~INUTES OF THE MEET ING OF THE BOARD OF STUD !:!-.. IES IN gl§TORY, HELD ON _ JJ-i~.§JJi _l:~)?~R .YA-BX.,_ 198Z. AT 11. 00 AM IN ROOM NO •. 10. OF 'rHE GYAN MANDIR · DAuASTHALI • • _ ----- •h ·- 9 .!U.'l - VIDYAPITH 1. 2 .. 3. 4. Prof. Kalu Ram P rof. M.S. Jain Dr. S.N. Tewari ERE.SENT Shar1:1a -C O "'r- ,. \/ .Vn !) _. ,_ C,rn the chair ) External Member Dr. Prakash Vyas &,h: An external member Dr. R.P. Vyas and an int ernal member Dr. Perna Ram could not a ttend the meeting. ~r 'I'? o 0v"t. cl ·. confirmed the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Studies held on 29.3.86. Up -dated the existing panel · of examiners in accordance with the Bye-lawiof the Vidyapith. Con sidered and noted the reports of the examiners of vari ous examinations of 1986. Re solved to rscommen ci the courses of Study and Curricula. and Scheme of Examination for the following examinations:- (i) Pre-University Examination, 1988 - No change. (ii) I year T.D.C. E~amination, 1988 :- (iii) (iv) (a) Paper I - ns give .n in Appendix 'A' (b) ?aper II - No change. II yEnr T.D.C. Examination, 1989 ( a) Paper I - No chn nge. (b) Paper II - No change. III year T.D.C. (a) Paper I - Examin0tion, 1990 Th e syll abus has been di vid ed into fiv e equal units. Th e syll abus may com e into force from th e exno in atimn of 1988 and o nw0rds. ( ns per Appe nd ix-fil (b) Paper II - No chon gE . (v) M.A. Previous Ex nm in CT tion, 1988 - No chnn gE .

Transcript of THE MEET ING STUD IES IN gl§TORY, ON JJ-i~.§JJi l:~)?~R.YA ...

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IN ROOM NO • . 10. OF 'rHE GYAN MANDIR·· DAuASTHALI • • _ ----- •h·- 9 .!U.'l - VIDYAPITH •


2 ..

3. 4.

Prof. Kalu Ram Prof. M.S. Jain Dr. S.N. Tewari


Shar1:1a - C O"'r-,.\/.Vn!)_.~·,_ C,rn the chair)

External Member

Dr. Prakash Vyas

&,h: An external member Dr. R.P. Vyas and an internal member Dr. Perna Ram could not attend the meeting.

~r ~ 'I'? o 0v"t. cl ·. confirmed the minutes of the meeting of the Board

of Studies held on 29.3.86.

Up-dated the existing panel ·of examiners in accordance with the Bye-lawiof the Vidyapith.

Considered and noted the reports of the examiners of various examinations of 1986.

Re solved to rscommenci the courses of Study and Curricula. and Scheme of Examination for the following examinations:-

(i) Pre-University Examination, 1988 - No change. (ii) I year T.D.C. E~amination, 1988 : -



(a) Paper I - ns give.n in Appendix 'A' (b) ?aper II - No change.

II yEnr T.D.C. Examination, 1989

( a) Paper I - No chnnge.

(b) Paper II - No change.

III year T.D.C.

(a) Paper I -

Examin0tion, 1990

The syllabus has been divided into

five equal units. The syllabus may come into force from the exnoinatimn of 1988 and onw0rds. ( ns per Appendix-fil

(b) Paper II - No chongE .

(v) M.A. Previous Exnm in CTtion, 1988 - No chnngE .

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• • 2 , . • • • • ®


11at ion __ No change except

( · ) M A Fi· nal ..L Vl • • • II ( ) For Paper II (c) ihe first ·two units

Paperb e~di~stributed (Syllabus as given in Appencti· has een r . ~) The S¥llabus may come into force from the Exam.

of ·1988.

ResolvEd to rEcommEmd the Syllabus for thE. M.Phil. (Social­

SciencEs) Examination, 1988 , as given in Appendix n. Considered the item No. 5 of the agenda and resolved to

recommend that the existing Syl~abus · may bot be disturbed and the following two papers be introduced at the Higher Secondary (+2) Examination under 10+2 pattern of Education:-

Pap€r I - History of India (Earliest to 1707 A.D.) Paper II- History of India ( 1707- 1950 A.D.)

ResolvEd to recommend that at the top of each Courses of Study in History, the following :note be inserted -

1 At least two quest~shall be seked from each unit. 1

The above note shall be applicable from the examination of198B.

The meeting Ended with a vot of the chair. thanks to

So.l -(K~lu Ram Shar ma )



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i~~ A?PENDIX - D

M •PHIL . COUHS1-;:: _ IN sr,c~ r.L SCIENCES

A s tud ent will h av G t o offe r s ev En Course s, e a ch having

thr c::e. h ours of c ontact ov e r a pe.riod o f 2L~ we:Eks. Ea ch Course

c arr i es 100 r;'l a r k s an d each Exc.=.u:1 inatio~ will b e. o f 3 h ours durat:

The CoursGs of study shall b e d ivided in three [sr oup s 1 ~· .. , , B,

and ' C' as f ollows :-


Cour se. -1. Re s earch Me tho do logy in Social SciEnCEs.

NaturG. of Socia l Re s Enrch - p ure and applied

r e s earch, Me.thod ol ogical problem in the Study of Sc cial

ph en omen on. Theory building in Social Sciences and

p roblems a ssociated with it.

Fornation of re.s earch de.sign, d E.fini tion of the

problem c oncept f ormation and f ornulati on of hypothEses

Selection of units of Study. Techniques of Samp ling

and c ollection of data : Techniques of mensuremmt­

Sc o.l e s ll I ndex ~ C-,x: i ng etc ..

Scurc Es of Secondary . Inforoation


Library inforn2t

Methods o f .analysis - Me nsures o f Centra l tend ency

and dipe.rcion. Sinple ; multiple and partial corelation .

Multiple Re gre ssion. ,:\nalysis of Variance. J .. ssociation

of attributes.

Course -2. Eithe r






( c)


Re s earch Methodology in Econonics. II

" lt




11 History.

" Sociology.

1i ?ol. Sc.

(b) Re s e.a rch Methodology in History_:

Theory build ing in History and the probl cD

o.ssoc io.t Ed with it . Quantification in History·

Te chniques of clRt a c ollection - ?.rinary"pni0

.,-• I','-/

Se. c on dnry clnt a - obs erv8.tion nethods - - · l t . · Index .. 8.n 2. Y ·1.c o.l me tho 1..l - Conte:nt analysis•

c0n s truct i on . Ut i lization and intErpretation f H . t · · 1 Sourc es . o 1. s orico.l Sourc <: s - ,'.rche:olog i.oo.

Me t h od o f Carbon elating .

Contd •• •

Page 4: THE MEET ING STUD IES IN gl§TORY, ON JJ-i~.§JJi l:~)?~R.YA ...

: : 2 : :

coursE -3. Pedogogic Methodo+ogy. Jt,j.Lc-,,-.,,v-"'9--v,i;l<...A..

lSyllabus t o b_ e lby B.o.s. in E . ) ,.... cononucs .

course -4. Sessional and ? ractical Work. ( S }\_CLJ'..,,-v •,vyy-D, n rh-ol...

yllabus t C? be l by B. 0. S. in Economics)

GROUP - D • -CoursE -5. SourcE s ofl..ncient Indian History.

(a) Vedic Literature - General Chronology, Ncture and its Classification.

(b) Buddhist and Jain Literature. Broad e1assification and Chronology.

( c) Special Study of the 1'.rathasnstra & Rajtanmgani. (d) Accom1ts of Fahiyan & Huen. Tsang. (e) Classification, Script and importance ofAsoka and

Gupt~ Inscriptions.

Course -6. Sources of ·Mediev2l Indian History.

(a) Persian Sources (i) Official(ii) Non-official ( b) Non- :?crs i :-:-, ,s ~,J~~c s • Ei.s torir:.3.l Kavyas ; Jain Works. ( c) Coins and Inscriptions o

(d) Archival SourcGs (Rajasthan State hrchives, Bika-t1er.) (Only infor□ation about important Categories of documents expected n)

(e) European Traveller's Lccounts - a brief Survey of Dernier, Tavenier and Manucci' s 1\.ccounts.

Course -7. Sources of Modern Indian History.

( a) 1\ brief desc~~ption of Archival Records at National

/..rchives afl&:;i'State Archives o

(b) Private ?apers of Governor - GE1:lrals and Secetaries o.f State (Minto- Morley, Curzon or Wnvell).

(c) News Paper~and journals in English¥and Hindi Languages-

( d)

a Select Study. l Works of Indian Leaders -Correspondence anc

Gandhi or P§tel or Nehru •

.29urse- .,- .. c,_Souf''C-Gs o.f Rajasthan History•

(a) (b)

1:i.rchaeological Sources and Inscription~. · ~ . than State f..rchives, Dikaner-

Archiv8.l Sources: RaJas c • n~1--. . .. t Qawnvo.r, Kagghl w1lS,

Hakee.kc t Bahiyas, Das oor c.

Mnhekawc Khas (Kotn).

Page 5: THE MEET ING STUD IES IN gl§TORY, ON JJ-i~.§JJi l:~)?~R.YA ...

' • • ii:. , fr

( c) Marathi and Per sian sourcEs . Khyat Literature­

Nainsi , Bankidas & Dayal daa. ( d ) Diaries and r rivate 0ap €r s of Janm8lal Dajaj and

Pt . Hiralal Shnstri . (e) sury~ Pd . Mishran , ShyG:Wal das , J nwal a Sahai ,

Ojhn and Tod os historians .

c.ourse -9.Principles and Prnctice of Historiogra~hy .

( a) Fact in History - Historical exDl anation . Caus 2tion in History - objectivity in history .

(b) Relationshir, o~history with Science, Art and f

Social Sciences. (c) TEenda in Historical thinking - Idealistic ViEw

of History. (d) The ?ositivists - Augusst Comte; Social and econ0ni1

determinison - Hegel and Mp_rx. (e) Cychiview of History - S~engler and Toyanbee.

G~OUP - C.

Course -10. Political Sociology. ( (Syllabus t o be recommended by B.O.S. Sociolo!

Mvurse -11. Sociology of Economic Develo~ment. (Syllabus to be recommended by B.O.S.Econ~nics

Course -12. Issues in Econonic History. ~ (Syllabus t o be r ecomm~nded by B.o.s. Ec0noci9

CoursE -13. So · 1 1,1 J Cla ueas and Institutions .

The Course h 11 s a hove two parts. Both the parts sh

h nve 50 murks each.

( a )

( a )

? ART - I

The Concept nnd Scop e of S0ciul Hi story - Durkh6im,

? o.r son s and Sor ol~in . Univc.rsnl Social I . . . rrhei : nst1tut1cns ctnd Organis•t1on, -nature , origin and gr owth - Tri b E. clan and FamilY •


Fun dam en t al s · AsirJl

1 1 IJClal Institutions - Fanily, Varna, i..

(b) ccals of f amily l "f G l c . r owth of a rig 1· d C . al astc- System . ChangE s in soc


Institutions and VnluEs.

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inclusive of Master’s Degree

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Tracing Women’s History in

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1857: Indian History’s Turning Point

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students’ understanding

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on ‘Science andSociety’

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‘material’ and‘nonmaterial’

‘process’ as wellas a ‘product’ of

World Heritage Sites, Culture and Heritage, in ‘Know India’, An Initiative

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Page 15: THE MEET ING STUD IES IN gl§TORY, ON JJ-i~.§JJi l:~)?~R.YA ... › ... ›Disintegration › Disintegration of Delhi

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Deccan Sātavāhanas and Ksaharātas: Achronological Review.

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Chandra, Bipan, India’s Struggle for

India’s Struggle for Independence 1857

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(Delhi: People’s

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ovement for Women’s Rights and Feminism in India, 1800

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Assess women’s


Account of Movement for Women’s Rights and

Domesticity and Power in early Mughal’s World

Page 26: THE MEET ING STUD IES IN gl§TORY, ON JJ-i~.§JJi l:~)?~R.YA ...

Mookerjee, R. K. ‘Ancient Indian Education’,

Menon, M.G.K. ‘An Extraordinary Indian’,

Shrivastava, Nripendra Kumar. ‘Indo Towards Synthesis During the Delhi Sultanate Period’.

Page 27: THE MEET ING STUD IES IN gl§TORY, ON JJ-i~.§JJi l:~)?~R.YA ...

Kumar, Sanjeev H. M. (2013). Constructing the Nation’s Enemy: Hindutva,

popular culture and the Muslim ‘other’ in Bollywood cinema.

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“What is the History of the Books?”

Constructing the Nation’s ‘other’ in Bollywood cinema

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In compatibility with Banasthali Vidyapith’s aim to materialize the ethos of nation

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The discussions on ‘truth’, ‘fact’, ‘multiple truths’ as part of

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1857: Indian History’s Turning Point

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India’s Strugg

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Bloch, Marc, Hisotrian’s Craft,

Hisotrian’s Craft

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of writing Delhi Sultanate’s

People’s Pub. House, Delhi, 1974.

Exploring India’s Medieval

Exploring India’s

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Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences’, Vol.8,

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‘Early European trade and commerce’. E

Ghosh, Suresh Chandra. (1988). ‘The Genesis of 1905’.

Naoroji, D. (1901). ‘Poverty and Un ’

Premchand. ‘Godaan’. Retrieved from

‘new archaeology’.

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political system and people’s

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, Jaipur: Rajasthan People’s Publishing

. Jaipur: Rajasthan People’s Publishing

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Explain Women’s S

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women’s socio

women’s human rights

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small Roman digits, i, ii, iii… x). From chapter 1 to

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India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing

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Cinema History’”: A Viable Category of Understanding

Popular Culture and the Muslim ‘Other’; Folklore and the

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– 1935; Jinnah and his 14 Points; ‘TwoNation Theory’ and Genesis of the Idea of Pakistan;

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India’s Partition:

, Paul. (2003). “The partition of India and

–methods, and purposes”. –

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Explain women’s status and

State how women’s question is

Beyond the Kings and Brahmanas of ‘Ancient’ India

Women’s Work Men’s

Ghosh, Srabashi, ‘Birds in a Cage”: Changes in Bengali Women’,

Sarkar, Tanika, ‘Nationalist Iconography: Images of Century Bengali Literature’,

‘Ancient’ India

Women’s WorkMen’s Property: The Origin of Gender & Class

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harakan, ‘Status ofWomen in India: A Historical Perspective’,

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Cohen, G. A. ‘ ’’

Shah, A.M. ‘M.N. Srinivas, Max Weber, andFunctionalism’. Retrieved from

Smith, Adam. ‘An Inquiry into the Nature andCauses of the Wealth of Nations’. Retrieved

– Design; ‘Simplicity & Complexity’ style of ‘Moving Pictures’;

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Bill, O’Brien. (20

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Sharma, Preeti. (2012). “Hearing the hidden ic traditions in Rajasthan”.

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y. With the publication of “What Is

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the History of Books”, by Robert Dranton in 1982 –

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related to the historian’s The programme caters to enhance the researchers’

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