THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. · 2017. 12. 16. · tb bale, and bold 11. Ott sT paint h v beat iualty...

RY S. O. & CO. mmmmm mmmbbbbbsbiwmammmm ebbbbbbbbs. am T,nTTr n.nnc WTITTr! A TTflW A T WB 'MB B'J'BWJ. II 111,1 mi iimii. official returns PDBUIBED JOHN S. DAILY BY C. HOGAN WEEKLY ril( OP rWM RIPTIOS Daily (In advance) per annum : : 113 00 m per week : : i 9 To a, per copy :::::: Week.v per annoro iu advance) 08 am Ni subscription watered on onr mall books for leas time than one month. KATE OF ADTKHTlfalSs. One square one Insertion : ' each additional Insertion week two Xs three weeks one month CO. aar All adveruaementa considered due after first insertion. aw- - Right Uses ot solid nonpareil eoneUtute square. er All advertisement In the Special Holloa aolumn will be charged 36 eenU per Una. mm- - Marriage and death notloes published as ther advertisement mm- - All adTertlsemenU for the ArriAL moat bs handed lb at the Clerk desk w- e- 7vonJiiu odwrtwrwieisumusl pawl for ST" Advertisements for the Weekly paper will be charged at same rates, per week or month, a. In the Bally, unless, by special contract. am- - ic are requested to use their beat gaTwrttto send us subscribers, ana fill up oar aad alan to Cur ward any items of news that may be of sufficient local tmpartanos to warrant their publication. TERMS. OF WIF.KLT. an Inducement to get aloha, we have adopted the following scale of prices, which are as our currant office expsuse. will admit of: One one year To clubs of ten or more, each aeorsoMi in odvonet. MASONIC HEBREW a.- - ftV lat Tsshrt. ptem er, law. - 1st Kl Ut Ta 1st 8h A N 1I Kv 1st Wi 1st Ta let As 1st Kl W of w- - w 1 I Li I a " " ' 's H th of aW As up tub obf r.... a Decern th January h March May fist June Asn Wefineaday. sth "area, f 7 t . r : I Maundav 1 hurway. ifin April, - Uood Friday, lstli April " Kaslor MnBCay. .ist April, " A ustoe. Jl'th May, " Penleorsrt vth Jnne, ,,. " beam Andrew's Day, Sab Nov.niber m earn Jaiamhl tf MASONIC 187. bOIlE AKinoiit, N". 16. Meet it woiobt in eerv TSOCUl. a: lsso-ri- nsii.i.iisn end Mai- - Forsler. Front street, W. M.; John Beamish, Hec'y. Surra Miii-hi- n No 118. Meets Friday eacti montn-Hall.- eor Madison and econd. (saltan. W. M.; rteej. K. Pollen, Bee. Lin-- Hoott No.Sxa Meets 1st of each Maoifinau iiemnn. joun Air Baa Kile. V, . moott M Kiiw:i ex Worsk e St 1S The we- - V i. H. ix- :h er - H. P. TJrawaSwMBBB. Hec. uu B W. each ellows' Hail. M. Stanley. See 41 C D.) tth M Front street. John M : K rttilea.SM, Bee BOY AX. ABCH. Pktcir rhsptar. No 4. Meats! Mondarof each month Hall. J oh i Zent, M. K H. P.; M. Levy. Sec y. B- - AM. 8. B- - BMSBBCA ronncll. No d. Mets Mondsy each Hall. John Zent. Th. III.; M.J. WKgln, Kec TBMPLABB. Cybevb Conmandery, No. 4. Meets 4th Mon- day ea-:- month. John Zant. Com.; N. J. Wigglu.Kec A.. AND A.". SCOTTISH RITE. 304 Pnml Strut. Hekv Meets Mellersh, Meeu L rf PerHion, MB Jav Mch mom 15 00 00 tn see ics- - D. 2J 2d of J. T. Fr ay .Hd P. th J. w. Sd of of of 4U Oil (w 4th No. lay Ko. A. c. Franklaud.SU, ttec. Cam rn i ' "ou nell of Prince Jerusalem . lelh No. 1. at. Fallen, Tarsh.-- . ; Sec. Calv'a by Oh apteb of Rose tTotx, llh.. No. 1. Charles W. Adams, sal, M. W.'. ; H. T. ToCB- - llnson, S&i, tsec.'. Philippe DrpbEfWEra tmncll of K h. anth.. No. 1. Henry P. Woudard, 2d Comm.-.- ; William Y. Cirale Sid, Bee . Oohsi.ntobt or West Tejinowee. sad. John ALnaiie. XsL Cosiiu.', In chief; Dodge C. Trailer. Md, Rev.-- . SCOURING i A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE." DTEIHO, BCOUBINO, m vjsiAi sj Sse Done at abort notice by ISAAC ISAACS, 64 2 Jefferson Street. All orders executed with neatness and ills entire satisfaction guaranteed when Kt work Is done. marS YBUA BUST, Ihott. 11. Hunt Jt at HAiraOB Co., SILK AND WOOLEN DYERS 21 e4n4l fitrNpt. BETWEEN JEFFEBHON AND COURT. attetitlan to Ladles- - Dresses SPECIAL lienUemeu's Clothes Cleaned and Dyed In superior style. N. E-- N'i answerable 'or loods left In store after six months from date of order. J E M V AL. General Houtbem Fwljjht office of the 1 enltimore and Ohio Ra1!rad ba- - beeo r niovtd rrom ibe old htand to ,o. 266 Front Row, o"r Tbe well known boue of PhlUtpa Ji Tbrough B.IIa lAd'.ng siren to all Kaataiu eiUa. .na&ea and lime aa quick aa by an other route. IL General rrelght Aft. Ba! more H. F. HKCKERT, W eater n Acent, CnnelnnaU E. D. COBB, Agent 4 Bkltimore -- nd Ohio Railroad. Valuable IHantatiun to Lease. f WlLLLeswa.1 I J . Field. aac' Clay A Field, ao Content Place, county Boll, lor oaluvauon For fU' M' Boarbou oountj t he vrvtu ;ma. orl hi w H O H hi M u w o o f ,r . November, lugu-- t. 4 4 JtwX Friday of Butts, o. Meets Friday r! b moclb U.. a of .; UenJ. S 1. T. given a fHIl Toof, k aaiow O ad:Blnttratorof ("hrlat pher bi Hom Place the place of the Plantation known a the Eieae Plantations air In the lltaa , and in fln condition UavUig ben cnUlvati for ,''Uie f acit. lot Hal a rraailnn appT to meat Part. Ej. or to lr. IC J K'tJd, on H. J. CLW, Adrn'r C J die'd. 1 DQ m a - i V rH r- - U tsl VH i Sa CD I ii I .. a d q rt, M a - S WH. H. TBIOO. JOHH T. rlll' T. Wt 1 WM. H. TRICC A CO., Bankers nod ExchAUge Dealer-- , ajtd REAL ESTATB AOSBT8, BOON VI I. LE. MO. Exchange : Deal n Hank Noias i is Received and A fcts: Kal Ki, Id, Taxes Kald, etc ; ljm Hesl KB! ate sIBBMl 1 tilePoowr, and other c Hold ou Commission . t. eesslble points made proceeds proin tiy mm Tendering our BSsSWeqssi 8 00 1W7 ; night Liennje Field, f o s. . r : o In Uoia and favors tile terms. inted for. ur old friends and tiausacuon ol any busl lo a Hanking Kxchaug.. collection or Real Kstale raepectmuy. W are, e g fjf&gj a CO. P. B.We have al stracl of Bml BW U,l. U, all ""Fix?-lat- e w in the ooamty. ocl . . jyruy Stort for Sale. Ptock. No unooltoble gooda AN wbTsSbh can be renledat a fair tale amount oi loc. -- bout head of naylgauon of Little hied Hlver 9mm taiata per ees. Cairo and Fu Hon Ka ess,,, "' town-- Is now being built. Town, growing more than any place T,nM0 H.J.P.. oJltUwovwll aVoarcy, Ark. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. JOHN HOGAN DIRECTORY. CALENDAR. DIRECTORY. TAILORING, PREMIUM !A:ddr.b.'k""- -' DENTISTS. S. No. 983 Main Street. CLOT BOlLDrKO. bp derwly Harris Sc Blair, He 817 Clear, err Kwend anal Adams Ma., AJAM- - block. J. C. BARKIS C X. BLAIB. LAWYERS. J. E. TEMPLE, Attorney t Ts.w, Solicitor In Bankruptcy nd Commissioner of Deeds. OFFICE No. It Jefferson street, Boom So I. BBO w. WIl'MSTBB, Late of ualiail a, Tenn BOBEBT of WIN HEIiTEB k HATCltEK, a rri.uwv at l.AW and (General A T7 Second Mem- - W BIGHT, L. WRIGHT & McKISICK, Attorneys at Law removtsl their office to the Kit HAVE Block, No. 8 aad 4, Mau-lso- street- - abBBBT rtatE a BOS, Utile Bock, Ark. tte ADAHB, Main L H. PIKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Airn Solicitor in CHanceryi Little Roc k, - - Arkansas. Will practice In the Federal and State Courts. Collec Kins promptly a tended to. mnt tf . B. L. OLIO. W. A. FBBCT. DIXON A PERCY. s TTORNEYH AT LAW, Breenyllle, Mlas, f. will practise in tne uicru oi iun.i. Doahonra. rVnintlM. aim rteel.S SELF-FAS- T EMI WROUGHT 1R0 BCCRLE TIE FOR COTTON (HA llOtlVSr, WSinmSlIll i'jurni.. NC H N h 8ol Prop'tr, ,o. 14 Union street. New Orlaaa Irtee t the hoop In the lot, and draw it tight round tie bale. AU other Tiea lastenliig by this method Bxe ard will be prosecuted at law SJBSUCh. AVlien the lever of prew is raised the tie will fasten :tself by the out- ward pressure of the lw!e. We nrv ute n,;euu and re prepared to order tbe e Wroogt: Iron Bnctle Tie, on tut muti iraolf tbtrn rDHn 11 feot r i of itie an Mod Iboi J l tU-J- . Lsoai-rrrtil- Tan I FASSfMAN'S IRON FOB COTTON 'UK have TieatheprerH-nt- - in tdd tion toil BUTTON lit.. kj tbev now offei ueth ao arrant t tb bale, and bold 11 . Ott sT paint h v beat iualty of r Tb lit s ate metst that tiie M bkleaol any "in-- , ei reel;tio-- i a rt ai ttjr of utpltca vorabiy with tr y The edvariifur- - aUv ire.iiuia-- r place to ca i tht a to tne very emi ri; aaraxii-'"- . pu aa and ApenCrN t Hei m&i. re"QtTy ptia Missouri. si., BALES. 6. nsylug TAVI niiu:-io- n Mfichnt. IfwT uuderslirned Memphis. TIES BALES. iniv't euppiy demand theae rAMAN TIE fcxwrn.iv-:- heretofore, TIP., with itantly clamp ptarf reniovcrtx fiom the iihouialippinc. aecure the Mniple their arrange-- ii iipj.lit-- by any one. stilt. Ran-rt- facility an1 lnaiTeiigt and iioi aill compare fa-- iron erner- - Led and hiJ . t'HAMSF.RS IATTIN(J, m?2 No. Carondelet Our LateKt Improved NEW SCALE GROVESTEEN CO., 4UU lirvarltvay, JT. r. Instrument, after ihe mop flattering THhlRF. from trie first the "ouniry. wno.'at anr "hclliot ttiem the aevrainiaajnayr aj4 pmiinUTiced TH FINEST SQL' superior Uaoaa Un-ln- newsap-- r tested have bt VOHTK MAM JS 1HK woKLli. baa a.waja bau oar poller darliiK the thirty-mi-x mat hare uiaunfactared i'.Kiitc fiWtr (fcvi iwil nw the I'me--d tMatea and kuropeo xy the fiaeal tuKtrumebl he lowet-- t mlF Our hup? rlor lacllitMa atumtsie offer them from one three hundred iollara leaa than any other Klntt lata liooae. Ttie neof the Instruments are rmarkaMe paaahar tHwaslneaH and liraat aever losinc Uielr quality when forced ihelr parity Tha lower raaaatar Maiilveneaa doea deetroy tha intdd an1 hit riHtent by mlng ma with and Lay each yeara. ., sws , - fmv i utl tn Is . Ai all no L. l H A C' C2. ar- - Xor - ud tiJj m to I to In t to L-- , iy , tbi y ure i i in tw A oi O iii K It an we "f ate ov in at ua to la t t for tv at a c Us BO ' r t Ptana, trnnner, haavily lega :iae rich'y nUlad, and warraaled aepa One Thing is Certain, bowetrer widely great men may differ, IiHAT u a lame majilty law yt3t aud Divines throcghoat the who do ogre Or William' Pulmonic Balaam of VHid henry haplha the only certain cure tr PnamoBla, Aatbma, Bronchf- - ua. Palr Win the the santh an v a eils, ."Ugu, Coxitis core inrootUs, T Hfirt, os mtrengtii. Ur. t, of deaervasbyhigh perlenewa pn. and sibsssh-- trend exnoislv, r.jB.oben. hi, well km sale dealer an III elnea, rawasuioenu as tajOwaiunlYe (ami Wish ihe n a wwaiitht ai cai. s at IIBe ec .tn of which somi Ing for pnra- - HATCH e aul the IRON and ALLI(iATwR 1 the Laktn n. aecur mirdnr Ilea now Pianists In whlfS n u auji known llin.ujqo i.aa tiecn la :or to nee OUT tun her who l ave fl.d ouww'ttinui It; ,i. n.saeT.Lba it nas bo, have usmi ah e to lnk :is mannACture as will and. whlc in.m Mkl m drosg A. BB MrKlMCK. PIKE w ! CO.. is been of of nd Ve1-- e have IKE in their on equa ly dtl'ghtfal u. the new of fln-r- b trwA oar full back, car i d m fally tor live wly at Souih that nd Wood is thr of lr use ..r Uavisi hoi a Co, aie VCluaBt S3 fill e are 4 u r- - PIANO y c o e u. e tlt lMTlcult eaaea of the t Im and atd sur cure for l on- stage. That It cures all tu dhbtYav-ea- la a fact thonaanda of ly read to lestify, who us gre-- diNcovary. Haar t emltteul pbyatciaDSor tlngaiHhel Dr. Ho n, of in every caae he has a aa' and prompt at-- idtTjg li at reliaule a no- - . B liliystclan of iilat .in a-- sn able ana ex er of medirlne, entertains sBfrie ojiinum, ana reuoiA- ,"r B.'c.,a gen-s'- reputatlor.,and awhi.le-pott- of rugs and medi-i- t in th,- i.Ul.eet terms, and ail other rem dlea In his ait satufacl'iry results, d eweu tliousaans of this tit. dtrlne. only cx.niiurae time lu read-astti- is r at medicine is too ttie tNjuin, woere 11 the last twenty two earn, reer,int::eudallon than tins uowdltonie are nut s. lis and hi w at nas be, u tnc llin.ogiKiut IheKnuth. establlsnsaj "sir known wholesale drug of iu.ii 1 al. or .era delav, Owner are i rem-r- takea n pull recently that such arrauaemenU fcr enable us iTeupply ike hwearedal y In reselpt ile and other dealers i.riMi'tiiiv met !, tl.e t.a'O only Iron log & )fc, and must l , adcrt asetl lo J . n. w i , ... . v v,., v huleaale LtruggeaLs. MemphJa T , un . Stock tuJlders' Meeting. Mlr o'-f', V- - of ee NRMPHIH AND 1 LtTTLfel Hi a K KA11 HOAIJ. will meet al the company's ofhas tn Mem pais, on ihe 15th da, of i emner next, lo elect a noar-i- By order of the Uganl. W. . wADRArT, oris lm Hecretary and Treasurer. tAIM HAUVS lCUUOJU Poplar Strceit, East or Orleans. rc. S. K. FOPS, PriMlpal. NS wishing to enter pupils wltl please Pl't-- i after 8 p.m., or al any Ume aaturday. eelS JSxicmtor' Jfotice. OTICJv is hateby flven to the heirs of N Bettle. ileesase 1, and all parties con- cerned, thai we, as surviviuaexeculois of said it.i- - nave nil ilar filed i ur accimnl as such. wiUi John Loague- - Clark of th County Court of e belli Oiwinty. wi.ere parlies concerned can mine forward aud ex mine same RAMI'S L HOBBY, AJSBBRSON C. HJCTTIH, Kxecutors, MetBPhis, eaptember II, 1K7. sell: rw. TUESDAY, 5, 1867. wtmmmmmtamtmtmmmtmmmmmmt REPAIRING, SomEiJSt DK2STTI6TS, PIANOFORTE. TElSnSU itrsiKov Toi corroai un, Editors Mempbk Appeal : 1 proraTewil, in ThuredBy'i APiHAt, ft r planter" to destroy all their cotton eed, save six bushel to each plantation.. Having been voter t seven Presiden- tial elections ta the South, I ciim your patient, for a few more thought ou tha same sutjecl, in support of i y proposi- tion. Hitherto it hsvs been Die boast of our jjouuuy that our own productions were not taxed. Now cotton and tobacco, the eliief Bouluern staples, are taxed beyond any oommodltiea found by, or known to oomueroe. Tne remeoy proponed is perhaps the only one that will reach the cose, for aa long as seed are valueless, and the insane desire to grow cotton continues, ao long will our people beegar themselve in this fruitless indus- trial pursuit. Dtttroy the cotton teed, and we remove the Government tax a mm ad forever. Nay more, dettrmi the preient croj, of teed. and in fuo years the Government will dbv a Oonut of two cents per pound on all cotton raised iu the cotton Stales. Then, and not until then, can our people, with any show of hope, return to cultivating . Our couu try the great staple succeesf ully must compete with the world iu the cotton culture, or retire from the world market. The tax must be borne e.,;iailv-No- rth aa well as South. The (..oner the better for the South to decide wuetoerlo destroy ber cotton aeed or bankrupt all her people ! Raise cotton and misery are anoth. year and ruin inevitable. Ml tht world know that our people will destroy the present crop of seed and cotton will advance from ten to twenty cent in forty days. But let us act in goid faith, and not do as silly planters have done the past year by diasuading their neighlwrs from planting the staple, and then plant all tbey can themselves. The different Chambers of Commerce may all unite in petiUoning iJougrees to remove the cotton tax. Such efforts will avail nothing. The Southern peo- ple have a remedy in their own bauds They can only strike the root of the evil by dettroyind the cotton germ. Fortunately, our people planted corn the past season sutticieut for our own wants and this fact has saved our dear Houth" from famine, lor had we de- pended this year, as we did last, ou the West it wouUl have required two dol- lars, to buy one bushel ot corn m At this price, there would not to day be money in the South to buy feed for our stock. This day Tenneesee corn will arrive, bringing but seventy while yesterday it cent a Memphis, was quoted at Jl 02 In bulk in Cincin- nati, and $1 U$ iu sacks in St Louis. Everything the North and West have to sell is high, while wh .1 we have to sell is low The cause of this is either found fn their superior tact or our superlative folly The South has not the capital to keep ber great staple of the " world's market," hence Eastern capital controls Its market value. We cannot break the - ,i,ar let!- airainst cotton iu any other way but to destroy this year's cotton seed. John Davis. AN ll'Kll.Ui ll'DeE. Judge Aldrich, of the Barnwell district in South Carolina, refused to carry out the Jury Order No. at, made by Gen. Sickles before his removal. On the 21st instant"e term of his court at Barnwell Courthouse commenced. He was then served with Gen. Canby's order, modify- ing Order 8a. He read It in open court, and stated that it quite as flagrantly violated the "jury law " of the State as the original, and the same reasons that impelled him to refuse to enforce theone would prevent him from carryiugout the other. He then read a military order from Gen. Canby, which had just been served Uu him, suspending him and forbidding his holding any of the courts of his Circuit. Then rising from his seat be said ; Qmt!emen : In forced obedience to the commaud of Brevet Maj. Gen. Ed. R. S. Canby, I lay down my office for the Personally, I feel no mortifica- tion at this indignity, because it has been put upon me for the conscientious ilanliBiaa af mr constitutional duty. I did not receive my office from him, or from power ucy he no me. But , troad dav iBrceuies, can almost heart to U crjme u this old urmiDw1 in all Be NaBDV1;e rob-o- f I a brighter . o'clock. sufferers ara heart Cohen tr constitutional liberty. The time is at hand when we will be relieved from (he tyranny and insolence of military despotism. of the juries, for the present farewell ; but if od spares my lire, 1 will vet preside in this court, a South Carolina Judge, whose ermine is sus My brethren of tne war patient ; ne loyal to the Constitution ; be true yourselv,-- , JUT. Clera, OS 1 a 111 Iioi, iriaiiiiru ijerform any judicial act, you ana in Sheriff will lseue to the jurors their pay certificates, as if the Judge had not at tended. Mr Sheriff let the court stand adjourn ed while the voice of justice is stifled. BBArTIES 4,r SEGB-CFrA4.- A correspondent of the New York ITor.rf, writing from Virginia, says : In Albemarle county, one of the richest ant most nonulous counties in the State, Judge Alexander Rives, who has been Republican ail me, oeiore, uunng, and since the a man of intelligence, wealth and position in society did not reeeive dozen negro votes ; but a man named Thompson, from your State, who was publicly denounced as totally un- worthy by a I' i ted States officer, and negro named Taylor, were elected al- most unanimously over bim. A similar case occurred in Henrico, Mr Franklin Stearns was the candidate, nominated by Republicans, whose Union-i-- no oue doubts, and who was tevten by a man whom no one knew, trut who as the nominee of the negroes, and win se only Tlaims to their suffrage wss that he bid In the swami dui ing the war, and because he was a member of the League and their President. In Mecklenburg countw, a negro who cannct rend or write, and who hat been convicted fire time, in the court for ttealing, wot wer a rctpectalte Union man. All over the eastern portion of the State the same have been secured ; but the will give you a sample of how Virginia and Virginian are to be governed in the future. The candidates for this city con- sist of the notorious Hunnicutt, the cor- rupt and detestable Underwood, an Irish- man named Morrissey. a disgrace to bis countrymen, and two negroes. These men received fifty white votes In the whole city, and were denounced pub- licly tiv some of their own gang scoun- drels and perjurers. The respectable Northern men among us did not and not for tbem. They were elected by fraud, as the card from Mr Gilmer to Gen. Schofleld abundantly shows. The President of the Registra- tion oue Rose, (by no means a sweet oue, i on the last day or election said be " didn't eare a dn fur all the white people in Richmond ; some of his friends bad bet on a Radical majority of so much, and he intended they should win. AM a 1HKB1 ftKC. The New York Herald concludes an able and striking on the African- ization of the United States the following forcible points : Nettling can have forced the Republi- can party to its extreme position in regard to the nigger but a sentimeot of desperation a fteling that this de- graded race Is it forlorn hope and that If it cannot rule through the slave vote it must rellnquieh power altogether. The attitude of the Northern people justifies this thought. The protest of the I at the polls a protest heard from the widest separated extremities of the nation not only aunounces to the Re- publican leader that they havegone than the people permit, but that they have gone so far they can never to secure popular confidence again. To abate some portion of their preten- sion would be useless, and they desperately chraaee to jmsti the game to It ultimate limit, hoping yet to control by means of the power to be given to th nigger. It is clear that this 1 In ail way a murderous policy murderous to tbe country If it prevail, and to the men who have planned it, if the people can their purpose. And the people must be made to see; and tbus every jot gained in power given to the nigger will be lust the mat tni poury win inevitably give to the reaction of the na-tt- aa against tbe bold, bad, unscrupulous knot of politician who are definitely determined to ruin If they cannot rule. urates from a Mark f reseller's Nrr- - Bisbop Thompson (Methodist) in re- cently giving a sketch of his experience among ome of the Southern conference, referred to a sermou which he bad from a colored preacher upon the text, " It is more blessed to give than to re- ceive." In the course of hi remark the preacher said : ' lee known many die cause itdidn'tgiveenough, but I knowed a church to die cause it give too much. Dey don't die dat way. Bredereo, ha any af you knowed a church dat died cause It give too much ? If y do, jest let me know, aud Til make a pilgrimage to dat church, and I'll climb by de soft light ob de moon to it mosss-covere-d roof, and I'll stand thar and lift my hand to hebben, ur.NKRsL. nkws in n of the vote of Virginia are as follows Whites 79,524 colored, US.tVio. For convention, 1483 white; 92,507 colored against conven- tion, 61,249 wblto; 6857 colored. The Intelligencer sayg that letters received in that city yesterday, confi- dently announced the certain election of Judge Thurtnan to the United States In the place of Mr. Wade. It seems to be conceded that Mr. Vallaiidig-ha- Is not a candidate, and favors the election of Judge Thurman. The amount of building now going on In Chattanooga is unprecedented since the great flood necessitated exten- sive operations in this lios. In every portion of the city a many build- ings are goiug up, most of them dwell- ings suitable for families of moderate income. The National Democratic Executive Committee bive issued an address con- cerning the November election. The address appeals to reason and judgment and says he who refuses to beed the call is unworthy his share iu the rich hei age of an American freeman. It is signed by Tuos. B. Florence, Sam. J. Randall, Cha. Maaon. Ohio, Cornelius Wen- dell, and others. The recent seizures of whiky estab- lishments in New York and Brooklyn have officials of the Treasury Depart- ment in possession of a large amount of papers showing the operations of the whisky ring in their game of cheating the Government of taxes. Preparations are making for further seizures. are reasons for believing that the next move the law officers will create a decided sensation, aud catch some pretty prominent Western men. The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial says in his dispatch of the 30th uit, Tne denial of Bard of the conversation which he was reported to have had with Gen. Grant, is likely to lead to the affidavits of no leas than three persons, to whom he related it substantially aa published. As intimated last night, (he publication of the alleged interview reduces itself to the conclusion that it was an attempt to obtain a little newspaper notoriety at the expense of Gen. Grant, by an imposition on those sua gave it currency by the telegraph." A special dispatch to the Leaven- worth Kansas) Bulletin, from Junction City, say: 2 o'clock to day the house of 8. A. Robertson (printer) took fire and was totally destroyed. Mrs. Robertson was In the stores, making pur- chases, having left her two children asleep in the boose, on the bed. Th children were burned to death. One child was about three years old and the other six months. The father i, away from home, and the mother is almost crazed. The bodies of the children were horribly burned and charred." A mau by the name of Neighbors, with bis two sons, was commuted to the Huntsvllie jail on last evening, from Marshall couuty. They are the supposed murderers of Mrs. Glazier, who was by her fireside. Tne preliminary trial was had before Judge W. T. May, ou last Friday. The evidence, though circumstantial, seems to be of such strong character as to debar the parties from bail. We understand, say the Wei! Whig, that the office of the South-er- a Express Company in this place, was entered on Wednesday night last aud a safe, the Transfer Safe," was taken therefrom, and found on Thursday morning some four hundred yard distant in the southeastern part of town, blown open and its contents, some six thousand dollars, stolen. Access to the room was had through a rear window, and thesafe selected from four which were in the office at the time, all precisely alike, carried out through the back door which was uulocked from the inside by the burglars. No clue yet to the robbers, though the most vigilant exertions are being made for that purpose. XIUMUUI BIIKBEXT. 10.0'fl tn "lowey, Tt'atrbra and Jewelry Ml, Irons llisi on herr ejreel Tne liter urspvi ana Axatee lue. From the NashYllle Tnlon ami D:spttch. 3d It becomes our duty to day to chroni- cle the perpetration o'f another bold and daring robberv, which for audacity of conception, arid sueces-ifu- execution, scarcely has parallel iu the criminal records of our city, replete a they are us .,.,1- - tw. the fre- - any which he represents, of the,e mjrjnjKbt robberies aud and has right to remove we but admit it breaks my witness the at hoil)jlJ?i almost of proud State, we h,h ernivil the city of love so lu my poor perrou. This last aud extensive cheer, it is only for time wa8 ommitted Thursday night last see the dawn of day. The The great of the American peop.e beats Patten-ou- , pawnbrokers to Gentlemen tained. nis war where elected re- sults above only would vote Board, article with present eople far- ther would hope therefore enough see by heard church to neber Senate great o; There of editor About killed called well, good oeptii and dealer in watcliee auu jewelry, Xo. 96 North Cherry street, near Cedar. Tbe followiuu laota we have ob tained in regard to tht nanug roDtwry. Mr. Cohen ha long been in the staiid referred to, and has ten quite succesnful. Home turtt weeks ago Mr. James Pattersoi., by making the ncce-sar- y investment became a full partner, and tbe business has since been that of Messrs. Cohen k Patterson. Patterson a married man and lives just back of tbe store, his residence frotitins on Cedar street, near Cherry. He had invested his all, the bar! earnings of three jears, in the new firm. On Thursday night last, at 10 o'clock, Mr. Patterson went to bi room and retired for Ihe night. He locked the store anil placed the store key In the side piket of his coat, and the safe key in his pantaloons pocket. In the Btore there were watches, jewelry, aud other valuables amounting to near nine thousand dollars, aud in the safe about one thousand dollars In money, prin- cipally greeubacks. On reaching his sleeping room Mr. Patterson placed his watch and chain on the bureau, locked hi door, and left tbe key iu the keyhole on the inside, leaving bis coat and pan- taloons on a chir near by. He retired, aud soon fell asleep. '1 be burglar aud thief who had evidently been w atching bi opportunity, some lime iu the night, it is supposed soon alter twelve o'clock, effected his entrauce into the slee iug room. He took the sale key and Btore key from Mr. Patterson's pockets, and stealthily proceeded lo the store, No. 9b' Cherry street. He or they for there must have been an accomplice un- locked tbe Btore door and entered. They then appropriated the entire lot of gold watches, jewelry, etc in the store, amounting iu value to near $9000. They then went to the safe, which they unlocked, and abstracted from It atout JlfXM) iu money. With their valuables and money they made a hasty retreat, taking with them both keys, and leaving no trace whatever behind. Tbey succeeded in getting off with their booty without giv- ing a sign as to who they were or whither they went. On rising yesterday morn- ing, Mr. Patterson found his sleepiug room door, which be had carefully locked, wide open aud his keys missing, but strange to say bis watch and chain safe where be had left them the night before. He dressed and hastened to the store to find that all his worldly good were gone, and that he bJmself was suddenly left without a dollar. There was virtually nothing left but the empty safe and shelves of the store. No clue whatever ha vet been obtained lo the perpetrators of this daring robbery. The whole affair Is shrouded in mystery, though it is ap- parent that tbe deed must have been committed by some one well acquainted with the premises. Tba threat fthlp Rare The whole fleet of clipper ships en- - irared lu the irr?at race from China to Londou haviug arrived, it may be inter esting to learu the time taken by each of them in me contest: ."riei, ik oay; Taeping, 102; Fairy Cross, 110; Flying Spur, llo; .Mainario, no; lausiog, no; Klack Prince. 118; Heriea. 119: 120; Yang tat; Chinaman, 123. Tbe Ariel, it should be mentioned, met with three days' detention at the chop of the channel, aud some of the others met with very tempestuous weather, losing spars, sails, and sustaining other damage bv BUipping neavy seas, cue oi lurui remirt seeing a vessel go down with all bands. The cargoes of teas they brought over were as follows The Ariel, 1,268,- - OriO nf.unds Taurine, 1,136,(161 pound; Fairy Cross, 940,510 pounds; Flying Hpur, 949,716 pounds; , 1,19b, 70S pounds; laiutinif, 1,09,0111 awasswaw. Black Prince, 1,163,114 pound Berica, 020,521 pound Ziba, 742,207 pounds Yane Tsxe, 875,972 pounds; Chinaman, (6,576 pounds. lAmdon Telegraph. Patronise Ad,cr llsltsg Houses One who know what, ha to talking atx ut, discourses iu tht wise When we ee a business firm giving publicity to their particular branch of trade, we argue at once that such a bouse is alive to tbe requirement 01 tne time. It implies not only keen sagacity, but likewise that sort of liberal attention of tbe trade. Many establishments forego tbe benefits of advertising from a spirit of mere Danuriausna-- s They reason in this way Should wa Incur an outlay of $50 or $100, or $500, possibly we may never get it back then it would be so much thrown away." These are timid men always, and properly belong to a Bwat feneration. Tbe true man of busi- - ne, appreciating the fair advantages of being represented In newspaper columns, look upon advertising a bread cat upon the waters and should he find no Immediate frultt of hi expenditures, be rests at ease, being fully satisfied that it will return after many days." TllKKE papers In bit Id one of the comic which Ben. Butler repre sented a manager before the footlights, apologizing to tbe public and saying that owing to the break In tbe machinery, and say, Blessed ar da dead dat die In tbe faroe of impeachment Is unavoid- - .i- - i ably postponed. ' V, - I ' : ; ; " : i " " n 4 I 4 i a , , n w a a n a a I a a i n a iii I , 1 . : : 1 ; ; : : " " " a a ' ' '' II V ; i I LATEST BY TELEGRAPH oou Dispatches. W EST BBS ASWOCI Aril. PUBS BEPOBTB.I Louisville, November 4 Report from above indicate a continued rise in the river and large boat are preparing for a prosperous season. N'bw York, November 4 There were K7 deaths here during th week ending November 2, which lathe lowest weekly record for the past ten yeais. Nearly 30U0 emigrant arrived Saturday. The Tribune aays the returns of the election in Georgia were made up by rebel and unreliable men. It aays every county iu tbe State, wherein the white vote preponderates, gives large majorities for convention. Tbe Republi- cans carried the Mate. Atlanta gives tdTORadi al mJority. Richmond, November 4. The com- plexion of the Convention is a follows: Conservatives, 25 ; Radical, 78. Of the latter, 25 are negroes. Locisville, November 4 The Com- mittee on Elections will probable report In favor of Sam. McKee, Radical, who was badly defeated iu the Eighth Con- gressional Diatrict. . Washington. November 4. The pub- lic debt statement for October shows little or no reduction in the debt. In reply to the citirens of Richmond, touching the legality of the late election, because in two wards the time was ex- tended, Gen. Schofleld shows such pro- ceeding to be sanctioned by tbe State laws of Virginia, which provides in like manner for like emergencies. It is understood that the Supreme Court will to day decide In favor of sus- taining Judge Fisher' dismissal of Brad- ley from tbe bar. Gen. Hancock will probably assume eoramand of the Fifth Military District this week. TBE 5ATIOS1L BAMls. Abstract or the tjnarterly Reports ef the Banks of New York City. VVASHlHOTOri, Octotwr 28. The fol- lowing statement is based on the abstract of Quarterly Boort of the National Banks of -- w York city, by which it appears that the bank not only had tbe ,.f rmt, ' li rati hv IaW. hilt B the lucky . For the more $13,0U0,t), or surplus Unwf Bawesu per : turn of the amount of circulation and deposits : National and Htota .t3.,Lii Individual, ....JWu J73.S7 cess excnaunas for i Inar- - ing Hon-- , October T 4(oVi70,!S Met amount of individual depi-a- t, 107U',m4 United Bias nepoalis and deposits of dlsbarslngof- - floors.. - - -- e7,4l" Due national, and other bank and hankers ta,&t,l 2 Leu- - hslani-- due from na tional and other tanks an t leakers ... Total amount ot cireuta-Ho- n and deposits tor which a reserve Is und- -r c. Ion 31 aud 32 of the act 3 Specie on hand fr'ractlodml currency A... Leekl tender notes. A Com pound Interest nolas, which are a legal reserve i2.ta,s.'r-i.i)70- jM a .21 Si 335,i 97I.TT0 111,19.509 S MiHM 114 Twerty-flv- e per cent of th total amauut of circulation and deposits t, mi.vri.377 " Sarpius - - tEjafJJsjsl or seven per cent, of circulation and deposits In ex,-e- s of the retirements of the law. The abstract of the quarterly report of the National Bankiug Association to the first Monday in Ostober, show the resources to be $l,496,0o0,000, including over $10 000,000 of specie, o! nearly f57 000,000 of compound interest notes. Tba capital stock is $419,500,000 surplus fond, $66,(566,000, and undivided profits, $33,500,000. t p ReatanranlB. The New York Evening Fott, In com-meuti- on tbe extravagant price and tbe wretched food of the New Y'ork restaurauh", contrast with these house Mr. Corbet' experiment in Glasgow. This gentleman has been at work for half a dozeu or more years solving the question whether plain, nutritious food cau be furnished, well cooked and in neat- ness, for a muotj more moderate rate than is commonly charged by keepers of pub lie restaurauta. He has now twenty-si- cooking depot in Glasgow, with each of which i connected a spacious dining hall, capable af accommodating aeveral hundred person, all neatly kept, well furnished aud ventilated, and attended by tidv waiters. At these establishments breakfast is served from 8 to lot o'clock, at which a bowl of porridge, a bowl of milk, a cup of coffee and a roll and but- ter eau be bad for about tit cent ; or auy of the following article for one penny two cents) each : a bowl of broth, of soup, or of porridge ; a plate of potatoes, a cup of coffee or tea. bread and butter, or bread and cheese, a boiled egg, a glass at soda water, lemonade or ginger beer. Dinner is served from 1 to 4 o'clock, at which a bowl of broth or soup, a plate of and neneral : hn'f Tt.e.e yv,., ,.,.v touau reuiu- - the expeuses about 118,400 aod the receipt $24,500. Desperate Bearealr, - Ten Freed airn The Louisiana Bnptitt, published at Mount Lebanon, has the following in its issue of the 17th ulL : A izentleman just from Texas, we un derstand, relate the following shocking circumstance as having ocourred on Black Bavou, near Jefferson. Vve learn that he was near the farm where the fact took place a few day after the occur- rence. A farmer had a number of hands employed, under written oontract, for one-thir- d of the crop. He was from home when they eommenoed (tatlierine, and on returning fwuud that they were taking half instead of a tnird of the crop, lie remonstrated and told tbem of tbe contract, but they became enraged, and finally made an attack upon mm, ami he, in defending, shot down four of them with a revolver. Goiug to town he re- ported tbe facts to a Federal officer, who sent an armed force to investigate and set things right. The negroe defied and finally attacked this force, when six more of the crowd were shot down. Tbe S7i-- Yerk aenneor Arreated and Held lor uriaery. Walcott J. Humphrey, Senator from the Sixtieth District, was arrested at YYarsaw.tvVyoming county, N. Y., and brought before Justice Cole, on the 2tJth ult., upon a warrant charging him with bribery and corruption In office. The warrant charges that Humphrey did accept $50U lo influence bis action on a bill pendiog before the Railroad Com- mittee of the Senate. The accused gave bail in two securities of $1000 each to await the action of the Grand Jury in Xo vem ber next. Social F.atrnwanee-Thealln- ie Circle. The Journal of Commerce is reading a lecture to a good many people who, it is certain, are living beyond tbeir means, and thereby preparing the way to bank- ruptcy and ruin. Tbe Editor call on all such to moderate, and tbiuks, wives and daughter could, if they only would, make a good beginning. It say : It rests with the wives and children, oftentimes, we are told, " to initiate such a reform aa 1 needed. Tbe bead of the 'amily cannot find it in his heart to deny those around bim that which thinks essential to tbeir comfort, he will not ask tbem to save bim. They must In the matter How many of our readers, whose eye would glisten with tears at tbe care tbought of any trounie to one so aiiia to mem, nave ever asked themselves iu thev accompanied It is a ..! time to ask that questioii new. Business profits are not large ; are unsettled : the future is not altogether radiant promise; tbe deepest purse has a little drained, aud some of tbe shallower ones are ru l- ining low. If exhausted there may come Mimetbing than inselvency or honest beggary. Tbe tempation to fraud and defalcation Is very great in these times, and the spendthrift stands In tbe thickest of tbe assault. There is a voice mightier than ours calling to all in the home circle for their aid in emer- gency, and we trust many will listen to their profit." la the roc at Alaska. Information ba been received at Washington from tbe steamer Lincoln, ent from San Francisco to take a peep into our newly acquired Arctic pos sessions of Walrussia, or Alaska, as that vast nu region nas omciauy christened. It appears that on the 12tb of August, after having vainly labored for six days in a fog to locate tbe bound- ary between British America and Alaska, the expedition reached Sitka, the chief seaport of Alaska, and were still in a fog which completely hid the town from view. We have no further report of discoveries made, except that tbe expedi- tion were satisfied that, so far aa relates to the nroducts of timber and flsh. Inclu ding the walrus, the wealth of thla new territory had not been exaggerated. But if the for days together Id August in those Arctic seas, is enveloped in heavy fog, what can be do when the nights up that way get to be three or four long? In fact, we suspect that the month of July is the business season for Alaska, and that for al" he of tbe year that lovely country is in the fog or (saving the northern light) in the dark. r otict. term of th County Court for Letters of Administration oa the estate of Alfred Scott, deceased, ocl iawlw- - W. E. aULLR. Tf"T n'rTlfi IMSUHAMKiZ.. aav v waa vaavo- - . NO GIFT ENTERPRISE Or any other few indie ! xissorai ass ikFvgkt stati ajd H4VAJA LOT (IBIS'S. ONLY LEGAL LOIT EBIK8 IN U. S. are drasm under mate Charter ; Uat THEY for ovarKOKTY YKARH. HoDd in tit ba aod aa dpoa.UKl with 17. ft. CoUJCUT AM HajeCUrUj. Tne pr.aMM ait; drawn Id pablle by two sworn Comoillonen AppointM by the Htate. Moat be drawn If Uketa are Bold or not. PRIZES ALL. CASH. There are two Htate bra w intra each dajr. and lwo UavanaDrawlftaaettCh month. irrawintfa, c tn na soeii two noon artar par- ch see of ticket. One-hai- f the Tickets ara Prise. Prlcea paid on day of parehaae. TlckaU f 1 to rJtf. act- rdioa to Hchama. Pntee I to 11 A' . vt ordlna Vo nebrjms. Principal Asian., tifcO. W. VAN v o KaT, No. liiielTeraoa street. SECOND DRAWING or tux-South- ern Asylum LAND COMPANY, TO TAKE FLACK AT HERNANDO. MISS., AUGUST, 1867. THE First Drawing, which took plaea at Miss on the lath Inst.. was atin Jetl that but a few weeks elapsed frum th Incep- -' tioo oi the enterprise to ttiat event- - 17.ouD t worth of tickets hBviiix tau nild. a Ilka i amoun! of preperty was drawn for. niidnr th. . supervision ol genuemen ny the.lleket I Oftter Of and Front t... rioiaers preseAL. ihe utinuat harmnny and xooa reeling pervsoeii moss preaent, and, aa i ami if will be seen from the subjoined certificate ol tne Managers, the affair wa conducted to a f close In a moat gratifying and smiafaf luamici . Hbbwawdo. Mrs., June 15, 1867. We hereby certify that the above report of the Klrsl Lrawing of tbe Noutbern Asylnm Is correct, and that the proceedings wer charac-tenxe- by asplnt uf isirsta. and Juatneos un mrpuased by any Drawing of wali-- we have any kuowledaw. The Managers of the Com-pan- y placed tne Mafcat and wheels under our sole u.auagemenl and control Hlgned: J. B. :!:; v ROBEHT TEMPLE, V. A. MKKRIWETHEB, W. W. CAM (TON. M. M AUEVEXY", JOHJl Committee. J. M. HALL, Clerk. Tbe Prises drawn on this ooeaslon numbered Eorly-SirYe- and eonipr.sed tbe vlclntly c.f Sinuinliii. Tenn.. cor: tn. Miss., and Her nando, Misa, deeds lo tsve been made M..ttri to tlita. Ha- -. than of ond nowever, we to up be patrons sttU mors attractive Inducement to interest tawaaasfvas in oar scheme, rrom a lengthy liej, of property, much of which has already be. n advertised to the public, we select theloUowmg: OIK LI8T OF PRIZES. The First and Capital Prize. Col. M. C. Ualiowav'a valuable redene, comer of t'oart nd TrtlM treel. Meraofcln. moothly J,YONS blrtt'k rrom the of avnti aa4 16 Madutoa attraf-i- . Me tbaTirinHy Federal, Htata vnd S NCE. Second Prize. Firo and Marine Insaranre. A cottsge residence of rooms, with lot the alt, of 111 , nly three- - Home quar era of a mile from the heart of city, j wttmn one D ock or th street rauroail in- tersecting every part of the city. Valued at Third Prize. One residence lot adjoining abov property. feet; very available for realdenoe desirably located. ue at Id . Fourth Prize. Oae residence lot adjoining abov property, 35x100 feeu Valued at XtUO. Fifth Prize. One residence lot adjoining abov, also 25x100 feet. Valued at Itsju. Sixth Prize. A most valuable mannfaetnrlng with a peroetuai tail 4 feet water, sltaatad in win-- . mi county. Alabama, with lu acre af land. Valued aiflil.uuD. Seventh Prize. The Franklin Female Institute, at Holly SprnEB, Mies.; a handsome and we school building, most eligibly located. This 1 vary desirable property- valuedai osouo. Eighth Prize: Lot No. 5, In Hays' san d. vision, Memphis. Else lii2xlK feet. A beaaurul building Valued at tasJO. Ninth Prize: 7h4 acres of woodland near Ra'elgh, Shelby county, Tennessee, distant rrom Memphis nine miiao. Is very deatrab e, and an excellent prise. Valued at 5JJ- - Tenth Cottage Residence, rooms on rtoriana avenue, near Charleston railroad, near Valued alWOU. TlcketoafsSemch. Maybe througb, any of tbe Co'upap Cnlral Agency, Meuipltia, jamaasiraiu, tiernan potatoes' plumb property (irlces ti.a tiusinese eveu uerative, being earnest whether oeerj months lm, U J. I. 2 Irize : 5 h ) so, V RTORICS. I 130x170 feet and corporation liue. 1 of, ordered - '. enu., Col. and Officers the from purcha.lngor ' he drawltiKS. The a media for the beef and pudding, fori and ssleot real estate between nohl-c,-.- - .,, . r, .i, ami at I pub!'- - 1eJ5 lm i and move themselves. with been worse this that any which aSxlOQ FIES CO., Wholesale and Retail DEALERS Memphia purchase DRY GOODS. BOOTS AMD SHOES, HATS, ETC, 340 Street, MEMPHIS, TEW. H. Fl ISA roNB, & IN lot of of Main PLANTATION StPPUED TO PROFERTI HOLDERS. LL Owners of City Real Estate. and all Agents ol Owners, are respectfully requee- - teu leave with the uudersignej, the Memphis, ir.nca of any Hales, Leases, Subdivisions, etc., made by them sine the la--t assesnienl. JOHN PARK, i. iil'PBi:. JOHN T. TREZEV.VNT. IF YOU WANT A Superior Wagon, TO THE GREAT SOUTHERN WAGON FACTORY 'pHE Largest Stoc In city lower than X lodunatl prices, and the make and material at or ;v. at or ne lo a. J. oc Ai james aooaa. I i W.Iefferson street . Memphis. NEW GOODS! All the Novelties of the Season ! Every ArtiOie Sold by a First Class DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT TO BE HAD AT THOMAS & ARNOLD'S 203 Sfatn SireeC, (Between Overton and Woreham Hotel!, For Cash, at Prices to Defy Competition! connected with our house a Wco!, onto, and wl I pay .psciai atten- - Hon to tne sale of Cotton Will flit orders tor Bagging and rtope, and sJl kinda of supplies, at I tie Ca. Prices. All orders must be were not personally responsible for by;ton,orsome asieahie . . - s a..;. : i . - e out navigator, rest site Cviilleu'si Steel Brnah Cotton Ulna Price Is per taw. Invariably cash. ORGII.L BROS, CO., Sole Agent in Memphis Arrow Cotton Ties 0RGILL BKO. CO., Sole Agents in Mem phi. Fire and Burglar Proof Safest Marvin A Co.'. greatly celebrated Fire and Burglar Proor Safes for busmew hotusss and bankers : alo. PI.ATK SAFES lor parlors, at manufacturers' prlcea. uRc.ILL BROS. A CO . Sole Agent In Memphia ISOO bx. Frenc h Wtudow OI Imported direct, and forstleby ,aS gin i.) KOI LI. BUOe. A CO GRAND OPENING-BILLIAR- DS The Denegana Billiard Hall, Corner Seeond and Madison Sts., (Late cllllnian HaiL) undersigned bogs to Inform his friend ItHK public generally, that be nas sold bis leasehold Interest In Uu late KlUorado Bil- liard Hall. He has reflttc t and almost newly reiuruiidied above ealaobabmeut as a First class billiard Hall, ana Is now prepared to his patron, in a style second to uo establishment In ih" Houthwe-t- . oeM lm M. M. MOKnOWH. Proprietor. WHITEMAN BROS., Manufacturers of and Dealers PRINTING S o.5 Wortlieiaet er- - j He. S7 Sonth Ceart Pablle Sensre, Nawawettlw. I Iweta, aftsawpfcta. Jfasfee. sell lower Plantation In Tunic XWILL or exchange It lor other gooa prop-art- y , or lease It lor the next year or for a aerie of years. It is one of tue highest and boat la Bottom, about 40 mile below Memphis. Jvltf A WBIUUT. PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF Tt:.MM.I.. Capital. : : $200,000. Sou tb west Carrier Mala aad 1 Ip Stain, VEMPUIH. TENSKrttKK. N. B. rOBBsWT r.p. DocuRiutrY.. W. H. OBDBICK... . T.F. KJttiYON mat Mar. THE FRANKLIN HAVB management resumed boatnesa under the IIKLCTOK8 K. T. KXKL, WM. N. BBOW.V, V. I. WII.KI'30N, JAi JBALATKHTA. M. L. M EACH A M M. I) u. DTK W AItT, L B. MERCER. M.S. L8TESABT, CTlUg J0H.1S0X, S4A. Pretldeit. Will receive Discount Notes and Bills, anil transact bumeai aalh irl- -l by the charter. selected JeutrSOD CHI TED STATU Fire and Marine Insurance BALTIMORE. Angnat 1st. I07. Cash Capital Paid In, 3250 000 Surplus 8105,302 53 Board ot Directors, Elected July, lmrj R. K Hawiey. CnarleaT Morris, John W. Randolph, Wm U. Caiheart, A- - Co lam an. Tnos Boos, Jas. T. Randolph, John 8. UUmsa, Philip Sherwood, A. ii benalx. ocl3 tf .Main & A LI tatnad an tb A Ail it potleief are noo-- l 'o on raaiviao. P H. J(1H: cily. Its), the and Val lot. Tills GO best my Asset I . .Assistant Hir : : Dep-ialt- MK.vpffm. OF - - Assets, - - - i - William Dean, John J AorahRms, FranElin Richard FondeB) iv T. Mo Jas. li. Itooer Aoftera L Joe ii Turn boi i, Jr Caleb II. Hyue-- . Alfred Kay. K0. W. L. iKi'Ok, 'JTsV, street. Hortu Aiencan Life Asuleiit lis, Ctr, PHIbADeLPfilA. PA. pnlicla realxlction KtiDtocky one only ceotar tba ton ana the the the the the the plan. Atnt mm. in of alt tb 1 ' '"ll N BA Ox In Chicago, of of 1 Latest a In : : ail Insnrance Company tf SlW f'RK. j Insuraiice or 'Ew YCsIC. PraaVlant. Traaanr. lankier. Co. Ramsay, Agent, Tennaa. Hopalos, odowroent!y, apota Vviv3 Company i;tL,,'i ew Enterprise Insurance Company OF CISCINNATL Asset 31 .000,000 Putnam 1 nan ranee Coin puny Or BARTFOaUt, CONN. Caah Capitol K00,08 well osiahHahait repotatlon of these THE for aud honorable deal- - Ina. and their large Cass Asset., commend thorn to the favor of Business Men and Prop-- I erty Holders who desire reliable Insurance, for ither t ire or Marine, we tspraut mi c)ia-pont- but those duly authorised by State and local laws. All losses adjusted aud paid at this agency. Lindsey fc Vrede Oenerot Insnrance Agents. No. 11 Ma twin street ;up stairs). Memphis. Tenn. :. MILLS. LUMBER, ETC. GAYOSO PLANING MILL LUMBER YARD, a WSesSWJ a SB Ho. 312 Adams Street, East of Bayou Qayoao, Mem ph' Tena BnHl, erove Co , Proprietors, H AVE always on hand and f ir sale, at the Lowest Market Price, lor cash, every Variety or Btiilttfra" Material, consisting In Flooring. Ceiling and Weatber- - board l n e. uressea ana nureseeo, a.n insim. Blinds. MiHioiiuE. Lattice and Stair Material r.nd r ran Jyll ion. ng Lumber of ail kinds, Bhingies, Orders solicited and to. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Flo.. Cheaper than Ever. Or- der from the Country promptly and faithrally aiiendeai to. W. T.SWANW1CK&C0., fo,t Admits Street, ol3 lm OitpH--i e Bradley Block. ELLIOTT & CO., Receiving. Forwarding UU IVaMISSIO M KKi HANTS, No. 2 Promenade Street, Fi ot of Opp. Steamboat Landing. Office r. MEMPHIS, i r.N N. 1) 'tiers in Hay. Oats, Corn, AND PRODUCE, So. Si Bra! Stre.t, near Bajoa Brldne. eeptember. 1ST. eaC SOUTHERN HOTEL FOR Li'RASE AND PTJKNITUBB FOR SALE. rpHTS new and eTpIenflltl Holt1!, containing Mvc-ut- rooms, besid-- a oiTWjea, barber ahop. etc., baa bii placed iu uor haod-- t for Vjtmjar for a term of years, writ immediau-DOaeaalun- . The commandlntj location at the corner of Main and Beal atreeta.and tbe con venient of the boane, itltb tta ample accom rjKdAUoiia, offer gri Indufeiueuu U an an-le- rj rtatn aud experienced landlord, an'l to ueo a u rwy paih tirdae-m-- will be given m tbe price and terms of reot. A treat bargain will ba given in tne aale of tbe Furniture, for wmcb real estate In tLe city will be ULkeD in paj meuu TtRMU: "W per manth. without the Bar and Inning Room on first floor: per rnntb with tbe Bar and inuitig Komi. r utniture,, wi b old forfMOi elT U)tTr.R.TKKaEVAT A CO. Dissolution of Copnrtnersh ip MXBFHI. Tens October It, ItsST. beretof. r. existing under THEcopaxtnerahio CtTKKY A UO, Is this dav dissolved by tne withdrawal rf Cieo-- Plummer and A. P. Cnr-- y from ssld firm. R. r rallerwMi has porcb.seJ tbe entire Inter- est of Fluromer Cur y in ail 01 the Including nmeaand acoaa t.. and asntueHiill of the HabilMle. ol a d Inn Me Is .uihr nsed to use ibe name o tb let-- firm ihe ci' as meutofthe Hummer A Cu ry may be f und at the uld s d lor lh- - rrr-- OICO D. PL. MMER, A. f. Ui RKY. K. F. PtTlEKH )N. I shall cmtlnne th Piodue andl ouiuiivnon businsss t tbe old .land of Piummi las a Mslu stiee .and ailtcii a ce oMh. favor., , i Trustee's Stte V virtue of a ceed i t'S Kaunie T Hui - , i . ry A rtnee f trust made to me by d John A. Hunt i n tbe 1st day of Augu---t, la ,, and . recorded In tne Boadsler's offli-- e of fbei' y m untj , m b'iir No. M, pages ai and lii, to sc-ur- certain lnuebted- nes. iherein named, t On Saturday, November 23, 1867, Between the bouts of M and o'clock am.. In fionl of the Law Coart rooma in the city oi M.mpiils, sell to iiiu iuguesl Ucler for cash the la.d lying la nbelby coauty, Tennessee I r egluoi ng at a siake In the nurtb Hit corner of isr. w - A. hooih's 1A& acre tract with elm. mapie and r. d oak pointers tb.nce soottl with Dr. Buoth a ,11m 11 cha. us lia-10- 0 of .chain loastaae; inencet-as- t la T5- chains to a Make In tbe aaat line oi said White's said tract; th.nce uor h in ii iuechsln with tne ita.lgh mad to a EtaU. Ai link, swat of a black guwi ; i hence wet " TS lop riairrs to the t -- giuniug cei.ia,niDg :xacreasi-luuo- i an acre. rSqulty ot ledeniption waived. Title aw lieved to be good, bnt cor eya- ce only as trus- tee, w. W. VANC E, Trustee. ae KM THS PULMolvI' BALaHAM OF WILD 1 Crir RKY AND WOOD .PTH Is a eare-- fully cmpounde4 medicine aeiected whli tbe ureatetti care, ana m inuraciaren eiciuiveiy oy the dtseoTerer. Dr. William. ! bis Labraroiy tn person se that ever)' eompoaeat particle of tbW medicine s carefully aaalyz-- d and tte.i before It Is offered for sale. Thla great medi-- e. althotieb a beautiful transparent wine color, ana so piawaoi iu iMiuie i:iit. B .wt infant will love it. yet in -s ffecta It is in- - " BBtantAnaarrrta &ftar each disM. rlMrlt indLsatlnir uiai a most pvweriui xgzib its enasaing a great cure, by allaying on tne irnp iros rlilch tin IB variably aocompauy the train t lor which this m signed I lelne f dis is specially . Ire for Ur Williams' Pulmonic Balaam of Wild Cherry an WoodNaptha. awM by ol liruaalsts throughout the i'oath. Psalsis can be BBpBtiod at J. B. w AMBON a CO is, Who.e sale nuiBBlali and sal awaat aor this modi cine, to whom ail omen must be artdriejaa. oeMtf VOLUME XVIIL-NUMB- ER 80 mmmmmmmmmammmgljmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam HINSON, MEMPHIS, NOVEMBER CLOTHING, IXStBi;EADBASkiliWllPA.l KAYANAVH 4 DECKEB's BILLIARD TABLES rnoai reliable Cuabloa aaM oa BU!lard 1'HR llaa CAT-GU- T CTNni0!f, Maoaftvetiirad by KWANAUH A DBCKRR. aod Fataotrd lae. 1H. IDOK (iVa aVcianUlIc . Vol. iH. No 11. ItMibaoalji Mbioo mat ajaat-aw-a all tba iualitiw raw uiiA. l,, a. l'arUjt Luali.u. U k ' tie elastic aad moat dorable aahiao ever oT red ta tba billiard-playlDfc- f paolle, aa la uaaa-iaDt- l provea 0 tbe treat ileiUriad tor It Mnce lu on- Ibe pecu.iarii" wblcb dtt!Dtcalabea Tbe Civ Ion aod renders :taupB-no-r W all otoafa, La tbe tlKbteaatf cord of amV-n- wbicH a tbe ju-- e avivi adae ot tbe aiiu ruauiiiK Uie fall Wu.ui of tba CtubiOB, which prevf-n- tba bail from beddiitg uu tne rubtM-- r aud juinpint, rrom tb labia Tbe addlt uo of tbe t rord aleo adtla mucn to tbe elutUcity ot' tb LTUblon. Tbe tat-O- 'a. h ton hu already been ap- plied to r.Tr H t tti lew, whleh x in coctani uw. It can be ap, net. to tablea oS any mavke for f75 par aet. KaT.uaicIi A Diwrkfr'w Partfry, at tha come' of lentra anu (anai treeU, N. T.. la the moat rompletaor tha klud in lue The ma- chinery la of the moat lmprnred character, the jnintieT'lrying room the largest In the Untied Htatai. tbe material oael the bem that can ba purchased, and the vorkoaen taurtjujeniy kkl'ttxi. B1 1 lard Cloth. lUl'.a, "aea and Trim m in- - W of tbe tet make, const. in fly on baud. KAvanaxb A IXfrker ae tba only aajanfa In this country for Kay's Cue Cement, adjudged by competent antborliiea to be the evcr used. Full .. Ta Be J J tbr IL it down for M Price I .lata. ANAiiH A DEf'KRB. Corner of Centre and ' 'anal reeta, aao tm New York City. THE BO&RDM&N', GRAY A CQ. PIANO-FORTE- S. WHOLESALE AGENCY. THE t'BHCRIR7.R, late a member of tble kuown arm. na eatabisbed a Whola-al- e Agency, 783 Broftdvij, few Tork (It J, Oppoelta A. T. Stewart ' Dry Gooda Palace, cor- ner Tenth atreet. Where be art!! ba pleaad to reealre tha order o bu frlenda and uablic, and eHpaciaUy bear from those who bare ao line ally their patronage oa tne firm heretofore. He will .apply thee tupenor laetruiueata to the trade. V. holeaala ar i lital!. a tbe eery Lowest Prices,, made w th tha lolaaed Iron Rim and Krame fcaat In one aolia p!ae. ) They excel al olberet la darabilliy, aaperiorlty oi tofte, and e!tT of ex eraai appearance ance and easily and salely handled. mm- - Warranted ui prove aatiausctory, or to. money returned. Addre-- all orders to fc iberia Ott. s:-- daw lorn 7H3 Broadway, New York TERWILLIGEK & CO., Manufacturers of the Improved Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES, With Combination and Powder-Proo- f Loefca. Warranted free torn Dawpndem. Mannfactory l0tn i2 Went Hoaton St, liepot. Xaiisen Lane, near Pe-- i -- t.. aao tiawlo a NEW YORK. MERRIMmN. BYRO & CO., SEALKBa IB WATCHES, DIAMONDS, T o w olry, Silver and Plated-War- e ; Watchma- kers and Maa-a- f tctunng Jewelers, 275 MAIM STREET, Opp. South Omrt t. MEMPHIS. TENN. JSJ. TP. T A. "V X S, PRACTICAL. HOUSE and SIGN PAINTER, Gilding, Graining. Glazing, Paper flan Kins:. Kilsomlnlci;. Etc. Miop... !s ii ion Street. OR. C. WILLIAMS' mT BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY WOOD NAPTHA. Thousand have been avr-- annnaMy from an untiauejy grave by tiMiAa tbia Unrivalled Pi-- para t ion. FT enrea erTr'cto tJlv :i t ie , of t h T!iroavt M. and Lumr. CON9UMP7J N in tt h .ucipi- - , enr stages. AKTH m H'lH!TAf, fOt.W t tH OHr-- , U iTARKHrt, fRuLY, VhKrIMO tbe Reapirstory UrgajtH, itre immediately re- - llwwd by lla use. so d by alt Extract from letter irom Pr. ft. B. Robinao-- . long a practicing lliya.f:an In Murirtwboro, Tenn.. under date of feeptemier It, lntiT, from i brlnlrtna, Tenn. : I shsvll always take great pleanre In recoin- - mendlngyour becan-- i feel il good effect in mr systeni every dav, and am quite hurt it baa externaed my lite. Honirg ya may ueeeed tn doing good to tbe humax. racv and ecompeua yarsei( tbereby, I am rtpec:;uiiy your friend. ft. B ROBUNftOJf, M. D. From Dr. J. W. Nelson, nader date: M f;:ixxB ri.i.aep.. 5, ls7. Dr. Charles Williams, Memphis: I have ha area' raanv r:is for your Wild Cbetry and Wood n: of course could not rnrnt.n n : ana my oujeci in wnuri: .o yo Is to request that y u snd me a few urn as toon as conTenient ana iorwa:ti yoor .u; aau I will tend you a eneek for the amount. iieapecb.ui,y ours, JOSEPH W. B ELSON. All orders mas- - be add rested tn J. B W.sV RON A Out, So. MS Main street. whoieie deal ers In Drriifs, Meli."ne, etc . and aoie aaenu :o( this XfiicLne, at;d wbo will supply .urng-gis- ts generally und other dealers in propn larj rneu iii ties txirougn- n tue wui Ksalssa, t m V t f i L.I.IA - .aaw. - Manufacturer Dr iu i 1 ic riaiaqm oi sun iikuj m , apt ha. am- - Address all orders to J. B. WASSOS A CO., No, HI Mala t. Memphia, Tenn. Hn'.d DV al. lrugKlst cverrwbere. acta tor Sale. of the most desirable riantatioas on ONK Ark ansa, river Is offered for sals at a tircai Bargain. Ii coutains about ioUU acres bw-- t nnall'v cotrou !ann, lwacieacieareu anu under cuiivatlon: dwelUss nouses, aogro t0.rtrs.g'U liousawi-- 'our gin. run 10 good a, 11 ir ist January, r K iYSJ 1., i h Cr ce lm males, Purchaser isseaslo apply street, KIRK, .tefreratn MerapDis. $900 HE WARD! OrnccMxjirTHa BnAxur utR.ii' rs, wxxfHis. iK!f., Junes, iectuaiiy supprwvw within Meupliia, ward or TwoThousand I)olJarf paid Mem Board Under-write- policeman oiber shall procure arreet conviction person persons guilty firing premisses insured Insurance Compan:aa oompriaina Board. Jfwftf BPKRcr wahu, Xotice to City Voters. yob's Office; City Hall liursis, Tins., October 3ih, registering voters OFFIC Ejection opened o'clock tulrty days, ioUowing places: Baugn. J street. sd to a with Ing tiom iuto l IKr it-- 4. 1 A O to ' Age n is, Sec ,nd K. U s ri, i urn. j on!r-- r to mrf rum the city o a re will be by the pit s of to any or per- - n wbo the and lkal of any or of any by any oi the this Hi ( rHa Ma 187. ES lor the next will be this dsy at ID a m . and lor the next at t,he First Ward R. L Keg ater, 4 cluon Second Warl-w- m. c base, Register, o. 42 Poplar street. ihird arvl- -F. J. A: well. Register, No. Second street. Fourth Ward J. d. Woodward. Register. No. xto second street. 27H for im FTfth ward w. c warso, Register , i Beule street given Hixti, ward lames Banks. Register, w aldran Block, Main sir!. seventh Ward I D. Wlmbexly. Register. Feignaon Hulidleg, Baal, street. aiguvu m SB. . . . Attest ion Is called to the folio. Ing extract from toe City Charter, io relation to th. above : The Register "shall open boiks fur the regis- tration of sell persons .Unwed by existing law. 1 vote lu any municipal election, and who re- side in sold ward ano every voter in each ward sba.l, belore orfeitng to Tote, cause him- self to bs registered tn said books, and snail re ceive .rom ti.e Register a oertlncate of regis tration, which snail oerjumereu rocoriespuna with the name and nnniberon tbe books of ibe Register; and no parson snail be suffered ta vote at any municipal election who shall not nave and produce to the Judges of election his certificate as aioresFld: and no voter shall be ail wed to vole In any ctaer ward than .he on him ha taaidas aad la rnsrlssnmrl " ocJO :ot w. O. LOFLAJfD, Mayor. Notice. T tbe November Term of tbe County Court A or sue. by county Tenn., 1 Lettera of Admt ilslration on He in- - Bower, deceased. I applr for th estate of J. . MABKs. Halinm a Washington, Attorney a aeeiawtw LAW SCHOOL, MEMPHIS COLLEGE. riiHX Law Department of the M.mph:. i 1 law wUI oren on th. FIIU-- T ii OCTOBER. Tne following, aaainai com. patai r. IwBsBwa Constitutional Law Real Property A f'ledlu. Personal Prooert, a Plead Oen. Ai.Br.BT Pikb Kinlty a t.wnmerciai Law.Hoo. P. K e Crlaa. Law A Admira.iy oeu. J. K. CstAi-aXA- C01TH3a 07 STTJDT. FIRHT BEBlOlf. JUBJIOR CLAHW 5 montno. Walker's American Law. Knit's Comment rles, B.snop on Crltulnai Law carat er. His- tory of a Law Halt, Htepbeus' Pleadincs BECOWD SESBIOX OW JCSIOB CL -5 mou tha. Parsons on Contracts, Parsoas oa Not.s and Bills, lirawoJaof on FIRST HBaHIOy. KIX1I CLASH. Adam 's Eqalty Jansprt. lsnce. Adam ' Equity Pleadlrax. Bsrta.ld on Wills, Htiiiard on jaort-fage- s. Parsons oa Partnerships. SECOND rtEHHION, SESIOR CTWS, Wash born on Beat P oporry.Tsrior on L,ad lord and Tenant, a swell m Ames on fVirpora-tlon- a. Story's conflict or Laws. 1'arsoua on Man ume Law, ConB tin's C- a. Treailse. HecltaUona and axamlnat:ons ssu-- dav o'clock. Moot Court once -- ach ... . I Ap- - peliste once each month, preauied uy w rmiesaor. all tooetner. eiu-ieo- permitted uiemer any Claaabat no v. ploma flven except to those going through whole 3oorse. '"'" aP" salon, payable In advance. Jtniranee Fee, E3 per Hea n All Students or I aw can attend tree of SBBBwa the Lectures of the Oatieae, loclaoiDK Lecture, on Elueatlon and expuuiaiiou of 1 Tha Bowl French tochnlcaiiiles by ui president Arrange man Is will be made to ta an! and In daw Students at CS per month. AbbW alKica shoald be mad sarly. FMbioiiable Itentln Aeademy. f ADAMK LridS,of Haw Oriaana woaUd a.X moat reapctrn::y anoanc- - to iheettlxcna of Mempbla that aba will open hv etaaraaa for tba above graceful aectxipLahaaaat an THIRIi IcL-jDA- In .Septaaibw-- r u the Block. recond atreet. wh-r- e r t aata. by atti t iianiifw to tha aavanc ruotnt of ber pa pi a who may o usiruaieaj to ctr ctaasrae to merit a share of the public patni-:a.- . Vvi. L., baring taught In mnet o' tt.e ..J citlea of tha Hoath aad lineThaaii hiaai ta meet here with the aame unboaad-- ! nrrtian wblcb haa hithrto marzeu bercooiaeoi elaewh re. Uayn n1 nnnrnot tu.t oa for Children, Taadaya nd Haturdava, frotm half paat 3 o'eiock till dark ; for ldi- - 'rom IU turn. Wl 12; tor Gentlemen, front 8 n'i !6 p.m.. all tba aame day. Kefrancea n i ii itooahla, par which, and o hr paitit-aiara- , p aee aae , wblcb will be ai tba prln lpai book anal maase atorea. lermatmoo-- e ate Cad lathe niea and laa-ia- g tauht in pri-ra- ta famine and eroooa, if Ooiita gtaeai taylaa a aaaooth ao. MASONIC COLLEGE, I.acoa, 'aiette toanij. Tt nr., STTTATED thirty wifles frorr Mimttla, seven ot Lafayett. Lwpoi, M.A u Faculty : S. W. Johbwtob.a BUPreslucnt and Profess) r ol Ancient Languages Otway B. Torsa. A.B.. Profeww r cf Mathe- matics: Cola.t McKtSBEY, AM . Professnr o.' Men'.il and Moral Seiancs and Enftlsh L tcrature. This Institution was reopened Oetoasor. Baa, and has reached a state er peraaanem Next Annual seswon will be ope. 1 July u, lac.and wul consist of Two l.rms Jo weeks earb. CmASiiEs Eagllsb and Mathematics, fa 125 nd SJC par Term. Keen Language tb extra per ie.-i- contngent fee fz SOparTeEoi. Kxceltent board, inclndlrg room, fuel, wash-In- g and light, lis jer monca. All ii s i sssaiT apparatus will he supplied. o.nseyance from laifayeito station Ut M- ima WeslaswaajaoadHaaaruaya " xruatew", nave uelerin.reo to raE this a first Aeadsmlc Ins.itutlon. 1st. Tbe scholarship, experience and success of oar faculty. , 'Al. The elevated tone of onr community. Sd. The healthful local; y. removed irou, tha corrupting :o9 lenceeond vice. of cily We. ah. Favorable price will aa to arhieve this anaswaa, Board Vr O. T. HTTNT1 R, Secmazr JOo-- W. ALLXAMiLK. au't MEMPHIS OOwUiEQE" Former! j HU iAnrta.) Rev. S H. FORD, LL.D., President. J. DCPREE, Professor ol Languages. , Pro feasor Mathematics. JACKSON P. CRAWS, English Department, t-- ScsjIob Opens Moadar, September 2nd. TriTXC FEB SESSIOS or FIVE SOSTE- - : Senior tlasB, Including Latin, Greek and Msth-matl- es BIO oa Juilor.s.naliah Branchesatluand liraek Grammar , a rs Primary Department ) at ."'' i 1867 ABKAISSAS. 1867 Toited Sfn(e Mail Roate uud Little Bock and Hot Spring." Circot. TM ROUGH W l A V LIGHT. Littla Bock and Washington via Bockport and Arkadelphia. THBXJCliH I3f M HOC.ts. Little Bock and Camden via Tulip nd Princeton. THROUGH IX HOURS. Little Bock and Fort Smith." THROUGH Iff 40 HOURS. Bnaslac m Cmmmtmm with ib Iem-!.l- a Whit Biwer. mm Memw-pai- n mmd artttaaM River ;Paeketa, sad Memphis and Little Kcrk Baitrcnd, Iattla) Bock to Xonticello, via line Bluff. THROUGH IN 24 H' l R8. First ClSMS Fuur-Hor-a- - Post I on. U ieav Little Rock Dailj. and re(orniDg IetT Hot ftprisga Dally, SonUays excepted, rrj Ing C tilted sutea M .. lavaUda i.olng io the Hot spring, will .rind oa UU. line lh. best of Concord Coaches. Fine Hrrara and Careful and Sober Drivers, an J every effort will be made to furnish tha most speedy and comfortable traiulu Extra Coaches, u hen Required , trill be Famished on Ten Jfinufca' JfiMtawa office In Little Bock at the Anthony House. 3. J. CHIBISTEB, CoBtrarior. JOHN BARTHOLOMEW. Agent, ocll daw Lltt e ',c At. Dtieerer aad of W sm,' EAGLE COTTON GINS. OTRACBB' OR1ST MILLH, , Wheeler, Madden Ac lemson 's Circular Saws, Hall's Fire Proof HaBL For sal at Fasuory prl. es hy Arkansas Cotton PaMtoHoniMcCOMB & CO., SOLE AQEXTJ, Xoa. SSSi and S24 Main Street, aaa-ao- JO MEMPHIS. TE v N. THE DlSC0TI!Bijr THE ASM. v-- material which ha ewer been dterovered il ha effected greater benefits in ine boose-hol- d e. oaomy I han MoGlMSKV'8 MAGIC SOAP. It 1 a labor saving invention, as well aa an in- valuable ren-sd- y in Scurvy. Scald Head. Erup- tions of the klB and Plies Dan-- ruff is re- moved from the head, the Teeth whiten- d and clean d, Plate and Jewelry cleaned, stain .rfeciaaiiy rensoved from Carpele. Furniture, clothes. Paint, V.rnl-- h or Marble, w tn the greatest facility and without Injury to tbe ma- terial- It la a great saving of time and iao r in washing clothes It a the only known Soap which will wash Flannels with the ease ol cot- ton or linen without fulling or shrinking. Ail thews Important objects can be effected without injury to the akin or th. moat uelicate fabnea. It po deleterious qualities whatever. rne world a eaaitenged to produce a Hasp which poeoaaaaa ao many valuable proper lies and which a ao Innocuous and safe. It la a home Invention, and defies competition in any part of the world. It has become a r srsss u j in Memphis, and Its use a raploly spreading througbeut the south, and eventually will ex- tend ovar the Yankee state.. North ard Soutrx America. Karope, Asia, Africa and OesBBBBBB. Manufactured solely by f. r. MeOimaey. Mem-phi- ., Tenn.. aad Mild at th. following pieces :n tneidty at wholesale and retail : Page t o 'a I...'. T I ' lira, Store. Pore ,r . King's, corner of Third and Adams ; Oliver at , Madison street ; win soon be found at any reapeetaoie family gn eery or drug store. The proprietor lm determined that lis manufacture sneai aswp Boca with Liu, ,- Idly extending demand for lu use. aal KNABE PIANOS! KNABE PIANOS ! rpHKBS anrlvailed IwetrwaswaU are fniiy war. A ranted for seven yearn, and are for aale at HO. Vth MAXS (Jackson Eiock,) Memphis., mm ttf By IJtrtpoi.ri ikpwt Sheriff's Sale. and by virtu, of an attachment UNDER the Law Court of M.mphia, a wbawwta William A. Kobtnaon et alTar plian-Ufl- h, and C. Caeasaaeal a dswaadaol, aid br virtu, of section 3o06 of the Cad. of Tenn.wew. 1 wllL oa ' Ho.dy, tse 4th sty ef Nsvetsser, i ibfi, swawwwa swe uoars ai iv o ciook s.m and 4 -- .ln.V n en ... . n .1 u.l t . , 1. . . . . v ir " ."r OSS fir IBM tor easn, as us low ot CfByoeo frecf. of personal property, lo be esH as property, ua the hand, of an afraww ry virtu, of aald awoUon saa of ibe On . o Tenuiaan, vis: Too Stoamboai c h kr kpl hor boata. taefcle maA macainery. now lrJawawS lh. toot of taaroao areet. Mem ,7 , r. EVlKTrvR (iM&oheib, ST JAM B. SWAJI, a si. Tasii S

Transcript of THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. · 2017. 12. 16. · tb bale, and bold 11. Ott sT paint h v beat iualty...

Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. · 2017. 12. 16. · tb bale, and bold 11. Ott sT paint h v beat iualty of r Tb lit s ate metst that tiie M bkleaol any "in--, eiaireel;tio--i a rt ttjr

RY S. O. & CO.mmmmm mmmbbbbbsbiwmammmm ebbbbbbbbs. am T,nTTr n.nnc WTITTr! A TTflW A T

WB 'MB B'J'BWJ. II 111,1 mi iimii. official returns






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m per week : : i 9To a, per copy ::::::Week.v per annoro iu advance) 08

am Ni subscription watered on onr mallbooks for leas time than one month.

KATE OF ADTKHTlfalSs.One square one Insertion :

' each additional Insertionweek

two Xsthree weeksone month


aar All adveruaementa considered due afterfirst insertion.

aw-- Right Uses ot solid nonpareil All advertisement In the Special Holloa

aolumn will be charged 36 eenU per - Marriage and death notloes published as

ther advertisementmm- - All adTertlsemenU for the ArriAL moat

bs handed lb at the Clerk deskw-e- 7vonJiiu odwrtwrwieisumusl pawl for

ST" Advertisements for the Weekly paper

will be charged at same rates, per week or

month, a. In the Bally, unless, by specialcontract.

am- - ic are requested to use their beatgaTwrttto send us subscribers, ana fill up oar

aad alan to Cur ward any items of news

that may be of sufficient local tmpartanos towarrant their publication.

TERMS. OF Inducement to get aloha, we have

adopted the following scale of prices, which areas our currant office expsuse. will admit

of:One one yearTo clubs of ten or more, each

aeorsoMi in odvonet.


HEBREWa.- - ftV

lat Tsshrt. ptem er, law.-

1st KlUt Ta1st 8h


1I Kv1st Wi1st Talet As1st Kl



w- - w 1 I Li









As up

tub obf r....a

Decernth Januaryh March

Mayfist June

Asn Wefineaday. sth "area,







Maundav 1 hurway. ifin April, -Uood Friday, lstli April "Kaslor MnBCay. .ist April, "A ustoe. Jl'th May, "Penleorsrt vth Jnne, ,,. "beam Andrew's Day, Sab Nov.niber m earn

Jaiamhl tf


AKinoiit, N". 16. Meet it woiobt ineerv TSOCUl. a: lsso-ri- nsii.i.iisnend Mai- - Forsler. Front street,

W. M.; John Beamish, Hec'y.

Surra Miii-hi- n No 118. Meets Fridayeacti montn-Hall.- eor Madison and econd.

(saltan. W. M.; rteej. K. Pollen, Bee.Lin-- Hoott No.Sxa Meets 1st of each

Maoifinau iiemnn. jounAir

BaaKile. V, .












:h er


H. P. TJrawaSwMBBB. Hec.



W. eachellows' Hail. M. Stanley.

See41 C D.) tthM Front street. JohnM : K rttilea.SM, Bee

BOY AX. ABCH.Pktcir rhsptar. No 4. Meats! Mondarof each

month Hall. J oh i Zent, M. K

H. P.; M. Levy. Sec y.B- - AM. 8. B- -

BMSBBCA ronncll. No d. Mets Mondsyeach Hall. John Zent.Th. III.; M.J. WKgln, Kec


Cybevb Conmandery, No. 4. Meets 4th Mon-day ea-:- month. John Zant. Com.; N. J.Wigglu.Kec

A.. AND A.". SCOTTISH RITE.304 Pnml Strut.





rf PerHion, MBJav Mch mom

15 0000



ics- -

D. 2J

2d of

J. T.Fr ay



th J.w.

Sd of





4th No.lay


A. c. Franklaud.SU,ttec.

Cam rn i ' "ou nell of Prince Jerusalem . lelhNo. 1. at. Fallen, Tarsh.-- . ;

Sec.Calv'a by Oh apteb of Rose tTotx, llh.. No. 1.

Charles W. Adams, sal, M. W.'. ; H. T. ToCB- -llnson, S&i, tsec.'.

Philippe DrpbEfWEra tmncll of K h. anth..No. 1. Henry P. Woudard, 2d Comm.-.- ;

William Y. Cirale Sid, Bee .Oohsi.ntobt or West Tejinowee. sad. John

ALnaiie. XsL Cosiiu.', In chief; Dodge C.Trailer. Md, Rev.-- .




sjSse Done at abort notice by

ISAAC ISAACS,64 2 Jefferson Street.

All orders executed with neatness and entire satisfaction guaranteed whenKt work Is done. marS


Ihott. 11. Hunt Jt




SILK AND WOOLEN DYERS21 e4n4l fitrNpt.


attetitlan to Ladles- - DressesSPECIAL lienUemeu's Clothes Cleanedand Dyed In superior style.

N. E-- N'i answerable 'or loods left In storeafter six months from date of order.

J E M V AL.General Houtbem Fwljjht office of the

1 enltimore and Ohio Ra1!rad ba- - beeo rniovtd rrom ibe old htand to

,o. 266 Front Row, o"rTbe well known boue of PhlUtpa Ji

Tbrough B.IIa lAd'.ng siren to all KaataiueiUa. .na&ea and lime aa quick aa byan other route.

IL General rrelght Aft.Ba! more

H. F. HKCKERT, W eater n Acent, CnnelnnaU

E. D. COBB, Agent4 Bkltimore -- nd Ohio Railroad.

Valuable IHantatiun to Lease.

f WlLLLeswa.1I J . Field. aac'Clay A Field, aoContent Place,county Boll,lor oaluvauon

For fU' M'

Boarbou oountjt he vrvtu ;ma.






f ,r



lugu-- t.




Friday of

Butts,o. Meets Friday





a of .;UenJ.


1. T.




Toof, k



ad:Blnttratorof ("hrlat pherbi Hom Place the place ofthe Plantation known a theEieae Plantations air In the

lltaa , and in fln conditionUavUig ben cnUlvati for

,''Uie f acit. lot Hal arraailnn appT to meat Part.Ej. or to lr. IC J K'tJd, on

H. J. CLW,Adrn'r C J die'd.

1 DQ

m a - i

V rH

r- - U tslVH i


I ii I

.. ad q




- S

WH. H. TBIOO. JOHH T. rlll' T. Wt 1

WM. H. TRICC A CO.,Bankers nod ExchAUge Dealer-- ,



Exchange : Dealn Hank Noias i

is Received and Afcts: Kal

Ki, Id, Taxes Kald, etc ; ljmHesl KB! ate sIBBMl 1

tilePoowr, and other c

Hold ou Commission . t.

eesslble points madeproceeds proin tiy mm

Tendering our BSsSWeqssi

8 00







.r :


In Uoia and

favors tile terms.inted for.ur old friends and

tiausacuon ol any

busl lo a Hanking Kxchaug..collection or Real Kstaleraepectmuy.W are, e g fjf&gj a CO.

P. B.We have al stracl of Bml BW

U,l. U, all ""Fix?-lat-e

win the ooamty.ocl . .

jyruy Stort for Sale.Ptock. No unooltoble gooda

ANwbTsSbh can be renledat a fair taleamount oi loc. --bout

head of naylgauon of Little hied Hlver9mm taiata per ees. Cairo and Fu Hon Ka

ess,,, "' town-- Is now being built.Town, growing more than any place


oJltUwovwll aVoarcy, Ark.







!A:ddr.b.'k""- -'


S.No. 983 Main Street.

CLOT BOlLDrKO.bp derwly

Harris Sc Blair,He 817 Clear, err Kwend anal Adams Ma.,

AJAM- - block.J. C. BARKIS C X. BLAIB.


J. E. TEMPLE,Attorney t Ts.w,

Solicitor In Bankruptcy nd Commissionerof Deeds.

OFFICE No. It Jefferson street, Boom So I.

BBO w. WIl'MSTBB,Late of ualiail a, Tenn



a rri.uwv at l.AW and (General

A T7 Second Mem- -



Attorneys at Lawremovtsl their office to the Kit

HAVE Block, No. 8 aad 4, Mau-lso-

street- -

abBBBT rtatE a BOS,Utile Bock, Ark.





Solicitor in CHanceryi

Little Roc k, - - Arkansas.Will practice In the Federal and State

Courts. Collec Kins promptly a tended to.mnt tf .



f. will practise in tne uicru oi iun.i.Doahonra.rVnintlM.





llOtlVSr, WSinmSlIll i'jurni..


H N h 8ol Prop'tr,,o. 14 Union street. New Orlaaa

Irtee t the hoop In thelot, and draw it tight

round tie bale.

AU other Tiea lastenliig by this method Bxeard will be prosecuted at law


AVlien the lever ofprew is raised the tie willfasten :tself by the out-

ward pressure of the lw!e.

We nrv ute n,;euu and re prepared toorder tbe e

Wroogt: Iron Bnctle Tie,on tut muti iraolftbtrn rDHn 11 feot r i of itie anMod Iboi J l tU-J- .

Lsoai-rrrtil- Tan




'UK have


in tdd tion toilBUTTON lit.. kj

tbev now offeiueth ao arrant t

tbbale, and bold 11 .

Ott sT paint h vbeat iualty of r

Tb lit s atemetst that tiie Mbkleaol any "in-- ,

ei reel;tio-- i a rtai ttjr of utpltca

vorabiy with tr yThe edvariifur- -

aUv ire.iiuia-- rplace to ca i tht ato tne very emi ri;aaraxii-'"- . pu aaand ApenCrN t Heim&i. re"QtTy ptia





TAVIniiu:-io- n Mfichnt.






iniv'teuppiy demand theae

rAMAN TIEfcxwrn.iv-:- heretofore,

TIP., withitantly clamp

ptarf reniovcrtx fiom theiihouialippinc.

aecure theMniple their arrange-- ii

iipj.lit-- by any one.stilt. Ran-rt- facility an1

lnaiTeiigt andiioi aill compare fa--

iron erner- -




t'HAMSF.RS IATTIN(J,m?2 No. Carondelet

Our LateKt ImprovedNEW SCALE


4UU lirvarltvay, JT. r.Instrument, after ihe mop flatteringTHhlRF. from trie first the

"ouniry. wno.'at anr "hclliotttiem the aevrainiaajnayr aj4pmiinUTiced TH FINEST SQL'



newsap-- r

testedhave bt

VOHTK MAM JS 1HK woKLli.baa a.waja bau oar poller darliiK the

thirty-mi-x mat hare uiaunfactaredi'.Kiitc fiWtr (fcvi iwil nw

the I'me--d tMatea and kuropeo xy thefiaeal tuKtrumebl he lowet-- t mlF Our hup?rlor lacllitMa atumtsie offer them from one

three hundred iollara leaa than any otherKlntt lata liooae.

Ttie neof the Instruments are rmarkaMepaaahar tHwaslneaH and liraat

aever losinc Uielr quality when forcedihelr parity Tha lower raaaatar Maiilveneaa doea deetroy thaintdd an1 hit riHtent by mlng ma with

and Lay















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udtiJjm to

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"f ate ovin

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tv at a cUs BO

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haavily lega:iae rich'y nUlad, and


One Thing is Certain,bowetrer widely great men may differ,IiHAT u a lame majilty law

yt3t aud Divines throcghoat the who doogre Or William' Pulmonic Balaam ofVHid henry haplha the onlycertain cure tr PnamoBla, Aatbma, Bronchf- -



the santh anv a

eils, ."Ugu, Coxitis core inrootUs,T Hfirt, os mtrengtii.

Ur. t, ofdeaervasbyhighperlenewa pn.and sibsssh--trend exnoislv,

r.jB.oben.hi, well km

sale dealer an III

elnea, rawasuioenuas tajOwaiunlYe

(ami Wish ihe na wwaiitht ai

cai. s at IIBe ec .tnof which somi

Ing for pnra- -


e aul



1 the



mirdnrIlea now

Pianists In




auji known llin.ujqoi.aa tiecn la :orto nee OUT tun her

who l avefl.d ouww'ttinui It;,i. n.saeT.Lba it nas bo,have usmi ah e to lnk:is mannACture as will

and. whlcin.m Mkl m drosg





! CO..





nd Ve1-- e





equa ly dtl'ghtfal u. the

new of fln-r- b

trwA oar fullback, car i d

mfally tor live



thatnd Wood is

thr of





a Co, aieVCluaBt



e are

4u r- -









lMTlculteaaea of the t Im andatd sur cure for l on-stage. That It cures alltu dhbtYav-ea- la a fact

thonaanda ofly read to lestify, whous gre-- diNcovary. Haart emltteul pbyatciaDSortlngaiHhel Dr. Ho n, of

in every caae he hasa aa' and prompt


idtTjg li at reliaule a no- -

. B liliystclan ofiilat .in a-- sn able ana exer of medirlne, entertainssBfrie ojiinum, ana reuoiA-

,"r B.'c.,a gen-s'-

reputatlor.,and awhi.le-pott-

of rugs and medi-i- t

in th,- i.Ul.eet terms, andail other rem dlea In his

ait satufacl'iry results,d eweu tliousaans of

this tit. dtrlne.only cx.niiurae time lu read-astti- is

r at medicine is toottie tNjuin, woere 11

the last twenty two earn,reer,int::eudallon than tinsuowdltonie are nut s. lis

and hi w at nas be, u tnc

llin.ogiKiut IheKnuth.establlsnsaj "sir

known wholesale drugof iu.ii 1

al. or .era delav,





n pull recently thatsuch arrauaemenU fcr

enable us iTeupply ikehwearedal y In reselptile and other dealers

i.riMi'tiiiv met !, tl.e t.a'O only





and must l ,

adcrt asetl lo J . n. w i , ... . v v,.,v huleaale LtruggeaLs. MemphJa T , u n .

Stock tuJlders' Meeting.Mlr o'-f', V- - of ee NRMPHIH AND

1 LtTTLfel Hi a K KA11 HOAIJ. will meet althe company's ofhas tn Mem pais, on ihe 15thda, of i emner next, lo elect a noar-i-

By order of the Uganl.W. . wADRArT,

oris lm Hecretary and Treasurer.

tAIM HAUVS lCUUOJUPoplar Strceit, East or Orleans.

rc. S. K. FOPS, PriMlpal.NS wishing to enter pupils wltl please

Pl't-- iafter 8 p.m., or al any Ume aaturday.


JSxicmtor' Jfotice.OTICJv is hateby flven to the heirs ofN Bettle. ileesase 1, and all parties con-

cerned, thai we, as surviviuaexeculois of saidit.i- - nave nil ilar filed i ur accimnl as such.

wiUi John Loague- - Clark of th County Courtof e belli Oiwinty. wi.ere parlies concerned canmine forward aud ex mine same


Kxecutors,MetBPhis, eaptember II, 1K7. sell: rw.

TUESDAY, 5, 1867.wtmmmmmtamtmtmmmtmmmmmmt






itrsiKov Toi corroai un,Editors Mempbk Appeal :

1 proraTewil, in ThuredBy'i APiHAt, ft rplanter" to destroy all their cotton eed,save six bushel to each plantation..

Having been voter t seven Presiden-

tial elections ta the South, I ciim yourpatient, for a few more thought ou thasame sutjecl, in support of i y proposi-

tion. Hitherto it hsvs been Die boast of

our jjouuuy that our own productionswere not taxed. Now cotton andtobacco, the eliief Bouluern staples, aretaxed beyond any oommodltiea found by,

or known to oomueroe. Tne remeoyproponed is perhaps the only one thatwill reach the cose, for aa long as seed arevalueless, and the insane desire to growcotton continues, ao long will our peoplebeegar themselve in this fruitless indus-

trial pursuit. Dtttroy the cotton teed,and we remove the Government taxa mm ad forever. Nay more,dettrmi the preient croj, of teed.and in fuo years the Government will

dbv a Oonut of two cents per pound on allcotton raised iu the cotton Stales. Then,and not until then, can our people, withany show of hope, return to cultivating

. Our couutrythe great staple succeesf ully

must compete with the world iu thecotton culture, or retire from the worldmarket. The tax must be bornee.,;iailv-No- rth aa well as South. The(..oner the better for the South to decide

wuetoerlo destroy ber cotton aeed or

bankrupt all her people ! Raise cottonand misery areanoth. year and ruin

inevitable.Ml tht world know that our people

will destroy the present crop of seed andcotton will advance from ten to twentycent in forty days. But let us act ingoid faith, and not do as silly plantershave done the past year by diasuadingtheir neighlwrs from planting the staple,and then plant all tbey can themselves.The different Chambers of Commercemay all unite in petiUoning iJougrees to

remove the cotton tax. Such effortswill avail nothing. The Southern peo-

ple have a remedy in their own baudsThey can only strike the root of the evilby dettroyind the cotton germ.

Fortunately, our people planted cornthe past season sutticieut for our ownwants and this fact has saved our dearHouth" from famine, lor had we de-

pended this year, as we did last, ou theWest it wouUl have required two dol-

lars, to buy one bushel ot corn mAt this price, there would

not to day be money in the South to buyfeed for our stock. This day Tenneeseecorn will arrive, bringing but seventy

while yesterday itcent a Memphis,was quoted at Jl 02 In bulk in Cincin-

nati, and $1 U$ iu sacks in St Louis.Everything the North and West have to

sell is high, while wh .1 we have to sellis low The cause of this is either foundfn their superior tact or our superlativefolly The South has not the capital tokeep ber great staple of the " world'smarket," hence Eastern capital controlsIts market value. We cannot break the

- ,i,ar let!- airainst cotton iu anyother way but to destroy this year'scotton seed. John Davis.

AN ll'Kll.Ui ll'DeE.Judge Aldrich, of the Barnwell district

in South Carolina, refused to carry out

the Jury Order No. at, made by Gen.

Sickles before his removal. On the 21st

instant"e term of his court at Barnwell

Courthouse commenced. He was then

served with Gen. Canby's order, modify-

ing Order 8a. He read It in open court,

and stated that it quite as flagrantly

violated the "jury law " of the State as

the original, and the same reasons thatimpelled him to refuse to enforce theonewould prevent him from carryiugout the

other. He then read a military order

from Gen. Canby, which had just been

served Uu him, suspending him andforbidding his holding any of the courts

of his Circuit. Then rising from his seat

be said ;

Qmt!emen : In forced obedience to thecommaud of Brevet Maj. Gen. Ed. R. S.Canby, I lay down my office for the

Personally, I feel no mortifica-

tion at this indignity, because it hasbeen put upon me for the conscientiousilanliBiaa af mr constitutional duty. I

did not receive my office from him, orfrom power ucy

he no me. But ,

troad dav iBrceuies, canalmost heart to

U crjme uthis old urmiDw1 in

all Be NaBDV1;e rob-o- fI

a brighter . o'clock. sufferers araheart Cohen

tr constitutional liberty. The timeis at hand when we will be relieved from(he tyranny and insolence of militarydespotism.

of the juries, for the presentfarewell ; but if od spares my lire, 1

will vet preside in this court, a SouthCarolina Judge, whose ermine is sus

My brethren of tne war patient ; ne

loyal to the Constitution ; be trueyourselv,-- ,

JUT. Clera, OS 1 a 111 Iioi, iriaiiiiruijerform any judicial act, you ana inSheriff will lseue to the jurors their paycertificates, as if the Judge had not attended.

Mr Sheriff let the court stand adjourned while the voice of justice is stifled.


A correspondent of the New YorkITor.rf, writing from Virginia, says :

In Albemarle county, one of the richestant most nonulous counties in the State,Judge Alexander Rives, who has beenRepublican ail me, oeiore, uunng,and since the a man of intelligence,wealth and position in society did notreeeive dozen negro votes ; but a mannamed Thompson, from your State, whowas publicly denounced as totally un-

worthy by a I' i ted States officer, andnegro named Taylor, were elected al-

most unanimously over bim. A similarcase occurred in Henrico, MrFranklin Stearns was the candidate,nominated by Republicans, whose Union-i--

no oue doubts, and who wastevten by a man whom no one knew,trut who as the nominee of the negroes,and win se only Tlaims to their suffragewss that he bid In the swamidui ing the war, and because hewas a member of the League andtheir President. In Mecklenburgcountw, a negro who cannct rend or write,and who hat been convicted fire time, inthe court for ttealing, wot wer arctpectalte Union man. All over theeastern portion of the State the same

have been secured ; but thewill give you a sample of how Virginiaand Virginian are to be governed in thefuture. The candidates for this city con-

sist of the notorious Hunnicutt, the cor-

rupt and detestable Underwood, an Irish-man named Morrissey. a disgrace to biscountrymen, and two negroes. Thesemen received fifty white votes In

the whole city, and were denounced pub-

licly tiv some of their own gang scoun-

drels and perjurers. The respectableNorthern men among us did not and

not for tbem. They wereelected by fraud, as the card from MrGilmer to Gen. Schofleld abundantlyshows. The President of the Registra-

tion oue Rose, (by no means asweet oue, i on the last day or electionsaid be " didn't eare a dn fur all thewhite people in Richmond ; some of hisfriends bad bet on a Radical majority ofso much, and he intended they shouldwin.

AM a 1HKB1 ftKC.

The New York Herald concludes anable and striking on the African-ization of the United States thefollowing forcible points :

Nettling can have forced the Republi-can party to its extreme positionin regard to the nigger but a sentimeotof desperation a fteling that this de-

graded race Is it forlorn hope and thatIf it cannot rule through the slave voteit must rellnquieh power altogether.The attitude of the Northern peoplejustifies this thought. The protest of theI at the polls a protest heard fromthe widest separated extremities of thenation not only aunounces to the Re-

publican leader that they havegonethan the people permit, but

that they have gone so far they can neverto secure popular confidence again.

To abate some portion of their preten-sion would be useless, and theydesperately chraaee to jmsti the game toIt ultimate limit, hoping yet to controlby means of the power to be given to thnigger. It is clear that this 1 Inail way a murderous policy murderousto tbe country If it prevail, and to themen who have planned it, if the peoplecan their purpose. And the peoplemust be made to see; and tbus every jotgained in power given to the nigger willbe lust the mat tni poury wininevitably give to the reaction of the na-tt- aa

against tbe bold, bad, unscrupulousknot of politician who are definitelydetermined to ruin If they cannot rule.

urates from a Mark f reseller's Nrr- -

Bisbop Thompson (Methodist) in re-

cently giving a sketch of his experienceamong ome of the Southern conference,referred to a sermou which he badfrom a colored preacher upon the text," It is more blessed to give than to re-

ceive." In the course of hi remarkthe preacher said : ' lee known many

die cause itdidn'tgiveenough,but I knowed a church to diecause it give too much. Dey don't diedat way. Bredereo, ha any af youknowed a church dat died cause It givetoo much ? If y do, jest let me know,aud Til make a pilgrimage to dat church,and I'll climb by de soft light ob demoon to it mosss-covere-d roof, and I'llstand thar and lift my hand to hebben,

ur.NKRsL. nkws in nof the vote of

Virginia are as follows Whites 79,524

colored, US.tVio. For convention, 1483

white; 92,507 colored against conven-

tion, 61,249 wblto; 6857 colored.The Intelligencer sayg that letters

received in that city yesterday, confi-dently announced the certain election ofJudge Thurtnan to the United States

In the place of Mr. Wade. Itseems to be conceded that Mr. Vallaiidig-ha-

Is not a candidate, and favors theelection of Judge Thurman.

The amount of building now goingon In Chattanooga is unprecedentedsince the great flood necessitated exten-

sive operations in this lios. In everyportion of the city a many build-

ings are goiug up, most of them dwell-

ings suitable for families of moderateincome.

The National Democratic ExecutiveCommittee bive issued an address con-

cerning the November election. Theaddress appeals to reason and judgmentand says he who refuses to beed the callis unworthy his share iu the rich hei ageof an American freeman. It is signedby Tuos. B. Florence, Sam. J. Randall,Cha. Maaon. Ohio, Cornelius Wen-

dell, and others.The recent seizures of whiky estab-

lishments in New York and Brooklynhave officials of the Treasury Depart-

ment in possession of a large amountof papers showing the operations of thewhisky ring in their game of cheatingthe Government of taxes. Preparationsare making for further seizures.are reasons for believing that the nextmove the law officers will create adecided sensation, aud catch some prettyprominent Western men.

The Washington correspondent ofthe Cincinnati Commercial says in hisdispatch of the 30th uit, Tne denialof Bard of the conversation whichhe was reported to have had with Gen.Grant, is likely to lead to the affidavitsof no leas than three persons, to whomhe related it substantially aa published.As intimated last night, (he publicationof the alleged interview reduces itself tothe conclusion that it was an attempt to

obtain a little newspaper notoriety at theexpense of Gen. Grant, by an impositionon those sua gave it currency by thetelegraph."

A special dispatch to the Leaven-worth Kansas) Bulletin, from JunctionCity, say: 2 o'clock to day thehouse of 8. A. Robertson (printer) tookfire and was totally destroyed. Mrs.Robertson was In the stores, making pur-chases, having left her two childrenasleep in the boose, on the bed. Thchildren were burned to death. Onechild was about three years old and theother six months. The father i, awayfrom home, and the mother is almostcrazed. The bodies of the children werehorribly burned and charred."

A mau by the name of Neighbors,with bis two sons, was commuted to theHuntsvllie jail on last evening, fromMarshall couuty. They are the supposedmurderers of Mrs. Glazier, who was

by her fireside. Tne preliminarytrial was had before Judge W. T. May,ou last Friday. The evidence, thoughcircumstantial, seems to be of such strongcharacter as to debar the parties frombail.

We understand, say the Wei!Whig, that the office of the South-er- a

Express Company in this place, wasentered on Wednesday night last aud asafe, the Transfer Safe," wastaken therefrom, and found on Thursdaymorning some four hundred yard distantin the southeastern part of town, blownopen and its contents, some six thousanddollars, stolen. Access to the room washad through a rear window, and thesafeselected from four which were in theoffice at the time, all precisely alike,carried out through the back door whichwas uulocked from the inside by theburglars. No clue yet to the robbers,though the most vigilant exertions arebeing made for that purpose.


10.0'fl tn "lowey, Tt'atrbra and JewelryMl, Irons llisi on herr ejreelTne liter urspvi ana Axatee lue.

From the NashYllle Tnlon ami D:spttch. 3d

It becomes our duty to day to chroni-cle the perpetration o'f another bold anddaring robberv, which for audacity ofconception, arid sueces-ifu- execution,scarcely has parallel iu the criminalrecords of our city, replete a they are

us .,.,1- - tw. the fre- -

any which he represents, of the,e mjrjnjKbt robberies audand has right to remove we but admitit breaks my witness the at hoil)jlJ?i almost

of proud State, we h,h ernivil the city oflove so lu my poor perrou. This last aud extensive

cheer, it is only for timewa8 ommitted Thursday night last

see the dawn of day. The Thegreat of the American peop.e beats Patten-ou- , pawnbrokers








sults above


would vote






ther would







church toneber












and dealer in watcliee auu jewelry,Xo. 96 North Cherry street, nearCedar. Tbe followiuu laota we have obtained in regard to tht nanug roDtwry.Mr. Cohen ha long been inthe staiid referred to, and has ten quitesuccesnful. Home turtt weeks ago Mr.

James Pattersoi., by making the ncce-sar- y

investment became a full partner,and tbe business has since been that ofMessrs. Cohen k Patterson. Patterson

a married man and lives just back of

tbe store, his residence frotitins on Cedarstreet, near Cherry. He had investedhis all, the bar! earnings of three jears,in the new firm. On Thursday nightlast, at 10 o'clock, Mr. Patterson went to

bi room and retired for Ihe night. Helocked the store anil placed the store keyIn the side piket of his coat, and thesafe key in his pantaloons pocket. In theBtore there were watches, jewelry, audother valuables amounting to near ninethousand dollars, aud in the safe aboutone thousand dollars In money, prin-cipally greeubacks. On reaching hissleeping room Mr. Patterson placed hiswatch and chain on the bureau, lockedhi door, and left tbe key iu the keyholeon the inside, leaving bis coat and pan-

taloons on a chir near by. He retired,aud soon fell asleep. '1 be burglar audthief who had evidently been w atchingbi opportunity, some lime iu the night,it is supposed soon alter twelve o'clock,effected his entrauce into the slee iugroom. He took the sale key and Btorekey from Mr. Patterson's pockets, andstealthily proceeded lo the store, No. 9b'

Cherry street. He or they for theremust have been an accomplice un-

locked tbe Btore door and entered. Theythen appropriated the entire lot of goldwatches, jewelry, etc in the store,amounting iu value to near $9000.They then went to the safe, whichthey unlocked, and abstracted fromIt atout JlfXM) iu money.With their valuables and moneythey made a hasty retreat, taking withthem both keys, and leaving no tracewhatever behind. Tbey succeeded ingetting off with their booty without giv-

ing a sign as to who they were or whitherthey went. On rising yesterday morn-ing, Mr. Patterson found his sleepiugroom door, which be had carefully locked,wide open aud his keys missing, butstrange to say bis watch and chain safewhere be had left them the night before.He dressed and hastened to the store tofind that all his worldly good were gone,and that he bJmself was suddenly leftwithout a dollar. There was virtuallynothing left but the empty safe andshelves of the store. No clue whateverha vet been obtained lo the perpetratorsof this daring robbery. The whole affairIs shrouded in mystery, though it is ap-

parent that tbe deed must have beencommitted by some one well acquaintedwith the premises.

Tba threat fthlp RareThe whole fleet of clipper ships en- -

irared lu the irr?at race from China toLondou haviug arrived, it may be interesting to learu the time taken by each ofthem in me contest: ."riei, ik oay;Taeping, 102; Fairy Cross, 110; FlyingSpur, llo; .Mainario, no; lausiog, no;Klack Prince. 118; Heriea. 119: 120;Yang tat; Chinaman, 123. TbeAriel, it should be mentioned, met withthree days' detention at the chop of thechannel, aud some of the others metwith very tempestuous weather, losingspars, sails, and sustaining other damagebv BUipping neavy seas, cue oi luruiremirt seeing a vessel go down with allbands. The cargoes of teas they broughtover were as follows The Ariel, 1,268,- -OriO nf.unds Taurine, 1,136,(161 pound;Fairy Cross, 940,510 pounds; FlyingHpur, 949,716 pounds; , 1,19b, 70S

pounds; laiutinif, 1,09,0111 awasswaw.Black Prince, 1,163,114 pound Berica,

020,521 pound Ziba, 742,207 poundsYane Tsxe, 875,972 pounds; Chinaman,(6,576 pounds. lAmdon Telegraph.

Patronise Ad,cr llsltsg HousesOne who know what, ha to talking

atx ut, discourses iu tht wiseWhen we ee a business firm giving

publicity to their particular branch oftrade, we argue at once that such a bouseis alive to tbe requirement 01 tne time.It implies not only keen sagacity, butlikewise that sort of liberal attention oftbe trade. Many establishments foregotbe benefits of advertising from a spiritof mere Danuriausna-- s They reason inthis way Should wa Incur an outlayof $50 or $100, or $500, possibly we maynever get it back then it would be somuch thrown away." These are timidmen always, and properly belong to aBwat feneration. Tbe true man of busi- -

ne, appreciating the fair advantages ofbeing represented In newspaper columns,look upon advertising a bread catupon the waters and should he find noImmediate frultt of hi expenditures, berests at ease, being fully satisfied that it

will return after many days."

TllKKEpapers In

bit Id one of the comicwhich Ben. Butler repre

sented a manager before the footlights,apologizing to tbe public and saying that

owing to the break In tbe machinery,and say, Blessed ar da dead dat die In tbe faroe of impeachment Is unavoid- -.i- - i ably postponed. 'V, - I '

: ;






n 4

I 4


a, ,





n a











1 .



1 ; ;








'' IIV





Louisville, November 4 Reportfrom above indicate a continued rise inthe river and large boat are preparingfor a prosperous season.

N'bw York, November 4 There wereK7 deaths here during th week endingNovember 2, which lathe lowest weeklyrecord for the past ten yeais. Nearly30U0 emigrant arrived Saturday.

The Tribune aays the returns of theelection in Georgia were made up byrebel and unreliable men. It aaysevery county iu tbe State, wherein thewhite vote preponderates, gives largemajorities for convention. Tbe Republi-cans carried the Mate. Atlanta givestdTORadi al mJority.

Richmond, November 4. The com-

plexion of the Convention is a follows:Conservatives, 25 ; Radical, 78. Of thelatter, 25 are negroes.

Locisville, November 4 The Com-

mittee on Elections will probable reportIn favor of Sam. McKee, Radical, whowas badly defeated iu the Eighth Con-

gressional Diatrict. .Washington. November 4. The pub-

lic debt statement for October showslittle or no reduction in the debt.

In reply to the citirens of Richmond,touching the legality of the late election,because in two wards the time was ex-

tended, Gen. Schofleld shows such pro-

ceeding to be sanctioned by tbe Statelaws of Virginia, which provides in likemanner for like emergencies.

It is understood that the SupremeCourt will to day decide In favor of sus-

taining Judge Fisher' dismissal of Brad-ley from tbe bar.

Gen. Hancock will probably assumeeoramand of the Fifth Military Districtthis week.


Abstract or the tjnarterly Reports ef theBanks of New York City.

VVASHlHOTOri, Octotwr 28. The fol-

lowing statement is based on the abstractof Quarterly Boort of the NationalBanks of -- w York city, by which itappears that the bank not only had tbe

,.f rmt, ' li rati hv IaW. hilt Bthe lucky . For themore $13,0U0,t), orsurplus Unwf Bawesuper : turn of the amount of circulation

and deposits :

National andHtota .t3.,Lii

Individual, ....JWu J73.S7cess excnaunas for i Inar- -

ing Hon-- , October T 4(oVi70,!SMet amount of individual

depi-a- t, 107U',m4United Bias nepoalis and

deposits of dlsbarslngof- -

floors.. - - --e7,4l"Due national, and other

bank and hankers ta,&t,l 2Leu- - hslani-- due from na

tional and other tanksan t leakers ...

Total amount ot cireuta-Ho- n

and deposits torwhich a reserve Is

und- -r c. Ion 31

aud 32 of the act 3Specie on handfr'ractlodml currency A...Leekl tender notes. ACom pound Interest nolas,

which are a legal reserve

i2.ta,s.'r-i.i)70- jM

a .21Si 335,i



S MiHM 114

Twerty-flv- e per cent of th totalamauut of circulation and depositst, mi.vri.377"

Sarpius - - tEjafJJsjslor seven per cent, of circulation and deposits Inex,-e- s of the retirements of the law.

The abstract of the quarterly report ofthe National Bankiug Association tothe first Monday in Ostober, show theresources to be $l,496,0o0,000, includingover $10 000,000 of specie, o! nearlyf57 000,000 of compound interest notes.Tba capital stock is $419,500,000 surplusfond, $66,(566,000, and undivided profits,$33,500,000.

t p ReatanranlB.The New York Evening Fott, In com-meuti-

on tbe extravagant price andtbe wretched food of the New Y'orkrestaurauh", contrast with these houseMr. Corbet' experiment in Glasgow.This gentleman has been at work forhalf a dozeu or more years solving thequestion whether plain, nutritious foodcau be furnished, well cooked and in neat-ness, for a muotj more moderate rate thanis commonly charged by keepers of publie restaurauta. He has now twenty-si-

cooking depot in Glasgow, with each ofwhich i connected a spacious dininghall, capable af accommodating aeveralhundred person, all neatly kept, wellfurnished aud ventilated, and attendedby tidv waiters. At these establishmentsbreakfast is served from 8 to lot o'clock,at which a bowl of porridge, a bowl ofmilk, a cup of coffee and a roll and but-

ter eau be bad for about tit cent ; or auyof the following article for one pennytwo cents) each : a bowl of broth, of

soup, or of porridge ; a plate of potatoes,a cup of coffee or tea. bread and butter,or bread and cheese, a boiled egg, a glassat soda water, lemonade or ginger beer.Dinner is served from 1 to 4 o'clock, atwhich a bowl of broth or soup, a plate of

and neneral: hn'f Tt.e.eyv,., ,.,.vtouau reuiu- -

the expeusesabout 118,400 aod the receipt $24,500.

Desperate Bearealr, - Ten Freed airn

The Louisiana Bnptitt, published atMount Lebanon, has the following in itsissue of the 17th ulL :

A izentleman just from Texas, we understand, relate the following shockingcircumstance as having ocourred onBlack Bavou, near Jefferson. Vve learnthat he was near the farm where the facttook place a few day after the occur-rence. A farmer had a number of handsemployed, under written oontract, forone-thir- d of the crop. He was fromhome when they eommenoed (tatlierine,and on returning fwuud that they weretaking half instead of a tnird of the crop,lie remonstrated and told tbem of tbecontract, but they became enraged, andfinally made an attack upon mm, amihe, in defending, shot down four of themwith a revolver. Goiug to town he re-

ported tbe facts to a Federal officer, whosent an armed force to investigate andset things right. The negroe defiedand finally attacked this force, when sixmore of the crowd were shot down.

Tbe S7i-- Yerk aenneor Arreated andHeld lor uriaery.

Walcott J. Humphrey, Senator fromthe Sixtieth District, was arrested atYYarsaw.tvVyoming county, N. Y., andbrought before Justice Cole, on the 2tJthult., upon a warrant charging him withbribery and corruption In office. Thewarrant charges that Humphrey didaccept $50U lo influence bis action on abill pendiog before the Railroad Com-

mittee of the Senate. The accused gavebail in two securities of $1000 each toawait the action of the Grand Jury inXo vem ber next.Social F.atrnwanee-Thealln- ie Circle.

The Journal of Commerce is reading alecture to a good many people who, it iscertain, are living beyond tbeir means,and thereby preparing the way to bank-ruptcy and ruin. Tbe Editor call on allsuch to moderate, and tbiuks, wives anddaughter could, if they only would,make a good beginning. It say :

It rests with the wives and children,oftentimes, we are told, " to initiate sucha reform aa 1 needed. Tbe bead of the'amily cannot find it in his heart to denythose around bim that which thinksessential to tbeir comfort, he willnot ask tbem to save bim. They must

In the matter Howmany of our readers, whose eye wouldglisten with tears at tbe care tbought ofany trounie to one so aiiia to mem, naveever asked themselves iuthev accompanied

It is a ..! time to ask that questioiinew. Business profits are not large ;

are unsettled : the future isnot altogether radiant promise; tbedeepest purse has a little drained,aud some of tbe shallower ones are ru l-

ining low. If exhausted there may comeMimetbing than inselvency orhonest beggary. Tbe tempation to fraudand defalcation Is very great in thesetimes, and the spendthrift stands In tbethickest of tbe assault. There is a voicemightier than ours calling to all in thehome circle for their aid in emer-gency, and we trust many willlisten to their profit."

la the roc at Alaska.Information ba been received at

Washington from tbe steamer Lincoln,ent from San Francisco to take a

peep into our newly acquired Arctic possessions of Walrussia, or Alaska, as thatvast nu region nas omciauychristened. It appears that on the 12tbof August, after having vainly laboredfor six days in a fog to locate tbe bound-ary between British America and Alaska,the expedition reached Sitka, the chiefseaport of Alaska, and were still in a fogwhich completely hid the town fromview. We have no further report ofdiscoveries made, except that tbe expedi-tion were satisfied that, so far aa relatesto the nroducts of timber and flsh. Including the walrus, the wealth of thla newterritory had not been exaggerated. Butif the for days together IdAugust in those Arctic seas, is envelopedin heavy fog, what can be do when thenights up that way get to be three or four

long? In fact, we suspect thatthe month of July is the business seasonfor Alaska, and that for al" he of tbeyear that lovely country is in the fog or(saving the northern light) in the dark.

r otict.term of th

County Court for Letters of Administrationoa the estate of Alfred Scott, deceased,

ocl iawlw- - W. E. aULLR.

Tf"T n'rTlfi IMSUHAMKiZ.. aav v waa vaavo- - .

NO GIFT ENTERPRISEOr any other few indie !

xissorai ass ikFvgkt stati ajdH4VAJA LOT (IBIS'S.


are drasm under mate Charter ; UatTHEY for ovarKOKTY YKARH.HoDd in tit ba aod aa dpoa.UKl with 17. ft.

CoUJCUT AM HajeCUrUj.Tne pr.aMM ait; drawn Id pablle by two sworn

Comoillonen AppointM by the Htate.Moat be drawn If Uketa are Bold or not.

PRIZES ALL. CASH.There are two Htate bra w intra each dajr. and

lwo UavanaDrawlftaaettCh month.irrawintfa, c tn na soeii two noon artar par-

ch see of ticket.One-hai- f the Tickets ara Prise.Prlcea paid on day of parehaae.TlckaU f 1 to rJtf. act- rdioa to Hchama.Pntee I to 11 A' . vt ordlna Vo nebrjms.Principal Asian., tifcO. W. VAN v o KaT, No.

liiielTeraoa street.

SECOND DRAWINGor tux-South- ern




THE First Drawing, which took plaea atMiss on the lath Inst.. was atin Jetl

that but a few weeks elapsed frum th Incep- -'tioo oi the enterprise to ttiat event- - 17.ouD t

worth of tickets hBviiix tau nild. a Ilka i

amoun! of preperty was drawn for. niidnr th. .supervision ol genuemen ny the.lleket I Oftter Of and Front t...rioiaers preseAL. ihe utinuat harmnny andxooa reeling pervsoeii moss preaent, and, aa i ami ifwill be seen from the subjoined certificate oltne Managers, the affair wa conducted to a f

close In a moat gratifying and smiafafluamici .

Hbbwawdo. Mrs., June 15, 1867.We hereby certify that the above report of

the Klrsl Lrawing of tbe Noutbern Asylnm Iscorrect, and that the proceedings wer charac-tenxe-

by asplnt uf isirsta. and Juatneos unmrpuased by any Drawing of wali-- we haveany kuowledaw. The Managers of the Com-pan- y

placed tne Mafcat and wheels under oursole u.auagemenl and control


Committee.J. M. HALL, Clerk.

Tbe Prises drawn on this ooeaslon numberedEorly-SirYe- and eonipr.sed tbe vlclntlyc.f Sinuinliii. Tenn.. cor: tn. Miss., and Hernando, Misa, deeds lo tsve been made

M..ttri to tlita. Ha--.thanof ond nowever, we




patrons sttU mors attractive Inducement tointerest tawaaasfvas in oar scheme, rrom alengthy liej, of property, much of which hasalready be. n advertised to the public, we selecttheloUowmg:

OIK LI8T OF PRIZES.The First and Capital Prize.

Col. M. C. Ualiowav'a valuable redene,comer of t'oart nd TrtlM treel. Meraofcln.

moothly J,YONS

blrtt'k rrom the of avnti aa4 16 Madutoa attraf-i- . MetbaTirinHy Federal, Htata vnd

S NCE.Second Prize. Firo and Marine Insaranre.

A cottsge residence of rooms, with lotthe alt, of 111 , nly three- - Homequar era of a mile from the heart of city, j

wttmn one D ock or th street rauroail in-tersecting every part of the city. Valued at

Third Prize.One residence lot adjoining abov property.

feet; very available for realdenoedesirably located. ue at Id .

Fourth Prize.Oae residence lot adjoining abov property,

35x100 feeu Valued at XtUO.

Fifth Prize.One residence lot adjoining abov, also 25x100

feet. Valued at Itsju.

Sixth Prize.A most valuable mannfaetnrlng with a

peroetuai tail 4 feet water, sltaatad inwin-- . mi county. Alabama, with lu acre afland. Valued aiflil.uuD.

Seventh Prize.The Franklin Female Institute, at Holly

SprnEB, Mies.; a handsome and weschool building, most eligibly located.

This 1 vary desirable property- valuedai osouo.

Eighth Prize:Lot No. 5, In Hays' san d. vision, Memphis.

Else lii2xlK feet. A beaaurul buildingValued at tasJO.

Ninth Prize:7h4 acres of woodland near Ra'elgh, Shelby

county, Tennessee, distant rrom Memphis ninemiiao. Is very deatrab e, and an excellentprise. Valued at 5JJ- -

TenthCottage Residence, rooms

on rtoriana avenue, nearCharleston railroad, nearValued alWOU.

TlcketoafsSemch. Maybethrougb, any of tbe Co'upapCnlral Agency, Meuipltia,jamaasiraiu, tiernan

potatoes' plumb property

(irlces ti.a tiusinese eveuuerative, being

earnest whether







Irize :5


)so, V


130x170 feetand

corporation liue.

1 of, ordered- '.

enu., Col.

and Officers thefrom purcha.lngor' he drawltiKS. The

a media for thebeef and pudding, fori and ssleot real estate between nohl-c,-.- -

.,, . r, .i, ami at I pub!'- - 1eJ5 lm



move themselves.








Wholesale and RetailDEALERS





340 Street, MEMPHIS, TEW.H.











LL Owners of City Real Estate. and allAgents ol Owners, are respectfully requee- -

teu leave with the uudersignej, theMemphis, ir.nca of any Hales,

Leases, Subdivisions, etc., made by them sinethe la--t assesnienl.





'pHE Largest Stoc In city lower thanX lodunatl prices, and the make andmaterial at

or;v. at



lo a.


oc Ai

james aooaa.

I i

W.Iefferson street . Memphis.

NEW GOODS!All the Novelties of

the Season !

Every ArtiOie Sold by a First Class


THOMAS & ARNOLD'S203 Sfatn SireeC,

(Between Overton and Woreham Hotel!,

For Cash, at Prices to DefyCompetition!

connected with our house aWco!,onto, and wl I pay .psciai atten- -

Hon to tne sale of Cotton Will flit orders torBagging and rtope, and sJl kinda of supplies,at I tie Ca. Prices. All orders must be

were not personally responsible for by;ton,orsome asieahie. . - s a..;. : i . - e





Cviilleu'si Steel Brnah Cotton UlnaPrice Is per taw. Invariably cash.

ORGII.L BROS, CO.,Sole Agent in Memphis

Arrow Cotton Ties0RGILL BKO. CO.,

Sole Agents in Mem phi.

Fire and Burglar Proof Safest

Marvin A Co.'. greatly celebrated Fire andBurglar Proor Safes for busmew hotusss andbankers : alo. PI.ATK SAFES lor parlors,at manufacturers' prlcea.

uRc.ILL BROS. A CO .Sole Agent In Memphia

ISOO bx. Frenc h Wtudow OIImported direct, and forstleby

,aS gin i.) KOI LI. BUOe. A CO


The Denegana Billiard Hall,Corner Seeond and Madison Sts.,

(Late cllllnian HaiL)

undersigned bogs to Inform his friendItHK public generally, that be nas soldbis leasehold Interest In Uu late KlUorado Bil-

liard Hall. He has reflttc t and almost newlyreiuruiidied above ealaobabmeut as a Firstclass billiard Hall, ana Is now prepared to

his patron, in a style second touo establishment In ih" Houthwe-t- .

oeM lm M. M. MOKnOWH. Proprietor.

WHITEMAN BROS.,Manufacturers of and Dealers

PRINTINGS o.5 Wortlieiaet er- - j He. S7 Sonth Ceart

Pablle Sensre,Nawawettlw. I Iweta, aftsawpfcta.

Jfasfee.sell lower Plantation In TunicXWILL or exchange It lor other gooa prop-art- y

, or lease It lor the next year or for a aerieof years. It is one of tue highest and boat la

Bottom, about 40 mile below Memphis.Jvltf A WBIUUT.


OF Tt:.MM.I..Capital. : : $200,000.

Sou tb west Carrier Mala aad 1


N. B. rOBBsWTr.p. DocuRiutrY..W. H. OBDBICK... .

T.F. KJttiYONmat



HAVBmanagementresumed boatnesa under the






Will receive Discount Notes andBills, anil transact bumeai aalh irl- -l bythe charter.

selected JeutrSOD

CHI TED STATUFire and Marine Insurance

BALTIMORE. Angnat 1st. I07.

Cash Capital Paid In, 3250 000Surplus 8105,302 53

Board ot Directors,Elected July, lmrj

R. K Hawiey.CnarleaT Morris,John W. Randolph,Wm U. Caiheart,

A- - Co laman.Tnos Boos,Jas. T. Randolph,John 8. UUmsa,Philip Sherwood,A. ii benalx.

ocl3 tf .Main


A LI tatnad an tbA Ail it potleief are noo-- l

'o on raaiviao.P H. J(1H:











. .Assistant Hir






- -

Assets, - - -



William Dean,John J AorahRms,FranElinRichard FondeB)iv T. MoJas. li.Itooer Aoftera LJoe ii Turn boi i, JrCaleb II. Hyue-- .Alfred Kay.

K0. W. L. iKi'Ok,'JTsV, street.

Hortu Aiencan Life Asuleiit lis, Ctr,

PHIbADeLPfilA. PA.pnlicla


KtiDtockyone only ceotar tba











in of alt tb 1 ''"ll N BA

Ox In Chicago,

of of





: :


Insnrance Company tfSlW f'RK.


Insuraiiceor 'Ew YCsIC.










i;tL,,'i ew

Enterprise Insurance CompanyOF CISCINNATL

Asset 31 .000,000

Putnam 1 nan ranee Coin punyOr BARTFOaUt, CONN.

Caah Capitol K00,08

well osiahHahait repotatlon of theseTHE for aud honorable deal- -Ina. and their large Cass Asset., commendthorn to the favor of Business Men and Prop-- Ierty Holders who desire reliable Insurance, for

ither t ire or Marine, we tspraut mi c)ia-pont-

but those duly authorised by State andlocal laws. All losses adjusted aud paid at thisagency.

Lindsey fc VredeOenerot Insnrance Agents. No. 11 Ma twin

street ;up stairs). Memphis. Tenn. :.




Ho. 312 Adams Street,East of Bayou Qayoao, Mem ph' Tena

BnHl, erove Co , Proprietors,

H AVE always on hand and f ir sale, at theLowest Market Price, lor cash, every

Variety or Btiilttfra" Material,consisting In Flooring. Ceiling and Weatber- -

board l n e. uressea ana nureseeo, a.n insim.Blinds. MiHioiiuE. Lattice and Stair Materialr.nd r ran



ng Lumber of ail kinds, Bhingies,

Orders solicited and to.




Flo.. Cheaper than Ever. Or-der from the Country promptlyand faithrally aiiendeai to.

W. T.SWANW1CK&C0.,fo,t Admits Street,

ol3 lm OitpH--i e Bradley Block.

ELLIOTT & CO.,Receiving. Forwarding


No. 2 Promenade Street,Fi ot of Opp. Steamboat Landing.

Office r. MEMPHIS, i r.N N.

1) 'tiers in

Hay. Oats, Corn,AND PRODUCE,

So. Si Bra! Stre.t, near Bajoa Brldne.eeptember. 1ST. eaC



rpHTS new and eTpIenflltl Holt1!, containingMvc-ut- rooms, besid-- a oiTWjea,

barber ahop. etc., baa bii placed iu uor haod-- tfor Vjtmjar for a term of years, writ immediau-DOaeaalun- .

The commandlntj location at the corner ofMain and Beal atreeta.and tbe con venient

of the boane, itltb tta ample accomrjKdAUoiia, offer gri Indufeiueuu U an an-le- rj

rtatn aud experienced landlord, an'l toueo a u rwy paih tirdae-m-- will be

given m tbe price and terms of reot.A treat bargain will ba given in tne aale of

tbe Furniture, for wmcb real estate In tLe citywill be ULkeD in paj meuu

TtRMU: "W per manth. without the Barand Inning Room on first floor: per rnntbwith tbe Bar and inuitig Komi. r utniture,, wi b old forfMOi


Dissolution of Copnrtnersh ipMXBFHI. Tens October It, ItsST.

beretof. r. existing underTHEcopaxtnerahio CtTKKY A UO, Isthis dav dissolved by tne withdrawal rf Cieo--

Plummer and A. P. Cnr-- y from ssld firm.R. r rallerwMi has porcb.seJ tbe entire Inter-est of Fluromer Cur y in ail 01 theIncluding nmeaand acoaa t.. and asntueHiillof the HabilMle. ol a d Inn Me Is .uihr nsedto use ibe name o tb let-- firm ihe ci' as

meutofthe Hummer A Cu ry maybe f und at the uld s d lor lh- - rrr--


I shall cmtlnne th Piodue andl ouiuiivnonbusinsss t tbe old .land of Piummilas a Mslu stiee .and ailtcii a ceoMh. favor.,

, iTrustee's Stte

V virtue of a ceed i

t'S Kaunie T Hui





ry Artnee

f trust made to me byd John A. Hunt i n tbe

1st day of Augu--- t, la ,, and . recorded In tneBoadsler's offli-- e of fbei' y m untj , m b'iir No.M, pages ai and lii, to sc-ur- certain lnuebted-nes. iherein named, t

On Saturday, November 23, 1867,Between the bouts of M and o'clock am.. Infionl of the Law Coart rooma in the city oiM.mpiils, sell to iiiu iuguesl Ucler for cashthe la.d lying la nbelby coauty,Tennessee I r egluoi ng at a siake In the nurtbHit corner of isr. w - A. hooih's 1A& acre tractwith elm. mapie and r. d oak pointers tb.ncesoottl with Dr. Buoth a ,11m 11 cha. us lia-10- 0 of.chain loastaae; inencet-as- t la T5- chainsto a Make In tbe aaat line oi said White's saidtract; th.nce uor h in ii iuechsln with tneita.lgh mad to a EtaU. Ai link, swat of a blackguwi ; i hence wet " TS lop riairrs to the t --

giuniug cei.ia,niDg :xacreasi-luuo- i an acre.rSqulty ot ledeniption waived. Title aw

lieved to be good, bnt cor eya- ce only as trus-tee, w. W. VANC E, KM


fully cmpounde4 medicine aeiected whli tbeureatetti care, ana m inuraciaren eiciuiveiy oythe dtseoTerer. Dr. William. ! bis Labraroiytn person se that ever)' eompoaeat particle oftbW medicine s carefully aaalyz-- d and tte.ibefore It Is offered for sale. Thla great medi-- e.

althotieb a beautiful transparent winecolor, ana so piawaoi iu iMiuie i:iit.B .wt infant will love it. yet in -s ffecta It is in- -

" BBtantAnaarrrta &ftar each disM. rlMrlt indLsatlniruiai a most pvweriui xgzib its enasaing a greatcure, by allaying on tne irnp irosrlilch


IB variably aocompauy the traint lor which this m


f disis specially .

Ire for Ur Williams' Pulmonic Balaamof Wild Cherry an WoodNaptha. awM by olliruaalsts throughout the i'oath. Psalsis canbe BBpBtiod at J. B. w AMBON a CO is, Who.esale nuiBBlali and sal awaat aor this modicine, to whom ail omen must be artdriejaa.


VOLUME XVIIL-NUMB- ER 80mmmmmmmmmammmgljmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam






BILLIARD TABLESrnoai reliable Cuabloa aaM oa BU!lard1'HR llaa

CAT-GU- T CTNni0!f,Maoaftvetiirad by KWANAUH A DBCKRR.aod Fataotrd lae. 1H. IDOK (iVa aVcianUlIc

. Vol. iH. No 11.

ItMibaoalji Mbioo mat ajaat-aw-a all tbaiualitiw raw uiiA. l,, a. l'arUjt Luali.u. U k

' tie elastic aad moat dorable aahiao everoT red ta tba billiard-playlDfc- f paolle, aa lauaaa-iaDt- l provea 0 tbe treat ileiUriad tor ItMnce lu on- Ibe pecu.iarii" wblcbdtt!Dtcalabea Tbe Civ Ion aod renders:taupB-no-r W all otoafa, La tbe tlKbteaatf cord ofamV-n- wbicH a tbe ju-- e avivi adae ot aiiu ruauiiiK Uie fall Wu.ui of tbaCtubiOB, which prevf-n- tba bail from beddiitguu tne rubtM-- r aud juinpint, rrom tb labiaTbe addlt uo of tbe t rord aleo adtlamucn to tbe elutUcity ot' tb LTUblon.

Tbe tat-O- 'a. h ton hu already been ap-plied to r.Tr H t tti lew, whleh x in coctaniuw. It can be ap, net. to tablea oS any mavkefor f75 par aet.

KaT.uaicIi A Diwrkfr'w Partfry, at tha come'of lentra anu (anai treeU, N. T.. la the moatrompletaor tha klud in lue The ma-chinery la of the moat lmprnred character, thejnintieT'lrying room the largest In the UntiedHtatai. tbe material oael the bem that can bapurchased, and the vorkoaen taurtjujeniykkl'ttxi.

B1 1 lard Cloth. lUl'.a, "aea and Trim m in- - Wof tbe tet make, const. in fly on baud.

KAvanaxb A IXfrker ae tba only aajanfa Inthis country for Kay's Cue Cement, adjudgedby competent antborliiea to be theevcr used.

Full .. TaBe J J tbr IL

it down for MPrice I .lata.ANAiiH A DEf'KRB.

Corner of Centre and ' 'anal reeta,aao tm New York City.



WHOLESALE AGENCY.THE t'BHCRIR7.R, late a member of tble

kuown arm. na eatabisbed a Whola-al- e


783 Broftdvij, few Tork (It J,

Oppoelta A. T. Stewart ' Dry Gooda Palace, cor-ner Tenth atreet.

Where be art!! ba pleaad to reealre tha ordero bu frlenda and uablic, and eHpaciaUybear from those who bare ao line ally

their patronage oa tne firm heretofore.He will .apply thee tupenor laetruiueata tothe trade. V. holeaala ar i lital!. a tbe eeryLowest Prices,, made w th tha lolaaed IronRim and Krame fcaat In one aolia p!ae. ) Theyexcel al olberet la darabilliy, aaperiorlty oitofte, and e!tT of ex eraai appearance

ance and easily and salely - Warranted ui prove aatiausctory, or to.

money returned.Addre-- all orders to

fc iberia Ott.s:-- daw lorn 7H3 Broadway, New York


Manufacturers of the Improved Triple Flange

Fire and Burglar ProofSAFES,

With Combination and Powder-Proo- f Loefca.Warranted free torn Dawpndem.

Mannfactory l0tn i2 Went Hoaton St,liepot. Xaiisen Lane, near Pe-- i -- t..aao tiawlo a NEW YORK.



Silver and Plated-War- e ; Watchma-kers and Maa-a- f tctunng Jewelers,

275 MAIM STREET,Opp. South Omrt t. MEMPHIS. TENN.


HOUSE and SIGN PAINTER,Gilding, Graining. Glazing,

Paper flan Kins:. Kilsomlnlci;. Etc.

Miop... !s ii ion Street.




Thousand have been avr-- annnaMy from anuntiauejy grave by tiMiAa tbia

Unrivalled Pi-- para t ion.

FT enrea erTr'cto tJlv :i t ie , of t h T!iroavtM. and Lumr. CON9UMP7J N in tt h .ucipi- - ,

enr stages. AKTH m H'lH!TAf, fOt.Wt tH OHr--, U iTARKHrt, fRuLY, VhKrIMO

tbe Reapirstory UrgajtH, itre immediately re--llwwd by lla use.

so d by alt

Extract from letter irom Pr. ft. B. Robinao-- .

long a practicing lliya.f:an In Murirtwboro,Tenn.. under date of feeptemier It, lntiT, fromi brlnlrtna, Tenn. :

I shsvll always take great pleanre In recoin- -

mendlngyour becan-- i feel il goodeffect in mr systeni every dav, and am quitehurt it baa externaed my lite. Honirg ya mayueeeed tn doing good to tbe humax. racv andecompeua yarsei( tbereby,

I am rtpec:;uiiy your friend.ft. B ROBUNftOJf, M. D.

From Dr. J. W. Nelson, nader date:M f;:ixxB ri.i.aep.. 5, ls7.

Dr. Charles Williams, Memphis:I have ha area' raanv r:is for your Wild

Cbetry and Wood n: of course couldnot rnrnt.n n : ana my oujeci in wnuri: .o yoIs to request that y u snd me a few urn astoon as conTenient ana iorwa:ti yoor .u; aauI will tend you a eneek for the amount.

iieapecb.ui,y ours,JOSEPH W. B ELSON.

All orders mas- - be add rested tn J. B W.sVRON A Out, So. MS Main street. whoieie dealers In Drriifs, Meli."ne, etc . and aoie aaenu:o( this XfiicLne, at;d wbo will supply .urng-gis- ts

generally und other dealers in propnlarj rneu iii ties txirougn- n tue wui

Ksalssa, t m V t f i L.I.IA - .aaw. -Manufacturer Dr

i u i 1 ic riaiaqm oi sun iikuj m ,apt ha.

am- - Address all orders toJ. B. WASSOS A CO.,

No, HI Mala t. Memphia, Tenn.Hn'.d DV al. lrugKlst cverrwbere. acta

tor Sale.of the most desirable riantatioas on

ONK Ark ansa, river Is offered for sals at atircai Bargain. Ii coutains about ioUU acresbw-- t nnall'v cotrou !ann, lwacieacieareu anuunder cuiivatlon: dwelUss nouses, aogrot0.rtrs.g'U liousawi-- 'our gin. run

10 good a, 11 irist January, r

K iYSJ1., i h

Crce lm




.tefreratn MerapDis.

$900 HE WARD!OrnccMxjirTHa BnAxur utR.ii' rs,

wxxfHis. iK!f., Junes,iectuaiiy supprwvw

within Meupliia,ward or

TwoThousand I)olJarfpaid Mem Board Under-write-

policeman oibershall procure arreet conviction

person persons guilty firingpremisses insured InsuranceCompan:aa oompriaina Board.

Jfwftf BPKRcr wahu,Xotice to City Voters.

yob's Office; City Hallliursis, Tins., October 3ih,

registering votersOFFIC Ejection openedo'clock tulrty days,

ioUowing places:Baugn.

J street.



a with

Ing tiom iutol

IKr it-- 4. 1 A Oto

' Age n is, Sec ,ndK. Us ri,


urn. jon!r--r to mrfrum the city o a re

will be by the pit s ofto any or per- - n wbo

the and lkal ofany or of any

by any oi thethis

Hi ( rHa


ES lor the nextwill be this dsy

at ID a m . and lor the nextat t,he

First Ward R. L Keg ater, 4cluon

Second Warl-w- m. c base, Register, o. 42Poplar street.

ihird arvl- -F. J. A: well. Register, No.Second street.

Fourth Ward J. d. Woodward. Register. No.xto second street.




FTfth ward w. c warso, Register , iBeule street


Hixti, ward lames Banks. Register, w aldranBlock, Main sir!.seventh Ward I D. Wlmbexly. Register.Feignaon Hulidleg, Baal, street.

aiguvu m SB. . . .

Attest ion Is called to the folio. Ing extractfrom toe City Charter, io relation to th. above :

The Register "shall open boiks fur the regis-tration of sell persons .Unwed by existing law.1 vote lu any municipal election, and who re-side in sold ward ano every voter in eachward sba.l, belore orfeitng to Tote, cause him-self to bs registered tn said books, and snail receive .rom ti.e Register a oertlncate of registration, which snail oerjumereu rocoriespunawith the name and nnniberon tbe books of ibeRegister; and no parson snail be suffered tavote at any municipal election who shall notnave and produce to the Judges of election hiscertificate as aioresFld: and no voter shall beail wed to vole In any ctaer ward than .he on

him ha taaidas aad la rnsrlssnmrl "ocJO :ot w. O. LOFLAJfD, Mayor.

Notice.T tbe November Term of tbe County Court

A or sue. by county Tenn., 1

Lettera of Admt ilslration onHe in-- Bower, deceased.

I applr forth estate of

J. . MABKs.Halinm a Washington, Attorney aaeeiawtw


riiHX Law Department of the M.mph:. i

1 law wUI oren on th. FIIU--T iiOCTOBER. Tne following, aaainai com.patai r. IwBsBwa

Constitutional LawReal Property A f'ledlu.Personal Prooert, a Plead

Oen. Ai.Br.BT Pikb

Kinlty a t.wnmerciai Law.Hoo. P. K eCrlaa. Law A Admira.iy oeu. J. K. CstAi-aXA-


Walker's American Law. Knit's Commentrles, B.snop on Crltulnai Law carat er. His-tory of a Law Halt, Htepbeus' PleadincsBECOWD SESBIOX OW JCSIOB CL -5

mou tha.Parsons on Contracts, Parsoas oa Not.s and

Bills, lirawoJaof onFIRST HBaHIOy. KIX1I CLASH.

Adam 's Eqalty Jansprt. lsnce. Adam ' EquityPleadlrax. Bsrta.ld on Wills, Htiiiard on jaort-fage- s.

Parsons oa Partnerships.SECOND rtEHHION, SESIOR CTWS,

Wash born on Beat P oporry.Tsrior on L,adlord and Tenant, a swell m Ames on fVirpora-tlon- a.

Story's conflict or Laws. 1'arsoua onMan ume Law, ConB tin's C- a. Treailse.

HecltaUona and axamlnat:ons ssu-- davo'clock. Moot Court once --ach ... .

IAp- -

peliste once each month, preauied o.eruy w rmiesaor. all tooetner.

eiu-ieo- permitted uiemer any Claaabat nov. ploma flven except to those going throughwhole 3oorse.'"'" aP" salon, payable In advance.Jtniranee Fee, E3 per Hea n

All Students or I aw can attend tree of SBBBwathe Lectures of the Oatieae, loclaoiDK Lecture,on Elueatlon and expuuiaiiou of 1 Tha BowlFrench tochnlcaiiiles by ui president

Arrange man Is will be made to ta an! andIn daw Students at CS per month. AbbW alKicashoald be mad sarly.

FMbioiiable Itentln Aeademy.

f ADAMK LridS,of Haw Oriaana woaUda.X moat reapctrn::y anoanc- - to iheettlxcnaof Mempbla that aba will open hv etaaraaa fortba above graceful aectxipLahaaaat anTHIRIi IcL-jDA- In .Septaaibw-- r u theBlock. recond atreet. wh-r- e r t atti t iianiifw to tha aavanc ruotnt of berpa pi a who may o usiruaieaj to ctr ctaasrae tomerit a share of the public patni-:a.- . Vvi.L., baring taught In mnet o' tt.e ..Jcitlea of tha Hoath aad lineThaaii hiaai tameet here with the aame unboaad-- ! nrrtianwblcb haa hithrto marzeu bercooiaeoi

elaewh re. Uayn n1 nnnrnot tu.t oafor Children, Taadaya nd Haturdava, frotmhalf paat 3 o'eiock till dark ; for ldi-- 'romIU turn. Wl 12; tor Gentlemen, front 8 n'i !6p.m.. all tba aame day. Kefrancea n i iiitooahla, par which, and o hr paitit-aiara- ,

p aee aae , wblcb will be ai tbaprln lpai book anal maase atorea. lermatmoo-- eate Cad lathe niea and laa-ia- g tauht in pri-ra- ta

famine and eroooa, if Ooiitagtaeai taylaa a aaaooth ao.

MASONIC COLLEGE,I.acoa, 'aiette toanij. Tt nr.,

STTTATED thirty wifles frorr Mimttla, sevenot Lafayett. Lwpoi, M.A u

Faculty :

S. W. Johbwtob.a BUPreslucnt and Profess) rol Ancient LanguagesOtway B. Torsa. A.B.. Profeww r cf Mathe-matics:

Cola.t McKtSBEY, AM . Professnr o.' Men'.iland Moral Seiancs and Enftlsh L tcrature.

This Institution was reopened Oetoasor. Baa,and has reached a state er peraaanem

Next Annual seswon will be ope. 1

July u, lac.and wul consist of Two l.rms Joweeks earb.

CmASiiEs Eagllsb and Mathematics, fa125 nd SJC par Term. Keen Language tb extraper ie.-i- contngent fee fz SOparTeEoi.

Kxceltent board, inclndlrg room, fuel, wash-In- gand light, lis jer monca.

All ii s i sssaiT apparatus will he supplied.o.nseyance from laifayeito station Ut M-ima WeslaswaajaoadHaaaruaya

" xruatew", nave uelerin.reo to raEthis a first Aeadsmlc Ins.itutlon.1st. Tbe scholarship, experience and success

of oar faculty., 'Al. The elevated tone of onr community.

Sd. The healthful local; y. removed irou, thacorrupting :o9 lenceeond vice. of cily We.ah. Favorable price will aa toarhieve this anaswaa, Board Vr O. T. HTTNT1 R,Secmazr JOo-- W.'t

MEMPHIS OOwUiEQE"Former! j HU iAnrta.)

Rev. S H. FORD, LL.D., President.J. DCPREE, Professor ol Languages.

, Pro feasor Mathematics.JACKSON P. CRAWS, English Department,

t--ScsjIob Opens Moadar, September 2nd.


Senior tlasB, Including Latin, Greek andMsth-matl- es BIO oa

Juilor.s.naliah Branchesatluand liraekGrammar , a rs

Primary Department ) at."'' i

1867 ABKAISSAS. 1867

Toited Sfn(e Mail Roate uud

Little Bock and Hot Spring." Circot.


Littla Bock and Washington viaBockport and Arkadelphia.


Little Bock and Camden via Tulipnd Princeton.


Little Bock and Fort Smith."


Bnaslac m Cmmmtmm with ib Iem-!.l- a

Whit Biwer. mm Memw-pai- nmmd artttaaM River;Paeketa, sad

Memphis and Little Kcrk Baitrcnd,

Iattla) Bock to Xonticello, via lineBluff.

THROUGH IN 24 H' l R8.

First ClSMS Fuur-Hor-a- - Post I on. U

ieav Little Rock Dailj. and re(orniDg IetTHot ftprisga Dally, SonUays excepted, rrj IngC tilted sutea M ..

lavaUda i.olng io the Hot spring, will.rind oa UU. line lh. best of

Concord Coaches. Fine Hrrara andCareful and Sober Drivers,

an J every effort will be made to furnish thamost speedy and comfortable traiulu

Extra Coaches, u hen Required , trillbe Famished on Ten Jfinufca'


office In Little Bock at the Anthony House.

3. J. CHIBISTEB, CoBtrarior.

JOHN BARTHOLOMEW. Agent,ocll daw Lltt e ',c At.

Dtieerer aad of W sm,' EAGLE COTTON GINS.OTRACBB' OR1ST MILLH,, Wheeler, Madden A c lemson 's Circular Saws,

Hall's Fire Proof HaBLFor sal at Fasuory prl. es hy

Arkansas Cotton PaMtoHoniMcCOMB & CO.,SOLE AQEXTJ,

Xoa. SSSi and S24 Main Street,aaa-ao- JO MEMPHIS. TE v N.

THE DlSC0TI!Bijr THE ASM.v-- material which ha ewer been dteroveredil ha effected greater benefits in ine boose-hol- d

e. oaomy I hanMoGlMSKV'8 MAGIC SOAP.It 1 a labor saving invention, as well aa an in-valuable ren-sd- y in Scurvy. Scald Head. Erup-tions of the klB and Plies Dan-- ruff is re-moved from the head, the Teeth whiten- d andclean d, Plate and Jewelry cleaned, stain.rfeciaaiiy rensoved from Carpele. Furniture,clothes. Paint, V.rnl-- h or Marble, w tn thegreatest facility and without Injury to tbe ma-terial- It la a great saving of time and iao rin washing clothes It a the only known Soapwhich will wash Flannels with the ease ol cot-ton or linen without fulling or shrinking. Ailthews Important objects can be effected withoutinjury to the akin or th. moat uelicate fabnea.It po deleterious qualities whatever.rne world a eaaitenged to produce a Haspwhich poeoaaaaa ao many valuable proper liesand which a ao Innocuous and safe. It la ahome Invention, and defies competition in anypart of the world. It has become a r srsss ujin Memphis, and Its use a raploly spreadingthrougbeut the south, and eventually will ex-tend ovar the Yankee state.. North ard SoutrxAmerica. Karope, Asia, Africa and OesBBBBBB.Manufactured solely by f. r. MeOimaey. Mem-phi- .,

Tenn.. aad Mild at th. following pieces :ntneidty at wholesale and retail : Page t o 'aI...'. T I ' lira, Store. Pore ,r .

King's, corner of Third and Adams ; Oliver at, Madison street ; win soon

be found at any reapeetaoie family gn eery ordrug store. The proprietor lm determined thatlis manufacture sneai aswp Boca with Liu, ,-

Idly extending demand for lu use. aal


rpHKBS anrlvailed IwetrwaswaU are fniiy war.A ranted for seven yearn, and are for aale atHO. Vth MAXS (Jackson Eiock,)

Memphis.,mm ttf By IJtrtpoi.ri ikpwt

Sheriff's Sale.and by virtu, of an attachmentUNDER the Law Court of M.mphia, a

wbawwta William A. Kobtnaon et alTar plian-Ufl- h,

and C. Caeasaaeal a dswaadaol, aid brvirtu, of section 3o06 of the Cad. of Tenn.wew.1 wllL oa 'Ho.dy, tse 4th sty ef Nsvetsser,

i ibfi, swawwwa swe uoars ai iv o ciook s.m and 4-- .ln.V n en ... . n .1 u.l t . , 1. . . . .v ir " ."r OSS fir IBMtor easn, as us low ot CfByoeo frecf. ofpersonal property, lo be esH as

property, ua the hand, of an afrawwry virtu, of aald awoUon saa of ibe On . oTenuiaan, vis: Too Stoamboai c h kr kplhor boata. taefcle maA macainery. now lrJawawSlh. toot of taaroao areet. Mem ,7 ,

r. EVlKTrvR (iM&oheib,ST JAM B. SWAJI, a si. Tasii S