The Meeker herald (Meeker, Colo.) 1903-07-04 [p ]

MEEKER HERALD. Established August 13, lhHfi. Meeker, Colorado. SATURDAY, JULY 4, IMkl. JAMES LYTTLE, Editor A Publisher. KnUri'J In tho Postofllce nt Meukar, Rio Blanco County. Colo., an second- m olnss iiimII matter. g 1 ..'.'J-:- HOME IKTE'WS. TERMS: KOH SURHCKirriON. One Year |2no Hlx MonthH 1 tx> I'OK ADVKKTIHI XO. Professional Curds, per Month IS ui Otto Inch, display, p«r Month S Ul> Two Inches, jnsr Month HUM Three Inches, pur Month I 00 Pour Inches, per Mouth . oo Klve Inches, |**r Month n oo Ton liu'hoMv tl-‘.'column) per Month. . .10 oo Twenty Inches, (I column) per Month 15 uu Professional Cards, when paid Inadvniice, |IS oo por year. fjocn! notices ton cents por lino. Legul notices seven cents per lint*. Addrush till communications to THE MEEKER HERALD, Meeker, Colorado. NOTICE! WARNING! FIRE- WORKS! In tho intoroKtH of public safety, both from accident And lire, nil per- sons are warned from and requested not to fire crackers, during the Fourth of July tho town of Meeker; nor to throw them under teams to explode, nor in places likely tostartflres; nor during the parade or exercises at the park. All violators of this proclamation will be arrested and fined. Let us all have a good time but not endan- ger life or property. Respectfully, T. D. Rilky, Mayor. Marvlne Lodge is now open and re- ceiving guests. Mrs. W. L. Pattison and son, Lyn- ton, of Buford, visited the city Mon- day. C. H. Hhultz was among the lower river visitors to town during the week. A. H. Cay wood of &angely cashed in one wolf and two coyote scalps Saturday. At this time it looks as tho' there would be a scarcety of hay hands in White river valley tills season. John J. Davett of Carbondale, was a visitor during the week. Mr. Dav- ett was looking up a business open- ing. Haying will be one or two weeks later than usual in this valley, which Is accounted for by the lute cold spring. H. W\ Walter came ' In from Rangely Tuesday. At that time everything was moving along nicely in the oil belt. Ole Walden has leased the Pioneer barn and; purchased a lot of livery rigs, and is prepared to do a first class livery business. W. 8. Reynolds is very ill at his residence on the mesa; so ill, indeed that many of his friends despair of his ultimate recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mullen, M. Hus- ton, T. E. James and O. M. Hoback were among the numerous Axialites in the “future great” during the week. County treasurer, John A. Watson, received a telegram Monday announc- ing the death, nt Marietta, Ohio, of the wife of his brother, Mr. A. J. Watson. Dave French of Piceance, is enjoy- ing his Meeker visit of a couple of weeks after his recent experience in the the lowlands along the Missouri and Mississippi. Joseph Col loin of Axial, took out several loads of lumber and farm ma- chinery Tuesday., Mr. Collom be- lieves in applying up-to-date methods in running a large ranch. For 47 years Mrs. Nancy Rose has been keeping the light house at Stony Point, N. Y. Evidently she is not one of the women who prefers boarding to light housekeeping. R. Hartke caught a three pound rainbow trout Monday. This shows that the rainbows grow better than a pound a year ns it is less than three years since the first were put in White river. The postoffice scandal will not down. President Roosevelt has as- sured the public that, the affair will be prolled to the bottom and the post- master goners 1 cannot stein the tide of investigation. David Smith A Company are pre- paring tO'inove their sawmill to the North Fork slope. The mill will be loeated in the vicinity of Sleepy Cat, probably on the west fork of Fawn creek. A road over which to freight out tho lumlier will be built up Fawn creek. Jay Paxman will be over soon to commence work on this route. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. laxative Rromo quinine Tablets euro a fojtl in one day. No cure, no pay. Prlco 2Cc, Last Monday was the thirtieth an- niversary of the entry of Bishop^ 1 Leonard into the ministry. On that date thirty years ago the now noted bishop was ordained as a deacon in the church of the Transfiguration In New York city, commonly called the “Little Church Around the Comer," and in conmemorntion of the aus- picious event the bishop held a short service at St. James church Monday morning. R. Lester Karow of Savanna!), Ga., Donald Grant Herring of Blooms- burg, Pa., Wynn Armstrong and Roderick A. Dorman of Princton University, W. William Potter of East Orange, N. Y. and F. C. Rogers of Pittsburg, Pa., are all registered at tiie Meeker. These gentleman are here to see tho country and pros- pect. Henry Kuril don’t like crowds; likes to celebrate in a quiet sort of way, so came in last week and had a nice gentlemanly little celebration all by .himself and departed Monday morning for the Hnlett A Torrence ranch after having done full duty to tiie occasion. Said lie would run the ranch while tiie other members of tiie force were In observing the Fourth. I)r. R. L. Walker and John P. Roagni of Opelousas, La. and Francis Bernard of Paris, France, came in tills week to hunt lions and bear with John Goff but were informed by that gentleman that the lion and bear season was over, so they departed by the next stage for tiie outside world. Tiie erstwhile happy bachelor gov- ernor of Kansas had, by his own count, 2000 offers of marriage. Since he lias accepted only one, there are 1990 rejected women. “Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned” and the last state of that man will be worse than tiie first. Fritz Carstens came in Mondayand reported a serious break in the Miller creek ditch. As the ditch is new there will probably be more or less breakage this season, but next year it will be all right as the ground will then be thoroughly soaked and set- tled. Messrs. Adolph and Ike Baer and their respective families made up a jolly coaching party which came to town last Friday evening to attend the lawn fete given by the St James Ladles’ Aid society on the spacious Moulton lawn. Mr. and Mr, L. W. ((Ward of Bu- ford, paid Meeker a visit Monday. Mountain- Dell Home, Mr. Ward’s delightful summer resort on the south fork of. White, Is open for the season and a large number of visitors are booked. The Old Pioneer liquid refreshment emporium was opened in approved style Wednesday. George Welch, than whom there is none better, is on hand as chief mixologist and con- cocter of thirst quenchers. At its recent session the Colorado Legislature passed n bill (H. B. 221, by Pace) having for its object the de-* structlon of prairie dogs. At its late session the Nebraska legislature passed a similar bill. An eight pound girl arrived at the home of H. W. Tliomliuson Wednes- day morning, July 1, Dr. Hubbard attending physician. Mother and little one are doing well. Clarence Ford was In from Coal creek Monday and reports prospects for a good hay crop, but the season will be from one to two weeks behind that of last year. George Welch- came in from the Battle Lake country last Friday and received a warm greeting from his many friends here. J. S. Barnes of Lily park took his cattle up to the summer feeding grounds on the Reserve the early part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Keller and A. J. Younker were city visitors Satur- day. Little Irene Hay was quite sick the fore part of the week. Duly Appreciated. To th« Enrroß or Taa Hbbald: On retiring from business in Meeker weVish to thank our many friends and patrons for the liberal patronage accord us during our stay in your midst and hope the same may liejcontinued to our successor in business. To our new location in Grand Junc- tion we will take with us many kind remembrances of Meeker and White river people generally, and assure our friends in this valley that when they visit Grand Junction we will be only too happy in trying to make their visit as pleasant as possible. Witli best wishes for the future of Meeker and White river valley and all our friends, we remain Very truly yours, Gates Krksburo, M. Hkbtx. Death of R. E. Long. Through the courtesy of Mrs. D. R. Carnon, The Herald 1h in posseti- sion of a copy of the Courier, pub- lished nt Roxl>oro, N. C\, announcing the death of R. E. v Long, which oc- cureti on Monday morning, June 8, at Sarunnc Lake, N. Y., of consumption. Mr. Long war 31 years of age at the time of his death and had been an invalid for about 18 months. He wg* a model young man and was highly respected by all who knew him. Mr. Long spent several months at the hoiqe of Mr and Mrs. D. R Carson on the Nortii Fork last summer and has many friends in this valley, among whom are W. B. Hamper, J. C. Gentry and A. C. Moulton, who will regret to learn of his death. Although a young man, deceased had attained an enviable place in the business affairs of North Carolina. The North Side Ditch. Prof. Stockton, a government of- ficial, has been in this section for several dnys examining the surround- ing country from a geological stand- point. Tiie government hasalso instructed Mr. Stockton to examine into the feasibility of the North Fork ditch project and in pursuance of instruc- tions he looked over the ground dar- ing the pnst week with the assistance of County Surveyor Moog. In addi- tion to showing the professor over the ground, Mr. Moog furnished him with a lot of valuable data which wtU be used in compiling a report to be sent to Washington. , Professor Stockton is favorably iflf preused with the country, and hta report will likely be a favorable 009, in which event the government vffl 1 order a survey of the lands in ques- tion, and if found to be in sufficient extent to justify building the ditch the government will take the matter up and build the ditch under the pro- visions of the arid land act. Things are moving right. Troop D Doings. Last Saturday evening nearly all members of Troop D assembled at the armory, mounted, and proceeded to Aicher’s gulch, four miles east of town, where camp was made. Preceding the departure of the troopers, a four-horse camp wagon with all the food, equipage and a number at the boys started for the camp in the afternoon, so that on the arrival of the troop camp was ready for them. Sunday wa» spent in targert prac- tice and field maneuvers, and—from a military standpoint (and a”good time) tho trip was profitable and en- joyable. The troop will indulge in several such expeditions during the summer. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moulton Invited the mem- bers of the troop and the band to a lawn party at the Moulton residence. At the hour of eight p. m. the troop- ers in dress uniform, headed by the band, marched to tiie Moulton home, on the spacious lawn of which a number of pretty military move- ments were executed, after which the troopers, baud and a number of invited guests sat down to refresh- ments consisting of unlimited quan- tities of ion cream and cake, etc., etc. After refreshments, music and danc- ing on the Carpet-like lawn completed a very pleasant evening. At a late hour the boys returned to the armory having thoroughly en- joyed themselves. All those in at- tendance will long remember with a feeling of pleasure the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Moulton. Hand made harness and saddles All goods guaranteed. Also carry a fall line of factory goods. Prices the lowest Patronize home industries. Hartke A Sheets. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Tnke Isixatlve Bromo quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Orovo's signature Is on each boxv SSo. The Old Pioneer. Having purchased the business of Gates Keroburg in the Baer Block, I will be open for business July Ist and will carr^ a large stock of the finest, wines, liquors and cigars. Special attention given to jug and bottle trade. Your patronage respectfully solicited. p. F. Welch. To-day is the one hundredth and twenty-seventh anniversary of the Nation’s natal day—the ever mem- oir. bio and glorious Fourth of July. Let everybody celebrate in a proper maimer; let patriotism be tiie Ani- mating spirit, and Joy only limited to the individual and collective ca- pacity of eacli and everyone to have a good time. B“id J. Moore, accompanied by his sister, Miss Edith, and his cousin, Miss Maggie Barnes, came in from Lily park Monday and loaded out with farming machinery. Reid says the settlers of tiie park are just be- ginning haying. The denizens of sections are hustlers and have great faith in the future of that lo- cality. A well authenticated rumor was in circulation around tiie board of trade building tho early part of the week to the effect that the vacant lot ad- joining the court house had been sold to a Glen wood capitalist who will infi- xnadiately erect thereon a modern block to be used as a wholesale liquor 'house. And thus we continue to grow. Qne swallow don’t make a summer, It is said, but two appeared Wednes- day and showed a disposition to take possession of old quartern in a cornice of. The Herald building, all of which would indicate that summer must now be here. (Later—They’ve departed in disgust.—Typo.) Judging by the amount of lumber hauled out from the Meeker yards the past week or so by our friend Billy Keller there must be some ex- tensive improvements golngonat the Keller ranch. o *&)noplatnt continues to come in con semi ng the flooding of country roads by careless Irrigators. This will probably continue until someone is yanked up and fined—os bylaw provided. J. W. Frizzell, road overseer of the Rangely district, accompanied by Miss Willa and Master Jesse Friz- zell, came up from Oilville Thursday and remained over the Fourth. Zaek Mathes was one of the riders who helped to round-up the bunch of wild steers used in the roping contest. They are a lively lot of “critters.” Rube Ball, John J. Niblock, Simp Harp and Dr. Bruner lessened the viHible supply of trout in White river Wednesday. Rig Beaver is becoming a famous trout stream. Over thirty people were fishing along its banks one day last week. Isaac Collier has purchased the Rawls property on east Park avenue and with his family has moved to town. Keep an eye on Young America and have a supply of liniment and bandages on hand. Haying operations of the Smith and Mougomery ranches beloW town be- gan tills week. W. A. Clark Is out at Lily park do- ing some surveying for the Lily Park company. Bob Hendren is back from a trip to Arkansas, wheito he went to visit his children. People who subscribed to the North Fork preliminary ditch survey are requested to call on E* R. 8. Sander- son and paythe amounts of their sub- scriptions. The money is now needed. A1 Durham came in Wednesday and reported that he would celebrate at Durhamvllle this time. Didn’t seem to realize what he* was missing, but he will know better next time. J. C. Freedle has been re-elected principal of tho Rangely schools, and the people of that community are to be congratulated as Mr. Freedle is a first class school master. Just enough ruin in the valley to lay the dust, yesterday morning, and sufficient snow on tiie mountain tops to ensure us a nice cool Fourth in these parts. Frank and Pearl Barnes, children of J. S. Barnes of Lily park, arrived in town Thursday evening and will stay in to spend the glorious Fourth. The Cure boys are prepared to make the youngsters happy. They have set up their merry-go-round in the park. Denver Live Stock Market. Denver, Colo., June 29.—The month of Jane so far has been a lively one at the Denver Union Stock yards, as far as the receipts of stock were con- cerned, far ahead of the same month last year. Hogs took the lead with an increase of 8000; cattle next, in- crease 4600, and sheep third, increase 1000. The cattle increase would have been greater with better railroad service, but some.ofthe southern lines were not equal to the emergency. The southern run is about over. The stock has been good and the move- ment much heavier than a year ago. Northern ranges took the bulk. Of- fering of fed cattle have not been up to the expectations in quantity the past week, but in some cases the quality caused the top price of the market to be paid, which is $4.80. Cornfed steers are quoted $4.25 t 04.80, cornfed cows $8.50 to 4.25; hayfed steers $3.75 to 4.50, hayfed cows and heifers $2.75 to 4.00. Stockers and feeders are wanted but are very scarce. Stockers are quoted $3.00 to 3.25, feeders $3.50 to 4.25 freight paid to the river. Hogs have been in good supply up to the past week when they got short and the price firmed up to $6.76 with prospects good for a6O mark in the very near future. Muttonsare in good demand. Wethers are quoted $6.00 to 5.60, ewes, $4.60 to 4,75 and lambs ffl.oo to 0.25. J IWSmi lilll WWWW9 ¥* The Cash Furnishing Goods Store. QIIMMT7D QITITQt Pturthof July Uat hand sad you | OUiTIiYIJDIV OUIIOI peohat 'ly desire toappear at your beat on < that dote. Nothingappears quite -<> well a* ono of our summer suits. ] i They are cool, wear wall and the prices are low. Come and see them. < CTDAW 14 ATQI The iaason for Straw hats has arrived. We < » DIBA W flAl O 1 have them In all slaes and the latest styles. » TPWNIIQ Cf IQFCI Tennis pin yers should remember we have ( | I EiNiilO ullWErOi a full Urn-of tennis shoes—good wearers, i too. We carry a line of canvass shoes for ordinary summer wear. < > Have also a fine line uf gloves for workmen or riders. Can, Intact, 1 [ clothe a man from head to foot and <-uu suit bis taste and purse. | W. O. Patton & Company. ............. ...... LPffvg 85252 r& jb Ca«>CoU>nOnoDqr,CHpii3Dqillt/. kss. Me fifty Years fha Standard BAKING POWDER taarM ■ghMtlfwr* VMM’s Fair Ughsst Itsfs US. last Chsaiste MIM ■Mtmimtß 00. vswv Cut full Levi Strauss cCo's Copper-riveted Overalls the most dependable garments In the world for working men IT™?. - LEGAL NOTICES. j Administrator’s Notice. EMTATK or JOHN P. THOMAS, DE- CEASED. The undersigned, having been appointed administrator ..of the estate of John P. Thomas late of the County of Rio Blanco In the Stale ofColorado, deceased, herelnrgives notice that he will appear before the County Court of said County, at the Court House In Meeker Insaid County, at the Juno Term, IMS, on tho last Monday In July next. (July 27. IMS) at which time all persons having claims against said estate ara notified and requested toattend for the purpose of hav- ing the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said estateare requested to make Imme- diate payment to the undersigned. Dated at Meeker, Colorado, this Brd day of June A. D. IKS. Thomas O. Thomas, Jntf-JylS Administrator. Special Term of District Court. Btatb or Oolobado, »__ Copmtt or Rio Blanco, f** INTHE DISTRICT COURT THEREOF. In pursuance of an order of- the Judge of Raid County, notice Is hereby given that a fß®*!?. l term the District Court Inand for Rio Blanco County. Colorado, will bm begun and holden at the Court House In Meeker, Colorado, on Wednesnay, the »th day of July, A. 1). IMS, at 10 o’clock a. m., for the purpose of the trial of a certain caueo pend- ing therein, wherein, John P. Thomas Is the ¥latntlff and Thomas (i. Thomas, Evan G. homas and J. D. Moos are defendants. Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at Meeker, Colorado, this 15th day of June, A. D. IKJB. Gao. M. Loan. 1 —, Clerk. J seal \ y—* JnSO-JySB JOHN P. SYKES Cattle branded same as cut on left side. ■RKH Earmark, underslope and overbit left ear. jmsL Bu)p, ur - PnstoOoe address Meeker. Colo. Own cattle ■MBS —a« with follow- Ing brands: !■■■■■■ J. P. BCHERMERHORN. Cattle branded same as cut on right side or hfp. IlllllalylilMM It ft nK O. government road and bead of Pice- snee creek. ■IS PoetoffioeAddress Rio Blanco, Colo. T H WARREN. Cattle branded same as Horses same Range Miller creek and upper White river. HI Postofflce address ' Meeker Colo. 1 STOCK BRANDS. AMBROSE OLDLAND. Cattle branded same ac out on right aide. Horm. . brand on any ■yew 'S'eaa:!- , Tl BOTIM-f *""■ P O addreaa. Meeker. Colo. , W. L. PATTISON. Cattle branded on either right or left shoulder. ÜBSr -1 Range. North Fork of I White und vicinity. * ** ° Col k 'WlwflHliajws* THE BAER BROS. LAND k CATTLE CO. Cattle branded on left ) side same os cut. Also own cattle brandtu^^^ 1 k pol Ehl yjl Horse branded #1" same as (nit. Range Ido Blanco connty. P O ad- dress Meeker t 010. J BARTLETTA GIBBO9L i 1 Cattle branded same an out on either side. aKr^SfwMe Horse brand sumo on left shoulder. ! R«twe. upper White and vicinity or Buford. - -avfcw- ai" P Oaddress ■RRHIKva Buford Colo. 1 8 P WEAR. Cattle branded on left aide. Also own wOßßigt fll Ear-nmrk. crop left; under bit and over bit right. Horse brand Nome as cut on left thigh. 93F" Tho VV L brand appears on cattle as Y on Phoblder; Fen ■We: Lon hip. summer range, bead of Miller onpek and divide between White and Grand rivers. P O Meeker. 3 L MeHATTON. MMMa Cattle branded samo as cut on left aide. Some cattle branded Bar left "Ido and Seven on left hip. Horae brand Bur-7 WBHWf «>n thigh. Bunge t Dal Creek basin and vicinity. P o Meekot Colorado. THE WHITE RIVER CATTLE 4 INVEST- MENT COMPANY. Cattle branded same as «»•™ fight Hide. Also 7 E L on left side. Horse brand tamo at cut. "Pt** white. Winter range, vicinity ffl *>/ Angora. P O Box 138 Meeker. J W C Shep- herd, manager. Alto own stock branded ]j JL H. S. HARP. Cattle and MHa hone*. AlaoH^^EW own followingbrands: JSVKEB UUH'IBB and Coal Creek. PO Meeker. MONTGOMERY LAND 4 CATTLE CO. Cattle and bone brand P o' addreas Meeker. Colo. CHARLES H. SHULTZ. Bow and arrow, on loft Cattle and horses. Range, lower White rlv- Ml er and Yellow creek. p o White River, Colo. W. B. HAMPER. teWteP _4oleftaMe. Earmark. _____ square crop on right and uoderslopeon left. Also WmMm TL and ibi Horaet tame itBHU cut on shoulder B 9 or Unm* 1 h| p- Range, north side White river aadvMnlty. POMeokor. J. P. NIELSON. _ Cattle branded on left side. Horm* branded HHrtlP on left shoulder. Range, upper White riv- or between North Elk i^ k M^ cr~ k - M. L. BANDY. qiWMp Csttie branded on left Alto horsesraHMM -K- HI and cattle, ii ii M Mr Whlte. principally oh south tide of river. P O Meeker. L. B. WALBRIDGE. Cattlo branded as on IKScut on left side. a»,£‘S^! ln H‘» P O Meeker THOMAS BAKER. Cattle brandedsame at BMBK oik on left side. Horsos branded on left hip. o Meeker B. M. VAUGHAN. GMf Cattle branded at above Also own cattlo brand- ed ns follows: JpPfEia BSD dWWE, H«n«bn,MQ| All young stock branded Range between North Elk South Port White river. POAd A C Ellison, Meeker, Colorado. D D TAYLOR. tmE. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horae brand same. Kan » p Flagcreek and government road. Postofflce address Meeker Colo. Bead Tub Hekai-p for the news,

Transcript of The Meeker herald (Meeker, Colo.) 1903-07-04 [p ]

Page 1: The Meeker herald (Meeker, Colo.) 1903-07-04 [p ]

MEEKER HERALD.Established August 13, lhHfi.

Meeker, Colorado.


JAMES LYTTLE, Editor A Publisher.

KnUri'J In tho Postofllce nt Meukar, RioBlanco County.Colo., an second-

m olnss iiimII matter.g 1 ..'.'J-:-


KOH SURHCKirriON.One Year |2noHlx MonthH 1 tx>

I'OK ADVKKTIHIXO.Professional Curds, per Month ISuiOtto Inch, display, p«r Month S Ul>Two Inches, jnsr Month HUMThree Inches, pur Month I 00Pour Inches, per Mouth . r» ooKlve Inches, |**r Month n ooTon liu'hoMv tl-‘.'column) per Month. . .10 ooTwenty Inches, (Icolumn) per Month 15 uu

Professional Cards, when paid Inadvniice,|IS oo por year.

fjocn! notices ton cents por lino. Legulnotices seven cents per lint*.

Addrush tillcommunications toTHE MEEKER HERALD,

Meeker, Colorado.


In tho intoroKtH of public safety,both from accident And lire, nil per-sons are warned from and requestednot tofire crackers, during the Fourthof Julytho town of Meeker; nor to throwthem under teams to explode, nor inplaces likely tostartflres; nor duringthe parade or exercises at the park.All violators of this proclamationwill be arrested and fined. Let usall have a good time but not endan-ger lifeor property. Respectfully,

T. D. Rilky, Mayor.

Marvlne Lodge is now open and re-ceiving guests.

Mrs. W. L. Pattison and son, Lyn-ton, of Buford, visited the city Mon-day.

C. H. Hhultz was among the lowerriver visitors to town during theweek.

A. H. Cay wood of &angely cashedin one wolf and two coyote scalpsSaturday.

At this time it looks as tho' therewould be a scarcety of hay hands inWhite river valley tills season.

John J. Davett of Carbondale, wasa visitor during the week. Mr. Dav-ett was looking up a business open-ing. ~

Haying will be one or two weekslater than usual in this valley, whichIs accounted for by the lute coldspring.

H. W\ Walter came ' In fromRangely Tuesday. At that timeeverything was moving along nicelyin the oil belt.

Ole Walden has leased the Pioneerbarn and; purchased a lot of liveryrigs, and is prepared to do a firstclass livery business.

W. 8. Reynolds is very ill at hisresidence on the mesa; so ill, indeedthat many of his friends despair ofhis ultimate recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mullen, M. Hus-ton, T. E. James and O. M. Hobackwere among the numerous Axialitesin the “future great” during theweek.

County treasurer, John A. Watson,received a telegram Monday announc-ing the death, nt Marietta, Ohio, ofthe wife of his brother, Mr. A. J.Watson.

Dave French of Piceance, is enjoy-ing his Meeker visit of a couple ofweeks afterhis recent experience inthe the lowlands along the Missouriand Mississippi.

Joseph Col loin of Axial, took outseveral loads of lumber and farm ma-chinery Tuesday., Mr. Collom be-lieves inapplying up-to-date methodsin running a large ranch.

For 47 years Mrs. Nancy Rose hasbeen keeping the light house atStony Point, N. Y. Evidently she isnot one of the women who prefersboarding to light housekeeping.

R. Hartke caught a three poundrainbow troutMonday. This showsthat the rainbows grow better than apound a year ns it is less than threeyears since the first were put inWhite river.

The postoffice scandal will notdown. President Roosevelt has as-sured the public that, the affair willbe prolled to the bottom and the post-master goners 1 cannot stein the tideof investigation.

David Smith A Company are pre-paring tO'inove their sawmill to theNorth Fork slope. The mill will beloeated in the vicinity of Sleepy Cat,probably on the west fork of Fawncreek. A road over which to freightout tho lumlier will bebuilt up Fawncreek. Jay Paxman will be oversoon tocommence work on this route.

Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold.laxative Rromo quinine Tablets euro a

fojtl inone day. No cure, no pay. Prlco 2Cc,

Last Monday was the thirtieth an-niversary of the entry of Bishop^ 1Leonard into the ministry. On thatdate thirty years ago the now notedbishop was ordainedas a deacon inthe church of the Transfiguration InNew York city, commonly called the“Little Church Around the Comer,"and in conmemorntion of the aus-picious event the bishop held a shortservice at St. James church Mondaymorning.

R. Lester Karow of Savanna!), Ga.,Donald Grant Herring of Blooms-burg, Pa., Wynn Armstrong andRoderick A. Dorman of PrinctonUniversity, W. William Potter ofEast Orange, N. Y. and F. C. Rogersof Pittsburg, Pa., are all registeredat tiie Meeker. These gentlemanare here to see tho country and pros-pect.

Henry Kuril don’t like crowds;likes to celebrate in a quiet sort ofway, so came in last week and had anice gentlemanly little celebrationall by .himself and departed Mondaymorning for the Hnlett A Torrenceranch after having done full duty totiie occasion. Said lie would run theranch while tiie other members oftiie force were In observing theFourth.

I)r. R. L. Walker and John P.Roagni of Opelousas, La. and FrancisBernard of Paris, France, came intills week to hunt lions and bear withJohn Goff but were informed by thatgentleman that the lion and bearseason was over, so they departed bythe next stage for tiie outside world.

Tiie erstwhile happy bachelor gov-ernor of Kansas had, by his owncount, 2000 offers of marriage. Sincehe lias accepted only one, there are1990 rejected women. “Hell knowsno fury like a woman scorned” andthe last state of that man will beworse than tiie first.

Fritz Carstenscame in Mondayandreported a serious break in the Millercreek ditch. As the ditch is newthere will probably be more or lessbreakage this season, but next yearit will be all right as the ground willthen be thoroughly soaked and set-tled.

Messrs. Adolph and Ike Baer andtheir respective families made up ajolly coaching party which came totown last Friday evening to attendthe lawn fete given by the St JamesLadles’ Aid society on the spaciousMoulton lawn.

Mr. and Mr,L. W. ((Ward of Bu-ford, paid Meeker a visit Monday.Mountain- Dell Home, Mr. Ward’sdelightful summer resort on thesouth fork of.White, Is open for theseason and a large number of visitorsare booked.

The OldPioneer liquid refreshmentemporium was opened in approvedstyle Wednesday. George Welch,than whom there is none better, is onhand as chief mixologist and con-cocter of thirst quenchers.

At its recent session the ColoradoLegislature passed nbill (H. B. 221,by Pace) having for its object the de-*structlon of prairie dogs. At its latesession the Nebraska legislaturepassed a similar bill.

An eight pound girlarrived at thehome of H. W. Tliomliuson Wednes-day morning, July 1, Dr. Hubbardattending physician. Mother andlittle one are doing well.

Clarence Ford was In from Coalcreek Monday and reports prospectsfor a good hay crop, but the seasonwill be from one to two weeksbehindthat of last year.

George Welch- came in from theBattle Lake country last Friday andreceived a warm greeting from hismany friends here.

J. S. Barnes of Lily park took hiscattle up to the summer feedinggrounds on the Reserve the early partof last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Keller and A.J. Younker were city visitors Satur-day.

Little Irene Hay was quite sickthe fore part of the week.

Duly Appreciated.Toth« Enrroßor Taa Hbbald:

On retiring from business inMeeker weVish to thank our manyfriends and patrons for the liberalpatronage accord us during our stayin your midst and hope the samemay liejcontinued to our successor inbusiness.

To our new location in Grand Junc-tion we will take with us manykindremembrances of Meekerand Whiteriver people generally, and assureour friends in this valley that whenthey visit Grand Junction we willbe only too happy in trying to maketheir visit as pleasantas possible.

Witli best wishes for the future ofMeeker and White river valley andall our friends, we remain

Very truly yours,Gates Krksburo,M. Hkbtx.

Death of R. E. Long.Through the courtesy of Mrs. D. R.

Carnon, The Herald 1h in posseti-sion of a copy of the Courier, pub-lished nt Roxl>oro, N. C\,announcingthe death of R. E.v Long, which oc-cureti on Monday morning, June8, atSarunnc Lake, N. Y., of consumption.

Mr. Long war 31 yearsof age at thetime of his death and had been aninvalid for about 18months. He wg*a model young man and was highlyrespected by all who knew him. Mr.Long spent several months at thehoiqe of Mr and Mrs. D. R Carsonon the Nortii Fork last summerand has many friends in this valley,among whom are W. B. Hamper, J.C. Gentry and A. C. Moulton, whowill regret to learn of his death.

Although a young man, deceasedhad attained an enviable place in thebusiness affairs of North Carolina.

The North Side Ditch.Prof. Stockton, a government of-

ficial, has been in this section forseveral dnysexamining the surround-ing country from a geological stand-point.

Tiie government hasalso instructedMr. Stockton to examine into thefeasibility of the North Fork ditchproject and in pursuance of instruc-tions he looked over the ground dar-ing the pnst week with the assistanceof County Surveyor Moog. In addi-tion to showing the professor overthe ground, Mr. Moog furnished himwith a lot of valuable data which wtUbe used in compiling a report tobesent to Washington. ,

Professor Stockton is favorably iflfpreused with the country, and htareport will likely be a favorable 009,in which event the government vffl 1ordera survey of the lands in ques-tion, and if found to be in sufficientextent to justify building the ditchthe government will take the matterup andbuild the ditch under the pro-visions of the arid land act.

Things are moving right.

Troop D Doings.Last Saturday evening nearly all

members of Troop D assembled atthe armory, mounted, and proceededto Aicher’s gulch, four miles east oftown, wherecamp was made.

Preceding the departure of thetroopers, a four-horse camp wagonwith all the food, equipage and anumber at the boys started for thecamp in the afternoon, so that on thearrival of the troop camp was readyfor them.

Sunday wa» spent in targert prac-tice and field maneuvers, and—froma military standpoint (and a”goodtime) tho trip was profitable and en-joyable. The troop will indulge inseveral such expeditions during thesummer.

On Wednesday evening Mr. andMrs. A. C. Moulton Invited the mem-bers of the troop and the band toalawn party at the Moulton residence.At the hour of eightp. m. the troop-ers in dress uniform, headed by theband, marched to tiie Moulton home,on the spacious lawn of which anumber of pretty military move-ments were executed, after whichthe troopers, baud and a number ofinvited guests sat down to refresh-ments consisting of unlimited quan-tities of ion cream and cake, etc., etc.After refreshments, music and danc-ing on the Carpet-like lawn completeda very pleasant evening.

At a late hour the boys returned tothe armory having thoroughly en-joyed themselves. All those in at-tendance will longremember with afeeling of pleasure the hospitality ofMr. and Mrs. Moulton.

Hand made harness and saddlesAll goods guaranteed. Also carry afall line of factory goods. Prices thelowest Patronize home industries.

Hartke A Sheets.To Cure a Cold in One Day.

Tnke Isixatlve Bromo quinine Tablets.All druggist* refund the money If It falls tocure. E. W. Orovo's signature Is on eachboxv SSo.

The Old Pioneer.Having purchased the business of

Gates Keroburg in the Baer Block, Iwill be open for business July Ist andwill carr^ a large stock of the finest,wines, liquors and cigars. Specialattention given to jug and bottletrade. Your patronage respectfullysolicited. p. F. Welch.

To-day is the one hundredth andtwenty-seventh anniversary of theNation’s natal day—the ever mem-oir. bio and glorious Fourth of July.Let everybody celebrate in a propermaimer; let patriotism be tiie Ani-mating spirit, and Joy only limitedto the individual and collective ca-pacity of eacli and everyone to havea good time.

B“id J. Moore, accompanied by hissister, Miss Edith, and his cousin,Miss Maggie Barnes, came in fromLily park Monday and loaded outwith farming machinery. Reid saysthe settlers of tiie park are just be-ginning haying. The denizens of

sections are hustlers and havegreat faith in the future of that lo-cality.


A well authenticated rumor was incirculation around tiie board of tradebuilding tho early part of the weekto the effect that the vacant lot ad-joiningthe court house had been soldto a Glenwood capitalist whowill infi-xnadiately erect thereon a modernblock to be used as a wholesale liquor'house. And thus we continue togrow.

Qne swallow don’t makea summer,It is said, but two appeared Wednes-day and showed a disposition to takepossession of old quartern ina corniceof. The Herald building, all ofwhich would indicate that summermust now be here. (Later—They’vedeparted in disgust.—Typo.)

Judging by the amount of lumberhauled out from the Meeker yardsthe past week or so by our friendBilly Keller there must be some ex-tensive improvements golngonat theKeller ranch.

o*&)noplatnt continues to come inconseming the flooding of countryroads by careless Irrigators. Thiswill probably continue until someoneis yanked up and fined—os bylawprovided.

J. W. Frizzell, road overseerof theRangely district, accompanied byMiss Willa and Master Jesse Friz-zell, came up from Oilville Thursdayand remained over the Fourth.

Zaek Mathes was one of the riderswho helped to round-up the bunch ofwild steers used in theroping contest.They are a lively lot of “critters.”

Rube Ball, John J. Niblock, SimpHarp and Dr. Bruner lessened theviHible supply of trout in White riverWednesday.

Rig Beaver is becoming a famoustrout stream. Over thirty peoplewerefishing along its banks one daylast week.

Isaac Collier has purchased theRawls property on east Park avenueand with his family has moved totown.

Keep an eye on Young Americaand have a supply of liniment andbandages on hand.

Haying operations of the Smith andMougomery ranches beloW town be-gan tills week.

W. A. Clark Is outat Lily park do-ingsome surveying for theLily Parkcompany.

Bob Hendren is back from a trip toArkansas, wheito he went to visit hischildren.

People whosubscribed to the NorthFork preliminary ditch survey arerequested to call on E* R. 8. Sander-son and paytheamounts of their sub-scriptions. The money is nowneeded.

A1 Durham came in Wednesdayand reported that he would celebrateat Durhamvllle this time. Didn’tseem to realize what he* was missing,but he will know better next time.

J. C. Freedle has been re-electedprincipal of tho Rangely schools, andthe people of that community are tobe congratulated as Mr. Freedle is afirst class school master.

Just enough ruin in the valley tolay the dust, yesterday morning, andsufficient snow on tiie mountain topsto ensure us a nice cool Fourth inthese parts.

Frank and Pearl Barnes, childrenof J. S. Barnes of Lily park, arrivedin town Thursday evening and willstay in to spend the glorious Fourth.

The Cure boys are prepared tomake the youngsters happy. Theyhave set up their merry-go-round inthe park.

Denver Live Stock Market.Denver, Colo., June29.—The month

of Jane so far has been a lively oneat the Denver Union Stock yards, asfar as the receipts of stock were con-cerned, far ahead of the same monthlast year. Hogs took the lead withan increase of 8000; cattle next, in-crease 4600, and sheep third, increase1000. The cattle increase would have

been greater with better railroadservice, but some.ofthe southern lineswere not equal to the emergency.The southern run is about over. Thestock has been good and the move-ment much heavier thana year ago.Northern ranges took the bulk. Of-fering of fed cattle have not been upto the expectations in quantity thepast week, but in some cases thequality caused the top price of themarket to be paid, which is $4.80.Cornfed steers arequoted $4.25 t 04.80,cornfed cows $8.50 to 4.25; hayfedsteers $3.75 to 4.50, hayfed cows andheifers $2.75 to 4.00. Stockers andfeeders are wanted but are veryscarce. Stockers are quoted $3.00 to3.25, feeders $3.50 to 4.25 freight paidto the river. Hogs have been ingood supply up to the past weekwhen they got short and the pricefirmed up to $6.76 with prospectsgood for a6O mark in the very nearfuture. Muttonsare in good demand.Wethers are quoted$6.00 to 5.60, ewes,$4.60 to 4,75and lambs ffl.oo to 0.25.

J IWSmililllWWWW9 ¥*

The Cash Furnishing Goods Store.QIIMMT7D QITITQt PturthofJuly Uat hand sad you |OUiTIiYIJDIV OUIIOI peohat'ly desire toappear at your beat on <

that dote. Nothingappears quite -<> well a* ono of our summer suits. ]i They are cool,wear wall and theprices are low. Come and see them. <

► CTDAW 14ATQI The iaason for Straw hats has arrived. We <» DIBA W flAl O 1 have them Inall slaes and the latest styles.

» TPWNIIQ CfIQFCI Tennis pin yers should remember we have (| I EiNiilO ullWErOi a full Urn-of tennis shoes—good wearers,i too. We carry a line of canvass shoes for ordinarysummer wear. <

> Have alsoa fine lineufgloves for workmen or riders. Can, Intact, 1[ clothe a manfrom head to foot and <-uu suit bis taste and purse. |

W. O. Patton & Company.—...................

LPffvg 85252 r& jbCa«>CoU>nOnoDqr,CHpii3Dqillt/. kss. Me

fifty Years fha Standard


taarM■ghMtlfwr* VMM’s Fair

Ughsst Itsfs US. last ChsaisteMIM ■Mtmimtß00.

vswvCut full

Levi StrausscCo's

Copper-rivetedOverallsthe most dependablegarments In the worldfor working men


jAdministrator’s Notice.

EMTATK or JOHN P. THOMAS, DE-CEASED.Theundersigned, having been appointed

administrator ..of the estate of John P.Thomas late of the County of Rio Blanco Inthe Stale ofColorado, deceased, herelnrgivesnotice that he willappear before the CountyCourt of said County, at the CourtHouse InMeeker Insaid County, at the Juno Term,IMS, on tho last Monday In July next. (July27. IMS) at which time all personshavingclaims againstsaid estate ara notified andrequested toattend for the purpose of hav-ingthe same adjusted. Allpersons Indebtedtosaid estateare requested to make Imme-diate payment to the undersigned.

Dated at Meeker, Colorado, this Brd dayof JuneA. D. IKS. Thomas O. Thomas,Jntf-JylS Administrator.

Special Term of District Court.Btatb or Oolobado, »__

Copmtt or Rio Blanco, f**INTHE DISTRICT COURT THEREOF.In pursuance ofan order of- the Judge of

Raid County,notice Is hereby given that afß®*!?. l term the District Court Inand forRio Blanco County. Colorado, will bm begunand holdenat the Court House In Meeker,Colorado, on Wednesnay, the »th day ofJuly, A. 1). IMS, at 10 o’clock a. m., for thepurpose of the trial ofa certain caueo pend-ing therein, wherein, John P. Thomas Is the¥latntlffand Thomas (i. Thomas, Evan G.

homas and J. D. Moos are defendants.Given under my hand and theseal of said

Courtat Meeker, Colorado, this 15th day ofJune, A. D. IKJB. Gao. M. Loan.

1 —, Clerk.J seal \y—* JnSO-JySB


Cattle branded same ascut on left side.

■RKH Ear- mark, underslopeand overbit left ear.jmsL Bu)p,‘ur -

PnstoOoe addressMeeker. Colo.

Own cattle ■MBS—a«with follow-Ing brands: !■■■■■■


Cattle branded same ascut onright side or hfp.

IlllllalylilMM It ft nK O. governmentroad and bead of Pice-snee creek.

■IS PoetoffioeAddressRio Blanco, Colo.


Cattle branded same asHorses sameRange Millercreek and

upper White river.HI Postofflce address' Meeker Colo.


AMBROSE OLDLAND.Cattle branded same ac

• out on right aide. Horm.. brand on any

■yew 'S'eaa:!-, Tl BOTIM-f *""■

PO addreaa. Meeker. Colo.,



Cattle branded on eitherright or leftshoulder.

ÜBSr -1 Range. North Fork ofI White und vicinity.

* ** °

Colk 'WlwflHliajws*

THE BAER BROS. LAND k CATTLE CO.Cattle branded on left

) side same os cut. Alsoown cattle brandtu^^^1 k -° pol Ehlyjl Horse branded

#1" same as (nit. Range IdoBlanco connty. P O ad-

dress Meeker t 010.

J BARTLETTA GIBBO9L i1 Cattle branded same

an out on either side.aKr^SfwMe Horse brand sumo on

left shoulder.! R«twe. upper White► and vicinity or Buford.

- -avfcw- ai" P Oaddress■RRHIKva Buford Colo.

1 8 P WEAR.~

Cattle branded on leftaide. Also own

wOßßigtfll Ear-nmrk. crop left;under bit and over bit

right. Horse brand Nomeas cut on left thigh. 93F" Tho VV L brandappears on cattle as Y on Phoblder; Fen■We: Lon hip. summer range, bead of Milleronpek and divide between White and Grandrivers. P O Meeker.

3 L MeHATTON.MMMa Cattlebranded samo as

___ cut on left aide. Somecattle branded Bar left"Ido and Seven on lefthip. Horae brand Bur-7WBHWf «>n thigh. Bunget Dal Creek basin andvicinity. P o MeekotColorado.


Cattle branded same as«»•™ fight Hide. Also7 E L on left side.

Horse brand tamo atcut.

"Pt** white.Winter range, vicinityffl *>/ Angora. P O Box 138Meeker. J W C Shep-herd, manager.

Alto own stock branded ]j JLH. S. HARP.

Cattle and MHahone*. AlaoH^^EWownfollowingbrands:

JSVKEBUUH'IBBand CoalCreek. PO Meeker.

MONTGOMERY LAND 4 CATTLE CO.Cattle and bone brand

P o' addreasMeeker. Colo.


Bow and arrow, on loftCattle andhorses.Range, lower White rlv-

Ml er and Yellow creek.p o White River, Colo.

W. B. HAMPER.teWteP _4oleftaMe. Earmark.


square crop on right anduoderslopeon left. AlsoWmMm TL - and ibiHoraet tame itBHUcut onshoulder B 9or Unm*1 h| p-

Range, north side White river aadvMnlty.POMeokor.


_ Cattle branded on leftside. Horm* brandedHHrtlP on left shoulder.Range, upper White riv-or between North Elki^kM^cr~k-

M. L. BANDY.qiWMp Csttie branded on left

Alto horsesraHMM-K- " HI and cattle,

ii ii M MrWhlte. principally ohsouth tide ofriver. P O Meeker.


Cattlo branded as onIKScut on left side.

a»,£‘S^!ln H‘»

PO Meeker

THOMAS BAKER.Cattle brandedsame atBMBKoik on left side. Horsosbranded on lefthip.

o Meeker

B. M. VAUGHAN.GMf Cattle branded ataboveAlsoown cattlo brand-ed ns follows:JpPfEia BSDdWWE, H«n«bn,MQ|

All young stock branded

Range between NorthElk SouthPort White river. POAd A C Ellison,Meeker, Colorado.


tmE. Cattle branded same ascut on leftside.

Horae brand same.Kan »p Flagcreek andgovernment road.

Postofflce addressMeeker Colo.

Bead Tub Hekai-p for the news,