The Merciad, April 27, 1984

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Transcript of The Merciad, April 27, 1984

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, April 27, 1984


    New Student UnionComplex Proposedby M arth a Camp ">

    5 Proposed plansfor-a new Student Union- complex werepresentedto the Boardof Trusteesby ArchitectHerm Weber at theirrecent mo nthly meeting, Directorof Student Services E. WilliamKennedy told The Merciad.


    v E. William KennedyThe new building will be

    located between the east tree lineat die top of the Grotto and theaddition on5the Campus Center,he said. I

    "It willbe a giant A-frame w itha slate roof to imitate the roof ofOld M ain," Kennedy explained.

    This buildingwill be attached t o

    an indoor pool, which will lead toa; racquet ball-hand ball area thatwill-be attached to the CampusCenter. * v*

    Thus, Kennedy said,"the Campus Centerwill literallybe a 'campus center,

    *In 1977, he explained, when thepresentCam pus Center was beingbuilt, plans originally includedfacilities such as the new Union,study rooms, pool, etc., that arebeing proposed now."What theyproposed then is what we are currently building," he said.

    The proposed Union projectwill include, on the lower level, avideo-game room and snack bar.Above, in what Kennedy called acathedral-ceiling "great room,"will be three studyi rooms, afireplace, a patio and space forsixStudent Services offices.

    Also included in the complexwill be an area for pool viewing,locker rooms for-the pool andhand ball-racquet ball courts and aseparate! driveway entrance from38th Street. % %

    At :an estimated cost of $2million, funding for the projectwill come from the Capital Campaign, scheduled to beginthis fall.Thus, ^Kennedy explained, 'theearliest ground would be brokenfor-the three-unit complex wouldbe in September of 1986.

    Academic CalendarA p proved Fo r 1984-85

    By FranMoaveroSummer vacation will be longeri

    this year due to revisions madein the academic calendar for theup-*lcoming year. * t& According to Academic1 DeanDavid Palmer, classes will beginon Septemberjl1 rather than thetraditional Tuesday after Labor

    Day J ?$ J |Palmer saidthis adjustment hasbeen made to avoid conflict withthe holiday weekend. However,classes willt not be extendedanother week into spring term tocompensate for this revision, headded. -*

    While students will have alonge r sum m e r vac a t i on ,Thanksgiving vacation has beenshortened by two days. T his yearstudents and faculty had a weekfor! Thanksgiving, next year theNovember-holiday will * be fivedays long.

    Ano ther revisions: in theacademic calendar for next yearincludes an extra day of rest after

    New Y ear's. Winterterm I1985 isscheduled to begin January 3 instead of January 2. ? g,

    Fall and Winter Weekends arealready set* October 12-14 hasbeen reserved; for Fall weekendwhile February 10*12 is WinterWeekend, g-/The calendar willJ be more

    stable this year, said Palmer. T hisyear classes began at a differenttime each term to accomodatethose student who had to walk toSt. Mark's.

    In the fall of 1983, classesbegan at 8:30a.m.* in the w intermorning classes, classes began at8:25 a.m. and this term classesbegin at 8:20 a.m. Next year, allmorning classes will begin at 8:20a.m. each term, the dean stated..

    Palmer said the last class in theafternoon will end around 3 allow about 10 minutes.between classes for students whohave to walk to St. Mark's. Thisterm, afternoon classes concludeat 2:50 p.m. & " i

    The snow is goneand Spring seems to be here. Crew is one of the only sports which pregard to theweather. *

    Activities Weekend

    (Spring Out And { fCelebrate The Sixth

    by NaomiRomanchokMercyhurst's Sixth annualAc

    tivities I Weekend is well underway. The Weekend, with thetheme , "Spring Out andCelebrate the 6th With Us ," kicksoff on Friday night, May 4 andcontinues throughSunday,fMay6. .

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, April 27, 1984


    From theEditor* Desk

    'Where's The Book?'"Where's the be e f has become an international question

    that has gained much popularity in the past month. At Mer-cyhurst College, most students are coining a new phrase,"where's the yearbook?" ! S

    Of course, these people are referring to the1982-83 Mer-cyhurst Praeteria book they ordered over a year ago thathasn't arrived. The college has been awaiting thebook'sdebut since fall term of '83, the expected due date. f

    Lately, presentfMercyhurst students |and alumni whoordered the book have been quite upset since the bookhasn t

    arrived, and M ay 1984 is right around the corner.Even The M erciad' staff has been questioned as well asreceived phone callsfrom'irrate individuals concerning theyearbook. It should be noted that The Merciad' newspaperhas absolutely nothing to do with the yearbook publication inquestion.

    The Editor ofthe 1982-83 Praeteria is Brooke Buzard.She has taken full blame for the yearbook fiasco. But, she

    has failed to contact yearbook purchasers to officially informthem of the 1982-83 yearbook status. Perhaps the fault lieswith Herff-Jones Publishing Com pany, the producers of thebook as well. ?! i Buzard or someone at the college needs to take charge andfind out w hat's really going on . New information reported inThe MerciadJ story this week reveals that the yearbook shouldarrive by "nud-summer," and ;fthe book will be mailed toseniors who graduated last year and seniors who willgraduate

    this spring. B ut, this seems like the same run around. Never-theless, the constant "i twill be here in a fewweeks - monthsyears" has caused a lot of upheaval at the college.

    The college community isn'tgoing to settle for itany longer- but do they have a choice?


    Staff BoxEditor Carta J. AndersonAssistant Editor .....................................Martha J. CampHuman Resources ...............................Naom i Romanchokn e w s C Q n o r f\3rGri FVIOIRIFeature Editor .....Fran MoaveroSports Editor . M.. M... M..........................Qreg YokoPhoto Editor ......Rich ForsgrenCopy Editor ............................................Grace RicclBusiness Manager ........................................ Darlene NolanCirculation Mgr. ................ .........Debbie HlsonCirculation Mgr. .......................................Richard PramCartoonist .......................................Mathew DuskaCartoonist ......M......^........................Steve Avers rAdvisor .......^.. M...........Mr. Richard GarciaGraphic Artist ..M....... MM...... M.......Frank DePlacidoR e p o r t e r s :D a r l e n eN o l a n .DebbieH i s o n ,VVyde t ta C ar t e r, Ba rbG a y d o s ,J a c kH o l l a n d ,

    J u d yWa t s o n ,C i n d y L o c h n e r , N a t a l i eC e r a s o ,LisaB a u m a n ,R i c h a r dP r e m ,i Chr i sDorazloa n d S t e p h a n i e H u l tb e rgW & ^ \ ,

    > Ty p i s t s :Rena Z ica re l l ia n dJ a c q u e l i n eP e r e z . |Taw I M M It the student-wilted newspaperof Mercyhurst CoMeoe, 801 East38 Street, Erie, Pennsylvania 16546.T* esr ato i office Is located In the basemento f Baldwin Dormitory, Phon e 825-0376. TM JSeniiasI Is printed by B rown-Thompson newspapersIn Union City, Pennsylvania,

    * LETTERS TO TH E EDITOR* J*T h eMerciad welcomes lettersof expressionfrom"YourOpinion."Theollowingar eguidelines w h

    1 . Please type all letters.2. Letters must be submitted Tuesday by noonof the pub licationw3 . Refrain from using libelous statements.4 . Letter contributions will only be edited for grammatical or sp

    errors. - .5 . A ll letters must be signed- no excuses! r *6. Please include a phone number or an address for verification

    poses. ;

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, April 27, 1984


    Inquiring, Reporter"Did y o u order th e 1982-83 yearbook?

    Since the book hasn't arrived, how doyou feel about it and what should bedone?"

    Sharon Johnson" N o , thank God. If I h ad

    ordered the book I'd be upset.They were very unprofessionalabout it."

    MikeHetrick" Yes, I think I did. It's been

    so long I can't remember.-1wondered at the beginning ofthe year wherethe book was.We should] get lsome ad-ministrative pulf\to find outwhat's going r^on. Someoneshould let students I knowwhat's going on." \ :S

    P O S IT I O N O P E N I N GT he Nerciad is seeking applicantsfor theposition Advertising Manager1984-85 acade mic y ear. The position is tobefilled during Ahe Spring Term andithe incumbent will begin : immediate? training toassume al l duties. The position requiresanaggressive sales approach and the ability tomanage a small staff. Commissions on sales,20 percent. Closing date for lettersof intentis May 10at noon. ContactCarla Anderson.

    Box 516 orcall 825-7812.1




    38th and AvePre sen t s

    Monday: WingNightTuesday: Pony Night 3 for 1Wednesday: Pizza and 25*Drafts


    Over T h e RainbowI I I

    DebWeDixon4'Yes, I ordered the book.

    I 'm a little upset about it. Ithink everyone who boughtabook should be reimbursed."

    Laura W a i tin as"Yes. I think it wa s a waste

    of my money. If I don't ge t itbefore I leave, I want mymoney back."

    The "Op-Ed" page isdesigned to be a catcha l l , for,; any * opinioncontent that did notmake the editorial page.It can also be the pagerepresenting a variety ofviewpoints other thanthose of the newspaper'seditors and staff.

    ?', By Laura Ruby FSomewhere over the rain

    bow, skies are blue,i and thedreams that you dare to dreamreally do come true..

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, April 27, 1984


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, April 27, 1984


    Judy Brown, Dan B rennan (front), BarbGaydos and Jo e Williams (back) are pictured. A n innocent sneezeinns about unexpectedtrade results. * - "rings

    Spring Theatre


    The Good Doctor' To Debut ThursdayThe opening of Neil Simon'scomedy The Good Doctor willdebut May 3, in the college LittleTheatre. kg

    The plays consists of a series ofone-acts that have been adaptedby Neil Simon. The tales are tiedtogether by the writer who acts asnarrator for the play. . 1

    Mercyhurst's Judy Brown,Barb Gaydos, and Beth Lawryshare female roles in the play . Thecharacters they will play rangefrom timid governess, to bargaining prostitute.- J;

    "The Good Doctor will have

    MSGJRepsNamedTwenty new Mercyhurst

    Student| Government representatives were elected last week forservice in the 1984-85 academicyear. I

    The new representatives willbegin their duties at the April 29MSG meeting in114 Zurn.

    Those elected! were: ChrisRiazzi, Art; Cathy Martz, Accounting; Karen Kamisarski,Biology; Chris Alessi, Business.Administration and Cindy White,Chemistry. | |

    Also Barb Sayers, CMIS;Shane Brown, Communications;Jea n W eber, Dance;;; HeidiW i n k l e m a n , E l e m e n t a r yEducation; jand Pat Reed,History.

    kl Finally, Kathy Daley, FashionMerchandising; Tom Bucci,Geology; BUI Petrella, HBM;Dave Alexander, Political Science; Leslie Cuva, Psychology;Tom Bonello, Resident; KarenMiskiv, Social ?Work; CathyBecker J Special E ducation andMarieTarasovitch,English. ,

    One contest,for CriminalJustice, ended in a tiebetweenMary Beth Orman and MattWhite. This contest, as well as

    ^ those kor representation for^majors currently without

    coverage will be held in the fall,according to Cathy Martz, elections comm ittee chairperson.

    you in stitches with its unusualpredicaments," according to IgorStalsky, the play's director. g

    One of the tales?t el Is of theGeneral of Public Parks who getssneezed on by the director of treesand bushes. Then, there is thestory of a mistress who wants toteach her governess a lesson; thislesson, however, is learned fromthe governess. The nexttale dealswith a sexton with a tremendoustoothache who meets an incompetent fwould-be dentist. Followingthat is the introduction to the artof seduction by an expert seducerof other men's wives.^

    The second act brings to life aman offering to drown for threerubles. Then there is an auditionby a hopeful young actress with atemperature of 103. Following agout-ridden banker and a screaming madwoman,Jis a $ father arranging for his son to become aman.

    Showtimes are May 3, 4, and 5at 8 p.m. and M ay 6 at 2:30 p.m.A special preview will be shownMay 2. Mercyhurst students willbe admitted free with an I.D. onThursday and Sunday. Other performances are$3. For tickets andmore information call 825-0200.

    Film For DiscussionWednesday, May 2 in Zurn

    "PlaytimeIntroduction 7:15 p.m. Film Showing 7:30 p.m.


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    College FinancialAid Issues Report

    \ by Debbie HisonThe M ercyhurst C ollege Finan

    cial Aid Office has issued a springfinancial aid upd ate.

    According to Cathy Crawford,director of financial aid, an important notice is being sent to allstudents who apply for the Pennsylvania Guaranteed StudentLoans (GSL). & |

    The college, in conjunctionwith jtthe ^Pennsylvania HigherEducation!Assistance Agency(PHEAA) will be processing theGuaranteed Student Loansthrough a newly automated loansystem called PALS (PheaaAutomated Loan System).

    Thisnew system will process theapplication as early as two weeksif filled out correc tly ' saidCrawford.

    All of the 1984-85 Pennsylvanialoan applications and needstestswill now be sent directly to Har-risburg instead of the college, asin previous years.

    j The PALS program promises tobe a process through which theloans will be generated in a muchshorter time span. %

    For students who are renewingtheir applicationsthey will receivethese aftervMay 1st.

    Mercyhurst is just one of thelocal schools participating inthis

    program.As soon as your renewal

    plication is receivedfill it out accurately and throughly for faservice.

    In other financial aid news financial aid app lications deadis May 1. $ &

    These applications are av ailain the Financial Aid Office aare critical for PennsylvaGrant (PHEAA) recipients.

    Also available is tan outsiScholarship booklet, entit"Solving the Pu zzle" compiledthe Financial Aid Office.

    The bookletis to assist studefinancial ly through maalteratives. These include graloans, and work-study empment opportunities which cofrom one of the following sources of financial assistancestitutional, private,* state afederal. The booklet inclumany names of differorganizations who offer monecollege students..! |

    These are just a few of many financial aid programs are available through the finanaid office.

    Students who need more inmation on financial aid shcontact the office at ext.288.4

    The next IMerciad Staff Meeting is

    Wednesday, May 2 at 3 :3 0 p

    in Baldwin Basement.CLIP AND SAVE





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    College ChaplainMarks 25th Ye

    Fr. Chuck Schmitt

    By Naomi Romanchok pThis Sunday, April 29, 1984,

    Father Charles Schmitt willbecelebrating his Silver JubileeMass. This Silver Anniversarymarks Schmitt's Twenty-Fifthyear in the priesthood.

    "Actually, the exact day isM ay9," pints out Sister ElisabethLinsten."Out of his class of sevenpeop le, each p riest chose a day onwhich to celebrate the occasion.Chuck selected April29."

    The Mass J to be held at St.Mark's Seminary Chapelat 11:00a.m. After the Mass, a receptionwill ffollow :'$H St . Mark'sCafeteria. J 4 5

    Sister Elisabeth confides sheis"worried that people will forgetto change theirclocks." She addsthat if anyone does forget, theywill show up in time for thereception and miss the Mass, w hichisthe most important part of theevent. ; | |

    Born in Erie, Father Chuck attended Academy High School.H eworked in a business in the Eriearea for a year or two beforeat

    tending Gannon College (nowGannon U niversity)for a year.He did his seminary training atSt. Mark's Seminary. He wasconferred with hi s Philosophyand Theology degrees!ate theUniversity of St. Mary's inBaltimore,'; Maryland. Schmittcame to M ercyhurst three yearsago.

    For the past twenty-five years,Schmitt admits he's had several"vocational" changes. In hisyears, he has been a PastoralMinistry, Group-Home Con-suling, "Street" or SpecialMinistry, and also in ParishMinistry. | * -:fi if \

    "If we riskloving,the pain m ay kil l us.

    If wedon't, we arealready dead. " [ J

    Schmitt ha s also helped toestablish programs withintheDiocese of Erie.? He is Co-Founder and Program Directorof Perseus House,-Inc., whichstarted in the early 70'sand serves to "house young people withdifficulty". H e also helped toestablish the Ecclesia Centerwhich is a "psycho-spiritualcounseling education center forpriests, religious and* otherdiocesan administrators''.

    Father Chuck talks about thetwo sabbatideshe has taken inhis twenty-five years.In 1969,hetraveled across the country to"see what was happ ening." In his"hippie" sort of experience,he

    wa s influencedto do stministry. In 1979,Schmyear a t a Benedictine in New Mexico. This

    "jelled and deepened tlearned" and became "himself." It w as in Nethat Schmitt could eato th e God/deser* vThese sabbaticals off"fresh look" on things.

    Schmitt reflects thatty-five year "career""fun, exciting, alwayschallenging, constatemporary, and plentyopportunities." H e saiqualities appeal to anyshould go into ministry

    If he weren't a prieschuckleshe would beaHonestly, he would exHe jg ha d "thoughtsbecominga priest." Heeight years of seminaryare a "test" an d at

    prepare one for the expbeing a priest. Father Chuck sums

    years in one bitof wiswe risk loving,the painus. If wedon't, we ardead." i f I

    Schmitt chuckles thjob he's interested inPope.On a more seriouprofesses he nev er hadbitions within the prieslaughs when he admprobably be "here for hniversary." 4

    He looks forwardweekend's celebrationand brothers will b e abhim in his special anni

    T h e first m ee t ing off the n e w Student G o v e r n m ew i l l b e h e l d o n S u n d a y a t 7 : 0 0 p . m . in 1 1 4 1 .


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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, April 27, 1984


    April27,1984 THE MERCIAD Page

    WANTED: Three female roommates are being sought to live inthe Townhouses this summer. Formore information contactKarenor Natalie at 825-9628.1 I &

    NEED: CASH? Earn $500^ pluseach school year, > 2-4 (flexible)hours per week placing and fillin gposters on campus. Seriousworkers only; we g ive recommendations. 1-800-243-6706.

    TO THE CAST of'The SecVetLife of Walter M itty;" Don'tforget about the Cast Party onMay 11 at 8 p.m. For more information, contact Brent at825-6171. \ ? ?

    M A RT H A - ABOUT ProjectPopeye:AET'S GET IT OVERWITH!! Karen ^

    QUEST ION: Whose mother said,"Father Chuck is a real hunk.?"


    26! LOVE, JACK . % M? iiELAINE, Happy Daylight Savings! fl still say, "The light isbetter." d

    JODY, Can you make longdistance calls on your clock? S

    HAPPYBELATED BIRTHDAYKIMMY SUE!! (A present is forthcoming ... ) ^. J

    ARTFUL DODGER and StreetUrchin - B reak a leg ortwo! Consider yourself well missed..

    MAME, BILL & ALL: Had agood time on Sunday. Wonder



    how many eggs are still in the yard... Love, Jane. P.S. The apartment is back to normal.

    j . B . Can we burn *your , . . . . .. .." C l e v e l a n d Water"? th i s D P M A M e e ti n gweekend? W.W.& G.W. There will be a mandatory

    meeting of the Date ProcessingMOM & DA D: Ted will survive, M anagement A ssociation in 200maybe not me, but he'll be just M ainatf 8:00 p.m. on Monday,fine. '*! '*f April 30. This is the last meeting

    of the year and election ofofficersHAPPY rDAY, Father figure! will take place.Love you, Chuck! Gena i

    312: The accomp lice is still on the . . _ . .. gloose ... f A r t E x h l b i t

    A Senior Art Show by Jeanne Ber-2 6 * D | A Yi S ; U N T|I^L| talan, Pamela Dodman,Kerri Mc-GRADU ATION!!! T Cormack, and Mary Nolan will be

    on display from April 29 throughTH ANK YOU all who made my M ay 10 at the cummings Gallery,birthday the most delightful so located on the second floor of thefar! Lov e you guys! Gena library. An opening receptionwillL be held on Sunday, April 29, fromMOM A ND DA D, thanks for all 3-5 p.m. All are invited toattend,your support! I love you dearly, IC. Jean f

    DAR AND DEB - we still have "The G o o d Doctor" !lots to do and so little time!!! Seeg M ercyhurst C ollege's spring p ro-duction, entitled, "The Good

    LET'S GO TO the Zoo this Doctor," directed and designedweekend. Guess who? b y I g o r stalsky, will play at the

    * M ercyhurst College L ittle TheatreHOO-TAPING OF the exit scene o n Ma y 3> 4> an d 5 at 8: 00 p mis schedule for M onday. Sleepy ^ o n M av 6 at 2 .30 p.m. Stu-

    * "; dent admission is $3 and adult ad-FOR SAL E: JENSEN AM -FM mission is $5 . For moreinforma-CASSETTE CAR STEREO, tion or reservations contact IgorCONTACT LUIS AT825-6197 stalsky or call 825-0200.FOR MORE INFORMA TION.

    TIPPY: If we live in the closets % -and put everything else out the C am p us M inistrywjndow, we'll have SO much S t u d e n t volunteers who are atten-room .. . 41,^ t h e Geriatric Center Annex

    > Awards j Banquet on Monday,5 May 7, should contactMarie Mar-

    tone in Campus M inistry byThursday, May 3, to arrange forf transportation.

    AnnouncementsThis is your last chance to purchase raffle tickets for theSchwinn World Touristf'S-SpeedBicycle. The drawing w ill be heldon Tuesday., May 1, at11 a.m. inCampus M inistry,211 Main.

    Attention TeachersThe Foreign& Domestic T eachersOrganization needs teacher applicants in all fields fromKindergarten through College tofill over six hundred teachingvacancies'- both* at home andabroad. Since 1968 ,this organization has been finding vacanciesand % locating teachers |b oth inforeign countries and in all -fiftystates. For more information or afree brochure write: The NationalTeacher's Placement Agency,UNIVERSAL TEACHERS, Box5231, Portland, Oregon, 97208.

    meeting of uhe new M ercyhStudent Government onSunApril 29, 1984, at 114 Recital Hall at 7:00 p.m. S

    elections will take place aMSG meeting.

    Change of Address ont I Magazines

    T h e M e r c y h u r s t C o lM ailroom w ould like to rstudents that if you will notM ercyhurst this summer andwant your magazine subscripto f ollow you, it is necessayou notify the magazine diof the change FOUR WEEKADVA NCE. Send each p ubyour present and summer adand indicate starting and endate if the change is for themer only.Enclose an address lafrom copy of your magPlease do this as soon as p oThe mailroom WILL NOTward any magazines.

    ft w


    Mass With Bishop MurphyA Silver A nniversary M ass forFather Charles Schmitt will becelebrated on Sunday, April29, atSt. M ark's Seminary Chapel at11:00 a.m. A reception will followthe mass. T he entire M ercyhurstCollege community is invited toattend this special celebration.Bishop M ichael M urphy, B ishopof the Erie Diocese, w ill be at thecampus chapel to celebratea masson Tuesday, May 1, at 12 noon.Everyone is invited to join in thisspecial occasion.

    New NSG RepsAll newly elected representativesare expected to attend the first

    H a v eS o m e t h i n gTo

    S e l l ?H a v e