THE MEDIEVAL MOXASTIC PSALTER OF ORTHODOX ENGLAND, NOTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE of the Old Catholic Sarum Rite Monastic Office of the Portiforium of Saint Oswald cf York and the Antiphonale Wigorniensis in accordance with the Holy Rule of Saint Beneaict of Nursia for use in Orthodox Monasteries of the Western Ri!r VOLUhTE I The Psalter Outside of Paschaltide (Quc?~tir.ns from t h ~ ?52:~5 32~9 5ecn zxic frcm Ti r ne Psni:er Acccriicg to the Seve.=~;l. translated by the Holy Transfigurssior: .Mcnastery. Bcston, >fassachuse:ts, used by permissi0n.j Synod of Orthodox Bishops of the Western Rite Qi. Gr~gcty'2 pr~zz Abbey of the Hoiy Xame Sicnastery of Sts. Cyrii and Methodios 100 Abbcy Lane. Drintidcvs I. West Milford, YJ. U3.A. Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1993



O R T H O D O X E N G L A N D ,


of the Old Catholic Sarum Rite Monastic Office of the Portiforium of Saint Oswald cf York and the Antiphonale Wigorniensis

in accordance with the Holy Rule of Saint Beneaict of Nursia

for use in Orthodox Monasteries of the Western Ri!r


T h e P s a l t e r O u t s i d e of P a s c h a l t i d e

(Quc?~tir.ns from t h ~ ? 5 2 : ~ 5 3 2 ~ 9 5ecn z x i c frcm T i r ne Psni:er Acccriicg t o the Seve .=~; l .

translated by the Holy Transfigurssior: .Mcnastery. Bcston, >fassachuse:ts, used by permissi0n.j

S y n o d o f O r t h o d o x B i s h o p s o f t h e W e s t e r n R i t e Qi. G r ~ g c t y ' 2 p r ~ z z

Abbey of the Hoiy Xame Sicnastery of Sts. Cyrii and Methodios 100 Abbcy Lane. Drintidcvs I.

West Milford, YJ. U3.A. Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1993



Many attempts have been made in the ear& and iatter parts of this century to produce a version of the Hours of the Monastic Office in the English ianguape that could be easiiy used f o r prayer by tinose with littie or no training in ancient languages or musical theory. The need to put forward another attempt comes f rom certain lackings in previous versions that made the Editors feei that no previous version incorporated all the needs present before them.

First, by way of correction, was the need to present the ancient Western usage of Monks and Nuns that followed the Ruie of St. Benedict of Xursia in a manner that was completely Orthodox, i.e. completely in accordance with the doctrine, canons: and practices of the Orthodox Church. This, or" course, requires that the Hours be done in the compieteiy ancient manner that was practiced in the first miilenniai Grthodox Churches of the West, which by the year 950 A.D. had spread through the greater part of the civilized world, f rom the Baffin Islands in what is now Canada, to the isiand of Valaam in Lake Ladoga in present day Russia! io the Western Rite 3Gonastery of Amalphion (called Morphonu by the Greeks) on Mount Athos. This usage was the singulariy predominant prayer of the hionks and Nuns of present day Italy, France, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, the Ketheriancis! Denmark, &orway! Sweden, and England. I t has been considered most appropriate to look to the latter country, whose Monks and Xuns were the source of conversion for the aforementioned countries in the north of Europe, and which had received the 3ionak-tic Office itseif f rom St. Augustine of Canterbury, the Italian monk that had been the Prior of St. Andrew's Monastery on tile C ~ i i a n Hit1 in Rome where our Father among - the Saints, St. Gregory Dialogus, Pope of Gid Rome, had been the Abbot. St. Beae the Venerable writes that St. Gregory, after learning that St. Augustine had successfully begun the mission

. - among Angies and reiating his j o ~ for this success in a lei?s?r to St. Euiogius, Patriarch of Alexandria. sent "aii things needed in genera; for Divine Worship and the services of the Church, sacred vesseis, aitar cioths, furniture fo r Churches: vestments for the Ciergy, reiics, and aiso many Daoks." I t is the latter books that served a s the foundatisn for the life of prayer in the Latin usage of the Manks anti Finns of medievai Engiand that these voiumes or" h e %lcnastic Office in the E ~ g l i s h iaagsage are meant to continue.

Secondly, it was needed to proauce these Gffice books using that ancient anci essential tool of assistance for prayer service in -;he Westerr, Rite that has come to be known as Gregorian Chant. This was no small matter of difficuity, since much that had existed in manuscripi. form from the various i i i~nas t~s ie of Eng!znd ha:! beer, destroyed during the Protestant Revolt. Three main manuscripts were available, however, being the Fortii'orium of St. Oswalci of Yorir, (also known as the Portiforium Wulstani), the Antiphonaie Xigorniense of Forcester Cathedrai Priory where St. Oswald (died A.D. 992) was Bishop! anci the Breviary of Xbingcion Abbey in tF7inchester (later called iiyde Abbey) where St. Etheiwoid (died A.D. 9841 was Bishop. These imo Saints, acting jointiy with St. Dunstar, of Canterbury (died A . 3 . 9881, were the three great monastic reformers of the 10th Century Orthodox Church in Engianb. They have ieft for us a wonderfui treasure of prayer fo r the entire Chmrcn year. Second oniy to the Ruie of St. Beneciict which ~rovides the main structure and cvcle of Fsaims for the Psaiter, the aforementioned iiinti~honaie =Eigorniense provided the main detaiis in completing this Psaiter, inciuciing the psaim tones and chants For the many Antiphons and Responsories. For this, the Editors are most gratefui to the Very Reverend Father john Shaw. onetime Dean of Hoiy Protection Russian Orthodox Cathedrai in Chicago for the Russian Orthodox Church Guiside Russia. Father john first pointed us in the direction of these manuscripts, and tnen spent many hours transiating the chani notation and ciarifying an understanding of the manuscript which our ineptitude prevented. The Portiforium of St. Oswald, which appears aiso to have been derived from il'inchester? provided tile many Chapters

and Collects that have been used. and the Abingdon Breviary provided those items missing from the first two manuscripts. Together, they provide us with a ciear picture showing how the Monks and Nuns of the Orthodox West conducted what St. Benedict calls "the Work of God.?'

Thirdiy: the Editors needed a tersion of the Psaims from a recognizable Orthodox source. This. of course. had to be the Septuagint. or the Oid Testament in Greek according to the Seventv. Translated from Mebrew into G r e e ~ some 200 years before the Birth of Our Lord and Saviour. these are the Psaims quoted in the New Testament Greek, and which surxixed the rewriting and repointing of the Hcbrew Psalms begun at the Rabbinicai Councii of jamnia after tne destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Even here there were variant manuscripts avaiiable. We are most grateful to Father Justin of Hoiy Transfiguration Monastery in Boston, Mass. for extending to us the kind permission of Bishop Ephraim for using their translation i1987j of the Psalter. This translation served weii our purposes in preserving ancient Orthodox worship. and in .the rare piaces (Psaims 13 and 94) where the ancient Xestern usage derived from the Latin Vuigate translation of St. 3erome of Sidonium had made use of Septuagint manuscripts with additional phrases, these phrases, taken from the transiation of the Septuagint by Sir Lancelot Zrenton (1851). have been included in our Psaiter within parentheses. We are confident that this usage has preserved the ancient meaning of the Psaims which were so dear to the early Christians. and which spoke so directiy of' the prophecies that were fuifiiied in the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

i n editing this materiai, we have taken some iiberties regarding matters of capitalization. hyphenation, and versification (which foiiows that of the Yuigatej, so as to best allow the unpracticed eye to chant these texts prayerfully and with a minimum or" error. Aiso, the chznt melodies for the many Hymns have been kept to a simple number preserved in these manuscripts. anci variant melodies are provicied oniy when the manuscript so directs. In actual medievai usage: many more melodies were probably utiiized at the discretion of the Precen:ors, depending mainly on the training of the Monks or Nuns. In keeping the number of these lower. it is hoped that our enfeebled minds may not be overiy more occupied by the mechanics of chanting our praises than bv the content of offering in our prayer.

Also. u-e would iike to thank our brethren of our Synod at St. Hilarion's iilonasterp and St. Hilarion's Guiid Press in Austin for providing so fine a computer typing of the text of the Psalms which we were able to edit. This entire volume is printed using Multi-Lingual Schoiar, a word processing DGS program put out by Gamma Productions in Santa Monica, California, combined with our own renciition of Gregorian Chant fonts. This software has made possible that which Monks and Nuns of the ancient'Scriptorium couid oniy have dreamed about.

This series is divided into many Voiumes, for which Volume I is the Psalter Outside of Paschaltide, Volume II is the Fsaiter in Paschaltide (from Low Sunday through the Octave of Pentecost), and Voiume TI1 begins the Proper Offices for Advent. The Offices of the week of Pascha, while having a Monastic usage, are not technicaiiy part of the %Ionastic Psaiter, a s the Cathedral Use iike that of Oid Sarum, not the Rule of St. Benedict. has provided the structure for these offices ever since the Monastic Council of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapeilej in 817 4.D.: and thus will be provided for in a separate Volume of the Proper.

Finally! we apologize that our effort couid not prove to be more grand, since! in order to complete these Volumes in a suitabie time frame, we have neglected style and the multitudinous ornamentations that our hoiy predecessors provided in their manuscipts. May Heaven forgive us! And may all who use these volumes pray for ihe souls of the unworthy workers who have put them together. 0 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon us, the sinners.

Abbey of the Holy Name

January 14 1 27, 1993

St. Savu of Serbia

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jo po3 aql pue * faxad u! aiig 'piqru auo jo aq fl.ioj-uroa -

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-sn uo-dn puass-ap An-;raw cCqj $91 wuv :m Xq pzluny3 s7

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'laam .~a - !%a si st! 6 -20:9 '1-2 -Z -aJoui - Ja - <ka JOJ plre Ja - na JOZ .-

aJow - E aM ~umld-dns I-JO~E).~~ -.z -1 .,<ex Lyl slnaq no u!-q!fi noqx paus .-

~,<EM s!y raoS l~ou ran~ ?i-r - ;!J ayl 'T

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:[ mi1 1wny3 11~ t* fasje~ a~~ah"e~d Zu~u-a~a no 'aaql OJ-, .-

'aspd $0 8uos 8u~u~our Jno 'wq~ o~ a~

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*1so~3 61 -OH ayl 01 pua

+ 'uo~ aql 01 pue '-ra -qle,g aqg 01 aq d -~013 .A-

1- - -


.Ja - AUOJ ~a-fiod ~JJ q IWJ~ pue 'pig ayt q .jm3 :slutys ZZjB ZjiWj ayi

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'$~~?ru s!~ JQ + a~ue~a-ur;)ru-a~ u! T * l$-aJ-sI luail- as s!~ T uad-loy ylay aH - 'Sp-y 6l-dma

luas qlsq aH ~D!J ayl pue T , 'sau!ql p908 qq~ .C~&unq aql T pa-ipj qley aH . . " -9a.1-8ap ~gl

jo ur;)ql + pal-[z-xa put? , 'yyas J!aql W~JJ S-)q8!ur ayl T u,aop lnd qleq aH *lqaq qaql 59 uo!l-e A -u!%~ur! ayl u!

pno~d aql pa-~al-le~s y~eq aH ; . !UIJ~ s!~ yl!~ yl%uaqs pa -&oqs qlaq aH V,

-uc)!~-~-~a-u~% T pue uo!g-g-~aua5 01-un r . UJH .r?aJ l~qy way? uo 7 si h-~aur s!~ pug

-aLugN S!H s! 61-of-! 7 pue , !?ru ol-uv sZu!yl lead3 augp 1 yleq aug S-lyY!,q aql JO~

i,*p~-ss?[g,, :aui 11~3 r {laqs suo!p~aua% IIE q3.1oj-a3uay uio~j 'ppy-aq ~oj , !u?-p!eru-pu~q s!~ jo 1 ssau-!l-koi aql uodn pa-yo01 yl~y aH JO~

:la~yvaiatjj saslan ay1 8u!1vu~alp sapls OM^ ayj '(satou UOJJDUO~U~ ayj 8uzpnpuz) as~an lxau ar!jua ayj sjuvef3 az,/l J-u apls s,lojuv3 Isy -1 Xj7D 'uaejl puv

*JZJO!A-?~ pg9 1' u! . pp!or-a~ qlay p~!ds Sui puv :sajou uo,@uo~ur ayj B@pnpu? 'avoj sly1 Suyn

'ID~!~?u~DJ~ ayr jo aslan pu~ ayl sjuulj3 Fna arjs 3 apls sllo1zcu3 7- ayl

(. uo ydyuv uan?8-alojv ayj loj 's~ol~oj y3ym lour puv 'ladoid ay1 ur uan?8 SJ m3!j!?;8vN ayi loj auoj ayj -g..y)

:f$g - pp :[ ayn.7) JD~?~!u~DJ~ ayA

s7 pasn s3 uo~dtluy lanay3?yrfi .alqn;fnnu uoydyuy ladodd v jou aq alavl jr 'Xuuyd7dy JO xvg 8~~130 ayj ~a1Jv X~pun~ pu~ ay jo sladsan rsdrd loJ pasn loyi s!'8uf~o?p] ayf lnq .'dadodd ayj 7.41 Xvp sryl doJ van@ s? puv '8uluana Xupdnlvs y3na loj iadolg sXvmlv sl y3ym 'lv3fjfu8vjq ayi uo uoyd!juv ayl 8uns sf uayj

la~!j!uar!&q aq] pu~ laa!j!uaem aql uo uoqd!luv- aq.A

-- -- -- -

7 j First Vespers of Sunday

( O A if this war the Antiphon on the Mag& f icut ' - - - H - - i

thut w a sung before the Magni ficai, &l repeat: 0 Lord, mine in-i-quit-ies, like

un-to ar-rows, are fast fix-ea in me; but, be-fore they can en-gen-der

wounds in me, heal me, 0 Lord, with the rned-i-cine of pen-it-ence, 6 God.)

The Litany. The Lord's Prayer, and The Coliect

Tit;, NebrJomrtcfary b = ,;_; ,

. alone chants: y'. Kyr-i-e el-e-y-son.

the & Conlorjs s& w i i ' tire && Contor's & s o f the Quire co~ctimes: I$/. Kyr-i-e el-e-y-son. of @g Quire continues: I$?. Kyr-i-e el-e-y-son.

Q& tire & Cantoh & b ! ! ? the 2Nf Cantois $i&

of t& Quire continues: I$.Chris-te ef-e-y-son. o f the Quire cont iws: Chris-te ei-e-y-son.

of t& Quire continues: W.~hris-te el-e-y-son. o f rhe O ~ i r e continues. @. Kyr-i-e d-e-y-son.

Q ~ l y rhe & Ccnfor's siJc - &l b , -

2 ;& Quire coritinues: I$!. Kyr-i-e el-e-y-son. conclude: I$?. Kyr-i-e el-e-y-son.

Titen the Abbot lor Senior in Quirej cjtii~rts atom t h Lord's P r c ~ e r , as f~jlows:

y. Our Fath-er, Who arc in Heav-en, Hai-lo-wed be Thy Same. Thy King-dom

c~nae; Thy %Ti;] he Done, on Earth: as f t is in Heav-en. Give us this day our

- - -

dail-y bread; and for-give us our tres-pass-es, as we for-give those that

ires-pass a-gainst us. And leaii us not in-to temp-ta-tion. 0 - - - - - t m - - - - - il j - = .. .

&I resporsd: @!. But de-iiv-er us from e-vii.

3 - - - P - L - If rh h'clbcr'om'rvy is ct Priest or '&l

8 - a ~1 n ~ r l j

a Deacon, he chants ajofie: The Lord be with you. respond; I$'. And with thy spir-it. (Bur i f not, or ir ciurnred wi tbu t myone elss present, r h n , in piace of tire d o v e , the

dm@ chants: y. 0 Lord, hear my prayer. respond: F+'. And let my cry come un-in Tim.)

8 j First Vespers of Sunday I 8

The I-iebdomadary alone then citarrts the Collect of the day (Sunday), as given in the Proper, beginnin2 as follows:

y. Lef us pray. ending. . . . tmugh d l the axes of a-(ges. respond. I$?. A-men. L

I f the Hebdornucfary is a Priest or &l -: a Deacon, he chanrs alone; y. The Lord be with you. respond: F$!. And with thy spir-it. (Bur i f no;, or i f chanted withour anyone eise present, then, in place o f the above, thg

alone chants: J&. 0 Lard, hear my prayer. respod: I$!. And let my cry cone un-to Thee.)

The Commemorations

J f some other Feasts of the Suinrs or ?d ysteries fall either on this Suiurday or Sunday , their commemorations m e added here in the f dlowing manner. First, tFw f oilowing is inserted:

tt - s a. + L a t t'

The 1st Cantor b 1 -** I

I &l I f :

alone chants. y. Let us 'oiess the Lord. respond. &'. Thanks 'be io God. Then, for e d commemoration, ikere i s sung, i n rhis order.

1 ) The A~itiphon that woujd have been the Antiphon on the ,'dagnificot, i f such a Feast or Mystery was being observed as the main Feast of ihe day. These Antipizons ure intoned by rhe 1st Canror or ihe 2nd Cantor, alternating each such commemoration, and are continued by &l.

2 ) The VersicIe (together with its own Response) that would have been sung before rhe Anriphon on the Magnificat, i f such a Feast or Mystery was being observed as the main Feast of the day. The Versicle i s sung by the 2nd Cantor i f rhe Anripiron sung be f orehund was sung by rhe f st Cantor, -- and vice-versa . AX chant the Response.

3) The Co6'2ect (chanied by the Hebdomadary) that would have been chanted i f stsch a Feast or Xystery was being observed as the rnain Feasi of the day.

This sequence of Antiphon, Versicle, and Collect is repeated for each =omrnernmoration. Only at 1st Vespers of all Sundays af ter Trinity Sunday, up until Advent, the following Commemoration of the Holy Trinity i s added last, and i s begun either by the 1st Cantor or the 2nd Cantor,

- whichever is next i n turn for 1

beginning the commemoraiion: Our Hope art Thou.

respond: Our Sal-va-tion! Our Great Gior-y, O Most Bless-ed Trin - it-y. Whichever one o f the /st Cantor or 2nd Cantor did not begin the above Antiphon for

- now chants: )B. Let us bless the Fath-er, the Son, % and the Ho-ly Ghost.

respond: q. Let us praise Him, and mag-nif-y Him for ev- er.

-- - -- - -- - -- - --

9 1 First Vespers of Sunday -- 9

T o complete rite Commemoration of the Holy Trinity, if it i s done, the Hebdornadary alone then chants the CoNect of ihe Holy Trinity as follows: s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a I1 - - - - - - - - - - -

y. Let us pray. Al-might-y and Ev-er-las-tiq God, W l o hast giv-en un-to us Thy n - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ser-vants grace, by the con-fes-~ion of the True Faith, to ac-knowledge the Glor-y of - - - - - s - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m'

the E-ter-nal Trin-it-y, and in the pow-er of Thy Maj-es-ty to wor-ship the U-nit-y, n - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - l - I - - -

we be-seech Thee that Tnou would-est keep us stead-fast in This Faith, and - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - * - I - m - = = - ev-er-more de-fend us from aii ad-ver-sit-ies. who liv-est and reign-est, One God,

through ail the a-ges of a-ges. respond: I+!. A-men.

After the last commemoration the following is added (bur omitted altogether i f no commemorations have been made);

D - 0 * if the f j rbdomfary is n Priosf or ' - - -"ii & -7 a Deacon, he chants alone: y. The Lord be with you. respond: And with thy spk-it.

f But i f not, or i f chanted w i f k u t anyone eise present, then, ir, place of the above, the

alone chants: y. 0 O r d , hear my prayer. respond: w. And let my cry come un-to Thee.)

The following Conclusion is never omitted. Lf there have been no contmernorations, it is begun by the 1st Cantor done,

a t t t + t t-+. +,a I !

but i f there were, it Is begun ' if ,&J

by the 2nd Cmtor done: v. Let us bless the Lord. respond; Fi. Thanks be to God. I

.7- I 1 rae Abbof (or Srnior

a s s e n I 1 a s P S

ir& Quirz) ci.,an.ts y. May the Eiv-ine % He'lp re-main with us ai-way3.

respcnd: w. And with our ab-sent breth-ren. A - men.

And so is concluded Isr Vespers of Sunuoy according lo the Sarupr, iklonastic O f f ice of the Rule of S r . Benedict. The Ail ?light t.-igil of Sunday then proceeds with Compline.

I f the Abbor or the Bishop he present, however, he may here add one of the pontifical Blessings for Vespers given-in the Appendix.