The Mental Help: Proposal



The Mental Help is a transformation design project that 7 people, including myself worked. We branded ourselves as Coalesce. The project took place over the span of the fall semester of our senior year at Herron School of Art + Design. At the beginning of the semester, our group was given the broad topic of relationships. After a few months of research, mapping, interviews, and decision-making, we decided to focus on creating a tool for Indianapolis residents to find the best place to get mental help.

Transcript of The Mental Help: Proposal

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Finding Help Can Be Easy

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Finding Help Can Be Easy

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INTRODUCTION Coalesce The Mental Help

A VISUAL EXPLANATION The Guerilla Marketing Plan Brand Guidlines THE FUTURE Next Steps Budget


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A group named Coalesce is currently behind The Mental Help. Coalesce is composed of a group of 7 Visual Communication Design students from the Herron School of Art & Design at IUPUI. With the leadership of Professor Christopher Vice the students involved in this project are Ashley Allred, Kelli Bauman, Jayne Glick, Kenneth Greene, Cheryl Harnishfeger, Jessica Siple, and Evan Strater. Coalesce’s mission is this: Through collaboration and design, Coalesce strives to create a positive impact on the Mental Health Community in Indianapolis by transforming aspects of the patient’s experience.

Who Created The Mental Help?

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The Mental Help strives to create a positive impact

on the Mental Health Community in Indianapolis by

transforming aspects of the patent’s experience.









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The Mental Help wants to streamline the process

for people seeking mental health assistance by

matching the unique offerings of mental health

facilities to the specific needs of the person.

The Mental Help will create a website with a

simple questionnaire that leads a person to the

correct Indianapolis facilities for his/her needs.



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The Mental Help will create a comprehensive, free and easy-to-use website to assist people in Indianapolis with finding the optimal mental facility (ies) to treat a person’s specific mental issues. By having a person, his family, or an advocate complete a short, easy, and anonymous online questionnaire, the person seeking assistance would be funneled to the best facilities according to his location, type of insurance, and other variables pertaining to the needed treatment. When implemented, this will be an easy way for those in the Indianapolis community to find the right kind of care. There will also be other pages on the website that connect visitors to other resources, and organizations in the Indianapolis mental health community would also be available. Attached to the website would be a marketing component to raise awareness for the site and allow people to get involved in spreading the word. This marketing component has dimensional, print, and web aspects that will reach a variety of different audiences.

The Proposed Strategy in Detail

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“For any mental disorder, the lifetime prevalence rate is an astonishing 57.4 percent in the United States. That’s more than every 1 in 2 Americans.”* What does this mean? 57.4 percent of all people will encounter a mental health issue at some point in their lives. After conducting primary research (including several personal interviews from stakeholders and hundreds of survey responses) and confirming our findings with the latest research from professionals in the field, The Mental Help found that the information available to the public about mental health services, providers, and facilities was unclear and incomplete for those looking for a facility in Indianapolis. For people with mental health problems and their advocates, we found that information pertaining to the search for facilities is difficult to standardize and compare. Some give up or settle when they could receive care in another facility better tailored to their needs.

Why Create the Mental Help?

*Kessler, R.C., Chiu, W.T., Demler, O., Merikangas, K. R., Walters, E.E. (2005). Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Archives of General Psychiatry, 62(6), 617-627.

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57.4 percent of all people will encounter a mental h e a l t h i s su e at some point in their lives.

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The facility-finder questionnaire for the website will be Indianapolis specific. So those who live in Indianapolis will be the ones most impacted by this website. Since mental health problems are spread throughout various economic and age demographics, The Mental Help wants to try to reach as many people as possible. However, The Mental Help would like to focus on marketing the website toward those with a lower income, and/or those who are less educated. We think that finding the right mental health facility should be easy, simple, and clear for everyone.

Who Will Be Impacted?

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It would be possible to see on the back end of the website how many people have taken the questionnaire (and how many people didn’t complete it). There would also be a way to see percentages telling to which facilities people were directed. Creators could make an optional survey on the website to get feedback on how we could improve the results of the quiz and the overall user experience once the site is started up.

How to Measure The Mental Help’s Success

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(Guerrilla) MarketingFor The Mental Help

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Flyers & PostersThese promotional pieces are basic, simple ways to get the information out to as many people as possible. The innovative aspect of these lies in where you choose to place them. Finding materials about mental health help in places such as coffee shops, bookstores, diners, etc. reaches a broader audience that may not always see the information or realize that it is an option for them.

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As you wait for the bus, someone you know is waiting

for help.

Bus StopThis installation is to appear representative of an average living room. The living room style and overall appearance is to be easily related to the viewer’s own home, no matter who they are. A frame hangs above the couch (previously a bench) that simply states, “as you wait for the bus, someone you know may be waiting for help.” This statement is powerful in itself and reminds the viewer that getting help should not be scary, embarrassing, or difficult. It also encourages the viewer to spread the word of the Mental Help to someone else who may be hurting.

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Video ProjectionThis video installation project is eye-catching and would reach a

wide variety of people. The basic idea is to project an artistic video about mental health and/or finding help onto a public wall. People

walking by are likely more inclined to interact with such a sight than one promotional piece in a sea of other promotional pieces.

We would like to set forward a “call to artists” to create videos that are creative, personal, and relevant about mental health. As there would be no sound, the videos would be more about visual

stimulation with The Mental Help logo at the end.

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Photo OppNearly everyone has had some experience with the “photo opp”

concept. These life-size boards enable you to metaphorically put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Imagine seeing a series of life-

size boards featuring people of all different types, sizes, gender, and race throughout the city. The idea is that as you round the back to have your picture taken or pretend that you are someone else for a moment, you will read the description of the person and become

more aware of how common mental health issues are, as well as discover where to find help if you or someone you know is in need of it. This concept fights the stigma around mental health while giving

out valuable information with a simple, but powerful message.

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Web CampaignThe Mental Help Facebook pageThis is an easy way for people to spread the word, view guerrilla marketing photos, find information, and reach other related sites. This page would be directly tied to Twitter to make up the updates, so there would be minimal upkeep.

The Mental Help Facebook page. This is an easy way for people to spread the word, view guerrilla marketing photos, find information, and reach other related sites. This page would be directly tied to Twitter to make up the updates, so there would be minimal upkeep.

The Mental Help blog.The blog would be connected to the website and feature mental health news, photos, links to relevant sites, the guerrilla marketing campaign, upcoming events, personal testimonials, and more.

Viral MarketingThe idea behind this is to ensure that people looking for help find the site through mass linking to the website. Links to would be placed on as many relevant forums and sites as possible.

E-mail Initiative.This initiative involves creating an easily personalized e-mail to be sent out to all people and organizations that are relevant to the Mental Help’s cause asking them to place a provided image on their site that links to This helps guide people to the site that may not otherwise find it.

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Brand GuidelinesThese next few pages provide an abbreviated guideline for the consistent and appropriate use of The Mental Help’s logos, colors, and typography to help ensure consistent communications. To see the full brand guidelines, view the compact disk in The Mental Help Kit.

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Logo Configurations

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C - 51

M - 08

Y - 14

K - 00

C - 51

M - 00

Y - 99

K - 00

C - 08

M - 64

Y - 72

K - 00

C - 05

M - 08

Y - 88

K - 00

Color Palette

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The Mental Help - Regular

The Mental Help - Italic

The Mental Help - Bold

The Mental Help - Bold Italic



The Mental Help - Light

The Mental Help - Regular

The Mental Help - Medium

The Mental Help - Bold

The Mental Help - Black

CedarvilleThe Mental Help - Regular

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The Future ofThe Mental Help

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To achieve this goal of becoming a live website with accurate and credible information, The Mental Help is ideally looking to be adopted by an already existing organization or acquire a grant that could help bring the site to fruition. The Mental Help could potentially become a 501(c)(3) of it’s own with the right guidance.

No matter the direction taken by creators of The Mental Help, we know that we need guidance by a Mental Health Consultant to help make this idea more credible. This consultant would make sure that the information given on the website and on the questionnaire is accurate. There would also be a need for someone with web developing skills to make this a fully functioning website. See the budget below for the approximate cost.

The Next Step

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Approximate Budget

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Kelli Bauman

Domain Name

Web Hosting

Bus Decals




Video Projection Equipment

Side Bus Rental

Web Developer

Mental Health Consultant


















One time fee

$12/hr, 6 hrs/week

$10 monthly

Fixed offer

Fixed offer

2x (144x26) $208 each1x (70x46) $176 each

150x (12x24) $9 each

500x (6x4.5) $.14 each

150 (8.5x11) stencils

25 feet

4 weeks

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ASHLEY ALLRED / [email protected] KELLI BAUMAN / [email protected] JAYNE GLICK / [email protected] KENNETH GREENE / [email protected] CHERYL HARNISHFEGER / [email protected] JESSICA SIPLE / [email protected] EVAN STRATER / [email protected]

Coalesce Contact Information

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To Christopher Vice for guiding us, believing in us, and occasionally giving us a needed kick in the pants.

To our stakeholders. Without you we would be working in a bubble. Your perspectives and input guided our work.

To our fellow peers. You are the best critics.

Thank You.

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