could have created. Leibniz, along with René Descartes and Baruch

Spinoza, was one of the three great 17th century advocates of rationalism.

Richard Maurice Bucke

In his book “Cosmic Consciousness”, published in 1901,

Richard Maurice Bucke, a Canadian doctor, concluded that

Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed and

many others had attained the state of cosmic consciousness or God realization.

Bucke hoped that one day, with the help of science, all

human beings will attain that blissful state.

Bucke’s concept of cosmic consciousness implied human awareness of

the cosmic order of the universe and the attainment of the state of

enlightenment which has been described differently as the state of God

realization, illumination, fulfillment, salvation, nirvana, Brahmic Splendor,

etc. People who have attained this state have nothing more to desire. This

state is attained when individual human consciousness identifies itself with

the cosmic consciousness.

Even earlier than Bucke, similar views were expressed in a book

(collection of essays) “Thought are Things”, that was written by Prentice

Mulford in 1889. Mulford explains that we have two minds: the mind of the

body and the mind of the spirit. The mind of the body is limited and fights

change. It thinks that things must always be the way they have always

been. The mind of the spirit trusts the Supreme Power which made all things

and knows that anything is possible if you believe. The mind of the spirit

could be considered to be the cosmic consciousness or the Source Field.

There is also the concept of ''Consciousness Singularity'' that refers

to a hypothetical point of time in the future when human consciousness, at

both the individual and collective level, will experience an abrupt transition,

a phase transition of sorts, into a collective state of transcendence.

The concept of Consciousness Singularity is similar to Bucke’s concept

of cosmic consciousness. In both cases, our consciousness will be expanded

beyond the confines of an egocentric sense of self and include transpersonal

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experiences and transcendent self-identity. This new existence will be both a

form of collective consciousness and a form of expanded individual


Max Planck

In 1900, Max Planck published his quantum theory

according to which quantum is not only the smallest form of energy; it is also a packet of energy.

It implies that the quantum is enveloped by something

that is not energy and can only be a non-energy element

such as consciousness.

Max Planck’s Quantum theory explains the emission spectrum of black

bodies. In physics, quantum refers to an indivisible and elementary entity of

energy. Quanta are the plural of quantum.

The measurement of quantum space and time is named after Max

Planck. Accordingly, the Planck length is 10-36 meters or one meter divided

by one followed by 36 zeros! The Planck time is 10-43 seconds or one second

divided by one followed by 43 zeros! It may be noted that till the end of the

19th century, atom (trillions of times bigger than the quantum) was

considered to be the smallest, solid and indivisible physical entity.

Planck did not realize the full implications of his new theory and was

upset with the emerging meaning of quantum theory. “This was an

extraordinarily ironic development when you consider that Planck was the

true grandfather of the new theory and that he had even coined the term

quantum to describe this new science back in the nineteenth century.”-Leon

Lederman and Christopher Hill in 'Quantum Physics for Poets (2010).'

Albert Einstein

“I want to know how God created this world...I want to

know His thoughts; the rest are details.” (Albert Einstein)

Einstein felt the need for a cosmic code for the universe and incorporated it in his theory as cosmological constant.

Later, he abandoned it due to its incompatibility with

physics. He did not accept the non-physical implications of

quantum theory.

Einstein thought that ultimately everything originated from a unified

field. He tried hard to find that unified field but did not succeed. “Results

found in 2000, however, revealed that Einstein was probably right after all:

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the cosmological constant not only exists, but dark energy probably makes

up the largest source of matter/ energy in the entire universe.” (Einstein’s

cosmos (2004) by Michel Kaku).

Another scientist, Brian Greene, has also remarked: “Einstein was

simply ahead of his time. More than half a century later, his dream of a

unified theory has become the Holy Grail of modern physics."

Einstein’s failure to find the unified field could also be due to his

opposition to Quantum theory that was being developed in the beginning of

20th century. Quantum theory presented a totally different picture of reality

that was not acceptable to many scientists including Einstein. It is now

becoming evident that the Quantum theory supports not only the existence

of the unified field but also the duality of reality of consciousness and energy

in the universe. It also reveals the process of creation of the universe from a

unified field.

Niels Bohr

One of Quantum theory's founding fathers, Niels Bohr,

realized the mystery of quantum theory and wrote:

‘'There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract

quantum physical description.” Bohr also said, "Anyone not shocked by quantum mechanics has not yet

understood it."

In an argument, when Einstein said, ‘God did not play

dice’, Bohr retorted, “Who are you to tell God what to do.”

Niels Bohr realized the mystery of atom and wrote: "We must be clear

that, when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The

poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating

images and establishing mental connections.”

Rosenblum and Kuttner have clarified this point in their book,

“Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness” as follows:

“In quantum theory there is no atom in addition to the wave function

of the atom. This is so crucial that we say it again in other words. The

atom’s wave-functions and the atom are the same thing; “the wave function

of the atom” is a synonym for “the atom”.

Niels Bohr designed a coat-of-arm himself around the yin-yang

symbol, which he envisioned as a striking traditional representation of the

principle of complementarity on which he based his views of the fundamental

laws of physics.

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Louis de Broglie

A French physicist, Louis de Broglie, was the first to realize, in 1923, that the discovery made by Einstein in

1905 (wave-particle duality) should be generalized by

extending it to all particles , and notably to electrons.

While de Broglie maintained that electrons had wave-particle duality, he did not clarify what the waves are

made of. They were not physical.

Louis de Broglie has explained the wave-particle duality himself and

wrote, "The fundamental idea of [my 1924 thesis] was the following: The

fact that, following Einstein's introduction of photons in light waves, one

knew that light contains particles which are concentrations of energy

incorporated into the wave, suggests that all particles, like the electron,

must be transported by a wave into which it is incorporated... My essential

idea was to extend to all particles the coexistence of waves and particles

discovered by Einstein in 1905 in the case of light and photons."

From a philosophical viewpoint, this theory of matter-waves has

contributed greatly to the ruin of the atomism of the past. Originally, de

Broglie thought that real wave (i.e., having a direct physical interpretation)

was associated with particles. In fact, the wave aspect of matter was

formalized by a wave function defined by the Schrödinger equation, which is

a pure mathematical entity having a probabilistic interpretation, without the

support of real physical elements. This wave function gives an appearance of

wave behavior to matter, without making real physical waves appear.

Werner Heisenberg

The other Quantum theory's founding father, Werner

Heisenberg, proclaimed his famous ‘uncertainty’ and

‘probability’ principles. These principles provide confirmation of the existence of a non-physical reality.

Heisenberg also maintained that there is no objective

reality beyond what is observed. This suggests that

consciousness creates reality.

Werner Heisenberg understood the new reality of quantum theory.

According to him, quantum reality is exactly what is represented in the

theory-as possibilities, not actualities. In the Heisenberg picture, the

particles surrounded by one field are not actually at any particular place but

are potentially everywhere.

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Heisenberg's picture of the quantum world, as half-real possibilities

that become actualized only during a measurement act (by observer), is

considered by many physicists as a reasonable guess as to how the world

deep down really operates.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle has profound implications. It

provides confirmation of the existence of a non-manifest reality that could

only be consciousness. It has been confirmed by many experiments that

there is no objective reality beyond what we observe. This suggests that

consciousness creates reality.

Erwin Schrödinger

Another founding father of Quantum theory, Ervin

Schrödinger, highlighted the uniqueness of consciousness and wrote: “Consciousness cannot be accounted for in

physical terms, for consciousness is absolutely


Schrödinger gave a formula of wave function without describing what the wave are. Could they be the thought

waves in the mind of God?

In an essay on determinism and free will, Erwin Schrödinger expressed

very clearly that consciousness is a unity. He considered the idea of plurality

of consciousness and the notion of many souls to be naïve and a result of

illusion He is said to be inspired by Upanishads and the Vedanta philosophy

of India.

Schrödinger is also known to highlight the uniqueness of

consciousness and wrote: “Consciousness cannot be accounted for in

physical terms, for consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be

accounted for in terms of anything else.” He implied that consciousness is

not an epiphenomenon of the physical world.

“Quantum mechanics is the proverbial mysterious entity that is being

felt by the blind. While Heisenberg had described the tusks and Schrodinger

the trunk, the total elephant is so much more than its parts.”-Lederman and

Hill. Quantum Physics for Poets (2010).

In Schrodinger's mind, electrons were exclusively waves, like sound or

water waves, as if their particle aspect could be forgotten or was illusory.

Singularity Before the Big Bang

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Before Creation or Big Bang, there was only singularity or

the Creator Who may be called God or given any other

name. God created the universe through the cosmic code or constants of nature that originated in His mind.

“At that time, which we call the big bang, the density of the universe

and the curvature of space-time would have been infinite. Because

mathematics cannot really handle infinite numbers, this means that the

general theory of relativity (on which Friedmann’s solutions are based)

predicts that there is a point in the universe where the theory itself breaks

down. Such a point is an example of what mathematicians call a singularity.

In fact, all our theories of science are formulated on the assumption that

space-time is smooth and nearly fiat, so they break down at the big bang

singularity, where the curvature of space-time is infinite. This means that

even if there were events before the big bang, one could not use them to

determine what would happen afterward, because predictability would break

down at the big bang.” (A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking)

Envelope Theory

First step in the process of evolution was the formation of quantum envelopes in which the lowest form of energy

(quantum) was in a packet or vibrations in the unified


Envelope theory may be compared to the evolution of language from the level of alphabet to the writing of a

book. Accordingly, this evolution may be expressed from

letter (quantum) to word (particle) to sentence (atom) to

paragraph (molecule) to chapter (matter) to book (object).

First step in the process of creation/evolution was the formation of

quantum envelopes. It had potencies that were the thoughts in the mind of

God. Through impact of the Cosmic code, they materialize as things in the


First step in the process of evolution was the formation of quantum

envelopes. The universe of quanta had perfect symmetry. While it had a

large number of quanta, the field of consciousness and gravity, that

enveloped the quanta, was one. The field contained the cosmic code for the

creation and evolution of the universe.

In digital language system, the evolution through envelopes may be

explained from character to word to expression to sub-program to program

to webpage to website to group of websites to internet /digital universe.

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Multiplication of quanta

Evolution of the universe started from one quantum to

many quanta. The quantum started multiplying from one

to two to four to eight to sixteen quanta. If each step took

one second, in ten seconds the number of quanta was 1024. All quanta had the one field of cosmic

consciousness to regulate the evolution of the universe.

Since the quantum is the lowest state of energy in a packet, there can

be no energy inside or around it. Quantum is simply the center of the field of

something around it. The vibrations in the field could be the code or

thoughts that surround the quantum and cause movement for the formation

of particles of energy.

The quantum is the point of transformation from singularity to the

universe of multiplicity of energy forms and consciousness fields and forces.

It is the connecting point of the unified field and the universe. It is also the

dividing point between the two states before and after the Big Bang.

In this process, while the energy is moving in separate envelopes, the

consciousness and gravity that surrounds all envelopes at all levels is one

and remains so for all parts of the universe. This creates a new reality of the

universe based on the quantum potency, consciousness universality and

particle locality.

Cosmic womb

The evolution of the universe from one quantum to many

quanta may be compared to the evolution of a human

being from one cell to over one trillion cells (one followed by 12 zeros) in the mother’s womb.

The universe is referred, in some spiritual traditions, as

an egg in the cosmic womb.

According to strong anthropic principle (SAP) (Barrow and Tipler), The

Universe must have those properties which allow life to develop within it at

some stage in its history. Following are three possible elaborations of the

SAP, each proposed by Barrow and Tipler:

1. There exists one possible Universe 'designed' with the goal of

generating and sustaining 'observers.'

2. This can be seen as simply the classic design argument restated in

the garb of contemporary cosmology. It implies that the purpose of the

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universe is to give rise to intelligent life, with the laws of nature and their

fundamental physical constants set to ensure that life as we know it will

emerge and evolve.

3. Observers are necessary to bring the Universe into being.

Barrow and Tipler believe that this is a valid conclusion from quantum

mechanics, as John Archibald Wheeler has suggested, especially via his

participatory universe and Participatory Anthropic Principle (PAP).

The universe

In 5 minutes, the number of quanta reached 10^90 or one

followed by 90 zeros. That could be the size of the universe.

While the universe had a large number of quanta, the field

of Cosmic code, consciousness and gravity, that

enveloped the quanta, was one.

When the quanta started coming close to form particles, the universe

lost the unity and symmetry. It was transformed into clouds of clusters of

galaxies. After some time, the quanta collected to form the particles as per

the cosmic code of quantum envelopes. Particle envelope contained the

quantum envelopes inside it. The particle envelopes collected to form atoms

and atom envelopes. The atom envelopes collected to form molecules and

molecule envelopes combined to form the inorganic and organic matter and


Clouds of particles

When the quanta started coming close to form particles, the universe lost the unity and symmetry. It was

transformed into clouds of particles.

The duration of the universe of quantum envelopes was very short.

Expansion due to the movement of quanta at light speed reduced the

temperature. The symmetry was broken and the quanta collected to form

the particles as per the code of quantum envelope. Particle envelope

contained the quantum envelopes inside it. With the coming together of

quanta in form of particles, the universe took the form of clouds of particles.

The clouds were made of sub-atomic particles such as quarks and photons.

Cluster of galaxies

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This is part of a cluster of galaxies in one of the the

clouds. One of these galaxies is our Milky Way!

The particles in the clouds cooled to form atoms. A large collection of

atoms formed a star and the cloud of particles now became the galaxies of

stars made of atoms. Sun was one of the stars formed in the galaxy called

the Milky Way. Like other stars, sun underwent transformations due to the

changes in the atoms in it. Each atom contained a nucleus of particles known

as protons and neutrons and one or more electrons moving around the

nucleus in the field of the atom.

The Milky Way Galaxy

This is the Milky Way Galaxy. It contains over 100 billion

stars and the sun is one of them. The number of quanta in

a galaxy would be about 10^54 or one followed by 54


The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy 100,000–120,000 light-years in

diameter containing 200–400 billion stars. It may contain at least as many

planets, with an estimated 10 billion of those orbiting in the habitable zone

of their parent stars.

The Solar System is located within the disk, around two thirds of the

way out from the Galactic Center, on the inner edge of a spiral-shaped

concentration of gas and dust called the Orion–Cygnus Arm.

The Galaxy as a whole is moving at a velocity of 552 to 630 km per

second, depending on the relative frame of reference. It is estimated to be

about 13.2 billion years old, nearly as old as the Universe. Surrounded by

several smaller satellite galaxies, the Milky Way is part of the Local Group of

galaxies, which forms a subcomponent of the Virgo Supercluster.

The solar system

This is the sun and planets known as the solar System. The number of quanta in the solar system would be about


With the passage of time, cooling of atoms led to their coming

together to form molecules. For example, two atoms of hydrogen and one

atom of oxygen united to make the molecule of water. Scientists call this

unification of atoms as covalent bond.

As the star cooled, heavy atoms moved to the surface to form the

molecules or molecule envelopes. This caused disequilibrium and led to

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explosion of the star. This explosion is known as supernova through which

the outer part of the star is thrown away to form planets and other bodies.

The planets and other bodies around the sun emerged after supernova

or supernovas. Our earth is one of the eight planets and numerous other

bodies spinning and revolving around the sun. Everything on the earth,

including the human beings, was once part of the sun and is called the star


The Earth and the Moon

These are the earth and moon in the Solar System. The

number of quanta in the earth would be about 10^43. The number of quanta in the moon would be about 10^41.

Molecules combined to form the inorganic and organic matter.

Inorganic matter followed the evolution based on the principle of entropy.

Some organic matter developed the capacity to duplicate itself. This was

through the emergence of cells that could live through the continued

existence of their duplicates. These cells also developed functions that

enabled them to maximize their capacity to maintain stability in a hostile


Reality of Atom

Atoms are the building blocks of the universe as well as

the human beings. An atom has three types of particles namely, electrons (yellow), protons (red) and neutrons


The size of particles is miniscule and most of the atom is

empty space known as field. The particles occupy .01 per cent area while the field occupies 99.99 per cent area. The

empty space or field is the abode of cosmic code,

consciousness and the forces, functions and frequencies

that regulate the processes of the universe.

Leon Lederman and Christopher Hill, in their book “Quantum Physics

for Poets” (2010) have observed:

“Particles appear to have the luxury of where to be and what to do,

with no regard to ironclad rules of cause and effect that one normally had

associated with classical science. In the new quantum theory, God does in

fact play dice with the universe.

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An electron impinging upon an electronic wall has a finite probability of

passing through the wall (a phenomenon called "tunneling"). So you can

imagine the quantum tennis with quantum tunneling would be very

challenging and very frustrating.”

The area of particles is miniscule and most of the atom is empty space

known as the field. Based on this fact, modern science has confirmed the

dual nature of Reality-manifest reality of the particles and non-manifest

reality of the field.

Cars in Field

To comprehend the size of atom, let us imagine that

particle is a car of the length of one meter and their colors

are yellow (electron), green (neutron) and red (proton).

Each car would have millions of parts (quanta).

It is interesting that CARSINFIELD is an acronym of the

functions of human consciousness, namely, creativity,

awareness, remembering, sense perceptions, intelligence,

numbering, feeling, intentionality, emotions, language learning and dreaming.

An atom has numerous particles and a particle has numerous quanta.

Each atom could have about one trillion quanta. The car model of particle

stresses this point.

According to quantum theory, an observer (consciousness) is essential

to know the physical world. Without consciousness as observer, Quantum

Theory is neither complete nor comprehensible. The abode of consciousness

is not the matter or energy particles but the Field that holds the matter in

the body. The subjective experience of human beings through consciousness

and its expression through language is as real as any experiment in physics.

Functions of human consciousness, therefore, are important to understand

the quantum theory.

Size of Particle in Atom

If the size of the particle (car) is one meter, the size of

the atom will be over one million meters or 1000 km. To run the cars of particles in the field of atom, we will

require a field of 1000 km. radius or an area

approximately 1/3 the size of moon.

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This shows that the field of an atom is not empty space

but an abode of all non-manifest reality including codes

and consciousness.

To comprehend the reality of an atom, we should understand that it

contains numerous particles having numerous quanta. If the size of atom is

about 10-24 meter or one meter divided by one followed by 24 zeros, and the

size of quantum is 10-36 meters or one meter divided by one followed by 36

zeros, each atom will have about 1012 or one trillion quanta. ‘Cars in Field’

model of atom highlights the size of the empty area.

Universe as one field

Zero Point Field (ZPF)

Field of quantum (FOQ or ZPF) =0

Field of particle (FOP=0*Qn) =0

Field of atom (FOA=0*Pn) =0

Field of molecules (FOMo=0*An) =0

Field of matter (FOMa=0*Mon) =0

Field of earth (FOE=0*Man) =0

Field of star (FOS=0*En) =0

Field of galaxy (FOG=0*Sn) =0

Field of universe (FOU=0*Gn) =0

In his book “The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and

Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies”, David Wilcock, a renowned

lecturer and film maker, has emphasized that the Source Field is the hidden

'matrix' that creates space, the flow of time, physical matter, energy and

biological life as we know it and it is also the key to unlocking the mysteries

of the mind. He has given numerous examples of very thorough and

scientific experiments to prove that space, time, energy, matter and life are

all the result of a universal conscious energy field. He has concluded that the

Source Field is consciousness.

In her book “The Field: The quest for the secret force of the universe

(2003)”, Lynne McTaggart, a journalist, has stated that human beings and

all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to

every other thing in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central

engine of our being and our consciousness, the alpha and the omega of our

existence. She has described the field as a matrix or medium which connects

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two or more points in space. The force is usually represented by ripples in

the field or waves.

David Bohm

David Bohm's theory of implicate and explicate orders

supports the existence of two realities, namely, the

unified field and the observed universe.

According to Bohm, our ordinary notions of space and time, along with those of separately existent material

particles (explicate order), are derived from the deeper

implicate order or the unified field.

In Bohm’s conception of orders, primacy is given to the undivided

whole and the implicate order inherent within the whole, rather than to parts

of the whole in the explicate order. For Bohm, the whole encompasses all

things, structures, abstractions and processes like in the unified field. In his

view, parts may be entities normally regarded as physical, such as atoms or

subatomic particles, but they may also be abstract entities, such as quantum


For Bohm, the insights of quantum mechanics and relativity theory

point to a universe that is undivided and in which all parts "merge and unite

in one totality." This undivided whole is not static but rather in a constant

state of flow and change, a kind of invisible ether from which all things arise

and into which all things eventually dissolve. Indeed, even mind and matter

are united. Similarly, living and nonliving entities are not separate. Thus,

matter does not exist independently from so-called empty space; matter and

space are each part of the wholeness. Bohm calls this flow the


Harold Puthoff

According to Cambridge University’s Dr. Harold Puthoff,

there is a ‘seething cauldron’ of zero point energy in the quantum vacuum or the unified field.

Puthoff also maintains that matter resists acceleration not

because it possesses some innate thing called mass, but

because the zero point field exerts a force whenever acceleration takes place.

Another name given to the unified field of energy and consciousness is

the zero point field (ZPF). Hal Puthoff has suggested that mass is, in effect,

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an illusion. Matter resists acceleration not because it possesses some innate

thing called mass, but because the zero point field exerts a force whenever

acceleration takes place. In other words, there exists a background sea of

quantum energy that generates a force that opposes acceleration when any

material object is pushed. That is why matter seems to be the solid and

stable stuff. There is an electromagnetic force that acts upon the charge

inside of matter to create the effect of inertia. It also implies that there is no

charge inside matter. Matter is an illusion, created by the interaction of

electromagnetic charges with the ZPF.

In Puthoff’s view, ZPF explains not only inertia, but also gravity. An

object’s inertial mass is equivalent to its gravitational mass. It may be noted

that Einstein’s general theory of relativity is based upon the assumption that

inertial and gravitational mass are the same, or at least indistinguishable

from one another. So, if the ZPF creates inertia, then it also creates gravity.

Bernard Haisch

In his books, “The God Theory: Universes, Zero-point

Fields, And What's Behind It All” (2007), and “The

Purpose-Guided Universe: Believing in Einstein, Darwin

and God” (2010), Bernard Haisch has explained that the zero-point field (the quantum vacuum) relates to

awareness or consciousness. His ‘God Theory’ gives

scientific support to cosmic consciousness or the mind of


Bernard Haisch, an astrophysicist has stated in the first book, “The

God Theory: "The fact that the zero-point field is the lowest energy state

makes it unobservable. We can only perceive it, as we perceive many things,

by way of contrast. Your eye works by letting light fall on an otherwise-dark

retina. But if your eye were filled with light, there would be no darkness to

afford the contrast".

Haisch provides additional points to substantiate his views in the other

book, “The Purpose-Guided Universe” and has concluded that the origin of

this universe and all others that may exist lies in the will of a supreme

consciousness, a consciousness that we all possess, in varying degrees. He

believes that we will discover in this century that we shape our reality via

consciousness to a much greater degree than is presently acknowledged.

Richard Feynman

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To give some idea of the magnitude of zero point energy,

the famous physicist, Richard Feynman, explained that

the energy in a single cubic meter of Zero Point Field was enough to boil all the oceans of the world!

The Zero Point Field is a repository of all fields , all ground

energy states and all virtual particles. It is a field of fields

and energies.

Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate, understood the complexity of

quantum theory. He said, “I think it is safe to say that no one understands

quantum mechanics. Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly

avoid it, 'But how can it possibly be like that?' because you will go down the

drain into a blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows

how it can be like that.

Eugene Wigner

Nobel laureate, Eugene Wigner, has supported the relevance of consciousness in the context of quantum


He has stated: "It was not possible to formulate the laws

of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to the consciousness."

Near the end of his life, Wigner's thoughts turned more philosophical.

In his memoirs, Wigner said: "The full meaning of life, the collective

meaning of all human desires, is fundamentally a mystery beyond our grasp.

As a young man, I chafed at this state of affairs. But by now I have made

peace with it. I even feel a certain honor to be associated with such a

mystery." He became interested in the Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism,

particularly its ideas of the universe as an all pervading consciousness.

Human body


Human body = 1

Parts of body = 10^2

Organs = 10^3

Tissues = 10^8

Cells = 10^14

Molecules = 10^20

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Atoms = 10^24

Particles = 10^30

Quanta = 10^36

Despite the large number of components as indicated on

the left side, the field of life and consciousness in the

body is one. This suggests that the non-physical part of

human being is related to consciousness and life.

According to the structure of atoms, the field of life and consciousness

in the body is one but covers more space than the particles. This suggests

that the field or non-physical part of human being that is abode of

consciousness and life is bigger than the physical part.

Colors and consciousness

Colors exist only in our consciousness. In the physical world, they are colorless electro-magnetic waves. When

some of these waves enter our brain through the eyes,

they are perceived in the consciousness as colors.

Electromagnetic waves exist with an enormous range of frequencies.

This continuous range of frequencies is known as the electromagnetic

spectrum. The entire range of the spectrum is often broken into specific

regions. The subdividing of the entire spectrum into smaller spectra is done

mostly on the basis of how each region of electromagnetic waves interacts

with matter.

According to Leon Lederman and Christopher Hill, ‘Visible light differs

only in wavelength from the new, enormously useful radio waves, FM waves,

and microwaves on one side of the visible band, and ultraviolet, x-rays, and

gamma rays on the other. (Quantum Physics for Poets (2010))

Brain as processor

Both consciousness and brain are essential for mind, a

process that takes place in the brain through the impact

of consciousness. Human mind may be compared to the

process in a machine like television. When the machine

(brain) processes the information transmitted by a broadcasting station (consciousness), we experience it as


Stuart Hameroff, who has done research on consciousness, has

explained that consciousness defines our existence and reality. He has

asked, ‘how does the brain generate thoughts and feelings?’ Most

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explanations portray the brain as a computer, with nerve cells ("neurons")

and their synaptic connections acting as simple switches, or "bits" which

interact in complex ways. In this view consciousness is said to "emerge" as a

novel property of complex interactions among neurons, as hurricanes and

candle flames emerge from complex interactions among gas and dust

molecules. However this approach fails to explain why we have feelings and

awareness, an "inner life". So we don't know how the brain produces


Paul Davies

In his book, “The Mind of God” (1990), physicist Paul

Davies, has suggested that modern science can provide

the key that will unlock the secret of creation and reality

of the universe.

In other book, “The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the

Universe Just Right for Life?”, Davies explains that the

universal fundamental physical constants are precisely

adjusted to make life in the universe possible. The physical constants can be based on cosmic code only.

In his quest for an ultimate explanation, Davies examines in “The Mind

of God” several questions that have preoccupied humankind. His conclusion

is that the universe is "no minor byproduct of mindless, purposeless forces.

We are truly meant to be here." He has expressed hope that, by the means

of science, we can truly see into the mind of God.

Nick Herbert

Nick Herbert, a physicist and author of ‘Quantum Reality:

Beyond the New Physics’ (1987), supports a holistic interpretation of quantum physics that includes


According to Herbert, “Science’s biggest mystery is the

nature of consciousness. It is not that we possess bad or

imperfect theories of human awareness; we simply have no such theories at all.“

According to Herbert, the quantum reality problem arises primarily

because quantum theory describes the world in two ways, not one. Quantum

theory represents an object differently depending on whether it is being

observed or not being observed. Every physicist without exception uses this

twofold quantum description in his or her own work, but physicists hold

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many divergent opinions about "what is actually going on" during these two

stages in an object's existence: being observed and not-being-observed.

Herbert supports a holistic interpretation of quantum physics. He has

argued for "quantum animism" in which mind permeates the world at every

level. Herbert is also devising a new science which he calls Quantum Tantra.

Roger Penrose

In his book "Shadows of the Mind" (1994), the British

mathematician and physicist, Roger Penrose, has supported the concept of the eternal world of Platonic

ideas, which is independent of human mind and includes

the unchangeable concepts of mathematics.

In Penrose’s view, the Platonic world gives rise to the physical world.

In his 1989 book "The emperor's new mind" Penrose suggested that

the choices resulting from this quantum gravity mediated form of objective

reduction are not random, but influenced by Platonic information embedded

at the Planck scale, the fundamental level of the universe. In Stuart

Hameroff’s view, it is the only approach which seems capable of tying

everything together. Moreover the connection to a Platonic fundamental

reality provides a scientific avenue to spirituality.

In an article in Nature magazine (January 2005), Roger Penrose

suggested the need for including consciousness in any complete theory of

everything. He wrote: “…a physical ‘theory of everything' should at least

contain the seeds of an explanation of the phenomenon of consciousness… It

must be of such sophistication that the brain is enabled to dig more deeply

into the fundamental workings of the Universe than are more commonplace

physical systems.”

John S. Hagelin

A renowned physicist, John S. Hagelin, maintains that the

experience of the unified field of consciousness, in which

the observer, the process of observation and the observed

are unified, is a means of realizing the ultimate inseparability of the observer and the observed.

According to Hagelin, the structure of the unified field,

from the standpoint of modern theoretical physics, is

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consistent with this view in which the unified field is both

a subjective and an objective reality.

Hagelin has suggested that the roots of the unified field theory may be

found in the Vedas, holy scriptures of India. According to Vedic literature,

the separation between the observer and the observed is a matter of

subjective view only. The unified field of consciousness, experienced as the

most fundamental state of human awareness, is considered to be a level of

reality at which such a separation cannot be inferred.

In Hagelin’s view, the experience of the unified field of consciousness,

in which the observer, the process of observation and the observed are

unified, is considered to be a means of realizing the ultimate inseparability of

the observer and the observed. According to him, the structure of the unified

field, from the standpoint of modern theoretical physics, is consistent with

this view in which the unified field is both a subjective and an objective


String theory

According to string theory, the sub-atomic particle is not point like but

consists of a tiny, one-dimensional loop. Like an infinitely thin rubber band,

each particle contains a vibrating filament that physicists have named a


The string theory suggests that the observed particle properties are a

reflection of the various ways in which a string can vibrate. Just as the

strings on a violin have resonant frequencies at which they prefer to vibrate,

the same holds true for the loops of string theory. There are different views

on the nature and composition of strings. They could also be considered as

vibrations of consciousness or thoughts.

A variation of the string theory, supported by John Hagelin, is

superstring theory in which the vibrations of the massless string are found

below the Planck scale (in the unified field). These strings could correspond

to the subjective modes of experience in the domain of pure consciousness.

This subjective mode could also relate to the thoughts in the unified field of


Daniel Dennett

According to Daniel Dennett, a philosopher of

consciousness, qualia are the micro wave form of consciousness just as quanta are the micro energy form of


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Qualia could also be like Plato’s ideas and, therefore,

thoughts in the mind of God.

Daniel Dennett identifies four properties that are commonly ascribed to

qualia. According to these, qualia are:

ineffable; that is, they cannot be communicated, or apprehended by

any other means than direct experience.

intrinsic; that is, they are non-relational properties, which do not

change depending on the experience's relation to other things.

private; that is, all interpersonal comparisons of qualia are

systematically impossible.

directly or immediately apprehensible in consciousness; that is, to

experience a quale is to know one experiences a quale, and to know all there

is to know about that quale.

Sir James Jeans

In his book, ‘The Mysterious Universe (1930)’, Sir James

Jeans has stated: “The universe begins to look more like a

great thought than a great machine.”

The great thought of Sir James Jeans could only be the thought in the Mind of God. The universe is the creation of

that Mind and the creation is based on cosmic code.

In an interview, Sir James Jeans said, “I incline to the idealistic theory

that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is

derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material

universe...In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great

thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each

individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal


What remains is in any case very different from the full-blooded

matter and the forbidding materialism of the Victorian scientist. His objective

and material universe is proved to consist of little more than constructs of

our own minds.

To this extent, then, modem physics has moved in the direction of

philosophic idealism. Mind and matter, if not proved to be of similar nature,

are at least found to be ingredients of one single system. There is no longer

room for the kind of dualism which has haunted philosophy since the days of


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God is the Cosmic Creator.

Universe is the cosmic creation.

Creation is based on cosmic code.

Awareness of the Cosmic Creator, cosmic creation and cosmic code is cosmic consciousness.

Evidently there is ample scientific support to the concept of unified

field of consciousness. There could be only one source of creation of all

things in the universe. That source had the intelligence and power to

transform thoughts into objects. We have called it the mind of God.

At the quantum level, the energy had no charge and it was the cosmic

consciousness and its creative code that activated the energy in the process

of evolution. All reality is, therefore, the product of intelligence inherent in

consciousness. We cannot describe physical reality without referring to


The ideas of well-known scientists quoted in this article are profound

and based on thorough investigations, experiments and calculations. The

conclusions derived from those ideas confirm the close relationship between

the thoughts of the creator and things in the universe. The acceptance of

this reality can correct many erroneous concepts and solve many problems

currently faced by humanly.