The Management training

Need of Management Training The achievement of organizational tasks pivots on a Manager. He achieves his goals through coordination of diverse activities of others. A skilled and trained manager performs and gets all the activities of an organization done in an efficient manner.

Transcript of The Management training

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Need of Management Training

The achievement of organizational tasks pivots on a Manager. He achieves his goals through coordination of diverse activities of others. A skilled and trained manager performs and gets all the activities of an organization done in an efficient manner.

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Need of Management Training

Since an assortment of activities are performed by managers, the acquisition of knowledge and skills is indispensable. It involves training and learning process for managers so that the organizational competence may be enhanced while the activities being carried out effectively and efficiently.

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Management training…Cont

The foremost role a manager performs is essentially to deal with people and organizational resources in a way that produces desired results while performing his tasks in an organized and capable manner. In order to uplift the organization he may need to have training as well.

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Why do we need Training?

Management Training signifies the application of human energy in leadership position. The objective of training and development programs is to develop the abilities and power to satisfy the organization.

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Development is the result of training and there would be no development without training. Managers and would be managers need to develop their abilities through training so that they can manage all the activities in a dynamic and skilful manner.

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Objectives of Training

The objectives of training may be studied in a hierarchical view: The employees get training about new methodologies, job instructions etc. At the middle level supervisors are trained to find out the problems, collecting information, while analyzing, to find better solutions.

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At the top level the objectives in perspective of training and development programs are cost reduction, employee performance, problem solving and creativity.

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It is owing to successful training and development programs, the organizational goals are achieved, efficiency is increased, while it gives boost to productivity, sales revenue, it causes to reduce costs and wastes. Thus, there is effective execution of work.

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As per Maslow’s motivational theory, the objectives of training programs are self confidence, self motivation, achievement and self-realization aspects.

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Objectives are listed below in brief

Acquisition of knowledge

Acquisition of skills

Acquisition of attitude


Creating smooth situation in order to make decisions.

Improving organizational abilities

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Training solves various organizational, psychological, technological problems. It emphasizes over new methods, quality of work, development and acquirement of new knowledge and skills, use of machines. For any organization to run in a smooth way, it is necessary that the employees should be systematically and scientifically trained.

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Worth Reading

What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand. - Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius)

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Worth Reading

"It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained."- Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain

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Interesting quote:

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”

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What is Management?

According to E.F.L Brech: “Management is concerned with seeing that the job gets done. Its tasks centered on planning and guiding the operations that are going on in the enterprise.

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Management …Cont.

According to American Management Association: Management is getting this done through people.

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Some people view management

“Management is decision making”

Different people view the word management in a different manner. Some thing, management as administration and organizing the activities….. These are synonymous……

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Management aims at reaping rich results in economic terms.

Management is also a system of authority. Thus, management in simple terms may be defined as getting the things done and a manager gets the tasks done by others…

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What is the process of Management?

The process of management encompasses the determination of objectives and putting them into action.

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Management Process




ProcessInput Output

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Human Resources

Machinery, Technical objectives

Methods to be applied, Money as Finace

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Out PutsEnd Results

As per desired objectives

Or fulfillment of the objectives in accordance with what has been planned.

Increase Sales

Increase productive

Increase efficiency, Profit, growth and total organizational development.

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Effectiveness and Efficiency

Efficiency indicates fewer inputs (resources) or producing more outputs as compared to a similar process that achieves the objectives, while effectiveness is of great importance indicating if it is worth doing in the first place or if it has the same effect as is expected. If a business does not achieve what is needed then the efforts are ineffectual. What in general the term effectiveness indicates is the capacity to produce effect while efficiency means using resources in a way to maximize the out put - production of goods or services. Peter Drucker defines clearly, “Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”

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A skilled manager is the leader of his team. He is a part of good management, a powerful exponent to organizational development and competencies in totality. He influences and inspires the employees in a way to direct them towards the obtainment of organizational goals and objectives while producing favorable impression on them and executing his tasks in an organized way. He builds up high morale and ethical standards among them. He guides them in such a way that they get the vision of future. Since management aims at the entire organizational development and competencies, the same is accomplished if its human assets are highly skilled and competent. It thus establishes such management philosophies as to benefit the organization as well as the employees.

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How Good Management Practices

It is all encompassing for the accomplishment of predetermined organizational objectives. It utilizes the resources and capabilities of the organization in the most effective and efficient manner while constantly striving for the entire organizational growth and development. It is versatile, in the sense, it seeks to get massive win in every role it performs and dynamic, that signifies exploring new opportunities for its expansion.

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Peter Drucker asserts, “Management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business and manages managers, and manages workers and work.” It answers to the questions what needs to be done, when it is to be done and by whom it should be done so that the objectives may be reached as per the plans while ensuring whether overall activities are being performed properly, ascertaining if the results are being obtained in accordance with what has been expected.

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Lawrence Appley, “Management is the development of people and not the direction of things… Management is personnel administration.”

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Functions of Management








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The methodology which is put into practice in order to get the things done or the functions with their sequence undertaken by a manager is what is said to be management process which involves: Planning, organizing, directing and controlling (PODC).

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Importance of PlanningPlanning is one of the most important components of management. Planning involves preparing a sequence of actions in order to achieve the specific goal. If it is done effectively, it can reduce the necessary time and efforts. A plan serves in a way a map does. As a map guides you in reaching your destination so does planning in the attainment of your goal. Following a plan is to see how much you have progressed towards your goal and how far your destination is. It is good to know where you are so as to make decision on how you will be reaching to your destination.

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Importance of Planning-- cont

Planning function of management is analogous to the concept, ‘Think before you leap” –which is befitting in the organizational literature and management philosophy.

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Alford and Beatty, “Planning is the thinking process, the organized foresight, the vision based on fact and experience that is required for intelligent action.”

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Richard Cushing says, “Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”

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Planning enables the organization to design the activities in such a manner that the objectives can be attained effectively while providing the sense of involvement and team spirit among the employees. A good planning makes possible to monitor the activities while facilitating to act in response to the unexpected changes. It curtails the time which is required for the activities to be performed and keeps the activities away from duplications. It is by way of good planning that the unsystematic activities of an organization are eliminated and systematic activities and approaches towards the obtainment of objectives are established.

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Planning is composed of a few components, they are: Mission; Objectives; Policies; Procedures and Budgets.

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Mission: It is not that an organization is formed in a vacuum or with no purpose it stands. Of course, it has a reason for its existence which is specific. It runs based on it.

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Objectives: Objective in general indicates a place where you want to reach. In organizational literature it means the aim which an organization tries to achieve. Objectives are generally in plural form. Objectives are predetermined; they provide clear direction to the activities and results to be obtained from the planning process. Objectives must be SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). Objectives must be clearly defined so that the works become goal-oriented and the unproductive and unsystematic tasks can be avoided.

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Policies: Policies play a vital role in the organizations. They serve as guidelines for the objectives to be achieved. Policies are the guides to the behavior of the employees in the organizations as well. Policy making is an important task which is performed by top managers. Policy formulation saves time and efforts while ensuring there are no deviations from what has been planned and assisting in decision making process.

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Procedures: Procedures can be defined as being how particular tasks are to be carried out. They are certain directions to the works to be accomplished. It is a customary method of handling future activities; helping as guide to the initiation of future actions. Rather, they are directives that are meant to regulate the work flows. To differentiate between policy and procedure, for instance, a company policy may fix a limit for the employees to take loans while the procedure would direct the method of taking loans, such as filling the form, getting the approval of management concerned etc.

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Budget: Budget is a plan which is prepared in numerical and financial terms. Budget has got both the merits – it is used for planning purpose as well as control purpose. In the sense, planning involves budgeting while budgeting leads to the control and the successful budgetary control is the result of effective planning. Through the process of budgeting a comparison between actual figures and estimated figures is to be established. The primary objective of making a budget is to plan with definite numbers. It is through the budgeting process that the required resources are identified in order that the organizational goals and objectives may be achieved. There are various types of budgets, such as, sales budget, production budget, cash flow budget, capital budget, personnel budget etc.

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There is no denying the fact if it is said that on no account does planning involve ineffectual prospects, but that it brings desired results if done by an entity capable of rational thought and based on highly developed abilities. Planning ahead of times is getting impressive achievements of business goals and objectives, being prepared more intelligently and able to put sufficient efforts. It is by way of effective planning process that an organization forms a structure of greater quality and standard, while it reaches the excellence to begin reaping desired outputs

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