The Medieval Period

The Medieval Period 1066-1485 AD 1066-the year the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. William the Conqueror, a Norman (French), was now king of England.


The Medieval Period . 1066-1485 AD 1066-the year the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. William the Conqueror, a Norman (French), was now king of England. Norman Rule in England. The Anglo-Saxon culture and Norman/French culture blended. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Medieval Period

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The Medieval Period 1066-1485 AD

1066-the year the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. William the Conqueror, a Norman (French), was now king of England.Norman Rule in EnglandThe Anglo-Saxon culture and Norman/French culture blended.Normans ruled less than 100 years.Brought Feudalism: land divided among noble barons. Knights served barons. Lowest class were the serfs or peasants.The Royal Houses of Plantaganet, Lancaster, & York1154-end of Norman Rule, beginning of RoyaltyPlantaganet Rulers1. 1st one-Henry II-increased Kings power and took it from the barons. Wanted also to lead Roman Cath. Ch. He had Archbishop Thomas Becket of Canterbury murdered1170.2. 1215-King John singed Magna Carta. In this document, he agreed not to raise taxes w/o consent of barons.3. Others-Richard the Lionhearted, John, Edward I, Richard II (last one)

More Royal Houses InfoLancaster Rulers3 Kings: Henry IV, V, and VIHenry VI-went insane-gave rule to uncle, Duke of York, while he recuperated.1455-Henry VI got better, wanted throne back. Duke fought & won-war 30 years. War of the RosesRoyalty continuedYork Rulers1st one-Edward IV-encouraged William Caxton to make printing press.Edward V-only 12 years old when he takes throne. Uncle Richard III takes over-kills Ed V and his brother-then takes the throne-Richard III killed in battle because of this. Henry Tudor takes over, distant relative of LancastersChivalric Life in Medieval EnglandKnights: fought French, journeyed to Holy Lands, jousted in tournamentsChivalry: ideal knights must live by-honorable, courteous, generous, brave, skillful in battle, respectful to women, helpful to weak.Religious LifeRoman Catholic Church-all belonged-barons, knights, serfs.Knights fought for church-crusades for Holy LandCathedrals were built during this time

City Life1349-Black Death/Bubonic Plague killed 1/3 of the people in England.After plague-cities sprung up everywhere.Work Guilds formedEnd of Knighthood-invention of gunpowderStorytellingRomances: stories with a blend of chivalry, touches of love, magic & marvels.Folk Ballads: stories sung by common people.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Background Language Romantic Poetry Poetic Elements Symbolism Key Terms Characters

The Pearl PoetAuthor is anonymous.

Known as the Pearl Poet because he also wrote the poem The Pearl.

Composed Sir Gawain and the Green Knight around 1370.The Pearl PoetProbably a member of the court since he is familiar with court life.

Associated with religion because of the religious tone.

Background InformationKing Arthur is a legendary king who was probably a warrior.No one knows if he is real or not.He was the head of the Knight of the Round Table.In the stories, he lives in Camelot, a fictitious place where the legends take place.Like the culture itself, Arthur is young and inexperienced. The knights are equally clueless.

Knights typically go out on adventures and face the forces of good and evil, uncertain how to balance bravery and Christianity.

As a Christian knight, he must decide how best to act in ambiguous situations.

Middle English

Middle EnglishEnglish spoken between 1066 and about 1470Followed Old English, also called Anglo-Saxon, spoken from mid-5th century CEGermanic influences

What happened in 1066?Norman (French: Normandy) conquest of EnglandAdded French influences!What is a Romance?A narrative set in the world of knights, kings and supernatural creatures.Relates to and deals with King Arthur and his court.

Notes, cont.Romance poem includes three stages: a dangerous quest a test of honor or courage and a return to the point from which the quest began.

The basic material of medieval romance is knightly activity and adventure; we might best define medieval romance as a story of adventure. Aspects of a Medieval Romance

Any "love interest" is likely to be incidental to the story

Aspects of a Medieval Romance

The stories were often woven around a well known figure.

Aspects of a Medieval Romance

The hero is always made to conform to medieval conceptions of a knight .

Aspects of a Medieval Romance

Often follows the loose pattern of a quest.

Aspects of a Medieval RomanceA tale of adventure in which knights, kings, or distressed ladies, are motivated by love, religious faith, or the mere desire for adventure.

Aspects of a Medieval Romance

Usually set in remote times or places.

Aspects of a Medieval Romance

Involves elements of the fantastic or supernatural

Poetic ElementsMeterAlliterationRhyme

1. He is a model of faith, loyalty, or bravery2. who makes a long, difficult journey3. to do battle on behalf of another4. perhaps using his own superhumantalents5. against an enemy who may himself have or be guarded by supernatural powers.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as romantic poetry:

AlliterationAlliterationthe repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Try it out in the first four lines of SGGKSince the siege and the assault was ceased at Troy,The walls breached and burnt down to brands and ashes,The knight that had knotted the nets of deceitWas impeached for his perfidy, proven most true . . . (1-4).

SymbolismGawains ShieldColorsSeasonsCharactersSir GawainThe Green KnightKing Arthur

Sir Gawain and the Green KnightSir Gawain is the main character.

Gawain goes into the wilderness to face the Green Knight as he has honorably promised. He prides himself on being the perfect Christian knight.

His shield and its symbolism remind him to be Christ-like.The Green Knight Sir Gawains main opposition in the story. He is a richly decorated knight, who has green skin and hair.

King ArthurThe king of Camelot. Uncle of Sir Gawain. It is at his celebration feast that the Green Knight challenges the court to a game.

The Lord and Lady of the Castle

Gawain spends his time there before meeting the Green Knight..

Why is the Knight Green?Use what we have discussed about colors to predict why the knight is green?

What could this color symbolize about him?

TermsKnightsCharacteristics of a knight: strength, skilled at arms and horsemanship, courageous, loyal, and courteous.

Sir Gawain a knight of the round table. At first considered the weakest of most insignificant knight. Volunteers to accept a challenge from the Green Knight.Term: Chivalry

Definition of Chivalry1. Prowess: ability to fight

Definition of Chivalry2. Loyalty: to God, King, and lady

Definition of Chivalry3. Generosity: includes gift-giving and hospitality

Definition of Chivalry4. Franchise: that "something special" that distinguishes a knight; linked to birthright

Definition of Chivalry5. Courtesy: initially "behavior at court," the term emphasizes behavior towards a lady

A Few Rules of Chivalry IncludeLive to serve King and Country.

Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack.

Exhibit courage in word and deed.

Always keep one's word of honor.

Avoid deception.

Be respectful of host, women, and honor.


CamelotThe Holiday celebrations take place at King Arthurs castle in Camelot. It is here that the Green Knight challenges Gawain to exchange blows with him.

On his quest to meet the Green Knight, Gawain stays here for a short period of time.