The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1857-10-03 [p ]. · (Qf Mr. Cokead Ci.aeee, eogsged to o...

THE DAILY APPEAL. 8 ATtTSD AT HOSiriXG. OCTJBSR S. 1857 Va ire Spain indebted to the agent of the A(ibi Express Compatiy for late papirs Me McCbeight. tbe very attentive clerk ot tbe di e Wrinu J. ii r.ri, baa oar thank for fi'es of late St. Louia dates. Religious Notice Elder T. S. Dsoke baa arrived in oar City, and will enter ot bi ser-vi- u Paator of the Firs: Baptiat Cburcb next Sundir. Mr. Gioict W. Baikis, of Mont-in- s; Sua, announce bimself aa a candidate for County Trustee throuib our columns tbia mora- - We would direc: attention to the card of our friend J. P. Tatlos, No. 8R Front Row, who baa opened a Coaamiastoo bouae in thia city and in New Orleans, and it sow fairly "afloat." jy The Hon H S. Baymkett, late member of Congreea from the Second District of Mis- sissippi, passed tbroufrh the city yesterday on bia return from a TiBit tea Kansas Territory. He was looking in rise healta. Citt Schools We are authorized ry the Superiateodeot to state tbst Mr. Mabshall will open hi scoojI on Monday nf art, at the corner of Union and Shelhy streets, over the store of Messrr . .Ticks a Sok. (Qf Mr. Cokead Ci.aeee, eogsged to o tbe ieadtt g business in Caip's new Theatre, Is in the city. His perfor i.anees in New York and Phtladelpbii, have ranked bim among tbe first in his profession. He is s fiue actor, a perfect gentleman, and will prove an immense favorite with tbe citizens of Memphis. Pcblic Schools Trie Board of visitors bsvs succeeded iu rentii g rooms la the Sotani-c- Medical College, and also in Rita's building on ttae corner of Hernando sod Beal streets, to take the place of tbe house recently burned. Tie school exercises will be resumed regularly on Monday next. Handsome Psesekt. We were yesterday sbowa by Mr. VTcsibach. agorjeousij wrought ailrer Trumpe', presented by Mr Chas. Pottle to tbe Hook anJ Ladder Com-rio- Tbe work was executed in New York, at a cost, incloding the material, of o .e hun- dred dollara. Tiie tr impet miy be seen at the jewelry store of F. H. Clabk a Co. "Mrs. Thompsos, tbe amiable and ex cellent lady of tbe Secretary of tbe Interior, waa in the city yesterday, snd in the afternoon left on the packet for Coaboma county, Mis- sissippi, where the Secretary has s large plant- ing estate. Sbe will in a few days return to Washington City to assist in dispensing the hospitalities of s csbinet officer. (y We were yestercay abown a letter from Mr. Coaav, Casbier of the Unio.i Bank, at Nashville, under date of Wednesday last, to the Southern Bank, in this city. In a postscript, be states that tbe Union Bank at Naakrille, is now receiving the notes of the Planters', S.ate and Union Banks ; all good city ( Nashville) Banks; Northern Bank, at Clarksville; Bank of America, at Clarksville. snd Branches; Bank of Chattanooga; Bank cf Memphis; Citizens' Bank, Southern Bank, Memphis; Bank of M' Idle Tennessee; Bank of Pans; Farmers' Btnk of Knosville; Dsndridge Bank. Some of these Basks bad been partially discredited, from the fact that their notes were thrown out some days since. We presume the fscts sSove stated will have a tendency to tbem in pub- lic confidence. sCsa0ur young friend . j. H. Lexow, has b een tb means cf conveying to cs from Mr. J. H. Labtb, Postmaster st Hickory Wiibe, a jar of syrup, manufactured by him from tbe Chinese S igsr Cane. It is decidedly the best specimen we have yet seen, and will bear a favorable comparison with the best New Orleans Mr. Lamb ststes in a note to us. which we very m icq reeret we have mislaid, that be planted about a half acrs in tbe cane, from tbe produce of which be has man1 factored one hundred gallons of syrup snd gathered tome 1500 pssstls of fodder. He thinks that 200 gallons may be easily produced tatbe acre on onr uplands, and 80m four thousand pounds of fodder. We are under obligations to Mr. Lame for bis courtesy in sending us this fine specimen of the syrup. An excellent jucge, who has seen specimens from various farms, pronounces this the best be has "sampled." Paor. Haskell's Electbic Oil, Tbe agent of this celebrated specific for the cure of all pains, rheumatism, deafness, neural- gia, piles, sorB. etc.. is in town and prepared to furnish druggists at liberal terms- - It e Cobdiale' Betweesj Fbasce amd Gee at Beitaik. The Emperor Napoleon, of France, has contributed $o.00U out of bis own pocket tt the British sufferers in India. The Imperial Guard has also contributed $2,000. This locks ss if. the entente cardial between tbe two governor na still existed. NEW FALL i mm (MB. - fTH rre baetr-- oomp'Med ht B P'Ta a tt to m Iarzt toti n Trad- -, I thil 0 r: rKBlTALLPP af Staple Fane,, d&x tfOUUb, wbaeh will be found on uit pectin .1, nt resssrksbty pleat- - li s seines. CA-- n PrCHABwil, Snd it in their advantafe to saepect this 8ick before In the (arpet Departmeut neb new ni ian portal I arraremeats bare been mate a aaWj tusare an eateaa' traalc W. H. vm. 1. R, ncll i e,ig at Oa "er al am and M d a eta. s ( H. EIDER V CO., Maaafacxnrer. of Rifle, Pistols and Shot Guns. Jtfferion Stritt.oppo:lt Commtrcial Hottl, V BtBMPins. TE .VK b and tt e rcblic in arc. ase far the las twi y aeep on band a Urge un and Pistols, of their own sxansfnclnre. ALSO: DEBBIIfGEH & CCLT'S PISTOLS, C PvlWTJEB PLASCS. 8B0T POCCBES BKIVBS AMMCKITIlIK, lie, ETC. tw ,rk none to orAer and folly snarantletf. IAR knls of BBPAIHI VG dune witb neatness anal die a'eb EJr ' ltd rs from the Cocntry p'omptly attendee to. IIAAC St STEELE. BOSSAS..VS. D STEELE, .: c - na fAwanatxaa, T' no Memphis. Teun. STtl.l t. yt OUt. 4 tt STEELE, TTOBXtTS AND CUCKEI0B AT LAW, Mem aoe la the Conns of Weal Tee-- .. t Walk-T- ', Block X 6 It! Sp rial attention pat to ttie of Claim Beteeebces U0.1 Hatban Green, Bon Ab.Carn'r. era, lAbansn. Tern Ot s. A Jobnaan, H n. Jieiil 8. Brass. Han T st. Xa ssasT r.Gen J. L T. See a Got I (J. Harris. Xaaan , ; Han Isaac B WIIIiairA. Bass J O. C. Atkis,, Ptfia. Tenn. J W H ad, Bk. : Gallatin. Teas.: W H Stepbena. Messrs At. At H. Brawn T. P. Bear L ok, Ben., Jscfevas T aa ; 1 B. Hill aaas.., Tnatton, Tana ; nasara. T. s at Was at Basiih BrvwaViviile, Tenn : Hon. 1 C. Hiiuaiihii js, Mwasri J.W at J A Harris. Borne r.He, Tens ; Miners Giasw At rherry. day Bt stsrrSalr. Owl Pa--t- Bl.Je, Tenn ;W C Wb tthotne. Ban-- . OslBsa'isa, Tessa ; Bate B q , Or. Wss. M Ban, B Wise, man , Otrtrttawtwa. Tews rctl-l- e o Emporium of Fashion, 16 MAIM STREET, OPPOSITE WOHSHAM HOUSB TrPSDA T the BStk Its , I WHI nsea a Boat OsT nna esten- ree a- -. - m tr nf MILLINERY & FANCY COODS, embraci. s e.ery faahtaaubae, new aixl benstatnl atyaa nf BoSSWSe. PtwweTS. Bjbboaa. H sd-- e- -e, E.r hi older ten. Mantillaa Closka, Lanes. Sr. sa TrlSBw scs Pan, aad eseiylhlns spaertalnlna to the Mfulnrry, and Paary Goods bsslB aa. TIB PBEHS-t- I klt DEPiRTWEXT win eeSBnare aritb any la Memrvlta The tesljes' Bsrtkv nlsr nttentton is Insll d. fl tra t, and Isdies feoerally ate soliciud toca.! aad examine tbe enure at fl J. HASSAIX'B. awSBT I. ISA Mala rtreet. Blrniphia Tessa. Mi Winuey w to. KW FIK.MTIRE AtTO CARPET ESTABLISHMENT, one OB thr PI EST OP O TOBf.E w tt ahost WILL BBS w rth of new and fnabiasabia pur i:u e Carpet r'nnain fcr Their at t la- - hen as lecied with srrat far eapreasty for the Mean phi. They doabt not bat they can sitsu a I pnt, bath la style, quality and prase. BvnT7-I- a To GUf Tax Payers. Aaaea'ors .flhetMt Taa t r the t TBI Tear, orwanaeneasaj oa the is Jaay. ass, and end ns Jeset th IsSVt have eoanntetsd tbetr lahsv. and ret.rn-- d their honks ts see, aa pi si ca laid sa the becewnto apwrnres tenth Sec im nf tb-- City Ordia inee. ranisttsa the asni.'m ntof an ci y pear rtr .nbjwrt ic fkation BBS .ity BMnnaSMM n ts whach, fraca those iBIereeSed ta rwaieetfnl y oalKd L B BIC4ABDS City aVnrutfr. September tT SfT C IT OROI!.Av(T. 10th "EC now When the shall have oosn th- u e, . v the aaaa halt he retarned to and deposited in the Bestster'a OfBee, nhsie th-- y may be subject to pr at in.pertne for the spare of tea dart, of which e ahall pe ale n by said aWater, u the newap pees and tt th next two vaeett-- c af the Board of May e aod aldernaen Aetee th er lrs-p- nf said ins ins. .ry -- aarte or passaaily owner ansy asp-- al tt have o- - c d and en-- miatak-- a or ma- - n i afterward, he d, ex- cept by s cu aalmocr vo.e of the B rd or apaseraen. B D BirSS Ataynr. BASS I: L B BtCMAMDS. fajtT S slater. BT 3 bene. Star CanaTUts Saw sale, OMR FUOCBMOT, COOPU a LXAXB Port of pfmyjjis. r til li i There his not been any important change in rer.ard to the low stige of water since our last retort. Tba steamer. H Letcmt, in from St. Louis ajcw tobi. Octobsrl Ths slakwi 4raiaka ar- ias', evening, reports the rivers all falling, and j Head bria.rag Lirarpoji adrlco to tbe it b iuclaaire. only an averare of five and a half feet on tbe I Coolsevfcow. shallowest bars from this port up. Business transactions at tbs wharf for tbe last two dsya bars been on a limited scale, owing to the few arrivals snd depsrures. The weather continues clear and 6ne. J. H. Lucas roa St. Locis. This popu- lar St. Louis packet strived from St. Louis yesterdsy st noon, bavirgon board a fine cargo of freight and her cabin full of passengers. The clerk of the Ijucat. Mr. McCreiirbt. Qsi ' our thanks for her mrmoranda and files of iale datea. She will leave this evening at 3 o'clock for tbe above port, and will run hereafter aa a regt lsr Saturday packet between these porta. In poii t of accommodation for passengers she ) . . i i . i . . .. . on csiii ot oe surpassra oy nn imoi. soi.i. Oli- ver is one of tbe meat polite snd attentive men that can be found. Mr. McCi eight, ber clerk, is a popular man and will make all who travel witli bim feel perfectly at ton " a..d treat tbem well. Secure your state roema in time. Steam ee Rainbow roa the Socth. This popular packet,conimatidcd by Capt. Hollcroft, 01 e of tbe kindest and most gentlemanly men on the river, wlii be at tbs wharf this evening from St. Louis est rowlr for New Orleans. Per- sists desiring to go South, could not avail themselves of a better opportunity ; and tbe popularity of tbia fine craft prevents us say- ing more. The fleet and punctual craft Rodolpk, is tbe St. Louis packet due st tbe wharf The lightning steamer Jllrghmy, Captain Cable on board, will bs at the wbaxf to-d- for New Orleans. The fast packet 7aJts, in place of the Frit-be- e, left for Napoleon snd all way landings yestTday at two o'clock r. m. Sbe bad a crowd of passengers sod littls freight. The grest steamer Joh Siasonda, will be a the wharf tb s evening fron tbe South. The fine steamer Kebratka is due at tbe Isvee from below. There are several fine packets due from above 1 and below and passengers will find no diffitul'y it procuring good fsre We clip tbe following from the Missouri Re- - BwMtrsn. of the 3Xh ult : The RfvEsi, Ate. We have no importsnt change to report in any of the rivers. At this point tbe river was about stationary yesterday, with six feet scant to Cairo. The Missouri river is still in very bsd condition three snd s balf feet scant and falling slowly. The up-bs- w Mississippi is snout stationary, with thirty-t- hree inches on tbe Lower Rapids. Tbe Il- linois river is re parte : with three sad s balf feet scant in tbe channel. Arrivals were numerous yesterday, but business wss exceedingly dull on tbe levee. Tbe weather wss warm and pleaaant ti MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's father, on the 10th day of September. 1S97, ty J M Thompson, Eiq , James L. Kealt, nf county, Arkansaa, snd Miss Elisa- beth LTX, of Shelby ciouty, Tn ty- - CLetter Standard :S. C ) pleats copy. At LaOranae. Tenn . oa the m rn.iK of the 1st intt , hyRev.O. 0. B. Premier Mr. T S KEEB to Mist Is-elis- te M. Hawlet. both of Aberdeen, Mies. Ft AtR'l MIT II Tbe ft lertCa and ecnaalatsnces of Capt J. B Jones are requested to attend the funeral of his wife, Mrs. Fa rah Josrt from hat rrtiden-e- , ntrn- - r of St. Patrick ard B line ttreeta, this (Saturday) arte: no m, at 1 n'cJeck. 01 Hacks will be la attendance st Geo. Flaherty Av Bra. "a, corner nf Main and Cm r sir ets. m A Bcsafdy for Dy-pep-- in Bot.bha ve's Holland Bittbbs is now tbe fl most simple, delightful and effectual remedy for dyspepsia, before the public. Many of our most worthy citiz-n- a U stify to its efficaey-T- persons subject to nervous, snd sick head- ache, it is a valuable medicine) Furniture &c. 'K are noar pre jnr-- S s- - 'xhlbtt the ni t nne v V a- - nment of Ft'KKITt HE ever a en in thr cur. Our Pat ern. and a are new and p omit- - to rntt the most fas i'ttout. Oieena aca'l 1 U before bartBW. WIMSTON. eHCBCBILL k. CO. aapBS Iw riRTAIN (.OODlt! ab Ura are saw spent s the pretii ai atsortmeot if materutla to be funnd in tbe SonlhSMSt Our slock la all new, aad of tbe latest desirot. Cartaios m ade and put np in town or oountrp. aepla Iw WIKSmM. CHr-Rr- I. k CO. Carpets i (ahpetm TV end a variety of pottera and qua it r. we are tt at prso--a that will a;nrant--- e pr vidad y. m'U ealL WINSTON, CHDBt HILL at CO. mpai iw at WALL PIPER! of Preach ad Aaaertcan ataaofanore of tte BOTH fal'i'.: ablr druic and tati.-rnr- Paper pat np im oa ar oaaotry, and do cavargt f g H.awgr..aalaa aat-iar- oet-- doaa WlaSTOX CHCR HILL a. CO. PI4OS: PMOM! A LAR9K aAortaent of PlaMOB af J enfcit d.ff mann'actarf a. MR r- - -- i ing tb lowest of lb I aniP pra ante every Int r .rp-- ae-- t from WIKBTOSf Cht R' hll.I. at CO , Iw Main- -t .. aeaiiyoraoaite W rahaai Hoae. Wanted. A . TRACHBB. try a ASTTCATIf) rkHere, aad raaapateat to teach the "! 's.ic and htraer Kosrh-- h braacTes Al-- c n nteatal aad Voct- Matic. AddreM J H Btiaaon. Metr. fffaH. R-- ertoea eieeti repa"V6t" I Will Pay Promptly" a nrk- - for PBtM AMEKT BOABU in od AGOOP family, fr mret , wife, child and aet- - ant. I want i o comfortab'e mm which 1 wi nrnith 1 roaat be eery near Court Sonare. None her read apply. Addrras, with paiticUara, H C C, af aoo af tii si i t:V A KLKt. T line Fall and Winter jCLOTHIXGlis mil n x mniirii Ul V I .11111 VV .11111 SS1JSJSJ Inst reeelrrd a" tte r CLlTHIhG W , BJt HAVE 1, eta t te corner of Ho r a? and Main trees, the sa st estessiTS new eanfar t tf Bsc Fall & Winter Clothing They base erer o'er--d for sale, osopel- - lor. In arrest the best qoalitle. and late-- t styles of the foil jw- - a SB B ackand Noe Cloth Dross (Vnta ; Blsci bine br,srn snd tlnscb el. rut Pre . r- k BUck. bine, an" b own Beaew CI. th. Wsdded Prock awry n ee Saal i a Cost . A Bieat variety of Ha rieoos and oht r mater of (a-ini- frc Business rtnits: COATS, PANTS aad VESTS, to h, w tk or without tbe striae ENGL SH PrST'NG SriT? Costa Psnta. an sta of Pasuin a'd Vein-tor- a span dad article mr inter a and apoel.raen. The larso. t etoek of the FI.VE8T OTERCO.iTS, Brer bronfMnnt, la plain and eliptcn Bas'and. Sark, PaJtoes. CafTalana. Ctrcslars, Talma-- , ate , from AS o $60. VESTS SMI la every strle, fa plaia binrk and fnncr SI'k, Te vetaf Mat'asse plain and rtnred Grenadme Silks, Satina, oths, SatUoeta, Pin he,, ate PANTS. A rape -- tor 1st of plain Mntk Doesfclsa. setne extra tSTT and aesne tztea Bra; a laree lot of fancy c od Pr neb Bs.lash. aad Aicarlean Cisslsawrs, Batiin.ts Ate. Miirts aad FKraihlafr Goods. Gott a, Uaea, an MaeU et wbtt and fanrr eoto ad, with BrTa ata dar tarl aa Co tara. aad n an1 Frene-- ctnT : Bbaker aad S'lmu annet U ar .rt- - a d Drawt-ra- : IaaaaVa Wool aad M rao Kei Shlrti ud Drawers ; riaaei 6h rt- - ti! Birto-- T and romiron tani)ed Flanei Bbiria . Mr.oo. Oaftia and Tara Boetta ; uapear. rrarate T a Okrvet. TTeelinn Rt atria, MrlTi,-Kr- s, Ccmf ri a Ate . toaetar wi'h a a - c t af IDI RI BBCR GOODS. OtvreaaU, Cl'tka. Lennf and Capt. and a .arje lot af Ntgro rioihini er Fari'a aad Jacket; an blae t Pants and Jack M for Trasttrrs ; aad a cenera. at oii inent of XI A T 3 AND OA3FS, BOOTS AND SHOES. TRl'SKS. VJLISES. CARPET BAGS, Kays' tad rttiidrf n t lathiar every vartefy The larxeet .tors la the Soothers coctttry. all of wbt-- t nee osT r at rtoaced prices for Ca h, at WhaSeaaKtand Brtst: 8TOTALL &, SIITCHELIa. slstSA dSw KBtN VHHIV Vl, OV BOOTS AM) SHOES! obacrtb'T asoold moat rewpeetfatly Isfnraa hi, aad A. cnaV aaers snd the pub tc In yenei al , 1 bt he baa re oeived and la dally p a larae and well selected stock of BOOTS AMD SBOBS of every description, which t at Wbeesile and Bet ail for Cash, aa cheap aa any hosste In town . I ba'e Blao e, oeived a large asaortnsent of LEATHER AM PINDIKOS or rnrVewa kinda. WLtrh 1 uaTar la at a small ad . ance an BaaAera Coal WM MILLBB, No. IS Jeff rsont , t doors above Plant- r'a Bank. aeiSI-S- ss hntsre n Main a f Pront Bow JIST ItKIIUD. BOlEa W. B. Chliai, by 100 J P. PHAKK Ko, AS Front Bow. t f TIBBCBS Ki-r- ScEarTirad rref Be. ', by I U it PBAXC, At Pront Row DOIEN Pre-- h 'eaches and Toma'wa, nv 100 J P PKAKE Ko DOZEN Preab Slrawbemea an ' PinrappJ, a, by 50 J P FBAS E Ko. rt Pront Bow. DOZE If Cove yiera and by lb J. P PR A NX, No 15 Prr-n- t Row CASE 3 Low-o- n Porter, Quarts snd Plata, by 50 J. P. FRAME-- No. St Front Bow. BOX I I Hot u Iter's Stoms'-- Bitlera, hy 75 4. P. FRA NIC Ho AS Front 8BO88 earrett'a Snuff bottler and papers by 50 J P PRAKC Wo. W Front Bw a u Tra. Tobacco, Fine Clears, Sar J dines, Ku o, Ax , Ac. Par asle hy J. P. FRANK Ho. AS Frost Bow. FOR SALE. TS EST! H R8RS sn-- 1 hR PIKB- MI LE for sale row tor cash. is Apple Ha McALElANDEt a NORWOOD At the Omi:ibna Her A $100 Reward OTOLSSJ from tbe sab ertber, la April, pa O 'ho Ml al ip-- i. two Balkan e Mamp a targf bill BAT ORSB Mrt.r. t a f sc . AVSso, f om hi smmltit Saar aa-- es of on th Itta of Acat, a BLA' E H.iRHR Mr" E, m diam siae, slae as un wear, old, month cnt with ths sat The above reward will b pail for the BBS1 issbiIib of the thscf or thaeves aad A5 each tor iha of the a. as aiai-t- Im Caaa Creak. latest gkros bn f f Itgrapt TO ASOlATKI PP. I i or nsKwrHi I. A TEH FRO 1 El ROPt). Arrival cf the Stramehip Arabia. lb- - Citf . sFaaliaf ' attired oat oa tbe ltlh, sad the star on lb- - ISlb. i.n,.n,.Mi. ni.Biii received aar that IXlhi . .a. Tarn bad bra more Battalsa, including oa R I'ment la 1 tnbiy There were lateral victories aver tbe ma- - tts'es repurttd. II waa ramored tail tba SriUth troosa bad ret Led frea oa scooant of ncknaaa. Auwtber report sat that a Ibbmb r inforcenvat I ad arrivrd, and aa astaaJI wsa looked for aooa. GEXEBJtt. News Tbe AUsatle Cab Is ts be atered at the P raaoatb Wavr Tard uatll neat y r Tbe alop of war Jrat'A bad airived al Sonta- - Tact bad ben t dovj puk on th Pa-i- t Bourse. Tk Mobiirr bad isrgeiydeciioed I: t aid lb at L.U1- - N'ap jleon desired that the Csar aad Qiirea Victoria ebon Id meet at Par;a. The SpaBib atlalatrr had tendered lbs rnslsaatton, but bad not been aroaased. Gen. Co' cha iemans Gjeernir of Cabs. The BeancrlK-A- l Alliance I in eeealoa at Berlin. Martial lav kaa be-- prtriaimed al B-- if ail, lrraud. BTotblBf a w trum China Liveepool. September 18 Tbe a lei of cot loo far the wra am uated to Tl SS". Bpecat start took tS,000 sad xporleri 2 UOJ. Torre had been an Impravtaent oi H of a pmibv Cottso Mid 11 ins qaall'ha lave Improved moat, qooted at K . abtimated tales oa Bat a Mat S.osw bales. Market quit and ttendjr Mn lllnf Oelesns 1 1 S, Mob.le lairplanJSa Block 'n part Hi 5 bales, of which 11 0.0 are Am r ican Near (Orrana Trr Ordiftn at Havre If Sales of tbe werk IB.OOa bales. B.ewlat P.oor advancins . ProVlsiraas dnoiHttg- Ma neb a- - brr advic s fsvo-s- b e. Treaty with ladinns. St Locis. October id. Geo the Commit ti net of li.dian Affairs hat rs from snd reports bevt-- f mad-- tail-f- a tory treaty with tbe Pawnstsst Table Creek on the 14th. Mews from the Mormtns St. Locil, October 1 Capt. Snaeill bat arrived at Le inatou who tare that the Mormons have fortified Sari Br.d(erdee!ariBf that the C. a. troops should not paas lU reports that the C'b yeune di prtdations ware (rowins Btorv axsravaud sally. Telrgrsphie Markets N'EW Obleams, October 1 Sstes nf Ccttoi y, aoo b lea: pricej sttfier bjt qoo'stlons nnchsased. Salenfthe week 10 500 baes. B c ipl last week. 9$ 500 Bee lpts leas than last y ar, n '00 bales Stock st New Orlesn-- . SO 000 tale-- . Plosr n i r Wnoai has a declining tendency; Red, 08 White Corn Tl, , Lard doll and hat dtclin-- He Boles inbbls. at. IS ate. Hi lent- - on Locds ft O0sl$IS1. All other Ix:hsase nominsl Bio Coflbe lOHc. af the sreek. 3 4 0 Soft St' ck In Kew Orleana, ISO ASS baas O'h-- v artrlns rsafsnssanai Fashionable Millinery. C R AN D OPE N I NC ON WEDNESDAY m.x r. UPTB 30. t would rpwf f rpy mfirioanc to thi THE ot aiksl aarrMiMftAg ooantry, that r- - jiwi rrin-or- d fioim the lul with ooe of Uit best MltfCltM. taXk Of PARIS MILLINERY, Bonrinp' of all kiod, Bibb-- t KmbrMl,,r.r, F onDctof Tiimrainn ot entieas vri ty, floe Cloaka, Br.cb aad Merino twin, VeeU, riowrrt, Jlc , fcc. A : : t b j v bt ( prpred to ell at the Invett prion beta dctrrmiof I 10 mtkr quick tal't nod not to be u'i by any bouw U tb- - tr Call. xtmiDe and WM. S'LolftBERO. No. 300 Main ttiwt K. B Ltdrr' Cft and Bonnrtt altered aad mad to order at taorteat notice. aepST C'bancerT Coiirr at s mt r 1 1 j ; Kulen, MM. WM. BTIDHAM vm. S B BRANCH, et. ela. M Mo 1.16. IS thtt cae it appeariD4 to the ta'itfaction of tae aad liibr that thr dndtnta. Robert Grant ard hi vife Mary Grant air of the State Tenawaae tt i tb-.- -f n ordtned by the Clerk and Ma-t- that pvbttcation be made for roar ran f tat if we k- - in tbsp Metopbta Appeal, a nrwspoper published the city of Memphis. TVob rt, reqairiof aafd i rfrn dru to ooave forward aad piemd, aatw r c r drmnr to f"mp .tnant'et Mil Wjth.n b three flrat daei of tb aext term of oar Chancry Gonrt to te b Id at tbe Court-- j lite l" tb- - town of Sotperrilre, "Vtriire, on the nd Moivtsy in sV neji, (1867.) or tte tame win te takeo lor coaitrt-e- d a to them aad tet fa bear-I- t. ex parte. J B McCLBLLAM, C ek and Maater. Br Wm w. Mali--, D. C. k M. Ovnn a W bb. aole for enoiprt wit COURT STREET HOUSE LOT FOR SALE. TUB HOnSB AMD LOT mmdiately arm .ncr'e nw builiinj un Cwart atrrct, i ffrred fair aate The Hjae bat twrive rxKni, rnodt uf wbici are new. Tbe lot ba a ft oat of 4H feet, anlrnna bark 148 H to tee a'lty. Tte Ptt45e if to the "heart of buflnt-a- a being tit midway 4 n a ptnturbt lioe betweesj the Memphis aad C car-r- twm BaHT-a- D p' t and Fro t Bow Vac term-- , apply to j. f. Pry or rm tte piemiaea, or to J. M S1AW tt CO , Baal KtUte Aaeiii, Mo. Bank A venae. rl- - lwdaw Yot i ce to Teachers. Tr T ntte tof "C ARlaWTON ACADBMT," lo- cated at i. Franklin coaaty, Arkantt, de-f- ir to pro an. tbe aerrKa of a teacher la sail aa early a day a- tuain.e A a- t era an with aatitfactory teatimnnlala as to mora hr - a d pr. flciet.ry in n bi , ran a r a d comp sitaatioa, by Immedi- ate appllcalloa la pra--n, to tte Bard of . By orcer of th Boarl. HRNBT P. CARTBB Rerreta-T- . CBatte taa. Ark . ept 16, 19T 6vcat Wiraciion AT NO. 41 MADISON STREET. MRS. M. A. ATKINSON, .dfaaa M O 3T reapeetf ally inform the Ladies f "jprBVi.f Ui m hi and the orr undine e. nt-- y ltW at 'he is n w receivtr.c asaf npeninf stBss ITT "tACk of French MilHnery t Dress T Inmipjis. and tteflatteTa that If the Lai,, will five her rati, that fhe can tail the aa t ratiit na taae. Mer StAV of BMVSm, B1BBOKS. fl.OWKKS HBAtV DRKSABS. CAPS CUtABB and PBATMBBB, art of the rich t aa 1 latest atylea. S. B If the l.ait-- t will give me a caM or tbe lat dar October,, Mrs. Robtnaon will gtre tbem a aen-ra- l Ttew tbrtagh my taxk dooe in tbe neatet atyle and abort no- tice, be which 1 ahall ajst my a ter ion. aapai-t- m MB3 M. A. TKiySOH. KOTICaC. THIRD AND LAST CALL. at Cnion Ipot on lton',a nd at fir. ra B an fhaaataW the nth. at Mamma 3:n on Monday, the 14th, at FiherrU- oa Mnd.y. t e 1 t. at e, on MorrdaT. the tb at al Mniiy tBe 6th of (Hovr, at Me. chanie-T- i ie ots'rirt oa Mr a the Itth Ontfeer aad at tanfs ahao Diat' ! t. Ma I. on aoaday rbd 19 h tir th a of tafcintr a LIST of tae TAXABLB PBOp. EKTT t ftbelby Count r, and mm h hope every ooa will aaeei ase, aad tare trouble a mr iart and expense aa tt t. B. W. CALOWRLL. a Tax A nnow U;.rer. AT be fnnd at hit stand nn SBBLBT STRKFT where tbte in nerd of it can p'ornir a laxa,raaaa h v- - or a I ot d cnt of the hair, biv bim a c11 aepl-l- i;lty fpperty tar Sale WIH f te:i 2S 000 or $SA OOO wor'b a vain a Me tmpr d ai d nnlmi-roee- Prop' rtr ta Boata pMi anl tk mfr. y t terma, ate. apply to ne or fa. Baf- - n. Jr at;acfflc Menpbiu, e.S-l- JAMBS D. V WIS. aa, and Brqalrrr copy Tile Tile. T1LB, aasorled. fr Slramboa a and Bnlld- - 1500 era, for sale low by JAB. L. CASE At OO , Im fits SV Ba tring and Rope. aJUV IA hales Twii e. 6 ROBIN'S".?! A Oft , sepl-l- S6 Pront Bow. One Thousand Agenta Wanted. Jt-'?- I NE-.- s ss.y, naefn' are hororable, paylns fri-- XJ 5 to $1. pr dar . Por pnrtirnlara, encaiwe noataie .tamp and addre.a W B eill.DSttN, Slate ad. Cbnrtaw eonntr. Miss Hai'W Asa in. ANDREW JACK SON, The o d P. r er of the c 'mm rciaJ UwM, riiAKBB .hi- - mrthod to anno a noe to kit f rends and X patrnn-- , that b- - ba lakea his aid stand, and wi l Carry anybody in and from tara rieer, to the Comnserclal Hotel or any ttbr ptasoe, at r asoaabie tataa. Be eery tae HACK rVr that aara watefe he will mn for nvirate i arttaa, at st low rates as snybady else, arbm not o berwi e ftnyaaed. aenBt ly lOO.eoo Neaniless Macks. tw and a hatf and tbreebnabea. of tbe TWO, A. Lawtstoo make, on hand and f ie aile I by JAMES LOW at CO. aepl-l- ( ASH rOlt WHF.AT. ONE HI TnttrSAKD BPSFTELS WANTED for wnieh the biEbeat market prise wi. bs psid m cask. DOIT3LASS TtOWBI.L At OO,, trAi-a-re Basle M Ita St. Agnes Female Academy, MEMPHIS, TENN. SeaaioB win cowsnenee en IfOND AT. tbe Tth af THB teas bar a atwIB-dawI- 5a-a- .r Tk t S' WAT frosa - w i lb. 2S.h IV oatoat a mo atto boy nam- - JACOB, abom i , ttero -- era of ate; ha. had his tart area bawaanx and Ib're may be levera- car, on It fr-n- the ee. feeu ther-v- BfswBi raised la Miesi-slp- byene Mal m Mi Meal When last h- - from he was IB depart j wilb a ve y briEbt sanlalto man, msk ny their way towards a free S.ate. I will aire that above rews-- d for the oeMeery of him t j Bar. or cooflne.1 IB la.l ao aa I can set him. RICHARD H. HAS YET, I BaSM nti Right miles north of Soaservtila, Tenn. Herald copy to amount of BA, and send hiu to thta ofBce. W1TED, CABINET MAKERS tbst niiderstsnd boxing TWO Good wag s will be Eiee- -i at sepS if McKIMlTRT AtOO.'B. Paiois and Oils. A LARCE .apply of all Eindl fnat recadred and fnt --Ta. sle by WARD A JOSE- - FAS A NEW FAMILY GE0CEEY. add Iti jo to my Wholesale 1 iquor Business, 1 have IH a Wfealesile and Retail Faaiilj G orery. MB. OBO. SBIFFIN who l well hnona to tbia ttiUB"-nlt- v, haa takes charge of my basin sa, sad will at all timea be glad to see his old cusssmers Erery article In the line or fear wtli always be foand at Ho. ITi Main street, of the beat quality, at CASH PRITRS FOB CASH OHLT Mr,n b'y ha.ines. is Beat s light for. AH Raids bought frosa Ha m Main street, folly eor-a- n led o- - mom-- rofood d with Baal of rar laaTB. I's-- h solid ;rd. J1.Mi1 aOTD. tlO REWARD FOB a dark hay HORSR, hisnd fa woe era leu Em. or twalre y--ars old j haa hewn me vug for three weeks ; sappaoed .0 be la the ret- - ity or M m pai . Mucin net a co. sepS-- tr s 100 Wood Choppers. AXvko i.amediele'y One Babct.d at. ade men, to VV go Arly m bsftow Mrrsnhis; crnataDt cmp oy- - eai bws ta- - wagae wui re paas apptr to C POTTBR Praat Bow. Megaphas, or lo .eoJ-'i- JAS fl McMtVfTR USE TEAS! A LARCH Baaortanrnt porcbi-r- oefors hs Iale rise aTV in T ss, lor asle very low. st who.a.lo or retail, yy H. F. F ARKS WO RTR a CO Mo T Commrrriai Sbtters. MEMPHIS fAIL APPEAL DI'KI Sat cap A v. Octotrr 3 187. Cottow Prom nunr-ro-na dun sUhes received withia the M't twodays, from Jltw firs ana. ome of wbtrawe bar published, we ob:re trf haa bora a drellae of about 2 cealtla tb- - peat week, and a corresponding J int has romrTed r. w quote sales yesiertsy at h'rxtnanreot from II to U cents foe' Middling t Goad Madllng. wnl b a- - the gravies now ni tlr arrtr-in- s On' planters sard not. aowwer, be alarmed at Ikta tuddee decline j gliansarh It la s' neratty att'lbnt-- d to the inns. UMUU of loan ceo, tte matkM o,u: BSSSSSsrl bare reosded li tbe pr rent or lower prlc t si atoa went frelp Sato aasrkt. tae aeevioBS exirma atsn prices karlns ben obtained fr..n tbe great tearrli j of Outtoaiaatksaawkaa. We tklnk. BatwaMS, that tae present crop wit not ran down In below II to lit. rents for erases at Mtd1f-- f to ed Middua 0. II a, tba prleee betmi nr depend nt apoa fantaa tbaa do-- msrS WnrAT Tbere . bnl little d ikac m tbli market, and from oar lat report we sole n r bale in unotaUona Tbe Provtst and Pr aSoc- - marbM oeotinn-- a arm We notice ato change dnrinf tht patt week. Sappltes are lisbt and holders Inn. Our ntwUtiona saar be found Baosibo aiid BaE....Tke aemtnd a rtod ant the took lame. Tt anoss: India Baastinr lMSn ; Ker. tnakr Ha ixl Lmi Banjrfns. lan; KentnekT Power Uaosa 1 80S SO ; Hope. Rand Spun, n Cltj HSSllHc MeConab's Iran Tit BM eenu t. Wll EAT-..- . The receipts ?r ine wwa nseo neen very KM and prices have atul farther deernaed under the of advie-- s from sbrwsat. W- - now qnof SO 10 7V Sarhwah-- foe mr at pr lea, and cautos lota dry bnfhl Wb at would brlns Sa cenla. Pi nna.. ..The denssad la rnod and Is WIT equal ti the aanmiv. bat Br.01 are rapel'r detltning. Saperdne, i 6JSS 60; Bxtm 7 SO. Sroaa.... Storta Ihjkt. with py dessand. Pair t;PriBwts;,wlSn;Caiscelai in lota i barrels Is to la. klxber. LOST A1D CartttTD VOAB onitK. 0orPXE....U hSltMcfor Pair and Choice. Co an Ear Com All to M , lo sa-k- a SS to Re-t- bOc Powdeb.. . JLdBtneky Rifle lea Reg lota and npwarda, 7 2S; nndeTton, ant rasa than Ave kegs.$T 60; nxaAsr trekecs. (4 Mfasss Powder tea keg bate and $1 Is, 8vs Res lets aad BA. naator Bve kega A H. TEAS....Retll prices: Imperial 11 ; .Dn- - powder $1 Al So, Totin Hyson 9Bcl tf, Blaek Bts aw acuta. Paeviaioss Cl-- Sides lT18c.; Rihsed, lc ; ghealders UBIAc.; Hame IS WlBs. Potatoes . ..Rsoetpts large, aad prions cast tin aa at Uc. p. r bnslet. Stab Cabdles. . .. Advatkord to B5 for boxes ; halves, C9 to Rt, snd quarters AS. Aasuiivxs Srhoaca, aaano) Halves, B4 AO B haasm; Quarters, i. Wbappiss Paper. ..Lsre slxe, $1 ream; me- dium, 80c; amall saw. sue. Laxj) B ock liyhl. WaflaoWbbls at 17sI3c. Molasses TV for prima in barrsls. Hat. ...BAA si tm. HcTs....Soft SU1! Aimoaals, IS toOc a Pecaa, 1SA93B esaU. l auiGO. ...Al Bt to $1 AS fa at. Salt ...Cvsr.e Al 201 A hi lots; Retail )1 A0 $1 BO; Pine, $1 SB sf i tnloie; Re aU $1 TB. Lcmbeb.. ..Poplar, 10 OS; Cypre.a, $1A35 ; Tellow Pine, AT1 SO; Pino PJosrixg. BAT AO ; White Pine, dreaaed, BAA itO. Cbaceebj.... Wster, Bt bbl, ; Batter, 66 ft Sueaa, 12 al Bt B; Soda, lse; B salon, lis. Tobacco. . ..WeQBote Mtssoael. Eewsaat kyaadTssiias ase, p.unda and half pound at SAfBSBi TtrgtsU, fs aod 'a good brand. AB&eSe; Tlrgtnia, extra brands pounda sOCOc; and choice aad fancy, AOtavAl SS. Whisev aTsqaose: H. H P.ttT. SS A0c ; fjeo. Miller, A5lw8: ; Dex'er's, atafta-J- c ; Old Rye A c.ssRl AS; dourboa lfJ BA; H. H. MetHe, ASfeJOc. gal lon. TiESAB....Appe5(pttre)wsSaetww hbl.. Mean; factored (pare) 5 i9 AO. Coas Meal... .Prom wagons psst week at 90s3$l CO. Rice. ...By the tiercr 6ta)7e.; acarea. Peatmebs tt to air.; but little demand. BnaPf....aT-m;hlf.S- it ase; Rantern TSc S B, Stabtb. ...Ohio Pearl, iSpSla. If ACXcaEL SVeae in mwrkei. BLACEiH....Maaxm'sA BsatWa rroas. Woodes Wable.... Painted waU, iaaaViAJAoR Mnt. Painted Tube, At 1 2 S4 AS fl neat. Steel Spring, BBltSJ Genssc.ltM; Rnglub I dia- ler, Bsc; A snarl can lUiaaer, 10c; Cast Aleel 25c. CoaCASE Manilla, lSfalAc ft B; Cotton, ttiBAAc Store Wabe. ... Selling at AsAiAc ft g allao. Shot akd Lead.... Per bar, 8iSc. Shot, BA 16 "tl AO. Pons M-- s per SM, TSc. by theft. PBEICHTS RaU-- Irrefnlsr. Ws quote- f aSB Memphis to St. Loult. c tt.u 1 25 ft bile. To Kew Orleans. Ploor XV ft bbl ; Co too, tl 2A nor bale; Hstses A ft head; Cauie, $7; Shop, (l Hogs, fl An ft bend. IBOB....TenaesaerCBmberland bar,) Site; Pasnsyiva-Bi- s (Pittsburgh ksr,) Ac; Castings (Hollow ware,) i Ac; Machine Castings, A McBl IB 10 $1S STsj, IX., BlAStls; Block llacU , Rar 45 oente. Glass.. ..Preoch Window, 8iI0, i 50: IstB, 275.m box AO feet. Pittsburfh 8x10, t- - AO ft box; 10x12, BS Tt. Nails tt AS to $4 60 fl keg, according toqualuy fsr Rastern and WheellEg. Ubseeb OIL....RI OOfltl 06 par bbl.; Lard Oil tl la, Train Oil It to 28c. Write Lead.... toSK Wbolsssle, and S to R-- d Lead Sit U SC. Wall Paper. ...The stock Is moderate, and compri- ses every variety of sxyle and price; demand active, st lSraSt AO ft roll of S yards, aa to quality aad price. I CnicEEBS....20eS0c ; Igfs 10IStic; Butter MV ate . EsooMi....Psnry, t Ass I 40; Common, Bse32 76 doren Blace Pepper. ..We qnote at lse H B. with small sapply snd demand. LIME....BI lAOtl SSBI barrel. Seeds We quote clover at tl t hnsbei; bine ATsastSeO; timothy tlfttn,: herdarrass SS assj tlio; mnskeet, tA SO; orchard ts. Stoce Mabxet We good beeves at 4 to Sc.; HoCS A to Sr.; steep tl AS '0 tS. Hue ami Leathkb Mabeet, reported nnd cor roct'd wotklvby A. H. Rise Hide, rapidly declining Dry Flint ISc ; Dry Sa'fei ISr ; wm 7; ; Grer. Sailed Ac Leather atataonary st foi sail foot s' tooa. T. It'! It. StaRKCT. BT Lo 11s, September 30 1 p. sr. Receipts small srdhayera ..arc Ban., hard togvt, aad hot little indnorment to buy anything lor shipai. Tobacco hT.rie d, ar a- - q.e.iau.n. IIXMP M ibuerra and tecaripta I uillr-- stoer ABD IA1D Hone reported.. Whisky Sawe f lOObMaat IS.-- , fl gsllna. Pi.oua Sale of AObaasex rs t- - "Ai d snperfln tl J5; 0 ka d, tl St 60 b'Jle fancy it 60, 7a do toe tl " f- - bbl. WHF it Sa'es . f TOO ska aprp g st 70-- .; 39B do 75c ; A do red Be: 129 do BAc.ait'i tl 01, .k, rrtorard. CoBB Sales of 100 ss. ka ri c ar at AOc; 100 do gocd mixetl 60c . to'h slid new gnnai- s -c nded. Oats Sa'e f 60 sacks at AS'.; 16A do AS. ; 110 do Sc. Inclodieg aacka Bat on Sale of IS cx.kt clear aide. It; ; S do rib t'o ' ISC. Mrrsiphis Bank Slate and Exchaage List. All - teaiee banks not reported brloW, are thrown out hy the Mesapbis hrokers : Union Bank of Tennessee snl Branches..., .psr Plant, rs' Bans tf !enieea-- e and Branchta .par CI Urna' ti I and Breeches par .par Soathrrn Bsi.k Barak of We--- Tenneasee, at Memphis .. Ba'ik of Memptiis.. nst Banker America, at Clarkartlle par Bank of Ch.tUBeKga fair MeicbaB's' k psr Pa -- men-' Bank of Tent eaae-- psr Nor h Carolina ...t hm. Braith I arolns anl leVoraia. par Kent may, Ohio and Indiana par Loutaiaaa ,aaaoaa.asa,i,..iaoS,aaa P t Northern Back of Bteataslnpl ar roenm. rcial Bank. Maniheater. Mt-- e par Mi-- a Momal losnrance Co , at Aherdeeu.. Par w at Colnmba... par glSHT EXCHAXOE. Hew Tork , 5 pr-r- o . New a ir I It pnm. Loaiev lie and 1 incinnatl.. ....... mmnI pretu . Bt. Lonla ..S prrm. srrcic. American GoM Ii""3S American failvwr.. ................ iHtilS prent Arkansas Sc-l- ., ... 0 BAAI on . w rnEBBv Wt HAILE, Premdent. Secretary. TVrajnrer. Momrihit Life and General Insarance Cmp') (LATE 0. W. CHEBRT a CO ) Exchange and Bank Note List. Hew Tork ujsai Kew Orleaaa bsuSAI Bt louts as at Otadnnat! HO Loclsviile " HO M oid it at Bl'ver 1 as? Land War-ar- t Loatslana Bank N' tea . ..par ah a, pram AToTtSem ' .. parsk s, prrm All nncurrent anoner bought and acid. Arkansas Swamp Lstid Scrip bought and acid. myl Whrat V.iBled. WB will pay tbe bigb at market p Lee for al' ant Wh at drlrerr.d Bt th- - M'TI. Flour, Bran and Shorts mr aale al the market price. WM. WALKER a CO.. Oily Milts Memphis Teas. Brogans ! Broans ! IITI have aome of th- - be t Brcgans ever ap 1 bt fht th a ma-- k t Al 0 M I BOOTS AND SHOES fwL of erery kiwi, at Wboiaaa.t aod Ui A T WPLL" h. PHO Ready-Mad- e Clothing ! bar- - jo: irx'tre-- l a Iarc aitl rotaIHa aaaort WE aaral of C OTHTN. vioi- - ooff an-- . Al o c a- -t cBJTj'a Shirtg Drawira, an i raratahtac tfrtv ratly. A. T. WBLLA k. tftO aa M iawf o CARPETING! Our STOCE OP CARPETIKO Is new mr liARGE, OOMPRIRIMt ETER1 TARIRTl'. STFLG AD PRICE, A KT on wisairr to pnhaa will b ar of townhi 10 tHeir alvantatr by railing at not Carpet R.00 trrJo dawt-- T . T. Wfl.lA a BRIl. 10,000 Acres Arkansas Ia A. UNT 13 S FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS. A CHANCE FOR A SPRCrLATIOS SHAT will p.. one hundred percent within IS aBRk. nostha Tbrw. Land. Isy is Critladta, BBBSBx Mwsl a ippt and couailea, sol were leetrd st an . ar y day aad are choanr laB-'- s For easlwaa a sar ala a pony to a TAT, oeU-w- Mali oa .1 , Memphia. F.nir brtnks." frcale Agency. M C0MBS & TRICE, rar tht sAtrse cstiravsfrd Sfardard Sca.'ra. constantly on hand, and are read, at all limes KEEP st MANPPtCTTRBR'S PBK'Rst, overt and .11? f iteae tWalea. mad.- st st. Ver - ul. . is. ncs"s, we.ghlag frsss t ASS ts t.SSS a. Ptatiorm Scales weighing from In to A OSu B. Rail road Track SoBlea, atlv eaparltt dry'red. B.llrwad Oe o Scars. 8 .floo lt jx tos a. Ft tin Ussy MOT Scales SB to IBS bnahrls wf grain. R Ring BHR Scales J.nOO to 1,000 a H.v Scales, I to lt toree. Ciaa'sr Baslaa. M eg. ta tt a. frrocrs' Scs lea a as. to at a. Apothecary lndioalo Osctraa. ej aad B. MenowBS a TRICE, sopll lm Ho. IAS Mala street. 1 HisftHanfoas. Bukriuk. Star ( audles Soap EL BALES rrlaje sal I Data ataWI'.ri lai oxe. bair aa4 qaaner bnaaa sta' Ci I to boies prima Uw - Pass Yr Suap I I caakt tendon Br .wa Btoat Porter. S boaea Ma Bractared Tabaoao; I bale bavf Gaorsta 0- aaksasa. Pur sale low to tbs trede, bj TH IMA THOr-T- , arpaS--1 w Osye afo n p.QBt a la lbs rear For Hair. A ROUSH ISP l.irT.Iiat.-.l- Tbtrdatrret j b Iw e Bonse ia rj tra cf are wfh Al.-- o t.o aSS' nit able for Tl sacs Ons Ibltd rah or ntnetj dav mi. IB one and two rrara, with toiero-- t A parr 'o EDMONDS" at AnaSTEOWIS, SaT Main street. The erv Best. WOULD Inform my patrons and the pnb-ll- c I s rtrrallj, that I have tecq-e- las artlstse tsmces nf Mr. VASSALLO. 00a of th hast an less in Che Us 00 C i an-- f tee whether I tenure traly. snd nbetker anch ekill cbbboI on doc- - bar f .n the best fon ever saar of learsatvcs " send en Best." T A CABS, Ptetsee Gl'lerr K BS Pr,i.t Syw. PKIV1E BOIRMM.. fTl H tiba: ib-- r baelBX taken the 1 of MaaSSWS and TSird air eia furnaerle ;be 01 8 P. Walker and Sited It np a, a flrat-rls- private b Mtina hocsr. will ha ready f r he lasiallan of snests ibe n s- - day of October, Bar roora, astla-b!- e f r famlliea, tan suli he mini WM GBBRMSLADB. WA N TB D A f Kd snot an1 four good Apple as sbove. sr. a. Iw A Great Bargain BBderaigB-- hare Two Hundred and THR and a ba-- f (TOT H) acre, of vslaaoie Land, lea mile, from M- mpSta. on th? Hemob 1a at id Cbail-s'o- n aailroadaadtrenn.i.loaen Plait road, and In a fine hea 'tr neltriborparat, aad within on quarter a mileof a flan aiai.oo. I o acres ae Bnder a let fenc. at' lal Snrw.g. sndabosl t7uS fa- -t of new v ank ; a good houae. cut rs, 1, ,n wa bsases. orara sai an 'ampi' to. a food ssrgaas l: hegiraaaa the aassve described nap-r- lr if applied toaaaa JutlK BROWH septA.lm JOBS C SAINT. B. W. .KOUMISS li C. VAIO...J. Morriss, Ward & Sannoner. fill AND WINTER GOODS, lirE would very rwanectfu'lr o. unco as Ike purcbae r er. ot PRT GiXlltS t " tal y that we are sow rs aeirtng oar now at. ck of 11.1. AND WINTER WOODS. We are prepared to offer PLAN IRKS great inducements. Oar aeeortm. at of BLANKETS, KKRSF.Vs. OSNABURG8 ami BROGANS, Oompriaea all baa Tarlet aaa that ar-- dealrshle and darah'a. In the Fancy; Departmenr, Will a- - foond all th- - noveltaes of tba eensoa. The xt enlion f the Ladies la an examination of oar s aortment f SILKS EMB'tOIOERIRS, ate, is reepei folly solicited. MORRISS WARD At SANNONER. sepSA Asa ate. SBB Mais tSimA lioa e and IM at a Barfaln. to sell a Dwrlllnc Hou s and Lot rWISH Miwet.oeapo' tte Pbema'a Foundry. The 'ot fronts I IS feet on Adsms street, raa-- t iuc ta- k UK f wt. Tie hou-- contains right rooms, nl'h servants' apartment, and two cistemi, and she in 'he rear. Teems One third cash, or a good endorsed no's, st Blaett dsya Deterred paymenta at one ant two 1 in witaunte est. JAMBS BOTD. Grocery snd Lkaoer Herchsnt, sep-2- Im Ko ITS Ma'B atrewt he m leal s. A COMPI. stocb of 1 hemtcata of heal qualily, re J ceiyed and f r ale by ar ARD a JOhES t Main-- .t Freih (.'rasa Seed. JCST received and for sole by WARP At JUNES. ftS Mstn-o- t. EXCE L8IOR lalVKttV ttK SAl.KSTAttLiK R. WHITNEY, Proprietor. th K uat3eraiD(j havtuti a rhaael th1 a fb a fomtr pattar. MLN B. FOB.RRST, it Ih-- - Mamrtvotb Stah n cool atrcrt, r Tf to r- -t urn hta 1hack4 to hi a former caatotarra aal p t' ron , tni to af- taai he bow owoi th eotir-- a jatrrtF in the-- S a bias, He trUhet it aaderatood ibwdi hta rrrrnla aad the pabtftc, I hat ht aaea not dettre to -- i nutiT ka aUanTtkaTa. be txrecta ta te a great ataajfltit H raa an taa trteat vfhicica af ooaeraaea aacb aa Barstt-a- , Carrtaaaa, skx , which will a wan ba at the diapoftaj of bla pa reaa a the cask PaMvcirLC Thr atrictet aMeo'to paid to Uo tra board n. aad to C nn'ry ca toniera Having a numbf r of (nti-r- a, h- - fltiUra h.ra-- '' f, that for comfort datton and attentkoa, bf can c. with !'. Call tee. . WH;TNBT erA-l- WTnrtl at" Jones DREf.(IT8, JVTo. 2538 TVZeizR Stx-oss- t. A BR new tec mng s very exlrnalva atock rf I A l.d. in tb-- lr line, which win be sold whole sals and retail at very low prices. sewaA Adams K Co.'s Brushes. sre 'bia day Id receipt of . large atne. of Br t.bea 1 mavt by Adams At Co. B i.l m, to which we invite the alientl n of Paintera and othera Sanwt WARD A JOKES. v, CRAND OPENINC BAZ.1AB OfVaSHION. OV TCBSD IT next. JS sir MILLINER! Rooms wm be ope DM. wfien we will lo "he adta tb- - cb taw aod ixravst Hock of MHIInerr Gd.. l. ats and Sbawla ever oronrht to ; floral tm-n- o ted Parte Bn neta Plw-r- a Feath-r- a Qarallnrea O- - rarostiUla. Bridal and OraamsuU lor Hstr The fl .eat and lat-- at atytea of Teiret, 0 eh snd Bes- - ver . at., Bioch. aaaai, . J aval ... We invt'e th ladies rr. eesn e'fnily to call RDWARD BABIVDI h CO , S23 r treat. Oa Monday ns t, epm0er 18, star store wi he ctea d oa account of otr holidays. B R a Co. I. SPICES.. ..SAM'L g SPICEB R. M. SPICER A SON, DEA L E BS IR Fine Groceries and Provisions WHOLESALE AND BETAIL NO. 2 SHELBY, NEAR MAIN STREET. NOW re riving, and will coo toes until car stock b rrplete with every article in the line, all BSB SSB re a SSSR We root Stat the qaaltty of our g.da and Ibe prioea will tudacr yon to trade B eery-t- b at new and fresh, arise ad pcraeaally with grant car. sewlS-B-as B. fl. Btsscsm tt BOW. Lost Father. MVT "ara aso I parted fr m my father, IS) A B ar.d never ence hove we i.exrd t ooa him Ms molt er gave up the fsr hm in s, ng sc.. a w woeda fail f ora the I pa of frt-n- d which hs. alsrtl aid a .w I. aaasjater. wri take the faat ta hand and w leave leans BBtrtr by wh-c- be msy h-- restored 1.1 h sor- rowing fsmilv Me haa sets- - frienda, who If hey see this wit' g adte aaaiat me in the search foe the lost one. If t bey bar. the aligoteat inteillgen.s to isaaar. dltoct P. B. WBITMOBR s pWS-w- M otfl-i- Ts. EJrifn-iiMpr- : said AXRasaaa paprra please copy E. W M KlBO JBO. H IBOE, Metrphl . F ruarrly of Miasiaaipp . Kixt a i.toc, A VORNRTB AT LAW, Hempbla Tenn Cffl-- e on . k t b tweaa Main and Front Bow. lu the tt ami Ing. arn l?or r;c ov to the Trsde UN TIME TO CLOSB COHSIflHMR.NTA ,1W1 OILS and it f noils Birhardson a Bra.'a U peiior MacbiB'Bone; its piec.-a- , he.t brand., power and hand-loo- m Baxglng cyS dim STRATTOH. McDATTIT a CO. THE BULrlTIN t UK.AP STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT 15 Madison Street, OPPOSITE THR UNIOH BANE, MEMPHIS, TE1TH ESSEE. TIIE ATTBNTIOH OP x iiv and i onntry Merchants AND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY, larva pec ifxlly calMd to lbs unsurporsed fscrttssa of the HI l.I.i;TI COvIPAXV'S CHEAP Printing Establishment, Posse, sing every madera Ira prorr merit i X- Rr: XrT3 ant fa PR EeSaSsEJS , EXTENSIVE PREMISES, SWlt.1.1 1 la WOUkMVA Aad aM ntbT daa. able rn aitVet, tae Coaaaany y p'tpar eJ to ex -- cote erery description nf PRINTING, FROM A CARD TO A BOOK, in the Aral sty e of ths art, at tbe LOWEST CASH PRICES. DESIGNS FOB STORE BILLS, Of theae we have thr largest variety of NEW AND NOVEL DESIGNS. And the h al n graved, lo be oned ia the Slate, adapt, d to everr business, and salted to every taste. If yon rejulre PBIMTING of sny kiad, -t the lob he large or amall, we invite yon to visit this eetah Ishroent believing that nowhere else will you secure BETTER WORK, BRTTER TBRATMBKT. OB RRITRR TERMS THK B I.LE1I1 COHPARfT, Ko. IS Madtsoa street. Memphis. Tenn DUP0NT POWDER. rut raraiab tbe tratie at al t,n.ei with taa. Wer of Powder or onr manofaeLup wwtsiv wa warrant anaaraatawtj rn aireoftb or Cwcaaaeas at tb saw pricf o'har rattler l F4d it. B. i. DCPONT DIE NBatOURA fc CO aeiaS-I- fcy H FITXQBKALD fc CQ t AtmU. Mfmphls ff4iCal fIlfff. FawIUBS who wtaa to boan M'tHcal aaasiaati la fha afrdioal O leaw. wV pteaas naa t to Dr L. Sttaoka the nomWer they oaa ace mavwiate ue tertot Vf- - aeplo n L SHAWtS D tt ' f- - n a at; rt o a T'ai TV --- KK 1 K ,N ,V iN A , K IM sfSl 1tsvuuw vsv vitlfrjuUj wrol salx abd betbil dealkbs ra wa-- a aroan M 11 oa. eajasaw TTATR now la a tore and far aale, the largest a, -- ll slock, h est goods at 4 taa moat saiaatarwH sasortm-- n' ever brought to this ctly. fHI Gratlrnen s rataa-Ma- e Boat, Fresa the Anear French Calf to th. ha Boot, tier.t'a Oatiers, bigs and low cnt. Ban Calf. French Ps'ent Leather and Lasting Shoes af the latest ps'ems and tty.ea. LsatiPs'. INisc' and CklMrea's Shar . Of every from the b-- rainu actu-ar- a hs tbs Cnlted Stairs. In short, our stock embraces every rsrtrtr of tvxrta aad Shoes aad comprise 1 the uaasg ex- tensive snd divsrsltod aaaortmeal la the val ev st the M pt. Wssa l it the Bitea'son af aferehasu, Daairrs aad Consunxra oour stoak. broors a sirrjniBRS. ea itB-T-m Ho t M.rb.. Bl rs Mai- - t . Memphis Q EVEHTT-PTW- B barrels rlinim Rrrmlrrl B 4bpbh is U atot a aaa lor sals low by IrtA FLOUBNOT, COOPER a I JtAKR glisctUanfouSe I two 100 do. i ait ANOOl l, CLARK k. CO lIVE R :. all (rsdea; WO BSBB sad balf oq i hicbArdaa aVpe; SSbaleaTwlBa Per tale low br RtWrOC. CLARK fc 00 TTttPTT ca.k Clear Bade Bacaa) X maw MOW' oral a Brsgs't site Smith. Got rite a. Od.'s Haras. Par sale br asB HAXfN'iCR, CLARE. At CO. THERE Hundred basts BAo Co4w7 Pwr asThv AHOBCR. CLAkK k CO. OMR Hundred and Ptfly kE. Ko. t Leaf Lard; U0 packtgr. s a t ,nda Por sale tj sat ASCOCK, CLARK It CO. T riFTT hhda Lonlllaaa Suraea. Por aal- - br f BSB AKOfJCRT, fit-A- ft fjo. H. F. FABNS WORTH ti CO , Wholesale Ii iir'i,it THECA No T t rout How TTAVR a eery large and complete assortment of art - il clea In the Urog IIB- -. to .blrh tl y cail th- - si ten- - " AT COST." or pel-e- a are reaaosasBSH and tbrqCA 1 of oar articles casrarassEtt JlSB CALL AND SHE! Jl'DT RECEIVED, a t NO. 7 FRONT ROW. 10 GROSS .upertor Treat Powders, for sals a huh ,a:s snd retail, aaaS H P FtRSSWORTI O I BARBRLt Copseraa P. at W ee' aniS H P PARK? 10 CABBOTAOUTltil ', fee ,a'- - hv BBSS' H P PABK W.lRTH At CO. fff POrKns Cream Ta if"" BBAw H P iSTH k CO hi) E EflS Newcastle 8 C t for.ssby aasS H. P F kKSWORTH At CX. 20 BAGS Bla for .ale by asjaS P PARVHWORTH At CO. 10 BaOS Allapaos and R,ce ii. a r tor al. by acgS H P. PAJAMSWl RTB Ai CO. H CBLET S SARSAP' 00 d,eo for sale y H At OO C Hi A OCS sip" ans8 P PARKA. ORTU A, CO. PIPES A bar a a genuine Konb iids roe sale ay w. rut ORTU A. CO. LAWTBIatA-- A large lat, raid to belong 10 the for aal b aaxB P at CO. Pearl si.-.rci- If ADR from Ind an Cora a beautiful altlde. AVX boxes for sate by H FARXSWORTH CO., lr K T Pr.ot Bow. tl 1 CASKS KeuaeU's Ale in store snd for sale by SaVRSj n n. PDTTKR. Mi.n-at- . myl Tfoeth of W.r-- 100 CaVBAVB Syrup tuat reo-ive- a'd forasl H H P.I7TKR. Ma n- - "d done K,n-t- k or Woesham Houao Rope and Twine. l !tT KKUKIVnU, per aientnars In. Dttkaon aw Bsaatberner: AOO coUs best Ma bine R rie: BBS cstn snd ha'f--ol- la Haad Rope ; AO bales auperior Twine ; Por axle low to Ibe iradvbr DOCGIIRRTT At ATT1I.ETT. Jf" Bank Arrows. Hentacks Bacitins;, T" BT received per a learn, rs Roloi;b snd Wm. Dick- - cl IAS pieces Slot MtPs; iw pieces nam; AOO pieces beM Han m. For sola lew lo the trade, by DOCSHERTT At ATDLRTT, jyAI Bibs A venae. BOWEL COMPLAINTS ATt pr .y CttlTd by McGOWN'S ESS. TAR, aA. Ibo X3i ssi ess, sale of Ijxxrxarana. PREPARED and sold by H. S HI'GHES P and Mortar. Ko. Ill MaAB s., Mem. MMB tantT-daw- lr r LOl KNOl, (OOPtR tt I.K.iKE. ajHOLCaAB f R O C R S , ABB Commission Merchants. A LAO, PsrticalaT stteation paid as rwoerrlng snd forwn-dta- g JlIA IAS Mala atraet, Memrhl. Bt'CelTPtl. 2.50 BCSHEI.S at seed Ry- -. hy aepTS Fl RNOT. t tXIPRB R LRAKR BAtIS Choice 1 ''off e, low to le trade, br 50 aepTS Fl rRKOT, COOPS R R LE IKE HDS Los 10". Pott PWR a T.HARH 2.5 HALF Bt-- Masses, hy rnopRn a I rskr O S BOIES Sod Cracker.; Sa IS " Lemon Ceackei 10 " Soaa.-- ackers Agents fcr the aale of T hi I P"Te- -' Stsrrb. PLOl-RHO- COJP'R a I KA KB sepSS daw ISA Mam Street. BOXES o d Br n l 50 )PRB a LRAKB. 100 BOXRS ' t,. sale hy epI2 PI R a LR'XR. 0MB HCNDRRD nag. - kiSce BW Coffee for asle low. hy PLOtTBHItT COOPHR A LRAR B. IS TIBBCBS; RICE 16 bass, SODA 60 t. ts. Br ICS IS bags; HAILS MO BBSS, aaswrted antes; CRACRRRf Sugar. Soda, Butler, aad Water Prackeea : frTtlNKWARB S.Ane rilloes ..w-rr-- e; Bt CIRTS Well Cedar an' Pal'teffTeticti t. : vniaaa-aeii-- wr ana rine CLarns, rises; COTT11N TARXS-S-oO bags, asaorttd altes Por sals low, hy PLOCBSOT. COOPHR 1 LRAKR, Jylt i asio sir. rt S'arch sa coat tga- - -- ri: an for sale by Jylt FLOI BNOT COOPER a LRtRE TH1RTT-F1V- R by HCNDRKD buaAels Co'B In ator- - and JT'A PLOCR.VOT, CO .PER a LRAEB. rsiPTT hngsbesda Sttga asort'd" snd a. f.e sale J? by f'yii) Fl OrRVOT. COOLER a LRAKR Just Bee ei fed. TjtlvE casks risma la sAr- sd foe ash. by a. ins P' Coov.R a I R tER. R- - I.HLS. sod aj bbl, f J ISO ' Whisky. Por aole hy mylA Hi:.-.- clari a on J. w. JAMES. Carpenter tV Bnilder. Ai ski m Traia or RnxhTklnra Ttlinrla W.airfeivw Veao era aaaa . aracuaa-- MOULDINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONS ta SHOP , n Tanx street, near Bayou Gayaaa. A I HA VI twrh bnid-e- d a a-- forit laaa (') actrt or ral'tabl Creek B ttom Lt-- n Are tatle. f Stantoa'a Depot aud aiv.ini x the wen lee ( a atrgaia caa b- - bad tf callirtf oa Lb aocer Uc ued W. lOnT.AS, traia-wtolj- Pai.ceyTiiie, ai BENNETT HOUi-- FOR SALE. THIA will known Ho"ei .in ., Ten 0 lib the Purr iture as sow saRreal for .see. os Seed terms. The forsltups is ai good aa new. having been IB e . nly a res Tie stsnd la an xcetlen g. od bar-- 1 gala will he gives If u aa 1 am determined to sail For further . apply lo SRO. w BERN sr to M tt. Beat, oa the Mrmshl la.l ad. a I. BJOOBB o W tat'OHES MOORE A HUCHES Have saaociau-- d ibemselves for the tranaa- tun of ttCBra! Land Asei ry Basiacss IH THB STAIR O ARK ANSAE. will FAT TAXES OB lard,, and at'eud X to I he rcleeml g of forfeited landa They win make prraoaal x,mtnat i..os aad ai eye of land, ia sny part of th- - sir. and rep u panics the chsrsct r of lb roil timber, qu intlty of rants 'snd up a any tract, and any de.irahir Inhn aaal lini In r ...a k. ., ... , era Wash to bring their lai d Into m. krt Bhaa will r.. tract to h ire timber deadened opon It, and wl rn er fr either the planutlims or wild land, of I boa. who deal e to se I. Mach Ine land In thia Stale tea hon user rid fr m sale for the laat tve years, having bren reported sa swamp aod overt iwed, and whtrh oy an net of the laat Congre.e. waa ooo firmed to the State, and wll be ,abji-c- t to estry In a few month a The of the e lands con-la- in a great deal that has ra tab aatno It. recr- eation, and the above Ira - m Iheir aa practical sarveyora a of whom haa been engaged in toe public Surveys of the State for many years, and is Railroad and Swamp l.and Brgine ring, hsvlig thai gained aa eg'waslve k now e.tar of land through -- ul the State, wilt ha priparid to mil good esrsttnas tr peraons to lor-- ai mower, warn this eaattrmahlBB of swamp L'Bda Is ofAred f r aale. ar subject lo entry either for a stipulated .hare of the land or e moitaaloo sp m Us saoaary isesd. Patsims be at bag homes la Arkansaa win flat at their otter, plats of bad smmp-- . r-- c, or farms with full of their isapr rvem tta qualtlr, he , a that t key CaB he al aa e dlr ct-- d 10 cheap snd aullahsr BwMBA, They a m bay aad sell I And Warrants or locate there for holders. Aay business in the above lino w.J te attended U OtVe oa the corner of Mais and Marktia-- street,. Little org. Art BefeBEBCES. noo B W J.,i naos, Wm R. Milbr Auditor Hoiand fc fa, Itth Bock, A k.; n-- n. Bd Cress. Rem pat adeonnry; rapt D B. wiilUuie. Wasb-n- g oa. Ark ; Wm Brers, Bateevtlle, Ark ; J L o. Artadelphia, Tllss a Co., MtmpkBt, Tcsa. seplA-wlyi- TalaaM Plantation for Salt. OrPF for Hale bit P toU' pariah. lAQ inni Tbe tract c I inw BCT.a. 1' la eitBareel oa th T naaa river, ann .he Vick bare Bailroad run- - aloi r the northern boumlary there is a depot en the ptao- - and a blaster caa ahip anT day In the year by railroad, ot by T a a. whtrh la to be provided with I ka .n.1 di t.. neru-tn- al narigail n Th- - land is lev I hot the fer- - tLUtyof which la Ian snl kn.wn to renulrv coawst sad a hale to one and a half of erg' on to th- - a re 1. a nana! enp. The p'sce a provided with a aood dws ng snd gin hon-- e, - ith four standa. ciafrra. c O - the p acs ar Iwo hundred aces of virgin cyiirrsa, which will pay tbe price of the p'sce 11 sawed ap. I will e.! th- - above lad at tAO p--r acre t cm h remainder in f rl equal payments, with interest. If 1 a. 11 iryor to tt e lat of January aext; If Bad sold before ih,l tl-- e. I sellinx st sll Topers, aa work BS a numb r of t an. a i a, a rare chan-- e, as wi d lan-la- , eren are arooaad H at li - t per see. Thews as oa it hi ae ea In cot "on and 150 la con. Seren hctclrtd acrta can b- - pat IB neat sraa- a. rmsiisa wtshlug lo b come the owner of II ara to call oa O B. LOCK, Auc'asnorr and Krai Batale Broker, Memphl- -, Ter.o. or wr;ie m- - at JAHESS PEACOCKS, M D. ' aepltdanlm Valaawlf LaaC for Snlr. rkPRFCAHT loan If all-- y do, ree of the X Court .f Hardernax couoty. t coas of J- ba C. Bo'-I- -- t ala , wa. rx pa'te, I wi.l eAVT for aale to trie hlshe.t hp d- -r on th- - prnsls-- s. on SaTTBDAT. tbe 'Jdth .'ay of O loher next at pub'ic aacii a, isr rial la'ioi oe ooging I that h Ira of Rl' hard 8 Boyd d c ard, con aSulBg Aft acre., with ap'en.d aal abu dance . h rand tt-- s wst , lying Lure m lea aort wews or Wi lteville, la Har'ewaa cosnty. . a the . ro Tela ts aaSBBatawed ooe o- th- - carat Ian, in Bar games county. TEBWS ne-third cash, aaad the m one and two tears purchaser giving tad snd .sevrtty, sud Ikta a. r HREI T seplT.wtda rti-r- nd Master For Sale 1 WILL SBLLot SAT- RDAT I dehrr ITth One Tbooaand Acrea or la., ii n 11 : too conn i y lying tig mllet noib-wr- .t ..f Ms en He ot ae Ibe Memii. andOtl Rail OSSL BBS from ng ton. The x.ovr lgti.1 's In rw tract af land There s abost ruhir r s and tolerably well tmpr-ve- d ai hi latwaier. Ths sbre isod wili be drvSAad pae- - Por fdrtser psnwuiars apt I. X Shaw, O S PolDde.ter. M'mpSi ; M Job win. ; Col. Cass HIU. ad asniag the place i O At WHITTHORSB. P. a Twnns. one third cash, ths talarjee in o- e, two aod tares years with Interval. tstlT-wtd- t Slistdlanroiis. MB8. M. A. PARKER, K A C Y tl t La Li la tt AND DRES8-MAKE- R, aaa Ufa in lfri, Ossr Hard - Ummf D taj Sfstrr. aaanf deer fa Cansafea Jafar A Co.'t. WapThra' HAT- - MM I I ssd ''P-n-- t their a -- I THEODORE I RANEE, DYEING EsSTAHLISliMtNT, asAit Side Shelby Street, POTR D. DBS SO"TS OP CMIOM BTRaRT. PersvWy orrnaea af ''lucioaa'i far ilr rrauatavlr't .Vew Fork Dye rfawae f tltlSS Lsdl a a- d ttothos of SI'k aid V w-.- arad Ca.h-n- l.hca th a equal to iW Ee oaa a'fk DrSaaea la a dry war. or etasT. ate al Ik and W y TVule j 4, p. m JajSAe p. at copelabti W CALM WELL. CO PEL AND, EDMONDS k CO. slenjoFto. v WQOLEAAUk uSrTTTgarsJ GROCERS, aaa) i OTistissfOV viERt HANTS, astaVariyla mo. 11 Pavastr row mbmpbts NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN T I VI Vi mi i) afA iff ' ' j lv liUtt NO. 302 MAIN STREET, TKVITB ih silontloa or gsnUoasca lo tte lr very aope-- 1 raaraiaikof "M''--iM- or French, (.crman and EnsliBh CLOTHS, v of s t.m: res, ET EH V VABIETY OP VESTIXGS, aad aa aatortav-nt- , erptnar atng an ttsea of 8 H I R T S. Onlers for Shirts ailed with punctuality and precision. CRATATB. CKDRRDREAS, HAKDRRRrHIBPS, HOSIRRT. KECK-T1R- BLOTRS, SCSPR tfDBHS, ate . BJSaj sic T. E. 8&EG4.H a (O., Mil Main atra.1 PPl-- e the Ragle and Roentror f 0 e. GUE VT K( i'vi:Atv:-- PEOPLE MOVING ! GRAND RCSH FOR DE SHONG'S Beautiful Melainotypes! I'll t RR, R for ' his new V"vai e- . . vTBgcT, opsualte the HEAD a-- Ma Worsham Bouae., tSHoS'D haa tu. eta, Pina, Pen-- y Ca The British Periodicals AWT THE FtB.vfKB' l.l IDF. Great rr due' ion in pr ire of the tatttr Pt ojirattaa. lane to re-r-ti: I. The LONDON" Ql' ARTKRLT RkTlRW a Ore ) I RRVIKW (Wh'R 1 a f NUB' Rar. (Fr eChareh ) A Th R W,(Ltra- ) t. BlACRWUOD'S RDL Sl'KiiU MaUaZINE (T ry .) Tfieae Period ira'a aMy r pre. n taathrre great polltl. sal parties of Srral Britain Wb t.Wo y and R ads al f th (Urrrot up than caa ba poa- - m the bands i.f aub- - Per BOB For SB I t as 5 i For 7' a. r. S SS t BB ree Reviews.. t SB IB 10 a 'ranee. Money e pre-- vol Bt par. ssisi oraii. In aa ordering any ot o Wll' b. sri.t to one addme for sar Re new a and Blackwood f r NST ABe B iherni'ed states wui no bat St ea snood," sad bast IA cents a year A H. B. -- It.- la Ore.t BrilniB cf BBS Fire Periedl-l- a caea above nam' BS p r Banusa. Th f 11 niter's Guide To ScWwt.flc an.1 Practical Agriculture, br Henry Sta. pb-- I ll,d Edinburgh and tbe late J P. N .rteti, ri fi saar of SeaentiBc Igrtcaltars m Tal. How Harem, t vo a . royal octavo, Carols! mf 1 .SOS sat se, and aiinsereaa wood and eieel -- agra.tnata This aa, ex. fe-- s diy, tae asosx sogaBarte work oa agrtcaltur ewer pnb-- 1 label aod in order 10 give tt a wider carculatton, ths publi-nrr- s hate lesolred 10 red aae th. price lo . For thr Two ViHiimt . : When seat hy mall (pol-oj- d to California and n tie price will be A To sr-r- y other part ot the Union ad Csrada aSaaa, pud; M. This u aad the old ' Aokof Ibe Farm " and cocoraBBlCatlor,, aho old always ba ad- - dre?s--d, to ihe pobiu! jtt a co., Jrll rr-- t. New Tork Ia rhancsTT at neutpbis -- PTShNRSSRR it Ru s brid in STATR (Ihanrory Side, if the Comtn n Law and Chan-- , c ry C art af ths C .ty af M m hta, oa Monday, 8. pt wi- ser T IStT. William B. tr tier. Complainant, SB. Q. M Bad swa and Jon w. H kl-is, a- fa. Itapp-art- from aS iarlt A d .n thl rao-- ihst the Wen-lani- . Q M. Bellow, ss I Jons W H 'pkia., ae aaa - 7) and as,v r ord-rot- ir oCmp sir sot'; 10W wi.l he rahrB foe a arrases! as lo ib-- r beorfns CE serf e and tba a rope of ts .ubiirhedonceasnekfor Ioorauooea.vsw.eki a aula Ajraaaf -- BAlarat: JOHN C LAS1ER. Vrk aad Ma a, r. Rr R A PsBXCR, ia , D C a M. JBO M C ABM ICE Sol. f .r corn 11, leplA-law- In ChAtscery at Mnnphl. 1TB OP TVNN'RSSAR At Ru ea h d IntteOerk's I.e. r aid. of the Common Law and Os-t- af tae City of M.mpMr, oa Moat y. A - J u w Harrison, CitnplaliaBt, ss Jrao. H B ait, Aaron Jaak.-ma- A. A. fi loa af . s ll It ape esri' g f era sfllsvlt e.d ia raus-- hat Ihe D--fe ds sa State .r TVant sppear- - aare ber x' fr tOd C nri to he b H cm tae f ar-t- M ad j iu X rr tvet (183?,) aid pf- xt anatri-r- , or deaa r it r rap'alnart't bill, r t"e arjae wiU Iw tak a or aa tt- ai-- and art f r betr a asr parte; and 'hat a eof'- - f th dr he paM-aw- i wtr a wee fr foar acre- - lee wfarka in 'IW hi Appeal. A oovy at teat: JOHN Oler and M tat r. By B A. TAnwtm, Js . D C fc af Jeiie L Haa aaa, ao.. frw Cotaat'i aoo A. VACCAR0 & CO., DEALEBA IM GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, tTiaes, I igars. Fruits, tHX., NO. aS MAIN-8- T., MEMPHIS. TENN. A Bare Chance. President and Selectmen of ths Iowa of Bo-'t- THB M ae . propoata. lo give Ih. BXCLCslVB PBITlLBSBof reta U' g spirlinous and sis. us liquors, for a certain n amber af rears, to aiy perron rar prsons who will ereet op, a the Pob lc Sonare la aaad biwa Bilood BHICK HOT I I. BlllDie. luvtv- Pr. soaals, sad r seal, fog t a banding of said Hotel ea' lithe Itta OcSatsw when they will .peced The Prep-aa- 's most snd eprcaicn'.toaa of th-- boil, natt wbt'-- t it a p- - ran t stats the IB a at to Be Ine 'hey ro'L.t s'ste tie sura prlTiiesa sta-- 1 run in osassten hsereclet, as wen ap cawwhraoo; a I Bat ir by the Pre, I lent a I I ' aa a Prop, t . la to be to THOMAS S. POLK. Mayor. Holly Sprtaes. Miss, i iAT. aei-- in PI H LIC ItOTICE- - Bwraoas having eft OLD HA'S al the a bar. af ALL Phil st a Oo k r sied to 'sk-th- ra .way rl'tir. toir-- dsas. ar they aril he thrown away toM f.a what tk-- T wilt brlnar to sap s erase Hear wti raw hold reaponibte roe oat b.u left with as lor a liisjai lisas than ,bova alisr thia d te. Bl pllin ll, M H. AT LLRH, Bureaaaar ta Osorxs punier B Co., sagU-l- IB Frwat Bow. tsreiiaitfoaSo WR an an-- r I d u aanosm e JtlHN R MOSBf ET as s eaasdloate for She rIff of She.b, County at the enan- - For Sheriff. 1ST. L SMITH M r andidatetoi SHERiePof r so in- - Ma ch ractloa aepS dAwte i'or caaawaarj t WR utb rtsed u, anno oer WM JAMES aa a st : Cone .1 e In the Fifth Cleil i t xt the morrflna. anaST tte TOR COEtTT TRISTEE VI ar aatawrta tt oaao THOMAS I HM.LS a raadi ate tr the aVe of Cnn'y T rati to of Baofay coanlj;, at ae rnavl Ha .1. n t- - te FOR OI TV TRlTTEE. WiM AM P PAT tt a eaDftvwt for r- - for st- ctsl'T af (Mam Tt aater Boeibr c amy at tbe a saing March lr ie. ap!7 dawto roa cot .itt nihil i , WY ar aalayriaett to aaAoararo B JAMBB B tTALBER ta a ranttldit't r Coawly Traat or Vrb eoavB't a be -- rt.umz Mar-- eem. aan-t-e FOB ( 0iTBLE J. M. SAINT Is s candidate Bar Ibo oASoa of Conatable al the next eleciwa la March, la the PoorWalk Civil Dae. ran. arag'S te. rog STATE (OtrTRWLLEK OH are atttho H- - d to Col. BOB T I r If BA- TES af on, a osadttB e for State C'mpt roller b-e- rorr ioe, wloo al the L sxstntero FOR Hntu r. WB are author s d to ann noes iAMRS B. FELTS a a candidate foe to Us oSB e of BhilIB st the eoaleg March e'rett- a , LEA & PERRINS CBLBBRATBD WORrESTERSHIRE SAPCR "CT ssof-.CE- .T BMaRt af s Latter from a C""'StrM, ' MeaieaUGsBUsskaVB TO " aBV TOHIS BbTiTHBH j Only Good Sauce,' flwwoacESTEB, Tell LB A At PESV--X Ajn APPLICABLE TO S that Iboar .V- S- iSACt S hi klahro eo. EVRRT VARIRTT ---- -- jiissssdlB I ral at. and ia. palatabeaaweliaatho OP DISH whasaa nv BBESWeibBt IS BXSaAs. The miy Medal awarded hy the Jury nf the Hew Tort Exhibition for Sanoea was obtained by LB A at i.'tr WORCEKTERSHIRR BATCH the world node fame of which having 1.4 to snaserona imlta. titans parchaarra are sarneMty reqnostod 10 see that tbe aaaae.of LBA A. PkRRiss" are Impreoaesl xpon the Bottir snd Su.poer and ortated npws the 'ahels. Baas boatante AaasMs for tbs Cattod Statea Jaha liaacaa k bs, tOJ BROADWAY, T A stock always in store. Also, orders for di- rect .htnment from and mys-lyS- p BORUAVb'ci QOLLWD BITTERS -.- r-U A I iTTKi! TUB CELEBRATED HOLLAND &KMEDT FOB DTSFSFSetA, DISEtSE OF THE KIDET!, LIVER COMPLAINT, WKAKKS3 OF ANrY KDTD. ANI AGUE. CtHCH aa Iradsroa'MS, Aetdity of the taOBal a- -' raina. araruart Loa of Appetite r; Cwtlwenesa Blind and Bteeellrw Piles. In all BheomsttcandHasislSll It haa in instance, proaed bigb y beaoscinl. and In others TBI la s ptrelr veetoti e r miponnd. prepal B strtct- - lr -- leottrlc prtnerase, s ter the manner of tba celebrated i.s-- d P- - - - SSI R. . f it. gtat sne--I cess in most of the Btiropran Bla tea. Its Introdncti.m Into the nslle-- l State, waa intended sawro aaneetallv roe those of onr fatherland acattered h- re and tbem over the race of SaSSS la . BA hSBSraaasBBSHai t. .wtr.a that Its truly w.axdsairul medl.ica: rt- ta.a moat ba acknow- ledged. It Is particularly rr natadi il to thoso patasn. whose sorartttBtlcns auty bare been lwpatred by the ronannoas BO of aro- -t sptrtta or other forma of datamation. Seaerallr intantaneona in easot. tl flada lu way directly "o the at of ISe. Ihrllnax and a ok-- ntng every sera, -- slsiaa op the droossax anal, la fact. Infusing now health .n.l vupr la taa yatrra. Notice fteir eipects to Awl th. a beverage wll. be di appointed . bet to the alck. weak aa ' low spirited tt w II prove a grstemi sromatir ardlal, paaaaasad af lingular remedial proroe'tea cavraaar. The ere.t pornlaritr of thla delrtht'nl Aroma haa many Iw nation, which the public should guard a ainal porrhaalng Br t persuaded to bnv anrthmg eiae unri: yon rar. nren ioerbave'a fair trial. One bottle ons oraxvlnee auperior It Is to all there imitations. f at t por bottle, or tlx b. ttles for AA by Prorrteto-- a bi.vj yitv p t.E. jr., a co , MArrprACTWaixa Phannaceutiata unri Chenaata, PITTSBCRGH, PA. xTSaaVi l in Dy S M ANSPTBLD a CO ; also by WARD a JuNRS and 6. D JOHHSOBT. Rich Glossy Hair, Coopietfly Pmerre4 TO THE GREATEST AGE. ND b that la k.vr It r.tor-.- l t. rnier o- - ; ar aaH. oat te growth r ti.rt t rr tnubpr-- 1 arita aa hing. hat would hart it aaaajaal ; or taaa f .ia l he,d. or o her eruptions won Id he c- r.d ; or w lib i t b eg be. (a ara g s but would bo car d II wUi .a ram., a all p'ropaea from Ibe. faor and sata. PROF. WOOD'S II Alt RRSTOBATITR will do ail .Bia. tae circular and the following Ajrs ABBOR, Howxaber A, 1SBA. Paor O J Woo at D sr Bar: j haw beard much a a IS of fast aiasds fe ah Is af page Hair Boa torsi lva, but Baring seen sa of 'n eh aled by qnaakery and quack n t kalr drr. Ate., I ai. 10 place y mr Hlnretee in tb. awte ctrory wllb the thonaatMl and I l obbcR rrstsdlea, an' i I met yon in uati nee cottata some raontbs when you gav. me .oeh a -- Branca a- - in'nart the trial I tour Re. to' a l MaiM ffiffaXoylA BEAUTIFUL live mar farrilv tt' at br wy snod wlf. wk-s- hair ad be. .m aery thta an riTlr- lr welie and bef log oar of roar ,arg boo las, h r hair waa - ed tt- I'll to ita original irB iiifi--l browa eusoe. aad ha 'hlckened snd te. one b ant tful and g oa.y upoa an en- tirely over tie head St. con Uses ton a it. a I simply I's Vautlfyiog rffeet- - BBBB ' be hair, hot be- an. e ai Its h- - altbui ml enoe ar the head and ml"d Oth r of my y sad m Bd. are s irs yoar Brat .ra- - ttVe Wl'b the tsppl-s- t efBac,.; ta. refore ma skopta. : am and donbta la rrferarce to Its raarac -- r god vslae are .a' r ly remosed: aad I caa and most cordially anal reaorrmeod its aae by all who wo d hsse their a air reatorrd IT a skii, or y (be resson sj at. ktaeas ss age.) ao .nxinsl color aod beauty, aod hv all ,. jru pernas who wooid tsrs their hair beaurtfu Ter Iralj sad grsren'lr yours SOL0M0J1 MABH. FairvD Wood: It wss s loag tins after 1 aaw y a ar H 1. ,. ! '. f - - tl N ' SI BSWR rwAIBS f r which you BBSS mr an order .poo y ur seen! la Detroit, and wt .u I ant II we fa try a oa Mrs Msan'e hair, as the auroat teat of iu power. It bat dsme sat last ywa s sr red me it sroaid do aad others of ary family am hsetrg wi'neesed s ithcts. are bow aad Ita a-- e ta others aa sail lied to the high- est cooatderatlon you c at o foe it Aga.n, very respectfully and rrulv yours, SOLOMON MANX. C AB1.T1 E, 111 , June AS 1803 I hsv. used Prof O I. Wood's Hair rtestorstlvv, aaal have admi - d Its wond rfnl eR cts My hair waa eecom-lea- aa I thought, pr Entirely grny sat by ths swasf hla R frrarive t has ita original color, aaal 1 have no doubt permsnertlr ,0 S. BRBS8B, 17. S. O. i. WOon a CO , Protirlotorx, Alt Broadway. X T., (In 'he ereat H. T W- I- Ruling R.labllthmcnl.) and III Mark,! atr t St Lonla Mo. f F Snd ao'd by all goad druggtata. a .TS dxwavdty DIREf T KOI TE TO tiYorthern Texas. tears SaturV Landiav ( tf,l--lp- l rtver.t STAGES at A a. M . ig thrawarh the tonrlahl.g etty af Caarden to Wssh'nee-- n, h Throaek In Af hoars BRLDINS a STONE. Agents. Oainoa' Laodtng ( it- - l;i ri it - r-- li i i Notice r H I TH Ihsa lay saa.M-ta'- with or In the 1 J. sAeacrry and C mmlasron BBSbrarss. Hr. Va . A Kaows, for the laat Ase yrara ID BV employ The boot ner--s it fntu-- e will Secuaducied under the arrle of 8 B WHitSBaw B a Oa. S. B. WILLIAMSON M'usphia Jalyl, I8AT. JuB--tl DR. J0H5O."- - INFIRWART, res DtsRASEs or the EYE AND EAR, O T S ATIOTMS. G EAR TRUMPETS, ARTIFICIAL EYES, ETC ; NUMBER 15 JEFFERSON STREET, Twa Dears East f ! relal Hotel. HRHFHII, H may B BL JOHKSOH M D. Private School. IS F rl. and Vr- on HON DAT the 7 6 Inst In tae Saerm-- nt 01 the 1st Bapti.t I'burch oj aococd street. Im JaMIS A. STREET & CO. Are now recetriac a fnt. and arpatled tfork oi Vail ami Winter (..noils. ryf everr TarVt j aaaa) to rse foaad la a CoSSlwnVQ ato re A Unr atotrt af PLAXTATIOX GOODS. arb as IS r Lib-er- a aad Kerwra, oltln aad pad (Vaahnrn. VUnkatt. N era Shoe, Hatt. fca. AUtO Nearo at tea pe np y mm? Sattvaet aad Kerej; t crtaar with a are'-- a aaatrrtm'Ot.of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. The si leu t lo af hash Whotrsa a and hayerssrsRs-rile- d aa we are prepared to offer as grest la a. say other aonas ta thia dtv JAMBS A STRRBT B CO , sepA-- lf Ho tiS oarasott- - led--l Pen-w- ar ot Jli:iPHIi flllOlnil.K STEAM CRArttR HAH KB V A.tU I IHDV M A STTPA TCiHV DEBII.T wnnll rrpretfully I form his Mends and geaeTBiiv that b msnnfsc'uirs dally at hta ataad. il-iia- ' large asaor meat of erenthlat ta fl 'in- -, whph ho will roll aa low ss ther can be bought anywhere stee and warranted to sire ren-r- g aallafoc-tss- Otvs him a call, aa you caa them good sad Boat at D E RLLTR, -- ia.ird Wo I Howarl'a Saw. Memphis. Taa. " W. R0DGERS, Mor chftot Tailor o. 17 J EKFEROS STREET, reeeivit a mu aoo f a -- rh HAS aal TEBTIMH cooelrlicg or black and rt-t- h. url C.M'.in-- a of r fsner vaelassr sorts sad Fa e voatlax ; o wHlfTLRMBISTfl FCR F--. Bat vised, ho nt a oon-- , Qaran- ti-- to at and doaa an a workman wail-m- a WilTlD. or FTFTT a tie bo 'Ved HEGRO FIWTT to sa s. or Aeck hund-o- a tbe Memphis and Mew arte. a pk. t Lin., for which ws win par tat! perm, Alao. tw nty of thirty Call X 8BKVASTS. I r prices vm be pai kpo , u J j aaWLi.vttit s m.ry. It. tt Mi 5r a Bent's CHAfl B C3TKXH, Mas tar tttambctl jctm Ilrplar arkfts. BU.VUal, Aib in t , at 5 o'clock P. M rasr I alrs. NORTHERNER J. P SwtTW. Master. rTtHIB J. kavrag da w, knee as boots, and all in terna : ports. Fee freight or paeKage aasfr 00 nan. d, as o LAV ALL ETTa. SHIRI.AT At CO . Agents oeiA St Al Front Bow and Cowrt street. Kl I.I I. 4 It Sew OrlriK ri Leu srille racket, WOODFORD, J MATT! BR, Master McLaughlin Clerk. fa, 1 raon-n- aad msrilAosas THIS poos. 1 nanns Bade. bob. r pa tr ho. row rate rod he trade pe, manentty for the .'soon H--r dara or ilepmlBr. will he rrsTnbarly given By ber agei Por freuht or paasag'. apply lo DAS IS, WILLIAMS At CO oeat It, Mo. A Howard'. Bos H czular Tbnrsday Packet far t Lewuis. RAILROAD LIGHTNING tl.N'E! OCEAN SPRAY, H H" H, Maater friar fler. 'I'"'' new osaga, Scent fast mooing 1 fl-- y packat will ore EVSRT TUiiefVAI ror tb above prt ao-- i all land nga at Sa rig s Por rrrta ht or pa sage ai pre lo DsVlA WILLIAMS At CO.. wplT-lB- l mo A Mossard s Bow. Leaves THCRVDAT. Ort 1 st J o'clock p as. Bes-ula- r Friday White Uuer P.cket. BRTCRST J Rf LET Josn Maater. THIS magnificent paaaenger snd freight packet will leav. for the above aad at intermediate porta sa above. For freight or naaaage apply ta Davis, Williams a co Asenu. sep5-l- So I owarA's Bow naoTjisAn LailsTilir aid tw Orlfais racket. RAIsTBOAV, B. P. HOLLCROFT Maater.. W W HTST rpp fast snia-en- t having BBSaSSSarsa baa now n'oeed th- - le for 'he aea-- dara o derartne. wit be rawntarly Sir- - n by her asjsal F.r f 'eight or paaaavr.. aorv a vans, wfi.1.1 ins a on.. BBBSs wBj Ho I Howard', Saw REGULAR t. Laal rfropais Bailraat racket, EDITOR, JAR. H. aarrw (at,r. WILL leas. Memphta erety --emmg at I ocx and ar leir-- ,t ad St Lou. n time fo make era BjessaSB with trains far lb Jforti East Leave. Cairo for St Lowis erery Thu'wisy Baors-m- g Leave. Si. Loout for Memphis every F ptay, aad Cairo svurj SnnSasy. LATALI.ETTR. SHIRLRT a CO.. Im Aarnts nEGULi a n. t. LeS) talis mi. I Memphit Packet, JWE H. LGCaI, D H SILTHB Master, wfl.Liesre Memphia every FRIDAT '"'Ht, alt o'clock Foe freicbt -- r aa.ase anttlr to LATAI.LRTTE. SHIRLRT a CO aaalS-B- w Coart .treat lt.1T. lAs.1t. ie Orleans aad Memphis PACKET LINE. TrsAWKFTTL far too Ira4 awaeort imtwaa, it to taota THE MEMPHIS tb WEW OB LEAH'S PACKET COMPANT Hsos sow the pleasure of aanna ring lo their rrlaada and the pw.iic generally, that their arraneenaenla fo- - that approaching -- isa are perr-- c d. aad that rmm and af- ter the Ba their boats BSSJ p. resmlsrly IB the 'rale, and will ease poaitivly and puretaally oa ibo dar. . advertised MQMDAYS. B RDNBSDATS and r aaawaa a at a e m. Tti- - boata are I I of Ibe Inl class aad ar arranged to leave as follows : OX MOHDATB-N'VBRASR- A R lawiu BEN rSANELIX J. n n.r OH WEDMRSDAT IR6UMAR. J w. Sosuta, OH PRIDATS: ?V m,LL H Hewell. Ms-- er BELFAST w. WBAT, The Oimrsny hsv ia aitdrioo a'ao with the owners of ot be. boa's of large capacity, to run ta IBs trsde in n wllb th m, as the anrap y af OxaSasa and ohr freight may require ; tbirotjr.-- heiog to anr. ply to- - nosa uAVl nt lor he war u rf the trade Our Waa and PU will ai particular attewiaeQ as I prelcbt aad rasa, nxe, was. hoaia bar. be-- B trK.ronvh'y orerb,., d refli-tr- d snd re le charao af aso I eipet leaavd pendent and BBS. ramssaasawers, sad especial r g.rd will as paad in the rai.-- r ..aamarri 10 erery rqaiair- - that w,ll St tbeoomf a- .af-- t r and rOraaur. of 10 'no s riair-- or cargo, and noo or our natron Thewe Pn gets connect a' with st Lonta Loot rule Cincinnati a- - d Raah-StH- al anal with th- - Memphis sad Chsr eaton. 'he Mem-ph- i, aad Ohio, aad the Hero a I. and Raiir-ad- t W OOSI.BB. Prerddwat. F.rstl baslneaa connect, ,; wi.f-- 1. .... iao at itaa O' tbe Caempanv to J. J. BSWI.imaS. Vc-- sadTra..aruT. tt Moaby a Boor'. Bnildlaw, M mphle. aad J. H BREI.IIOH. Qeneral A.-n- l. Coder tbo St 1857. 1857. SPEED, 8APHTT AHI COMPORT. HEOTJLAH United States Mail, LOW PBRSrRB LI6HTNING LINE STEAMER SOUTHERNER, BV. W. TBIPi,BT Master. J. C SHIBLBT. anl fRSNE SMITH fterta. T ElVRS MRSJPni.t FTERT FRI- - la T at x o'c ock. t X after tie arrival af 'Be and ar- - elring ar CATBll ta ni.k- - conoectlui 1 with Ttbibo fo- - the Korth and Fa.t leaeea CAIRO for LOII'VIILE 1 rary MONOAT ' at AAD. Lea.e. LOriSVlLLH fcr MRMFHIS every SODAT at 5e tt Iares CAIRO isr MEMPHIS erery THCBSBAT at S AO TMe boat la adapted lo fila trwe and haa aanserisr s nimaiuSalu aa for th- - comfort of The Trar-lle- g Public can c pi n.l apes thla beast pone ualtv at 'he hour, aad Baking the ngular llmo aa aavertiaoa. . LAVALLETTB, SHIRLRT a CO is t la t. Orleans lairo I . g. Uf .4 I I LI1B. THB a- - boar for tae departara aj the W, oa 1909. la a o'clock, l. a., excrvt un Sandaya, ben ibo TajDert T. C. TWICHELL .. H. W. Smith. Master, VIRGINIA C. F. Ret-old- s, " Will either port, Hew Orleans aad Cairo, punctual- ly at IS o'clock, a. From Cairo to Hew Orient s. they will ar-l- st Mem- phis on Mondays snd leave for Hew Or -- ana immediate- ly after Ihe arrival of the cars, at S o'clock, p. at. a turning from Hew Orkan. will artier a. nt, Hew Orleans snd rs a. pany. For freight or paaesgr a p y on tmard is B T RRDHAH Agent Nsw OriBES and Calm Matl Line, SBVl'-- tf as A' at Front Bow eEisO.Y ARRANCCIIENT. Rrgilar rtfoph sT"St. l outs rarket, ( CoasMrftag- - wiM M. d C. Railroad.) JOHX A. WILLIAMS.... ..Ma. ter. J. H. Orgs sad B. .' a ks LRAf RS Me Bphla evei j RON PAT, I o'e'ock p M . arrtvinz st Cairo snd Si Louis IS time to make connection wit t m I sin for tbe Hurth snd Faat L are. Cairo for St. Loots every TlaSKAT. at t rc oca r m Leavea Si. Los la for Memphis every W 1DAT, at A o'clock P. St. Leave. Cairo for Memphis ev-r- y SAICRDAT,' at ASH a The .learner Rodolph ia I in TW d. rand haw ,nper,nr arc i trsr-iu-n psBi c caa rely ca ibis heat rsanalnirg in this iraoo, ana man tie tne con ctloos aa aBovr tsted. LATALLRTTR. SHIBLBT a CO., ansl-A- Agrnra. JsrasBERTLl4tkf Tsto'sBaelsEjjne WaJte aat LUtl Rtd Ittfr Packet, f. v . I I. I. I I BVRR BAIRD. Master ELI At TaoalAI'OS, Ork. THR PtSSKNr.RR STRAREH UTANSVILLR. Capt Ar tie Rated, ba" ing been tharoaghlv repaired! and wltbla the last few weeks, ex ly for tbo shove trada. baa aaw entered peraaaswas. Iv for tbe waaon, and will leave aa abort for Abaid-e- a, Carendon, Dew Ara, Brorfh of Little Bad river. Weal Point and Searcy, every WRDHRSDAT, at Sp SI., sa the Brriral of the exes. Por freight ar paaaaay appro oa beard, oe lo DAVIS, HILI.I RS a CO., Agm'B. rAI-- Has. A Baasard'a Bow. VaaakiSa Halt Rlrrr aaa apataaa U. S. MAIL PACKET, Helena. Friar's Point, Laconia it Ccneordia STEADIER RATE r""EE, lonH T SHIRLET Master WM T. Chtrt. THIS new. apleadld aad faat ate er Trade lu place of the Ja snnttnne :n I Mempbi' erery HON DAT and FRIDAT at 2 o'clock B punctually, connecting at Hapoleon wltli White and anaaa river boats, i sking fredgkt and tarswaer, - White rlvsr st regulsr rates. Rernmlng ieaves r rna every tveidaT snd AATCHDAT, amvlaa at Mam. pbla Snoday and Wsdneoday r.e-- it i :h- - - rar to .heir new 5,1 -- ro- mlslnt itrlet attenti. n to business. LATA LLRTTW, bDIRUCT a CO , Agents HOTTCE TO 3R1PPEBX The PrUboe " will freight mill one .'clock on Mondays, and taring tt-- aa. tire aay rnuraoaya, snu nautl BBS o'clock FTMiayx. octlS A T. La v SI.LETTB, late of Arm af Larallotte a MmrlB. 1 T SniSLET... ...Late of the Kate .as usTiDsok Late .f raducac., Lit ALLETTE, SHIRLET & (0. JTEATiBOAT AND RAILROAD AGENTS AMD OEOBaAi. riRBTJuuiaa a Ftrwarwlat: Jtrrcfcaata, AMD Amenta of Menaphis and Charlrston Kailrisaa. OjBes Jfs tl Fnmt Raw asf Court ttrtet Warehouse on Wster sUeet, Walt's Block. jBBt-I- V CHARLES STEELE, KTEAHtfO TA KAII.KOAD Agont, OPFK-- AT AI LA a M'PtiVALDS, V.. 37 Fro sat Rtaw, MEMPHIS, T2NNESSE CT parttcula afteatloB paid ba rocwitrag aad dts atasrs tir arsr.a and .ll-ct ng bl'fs. iui lainalssipiii II sapor la. ITTA hsv. ntkt raarlaed a attppfy of " First twrerxts V V it viaytV SOU rolumar, and lis last, st tba Rrtporta a co.

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1857-10-03 [p ]. · (Qf Mr. Cokead Ci.aeee, eogsged to o...

Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1857-10-03 [p ]. · (Qf Mr. Cokead Ci.aeee, eogsged to o tbe ieadtt g business in Caip's new Theatre, Is in the city. His perfor i.anees in


Va ire Spain indebted to the agent of

the A(ibi Express Compatiy for late papirs

Me McCbeight. tbe very attentive clerkot tbe di e Wrinu J. ii r.ri, baa oar thankfor fi'es of late St. Louia dates.

Religious Notice Elder T. S. Dsoke baaarrived in oar City, and will enter ot bi ser-vi-

u Paator of the Firs: Baptiat Cburcbnext Sundir.

Mr. Gioict W. Baikis, of Mont-in- s;

Sua, announce bimself aa a candidate forCounty Trustee throuib our columns tbia mora- -

We would direc: attention to the cardof our friend J. P. Tatlos, No. 8R FrontRow, who baa opened a Coaamiastoo bouae inthia city and in New Orleans, and it sow fairly"afloat."

jy The Hon H S. Baymkett, late memberof Congreea from the Second District of Mis-

sissippi, passed tbroufrh the city yesterday onbia return from a TiBit tea Kansas Territory.He was looking in rise healta.

Citt Schools We are authorized ry theSuperiateodeot to state tbst Mr. Mabshallwill open hi scoojI on Monday nf art, at thecorner of Union and Shelhy streets, over thestore of Messrr . .Ticks a Sok.

(Qf Mr. Cokead Ci.aeee, eogsged to o

tbe ieadtt g business in Caip's new Theatre,Is in the city. His perfor i.anees in New Yorkand Phtladelpbii, have ranked bim among tbefirst in his profession. He is s fiue actor, aperfect gentleman, and will prove an immensefavorite with tbe citizens of Memphis.

Pcblic Schools Trie Board of visitorsbsvs succeeded iu rentii g rooms la the Sotani-c-

Medical College, and also in Rita's buildingon ttae corner of Hernando sod Beal streets,to take the place of tbe house recently burned.Tie school exercises will be resumed regularlyon Monday next.

Handsome Psesekt. We were yesterdaysbowa by Mr. VTcsibach. agorjeousij wroughtailrer Trumpe', presented by MrChas. Pottle to tbe Hook anJ Ladder Com-rio-

Tbe work was executed in New York,at a cost, incloding the material, of o .e hun-

dred dollara. Tiie tr impet miy be seen at thejewelry store of F. H. Clabk a Co.

"Mrs. Thompsos, tbe amiable and excellent lady of tbe Secretary of tbe Interior,waa in the city yesterday, snd in the afternoonleft on the packet for Coaboma county, Mis-

sissippi, where the Secretary has s large plant-

ing estate. Sbe will in a few days return toWashington City to assist in dispensing thehospitalities of s csbinet officer.

(y We were yestercay abown a letter fromMr. Coaav, Casbier of the Unio.i Bank, atNashville, under date of Wednesday last,

to the Southern Bank, in this city. In

a postscript, be states that tbe Union Bank atNaakrille, is now receiving the notes of thePlanters', S.ate and Union Banks ; all good

city ( Nashville) Banks; Northern Bank, atClarksville; Bank of America, at Clarksville.snd Branches; Bank of Chattanooga; Bank

cf Memphis; Citizens' Bank,Southern Bank, Memphis; Bank of M' Idle

Tennessee; Bank of Pans; Farmers' Btnkof Knosville; Dsndridge Bank. Some of theseBasks bad been partially discredited, from thefact that their notes were thrown out somedays since. We presume the fscts sSove statedwill have a tendency to tbem in pub-

lic confidence.

sCsa0ur young friend . j. H. Lexow, has b eentb means cf conveying to cs from Mr. J. H.Labtb, Postmaster st Hickory Wiibe, a jar ofsyrup, manufactured by him from tbe ChineseS igsr Cane. It is decidedly the best specimenwe have yet seen, and will bear a favorablecomparison with the best New Orleans Mr.Lamb ststes in a note to us. which we verym icq reeret we have mislaid, that be plantedabout a half acrs in tbe cane, from tbe produceof which be has man1 factored one hundredgallons of syrup snd gathered tome 1500 pssstlsof fodder. He thinks that 200 gallons may beeasily produced tatbe acre on onr uplands, and80m four thousand pounds of fodder. We areunder obligations to Mr. Lame for bis courtesyin sending us this fine specimen of the syrup.An excellent jucge, who has seen specimensfrom various farms, pronounces this the best behas "sampled."

Paor. Haskell's Electbic Oil, Tbeagent of this celebrated specific for the cureof all pains, rheumatism, deafness, neural-gia, piles, sorB. etc.. is in town and preparedto furnish druggists at liberal terms- - It

e Cobdiale' Betweesj Fbasceamd Gee at Beitaik. The Emperor Napoleon,of France, has contributed $o.00U out of bisown pocket t t the British sufferers in India.The Imperial Guard has also contributed $2,000.This locks ss if. the entente cardial betweentbe two governor n a still existed.


-fTH rre baetr-- oomp'Med ht

B P'Ta a tt to m Iarzt toti n Trad- -, Ithil0 r: rKBlTALLPP af

Staple Fane,,d&x tfOUUb,wbaeh will be found on uit pectin .1, nt resssrksbty pleat--li s seines.

CA-- n PrCHABwil, Snd it in their advantafeto saepect this 8ick before

In the

(arpet Departmeutneb new ni ian portal I arraremeats bare been mate

a aaWj tusare an eateaa' traalcW. H. vm. 1. R,

ncll i e,ig at Oa "er al am and M d a eta. s( H. EIDER V CO.,

Maaafacxnrer. of

Rifle, Pistols and Shot Guns.Jtfferion Stritt.oppo:lt Commtrcial Hottl, V

BtBMPins. TE .VK b

and tt e rcblic in arc.ase far the las twiy aeep on band a Urge

un and Pistols,of their own sxansfnclnre.




tw ,rk none to orAer and folly snarantletf.IAR knls of BBPAIHI VG dune witb neatness anal

die a'ebEJr ' ltd rs from the Cocntry p'omptly attendee to.

IIAAC St STEELE. BOSSAS..VS. D STEELE,. : c - na fAwanatxaa, T' no Memphis. Teun.


aoe la the Conns of Weal Tee-- ..

t Walk-T- ', Block X 6 It!Sp rial attention pat to ttie of Claim

Beteeebces U0.1 Hatban Green, Bon Ab.Carn'r.era, lAbansn. Tern Ot s. A Jobnaan, H n. Jieiil 8.Brass. Han T st. Xa ssasT r.Gen J. L T. See a GotI (J. Harris. Xaaan , ; Han Isaac B WIIIiairA.Bass J O. C. Atkis,, Ptfia. Tenn. J W H ad, Bk. :

Gallatin. Teas.: W H Stepbena. Messrs At. At H.Brawn T. P. Bear L ok, Ben., Jscfevas T aa ; 1 B.Hill aaas.., Tnatton, Tana ; nasara. T. s at Was atBasiih BrvwaViviile, Tenn : Hon. 1 C. Hiiuaiihii js,Mwasri J.W at J A Harris. Borne r.He, Tens ; MinersGiasw At rherry. day Bt stsrrSalr. Owl Pa--t-

Bl.Je, Tenn ; W C Wb tthotne. Ban-- . OslBsa'isa,Tessa ; Bate B q , Or. Wss. M Ban, B Wise,man , Otrtrttawtwa. Tews rctl-l- e


Emporium of Fashion,16 MAIM STREET,


OsT nna esten- ree a- -. - m tr nf

MILLINERY & FANCY COODS,embraci. s e.ery faahtaaubae, new aixl benstatnl atyaa nf

BoSSWSe. PtwweTS. Bjbboaa.H sd-- e- -e, E.r hi older ten.

Mantillaa Closka, Lanes.Sr. sa TrlSBw scs Pan,

aad eseiylhlns spaertalnlna to the Mfulnrry,and Paary Goods bsslB aa.

TIB PBEHS-t- I klt DEPiRTWEXTwin eeSBnare aritb any la Memrvlta The tesljes' Bsrtkvnlsr nttentton is Insll d. fl tra t, and Isdies feoerallyate soliciud toca.! aad examine tbe enure atfl J. HASSAIX'B.

awSBT I. ISA Mala rtreet. Blrniphia Tessa.

Mi Winuey w to.KW FIK.MTIRE


CARPET ESTABLISHMENT,one OB thr PI EST OP O TOBf.E w tt ahostWILL BBS w rth of new and fnabiasabia pur i:u e

Carpet r'nnain fcr Their at t la- - hen aslecied with srrat far eapreasty for the Mean phi.

They doabt not bat they can sitsu a I pnt,bath la style, quality and prase. BvnT7-I- a

To GUf Tax Payers.Aaaea'ors .flhetMt Taa t r the t

TBI Tear, orwanaeneasaj oa the is Jaay. ass,and end ns Jeset th IsSVt have eoanntetsd tbetr lahsv.and ret.rn-- d their honks ts see, aa pi si ca laid sa thebecewnto apwrnres tenth Sec im nf tb-- City Ordia inee.ranisttsa the asni.'m ntof an ci y pear rtr .nbjwrt icfkation BBS .ity BMnnaSMM n ts whach, fracathose iBIereeSed ta rwaieetfnl y oalKd

L B BIC4ABDS City September tT SfT

C IT OROI!.Av(T.10th "EC now When the shall have oosn

th- u e, . v the aaaa halt he retarned to anddeposited in the Bestster'a OfBee, nhsie th--y may besubject to pr at in.pertne for the spare of tea dart, ofwhich e ahall pe ale n by said aWater, u thenewap pees and tt th next two vaeett-- c af the Boardof May e aod aldernaen Aetee th er lrs-p- nf saidins ins. .ry --aarte or passaaily owner ansy asp-- al tt have

o- - c d and en-- miatak-- a

or ma- - n i afterward, he d, ex-cept by s cu aalmocr vo.e of the B rd or apaseraen.

B D BirSS Ataynr.BASS I :

L B BtCMAMDS. fajtT S slater.BT 3 bene. Star CanaTUts Saw sale,OMR FUOCBMOT, COOPU a LXAXB

Port of r til li i

There his not been any important change in

rer.ard to the low stige of water since our lastretort.

Tba steamer. H Letcmt, in from St. Louis ajcw tobi. Octobsrl Ths slakwi 4raiaka ar-

ias', evening, reports the rivers all falling, and j Head bria.rag Lirarpoji adrlco to tbe it b iuclaaire.only an averare of five and a half feet on tbe I Coolsevfcow.shallowest bars from this port up.

Business transactions at tbs wharf for tbelast two dsya bars been on a limited scale,owing to the few arrivals snd depsrures.

The weather continues clear and 6ne.

J. H. Lucas roa St. Locis. This popu-

lar St. Louis packet strived from St. Louisyesterdsy st noon, bavirgon board a fine cargoof freight and her cabin full of passengers.The clerk of the Ijucat. Mr. McCreiirbt. Qsi '

our thanks for her mrmoranda and files of ialedatea. She will leave this evening at 3 o'clockfor tbe above port, and will run hereafter aa aregt lsr Saturday packet between these porta.In poii t of accommodation for passengers she )

. . i i . i . . .. . oncsiii ot oe surpassra oy nn imoi. soi.i. Oli-

ver is one of tbe meat polite snd attentive men

that can be found. Mr. McCi eight, ber clerk,is a popular man and will make all who travelwitli bim feel perfectly at ton " a..d treat tbem

well. Secure your state roema in time.Steam ee Rainbow roa the Socth. This

popular packet,conimatidcd by Capt. Hollcroft,01 e of tbe kindest and most gentlemanly men

on the river, wlii be at tbs wharf this eveningfrom St. Louis est rowlr for New Orleans. Per-

sists desiring to go South, could not availthemselves of a better opportunity ; and tbepopularity of tbia fine craft prevents us say-

ing more.The fleet and punctual craft Rodolpk, is tbe

St. Louis packet due st tbe wharfThe lightning steamer Jllrghmy, Captain

Cable on board, will bs at the wbaxf to-d-

for New Orleans.The fast packet 7aJts, in place of the Frit-be- e,

left for Napoleon snd all way landingsyestTday at two o'clock r. m. Sbe bad a

crowd of passengers sod littls freight.The grest steamer Joh Siasonda, will be a

the wharf tb s evening fron tbe South.

The fine steamer Kebratka is due at tbe Isvee

from below.There are several fine packets due from above 1

and below and passengers will find no

diffitul'y it procuring good fsreWe clip tbe following from the Missouri Re- -

BwMtrsn. of the 3Xh ult :

The RfvEsi, Ate. We have no importsntchange to report in any of the rivers. At thispoint tbe river was about stationary yesterday,with six feet scant to Cairo. The Missouririver is still in very bsd condition three snds balf feet scant and falling slowly. The up-bs- w

Mississippi is snout stationary, with thirty-t-

hree inches on tbe Lower Rapids. Tbe Il-

linois river is re parte : with three sads balf feet scant in tbe channel. Arrivalswere numerous yesterday, but business wssexceedingly dull on tbe levee. Tbe weatherwss warm and pleaaant ti

MARRIED,At the residence of the bride's father, on the 10th day

of September. 1S97, ty J M Thompson, Eiq , James L.

Kealt, nf county, Arkansaa, snd Miss Elisa-beth LTX, of Shelby ciouty, Tn

ty-- CLetter Standard :S. C ) pleats copy.

At LaOranae. Tenn . oa the m rn.iK of the 1st intt ,

hyRev.O. 0. B. Premier Mr. T S KEEB to Mist Is-elis- te

M. Hawlet. both of Aberdeen, Mies.

Ft AtR'l MIT IITbe ft lertCa and ecnaalatsnces of Capt J. B Jones

are requested to attend the funeral of his wife, Mrs.Fa rah Josrt from hat rrtiden-e- , ntrn- - r of St. Patrickard B line ttreeta, this (Saturday) arte: no m, at 1

n'cJeck.01Hacks will be la attendance st Geo. Flaherty Av Bra. "a,

corner nf Main and Cm r sir ets.m

A Bcsafdy for Dy-pep-- in

Bot.bha ve's Holland Bittbbs is now tbe fl

most simple, delightful and effectual remedyfor dyspepsia, before the public. Many ofour most worthy citiz-n- a U stify to its efficaey-T-

persons subject to nervous, snd sick head-

ache, it is a valuable medicine)

Furniture &c.'K are noar pre jnr-- S s-- 'xhlbtt the ni t nne

v V a- - nment of Ft'KKITt HE ever a en in thrcur. Our Pat ern. and a are new andp omit-- to rntt the most fas i'ttout. Oieena aca'l 1 Ubefore bartBW. WIMSTON. eHCBCBILL k. CO.

aapBS Iw

riRTAIN (.OODlt! ab

Ura are saw spent s the pretii ai atsortmeot ifmaterutla to be funnd in tbe SonlhSMSt

Our slock la all new, aad of tbe latest desirot. Cartaiosm ade and put np in town or oountrp.

aepla Iw WIKSmM. CHr-Rr- I. k CO.

Carpets i (ahpetmTV end a variety of pottera and qua it r. we are

tt at prso--a that will a;nrant--- e pr vidady. m'U ealL WINSTON, CHDBt HILL at CO.

mpai i wat

WALL PIPER!of Preach ad Aaaertcan ataaofanore of tteBOTH fal'i'.: ablr druic and tati.-rnr- Paper pat np

im oa ar oaaotry, and do cavargt f g H.awgr..aalaa aat-iar-

oet-- doaa WlaSTOX CHCR HILL a. CO.

PI4OS: PMOM!A LAR9K aAortaent of PlaMOB af

J enfcit d.ff mann'actarf a. MR

r- - -- i ing tb lowest of lb I aniPpra ante every Int r .rp-- ae-- t from

WIKBTOSf Cht R' hll.I. at CO ,Iw Main- -t .. aeaiiyoraoaite W rahaai Hoae.

Wanted.A . TRACHBB. try aASTTCATIf) rkHere, aad raaapateat to teach

the "! 's.ic and htraer Kosrh-- h braacTes Al-- c n

nteatal aad Voct- Matic. AddreM J H Btiaaon. Metr.fffaH. R-- ertoea eieeti repa"V6t"

I Will Pay Promptly" a

nrk- - for PBtM AMEKT BOABU in odAGOOP family, fr mret , wife, child and aet- -ant. I want i o comfortab'e mm which 1 winrnith 1 roaat be eery near Court Sonare. None

her read apply. Addrras, with paiticUara, H C C, afaoo af tii si i

t:V A KLKt. Tline Fall and Winter

jCLOTHIXGlismil n x mniiriiUl V I .11111 VV .11111 SS1JSJSJ

Inst reeelrrd a" tte r CLlTHIhG W , BJtHAVE 1, eta t te corner of Ho r a? and Main trees,the sa st estessiTS new eanfar t tf Bsc

Fall & Winter ClothingThey base erer o'er--d for sale, osopel- - lor. In arrest

the best qoalitle. and late-- t styles of the foil jw- -a SB

B ackand Noe Cloth Dross (Vnta ;

Blsci bine br,srn snd tlnscb el. rut Pre . r- k

BUck. bine, an" b own Beaew CI. th. Wsdded Prockawry n ee Saal i a Cost .

A Bieat variety of Ha rieoos and oht r mater of(a-ini- frc Business rtnits:

COATS, PANTS aad VESTS, to h, w tk or withouttbe striae

ENGL SH PrST'NG SriT? Costa Psnta. ansta of Pasuin a'd Vein-tor- a span dad article mrinter a and apoel.raen.The larso. t etoek of the

FI.VE8T OTERCO.iTS,Brer bronfMnnt, la plain and eliptcn Bas'and. Sark,PaJtoes. CafTalana. Ctrcslars, Talma-- , ate , from AS o $60.

VESTSSMI la every strle, fa plaia binrk and fnncr SI'k, Te vetafMat'asse plain and rtnred Grenadme Silks, Satina,

oths, SatUoeta, Pin he,, ate

PANTS.A rape -- tor 1st of plain Mntk Doesfclsa. setne extra

tSTT and aesne tztea Bra; a laree lot of fancy c odPr neb Bs.lash. aad Aicarlean Cisslsawrs, Batiin.ts


Miirts aad FKraihlafr Goods.Gott a, Uaea, an MaeU et wbtt and fanrr

eoto ad, with BrTa ata dar tarl aa Co tara. aad n

an1 Frene-- ctnT : Bbaker aad S'lmu annet U ar.rt- - a d Drawt-ra- : IaaaaVa Wool aad M rao Kei

Shlrti ud Drawers ; riaaei 6h rt- - ti!Birto-- T and romiron tani)ed Flanei Bbiria . Mr.oo.Oaftia and Tara Boetta ; uapear.rrarate T a Okrvet. TTeelinn Rt atria, MrlTi,-Kr- s,

Ccmf ri a Ate . toaetar wi'h a a - c t af

IDI RI BBCR GOODS.OtvreaaU, Cl'tka. Lennf and Capt. and a .arje lot af

Ntgro rioihinier Fari'a aad Jacket; an blae t Pants

and Jack M for Trasttrrs ; aad a cenera. at oii inent of


TRl'SKS. VJLISES. CARPET BAGS,Kays' tad rttiidrf n t lathiar

every vartefy The larxeet .tors la the Sootherscoctttry. all of wbt-- t nee osT r at rtoaced prices for Ca h,at WhaSeaaKtand Brtst:



BOOTS AM) SHOES!obacrtb'T asoold moat rewpeetfatly Isfnraa hi, aad

A. cnaV aaers snd the pub tc In yenei al , 1 bt he baa reoeived and la dally p a larae and well selectedstock of BOOTS AMD SBOBS of every description,which t at Wbeesile and Bet ail for Cash, aacheap aa any hosste In town .

I ba'e Blao e, oeived a large asaortnsent of LEATHERAM PINDIKOS or rnrVewa kinda. WLtrh 1 uaTar la

at a small ad . ance an BaaAera CoalWM MILLBB,

No. IS Jeff rsont , t doors above Plant- r'a Bank.aeiSI-S- ss hntsre n Main a f Pront Bow

JIST ItKIIUD.BOlEa W. B. Chliai, by100 J P. PHAKK Ko, AS Front Bow.

t f TIBBCBS Ki-r- ScEarTirad rref Be. ', byI U it PBAXC, At Pront Row

DOIEN Pre-- h 'eaches and Toma'wa, nv100 J P PKAKE Ko

DOZEN Preab Slrawbemea an ' PinrappJ, a, by50 J P FBAS E Ko. rt Pront Bow.

DOZE If Cove yiera and bylb J. P PR A NX, No 15 Prr-n- t Row

CASE 3 Low-o- n Porter, Quarts snd Plata, by50 J. P. FRAME-- No. St Front Bow.

BOX I I Hot u Iter's Stoms'-- Bitlera, hy75 4. P. FRA NIC Ho AS Front

8BO88 earrett'a Snuff bottler and papers by50 J P PRAKC Wo. W Front B w

a u Tra. Tobacco, Fine Clears, SarJ dines, Ku o, Ax , Ac. Par asle hy

J. P. FRANK Ho. AS Frost Bow.


MI LE for sale row tor Apple HaMcALElANDEt a NORWOODAt the Omi:ibna

Her A

$100 RewardOTOLSSJ from tbe sab ertber, la April, paO 'ho Ml al ip-- i. two Balkan e Mampa targf bill BAT ORSB Mrt.r. t a

f sc . AVSso, f om hi smmltit Saar aa-- es

of on th Itta of Acat, a BLA' EH.iRHR Mr" E, m diam siae, slae as un wear, old,month cnt with ths sat

The above reward will b pail for the BBS1 issbiIib ofthe thscf or thaeves aad A5 each tor iha of the

a. as aiai-t-

Im Caaa Creak.

latest gkros bn f f ItgraptTO ASOlATKI PP. I i or nsKwrHi

I. A TEH FRO 1 El ROPt).

Arrival cf the Stramehip Arabia.

lb- - Citf . sFaaliaf ' attired oat oa tbe ltlh, sadthe star on lb- - ISlb.i.n,.n,.Mi. ni.Biii received aar that IXlhi

. .a.Tarn bad bra more Battalsa, including oa R I'ment

la 1 tnbiy There were lateral victories aver tbe ma- -

tts'es repurttd.II waa ramored tail tba SriUth troosa bad ret Led

frea oa scooant of ncknaaa. Auwtber report satthat a Ibbmb r inforcenvat I ad arrivrd, and aa astaaJIwsa looked for aooa.

GEXEBJtt. News Tbe AUsatle Cab Is ts be atered

at the P raaoatb Wavr Tard uatll neat y r

Tbe alop of war Jrat'A bad airived al Sonta--

Tact bad ben t dovj puk on th Pa-i- t Bourse. Tk

Mobiirr bad isrgeiydeciioedI: t aid lb at L.U1- - N'ap jleon desired that the Csar

aad Qiirea Victoria ebon Id meet at Par;a.

The SpaBib atlalatrr had tendered lbs rnslsaatton, butbad not been aroaased.

Gen. Co' cha iemans Gjeernir of Cabs.The BeancrlK-A- l Alliance I in eeealoa at Berlin.

Martial lav kaa be-- prtriaimed al B-- ifail, lrraud.BTotblBf a w trum China

Liveepool. September 18 Tbe a lei of cot loo far

the wra am uated to Tl SS". Bpecat start took tS,000 sadxporleri 2 UOJ. Torre had been an Impravtaent oi H

of a pmibvCottso Mid 11 ins qaall'ha lave Improved moat, qooted

at K . abtimated tales oa Bat a Mat S.osw bales. Market quit and ttendjr Mn lllnf Oelesns 1 1 S, Mob.le

lairplanJSa Block 'n part Hi 5 bales, of which11 0.0 are Am r ican Near (Orrana Trr Ordiftn atHavre If Sales of tbe werk IB.OOa bales. B.ewlat

P.oor advancins . ProVlsiraas dnoiHttg- Maneb a- -

brr advic s fsvo-s- b e.

Treaty with ladinns.St Locis. October id. Geo the Commit

ti net of li.dian Affairs hat rs fromsnd reports bevt-- f mad-- tail-f- a tory treaty with

tbe Pawnstsst Table Creek on the 14th.

Mews from the MormtnsSt. Locil, October 1 Capt. Snaeill bat arrived at

Le inatou who tare that the Mormons have fortifiedSari Br.d(erdee!ariBf that the C. a. troops should notpaas lU reports that the C'b yeune di prtdations ware(rowins Btorv axsravaud sally.

Telrgrsphie MarketsN'EW Obleams, October 1 Sstes nf Ccttoi y,

aoo b lea: pricej sttfier bjt qoo'stlons nnchsased.Salenfthe week 10 500 baes.

B c ipl last week. 9$ 500 Bee lpts leas than last y ar,n '00 bales Stock st New Orlesn-- . SO 000 tale-- . Plosrn i r Wnoai has a declining tendency; Red,

08 White Corn Tl, , Lard doll and hat dtclin-- HeBoles inbbls. at. IS ate. Hi lent- - on Locds ft O0sl$IS1.All other Ix:hsase nominsl Bio Coflbe lOHc.

af the sreek. 3 4 0 Soft St' ck In Kew Orleana,ISO ASS baas O'h-- v artrlns rsafsnssanai

Fashionable Millinery.C R A N D OPE N I N C

ON WEDNESDAY m.x r. UPTB 30.t would rpwf f rpy mfirioanc to thiTHE ot aiksl aarrMiMftAg ooantry, that

r- - jiwi rrin-or- d fioim the lul with ooe of Uit bestMltfCltM. taXk Of

PARIS MILLINERY,Bonrinp' of all kiod, Bibb-- t KmbrMl,,r.r, F onDctofTiimrainn ot entieas vri ty, floe Cloaka, Br.cb aadMerino twin, VeeU, riowrrt, Jlc , fcc.

A : : t b j v bt ( prpred to ell at the Invettprion beta dctrrmiof I 10 mtkr quick tal't nod not tobe u'i by any bouw U tb- - tr Call. xtmiDeand WM. S'LolftBERO.

No. 300 Main ttiwtK. B Ltdrr' Cft and Bonnrtt altered aad mad to

order at taorteat notice. aepST

C'bancerT Coiirr at s mt r 1 1 j ;

Kulen, MM.WM. BTIDHAM vm. S B BRANCH, et. ela.

M Mo 1.16.

IS thtt cae it appeariD4 to the ta'itfaction of taeaad liibr that thr dndtnta. Robert Grant

ard hi vife Mary Grant air of the StateTenawaae tt i tb-.- -f n ordtned by the Clerk and

Ma-t- that pvbttcation be made for roar ran f tat ifwe k- - in tbsp Metopbta Appeal, a nrwspoper published

the city of Memphis. TVob rt, reqairiof aafd i rfrndru to ooave forward aad piemd, aatw r cr drmnr tof"mp .tnant'et Mil Wjth.n b three flrat daei of tb aextterm of oar Chancry Gonrt to te b Id at tbe Court-- j

lite l" tb-- town of Sotperrilre, "Vtriire, on thend Moivtsy in sV neji, (1867.) or tte tame

win te takeo lor coaitrt-e- d a to them aad tet fa bear-I- t.ex parte. J B McCLBLLAM,

C ek and Maater.Br Wm w. Mali--, D. C. k M.

Ovnn a W bb. aole for enoiprt wit



arm .ncr'e nw builiinj un Cwart atrrct,i ffrred fair aate The Hjae bat twrive rxKni,

rnodt uf wbici are new. Tbe lot ba a ft oat of4H feet, anlrnna bark 148 H to tee a'lty. TtePtt45e if to the "heart of buflnt-a- a being

tit midway 4 n a ptnturbt lioe betweesj the Memphisaad C car-r- twm BaHT-a- D p' t and Fro t Bow

Vac term-- , apply to j. f. Pry or rm tte piemiaea, or toJ. M S1AW tt CO ,

Baal KtUte Aaeiii, Mo. Bank A venae.rl- - lwdaw

Yot i ce to Teachers.Tr T ntte tof "C ARlaWTON ACADBMT," lo-

cated at i. Franklin coaaty, Arkantt, de-f- ir

to pro an. tbe aerrKa of a teacher la sailaa early a day a- tuain.e

A a- t era an with aatitfactory teatimnnlala as tomora hr - a d pr. flciet.ry in n bi , ran

a r a d comp sitaatioa, by Immedi-ate appllcalloa la pra--n, to tte Bard of

By orcer of th Boarl.HRNBT P. CARTBB Rerreta-T- .

CBatte taa. Ark . ept 16, 19T

6vcat WiraciionAT NO. 41 MADISON STREET.


.dfaaa M O 3T reapeetf ally inform the Ladies f"jprBVi.f Ui m hi and the orr undine e. nt-- y ltW

at 'he is n w receivtr.c asaf npeninf stBssITT "tACk of

French MilHnery t Dress T Inmipjis.and tteflatteTa that If the Lai,, will five her

rati, that fhe can tail the aa t ratiit na taae. MerStAV of BMVSm, B1BBOKS. fl.OWKKS HBAtVDRKSABS. CAPS CUtABB and PBATMBBB, art of therich t aa 1 latest atylea.

S. B If the l.ait-- t will give me a caM or tbe lat darOctober,, Mrs. Robtnaon will gtre tbem a aen-ra- l Ttew

tbrtagh my taxkdooe in tbe neatet atyle and abort no-

tice, be which 1 ahall ajst my a ter ion.aapai-t-m MB3 M. A. TKiySOH.


at Cnion Ipot on lton',and at fir. ra B an fhaaataW the nth. at

Mamma 3:n on Monday, the 14th, at FiherrU- oaMnd.y. t e 1 t. at e, on MorrdaT. the tbat al Mniiy tBe 6th of (Hovr, at Me.chanie-T- i ie ots'rirt oa Mr a the Itth Ontfeer aad at

tanfs ahao Diat' ! t. Ma I. on aoaday rbd 19 h tirth a of tafcintr a LIST of tae TAXABLB PBOp.EKTT t ftbelby Count r, and mm h hope every ooa willaaeei ase, aad tare trouble a mr iart and expense aatt t. B. W. CALOWRLL.

a Tax A

nnow U;.rer.AT be fnnd at hit stand nn SBBLBT

STRKFT where tbte in nerd of it can p'ornir alaxa,raaaa h v- - or a I ot d cnt of the hair, biv bim ac11 aepl-l-

i;lty fpperty tar SaleWIH f te:i 2S 000 or $SA OOO wor'b a vain a Metmpr d ai d nnlmi-roee- Prop' rtr ta Boata pMi

anl tk mfr. y t terma, ate. apply to ne or fa. Baf- -n. Jr at;acfflc Menpbiu,

e.S-l- JAMBS D. V WIS.aa, and Brqalrrr copy

Tile Tile.T1LB, aasorled. f r Slramboa a and Bnlld- -1500 era, for sale low by

JAB. L. CASE At OO ,Im fits SV

Ba tring and Rope.aJUV IA hales Twii e.

6 ROBIN'S".?! A Oft ,sepl-l- S6 Pront Bow.

One Thousand Agenta Wanted.Jt-'?-I

NE-.- s ss.y, naefn' are hororable, paylns fri--

XJ 5 to $1. pr dar . Por pnrtirnlara, encaiwe noataie.tamp and addre.a W B eill.DSttN,

Slate ad. Cbnrtaw eonntr. Miss


The o d P. r er of the c 'mm rciaJ UwM,riiAKBB .hi- - mrthod to anno a noe to kit f rends andX patrnn-- , that b- - ba lakea his aid stand, and wi l

Carry anybody in and from tara rieer, to the ComnserclalHotel or any ttbr ptasoe, at r asoaabie tataa. Be

eery tae HACK rVr that aara watefe he willmn for nvirate i arttaa, at st low rates as snybady else,arbm not o berwi e ftnyaaed. aenBt ly

lOO.eoo Neaniless and a hatf and tbreebnabea. of tbeTWO, A. Lawtstoo make, on hand and f ie aile

I by JAMES LOW at CO.aepl-l-

( ASH rOlt WHF.AT.ONE HI TnttrSAKD BPSFTELSWANTED for wnieh the biEbeat market prise

wi. bs psid m cask.DOIT3LASS TtOWBI.L At OO,,

trAi-a-re Basle M Ita

St. Agnes Female Academy,MEMPHIS, TENN.

SeaaioB win cowsnenee en IfOND AT. tbe Tth afTHB teas bar a atwIB-dawI-


Tk t S' WAT frosa - w i lb. 2S.hIV oatoat a mo atto boy nam- - JACOB, abomi, ttero -- era of ate; ha. had his tart area bawaanxand Ib're may be levera- car, on It fr-n- the ee.feeu ther-v- BfswBi raised la Miesi-slp- byene Mal mMi Meal When last h- - from he was IB depart j wilba ve y briEbt sanlalto man, msk ny their way towards afree S.ate. I will aire that above rews-- d for the oeMeeryof him t j Bar. or cooflne.1 IB la.l ao aa I can set him.

RICHARD H. HAS YET,I BaSM nti Right miles north of Soaservtila, Tenn.

Herald copy to amount of BA, and sendhiu to thta ofBce.

W1TED,CABINET MAKERS tbst niiderstsnd boxing

TWO Good wag s will be Eiee--i atsepS if McKIMlTRT AtOO.'B.

Paiois and Oils.A LARCE .apply of all Eindl fnat recadred and fnt

--Ta. sle by WARD A JOSE- -


A NEW FAMILY GE0CEEY.add Iti jo to my Wholesale 1 iquor Business, 1 haveIH a

Wfealesile and Retail Faaiilj G orery.MB. OBO. SBIFFIN who l well hnona to tbia ttiUB"-nlt- v,

haa takes charge of my basin sa, sad will at alltimea be glad to see his old cusssmers Erery article Inthe line or fear wtli always be foand at Ho. ITi Mainstreet, of the beat quality, at CASH PRITRS FOB CASHOHLT Mr,n b'y ha.ines. is Beat s light for.

AH Raids bought frosa Ha m Main street, folly eor-a- n

led o- - mom-- rofood d with Baal of rar laaTB. I's-- h

solid ;rd. J1.Mi1 aOTD.

tlO REWARDFOB a dark hay HORSR, hisnd fa woe era leu

Em. or twalre y--ars old j haa hewn me vug for threeweeks ; sappaoed .0 be la the ret- - ity or M m

pai . Mucin net a co.sepS-- tr s

100 Wood Choppers.AXvko i.amediele'y One Babct.d at. ade men, toVV go Arly m bsftow Mrrsnhis; crnataDt cmp oy- -

eai bws ta-- wagae wui re paas apptr toC POTTBR

Praat Bow. Megaphas, or lo.eoJ-'i- JAS fl McMtVfTR

USE TEAS!A LARCH Baaortanrnt porcbi-r- oefors hs Iale rise

aTV in T ss, lor asle very low. st who.a.lo or retail, yy


Commrrriai Sbtters.MEMPHIS fAIL APPEAL DI'KI

Sat cap A v. Octotrr 3 187.

Cottow Prom nunr-ro-na dun sUhes received withia

the M't twodays, from Jltw firs ana. ome of wbtrawe

bar published, we ob:re trf haa bora a drellae of

about 2 cealtla tb- - peat week, and a corresponding

J int has romrTed r. w quote sales yesiertsy at

h'rxtnanreot from II to U cents foe' Middling t

Goad Madllng. wnl b a- - the gravies now ni tlr arrtr-in- s

On' planters sard not. aowwer, be alarmed at Ikta

tuddee decline j gliansarh It la s' neratty att'lbnt-- d to the

inns.UMUU of loan ceo, tte matkM o,u: BSSSSSsrl

bare reosded li tbe pr rent or lower prlc t si atoa

went frelp Sato aasrkt. tae aeevioBS exirmaatsn prices karlns ben obtained fr..n tbe great tearrli jof Outtoaiaatksaawkaa. We tklnk. BatwaMS, that taepresent crop wit not ran down In below II to lit.rents for erases at Mtd1f-- f to ed Middua 0. II a,

tba prleee betmi nr depend nt apoa fantaa tbaa do--


WnrAT Tbere . bnl little d ikac m tbli market, and

from oar lat reportwe sole n rbale in unotaUonaTbe Provtst and Pr aSoc-- marbM oeotinn-- a arm We

notice ato change dnrinf tht patt week. Sappltes are

lisbt and holders Inn. Our ntwUtiona saar be found

Baosibo aiid BaE....Tke aemtnd a rtod ant the

took lame. Tt anoss: India Baastinr lMSn ; Ker.

tnakr Ha ixl Lmi Banjrfns. lan; KentnekT Power

Uaosa 1 80S SO ; Hope. Rand Spun, n CltjHSSllHc MeConab's Iran Tit BM eenu t.

Wll EAT-..- . The receipts ?r ine wwa nseo neen very

KM and prices have atul farther deernaed under the

of advie-- s from sbrwsat. W- - now qnof SO 10 7V

Sarhwah-- foe mr at pr lea, and cautos lota dry bnfhlWb at would brlns Sa cenla.

Pi nna.. ..The denssad la rnod and Is WIT equal ti the

aanmiv. bat Br.01 are rapel'r detltning. Saperdne, i6JSS 60; Bxtm 7 SO.

Sroaa.... Storta Ihjkt. with py dessand. Pairt;PriBwts;,wlSn;Caiscelai in lota i barrels Is to

la. klxber.LOST A1D CartttTD VOAB onitK.0orPXE....U hSltMcfor Pair and Choice.

Co an Ear Com All to M , lo sa-k- a SS to Re-t-


Powdeb.. . JLdBtneky Rifle lea Reg lota and npwarda,7 2S; nndeTton, ant rasa than Ave kegs.$T 60; nxaAsr

trekecs. (4 Mfasss Powder tea keg bate and

$1 Is, 8vs Res lets aad BA. naator Bve

kega A H.TEAS....Retll prices: Imperial 11 ; .Dn- -

powder $1 Al So, Totin Hyson 9Bcl tf, Blaek Bts

aw acuta.Paeviaioss Cl-- Sides lT18c.; Rihsed, lc ;

ghealders UBIAc.; Hame IS WlBs.Potatoes . ..Rsoetpts large, aad prions cast tin aa at

Uc. p. r bnslet.Stab Cabdles. . .. Advatkord to B5 for boxes ; halves,

C9 to Rt, snd quarters AS.

Aasuiivxs Srhoaca, aaano) Halves, B4 AO B haasm;

Quarters, i.Wbappiss Paper. ..Lsre slxe, $1 ream; me-

dium, 80c; amall saw. sue.

Laxj) B ock liyhl. WaflaoWbbls at 17sI3c.

Molasses TV for prima in barrsls.

Hat. ...BAA si tm.HcTs....Soft SU1! Aimoaals, IS toOc a Pecaa,

1SA93B esaU.l auiGO. ...Al Bt to $1 AS fa at.

Salt ...Cvsr.e Al 201 A hi lots; Retail )1 A0

$1 BO; Pine, $1 SB sf i tnloie; Re aU $1 TB.

Lcmbeb.. ..Poplar, 10 OS; Cypre.a, $1A35 ;

Tellow Pine, AT1 SO; Pino PJosrixg. BAT AO ; WhitePine, dreaaed, BAA itO.

Cbaceebj.... Wster, Bt bbl, ; Batter, 66 ft

Sueaa, 12 al Bt B; Soda, lse; B salon, lis.Tobacco. . ..WeQBote Mtssoael. Eewsaat kyaadTssiias

ase, p.unda and half pound at SAfBSBi TtrgtsU, fsaod 'a good brand. AB&eSe; Tlrgtnia, extra brandspounda sOCOc; and choice aad fancy, AOtavAl SS.

Whisev aTsqaose: H. H P.ttT. SS A0c ; fjeo.

Miller, A5lw8: ; Dex'er's, atafta-J- c ; Old Rye A c.ssRlAS; dourboa lfJ BA; H. H. MetHe, ASfeJOc. gal

lon.TiESAB....Appe5(pttre)wsSaetww hbl.. Mean;

factored (pare) 5 i9 AO.

Coas Meal... .Prom wagons psst week at 90s3$l CO.

Rice. ...By the tiercr 6ta)7e.; acarea.

Peatmebs tt to air.; but little demand.BnaPf....aT-m;hlf.S- it ase; Rantern TSc S B,

Stabtb. ...Ohio Pearl, iSpSla.If ACXcaEL SVeae in mwrkei.

BLACEiH....Maaxm'sA BsatWa rroas.Woodes Wable.... Painted waU, iaaaViAJAoR Mnt.

Painted Tube, At 1 2 S4 AS fl neat.

Steel Spring, BBltSJ Genssc.ltM; Rnglub I dia-

ler, Bsc; A snarl can lUiaaer, 10c; Cast Aleel 25c.

CoaCASE Manilla, lSfalAc ft B; Cotton, ttiBAAc

Store Wabe. ... Selling at AsAiAc ft gallao.

Shot akd Lead.... Per bar, 8iSc. Shot, BA 16 "tlAO.

Pons M-- s per SM, TSc. by theft.PBEICHTS RaU-- Irrefnlsr. Ws quote- f aSB

Memphis to St. Loult. c tt.u 1 25 ft bile. To Kew

Orleans. Ploor XV ft bbl ; Co too, tl 2A nor bale;Hstses A ft head; Cauie, $7; Shop, (l Hogs, flAn ft bend.

IBOB....TenaesaerCBmberland bar,) Site; Pasnsyiva-Bi- s

(Pittsburgh ksr,) Ac; Castings (Hollow ware,) iAc; Machine Castings, A McBl

IB 10 $1S STsj, IX., BlAStls; Block llacU ,Rar 45 oente.

Glass.. ..Preoch Window, 8iI0, i 50: IstB, 275.mbox AO feet. Pittsburfh 8x10, t-- AO ft box; 10x12, BS Tt.

Nails tt AS to $4 60 fl keg, according toqualuy fsrRastern and WheellEg.

Ubseeb OIL....RI OOfltl 06 par bbl.; Lard Oil tl la,Train Oil It to 28c.

Write Lead.... toSK Wbolsssle, and S toR-- d Lead Sit U SC.

Wall Paper. ...The stock Is moderate, and compri-ses every variety of sxyle and price; demand active, stlSraSt AO ft roll of S yards, aa to quality aad price. I

CnicEEBS....20eS0c ; Igfs 10IStic; Butter MV

ate .

EsooMi....Psnry, tAss I 40; Common, Bse32 76doren

Blace Pepper. ..We qnote at lse H B. with small

sapply snd demand.LIME....BI lAOtl SSBI barrel.Seeds We quote clover at tl t hnsbei; bine

ATsastSeO; timothy tlfttn,: herdarrass SS assj tlio;mnskeet, tA SO; orchard ts.

Stoce Mabxet We good beeves at 4 to Sc.;HoCS A to Sr.; steep tl AS '0 tS.

Hue ami Leathkb Mabeet, reported nnd cor

roct'd wotklvby A. H. RiseHide, rapidly declining Dry Flint ISc ; Dry Sa'fei

ISr ; wm 7; ; Grer. Sailed AcLeather atataonary st foi sail foot s' tooa.

T. It'! It. StaRKCT.BT Lo 11s, September 30 1 p. sr.

Receipts small srdhayera ..arc Ban., hard togvt,aad hot little indnorment to buy anything lor shipai.

Tobacco hT.rie d, ar a-- q.e.iau.n.IIXMP M ibuerra and tecaripta I uillr--

stoer ABD IA1D Hone reported..Whisky Sawe f lOObMaat IS.--, fl gsllna.Pi.oua Sale of AObaasex rs t- - "Ai d snperfln

tl J5; 0 ka d, tl St 60 b'Jle fancy it 60, 7a do toetl " f- - bbl.

WHF it Sa'es . f TOO ska aprp g st 70-- .; 39B do 75c ;A do red Be: 129 do BAc.ait'i tl 01, .k, rrtorard.

CoBB Sales of 100 ss. ka ri c ar at AOc; 100 do gocdmixetl 60c . to'h slid new gnnai- s -c nded.

Oats Sa'e f 60 sacks at AS'.; 16A do AS. ; 110 doSc. Inclodieg aacka

Bat on Sale of IS cx.kt clear aide. It; ; S do rib t'o'


Mrrsiphis Bank Slate and Exchaage List.All - teaiee banks not reported brloW, are thrown

out hy the Mesapbis hrokers :

Union Bank of Tennessee snl Branches..., .psrPlant, rs' Bans tf !enieea-- e and Branchta .parCI Urna' ti I and Breeches par

.parSoathrrn Bsi.kBarak of We--- Tenneasee, at Memphis ..Ba'ik of Memptiis.. nstBanker America, at Clarkartlle parBank of Ch.tUBeKga fairMeicbaB's' k psrPa --men-' Bank of Tent eaae-- psrNor h Carolina ...t hm.Braith I arolns anl leVoraia. parKent may, Ohio and Indiana parLoutaiaaa ,aaaoaa.asa,i,..iaoS,aaa P tNorthern Back of Bteataslnpl arroenm. rcial Bank. Maniheater. Mt-- e parMi-- a Momal losnrance Co , at Aherdeeu.. Par

w at Colnmba... parglSHT EXCHAXOE.

Hew Tork , 5 pr-r- o .

New a ir I It pnm.Loaiev lie and 1 incinnatl.. ....... mmnI pretu .

Bt. Lonla ..S prrm.srrcic.

American GoM Ii""3SAmerican failvwr.. ................ iHtilS prentArkansas Sc-l- ., ... 0 BAAI on

. w rnEBBv Wt HAILE,Premdent. Secretary. TVrajnrer.

Momrihit Life and General Insarance Cmp')(LATE 0. W. CHEBRT a CO )

Exchange and Bank Note List.Hew Tork ujsaiKew Orleaaa bsuSAIBt louts as atOtadnnat! HOLoclsviile " HO M

oid it atBl'ver 1 as?Land War-ar- t

Loatslana Bank N' tea . ..par ah a, pramAToTtSem ' .. parsk s, prrm

All nncurrent anoner bought and acid. ArkansasSwamp Lstid Scrip bought and acid. myl

Whrat V.iBled.WB will pay tbe bigb at market p Lee for al' ant

Wh at drlrerr.d Bt th-- M'TI.Flour, Bran and Shorts mr aale al the market price.

WM. WALKER a CO..Oily Milts Memphis Teas.

Brogans ! Broans !

IITI have aome of th- - be t Brcgans ever ap1 bt fht th a ma-- k t Al 0 M I

BOOTS AND SHOES fwLof erery kiwi, at Wboiaaa.t aod Ui


Ready-Mad- e Clothing !

bar-- jo: irx'tre-- l a Iarc aitl rotaIHa aaaortWEaaral of C OTHTN. vioi- - ooff an-- . Al o c a- -t

cBJTj'a Shirtg Drawira, an i raratahtac tfrtvratly. A. T. WBLLA k. tftO

aa M iawf o



ETER1 TARIRTl'. STFLG AD PRICE,A KT on wisairr to pnhaa will b ar of townhi

10 tHeir alvantatr by railing at not Carpet R.00trrJo dawt-- T . T. Wfl.lA a BRIl.

10,000 Acres ArkansasIa A. UNT 13 SFOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS.

A CHANCE FOR A SPRCrLATIOSSHAT will p.. one hundred percent within IS aBRk.

nostha Tbrw. Land. Isy is Critladta, BBBSBxMwsl a ippt and couailea, sol wereleetrd st an . ar y day aad are choanr laB-'- s For easlwaa

a sar ala a pony to a TAT,oeU-w- Mali oa .1 , Memphia.

F.nir brtnks." frcale Agency.

M C0MBS & TRICE,rar tht sAtrse cstiravsfrd Sfardard Sca.'ra.

constantly on hand, and are read, at all limesKEEP st MANPPtCTTRBR'S PBK'Rst, overtand .11? f iteae tWalea. mad.- st st.

Ver - ul. . is.ncs"s, we.ghlag frsss t ASS ts t.SSS a.

Ptatiorm Scales weighing from In to A OSu B.Rail road Track SoBlea, atlv eaparltt dry'red.B.llrwad Oe o Scars. 8 .floo lt jx tos a.Ft tin Ussy MOT Scales SB to IBS bnahrls wf grain.R Ring BHR Scales J.nOO to 1,000 aH.v Scales, I to lt toree.Ciaa'sr Baslaa. M eg. ta tt a.frrocrs' Scs lea a as. to at a.Apothecary lndioalo Osctraa. ej aad B.

MenowBS a TRICE,sopll lm Ho. IAS Mala street.

1 HisftHanfoas.Bukriuk. Star ( audles SoapEL BALES rrlaje sal I Data ataWI'.ri

lai oxe. bair aa4 qaaner bnaaa sta' CiI to boies prima Uw - Pass Yr SuapI I caakt tendon Br .wa Btoat Porter.

S boaea Ma Bractared Tabaoao;I bale bavf Gaorsta 0- aaksasa.

Pur sale low to tbs trede, bjTH IMA THOr-T-

,arpaS--1 w Osye afo n p.QBt a la lbs rear

For Hair.A ROUSH ISP l.irT.Iiat.-.l- Tbtrdatrretj b Iw e Bonse ia

rj tra cf are wfhAl.-- o t.o

aSS' nit able forTl sacs Ons Ibltd rah or ntnetj dav mi.

IB one and two rrara, with toiero-- t A parr 'oEDMONDS" at AnaSTEOWIS,

SaT Main street.

The erv Best.WOULD Inform my patrons and the pnb-ll- cI s rtrrallj, that I have tecq-e- las artlstse tsmces

nf Mr. VASSALLO. 00a of th hast an less in Che Us 00C i an-- f tee whether I tenure traly. snd nbetker anch

ekill cbbboI on doc-- bar f .n the bestfon ever saar of learsatvcs " send en Best."

T A CABS,Ptetsee Gl'lerr K BS Pr,i.t Syw.

PKIV1E BOIRMM..fTl H tiba: ib-- r baelBX taken the

1 of MaaSSWS and TSird air eia furnaerle ;be01 8 P. Walker and Sited It np a, a flrat-rls- privateb Mtina hocsr. will ha ready f r he lasiallan of snests

ibe n s- - day of October, Bar roora, astla-b!- ef r famlliea, tan suli he mini

WM GBBRMSLADB.WA N TB D A fKd snot an1 four good

Apple as sbove. sr. a.Iw

A Great BargainBBderaigB-- hare Two Hundred andTHR and a ba-- f (TOT H) acre, of vslaaoie

Land, lea mile, from M- mpSta. on th? Hemob 1a

at id Cbail-s'o- n aailroadaadtrenn.i.loaen Plaitroad, and In a fine hea 'tr neltriborparat, aad within onquarter a mileof a flan aiai.oo. I o acres ae Bndera let fenc. at' lal Snrw.g. sndabosl t7uS fa- -t ofnew v ank ; a good houae. cut rs, 1, ,nwa bsases. orara sai an 'ampi' to. a food ssrgaas

l: hegiraaaa the aassve described nap-r- lr if appliedtoaaaa JutlK BROWH

septA.lm JOBS C SAINT.

B. W. .KOUMISS li C. VAIO...J.Morriss, Ward & Sannoner.


lirE would very rwanectfu'lr o. unco as Ike purcbaer er. ot PRT GiXlltS t " tal y that we are sow rs

aeirtng oar now at. ck of

11.1. AND WINTER WOODS.We are prepared to offer PLAN IRKS great inducements.Oar aeeortm. at of


Oompriaea all baa Tarletaaa that ar-- dealrshle and darah'a.

In the Fancy; Departmenr,Will a-- foond all th-- noveltaes of tba eensoa.

The xt enlion f the Ladies la an examination of oars aortment f SILKS EMB'tOIOERIRS, ate, is reepeifolly solicited.


lioa e and IM at a sell a Dwrlllnc Hou s and LotrWISH Miwet.oeapo' tte Pbema'a Foundry.

The 'ot fronts I IS feet on Adsms street, raa-- tiuc ta- k UK f wt. Tie hou-- contains right

rooms, nl'h servants' apartment, and two cistemi, andshe in 'he rear.

Teems One third cash, or a good endorsed no's, stBlaett dsya Deterred paymenta at one ant two 1 inwitaunte est. JAMBS BOTD.

Grocery snd Lkaoer Herchsnt,sep-2- Im Ko ITS Ma'B atrewt

h e m leal s.A COMPI. stocb of 1 hemtcata of heal qualily, re

J ceiyed and f r ale by ar ARD a JOhESt Main-- .t

Freih (.'rasa Seed.JCST received and for sole by

WARP At JUNES. ftS Mstn-o-t.


R. WHITNEY, K uat3eraiD(j havtuti a rhaael th1 a

f b a fomtr pattar. MLN B. FOB.RRST,it Ih-- - Mamrtvotb Stah n cool atrcrt,

r Tf to r- -t urn hta 1hack4 to hi a former caatotarraaal p t' ron , tni to af- taai he bow owoi th eotir-- a

jatrrtF in the-- S a bias, He trUhet it aaderatoodibwdi hta rrrrnla aad the pabtftc, I hat ht aaea not dettreto -- i nutiT ka aUanTtkaTa. be txrecta ta te a greatataajfltit H raa an taa trteat vfhicica af ooaeraaeaaacb aa Barstt-a- , Carrtaaaa, skx , which will a wan baat the diapoftaj of bla pa reaa a the cask PaMvcirLC

Thr atrictet aMeo'to paid to Uo tra board n. aad toC nn'ry ca toniera Having a numbf r of(nti-r- a, h- - fltiUra h.ra-- '' f, that for comfortdatton and attentkoa, bf can c. with !'. Calltee. . WH;TNBT


WTnrtl at" JonesDREf.(IT8,

JVTo. 2538 TVZeizR Stx-oss- t.

A BR new tec mng s very exlrnalva atock rfI A l.d. in tb-- lr line, which win be sold wholesals and retail at very low prices.


Adams K Co.'s Brushes.sre 'bia day Id receipt of . large atne. of Br t.bea

1 mavt by Adams At Co. B i.l m, to which we invitethe alientl n of Paintera and othera

Sanwt WARD A JOKES. v,


Rooms wm be ope DM. wfien we will lo "headta tb- - cb taw aod ixravst Hock of MHIInerr Gd..

l. ats and Sbawla ever oronrht to ; floral tm-n- oted Parte B n neta Plw-r- a Feath-r- a Qarallnrea O- -

rarostiUla. Bridal and OraamsuU lorHstr

The fl .eat and lat-- at atytea of Teiret, 0 eh snd Bes- -ver . at., Bioch. aaaai, . Javal ...

We invt'e th ladies rr. eesn e'fnily to callRDWARD BABIVDI h CO ,

S23 r treat.Oa Monday ns t, epm0er 18, star store wi he

ctea d oa account of otr holidays.B R a Co.



Fine Groceries and ProvisionsWHOLESALE AND BETAIL


NOW re riving, and will coo toes until car stockb rrplete with every article in the line, all

BSB SSB re a SSSR We root Stat the qaaltty ofour g.da and Ibe prioea will tudacr yon to trade B eery-t- bat new and fresh, arise ad pcraeaally with grant car.

sewlS-B-as B. fl. Btsscsm tt BOW.

Lost Father.MVT "ara aso I parted fr m my father, IS) A B

ar.d never ence hove we i.exrdt ooa him Ms molt er gave up the fsr h m ins, ng sc.. a w woeda fail f ora the I pa of

frt-n- d which hs. alsrtl aid a .w I.aaasjater. wri take the faat ta hand and w leave

leans BBtrtr by wh-c- be msy h-- restored 1.1 h sor-rowing fsmilv Me haa sets- - frienda, who If hey seethis wit' g adte aaaiat me in the search foe the lost one.If t bey bar. the aligoteat inteillgen.s to isaaar. dltoct

P. B. WBITMOBRs pWS-w- M otfl-i- Ts.EJrifn-iiMpr- : said AXRasaaa paprra please copy

E. W M KlBO JBO. H IBOE,Metrphl . F ruarrly of Miasiaaipp .

Kixt a i.toc,A VORNRTB AT LAW, Hempbla Tenn Cffl-- e on

. k t b tweaa Main and Front Bow. lu thett ami Ing. arn

l?or r;c ov to the TrsdeUN TIME TO CLOSB COHSIflHMR.NTA,1W1 OILS and it f noils Birhardson a Bra.'a U

peiior MacbiB'Bone;its piec.-a-

, he.t brand., power and hand-loo- m BaxglngcyS dim STRATTOH. McDATTIT a CO.





x iiv and i onntry MerchantsAND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY,

larva pec ifxlly calMd to lbs unsurporsed fscrttssa of the


Printing Establishment,Posse, sing every madera Ira prorr merit i


SWlt.1.1 1 la WOUkMVAAad aM ntbT daa. able rn aitVet, tae Coaaaany y p'tpareJ to ex --cote erery description nf


in the Aral sty e of ths art, at tbe


Of theae we have thr largest variety of

NEW AND NOVEL DESIGNS.And the h al ngraved, lo be oned ia the Slate, adapt, dto everr business, and salted to every taste.

If yon rejulre PBIMTING of sny kiad, -t the lob helarge or amall, we invite yon to visit this eetah Ishroentbelieving that nowhere else will you secure BETTERWORK, BRTTER TBRATMBKT. OB RRITRR TERMS

THK B I.LE1I1 COHPARfT,Ko. IS Madtsoa street. Memphis. Tenn

DUP0NT POWDER.rut raraiab tbe tratie at al t,n.ei with taa.Wer of Powder or onr manofaeLup wwtsiv

wa warrant anaaraatawtj rn aireoftb or Cwcaaaeas at tbsaw pricf o'har rattler l F4d it.B. i. DCPONT DIE NBatOURA fc CO

aeiaS-I- fcy H FITXQBKALD fc CQt AtmU.

Mfmphls ff4iCal fIlfff.FawIUBS who wtaa to boan M'tHcal aaasiaati la fha

afrdioal O leaw. wV pteaas naa t to DrL. Sttaoka the nomWer they oaa ace mavwiate ue tertotVf-- aeplo n L SHAWtS D tt '

f-- n a at; rt o a T'ai TV ---K K 1 K ,N ,V iN A , K IM sfSl1tsvuuw vsv vitlfrjuUjwrol salx abd betbil dealkbs ra

wa-- a aroan M 11 oa. eajasaw

TTATR now la a tore and far aale, the largest a, --ll slock, h est goods at 4 taa moat saiaatarwHsasortm--n' ever brought to this ctly. fHI

Gratlrnen s rataa-Ma- e Boat,Fresa the Anear French Calf to th. haBoot, tier.t'a Oatiers, bigs and low cnt. Ban Calf.French Ps'ent Leather and Lasting Shoes af the latestps'ems and tty.ea.

LsatiPs'. INisc' and CklMrea's Shar .Of every from the b-- rainu actu-ar- a hstbs Cnlted Stairs. In short, our stock embraces everyrsrtrtr of tvxrta aad Shoes aad comprise 1 the uaasg ex-tensive snd divsrsltod aaaortmeal la the val ev st theM pt.

Wssa l it the Bitea'son af aferehasu, Daairrs aadConsunxra oour stoak.

broors a sirrjniBRS.ea itB-T-m Ho t M.rb.. Bl rs Mai- - t . Memphis

Q EVEHTT-PTW- B barrels rlinim Rrrmlrrl B 4bpbh isU atot a aaa lor sals low by



I two 100do. i

ait ANOOl l, CLARK k. CO

lIVE R :. all (rsdea;WO BSBB sad balf oq i hicbArdaa aVpe;SSbaleaTwlBa

Per tale low brRtWrOC. CLARK fc 00

TTttPTT ca.k Clear Bade Bacaa)X maw MOW' oral

a Brsgs't site Smith. Got rite a. Od.'s Haras.Par sale br


THERE Hundred basts BAo Co4w7 Pwr asThvAHOBCR. CLAkK k CO.

OMR Hundred and Ptfly kE. Ko. t Leaf Lard;U0 packtgr. s a t ,nda

Por sale tjsat ASCOCK, CLARK It CO.

T riFTT hhda Lonlllaaa Suraea. Por aal- - brf BSB AKOfJCRT, fit-A- ft fjo.


Wholesale Ii iir'i,itTHECANo T t rout How

TTAVR a eery large and complete assortment of art -

il clea In the Urog IIB- -. to .blrh tl y cail th-- si ten--

" AT COST." or pel-e- a are reaaosasBSH and tbrqCA 1

of oar articles casrarassEttJlSB CALL AND SHE!


NO. 7 FRONT ROW.10 GROSS .upertor Treat Powders, for sals a huh

,a:s snd retail,aaaS H P FtRSSWORTI

O I BARBRLt Copseraa P. at Wee' aniS H P PARK?

10 CABBOTAOUTltil ', fee ,a'- - hvBBSS' H P PABK W.lRTH At CO.

fff POrKns Cream Taif"" BBAw H P iSTH k CO

hi) E EflS Newcastle 8 C t for.ssbyaasS H. P F kKSWORTH At CX.

20 BAGS Bla for .ale byasjaS P PARVHWORTH At CO.

10 BaOS Allapaos and R,ce ii. a r tor al. byacgS H P. PAJAMSWl RTB Ai CO.

H CBLET S SARSAP' 00 d,eofor sale y H At OO

C Hi A OCS sip"ans8 P PARKA. ORTU A, CO.

PIPES A bar a a genuine Konb iids roe sale ayw. rut ORTU A. CO.

LAWTBIatA-- A large lat, raid to belong 10 thefor aal b

aaxB P at CO.

Pearl si.-.rci-

If ADR from Ind an Cora a beautiful altlde. P.ftrAVX boxes for sate by

H FARXSWORTH CO.,lr K T Pr.ot Bow.

tl 1 CASKS KeuaeU's Ale in store snd for sale bySaVRSj n n. PDTTKR. Mi.n-at- .

myl Tfoeth of W.r--

100 CaVBAVB Syrup tuat reo-ive- a'd foraslH H P.I7TKR. Ma n- -

"d done K,n-t- k or Woesham Houao

Rope and Twine.l !tT KKUKIVnU, per aientnars In. Dttkaon

aw Bsaatberner:AOO coUs best Ma bine R rie:BBS cstn snd ha'f--ol- la Haad Rope ;

AO bales auperior Twine ;Por axle low to Ibe iradvbr


Hentacks Bacitins;,T"BT received per a learn, rs Roloi;b snd Wm. Dick- -cl

IAS pieces Slot MtPs;iw pieces nam;AOO pieces beM Han m.

For sola lew lo the trade, byDOCSHERTT At ATDLRTT,

jyAI Bibs A venae.


McGOWN'S ESS. TAR,aA. Ibo X3i ssi ess, sale of Ijxxrxarana.PREPARED and sold by H. S HI'GHES P

and Mortar. Ko. Ill MaAB s., Mem.MMB tantT-daw- lr

r LOl KNOl, (OOPtR tt I.K.iKE.ajHOLCaAB

f R O C R S ,ABB

Commission Merchants.A LAO,

PsrticalaT stteation paid as rwoerrlng snd forwn-dta- g

JlIA IAS Mala atraet, Memrhl.

Bt'CelTPtl.2.50 BCSHEI.S at seed Ry- -. hy

aepTS Fl RNOT. t tXIPRB R LRAKRBAtIS Choice 1 ''off e, low to le trade, br50 aepTS Fl rRKOT, COOPS R R LE IKE

HDS Los10". PottPWR a T.HARH

2.5 HALF Bt-- Masses, hyrnopRn a I rskr

O S BOIES Sod Cracker.;Sa IS " Lemon Ceackei

10 " Soaa.-- ackersAgents fcr the aale of T hi I P"Te- -' Stsrrb.

PLOl-RHO- COJP'R a I KA KBsepSS daw ISA Mam Street.

BOXES o d Br n l50 )PRB a LRAKB.

100 BOXRS ' t,. sale hyepI2 PI R a LR'XR.

0MB HCNDRRD nag. - kiSce BW Coffee for asle low. hyPLOtTBHItT COOPHR A LRAR B.

IS TIBBCBS;RICE 16 bass,SODA 60 t. ts.Br ICS IS bags;HAILS MO BBSS, aaswrted antes;CRACRRRf Sugar. Soda, Butler, aad Water

Prackeea :frTtlNKWARB S.Ane rilloes ..w-rr-- e;Bt CIRTS Well Cedar an' Pal'teffTeticti t. :vniaaa-aeii-- wr ana rine CLarns,

rises;COTT11N TARXS-S-oO bags, asaorttd altes

Por sals low, hyPLOCBSOT. COOPHR 1 LRAKR,

Jylt i asio sir. rtS'arch sa coat tga--

--ri: an for sale byJylt FLOI BNOT COOPER a LRtRE


byHCNDRKD buaAels Co'B In ator- - and


rsiPTT hngsbesda Sttga asort'd" snd a. f.e saleJ? by f'yii) Fl OrRVOT. COOLER a LRAKR

Just Bee ei fed.TjtlvE casks risma la sAr- sd foe ash. bya. ins P' Coov.R a I R tER.

R-- I.HLS. sod aj bbl,f J ISO ' Whisky. Por aole hymylA Hi:.-.- clari a on

J. w. JAMES.Carpenter tV Bnilder.

Ai ski m Traia orRnxhTklnra Ttlinrla W.airfeivw Veao era aaaa


MOULDINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONSta SHOP , n Tanx street, near Bayou Gayaaa.

A HA VI twrh bnid-e- d a a-- forit laaa (')actrt or ral'tabl Creek B ttom Lt-- n Aretatle. f Stantoa'a Depot aud aiv.ini x thewen lee ( a atrgaia caa b- - badtf callirtf oa Lb aocer Uc ued

W. lOnT.AS,traia-wtolj- Pai.ceyTiiie, ai

BENNETT HOUi-- FOR SALE.THIA will known Ho"ei .in ., Ten

0 lib the Purr iture as sow saRrealfor .see. os Seed terms. The forsltups is aigood aa new. having been IB e . nly a Tie stsnd la an xcetlen g. od bar-- 1gala will he gives If u aa 1 amdetermined to sail For further . apply lo

SRO. w BERNsr to M tt. Beat, oa the Mrmshl la.l ad.



MOORE A HUCHESHave saaociau-- d ibemselves for the tranaa- tun of

ttCBra! Land Asei ry BasiacssIH THB STAIR O ARK ANSAE.

will FAT TAXES OB lard,, and at'eudX to I he rcleeml g of forfeited landaThey win make prraoaal x,mtnat i..os aad ai

eye of land, ia sny part of th- - sir. and repu panics the chsrsct r of lb roil timber, qu intlty ofrants 'snd up a any tract, and any de.irahir

Inhn aaal lini In r ...a k. ., ... ,

era Wash to bring their lai d Into m. krt Bhaa will r..tract to h ire timber deadened opon It, and wl rn er

f r either the planutlims or wild land, of Iboa.who deal e to se I.

Mach Ine land In thia Stale tea hon user rid fr msale for the laat tve years, having bren reported saswamp aod overt iwed, and whtrh oy an net of the laatCongre.e. waa ooo firmed to the State, and wll be ,abji-c- t

to estry In a few month a The of the e lands con-la- in

a great deal that has ra tab aatno It. recr-eation, and the above Ira - m Iheir aapractical sarveyora a of whom haa been engaged intoe public Surveys of the State for many years, and

is Railroad and Swamp l.and Brgine ring, hsvligthai gained aa eg'waslve k now e.tar of land through -- ulthe State, wilt ha priparid to mil good esrsttnas trperaons to lor-- ai mower, warn this eaattrmahlBBof swamp L'Bda Is ofAred f r aale. ar subject lo entryeither for a stipulated .hare of the land or e moitaaloosp m Us saoaary isesd.

Patsims be at bag homes la Arkansaa win flat at theirotter, plats of bad smmp-- . r-- c, or farms with full

of their isapr rvem tta qualtlr, he ,a that t key CaB he al aa e dlr ct-- d 10 cheap snd aullahsr


They a m bay aad sell I And Warrants or locate therefor holders. Aay business in the above lino w.J te

attended UOtVe oa the corner of Mais and Marktia-- street,.

Little org. ArtBefeBEBCES. noo B W J.,i naos, Wm R. Milbr

Auditor Hoiand fc fa, Itth Bock, A k.; n-- n. Bd

Cress. Rem pat adeonnry; rapt D B. wiilUuie. Wasb-n- g

oa. Ark ; Wm Brers, Bateevtlle, Ark ; J L o.

Artadelphia, Tllss a Co., MtmpkBt, Tcsa.seplA-wlyi-

TalaaM Plantation for Salt.OrPF for Hale bit P toU'pariah. lAQ inni Tbe tract c I inw

BCT.a. 1' la eitBareel oa th T naaa river, ann.he Vick bare Bailroad run- - aloi r the northernboumlary there is a depot en the ptao- - and a blastercaa ahip anT day In the year by railroad, ot by T a a.whtrh la to be provided with I ka .n.1 di t..neru-tn- al narigail n Th- - land is lev I hot the fer--tLUtyof which la Ian snl kn.wn to renulrv coawstsad a hale to one and a half of erg' on to th- - a re 1. a nana!enp. The p'sce a provided with a aood dws ng snd ginhon-- e, - ith four standa. ciafrra. c O - the p acs arIwo hundred aces of virgin cyiirrsa, which will pay tbeprice of the p'sce 11 sawed ap. I will e.! th- - above ladat tAO p--r acre t cm h remainder in f rlequal payments, with interest. If 1 a. 11 iryor to tt e lat ofJanuary aext; If Bad sold before ih,l tl-- e. I

sellinx st sll Topers, aa work BS a numb r of t an. a i

a, a rare chan-- e, as wi d lan-la- , eren are arooaad H

at li - t per see. Thews as oa it hiae ea In cot "on and 150 la con. Seren hctclrtd acrtacan b-- pat IB neat sraa- a.

rmsiisa wtshlug lo b come the owner of II arato call oa O B. LOCK, Auc'asnorr and Krai

Batale Broker, Memphl- -, Ter.o. or wr;ie m- - atJAHESS PEACOCKS, M D.'aepltdanlm

Valaawlf LaaC for Snlr.rkPRFCAHT loan If all-- y do, ree of theX Court .f Hardernax couoty. tcoas of J- ba C. Bo'-I- -- t ala , wa. rx pa'te, Iwi.l eAVT for aale to trie hlshe.t hp d- -r on th--prnsls-- s. on SaTTBDAT. tbe 'Jdth .'ay of O loher nextat pub'ic aacii a, isr rial la'ioi oe ooging Ithat h Ira of Rl' hard 8 Boyd d c ard, con aSulBg Aftacre., with ap'en.d aal abu dance .

h rand tt-- s wst , lying Lure m lea aort wews or

Wi lteville, la Har'ewaa cosnty. . a the .

ro Tela ts aaSBBatawed ooe o- th- - carat Ian, in Bargames county.

TEBWS ne-third cash, aaad the m one andtwo tears purchaser giving tad snd .sevrtty, sudIkta a. r HREI T

seplT.wtda rti-r- nd Master

For Sale1 WILL SBLLot SAT- RDAT I dehrr ITth

One Tbooaand Acrea or la., ii n 11 : too conn i ylying tig mllet noib-wr- .t ..f Ms en He ot aeIbe Memii. andOtl Rail OSSL BBS

from ng ton. The x.ovr lgti.1 's In rw

tract af land There s abost ruhir r sand tolerably well tmpr-ve- d ai hi

latwaier. Ths sbre isod wili be drvSAad pae- Por fdrtser psnwuiars apt I. XShaw, O S PolDde.ter. M'mpSi ; M Jobwin. ; Col. Cass HIU. ad asniag the place i

O At WHITTHORSB.P. a Twnns. one third cash, ths talarjee in o- e, two

aod tares years with Interval. tstlT-wtd- t

Slistdlanroiis.MB8. M. A. PARKER,

K A C Y tl t La Li la ttAND DRES8-MAKE- R,

aaa Ufa in lfri,Ossr Hard - Ummf D taj Sfstrr. aaanf deer fa CansafeaJafar A Co.'t.WapThra' HAT- -


ssd ''P-n-- t

their a -- I


asAit Side Shelby Street,POTR D. DBS SO"TS OP CMIOM BTRaRT.

PersvWy orrnaea af ''lucioaa'i far ilr rrauatavlr't.Vew Fork Dye rfawae

f tltlSS Lsdl a a- d ttothos of SI'k aidV w-.- arad Ca.h-n-

l.hca th a equal toiW Ee oaa a'fk DrSaaea la a

dry war. or etasT. ate alIk and W y TVule

j 4, p. m JajSAe

p. at copelabti W CALM WELL.


uSrTTTgarsJ GROCERS,aaa)

i OTistissfOV viERt HANTS,astaVariyla mo. 11 Pavastr row mbmpbts


T I VI Vimi i) afAiff ' '


lv liUttNO. 302 MAIN STREET,

TKVITB ih silontloa or gsnUoasca lo tte lr very aope-- 1raaraiaikof

"M''--iM- orFrench, (.crman and EnsliBh

CLOTHS,v of s t.m: res,


VESTIXGS,aad aa aatortav-nt- , erptnar atng an ttsea of

8 H I R T S.Onlers for Shirts ailed with punctuality and precision.





ate . BJSaj sicT. E. 8&EG4.H a (O.,

Mil Main atra.1PPl-- e the Ragle and Roentror f 0



DE SHONG'SBeautiful Melainotypes!

I'll t RR,R for ' his new V"vai e- . .vTBgcT, opsualte the

HEADa-- Ma

Worsham Bouae.,tSHoS'D haa tu.

eta, Pina, Pen-- y Ca

The British PeriodicalsAWT THE

FtB.vfKB' l.l IDF.Great rr due' ion in p r ire of the tatttr Pt ojirattaa.

lane to re-r-ti:



a f NUB' Rar. (Fr eChareh )A Th R W,(Ltra- )t. BlACRWUOD'S RDL Sl'KiiU MaUaZINE

(T ry .)Tfieae Period ira'a aMy r pre. n taathrre great polltl.

sal parties of Srral Britain Wb t.Wo y and R ads al

f th (Urrrot upthan caa ba poa--

m the bands i.f aub- -


For SB I t as5 i

For 7 'a. r. S SS

t BB

ree Reviews.. t SBIB 10

a 'ranee. Moneye pre-- vol Bt par.ssisi oraii. In aaordering any ot o

Wll' b. sri.t to one addme forsar Re new a and Blackwood f r


iherni'ed stateswui no bat St ea snood," sad bastIA cents a year A

H. B. -- It.- la Ore.t BrilniB cf BBS Fire Periedl-l- acaea above nam' BS p r Banusa.

Th f 11 niter's GuideTo ScWwt.flc an.1 Practical Agriculture, br Henry Sta.pb-- I ll,d Edinburgh and tbe late J P. N .rteti,ri fi saar of SeaentiBc Igrtcaltars m Tal. HowHarem, t vo a . royal octavo, Carols! mf 1 .SOS sat se,and aiinsereaa wood and eieel -- agra.tnata This aa, ex.fe-- s diy, tae asosx sogaBarte work oa agrtcaltur ewer pnb-- 1label aod in order 10 give tt a wider carculatton, ths

publi-nrr- s hate lesolred 10 red aae th. price lo. For thr Two ViHiimt . :

When seat hy mall (pol-oj- d to California and n

tie price will be A To sr-r- y other part ot theUnion a d Csrada aSaaa, pud; M . This u aad the old' Aokof Ibe Farm "

and cocoraBBlCatlor,, aho old always ba ad- -dre?s--d, to ihe pobiu!

jtt a co.,Jrll rr-- t. New Tork

Ia rhancsTT at neutpbis-- PTShNRSSRR it Ru s brid in

STATR (Ihanrory Side, if the Comtn n Law and Chan-- ,

c ry C art af ths C .ty af M m hta, oa Monday, 8. pt wi-

ser T IStT.William B. tr tier. Complainant,

SB.Q. M Bad swa and Jon w. H kl-is, a- fa.

Itapp-art- from aS iarlt A d .n thl rao-- ihst theWen-lani- . Q M. Bellow, ss I Jons W H 'pkia., ae aaa -

7 ) and as,v r ord-rot- ir oCmp sir sot';10W wi.l he rahrB foe a arrases! as lo ib--

r beorfns CE serf e and tba a rope of ts.ubiirhedonceasnekfor Ioorauooea.vsw.ekia aula Ajraaaf--BAlarat: JOHN C LAS1ER.

Vrk aad Ma a, r.Rr R A PsBXCR, ia , D C a M.

JBO M C ABM ICE Sol. f .r corn 11, leplA-law-

In ChAtscery at Mnnphl.1TB OP TVNN'RSSAR At Ru ea h d IntteOerk'sI.e. r aid. of the Common Law andOs-t- af tae City of M.mpMr, oa Moat y. A


J u w Harrison, CitnplaliaBt,ss

Jrao. H B ait, Aaron Jaak.-ma- A. A. filoa af . s llIt ape esri' g f era sfllsvlt e.d ia raus-- hat Ihe

D--fe ds sa State.r TVant sppear--aare ber

x' fr tOd C nri to he b H cm tae f ar-t- M ad jiu X rr tvet (183?,) aid pf- xt anatri-r- , or deaa rit r rap'alnart't bill, r t"e arjae wiU Iw tak a or

aa tt- ai-- and art f r betr a asr parte; and'hat a eof'- - f th dr he paM-aw- i wtr a wee frfoar acre- - lee wfarka in 'IW hi Appeal.

A oovy at teat: JOHNOler and M tat r.

By B A. TAnwtm, Js . D C fc afJeiie L Haaaaa, ao.. frw Cotaat'i aoo


GROCERIES,Foreign and Domestic Liquors,

tTiaes, I igars. Fruits, tHX.,NO. aS MAIN-8- T., MEMPHIS. TENN.

A Bare Chance.President and Selectmen of ths Iowa of Bo-'t-THB M ae . propoata. lo give Ih. BXCLCslVB

PBITlLBSBof reta U' g spirlinous and sis. us liquors,for a certain n amber af rears, to aiy perron rar prsonswho will ereet op, a the Pob lc Sonare la aaad biwa Bilood

BHICK HOT I I. BlllDie.luvtv- Pr. soaals, sad r seal, fog t a banding of said

Hotel ea' lithe Itta OcSatsw when they will.peced The Prep-aa- 's mostsnd eprcaicn'.toaa of th-- boil,

natt wbt'-- t it a p- -

ran t stats the IB a at to BeIne 'hey ro'L.t s'ste tie suraprlTiiesa sta--1 run in osasstenhsereclet, as wen

a p cawwhraoo; a I Bat irby the Pre, I lent a I I ' aa a

Prop, t . la to be toTHOMAS S. POLK. Mayor.

Holly Sprtaes. Miss, i iAT. aei-- inPI H LIC ItOTICE- -

Bwraoas having eft OLD HA'S al the a bar. afALL Phil st a Oo k r sied to 'sk-th- ra .wayrl'tir. toir-- dsas. ar they aril he thrown away toMf.a what tk-- T wilt brlnar to sap s erase Hear wti rawhold reaponibte roe oat b.u left with as lor aliisjai lisas than ,bova alisr thia d te.

Bl pllin ll, M H. AT LLRH,Bureaaaar ta Osorxs punier B Co.,

sagU-l- IB Frwat Bow.


WR an an-- r I d u aanosm e JtlHN R MOSBf ETas s eaasdloate for She rIff of She.b, County at the enan- -

For Sheriff.1ST. L SMITH M r andidatetoi SHERiePofr so in- - Ma ch ractloa aepS dAwte

i'or caaawaarj tWR utb rtsed u, anno oer WM JAMES aa ast : Cone .1 e In the Fifth Cleil i t xt themorrflna. anaST tte

TOR COEtTT TRISTEEVI ar aatawrta tt oaao THOMAS I HM.LSa raadi ate tr the aVe of Cnn'y T rati to of Baofay

coanlj;, at ae rnavl Ha .1. n t- - te

FOR OI TV TRlTTEE.WiM AM P PAT tt a eaDftvwt for r- - for

st- ctsl'T af (Mam Tt aater Boeibr c amy at tbe asaing March lr ie. ap!7 dawto

roa cot .itt nihil i ,

WY ar aalayriaett to aaAoararo B JAMBB BtTALBER ta a ranttldit't r Coawly Traat or VrbeoavB't a be -- rt.umz Mar-- eem. aan-t-e

FOB ( 0iTBLEJ. M. SAINT Is s candidate Bar Ibo oASoa of Conatable

al the next eleciwa la March, la the PoorWalk CivilDae. ran. arag'S te.

rog STATE (OtrTRWLLEKOH are atttho H- - d to Col. BOB T I r If BA-

TES af on, a osadttB e for State C'mpt roller b-e-rorr ioe, wloo al the L sxstntero

FOR Hntu r.WB are author s d to ann noes iAMRS B. FELTS a a

candidate foe to Us oSB e of BhilIB st theeoaleg March e'rett- a ,


WORrESTERSHIRE SAPCR"CTssof-.CE- .T BMaRt af s Latter from a

C""'StrM, ' MeaieaUGsBUsskaVB


j Only Good Sauce,' flwwoacESTEB,Tell LB A At PESV--X

Ajn APPLICABLE TO S that Iboar.V-S- iSACt S hi klahro eo.


-- jiissssdlB I ralat. and ia.

palatabeaaweliaathoOP DISH whasaa nv


The miy Medal awarded hy the Jury nf the Hew TortExhibition for Sanoea was obtained by LB A at

i.'tr WORCEKTERSHIRR BATCH theworld node fame of which having 1.4 to snaserona imlta.titans parchaarra are sarneMty reqnostod 10 see that tbeaaaae.of LBA A. PkRRiss" are Impreoaesl xpon theBottir snd Su.poer and ortated npws the 'ahels.

Baas boatante AaasMs for tbs Cattod StateaJaha liaacaa k bs,

tOJ BROADWAY, TA stock always in store. Also, orders for di-

rect .htnment from and mys-lyS- p


-.-r-U A I




ANI AGUE.CtHCH aa Iradsroa'MS, Aetdity of the taOBala--' raina. araruart Loa of Appetite r;Cwtlwenesa Blind and Bteeellrw Piles. In allBheomsttcandHasislSll It haa ininstance, proaed bigb y beaoscinl. and In others

TBI la s ptrelr veetoti e r miponnd. prepal B strtct- -lr --leottrlc prtnerase, s ter the manner of tba celebrated

i.s-- d P- - - - SSI R. . f it. gtat sne--I

cess in most of the Btiropran Bla tea. Its Introdncti.m Intothe nslle-- l State, waa intended sawro aaneetallv roe thoseof onr fatherland acattered h- re and tbem over the race of

SaSSS la . BA hSBSraaasBBSHai t. .wtr.a thatIts truly w.axdsairul medl.ica: rt- ta.a moat ba acknow-ledged.

It Is particularly rr natadi il to thoso patasn. whosesorartttBtlcns auty bare been lwpatred by the ronannoasBO of aro- -t sptrtta or other forma of datamation.Seaerallr intantaneona in easot. tl flada lu way directly"o the at of ISe. Ihrllnax and a ok-- ntng every sera,--slsiaa op the droossax anal, la fact. Infusing nowhealth .n.l vupr la taa yatrra.

Notice fteir eipects to Awl th. a beverage di appointed . bet to the alck. weak aa ' low spiritedtt w II prove a grstemi sromatir ardlal, paaaaasad aflingular remedial proroe'tea

cavraaar.The ere.t pornlaritr of thla delrtht'nl Aroma haa

many Iw nation, which the public should guarda ainal porrhaalng Br t persuaded to bnv anrthmgeiae unri: yon rar. nren ioerbave'afair trial. One bottle ons oraxvlneeauperior It Is to all there imitations.f at t por bottle, or tlx b. ttles for AA by

Prorrteto-- a

bi.vj yitv p t.E. jr., a co ,MArrprACTWaixa

Phannaceutiata unri Chenaata,PITTSBCRGH, PA.

xTSaaVi l in Dy S M ANSPTBLD a CO ;

also by WARD a JuNRS and 6. D JOHHSOBT.

Rich Glossy Hair,Coopietfly Pmerre4

TO THE GREATEST AGE.ND b that la k.vr It r.tor-.- l t.

rnier o- - ; ar aaH. oat te growthr ti.rt t rr tnubpr-- 1 arita aa hing. hatwould hart it aaaajaal ; or taaa f .ia l

he,d. or o her eruptions won Id he c- r.d ; or w libi t b eg be. (a ara g s but would bo car d II wUi.a ram., a all p'ropaea from Ibe. faor and sata. PROF.WOOD'S II Alt RRSTOBATITR will do ail .Bia. taecircular and the following

Ajrs ABBOR, Howxaber A, 1SBA.

Paor O J Woo at D sr Bar: j haw beard muchaa IS of fast aiasds fe ah Is af page Hair Boa torsi lva,but Baring seen sa of 'n eh aled by qnaakery and quackn t kalr drr. Ate., I ai. 10 place y mrHlnretee in tb. awte ctrory wllb the thonaatMl I l obbcR rrstsdlea, an' i I met yonin uati nee cottata some raontbs when you .oeh a -- Branca a- - in'nart the trial I tour Re. to' a

l MaiM


live mar farrilv tt' at br wy snod wlf. wk-s- hairad be. .m aery thta an riTlr- lr welie and bef

log oar of roar ,arg boo las, h r hair waa - edtt- I'll to ita original irB iiifi--l browa eusoe. aad ha'hlckened snd te. one b ant tful and g oa.y upoa an en-

tirely over tie head St. con Uses ton a it. a I simplyI's Vautlfyiog rffeet- - BBBB ' be hair, hot be-

an. e ai Its h- - altbui ml enoe ar the head and ml"dOth r of my y sad m Bd. are s irs yoar Brat .ra- -

ttVe Wl'b the tsppl-s- t efBac,.; ta. refore ma skopta.: am and donbta la rrferarce to Its raarac --r god vslaeare .a' r ly remosed: aad I caa and most cordiallyanal reaorrmeod its aae by all who wo dhsse their a air reatorrd IT a skii, or y (be ressonsj at. ktaeas ss age.) ao .nxinsl color aod beauty, aod hvall ,. jru pernas who wooid tsrs their hair beaurtfu

Ter Iralj sad grsren'lr yoursSOL0M0J1 MABH.

FairvD Wood: It wss s loag tins after 1 aaw y aar H 1. ,. ! '. f - - tl N ' SI BSWR rwAIBS f r

which you BBSS mr an order .poo y ur seen! la Detroit,and wt .u I ant II we fa try a oa Mrs Msan'ehair, as the auroat teat of iu power. It bat dsme sat lastywa s sr red me it sroaid do aad others of ary family am

hsetrg wi'neesed s ithcts. are bow aadIta a-- e ta others aa sail lied to the high-

est cooatderatlon you c at o foe itAga.n, very respectfully and rrulv yours,


C AB1.T1 E, 111 , June AS 1803

I hsv. used Prof O I. Wood's Hair rtestorstlvv, aaalhave admi - d Its wond rfnl eR cts My hair waa eecom-lea-

aa I thought, pr Entirely grny sat by ths swasfhla R frrarive t has ita original color, aaal 1

have no doubt permsnertlr ,0S. BRBS8B, 17. S.

O. i. WOon a CO , Protirlotorx, Alt Broadway. XT., (In 'he ereat H. T W- I- Ruling R.labllthmcnl.) andIII Mark,! atr t St Lonla Mo.

f F Snd ao'd by all goad druggtata. a .TS dxwavdty


tiYorthern Texas.tears SaturV Landiav ( tf,l--lp- l rtver.tSTAGES at A a. M . ig thrawarh the tonrlahl.g

etty af Caarden to Wssh'nee--n, h Throaek In Afhoars BRLDINS a STONE. Agents.

Oainoa' Laodtng

( it- - l;i ri it - r-- li i i Noticer H I TH Ihsa lay saa.M-ta'- with or In the 1J. sAeacrry and C mmlasron BBSbrarss. Hr. Va . AKaows, for the laat Ase yrara ID BV employ The bootner--s it fntu-- e will Secuaducied under the arrle of 8 BWHitSBaw B a Oa. S. B. WILLIAMSON

M'usphia Jalyl, I8AT. JuB--tl

DR. J0H5O."- - INFIRWART,res DtsRASEs or the



NUMBER 15 JEFFERSON STREET,Twa Dears East f ! relal Hotel.


Private School.IS F rl. and Vr- on HON DAT the 7 6 Inst In taeSaerm-- nt 01 the 1st Bapti.t I'burch oj aococd street.


JaMIS A. STREET & CO.Are now recetriac a fnt. and arpatled tfork oi

Vail ami Winter (..noils.ryf everr TarVt j aaaa) to rse foaad la aCoSSlwnVQ ato re A Unr atotrt af

PLAXTATIOX GOODS.arb as IS r Lib-er- a aad Kerwra, oltln

aad p a d (Vaahnrn. VUnkatt. N era Shoe, Hatt.fca. AUtO Nearo at tea pe np y mm? Sattvaet aadKerej; t crtaar with a are'-- a aaatrrtm'Ot.of

MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING.The si leu t lo af hash Whotrsa a and hayerssrsRs-rile- d

aa we are prepared to offer as grest la a.say other aonas ta thia dtv

JAMBS A STRRBT B CO ,sepA-- lf Ho tiS oarasott- - led--l Pen-w- ar ot


DEBII.T wnnll rrpretfully I form his Mends andgeaeTBiiv that b msnnfsc'uirs dally

at hta ataad. il-iia- ' large asaor meat of erenthlatta fl 'in- -, whph ho will roll aa low ss ther can be boughtanywhere stee and warranted to sire ren-r- g aallafoc-tss-

Otvs him a call, aa you caa them good sadBoat at D E RLLTR,

-- ia.ird Wo I Howarl'a Saw. Memphis. Taa."

W. R0DGERS,Mor chftot Tailoro. 17 J EKFEROS STREET,

reeeivit a mu aoo f a --rhHAS aal TEBTIMHcooelrlicg or black andrt-t- h. url C.M'.in-- a of rfsner vaelassrsorts sad Fa e voatlax ;

o wHlfTLRMBISTfl FCR F--. Batvised, hont a oon--, Qaran-

ti-- to at and doaa an a workmanwail-m- a

WilTlD.or FTFTT a tie bo 'Ved HEGROFIWTT to sa s. or Aeck hund-o- a

tbe Memphis and Mew arte. a pk. tLin., for which ws win par tat! perm,Alao. tw nty of thirty Call X 8BKVASTS. I r

prices vm be pai kpo , uJ j aaWLi.vttit s m.ry.

It. tt Mi 5r a Bent'sCHAfl B C3TKXH,

Mas tar tttambctl jctm

Ilrplar arkfts.BU.VUal, Aib in t , at 5 o'clock P. M

rasr I alrs.NORTHERNER J. P SwtTW. Master.rTtHIBJ. kavrag da

w, knee as boots, and all interna : ports.

Fee freight or paeKage aasfr 00 nan. d, as oLAV ALL ETTa. SHIRI.AT At CO . Agents

oeiA St Al Front Bow and Cowrt street.

Kl I.I I. 4 ItSew OrlriK ri Leu srille racket,

WOODFORD,J MATT! BR, Master McLaughlin Clerk.

fa, 1 raon-n- aad msrilAosasTHIS poos. 1 nanns Bade. bob.r pa tr ho. row rate rod he

trade pe, manentty for the .'soon H--r

dara or ilepmlBr. will he rrsTnbarly given By ber ageiPor freuht or paasag'. apply lo

DAS IS, WILLIAMS At COoeat It, Mo. A Howard'. Bos

H czularTbnrsday Packet far t Lewuis.RAILROAD LIGHTNING tl.N'E!

OCEAN SPRAY,H H" H, Maater friar fler.'I'"'' new osaga, Scent fast mooing1 fl-- y packat will ore EVSRT

TUiiefVAI ror tb above prt ao-- i allland nga at Sa rig s

Por rrrta ht or pa sage ai pre loDsVlA WILLIAMS At CO..

wplT-lB- l mo A Mossard s Bow.

Leaves THCRVDAT. Ort 1 st J o'clock p as.Bes-ula- r Friday White UuerP.cket.

BRTCRST J Rf LET Josn Maater.THIS magnificent paaaenger snd freight

packet will leav. for the above aad atintermediate porta sa above.

For freight or naaaage apply taDavis, Williams a co Asenu.

sep5-l- So I owarA's Bow

naoTjisAnLailsTilir aid tw Orlfais racket.


rpp fast snia-en- t

having BBSaSSSarsa

baa now n'oeed th- -

le for 'he aea--

dara o derartne. wit be rawntarly Sir- - n by her asjsalF.r f 'eight or paaaavr.. aorv a

vans, wfi.1.1 ins a on..BBBSs wBj Ho I Howard', Saw

REGULARt. Laal rfropais Bailraat racket,

EDITOR,JAR. H. aarrw (at,r.

WILL leas. Memphta erety--emmg at I ocx and ar leir-- , ad St Lou. n time fo make eraBjessaSB with trains far lb JfortiEast Leave. Cairo for St Lowis erery Thu'wisy Baors-m- g

Leave. Si. Loout for Memphis every F ptay, aadCairo svurj SnnSasy.


nEGULi a n.t. LeS) talis mi. I Memphit Packet,JWE H. LGCaI,

D H SILTHB Master,wfl.Liesre Memphia every FRIDAT'"'Ht, alt o'clockFoe freicbt -- r aa.ase anttlr toLATAI.LRTTE. SHIRLRT a CO

aaalS-B- w Coart .treatlt.1T. lAs.1t.

ie Orleans aad Memphis

PACKET LINE.TrsAWKFTTL far too Ira4 awaeort imtwaa, it to taota


Hsos sow the pleasure of aanna ring lo their rrlaadaand the pw.iic generally, that their arraneenaenla fo- - thatapproaching --isa are perr-- c d. aad that rmm and af-ter the Ba their boats BSSJ p. resmlsrly IB the'rale, and will ease poaitivly and puretaally oa ibodar. . advertised MQMDAYS. B RDNBSDATS andr aaawaa a at a e m.

Tti- - boata are I I of Ibe Inl class aad ar arranged toleave as follows :


A R lawiuBEN rSANELIX J. n n.r



?V m,LL H Hewell. Ms-- erBELFAST w. WBAT,

The Oimrsny hsv ia aitdrioo a'ao with theowners of ot be. boa's of large capacity, to run ta IBstrsde in n wllb th m, as the anrap y af OxaSasaand ohr freight may require ; tbirotjr.-- heiog to anr.ply to-- nosa uAVl nt lor he war u r f the trade

Our Waa and PUwill ai particular attewiaeQ as Iprelcbt aad rasa, nxe, was. hoaia bar. be-- B trK.ronvh'y orerb,., d refli-tr- dsnd re le charao af aso I eipet leaavd pendent and

BBS. ramssaasawers, sad especial r g.rd will as paad in therai.-- r ..aamarri 10 erery rqaiair- - that w,llSt tbeoomf a- .af-- t r and rOraaur. of 10 'no

s riair-- or cargo, andnoo or our natron

Thewe Pn gets connect a' withst Lonta Loot rule Cincinnati a- - d Raah-StH- al

anal with th-- Memphis sad Chsr eaton. 'he Mem-ph- i,

aad Ohio, aad the Hero a I. and Raiir-ad-

t W OOSI.BB. Prerddwat.F.rstl baslneaa connect, ,; wi.f-- 1. .... iao at itaa

O' tbe Caempanv toJ. J. BSWI.imaS. Vc-- Moaby a Boor'. Bnildlaw, M mphle.

aad J. H BREI.IIOH. Qeneral A.-n- l.Coder tbo St


HEOTJLAHUnited States Mail,



J. C SHIBLBT. anl fRSNE SMITH fterta.T ElVRS MRSJPni.t FTERT FRI- -la T at x o'c ock. t X after tiearrival af 'Be and ar--elring ar CATBll ta ni.k- - conoectlui 1

with Ttbibo fo- - the Korth and Fa.tleaeea CAIRO for LOII'VIILE 1 rary MONOAT 'at AAD.Lea.e. LOriSVlLLH fcr MRMFHIS every SODAT

at 5 e ttIares CAIRO isr MEMPHIS erery THCBSBAT at


TMe boat la adapted lo fila trwe and haaaanserisr s nimaiuSalu aa for th-- comfort ofThe Trar-lle- g Public can c pi n.l apes thla beastpone ualtv at 'he hour, aad Baking the ngular llmo aaaavertiaoa. .


t. Orleans lairoI . g. Uf .4 I I LI1B.

THBa- - boar for tae departara aj the W, oa

1909. la a o'clock, l. a., excrvt un Sandaya,ben ibo TajDert

T. C. TWICHELL .. H. W. Smith. Master,VIRGINIA C. F. Ret-old- s, "Will either port, Hew Orleans aad Cairo, punctual-ly at IS o'clock, a.

From Cairo to Hew Orient s. they will ar-l- st Mem-phis on Mondays snd leave for Hew Or --ana immediate-ly after Ihe arrival of the cars, at S o'clock, p. at.a turning from Hew Orkan. will artier a.

nt,Hew Orleans snd rs a. pany.

For freight or paaesgr a p y on tmard isB T RRDHAH Agent

Nsw OriBES and Calm Matl Line,SBVl'-- tf as A' at Front Bow

eEisO.Y ARRANCCIIENT.Rrgilar rtfoph sT"St. l outs rarket,

( CoasMrftag- - wiM M. d C. Railroad.)

JOHX A. WILLIAMS.... ..Ma. ter.J. H. Orgs sad B. .' a ks

LRAf RS Me Bphla evei j RON PAT,I o'e'ock p M . arrtvinz st Cairo snd SiLouis IS time to make connection wit t mI sin for tbe Hurth snd Faat

L are. Cairo for St. Loots every TlaSKAT. at trc oca r m

Leavea Si. Los la for Memphis every W 1DAT, at Ao'clock P. St.

Leave. Cairo for Memphis ev-r- y SAICRDAT,' atASH a

The .learner Rodolph ia I in TW d. rand haw,nper,nr arc itrsr-iu-n psBi c caa rely ca ibis heat rsanalnirg in thisiraoo, ana man tie tne con ctloos aa aBovr tsted.


JsrasBERTLl4tkf Tsto'sBaelsEjjneWaJte aat LUtl Rtd Ittfr Packet,

f. v . I I. I. II BVRR BAIRD. Master ELI At TaoalAI'OS, Ork.

THR PtSSKNr.RR STRAREHUTANSVILLR. Capt Ar tie Rated, ba"ing been tharoaghlv repaired! and

wltbla the last few weeks, exly for tbo shove trada. baa aaw entered peraaaswas.

Iv for tbe waaon, and will leave aa abort for Abaid-e- a,

Carendon, Dew Ara, Brorfh of Little Bad river. WealPoint and Searcy, every WRDHRSDAT, at Sp SI., sathe Brriral of the exes.

Por freight ar paaaaay appro oa beard, oe loDAVIS, HILI.I RS a CO., Agm'B.

rAI-- Has. A Baasard'a Bow.

VaaakiSa Halt Rlrrr aaa apataaaU. S. MAIL PACKET,

Helena. Friar's Point, Laconia it CcneordiaSTEADIER RATE r""EE,

lonH T SHIRLET Master WM T. Chtrt.THIS new. apleadld aad faat ate er

Trade lu place of the Ja Laugb.IUi.winsnnttnne :n IMempbi' erery HON DAT and FRIDAT at 2 o'clock B

punctually, connecting at Hapoleon wltli White andanaaa river boats, i sking fredgkt and tarswaer, -

White rlvsr st regulsr rates. Rernmlng ieaves r rnaevery tveidaT snd AATCHDAT, amvlaa at Mam.

pbla Snoday and Wsdneoday

r.e-- it i :h- - - rar to .heir new 5,1 -- ro-

mlslnt itrlet attenti. n to business.LATA LLRTTW, bDIRUCT a CO , Agents

HOTTCE TO 3R1PPEBX The PrUboe " willfreight mill one .'clock on Mondays, and taring tt-- aa.tire aay rnuraoaya, snu nautl BBS o'clock FTMiayx.


A T. La v SI.LETTB, late of Arm af Larallotte a MmrlB.1 T SniSLET... ...Late of the Kate

.as usTiDsok Late .f raducac.,Lit ALLETTE, SHIRLET & (0.


AGENTSAMD OEOBaAi.riRBTJuuiaa a Ftrwarwlat: Jtrrcfcaata,


Amenta of Menaphis and Charlrston Kailrisaa.OjBes Jfs tl Fnmt Raw asf Court ttrtet

Warehouse on Wster sUeet, Walt's Block.jBBt-I- V



V.. 37 Frosat Rtaw,MEMPHIS, T2NNESSE

CT parttcula afteatloB paid ba rocwitrag aad dtsatasrs tir arsr.a and .ll-ct ng bl'fs. iui

lainalssipiii II sapor la.ITTA hsv. ntkt raarlaed a attppfy of " First twrerxtsV V it viaytV SOU rolumar, and lis last, st tba

Rrtportaa co.